#my writing not related samdean
winchesterride · 11 months
So I kinda did something for Halloween:
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“Y-you’re wearing…?” Dean asked and Sam made a soft expression, like he didn’t know what he was talking about. “Panties?” Dean whispered like it was some kind of crime.
“Do you wanna check?”
Dean nodded vividly and waited, looking at Sam’s hips, but Sam grabbed his hand once more and put it in his thigh. Dean looked at him, so he just nodded. Dean’s hand slid slowly until it hit his hip, touching the fragile fabric.
“Lace?” Dean asked, and Sam nodded again. “Doesn’t it… itch?”
“Yes it does, but I can…” Sam made strength down and moved his hips forward, making the fabric rub his penis. What resulted in him groaning softly. And Dean looked at him like he had been touched too, full of lust.
This has nothing to do with Halloween, but Sam puts on a female costume.
They're both 16, not related and are in high-school.
There's virginity loss, a lot of talk, a bit angst, a bit fuffly a bunch of sex.
Hope you enjoy
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niwolah · 1 year
My first intro was really long and flourished so I'm trying another one...
Niwolah, she/her, adult
speaks French, English, LSFB
writes as much as brain makes it possible
may be AuDHD (undiagnosed)
likes reading, listening to music, singing, dancing
very neutral; shares others' opinions but won't do more
BUT is 100% proship (ship and let ship but also let people enjoy things and purity culture)
I said my blog was a melting pot. It really is. So don't be mean if you don't like my taste. It's mine and I'm not judging yours. It's not my fault I like cilantro and you don't.
I reblog everything, be it animals, nature, discourses (fandom related or not), cute/funny posts, things that resonate with me, and I try to tag accordingly. Key word: try.
My fandoms, AO3, and tags are listed after the cut because it's starting to get long.
I'm not immune to shipping culture so...
911 (Buddie)
BBC Sherlock (Johnlock)
Community (JeffDean)
How to train your dragon (Toothcup, Hicctooth)
Scrubs (JDox)
Supernatural (SamDean in every forms*)
Twoset Violin
Teen Wolf (Sterek)
I try to tag the important characters/persons in addition of the fandom as well.
All my stories are here. (There's even the very firsts I wrote back then, when I was still at school, in French... You can ignore them, they're only there for posterity reason, I guess.)
Fandom tags are linked above but my most used other ones are:
#Niwolah tries to write for sneak peeks and behind the scene on my WIPs;
#Niwolah wrote that for the links of my finished stories;
#writer problems if you write and want to relate;
#writing resources is self-explanatory;
#scenery for nature pictures, often skies, trees and beaches;
#animals for... well, animals but you can search for specific tags like #cats, #dogs, #birds, etc. too;
#art for paintings, drawing, songs, fanart as well, even though they're tagged accordingly;
#Niwolah's playlist shows you the songs I have in my head;
#life advice gives you, well, advices for anything, I don't specify more than that
* About Supernatural, I tag #sam and dean for canon, #weirdcest when they're weirdly obsessed with each other, #gencest when it's slightly less obsessive, which is almost never, #weecest when they're too young to be involved with each other and #wincest when they're not anymore. So block the tag you need to.
You can slide in my DMs or email me at [email protected].
I think I said everything. Just- remember: don't like, don't engage.
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typinggently · 11 months
can we at least know what your collection of omegle prompts were if we won't get to experience them anymore/again ;-;
Ahhh You’re really sweet for asking 🌹🍓🌹🍓
I’ve been rping a lot lately and I have a ton of prompts that I circled through depending on what I felt like that day (or what I felt worked best). There was a BROAD selection too, I’m saying there was some Hydra Husbands, Starlander, Starker, Cegan in that last file I have. I’ve definitely loved and enjoyed Superbat and Brank, but I don’t think I have fixed starters for that in this last doc.
Anyways, lately I’ve mostly done SamDean because I really enjoy writing either of them (and like procrastinating on my fics). Omegaverse, genderbend, preseries, some curse related shenanigans, even some Swesson. It’s just a whole lot, mostly things that I really find intriguing but don’t know how to work into fics just yet.
Generally speaking, I don’t do angst, no matter what pairing. I feel like Angst invites a lot of projection that messes with the characterisation and also just drags the rp down or slows it down a lot. Also I get particular about ages, I’m not a fan of underage (shocking with the pairings, I know, but that’s not really what intrigues me about them), so I weasel my way around there.
This is a very general answer to show how big of a problem my rping had become haha — but once I’m at my laptop again I can see if I can find a way to share some prompts. Since I exclusively use text starters (as opposed to paras) that might not be all that interesting though? I’m not sure haha
Anyhow — RIP Omegle! Nows the time to try and use some of those ideas in fics, I guess :’)
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theangiediary · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday!! what's your favorite post-s5 wincest scene?
why would you ask me, a kripke blog, this
Kidding lol. But I will go a bit unconventional! I actually love that SPN takes 🌹Romantic Tropes🌹 and uses them for brothers, so a lot of the Iconic Wincest Moments I prefer just as they are. <- edit: this might be a vocab interpretation thing: I use "samdean" as like, their canonical relationship and "wincest" for Sam + Dean + sex
Anyway I like fics/scenarios where they're just hunting on the road, no Big Bad, no interpersonal fighting, living outside society.. and fucking.
7x12 Time After Time is a great episode for this.
Starts off with Dean angsting/watching Sam sleep. Testament to their comfort with each other.
"Don't give me that dirty-diaper look." Baby brother🥺.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut." WEIRD SAM.
"Special Agent Smith. This is, uh, Special Agent Smith. No relation." Canon putting in 0 effort and letting them get away with shit like this does relieve me as a fan from worrying about some details, which I appreciate.
"What, are you gonna look up more anime, or are you strictly into Dick now?" Bully your brother with sexual jokes: Round 2!
The little security camera exchange: Dean getting to show off... for exactly 0.2 seconds. I love when Sam's mean <3
They're separate for most of the rest of the episode, and while they are ORANGE, Sam has nearly unforgivable sideburns, and Dean's written a bit too goofy for my tastes (come on, Ness obviously hasn't seen the movie stop quoting it at him), he also has moments of heroism (willing to be stuck in 1944), charm (kiss from Erza), and of course, the Connection he has with Sam is what saves the day. Writing him a letter that he leaves exactly where Sam will find it reminds me of the The Usual Suspects. <- this is the single scene I would chose, for the ask
Actually, the whole Sam/Jody + Dean/Erza/Ness parallel montage is quite nice. For all those boys' differences, they were raised together, think in much the same way.
It's just... Brothers. Not soulmates, not freaks. Arguably either one of them could leave the life (no big Chosen One plot), and if they're really that pressed to Save People... idk volunteer or go into nursing or something. But they're choosing to be together. They like each other.
And, it's a deleted scene, but the "Jealousy is a bad color on you bro"... yeah. They're fucking.
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saltbind · 1 year
Which SPN character's crimes are you the #1 defender of to the end of time?
oh man. hm. i have thoughts about this.
like, supernatural is in and of itself a story about these real human beings and people stuck in a narrative they want no part of. living trapped by an illusion of free will that is as ephemeral as most of the spirits they face. they don’t even really start to be able to consistently make their own decisions til after chuck’s defeat. so can they even really be considered liable for their actions prior to that given their whole lives are a playset for an alcoholic deadbeat dad? from that viewpoint pretty much all the characters are equally defendable.
and if you’re going with Classic SPN only, then all those choices are understandable in the context of their incredibly fucked up lives - even if there were better choices to be made. some of them were bad choices - my kingdom for some communication - but they were understandable. i get the characters points of view even if i want to slap em upside the head.
but in terms of like ‘baby did nothing wrong’ i don’t really go in for that so much. i love sam but he fucks up a lot and that’s part of why i love him. i love dean too - but he ALSO fucks up a lot. and that makes them interesting, it makes them human, it makes their commitment to each other and to the world at large more relatable. part of why i love samdean so much is that endless capacity for forgiveness they have for each other.
i’m a character defender as long as their actions are in character basically. there’s no one character i’d do it for - if it makes sense i’m down to defend it. but a lot of SPN characters make choices that aren’t in line with who they are and that i won’t defend because its shitty writing. still, not the characters fault.
like, a lot of what people have an issue with in terms of character specific choices on the show are things that make No Sense for the character. but it’s treated like that’s a choice the character had agency over. they’re fictional.
sam not looking for dean in s8? that was a writers fuckup.
the whole gadreel/mark of cain thing? could have been a good plot if it had been handled with more care. more upsetting because it’s almost in character - but not quite.
so yeah i guess i’m an every character defender. except john but we all know i have personal trauma reasons for that.
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wastemanjohn · 1 year
OKAY so the only prompt i have left on my kink bingo card - once i fill "awkward sex" which is in progress and ive already decided I'm not doing "cupping" - is "flogging." i just can't come up with anything that i like, that i feel works for my preferred pairings or indeed that i have the motivation to write lol. so asking for help, would anyone be kind enough to send me a flogging related prompt pretty pls? daddycest or samdean preferred. much love 🙏
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My reactions to @fandom-hoarder about tw lmao enjoy people.
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Me–Ok so the stationary of the letter John has its MOL so....maybe Sam? Then again I've never seen Sam write in cursive.
Oof ok the acting is rough and wtf a soldier boy line? Jensen mijo you were on for a partial season, calmate lol
Bestie–Lmao oh wait, i didn't catch the soldier boy line, what was it?
Me–"See you around soldier boy" the pacing is so weird.
Bestie– Ah oh yeah lmao. I didn't catch it cuz it smacked me in the face
It is!!
Me–It feels like watching something in fast forward
The goofy John who can't fight is dumb
Bestie–Hahh it has slower bits too so that's fun 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Yes, thank you omg
Me–Omg Dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days
This legit feels like an ao3 story brought to life
Drake overreacts a bit and so does Meg. This isn't Disney Channel mija
Bestie– Yes, god it's very disney channel
Me–Omg your right anti possession charm bracelet like whyyyyy
Bestie–There's waaay too many conveniences like that charm in one episode.
You're right, it's soooo fanfictiony
Me–Really overacted and the monster under the bed line????
I'm like c'mon just say you wanted Drake to be Sam Jensen jfc
Bestie–Yeah! Also I'm so annoyed about his version 9f the story
Me–You don't want any part of this life. Like bitch you just pulled him into this lmao
Bestie–Cuz if john had a memory like that from his dad it puts his version with sam in even WORSE light
Me–Ok I love patsy cline
Why is no one wearing the anti possession charm as a necklace
Like yeah Mary had a charm bracelet before but dear lord
Bestie–A question for the ages, bestie
Me–Ok the line of I hated my dad but I love him is such a Sam line
Me–Ok John did have ptsd, I would think so even during the og series
Omfg mary has an emf reader🤦🏾‍♀️Jensen honey just say that you wanted to do a samdean not related au
Omfg the van scene from the trailer 😂😂😂😂
Bestie–Lol yeah
Me–Omfg the lines are terrible
Ugh the menu but is too stupid
Bestie–Jensen's first fanfic
Me–It feels like it lol
"There's no secrets in our family" bitch that's the og show. Secrets build everything lol
Ugh cheating hippie hispanic
Bestie–Yeah :(
Me–What the fuck is with this pacing?
Bestie–I wish i knew!!! 🤣🤣🤣
They should've taken more pacing notes from spn pilot lol
Me–Omfg Samuel left coordinates how original Ackles
Dude yes. This is so rushed
Who the fuck is Maggie
Bestie–Right?!? OUT OF NOWHERE!
Me–Why do they give the demons the "venom" distorted voice lol
Yes yes we get it no happy ending for hunters it's been established
Fucking Scooby-Doo shit
Bestie–Did they do that voice to the first airplane demon?
Me–And yeah that's the actresses real voice. For Lata.
I can't remember lmao
Bestie–Ok.. that makes it ok then. It is so proper that it kinda annoys me but as long as it's not fake it's fine
All the girls seem to have major enunciation that gets on my nerves, though, so it might be an acting training thing
Me–Ok so Maggie was her cousin who was killed by a vampire. No pos wow Jensen lol and mary just had a Sam line "They put a knife in my hand before I could walk" "Dad gave me a .45 for the monster under my bed"
Yeah she really enunciates
This is "Hey idk you but our dads are missing and there's weird shit out there so let's hop in our Scooby van with our stereotypical counterparts and go on a trip"
The casts lacks chemistry
It's given off Disney Channel/Nickolodeon vibes
Since when did John have a scar???
Oh and here with the self sacrificing
God that thing is bad
It's like great value brand lycan
Bestie–Yes, thank you wtf
The van scene also made me think of argyle from stranger things
Me– What in the 13 ghost of Scooby-Doo was that bullshit
Me–Ok so John's mom knew
When you have kids you'll understand oh honey
Bestie–Like. Wtf 😑
Me–Jensen should have just made an account on ao3
After seeing this I suddenly feel a lot better about my writing
Saving people hunting things????
Nothings sacred huh
God megs acting is really forced
Bestie–Yeah. Dude, seriously, so many fanfiction writers could've done better, even WITH THIS PREMISE. Including you and me
Me–A monster not of this world trying to invade. Pos chingao
Just say aliens 🤦🏾‍♀️
Omfg please don't tell me the pinche tentacle monster from the late seasons 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Bestie–They can get away with not saying aliens if it comes through an au portal 😒
Omfgg i did not even make that connection
Me–Omfg but why is he writing? Dean has hated it, said it was more Sam's thing and the I'll keep picking the music
Ugh yeah terrible.
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
🖤 Welcome to my Hoard 🖤
18+ fandom content | to follow: don't look like a bot 🥴
If you believe in thought crime or thought crime cooties, DON'T FOLLOW ME. You will not like it here and I will wonder why tf you're here.
Call me hoarder or ry. Asks are open, but replies happen sometime between immediately and my death.💜😅
Tumblr DMs are open to anyone for now, but the icebreaker stage needs to be fandom related. I might post about my real life, but I'm not here to DM about it if I don't already know how your blorbo likes to be bred or has munchausen by proxy tendencies towards their beloved, etc.🤷‍♀️
A tumblr follow is not a friend request. It's an opt-in to see my reblogs on your dash.
I am not here for personal romantic or sexual relationships. My horny posting is fictional. I'm married and ace.
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[Banner credit: @corpsedean ]
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[Banner credit: @lovetheirloves ]
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This is a multi-fandom, multi-shipping blog currently focused on Supernatural. Proshipping bibro, SamDean focused, finale positive. I know the difference between canon and fanon. ❤
I post and reblog: gencest, wincest, weirdcest, aroace qpr samdean, headcanons, imagines/thoughts, dark stuff, angst, fluff, fanfiction, queer Sam, trans Sam, 'genderswap' edits, winkline, sastiel, most Sam ships really, daddycest, mommycest, weecest, 18+ fan content, spn crack, j2, rpf, occasional fandom wank, other fandoms, and random shit.
Previous pinned post here.
Another pertinent post.
And another.
I'm ladygizarme on AO3. I write fanfiction and record podfic.
🔮Witch!Sam Bingo Masterlist
Tag List Signup
My Rec List Masterlist
This blog supports trans people and trans rights.
My tags are kind of messy, but I try to tag for common triggers, squicks, and content warnings.
Sexual content or erotic visuals are tagged: 🍋
Wank is: #fandom wank #fandom wank adjacent
Sometimes there’s: #u.s. politics or #u.s. bullshit
Most pairings are tagged, however assume to see SamDean content here.
Some things to know:
Not a tinhat, but tinhat adjacent. I rb j2 tinhat stuff regularly. Tags to block: #j2 tinhat #j2 tinhat adjacent
I post crit sometimes, but it's out of love. 💕💔 Tags to block: #spn writers critical #canon crit #dean critical #misha critical #castiel critical #mary critical (I think that's mostly it???)
I also use #john winchester’s A+ parenting  --however it’s not always negative, and often discussing canon or headcanons
(Actually there's more now) Walker tags to block: #cordri neg #cordri squick #geri neg #geri critical
I started SPN in 2013 as a bibro that shipped destiel. The thing that finally brought me to the fandom was the podfic of Two Boys From Kansas in King Uther’s Court (a BBC Merlin/SPN gen crossover), and I binge-watched s1-7 a couple times with my baby bro until new episodes started coming out and watched those as they aired until s10. Came back to fandom in 2020 and couldn't enjoy much destiel content. The culture of heller fandom and my preference for a canon-adjacent aroace relationship that doesn't sideline Sam or change Dean's character has made my enjoyment of most deancas content a thing of the past. (Also I'm like 200% more obsessed with SamDean since the finale.)
On the very rare occasion I rb something destiel related, I will tag it so people can blacklist.
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[Banner credit unknown: please lmk if you made it]
~Discord~ IF WE'RE ALREADY MUTUALS/FANDOM FRIENDS: (Since a lot of mutuals have been shadowbanned lately and can't use messaging) My discord: fandom-hoarder #6220 (or fandom_hoarder since the stupid username update?)
No random friend requests, please. I honestly don't really DM on discord except for one-offs of things that can't go in a server discussion. If we don't already interact or exist in overlapping interest circles/servers... I'm pretty much already at capacity for conversation about real life.
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suncaptor · 3 years
on tagging
Do not follow me or interact or look at this blog if you are related to me.
I usually tag things tw [trigger] or .[trigger], and I try to be extremely extensive, and please let me know if you want something tagged! 
I need eating disorders tagged, and I also prefer graphic body horror tagged as well, as well as any mention of incest/pedophilia. Additionally please tag drug normalisation & fetishisation if we are mutuals, and note I may unfollow for abuse apologia. Please feel free to message me about anything as well, unless it’s these.
I am not comfortable with my things being tagged with ship names for pedophilia or incest, which I also have blacklisted and try to avoid (in short please don't tag my posts with SamDean).
If there's a potential that where content I reblog from goes could hurt you personally, you can personally tell me to try to blacklist your URL or not reblog for you. I have a lot of followers and a lot of activity and could never ever successfully promise that some original post wouldn't down line end up somewhere with a tag that could be triggering, and I do not block many people myself, but I genuinely never want to hurt anyone or trigger anyone.
I sometimes post about very dark or potentially triggering things, so please feel free to let me know if there needs to be something else tagged! I do tag all my cage trauma posts with Lucifer and try to with other warnings, but let me know if there’s anything specific.
I would also want minors to blacklist 18+ and not interact with that content on my blog.
as for organisation, I tag #incoherents as my personal and creation tag. I also have a general writing tag and a more targeted writing tag. I also have an edit tag, a webweave tag, a lyrics tag, an ask+anonymous tag, etc.
For fandom, I generally tag everything including reblogs with a shortened name (such as hs, spn, sammy, cas, dean, etc,) and then the full+that for original posts (homestuck, supernatural, sam winchester, castiel, dean winchester). This is also true of other things such as mental health and mh, so forth, unless tumblr censored it. I usually don’t tag as much for music/aesthetic unless it’s a trigger or an original post, but I try to be very thorough with fandom, and if there’s every something someone wants tagged let me know! though I won’t tag not [insert] because it would be too much for me to keep track of. I tagged wank cw for negative things in fandom.
For Supernatural, I also am careful to tag all ship content if you don’t like a particular ship (like destiel or sastiel), and gen tags are usually character and character (sam and dean), though some ship names can be platonic for sure. I tag seasons (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). I also tag most episodes by name (pilot, all hell breaks loose, lucifer rising), and I tag them by caps and their number name for screen caps/edits (1x01, 2x21/2x22, 4x22). I also have a tag .f for foundational parts of the show and .f.c for relating to characters, .l for significant parallels, .h for more headcanon than canon, and .s.n for science related, but these are very incomplete and new. 
My tagging is extensive, but it’s still hard to find certain types because I posted way more than my system was used to!
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winchesterride · 5 months
My writing
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Finally organizing my tags so you guys can find stuff in here
Basically is just the stuff that I write:
Not related samdean
Jensen character x Jared character
J2 (not yet)
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wastemanjohn · 2 years
i've never done a fic rec post before. think it's time i changed that.
below, in no particular order, are my favourite daddycest/johncentric fics:
Colarado, what now? by egipci - 3000 words, Mature, tw: incest, non-con
I will never stop thinking about this fic, because it killed me, and I am writing this having resurrected myself from the dead. This is an ugly story (affectionate), with one of the most powerful explorations of Dean's devotion to John, and John's instability, that I've ever read. Can't recommend this one enough if you can manage the subject matter.
The Witching Hour by tenyearsgone - 5805 words, Explicit, tw: incest
I admire this writer greatly for being able to tell such a juicy story set over four years in so few words. The prose is also generally delicious. Explores what happens between John and Dean after Sam leaves. I'm sure you can use your imagination about what that is, but it's done so compellingly.
Won't You Tell 'Em I'm Mad by deandatsgay - 6775 words, Explicit, tw: underage, dub con, John being a creep
This is from Ellen's viewpoint re a teenage hooker!Dean soliciting punters at the Roadhouse, John's very blase reaction to it, and Dean trying the same thing on his dad. There's so much more to it than that though, it's really unsettling and creepy and good and the tone is the good kind of nasty. Ellen is also written so well.
As if we'd never met by thatotherperv - Words: 6685, Explicit, tw: references to child abuse, incest, underage (Dean is 17)
This fic takes the accidental incest trope and makes something beautiful out of it. Two hooker! Dean fics in a row haha - he gets picked up by John and ends up staying with him for a while. The dynamic is great and I love this kind of "outsider pov" on John, which it is, because Dean doesn't know they're related. I think about this story often.
Such Patient Beauty by Polly_Phemus - Words: 3248, Explicit, tw: incest, BDSM
So this isn't explicitly johndean, but shit is so beyond inappropriate/fine line and I hate how canonical this fic feels lmao. John finds a way to make some money, Dean does all the actual work. I feel like it's harder to say much more without spoilers but this is such a fucked up and fun read.
Isolation by cestlestialbeings - 1020 words, Explicit, tw: incest, depression
This fic holds a special place in my heart as it was the first johndean fic I ever read and it hooked me on the ship so hard. This fic is heartbreaking - Dean feeling lonely and unwanted and trying to replace John with strangers. It's a lovely piece of work.
What do we call what we have but love? by vintagedean - 23895 words - Explicit tw: covert and overt incest
This appears on every johndean rec list I think, and rightly so, because it's a work of art. The insidious covert incest in the first few chapters is so well structured and unsettling, and I love how unreliable a narrator Dean feels throughout the story. Also John is crafted in such an unstable way that feels so true to me, and I love that. It's also one of the few slightly longer johndean fics out there so there's more to love. Huzzah.
tell me your heart will never change by amiwritesthings - 5618 words, mature, tw: incest, angst
A story with established samdean and Sam's vp. This is a rollercoaster. Sam finds out about John and Dean after John's death and what ensues are some of the most heartbreaking lines and dialogue that I've ever seen in any fic. Its just beautifully done and the pacing is great and I have read this over and over again.
Learned Behaviors by artbabe - 1465 words, Explicit, tw: incest
This is such a unique take on johndean. It's difficult to say much more than that without giving spoilers but I don't think I've ever seen the dynamic written quite this way before and I'm in love. Just read it, you'll see what I mean.
Favored Son by astrangerfate - Words: 1337, Mature, tw: incest, dub con
Creepy ass story. Dean essentially finding out why John treats Sam better than him.
The sound of dead leaves by unhappy_ghost - 2303 words, Mature, tw: implied abuse, covert incest
This is probably the only horror story on this list. Creepy, creepy shit. The tone of this fic is really unsettling from the outset and then it just kind of gets worse from there. John is a dark and predatory character here and there's some serious covert dead dove going on. Its brilliantly done though.
Ami's Daddy's Little Girl series - amiwritesthings - Several parts, Explicit mostly (?all), tw: incest, dub con
WHY IS EVERYTHING SO MUCH CREEPIER WHEN DEAN IS FEMALE. Anyway this is a great series of John/Deanna plus Sam as well, they are all kinds of dysfunctional and toxic and straight up terrifying sometimes and the smut is A Lot. It's addictive!
Lullaby by egipci - 1500 words, explicit, tw: incest
This one speaks for itself. Beautiful prose and characterisations and John having sad boi hours, not being an asshole, but knowing he could be. This one is a headfuck (affectionate).
littledeer by vintagedean - 3465 words, Explicit, tw: incest
This series is unfinished but still definitely worth a read, the dynamics are that perfect johndean mix of absolutely fucked up and awful and really sweet. And there's added Sam which is always a bonus (for me anyway lol).
NB: I read a gorgeous, short john/girl!Dean fic a little while ago involving Dean going out to drink after Sam leaving and then coming back and coming onto John, or the other way around, I can't quite recall... I wanted to rec it here but I can't find it... if anyone knows the fic I'm talking about please let me know, I'd love to read it again!
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps by Hope - Explicit, 3385 words, tw: incest
Basically Sam and Dean ganging up on John. John isn't mad about it.
State of Emergency by Perpetual Cookie - Explicit, 3612 words, tw: incest, underage
Unique situation and compelling writing. It's a PWP on the surface but its actually so much more than that... so many underlying dynamics and the kind of fic where its terrifying being in John's head. I feel like I can't say much more without giving stuff away.
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