#my youngest two fell in love with the books just in time for us to have a very percy jackson christmas lol
teapartyprincess4two · 3 months
Parenthood- C. Sturniolo
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pairing: Mom!reader x Dad!Chris
classification: SFW & NSFW head cannons
inspiration: request
warnings: some 18+ content, use of y/n, established relationship, I didn’t name the children but Chris has 2 sons in this 👍🏻
summary: head cannons of Dad!Chris.
Parenthood- M. Sturniolo (Matt’s Version)
Fatherhood is something that scared Chris beyond belief, but when you broke the news to him he couldn’t contain his excitement. When your son was born, he fell in love immediately, and you both learned to navigate being parents. Then, when you were blessed with a second son, he was even happier.
☆ Chris cherishes every single memory, he’s really sappy about it all. He has a box full of pictures, baby socks, the wristbands from the hospital, everything.
☆ “Chris, some of this is trash,” you chuckle, filtering through the endless trinkets that all seemed to hold significance to him.
☆ “Our son’s first pair of socks isn’t trash, Y/n!” he snatches the box away from you, carefully placing everything back in.
☆ “Okay, but this dirty napkin?”
☆ “I wiped my tears with that. THANK YOU,” he snatches it from you, his sassy demeanor making you laugh.
☆ Chris loves spoiling his son, whether it be with toys and games, or with summer trips.
☆ He goes all out too, splurging on trips to Disney or to elaborate water parks, making sure to book the hotel and everything.
☆ “Babe, he’s 3. He won’t even remember this,” you chuckle, dragging luggage’s behind you.
☆ “Yes you will. Right, son?” Chris coos, bouncing the baby in his arms and blowing a raspberry into his neck. The baby giggles, the sound being music to Chris’s ears.
☆ The whole week it’s just you and Chris going on all the kiddy rides, snapping pictures of your son, and passing out back at the hotel.
☆ When you find out you’re pregnant with your second son, Chris does everything in his power to make your firstborn’s last months as an only child special.
☆ He takes him to the park, cuddles him to sleep every night, and showers that boy in so much love.
☆ Even though Chris is extremely high energy, being a working dad of two is very tiring.
☆ So, when the kids get older, he starts feeling comfortable taking ‘dad naps’ in random spots around the house.
☆ “Chris, babe, can you help me in here really quick?” you’re balancing a fussy baby on your hip, the other hand stirring whatever’s on the stove.
☆ You peer your head outside to see Chris knocked out on the hanging lounge chair. His chin rests on his chest, mouth open and arms crossed as small snores fall past his lips.
☆ Your oldest son holds a long piece of grass, tickling Chris’s nose with it. Your son whispers eerily,“Wake up daaaad. Wake uppppp.” You can’t help but giggle at the sight.
☆ Chris has successfully managed to cement his legacy as the ‘cool dad,’ or at least he thinks he has.
☆ He loves wearing funky graphic t-shirts when he’s chaperoning the kids, “I was young once too. I was the shit back then, kid.”
☆ Your oldest son just rolls his eyes playfully, but in reality he really looks up to Chris.
☆ Your youngest son loves dressing up like his dad, wearing his oversized t-shirts and beanies so big they fall past his eyes.
☆ “Look mom, I look like daddy!” he exclaims, accidentally tripping on the shirt as he runs towards you.
☆ Other times, Chris will throw on some sunglasses and try acting mysterious.
☆ The mysterious act doesn’t last long though, especially not when your youngest son cuddles up next to him for his afternoon nap or when your oldest starts asking for snack money.
☆ At family parties, Chris goes all out. He’s buying a bouncy house, cooking the burgers, renting an ice cream truck, and inviting all of his family.
☆ He loves playing games with his kids, usually forming teams and challenging them, “Alright me and Matt verses you two. Losers have to jump into the pool with their clothes on.”
☆ “Okay, but uncle Nick has to be on our team,” your oldest replies, fully confident in his ability to win his dad.
☆ Nick is then recruited, and surprisingly isn’t needed because your sons are completely obliterating Chris’s team.
☆ Chris isn’t a sore loser, it’s a trait he never wants to subconsciously pass down to his kids, so he’s jumping into the pool fully clothed as his kids watch in a fit of giggles.
☆ Laundry day is easily Chris’s most hated day, especially with two messy children.
☆ He’ll ‘help’ you fold clothes, which really means that he’s toying with the same shirt and flicking through Netflix.
☆ When the kids are asleep, you and Chris will treat yourself to some takeout because that’s the only time you can order food that the kids don’t usually like.
☆ You two are like little rats, hiding in the pantry munching before the kids hear you and wake up.
☆ One small creak and you’re both frantically hiding the food. “THEY’RE COMING!” he whisper shouts, but when no one opens the door you both fall into a fit of laughter at the dramatics.
☆ As your firstborn son gets older, he starts becoming snappy and somewhat rude, as teenagers often do.
☆ And although Chris doesn’t like reprimanding his kids for the smallest things, he can be stern when it’s necessary.
☆ “Watch your fucking mouth, kid. I don’t want to hear shit like that from you again. Go to bed.” Your son is hanging his head down and trudging to his room.
☆ “Don’t you think you were a little harsh on him?” you whisper, holding onto Chris’s arm gently.
☆ “My kids aren’t gonna be disrespectful, especially not to their momma,” he replies, but when he hears your son sniffling in his room the guilt begins chipping away at him.
☆ It doesn’t take Chris long after that to enter your sons room and engulf him in a hug, scolding him in a much softer manner that informs your son that what he did was still wrong, but also that Chris still loves him.
☆ Baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, football; your sons are doing it all.
☆ Chris is in the stands, cheering so loud that his voice is hoarse by the end of the game. Even when his kid’s team doesn’t win, he’s still so incredibly proud of their performance.
☆ Chris reps the jerseys, attends the practices, and coaches his sons even when they’re at home, “Widen up your stance then throw!”
☆ Whenever there’s an opportunity to make his boys laugh, Chris is taking it.
☆ He picks them up from school wearing big, fake teeth while playing silly songs on the stereo.
☆ Your sons are never embarrassed, they just hold their sides and laugh uncontrollably, “Dad I’m gonna pee, stop!”
☆ He doesn’t spoil his kids, but he definitely buys them an unnecessary amount of things. It’s mostly harmless stuff like toys, games, and sugary snacks.
☆ “They don’t need any more toys, Chris,” you scold, struggling to make space for all of it.
☆ “We don’t need anything, Y/n,” he replies, his inner child going crazy.
As parents, it can be hard for you and Chris to make time for each other. Your schedules are packed with school, practices, work, and the few free moments in between are used for household chores. But Chris always makes time for you no matter what.
☆ For the most part, you have to be sneaky. During birthday parties or family events, you take advantage of how distracted your kids are and sneak away into an empty room like teenagers.
☆ Your adrenaline is pumping, clumsy fingers undoing his belt as he kisses you feverishly.
☆ “We have to be quick,” you whisper, watching hungrily as he lines himself up with your entrance.
☆ He doesn’t respond, knees wobbling and his animalistic grunts filling the room as he pumps into you quickly.
☆ Chris doesn’t last long, which is slightly embarrassing, but the times you guys have sex are so few and far between that you can’t blame him.
☆ “Sorry,” he whimpers, pulling out and collapsing next to you. “Don’t be sorry,” you smirk, straddling his hips and getting yourself off as he becomes an overstimulated mess.
☆ On date night Chris books a night at a nearby hotel, dropping the kids off with his parents and telling you to get all dolled up.
☆ He dresses up too, meeting you at the hotel bar and flirting with you like it’s his first time meeting you.
☆ “Hey beautiful, come around here often?”
☆ You play along, the butterflies swarming in your stomach despite sharing an entire life with this man, “I do. Never seen a man as handsome as you here before, though.”
☆ A few champagne glasses later, you’re both giddily walking back to the hotel room and making love under the soft lamp light.
☆ Some random mornings, he wakes up fully bricked and no matter how hard he tries to will the erection away it just won’t subside.
☆ “Y/n, baby, are you awake?” he murmurs, pressing soft, sloppy kisses on your exposed shoulders.
☆ You stir awake, a soft yawn escaping your lips as you reply, “I’m awake.”
☆ He pulls you in closer, his erection pressing against the back of your thigh.
☆ “Need some help there?” you chuckle, immediately understanding his intentions. He hums in response, letting you take over as he watches in a lazy haze.
☆ “So beautiful,” he moans, hands caressing and massaging every inch of your body. You can’t help but blush, hiding yourself in the crook of his neck.
☆ “Look at me,” he instructs, he doesn’t want to miss out on a single thing.
☆ “I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” his lips are latched to yours, an overwhelming feeling of love overtaking him as he blows his load inside of you.
A/n: meow 😋 dad Chris anyone? 🎤
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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melonminnie · 1 year
How about Planotic Yandere Claude x Daughter reader (who's the FL's twin sister) who is secretly living through her fifth life while she never got executed she always took her own life after her sister died because a life without her sister isn't a life worth living. She hates Claude with a passion and even when he starts to pay attention to his twins. She makes a point of never ever calling him Father or Dad and only refers to him as his Highness or Claude when talking about him. She is very suspicious of his intentions when he starts being nice to them. And while she does say "Thanks". She never ever accepts anything from him. Eventually this results in Claude begging his youngest twin daughter to call him Father Or Dad and she yells at him " WHY SHOULD I LOVE YOU WHEN YOU'VE NEVER EVER EVER LOVED US? HELL YOU BLAME US FOR MOM'S DEATH CLAUDE. EVERY TIME I HAVE COME BACK I WAS HOPING THAT MAYBE JUST MAYBE YOU HAD CHANGED AND YOU DESTROY THEM WITH EASE BY MURDERING MY TWIN SISTER AND THEN PROBABLY LAUGHING AT MY DEATH WHEN I TAKE MY LIFE. CAN'T YOU JUST GO BACK TO ACTING LIKE WE DON'T EXIST? YOU HAVE DONE IT UP UNTIL THIS POINT. CLAUDE PLEASE JUST GO." And Claude at first confused and concerned has a doctor check on his daughters and then reads a book which explains what's happening to reader. Claude realizing how many his other selfs screwed up and he winds up be coming super overprotective and Possessive of the twins and basically locks them away, promising to protect them from everythimg and everyone.
Two puppets (Yan!Claude x fem! Reader) platonic
-Tysm for requesting mwah!! Appearance is the same as athy ^^
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The girl stared at the ceiling once again, This scene was almost too familiar to begin with.
She sighed as if she’d gone threw this a million times which she had, this being her fifth life by now.
In each life she’d take her own after her twin sister would get executed, See y/n truly did adore her twin so much so that she couldn’t live without her.
In her first life she’d let it happen, then realized there was no meaning if she wasn’t around.
In her second life, she tried defending the princess, she’d gotten put in jail for trying to frame the imperial family. Then she committed suicide
In her third life she tried running away it didn’t work, it got repeated and she committed once again.
In her fourth life, she committed after she found out.
it was the same cycle again and again, the only thing she was thankful for in those lives was she got relive the happy moments with her sister over and over again.
the girl never once thought of blaming her sister for her own death, in fact in every life she’d blame her father, someone who was okay with murdering his own child over one who isn’t his to begin with.
She knew he probably laughed at her when he looked at her grave, If he ever even went. She knew he probably even laughed when he found out that she committed.
Saying that the princess hated him would be an understatement, she wished he’d burn suffer threw everything she’d been forced to go threw. Only then would she try to forgive the man.
“Athy stop running!” The blonde begged chasing after her sister, her short legs were getting her nowhere at this point.
from exhaustion the girl fell to the ground crying in her head mentally, she heard footsteps, “Y/n what’s wrong?” She tilted her head helping up her sister.
“You’re going to fast!” She cried, she clung onto her chest, Athanasia stared down at the girl.
“okay then we will walk!” She declared holding onto Y/ns hand and moving forward.
Athy at first was quite irritated by how clingy y/n was but she had gotten used to it, she’d adjusted her plan into the two of you running away when you two were older instead.
As usual you were looking out incase anyone was wondering why two toddlers were out.
“Athy do we go no-” for a split second you turned your attention to your sister who was biting gold, quickly you ran to her and scolded the blonde but before you could finish.
A shadow was cast upon the two of you upon looking at who it was, this hadn’t happened in any timeline prior to this.
You wanted to run away no you could, but your body wasn’t allowing you in the slightest, all you could do was stare at the blonde man who’s name was Claude de alger obelia, Who had gemstones for eyes, who was also your father the emperor.
What’s he doing here?, the girl though anxiously, this had never happened before, nor was her sister acting like in the past timelines but she never questioned it.
In fact she’d never actually seen the man, she’d heard about him, but she’d never seen him face to face.
“What is this?are they bugs take them away” the man demanded, y/n peered at her sister nervously realizing she had the same expression as her.
The gold coins and diamonds quickly fell to the ground make loud noises as they hit they hit the marble floor, it was noticeable in the silence making it even more awkward.
after a while he finally spoke again, “those faces I’ve seen them before” he sneered, “was it that dancer from siodonna?, you look like her” he added in the same tone.
When that scene ended, you could barely remember what happened or how you ended up in the emperors office seated next to your sister.
The blonde glanced around the room in suspicion, was he planning on murdering you in front of your sister? Why were you infront of him.
“Athy can talk” Y/n heard her sister speak she turned her attention back to her, right she wasn’t paying attention so what was this conversation even about? Was he about to murder Athanasia because he thought she turned out mute?.
after a while, y/n knew this was all an act from the way her sister was acting. But she didn’t bother speaking not like he was speaking to her anyway.
“I ordered them to bring out something kids would like” he spoke, noticing either of you were eating the food. “If you don’t eat I will have no choice but to punish the cook” he threaten his eyes trained on the two of you like you were animals.
“Thank you for the food!” Athanasia yelled stuffing her mouth with the deserts on the table. You swore you saw a tear fall down her face.
“And you why aren’t you eating?” He questioned, “I’ll eat later…” the girl responded, “thank you for the food your majesty” she added, She could feel Athanasia stare at her with a confused look.
it was left at that, the rest you erased from your memory, once the two of you returned you clung onto one of the maids legs and started crying.
Later that night, Felix came and informed the maids that you two would have tea together every day.
Claude soon found out the difference between the two of you, though you were twins you had shorter hair than her and more quiet, your existence was barely noticeable unless people payed attention.
Athy called claude her father, while you couldn’t even look at him without feeling disgusted in someway. The only thing anyone other than Athanasia was able to coax you into saying was “okay or thank you”. Anyone who wasn’t aware would assume your the older twin based on how you’d act, but Athy knew it was an act.
Everyone shrugged it off as you liking Athanasia more due to you two growing up together.
Once the emperor decided to give you a gift, Exactly to test your reaction. But it was the same. you’d thank him and never use the gift or wear it again. To say that he was irritated would be an understatement, this was the first emotion he’d shown other than his creepy smile.
He’d tried to find an answer as to why his youngest hated him with a passion, but he couldn’t find one he’d let you be and never irritate you once.
Every once in a while he’d ask her the question.
“Why won’t you call me father at least?”
“Why don’t you call me papa I thought younger siblings like copying their older siblings”
Once he resorted to some sort of begging watching your normal expression change into shock.
To say you’d had enough was an understatement, Each and every movement of his every word he’d spoke was irritating.
So the last time he’d opened his mouth and muttered out the saying you finally lost it.
“Why do you care” the girl asked her voice lower than a whisper, “what?” He responded clearly asking you to speak up.
“Why do you suddenly act as if you care do you think buying all this jewelry and junk would make us happy after you blamed us for our mothers death knowing she’d want us to be here you broke your promise with her all because you couldn’t handle losing her! You took it out on us and now you want waddle your way back into my life and bribe us with gifts? You want to kill Athy again like you always do you wanna murder her and make her regret being born when she did nothing! You’d probably laugh at me after I die again wouldn’t you? Life was better when you didn’t even know our names nor our looks I hate you I hate you so much words can’t describe it you’re not my father and you’ll never be! I hate you Claude I hate you with my entire soul”
the emperor was confused, Shocked maybe he stared at her speechless, he turned his attention to one of the servants in the room.
“Call the physician my daughter isn’t well” he spoke, the servant quickly scrabbling around.
“Your daughter seems just fine, your highness just make sure she drinks more water” he reassures leaving the room.
Still even with the rpm doctor confirming it, he couldn’t shake off this feeling that there was something off. From the way you said those words to be exact.
So he ordered Felix to bring him every book known about magic or sickness, he soon found out the reason.
Reincarnation, something that was told to be a myth, he believed a hundred percent that was what happened to you, it was uncanny because you aren’t dead, nor is your sister dead.
Although he doesn’t know how many lives you’ve had or how you even reincarnated, he knew that all of his past lives were why you were so wary of him.
He’d made a promise with himself that day, a promise that till the day he dies he’d keep you safe.
“Where are you going?” The blonde questioned his daughter, “Garden” she responded, without a word he picked her up and drew further away from the garden.
“Your hi-”
”From now on.. The second princess of obelia will only be allowed when requested if I find her out her room without it being brought to me first I’ll hang your heads on the palace walls. The same goes for the first princess” he declared his eyes fixated on the girl.
“Because as long as I’m alive nobody will be allowed to hurt you”
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I had a lot of fun writing the request ntg‼️‼️Hope u enjoyed reading pookies 😍💕💕
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oh-stars · 3 months
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a Stobin Month 2024 prompt | 539 words | CW: off-screen injury | Rating: G
“Does this make me old now?”
Robin rolls her eyes as she sits down beside Steve. She sets her markers down in the crease of her thigh as she twists to face him on the couch. “You’re not old.” 
“Me five years ago would never fumble this hard,” Steve huffs. He goes to cross his arms, but the big, bulky cast on his left hand stops him. He glares hard at it before offering it back to Robin. 
She hums a thankful noise and uncaps the first marker. 
“Just no dicks, please,” Steve sighs, leaning his head back. “I cannot go to work with dicks on my arm.” 
“Who do you think I am? Eddie?” Robin rolls her eyes again . “I would never draw a dick on your arm.” Boobies, however, are a different story. She makes them small and at the top part of his cast where it’s most likely going to be obscured by his shirts and jackets. 
Steve pouts. “I just cannot believe I fell so hard I broke my arm during a game with a bunch of old men.” 
“Aren’t they all under forty?” 
“Yeah, but this,” he gestures to the cast, “proves that I, the youngest of the group, is old and therefore, so are they.” 
“Come back to me when you get your first gray hair, then we can talk.”
“Why would you put that on me? Do you want me to die young? Jesus Christ, Robs,” Steve practically screeches, running his free hand through his hair. 
She just smiles and starts drawing little flowers randomly on the plaster, trading out colors every now and then. He got a bright neon green, so the darker colors are really popping against the plaster. 
For about thirty minutes, Steve just watches the ceiling fan as she doodles on his arm. She’s not leaving room for anyone else to sign, and maybe that’s selfish but Steve’s hers so she’ll do as she pleases, thank you.
Robin looks down at the mostly covered work and sighs. She decides to leave two openings for Dustin and Eddie to sign – the only two of the party who live in Chicago with them right now – but covers the rest. If she left any more openings, Eddie would doodle dicks and nerd shit while Dustin would use Steve’s arm to write equations or something. At least she’s drawing stuff he actually likes. 
There’s baseballs and basketballs (which she realizes may be a sore subject right now, so she put those where they were least visible) among the flowers and little music notes sprinkled in. She even drew a bottle of hairspray in the crease of his elbow. There’s a symbol for every job they’ve worked together: an icecream cone for Scoops Ahoy, a VHS tape for Family Video, a book for that bookstore they love, coffee mug from the brief time they tried to be baristas, a donut from the bakery that Steve still works at full-time and Robin helps out on the weekends, a pawprint for the pet store Robin convinced him to try, and a bone for the museum where Robin was a tour guide (and now does research at full-time) and Steve worked in the gift shop. 
And in big letters, going down his arm, she’s signed, “I love you dingus ❤ Robin.” 
“How’s that look?” 
Steve looks over it with a fond smile, the first since he reluctantly called her from the gym this morning. “It’s perfect.” 
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
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wosowrites · 1 year
Are You Jealous? (Jessie Fleming x Reader )
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Warnings: None!
A/N: Jealous Jessie is my fav ( also the interview from this gif is my all time favorite. strongly recommend it. ) Tell me if you guys like it :) Based off this request:
Prompt: Jessie and the reader have been dating for years in secret, so when Guro starts flirting with y/n, Jessie gets jealous.
You had been playing for the first Chelsea team since you were 16 years old, the youngest ever pro singing in the WSL. You played for the club a solid five years before meeting the woman that made your world spin, your heart beat. You had never publicly dated anyone before, the idea of having your relationship broadcasted was just never appealing to you. But it wasn’t as though your current relationship was public either. You and Jessie Fleming had been together since the second month Jessie was at Chelsea. You decided not to tell anyone for a while because Jess was still getting settled, and after a while, the sneaking around, sneaky touches and fleeted loving looks became… exciting. So you kept it that way, everyone thinking you were just especially close friends. When you left for international break, it was always a bit hard, but you managed. Surrounding yourself with your loyal Spanish teammates. Jessie was the only person you had ever dated, so it was normal that you didn’t pick up on flirting easily. You weren’t used to it, your canadian girlfriend and you had jumped into a relationship very quickly. People flirted with you a lot, fans, opposing team players after the game, and in one particular instance, a creepy ass referee. So when one of your Chelsea teammates, a certain norwegian, started flirting with you. You didn’t even notice.
You walked out of the team bus, walking towards the plane and dragging your heavy suitcase behind you. You and Kadeisha Buchanan were known as the over packers, both sharing a love for sneakers. "I call y/n!" Guro Reiten yelled, slinging her arm around you and smiling at you wildly. You usually sat with your girlfriend, and very much liked too, but you were a big believer that change was a good thing. "Sure! Hey i got a new game to play with two people on my phone. Play with me?" You asked, slinging your free arm around her. "Hell yeah!"
You guys both walked into the plane, smiling for the camera that was filming, not noticing that Jessie was glaring suspiciously at the back of Guros head.
You spent the entirety of the trip laughing, teasing each other, and eventually, Guro fell asleep on your shoulder. The photographer took a picture in which your head was resting on hers as you read a book on your phone.
You had zero clue that Jessie, who was sitting with Guro’s usual bus/plane buddy, Sam, was feeling really insecure.
When you landed, you got a notification saying that Chelsea had tagged you and guro in a post. You looked at the post, where one picture was of you and Guro laughing at something while walking into the plane, and the other was Guro asleep on you. The caption read "Guro x y/n, a classic duo."
It was true, almost 3/4 of your goals were from Guro’s assists, and your on pitch chemistry was amazing. But that was it, that was all. The only off pitch chemistry you cared about was the one you had with Jessie. You turned off your phone, and looked up, seeing Jessie walking with Sam. You rushed up to her, struggling with your suitcase. "Hey, Jess! How was the flight?" You asked her, quickly grazing your palm on her lower back. "It was fine." She answered coldly, making you frown and making Sam seem a bit uncomfortable. "Uhm- Millie’s… I- Mills!" Sam yelled, rushing up to her and leaving you alone with Jessie. "Jess? What’s wrong my love?" You whispered to her. "What is wrong?" She whispered back angrily. "Nothing. Just- leave me alone." Jessie said, speeding up. "No! Jessie you are my girlfriend and your upset with me. I want to make it better. I love you." You told her. Jessie’s face remained impassive and she didn’t say anything. "Jessie. I hate it when you go silent when you’re mad." You told her.
Jessie and you lived together, everyone’s assumed you were just roommates, which made sense because you were experts at keeping your private life, well, private. But, because you lived together, and we’re dating, you shared a car. Meaning the drive home from the airport was silent, and awkward. Jessie was at the wheel, and you were sitting in the passengers seat, fiddling with your necklace. "Jessie are you going to say anything?" You said, starting to get worried, your heart felt tight. "No." Jessie answered. "You said something…" you teased, it didn’t work. "Pull over, Jessie." You told her. She kept driving straight. "Jessie Alexandra Fleming. Pull over right now because we are not going home until you tell me what’s wrong because there is no way in hell i’m letting you go to sleep mad at me." You told her.
Jessie’s face did not soften, but she did pull over, parking on the side of a road in the countryside.
You unbuckled your seat belt and turned to look at her. "Baby… what is wrong. And how can I make it better." You told her, reaching your hand out and putting it on her thigh.
"Baby? How about you go call Guro that." Jessie said coldly, not meeting your gaze. You were taken aback a little, not expecting Jessie to be jealous. "Oh my god… Jess… are you jealous?" You asked, smiling at her. "Don’t laugh, y/n! What is wrong with you?" She said. "I’m sorry, i’m sorry." You answered quickly, composing yourself. "Jessie look at me, I love you. I love your freckles, and your laugh. And I love your hair and the way you always know what food I want, even when I don’t. I love the way you look good in everything, and I love when you talk about which coffee mugs are the best. I love when you put your hair in that little bun and how your calves pop when you run. You mean everything to me. You’ve always meant everything to me. And I hate that you felt as though you didn’t. As though I could replace you with anyone." You told her, your heart aching at the fact that she felt as though she was anything less than your entire world.
Jessie looked at you, a smile creeping onto her face. "You do?" She said quietly. "Yes! I do. And I obviously don’t say it enough so get ready for me to tell you it every day. All the time." You told her, leaning in and pushing your forehead against hers.
You kissed her, letting your hand slip under her shirt, grazing your nails up and down her back.
"I think it’s time to tell people about us." Jessie said as she pulled away. "Really?" You said, smiling at her. "I want everybody to know you’re mine." Jessie whispered, her voice slightly hoarse. "Possessive Jessie. I’m into it."
The next day at training, you told your teammates who all looked like they saw a ghost. It was clear to you both how well you had hidden your relationship. And you both even decided to take it to the next level and post about it. You’ve always wanted to be a role model for young girls in sports, but being able to be one for the queer community would just be another plus.
When you went to bed the night of your public relationship announcement, you could see that Jessie was slightly nervous. Jessie was the most private person you knew. You were private but you still posted often, and liked to keep in touch with what fans were saying on social media. "It’s gonna be okay, Jess." You told her. "I know. And I know I’m the one who wanted to tell people… and i’m happy we did. It’s just scary. Only my sister knew about us. And you of course. And now everybody does. It’s a leap." Jessie said, lying her head on your chest. "But i’m really happy I took the leap with you." She finished. "I’m happy too." You said, passing your fingers through her hair.
"I can’t believe how jealous you were." You snorted after a moment of silence. "Shut up!"
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apocalypseornaw · 8 months
Wanna be Yours (Pt 4/5)
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Sam Winchester x Reader
You can't deny it anymore, you're head over heels for the youngest Winchester.
You sat across the table from Dean watching the waitresses as they wove between tables, taking orders and delivering them as well. Normally Sam would be with the two of you but it seemed like since you moved into the bunker the friendship that had formed between you and the younger Winchester had started to fade.
Dean tossed a mozzarella stick at your head and laughed when you caught it and glared at him "You seem kind of out of it. That hit you took a few weeks back isn't acting up is it?" You shook your head, absent-mindedly rubbing between your shoulders were the bruising had been worse "Naw, just thinking" "About?" He asked, the barest hint of a grin pulling to his face. You rolled your eyes before replying "Thinking about if I'd met your grandfather I could've been your grandmother easily"
His mouth fell open in shock for a moment before an appreciative smirk slipped onto his face "You've been around me too long. I kind of like it not gonna lie" you laughed at the response. "What was Sam up to tonight anyways?" He asked and you shrugged "Something about research. There's always an excuse for him to be hidden away in the stacks"
He raised an eyebrow at your response "Sweetheart, should we be having a discussion about my brother here?" You leveled him with a look "What are you asking Winchester?" His tongue flicked out, wetting his lips as he stared you down "Honestly? I think you have a thing for Sam and I know he has a thing for you" "Yeah, bullshit Dean" you shook your head waving to the waitress to ask for another round. She spotted you and smiled with a nod.
Dean was watching you the entire time and when you finally looked back at him he grinned "So?" You shook your head "Drink your beer and eat your mozzarella sticks Dean. I love you but let's talk about anything else right now" he was clearly biting back a laugh when he nodded "Ok"
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Sam was sitting in the war room, looking over men of letters files and lore books when he heard the door leading into the bunker open followed by the sound of you and Dean singing highway to hell echoing down the stairwell.
When the two of you made it to the base of the stairs he felt his heart drop when he saw that Dean's arm was around your shoulders and you were tucked into his side. You grinned when you caught his eye "Sam, you should've come with us! There was karaoke! I talked Dean into singing!"
The two of you walked down the final stairs, you walking a little ahead of Dean and him steadying you slightly when you made it to the base of the stairs. You turned towards him and patted his chest "He sang dead or alive and rocked the place"
Sam nodded slowly "You got Dean to sing in public?" You shrugged "I'm good like that, what can I say?" Dean grinned "And on that note, I'm showering and going to bed. Sweetheart you good?" You nodded "I can take it from here"
Sam looked away when Dean left a quick kiss on your cheek but looked back to nod when Dean said "Night Sammy" "Night Dean"
You watched Dean disappear down the hall then cut your eyes back at Sam, glancing over the contents of the table in front of him "What ya working on?"
He half shrugged "Nothing important. Was just going through old files" you smiled slightly "Want some help?" He looked towards the hallway then back at you, a look of confusion crossing his face "I thought you two were drunk?" You shook your head with a laugh "Drunk? No. We had a few beer each but the espresso we stopped off for had us buzzing worse than any alcohol"
He chuckled at that, rubbing at the back of his neck "I mean, if you want. I'm just looking over the men of letters files to see if there's anything we should add to the lore or hunter journals" you nodded and took your jacket off to drape it across the back of one of the chairs "Slide me some files"
He slid you a small stack and one of the leather bound journals you and him had taken to collecting your own lore into. "Um thanks" you smiled "Of course."
You didn't mind researching, that was what always made you and Dean a good team when you were younger. He was more shoot first, ask questions later. He'd gotten better about it the older he got though and had even taken to not minding research as bad.
You and Sam worked in silence for the better part of an hour before you started to yawn. He cut his eyes up with a smile "Espresso wearing off?" You shrugged with a small smile "I think so. You calling it?" He looked over the files then nodded "Yeah. Go grab a shower so you can head to bed. I'll put everything away"
You stood and grabbed your jacket as he started to gather the files. You turned to head to your room bur stopped halfway "Sam?" He looked up "Huh?" You waved a hand between the two of you "Maybe next time we can leave Dean at the bunker and the two of us can do something?"
A slight smile pulled at his lips "If Dean's good with it, sounds good to me" you nodded with a smile "Good. Night Sam" "Night Y/N"
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You wanted nothing more than to throw your phone against a wall when it started ringing, especially when you checked the time to see it was three in the morning. You fumbled on your nightstand and when your hand finally hit the phone it took everything in you to not say what do you want instead of hello. "Y/N, babe. I know it's early but I need an assist if ya up for it" you groaned lightly under your breath "What's up Ronnie?" "I'm thinking Djinn. Not sure the flavor but that's why I called you"
You nodded then remembered you were on the phone "Thinking one woman assist or should I round up the fellas too?" You could pratically hear the grin in her voice when she said "Oh do bring the Winchesters. At the very least it's something pretty to look at" you bit your tongue to stop what you wanted to say from coming out. Dean was your best friend, not just something pretty to look at and as for Sam, well Ronnie better keep her hands and comments to herself where he was concerned.
"Promise to be nice Rons?" You asked, silently adding that you would blacklist her with every damn hunter in the states if you had to. "Always babe. I'll see ya in a few hours"
Normally you rolled out in your challenger along with the impala but by riding in the backseat while Dean drove you got a chance to catch a little more sleep. You found yourself worrying about Ronnie being inappropriate with either Winchester and what you would be forced to do if she was.
You were half asleep when Dean let out a sharp whistle. You cut your eyes up and he grinned "You're being quiet, should we worry?" You shook your head "Naw, you know I'm not a fan of Djinn any more than you are. That's all" He narrowed his eyes "You sure?" "Yes Dean. I'm sure" he nodded "Ok"
Sam cut his eyes back at you and you couldn't help but grin "Yes Samuel?" He laughed lightly "Nothing" you winked at him and said "I think your brother is just a mother hen don't you?" That pulled another laugh from him which you joined in on from the look on Dean's face. "Uh oh. We hit a nerve"
You were regretting bringing the boys the moment Ronnie told them hello. She of course batted her eyes at Dean but they nearly bugged out of her head when she saw Sam for the first time in years. You kicked yourself when you remembered she'd always liked longer haired men.
You hadn't realized your hands were balled into fists until Dean reached out silently and tapped the knuckles of your right hand. You cut your eyes at him and uncurled your fingers. He raised an eyebrow and you shrugged "Ok. Well I'll hit the local butcher for lamb's blood. We got silver knives in the impala. Let's get on it so we can take this thing out and get this done. I wanna get home"
Ronnie looked at you and grinned "Of course babe. Let's get on it"
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Two Djinn had taken a warehouse full. Luckily with four hunters on the case there was only two dead in thirteen people. You hated losing anyone regardless so Ronnie immediately asking the boys if they wanted to hit a bar as soon as everything was cleared up rubbed you the wrong way. The only reason you stepped foot into the bar was Dean had pratically baited you into it. He knew just what buttons to push.
You stood at the bar next to Dean watching as Ronnie shamelessly flirted with Sam. The way she was touching his arm and laughing at everything he said "Could she be any more desperate" you muttered and Dean laughed "Could you be any more jealous?"
You spun to look at him and he raised his hands "Hey, I'm just speaking facts. I don't know if it's just a physical thing and you think Sammy's hot or if you actually want a thing with him but it's obvious to me there's something and I say this as your best friend and his older brother if you just said the word you'd have him wrapped around your little finger"
You shook your head and was about to reply but just about then the bartender stopped to place your drinks in front of you. Dean slid him a twenty so you thanked him with a smile before picking up two of the four drinks.
Ronnie was pretty. She didn't compare to you but she wasn't ugly and maybe some part of Sam liked the attention especially when he looked up to see you standing close to Dean, the two of you talking about something.
When you and Dean made it back to the table he noticed that you wouldn't look his way, even when Ronnie made a comment about his dimples being "Fucking adorable" you simply rolled your eyes "I thought you weren't a fan of dimples Ron"
What finally drew you into the conversation was when Dean started a story about some hunt you and him had met up on in your early twenties so you cut in to correct him on who had done what and to tease that you had gotten the killing blow. Eventually Dean managed to pull a smile to your face and Sam felt that familiar jealousy at his brother having the effect he wanted to have on you.
When Ronnie asked him to dance he accepted the offer but didn't miss the way your eyes tracked him as he walked away.
You sat next to Dean feeling your stomach drop. Should've known you weren't good enough for Sam. Hell he was smart and brave. He'd fought lucifer from the inside and won. He was absolutely gorgeous and one of the best hunters and men you'd ever met. You told yourself Ronnie didn't deserve him either but who were you to say that?
After a moment you let out a sigh and Dean cut his eyes at you "Y/N? You good?" You shook your head "I'm falling for your younger brother Dean and have no clue what to do about it" "Go tell him!" He urged and you opened your mouth to argue about the time you saw Ronnie pull Sam down into a kiss.
Dean's eyes widened and you mumbled something about needing fresh air before making a straight line to the door heading outside.
Dean watched you shove your way through the crowd and decided he'd had enough. He'd seen the way Sam looked at you, he knew his little brother. Why was he wasting time with Ronnie instead of going after you?
"Fuck it" he mumbled and headed for where Sam and Ronnie were still dancing and grabbed Sam's arm. When Sam spun to face him he motioned to the door "We gotta go" Ronnie grinned "Oh C'mon Dean we were having fun. I'll bring him back to the hotel" Dean shook his head "No, we gotta go as in get on the road. The twins will be coming through Kansas and need a place to crash" "Oh boo" Ronnie cooed and he nodded "Better luck next time Ron. C'mon Sammy"
You were leaning against the impala, watching the people mill around the entrance of the bar. Why hadn't you drove your car?
You were about to go back in to get the keys from Dean when you spotted him and Sam coming towards you. You knew from the looks of it they were arguing and you hoped like hell it wasn't about you.
When they made it to the impala you and Dean shared a loaded look before he said "We're hitting the road" you cut your eyes at Sam "What about Ronnie?" He shrugged "Dean said we gotta hit the road, something about the twins needed a place to stay"
"Sorry Sam" you whispered and he shrugged "Not that big of a deal. Let's just hit the road"
You got a text from Ronnie halfway back to Kansas "Alcohol wore off, I fucked up kissing him didn't I?" You texted back "We're good" and she simply sent a smiley emoji back.
You laid your phone down then leaned your head over on the seat. You needed to just tell Sam, this was getting to be fucking pathetic but the thought of being rejected by your best friend's younger brother? That shit stung. You could do this, hell you had to.
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plentyoffandoms · 5 days
I'm good thanks.
That's awesome to hear.
Can I request for Lord Alfred Debling. Please and thank you.
He finds a wife who is just as obsessed about astrology as he is about nature, which she also received ridicule for. The marriage was arranged but they bond over they're interests. She travels with him since she can use the stars to navigate. They eventually settle at his estate once she gets pregnant. They have the cutest litter of children running around. And they're just the sweetest family. The kids names are even themed to their interests.
Our Family
Lord Debling x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Bridgerton Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @didanagy
Warnings. None
Requested by anonymous. I hope you like it, and such a cute idea
WC: 836
My wife and I were strolling in our garden, with our children running around. It was getting late in the evening, and it was the perfect time to look up into the night sky.
Our children were very excited as the night sky had no clouds and they could see the stars. They are also excited as the summer flowers are starting to bloom, and many bugs are starting to come out due to the warmer weather coming on.
My wife and oldest daughter, Ivy, were discussing their latest book they had read, and I was keeping an eye on the younger children, but their oldest brother, who is Ivy's twin, Berry was keeping them from wondering off.
When I first met my darling wife all those years ago, I was not happy. My parents and her parents got together and arranged our marriage.
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Her and I are considered odd in our society as my love of nature and her love of astrology. Most people could not wrap their heads around it.
Our parents were concerned that my way of life at the time was no means for a lady. I was leaving after the wedding and her staying at our estate, but not her.
She joined me on my adventures, getting to know the real me, and I got to know her. I showed her the beauty in our world, and she showed me the beauty of our vast sky.
The first few days into my trip, I became concerned that we were getting lost, but she showed me how to navigate with the stars.
I truly became memorised by her, and I slowly fell in love with the woman my parents arranged for me to marry.
Once she became pregnant, I decided that it was time for us to settle at our estate and start to make a home worthy of our children.
Archer and Basil ran past me, laughing, bringing me out of my memories.
"Now boys, please watch where you are going." I said to them, not wanting to ruin their fun, but for then not to get hurt or hurt one of their siblings.
"Yes, father." They muttered before running off, playing some game of tag that is only between the two of them.
I helped my wife up the hill, as she was once again pregnant, but our sweet little Cordelia came rushing down the hill, wanting to help her mother up the hill.
Cordelia is the youngest at four years of age and is excited to be a big sister.
My wife sat down on the bench I had placed here not long after we came home.
"Now, you all know the rules. No fighting, no shoving, no yelling. We all get a turn." I didn't like to impose 6 many ruled on my children as our society does that already, but after the first time we did this, and the telescope got broken, their mother and I knew that some rules had to be put in place.
I stood next to the telescope as our children, from oldest to youngest, looked up into the night sky, completely in awe.
Ivy, Berry, Aurora, Archer, Basil, our other set of twins, Willow, Jupiter, Celeste, and Cordelia all took their turns, then rushed to their mother's side, asking her questions.
"Now, now, my darling children, it is your mother's turn." I said as they parter for me to get to her, to help stand her up from the bench.
"Take your time, dear. We have all night." She gave me a soft smile and leaned into look into the telescope. Our children ran off to play the scavenger hunt game I made for them before we came out here.
They had to find a certain bug or plant and cross it off their list. I even drew pictures next to what they need to be looking for.
Once, I knew the children were occupied, safe, and having fun, which I could tell by the squeals of laughter coming from around our garden, I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head on her shoulder.
"Oh, Alfred, it is just beautiful." She said as she straightened and leaned back into my arms.
"Not as beautiful as you, my beautiful wife."
"You shush now, husband. You are going to make me become vain with all your praises." Her and I laughed at that.
I turned her around in my arms so we were facing one another, I kissed her while placing my hand on her stomach, her and I was giggling at feeling our newest one kicking.
"Oh gross, they are kissing again." I heard Archer say before running off.
"How about when we are done here, and they are put to bed, you and I have some fun our bedroom."
"It's like you are trying to get me pregnant, even though I am already pregnant." She teased.
"We make lovely children." I told her.
"That we do Alfred, that we do."
Tag list: @madhatterbri
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A Perfectly Normal Schoolgirl, part 7
Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, and Part 5 here, and part 6 here. Thanks for reading!
It was a trap, as expected. What I did not expect was to get thoroughly caught in it. As soon as I stepped out into the open, a net descended upon me. I suppose it was entirely my fault, because I thrashed enough to get Dane caught in it too. The two of us fell into a heap of netting and limbs, and only L had the sense to back away. As I was forcibly pulled into the light by sharp-nailed hands, I watched my brother press himself against the wall, blending in with the darkness. 
“Well, isn't that a sight?” Mrs C. sneered down at me. “The Kat got dragged in this time. I could've sworn it was typically the other way around,” she purred.
I detangled myself from Dane and prepared to launch myself at her. “Nuh uh,” she hissed, aiming a sharp kick at my stomach. “I'm afraid someone's watching.”
She was right, damn it. The unflinching red of a security camera watched me from a corner of my vision. I dared do no more than bare my teeth and hiss at her.
Beside me, Dane stumbled into a semi-upright position. “Kat,” he hissed, confused and helpless as a newborn kitten. “What's going on?”
I forced him back down. Damn that boy, always piping up at the wrong time. Hoping it would distract her, I met Mrs C's triumphant grin with a look of pure hatred. “Cheng Kai Ling, eldest of eight,” I began, feeling the camera's stare burn me. “Born 1890 as the child of two poor immigrants. Taught to read and write by the nuns at Saint Joseph's Convent. You had a penchant for mathematics, they realised, and set you at the book-keeping of the church. That was how you put your youngest brother through to university. He was far dumber than you, however, and you all knew it. But what could you do? You were the eldest, and a girl besides.”
Her facade wavered. “How the hell do you know that?” She grabbed me by my lapels, shaking me roughly. “Hmm? Tell me, little witch.”
Was that what she thought I was? I gave her my blandest smile. “It was a dark night, just before a hurricane hit, that a stranger showed up at your door. He was cold and pale and you were kind, so you let him into the convent. He offered you a chance to see the future, didn't he? A chance to live a life beyond the boundaries of the church and your books.”
“Kat,” Dane repeated, tugging at my skirt. “Maybe you should stop upsetting her?”
We both paused, and I winced. With nigh-inhuman speed, Mrs C swept Dane up and tossed him against the wall, ripping the wire net as she did so. I watched my friend smack against the wall with a crack. He didn't stir, and I hoped he had nothing worse than a concussion.
“Yes, little Katherine. You should shut up, just like your little boyfriend,” Mrs C concurred. “Perhaps if you beg for forgiveness now, I will make your and your love's deaths swift.” The grimace on her face said otherwise.
I gulped despite myself, and continued. “In some ways, I don't blame you. I sacrificed so much for my freedom too, you know. But-” I crossed my arms. “To sacrifice your entire family? To give up your sisters' lives and burn your home down to ash? To gulp down their lifeblood to sustain yours? I think you crossed one line too far.”
Mrs C's eyes glowed ever-so-slightly red, just like the camera. “You insolent bitch! You think you know anything about my life? You think you’re worthy of judging my choices? You're nothing but a feckless child, and I'm going to drain you dry,” she snarled, baring teeth.
“Sure you will,” I drawled. “You're not any more intimidating than you were when you told me off for not handing in my homework. Less so, actually. At least then you had a leg to stand on.” There was, in fact, a tinge of panic to my voice. I tried to control it, as far as I could, but truth be told, I really had no idea how to get out of this one.
Bad enough that I was trapped, but Dane was a massive liability, fragile as he was. L was never going to dare the camera's attention, even if my life was on the line. Or was he?
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement. I suppose L had been smarter than I gave him credit for, because he snuck directly beneath the camera, right under its blind spot. I dared not look closer, for Mrs C had leaned in so close that I could smell the blood on her breath.
“Oh, you are so dead,” she snarled. “I am going to rip you limb from limb, right after you watch me eat your little boyfriend alive. If you're lucky, his screams will be the last thing you hear.” Her fingers dug in sharp against my shoulders, and I prayed she would not notice the lack of blood.
“Is that so? Aren't you worried you'll damage your dentures?” I sneered at her. “Perhaps you should just check yourself into an old folk's home instead. Wouldn't want to give yourself a heart attack with all the excitement you've got going on.” 
It was a shot in the dark, but it hit home. She tossed me harder she had done Dane, a blow that would shatter any lesser being's limbs. Playing innocent, I lay limp as a ragdoll, listening to the clacking of her footsteps. Curses, but we were still trapped under the camera's gaze. 
Her breath came in harsh gasps, the last traces of her facade of humanity evaporating. With fingers like needles, she hauled me up to eye level. “Foolish girl,” she began, but I was having none of it. 
I raised my head and met her eyes. With a deliberate hawk, I produced a glob of saliva.
Then I spat it in her eye.
The effect was immediate. She released me with a howl that was more animal than sapient, clawing at her face. Her body rippled as it shed its guise, revealing what lay beneath. Her canines sharpened, sliding out of her mouth like sabres. Bones crackled as they slid out of her skin as jutting spikes, two rubbery wings ripping her dress as they flared up like a cape.
Finally, her transformation was over. Head brushing against the ceiling, Mrs C looked down at me with eyes that were a pure red. Her tongue flickered out, split in half. “Gaze upon me,” she growled with a hundred voices. “Gaze upon me, little witch, and know true fear.”
On my knees before a monster and watched by a camera that would gleefully end me, I laughed. “You know,” I said, giggling like a schoolgirl in the face of her blinding wrath, “You really should look behind you.” 
(hehe cliffhanger)
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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chaos-and-ink · 6 days
Tell me about your OCs! Pls. ❤️
Ooo! I literally have a million OCs so I'll just talk about one of my universes that I really love. I call it my DayBreaker universe. These are the main characters in it!!!
Jaymes Breaker is a fighter pilot who is in the air force! He has three kids and absolutely loves spending time with them. He also enjoys being outdoors and in nature. Jaymes mountain bikes, hikes, and loves to travel, especially to national parks. He's a nice guy but can be very protective of those he loves. He's a huge family-man and spends as much time with his kids as he can when he's home. Jaymes loves his work but he plans to get out of the Air Force soon so he can settle down with his kids and spend more time with them. He wants to potentially take up a career in photography, specifically wildlife photography and nature. He's also extremely dependent on caffeine and needs at least two cups of coldbrew before his brain is online.
Sebastian Day is Jaymes partner in the air and on the ground. AKA he flied with Jaymes and they worked together but they've also been dating for 10 years. Sebastian is a chaotic dork who loves his dog Apollo and also loves music and playing the drums. He's very child-like with lots of energy and curiosity and brings very positive vibes to every room he enters. He has a ton of random drunk tattoos that he wears without shame. He is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser. Bash retired from the Air Force 5 years ago and now runs a rescue shelter for disabled dogs. He also takes care of Jaymes's kids when he is away for work. When they were working together in the Air Force, people nicknamed them DayBreaker, combing their last names.
Sammi Breaker is Jaymes's wife. She passed away two years ago due to breast cancer. She used to work in the army as a mechanical engineer and absolutely loved her job. Sammi's dad was a car mechanic so that's where she got her love for all things grease and oil. Sammi's incredibly smart and independent and raised her kids to be strong willed but understanding and respectful. She doesn't back down from a challenge. Sammi had been married to Jaymes for 13 years, they got married right out of high school when they were 19. Even though she's married to Jaymes she's always supported his romantic relationship with Bash. She's not romantically involved with Sebastian but they are close friends and the three adults worked together to raise the three kids.
Avery Breaker is the youngest daughter of Sammi and Jaymes. She's very quiet and shy but when she doesn't like things she will stand her ground like a stubborn mule. Avery loves to draw. She's only 6 years old and doesn't like talking much so she communicates mostly through ASL. She loves hanging out with her parents and Bash and her favourite thing is going on walks and sitting on people's shoulders.
Charli Breaker is 10 years old and is PURE CHAOS. Like running around screaming getting into things, climbing trees and falling out of them type chaos. He loves playing outside and making believe. He's also super energetic and acts a lot like Bash. Which explains why they get along a ton. Charli can be a lot to handle but everybody loves him and he is a genuinely nice kid, just very hectic at times. He keeps everyone on their toes.
Logan Breaker is Charli's fraternal twin brother. He's a lot quieter and doesn't like to get his hands dirty. He prefers reading indoors and learning new things. Logan doesn't like conflict and hates getting in the middle of arguments. He's often very logical and refuses to accept things without knowing why or how they work. His favourite things to do are watch documentaries and read books or study niche interests. He often tries to hide from his rambuctious twin brother to get some peace of mind.
Apollo (Day) is Bash's dog. He rescued Apollo a few years ago. He met him a shelter and completely fell in love, visiting the dog every week until he felt he was stable and clean and could take responsibility for a dog. Apollo is a 6 year old mutt that was backyard bred. He's a husky shepherd mix and has a lot of health problems, including being deaf and having hip and spine problems. Apollo is a very energetic dog and Bash does his best to take care of him and keep him safe.
Feel free to send more asks about them. I LOVE talking about these guys so much. I also have some art of them, I'll upload it when I have my iPad on me :))
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Finn Shelby- Blackmail
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I was inspired by an imagine called 'Obsessed' from @whoree4fictionalmen book 'red right hand' over on Wattpad so please go and give her some love for inspiring this imagine.
Trigger Warning: Abuse, Sexual Assault, Arguing, Black Mail ⚠️
The Shelby brothers, the men all of Small Heath are afraid of. Well almost all. YN and her family are just some of the exceptions. YN's mother and the Shelby's mother were best friends, they even fell pregnant at the same time having Finn and YN only a month apart. This meant that YN's mum helped Polly look after the Shelby's when their mother passed away and when their father left them. As time went on and YN got older she became interested in boys, much to the Shelby's dismay. You see they became family to her and now YN saw them as her brothers, as if her last name was Shelby.
At the age of 17 YN started dating an older guy named James. She thought the world of him and because he was 7 years older she believed that he was more mature. Unfortunately that relationship broke down due to abuse, Tommy had threatened the guy and he skipped town. 2 years on YN and Finn have been dating now for 8 months.
YN walks through the dark gloomy streets of Small Heath, on her way to the Garrison where Finn and his brothers are meeting. Wrapping her coat tighter around her body she looks behind her seeing a figure following her. While normally she wouldn't be afraid, because of who she was associated with, this figure had an aura about him that scared her. Quickening her pace she turns a corner, now being able to see the pub her body relaxes a little. That is until she is pushed between two buildings, a hand over her mouth. That's when she realises who is standing in front of her. James.
"What are you doing back here?" YN asks with a shaky voice
"Missed you" his smirk making her feel sick
"Shhh it's ok. I had to go away and get us a place far away from here. I'll give you till the of the week to say goodbye to your parents then we're moving to London. A man named Alfie will help us" Alfie? Alfie Solomons? no way he would help him YN thought and she was right. Alfie had already spoken to Tommy about a man asking for help and the Shelby name had been mentioned. This is why they were meeting at the Garrison "now your going to take me to your home so we can catch up" YN shakes her head
"My parents are home"
"Then we will catch up here" YN tries to push the man off her, but he pushes her further into the wall trapping her body between it and him. Taking her hands he places them above her head "if you scream, tell anyone, let anyone know what happened here, I'll kill you and you parents. Understand?" YN nods her head giving up and let's James have his way with her.
She walks into the Garrison trying to not let on to what just happened
"Here she is, see told ya she was on her way" Arthur slaps the shoulder of his youngest brother. Finn smiles walking over to YN placing a kiss on her cheek
"Hi, sorry I'm late. I err didn't realise the time when I left"
"Don't worry about it. Do you want a drink?" Finn asks
"No thank you" YN weakly smiles at her boyfriend. He knows somethings up but doesn't press her. Finn knows that YN will talk when she's ready. If anyone knew what YN was going through right now, they would tell her to speak to Finn and his brothers, but what if James had found out she did before they could help make sure her parents were safe. No. YN had to deal with this herself. She would make up an excuse to why she couldn't go with James.
The end of the week arrives and YN has no choice but to tell someone about what's been happening. James has been sexually assaulting her everyday now, and has also now got a few hits in. She has been covering up a bruised for the last 2 days and now she has out of options. Taking a deep breath YN knocks on Tommy's office door. His gruff voice tells her to enter
"Hey Tommy" confusion laced his face hearing YNs voice. Looking up he sees how nervous the girl actually is
"What's wrong?" he asks gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. YN sits down as Tommy folds his arms together
"My ex is back in town"
"Shit" Tommy breathes out "Alfie said he would be. Has he spoken to you?" YN nods looking ashamed. She lowers her head picking at her nails, a nervous habit "YN has he touched you" a sniffle is all that can be heard "when"
"Fuck sake YN why didn't you say something?" Tommy stands up, anger clear in his voice
"He said he would kill my parents Tom"
"And you know we would have protected them!" he yells at the girl he sees as a sister
"I'm meant to be leaving with him tonight Tommy"
"What?" he yells "does Finn know?" YN shakes her head "right im calling a family meeting and you are telling him. Understood?"
The Shelby family arrive at Tommys office within an hour
"What's this about Tom?" Arthur grunts sitting down
"YN care to tell them?"
"What's going on?" Finn asks looking worried
"James is back" she whispers a chorus of 'shit' 'what?' 'fuck' are heard
"And YN thought she could handle this on her own" Tommy crosses his arms once again
"Fucking hell YN" Arthur rubs his hands over his face
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"What was I meant to say Finn? hey James is back he rapped me and threatened to kill my family and me. He would Finn while you go to save my parents he would kill me or the other way around. What was I meant to do?"
"You were meant to fucking tell us!" he yells making YN jump
"Finn calm down" John tries
"I'm endangering my parents right now being here. Fuck he probably knows. I can't loose my parents" the tears YN has been tried to keep back finally fall
"Right this is what's going to happen. Finn you stay here with YN. Micheal you and John go and make sure YNs mum and dad are alright. Arthur your with me"
"What are you going to do?" YN asks wiping her tears on her sleeve
"We're going to finish this. Stay here" the brothers and cousin all leave, leaving YN and Finn alone
"I'm sorry I shouted at you. I just wish you would have told me when this started"
"I know, but Finn I was scared. And scared what you would think and that you'd leave"
"You think I'd leave you because of some fucker?"
"I thought you'd leave because I didn't fight him. I knew it would be no good and that if I did fight him he'd make everything worse for me"
"Come here" Finn pulls YN into his arms where she suddenly feels relaxed and safe "nothings going to happen now. Your safe" YN doesn't think she could hold Finn any tighter but she surprises herself.
That night the Shelby brothers dealt with James while Finn holds YN close to him. It takes time for YN to be comfortable with certain things like sex, but with Finns love, time and patience YN soon learned how to be herself once again.
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
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╰┈➤ many were the names that helen of troy was called by the poets. the most beautiful woman in greece, a daughter and a sister of kings and gods, an evil witch, a whore. but she was just a girl torn between love and duty, wasn't she? just like you. exactly like you. but there weren't guns in ancient greece, and the trojan war could never be compared by the bloodshed that could happen in tokyo if you fell in love with the wrong person — especially being married to his worst enemy, and brother.
pairings — izana kurokawa x fem!reader x sano manjiro.
warnings — reader is the youngest haitani, cheating, gang things, talks about a gang war, non-explicit s*x, dubcon, guilty feelings, heartbreaking, light angst.
prologue — next chapter — masterlist (taglist form can be found there)
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verse one
you were used to waking up to a cold and lonely bed, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell. 
the exact moment your marriage with izana became such a shallow thing was still a mystery for you, but everything seemed to change when you two came back from your honeymoon. it seemed as if he wanted just to possess you, to call you his and put a beautiful ring on your finger, just for the sake of saying he managed to settle down with the haitanis' younger sister. 
kakucho, when you voiced your worries to him, said it was just the way izana was — he didn't know how to show love, even though you disagreed with him. you felt loved in your dating months, loved like no one else ever loved you before. why things needed to change now, that you two were married? and change for the worst, actually. 
the only thing keeping you relatively happy were the notes. 
at first, you thought it was your husband, the sender of them. it made sense — who else would be doing such a thing? and it made sense, too, due to kakucho's explanation about how izana truly loved someone. but you could recognise your husband's calligraphy in a heartbeat, and it wasn't his. the thought about who was a fool enough to send such romantic and tender notes to the woman married to japan's most wanted criminal haunted you for months, even though the notes were your source of happiness.
the worst part was that you couldn't tell a soul about it, because if word about it reached izana's ear, they would end in the spot. 
but when the first signed letter arrived, you knew izana could do anything he wanted, but he wouldn't stop writing them for you. 
sano manjiro was the name in the bottom of one of them, a note that left you in tears — manjiro had a way with words that nobody would ever think a man like him would have, and all of his words touched your heart like nothing ever did. you almost couldn't read the signed name due to your tears but, when you did, your heart started to race inside your chest. 
you couldn't deny that mikey was someone that sometimes crossed your mind. not always, but you always remembered his onyx eyes at the most inappropriate times. they had an enormous impact on you, as you thought they always did with anyone that looked straight at them. but you tried not to think too much about him — after all, you had your own husband, someone that was mikey's enemy and brother. nothing good would come if you pursued such thoughts, but manjiro was a stubborn man, managing to reach you through his letters, with the help of someone that you always wanted to know the identity of. 
you weren't the only traitor in bonten. 
some nights, an enormous guilt crashed over you. you were clearly cheating on your husband — even if nothing physical happened, you were receiving love letters from another man that wasn't him, you were thinking about another man whenever you two had intimate moments together. that was cheating, but you couldn't stop. through his letters, manjiro showed you more love and care than your husband did since your return from your honeymoon, and he made you feel wanted and important with just some words written in black ink.
you weren't even sure that izana wasn't cheating you on too. 
sometimes, you wanted to ask your brothers about it. but izana was their boss, and just the implication of such a thing happening could cause a war between them — and that happening was going to be your downfall. you wouldn't be able to endure seeing your brothers fighting with your husband, and you wouldn't know which side to pick, even if izana was cheating on you. deep down, you wanted to believe he still loved you, even though his actions spoke otherwise. 
you sighed, watching your reflection in the mirror. you had changed since you married izana — no longer wearing the soft and pastel colors you loved so much to wear, always choosing the colors your husband said fitted you best. they were normally red or black, bonten's colors, and you didn't mind wearing them to match with him. however, he wasn't home now, and you could wear whatever you want without him criticizing your fashion choices. 
wearing your favorite colors always managed to make you happy, and the thrill of receiving another love letter from manjiro was the cherry on top. he tried to send one every day, and they always managed to make your heart race and cheeks red — even if your heart was being consumed by guilt.
you didn't have much to do. izana always insisted that you didn't need to work, as he could provide everything and anything you wanted. but sometimes you missed going to university, having some girl friends around you, people who you could tell what was happening. 
you excited your room, heading to your living room. maybe seeing some TV would be good for you, but a glimpse of pink hair caught your attention. 
only one person in bonten had pink hair, and even though you knew he was aware you were following him, that didn't stop sanzu haruchiyo from delivering another of mikey's letters. 
a gasp left your lips and he chuckled. “surprised, princess?” he was holding the paper between two of his fingers, his twin scars up due to his smirk. “your brothers never told you about my involvement with mikey in the past?” it was a genuine question, and you knew it. you were observant, of course, and knew all the bonten members' mannerisms. haruchiyo had his head slightly tilted to the left, the indication that he was curious about your answer. 
“no.” you answered, taking some careful steps towards him. “i've only known you as a tenjiku member, and nothing from your past from before it.” ran and rindou always made sure you weren't involved with gang matters while you were growing up, to give you some sort of normalcy during your teenage years — a thing they didn't have. 
sanzu nodded, his green eyes shining with something you couldn't pinpoint what it was. “i was a toman member. i still am.” he confessed, quietly, as someone would confess their sins to a priest. your theory about a traitor was right, after all, though it was someone you would never suspect. haruchiyo seemed such a loyal person, someone you were sure was ready to give his life to izana — but his loyalty lay somewhere else. “what are you going to do with this information, princess?”
you came to the conclusion that it was a test. probably an order from manjiro. 
“nothing, but only if you give me my letter.”
the smile on haruchiyo's face could be seen as a sinister one, but it had a small amount of relief on it, too. if you decided to tell your husband, you would probably end years of planning both manjiro and haruchiyo did, and lose the only thing keeping you sane throughout the days. 
he quickly lowered his hand, and you took the paper from his fingers, eager to know what manjiro had to say for you today. 
my y/n,
i hope this letter reaches you on a good time. and that you discovered and took with your gentle eyes the new information about haruchiyo i gave you. he can now be our source of connection, if you wish to return a note — i don’t care if all of this is one-sided. sanzu says everything i need to know about what you feel towards them, and it always pleasant news to my heart. 
though, on this one, i won’t declare my undying love and adoration for you. you already know that, my sweet. but i wish i could say what’s in my heart looking at your eyes and holding your face in my hands, but only if you wish this too. i know how dangerous it’ll be for us to meet, but i would take any risk just to look at your eyes once more. i won’t pressure you on anything, but, at least, ease the ache in my heart — for the good, or for the bad. 
always yours, 
the beating of your heart was so loud that you were sure sanzu could hear it, your cheeks red and hands shaking with the prospect of seeing manjiro once more. the first and last time you saw him was on the day you became izana’s wife, and his eyes had never left your mind since. before knowing where sanzu’s loyalty really laid on, you thought seeing him again would be just a daydream of yours — but now it was more tangible, something that you could almost touch with your hands if you reached enough. 
“will you deliver something for me, sanzu?” you asked in a hushed whisper, afraid that one of the staff could catch you and one of your husband’s executives having a moment together — if izana ever dreamed you were cheating on him with sanzu, you were sure both of you would be dead by the next morning. 
but the house’s staff was nowhere to be seen, and you realized it was sanzu’s doing, too. 
“of course. i would do everything for you and mikey, y/n.” you were flustered at his words, but you could understand where they were coming from — you made mikey happy, and that made sanzu happy. his loyalty was admirable. 
“then get me some pen and paper, haru, please.” you smiled at him, already making your way to your room once more. “we’ll need to plan this meeting very carefully if we want to not die.”
verse two
“where’s sanzu?” 
izana’s voice reverberated through the room, his orchid eyes scanning his executives sitting around the table. his first instinct was to search for takeomi’s eyes, as sanzu’s older brother, but everyone in the room knew they didn’t want to be affiliated with one another — a story with deep roots that he wasn’t able to extract from both him and shinichiro, and apparently just a few knew the exact reason why the akashi brothers seemed like stranger than siblings. 
instead, his eyes landed on mucho. 
“he asked to be the one in charge of y/n’s protection this morning, sir.” it was yasuhiro’s answer, and it made izana content. sanzu was someone that he knew he could count on, especially to take care of you — he once heard him saying you reminded him of his little sister to rindou, and such an information soothed his heart. he couldn’t only rely on your brothers’ to be the ones in charge of your security, as they were more valuable members to bonten than haruchiyo. 
though your brothers didn’t seem so happy knowing you were with sanzu. but they said nothing, knowing that now you were izana’s property instead of their own. 
izana nodded, eyes now fixed at takeomi. “very well. shall we start this meeting, then?” 
at the agreement nod of all his executives and of the ex-members of the black dragons, his advisor started. 
the topic was, as always, sano manjiro’s growing gang — the tokyo manji gang, mostly known as toman. it was a topic that didn't worry izana that much a few years ago, as toman had always been there, like a bug that could be easily crushed. but mikey was worse than their older brother, as takeomi said to him once, and his charisma was enough to be able to make someone’s loyalty change with the blink of an eye, and that was worrisome. some of bonten’s lower members had already left izana’s side, traitors that were now in the protection of mikey, making it difficult for sanzu and mucho to kill them. 
that wasn’t a good thing, and takeomi always made that izana knew the consequences of another powerful gang in tokyo — the city couldn’t handle two powerful gangs at the same moment, hence why izana made sure he had defeated every single one of them, making their members his members and their leader, his executives' play things. if toman continued to grow like it was, stealing members and disrespecting bonten’s influence, izana couldn’t see an outcome that wasn’t a war to determine whose gang the hegemony would be of.
and he knew mikey knew that, too. 
he let takeomi explain the situation to his executives, his mind wandering to you, his beautiful wife. sometimes he felt like he was neglecting you, but you were always ready to welcome him with open arms and legs spread, so maybe it was just in his head — you knew, of course, about how hard he worked to make tokyo his and yours kingdom, how hard he worked so you didn’t need to, so you could have whatever you wanted at the crackle of your fingers. 
the only thing he expected in return was your loyalty, and izana knew nobody would be able to make you change it. he was your first love, your first everything. you would never betray him and, if you did, he preferred you dead than between another man’s arms. 
ran and rindou knew nothing about that, of course. you were their precious little sister, and if you died, izana didn’t know what they could do — but accidents always happened, right? he shook his head imperceptibly, though kakucho noticed the change in his behavior. you weren’t cheating on him, and he was just paranoid. maybe the situation with toman was making him more and more stressed, and such intrusive thoughts were always lingering on his mind. 
izana dismissed kakucho’s puzzled eyes with a nod, orchid eyes back at takeomi. 
“it is izana’s decision what we should do, but a war is inevitable.” the older akashi finished his presentation, and the atmosphere in the room was gloomy — war always meant deaths, and every single one of them had dear people back at home that their deaths would make their heart suffer the most. “wakasa and benkei can attest on my behalf if someone doesn’t believe me.” he continued. “tokyo can only have one big gang around.” 
“any objections?” izana asked, eyes scanning the room. nobody dared to utter a word, and izana smiled. “very well. ran, rindou, you may start the preparations. i’ll send y/n to our house in okinawa, so i expect you two to focus on your task.” he sounded harsher than he intended, but he couldn’t have his two strategists not thinking straight because of their little sister’s safety. sometimes, he even wished he still had such a relationship with emma — but she was a traitor, like everyone else. “the others can expect orders soon.” 
with that, he left the meeting room, kakucho on his side. 
if it was war that sano manjiro wanted, izana would grant his little brother’s wishes.
verse three
the izana you met, the one you fell in love with, always managed to come back when he needed to relax — and by that, he needed your body to take his mind out of whatever was troubling him. and you weren’t strong enough to not fall for his sweet words and wandering hands, your arms already opened to welcome him whenever he arrived home and buried his face on your neck and his hands already massaging one of your breasts. 
however, as much as your body was under izana, reacting beautifully to his ministrations with the sounds he loved to hear, your mind was still trapped in the prospect of meeting mikey in the next day. it was sanzu’s idea, of course, as he knew how much his true boss wanted to finally hold you between his arms — if you denied manjiro of another day without your presence, haruchiyo said he would probably march inside your house and steal you away. 
that couldn’t happen, of course. it would be a formal declaration of war, the transgression of territories, and you couldn’t put mikey in danger just because of his urge — and yours now, too — of seeing you again. 
a particularly hard thrust of izana was what took you away from your thoughts, a mewl escaping your lips. you were cheating on your husband, weren’t you? thinking about another man while he was balls deep inside you, when he finally acknowledged you after days without sparring you a glance — you should be happy, shouldn’t you? he was finally being the izana you met those months ago. but you couldn’t bring yourself to be happy, like you used to. 
was that what you were for him? just a whore that he could use whenever he wanted, but a whore that belonged to him and no one else? it needed to be that, and you felt like a fool for always falling for his antics. maybe everything had been a competition between him and your brothers, and you were the prize — and maybe that’s why they looked so gloomy on your wedding day. maybe they knew that once you were married, izana would become distant and cold, but couldn’t tell you. 
but why did he do that? why he needed to play with your feelings if he was just going to use you for sex? it would’ve been better if he made you his personal slut, without the attachment a marriage would bring. it would be better if you knew his real intentions with you, than marrying him and falling for his estranged brother. 
tears started to burn in your eyes. “am i making you feel so good that you’re crying, my love?” you heard your husband ask, and you were glad he had mistaken your tears with pleasure than seeing how heartbroken you were. 
you could only hum, afraid that your voice would denounce that you were feeling everything but pleasure. you let your husband do whatever he wanted with your body, trying to mask your real feelings with a few moans and whispers of encouraging words to him, even though you weren’t feeling good. it was the first time that sex with izana wasn’t a pleasurable moment, and you felt dirty and like the most foolish woman in the word. 
faking your orgasm a few seconds before izana’s own release, you almost sighed in relief when he slide out of you, his cum dripping from your pussy. he smiled at the sight of you fucked out beneath him, fingers sliding inside your hole once more making you whimper in overstimulation. “need to make sure everything is inside, love.” he explained, kissing your lips. “don’t you think a little me or little you running around would be a blessing?” 
if he said those words before today, you would have agreed wholeheartedly with him. but now? dread was pooling in your stomach.
verse four
the mornings after izana was a husband again were always the worst.
they were always a remind of what he became, since it only take him only one night to revert to a cold and heartless man - and the realization of what you were to him wasn't helping you with the intrusive thoughts. was he like that since the beginning and you were blind by the spells of first love to acknowledge that? 
you sighed, turning around in your bed. you were wearing only one thin nightgown, not enough to protect your body from his smell and touch, and you almost flinched away when he kissed your neck - more tenderly than usual, and that worried you. did the prospect of having a child with you enough to make him be like he was? but, would he treat your child the same as he did with you? that wouldn't be fair.
“what do you say about having breakfast together, my love?” his offer was tempting — he didn't let you have dinner before he was ravishing your body, and your stomach was starting to rumble with hunger. 
however, you knew such an offer wasn’t being made because of his big and generous heart. no, izana had other intentions than just eating breakfast with you, and you started to get anxious about what it was. did he know about your plans to meet mikey in the afternoon? did he know about the letters, or that you’ve started to fall out of love with him? you were sure you were masking your feelings well, he couldn’t be able to know. you still acted the same, you were sure of it.
you nodded, almost imperceptible, but he noticed — smiling sweetly at your agreement. he held his hand for you and you took, not as firm and tight as you used to, the feeling now foregin and strange. his hand was too big and too demanding, squeezing and interlacing your fingers while you followed him to the dining room, only with a flimsy nightgown protecting your body from the eyes of the staff, the breakfast table already prepared, all your favorite foods and drinks displayed on top of it. 
he knew. he knew about your plans with mikey. 
once, if he had pulled the chair for you to sit on, your heart would be beating loudly inside your rib cage and your cheeks would be read like a rose. now, however, you managed to give him a small smile, but your heart was beating quickly inside your chest for different reasons. if he noticed the change in your behavior, he said nothing. 
breakfast was filled with small talk, mostly done by izana — he updated you on how bonten activities were going about, or funny things that happened to him and his executives. that brought a smile to your face and laughter to bubble from your lips. the boys were also a comforting presence in your life while you grew up, and hearing about them and your brothers being relaxed around each other. 
you wish you could’ve been there to see it for yourself, and not just listen to it by your husband’s lips. 
breakfast was ending and izana showed you no signs of having discovered your afternoon plans, which made everything even more suspicious. that wasn’t just an act of love of an absent husband to his not so faithful wife, far from it. however, when he started to speak again, you understood why he had done that. “y/n, my love.” honey laced his tone and you knew something was going to happen. you tried to act as normal as you could, but anyone could see how nervous you were feeling. “i don’t wish to alarm you, but war is coming. i hope you understand the implications of it.” 
you knew what he meant. bonten and toman were going to clash, and you were in the middle of it. 
“i’ve made a deal with your brothers to make you safe. tonight, you, sanzu and mucho are going to leave for our house in okinawa.”
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations: retellings part 1
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I love a good retelling. So much so that I had to split the retelling section in two, possibly three parts or there'd be too many books to fit into a picture properly. I love getting creative with old and familiar stories, while other books retell stories I wasn't that familiar with at all.
I'm starting with Six Crimson Cranes and the Dragon's Promise
The first book is an East Asian inspired retelling of the swan princess, I'm not sure if the second book is a retelling of anything. If you don't know the swan princess, the basic premise is that the evil stepmother sorceress turns the princess' brothers into swans and she has to find a way to undo the curse.
The series follows Shiori, the princess and youngest child of the emperor. In Kiata, magic is locked away and forbidden, but Shiori was born with magic and had to keep is hidden away. At the day of her betrothal ceremony, she loses control and catches the attention of her stepmother Raikama, who uses her own dark magic to turn her brothers into cranes and curses Shiori so that when she speaks one of her brothers will die. Voiceless and alone, she has to find her brothers and undo the curse.
These books really feel and read like a fairytale, and while I am not super familiar with the swan princess I like how elements of the fairytale are woven into the book. Pun intended, because weaving a net is a big part in both the book and the original fairytale. My favorite part is Raikama, the stepmother, and villain of the first book. She's a very complex character and I loved learning more about her and why she cursed Shiori and her brothers.
The editions I have of this book are absolutely gorgeous, and I believe they're the UK edition hardcovers. I'm not sure if people in North America will be able to find these editions, and the US edition has a different cover.
Next up is the Girl who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh
This is a retelling of a Korean fairytale that I'm not familiar with, and the story itself reads like a fairtale very similar to Six Crimson Cranes. I'd say if you like this one, you'll like Six Crimson Cranes and vice versa.
Mina comes from a land plagued by deadly storms and the people believe the sea god, who was once their protector, has turned against them. Every year they choose a girl who is thrown into the sea in the hope that she turns out to be the sea god's true bride and will appease him. This year, Mina's brother's girlfriend is chosen to be the sacrifice and her brother goes after her to save her, which could result in his death. So Mina jumps into the sea instead, sacrificing herself. She finds herself in the spirit world, the world of gods, a place where a mortal like her can't survive long. There, she finds out the sea god is sleeping, and the storms won't end until he wakes. But not everyone wants the sea god to wake up, and they will do anything to stop Mina.
I think one of the best aspects of this book is the slowly developed dislike to romance with Mina's love interest, who is not the obvious choice here, and I love the mystery behind what happened to the sea god and the eventual explanation.
Like with Six Crimson Cranes, the edition shown on the picture is a UK edition with a different cover from the US one.
So this is Ever After counts as a retelling of King Arthur, but it is really more of a rom com in a medieval fantasy setting.
The story takes place after the main quest where Alek pulls a magic sword from a stone (which did not come pre sharpened) with which he beheaded the evil sorcerer king (rather clumsily).
To make sure another evil ruler doesn't take over while they go rescue the princess, Alek temporarily assumes the crown at his mage best friend Matt's advice. Only it turns out the princess is already dead and Alek is stuck as king now.
Worse, there is no way to undo his coronation and if he doesn't get married before his next birthday he'll fade away. Alek doesn't want to marry just anyone, and since he has a little time left, he decides to test potential romantic connections to all this quest companions with Matt's help using common romance tropes he finds in the dead princess' diary. But it turns out love might have been right in front of him all along.
This book is hilarious and pokes fun at lots of common rom com tropes as well as fantasy tropes. The land is called "the land of Ere in the realm of Chickpea". Alek and Matt are both so clueless about each other's feelings, it is funny but at times also frustrating, and they try the most ridiculous things to see if they can pair him up with one of their other companions. If you dislike miscommunication or main characters being dumbasses, you probably won't like this book. There's a fun secondary cast, and their companions all fit pretty much into classic dnd classes such as the rogue, the bard etc
Also by this author: In Deeper Waters, a little mermaid retelling that I'll cover in retelling part 2
Last but certainly not least is Malice by Heather Walter
Now, for most of the books I rewrite the summary in my own words with what I think are the most important things to mention, but the official synopsis of the first book is so brilliant and I could never outdo that, so the next part is copy pasted from Goodreads.
Once upon a time, there was a wicked fairy who, in an act of vengeance, cursed a line of princesses to die. A curse that could only be broken by true love’s kiss.
You’ve heard this before, haven’t you? The handsome prince. The happily-ever-after.
Utter nonsense.
Let me tell you, no one in Briar actually cares about what happens to its princesses. Not the way they care about their jewels and elaborate parties and charm-granting elixirs. I thought I didn’t care, either.
Until I met her.
Princess Aurora. The last heir to Briar’s throne. Kind. Gracious. The future queen her realm needs. One who isn’t bothered that I am Alyce, the Dark Grace, abhorred and feared for the mysterious dark magic that runs in my veins. Humiliated and shamed by the same nobles who pay me to bottle hexes and then brand me a monster. Aurora says I should be proud of my gifts. That she . . . cares for me. Even though it was a power like mine that was responsible for her curse.
But with less than a year until that curse will kill her, any future I might see with Aurora is swiftly disintegrating—and she can’t stand to kiss yet another insipid prince. I want to help her. If my power began her curse, perhaps it’s what can lift it. Perhaps, together, we could forge a new world.
Nonsense again.
Because we all know how this story ends, don’t we? Aurora is the beautiful princess. And I—
I am the villain. 
This in an adult fantasy duology, and retelling of Sleeping Beauty told from the perspective of a character based on Maleficent. Alyce is not the one who cast the curse on Aurora, but she does have similar powers to the original vila who placed the curse. The way the curse works is all women descended from the original queen of Briar are cursed and will die without their true love's kiss. Cursed women also only have daughters. To make sure this doesn't spread to too many descendants, only the Queen is allowed to have children and other female relatives are not. Some survive the curse by kissing the right person on time, some die. Aurora's mother survived, but true love's kiss doesn't guarantee a good partner or relationship. Aurora's two older sisters both died, and Aurora doesn't have long left. Because of this, she's forced to kiss random men pretty much every day.
The fairies from the original fairytale are graces here, women blessed with minor magical powers to enhance beauty, intelligence, creativity and such, but they are bound by strict laws telling them they have to use their power for the people, they cannot move to a different country, etc. Alyce is the dark grace, her powers don't really work the same but she makes elixers to, but to harm people, at the request of rich people. I found it really interesting how the culture built around graces lead to people being extremely vain and superficial. Alyce was an easy to root for villain, and I love her dynamic with Aurora, especially how it develops in book 2, which I won't say too much about yet because spoilers.
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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andromedaexists · 5 months
Infinity Alchemist || Kacen Callender
I always feel like I don't know where to start with these. 9 times outta 10 I'm writing reviews right off the end of the book and this one... I have tears in my eyes. This is a 6 star book for me. Firmly. My heart hurts
I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review. Thank you to Tor Teen and NetGalley for the ARC.
Infinity Alchemist releases in just a few weeks on Feb. 6th I believe, and I highly recommend it to anyone who will listen.
Once again calling back to any book that makes me physically feel something get an automatic five star, but this book did more than that. This book wrapped my heart in tendrils of alchemical magic and refuses to let go.
Let's start with the characters: Ash, Ramsay, Callum, and Marlowe. Ash is our POV character and in a trans POC man. He is an asshole who has a rough life, growing up in the slums with a mother who passed away not too long ago. He wants to prove himself worthy of his absent father, and will stop at nothing to do so.
Ramsay is a prodigy, the genderfluid child of known and executed terrorists hell-bent on atoning for their sins. She uses he/she pronouns, though leans more towards she/her throughout the book. She is also such an uptight prick... until she's not. I genuinely love how prickly and rude she is and how much that shows to me as an autistic mask. I just love her so much.
Callum is a black man and the youngest son of the Kendrick house, more or less the police state in book. He is kind and caring despite the heavy hand of his father and all he wants to do is heal. He wants to heal and help others, like the good man he is.
These three, oh these three. They hold my heart.
Marlowe is my obligatory redhead (listen I have to point them out when they are given to me!). She is an orphan of House Lune and becomes so integral to the story in ways I never thought possible.
Without given away too many spoilers, I want to tell yous: there is so much diversity in this cast. So much! It's beautiful!! And, AND, we get not one, but two (2) separate Rivals-to-Lovers ARCs that don't end in a love triangle, but a polycule! We also get best friends to lovers to bitter exes to lovers once again!!
As far as the worldbuilding goes, I have to say that Kacen is a master at weaving these mystical and fantastical realms together in a way that not only make sense, but feel real. I felt like I was in the higher realms with the characters, like I knew exactly what each house was and why they were there.
I have aphantasia, which means that I cannot imagine what anything ever looks like. And yet, the beautiful world descriptions put me there. They called back to things that I do know and do have experience with and built off of it. I very genuinely could see myself in the world, and that is saying a lot.
I don't think I can talk too much more about this book without bringing myself to tears again, so let's pivot to some of my favorite quotes to make y'all understand the gravity of this book:
The world became a white blur. The snow turned red. It fell to the ground, drops spreading like blots of ink. The blood dripped from Amelia's cheeks. Her smile faded as the screams began.
That's what privileged assholes like you always say.
[redacted] paused, but only for a moment. He opened the [redacted]. There was an explosion of light.
It was too late. [redacted] was already there.
It wasn't death he'd feared, he realized, but the change—the transformation that forced him to release.
This light held the vibration of energy that the physical body would translate as love.
They all created the same infinite light. They were eternal.
It was an interesting place to be caught, stuck between grief and gladness that they were gone.
Okay, I think that's all I can put without spoilers.
One thing I forgot to mention: this book is genuinely funny. Maybe it's because of the autistic mask I mentioned earlier, but the interactions between Ramsay and Ash at any given point past like 20% of the book are genuinely funny. I love Ramsay's sense of humor.
Anyways, that's all for this book! I am going to curl up in a ball and cry while I purchase a physical copy to annotate and put on my recommendations shelf. This is a story that I will be thinking about years down the line, I just know it. Ash is a part of my soul now, and I can't wait to see what he does next.
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Hey!! I really love your writing! All witcher characters are very much on point, it’s amazing😍 i would have an idea for a Lambert fic if you don’t mind! How about reader is very much interested in learning from the witchers and hunting down monsters herself but Lambert is just very overprotective of her and thinks she’s insane for risking her life but in the end reader actually saves Lambert’s ass?? And they get together after that and it’s all fluff?? You can add anything to it, i love your Lambert!💜
Beasts and Books
A/N: Aww, thank you so much! I've been worried about my characterization- especially of Lambert, but I'm so glad you like him! and Okay, so fair warning this isn't edited like my other ones usually are and that's because I got carried away and wrote the longest one shot of my fucking life lol. I hope you enjoy it!!
Pairing: Lambert X Reader
Words: ~4k
Years ago- back when you were growing up in Velen, you actually started out as a farmer's daughter. Your mothers worked hard, taking care of the sheep, shearing them, and weaving the wool into yarn or bolts of fabric. You had been placed in charge of raising the lambs, rounding them up, and generally keeping them out of trouble. It was a lot harder than it sounded. 
They often fought with each other or knocked over their milk buckets and seemed to do everything in their power to get you just that close to selling them and being done with them. But you knew your mothers would never allow it and so you grumbled and just kept on.
But it was the lambs actually that happened to change your life too. It had been raining all morning and you had almost finished feeding the lambs when “Hold on- One, two, three, four, five- Where is number six?” you questioned, looking to the rest of their little faces as if they’d even have the manners to answer you, let alone the vocal cords. 
You scowled, hiking up your skirt as you stepped around in the muck, trying to find a sign of the tiny little lamb that got loose- the youngest of the batch this year. “Ah-hah!” you exclaimed when you spotted the trail of little hoofprints that slipped past the gate. He must’ve slipped through the fenceposts- he always was good at using his size to his advantage.
“Come on, lamb! I’m not gonna do this all day!” You followed the hoofprints into the forest nearby, prints few and far between as he must’ve been having the time of his life evading you. “Baaaa!” he let out a little bleat from just beyond the shrubs before you.
“Gotcha!” you grinned and popped your head over the shrubs, finding the lost lamb chewing on a rather damp book. “Well now, what have you gotten into?” You asked as you scooped him up, another bleat escaping him as the book fell away from his mouth. It looked like he’d found his way into an abandoned camp. There was a cold abandoned campfire and evidence of a bed roll flattening down the lengthy grass; you found bits of broken leather here and there- probably from someone doing repairs. 
“Looks like whoever it was left in a hurry…” You commented, ignoring the lamb who was now more interested in chewing on the ends of your hair than anything else. You flipped open the worn cover and read the title of the book aloud, “Brother Adalbert’s Bestiary… huh” 
“Y/N!” You heard one of your mothers call from the house; she must’ve come to check on how you were doing in the rain and not seen you in the lamb’s pen. “Coming, Mother!” You shouted in her direction and quickly scooped up the book before trudging back towards the house. 
Once you got back home and finished up with the lambs you parked yourself right in front of the crackling fireplace, drying both yourself and the book as you carefully flipped through it again and again, reading as you dried out its pages. 
‘Ghouls, nekkers, wyverns, barghest, the list goes on and on’  you thought to yourself as you skimmed through the pages, despite having been out in the rain it wasn’t as damaged as you thought it might be, even the notes lining the margins of each entry were still legible. You flipped to the beginning again to make sure the pages were dry when you came upon a little mark on the inside of the cover. It was a little sketchy and messy, but it looked like a little drawing of a wolf head next to the Letter ‘L’.
That was then- now you were a little older- still a farmer’s daughter, but now you were responsible for hunting monsters. You were no witcher, that was obvious- but you still made do. You had studied that bestiary until you knew it like the back of your hand, you saved up all your money to buy yourself a rinky-dinky set of armor and an old sword. You started small- fighting only what you knew you could take on; barghests and ghouls mostly- occasionally you attempted to help rid the swamp towns of bloedziuger, but you had yet to get down the speed you needed when they exploded into acid. 
You ran your fingers over the dappled scaring on your arm, a testament to when you had started out on this path you had chosen. You had used your smarts to set traps for your monsters to make it easier for you as a regular human, earned some good coin, and invested that into better equipment. Now you had a good custom-made silver sword, a sturdy but light set of armor, and were beginning to save up for a good horse too. 
“Alright Miss, this is as far as I’m taking you.” the cart driver had said, pulling his mule to a stop  in the middle of a small village. “You can walk the rest if you really need.” he kept watching you expectantly as you hopped off the back of his cart, making sure he didn't see the few apples you had swiped into your bag. 
“Yeah, thank you…” You murmured and handed him a few orens from your satchel to which he grinned and nodded his head. 
“Much obliged, Miss…” He tipped the edge of his worn-out hat and continued off down the road. 
“Yeah, sure you are…” You let out a sigh and stretched your legs, before heading over to the notice board. “Let’s see what we’ve got here…” 
You glanced it over, seeing mostly trade notices, but it seemed that there were a few notices you could actually fulfill too; wolves had attacked the livestock of one house, while wyvern seemed to be picking up the sheep of another one nearby. Probably were getting bothered by the same monster, but you figured you'd check them both out to be safe. 
You glanced around the town as you stood- it smelled overwhelmingly of animals and stove fires, but your nose had become so used to those over the years that it hardly struck you anymore. A few old women sat out in front of a house, idling and chatting in the late afternoon while chickens clucked and scurried around the streets openly. You guessed there would be a few more hours of sunlight left, so you probably had time to start your investigation before it became too dark for you to see. 
You set out to the other side of town to investigate the wolf contract first, figuring yours get the easy things out of the way first. 
And Thankfully it really was only wolves that were bothering this farmer and you were able to finish up the contract just before the night began to really fall. So you headed back to the local Inn, coin enough for a room now in hand, and maybe even enough for dinner too if you negotiated right. You were fortunate, you knew, that you were completely human- After all, it meant that people almost always treated you better. You didn’t have any problem with nonhumans, in fact, in this line of work you had even met several pleasant ones you'd like to see again- but you also couldn't ignore that you benefited from the way others treated them. 
It had just become fully dark when you came up outside the inn, torches along the road lighting your way back. When you came to the town square you heard a man trying to talk to one of the older ladies you had seen before. 
“Hey, you. Yes, you Miss. Where the hell are all the notices for witchers? I thought this was Velen- you guys always have some sort of shit going on for us to solve.” he said, sounding rather obnoxious as even his horse seemed to huff in protest. 
After grumbling something about ‘kids these days’, she motioned towards you, “apparently you’ve been beaten to it, Mutant. And I thought you witchers were supposed to be faster than us humans…” She snapped back at him with a smug look on her face. 
The man quickly turned to you and now you could see his yellow cat-like eyes and the scar running down beside his right eye. He had worn but rather unique armor and twin blades strapped to his back. 
‘Nope. I’m not dealing with this right now’,  you thought to yourself and quickly slipped inside the Inn. You went up to the innkeeper first thing, getting a room for the night and what little food and drink you could afford with the rest of your coin. Thankfully the witcher still had yet to come inside yet so you tucked yourself in a corner to eat and read by yourself. 
You opened up the bestiary as you ate, looking over the entry on wyverns. You had read this entry over dozens of times, but you didn’t want to risk missing anything that could help you later. 
“One room for the night if you will.” The man from earlier asked, now at the innkeeper's table. 
“Afraid we’re all out of rooms. She got the last one.” The keeper said as he threw a thumb in your direction. 
The turned to look and you were sure he swore under his breath at the exact moment you did before his face twisted into a frown. His footsteps were quiet as he came over to your table, setting his swords down. “So first you take all my contracts, then you take my room. Who the hell are you anyway? You don’t even look like a witcher, you look more like a wannabe knight.” He said callously. 
“Wow, quite the introduction. Are all witchers as charming as you Or do you have them all beat?” you retorted flatly, not even sparing another glance up at him. “It’s just my luck I  guess. My luck and your getting fucked.” you added, chucking a bit at your own rhyme. 
A wicked grin crossed his face and he leaned in closer, chin resting in his hand. “Oh..? You’ve got a bit of a bite in you, huh? I’m Lambert…” He introduced himself.
You looked at him, giving him a quick once-over with your eyes before you cracked a small smile his way and nodded. “I’m Y/n.” 
“Y/n? Well, now I have a name for all my problems. So what’s got you so enwrapped that you can barely look up at me? It’s gotta be pretty good because I’m- Hey, I know that book.” He reached over and took it from right in front of you. 
“Hey!” you yelled and went to snatch it back, but his witcher instincts made him far faster. “That's mine-”
“Where the hell did you get this?” he seemed a lot more serious now as he held up the book and looked back at you, suspicious eyes looking over your face to see any indication of lying. 
“I found it in the woods years ago, its Mine-” you went to emphasize again, but he interrupted you once again.
“No. No, this is mine.” He stated and opened up the inside cover, pointing to the little wolf drawing and the ‘L’. “This is me. Lambert of the school of the wolf. I lost this thing ages ago. I didn’t think I’d ever find it again.” 
You sighed as you watched him look over it with a level of care that was reserved for that of something like a childhood friend. This was the book that had shaped your life up to this point, but…. If it belonged to someone else, isn’t it only right that they have it again? You’d read that thing forwards and backward anyways, what more will it be able to tell you? 
You let out a small sigh but kept quiet as he flipped through the pages when he paused for a moment. “Wait- this note isn’t mine… Neither is this. ‘Afraid of bees and will actively avoid established hives’ , ‘bad climbers. Easy to trap in pits and kill, but will become feral in their attacks. Keep out of reach.’ “ Lambert read aloud, looking from entry to entry at the notes you had written in as you learned. 
“These are… yours? Did you… use this book to become a monster hunter?” He asked, looking at you in a mix of wonder and confusion. “You’ve got to be fuckin' insane- why would a human ever want to become a monster hunter?” after a half second of thought he handed the book back to you, which you brought to your chest possessively. 
“You said it yourself, Velen always has shit going on for you guys to solve. I grew up here and it's turning into something that’s almost too dangerous to live in. I wanna change that.” you shrugged it off as if it was nothing, but what you did held great importance to you.
Lambert was quiet for a moment, something that you gathered was probably unusual for him, as he seemed to take in your words. 
“But-” you started, trying to shift the topic and lighten the mood a bit. “How about to make up for stealing your book and all your jobs I let you stay in my room with me. You set up a bedroll in front of the fireplace or something.” you grinned a bit as you offered, watching his face turn from something serious into a charming smirk that you could feel draw you in a little more than you'd like to admit. 
You two spent the rest of the night chatting and throwing quips back and forth at each other, and before your drinks were done it felt like you had known each other for decades. There was a layer of sarcasm over much of the vulnerability there, but you could see past it easily. 
When you two made it up yo your room for the first time that night you discovered that the one bed the room had was actually a lot bigger than you had thought it would be. There was easily room for 2 people to sleep and still keep a bit of distance if they wanted. 
“Hey, Lambert?” you looked back at him as he came to the door, “not to be too forward, but would you like to just share the bed? I can keep to my own side if you can.” you posed to him and set your stuff down on one side. 
“Sure as hell beats the hell out of a bedroll.” He smiled and dropped his stuff on the other side and began pulling off his armor.
Your brain became like fuzzy static as you watched his tunic ride up through the motions he went through. The thin strip of skin and the distinct line of the ‘V’ his pelvis made was all you saw, but it was all you needed too. 
“Don’t tell me our little monster hunter is getting distracted…” he said smoothly with a little chuckle to his voice. 
Your blush glowed like a radiant lamp and you quickly turned away to snuff out that burning flame. “I just- well. You don’t want your armor on for sleeping? Isn’t it safer that way?” 
“What- are you gonna stab me?” he moved to lounge out on the bed, putting his arms behind his head and exposing his midsection to you again. 
“Well- I. No, of course not.” 
“Well, then I should be fine. Are you just gonna stand there all night?” He said with a huge grin, patting the bed beside him. That bastard knew exactly what he was doing.
“Shut up” you looked away and quickly and quietly got down to your tunic and underclothes. You climbed under the warm covers and pulled the blanket high around your shoulders. “Are you gonna sleep above the covers tonight?” You asked, rolling over to face him and pushing your hair out of your face. 
A smile came over him when he looked over at you, it was softer than the others he had offered you tonight and a little more sincere as well. “I’m gonna be up for a little while. You know us Witchers, we don't really sleep much.” He shrugged and ran a hand through his already pushed-back hair. “Don’t you worry about me, you get some sleep…” 
You struggled to hold back a yawn as you nodded in agreement. “Goodnight, Lamb.” you mumbled before drifting off into a sound sleep.
“Goodnight, little monster hunter…” the witcher mumbled quietly as he watched your sleeping face. He hadn’t felt this… soft sort of feeling before. Something that felt so deep and so real it almost scared him to admit he was feeling it, but as he looked down at your sleeping face he felt ease wash over him. How could you throw yourself into such a profession? Didn’t you know the risks? You even had the choice of it, unlike him…
“Mmph…” you mumbled out as you shifted in your sleep, reaching out for something that wasn’t there. 
Without a second thought, Lambert put his arm in the way of your reaching hands, smiling a bit as your hand naturally found his and you held his arm close to you in comfort. 
“What am I gonna do with you..?” he mumbled into the quiet night once more.
When morning came you woke up to an empty and cold bed, but you weren't sure why that seemed to hurt for some reason…. But within minutes your witcher had returned with breakfast in hand.
“So, we’re hunting a wyvern?” Lambert asked as he handed you a plate. 
“Good morning to you too.” you remarked with a smile, “looks like. We can prepare after breakfast?” 
And so you two did, when breakfast was finished you two gathered up your things and made for the stables. 
“Here, you can ride on the horse. I’ll walk- I hate trying to follow a creature's trail on horseback…” he justified as he helped you up, hands on your waist as he boosted you up. 
“Thanks, Lamb… lead the way?” you smiled down at him, grabbing the reins. 
You two made your way to towards the last house on the way out of town, looking around for evidence of this wyvern and following the blood trail towards what you could only guess would be a nest. 
“So, look-” Lambert started. “Why don’t I just take this one? You know how tricky these draconids can be.” He offered, looking up at you to see your reaction, but it wasn’t exactly what he was hoping for. 
Your brow furrowed and you shook your head. “What? No. I’ve taken monsters on my own before so why should this be any different?” you argued. “No, If you want we can fight it together, but I'm gonna be there either way.”
“Look- I get that you’re supposed to be a monster hunter and all, but why would you want to go ruin a pretty face like that? Why don’t you just keep yourself out of trouble?” he sounded a bit less hypothetical now and a little more like an argument.
“So you think I’m pretty?” you asked with a smirk, trying to turn the topic of conversation. You really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. You’re a monster hunter! And even though you’re still figuring things out you didn’t want it to stop you.
The witcher only sighed at your response. “Yeah, I do…” his words drifted off a bit as he slowed to a stop, his horse automatically stopping beside him. “Hey, I’ll be right back, okay? I’m gonna go take a leak before the fight. First rule of being a witcher you know”, He said and headed off into the thicker brush, his somber tone resonating in your mind. 
“That cannot possibly be true.” you laughed a touch and watched him go, sighing a bit, but taking the moment to get your things ready, bombs and potions from the recipes scribbled in the back of the book. 
But it was taking quite a while for Lambert to come back…
“Come on, Lamb! I’m not gonna do this all day!” You shouted, feeling a sense of Deja vu as you called those words. You waited around a few minutes more until you heard an exasperated and pained cry coming from far off past the brush. 
“Damn it, Lambert!” you yelled as you processed what he had done and stirred his horse into motion, tugging its reins towards said noise. You were angry, to be honest. I mean, did he just think you couldn’t do it by yourself? Did he think that because you were human you couldn't fight like he did?  The thoughts alone made your blood boil and your skin grow hot and itchy as it was whipped by the wind. 
When you finally came onto the scene you saw Lambert rushing around on the cliff's edge, battling the aged draconid all by himself. You practically threw yourself off the horse and into the fight as you came in close. “Damn it, Lambert! You lying bastard!” you yelled and drew the Wyvern's attention to you now as you stabbed your sword into its tail. 
“Don’t yell at me, it was for your own good!” He yelled back as he cast Igni, vying for its attention to come back to him. 
“My own good? You sound like my bloody mothers!”  
“Sweet Melitele, I did it to protect you!” Lambert shouted, looking to you instead of the wyvern now and dropping his guard. 
“Lambert…” you sighed, breath coming out in heavy huffs as you fought off the creature. But you didn’t get the chance to say anything more before the annoyed creature whipped its tail at the witcher and flew off with the last of its strength. 
He had jumped back in just the nick of time but unfortunately didn’t realize how close he was to the edge. With one foot on stable ground and the other about to step off the cliff’s edge, his body's momentum had him off kilter and about to topple over….
“Lambert!’ you yelled and ran towards him, grabbing him by his sword’s sheath strap just in time and yanking him forcefully back onto safe ground. You stumbled backward to safety and landed on the ground right beside your annoying witcher. 
“How’s that for ‘I did it to protect you’?” you huffed in an attempt to catch your breath, nudging Lambert with your elbow as he processed that he had almost died. 
“Holy shit….” he muttered, reaching unconsciously for your hand- much like you had done just the night before. 
You set your sword down and put your hand out to find his. “Lamb… while I admire you trying to protect me I don't want you to become overprotective. I love doing what I do- after all, I chose this path. And I know I'd love it more if I could work side-by-side with you” You looked to him as you talked, watching his expression turn sincere, but not uncomfortable. “I’d love to learn more about monster hunting from you, but don’t count me out just yet, okay?”
Lambert nodded, a smile forming over his features as he squeezed your hand. “I suppose it’s the least I can do since you saved my life… How about we finish off this wyvern together?”
You nodded, a grin spread across your face once again. “Together.”
Taglist: @open--till--midnight @writingmysanity @dark-academia-slut @madamemelancholysstuff
If you wanna get added/taken off the taglist or if I've made a mistake just DM me and let me know!
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phoenixnewton · 7 months
Pony’s Girl
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Ponyboy sure was handsome now.
I mean, he always has been to me. People used to call his brother Soadpop a real heartthrob- they still do really. But in the last year or two, when Pony truly matured into a man the spotlight soon turned to the youngest Curtis brother. He wasn't movie-star handsome like Soda- a way I'd heard him be described before, rather Pony was more ruggedly handsome. He took after Darry that way.
His face was all hardlines with a sharp jaw that was shaded with a permanent dark shadow. His lips were always set to a smirk that slipped between cunning and devilish to good-natured and soft more times in a day than I could keep track of. He had these bright greenish-greys that despite how much he'd seen and experienced, we're still filled with deep emotions and intelligence. Ponyboy had the type of face that'd make you stop in the street and stare.
What made it even more attractive, was that he didn't even notice the looks.
He wasn't cocky like Dallas. He didn't walk like he owned the place, or talked like he was the only voice in the room. No, he carried a silent presence. One that was slightly terrifying- if you thought about it too much.
Being the youngest Curtis brother had some downsides. When he was younger nobody took him seriously. He was just the ‘kid’ of the gang that you couldn't mess with unless you wanted one of his brothers to come after you. Which I suppose, depending which way you think about it, is sort of a perk. But when he hit his growth spurt, gained a few pounds of muscle and graduated high school. Well, that's when things started to change. Ponyboy was not little kid anymore. Hell, he was taller than most of Tulsa and had shoulders as wide as Darrys. And believe me when I tell you he packed one hell of a mean punch.
Sometime between meeting him six years ago, when I was fresh from New York with my big brother Dally, and now I fell in love with Ponyboy Curtis.
It wasn't because of his good looks, or his strong arms, or his boyish charm or his eyes that seemed to devour me from the inside out when ever I looked in them. It was because of who he was. Who he truly was, under all that skin where he was still a fourteen-year-old who loved reading books and watching sunsets. A boy who loved his friends like brothers and could see the good in everyone- even the Socs. A boy who gave me a reason to love. To live.
I loved him more than I could ever imagined possible. It scared me just how much I did. And I knew he loved me too.
I knew because he showed me everyday. Whether through acts of service, physical touch or words of affimation he'd find a way to remind me just how much he cared. He didn't need to, I’d remind him often enough. Because there was nothing that would ever change my mind. Ponyboy was my first love and he'd be my last.
When we sat on the porch of his house together, late at night when the sun had long set, we’d have a smoke together. He’d do this thing everytime where he'd put a cigarette between my lips, and gently pull my face towards his, lighting the tip with the glowing end of his own. There was something about it. Something that got me every time and made fall a little deeper for him. I could never tell whether it was the way his hand lingered on my jaw, trembling softly like he was afraid i’d disappear. Or if it was the way his eyes flicked slightly when the tips met, as it to him it felt like a kiss. Whatever it was, damn it was addicive.
I'm addicted to Ponyboy Curtis and I'm not afraid to admit it. The taste of his lips is like a drug, it makes me delirious and lightheaded. Every time his tongue slides across the part in my lips, begging like a starved me for me to let him in, I feel like my knees are going to buckle beneath me- maybe he knows that too because he has always had one arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him, the other cupping my jaw to hold me steady. It's dangerous how intoxicating he is. I'd do anything to feel his touch, to taste his lips or the salty sweat of his skin, to breathe in his scent of leather, smoke and musk.
I remember vividly, the first time he kissed me. It was the day he got back from the church with Johnny and Dally. He was in the hospital waiting room, hugging his brothers when he saw me run in the doors. My hair was all over the place and my clothes were ratty from almost losing my mind the whole week he'd been gone. I probably looked half-deranged, gasping for breath as I stood transfixed at the sight of him, alive and beautiful with his tuff blond hair. It was all a blur after that, but I remember vividly the moment his lips first met mine. I never believed in God before I met Pony, but at that moment I knew it must have been some kind of miracle to have him alive and kissing me like a starved man. It all fell into place after that. Johnny made a full recovery, and Dally finally got a grip and reclaimed his title of best big brother albeit slightly overprotective when it came to my love life. And, I was lucky enough to be able to call myself Pony’s girl.
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Banana, Strawberry, and Nutella Sandwich
SO! From one of my fics, My School's Local Mafia Boss, in chapter 6: Festering A Neglected Friendship, Jason gets Tim to try Nutella. Then Tim says that it would be even better if strawberries and bananas were added. Here's the scene:
“Chocolatey, hazelnutty, a good medley of the two.” Tim kept chewing with his eyes closed. “Sweet, sweeter than what I’m used to, but not to the point that I want to gag.”
“Go on,” Jason prompted.
“Texture is smooth and… thick? I can’t think of the word. But it goes well with bread.” Tim finally opened his eyes. “It would be good with strawberries too. Maybe bananas? You should ask Alfred to make a strawberry, banana, Nutella sandwich next time.”
Jason widened his eyes. “Tim,” he said, reaching a hand over the table and putting it on his shoulder. “You are a genius.”
That has been lingering in my mind ever since I wrote it. So, I decided to try it out for myself since I had never tried it before. And I'm a sandwich enthusiast. My dad and I make the wackiest sandwiches. Under the hand of my sandwich mentor (my dad), I have made the following sandwiches before:
Cheese and lettuce
Mayo and lettuce
Fish w a bunch of diff sauces (not by choice, it's all my dad's fault)
A chicken sandwich with all the types of sauces combined. (Ketchup, ranch, sri racha, mayo, bbq, spicy peri peri, and sumth else i forgot)
Chicken korma (it was gonna go to waste so my dad said to make sandwiches out of it)
Nutella and butter (toasted)
Nutella and several types of jams (plum, strawberry, raspberry, etc. All of them seperately dw)
Nutella & banana
And now, I shall try strawberries, banana, and nutella. With progress pictures!
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Mis en place is important kids
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Is all coming together.
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Sandwich ft. my make-it-yourself bracelet that was meant for kids but I do not care because I love bracelets and I wanna spell my name with it. (My sister has the necklace, but she lost it. Well... not really, I just hid it in my bag cuz she left it lying on the sofa. I'm gonna wait until she asks for it. Let's see how long that'll take).
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It's like- a mixture of sweet with a poppy flavor (strawberries), the second natural sweetness (bananas), and the rich and chocolatey sweetness of nutella (chocolate). My aunt pointed out that it would be better slightly toasted and I agree cuz then you could butter the bread a little bit too and it won't be so... uh, can't think of the word, but it falls apart easy.
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I let my whole family have a bite and FU- THE BANANAA AND STRAWBEREY FELL DON MY OHEONA
It's all good now, I wiped the screen, can't say the same for my dress though. That's stained.
Anyways, my fam liked it. Except for my two sisters who are the oldest after me and my uncle and aunt and cousin. My aunt, uncle didn't try it cuz it was too sweet for them and my cousin's 4 and I'm not getting her toddler hands of destruction on my sandwich. My sisters are stupid and don't like fruit. My youngest sis is in my good book though, she tried it and said that she liked it. She deserves a hug cuz she appreciates my hardwork.
Conclusion: Sandwich good. Tim is genius. My garner correct. Try it or die- /sar
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lutawolf · 2 months
Hi Luta!
Previous anon here!
I was mostly referring and was curious about their sexual... plays?
I think our preferences might match cuz I absolutely love tgcf and mdzs but I didn't even try to read the author's first work because I could tell from comments and story that it's just not my thing.
Well based on text it's certain that XL is a creampie jjsdfghjkl but the author also mentioned that HC is a bully and they both like it when he's rough w XL in bed. Wish we got that dynamic in the books but it doesn't make it any less despite not having explicit smut.
I'm curious tho - how is thousand autumns? I considered reading that but I heard there's not much romance? What are your thoughts?
I was mostly referring to LZ and WW's dynamics in bed. The way LZ can get really rough, they even play around with consent non-consent and whether in bed or out of it LZ likes to use his headband on WW. Actually WW likes when LZ does it too? I think he actually asked him to tie his hands in a forest scene? If I remember correctly?
Hey Nonnie!
Ahhh, gotcha.
I tried! Because others in my reading group adore it, but sadly, it didn't hit. I just got back to Thousand Autumns. I got side tracked by The Wife is First. If you haven't read TWIF, then do so. You'll enjoy it. As for the romance in TA, this might sound insulting, but I don't mean it to be. I feel that those who say there isn't romance don't know how to read layers.
I've said this a thousand times. People aren't being taught subcontext anymore. Recently, my youngest, Demon, is reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in school. When discussing it with her, I realized that she'd missed out on everything but the basic story line. So we took the book back out and I began to teach her subcontext. There’s also a subplot or two worth telling, such as the redemption story of a selfish and broken boy. The witch’s spy and whether he can be saved. The growth it takes to transition from a child to an adult. But wait, there is more! We also have the correlation with the war and even correlation to Christianity.
The romance in Thousand Autumns is not out in the open. Which isn't to everyone's taste, I get it. Occasionally, you just want the romance right there and not have to think. Fictional books are about escapism and well that isn't the same for everyone.
It's like how if you are only looking at surface level, you think that WW fell in love with LZ after his rebirth, but that isn't true. There is a lot of context there to point to WW being in love before that, it's just he didn't even understand the meaning of it at that point.
OMG, the amount of BDSM in the bedroom with those two. I might have to “research” again and write something up. 🤣💜
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