#n cinnamon is sprawled out on his leg
blockofhoney · 1 year
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so i made c!fundbomb fankids,,,,
(@wiiwarechronicles hi)
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cottoncandy-cult · 20 days
Yami Sukehiro X Pregnant Wife! Reader
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(Y/n) sighed softly, hand rubbing her swollen belly as she made her way down the stone halls of the black bull's base. Her back was aching, the baby was do in a months time and she couldn't wait for all this pressure inside of her to be released. "Hey (Y/n), you ok? Do you need help down the stairs?" Asta had come around the corner, noticing the heavily pregnant woman and her obvious discomfort. "No thanks, Henry put those handrails up so I should be fine. I just can't keep laying in bed, my back is so tense." She had her free hand on her hip, trying to arch her back some to relieve it as she walked. "If you say so, I know you aren't supposed to take real baths when you're like that but maybe Captain Yami knows something that could help. He has been reading a lot when he goes to the bathroom, he has like a parenting book in each stall." Asta chuckled, smiling when he saw his captain's wife started to giggle. As unserious as the captain could be, Yami had been doing his best to prepare. He wasn't necessarily easily embarrassed, just naturally private about certain things. "He should be back from the captain's meeting at the capital soon, Fenral went with him so it shouldn't be long now." Asta continued on his way, the woman smiling with a nod and thanks before making her way down the steps towards the kitchen.
She was really wanting a banana muffin; she didn't want nuts in it though. Just a nice, soft and fluffy banana muffin. The thought had her belly rumbling, her waddled steps getting faster. "Hey Charmy, can we have muffins? I could really use something banana." When she approached the couch Magna was quick to stand and help her sit, being as devoted to her husband as he was Magna took great care of his captain's wife in his absence. "Coming up! I was just craving something sweet!" Charmy was quick to gather the sheep cooks, though it was clear banana muffins weren't the only things on the menu. To distract herself from her growing hunger, (Y/n) settled on a nice cool glass of milk. Before long Charmy had laid out several baked goods, while she had originally only been craving banana muffins the site of glazed honey banana buns had her mouth watering. That was where she was when Yami found her, her legs swinging happily in her seat as she ate a baked apple cinnamon roll. She had been going down the line, trying one of everything she could. Refilling her milk when needed, she happily enjoyed the warm and soft desserts.
"This looks good, you enjoying yourself darlin?" Yami sat next to her, kissing her cheek in greeting as he put out his cigarette. (Y/n) nodded with her mouth full, her cheeks full of soft goodness. Swallowing her bite, she looked up at her husband, wide smile on her face. "You've gotta try some of this, the cinnamon banana bread is so good." She took a drink of her milk once more, watching as Yami smiled at her from the corner of her eye. "Yeah? I guess I could use a snack before dinner." He took her advice and grabbed some of the bread, taking a bite of it with a soft hum. "Yeah, it's pretty good. I've tried something like this from the bar I drink at in the capital sometimes, but theirs is pretty dry." He tapped his fingers on the table, Vannessa happily fixing him a drink as she snacked on a cupcake. They all often took snack breaks together, it would normally start with one or two of them but then it would slowly grow as conversations were had. Yami had slipped an arm around his wife's waist, large hand sprawling across her stomach to feel the pressure of their child against his palm. He was always quietly affectionate with her; he was never obscene with it, but he never failed to make their relationship and his own feelings known.
His ring never came off his finger, she had heard from Magna how Yami put off gambling and worked more to buy their rings and pay for the wedding. That conversation had killed any anxiety she had about their engagement and their next big step in life. Her own hand came to rest over his, gently squeezing as she finished her current snack and snuggled up to him. Giggling as some of the younger squad members playfully gagged over their display, Yami simply rolling his eyes as he took another bite of his bread. "Julius wanted me to give you somethin' for the baby, he was out wizard watching again and saw this weird little stuffed animal and thought it was cute for some reason." Yami pulled out a stuffed animal, it was an odd amalgamation of animals. An otter body, a beaver tail, webbed feet and duck bill. The look of it had (Y/n) laughing, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as her eyes shut. "He is so ugly oh my god." She shakily took the stuffed animal, flipping it around to look it over though her giggles never stopped. "He is so ugly it's almost cute, where do you even come up with something like this? I didn't know alcoholics could sew." That comment made her husband snort, chuckling to himself as he shook his head. He did admit that the stuffed animal was quite odd, Julius in general had a very particular taste in items if William's mask was anything to go buy. "You know Julius, he somehow manages to find the most outlandish items… when he isn't making them himself." He sipped his beer, running his hand through her hair as she continued to look over the stuffed animal with a curious stare. "Can't say he isn't original…"
"I'm gonna go put this in the nursery so it doesn't get lost, if I eat too much more, I won't have room for lunch." She says this while picking up chocolate chip banana muffin, waddling her way to the steps as Yami watched her with a chuckle. Of course he stood to follow, finishing his drink and popping a whole muffin in his mouth. He wanted to enjoy his time with her today since it was interrupted by a captains meeting, so he followed her up to the nursery and made sure she didn't lose her balance on the steps. Until finally he leaned against the door frame, watching her place the stuffed animal on top of a small dresser that already had several on top of it. "Just one more month, you ready to pop yet?" Yami chuckled, walking in as he wrapped his arms around her waist and her own arms came to rest over his. "Mhm, I feel like I have a boulder in my body, my back aches and I have to pee all the time." She sighed softly and tilted her head back, closing her eyes as he shifted slightly to gently lift her belly with his large hands. Relief flooded her features as she hummed softly and gently squeezed his hand, she loved when he did this as it was one of the few times she felt relief these days. "I see, gives us another reason to count down the days then huh?" His thumbs stroked the curve of her stomach as he supported her body with ease, he used to work out just to get her attention and feed his ego, but it was really paying off now. "I'm kinda scared to be honest, if this baby is anything like you it's gonna be a giant." She giggled, her thumb stroking the top of his hand. As the wife of a magic knight captain, she knew her baby would be delivered by an experienced doctor, but she just knew by how heavy the baby set in her stomach that this was gonna be one hell of a birth. "I mean, at least we know the baby is gonna be healthy? Everything will be ok, the doctors aren't gonna let you suffer." Yami kissed the top of her head, having already gone over the procedure with Owen several times and so he knew there were things for pain she'd be given to reduce the stress on her and the baby. "I know, I trust Owen. I just know it's gonna wreck my body and I'm not excited for it." She sighed softly, turning her head to nuzzle the side of his neck.
"Yeah, can't blame you there. But once this baby is out, all you'll have to do is lay back and we'll handle the rest. I mean, you'll still need to nurse the baby, but we'll make sure you have time to rest." Yami pressed a kiss to her forehead, doing his best to soothe her anxiety. "I know you all will, we're the black bulls after all and we take care of each other." (Y/n) responded with a smile, she had confidence in her squad and knew she'd simply have to have faith. "You wanna go sit outside for a bit until lunch, the weather is nice, and the fresh air will do you good. You've been couped up inside all day." He swayed softly, basking in her natural body heat and breathing in her scent. He had his own anxiety about the birth, but he knew he'd just have to have faith that everything would work out. "Sure, the breeze through the window has felt nice all day. I wanna see how the garden is doing." Yami carefully lowered her belly, moving to lift her up into his arms as he carries her out the room. (Y/n) would get embarrassed at first when he would do this type of thing, but now she was just glad to snuggle with him and be off her feet without being stuck in bed. He brought her out back to the garden, sitting in a chair in the center of the garden and resting her on his lap. She sat across his legs, leaning against his chest as she lifted her head to look over the colorful flowers. One of her husband's large hands rubbed her back, large fingertips gently pressing into her muscles and rubbing out the tension as best he could.
He couldn't have her lay face down for a proper back massage, so he had to settle for trying to rub her back when she was sitting up. "Charmy has done really good at taking care of the flowers, all that experience growing fruits and veggies must really pay off for her." (Y/n) spoke with a smile, she loved her garden but once she got a bit deeper into pregnancy, she couldn't care for it the way she would have liked so she had to ask Charmy to take care of it until she was able to get back out there. "Yeah, she's pretty good in the garden and kitchen. We really lucked out with the variety in this squad." Yami chuckled, leaning against the back of the seat as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. A soft warm breeze flowed past them, the sweet scent of the flowers carried on the wind and reinforced the calming scene around them. Yami never expected any of this, he had never thought much on love until his wife came into his life. Now here he was, married with a baby on the way and a squad of misfits that would always have his back. Life was turning out better than he expected, and he wasn't about to let this kind of peace slip through his fingers any time soon.
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tsumuuu · 1 year
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𝒞𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝓇𝑜𝓁𝓁 - 𝒜𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶
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hey guys!! sorry for not updating in a while, I was in a pretty bad mental state and I needed to get that out so I wrote a fanfic about something I needed to vent about! I will get back to doing requests soon!
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word count: 2.0k
notes: gaslighting, manipulation, and a tiny bit of violence near the end. Vent fic!
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You loved him, you really did. You would do anything for him, but here he is standing here, admitting to cheating on you, telling you that you meant nothing to him. You were just another  fuck-buddy to him. Just another girl in his life whos coming and going, like a leaf blowing in the wind; he’s leaving your life.
You’re currently on your hands and knees, while he’s standing straight. They victor and the loser.
“You’re too naive (y/n)” Atsumu looks at you with an emotionless gaze, it’s not like he gave a shit about you anymore. Your feelings dont matter.
love, what is love really?
It’s a cold winter day, you and Atsumu are sitting in his house drinking hot chocolate and looking out the window. It’s snowing outside, like a canvas painted white. The house is dead silent, it’s just you and him in the house, nobody else is home, not even his gray-haired twin.
“Hey ‘Tsumu?” you let out while looking out the window, to a view of pure white. 
“Yes, darlin’? He replies back almost instantly to you.
“Let’s go make snow angels!” you say excitingly to the love of your life. You turn you head toward him showing him you’re huge smile.
He looks at you with those beautiful brown eyes of his. The ones that you fell in love with, the ones you could stare at for hours without looking away.
“Of course darlin’, lets’s go outside and make some snow angels!” he smiles back to you and he puts his hand out in front of you, for you to grab.
You grab his hand, his hand is so much bigger than yours. They’re incredibly plush as well. You’d expect them to be beat up because he is a volleyboy player after all.
As you make it to the front door and put on your coat in boots you look at the love of your life, he’s yours and you are his. 
Next, thing you know is that you’re out the front door and on the snow with your lover making snow angels on the freshly planted snow.
“You’re my cinnamon roll ‘Tsumu.” you blurt out as you’re on the ground looking up at white sky.
“A cinnamon roll? Why’s that darlin’?” he adds on to your statement as he as well in on the ground lookup up at the white sky.
You think of why you would call him a cinnamon roll. Is it his warm hugs, or cinnamon like smell? Maybe even both.
“Because you smell and are warm like a  freshly baked cinnamon roll!” you say as you let big smile.
“Well then yer ma blueberry!” The love of your life says back to you as he also looks up at the pure white sky.
As he called you a “blueberry” you sit up off the plush snow, and look at him. He’s still sprawled on the ground, arms and legs spread. 
“Your blueberry? Why specifically a blueberry?” you questioned the blonde setter who is still looking up at the white sky.
“Because you’re sweet…” he says as get gets up off the ground, “sweet like a blueberry!” he then proceeds to tackle hug you to the ground on the plush snow, while planting many kisses on you.
You let out a squeal at the amount of affection your lover was giving you.
His blueberry, you didn’t mind it.
“Did I truly mean nothing to you ‘Tsumu? Was i just some game to you? Someone to dump all your problems and feeling on and leave to rot?” you scream back at him, he did mean the world to you, he was your everything. After all, he always told you how much meant to him, and that he would be nothing without you.
problems, everyone has those… 
It was a winter afternoon, you and Atsumu were currently in a fight over the way you were treating him. Every single fight you two got in, you were the one at fault. It only worsened your mental health.
“(y/n) you don’t give a shit about me!” he yells at you.
But you do. You do care about him. He’s all you you think about day and night. 
“I do ‘Tsumu, i really do!” he yell back at you beloved boyfriend.
He when just stares at you with no emotion, he does this every time you fight with him. 
“Maybe if you would just change yourself for the better, none of thie would of happened.” Atsumu tell you as he’s walking away from the situation as if he didn't want to deal with you anymore
“‘Tsumu wait.” you say as you attempt to go after him.
“I currently don’t want to be around someone who is flawed. Just leave me alone (Y/n).” tell sternly tell you. As he walks away faster.
Your heart breaks at the statement Atsumu just made. There are flaws in every human, some more than others. 
Maybe you we’re the best at communicating your feelings but, you still undoubtedly loved him with all your heart.
Our relationship had problems, it doesn’t mean you didn’t care though.
I love you Atsumu Miya
“(y/n), you never gave a shit about me. It was always about how you felt. Never about me. I left you to start something with Shizuko. She’s everything that you aren’t.” He smirks at your limp body on the floor
This is a familiar feeling… The feeling of being stabbed through the heart…
“What about all the times you said I was your everything? What about about the memories we made together? Were they nothing to you Atsumu?!?” At this point it feels like the world is crashing down onto you. 
“I put my faith in you for the last time, I’m sorry to say darlin’ but that was the last thing holding everything bad back. I really did trust ya.” he simply tells you as he’s now walking away from the scene. To his new girlfriend Shizuko.
trust, what is trust?
It’s winter, you’re at your house and he’s at his house. You two are just talking. Suddenly Shizuko is brought up in the conversation. Usually this means you guys are talking about how much the both of you dislike seeing her and talking to her.
“Hey ‘Tsumu? That homewrecker Shizuko, you’re not friendly with her right?” You ask your boyfriend.
Shizuko is known for getting in-between people’s relationships as she has been the cause why Osamu and his ex-girlfriend broke up. She’s also known for going guy to guy begging them to choose her over their girlfriends. At this point, nobody with a brain likes her other than some of the few braindead friends she has.
“Well, blueberry, she asked me to go out with her today! I think i’m going to go.” he replies back 
Atsumu had just got back from nationals and the first thing he wants to do is hang out with Shizuko? 
“Atsumu… The first thing you want to do its hang out with Shizuko and not me?” you ask with a hint of sadness in your tone of voice.
“It’s just unfortunate timin’ darlin’, I would hang out with you but a lot of the volleyball team is going.” he replies back with an apologetic tone in his voice.
Is he truly sorry?
“Alright ‘Tsumu, you can go, have fun while you’re there” You tell him trying to sound happy so he isn’t suspicious. If this makes him happy, then so be it. You can manage!
As time goes on and you scroll on instagram, you see Shizuko has posted on her instagram. The pictures she had posted contained images of her and you boyfriend. One of them had her and your boyfriend holding hands, another had them hugging, and the final one had them playing a shooting game together. You felt left out. Betrayed even, Or was this just jealousy? Perhaps even hatred.
When Atsumu got home he explained how much of a blast he had playing billiards with the team and Shizuko. Also how he had won a rabbit plush for Shizuko. Things he had said he wanted to do with you. 
“We plan on going again on friday (y/n)!” Atsumu exciting tells you. More words that break your heart and more words that hurt your feelings.
“Hey, ‘Tsumu? Can I come along this time?” You ask him in a polite tone of voice.
He pauses for a bit, not responding to your question.
“Cinnamon roll? You add on to your previous question.
“Uh no, sorry. Shizuko doesn’t want you to go.” he replied back after what felt like forever.
You sit there, dumbfounded at what your boyfriend just said. Does he realize how much of a red flags that is? To have your boyfriend hang out with a known homewrecker? She destroyed the relationship between your own twin brother and his girlfriend, and you want to go somewhere with her?
“Look, ‘Tsumu, I’m not comfortable with you going.” You say, finally standing up for yourself for once. You usually dont argue back due to the fear of him leaving you.
“(y/n) that’s just unfair to me and really controlling.” he tells you also trying to clearly stand up for himself.
“Why hang out with Shizuko though?” you ask him on the verge of breaking down
“Because she’s a friend of mine.”
A friend? A friend of his. One that hurt his brother and he still considers her a friend? 
“What happened to not liking her?!?” 
“Oh! She turned out to be a pretty good person.” Atsumu tells you estatictally. As if the situation between her and his brother didnt happen at all.
“Well, ‘Tsumu, This is very unfair to me! I don’t feel comfortable with this an thats final!” You snap. You cant take anymore of this. You refuse to be left out again. 
“Whatever, I’m going to bed. Night (l-n)!” he hung up on you. How petty can he be?!? 
This is why you avoided arguments, this is why you hated them. Your boyfriend will always bring up some petty excuse to make you at fault, never validating your feelings, never once thinging about you when he claims he does. Can’t you be selfish for once? Can you? 
You love him though. Shouldn’t that be enough for you to be happy and satisfied with this relationship? You’d do anything for him, so let him go with Shizuko. You love to see him happy.
I love you Atsumu Miya. 
“Oh poor little (l/n)-san, how will you ever recover from this? Oh right! You’re a mental freak! You won’t recover.” Shizuko tells you while grabbing you face and laughing right at you. 
“Shizuko, you dirty little homewrecker!” you try standing up for yourself against Shizuko with no avail. She had slapped you right across the face.
“Me? The dirty one? You manipulated him. To add on to that you lied and controled him. If anyone is the dirty one, it’s you. Learn your place ya’ little slut!” she yells at you as she kicked you right in the stomach, landing a hard blow.
Now you’re on the ground, alone on the on the fluffy wet snow looking up at the cloudy sky.
Winter will eventually turn to spring, a start of a new season, a new fresh beginning for your third year. 
But the scent of the freshly baked cinnamon roll stays for awhile but, will blow away with the wind, becoming a new.
He was your cinnamon roll, and you were his blueberry.
The amount you loved him will never change.
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 ©tsumuuu 2023
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victoria-writes · 2 years
Yoo can I ask for all saints street nick X reader pretty please ????
Absolutely, I love him so much. Banged this one out super quick so apologies for any mistakes.
Nick Hoult x Reader (All Saints Street)
Let Me Stay!
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Pairing: Nick Hoult x Reader
Word Count: 791
Summary: Nick won't stop coming to your apartment. Can be read as an established relationship or the beginning of one. Reader is a slight tsundere.
Read it on AO3 here too
“You’re home!” 
“Get out of my apartment”
You glare at the devil as he lays sprawled out on your couch with a bag of popcorn in his arms. The TV is playing a show you’ve never seen before.
“Don’t be such a sourpuss. I know you’ve been dying to see me.”, he pushes his luck.
All you wanted to do was kick your shoes off, flop onto the couch, and sleep after a long day at work. Someone was making that very difficult. It really is your fault for being so nice to the jerk in the first place.
You had walked past Nini’s apartment and seen Nick sitting on the steps outside of the building with his head in his hands. You were by no means strangers and you had met him plenty of times before when you were invited over, being a friend of Ira and Nini. He was flirty, loud, messy, and a bit too handsy at times. But, he was nice. You fought against your urge to keep walking and mind your business. You really should have. Mistake number one.
“You okay?”
He looked up at you with glossy eyes that almost seemed to say “do you really care?”. 
“Oh, Y/N. I didn’t realize you were coming by today.”, his Aussie accent dancing on each word. 
“I’m just passing through. You look like you’ve had a tough day.” 
Nick went on to tell you about the argument he had with Lynn, where Lynn accused him of being a slob (right), loud (right), not paying rent (right-o), and eating his food (right again). Lynn had told him to high-tail it out of there before he purified him out of anger. Yeesh. 
“I just wanted to stay with my brother! Is that so bad? I’ve no where else to stay.” 
As much as you agree with Lynn, you couldn’t help but feel bad for the demon. A pang of empathy rang through your heart at his brotherly love. Mistake number two. 
“You can crash at my place”. 
His goat ears perked up at your words as the corners of mouth formed a smile. 
Ever since then, Nick has taken a liking to hanging out in your apartment whenever Lynn kicks him out. Which brings us back to Nick lounging about. You sigh and slip off your shoes. You walk towards the couch. 
“Why are you here?”
“Lynn is one of his moods again.”
“Maybe he’d like you better if you paid rent or cleaned up around the house”.
“I don’t live there”.
“You don’t live here either. Get out, freeloader”, you say sharply as you push his legs off the couch. 
Nick holds onto his popcorn for dear life, trying not to spill it everywhere from the sudden movement. 
He put the bag of popcorn down on the coffee table and raises his hands in surrender, “Listen, I just thought you could use some company. You’ve been cooped up all the time lately. Haven’t seen you at the flat for months”.
“I visited last week. I don’t come by every day because that’s rude, intrusive, and I have work.”
“Last week? How come I didn’t see you?”
“I don’t think you were home.”
“You came by and didn’t even wait for me?”, from the tone of his voice you’d think you had stabbed him. Pure betrayal. 
“Nick, be for real”. 
“So you didn’t miss me at all? Not a little?”
You wavered.
“I… didn’t say that”.
“So you did miss me!”, he approached you cheerfully now that you were both standing.
“I didn’t say that either”, scrunching your face. 
He hugged you tightly, his strong arms wrapping around your frame. The warmth of his body enveloped you in a way that made you cozy and dizzy at the same time. He smelled of cinnamon and cigarettes. He felt like home.
“Ugh get your buttery popcorn fingers off of me.”
Nick knew you didn’t mean it but he let go anyway. He stands too close for comfort and your heart beats loudly in your throat as you struggle to pull yourself together. He looks down at you lovingly, anticipating your next words. 
“Fine, fine, fine. You can stay, but don’t make a mess like last time.” 
He smiles at you as his tail twists into a heart shape.
“Thank you, my love”.
“Yeah, yeah”, you mutter flopping onto the couch. Ah, plush softness at last. You sit up slightly and leave room for Nick to sit beside you. You drape your legs over his lap. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him. The fabric of his shirt feels soft as it grazes the skin of your arm. 
“Change the channel”.
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sophierequests · 2 years
can i request some dating harshaw hcs with a she/her reader please? :D
thank you so much! <3 have a great day :>
dating headcanons
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Request
Pairing: Harshaw x f!Reader
A/N: Catch me picking up my books multiple times to get the references right lmaoo. I actually really liked writing about him ngl. There are also a few general headcanons I sprinkled in there hehe. I hope you like this, and obvi thank you for requesting this!!! I hope you have a great day too!! <3 Also, Alex Lawther is my personal Harshaw fancast, which I'll probably use for my fanfics etc. Pls drop your fancasts, I love seeing them!!!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Harshaw's backstory, fire
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Oncat adores you. She was the reason why you started taking for the first time. Harshaw had been looking for her for quite a while, until he found the orange tabby curled up in your lap, as you sat leaning against a tree whilst reading a book. With a bit of initial awkwardness, he introduced himself and started the conversation. From then on you started to spend a lot more time with each other, genuinely enjoying the other's presence.
You can be really jumpy, so him being pretty impulsive with a tendency to scare others often induced one or the other heart attack. It also doesn't really help that he wasn't prone to tell you when he planned to pay you a visit.
"Good evening, Y/N, have you seen-"
"Saints, Harshaw, what the hell are you doing here? How did you get inside my room?"
You really admire the amount of control he has over his abilities. It always amazes you how easy it was for him to manipulate even the smallest flame, without even breaking a sweat. (At least not because of the amount of effort he had to put in.)
His hair fascinated you. The colour was just so vibrant and bright, that it almost looked unreal, as if he had asked a tailor to change it for him. You weren't too happy when he shaves the sides of his head, hindering you from getting the full experience of running your hand through his hair.
His affinity for fire can sometimes be dangerous though. Sometimes he gets so focused on summoning and controlling the fire in front of him, that he forgets that there are other people - or objects, for that matter - around him. This led to him almost setting the Little Palace (or other things and people) on fire.
He talks a lot about his brother with you. Telling you about his first real interaction with his Grisha powers. You can't really do much for him, otherwise than trying to give him some comfort, but he doesn't need more than that.
People don't believe that you two are dating. Your personalities can clash quite a bit, so everyone was a bit sceptical when Harshaw told them about your relationship.
"What? You're dating her? Since when? Did Oncat tell you to say that?"
Some of your friends think he's weird, not really understanding his obsession with fire or the relationship he has to that random cat. You don't mind. You know him better than they do, so you know that their opinion doesn't really matter.
Even though he comes from the Wandering Isles, he's a horrible swimmer. Which is why he doesn't necessarily enjoy being on a ship. Too much water, not enough things to set aflame.
Cuddle times with his head on your lap and Oncat sprawled out over your legs >>>
He is a huge nerd when it comes to legends, fairytales or stories of Saints. His favourite Saints are Sankt Juris and Sankta Marya.
He's horrible at picking out outfits. If he wouldn't wear a kefta most of the time (or have you living with him), this man would wear the most mismatched outfits one could imagine.
You love cooking together, even though he does become impatient when something won't heat up quick enough.
"Y/N, why can't I just-"
"Absolutely not. You're not using your powers to warm up our soup!"
He doesn't enjoy social gatherings. If he attends one it's only for you.
He's allergic to cinnamon. You found that out the hard way, after baking cookies for the winter fête. It wasn't a nice experience.
"What do you mean, you didn't know you were deadly allergic to cinnamon???"
Dating him also includes randomly getting jumpscared by Oncat just appearing out of nowhere. It always catches you off guard.
Harshaw has a certain scent to him. He always smells like charred wood and pine needles.
He's very sarcastic, and he does not miss any chance to take the piss out of the others, especially Zoya.
He loves to retell the story of the time when he set Baghra's hut on fire. It's a classic, and you know it by heart already.
Oncat is your child. That's it. She's baby.
You both are besties with Tolya. He likes to deny it, but you so are.
He accidentally got knocked out by Zoya once, and you make sure to never make him forget that.
Zoya called him a deranged rooster once, and you also decided to never let him live that down. At some point, it became something close to a term of endearment for you.
He is very disorganized, meaning that you are the brain in this relationship. Everything that can't be solved through arson is not a priority.
When he wants to be a little shit, he manipulates his body temperature to be almost burning to the touch. Then he calls for you, pretending to be sick, effectively scaring the living hell out of you.
He can and will braid your hair. His brother always used to have long hair, so it's always pretty sentimental for him.
He doesn't do traditional nicknames. Instead, he likes to call you his little flame or the light of his life. :')
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beebowtf · 2 years
Steve Grant & Marc Spector
A/N: Never posted my fan fiction on Tumblr before but I hope it reaches a good audience!
TW: Implied child abuse, child abuse, screaming, hitting.
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He just wanted some damn groceries.
Steven recently picked up baking and needed a whole bunch of crap like baking soda and some shit called Zanem gum?
“Xanthan gum, it should be in the baking aisle.” Steven explained, Marc heard the loud hum of the mixing machine in the background. He could imagine Steven pacing around their tiny kitchen with the phone pressed firmly against his ear.
Marc groaned as he looked at the wide selection of baking materials. Marc could barely boil pasta, what makes Steven think that he understood any of this crap.
“The hell do you even need this for, Steven?”
“It’s to make the cinnamon rolls gooey! I’ve told you this, Marc. Please hurry as the dough is due to be ready within the hour.”
Marc eventually picked out a bag with some old guy on it. Turns out that xanthan gum wasn’t really gum, but some weird powder. He checked out and made his way out the store.
Couldn’t even get to the car before he heard it.
Just the lot across from him was some woman, groceries sprawled all around her. Seeming to have dropped a jar of pasta sauce, broken glass and red mixed among the mixed, he continued walking, figuring she was just pissed about losing 3 bucks worth of food.
He didn’t see it until he reached his car.
She was hunched over a kid
He looked to be about 8, arms up instinctively as his, assuming, mother got even closer to him. Her yells getting even more intense, Marc could only imagine that she was practically spitting in the boy's face.
“For fuck sakes, Jason. You can’t even put the bloody bags away? The hell wrong with you, huh? I’m asking you a fucking question!” She hits the top of his head, the boy only getting more scared and shutting down.
Marc only could watch in his own paralyzing fear as the display continued. He wanted to do something, he really did, but he couldn’t. Move. His own thoughts were racing, the hell was wrong with him?
He watched as she kept smacking him, his cries, her screams and yet nothing. Tears welling at his own eyes, his legs trembling.
The woman eventually shoved the boy back in the car and drove off. Leaving Marc staring at the empty parking spot.
He felt useless
He felt like he was in his room again, hands smashed against his little ears. Nails digging into his skin in hopes blocking it out, repeating his little matra.
“It’s not my mom. It’s not my mom.”
But Steven is not here to take over.
Marc left on his own.
Marc willed himself to get into the car, throwing the groceries in the back and the key in the ignition. Turning the radio on full blast, he rammed the gas and sped out of the parking lot. He needed to get home.
He needed Steven.
Steven was growing impatient.
Marc had been out for over two hours, the hell could he have gone? What if something had happened?
Steven was now growing concerned .
Oh good grief,
What if Khonshu was back? What if he took Marc back knowing that he wasn’t a problem anymore, the worm was gone.
No Knonsu wouldn’t, right?
He was the one to separate them.
Oh, but what if one of the bad guys caught wind of Marc wearabouts and was coming for revenge.
Steven paced around the apartment, his mind racing.
When he heard the door unlocking Steven damn near gave himself whiplash. Oh was Marc about to hear an earful, what gave him the right to-
Steven's thoughts came to a halt.
Marc looked scared shitless
Marc’s eyes widened comically when he saw Steven.
“Stevie!” Marc bolted for Steven like a bull chasing a red flag. Steven barely had any time to drop the bowl of mix he was holding.
Marc engulfed Steven in a lung-crushing hug, tucking his head into his neck. Immediately bursting into tears. Steven simply hugged him back in sheer bewilderment, not that he was irritated by Marc. But what the hell was happening right now?
They stood in the middle of their flat, Marc holding onto Steven like he was going to run away if he didn't. Steven felt a little bit like a child's stuffed toy. He rubbed circles on Marc’s back, softly rushing him.
Marc’s cries began to die down and his breathing settled, Steven took it as a sign to pull away. Marc tensed up and picked up his head,
“Don’t leave me, Stevie. Please.”
Steven’s heart sunked
He didn’t know what to do, he sure as hell wasn’t leaving though.
“I won’t bud, I promise.”
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ghostofscarley · 3 years
Lover Of Mine Pt2
Theodore Nott x Reader
Inspired by 'Lover Of Mine' - by 5 Seconds Of Summer
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hope and i pray, darling that you will stay
butterfly lies, chase them away
the slam of the slytherin common room doors break theo out of his thoughts, and the emptiness of the room do nothing to cover the sounds of slight sniffles and small sobs that escape from the girl whom he loved, still stood on the other side of the door, in disbelief.
was it worth it? had he done what was right? he truly did not want the girl to leave, instead desperate for her to stay, for her to be near. within her presence, he felt on top of the world; with her he felt loved.
no, he knew he had to do this. her safety was more important than his happiness, but at what cost? her sobs of heartbreak only seem to conflict theo more, for all he wanted to do was run out and confess that it was all a mistake.
but that would only bring the girl into a bigger, more dangerous mess. and he could not bare the thought of her being exposed to the severity that was this situation.
she did not deserve this.
so with a heavy heart, he turned away from the entrance of the common room, and began to make his way to the boys dormitories, wanting to drown in his own sorrows, praying that one day, they would be happy again, in each others arm.
upon making it to his shared dorm that had seemed to be empty, sat atop his bed, his legs sprawled out and his back leant on the wall, he closed his eyes as memories rushed through his mind.
dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you
the peaceful winter evening of december 24th, 1996, for theo and y/n was spent cuddled up by the fireplace, in each others embrace, enjoying the company of the other with the small muggle radio playing songs in the background.
y/n lets out a gasp, disturbing the serenity that had settled within the room, slightly startling theo as he turns to face the girl who began to remove herself from his arms.
he whined, opening his mouth to complain when the girl placed her pointer finger as to stop him speaking.
as the room fell into silence, theo could hear the song, 'baby i love your way' by big mountain - a personal favourite of the girl in front - begin to play through the small radio that sat on the shelf in the corner.
"dance with me teddy," the girl pleaded with her lips pouted and eyes big, knowing that theo could not resist.
with a slight shake of his head, he removed the small blanket that had once covered them both from around his arms, before standing and holding his hand out in front of his lover.
placing her evidently smaller hand in his, y/n was immediately brought into the embrace of her boyfriend, allowing the familiar scent of theo's cologne and the sweet smell of the cinnamon scented candle to invade her sense of smell, as the two moved in slow cirlces, with theo twirling y/n every now and then, giggles errupting from the two.
and so that christmas eve, with delicate snowflakes falling gracefully, some landing against the windowsill of the girl's room, the evening between the two was spent in each others arms as they gazed into each others eyes, whispering lyrics and sweet words to each other, the bond strengthening and the love growing.
lover of mine, i know you're colourblind
like all couples, the two had their ups and their downs. but that was to be expected. the pair believed that their relationship was imperfectly perfect.
with the giggles and the lovely dates, also came the shouts and the nasty fights, which in tow came the tears and the lonely nights.
the couple had seen the reds and the blues of what came with a realtionship.
but no matter what, they had always come back to each others arms.
opening his eyes, theo was unsure if they would come together after this.
after all the fights and tears they had been shed and shared between theo and y/n, it had never resulted in the ending of the relationship between the two, so knowing what they used to have may have been lost forever broke theo beyond repair.
i watched the world fall from your eyes
theo cannot help but think of the look of pure desperation that rested in her eyes as she pleaded for him to talk to her.
he cannot help but think about how obvious it was that her heart had broke, and that he was the one to do it; he was the one to hurt her when he had promised he would never.
@lilyswh0re @sydneekomspacekru
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
Hi I wanted to request a fluff bf!Minghao scenario when he is being clingyyyy.
I saw a video of him being clingy with vernon it so UwU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I love when he's being clingy with his membersssss
What a cute cinnamon roll ❤❤❤
Thank youuuuu 😚😚😚
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“What if we just stop doing the puzzle so I can cuddle you properly?”
“Wasn’t it you who wanted to do this together?” you ask Minghao in amusement, shaking your head.
In front of you is a 1000 pieces puzzle, one that Minghao has bought on impulse because he thinks it’ll be fun to start and finish it with you. You have no idea why he thinks getting a back pain would be fun, but you don’t think there’d ever be a day when you’re able to say no to Minghao.
“Yes, but you’re distracting me,” he mumbles against your shoulder.
“Hao, I’m literally sitting down trying to do this when you suddenly move behind me and turn into an octopus,” you wiggle a little and Minghao whines cutely, his head still buried on the back of your neck, his arms around your middle, and his long legs sprawled to make a V with you sitting in between.
“Stoooop,” he moves his chin to your shoulder, trying to catch your eyes from where he’s at. “It’s not my fault that you look cute trying to figure out which piece goes where.”
You shake your head in disbelief, though you’re not going to lie and say you don’t enjoy the proximity. Minghao has always been clingy with people he’s comfortable with and, most of the time, you’ve become his giant teddy bear and his arms rarely leave your figure when it’s just the two of you alone.
“First, we will never finish this if you’re not going to help,” you tell him, leaning down to place the puzzle piece. Behind you, Minghao just flops his weight to your back, making him follow your movement. “Second, even if I manage to finish this, it’s going to take even longer because you’re literally trapping me here.”
“Why are you so caught up on finishing it quickly, anyway?”
“Because it’s literally in the middle of my living room and we can’t move it if we don’t finish it?”
Minghao lets out an ‘ah’, moving his chin from your shoulder to the top of your head. Damn him and his long body.
“Well, you can continue while I enjoy myself here,” he says as he tightens his arms around you and kisses the top of your head to make a point.
Obviously, you choose the most rational choice between Minghao and the puzzle that will absolutely be on your way for the next few days unless you finish it quickly; you can almost hear him grinning the moment you lean back and drop your weight against his chest.
Who’s able to say no to Minghao, really?
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N: thank yo for the request, anon! <3 what would i give to do puzzle w hao and have him trap me in his embrace T-T
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listentothisyoooh · 3 years
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Care For You; BC
A/N: This piece is +18, minors do not interact.
Summary: You come home from work, only to find your boyfriend, Chris, exhausted and drained. What can you say, when he asks you to make him feel better in your own special ways?
Warnings: sub Chan, soft dom female reader, hand jobs, orgasm control, edging, ropes, dirty talk, use of nicknames (mistress, little, pup, angel, etc), mention of the color system --
Word Count: 4.2k
“Hey, hi baby!” You whispered, sitting down on the edge of the mattress next to Chan’s rigid body, “When did you get home?” Caressing the tangled, short platinum blond locks sprawled on the pillow, you smiled down at his puffy, tired face; it probably wasn’t a good thing that you weren’t answered by a smile.
“An hour, I guess.” He rasped, his cords rugged with sleepiness and something else –something you didn’t quite like. The cool, white sheets covered him up to his shoulders, leaving no patch of pale skin open for your sight, and the faded shade of raspberry on his perky lips further demonstrated just how tired the man was.
“Oh honey,” You cooed, leaning over Chan to plant a kiss on his temple while he lay on his side, facing where you sat, “you seem exhausted. Are you alright? Did something happen?” You couldn’t really help the way your brows knotted as a sign of worry. Using arms as pillars next to your boyfriend’s figure, you bowed above him; ceiling cream lights now blocked away from his sight and he could look up at you with those wide, glossy eyes, the peachy gleam of the bedside lamp reflecting from them.
“I’m okay, babe, don’t worry;” He assured, settling on his back gently, “It was just—a very, very long day!” A light laugh puffing out of him, he pulled on the sheets to conceal the lower part of his face from you, eyes still locked with yours. Chan was always soft –so soft, gentle and sweet, and that was why you just couldn’t stop showering him with light, lingering touches, one now being granted for him across his left cheekbone and the side of his eye by your thumb; he seemed to really enjoy it, lids flowing down and expression turning into a relaxed, almost blank one.
“Anything I can do, Channie?” Your gentle question fluttered his eyes open, “want me to make you something? Or get you some pills to help you sleep?” Sometimes, when he was too spent, it became frustratingly difficult for him to fall asleep, so it wouldn’t be far from ordinary if he were to have the same problem now; puffy eyes, flushed cheeks and tousled locks only asked for a bit of rest.
“Can you take care of me?” His quiet voice rose from beneath the sheets, his linear eyes staring right into yours, making your chest quiver alongside that innocent little request.
“Of course!” You smiled, “What do you need? I can give you a massage…” Your suggestion was met with his negative nod, the grips over the edge of the cover tightening.
“No,” He gulped, “can you take care of me, mistress?” There was already a certain breathlessness in his words which only made you grit your teeth; he looked so devastatingly vulnerable, looking up at you with hope, exhaustion and plea in his stare.
“Aren’t you a little too tired for that, pup?” Was the last thing you wanted to say to him, the last thing he wanted to hear too; shaking his head no, Chan squirmed in place while waiting for you to answer to the desperate request in a way that would satisfy both of you.
Instead, you just smiled. Cupping his right, warm cheek, you lightly pinched its plumpness and traced your hand lower unto his neck and chest, pulling that nuisance of a fabric away from those beautiful lips and skin. He visibly gulped at your movements –at being scanned by your sharp eyes, but made no objections whatsoever; the easy compliance egged you on to inch his figure further southwards, fingers dancing on the white sheet. It seemed like he was bare under the covers, and when your hand finally clasped at the side of his right thigh and absorbed the gentle body heat, your assumptions turned out to be accurate, slapping a smirk on your face.
“Are you naked, little?” You asked, stare switching between Chan’s agape lips and anticipating, bright eyes; he did nothing, as if waiting for your sly hand to figure that out itself. “Why is that?” Your gentle tone tried to coax the words out of the man, “Were you being naughty when I was at work?”
“No!” It was adorable how the reply cut off his quiet sigh, being shot out to convince you, “No, I was just waiting for you, and… I fell asleep.” He explained, his covered chest heaving out of slight nervousness. A light chuckle sprang out of you while you flew down to peck his pretty lips.
“Relax, pup; I believe you.” You assured, “It would be fine if you did, though;” Leaning down on your elbow, you peppered lingering kisses near his mouth, your free hand caressing his bicep from over the covers, “you’ve been so good lately—you deserve a treat, both from me and yourself.” By the way his cheek flexed under your lips, you could tell he was smiling. “So, let’s give you a treat then, angel!” He shivered when your breath rubbed on the sensitive spot under his ear.
As soon as you backed away and got off of the bed, Chan rose up to sit on his butt and see what you were doing, the white cover dropping unto his lap; knowing that you’re being watched, you made your way to the small, antique chest placed on top of a console table next to your closet, and opened its lid, eyes immediately landing on the dark jade bundle of silk rope as well as the small tube of expensive, cinnamon scented lubricant, both of them sitting brazenly over the extra pile of naughty toys and accessories! You grabbed the objects with content, having already formed a plan in your head while expecting eyes bore into your back; you threw the equipment on the mattress right next to the man’s feet, fighting back a smirk when your short glance caught him staring at them and gulping. The chair next to the ajar door welcomed your buttoned shirt and jeans to leave you alone with the tight red top and black panties, watching you silently set a course to your boyfriend back on the bed.
“Are you feeling verbal today?” You asked the young man whose eyes obviously swayed over your figure without any intention. It took a dazed, short while for Chan to answer, but he finally did after a gulp and pursing his lips.
“I don’t know…” He shook his head when you sat in front of his folded legs on the mattress, putting a calf between your locations; his slumped, pale body was screaming for your attention in the most innocent way possible, which wasn’t all that rare for the man, as he, deep down, was very innocent, despite what he liked to show his fans and or had to portray of himself because of his career and his position in their group. It hadn’t really been mentioned yet, but you were aware of the heartwarming fact that you were the only person entrusted with this side of his character –a side he himself cherished dearly yet had always tried to suppress, until meeting you, of course.
“Well then,” You caressed his puffy cheek, pressing your forehead on his and giving him an Eskimo kiss, “we just have to find out, I guess!” Your soft chuckle mixed with the one Chan let out, and you found the moment intimate and soothing enough to begin kissing the man, allowing his passionate lips to gently dance over yours for a while before adding your tongue into the mixture and earning light huffs and sighs from his waving throat.
“Fold your arms on each other.” Guiding his hands, you helped him hold his left forearm in front of his abdomen and place the right one on top of it, wrapping his fingers around his elbows to show satisfaction for the plan; catching the wait in the slouched figure, you got a grip of the ropes behind your rear and started your rather enticing mission of binding the man’s arms together, knots and rings gently kissing his pale skin.
He was more than compliant, once or twice pecking your face when you leaned too close to tighten a knot or readjust a bundle; his breaths were even yet deep, and in between all of that, you could clearly witness a tent forming on the sheet sprawled on his lap, slow yet bold. His mind was taken by your scent, the close but still far away heat of your embrace, and he couldn’t help the way his body reacted to your light, accidental contacts across his arms; dear lord, was he touch-starved!
“All good?” You asked, finally finished with your work. His simple nod was good enough of an answer.
The brightness which reflected from the white covers on the bed turned him even paler and that allowed the jade rope to show off its elegant color on Chan’s bare figure. He looked stunning, blond hair sticking out in this direction or that, lips swollen and red from the excessive nervous biting; there was nothing holding you back from lifting up his chin and crashing your mouth unto his, having him nailed in place by a heavy grip on his thigh. He huffed over your face shakily as your hand plowed in between his locks which you now realized were damp; he must’ve showered after coming home from the studio, you guessed.
“You like this rope; don’t you, puppy?” You giggled, leaving a gentle kiss on his perky bottom lip, trailing down to his jaw and throat while pulling his head back. “Is it the fabric? Or the color?” Your question drowned in the dip of his neck vein as you sucked lightly on it, hearing him whimper impatiently and wriggle in place.
“Color.” He replied simply, trying to gulp with the uncomfortable position of his head. Your tongue, tracing wet lines on the distinct veins and bulges beneath his sensitive skin, made him tense uncontrollably; he was already so worked up, despite being tired.
“Yeah?” Your teasing tone sent a shiver into his shoulders, “I was thinking about getting you that mini wand vibrator you showed me the other day –the jade one…” Looking back up into his eyes, he panted lightly, “Good, yeah?” He nodded once again, not trusting his voice to make an appearance, making you smile with adoration, “What’s so special about jade anyway?” The man’s heart-rate suddenly picked up and he leaned his forehead above your ear out of embarrassment for what he was gonna confess to.
“It was the color of your underwear the first time you… um—the first time I met mistress!” He tried his best to voice his explanation in the least flustering way, however hard it was. The confession was accompanied by his little hiss when you giggled and dragged the covers off of his figure, making sure it created the slowest, roughest amount of friction and grip.
“Oh, right…!” You mused, pulling your head away only inches; he didn’t seem too pleased about that, but watching you lean forward on your left arm nailed next to his hip and looking up at him with a little smile was all he could think about at the moment. Your index finger on the free hand began drawing circles on his hard tip, “That was a good night, wasn’t it baby?” He was too busy staring into your eyes with knotted brows and a bitten lip, obviously tensing to prevent from moving under your touch; seeing his composure, you massaged the head of his member with your thumb and index finger, gliding them down to its edge and dragging back up without haste but with good pressure. “You were bad, really bad—remember?” Smirking, at the way he kept pursing his lips while looking down at you, you came to the conclusion that he probably wasn’t going to be verbal that day; he rarely was, to be honest –only when he was too pent up or maybe too cocky, which didn’t happen all that often, but it was worth the experiment. He might not have liked to be talkative at these times, but he damn sure liked being talked to; he had admitted so more than once, dialogues and monologues being half of the pleasure for him.
Gluing your lips on his chin, you felt him shake as the tip of your finger pressed unto his red slit and slid back and forth, eliciting short whimpers from his agape mouth; he squirmed and squirmed but with no apparent aim, since he neither tried to settle efficiently under your teasing touch, nor did he back away from it to protest. He kept staring at you as if there was something he awaited, gulping and gulping and gulping!
“Lie back and spread your legs for me, sweetie.” You crawled back to grant the man space for his task, the one he fulfilled right after hearing your command.
The now cool spot on the mattress welcomed his muscly back and the sheets straightened when his feet dragged away from each other to make a perfectly fitting nest in between his thighs for you. He had to strain his neck to look over at you, so you decided to help him out by hovering above his torso and grabbing your own pillow to jam it behind his shoulders, creating a better angle for his vision. It was the hardest thing to resist kissing his beautiful lips and you saw no point in it anyway, diving down to steal a few noisy, wet pecks from your boyfriend, retreating into your place near his groin next.
“Mistress has taught you well, hasn’t she?” You purred, kneeling between his legs and sliding them over your thighs to earn the closest spot possible, “You used to be so hesitant –so, so impatient too,” He kept licking his lips while gazing at you, his deep breaths egging you on, “but now look at you; a good,” Your palms slowly wrapped around his length and started screwing over its upper and lower half in opposite directions, “good little angel for me.” His head tossed back from the combination of your words and movements; he was fully hard and flushed.
A low whine echoed in the room when you detached your hands from him and grabbed the lonely bottle from over the mattress instead; the moment its contents poured on your palm and released their exotic scent, a breathy, whisper of your nickname rose also, Chan staring down at what you were holding. He was crazy about this smell –this certain smell that had always awakened a comfortable haziness inside him, enough to make it impossible for him to stand being in the dorm when Felix was baking croissants; it almost acted like an aphrodisiac for him, you had yet to understand why, and it would be a lie if one were to say you didn’t abuse this little effect!
“Red if it gets too much, yellow if you need a breath.” You repeated his safe words, earning a nod, and went back to clasping your palms on his member just like before, copying the same motion again; he shut his eyes with content, sighing when your warmth finally touched him, drenched in a scent he loved dearly.
In a matter of seconds, he was already mewling, dripping with precum, disheveled locks being plunged into the pillows. His state only worsened when your fingers formed a thin ring and placed it right beneath the prominent edge of his tip and started the classic vibrating motion on its ablaze nerves; a motion he had grown used to, no matter how torturous it was. Giving him short intervals, you managed to earn a glimpse of his face when he looked back down on your hand, eyes narrow and cheeks flushed –his entire upper body flushed.
“Am I bothering you, Christopher?” Hearing his complete name, he clenched his jaw and shook his head violently, most displeased with the full stop of your hands.
“No, no mistress, keep going!” His words were rushed and hoarse as he took a second to recount what he had said, “Could you continue?” He restructured his sentence after witnessing the raise of your brow, and his heaving chest, his sweet, calm voice was just too good to be ignored.
“Ah!” You cooed, “Such a polite little pup, huh? You’ve learned how to earn my favor, haven’t you? Yes, you have, gorgeous!” He was already too far away from sanity to comprehend your praises as your once again vibrating fingers knocked moans out of him one after another, having his legs wrap around your hips with the constant, cruel edging.
He couldn’t decide between watching the scene of your connection or throwing his head back to slap whimpers at the headboard; when he landed eyes on your hands skillfully tapping on the underside of his aching length through palms, all he could think of was finishing right then and there –it was shameful, how sensitive he was to the littlest of touches.
“Hey!” Your stern voice brought him back to his senses, making him stop gritting his teeth and look back down at you, “No hurting yourself!” Your frown confused him, your words too, but when you gestured towards his hands with the raise of your brows, he got the message; he’d become so lost in the on and off of the pleasure in his gut that he’d forgotten to notice the sharp pain of his nails digging into the side of his elbow.
This was the best opportunity –no, excuse, to frustrate him in the ways he liked, or usually did; you could only hope he’d like it now, too. Sliding your hands off of his weeping length, you kept a hard gaze on his linear, shiny eyes and placed your hands limp on your thighs, palms upwards to avoid leaving the mess of lube and precum on yourself.
“I told you never to hurt yourself, didn’t I?” His flushed face fell at your words, catching the serious worry on your features, “Don’t you wanna be good, Christopher?”
God, he hated his name when it left your mouth! He hated being called by his name when it came to you, because it never meant anything good. He felt cold all of a sudden, without your touch or a trace of your affection, and being naked was much, much more embarrassing. His chest was already heaving.
“I do!” He managed to voice out, awkwardly hoarse, “I am good, Mistress; always!” After all this time, it still flustered him to call you that certain name.
“Then why did you ignore my explicit order?” Yes, you were making a much bigger deal out of this than it was; the marks weren’t even deep, he knew that, you knew that.
“It won’t happen again –you have my word, Mistress… Please—“ He stopped to gulp past his dry throat, still looking into your soul with pleading eyes; he looked so tired, yet he never once dreamed of protesting –not to your work anyway.
“Please what, boy?” Your question had its sharp edges –sharper than Chan liked it. Was there any affection in boy? None he could feel, no –it felt colder than his own name.
“I wanna be good for Mistress;” He breathed out with knotted brows, “can I have one more chance? Please, I want—“ His arms wiggled desperately in between the rope, “I need to cum—“ He could feel fire searing his ears, “Can I, please? Only Mistress knows how to give that to me…” Was it enough? Did he have to go deeper? He couldn’t tell based off of your blank expression.
“Hmm…” A smile creept on your face just as the hum was released from your throat, “Such good manners!” You praised, lifting one hand to lightly drag over his pale, beautifully shaped thigh and finally plant around his cock again –a short gasp being his response, “Such a well-behaved little cub!” He clearly twitched at that! Your palm dragged up and down his veins and he was once again, jelly at your touch, “Who taught this little pup how to be so good and polite?” His moan interrupted your question when your other hand wrapped two fingers around the sensitive edge of his tip. One second he’d push his hips into the mattress to desert your touch, and the other, he’d push up to pump into your airy fist. “Christopher!”
“Mistress did!” His shaky answer came only after your call brought him back to earth and snapped his eyes open. “Only Mistress can tell pup to be good –he always listens to you, only you Mistress—oh, fuck, don’t stop –please!” His sweet voice became high-pitched whines as soon as the ring of fingers around his tip began vibrating again; squirming and spasming uncontrollably, he began throwing his hips up to feel more than the brush of your thumb on his base and the vibration of your fingers on his moistened head. “No—no no, ’m gonna cum—is it okay? Can—“ The hoarse groans piercing his mewls wouldn’t let him finish his thoughts, and your fingers weren’t helping his intellect either!
The bulging veins on his stretched back neck were ripe for marking and the way his pale skin had become many shades redder out of frustration and tension could only mean one thing: he’s few seconds away from covering his stomach with white.
What was cuter than normal, day-to-day Chris, was this Chris; the one writhing and begging and whining under the gentlest touch you could grant him –the one actually able to cum from that meager touch! His voice wouldn’t lower, making way for shameless babbles and incoherent pleas, and you just wanted to put him –and your cramping hand– out of misery.
“It’s okay, Little,” You murmured, still able to reach his ear from between his own noises, “you can cum in five…” Hearing the start of his countdown, Chan lowered his head to look at you, just like all the times he was close; he wanted to see you, and more importantly, he wanted you to see him lose it all. “Four…”
“Count faster!” His fingers were now somehow wrapped in the thick threads of the rope and tugged roughly; you could feel the way the mattress dipped eagerly behind you as Chan’s feet pressed on it with curled toes.
“Three…” You smirked, knowing full well his need for ‘being good’ is way more prioritized to his body than getting what he wants. He could always take what you gave him –every single time; he loved and yearned for the care that came after his success, he wouldn’t change it with anything. “Two…” A small, ecstatic mewl left him when your thumb caressed his slit rhythmically, body trembling out of the little stimulation that was successfully driving him insane.
He managed to keep his teary eyes open as his mouth fell apart wider and wider for a scratchy moan to swim into the room with nothing holding it back whatsoever; a big, irritating knot came finally undone in his burning stomach and then there it was, hot strings of white connecting the skin of his purple tip to his abs, your fingers still delicately wrapped around his twitching cook.
There was a gentle thump when he let his head fall on the pillow and the way his chest rose and fell seemed kind of painful; he, on the other hand, looked as blissed out as he possibly could, sweat gleaming on his temples.
“Everything okay?” You massaged his member carefully to help it soften sooner and when your hands eventually left him, he huffed out.
“I’m good, all good.” He panted, glancing down at you lazily, catching your satisfied smile.
His mind kept slipping in and out of reality, and the next thing he felt was the warmth of a kiss on his forehead as cold, wet wipes danced on his belly.
“You did so well.” You whispered, taking advantage of the close vicinity, “Take a nap. I’ll order some food and we can watch something later before bed.” His hazy eyes stared up at you, nodding when your fingers slid over the knots over his biceps to rid him of the restraints.
“Is noodle soup okay?” You asked as your steps lead you to the chest to put back the items you’ve retrieved earlier, “Or maybe we should get tomato?” Turning around, you were met with the unconscious figure of your boyfriend, half covered with white sheets, face as puffy and soft as spring clouds.
You couldn’t help but coo and return to his side to pull the sheets higher over his naked body, and when he made no movement at your touch, you just knew he was knocked out cold; and that meant he’d be up in two-three hours, hungry as a starved wolf, and he will need any kind of food he can find –so soup is probably not the best idea to satisfy Bang Christopher Chan!
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cinna-stars · 3 years
Worth Waiting For
Uhh, okay, this is my first ever fanfic! I might continue it based on the reception, but it was a few thoughts I had in my head that I wanted down on paper. 
18+! Some sexual themes and content throughout, however for those experienced smut readers, this is some mild sauce, not very much spice.
I have to credit @cyancherub for making me think about Kiri smelling like cinnamon, the thought hasn’t left my brain.
Kirishima x Fem!reader 
A cool breeze whispers through the slightly ajar window of your dorm room. The sun set a little while ago; studying always seems to eat up most of your free time, so this wasn’t exactly a surprise. You lean back in your desk chair, arms up, and stretch your muscles into a big yawn. The sudden contracting muscles have your stomach gurgling. It’s definitely time to take a break, so you close your textbook and stand up from your desk. I wonder if there’s any of those expensive sounding potato chips that Momo bought back from her trip abroad left over? The thought makes you salivate as you begin towards your door. You glance to the mirror in the corner and look at your own reflection: hair pulled into a loose, messy bun, torso swallowed up by an old band shirt Denki gave you (after a conversation initiated by Mineta on what you liked to wear to bed) and bare legs sticking out from the hem. Shouldn’t be a problem, as long as Iida isn’t feeling like a stick in the mud this evening. You open your door and begin creeping your way to the kitchen, hoping to keep noise levels to a minimum as to not disturb anyone who might be sleeping already.
Your ears perk up when you hear conversation coming from the communal area.
“On a scale from 1-10, with ten being the most boring, you have exceeded my expectations and we’ve hit an 11.”
“Shut up dude, it’s an absolute cinematic masterpiece. This is why you don’t have the remote- we’d be watching Care Bears or some shit.”
You approach the seating area to see Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Denki. The latter two arguing over what to watch. Bakugou looks like he’s about to blow a fuse, so Kirishima chimes in,
“Hahah, okay guys, why don’t we just watch a horror movie, like Scream or something? It’s an easy watch.”
“Sounds like a good idea as long as Kaminari doesn’t shit himself.” Sero tries to start again, but this is perfect timing for you to interject.
“Sero, I’m sorry, last time I checked, you’re the one who had to ‘leave suddenly’ when we watched Halloween.” A smirk appears on your face from ear to ear as all four boys turn their head your direction. You notice an empty spot next to Kiri and take the opportunity to sit, careful not to flash anyone.
“Hey Y/N don’t be startin’ on me. I have plenty of stories about you that we could share you know? What about the Jaegerbomb incident?” Sero matched your grin, and you feign shock by slapping your hand to your heart.
“You’re breaking my heart, Hanta. Are you the only ones up?”
“Yeah Iida sort of ‘encouraged’ everyone to go to bed early because of the test tomorrow, but” Denki motions in Bakugou’s direction “the angry Pomeranian barked and he gave up with us.” Bakugou snaps his head up from his phone to stare Denki down, but realizing he’s just proving his point, sighs and goes back to scrolling on his phone.
“You okay Baku-babe?” he grunts and flips you off, but you could see the corner of his lip turn up in a weak smile at the affectionate nickname. You knew he meant well, especially after the time you had spent together over the last summer with the guys; he just had a defensive temperament.
“You wanna join us, y/n?” Kiri propositions with a wide grin. His hair was still styled into sharp points from classes today, contrasting with his relaxed clothing choice of a t-shirt, shorts and crocs. He’d also made the addition of a white bandana around his forehead. As usual, he was looking incredible.
After the time spent together as a group over the break, it was great to get to know everyone better. As Sero’s oldest friend, it was always easier to stick by him, which had ended up in your favour by meeting these clowns. You’d slowly got closer to the other three boys too, but there was something about Kirishima you couldn’t shake.
The way you felt when you were left together alone in the same room at a party, or when the other guys ended up flaking so you spent the night together at his place, there was always a feeling of excitement, in more ways than one.
You’ve never been very good at flirting and you just seem to come across as an anxious mess, but Kiri was pretty much just as bad. Meaning neither of you ever made a move. Just awkward giggles and eye contact that lasted just a little bit too long for friends.
“I actually came to steal some of Momo’s fancy chips but yeah, let me get a snack and I’ll be ready. You guys want anything?” You get up off the couch and start your way to the kitchen.
“BEER. BEER. BEER.” Denki chants, making you giggle.
“Oh I’ll come and help you carry them!” Kiri jumps up to follow behind you. You can hear Sero make a ‘wha-PISH’ whipping sound which makes Denki burst out with laughter. In their defense, it was painfully obvious you were both pining for each other.
The kitchen isn’t far but it is out of earshot of the sitting area. You open the cupboard in the corner to find Momo’s chip bag, left sat there completely empty. “Oh come ON” you sigh, picking up the bag and placing it in the trash.
“No chips left? Don’t worry I got you covered.” Kiri stretches to the gap between the top of the cupboard and the ceiling, feeling about with his hand. Your eyes fixate on the skin that is now showing just above the waistband of his shorts. You slowly move your view up the side of his torso, his shirt draping over his body in all the right places, and then to his face, one eye closed and tongue sticking out in concentration. He totally caught you checking him out and now you’re both stood there blushing like idiots. He finally located the bag he was looking for and brings his hands back down, showing off the slightly dusty bag of unopened chips.
“These are your favourites, right?” You stand in bewilderment looking at the bag and nod. “There are many bonuses to being one of the tallest in this dorm” he grins. He even remembered your favourite chips? You can’t help but smile back.
“Thank you so much. Oh let me get the beers!” you walk over to the fridge and open it up, bending over to search for the well hidden cans. You know your ass is on show, and you’re doing everything you can to make it the best view. Arching your back slightly, barely moving your hips from side to side, putting on a full show without being too obvious. “Ah I found them!” You gather them into your arms, the cold metal against your skin sending shivers up your spine and making your nipples protrude from the thin material of your shirt. You stand back up and close the fridge, turning around to a very red in the face Kirishima. You send a sweet smile his way.
“Do you mind taking a couple they’re coldddd” you whine. He composes himself and grabs the first can he can see looking ready to fall. He then proceeds to take another, slowly exposing more of your chest and your hardened nipples. You notice his eyes dart to them and then back on the beers. Are you two really going to carry on like this? Acting like the sexual tension couldn’t be cut with a knife? His wandering eyes now have you blushing and you’re quick to fill the hanging silence. “Should we really be drinking when we have a test tomorrow? I’m no NARC but you know what Denki can get like. He’ll wake up the whole house.”
“It’ll be fine. The only ones that know where the rest of the stash is are you and me. As long as you can keep a secret, we’re Gucci” he winks.
“Did you… really just use the term ‘Gucci’? like completely unironically?” You laugh, nudging his side.
“Shut upppp y/n. Come on let’s get back to them before Bakugo kills Dumb and Dumber.”
 “Hoes and bros we come bearing beverages!” You walk in and pass out the three beers you held to the boys, Kiri slowly following with the chips and the last two drinks.
“Wait, who are the hoes?..... oh.” Kaminari has a moment of self-realization and stares at the beer in his hand.
“Denki don’t listen to her, she is the last one to be calling anyone a hoe” Sero hits you with another of what will be many insults of the night.
“Uhhhh says the guys who has a body count tally on his wall. If you ever get with Mina you’re going to need to take a trip to Home Depot to paint over those you know?” You counter.
“Can we watch the damn film already?! Could’ve watched half the fucking thing by now.” Bakugou finally lets off some of the pent up steam. Both you and Denki lift your arms up to your forehead in a salute. “Yes sir!”
Grabbing a blanket, you and Kiri get back into your original seats next to each other on the sofa furthest away from the TV. Sero is on the chair to Kiri’s right, sprawled over it in the most boyish way possible, legs stretched wide and arms hanging over the back. Denki and Bakugo share the sofa to your left, Bakugou reserved to the spot at the very end, finally turning his phone off, while Denki almost mimics Sero’s positioning, but one hand is wrapped around his beer chugging it a bit too fast. Sero presses play as you sit back into the sofa. Kiri’s arm is already draped over the back of the headrest, and it’s only a matter of time until his arm drapes around your shoulder and you lean into him.
You’re about ten minutes into the movie when he starts to move his fingers in little circles on your upper arm. If anyone saw you right now, they’d assume you two were together. The months you’ve both spent flirting and teasing, the light touches and the lingering cuddles. This is becoming unbearable for you, its overwhelming. How haven’t you kissed yet? You weren’t really a ‘hoe’ as Sero said, but you certainly weren’t inexperienced and have never had this trouble before, so what was stopping you now? If things continued like this, you were going to explode.
You look up at Kiri, admiring the contours of his face against the light of the TV. The way his eyebrows slightly furrow, and the way he’s chewing his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration. You inhale the mild aroma of cinnamon, which is a scent that follows him around everywhere. You’re certain he’s aware you are staring, by the light blush reforming on his cheeks, but he allows you to for just a little longer. Right up until Denki yelps aloud from a minor jump scare in the film, causing you to jolt yourself and grab onto Kiri’s shirt.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared?” he asks, voice low and husky. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He lifts his free arm and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I-I wasn’t scared. Denki made me jump” you pout.
“Aww, even worse haha” he chuckles, the vibrations flow through your body, straight to your core, making you instantly wet. If he ever really knew the affect he had, you might just die from embarrassment. You release his shirt and return your head to his shoulder; however, his hand has maneuvered itself away from your upper arm and is now placed on your hip. The large amount of warmth is slowly followed by a very light squeeze of reassurance, and you’ve never been more aware that you aren’t wearing any shorts.
His breathing has now quickened, and his hand feels like it might even be shaking a little bit. He was so nervous, which makes him even more endearing. A wave of adrenaline rushed through you as you lift your hand to rest atop of his, to give him the assurance that it is absolutely okay to have his hand there.
About three quarters of the way into the film, all drinks have been consumed, chips have been eaten, Sero pauses and gets up for a pee break. “Couldn’t your bladder have waited? There isn’t that much longer left Se-bro” Kiri teases
“Ei, I don’t think I know anyone who could wait as long as you have” he leans down and darts his eyes between the two of you. You glare with intent to BURN. You thought too long for a comeback and unfortunately, he’s already happily waltzing off to the bathroom.
Kiri turns to you with a smile and lowers his voice. “Did nobody tell tape face that anything worth having is worth waiting for?” and you swear in that moment an entire flutter of butterflies were trying to escape you. That’s the most direct he’s ever been and it’s not something easy to ignore.
“I know you both have hidden the beer and I take personal offense.” Denki bellows. “I bet it’s on top of the cupboard where Kiri keeps all the good stuff” and he gets up and skips off to the kitchen, fully convinced he’s going to find what he’s looking for.
“I’m going to bed. Gotta be up early and you extras are pissing me off.” Bakugou gets up and stretches. “Love you, Bakubro! Mwah!” both you and Kiri heckle him with air kisses and you are met with yet another middle finger as he strolls off to his dorm room, that small smirk still present.
There’s that feeling coming back again. The way you feel whenever you’re alone with Kirishima. But this is the most compromised you’ve been: you’re basically half naked, he’s got his hand on your hip and he just dropped an absolute bomb of a line thanks to Sero. You can’t help yourself and before you truly think it through,
“Ei, I think I’m done waiting.” You lift your head off his shoulder, faces only a few inches apart. You can feel both your heart rates quicken in sync and your bodies getting hotter. He raises his hand and takes your chin in his hand, urging your lips forward onto his. The anticipated contact sends electricity through your body and the kiss deepens quickly, his tongue licks your lower lip asking for entrance and you accept immediately, releasing a soft moan from the motion.
You twist your body round so that you’re straddling his thigh, his wandering hand had slipped under the fabric of your shirt in the same place, playing with the fabric of your underwear. Your hands find their way to the back of his head, pushing him further into your mouth. You both are getting sloppy as lust takes over and you find your hips involuntarily grinding on his thigh. He breaks away from the kiss, pulling at your lower lip and working his way down your jaw to your neck, nipping and sucking lightly, causing louder moans to escape you.
“So- fucking long- I’ve waited- to touch you like this” he groans out between kisses and bites, sure to leave a mark. “Sound so pretty”
“Ah- me too, I- fuck” the stimulation from his voice and touch is almost overwhelming, but clarity sets in quicker than you’d like it too. “Sero will- ah- be back any second” and you release your grip on his hair. He’s really trying to pout at you, but he can’t help let his goofy smile beam through. You stare at each other for a few seconds, both absolutely beaming with happiness. He lets out an almighty sigh,
“Uggggh, you’re right. Hey, what are you doing after this?” he asks as you settle back down next to him, making you chuckle.
“Well I was planning on going back to my dorm and sleeping. Unless you have a better offer?” you beam.
“Well…” his grin gets wider, “you know there’s a sequel to Scream, yknow? Think you might wanna… what’s it called..”
“Scream 2.”
“I can make you scream, too. Sure”  and you erupt into laughter together, from his disgustingly awful pun.
Sero approaches from the corridor “Well you two sure can clear a room.”
“I’d blame it on Kiri’s terrible puns, but Bakubabe went to bed and Electabuzz is currently trying to find the rest of the beer but- oh there you are” Denki walks in, with a pout on his face, and flops back on the couch in disappointment.
“Denks, how about we throw a little party tomorrow after the test. We’ll let you in on where the secret stash is, too.” You offer, his expression immediately switching to that of delight.
Even though there was only a half hour left of the movie, it felt like hours until the end credits started rolling. Denki had managed to fall asleep and was snoring at full velocity, and the only person left paying full attention was Sero, as you couldn’t stop your brain from wandering from anticipation.
He shut the TV off and you tasked yourself with waking up Denki while Kiri cleaned up the empty beer bottles.
“Kami, come on sweetie, you need to go to bed.” You nudge him slightly causing him to stir. Sero walks over, and gives him a hard slap on the ass
‘WAKE UP ASSHOLE! Iida will kill you if you sleep on the couch”
“…I- sleep- your mom-..” he sits up and rubs his eyes
“Don’t be so rough Sero, he’s so sleepy look at hiiiimm” You say, admiring how cute he looked in such tired state. Kaminari finally gets up and all four of you head to the lift… shit.
You are Denki are on the 3rd floor, Kiri is on the 4th and Sero is on the 5th… how are you going to get to Kiri’s room without being suspicious?
A/N: Thank you if you read this in full! Please let me know what you think and if you’d be wanting to read the next part (which would include a lot more spice!)
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kimnjss · 4 years
slumber party | pjm
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⤑  series: less of you
⤑ pairing: fratboy!jimin x dancer!reader
⤑ genre: angst !! a lil bit of smut.
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 10.1K // unedited bc im tired . 
⤑ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, slight dry humping, making out at a party, slight exhibitionism kink if you squint, jimin like bites her once i think, handjob, spit, cum licking, jimin sleeps with his hand in her pants to keep warm.
⤑ chapter song: dark side of the moon // lil wayne ft. nicki minaj 
⤑ A/N: idk what it is, but i can’t shut up when it comes to loy!jimin // also very important to note that jimin did not invite miju to the slumber party in hopes she’d bring yn ., it was yoongi who asked jimin if he would invite miju . okay!! without any more chit chat e n j o y !! and let me know what you think x 
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Taehyung is the one to answer the front door moments after Miju excitedly rocked her knuckles against the wood. A furry pooch clutched to his side, decked out in an authentic-looking Hugh Hefner robe complete with the black slippers. Seoyeon is right behind him, slender arms wrapped around his torso as she pouts for his attention.
He pays her no mind, pushing a boxy grin onto his face as he stares between you and your best friend. “Miju! You look great,” She does, so you understand the blatant why he checks her out as the two of you move to enter the house.
Of course, Miju wanted to go all out for tonight. Totally convinced that this night would change everything for her and Jimin. That there was no way he wouldn't fall for her with her after the night of warm closeness and scary movies. No doubt, he'd be inviting her to spend the night in his room... some signature thing that always seemed to happen at these lingerie parties.
You had decided to call it what it was. Branded as a huge slumber party, where everyone could sit around and watch movies, eat snacks, and relax – but you weren't an idiot. Nobody was going to pay attention to the flicks on the screen and there was no way anyone would relax. Not with dozens upon dozens of college girls prancing around in their nighties.
It took all of your efforts... and energy, to convince Miju that buying an all lace negligee was definitely not the way to approach this situation. Words slightly fueled by the bit of fear that Jimin might actually like the way she looked in the thin fabric, instantly pushing the thought to the back of your mind. It was for her own good, not jealousy that you were steering her away from the lingerie aisle.
After quite a bit of debate (multiple interruptions of random messages lighting up your phone from Jimin), she was deciding on a set the both of you could agree on. Excitement clouding her features as she held up the matching pair, insisting that you bought it so you could be twins. You were agreeing, no hesitation needed. Not even bothering to actually look at the thing, just ready to make her as happy as possible. That was the guilt gnawing at your chest.
Which was exactly why you were back in this sleazy living room, freezing your ass off (literally) once again. Despite the set being made completely of velvet, the shorts were so incredibly short that you wondered if maybe you had picked up the wrong size – cropped tank allowing a chill on your midriff.
You could already feel the stares from the guys sprawled around the room, granted to both you and your best friend. Miju, though, acted as if she didn't notice... reaching back to find your hand – she's gently tugging you forward.
“Jimin said to meet him in the den,” Ignoring the way your heart drops at the mention of his name, you just nod. Following behind her, all while reminding yourself that seeing him wasn't going to change anything. That you could easily stick to your guns, no matter how many times he flashed that pretty crooked smile.
The fact that he and his little friends felt the need to seclude themselves... when the party they were hosting wasn't even all that big, had you rolling your eyes. Just from a quick glance, there were no more than ten people in their living room – half of which you were sure lived there, or spent so much time around that they knew where everything was.
Despite it not being real crowded... or loud out in the living room, Taehyung was the only one sat mingling with the group of guests. And you had a feeling that it had a lot to do with the fact Seoyeon didn't want to ditch her friends to sneak into his room just yet.
Just like Miju had said, Jimin was in the den along with Yoongi and Joon. A pretty girl with long dyed red hair sat upon Joon's lap, fingers raking through his hair. She had definitely gotten the lingerie memo, see-through lace covering her 'valued' bits, a lace robe draped over her shoulders.
Yoongi laid sideways on the armchair, scrolling through his phone with a bag of chips on his stomach. You watch the crumbs tumble from the bag and onto the floor as he lifts his body to a seated position, smiling eyes meeting Miju. “You made it,” Jimin's eyes shift behind him, nosily peaking to see who Yoongi was speaking with.
The grin that takes over his features has liquid fire instantly cruising through your veins, cheeks darkening as you easily place the look he's pining you with as the same look he gave you with his head between your legs. Jimin's standing, pushing a hand through his dark locks despite them already being swept back.
He looks good, annoyingly so. Hair carefully styled to reveal his dark eyebrows and oddly attractive forehead. A pair of wide-rimmed circular glasses perched at the tip of his nose. You can't help but notice how perfectly the black and white pinstripe robe outlines his lean body, it's left open to reveal the white t-shirt he wears underneath, the black sweats hanging off his hips.
Those hips... you remember how they felt pressed against yours. Legs wrapped around his waist, holding him tight against you. He had been so hard against your pussy, could feel every ridge and curve of his length. A shame that you didn't get to feel him stretch you out, cum around his thick cock. Yet, you don't think you'd trade the feeling of those fingers for anything. He definitely knew what he was doing in that department.
It takes a moment for you to realize that you're staring and Jimin is glancing at you, curiosity riddling his features. Had he just said something? Were you really that zoned out that you didn't hear him talking directly to you... standing right in your face? Was this what you've really become? How disgusting.
A smirk plays on his lips, ignoring the obvious attitude on your tongue. Jimin's eyebrow arches, eyes slowly trailing over the curves of your body, the image of what you looked like underneath him, screaming his name... is instantly clouding his thoughts. “I didn't say a thing,” He speaks slowly, eyes taking their time to find your face again.
“Quit staring at me,” You mumble as you move to pass him, following the path Miju had but instead of taking the seat on the too small seat beside Yoongi, you're plopping down beside Joon and his girl for the evening.
Instantly, she's pulling her face from the crook of his neck. Lipstick smeared as she shoots you a squinted eyed glare. Warning in her eyes, feeling as if you had gotten too close to what she had claimed as hers. You're lifting your hands in mock defense, “Not interested,” She rolls her heavily shadowed eyes, before burying her face again.
Joon is turning to look at you the best he can with his human-sized leech, arm extended offering of a knuckle tap. You knock your fingers against his slightly, “Didn't think I'd ever see you again, what's up?”
Simply shrugging your shoulders, you decide that's response enough. Convinced that Jimin had informed his entire friend circle of what took place in his bedroom. Although, he didn't seem like the type... at least, not with you. But a guy was a guy, no matter how you sliced it.
“You want to choose the movie, Miju?” Jimin's offering up just as Taehyung comes tumbling into the room. Seoyeon two steps behind him, arms linked with two girls that you could only assume were apart of her 'clique'. Hoonie is behind them, fingers toying with the ends of one of the girl's ponytail.
Miju nods at Jimin's words, hopping up instantly to follow him to the array of movies that he had assorted on a bookshelf. It's hard not to stare as the two of them talk quietly in front of the shelf, searching through the names and laughing while they quote bits from movies they've both seen.
Not even standing there for more than seven minutes... you definitely did not count, but you see it all. Can't take your eyes off of them as she laughs at whatever funny thing he's saying, leaning into him as she speaks – batting her eyelashes up at him. He's smiling so brightly down at her, genuine. And you feel sick to the stomach, hate the feeling as soon as you recognize it. But you can't get yourself to look away, even though you feel Taehyung watching you watching them from the spot he chose on the floor, you can't get yourself to look away.
They're coming back with the movie picked hanging from the tips of Miju's manicured fingers. She's moving to pop it into the DVD player as Jimin goes to turn off the lights. It's Zombieland, a movie that you know for a fact Miju hated the first time you saw it together. She's still all smiley as she takes her place beside Yoongi on the couch.
You're so focused on them and the way he seems to curl inside of himself with her so close, yet, at the same time attempt to move closer to her without it being obvious. So focused that you don't notice Taehyung lifting from the floor and taking Jimin's original spot, Seoyeon in his lap. 
Don't notice Jimin make a beeline to the vacant spot beside you on the couch, not until there's warmth against your thigh and you're being engulfed with the strong scent of cinnamon.
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It's not until halfway through the movie do you notice the shift... in everyone that's littered around the too small den. Hoonie's got his hand around the ponytail girl's shoulders, tips of his fingers tracing the lace at the top of her bra while the other girl tries to scoot closer, feigning for attention.
Seoyeon's head tilted back, eyes squeezed shut as Tae draws intricate patterns on the warm skin of her neck with his tongue. A large hand gripped on her bottom, holding her still on his lap – which is absolutely useless because the girl is squirming.
Joon and that girl have been on the verge of fucking since before you even entered the room, so it's no wonder that she has her hand down the front of his pants. She's trying to be discreet, but he doesn't hide the groans that fall from his lips. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was practicing for a porno with how loud he was being.
There's a nervous tap of Yoongi's foot, his fingers twitching at his sides as he tries his hardest to keep his focus on the movie. Only half listening to the commentary coming from Miju beside him, who seems oblivious to the beginning stages of a parted orgy happening all around her.
It's Jimin who strikes your interest the most... yes for obvious reasons, but also for how quiet he has been since he sat next to you. Long legs crossed under his butt, eyes trained on the giant TV upfront, not a single glance sent in your direction. Not once. Not even a little sneaky one paired with that annoying smirk.
You can't help but wonder... wish that you could peak into his mind. A quick glance at his thoughts... were you in them?
All of a sudden he's standing, adjusting the robe on his body. He's making his way to the door without a word. Miju's eyes flicker to the movement, watching him walk out and you can't help the silent prayer that she doesn't follow after him. She doesn't, just brings her stare back to the screen.
You give it a good five minutes before you're standing from your spot, convincing yourself you're only leaving in search of something to drink. It's exactly what you mumble to Joon (who couldn't care less, to be completely honest) as you move to exit the room. The kitchen is just across from the den and that's exactly where you're heading... to get some water... but then you're eyes are catching the movement to your right.
Of course, it's Jimin. He's exiting the bathroom, drying the palms of his hands on his dark bottoms. Pining you with a wide-eyed expression that's slowly morphing into a smirk and waking up your heart. With a drag of his tongue on his plump lower lip, he's shifting his weight onto one foot. “You followed me?” He's assuming, ever so cocky and annoying.
Instantly, you're rolling your eyes, scoffing at his words before moving to walk ahead of him. “I just came to get a drink.” He's hot on your tail, so close that you can feel the warmth of his body against your chilled skin.
“There's drinks in there. Snacks too.” He's pointing out with a grin, which you ignore completely; entering the rest of the way into the kitchen. The party has picked up since you first arrived, very different from what was going on in the quiet lust ridden den. There's music playing out here, people drinking, laughing loudly amongst each other. All in pajamas.
Now you're understanding their desire to seclude themselves from the rest of the party. Obviously, it was just a thing that they did. Branded as a fun time where you could party in your pajamas, but the inner circle? The people inside of that den right now about to give a new meaning to pillow fight, yeah – that's what this party was really for.
Is that why he had invited Miju? Wanted to have her a part of his little inner circle? But you had come along and ruined his plans. Was that why he wasn't talking to you before in there? Pissed off that you showed up?
“I didn't get a chance to tell you how pretty you look in your pajamas,” His voice is soft even though he's standing right behind you. Eyes scanning over the various drinks that are displayed on the table, looking for something... anything nonalcoholic. Just barely registering his words, you nod your head. “They're the same as Miju's.” You point out, smiling triumphantly to yourself when you locate a water bottle hidden in the far back.
“I noticed. The two of you are really best friends, huh?” He's closer than you think when you turn around. Body instantly caged between his and the counter. Time seems to freeze as your eyes catch his wide ones, water bottle clutched in your palms as you stare at him. Butterflies waking up in your stomach as he stares right back, dark eyes searching your features.
You're forcing yourself to shake it off, straightening your back and clearing your throat. That just there? That was nothing. Not a moment. Not a discovery. Nothing. Feigning nonchalance, you're answering his question. 
“Yeah, since we were six. Which is why-” Ready to reject him again. Knowing all too well what that look in his eye meant. Too familiar with the heat pooling between your legs, just from being this close to him; just from him looking at you like he was literally holding back from devouring you right here against the counter.
He's interrupting you before you can finish your sentence, though. “I know,” Rolling those pretty eyes of his and you don't miss the annoyance in his tone. “...we can't, but I want to.” A slight whine mixed in his tone, his head lowering slightly while his body moves closer against yours.
He hasn't touched you yet, despite how much you want him to. Just entered your space until he was clouding your senses. Knew exactly what he was doing, because you couldn't think when he was this close, teeth worrying his plump lower lip and you want nothing more to replace them with your own.
“Push me away,” Jimin's whispering now, faces mere inches apart that there's no reason for him to speak any louder. It's a gruff tone that has your pussy clenching around absolutely nothing. He waits, giving you a moment to think it over – figure out your next move. But you don't move, you stare at him – waiting for him, challenging him.
A smirk spreads across his lips, caught only for a minute before he's closing the rest of the space between you, molding his lips onto yours. The desperate groan that falls from his mouth is urging you on, hand wet with condensation, you're lifting it to place at the back of his neck – pulling him closer to you.
Faintly, you remember his words from the other night. How he let slip that he could kiss you all night. Right now, at this moment, you found yourself agreeing with him. Not seeing yourself getting enough of the feeling that enveloped your body just from having his lips on yours. 
His thick tongue is pushing its way past your lips, fingers gripped against the counter while he moves his body toward you. Even through the layers, your body is still reacting to having his chest pressed against yours. Nipples pebbling underneath the velvety fabric. And all you can think is you want more. Every last thought falling from your head as you drop the bottle onto the floor, fingers curling into the waistband of his sweats to pull his hips against yours.
“Mmh, you eager baby?” The words are mumbled against your lips, a giggle leaving your lips with a nod of your head. Hand on his neck pulling him closer, you kiss him again rougher this time. Needier. Jimin is thrusting his hips forward and you feel his half hard cock press against your thigh. 
“What do you want?” His hands are dropping to your hips, easily lifting your body onto the counter. Bottles and cups clatter onto their sides, but he pays them no mind; simply moving to stand between your legs.
It's mindless, the way your legs wrap around his hips so you're able to pull him close. Fingers knitted in his hair and head drawn back to give his plump lips as much room as they need to roam your heated skin. “You want me to fuck you? Right here on the counter where anyone can walk in?” He's biting into your skin, pulling a breathy gasp from your lips. His words are getting to you, your imagination running wild with the picture he paints.
Hips rolling up into yours, you're not hesitating with meeting his thrust. It feels so good that you don't bother to mask your moans either, instead allow your hips to take on a mind of their own. Thighs tightening around his hips in an attempt to feel more of him.
“You want me to? You're so fucking dirty...” He's panting, trying to keep it together – but it's hard with the way you look right now. Uninhibited, needy just for him. Nipples creating peaks against the soft fabric, it takes all his willpower not to lean down and wrap his lips around them. He's just about to let go and do it when he's catching the crack of the door behind you.
Jimin's quick with the way he slides your body from the counter, gently pushing you toward the fridge as he busies himself with picking up the bottles you had knocked over. A 'what the fuck' is on the tip of your tongue, but you're words are being cut by the sound of the voice.
“Minmin? Are you not watching the movie anymore?” It's Miju, naturally pouty lips directed at Jimin. Your eyes are wide, discreetly trying to adjust your shorts that seemed to have ridden up. Heart beating a mile a minute and cheeks flushed, you're glad she's all the way on the other side of the room. And paying like zero attention to you.
Jimin's head bobs at her words, reaching for a farther bottle that was moments from rolling off the table and shattering. “Yeah. I just went to the bathroom and wanted to clean up a bit.” She's nodding her head, tilting to the side and finally noticing you. Her brows furrow slightly. “You left too?”
Back straightening, you're clearing your throat. An arm wrapping around your chest to cover your pert nipples as you push a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I... uh, I came out for some water.”
“Oh! There's drinks in there, you know? Minmin set them all up,” She's looking up at him with glowing eyes, and he smiles at her compliment. “Not cold ones,” He's pointing out and you're nodding, in agreement.
“Yeah... I wanted cold water,”
Miju is nodding, no longer interested in the topic. “Okay. Well, hurry! It's almost finished,” Your nod matches Jimin's and she's smiling wide before turning and heading back into the room, pulling the door closed behind her.
Jimin is turning to you the moment she's out of earshot, apologetic eyes searching the stoic features of your face. “I'm so sorry, Yn. I shouldn't have-,” You're stopping him with a shake of your head, lips tucked into your mouth. Leaning down, you pick out the dropped bottle, not sparing him a glance as you pass him to join the loud party.
Should've done this in the first place, you needed to keep your distance. It was too hard to control yourself around him and you were only making things worse thinking that you could. It'd be easy, just stay away... erase all thoughts of him. Keep yourself from replaying the way he kissed you, touched you, talked to you. How he seemed to know exactly what you liked.
Forget how your stupid heart never seemed to shut up when he was close, those simpleminded butterflies flapping their stupid wings every time he smiled at you. You could just shake all of that off.
It would be easy.
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The rest of the night is spent like that. Careful to keep your distance, instead halfheartedly mingling with the crowd of party-goers. Mainly sticking to the familiar faces from around campus, who grin with an offer alcoholic beverages and a step closer to wiping your mind of all things Jimin.
It's not long before you start to feel good, the sway in your steps becoming natural as the people around you become funnier. More interesting. Entertaining. Conversation coming easily as you delve deeper into the lives of your nameless classmates. Convinced you could keep up with this until you were feeling tired enough to crash. Before you knew it, it would be the next morning and you could pack it up and go home scratch free.
That was what you thought. What you hoped. Didn't take into account that the crowd would dwindle down as the night went on. And you definitely didn't expect the 'inner circle' to emerge from the den at all until morning. But as the living room started to slowly clear out, they began to appear one by one.
Hoonie is first, the girl that had been trying to get his attention tucked underneath his arm as he leads her upstairs. The shorts he wears sag low and you wonder if that was something that happened during the movie. A large hand placed on her bare ass used as an excuse to guide her into his room.
You sit on the couch, nursing your third fill of spike pink lemonade staring at the door. Silently hoping that Jimin doesn't come out, that he's fallen asleep sometime in the two and a half hours that you were out of there. Or if he does come out, he's coming out with Miju on his arm – ready to spend the night with her and you'd have no choice but to deal with it.
Yoongi is leaving the room twenty minutes after Hoonie wearing his signature annoyed expression. Hands shoved deep into the pockets of his sweatpants, he doesn't spare you a glance (you're not even sure he knows you're sitting right there) as he makes his way up the steps and into his room, pushing the door closed.
Then it's Taehyung ten minutes after that. Seoyeon wrapped around him like a koala, head buried in his neck. He doesn't head to his room as you expect, instead, he's making a beeline to the kitchen, setting her down on the counter. The same counter Jimin had you on, ready to 'fuck you where anyone can walk in'. They giggled amongst each other, sharing quiet words as he fixes drinks for both of them. Drinks you're sure they don't need what with the drunk in love expression written all over that girl's face.
Miju is exiting with the Ponytail Girl, her eyes finding you instantly. She smiles big, lifting both of her hands to wave as they make their way over. “This was where you were? How come you didn't come back in?” She's plopping beside you on the couch, tugging her new friend to sit down beside her.
“I saw some friends from class, figured I'd chat for a bit,” You lie. Miju is laughing at your words, head tilting to the side slightly. “You hate chatting. And as far as I know, everyone in your classes,” She eyes you suspiciously, big eyes searching your features for any sign of abnormality. You keep your expression stoic, silent prayers sent that she doesn't pick up on your inner turmoil.
But then, she gives up. Deciding it's easier to just ask rather than try to read you herself. “You're not mad, right? That I dragged you along tonight.” With a shake of your head, you're pushing a bright smile onto your face.
“No, not at all. I had a good time,” She smiles wide at your words, hopping up from the couch and pulling Ponytail up. “This is Yuri, by the way. They're setting up tents outside and she invited me to share, you want to come?” Huh, so that's where everyone was heading.
You couldn't help but admire how well these boys seemed to pay attention to detail. To host a giant slumber party and not want dozens of drunk half adults sprawled around your house, simply have tents ready to be set up so they can all crash there. If Miju was heading out to the tents, though... did that mean nothing happened with Jimin?
“I'll catch up. Gonna finish my drink and enjoy the music.” Miju nods happily, linking arms with Yuri before the both of them are basically skipping out back. You want to wonder about Jimin, ready to try and figure out why nothing happened between him Miju but your thoughts are quickly interrupted by a deep voice.
“You're not coming in?” It's Taehyung. Holding two cups in his hand, eyes following Seoyeon as she makes her way back into the den. Brow furrowing and head tilting to the side, you're sure you look like the epitome of confusion. He's rolling his dark eyes at you, blowing out a thick huff of air. “Joon's girl passed out. So it's just me, him, Min and Yeonie. You're just gonna sit there all night?”
He waits a good two seconds before his patience is snapping, shifting the cups so he's holding them by the top between the long fingers of his right hand. Taehyung reaches for your wrist in his now free hand, lifting you from the couch and pulling you toward the den. “You're one of the cool kids now, act like it.” He's quoting a song... or a movie, you can't quite place it but you're sure you've heard those words before.
Jimin is scowling at his phone when you enter, thumb tapping rhythmically against the screen. He's sat cross legged on the couch beside the passed out redhead, Joonie on the other side of her annoyance creasing his brow. Taehyung is dropping your hand to slip into the vacant space beside Seoyeon, lifting her onto his lap after handing her the drink.
There's a twitch in Jimin's brow, it's subtle but you see it. His eyes lifting from the screen to find you. Those plump lips of his spreading into a soft smile at the sight of you. The scowl disappearing from his features and you can't help but wonder if he had missed you in the few hours that you were away.
But, you're instantly pushing the thought from your head – complete with an actual shake of the head. Can't think like that, not when Miju was so hopeful when it came to him. Not interested in being a shitty friend and the more time you spent around him, the shitter he got. So despite, being pulled in the room and the heart pattering feeling you got from the way he looked at you, you're passing him. Walking all the way to the sliding doors that lead to the balcony, prepared to just spend time out here until you were tired enough to go find Miju.
It's colder than you expect, your bare arms and legs taking a big hit. But it's bearable. You can see the moon perfectly from where you stand, full and bright. Illuminating the figures of the people just below with their tents. You can faintly hear their laughter, conversations mixed it sounds like constant chatter.
How fun it would be to share a tent with Miju without this guilt gnawing in your chest. No doubt, she'd make a fuss about having to sleep on the grass – completely disregarding the sleeping bag as a suitable barrier. Freak out about the loud noises that she would be so certain was a bear. She was always funny like that, prepared for impending doom but unequipped to do anything about it.
It would've been fun.
No matter how hard you tried, it was hard to act normal around her since that night. As if you knew you had wronged her and felt you didn't deserve to be in on her friendship after that betrayal. She acted the same around you, though, hardly noticing your shift... you weren't sure if that made things better or worse.
You're not sure how much time passes with you just standing out there, sipping your drink. Ignoring the chill that runs down your spine with every gust of wind. Concentration on the shining moon above as you let your mind wander. Not fighting it when you begin to wonder what it would be like if you had met Jimin first. You'll just blame it on the alcohol muddling your thoughts later.
Suddenly, your senses are being clouded with silky warm cinnamon. There's a bump against your shoulder, “Namjoon won't shut up about how tight your ass looks in those shorts,” Jimin grumbles. He had taken his robe off to drape over your shoulders. He doesn't even look real in the light of the moon, as if you had conjured him with your thoughts.
Skin glowing, despite how annoyed he looked. Lips looking as soft and plush as ever, even if he insisted on keeping them pursed in his angry little pout. His eyes sparkled a hint of fire mixed in his stare. Overwhelmed with the need to tease him, a smirk is playing on your lips.
“Oh yeah? Why don't you tell him to come do something about it, then.” Hands tugging the robe tighter around your body, you watch as his scowl deepens. “Don't upset me,” He grumbles, all but growling and you don't even bother to stop the laugh that falls from your lips.
Jimin looks away at you, squinted eyes glaring at the moon above. He's leaning against the railing close enough that you're shoulders touch, but he pays you no mind. “I'm not interested in Namjoon,” You speak, even though it's none of his business. Unsure why you share that piece of information considering you owed him zero explanation.
His gaze slowly shifts to you but you don't look at him, convinced that you don't care how he reacts to your words. Instead, you continue to watch the moon. The two of you stand there or a while, shoulder to shoulder, both staring but for different reasons... with different feelings.
His robe is warm around you, a welcome feeling because you were sure your thighs were about to turn blue from the cold. It smells like him too, cinnamon. It takes all of your willpower not to lean down and inhale the damn thing. God, you really needed to get a grip when it came to this guy.
“You like it?” His words catch you off guard, wide eyes finding him. Had he heard you? Well, of course not you weren't speaking out loud... right? Could he read your mind? Did he know that you were creepily trying to figure out ways to sneak sniffs of his robe without him realizing?
“Like what?” You ask carefully. His lips lift into a full teeth grin, his gaze shifting from you to the sky. “The moon.” Jimin leans into you as he points and you know he does it as an excuse to touch you. You don't mind it. “You've been staring at it for a while...”
Relaxing, you nod your head. A small smile spreading across your lips, head lifting to admire the shine. “I like to look at it sometimes, send my wishes up there and hopefully they'll come true,”
“What do you wish for?” He's asking as soon as you're finished your sentence, looking genuinely interested.
You shrug, teeth worrying your lower lip as he looks at you. Waiting. Interested. “I wish for everything... health, contentment... to not fail,” Cheeks darkening slightly at your words, you act like it doesn't affect you. Never told anyone that you sent hopeful wishes up to the night sky and counted on them. Words just seemed to flow so easily when you were with Jimin, though.
It's the way he looks at you. How he always looks at you as if he just discovered his very own moon. Prepared to jump through hoops, endure your constant rejection if it meant he'd soon enough be able to break through. Be granted a few moments of your pretty smile, hear that laugh... and maybe, have you look at him the same way. Not willing to share you with anyone else, had half the mind to whisk you away so he could keep you.
Not like you'd complain, belonging to Jimin and only him. Certain that there wasn't a single person that made you feel the way that he did. He must have the on switch to your heart, it only seemed to malfunction when he was around. When he smiled. Kissed you. Coated with sexual tension, you were sure your feelings were more than just that. They were real. He felt real.
“I know what I'd wish for,” Eyes dropping from the sky down to you. A bit closer now, but not crossing the line. Just doing enough that left you no choice but to make the next move, leaving the final decision up to you like he always did.
“What's that?” Prolonging the conversation and staying still. Forcing your urges to stay at bay, keeping your arms wrapped around your chest. If not, you know they'd be finding the warmth of his neck to pull him into you. To feel those lips you couldn't get enough of again, and again, and again.
The grin that spreads across his lips stills your pounding heart. Dimple poking out in its usual spot, corners of his eyes lifting just slightly. “I won't tell you,” His smile widens at the end of his words and you feel your lips curling up too. “If I did, then it wouldn't come true... I really want it to come true,”
Eyes rolling, you're taking two big steps away from him. “I told you my wishes,” You mumble. Jimin laughs, arm reaching out to tug on the fabric of his robe, pulling your body against his again. His arm wraps around your waist to hold you in place, the tips of his fingers gently brushing against your exposed belly.
“Relax. I'll tell you when it comes true,”
There must be some magnetic pull because your head is finding his shoulder easily. Finding comfort in having him so close. You feel his stare but refuse to return it. Just allow him to watch you watch the moon. Enjoying the comfortable silence that falls upon you two, the warmth that spreads throughout your body from the stroke of his fingers.
“You're not cold? You don't want to go in?” Jimin's asking as moments pass. You're shaking your head, despite the shiver that shakes your body seemingly on command. He laughs softly, easily pulling your body to stand in front of him. Arms secured around your waist in a back hug, aim to share some of his warmth with you.
You're leaning back into him, hands dropping down to hold onto his wrists. His chin rests on the top of your head, gaze following yours. “You really liked it that much?”
“I could stare at it all night,” You're admitting. His hands are moving underneath your grasp, just enough so he's able to take hold of your hand, lacing your fingers with his. “I'd give it to you, so you could.” That. That has your heart doing cartwheels behind your rib cage. Butterflies flapping so hard that you're afraid they might burst out to kiss him.
Laughing it off, you urge yourself to relax. Burying the icky lovey dove-y feeling he seemed to carry around with him. “What you gonna do? Toss a rope up there and yank it down?” Tone teasing, in hopes, to shift the overly romantic moment in a different direction.
He doesn't take the hint, ignoring it completely. Pulling your body tighter against his, you can hear the smile in his voice. “If you asked me to, I'd try.”
This has you pulling away from him completely, overwhelmed with the need to be close to him – which results in you not wanting to be close at all. “Stop saying corny things to me,” You whine. That smile of his spreading as he reaches down for your hips, pulling your body toward him again. “Why?”
“You know why.” You can't believe you're actually pouting. Like a complete lower lip poked out, arms crossed pout. It feels so uncharacteristic, but natural at the same time. Jimin's eyes are rolling this time, hands pulling your chest against his before his arms are leaving your hips to wrap around your back.
“You don't have to fight it, you can just be when you're with me.” There's promise in his matter-of-fact tone and he's looking at you with those eyes again. And you believe him, oddly. Feel secure in his words, in his arms. Gaze flickering from your eyes to your lips then back up again. “Would you be upset if I kissed you?” His voice is hushed as if he was determined to keep this moment between just you two.
Soft lips press against yours the moment you're shaking your head. His signature groan falling from his lips as his hand reaches up to tangle in your hair. Different from the other times he's kissed you, this is much slower. Calculated in the way his tongue maps out the inside of your mouth as if he wants to savor the moment.
You kiss him back the same, palm of your hand easily finding the back of his neck to hold him still. Becoming completely uninterested in anything that wasn't his hands. His lips. Him. Jimin. All too soon, he's pulling back, leaving two quick pecks on your lips that has a giggle leaving your lips.
He takes a moment to admire it. Admire you. Wondering how he managed to get so lucky... and unlucky at the same time. “Come sleep in my room tonight.” You could guess how many girls had come here hoping to hear those exact words from his mouth. Knew one of them personally. And that has you pulling back, regret instantly crowding your heart.
“Are you stupid? We can't do that.” No matter how much you want to. The feeling of falling asleep in his arms, spending the night wrapped in his warmth, was quickly slipping from your memory.
“We can.” He's assuring you with a nod of his head. “I'll lock the door and it'll be just you and me. Then you can just leave before anyone wakes up.” Fingers reach out for yours, he's lifting your knuckles to his lips to press soft kisses against your knuckles. Softening you. “Who knows, maybe I'll make you squirt again.” Tantalizing teeth nibble gently at your digit. 
You're pulling your fingers back just in time to catch his smirk. With your dark cheeks, you can't deny that you weren't completely against the idea of repeating the night before. “You're thinking too hard about it.” He whines. “I just want to have you in my arms. Nothing else, honest.” He's reaching for your hand again, lacing your fingers slightly.
“Why do you want that?” Can't help the question from tumbling past your lips, no matter how his words managed to make you feel. Because at the end of the day Jimin was still just a guy... and even if he brought a thousand hammers, you still had walls.
There's a furrow in his brow, head tilting to the side as he looks down at you. The pad of his thumb smoothing over the back of your hand, as his smirk turns teasing. “You don't want it?”
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Jimin's room is just how you remember it. Charmingly messy, which most people would just refer to as disorganized. Not enough time is granted to peak around your surroundings, take in the trail of discarded gym clothes that lead to the en-suite bathroom. The clutter of books carelessly left in the corner of the room. The impressive collection of shoes lined up in the corner, the only thing that seemed to have a proper place.
All of that is missed because the second Jimin is shutting the door, his body is against yours forcing backward steps until your back is flat against his sheets. Sheets that he had changed since the last time for... obvious reasons. Plush lips trail a line from your chin to the meeting of your jaw and neck, pulling soft moans from your lips.
Both of his hands are sliding underneath the fabric of your tank top, stopping at your rib cage. Jimin's lips feel so good against your skin, natural as if that's where they belonged. The thump in your chest doesn't stop, in fact, it speeds the longer you lay underneath him. 
Slowly, he's lifting his face from your neck so he's able to look down at you. Huffing out a chuckle, he's leaning down to press his lips to yours gently... pulling away before it can get too heated. “You look so dazed. Do you like me that much?” He's joking, can hear it in his voice... but you're not a big fan of the weight his words hold.
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you're wiggling out of his grasp. He watches as you tug his robe from your shoulders before crawling your way to the head of the bed. Making yourself at home in his king size. Tucked in his fluffy blankets and Jimin is not fair behind you. Kneeling to remove his shirt before he's sinking underneath the comforter, arms mindlessly finding your waist.
Back pressed against his chest, he takes a moment to breathe you in. Loving that despite you having removed his robe, you still smelt like him. Mixed with your usual honey aroma, he can't help but nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck.
“I like you that much,” He's confessing into the darkness of the room, lips pressed against the skin of your neck. “Maybe, more.” It's the sincerity in his tone, every ounce of teasing completely absent. He means what he says and doesn't expect you to say anything back. Just wanted to tell you so that you knew.
And because of that, you feel your body warm. The swell in your chest growing, cheeks darkening. How did you manage to get so lucky... and unlucky at the same time. Refusing to think about the downside, wanting so badly to just enjoy this moment with him, you're pushing all the negative thoughts to the back of your mind.
Instead, you're turning in his arms. Fingers knitting through the hair at the nape of his neck, you pull him down toward you, lips finding his. He's kissing you back immediately, pouring all his passion, want, need into the movement of his lips. Pushing your tongue past his lips, head tilting for a better angle – fingers secured on the waistband of his bottoms as you hold him to you.
The groans that he emits from the feeling of your teeth nibbling on his lower lip has a gush of arousal heating up your core. His warm hand finds your wrist below the sheets, gently guiding it until your palm is pressed against the stiff hump in his pants. Fingers flex around it, forcing his hips to jerk forward.
You grin, pulling back from his lips to trail a line of wet kisses down the side of his neck toward his collarbones. Jimin has hands on your ass, kneading and molding the flesh with his chin rested on your shoulder so he can watch his hands. You didn't fail to notice the way he had hiked up your shorts to reveal more of your cheeks to his greedy eyes. 
“You're so hard. What have you been thinking about, baby?” You recycle his words from the other night and from the chuckle that falls from his lips, he's noticed. “Wanna taste you...” He's admitting, his own words making his cock jump underneath your palm. 
Hand slipping underneath the waistband of his pants... his boxers, easily you wrap your hand around his thick length. He curses out loud, teeth cutting into his lip to further silence himself. “You were so good to me last time... don't you think it's your turn?” Slowly, you drag your hand down to his base.
Jimin's nodding his head quickly at your words, “Yes, fuck.” He's basically throbbing in your grasp and you wonder when was the last time he has gotten off. Allowing yourself a moment to play with the thought of it possibly being before that night with you.
You whimper as his cock jumps underneath your light touch. It's as if he's getting harder as the anticipation grows and you can't deny the way that turns you on. His breaths leave Jimin's mouth when your hand is sliding up toward the head, “Holy fucking shit,” He gasps, just as you're dipping your head down a glob of spit rolling off your tongue and landing directly on top.
The slide of your hand is much easier now with the added lubricant. Jimin's hips rocking along with the movement of your hand. His moans interrupting the suction of his lips on your neck. Warm breath panted against your skin while you speed up the strokes of your hand, adding a twist in your wrist to add to his pleasure.
“That feels so good, Yn.” A dribble of precum slides down the side of his shaft following his whiny voice. You're wet just from the sound of his voice, the weight in your palm. How he's desperately rocking into you as if he's actually buried inside of you. It takes everything in him not to flip you over and do just that. Fuck you like he's been imagining since he first met you.
But he holds back because you had been hesitant before. Didn't want to push you too much, happy to take what he could. Leaving hickeys on your skin, your hands on him, your pretty moans that mixed with his hand filled the room. Yeah, that would be enough for now.
Palm closing a bit around him, mimicking the tightness he wants. “Y-you're gonna make me cum...” A stutter in the movements of his hips matches his strained stuttered words. You want him to fall apart, reach the level of euphoria he had brought you to. Strokes speeding up, thumb teasing his tip whenever you can reach it.
His breath is picking up, a string of curses leaving his lips as his thighs tense up. Arms tight around your waist, holding your close as his teeth scrape against the skin of your neck. Thighs rubbing against each other to create some friction of your own, you keep going. Not pulling back until he's groaning out your name, spilling his seed into the palm of your hand.
Jimin is lifting his head from the crook of your neck just in time to see you bring your palm to your mouth, licking his thick cum from your fingers. Eyes hooded but he doesn't dare to take his eyes off of you, the sight alone enough to have him wanting to go again. Wiping damp hand on his sheets, your eyes find his again and Jimin swears he was just shot in the heart. Breath knocked out of him just from the way you're looking at him.
“You're so perfect,” He's mumbling, because that's honestly the only word he can think of when it comes to you. A soft smile spreads across his face, hand reaching for his shoulder to gently push him onto his back. He lets you move him, getting yourself comfortable with your leg hooked around his waist. 
His hand finds your ass, easily slipping underneath the fabric of your shorts. Holding him close to you, head on his chest you ignore the guilt eating away at your heart. Trying hard to focus on the good parts about being with him... which was everything. If only the circumstances were different.
 Imagining what it would be like if things were like this. If you had only met him first, you could like him freely without feeling yourself shrink each time you were reminded of the sad fact. Jimin feels your mood shift but doesn't say anything. Continues to hold you close, his hand gently trying to soothe you. And with the gentle way he's rubbing your bottom, and the warmth of him underneath you – you're drifting to sleep.
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At some point through the night, your position changed. Jimin's bare chest pressed against your back, hand between your thighs to find warmth. Legs entwined to ensure neither of you runs away. He's awake before you, plump lips landing soft kisses against your shoulder.
“Gotta wake up, baby.” Voice harsh from sleep, hushed as if he didn't actually want to wake you. “Wake up, I started the coffee maker and made pancakes,” He tries again, teeth nibbling at your skin and you're stirring.
Head shifting to look back at him, confusion written on your face not sure if you heard him correctly. “You made pancakes?” You question in your sleepy morning voice. Jimin grins, shaking his head before leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“I'm practicing for our domestic life,” Laughing with a roll of your eyes, you reach down to pull his hand from inside your shorts. You sit up to pull the blanket off of your body, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you stand. The sleeping guests downstairs suddenly become apparent to you, with the chatter coming from downstairs.
They were awake already? What time was it? Was Miju down there too? Rushing to stand in front of the mirror, you wipe and tug at yourself trying to get rid of any evidence of what happened here last night. Jimin had gotten up too, pulling his shirt and robe back onto his body. His hands dropping onto your hips.
“Thanks for last night,” He whispers, calming your frantic movements with his soft tone and the kiss he presses to the side of your face. “I'm sorry it makes you feel so shitty... you enjoy yourself, though, right? In the moment?” You don't remember the last time you were thanked for spending the night with someone, your presence treated as valuable. And you're sure you were never asked if you had enjoyed yourself.
“I did, yeah.” He smiles at your words, taking a backward step, allowing you to move from the mirror to find your shoes. “Me too,” He agrees with a smile and you notice the tint in his cheeks... the way he's no doubt replaying the moment in his mind.
You're giggling, as you stand with your shoes fastened. “Yeah, we know you enjoyed yourself.” He moves to close the space between you, lips finding your lips. “I need to go,” You're stopping him before he can slip any tongue, knowing all too well where he was heading with the way his fingers stroked the hem of your shorts.
“One more,” He holds his finger up between the toy of you, puppy dog pouting right in your face and it's so cute that you can't help but grant him one more kiss. One more turns into three which quickly turns into five and before you know it he's pulling you onto his lap as he lowers himself onto his bed.
Fingers buried in his hair, you use your grip to pull his head back – freeing your lips. You laugh at the way he chases your lips, “One more.” He mumbles and you're shaking your head, leaving a chaste kiss to his lips before you're standing from his lap.
“That was the last one,” You're back in the mirror, fixing appearance. So drunk on him that it slips your mind that you're supposed to be sneaking out of his room. He's a few steps behind you when you pull the door open, wide eyes finding Miju at the bottom of the stairs.
Her back is to you, deep in conversation with Joonie and Taehyung. They're making her laugh, body bowed furrow as her back shakes. They look so proud of themselves, little did they know she laughs like that all the time.
You're frozen in place, stuck. Lost on how you were going to get downstairs without her seeing you, she was right there! No doubt she'd ask why you were coming from upstairs when you should have met her at the tents last night.
Jimin is reaching for your wrist, ready to pull you back into the room when Miju is turning around. She sees you, confusion flashing over her features but she still smiles, saying something to the boys before she's turning to make her way up the stairs. Jimin is kind enough to put some distance between the two of you, hands shoved into the pocket of his sweats.
“Yn? How come you're in Minmin's room?” She doesn't look angry, just confused. Doesn't expect the worse of you, because you're her best friend and no way would you spend the night with her crush and try to sneak out the next morning undetected.
“Oh. I had to use the bathroom,” The lie rolls off of your tongue coated with a nervous laugh. “Have the cleanest one in the house,” Jimin is helping with a smile that has Miju's face morphing, a smile to match his lighting up her features.
“I'll use it next time, the one down there is so sticky,” She scrunches her nose up at the thought and he's laughing. Like actually laughing and you can't help but notice how easy this is for him. You feel like you're about to crack and he's all smiles and laughter.
You're moving from Jimin's side to stand beside Miju, reaching for her hand – you give it a slight tug. “Are you ready to go? I think I'm all social-ed out.” She pulls her gaze from Jimin to laugh at your words, nodding her head.
“Yeah, sure. See you later, Minmin!” She's waving at Jimin who nods his goodbye and you're pulling her along with you down the stairs and all the way out of the house. She calls quick goodbyes to Joonie and Taehyung as you pass them. Then falls into silence the entire walk to her house.
The silence is uncomfortable for you. Wishing that you could know what she was thinking. Wondering if she bought that half ass-ed lie back there or if she was waiting for the right moment to call you out for it. She didn't seem pissed, her usually smiling self as she admired the nature around her.
Maybe she didn't pick up on the swollen lips and fucked out eyes. Maybe it wasn't as obvious as you had convinced yourself it was. It wasn't like the two of you came out groping each other, plus you've used his bathroom before... so it made sense for you to go in his room and use it again, right?
Miju doesn't say anything until you're stopping in front of her door, ready to wave goodbye when she's stopping you. “I was wondering, where did you sleep last night?” She asks casually, keys dangling from the tips of her manicured fingers.
“Oh, yeah. On the couch. I ended up crashing,” You try to be as cool as Jimin with your lies, brushing off the question with a laugh. She's nodding her head, focus dropping to the keys in her hand. “That's weird, though, because I went to look for you... and the couch was empty.”
Heart sinking, urging yourself to control your facial expressions, not wanting to give anything away. Not ready to talk to her about this yet. Not even sure if this thing with Jimin was actually a thing. “The couch in the den. Did you check there?”
“Hm, I didn't.” Something flashes in her eyes, but it's so quick you can't really place it. “Did you see the girl Jimin was with then?” Miju is not looking at you anymore, putting all her focus on trying to pick out the right key to open the door. “He was with a girl?” You play dumb because that's exactly how you feel at the moment.
She's nodding, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. “Yeah. On the balcony of the den. I thought it was you because of the jammies, but then he came and they started...” Miju shakes her head, stopping her words. “I guess you didn't see them, then?”
“I didn't,” You can feel the cracks in your heart, but can't keep the lies from falling from your lips. Knowing how hurt she'd be if she was to realize that it was actually you that she saw with Jimin. A huff of breath leaves her lips, eyes blinking as she lifts her head to look back at you. She looks the same way she does when she's about to cry and you want to reach out to console her, but you can't get yourself to move.
Miju doesn't let the tears slip, head shaking as she pushes a laugh through her lips. “He's a guy, right? No big deal. We're not even together. I just need to be bolder,” Her words oddly sound like you and you find yourself agreeing, nodding your head.
“Yeah. It'll be alright,” This time you're reaching for her, hand landing on your shoulder. She's shrugging you off, plastering a smile onto her face. “I'm gonna go in. I'll call you later.” She turns, easily finding the proper key to unlock the door.
You nod despite her having slipped past without sparing you another glance. With a heavy heart, you're leaving her porch. Guilt eating away at you with each step you took. And although it should be easy, you can't seem to land on the right thing to do. 
Know that your first instinct should be to stop, to cut all times with Jimin so you can properly call yourself a friend to Miju again... but the thought of never talking to Jimin again, never get to feel his lips, be wrapped up in his arms... makes you sick to your stomach.
There was no way you could have both, though. You needed to make a choice.
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– girl code rule #1: never, ever, under any circumstances fall for your best friend’s crush. but what happens when your best friend’s crush checks all the boxes of your ideal guy… and to make matters worse… he’s crazy about you too.
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A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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faulty-writes · 3 years
Hello, I just read your tensei one-shot and loved it! Could I request something with him after his injury and he gets his wheelchair, he and reader adjusting to life again?
If not that's totally fine!
[ I would be more than willing to write anything involving the Iida boys. I just adore Tensei, poor baby stuck in a wheelchair. ]
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You had visited him a couple months after the hero killer incident. “Is there anything else you’d like me to add to your new wheelchair?” you questioned as you tapped the tip of the pen against the paper which was currently held in place by your clipboard.
Despite trying to get over the fear of almost losing Tensei and getting used to the changes that had happened within the Idaten Agency. That is the change of command, it had taken a long while and plenty of discussion and arguments as to who was a worthy replacement for Ingenium.
You knew in reality that no one could replace the one-of-a-kind hero Tensei was. After all, he paved the way for many sidekicks and that wasn’t something that could be easily matched. Maybe it was selfish to say that you didn’t want to follow anyone else’s authority.
You were thankful that you were close to the Iida family, but it was only per Tensei’s request that you found yourself in his bedroom. It wasn’t that hard to spot the accessories that now littered the man’s room which included safety bars that allowed him to pull himself onto the bed.
But, at the moment he looked comfortable sprawled across his bed with his legs stretched out in front of him and a massive amount of pillows piled behind his back. He was dressed in a dark blue shirt, with an unbuttoned long-sleeved plaid shirt over it.
You were a little surprised he had decided to wear jeans today, but he looked handsome as always. You were also happy that his spirit wasn’t completely broken and that was evident enough from the way he smiled at you, showing off his pearly whites which made your heart race.
You glanced away in an effort to hide your flushed cheeks. “No,” he replied as he reached over to touch the top of your knee. You gasped and immediately looked down at that hand. Tensei’s touch was always gentle and you reached over, placing your hand over his.
The former hero seemed pleased and you took note of that gentle expression that illuminated his face as he looked at you. “I really appreciate it, Y/n. You’re the best,” he said just before he squeezed your knee. “Heh,” your cheeks continued to heat up as you brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I-It’s nothing Tensei, I-” he interrupted you. “It’s not nothing, you’ve been there for me since we met back at Yuuei,” he leaned over with a slightly sympathetic smile. “I know I scared everyone, going after the hero killer. But hey, at least I’m still your hero. Right?” he questioned but your smile immediately faded.
“Huh?” of course Tensei noticed your now sad expression, but your sigh seemed to make matters worse. He knew it was still a tender subject to talk about and that it would take a long while to get used to the way everything was now. “Sorry, it’s just…” your hand clenched around the clipboard.
“Tensei you don’t think we stopped looking at you as a hero because of this, right?” you questioned, trying to prevent your bottom lip from quivering. But inside, you couldn’t help but feel your heart sink in your chest. Despite what happened and the end result of Tensei’s retirement and condition.
You never stopped looking at him as a hero and you never would, the day Tensei was reported injured it was like time stood still. Everyone frozen in their own grief and worry, you were surprised the Idaten team still managed to complete their scheduled hero tasks for the day. He glanced down, and you heard him take a deep breath.
“I know it was a big shock," maybe that was an underestimate, for a moment he thought he was going to die as he laid there in his hospital bed with all those injuries. "I also know I still have people that look up to me. I just hope I’ll always be a hero to my little brother and...to you,” he gave you a sheepish smile and your mouth went dry.
Once more you were reminded that without even trying Tensei could keep you right where he wanted you. Your fingers tightened around his hand that still laid on your knee and slowly, you found yourself leaning forward. Tensei remained where he was, however his eyes widened slightly.
As if he were wondering what you were doing, it was only when he raised his eyebrow that you seemed to snap out of your actions. “Oh,” you glanced away as that familiar heat coursed through your cheeks. “I-I’m sorry!” you stuttered before suddenly standing causing Tensei's hand to fall from its previous place on your knee.
“Hey,” he said as he attempted to reach out to you again. “Are you okay?” he frowned when the only response he got from you was a frantic nod. “Y/n,” he began, almost prepared to scold you but he stopped when you shook your head. “S-Sorry Tensei!” you replied as you cradled the clipboard to your chest.
“I-I’ll have that wheelchair for you next time I come to see you,” though once more you were reminded that you hated walking into the Idaten Agency knowing that Tensei wasn’t in control of it. Part of you was even worried that they would take away your workshop, the one that Tensei specifically ordered to be built for you.
It seemed unlikely, they needed you and your expertise which meant the workshop should remain untouched. But if there was anything you learned from Tensei, it was that unexpected things happen. You tried to push it to the back of your head, failing to notice the eerie silence filling the room.
“Y/n,” came Tensei’s voice and you heard the bed squeak as the former hero maneuvered his legs over the edge of the bed. You blinked and slowly turned to look over your shoulder. It must be hard to lift your own legs like that.
One of Tensei’s hands was securely holding onto the bed rail and the other was fisted into the mattress, his expression was intense as he looked at you with a present frown across his lips. It was a surprise to see Tensei so unhappy and you slowly turned around, lowering the clipboard from your chest.
“Tensei what are you doing?” you glanced over at his current wheelchair which was sitting in the corner of the room unoccupied. “Mm…” you muttered, lowering your eyebrows as if you were angry. Why was the wheelchair so far away from him?
You took a step forward, fully intent on retrieving it when Tensei spoke again. “Wait,” the command, though simple and soft, halted you in your tracks. You slowly glanced back at Tensei who took a deep breath before he held his arms out in front of him.
You knew he was indicating a hug and felt your heart begin to race. “Come here,” yet another simple command, but you followed it as if you were under hypnosis. You closed the distance between Tensei and yourself, allowing his arms to gently wrap around you.
Despite the blood rushing to your cheeks as you were pulled close to him, your chin resting in the crook between his neck and shoulder. Your nostrils were filled with his musky cinnamon-like scent and the feeling of being completely safe washed over you.
You brought your arms up to wrap around his neck, though the clipboard made it slightly difficult. Tensei didn’t seem to mind the piece of wood resting against his shoulder blades and you enjoyed the blissful moment of peace before you stepped away.
“Um...t-thank you,” the stuttered words left your mouth and you looked down at your clipboard. Part of you was eager to start on the new wheelchair but another part wanted to stay with him. Then again, you didn’t want to overextend your welcome. “I...I should go now, but-” you pointed towards the door just as Tensei spoke again.
“Are you sure? You know you’re always welcome to stay as long as you’d like," a nervous chuckle came and you directed your glance to the floor. “I...I know but-” you paused, what could you even say? That you did want to stay, that you didn’t want to leave Tensei’s side?
All those things sounded nice in your head, but more than likely would be a jumbled mess if you tried to speak them out loud. So instead you swallowed your courage back and shook your head. “I...I can’t,” you replied, trying not to feel guilty when you saw Tensei frown.
You’d much prefer to see that pearly white smile of his. “I’m sorry, it’s just…” you trailed off for a moment, your eyes glancing back and forth before you continued. “I want to get a head start on your new wheelchair.” you hoped he'd buy that explanation.
Though it wasn’t entirely a lie, you did want to make the new wheelchair and you wanted every last detail of it to be perfect. “Hm?” you watched as a surprised expression came over Tensei’s face before softening into that normal smile of his.
“You really want to get started on that, huh? Just the thing I’d expect from one of my best,” you brought your free hand up to your chest where you could feel your rapid heartbeat. You knew your cheeks were a toasty red color and you looked away.
“Y-You really think that…?” you always seemed to get flustered when Tensei complimented you but that wasn’t much of a surprise at this point. He nodded, “I do,” he replied with a chuckle, his hand pressing to the back of his dark blue hair and his eyes remained on you.
Though he’d never tell you, he thought you looked adorable with your cheeks that rosy and felt a sense of pride knowing he was the cause of it. “Um…” you pressed your lips together, your mind coming up with a thousand responses before you actually settled on one.
“T-Thank you,” the words left your mouth quickly before you bowed and scurried to the door. “I-I’ll inform you when y-your wheelchair is ready!” you squeaked out before opening the door and running down the hallway.
It wasn’t the most polite exit and it left Tensei calling after you, but you kept running with the clipboard securely pressed against your chest. “I have to make this for him,” you said with no hesitation and from that point, you spent every waking moment in your workshop.
This caused a deal of concern to the Idaten Team. Maybe they knew of your feelings towards Tensei or maybe they were just afraid you were focusing too much of your effort on something that wouldn’t benefit the able-bodied heroes that were currently employed at the Idaten Agency.
You knew it was rude to think that way, but you couldn’t help it. You had known Tensei for so long, you saw him grow since your days at Yuuei. Helped him build the Idaten Agency from the bottom up, recruit the sidekicks, watch him become the pro hero he was meant to be only to see his downfall in the worst kind of way.
Well, it just didn’t feel the same without him. Tensei was always going to be the only one you would truly follow which is why you wouldn’t let him down. Your fingers ached and you had gotten a few cuts here and there, but to see the finished product was well worth it. You had added some features to the wheelchair that most wouldn't expect.
Overall, it appeared to resemble that of a standard wheelchair apart from its blue-tinted coloring and built-in gel cushion layers. It also had specialized wheels on the off chance Tensei wanted to use his quirk which part of you hoped he wouldn't. Apart from the wheels, you also built some self-storage compartments into it.
You managed to configure a way to make the foot petals automatically retract and return when weight or lack of was present, the sensors you installed were to thank for that. You had also added a secret feature that may take time for Tensei to discover, but essentially you made it so the wheelchair can fold upward.
Allowing Tensei to ‘stand’ once again and hopefully make it easier for him to transfer from his wheelchair to whatever he desired. Still, it had taken you the span of a month to complete and during that time you hadn’t had much outside contact with anyone.
Including Tensei, but part of you wanted to surprise him and you were sure he understood how consumed you got in your work. Not to mention the Idaten Agency was planning their annual celebrating sidekick's event.
The idea was Tensei’s and you were happy that despite the new management, the event was still planned to take off in a week’s time. You knew Tensei would be excited about it and despite your slightly exhausted state, you were looking forward to attending as well.
After a good night’s rest, you contacted Tensei who was both thrilled and relieved to talk to you again. It was shortly after this, that you found yourself visiting the Iida Estate. To say Tensei was excited when you presented the wheelchair was a bit of an understatement.
The smile on his face seemed to make up for the hours you put into crafting it and his mother seemed equally as joyful. Though you weren’t expecting her to embrace you in a hug nor for Tensei roll over and wrap his arms around your waist. The feeling of him nuzzling into your side caused tingles to course through your body.
You gave an awkward chuckle and tried to play off your hard work, but Tensei seemed to see right through it. “Aw come on!” he said as he playfully punched your arm which in turn had you stumbling forward. Tensei was bigger and more developed than you which meant something as gentle as a 'playful' punch still ached.
“Ow…” you muttered as you reached over to rub your arm and looked back at Tensei who was still smiling. It was nice to see him like that, even if he was paraplegic as a result of his mishap with the hero killer. He was still looking at life through the same positive eyes as before and you never wanted that to change.
“Do you...do you like it?” you questioned as you walked over to the wheelchair, glancing over the metal and screws that you had put together by hand. “I love it!” he replied as he raised his arms above his head, then he brought them down and curled his hands into fists.
“You’re always so amazing, I could never craft such beautiful things,” he chuckled as he then reached up to rub the back of his head. There he goes complimenting you again and you couldn’t help but glance away, once more feeling that warm rush course through your cheeks.
“I-It was…” you paused, regardless of what you said. You knew he'd always find a way to continue to compliment you, to defy whatever negative thing you could say about yourself. So was it pointless? You internally sigh before dropping your head, “Hm? Is something wrong?” Tensei questioned, but you shook your head.
“No, nothing is wrong,” you said, “I was hoping you’d like it," you wrapped your hands around the handles of the wheelchair. The ones you had spent hours crafting the details into. “It took me long enough to build and I’m sorry if…” you trailed off, how would you even apologize for basically ignoring Tensei?
“I...was too busy to contact you, I just wanted to finish this before the celebration,” you said and raised your eyebrow as Tensei's jaw dropped. “Jeez, I almost forgot about that,” he said as he slapped himself which made you wince slightly. But his laugh seemed to reassure you that he was fine.
“Guess I’ve been a little out of it since the whole ordeal,” while you understood that, Tensei was the one who created the celebration event, to begin with. He was always the star attraction when the time came and you tried to suppress the chuckle that threatened to come when you recalled the way Tensei would always dance in his Ingenium suit.
It was entertaining, to say the least, but you knew this year would be a little different. 'Ingenium' wouldn’t be present, and part of you wondered how Tensei would deal with everything now that he was in a wheelchair. Would he spin around on the dancefloor or would he remain on the sidelines?
You knew you wouldn’t allow him not to have fun, but then again you had no idea how the evening would truly play out. You found your smile fading as you walked around the wheelchair and reached out to place your hand on top of Tensei’s knee, similar to how he had touched your knee prior.
However, unlike you, he didn’t seem to hesitate to place his hand over yours in turn. You shivered when you felt his thumb slowly trace over your knuckles, but you kept eye contact with him. “Are you planning to go?” you asked. “It’s not the same without you,” which was an understatement.
You always found yourself willing to go anywhere as long as Tensei was there. His thumb stopped and a few seconds later you felt his hand tighten over yours. His face softened some and he reached up, gently cupping the side of your face which caused your cheeks to grow hot.
More than likely he’d notice, but restrain from saying anything. “I wouldn’t leave my best all alone! Of course, I’ll come, as long as you save a dance for me,” he said, his voice filled with confidence as he flashed yet another smile at you. “O-Oh…” you leaned back and a nervous chuckle escaped you.
Just the thought of dancing with Tensei made your heart race, though in the past he always seemed to save his first dance for you and you loved that the rest of the world faded away when you were wrapped up in him.
“You’ll be using the wheelchair I made you right?” your eyes glanced over the hospital chair he was currently sitting in, that thing couldn’t be comfortable. Tensei looked confused before he glanced over at his new wheelchair, then he nodded.
“I have to go there in style, right?” he chuckled at his own words and the sound of your own laughter joined him. You took a breath and slowly retracted your hand, though Tensei seemed a little saddened by your action as he rather enjoyed the warmth your hand provided.
But he still smiled at you and allowed his hands to rest in his lap. “I suppose so, but you always go in style and I’m sure everyone will be happy to see you,” even though the pro heroes that were invited almost never showed up.
In fact, you were always disappointed that the only heroes you consistently saw present were Best Jeanist, All Might, and Edgeshot. More than likely because Ingenium had past experience working with them. Not that you had any sort of problem with them, quite the contrary.
You enjoyed talking to them, despite the fact Tensei would always be leading the conversation. But you were always fascinated with the stories the heroes shared. As a support agent, the only real heroic aspect you experienced was the aftermath. The damage that was done to both equipment and hero.
At least you could still fix one of them. Still, this event wasn't about you, hell it wasn’t even about the pro heroes. It was about the appreciation, dedication, and even bravery sidekicks displayed. It was true that most, if not all of the time heroes couldn't do everything on their own.
The backbone of a hero was essentially those that supported them and it wasn't much of a surprise that a sidekick would always be dedicated to their hero. "I'm really glad you think so. Hey…" he leaned over in his chair and you tilted your head, unsure of what he wanted.
But regardless, you found yourself leaning down. "Yes?" you were a little suspicious as to what Tensei had planned considering he did most things out of impulse. But you were surprised when he reached up and gently brushed a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"Hm?" you were a little concerned when he allowed his hand to linger there on your cheek. "Would it be too much if I asked to pick you up? I know I may not go as fast as I did before but I'm still proud to stan-" he paused. "Sit," he corrected himself, "by your side." Why was he so sweet?!
You opened your mouth to speak, but it seemed no words came out. You quickly sealed your lips together, looking lost a moment before he chuckled. “Uh s-sorry,” you replied as you rubbed the back of your head.
Your cheeks were yet again red and you almost wanted to run out of the room again. “I just...you’re...y-you’re sweet Tensei,” you said, noticing his confused expression turn into a happy one. He grinned at you and reached up to grasp his armrests.
“I’m glad you think so! I like being sweet for you.” he teased with a playful wink which only caused your cheeks to turn dark red and you shyly glanced away. “Heh...thank you,” Tensei grinned and reached down for his push rims, using them to roll back.
“You don’t have to thank me!” he replied before pressing his hand to his forehead. “I’m happy to see you so happy,” you lifted your head, your eyes widening and you almost wished you could fan your face to cool it down.
But all you could seem to do was smile and place your hands in front of you before bowing. “Thank you Tensei,” you said as you leaned back up. “So…” you began, “I’ll see you when you pick me up?” Tensei grinned and nodded.
“I won’t let you down,” he promised with a playful wink causing you to turn your head as a nervous giggle escaped. You took one last look at the wheelchair you had crafted. Your hands were still a bit sore, but hopefully, the small cuts would heal.
“Until then...um,” you took a step forward and leaned down, you had to stand a little back taking Tensei’s footrests into account. Still, you were happy to hug him. When the day of the celebration came as promised Tensei picked you up, he was using the wheelchair you had gifted him and you were happy to see how well he adjusted to it.
But you were more distracted by the outfit he was wearing, a blue suit with a black tie and a striped button-up shirt. Somehow it suited him. You didn’t have many fancy clothes on hand and you thought about wearing the same outfit as last year, but due to the protests of many from the Idaten Agency.
You decided to go shopping for a new outfit instead, but as long as Tensei liked it you could care less what others thought. You smiled as you approached him, once more letting your eyes roam over his figure before you noticed a bouquet of flowers resting in his lap.
You tilted your head, slightly confused and for a moment wondering if they were for you. Luckily Tensei answered your question a moment later, “I got you these!” he said as he held the flowers up and despite being a little surprised.
You took them and brought them up to your nose, inhaling their sweet scent. Allowing it to calm the butterflies in your stomach, once again it seemed no matter how much you tried to convince yourself not to be nervous around Tensei. It never worked.
“Ready to go?” he questioned with a bright smile and you shyly lowered the bouquet. “Of course,” you said and out of instinct reached out to take his arm, but you stopped yourself when you realized or rather remembered Tensei was in a wheelchair.
“Oh uh…” you gave an awkward chuckle. “Sorry,” you muttered as you glanced away, old habits died hard. Tensei seemed to catch onto what you were trying to do and chuckled, sometimes you were grateful for his easy-type personality.
“It’s okay,” he said, “I’m glad you like the flowers.” You glanced down at the bouquet, oh right. Maybe it was best if you left them at your apartment. “They’re beautiful, thank you Tensei,” you said before glancing over your shoulder.
“I’m just going to put these in water and then we can go,” you said, watching as Tensei gave another grin before nodding. “Of course, do you need any help?” he questioned as he watched you walk away. You took a deep breath, trying once again to calm yourself as the faucet ran.
“I think I’m okay, thank you Tensei,” you said as the sound of the water hitting the glass vase echoed. ‘This is just like last year, nothing has changed.’ you tried to convince yourself as you glanced over at Tensei.
He was gently swaying himself in his wheelchair. The sight brought a sense of sadness, but it was nice to see him acting so cute. You turned back to the vase and turned the faucet off before unwrapping the plastic and paper the flowers were surrounded in.
You found a place for them on the counter and took a moment to admire them before turning back to Tensei. “I’m ready now,” you said, reaching over to run your hand across his shoulders. He jumped a little and you weren’t sure if it was out of surprise considering he always seemed to welcome your touch.
Either way, you offered a smile and the two of you made your way to the car. It was somewhat of a relief that an Idaten Team member offered to drive everyone. Though it was a challenge to try and get Tensei inside the vehicle.
Watching him being lifted from his wheelchair to the seat was different as was the fact his folded-up wheelchair laid across the floor of the car. But at least you got to sit next to him and laugh as he shared stories with everyone else.
Just like old times. Though you kept quiet during the ride due to the fact you were too busy watching Tensei, even more so when he had to be lifted back out and into his wheelchair once more.
"I can't wait!" he exclaimed and you could hear faint music coming from the building ahead. You watched as he began to wheel himself forward, however, he paused and turned his chair to face you. "Hm? What?" you questioned and Tensei chuckled before he offered you his hand.
You hesitated a moment before taking it, a smile of your own coming to your face as Tensei turned once more. Both of you were facing the entrance of the celebration, there was a long red carpet starting from the end of the sidewalk to the entryway.
String lights hung from the rim of the building and you could see how they illuminated the inside of the entrance as well. You could also see the many heroes that had already arrived, particularly you noticed a group of women crowding around the number one hero himself, All Might.
The sight alone caused you to laugh which caught Tensei's attention. “Everything alright?” he asked in a concerned tone, your hand was covering your mouth in a half-hearted attempt to muffle your laughter.
“Yeah,” you said as you lowered your hand and turned back to look ahead of you. The other members of the Idaten team who were in the car began walking past you, talking amongst themselves as they entered the building.
“It’s just, I’ve always thought it was funny how All Might seems to get all the attention. Do you think he ever gets tired of having all those women flock to him?” you questioned as you took a step forward and Tensei quickly followed, rolling along beside you.
“I only want one person to flock to me,” he responded and you turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He only smiled in return, but somehow it was clear to the both of you who he was referring to. Regardless, you felt a certain sense of pride came over you as you passed through the entrance or maybe you just felt lucky to still be by Tensei’s side.
It was always the two of you and wherever Tensei went, you followed. In a way, you were like a sidekick, and maybe in a sense part of this celebration was for you as well. You took note of the several familiar faces and some new ones that you could only assume were upcoming sidekicks on the scene.
There was a large seating area with tall tables covered in white cloth and expensive-looking glassware. On the opposite side of the room were several tables pressed up against the wall, each one covered with an impressive amount of food, and most of it looked too fancy for your taste.
You preferred simple things, but between the two areas was the dancefloor and a few people looked to be having fun. Showing off just how fast they could move or gather attention while everyone else remained standing around chatting.
Some held plates of food while others seemed to be making conversation with little distraction. You paused, reaching over to lay your hand on Tensei’s shoulder. “Hm?” he turned to look at you, but you were busy glancing around the room again.
‘Hey, it’s Ingenium!’ someone suddenly called and you turned your head, watching as more people seemed to walk over to the former hero. ‘Here we go again,’ you thought as you removed your hand from Tensei’s shoulder, bringing it up to rest against your forehead.
‘Hey man, how are you?’ watching person after person greet Tensei made your stomach twist some, especially as they leaned down to shake his hand, was it strange you were allowing such a thing to bother you?
A frown came to your lips before you took a step back, wanting to distance yourself from the scene as people continued to converse with Tensei. The few women that were around smiled and folded their hands together and had the nerve to ask how he was since the hero killer incident.
"Excus-" you wanted to interrupt but Tensei's laugh drowned your attempted words out, how can he still be so fine with talking about what happened? In a way, you couldn’t blame them for being curious. But still, it bothered you. Yet, Tensei kept smiling.
“I’ve been wonderful thanks! This new wheelchair was designed by Y/n,” he then turned his head and you paused in your movements, still attempting to distance yourself from the former hero and the small crowd he had around him.
Instead, you found yourself frozen again and by nothing more than those eyes of his. “Why are you backing away?” he questioned, and honestly you couldn’t come up with a good explanation other than the fact you felt a little envious when you weren’t the one getting Tensei’s attention.
But you would never admit such a thing, at least not out loud. “Excuse me a moment,” he said before he reached down for his push rims and proceeded to roll over to you. “Everything alright?” he questioned and you felt your throat tighten, a little embarrassed for being caught in the act of trying to back away.
“Mmhm,” you replied with a simple nod, though Tensei didn't exactly buy it. He brought his arm up, stretching it behind your lower back to grasp the side of your hip. “Ah!” you cried out as you felt yourself being pulled toward him, your opposite hip hitting the armrest of his chair.
“This is Y/n! The brilliant support agent of the Idaten Agency, they designed my wheelchair and I sort of view them as my hero.” you felt your cheeks heat up and turned away if anything to make your red cheeks less obvious.
‘Oh yeah, I remember them.’ someone said, ‘Mmhm! They’re always by your side, huh?’ another one commented. “Well, I wouldn’t say always but…” Tensei trailed off when he noticed you were looking elsewhere. "Hm?" he leaned forward in his wheelchair, observing the dancefloor before he looked back up at you.
He opened his mouth to say something, but one of the women interrupted him, ‘Hey Ingenium, are you going to dance?’ her question came off rather desperate, but you made no comment. ‘I would love it if you could save me one!’ another girl commented and yet again that feeling of envy grew in your stomach.
You knew it wasn’t right, considering Tensei always danced with you. The man in question chucked and you felt his arm retract from your hip. “Well…” he began as he raised his hands up, you knew he was trying to find a nice way to decline the requested dance.
“I...usually dance with Y/n first, it’s sort of a tradition at this point,” he said as he turned back to look at you and flashed a playful wink that had your head spinning. This man was going to be the end of you. ‘Aw come on,’ the woman insisted as she took a step forward.
‘Can’t you break tradition just once? I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time and I just recently became a sidekick. I would love to say I danced with one of the heroes that inspired me,’ she said, and you suppressed the growl in your throat as she proceeded to bat her eyelashes at Tensei.
“Heh, I’m glad I could be your hero! That means a lot, but even if I’m retired now. I still like to think a hero always keeps his promises, so maybe we can dance later. Okay?” he said with a bright smile before turning his wheelchair.
You were in slight disbelief that he had turned down the woman. She was moderately attractive and seemed to be willing to do whatever she could just to get a dance, but he still turned her down. You were lost in your thoughts until you felt his hand take yours, your breath hitched and you almost ripped your hand away from him.
But Tensei threaded your fingers together so such an action was useless. “Want to dance with me?” he questioned, despite not knowing how to exactly ‘dance’ in a wheelchair. He was willing to try for you and gently stroked his thumb across your knuckles.
“I…” you paused and turned to look at the group that was previously talking to Tensei, the woman that originally asked for a dance seemed to have walked away. You frowned and took a deep breath, slightly hoping she wouldn’t come back and bother you. “S-Sure,” Tensei smiled, though he did sense something was wrong.
Still, he hoped a dance would make you forget about your troubles You tried to ignore the looks you received as you walked to the dancefloor with Tensei, the sound of his wheels echoed against the wooden floor. You partly hoped you two wouldn’t gather much attention as you reached the center of the dancefloor.
Then you turned to face Tensei just as the lights above you dimmed causing you to glance up. “Um…” you slowly tilted your head back, walking around to stand in front of Tensei. Your hand squeezing his before you glanced around, taking note of the many eyes on you.
Why were they all staring? Well actually, you had an idea as to why. “How are we…” you trailed off when a smile appeared on his face. “I have an idea,” he said and you raised your eyebrow. “Which is?” you questioned as you placed one hand on your hip.
Once again, you found yourself letting your guard down and as a result, Tensei yet again surprised you. Your vision blurred a moment as you were pulled forward, your hand pressed against Tensei's chest and before you could properly react. You felt his hand reach for the back of your legs and you were hoisted onto his lap
“Uh…Tensei…” you began, allowing your fingers to dig into the fabric of his blazer. You wiggled in his lap, but Tensei’s arm remained draped over your legs and he kept still as you got comfortable. “I know this is kind of different, but I’m sure we’ll both get used to this,” a soft song began to echo through the air.
You couldn't help the frown that came to your lips as his words echoed in your head, ‘We’ll both get used to this.’ when? Your thoughts were shattered when Tensei spoke again. “Hold on,” he warned. You weren’t sure what he was planning, but as fairly instructed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he reached down for his push rims. He started gently swaying his wheelchair back and forth, the motion was slow and tousled your hair back and forth. But in a way it was nice, you found yourself smiling as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
Your legs were draped between his foot pedals and you closed your eyes when he began to roll around in a circle. It wasn’t like the way you had danced last year, but you enjoyed the new closeness this brought and almost forgot about the eyes that were on the two of you.
The music continued and on occasion, Tensei would turn his wheelchair and rock you back and forth vertically or do silly half turns which made you laugh. At least he didn’t lose his sense of humor and as the song came to an end, you pulled back and glanced down at Tensei.
He was illuminated by the lights above, his red eyes standing out as he looked at you with a smile. You reached up and gently cupped the side of his face, trying to ignore the flashes from phone cameras. Part of you didn’t care if people took photos, it wasn’t like you were doing anything scandalous.
Still, you smiled and wrapped your arms around Tensei to embrace him in a hug. The rest of the evening seemed to go by rather quickly, at one point you lost Tensei only to find Tsunagu rolling him around. By the end of the night, you felt exhausted. Your feet ached and you couldn’t wait to get your shoes off so you could lay down in bed.
Luckily Tensei allowed you to sit in his lap once more as the two of you exited the building, like before you had to wait a few moments as Tensei was transferred from his wheelchair to the car seat. You had expected to get dropped off at your place first, but Tensei insisted he had something to show you back at the Iida Estate.
So with some hesitance, you agreed. “What do you have to show me?” you questioned as you walked behind him in one of the dimly lit hallways of the estate. You assumed everyone else was asleep. “You’ll see,” he replied and you didn’t miss that playful tone in his voice just as he reached his bedroom door.
You frowned as you watched him grasp onto one of his armrests and lean forward, stretching his other hand out for the doorknob. Part of you wondered why they hadn’t adjusted Tensei’s bedroom door, but then again the Iida family seemed to enjoy having everything in order. Maybe a different door would set them off too much.
Still, you were happy when Tensei finally got it open and rolled inside. “It’s changed a bit, I’m grateful my brother helped set it up for me,” he said and you had to admit, you were in slight awe of the equipment that now littered his room. His bed now had a rail that surrounded all sides with a small opening that you assumed allowed Tensei to securely climb into bed.
There was a grip molded into the rail and you imagined Tensei used it quite frequently so he could hoist himself up properly. “He did a good job,” you replied as you watched him make his way over to the bed. “You’re not having trouble with these new adjustments, are you? We could try one of the features of your new wheelchair if you want,” you suggested as your hand came to rest on your hip.
“New feature?” he questioned, turning his head to look at you with one of his unusual eyebrows raised. You nodded in response, “Yeah did you forget I added a feature that allows your chair to extend upward so you can ‘stand’?” you questioned as you shook your head in disappointment.
"There should be a button located underneath the seat," you explained, snickering some as Tensei leaned over one side of his chair, searching for the button that you had just described. “It’s to the left,” you crouched in front of him and reached underneath.
“You just press it for a few seconds and-” you words came to a pause when you retracted your hand and watched as the wheelchair vibrated. The footrests curved inward, keeping Tensei's legs in place as the seat of his chair folded flat.
The wheels remained pressed against the floor while a single metal bar pushed the chair up, allowing Tensei to stand upright. However, you ensured that it wouldn’t extend too far as you didn't want him to fall. Though it was slightly amusing to see Tensei look back and forth in awe. A laugh escaped him when he came to a stop.
“Wow!” he began. “You always surprise me somehow!” if only he knew the feeling was mutual. You cautiously took a step forward, “Do you need any help, can you reach the…” you trailed off to glance over at the handrail that looked within his reach, but you didn't know for sure.
“Hm?” he blinked and reached up to scratch the side of his head. “Well…” he began, trying to ignore how uneasy he felt. Standing up felt slightly odd since the incident, but he appreciated your hard work. Even if he didn’t see himself using this feature much in the future.
“I think I can but could you help me?” he questioned and you jumped. “Me?” you questioned as you watched Tensei nod. Then he gave you another smile, “I wouldn't trust anyone else!” and while you knew that wasn’t entirely true considering he seemed to put his trust in people too easily.
You reached out to graze your fingers along his sides. "I'll help you," you replied, giving him a shy smile in return. "Great!" he exclaimed, “I could hold onto your shoulders and you could help me sit on the bed,” he suggested, but you tilted your head. You were a little uncertain of what the end result of this would be.
Despite that, you allowed him to lay his hands on your shoulders. You tried to ignore the way he dug his fingers into your skin and in return, you properly gripped his sides. You were a little nervous given the limited amount of space between yourself and the bed. But you tried your best to take a step back, allowing Tensei to lean forward.
Of course, he was a lot heavier than you expected and your arms slightly trembled as they tried to support his weight. “Uh...Tensei…” you felt your knees buckle as he tried to reach over for the handrail while you found your legs pressed against the mattress. “Sorry about this,” Tensei said and you shook your head.
“It’s fine,” you replied, trying to ignore the way one of your shoulders started to ache. “Can you turn to the side?” he questioned. “What?” you replied, slightly confused as to what Tensei was trying to accomplish. “I can sit down on the bed if you step to the side, then pull myself onto the mattress,” Is that really how he thought this would work?
Despite the butterflies that began to swell in your stomach, you nodded. "O-Okay," you tried to keep your hands on Tensei as you maneuvered yourself, cautiously taking a step to the side and watched as the former hero somehow turned his body. You stumbled as Tensei somehow allowed himself to fall into the small opening in the bed rail.
You were almost straddling his legs at that point and though slightly embarrassed, you did your best to regain your balance. Gees, that was a lot of work. Your hands came to rest on top of his knees as your soft pants filled the air. “Are you alright?” Tensei reached over to thread his hand through your hair.
“Yeah…” you answered between your pants. “Do you do this every day?” you questioned, glancing up at him as he continued to run his hand through your hair. “Ten usually helps me, but sometimes he’s too busy so I end up doing it myself,” he explained with a half-smile as he finally dropped his hand from your hair.
He reached down to place his hands over yours. You paused, holding your breath. “Would it be too much to ask for your help to swing my legs over?” he questioned, giving you that innocent puppy dog look that always seemed to get to you.
You hung your head a moment, shaking it slightly back and forth. “As you wish, Ingenium,” you crouched down and gently took hold of his legs before lifting them over the railing. “There,” you said as you pressed your hands into the mattress. “Thanks,” he replied, flashing you another smile before he laid back on his pillows.
Then he patted the spot next to him, “Lay down next to me,” he instructed. “Hm?” you leaned back, once again feeling your cheeks heat up. “Y-You want me to lay down next to you?” a chuckle came before he nodded and once more patted the spot next to him.
You took a deep breath. “You don’t have to blush so much around me,” he commented, causing you to flinch back. “I-I’m not blushing!” you denied, waving your arms like wild. Tensei gave a knowing smile but said no more. “Hmph!” huffing, you crossed your arms a moment before sighing in defeat.
“Fine,” you stated before climbing onto the bed, wiggling some before you laid your head against his shoulder. Allowing your legs to drape over his, “Tensei, are you comfortable sleeping like this?” you questioned as you laid a hand on his chest.
There was so much about his current condition that you wouldn’t understand, but you wanted to. “It’s not so bad,” he said as he draped an arm around your shoulders. Part of you expected him to try and pull you close, but it seems at the moment he was content with having you at his side.
Of course, in some aspects, it was a little silly to be laying in bed with your former boss. But he was your friend before he became your boss and a hero above all else. Silence filled the air and after a long moment, Tensei closed his eyes and you couldn’t help but look at his resting face.
Then you glanced around the bed, it felt odd to be surrounded by a railing. Almost like you were trapped in a box, did Tensei feel that way as well? The doubt that you would get used to seeing him like this came back to mind.
But, you knew that you would always stay by his side regardless. Maybe one day, you could make him a support item that would once again allow him to walk. Until then, you’d figure out a way to accept this new way of life.
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Why do we always burn the French toast?”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.7K
a/n: Hi lovelies! This is just a little random scene from Tae and Peaches’ relationship, featuring Tannie. Tae gets home late and Peaches propositions him for some late night French toast. Based on an ask I got a while ago about Tae and Peaches dancing to ‘Sunflower Vol. 6′ by Harry Styles. Ok, thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy! :)) 
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DESPITE his quiet entrance, the little dog who was curled up next to your side gave your boyfriend away as he walked into the bedroom at half past midnight. You were awoken to the sound of Yeontan barking and whimpering in excitement, Taehyung gently shushing the dog as to try not to disturb your sleep.
When you opened your eyes, you saw your handsome man bent down so he was eye level with you as he patted the small ball of fluff. At the sound of the groan that left your mouth, Taehyung shot you a wide-eyed apologetic look.
“Go back to sleep, Peaches,” he whispered to you, stepping closer in his crouched down position so he could reach you, running a hand through your hair, leaning toward you to press a kiss to your forehead.
“What time is it?” You asked him groggily, your boyfriend shushing you. You glanced to the alarm clock to see the 12:34 displayed. Pouting, you looked back to Tae, reaching a hand out lazily to haphazardly soothe over the man’s cheek. Nearly poking his eye, he flinched before giggling. “Did you eat?” You asked him, Taehyung avoiding the question as he dropped his head to the mattress, Yeontan happily pounced on his dad’s head, trying to play with the man who had been gone at the studio all day. “Tae.”
“I’ll eat in the morning,” he dismissed your concern, you glaring at him sleepily, Taehyung chuckling. “Don’t worry,” he told you cautiously, knowing the comment would probably trigger a lecture. Stealing a kiss from your lips before you could give a sassy response, he stood up quickly, preparing to head out of the room. “I just need a shower.”
“Tae,” you whined after him, only for him to leave the room, shooting you a cheeky smile on his way out. Looking down at the pup next to you, you found him already looking up at you. “I know, little dude, he’s a brat.”
Involuntarily, you drifted back to sleep, waking yourself up every few minutes in anticipation of Tae’s arrival back in the room. When you heard his faint steps traveling the hallway after about fifteen minutes, you willed yourself to sit up, earning an annoyed side glance from the tired dog.
Your boyfriend entered as you were stretching your arms over your head, his towel wrapped loosely around his waist as he shook out his wet hair with his hands. Raising his eyebrows at you, he flashed an expression of surprise. “Why are you still awake?” He asked.
“Waiting up for you, sexy,” you flirted, Taehyung’s lips quirking into a smile as he looked to the floor bashfully.
As quickly as the embarrassment showed in his face, he recovered, turning so his back was to you, whipping the towel off to expose his bare ass to you. “Waiting up for this?” He teased, you giggling as you reached to cover Yeontan’s eyes as you let out an oof. Taehyung saw the action in the vanity mirror’s reflection, causing him to smile widely.
“That is exactly what I was waiting for,” you smiled, Taehyung chuckling as he opened the drawer to pull out some underwear. You watched as he pulled the briefs over his long legs, admiring their length and shape. The dude was stunning from head to toe, it was hard to comprehend how someone actually looked like that.
“Well bad girls who don’t go to sleep when they should don’t get any of this,” he wiggled his now clothed butt at you, you smiling, thoroughly entertained by the man. Next, he put on a pair of lounge shorts and finally a t-shirt, turning around to see you staring at him.
Fixing your expression into a pout, when he turned to look at you, now fully dressed, you huffed, crossing your arms over your front. “What?” he asked with a low chuckle.
You both stared at each other for a moment before you smirked. “Do you want some French toast?”
“Huh?” He asked, his eyebrows raising. “Now?” You nodded, the man taking a moment before his lips curved into a stunning smile. Taehyung was typically the one to suggest random late-night activities, so you couldn’t really blame him for his surprise.
You were scrambling out of the bed in an instant, leaving your boyfriend standing in the middle of the bedroom in confusion, the dog looking disrupted but not particularly bothered as he watched you head toward the exit. “Race you to the kitchen,” you called out, Taehyung jumping into action as he chased after you, making you squeal as you bolted out the door, Yeontan following behind eagerly. Halfway down the hallway, two arms wrapped around your waist from behind, you giggling as you lightly hit his arms in protest, Tannie jumping at your legs.
Nuzzling his face against the side of your neck, he placed a series of kisses to your skin, you giggling as you both waddled to the kitchen. Just before stepping into the room, he spun your bodies 180 degrees, releasing you from his hold, jumping onto the tiled floor. “Beat you,” he told you with a smirk, nodding his head cutely, you shooting him a glare.
“You’re a cheater,” you informed him though you couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. “Tannie,” you looked down at the dog, Yeontan looking up at you. “Don’t be like your dad. He’s a bad role model.”
Your boyfriend smiled as he looked down at his phone, tapping the screen until music filled the kitchen. The song was ‘You Make Me Feel Like Dancing’ by Leo Sayer, the soft ah’s starting the song off against a groovy bass line.
“Tannie, don’t listen to your mom, she’s worse than me,” your boyfriend told the dog, you rolling your eyes playfully as you went to the fridge to get the eggs and milk.
“Whatever, cheater, can you get the vanilla please?” You asked, your arms full of the ingredients as you closed the refrigerator door with your elbow.
“You know,” Tae started as he reached inside the cabinet for the vanilla extract. “I liked it more when you were calling me sexy.”
“Oh, the cinnamon too,” you added, Tae playfully glaring at your disregard for his comment. “Sexy,” you tagged on, making your boyfriend chuckle.
Bringing the vanilla and cinnamon to you, he whispered next to your ear, “that’s better,” sending a chill down your spine at the low tone.
“Stop it, I’m trying to feed you,” you warned, Taehyung kissing your cheek before his lips spread into a grin. “No innuendos,” you interjected before the man could even start his joke about eating something else.
Your boyfriend chuckled, kissing your cheek once more before resting his chin on your shoulder, his still wet hair chilling the side of your neck at its touch. “How can I help you?”
You hummed thoughtfully, looking at the ingredients sprawled out in front of you. “Do you want to make the egg mixture?” He nodded against your shoulder before stepping away and grabbing a bowl and a whisk.
“This is an important step, isn’t it?” He asked, you humming in confirmation. “Pressure’s on,” he joked, you giggling just as Taehyung grabbed an egg. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he cracked it against the bowl, giving an approving “hm” at the way it cracked. Opening the egg and allowing it to slip from the shell into the bowl, his head craned toward the homeware, a sigh immediately leaving his lips.
You couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face as he looked disappointedly at the egg. “Shell,” he spoke quietly to himself, you giggling at how utterly endearing he was. Tae’s eyes darted to meet yours, a bashful grin taking over his face as you reached out to poke his cheek.
“Stop being so cute,” you cooed, Taehyung groaning at your affection. “Here,” you handed him a spoon, your boyfriend taking it to start fishing the shell out.
“You should crack the rest,” he giggled as he struggled to capture the unwanted piece of shell.
“Nah uh, you got it,” you told him, turning to the bag of bread, pulling out a few pieces.
“Ah!” Taehyung exclaimed, you looking over at him to see him smiling proudly at the spoon. “Finally,” he quirked an eyebrow.
“What a guy,” you commented, Taehyung smiling at you. As he cracked the next egg, he began swaying his hips to the song, you joining him as you watched him carefully break the eggs.
After successfully completing the task without any more shell mishaps he smiled happily at you. He began singing along to the song, though he didn’t know the lyrics so he instead just mumbled in a high-pitched falsetto to the melody, you laughing loudly at his silliness.
“Ok vocal king, add the milk,” you giggled, Taehyung following your directions without missing a beat in his singing. “Ok, that’s good,” you told him, the man instantly stopping pouring. “Now the vanilla, just a little,” you told him, watching as he dropped just a little dollop in. “Perfect,” you nodded, “now the cinnamon.” He added a couple dashes, looking at you for approval. “I mean, top chef status, really,” you complimented, Taehyung giggling as he leaned toward you, catching your lips in a chaste kiss.
Pouting for a second when he pulled away, you turned to the frying pan that was heating, dropping a slab of butter into it. As it melted, ‘Sunflower Vol. 6’ by Harry Styles started playing from Taehyung’s phone.
Placing the bowl next to you, he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as he watched you dip the first slice of bread into the mixture. As soon as you placed the bread into the sizzling frying pan, he was swaying you in his hold, humming lightly against your neck.
Turning in his arms, you draped your own over his shoulders, clasping your hands behind his neck as you looked at him fondly, toying with the damp strands hanging off his nape. The only illumination in the kitchen was from the light over the sink, Taehyung’s handsome features just barely visible underneath the glow.
“You’re really pretty, you know that?” You pointed out randomly, Taehyung smiling widely at the compliment.
“Is that so?” He teased, moving his hand to your forearm, pulling your hand from his neck to clasp his overtop of it, holding it out in a waltz position. Your other hand slid to rest on his shoulder as his other one settled on your lower back.
“It is so,” you giggled as Tae began leading you around the kitchen.
Pointing his chin up slightly, he hummed in thought. “You’re prettier,” he commented, you smiling at you looked over your shoulder at the pan.
“We’re gonna burn the toast,” you noted, Taehyung’s eyes widening as if he just realized you were cooking. He ushered you backward toward the stove, pulling you close to him as he grabbed the spatula, flipping the toast.
“Ah, perfect,” he nodded, you giggling.
“Really? Are you just saying that?” You asked, trying to peer behind you to no avail as Taehyung placed his free hand to the back of your head, holding you to his chest.
“It looks great, just trust me,” he let out a low chuckle. “We’ll make more,” he added, you laughing at the obviously burnt piece of food. Suddenly, he turned you quickly, stretching his arm out and spinning you under it, you letting out a surprised squeal. The ruckus got Yeontan up from his spot on the floor, jumping at yours and Tae’s legs again, you both giggling at the little pup as he sat and looked up at you curiously.
“This song makes me think of you,” he told you, your eyes widening in response. “I’ve got your face hung up high in the gallery,” he sang along, you smiling fondly as you crinkled your nose. “I love this shade, sunflower, sunflower.” As the guitar did a little riff in the middle of the verse, Taehyung did a shoulder shimmy, you playfully gasping at the move, your boyfriend giggling. “Your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody, let me inside, I wanna get to know you,” he sang again.
“That part in particular,” he grinned. “Ever since I first met you, I wanted to know you, but you wouldn’t let me in for so long,” he chuckled, you smiling bashfully. “You made me work my ass off before you let me see you,” he noted fondly.
“Was it worth it?” You asked, Taehyung nodding immediately.
“Absolutely,” he smiled widely. “Best reward I could have ever asked for.” You scrunched your nose at him, Taehyung swiping his tongue over his lips as he observed you thoughtfully.  
As the chorus played, I couldn’t want you any more, kiss in the kitchen like it’s a dance floor… Taehyung brought his lips to yours, your hands settling on his face as he pulled you close by your waist. Resting your foreheads against each other’s, you both listened as Harry sang, I couldn’t want you any more, kids in the kitchen listen to dancehall, I couldn’t want you any more tonight.
And in that moment, you could see it. Sunday morning, kids running around, bouncing on the couch as they watched cartoons, you and Tae watching over them as you prepared breakfast. They would have Tae’s boxy smile as they laughed unabashedly. Maybe you’d still be dancing like this, only one kid would be standing on Tae’s bare feet as he led them in a waltz, another kid on your own feet. You’d dip the kids, squeals leaving them followed by contagious giggles resembling Tae’s youthful laugh.
Without saying a word to Taehyung, you could tell he was thinking similar thoughts by the way his smile beamed, his whole face blooming, looking more radiant than ever.
“You know what’s a weird feeling?” He suddenly asked, you humming in question. “The contradiction of wanting to stay in this moment forever and having no time elapse, but also wanting to hurry up and see our future and experience how it all unfolds.”
Your boyfriend wore the fondest of smiles as he spoke and you just wanted to protect this moment. “I know exactly how you feel,” you agreed, leaning toward him and kissing the side of his mouth. Taehyung let out that childlike giggling, you unable to hold back your own chuckle as he plastered the side of your face in kisses.
“You know,” you spoke through the laughter, “I hate to ruin this really sweet moment, but that toast is definitely burning right now. More giggles slipped through your lips at Taehyung mouthing shit as he turned around quickly.
“Why do we always burn the French toast?” He asked, you laughing in amusement.
“We get distracted too easily,” you giggled.
“Ok, this next piece is going to be great,” he told you as you nodded, the song ending as ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ by Queen started to play.
“I trust you,” you told him as you watched him dip the next piece of bread in the egg mixture, placing it in the pan.
Looking down at the dog lying next to your feet, you cocked your head. “Do you want to dance, Tannie?” You asked him as he started to wiggle in excitement. You sat down on the floor just as your boyfriend turned to look at you. He observed as you scooped the dog onto your lap, singing to the pup as Tannie wiggled, you both dancing together.
Watching you play with the dog, your gentle and kind nature shining through as you giggled and cooed, Taehyung knew that as excited as he was for his future with you, he didn’t want a single second to go by too fast. He wanted to savor every moment with you. And he didn’t want to miss anything.
Leaving the stove momentarily, he bent down to squeeze the dog’s face, leaving a kiss to the top of his head, you smiling at the sight. He then pressed his lips to your temple, lingering there for a moment before he pulled them away.
“I love you, Peaches,” he whispered, hovering over you from behind.
Leaning your head back to look up at him, upside down, you grinned happily. “I love you, Dearest.”
Neither of you wanted to miss a single moment. The future could wait. He was here now, and so were you, and that was all that either of you ever wanted.  Since the moment you met the man, that was all you wanted.
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
don’t come for me with your half-assed presence
Pain spread across your abdomen, sending you sprawling. Rolling over you turn on your hands and knees, steadying, as you eyed the purple-haired boy in front of you, breathing hard – in the nose, out the mouth.
“Shinso, five, Yoruichi, six.” A voice announced, loud, tired, but clear.
Cursing under your breath, you lifted your shirt to wipe the sweat off your upper lip.
Shinso Hitoshi’s breathing was haggard, hair sticking wildly above him, eyes narrowed at you but focused and steady – it was a good look on him.
Aizawa Shouta – also known as the Pro Hero: Eraser Head, stood idly on the side, watching the two teens go at it. Beside him stood a rather muscular elderly man, dressed in his kimono clothes, stoic eyes on the two teens before him, the stern Shihan of the Yoruichi dojo.
…who also just happened to be your grandfather and Eraser Head’s instructor during his early years.
“Oi, foolish granddaughter, keep up!”
“Shut it, old man!” you yelled back, annoyed. But turning back to the purple-haired teen, you discreetly gave him a thumbs up. You’re keeping up, that’s good!
Though hidden by his scarf-capturing device, you could see the making of a smile spread across his face from the faint crinkles beneath his tired eyes.
Rising to stand, you fell into a ready stance, the teen mimicking you.
“Best six outta ten?”
“You’re on.”
The two men watched on the sides as the two began to go at it again, the purple-haired teen careful with your lower attacks, while you avoided his fists and scarf, yellow eyes glinting as you attuned yourself to Shinso’s, trying to get a read on him – ears picking up on his breathing, the pressure of his footsteps, eyes taking in the slightest movement, any signs of hesitation.
A kick followed by a swift sweep off, he just barely managed to duck before meeting your smirk. Planting your feet against the ground, you leaped over him, completely catching him off guard, before you leaped towards him again. Everything was happening too fast for him to catch up, your body or legs wrapped around his neck, before arms grabbed hold of him and slammed him down the mat, hard.
“Yoruichi, seven, Shinso, five,” Aizawa announced once again, eyes betraying nothing as his gaze fixed on the purple-haired teen.
Sweat was dripping down his clothes, his muscles were burning from the exercise. Still, he struggled on his feet, body flinching a bit from the kick (or was it a punch?) you delivered two or four fights back? He didn’t know, he was getting lost.
These supplementary lessons were getting harder and harder, especially when it was at night and that he was up against someone with nocturnal quirk and skilled in martial arts.
“You remind me of my best friend,” you say to him, hands on your knees. “you both don’t know when to quit. Or was it just Izuku, who didn’t like to quit?” the words were a bit testy, but in a way, a challenge.
That seemed to be the right trigger, watching with a smirk as the purple-haired teen quickly got to his feet, controlling his breathing.
“You’re hard to beat, so let’s put it at that.” He tells you, eyes narrowed.
You shrug, smirk still in place.
“Also, Midoriya can be irritatingly encouraging.”
The smirk was gone, replacing it was a genuine smile that almost took him off guard.
Keyword: almost.
“Foolish granddaughter, don’t flirt! That wasn’t part of the training.”
“Shut up, old man!”
In the end, you had Shinso beat 10 to seven.
He was improving, more alert, more used to one-on-one combat, and stronger. Watching him, training with him, just the thought of how much influence Izuku’s done at his new school, interacting with the people he met, with whom he’s spread his kindness to – it was a great way to end your day.
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To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Finished another training session!
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Uwah! That’s so cool!
But wait, is that Aizawa-sensei behind you?
 To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Not telling! :p
But yeah, sometimes I have to spar with him.
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Yeah, but he beats me every damn time :/
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Well, he is a Pro Hero after all.
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
That. And because he’s kinda dirty when we spar D:<
He’d use his quirk when I least expect it.
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
sorry if i’m rambling
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Chill, no problemo~ :3
As if I’m not used to your excitement after 15 years of friendship hehehoho ;D
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
You’re the best, (Nickname)!
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
I know I am.
Just drop by the café or text me, okay?
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Will do!
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Having finished your shift, you released a heavy breath. Weekends were the only times you were granted to work longer hours; you usually request for the closing shift as your body worked better at night. Still, it didn’t mean work was easy as weekends also tend to the busiest time of the week.
“At least I’m getting paid for this…” you mutter to yourself, fixing your bag around your shoulders.
After disclosing with Izuku your quirk, you’d expect him to turn his back on you, after all, he was kept in the dark for so long. But the thing was, you forgot that he wasn’t the other guy. Instead, he went a mile asking about your quirk – what does it exactly do, its amazing advantages, and how it was a waste that you were studying at a normal school. Needless to say, nothing’s changed between you two. It actually reminded you of the time he shared his secret.
“…come again?”
“Y-Yes, my quirk…it was passed down to me…by All Might…”
“(N-Nickname)…?” Izuku asked, worried.
For what seemed like a minute, you tugged his sleeve, he looked up at you. “Izuku…punch me.”
Izuku didn’t really punch you, because he feared the power One for All was capable of, instead, he just pinched you. As hard as he could.
Jolting at the pain, eyes gazed at the bruise on your wrist. “W-Woah…I am awake, this is real. Y-You have a quirk?!” (e/c) eyes widened at the curly-haired boy, shrinking at the information disclosed between you two.
You could see that frail little boy, standing on wobbly knees to protect you, tiny fists raised in the air.
This was still the same boy. “Izuku,” Your protector. “that’s amazing!” Your best friend. “You finally get to be a hero now!” Your hero.
Those words.
Those heartfelt words, together with that bright look in your eyes – pride and love, those were the words he was waiting for.
He heard it first from his idol, and now, he heard it from his best friend.
A wet sheen filled up your friend’s green eyes, a warbled smile making its way on his freckled cheeks. You stopped, feeling your heart swell at the expression on his face.
“H-Hey, why’re you making that face?”
Shaking his head, he stared into space, worrying you. “I-I’m just…I-I…”
Falling to his knees, the tears wouldn’t stop, streaming down his face as those words, those words that left your mouth swallowed him whole.
Realization fell upon you; you couldn’t help but tear up as well. Izuku can be too modest with himself, sometimes.
“Dummy, get over here!”
As if needing to be told, he tackled you into a hug, crying on your shoulder as you rubbed at his back. “Of course, you can be a hero, Izuku, with or without your quirk. You’d make an amazing hero! In fact, you’re my hero.”
Those words fuelled his tears even more, hand tightening on your shirt. Izuku wailed, you held him tighter, tears continuing to stream down your faces.
Just thinking about it makes you laugh, especially since after that, you were left with a wet shirt filled with snot and tears and Izuku was so guilty that he bought you a new shirt the very next day.
Since then, your friendship strengthened.
It made you happy because he trusted a great secret in your hands because he trusts you that much, you were important to him.
But as much as you loved and adored your best friend, what you couldn’t understand was why he had to reveal his secret to him.
Shoulders sagged, eyes dulling. “Bakugou Katsuki…”
He just stood there, leaning against the wall, hands in his pocket, as though he’d been waiting on you. Carmine eyes swallowed you whole, however, you refused to bow in his presence.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
It had been a little over a week since he last dropped by, since then, he hadn’t come back since. Izuku dropped earlier that week, much to your relief. Anyone but him would be a sight for sore eyes.
“I want to talk to you…”
Scoffing, you stepped away from him. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
Before you could take another step, he takes you by the elbow, stopping you. “That wasn’t a request.”
He was so close, his tall frame towering over yours, the smell of burnt sugar and spicy cinnamon lingered – the sensation was too much for your heightened senses.
Glaring, your eyes slowly shifted from (e/c) to a dangerous yellow. “Sorry, don’t fucking care.”
Undeterred by the change, his hold tightened, eyes still locked on to yours. “Let me rephrase: I need to talk to you.”
He sounded desperate, too desperate. Something unheard of from one Bakugou Katsuki.
Smirking, you titled your head as you leaned in, noses brushing. “Oh, yeah? Too late, used up all my fucks for you.”
Tripping his foot, catching him off-balance, you used his disorientation to turn on your heel, strapping your backpack in front of you before you made a run for it. With the help of your sonar senses, you had found an easy route out, one where it’d be easy to get away from him and away from unwanted attention.
With all your might, you leap off the ground, leaping ledge to ledge before you were atop a building, legs instantly moved the moment you landed. Not a moment’s notice, you tell yourself, leaping on to the next room, must escape-
“OI!” a blast sounded off behind you.
Fuck. “Seriously!?” you looked back in disbelief. “You’re doing this?”
Eyes narrowed, you dropped to the ground, scowling at the blond as you landed swiftly on your feet. “Not a chance.” And then you ran again.
Following the path your senses mapped out, the chase continued on, unable to shake him off even as you purposely dashed through a crowded street, skirting through easily. He was screaming behind you, people making way for the angry teen after you.
For a few blocks, you were almost confident you had lost him, unable to keep up with your heightened speed. However, if there was one thing Aizawa Shouta or your grandfather taught you, it’s that you could never underestimate your enemy…
Bakugou let out a loud growl, practically sounding like a snarl, too, explosions went off with every leap, it was sure to make a scene.
…sooner or later, they’d catch up to you.
You did catch their sports festival, Bakugou winning the first spot even though his finals match was rather half-assed. Nonetheless, he was rather versatile, calculating, and undeniably cocky the whole time, effortlessly besting and standing out above the rest of his class. It was irritating, to say the least.
No one with that shitty of an attitude and pride should be capable of such amazing feats.
Still hot on your heels, Bakugou relentlessly chased after you, quick to follow even after you’ve come across building after building. With your heightened hearing, you could hear him cursing under his ragged breath, his chest pounding wildly, exhausted from the tireless chase. There was the faint sweet scent of nitroglycerin cumulating from his palms, which he’s probably saving up for a later time, something you’d have to be wary about.
It’s alright, you thought to yourself, seeing the familiar houses of your subdivision, you could outrun him. Also, it was night-time, where your quirk was at its peak form.
Sure enough, an explosion blasted off behind you, launching him forward. Having expected this, just as he reached you did you jump back, a great foot off the ground, legs folded in time before his hands grabbed hold of either of them.
What you weren’t expecting was that he had blasted with only one hand, the other was on the side, ready for another blast.
A loud explosion cut through the night, Bakugou’s body propelling, colliding with yours until you were both flying off, blindly landing in a nearby park, on some bushes.
Ash touched your tongue, vision unfocused, slowly coming to from the bright flash, ears ringing almost painfully – senses disoriented, you tried to collect yourself.
Fingers twitched, grabbing hold of the dirt. Yes, you were definitely knocked out. But you could still make a run for it-
Sniffing, your nose picked up the smell of smoke, grass, dirt, and burnt sugar.
Strong arms were wrapped around your body, Bakugou behind you, holding on to you, cushioning you against him to break the fall. Coming to, he groaned, his breath was hot against your neck, arms tightening as he sat up, bringing you with him.
For a moment, you relished at the moment – his arms were tight around you, letting you lean against his chest, roughened hands gently grabbed hold of yours, and his nose burrowed into your neck.
Ears suddenly focused on the beating of his heart, the gentle fluttering, like a bird’s wing flapping, resonating throughout his body. The beats, it was in tune with yours. Gentle. Calm. An unexplained warmth.
Hot breath against your sensitive neck brought you back, remembering the wild chase from earlier. “Oi,” he remained silent, unmoving. “L-Let go of me-“
“Not a chance.”
“Fucking,” his hands tightened on yours, firmly. “what the fuck, let me go, Bakugou!”
He still wouldn’t budge, teeth grinding. Freeing one hand, you shoved at him, using your nocturnal strength, but he still wouldn’t budge. So, fucking persistent! Finally freeing your other hand, you tried with all your might to push him away, but his hold on you only tightened.
“I said,” Push “let” Shove “me” Push, Shove “go!”
“Hey, (Name)…” he whispered, rough voice almost tired, rough hands grabbing hold of your wrists, breath hot against your ear. A whimper escaping your mouth before you could stop yourself. “…what’s so great about Deku?”
Your body went slack, his hold unrelenting on your wrists.
“What makes him so special? All Might, you, you seem to find him amazing, endearing. Why is that?” his hands slid into yours, thumbs rubbing your palm. “What does he have that I don’t?”
“Why?” his hands squeezed over yours. “Why were you willing to spend all that time, pretending to be quirkless, just to be with him? Why him? He’s just Deku! Why didn’t you tell anyone that you had a quirk? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
The desperation in his voice, followed by bitterness, insecurities, probably held on for years and years, the way he desperately held unto your hands, unto you – unrelenting, desperate, as if to ground yourself. All of it – it was exhausting. So exhausting.
“I’m exhausted,” you whispered. “please let me go.”
Annoyed, he snarled. “Not until you answer me.”
“Would it make a difference?”
“It would at least make things crystal fucking clear!”
You could feel your hands twitch against his, that ugly feeling coming back. “If that’s the case,” sighing dramatically, you leaned back a bit, yellow eyes glinting against the moonlight “then the answer should be obvious.”
There was something in the way those eyes shined, something that reminded him of something. However, because his emotions were muddled, it obscured his line of thinking, causing one ugly emotion to rise above the rest.
“Hah? Are you in love with him or something!?”
“The fuck-!?” body turning, you shoved at him, hard, finally creating some space. “NO! HE’S MY BEST FRIEND! I DON’T SEE HIM THAT WAY, AND NEITHER DOES HE!”
“Then, why do you trust him so much? Why didn’t you tell me about your quirk? Where does he go off all high and mighty, as if he were better than me? Is that it? Were you both fucking sorry for me? Were you looking down on me as well, huh, (Nickname)!?”
Pain spread across his cheeks; face turned the other way. You must’ve used your quirk, maybe you didn’t, but it hurt. It fucking hurt.
“You’re despicable, Bakugou Katsuki, absolutely despicable.” Shoving away, you stood, body shaking – from anger, disappointed, you don’t know.
Yellow faded away into (e/c), those (e/c) eyes were burning down, tears starting to form, threatening to fall, which shocked him. He’s never seen you cry, not even once.
“You want to know why I trust Izuku so much, why I care for him so much, why I love him so much, and why I chose him over you? Because compared to you, Izuku’s always been more of a hero compared to you.” his body stiffened at that, hands balling into fists, fingers digging into dirt and grass. “Also, you do remember what happened in junior high school, right?” He flinched, faltered.
Flashbacks of that day came rushing through your head, along with the pain, wreck, and havoc. So much happened that day, so much, too much.
Jerking his head upwards, he could only watch you walk away.
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You went home that day, lost in a daze as tears streamed down your face. Once in the safety of your room, your legs gave out, falling awkwardly to the ground, your bag slipping off you.
With shaky hands, you reached for your bag, unable to stop shaking as you desperately search through your things. Picking up your phone, you called the one person who would always help you through the pain.
“(N-Nickname)…?” came his sluggish voice, having answered on the fifth ring.
Breaking into a garbled sigh, you pressed a hand to your mouth. The noise alerting Izuku on the other end. “(Nickname)?” his voice was firmer, alert, sleep gone completely. “What’s wrong, are you okay? Is it nightmares?” a wet laugh escaped your mouth, shaking your head even though he couldn’t see it. “What is it, (Nickname)? Please tell me.”
Sniffling, you wiped your nose with the back of your hand, knees folding. “I love you; you know that?”
“Yeah, I love you, too, (Nickname).”
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Bakugou Katsuki came home that night, covered in dirt and grass, feeling numb. Completely numb, from head to toe. Barely registering that he was in his living room, home.
His cheeks numbed from the slap earlier, sure to leave a bruise for a day or two. He probably deserved it.
Unable to shake the memories of that day – laughter from him and his classmates, a burnt notebook, the look on Deku’s face, your words, the look in your eyes – before sick dread washed over his veins.
Angrily, he threw his bag across the room, hitting the wall.
masterlist • four
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a-bit-bitty · 2 years
It was dark in the middle of the night. Dark enough for them to be comfortable hanging out in a public place that wasn’t a park.
Abbie was sprawled out on top of the awning of a building, her tail swishing lazily.
Vanilla was curled up on their head, snuggled into the fluffy substance and in the middle of a nap.
Dodger sat on the edge of the awning, legs dangling over the edge. “…you think we should go out more often?”
Abbie shrugged. “Mmh.. Maybe. Weather’s getting nicer.” The night wasn’t cold enough to kill anymore, instead being cool but tolerable.
“Yeah.. We should go up on a roof some time in the day, maybe get some cinnamon rolls or something too.” They all had a tendency to push themselves, even with their seemingly lax personalities.
Abbie smirked softly, his tail flicking. “Yeah. Yeah that’d be nice.”
One beat, two, then three, then one- Ava adjusted the notes and messed with the tempo, going with whatever vibes felt right.
Kalisha cracked the door open, peeking in. “Hey babe. You makin something there?”
Ava nodded without even looking up, completely immersed.
Kalisha smiled and closed the door, letting her get back to work. Her girl was a bit odd, but she had passion in spades. Even if sometimes that meant she holed up in her room for a few hours.
There was a noise from the kitchen and she hurried over, hoping the bitties weren’t getting up to mischief. “Boys? You good in there?” She stepped in and… Oh. “Pff-”
Splat was absolutely covered in flour, and surrounded by a pile of it. He was just sittin’ on the counter with his lil empty smile, as usual.
Skipper meanwhile was wearing a mischievous grin and was suspiciously close to the bag of upturned flour, right next to it on the shelf.
She put her hands on her hips. “Skipperrrrrr”
His expression changed to a bewildered, overly innocent one.
“Skipper, you can’t bully Splat like that!”
“He doesn’t care! I bet he can’t even tell!”
He slumped a bit. “…sorry..”
She sighed softly, giving him a pat. “Don’t do it again, alright?”
She hummed, picking Splat up. “Let’s get you cleaned up buddy.”
Splat, of course, went :p and fell over sideways.
Rosaline hummed to herself as she washed the dishes. She should really think about getting a dishwasher some time…
Sam and Percy ran up to her and she glanced down at them. “Hey boys! What is it?” She sounded a but stressed, but still civil.
“Moom have you seen Sour?”
“Yeah we can’t find him anywhere!”
She sighed a bit. “N-no I haven’t- why don’t you go ask Sophie?”
“Okay!!” And there they both went, off to do whatever it was they did.
“Ok everyone say hi to Peach!”
The demon bitty waved as the chat spammed greetings and cooed at him. “Hello~”
Sophie set him on the desk and went back to gaming. “Soooo for any new viewers we’re playing a stardew challenge run today!” She continued on, delving into the specifics of the run and giving a small recap.
An hour or so in the chat started acting a little odd though… “..what? There’s something-” She turned around and yelled, almost falling out of her seat. There was a lemon-headed bitty just in view of the webcam, staring at her with its creepy face. “Ugh, THOSE TWO! Can’t they keep their weird creepy bitty out of my room?! Hold on guys, I’ll be right back-” She scooped up the thing, which almost bit her, and opened the door in a huff…
Just as the two came running up. “Oh! You found him!”
“Thanks Sophie!”
“Wh- no, I-”
They snatched him back and ran off.
“Keep your bitty out of my room! You hear me?!” She sighed at the lack of response. “Hmph…” She shook her head, going back to her stream. Ugh, little brothers…
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rentsturner · 4 years
Dare | Obi-Wan Kenobi
Request: okay! could i request where you and obi wan kiss for the first time as padawans? // @laorme34
(a/n: I was up till like 2am writing this, so pls excuse any mistakes. It probably doesnt make much sense, oh well, It’s basically just fluff, I hope you like it. not my gif.) 
word count: 1.9k
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Coruscant was beautiful at night, there was no denying it. The glowing lights shining from stories upon stories of skyscrapers, the constant buzz of traffic and people. Some may find it unsettling, but you thought the living city was perfect.
You and a few of your fellow padawans had spent the evening relaxing in the Temple gardens, a peaceful oasis amidst the bustling Coruscanti streets below. 
It was Carnival Week, which meant nights filled with fireworks and dancing, colourful acts parading every avenue and boulevard until the sun began to rise over the living, breathing metropolis. But more importantly, for you it meant a week off normal Jedi duties and more time to spend with your friends.
It was a small gathering, but a lively one. The laughter and gossip had flowed easily, a well needed change of pace from your usual hectic lives. But you couldn't help but keep glancing across the circle to look at Obi-Wan Kenobi, the seemingly perfect padawan, excelling in every task his master set for him. He was sprawled lazily across the grass, staying quiet in the conversation, except to occasionally contribute a witty quip. A cheeky grin always followed, basking in the laughter he induced, before settling comfortably into silence once again.
You had known Obi for many years, training with him frequently when your masters worked together. You weren’t entirely sure what it was that drew you to him - that blinding smile that could light up your day in an instant, his endless generosity, kindness that knew no bounds, or his infectious enthusiasm for almost anything. Maybe it was the way he would always check on you after a particularly hard mission, or  maybe the sound of his carefree laughter when you told him a joke. Or maybe it was just that sometimes, when he looked at you, it would feel like the whole world had disappeared and the only thing that truly mattered was that distinct shade of deep blue that coloured his eyes and the way his long auburn lashes framed them so beautifully.
It was safe to say that you were harboring just a little crush for Obi-Wan.
After a few more hours of chatter, the cool night air began to creep in. It wasn't unbearably cold, not to you anyway, as the bulk of your thick cloak stifled the breeze and trapped any welcome warmth. It seemed that the drop in temperature was not to your friends’ tastes, as one by one they began to trickle away, each making their polite excuses before retiring to their warm beds. But you weren't ready to sleep yet.
Now there was only one person left with you in the garden. Obi-wan sat opposite you, seemingly unaffected by the gentle chill that had driven away your peers.His knees were pulled up to his chest, his chin resting there and his arms wrapped tightly around his shins, making himself as small as possible. Maybe it was to conserve heat. He seemed comfortable just to watch you, a faint smile across his face as he took you in. 
You crossed your legs underneath you, one hand fiddling with the petals on the nearest flower, the other tugging on your braid self consciously. It’s not that you were uncomfortable in Obi-Wan’s presence, no. It was more that you were worried. Worried that too much time spent with Obi’s charms and silver tongue would result in your secret slipping out. He was famed for his clever negotiations after all, and it would be so incredibly mortifying for him to discover your little crush.
Best to leave now
But before you could even make your feeble excuse - I have to water my succulent, Obi’s voice cut through the silence.  
“You want to play truth or dare?” 
Looking up at his grinning face, you realised he was deadly serious. You hadn't played truth or dare in years, but you knew that it could easily result in chaos. You could embarrass yourself in front of Obi-Wan or, even worse, your secret could come out. But...you didn't really want to go to bed yet. Whatever happened, you would probably both forget about it in the morning. Maybe it would even be fun.
“Yeah, sure.”
Obi clapped his hands together excitedly and shuffled closer. 
“Okay, you first then. Truth or dare?”
Your first dilemma. Choose truth and possibly reveal some of your deepest secrets? You could always lie, but you had a feeling that Obi would know. He seemed to have an advanced perception of everything.Well, he was on his way to becoming the perfect Jedi after all. No, truth was too much risk.
“Dare.” you tried to sound confident.
Obi chuckled, looking around as if searching for ideas. His gaze stopped suddenly when it reached the largest tree in the garden, an enormous oak stretching up at least two stories. A mischievous glint appeared in his bright eyes. 
“I dare you to climb that tree.”
Your mouth fell open in disbelief. Even with trained agility and balance, climbing the oak would be a tough job. Obi noticed your reluctance.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll catch you if you fall.” A whisper in the night, followed by a comforting kiss to your cheek.
Five minutes later, you had dropped back to the ground, the leaf in your hand from the top of the tree a token of your success. 
“Just for you.” You giggled, placing the leaf in Obi’s palm. He wrapped his fingers around it, looking down at it before his gaze once again returned to you. There was fondness in his eyes, along with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. It looked almost like desire...but no, you must have been mistaken. Just fondness. 
“Your turn, Obi. Truth or dare?” 
“Truth.” No hesitation there. He sprawled back down on the grass, waiting patiently for your question. 
Obi-Wan didn’t mind what you asked him, in all honesty. He’d never lie to you. He’d come to terms with the fact that he loved you almost a year ago and was prepared to do anything for you if you asked him to. The love that he felt for you was like a burning ember in his chest, always there, always ready to break free and burn brightly if the moment called. But for the most part, he had to keep it hidden. The Jedi Order wasn't exactly welcoming when it came to forbidden attachments.
Sometimes he thought you were blind, oblivious to his loving gestures. Coming to find you and tuck you into bed after a long mission, travelling to the library late at night to search a book that you desperately needed, using his wit to get you out of trouble with your master whenever you got caught - surely these meant more than being just friends? But Obi had been patient, biding his time. He knew tonight was the night.
Mind racing, you wracked your brain for a good truth. Something lighthearted, but not stupid, interesting, but not too deep. You settled on a relatively tame question.
“Who’s your least favourite Jedi on the council?”
Obi hummed, rubbing his chin and jaw in thought.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to say Master Windu. He accidentally bumped into me in a corridor a few days ago. I split my coffee and I haven't forgiven him yet.”
You burst into laughter at the pettiness of Obi’s answer. His deep chuckle joined your giggling in a pleasant harmony.
“Listen, love, my morning coffee is very important to me, i cannot function without it!”
This only elicited more laughter from you, and the next few minutes were spent lying on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You turned your head to see Obi lying in a similar position, watching you. He was always watching you it seemed, just as you constantly stole glances at him. Obi-Wan was just more confident, upfront. He always had been.
“Truth or dare?” 
“Dare.” The word was barely a whisper, but Obi Wan heard it loud and clear, all his attention on you. He paused for a moment before speaking.
“Kiss me”
Those cerulean eyes never left yours. He was being deadly serious, once again. 
You jerked back, shocked, his two words ringing in your ears. Did he know your secret? Had he read your mind somehow? Maybe he had noticed your gaze catching on his lips, engrossed by the way his tongue would dart out and wet them, how soft they looked in the moonlight and -
No, he couldn't know.
Obi-Wan noticed the panic gripping your features and reached out to your hand slowly, gently taking your palm in his. Maybe he could still convince you. He wanted this so badly and he could just feel that you wanted it too.
“I’m not joking, darling. Please kiss me.”
Words escaped you, only feelings and images tumbling through your mind as you took in the situation. Obi-Wan. Your crush Obi-Wan. Wanted to kiss you. You.
The feeling of his thumb rubbing across your knuckles calmed you slightly and you took a deep breath in. This was it.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn't have said that -” Obi began to pull away, his cheeks becoming flushed with regret and uncertainty, but you squeezed his hand and shuffled closer, a surge of courage running through your veins.
“No, Obi, I want to kiss you. So badly.”
And you leaned forwards, placing your lips on his gently, resting your free hand on his shoulder. A spark of pleasure ran between you. Obi-Wan gasped at the sudden contact, shuddering slightly before moving to kiss you back. He hummed softly and carded his hand through the hair at the back of your neck, pulling you even closer in.
It was almost like a collision, the pining and tension coming to a head after months, like a water breaking through a dam to flow freely. It was everything.
His heady aroma of sandalwood and cinnamon was intoxicating and you could feel the warmth of his body through the thick layers of wool and cotton. You had a sudden desire to just peel his robes off there and then, but you pushed it back down. That could wait.
Your noses bumped together and you could feel Obi smiling against your mouth.
Maker, his lips were just as soft as they looked.
You pulled away slowly, but kept your forehead pressed against Obi’s, your hand wrapped around the back of his neck, rubbing the skin where his hairline started. His large palms skimmed up and down your sides, pressing into your robes as if he was trying to sink through them and reach your warm skin.
Another whisper in the night, except this time it came from Obi. And this time, when your eyes met, it did truly feel like you were drowning in his cerulean orbs, and the world had in fact disappeared. All you could see, smell, feel, was Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that was just how it was meant to be.
Obi Tags: @ohhellokenobi @doublesunsets @snips-n-skyguy0501 @karasong @callmearwen @milleniumvalcon @rosionis @afogocado @stardancerluv @goldenkenobi @fenharel-enaste @corellians-only @weirdfangirl2416 @a-seeker-of-imagination @saintlaurentkenobi @justanotherpadawan (Taglist link in bio)
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