#my wrapped said this is a girls only event lmao
aitakatta · 6 months
tagged by the lovely @marktual to share my top five spotify/apple/youtube/etc artists and songs! ❤️
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tagging @snsdpop @bandearg @acousticolateral @luvcall @chuuthfully @chlotual @mihealkeehl @thewaythisguylives
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jarofstyles · 7 months
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Hello my loves! Welcome to the first part of our next mini series we've been working on behind the scenes. The next 2 parts are available immediately on Patreon now, but will be updated here in the next few weeks!
Warnings- cheating ( WITH y/n), Asshole Harry, I hate everyone but her, old money/wealth, toxic relationship dynamic, harry is mean and will be mean but not to Y/N lmao, smut
WC- 2.4k
Harry had just finished cleaning himself of cum as his phone rang. 
It was his girlfriend. ‘Girlfriend’, really, because this wasn’t a real relationship. Not in his mind, anyways. 
“What?” His voice was a sharp whip, already annoyed that the post orgasm bliss had been interrupted by Katherine. Y/N was sitting next to him, her leg thrown over his thigh as fingers traced over his chest, absentminded circles pausing when she heard his attitude already. Her brow raised as he lifted the phone to show the name on the screen, making her nod, lips turning down. That irritated him further. 
“When are you coming to get me?” A voice that pierced his ears made him close his eyes, a dull throb beginning to coast down his head. “Daddy said you’re coming to the event and you were going to pick me up!” 
She was huffing like a child, not wanting to wait. Realistically, he would leave in 30 minutes. Y/N would stay curled up in his bed and wait for him to come home before he took her away to one of his family cabin’s with the rest of their friend group- the ones who knew of him and Y/N. He would spend the entire night trying to think of an excuse to get back to her early, and hoping Katherine wouldn’t throw a fit about not being able to come on this ‘business trip’.  
“You live with your father. Could you have not shared a ride?” His tone was icy, something Y/N had never been the recipient of. Thank god, really. As sexy as it was to hear him talk like that to other people, it would definitely make her cry. The man was intense, even he knew that, but not everyone seemed to catch on. 
“Hazza! Come on.” She whined. “He already left and stopped by the office. I’m getting ready now but we have to be early for the photos!” As if that was going to help her cause. It was like the girl had a handbook on how to say the wrong things. 
Harry didn’t do those stupid step and repeats. While Katherine loved being the center of attention, it wasn’t something Harry desired. In actuality, he detested it. He hated paparazzi and had broken 2 cameras from having them in his face without a second glance. No aggression, the picture of calm with pure ice on his face as he did so. If they valued their possessions, they shouldn’t be shoving them in people’s way. That’s what he thought, at least. 
“I’ll be there in an hour. I’m not doing those photos. I don’t care what you do. Now stop calling me when I'm in the middle of things. You know if I don’t answer once, wait for further instruction.” He paused. “And stop calling me that childish nickname. I don’t find it cute or endearing, it’s embarrassing. Goodbye.”
There was a sharp squeak as he hung up the phone and threw it to the ground, rolling Y/N around onto her back and sliding his still sticky cock back inside of her yet again. His annoyance was clear on his face, but it quickly melted away as her arms wrapped around him and her lips covered his face with soft coos, legs pulling him in deeper. Maybe she was a bit sore, maybe his last load was still dripping out of her messy hole, but she knew exactly how the man needed to express himself. 
“I know.” Her silky voice wrapped around his tension and broke it down, slow thrusts inside of her quelling the bubbling irritation in his stomach and turning it into arousal. Y/N could read his stone cold features, knew what his eye twitch meant, the simple movement of a brow or the tiniest down or upturn of lip. This magnificent woman seemed to have him all figured out, and he felt like shit for having to leave and be seen with another woman. “I know, baby. Only a few more months.” Fingers stroked his hair back, guiding his lips to her own.
 He kissed her back, eyes squeezing shut as he allowed himself to lose the anger that had developed by focusing on her. The heat of her cunt wrapped up tight around him, snug. Fitting him perfectly, just as it always had. Y/N was the one he had wanted to take to these things, but he had to wait. For once, his patience wasn’t being practiced. 
The best thing in his life had to be hidden from most people, all because he had taken a stupid deal. He had to go out with the girl who thought she was going to be the next Mrs.Styles, while all he wanted to do was stay nestled in his luxury sheets with Y/N’s soft, supple body to worship. 
It was all his fault, though. 
He had always been ambitious. Ruthless, some may say, but he knew that to a degree he could be cruel to get what he wanted. That was how had been raised. His father had put that right into his head, doing anything for success, power, money… that’s how he ended up in this situation. 
In order to secure the deal of a lifetime, he had agreed to date the man’s daughter. Maybe that sounded cruel, but he knew the intentions from the get go. The man was using his conventionally pretty, high society daughter to try and sweeten the deal- but he knew the true motivation. An attempt to get him into the family and continue having control of the company through his daughter’s supposed relationship with him. If only he had been smarter, if he had done more research. He would know he was sending a sacrificial lamb right into Harry’s awaiting lion jaws. 
See, she had been no stranger to him. Katherine had been after him for quite a while. They were acquainted to a certain degree, running in similar circles and society dinners. The crush, more so the obsession she had with Harry had been no secret to anyone. She claimed to have been in love with him, but Harry knew what it truly was. A lust for money. An infatuation with the power he could secure her. She loved what Harry could represent for her, not only to secure place in the society she had been thrown into as she grew up- but to elevate it. She knew the score, knew what Harry’s ring could mean. 
Katherine knew nothing of his true personality, his likes, his dislikes, his jokes. All of those things were reserved for the tiniest selection of people that she only knew of in passing. His real friends barely touched that superficial, vapid, bitter world. Katherine’s family was new money, looking to secure their place in society. Harry’s wealth went in decades, and it would most likely stay that way. Her vying for his attention didn’t shock him in the slightest. 
The condition of dating Katherine for at least a year had been one he had wanted to scoff at, one he had wanted to tell Mr. Eugene Brant that it would be obvious what it was, but he was smart enough to bite his tongue and agree. Playing stupid was a superpower, letting him think he got one over on Harry and vastly overestimating his daughter’s appeal. One year of being toted around with her overly big smile and his signature scowl on his face hadn’t been an issue. It was something he would merely go through the motions of until the exact year was up and she would be out of his life. 
At least, it hadn’t been until he met Y/N. 
The first woman who had ever captured his heart and soul. Softened the edges of his razor sharp glare.
She hadn’t wanted to give him the time of day once she realized he had been flirting whilst not single. She hadn’t known the deceptive relationship and it hadn’t been her fault, but that didn’t mean Harry was going to leave well enough alone. Even after she had dumped her  Shirley temple on his brand new pure cotton button up. 
If anything, it made him want her more. 
One thing about Harry? He was going to get what he wanted. He would bet anything on it. He was patient, stubborn, and fixated. Checking guest lists to see if she’d be in attendance to parties, see if she was going to hang out with his friend group, he was on the prowl to get her to talk again. 
She had blocked his number already- he didn’t really have a chance to explain. He understood why, but that didn’t mean he was going to give up. 
When he finally did have the shot to tell her the relationship was a hoax, she was still doubtful. Dubious looks sent his way as he had pulled them into a private room of the club they were at- one his father owned, funnily enough- his hand holding hers as he sat beside her to plead his case. He was strong and defiant, insisting that it was a means to an end and there was no clause saying he couldn’t date other people- but he would like to get to know her on a real level. 
Against her better judgment, Y/N had fallen for the soft green eyes, the soft looking lips with the sharp cupid's bow and his even sharper tongue. Giving him one date was all he needed to get her on board. 
Fidelity wasn’t a term in the contract he had signed. Stupid, stupid mistake on Brant’s part. A new money, no lawyer to look over, a hasty mistake that would most definitely come to bite him in the ass. Harry hadn’t honored fidelity in the slightest even before he met Y/N. Sex was an outlet for him, as was the gym, things that were pleasurable and stress relieving. He’d only slept with Katherine a handful of times, tapering that off when he saw it made her get more and more attached. She had obviously known Harry had a reputation and while the sex had been alright, there hadn’t been much to his benefit besides the fact that she swallowed his load. 
Surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to find willing participants. 
Sex with Y/N had completely rocked his world. He thinks, in part, it was because they had a real connection. She made him wait, she made him work his way up to that if he wanted- and made him stop sex with anyone else. As if he had any interest in anyone else. Y/N had taken up the majority of his brain that wasn’t filled with revenue and contracts and contacts and emails. She was his escape. 
The first time they had sex, Harry had fallen for her. There was no question in his mind. Despite being positive that he wouldn’t ever marry for love, Y/N had him questioning that. She had flipped his entire world view upside down, made him weak in the knees. 
Y/N wasn’t in the public eye. Her family had some elite ties, but she was friends with a lot of the quietly wealthy people who didn’t feel the need to showcase it to everyone who looked with tacky labels and monograms. She’d gotten into one of the best schools, gotten her degree and continued her friendship with her roommates and best friends- who just happened to be the girlfriends of some of his best mates. The real ones. There were only a few single members of the groups, and Y/N had been the new blood that had people wondering. Harry had been interested immediately. 
It was about 4 months into their relationship and everything still felt fantastic. Y/N knew more about Harry than anyone else ever could. She was the one with the key to the future, even if she didn’t know the exact depths his feelings went to. 
“I don’t want to go.” His lips parted from hers. “I want to stay here… want to stay buried inside of you, want to feed you your chocolate and lick it from your tongue.” Inhaling his words, she moaned as his hips rolled and he found his home back at her most sensitive spot. He had spent hours finding it, claiming it, and he knew it was his. “Spent all week working… I just want my sweet Angel.”
Noses brushed against one another, Y/N’s bleary eyes opening up to look at his own. Hazy, dark green, hooded. She gently dragged her nails over his shoulder blades, arching up into him and pressed a bit harder on the skin to make him moan in surprise. “You have me, Harry.” She whispered. “You have me now. Leave with my traces on your cock… then come back and take more. We leave tomorrow… and you can hold me how you like. Kiss me. Our friends don’t care. They’ll keep our secret.” Even if it was forbidden, their tight knit group knew exactly what the relationship between Harry and Katherine really was- and none really liked her. They knew Y/N made him happy, softened him up, they’d all been rooting for this. Their safe space. The only ones who knew. 
“She won’t ever have me.” He reassured. “I’m yours. I want your marks on me.” Breathing harder, his thrusts getting a bit more deep. “Make me bleed. C’mon, my sweet girl. Paid for those nails… give me what I want.” Her cunt quivered around his prick, making him smile. She pretended not to like that sort of thing, but she got them done specifically for this. To quench his thirst for pain, for marks. They loved it. “She’ll never have me like this. I’m yours.” He whimpered, the freak of the bed and their noises filling the room. “M’yours, baby. My sweet Angel… stay in my bed and wait for me. I’ll give you everything. Just wait for me.” 
She would. She would wait for him, to be his fully, as long as it took.
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diremoone · 6 months
quiet kisses | r. sukuna
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prompt 2 — “I’ll kiss you anywhere but under the mistletoe.”
requested by @yuujispinkhair :: Heyyy babe, your Christmas prompt post is so cute 💗💗 If you feel inspired, can you please write a little something for Sukuna + prompt 2 or prompt 7 (whichever you prefer)? 💗💗
a/n: AHHHH thank you so much for sending this in Winter! 🤩 I can’t tell you how much I nearly exploded seeing your request in my inbox! I went with prompt 2 because that’s the one my brain started working for the fastest. I hope you like it and I did your request justice :3
w — alcohol mention, fluff, everyone is 20+ in this fic, modern AU, mentions of prompt 7 heehee, softie! sukuna, sukuna cooks at the end lmao but it’s not related to the chef! sukuna fic
[ Christmas Prompt List ]
[ Christmas Event Masterlist ]
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Nobara putting on this Christmas party was anything but unexpected. She was a party girl at heart, but nothing like what you’d see at a frat house or a club. No, she was the party master (or so she likes to call herself). And you kinda had to agree. Her parties weren’t over the top, but they definitely were anything but boring.
This time was no different: catering, along pizza and wine delivery, along with some of the more higher-rated Christmas movies playing on the TV with English Christmas music playing on the background, just loud enough that it wasn’t obnoxious.
You knew your boyfriend had to agree, even if he hated attending social events and parties.
What an introvert, you muse to yourself. You wonder how many people realize that as much as Sukuna seems like it, he doesn’t actually like parties. Nor anyone but himself and you at said parties.
You and Sukuna are off to the side against the bar that separates the kitchen and living area, deep in your own little world of each other. You’re leaning on him, his big arm wrapped around your shoulders comfortably.
You nudge him. “This isn’t so bad. See!”
Sukuna scoffs. “That’s what you said when you forced me into that Santa costume last year.”
“But you had some fun, didn’t you?”
“In the suit? No. Terrorizing children in it? Absolutely.”
You slap his chest. He catches your hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. You grumble. “You idiot.”
“Your idiot,” he remarks with a grin.
Suddenly, like magic, the party suddenly gets loud. Jingle Bells comes on the playlist set up, and everyone has begun to sing as loud as they possibly can. Sukuna grumbles and plugs one ear with a finger, rolling his eyes. He keeps on ear open, and you know it’s just to listen to you as you attempt to sing your way through the giggles.
When the song ends, everyone cheers. Sukuna unplugs his one ear and sighs, taking another sip of the hot chocolate you’ve made for him. They all quiet down, giggling and giddy from the sudden excitement of the old but catchy tune.
But why is everyone now looking at his and your direction?
And then everyone starts chanting: “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
You and Sukuna look up at the same time, seeing a mistletoe being hung over your heads by a fishing rod, but none other than the Party Master herself. Nobara grins sadistically with an evil glint in her eye.
Sukuna cusses and downs the rest of his drink before saying, “I think that’s our cue to leave. Nice party, Kugisaki.”
You attempt to down the rest of yours before he grabs your hand with his bigger one and leads you out the front door, almost stumbling over your own two feet.
Behind you, everyone complains about Sukuna being a “party pooper” and leaving. Before you two leave, he turns back to them and gives them the finger.
“It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t the only couple here. Maybe Geto and Gojo should finally shack up,” Sukuna says with an evil grin. The two men next to each other go redder than tomatoes in record time. Sukuna isn’t done though, looking at his little brother. “And maybe you and Fushiguro should finally get a room, too, baby brother.”
The chaos from your boyfriend’s words gives you the chance to leave without trouble, the two unspoken couples now being the main attention of Kugisaki’s evil fishing rod-mistletoe.
Maybe they’ll be together come New Years, you think happily.
Sukuna drives you both home. One hand on the wheel, the other intertwined sweetly with yours. But by the time you get home, you’re halfway asleep in the car, hot cocoa being the perpetrator of your tiredness. You attempt to blink and wake up, but Sukuna’s gruff, “Stay put.” halts you as he turns the car off, keeping his keys in one hand.
You have no idea what he’s doing until he opens your door and slides his arms under your back and legs. You squeal and giggle as he effortlessly picks you up from your seat.
“Goddamn, you got the giggles tonight,” he mutters.
Like he’s done it a thousand times (he’s at least done it a couple dozen), Sukuna unlocks the front door with you in his arms with pure ease. He carries you over the threshold like a husband would his bride and doesn’t set you down. He hoists you up, readjusting your position closer to his chest. And then you see the cunning look in his eyes.
“Sukuna, what are you— mmph!”
He dips his head and captures your lips with his. He’s warm, so warm and comforting. You feel so safe and loved in his hold and damn do you love him. Your arms naturally tighten their hold around his neck as you two kiss in your home.
When Sukuna pulls away, he chuckles. You’re slightly breathless from the sudden kiss, but grinning nonetheless.
“You couldn’t do that at the party?” you inquire curiously.
“I’ll kiss you anywhere but under the mistletoe,” he replies honestly. “Especially at a party in front of people. Not my thing to make such an intimate spectacle of ourselves.”
Your heart flutters and overflows with love at his desire to keep his affection solely for your eyes to see. Sukuna has never been one to kiss or do intimate things in public beyond hand holding or wrapping his arm around your shoulders. For him, he considers that to be sacred; any acts of love he prefers to be behind closed doors, kept between the two of you and not in front of people to be fawned over or talked about.
“You really are the sweetest man I’ve ever met,” you say. “I’m so lucky. I really got the best man ever, didn’t I? Thanks, Universe.”
Your boyfriend’s cheeks tint red. A rare sight.
“Fuck. No, I’m the lucky one.” Sukuna gives you a fat smooch on the lips, the adds, “But I don’t have the universe to thank. I got you all by myself.”
You toss your head back and laugh at his indirect proclamation of arrogance. Or maybe it was just unshakable confidence, who knows?
Sukuna sets you down on the couch and asks, “What do you want for dinner?”
You think for a moment before replying, “Didn’t you say wanted to make some penne vodka the other day? That sounds good.”
“Penne alla vodka,” he corrects you with a stern eye.
You toss your hands up in mock surrender. “Sorry.”
But as Sukuna gets to work on the dish, you can’t help but stare at him as he works. He could be a master chef like Gordon Ramsey, if not better. But you’re kinda glad he’s not, not if you get to see him in your kitchen every night.
Yeah, you’d trade any party and PDA for his quiet kisses and love at home any day.
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@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri | @lilacliliess | @bub-ss | @missmuffinr
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euaphoric · 11 months
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader (established relationship) ✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, very suggestive but no actual sm*t in this, cute kissing & cuddling hhh, oc is called “little girl” like once
another 4 am post, im on a roll w these hehe >:3 but i just wanted something to post for my bday (even tho this nothing to do w birthdays?? LMAO) and i can’t get this damn live out of my head like he’s fckung inssne sffdsgsh n e ways this is lowk corny but enjoy lol.
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the faint sounds of birds chirping awoke you from your nightly slumber, eyes fluttering open to your wide awake boyfriend scrolling on his phone. he seemed to be very focused on whatever he was watching, wondering how long he’s been awake for. you prop yourself up slowly on your elbows, barely able to move a muscle from feeling sore by last night’s events. you two can go at it for hours at a time - you forgot how much of a real workout it is being on top. it’s impossible so hard to resist him though, you love that jungkook has just as much of an insanely high libido as you, literal match made in heaven.
waking up to him everyday already felt like a blessing in itself honestly. he was the epitome of perfection; in only a pair of boxers, staring at his chiseled figure, toned biceps, those muscles?? yeah you were beyond down bad for him. but he was just as down bad (debatably more) for you too. your raging hormones were really getting the best of you. your first thoughts were to violently make out with him but instead you settle for some sweet cuddles right now, coming closer to nuzzle in his bare chest. “g’mornin’ sleepyhead.” jungkook mumbles, averting his attention to you instead of the screen. “took you long enough to wake up!” his arms went to cage around your form. “what time is it babe?” you ask, a slight yawn slips out, still feeling groggy.
“7 am.” “wait- really?!” you were so confused, you weren’t expecting it to be this early since usually you don’t wake up until around 10 or 11. “yeah, i didn’t get much sleep though.” his soothing touch runs down your back, pressing delicate kisses to your forehead. this was home to you; feeling his warmth against you, listening to his hums as he cradles you, never wanting to leave his embrace. you were living rent free in your boyfriend’s arms 24/7.“hmm, what should we do today?” you ask, peeking your head out a bit. “dunno… why don’t we just stay in and watch some anime?” his lips proceed to attack your face, pecking kisses all over until you’re physically sick of it. unable to utter a single word out from all the smothering, you just let him do as he pleases.
“but we do that everyday already koob.” you finally get to say once he comes up for air. “and? i see no objection here.” god he can be so stubborn at times… “c’monn, we should go do something today..” you pout, feeling bratty over his unwillingness to be social. you love staying in bed and binge watching shows with him but for some unknown reason you wanted to be adventurous today. “actually, i know what i wanna do today.” he smirks, biting his lip at you. of course, he only wants to stay inside because he’s horny-_-
you let out a tiny scoff, “ugh, perv!” nothing he says should ever surprise you anymore but it’s still fun to tease him. “only for you though.” he chuckled, pulling you back in but this time plants a wet kiss to your lips, “truthfully i just want you all for myself.” his hand brings your leg over to wrap around his waist. “such a selfish boy.” you tease some more, combing the disheveled strands of his silky hair. “mhm mhmm, that’s me.” he proudly admits, he acts very territorial over what’s his and would def gatekeep you from everyone if he could, no one deserves to see his precious bb but him:( “i’m still hella sore from yesterday, i don’t know if i feel like doing anything right now.” you timidly reply, butterflies forming in your tummy as he casually traces circles to your thigh. his eyebrows furrowed, “who said you had to do anything?”
he catches you off guard when suddenly his body shifts underneath, positioning you to be below him while hovering over you. when leaning in he stops midway to stare and admire your pretty lips, wanting so badly for them to be on his. he closes the distance to finally kiss you, giving you a million more butterflies as your body sinks into the mattress. you can sense all the passion and longing from just kissing him, it’s desperate yet filled with fervor, you feel his love immensely. when he gnaws your lower lip as entry, it becomes more heated - a full-on make out sesh occurs. fingers all tangled up in his locks while he caresses your upper body, lips moving perfectly in sync with one another. soon as you wrapped your legs around him a switch goes off in his brain, he needs you, like expeditiously. jungkook sneaks his hands up to your arms when he breaks away, pinning them above your head, you don’t know why but your first reaction was to giggle which puzzles him. “what’s so funny hm? keep thinking i’m playing little girl, i’ll have you begging we stay in.” he remarks, eyes shading darker as he doesn’t find any of this to be a laughing matter. “koo i-” he quickly cuts you off with another breathless kiss.
“shh, just lay back and relax pretty, let me do all the work for you.”
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nieceeee · 10 months
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“Always Mine”
Pairing: bestfriend!ony x reader, your friends are confused on exactly how far this relationship goes. And it doesn’t help that they come over and you’re walking out of his bedroom
W/C: 808
A/N: honestly I need to get back on my zoom lmao but here is some cute simple fluff that i definitely need to expand on, I’ll be working on my master list. Black coded, reader has curly hair, fluff. We love bestie Ony and his forehead kisses… that’s all really.
Shoutout to @kritetakes for staying on me lol.
Tags: @iloveblogging2 @marshallowy @laylasbunbunny
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The sound of knocking pulled Ony from his sleep. He groaned, opening his eyes and slightly adjusting to the sliver of light shining in from behind the curtains. Another knock came from the living room. Ony rolled his eyes at the sound. He was sleeping so peacefully. He raised up slightly only to feel the weight on his arm. He looked down at his arm and that’s where he saw you. You were wrapped around him, your thick curly hair splayed out around your face. Ony smiled to himself at the sight of you. He had missed moments like this when he was gone. Sleepless nights laid up talking about absolutely nothing and late mornings laughing about your bad decisions. Ony smiled to himself as he ran his fingers gently down your cheek. Your brows knitted together in your sleep as you felt the tingles. Ony chuckled softly at the gentle whimper that escaped you. He slipped his arm from underneath you, tossing his feet over the side of the bed. The doorbell rang twice.
Ony felt his irritation again as he rose up, slipping into his Nike slides he made his way to the door. “I don't think she’s here.” A female voice said from the other side of the wood. Ony unlocked the door and opened it, stepping into view. The girls eyes widened at him, their gaze traveling up his bare chest before catching his face. “Can I help you?” Ony asks them. “Uh, I- I think we have the wrong place. We are looking for y/n. Sorry to bother you.” The tall blonde girl in front spoke first. “Oh, yeah she’s here. Y’all can come in and I’ll get her.” Ony says widening the door so they could come in. He turned and walked back towards the bedroom to wake you but you were already walking out of the room.
“Bruh, is that my t shirt?!” Ony asks looking you over. You had woken up to find him gone from the bed. You had thrown one of his oversized t shirts that you loved to wear over your sports bra and shorts and made your way into the living room to find him. “Yes, and what about it?” You said putting a hand on your hip. He shook his head at you. “You better be glad I love you prettygirl. I’m going back to bed.” He walks over to you and plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before making his way back to the bedroom. “Uh, care to explain what’s going on?” Annie teased. Her, Mikasa, and Sasha stood in front of you with varying faces of shock. “Y’all doing too much. Me and Ony are just friends.” You say walking to your bedroom. They followed close behind you. “Did you not just come from his bedroom? And are you not wearing his clothes? Like what’s really going on?” Sasha urges. “I mean this is common behavior.” You laugh. “I sleep in his room most of the time. I mean unless he is dating somebody then of course we don't do all that.” You shrug.
“Okay, so what about the whole nickname thing? The ‘Prettygirl’ stuff? What’s up with that.” Annie asks. “What about it?” You ask. “Girl…” Mikasa said with a straight face that made you laugh. “It’s nothing yall. Ony has been calling me that since we were kids. It was the first thing he ever said to me.” You recount the day. You had been at an event with your father and his business partners. Most of the kids were a lot older so you kept to yourself, sitting on a swing outside, enjoying the air. Then a little chocolate boy walks up to you with a big smile on his face. He held out his hand to you and said, “hey pretty girl”. You were intrigued as much as shocked at the time but you took his hand and followed him. Ony walked around the entire event calling you his prettygirl to anyone who would listen. “And yeah,” you concluded, “It just stuck from there. I’ve been his prettygirl since I was 8 years old.” You friends look at you in awe. “Whaaaat?” You groan. “Y/n that is so fucking cute.” Sasha squeals. You find yourself cracking up with them. It wasn't anything major to you, it was just you and Ony. That’s how you were with one another. Two halves of the same coin, intertwined together in life and love. He was your bestfriend and would always be that way.
From the shared apartment to growing up together. Even the matching jewelry and the studded chain with the O pendant hanging off your neck. Ony wasn’t your man. But he was yours as you were his. But you were still just best friends..
At least that’s what you told your heart.
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
LMAO the last mtl you answered had the gears in my mind twisting too and I have an mtl now! Who do you think is mtl to get jealous/protective/throws an attitude at you when you and him are at a party or event and you see a celeb that you’ve had a crush on for a long time and you start fangirlling HARD lol
My thoughts on this
- Jungkook WITHOUT A DOUBT lmao he’s gonna be holding you near to him all night long and making your attention is on him
- V cause even tho this man knows he’s the shit, he doesn’t want you gushing over another man when he, THE Kim Taehyung, is right there lol
- Jimin because this man just wants all of your attention on him but he’s also a professional so he’s not gonna get super jealous in front of people too
- Jin because he is wwh and is baffled that you even think someone else compares 😂
- Now for rap line, I felt like they were all pretty on par with each other! I think I would put Yoongi above namseok now that I think about it just because. Like I have no reason lmao.
- But namseok tied for least because those two are so confident in themselves that they don’t mind you checking out other guys because they know whose bed youre gonna end up in that night �� also they know they themselves have girls turning their heads to check them out too (eg. w Korea event when they walked in) so it evens out duh
LEMME TELL YOU RIGHT NOW i would smack the ego right out the back of namseok neck bc the only girl's head they should be worrying about turning is MINE like me personally i know where home is so I can fangirl and go off about whoever but i should be their entire world even in they innermost thoughts Yes i am aware that is a double standard i am a BOLD HYPOCRITE i do not care 😌
but you know what? i'm actually gonna go out on a limb and put seokjin first but ONLY bc this is in the context of a party like i don't think he'd necessarily be JEALOUS per say but he'd definitely be appalled at the notion of you either tryna leave him to go meet someone else or making him go with you to meet someone else like if he at a party he just there for appearances sake and only tryna be there long enough to say he was there before going home like mixing and mingling not part of the plan AT ALL and like you said whoever it is ain't WWH so why is you tripping?
i'm saying tae next bc he seem like he got a lot of industry friends and like just imagine being at the function and seo joon turn up like me personally imma stop in my tracks it don't matter if i've accidentally picked up one of his calls from tae phone or have said hi on facetime the first time i see him in person i'm grabbing onto tae arm hard enough to hurt i'm not breathing at a complete standstill bc it's park seo joon live and in the flesh like it's a wrap and bc that's his hyung he finna have a major attitude he'd be like girl i know this man that's like my brother and it's just like sorry bae he's 6'1 and i've seen the way he kiss on screen 🤷‍♀️ he'll still take you to meet him of course but you'll get a hello and a handshake at best before he signaling jimin to take you away
I KNOW IT'S SHOCKING THAT JK ISN'T FIRST UP BC HE'S USUALLY AT THE SCENE OF EVERY CRIME REGARDING JEALOUSY BUT HEAR ME OUT it's bc he'd think it's cute at first like it's all fun and games until he's with you talking to whoever and he see the hearts in your eyes and you kinda hitting it off with them and then it just would NOT sit right with him at all like after that you not meeting no one else not talking to anyone else if you so much as look at another person he might decide to drag you home altogether 💀
hobi's another one who would think it's cute like he'd be fine with it go up to them and introduce you to them and even leave you to talk to them but if 20-30 minutes passed and then he went around looking for you and found you with that person still he'd be like 🙂🚩 and then go make up an excuse to drag you away bc it's all fine and good and well to have a little crush as long as it stays just that A CRUSH like you not about to sit there and be friends with them LOL
i'm putting jimin next bc he's a tease like i really think there's some sort of sick sadistic part of him that would get off on you going googoo gaga for another man like he'd turn it into some sort of game MIGHT EVEN GO SWINGING IAJFOSJFO
i think namgi pretty much on the same level of like not caring like it's whatever they know how you feel about that person and would let you live your y/n life ONLY DIFFERENCE I THINK THAT EXISTS IS yoongi wouldn't point the person out to you like if you saw them and started freaking out he'd be like okay well are you gonna go talk to them or are you gonna keep hitting my arm and staring NAMJOON ON THE OTHER HAND he'd be just as excited as you are LOL like he's gonna be like omg bae look over there and then he's gonna rush both y'all over there to talk to whoever it is he'd probably end up becoming besties with your celebrity crush and hang their relationship over your head tbh
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hn-yn-soo · 9 months
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Greatest Love | H. MM
It was the start of a new year, in TDoong University. Roaming around the halls, you heard cheers inside the auditorium, only to find a familiar wolfcut haired girl dancing to the popping beat
Momo and her 2 Japanese members did an introduction number of Do Not Touch, and her eyes caught yours as you entered. You sat by the far back, although the venue was big, her eyes were only set for you
After the performance, you were in awe as the curtains lower down, she signals you backstage and you immediately obliged, almost stumbling on your way down
"Let me through!"
You slip in between the closing elevator, accidentally pinning Momo against the elevator wall and your eyes met. Your towering figure didn't scare her one bit, but her gaze terrifies you, she's Hirai Momo for God's sake
"I'm glad you came.. I was waiting for you"
"Y-You.. You did?" She nods, lifting up a toothy grin and gripped your arm firmly. You fixed your stance now that you still had two more Japanese members with her, you blushed and gave them a bow
"S-Senpais.. Good day to you"
"Take care of Momo-chan, she's a keeper~" They left with a smile as you came out of the elevator, Momo subconsciously wrapping her arm around you and beamed a smile
"Wanna go somewhere else? We got nothing much to do"
"O-Of course, does my place sound good??" She nods, the two of you walked to the parking lot and headed home. It was partially quiet, all you could hear was soft munchings and crumples from Momo as she was eating during the ride. You kept a firm gaze on the road, yet internally panicking on what to do with her inside your own home
"Here we are.. I guess make yourself at home?? Is there anything you need, coffee or tea maybe?"
"Ah, I just need you.." You turn only to be met by a pair of soft lips on yours, the two of you falling down on the couch engaging into a making out session
It was until you knew, why would she do this-
"I like you, I couldn't say it before... But I do"
"H-Huh???" You said, out of breath. It was a lot to take in and why would she like a nerd like you? She could've dated anyone but you, the fuck is there to see?
"No need to think why, just.. Ah, this wouldn't really happen if you hadn't got into an accident.."
It makes sense, you remembered what happened before the accident occured. You and Momo weren't just this, you had an amazing past with her until that event
"Fuck, it's been a long while since I heard my name from you" She sobs, turning softer than she is now that you've come to your senses. You just took it slow in terms of remembering everything
"I missed you, I couldn't count how much I cried not knowing when will you remember me.. The girls were worried, I'm worried"
"I missed you too, c-can we continue what we had, my love??" She immediately nods, taking you for another kiss with a smile on your faces. You didn't think that your new life would make you lonely, but now you had your girl back. The two of you continuing the history that was undone due to an unpleasant event
Note: lmao sorry for the short oneshot, i got another one coming
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luna-astro · 2 years
Jealousy, jealousy~
Another RC9GN post! Just so you know, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo isn’t the song for this lmao I just put it as the title but I have two songs for this!
For the next song, pretend it’s in Randy’s POV ig unless you wanna do otherwise.
Warning: bash being a jerk, protective randy (not possessive, there is a big difference) and jealousy, a bit of teasing? Very ooc Randy. Other than these warnings, please enjoy!
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You weren’t a talkative kid, you weren’t shy or anything but you just kept to yourself more not really feeling like you had to share anything about yourself to anybody.
You had friends just not a big group, basically talking to Howard and randy everyday, you were going about your day just listening to your music as you head to your locker to gather the books you needed for your next class. It was only 9:05 and class started at 9:20 so you had plenty of time before class, That’s when you heard a BANG! Next to your locker; knowing the presence beside you the voice started to speak before you “Hey y/n! My old man gave me some money for some restaurant and I decided to go ask you because… eh? What was I gonna say?” “Gave you? You most likely stole the money knowing you. Plus I have plans tonight so no thanks Bash” you said back to him hoping he would just go and leave you on and about your day.
“What’s the plans? Can I join? Don’t tell me your gonna hang out with those nerds again they always honkin hang out at that stupid game place!” He exclaimed “it’s called the gamehole for your info, plus I like hanging out with Randy and Howard they never failed to entertain me even if we do the same thing over and over again” which you weren’t wrong, they did give you joy even if they did stupid things. But hey? Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
You closed your locker and tried to walk away from the conversation, which failed due to you being cornered by Bash and his crew “What does it matter Y/n? Those nerds barely have enough money to buy a combo of Charlie cluckers! I can buy you anything you want!” “Anything but happiness” you snarkly replied back to the boy. “Hey!” He yelled attempting to grab your wrist, suddenly you hear footsteps coming behind you and the sudden feeling of a warm hand gently grabbing you by your shoulders and pulling you to their body, making you put your head on their chest and felt arms wrap around you protectively, you recognize the scent of Randy.
“Don’t you have anything better to do Bash?” Randy asked Bash “Well I was asking Y/n out but you interrupted me! Now I’m gonna punch you!” He raised his fist as his friends held Randy still “Bashy no!” A woman’s voice screamed out, realizing it’s Marci; bash’s mother we freeze never wanting to see that woman on a bad mood.
“Ma! What are you doing here?! I was gonna punch this kid for stealing my girl!” “Your girl?! ‘Your girl’ my a-“ you got cut off from randy holding your mouth shut not wanting to make the situation worse, “Punch? Bashford Mcfist we are talking about this in the car to your dentist!” The angry woman exclaimed as she dragged Bash by the ear to the car giving a sorry glance to you and your Randy as she walked away.
“Well that was eventful you ok Y/n?” The tall purple haired boy asked only realizing your position that moment you started to stutter and blush heavily “y.yeah? Wha.what about y.you?” You asked back trying to get out of the position your in so you could scurry to class to hide your red face “you sure? You seem kinda red there love” WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHAT IS THIS SUDDEN CHANGE HE NEVER ACTED LIKE THIS TO YOU BEFORE! “Wh.why are you acting like this r.Randy?” “Well I like you, like I really like you more than a friend.. and it’s ok if you don’t like me you probably like somebody else anyways it was dumb for me to even try-“ that’s when you break out of his arms and pull him in for a kiss, not a long one but a short sweet one that only lasted for a few seconds.
“That should show you I like you too dummy… I don’t and will never like anybody else but you, I love you too Randy” you were quick to say before the bell rang alerting you to head to class “we’ll talk after class. Cafeteria?” “Y.yea sure..” “ok, love you!” You quickly pecked him on the cheek and ran off smiling leaving the flustered boy behind smiling and drooling over you.
Howard was waiting in class for his best friend to arrive, soon enough he arrived tired, late, and flustered. Randy was slowly creeping to his seat successfully not getting caught “soo how’d it go?” Howard asked curious because he was the first to point out when bash was talking to you “absolutely fantastic..~” the lovesick boy spat out while still thinking about the kisses, stuck in a daze.
“She kissed you didn’t she?”
“Yea lol”
I’ve been meaning to post this since forever lol anyways I’ll be working on some other stuff to post (ninjago and rc9gn and yes I do have a thing for ninjas lol)
See ya then stars! Hope you enjoyed! - 🌙
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underoospeterparker · 6 months
hii!! i can have a 🍩 w an avenger??
i’m like 5’7” (maybe taller idk i haven’t measured in a while) and i like to get into deep convos but most of the time js need someone i can be unserious with but who’ll recognize when i’m kind of in a funk (when i get down i’m not the type of person who likes to be alone, i’m an avid believer in silent company) my main interest is film but i also like high fashion, in school a lot of ppl assume i’m not into the arts because i excel in math (skipped 3 years) and i get rlly frustrated bc a lot of the time people will only be nice to me bc they want help in school and it makes me kinda insecure abt my actual personality as a stand-alone, i consider myself pretty ambiverted bc i love being around people but only my medium-sized bubble of people, and being around anyone else makes me pretty anxious, yeah that was rlly long sorry lmao i love ur blog & i hope ur having a great week!!
welcome to my 300 celebration!
i ship you with peter parker! (assuming your gender pref is male)
a. dancing with him in the rain:
"I have an idea!" he called out one afternoon, when you were in your bedroom typing away on your laptop. "Come on, baby," he said, coming into the room to pull you away from the screen. You were laughing until he unlocked the front door and told you to put on your shoes. "What are we doing?" you asked, confused. "You know it's raining, right?" "Yes," he responded, grabbing your arm and pulling you outside into the downpour. You shrieked as the cold water hit you, and started shivering almost immediately. "Let's dance?" You looked up from your wet shoes to his face, his gaze already fixed upon yours. Your mouth spread into a grin and you wrapped your arms around his neck, his around your waist as you danced with nature all around you. "Feeling better?" he asked, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You smiled. "Much."
b. peter comforting you:
You were lying on your shared bed, head in Peter's lap as you told him about the events of your day. "They told me that I should come and join them during lunch, and I said sure," you continued, all the while Peter nodded and played with your hair, a silent gesture of comfort. When you paused, lost in your thought, Peter prompted, "and then?" "And then I showed up and they just ditched. None of them came," you said, voice wavering slightly. "But the next period, they acted like nothing had happened. Asking me for help with a math question." Your boyfriend sighed, his hand scratching at your scalp. When he talked, his voice was soothing, but you could notice its tightness. He wanted to teach them a lesson, for sure. "What assholes," he settled on saying. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. You don't deserve that." "I know," you murmured into his leg. "It's just hard sometimes, you know?" He knew.
c. being anxious when you meet his friends:
He noticed a slight shake in your hands when the two of you were walking to the diner. "They're gonna love you," he said, trying to reassure you. "You've got nothing to worry about, honey." You looked at him, a worried crease already forming between his eyebrows. You gave him a smile, a small one, but one nonetheless. "Okay," you said, and once you reached the door of the diner, you opened it, stepping inside. Peter smiled when he saw his friends, who waved the two of you over with matching smiles on their faces. "Guys, this is (Y/N)," he introduced you to the group. "Nice to meet you guys," you said, giving them your best attempt at a smile. MJ motioned for you to sit next to her, and you gladly accepted her invitation. "Finally," she whispered to you. "It's been getting lonely being the only girl around here." You laughed, having already made a friend.
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flowerymoments · 1 year
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My horror manga readings pt. 4
(part 1; part 2; part 3)
Baptism, Kazuo Umezz: My first long-form horror manga by Kazuo Umezz! I was very skeptical that such a long horror story could keep me interested for its entirety but I was proven wrong. I found myself binge reading it. It was one of the most surreal, unsettling and thrilling reads of the past year for sure but! nothing is perfect. I almost considered dropping it lmao.
The edition I’ve got consists of 3 volumes. The first volume introduces Izumi Wakakusa, a highly successful actress obsessed with her beauty, however,  something torments her, an eczema that covers her face. After many failed attempts with the help of her trusted doctor to get rid of it, she retires from the scene and gives birth to a girl, Sakura. She then starts a new life with a new identity away from the spotlight.
Izumi becomes an overbearing mother, very protective of Sakura’s beauty.
Later on, Sakura discovers her mother’s evil plan, a medical experiment that will strip her of her being forever. Once Sakura’s head is the same size as her mother’s, Izumi’s brain will be transplanted into Sakura's skull so she can fulfil her dream - a new chance at life with the perfect face and to marry. Her victim? Sakura’s teacher.
The trusted doctor performs the procedure and it is successful! Sakura no longer exists as her brain is smashed and Izumi’s body is buried.
Now, everything is set for the upcoming events to unfold. Volume 2 is just sequences after sequences of the most unsettling scenes. Some are very graphic in its violence, others are more into being gross or just distressing mind games.
Kazuo Umezu nailed it in creating the most devilishly protagonist ever. She really started to get on my nerves with the way she got away with everything and I just wanted to see her get taken down! Her expressions, that damned smile when she knew she won, or acting all innocent... please, someone take her down! This was my mood throughout this whole nightmare.
I don’t remember exactly when the reporter character was introduced, if at the end of the second volume or already in the third one, but I was not feeling it. I felt it was too late to add a new character so why bother, but then, when the twist came it was clear that it was for the purpose of adding clues to lead up to said twist.
The twist, honestly, I did not see it coming. The brain transplant did not happen!! It was all in Sakura’s mind! She was the one doing all the horrible things, not her mother! The trusted doctor was long dead!!
My initial reaction was “you’re fucking kidding me, everything we were made to believe, everything we saw, we just throw it out the window??” But once I finished and let it sit with me, it was kind of genius, dare I say? Only because it changed my perception of Sakura as a character. All I took from the very first few pages before she was “killed” was that she’s fond of her mother, she’s a good friend and student and that her mother’s words regarding beauty didn’t seem to affect her, but it did and adding to that her shock from the reveal of her mother’s plan it was enough to fuck with her mind. So the gist of the story turned out to be about a mother and daughter relationship from a toxic and twisted perspective, to put it shortly.
Although, I think the ending was wrapped up too fast. Izumi was buried, that really happened, but it turns out that she survived lmao!!
I want to highlight two other characters, first Ryouko. She’s best friends with Sakura and I found her scenes amusing. She was loyal to Sakura and was ready to do anything for her, no questions asked. Poor girl, she was horrified by Sakura’s confession so she felt she had no other choice but to say yes. You could feel her despair. And the second character is one of the schoolmates who is suspicious of Sakura and decides to investigate on her own. But poor girl, she had no idea who she was up against. That was amusing as well.
What made me almost drop this manga >>> There was a bathroom scene between the teacher and Sakura, because remember, Izumi/Sakura plan was to marry him, and that was too uncomfortable to read/see due to being kind of graphic. I think there could be another way to convey the length Sakura was willing to go to make her plan work but honestly miss me with this shit. If my memory serves me right, another scene later came up, but the art was more symbolic so it’s up to interpretation to what the hell may have happened there... I don’t understand why teacher didn’t put a stop to that, anyway... at the end I ended up continuing my read.
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biceps--to-spare · 1 year
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Gaston D’Avenant -- Character Sheet
oh no what have I begun? / called my mother said I love her / had another and another one / questions, questions, suddenly suggestions / where was anyone at the start of this thing? / hold that gold up over your shoulder / all I need's a place to grieve
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — October 13, 1988 Zodiac Sign — Rising Sagittarius, Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — Type 2: the Helper Temperament — Choleric Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff Moral Alignment — Neutral Evil Primary Vice — Lust Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Fire
Mother — Sabine D’Avenant Father — Jerome D’Avenant (FC: Hugh Jackman) Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker Father’s Occupation — Owner of the Hunted Deer Family Finances — Middle class, but comfortable Birth Order — Only child Brothers — N/A Sisters — N/A Other Close Family — None, really Best Friend — TBD??? Hopefully another Swynlaker :) Other Friends — TBD?? Hopefully some Swynlakers :) Enemies — No one :) (facetious) Pets — Scout, his Brittney Spaniel and Buck, his German Short-Haired Pointer Home Life During Childhood — Idyllic. Gaston got everything he wanted. Had both of his parents wrapped around his finger. Always popular. Always handsome. Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake, born and raised. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Classic boys room. Red plaid bedsheets, cars and dinosaurs, etc. When he got older pictures of hot women posted around and a sign that said keep out. He actually moved his mom into his childhood bedroom and took the master when his dad died, lol. Any Sports or Clubs — All of the sports! Rugby captain, football captain, etc. etc. Favorite Toy or Game — Any sports, ofc. Schooling — Graduated PrideU with a business degree in 2009 Favorite Subject — Girls ;) Popular or Loner — Popularrrrr Important Experiences or Events — When his dad died, that’s about it bc Gaston had a really easy life until then Nationality — English-French (his mother is French) Culture — British Religion and beliefs — Catholic 
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Zac Efron Complexion — Tan Hair Colour — Dark brown Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’8 Build — Extremely muscular Tattoos — None Piercings — None Common Hairstyle — Normal…men’s…hair idk Clothing Style — Casual, lots of flannels, t-shirts, jeans… Mannerisms — Talks extremely loud. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — He is the pinnacle of health and fitness Physical Ailments — None Neurological Conditions — probably some PTSD lol; narcissism  Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Pretty good, he prides himself on his appearance but he also isn’t doing a 10 step skin routine. What I’m saying is he showers regularly. Sleeping Habits — Gets his full 8 hours, but sleeps late into the morning because he’s usually closing up the bar at night. Eating Habits — Lots of food. Lots of protein. Does those weird all-meat diets sometimes. Exercise Habits — Gym at least once a day, runs around the lake at least once a day…etc. Emotional Stability — Uh not great; he’s paranoid and quick to anger Body Temperature — Runs warm. Sociability — Very social, very charming Addictions — …alcohol probably; looking at his reflection Drug Use — None. Alcohol Use — Too much. 
Your Character’s Character
Bad Habits — Thinking everything is about him; being overbearing and overprotective Good Habits — Loyal and fearless Best Characteristic — His face Worst Characteristic — His misogyny lol Worst Memory — His dad getting ripped apart by demons :) Best Memory — For a person who brags about all the great things he’s done, nothing is really coming to mind Proud of — Himself, the Deer Embarrassed by — The fact he can’t get Belle to marry him and that she married Hades instead lmao Driving Style — Parks in two parking spaces. Strong Points — His loyalty, his strategy, his courage Temperament — Short. Attitude — Pretty positive? Idk. Weakness — Beautiful women. Fears — That people don’t like him or people he cares about will be hurt. Phobias — None. Secrets — That he’s actually deeply insecure lol Regrets — Not saving his father. :( Feels Vulnerable When — Talking about his father, his family’s legacy -- also NEVER. Pet Peeves — People challenging his authority or disliking him. Conflicts — Wanting to be liked vs wanting to kill Magicks lmao Motivation — To keep Swynlake safe. Short Term Goals and Hopes — Get Hades kicked out of office Long Term Goals and Hopes — Marry Belle :) Sexuality — Straight Day or Night Person — Night, for sure. Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert af Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist actually, like aggressively so Greatest Want — To provide for his family <3 Greatest Need — To not think he’s the center of the universe
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jefferythejelly · 10 months
since like 7 of the ones in that list are funz (or include it) heres a basic rundown of all of them i guess lmao
funz pregnancy slash kidfic brainrot: like i said in the og post this one is less of a fic and more of a bullet point list of brainrot but basically: started as an idea for a breeding kink heavy omegaverse oneshot where foolish gets "baby fever" and cant stop thinking about having kids (with punz specifically). but then i never ended up writing it bc i got distracted thinking about them being cute and domestic while foolish is pregnant and them raising their kids together (they have twin girls). maybe i'll write it eventually idk, i do have a couple of cute little sketches related to it as well if anyone would wanna see those
funz body worship nonsense: what it says on the tin basically, punz kissing foolish all over and listing off things he thinks are attractive about him. they probably fuck idk i havent written that far yet. was started as a way for me to wax poetic about things i find attractive about foolish if i'm being honest
ahaha yeahhhhh: ok this one is actually kunzish (the ship name i invented for karl/punz/foolish bc i have seen barely anyone else talk about it) but funz is included ok. karl punz and foolish are watching a movie together, they think foolish fell asleep (but he didnt), and start talking about all the ways they want to fuck him. foolish finds that he enjoys hearing them talk about him like he isn't there, ends up giving away that hes not actually asleep, they fuck about it
funz empty: really basic horny oneshot, omegaverse (foolish omega punz alpha). foolish takes a day off streaming bc hes on the edge of his heat and dealing with the craving to have something inside of him. ends up on a call with punz, who asks him why he didnt stream that day (thinking he just got sick or something), eventually gets foolish to admit why and offers to help out, cue discord e-sex
yep its funz time: set vaguely in the nc frat house era where punz was living there for a while. after a random tension filled night where punz ends up giving foolish a blowjob, they end up in a weird undefined friends with benefits situationship. foolish is treating it with a sort of go with the flow attitude and not really defining it to punz, which eventually ends up scaring him off bc hes fighting against a bunch of repressed feelings and maybe a little bit of internalized homophobia. they start avoiding each other entirely, but because its making them miserable (plus a little bit of goading from karl) they end up talking about it and foolish realizes he had a crush on punz the whole time and was being an idiot about it not thinking deeply about his feelings and they make up and are boyfriends officially yippeee
omega punz: punz is an omega but grew up thinking he'd be an alpha, so he's really ashamed of it and pretends to be an alpha. things go well until he meets foolish, one of the only alphas he actually feels comfortable around. he keeps his crush under wraps until he goes on an impromptu trip to north carolina with sapnap, and through a series of unfortunate events forgets his heat suppressants and can't get new ones through the pharmacy there, leaving him to deal with omega instincts he's been suppressing for years all while living with foolish :3c predictably ends with punz going into heat and them fucking
funz new years kiss: short lil thing i wrote around new years where the two drunkenly make out at the dream team house new years countdown party, and eventually stumble into a random bedroom at the end of the night to make out and almost fuck before foolish has the foresight to go "hey lets not fuck while we're blackout drunk." they wake up to sapnap yelling at them for sleeping in his bed (which is actually my favorite scene out of the whole thing it turned out really funny imo) and after getting kicked out have a lil heart to heart about their feelings for each other awwww
i will also now apologize to the funz girlies bc i know it is rough out here and i feel like i'm teasing y'all with good ideas that are not actual full fics, but in all fairness the reason all these exist is bc i couldn't find funz fics that scratched the exact itch i wanted in my brain 90% of the time so i made them myself. i stg i will finish at least one of these one day tho I SWEAR
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heoneyology · 10 months
no prob!!! i asked and u delivered 🛐 and omgggg I GET ITTTT i kinda felt like that during my hi touch w ptg too bc there were just too many of them!! LMAO pretty boy overload but that was all entirely too cute, im so glad u had fun 🥹 i hope they come to brazil soon and do smth like that too! i love them sm, can't wait to meet them 🤧 they are indeed all very good boys (also the good eye contact............ [rest])
SO WHAT HAPPENED WAS the line n the guys were separated by a table but only 6/7 of them fit behind it, so ck, who was last in line, was kind of standing sideways since he was facing one of the table's shorter sides (omg i hope this is making sense). and i was going by them one by one, standing in front of each member individually, so by the time i got to him after jooheon, only his side profile was facing me bc he was basically facing the same fan as jooheon at the same time and i obviously had missed that LOL so i was just staring at his right cheek and i said "hey omg, i love you" or smth and stood there for a couple seconds waiting for his response but he never turned to me or said anything LMFAO girl i left there crying of anger 💀 but like now i get it that it was just mishap n shit happens lol
but yours omg nooooooo hahsjahsjsbjs im so sorry!! jsjsisjdksj also that was SUCH a ck reaction jesus christ god almighty in heaven. im glad the one w seongmin wasn't as bad though! jajsjskjsksjsj
HI I'M SO SORRY I'M ANSWERING THIS SO VERY VERY LATE 😭 but also I didn't want to leave it in my inbox and not reply at all aklsdjfk thank you again for reading the hi touch/fansign post, I know I said it once but 🥹 and omggggg you got to meet pentagon!!! I don't blame you for feeling the same way I would too but there really were just too many of them and it really was pretty boy overload. I think the masterpiece tour is wrapping up now and it makes me sad because I hope they do a part two or just another tour in general, I'm crossing my fingers for you that they go to brazil someday!!! 😭 (the eye contact is still killing me, months later... I have flashbacks to the event and melt)
OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what the heck who organized the event to make it like that klajsdfk so they were squished 😭😭😭😭 I'm sure he didn't ignore you on purpose hearing that but also it's kind of like... funny in a not funny way to be like "I got ignored by changkyun" but omg I'd be so mad too especially with how much we pay for these things like organizers please do better I want a full experience 😭
LOL it really was such a changkyun reaction I'm taking this one to the grave as one of my most embarrassing moments 💀 brains don't work well under pressure. seongmin's really wasn't as bad but I'm still very !!!! because oops why did I have to make that awkward eye contact
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
A Twisted Halloween: Book 4 and 5: Reckoning and Halloween Done Right
Time for the finale lads.
Buck in.
Book 4 is separated by dorm btw.
I’m tired of these Magicam Monsters
Just Nobodies
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Sorry got mad sidetracked by Scary Godmother
I hate that this is only semi-voiced
Its such a big event
Oh wow they were using fire, wind and water magic to make the fog
Jack please
Relax your face
Before it gets stuck that way
So…is Leona invisible? Or does he not need to touch things in order to turn them into sand?
I guess we’ll see
Well them not moving is obviously Ruggie.
“What’s that noise?” Get murdered. 
My boy Jack
A true actor
They did not explain Leona’s thing it all, so I guess he doesn’t have to touch the thing to use his UM ion
I’m pretty sure that just an illusion… right?
They didn’t crack the glass just for this…
Oh. Just Azul.
I wish they gave Floyd a more pissed expression here
Really woulda sealed the deal
He really just told this man to do the Thriller dance
Oh god not the Jamil doubt
I know that pause was Jamil thinking about letting him leave it at that
But he still spoke up
…Jamil, Jamil…
Thanks for the exposition, Epel
I’m back
They’re basing it off Elizabeth Báthory
I think lol
Yeah the students were meh but Epel, Vil and Rook(can we say he was acting tho?) was great
Since you were a child? That’s gross.
Oh its so blue~
Ortho: I would shoot you, but Big Brother said no.
I hope they don’t laugh in his face
Idia will never recover.
Alright what the fuck is happening in my damn house
So y’all just let them walk into my house
No loyalty
Had to do more lessons
Wrapping up Book 4 here
It's a good thing we decorated
If y’all fuck these up I swear
I know y’all didn’t just set my house on fire.
Where the fuck am I and Grim dawg
Aw he just used magic to make the Mushu display move…
And that’s it for Book 4
Onto Book 5!
These mfkers put us to work
Back in the plot
But for how long
I did a lot of Genshining today
Just wanna say that Jeht is my favorite NPC
Crowley: Not knowing what happened
Trien: Having an inkling of what happened
Crewel: Knew exactly what happened. Co-signed it.
Scary Godmother music plays
Woah woah woah
They gotta do stamping shit and get ready for the party.
Highkey why wasn’t this done in advance
Well…it might have been guess I’ll see lol
Okay nevermind
Cater is going to tell us that, yes the party is still on
Since we’re not in that room 
And didn’t see it happen
Shit lemme gone head and pack the foil too
Girl, I’m not the on committee 
Jade what the fuck are you talking about
Okay yeah they’ve been working on stuff since the beginning of the month
…why are they wearing the ceremonial robes???
Girl not this taking place outside 
Inside event was not in the budget it seems
Even though we all were just talking about it
Well not me 
It was y’all
Bro I’ve literally been out the plot for majority of this
I ain’t working now
Silver ain’t wrong
I full stomach really can put you to sleep
“Cool story, bro, but it’s Halloween. Who cares?”
Floyd continuing to be my favorite character
Not y’all praising to ghosts that y’all didn’t even realize were still there until I pulled up
Hatless Rook strikes again
Got to be fighting
Will ofc Leona noticed Rook’s gaze
…the Leona thing is a weird thing for 
So you notice him for bring in the Spelldrive tournament 
Which great! Its something outside of being prince!
But you also don’t recognize that this is in fact
Not one
But two princes you’re talking to
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And why did it sour his mood that bad
Bro I be forgetting that Chenya goes to RSA
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I mean you didn’t even ask, but continue. 
Oh that’s that on that I guess???
Girl it’s gonna be reverse Scary Godmother 2
Gotta hold my son
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I did it y’all I finished it.
Twisted Ramblings
0 notes
hetacakes · 2 years
in the end, i just wanted you to be safe.
xiaolumi (xiao/alatus x lumine/ying)
the latest archon quest possessed me and i wrote this drabble at 6am
im not even kidding i woke up to write this and then went back to sleep
the latest event inspired me to finish my xiaolumi wip but it's so old that it now doesn't make sense 😭😭😭 but i can't change it or i'll have to write a whole new story basically
anyway enjoy im obsessed with xiaolumi :)
warning for a/b/o dynamics and spoilers for 2.7 archon quest
word count: 722
(look at how lumine gets angry when xiao says he can fight to the bitter end in the gif LMAO wifey angy)
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   "Whoa, whoa, you wanna write a will now!?"
   It was obvious Paimon meant for her tone to be accusatory, meant for her question to jab at him, yet all Xiao could focus on was the sight of his sweet Lumine, hands on her hips and utterly cross with him.
   Never in his life did he regret saying something so soon after he said it.
   In hindsight, using the last of his energy to send the rest of the party back to the surface was not the best move. To be fair, he didn't expect to survive, to ever see his lovely mate ever again, and he was more than willing to sacrifice himself if it meant she would live, yet here he was, sitting in the grass on the hill next to Pervases' temple, Lumine facing her back to him. Yes, in hindsight, sacrificing himself was the quickest way to make his omega incredibly infuriated with him.
   As they say, hindsight is 20/20.
   "Don't be angry," he said softly, wrapping an arm around Lumine's waist and pulling her into his side.
   "..." Lumine sniffled, still ignoring him. If there was one thing he hated to see the most in the world, it was the sight of hurt and sadness flashing across his mate's face, telling him in no unclear words that he was doing a horrible job of keeping her safe and happy.
   "I'm sorry," he relented, his hand snaking up from her waist to the exposed section of her back through her dress, rubbing soothing circles into her smooth skin. "I just wanted to make sure you got out alive."
   "It'd hardly be living, it'd be torture if I had to leave my alpha behind!" Lumine huffed. At least she was answering him now, instead of giving him the silent treatment. Progress, Xiao thought to himself, progress.
    "I'm really mad at you!" His omega whined petulantly, yet he couldn't find it in himself to scold her for it. She had a point, a very valid point. "I don't want to talk to you."
That would have stung more if he didn't see right through her; the notes in her scent told him she was only mildly upset, the sharp citrus tang of anger in her scent overshadowed by the sweet floral aroma of relief and desire to cuddle up to her alpha and languish in his protective embrace. And who was he to refuse her?
"I'm sorry," he crooned, pandering for her forgiveness as he tucked her head under his chin, making sure to sweeten his scent with calming tones meant to soothe his omega, adding hints of honeyed milk to his almond tofu scent. And sure enough, the sourness in her scent disappeared as she snuggled closer to him, tucking her arms against his chest.
"That's it, good girl," he cooed, rubbing his cheek on the top of her head to scent her, drowning her in the aroma of qingxin misted in morning dew and sugar-coated almonds. The beginnings of a rumbling purr began to stir in his chest, intensifying when he heard her own responding purr just a few seconds later.
   "I'm still mad at you," Lumine whined quietly as he kissed her tears away.
   "Yes, yes, I know. I'll make it up to you later."
   "You promise?"
   "I promise. Now, sleep," he commanded gently, gathering her up in his arms and teleporting to his domain in wisps of black and green. He laid her down in their bed, watching as she slowly arranged the pillows and blankets to her liking, building a small nest to sleep in. Once she deemed it good enough for now, she climbed in, dutifully pulling her alpha in with her. Lumine gently pushed him to the bed before curling up to his side, making sure there was virtually no space to separate them anymore. He crooned in approval, praising her for being good, and smiled when she melted under the praise, her responding purr slowly petering off as the effects of such a high-strung day sapped her energy and eased her to dreamland.
   Xiao took note of her scent gradually becoming sweeter and more addictive, the toll of the recent events pulling her into an early heat.
   Yes, he thinks to himself, he'll definitely make everything up to her once they wake up.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
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A/N: I’m late to the party finding out that Clayton and Ms. Emily are a item…it’s not my business but when it clicked for me I was like ohhh lmao. Anyways here’s the last 1 out of the possible 4 of my December prompts that actually didn’t see December? Thank y’all so much for the constant support, it does not go unnoticed 🤍🥂 ALSO Mentions of other characters from other tv/films such as: Livan Duarte from Pitch, Issa Dee from Insecure, and Evan Ross’ character, “Ant” from the classic film ATL
Situational prompt: you need a date to a holiday party because your parents/friends/co-workers think you’ve been dating someone all year but you’ve completely made them up.
You instantly regretted bringing this shit up since angel was all smirks and his ego meter probably went past 10,000
He finally put out his cigarette as the both of you sat outside in the back on his stoop
That man apparently liked to have his heat cranked all the way up and it was starting to make you nauseous and he wouldn’t turn it down OR off and he was ready to body slam you if you touched his thermostat
He was all, “I’m pussy?!” When you told him he wouldn’t survive winters up on the east coast in your childhood hometown in New Jersey where it reached single digits
So yeah you west coasters were soft
Anyways that started the whole argument where he called you out on your shit for lying about your love life to the co-workers you did but didn’t like??
“Listen, I don’t like people in my business so I had to do what I had to in a short amount of time.”
“And now you’re stuck asking the prettiest motherfucker you know to be your pretend man of the night…sounds like you’re letting them in a little bit.” Angel commented with a pinch of his fingers, making you roll your eyes while tightening your crossed arms
“I would have asked EZ if I was looking for the prettiest.” You argued making Angel give you the nastiest side-eye
Angel scoffed, “then go to his house, what you sitting here in my face for?”
You laughed, “you’re my bestest friend so why wouldn’t I ask?”
It was angel’s turn to roll his eyes, “I’m feelin’ a little unappreciated.”
“How? you love getting dressed up and to show out? Free food, booze, music?”
“Not at some fucken office party with some phony bitches.”
You hummed, “which is why I keep my distance but I missed the last two and I want them all to stop nagging me. I already told them off last year but since they think it’s a new year they want to try me again. Just say you’ll help me, we can only stay an hour-two tops.”
Angel scowled but part of him wanted to put them all in their place himself—if need be
He didn’t understand why you stuck with marketing when you should have been an event planner or something like it
that’s where you really thrived but he couldn’t say shit since he got wrapped in the club instead
Life brings you to different places so you have to make due with what you have and figure it out
And so the both of you showed up to the building where temperatures were reported and rapid tests were taken place
Fifteen minutes later the both of you headed upstairs in the elevator together, Angel dressed in all black and you in a silver shimmer wrap around dress that hugged you just right underneath your coat that is
“So what’s the story between us?”
“Your lies mi reina, keep up.” He snapped his fingers at you which you shoved his hand down in reply
“Like I said, I didn’t tell them much even though the girls pried.”
“They wanted to know how I was in bed right?” He fixed his jacket, so proud of himself
You shrugged saying back nonchalantly, “that too, compared to Livan.”
The doors open as Angel craned his neck, “who?”
“Nobody. here they come! Let’s play fake nice and get this over with.” You quickly slipped your hand into Angel’s who intertwined his rough fingers with yours as you turned to most of your co-workers who approached you
Your dysfunctional bosses which consisted of Gerald Bernadotte and Jahanara Mohan who cheated on their significant others for years before Gerald’s wife found out, and left his ass fleeing to France to start a new life (with his twin brother)
Jahanara’s husband basically put her ass on blast to her side of the family and his family and their children wanting to get his revenge so now there’s bad blood and nobody seems to fuck with her in her family
She seems to deal with it well living extravagantly while always vacationing in Vegas? and keeps denying marriage and living with Gerald although she’s still married to her husband since she won’t sign divorce papers
Then there was the most nosiest of them all but ditzy yet really good with numbers and kept trying to add you on Instagram—that wasn’t happening, Avery Struhl who was all squeals at the sight of you two
“Lovely to see you, y/n and y/n’s friend?!”
Angel smiled as he held out a fist for the woman to bump, “her boyfriend, Angel.”
“Oh, how romantic! Gerald and Jahanara, meet y/n’s boyfriend we’ve all been dying to meet!”
“Avery. We’re right here,” Jahanara replied, “great to have you two, come and get yourselves a drink.”
Angel liked her already, plus she was giving real MILF energy
but he wasn’t going to cross that line however!he didn’t mind looking every now and then
Behind their backs you made sure to whack him real good with your clutch before smiling at your co-workers and employers as you took a flute glass
“So tell us everything!” Avery boasted while you let out a small sigh
Angel sipped at the brown liquor in his square glass, “what would you like to know? I’m a open book.”
Oh god.
“Unlike y/n here, it’s like pulling teeth with her majority of the time.” Gerald laughed which you returned a much fake one
Jahanara fanned her hand, “there’s nothing wrong with creating some distance. We all have to have some peace of mind to ourselves. I respect it.”
“Thank you.” You smiled a genuine one at the russet skin woman who sent you a wink in return
“What do you do for work?” Gerald asked cutting right to the chase while Avery wanted to know the other juicy details
You leaned towards Angel as he easily answered, “Tattoos and mechanics is what I do.”
“Hoooot.” Avery sung while you snorted and Jahanara hummed
“Oh it’s a business combined? how’s that field?”
“Very fulfilling.”
“Do you have any tattoos?” Avery bounced on her toes.
You answered, “plenty. All over and he wants more. We have one matching one together.”
“Adorable! How did you two meet?”
You and Angel met each other’s eyes and laughed, “we got stranded in traffic underneath this tunnel and I thought she was letting me over but apparently I cut her off? I drive a beautiful bike by the way so I had enough room to get over, everybody else was bumper to bumper so she’s blowing her horn at me and yelling through her window shield but I’m not paying her any mind until she starts throwing bagels at me?”
“I was having a bad morning that day and everything and everybody was getting on my nerves. He just made it worst, once I got the nasty raisin bagel to hit the back of his head after he flipped me off? I sent my dog after him too.”
“Have you met her dog? That dog is dangerously fast. Which is also why she’s under ‘my pretty’ in my contacts.”
Avery swooned at that while Angel tenderly pinched your chin and you almost gagged but covered it with a crooked smile
“I’m allergic so I had to become a cat person.” Jahanara answered
“What kind of dog?” Gerald titled his head to the side, curious
“A Whippet named zipper. He loves me now, tho. I even babysit when she has to go out of town.”
“Even your dog learned to like him? Animals and family always know before you do about someone you bring into your life, believe it.” Jahanara added glancing at Gerald who chose to ignore her stare
“So how long has this been going on?” A new voice interrupted from behind you, to reveal your other co-worker, Livan Duarte and you already felt yourself tensing up
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And ofc he also had to look good tonight
You inhaled, “Livan. This is my boyfriend, Angel. Angel this is Livan.”
They both sized each other up before Angel tossed an arm over your shoulder to dangle across your chest
Livan blinked, “really, boyfriend? And here we thought Y/N was making you up.”
“We?” You questioned.
You noticed your other co-worker Issa dancing up beside Livan and cut in, “Yeah I’m not part of the we that was mostly those three so we not about to do that vani.” She pointed at Gerald, Avery, and Livan.
Dipping your head at Issa, the only co-worker you fucked with, she sent you a pound to her chest and a peace sign before she shifted at the slight side eye the deep-dimpled man in front of her sent over his shoulder
“Well, I’m as real as they get. Been together for a solid eight months, close to a year, we don’t really keep count since time seems to pass whenever we’re together.” He pressed a scratchy kiss to your temple in which you placed a hand on top of his
Livan snorted at that, “woooow. Congratulations, didn’t think relationships was something y/n did.”
“Should we really be having this conversation?” Issa asked, “remember what Mary j said? Don’t need no hateration.”
“I’m not hating,” Livan crossed his hands in front of him, “We’re all just trying to get to know Y/n and Angel a bit better.”
You and Angel both peeped how Livan said his name and Angel could also pick up on his energy along with the way Issa was throwing hints too
This man was clearly jealous and Angel was out of the loop on your history with him, which really wasn’t the norm??
The both of you hardly kept anything from each other
“Well so far he’s into tattooing and mechanics, he and y/n met on the freeway under this tunnel and she threw bagels at him and sent her dog after him which sparked a romance somehow! And I’m getting either Aries or Taurus vibe but that’s all we really know.” Avery announced
Livan raised his brows and stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek, “tattoos and mechanics…interesting. Where did you say you were from?”
“el cajon but I reside in santo padre.” Angel’s response was clipped
“Ah, both places are close to the border, huh? I’m familiar with the area.”
“And you? Where you from man? Feel like I hardly know anything from you since you’re firing away all these questions towards me.” Angel widened his eyes with a sarcastic grin
Here we go
“me? Born in Georgia, raised in Miami with Cuban parents and originally played baseball for a couple of years.”
“Were you any good?”
Livan sent a dimpled smile, “one of the very best, I went pro for the Padres and even played with the first ever black woman pitcher for a major league. So yeah I’d say I was pretty damn good.”
“Then what happened?” Angel had his eyes in slits wondering if this guy thought he was hot shit or not
“That’s a story for another time.” He held up his own brown drink in cheers before taking a sip, “if you’ll excuse me, I see some other colleagues I should say hello to. Y/n, glad you made it out tonight, mami.”
He sent a smile your way as he walked by the both of you, his scent hit your nose almost making your knees buckle
And Angel watched Livan easily engage with the others here at the party for a moment before he pressed his fingertips into your opposite shoulder whispering, “fuck was that?”
You shushed him turning to the remaining four seeing Issa patting at her hair awkwardly looking at her shoes, Gerald sent you a thumbs up, and Avery pursed her lips while Jahanara was clacking away on her phone
“As entertaining as that was, I have other business to attend to. Enjoy yourselves, mingle, try to keep things professional here! we’re here for a good time not rowdy time, and don’t think about leaving before you say goodnight.” Jahanara gave her orders before she spun on her heels with a sway in her hips leaving you all
Gerald was like a sick puppy stuttering over his words as he made some excuse to get away and be by her side
“So angel? Do you have Instagram, Twitter, or tiktok?”
You immediately shook your head while issa made a cutting motion
“Um…yeah? I’m not really active on any of the socials, too busy with work.”
“Understandable. But if you want to build your brand you must build something to promote it?”
“That’s something you have to discuss with my boss, Bishop.”
“Well here’s my card, you can give that to him and tell him we can chat sometime, alright. But you still need to tell me where to find you?”
Angel reluctantly gave his Twitter and nothing else
After that slight mess, you all found yourselves on the dance floor dancing to some mainstream music but you tolerated it since you had a few drinks and was pushing borderline tipsy
Yet angel was in your ear trying to get the tea especially since Livan had his eyes on you two while chatting to the girl who worked 3 days a week at the front desk downstairs
You were swatting him away while he kept his hands on your hips dancing with you and dodging your attacks which made him sigh and drop his lips into the space between your head and shoulder
His ego meter was up right now since he had you in his arms and Livan did not
Angel wasn’t completely clueless, he knew there was something going on between you and that man who felt so comfortable to walk around this party with his titties partially out—he was just trying to talk to you about it so he wasn’t completely in the dark
The both of you with liquor in your system was not a good combo but Angel held his liquor better than you and wasn’t throwing as many back as you and he knew it had something to do with that asshole over there talking to his own personal Megan fox look-alike
“I need to pee.” You whined, “come get me if kacey musgraves comes on.”
“You’re telling me this Like I know who that is.” Angel held his arms out with a frown on his face as he watched you leave the room
And ofc he got distracted by some other pretty lady chatting him up which made Issa shake her head in disapproval
That was enough for Livan to get you alone
You were just fixing your lips after seeing everything else was still in tact to hear the door barge open
Placing your hands down on the counter you groaned, “this is the woman’s bathroom, Livan! And last time I checked— you motioned as Livan smirked at you
“Who are you fooling here tonight, mami? I see right through this whole thing.” Livan crossed his arms as he looked at you in the reflection
You blew a raspberry showing you didn’t want to hear it, “don’t you have to get back to your fling of the week? Yet you’re in the wrong bathroom taking up air.”
“I don’t mind sharing if it’s with you.”
“Ugh, don’t come in here with this bullshit. I don’t want to think, I just came here to get everything over with and you just had to be here. I thought you were going back to Miami for the holidays.”
“Ah, so you are avoiding me? That hurts me.” He mocked placing his hand on his chest, “and bring some clown here for what? To make me jealous?”
“Hey, Angel is my clown!” You pointed, “and it wasn’t about you anyway, I didn’t know you’d be here. Also You ended things with me remember?”
“Because you’re too scared of a serious relationship.”
“Please don’t mansplain to me about what I want. We weren’t ever going to be serious and you know that. We started screwing in these bathrooms just because with no strings attached and then the next thing I know you suddenly want more as if you weren’t messing around with other girls here?”
“So you never felt anything? Or was it all for him instead?”
“Who?” You turned to face him
He gave you a look as your face twisted before you fixed it, “well duh he’s my boyfriend.”
“Please mami, you see bullshit and I smell it.”
“It might have been from the calamari nachos, don’t quote me on this but there was one elderly lady in here before me and she dropped her toilet spray. I think I scared her into forgetting to spray or something.”
The dark haired man laughed pinching at his lips before he licked them slowly making his way over to you
“No.” You knew that look and you weren’t having it
“No.” You glanced downwards, telling her to control herself too and you could faintly hear the music change to your girl Normani and cardi b
One touch to the side of your neck and his body trapping yours against the counter and you knew you were in some deep shit
“I’ll see you in the new year, huh? Y/N.” Livan kissed your cheek while you glared at him
“Fix your pants, you bastard.” You patted his face as you made sure everything was in tact yourself for a triple time before leading the way out of the hallway first just to bump into Issa
Issa took one look at you and closed her eyes with a shake of her head, “bitch you gotta get it together, you and Livan keep playing games.”
“I know.” You whined, “where is my idiot of a boyfriend?”
“The one you pretend or really cheated on?”
“Pretend.” You whispered.
“I was about to say—but I’m in no position to judge too much, we all do some stupid shit but both of them dudes are fine as hell so I don’t blame you.”
“It’s not like that with Angel, we’ve been besties since our early twenties.”
“Well if you don’t want him—
“Damn sis you don’t have to be stingy too.” Issa commented as she spotted Livan making his way around the corner, “yeah I see you negro, just go ahead.” She waved him along
Livan kissed his lips at Issa who shook her head yet again as the both of you shared a laugh
“I’ll get the timer started. What we doing, five minutes?”
“Yeah, I’ll just blame it on the calamari nachos.”
“We had those? Poor squidward.”
The both of you took a seat along the comfort of the cool tile wall falling into easy chatter
Eventually you made your way out to the main area to see Angel excusing himself from chatting with Jahanara
“You were gone for a long time, y/n. You good?” Angel asked
“Yup! Want to head out?” You quickly snatched your jacket from a near by chair and shoved it on
Angel gripped your forearms and took one look at you and sighed, “you fucked him again didn’t you?”
You bit down on your bottom lip, “I told you we shouldn’t have come to this party.”
Angel laughed at you in disbelief, “it was actually the opposite but alright we’ll go with that. Let’s get you home then.”
Eventually you all said your good nights to everyone except Livan, which you believed was purposely done by Angel however that was fine by you since he seemed to be in Megan fox’s face again smh
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re mad at me?” You suddenly asked Angel after the both of you showered and you bounced your dog, zipper on your hip
Angel was stretched out on his stomach in your bed shirtless after you finally managed to get back to your room, still doing your night routine while under the influence
He halted scrolling on Twitter to look over at you, “what?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Mad about what?” Angel groaned rolling onto his back as he stared up at the ceiling waiting for you to talk
“I didn’t tell you about Livan in the first place and on top of that, asked you to be my fake boyfriend for the night.”
Angel scoffed, “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that y’all messed around, y/n. I don’t care about that. Or helping you out to shut your co-workers up, by the way, only 3 of them were actually solid tonight.”
“Yeah, I can tell by the selfies you took with Issa.” You placed zipper down in his bed before plopping down on yours
Angel laughed
“But…” you pressed
Angel let out the longest sigh you ever heard from him before he said, “I hate to be that person but Livan ain’t good for you.”
“How many times have I had that conversation with you?” You laughed
Angel shrugged, “yeah but I’d eventually learn my lesson, you on the other hand learn quickly. He seems like the type to say anything to get you under him so why are you still dealing with his ass?”
“He does keep saying he’s after a relationship with me yet keeps talking to other women but I’m not aggy about that, I don’t like to get attached to those I know won’t stick around. He’s apparently looking at the sports department again so he might take a job offer elsewhere sometime in the new year.” You shrugged, “we’re good at pleasing each other, that’s all the relationship is, I don’t know why he can’t see that.”
“Good, I hope the owl-looking fuck goes and maybe a few metal baseball bats on a semi-truck hits him on his way.”
“Damn angel, so violent! That man didn’t do anything to you.”
“He’s too possessive over my girl and I don’t like that. I’m glad you never bought him ‘round here or I might have shot his ass.” Angel muttered as you rested your cheek on his chest, “Gotta find you a new dude, somebody as worthy as me.”
“As you?” You repeated with a snort, “so it’s up to your standards and not mine?”
“Uh yeah because the last few before him were also very questionable.”
“Whatever, you ain’t my daddy.”
“I could be.”
Angel chuckled, “you don’t have a daddy kink? Noted.”
“Shut the hell up Angel before I have to call my first boyfriend, Ant on you.” You joked, mentioning the old relationship that you had a recent encounter with at a old high school reunion a few years back
Basically the spark was still there and he even came out to see you one summer to also visit his big sister who was a famous actor and he didn’t like how comfortable Angel made himself in his presence
You and ant were just in the talking stage and hanging out but angel rubbed ant the wrong way and questioned if Angel was always like this and if you and him were to get back together then Angel would have to tone it tf down
Angel didn’t know who tf ant thought he was but he didn’t respect no man that came at him crazy
Don’t let the rolled up small beanie and essential oil carrying man fool you, ant was with the shits too
So they butted heads very quickly
“Tell Lenny Kravitz, I’m ready for him too.”
“Can’t, I think he blocked me.”
“You need to stop messing with these little ass boys.”
“Okay, so I’ll call Medina up tomorrow,” you reached for your phone checking the time in which Angel also reached over you to snatch your phone
Angel immediately shook his head, “definitely don’t approve of that one either.”
“I’m gonna be single forever with you around!” You groaned, “the difference between you and I is I don’t cock-block you.”
Angel shifted his head from side to side silently agreeing with that, “we could just date or get married or whatever. Might as well.”
It was silent and Angel was expecting the both of you to fall into laughter just to see you sleeping against him at complete peace
And that’s all that seemed to matter to him, despite these weird feelings that were starting to develop
“Happy holidays to me, I guess!” Angel pressed his cheek against your head and slowly closed his eyes as well
Continue along with my December anthology series here.
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