#n e way THANK YOU!!!!<333
tezzbot · 6 months
Happy early Christmas!
anyways i wanted to ask, how do you draw Sonic’s muzzle and eyes? You always seem to make it so simple, yet so expressive all the same time, i love it! They all look so goober and silly in your style!
(i can literally drawing anything but the eyes and muzzle pff)
Oh wow this is very sweet thank you so much!!! Happy holidays to you too!!!
This got a bit long so I'm putting it under a readmore lol
This is by no means a THIS IS HOW YOU HAVE TO DO IT it is simply me trying my best to explain my methods heehee draw however you like!! Art is meant to be fun first and foremost do whatever is comfortable to you!! ^_^
I usually just start w his goofy little nose, it's a teardrop shape so you gotta make sure it tapers nearer his snout, and it usually sticks up at the end!! Other characters will require... different noses... lol! usually a little triangle or circle will do for a non-hedgehog individual (world's most interesting image from a "tutorial" award goes to vvv)
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Then, the front part of the muzzle is the part that, if you're drawing him profile, sort of sicks out so it doesn't really like. move? if that makes sense?? It's very round so I think it would help to picture it as a sort of orb? Like an oval behind his nose! It's a very similar case with most of the rest of the cast, with a couple exceptions ofc!
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After that you get to do the fun part which is the cheeks!! They're very important when it comes to 2d art of a Sonic character's expression imo!!
When you want him so happy smiling, just like on a real person's face, the mouth pushes the cheek upward and into the space where the eyes rest, this is also generally how they rest on default in the 3D renders no matter the expression
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But if he's frowning, or his mouth is small for whatever reason maybe he's going :o or something lol, I like to bring those down
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The boy usually ends up lookin like this!! (resized the noses a bit they were bugging me, no shame in editing as u go lol)
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Another thing is how I draw their mouths Open, what I usually do is draw the nose and mouth First, it's how I know how to shape the rest of the muzzle around that first oval I talked about lol
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Sometimes when I'm drawing I feel it looks fine as is without much change needed,
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But if it looks weird with the rest of the drawing, I stretch the bottom around it more (sometimes it does depend on the angle of your boy's face too)
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Here's it highlighted in some art I've already posted!!! (sorry if it's difficult to see orz)
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It even works on Espio!! lol
If you'd like me to go in more depth on anything, or maybe cover how I do eyes since I didn't really get to it in this one, don't hesitate to ask!! I love talkin art baybeee<3 Thank you for the ask!!!
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rain or shine, you'll always be mine
written for the @jjkwlwzine zine! it's a super beautiful collection of wlw jjk content - make sure to check out everyone else's pieces when they post them!
Sometimes, Momo thought that Mai was the only good thing in her life.
Maybe that wasn’t fair; not to Mai or to the rest of her classmates that were more like family. But fairness didn’t mean a thing in the dark depths of her brain.
She groaned, reaching up to tug on Mai’s sleeve. Lie with me.
Mai laughed.
[or, momo struggles with depression and mai cuddles her]
🌧1,655 words | momomai🌦
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yutaslaugh · 4 months
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YAY i can't believe my main reached 5k+ followers and 1k on my sideblog (even though i've barely been active there). thank you everyone and bots <3 to celebrate, i'm taking gif requests for both my blogs ♡ my faves are nct 127, wayv, blackpink, red velvet, and the new loona groups/soloists but feel free to also request for other groups (e.g. svt, riize, sf9, twice) - i will try my best to do all requests!
requests can be made for:
single video (mv/stage/content video/etc.) of a member (include timestamp)
idol x hair colour/style
idol/era x fancam compilation
group x outfit compilatons
any other compilations/ideas
special shout out/thank you to some of my faves @stepmom @sunghanbin @awek-s @possession1981 @bethereforme @soonhoonsol @lloveorloved @leemarkies @hvangrenjvns @naptimed @jentlemahae @yunogf @renjunniez @jsuh @rainbowrenjun @jwooyoung (and many others but i can't remember what everyone changed their users to 😭)
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layalu · 2 years
omfg i just checked the stream audio,,,, Can't believe you guys put up with that lmao but thank you :')
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rush-the-stars · 1 month
|| alpha!suguru getou x omega!afab reader || E/18+ || wc: 6.5k || ao3 || Part II -> coming soon! || masterlist ||
minors and ageless blogs do not interact, 18+ only
“You’ve got it all wrong,” he murmurs, “but what am I to expect from a stray like you? You’ve lived off scraps and abuse your whole life; of course you don’t know what to do now that I’ve given you food and shelter.” Suguru’s fingers ease up towards your neck as he continues, “a warm bed to lie in. Toys to play with. A collar—so you’ll never be lost again. No one’s ever given you this before, hm?”
Suguru tries to tame you.
✧ SPRING FEVER collab masterlist ✧
cw: omegaverse, brat taming, mind games, toxic behavior, yandere suguru getou, yandere reader if you squint, biting, blood, marking, eventual forced bathing in later parts, eventual forced feeding in later parts, eventual smut in later parts; masturbation, voyeurism, a blurring of boundaries, consent as punishment?
a/n: this is for @lorelune 's SPRING FEVER collab!! i have been working on this for awhile now and i am excited to share it! this should be about 3 parts...i am very close to finishing the whole thing so i should be releasing a part a week for the next two weeks!
thank you for reading!! i would love to hear your thoughts <333
“I think you’d be perfect.” 
Suguru’s voice is a caress, low and soft, as he sits across from you. 
Somehow, he always makes you feel like he is just beneath the surface of your skin, even if there is a respectable distance between you. He always makes you feel as if he is lurking somewhere in the lowest parts of you, pulling at strings you once thought hidden to yourself. 
You’ve kept your distance for this reason.
You swallow hard. 
And then you manage to get your voice to unstick, to find it somewhere inside of you and bring it to life. It’s firmer than you’re anticipating and you’re proud;
“I don’t think I would be.” 
Suguru looks at you in a way that makes you feel as if he’s seeing through you, pulling you open slowly to gaze at all the inner workings of you. His dark eyes are keen, so sharp, even if they’re shaded by half-lidded lashes. 
He smiles pleasantly and indulges you, but you know he believes very firmly that he is, in fact, right, “why not?” 
“I told you when I agreed to join you—all I wanted in exchange for helping you, was to be an unbound Omega.” You force yourself to meet his eyes and to not get sucked into the dark tide of them. 
“You asked for my protection.” He reminds you. 
Your eyes flash this time, heated, a little spark that skitters to life inside of you.
“I didn’t—“ 
“Is that not what you’d call it?” Suguru asks, “when I interfered, every time, to be sure no other Alpha got to you? Or when I scented you to keep them away?”
Prickling warmth dots your cheeks, can feel at the back of your neck, too, the tips of your ears. You try a different tactic. 
“I’m not a homemaker.” 
His smile is soft, “I don’t want a homemaker.” 
“I’m not obedient.” You counter again, as if you could dissuade Suguru Getou once he’s made up his mind.
“You’ve been quite good for me.” Suguru says smugly and this time, a little noise of embarrassment or frustration eeks out of you. A short, sharp little growl from your throat, almost a groan of irritation.  
“I—I’m doing your dirty work. That’s our agreement! You give me assignments that I complete and in return, I get my freedom.” 
“I don’t know why you’re so opposed to this. Is it not similar already to what we have now?” He asks simply, “I’d still let you roam, if that’s what you’re so scared of.” 
“No it’s that—that power and mentality that I don’t want you to have over me.” You snap. 
“I already have it,” he says and it isn’t intended to be cruel, but certainly is, “how long do you think you’d last, without the protection of an Alpha?” 
“I didn’t have any before you.” 
“You were starving, injured, and constantly on the run before me.” You open your mouth to protest, but he cuts you off, “it would still give you what you want.” 
“I don’t want to be yours.” You say frankly, perhaps to be cruel yourself. And then you show teeth a little, flash them in warning, “I don’t want your mark.”
Suguru looks amused, if anything, by your display. 
His smile is knowing and insufferable. It makes your anger ratchet up inside of you, hackles rising. You feel a little growl working its way out of your throat. It tears out of you in annoyance, when he says, “I don’t believe you.” 
You slam the door so hard on its hinges that it rattles the entire wall. You wish it would rattle all the world. 
Your cursed technique rips to life like a star exploding outwards. 
Beast that you are, it overtakes you, transforms you until you are all claws and dripping, little fangs. Your body elongates, elegant, and built for speed, viciousness. The horns atop your head are sharp, too, curled the slightest into a crescent shape. The beast in you stretches and pulls at your bones, fits your skin to it in a way that you have come to know well. 
(“Cursed technique: Cursed Creature,” Suguru hums, “allows you to turn into a cursed version of yourself, a sort of,” he pauses, looking you over, “monster?” 
“That’s right.” You tell him, body trembling all over, in dire need of food. Care. Sleep. 
He places a large hand on top of your head, strokes gently, until his hand nudges your cheek, beneath your chin so you are forced to look up into his eyes. Depthless violet. 
“You have a deal.”)
The sorcerer is cast backward with the force of your transformation. In this form, everything heightens, sharpening into brilliance. So much brighter, clearer. So much more overwhelming. 
You are a flash of darkness when you move, a mass of lethality. 
The sorcerer doesn’t stand a chance, the moment you dash past him with a deep swipe of your claws, you know this will be an easy match. You chitter in this form, excited, warbly little sound erupting from you before you careen towards him again. 
This time, he is warped away. 
But you are fast, changing your trajectory mid-step to catch up to where he was warped. 
Except, this time, a white haired sorcerer takes his place. 
Your claws meet air. 
A growling hiss erupts from your throat. 
Satoru Gojo. 
Suguru told you to stay away from him. At all costs.
And speak of the devil, your name is called, whistled almost. Your head turns to find Suguru appearing, too. 
Faintly, the more human part of you wonders what the occasion is. 
For a moment, all you can see is threat. Your hackles rise as your growling gets lower, more sinister, your form moving behind Gojo as if you might circle him, unable to let down your guard. 
“Call off your pet,” Gojo says. 
Suguru calls your name again and there’s something else in his tone now, a little sharper. 
(Fear, you wonder faintly, in some far away part of your mind. Is he worried Gojo would hurt you?)
You come to heel at Suguru’s side, remaining in this form, making a low, threatening sound still. Warning. Your claws still drip with the blood of that sorcerer. 
“Go,” Suguru says to you. 
Your head snaps to look at him, eyes narrowing. “I’m not leaving,” you snap and the words have a bite to it, around the curves of your fangs. You look back at Gojo. If this comes to blows, you don’t want Suguru facing Gojo alone–you don’t want to leave his back suddenly unguarded. 
It’s counterintuitive to you, goes against all of your instincts. You don’t leave him, you don’t leave his side, his back. 
“Go,” Suguru says, harsher this time and the command seeps into you. You waver. And then, “I won’t tell you again.” 
When you hiss at him in that warbling way of curses, he smiles faintly, almost fondly, as your teeth drip with venom. But you do listen to him this time.
And with your heightened hearing, you hear Gojo underneath his breath as you slink away;
“How interesting.” 
When Suguru returns to you, he is unharmed. 
You’d paced the length of the hallway outside of his room in the compound until you could have worn a hole into it. 
Few would be brave enough to wait for Suguru outside his door. 
When he arrives, he is mildly surprised to see you, before his expression melts into a sort of—smugness. A knowing glint to his eyes. 
“Why would you send me away?” You snap.
“You could’ve gone in, you know, if it would’ve soothed you.” Suguru says instead, head nodding towards the door to his suite. “Would you like a key?” 
You blanche, taking a half step back, “I don’t—“
It allows him to get to his door and open it. You’ve been here before, in the privacy of his suite, but now it feels strange. A little different. He holds the door open for you. 
You glance at the threshold and feel as if you’re making an important decision. 
“Come on,” he says smoothly and before you can think twice about it, you are being led inside, his hand drifting somewhere near your lower back. He never touches you, the feeling is a phantom one, the impression of it. You shiver a little. 
But you round on him again, “why would you send me away?”
He doesn’t acknowledge you, instead he goes rifling in a drawer, digging around a little. 
His suite is larger than others. The living room is open and attached is the kitchen. It’s all light wood, with tall windows that overlook the courtyard. You know, despite never being inside, that his bedroom is down the hall and to the left. The bathroom is across from it. You’ve sat many times on the floor of his living room with him, going over assignments, plans that he has, and what he’d like you to do. 
When he finds what he’s looking for, he makes a soft noise, before turning to you with a small, gold key. 
“I don’t want a key!” You snap. 
“It’s a spare, take it just in case.” He replies and when you don’t move to grab it from him, he takes your hand in his much larger one, and opens your palm to him. 
He places the key in your hand. 
And then his eyes catch yours, “you were worried.” 
“No-!” you get out, “I don’t like being—I’m supposed to protect you.” 
Suguru smiles, hand still swallowing yours, “isn’t that sweet?” he remarks, “an Omega attempting to protect an Alpha.”
Immediately, you jerk away from him.
The key is still in your shaking fist. 
“Don’t start,” you snarl, low and vicious and hurt, “I’ve always been the one at your side.” 
“Yes,” he agrees, hand falling back down to his side listlessly. “I already told you that.” 
You’ve always been at my side, he’d said, when he was trying to convince you to–
“That’s not what I meant!” Your voice rises without your consent and you feel an embarrassed, angry flush through your face for being so worked up. The room is thick with your worry and anger and frustration, all of your pent up energy like a knot in your chest, in your voice. It’s in your heart and the way you look at him. 
“It doesn’t matter what you meant,” Suguru says easily, “it’s still the truth.” 
When you slam the door this time, you hear something fall from the wall. 
But the key is still in your trembling hand, digging indents into your palm, and your heart is still a beast in your chest.
And behind the closed door, Suguru Getou smiles fondly, and retrieves the fallen, shattered frame from the floor. 
For a while, you avoid Suguru. 
You stuff the key he gave you in your nightstand drawer, far in the back, in an attempt to keep it out of sight and out of your mind. 
And at first, you think he is respecting your boundaries; you receive assignments through others from him. You see him only in passing and he never speaks directly to you. He hardly acknowledges you. 
But after a week and a half, it begins to feel like punishment. 
And the key is starting to burn and itch in your mind. You think about it at night, tossing over in your bed; you think about unlocking his door at this hour. What would you find? Would he be asleep? Awake? Alone? Fully dressed? 
You think of him half bare and lounging, hair slipping over his shoulders, and the scent of sandalwood and fig. Tonka or something woodsy, maybe. You know it well and it lingers long after he leaves you. 
You suddenly miss it, crave it. 
You twist beneath your sheets. 
Why did he have to–
You make a soft noise of frustration, turning over again. 
You’re restless. 
Something beneath your skin begins to itch and squirm. 
Previously, Suguru had hardly mentioned your status as an Omega. He rarely acknowledged it; you were too brilliant of a sorcerer for him to care, you thought. You were too powerful. The only instance he brought it up was to scent you, a form of caution in a particular instance, for a particular mission. The memory still simmers in your mind, the way he’d rubbed the gland on your wrist with a careful thumb. He’d given you clothes of his to wear. He’d had you sit in his quarters for long hours, until it seemed as if you were his, in some way. 
But now that he’s actually brought it up, offered you his bite, to be his, it paints him in an entirely different light. 
Had he always…wanted you? 
Was he always planning this? 
The naive, desperate parts of you want to believe this is a recent thought of his. Previous to this, he only ever saw you as another sorcerer, a powerful one that aided him. You had always been one of the closer ones to him, at his heel, his beck and call. 
You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought of Suguru this way; as an Alpha. An unmated one, who kept your company. 
And he does, no matter how badly it burns to admit it, protect you.
You know he wards off Alphas. 
You know he perhaps does more than even that. 
But you don’t want—
You don’t want to be mated. 
You don’t want to suddenly be coddled by him, held back, don’t want to be the little thing that keeps his bed warm.
Your face heats with the thought. 
Images flash through your mind, flickering, melting together like film that bleeds and runs, of him overtop you. Shrouding you. His hair on your shoulders and back. You think of his mouth on your throat, teeth in your neck. 
You rub at your eyes suddenly as if to clear them.
You know he leaves on a mission for a week in two days. 
You assume, at some point, he’ll speak to you. And break this strange silence. 
You’ll both return to normal then.
And then perhaps you won’t lose any more sleep over him.
Suguru never says goodbye to you. 
It shouldn’t bother you as much as it does—you just figured he’d finally drop this silly little silence game.
You suppose he must’ve thought the same of you.
Besides, what were you expecting from him? An apology? It’s foolish to even entertain. You knew you weren’t going to apologize either. The least you’ll do, when he returns, is  act as if all is normal again. Perhaps it’s better that way, not to address what he’s put in his head recently. 
The more you speak of it, or think of it, the worse it unravels in your mind. 
On the second day that he is gone, you realize you miss his scent. 
You realize it has become such a staple in your everyday life that its sudden disappearance  is almost alarming. It makes you more irritable, more vicious. You snap at the others faster, bite out insults and brutalities. 
Well, you miss it. 
Him, maybe. 
The admittance is a hard one to swallow around. It burns going down. 
On the third day, you’re genuinely craving his scent in a way that makes your teeth ache. You had no idea you could even miss a scent like this, need it so bad that your body would betray you with a physical pain in your chest. Somewhere in your mouth, under your tongue. 
You try to ignore it. 
You go on with your life. 
But by the fifth day, you are agitated and aggressive. Everyone knows something is wrong with you. You know something is wrong with you. You can feel it beneath your skin, crawling, squirming. It makes you want to tear out your hair, rip at your nails, or sink your teeth into something. You’re restless.
You can’t sleep. 
You can hardly eat or think. 
And as you lay awake in your bed, kicking at sheets, sweating and twisting, you know what it is you need. 
You’ve known the whole week. 
You throw back the covers and wrench open your bedside drawer. 
The key rattles, hot, like it knows it’s finally about to be used. It’s musical sound a siren song, it’s been burning away in there the whole week. 
You swipe it and turn sharply from your bedroom. From your own apartment. 
It’s the middle of the night; not a soul sees you in the compound. 
Like a person possessed, you walk. Your back is straight. Your steps are quick. Your mind is set, on fire.
Suguru’s door has haunted you the whole week.
The key in your hand digs into the flesh, carving it’s divots there like your hand might be the lock itself. 
You try not to think about it–you unlock the door. You throw it open. 
You shut it behind you, slide the lock back into place. 
Darkness greets you.
You wander in like you know the place (you do, you do–)
You wander in like it’s yours to wander in. 
Instantly, something loosens inside of you. 
You exhale hard. 
Inhale sharp. 
The smell of him, fainter because he’s been gone, assaults your senses, sweeps over them. You take in a lungful like gasping for air, you smell faint traces of fig and sandalwood. Notes of tonka that you long for, that urge you to move deeper into his space. 
In the dark, you make your way down the hall, towards his bedroom.
You haunt the arch for a moment.
Guilt or regret or embarrassment almost seize you. They make you pause. 
Some sane part of you is clawing at your insides, wailing to turn around and leave. Leave now. 
But he gave you a key.
He gave you a key, you think in circles, again and again. He gave me a key. 
You cross the threshold.
You sink down into his bed and his scent is strongest here, even still, after several days it’s his. 
You turn over the covers to get beneath them, cool sheets against your legs, sliding and smooth. You turn your face into his pillow and inhale. 
A soft little groan works it’s way out of you.
Instantly, your muscles slacken. 
Everything leeches from you; your anger and irritation and restlessness. 
It soothes you so deeply and so swiftly it makes your head spin. 
You curl beneath his blankets and take deep pulls of breath, squirming a moment if only to bring his scent tighter around you. You envelope yourself in it.You shroud yourself in it. 
And finally, after five days of restless nights, you fall asleep almost instantly. 
Not a single dream. Not one moment where you wake or stir. 
You sleep deeply. 
In the morning, the sun warms you through the broad windows like a content cat. 
You stretch lazily like one, too.
Suguru will be home tomorrow. 
You know you need to leave his bed, hope that your scent dissipates by the time he returns. 
You didn’t do anything wrong, you know—he gave you a key. 
He gave you a key. 
But rather, you know he would never let you live it down. He would use it instantly, as ammunition for his argument, the debate that the two of you keep circling.
You don’t quite leave as quickly as you should still, though: 
You linger.
You’re comfortable.
Calmed for the first time all week.
And when you do slip out, it’s silently, locking the door behind you.
Like maybe you won’t ever let yourself back in there, trying to shut it like it was a one time indulgence and gone now from your mind and body. 
But his scent clings to you. 
And little do you know, your scent clings to his sheets—and to Suguru, it’s sweet as can be and unmistakable—irreplaceable.
He collapses in his own bed when he returns and knows you’ve been all over it. He can smell the crush of dark berries, jasmine, the soothing note of vanilla that clings to you, that he’s come to adore. 
He grins to himself and knows then, he’s got you right where he wants you.
For a moment, you think Suguru is going to make you be the bigger person and apologize upon his return. 
Instead, he finds you. 
And he doesn’t say he’s sorry for his recent behavior, but he does say;
“I’d prefer if you didn’t avoid me in the future.”
It feels like sorry enough. 
And for some time, things return to a state of normal.
A version of it.
It isn’t quite like it was before—in fact, you seem to spend more time around him than previously. He calls on you more. He brings you into his space more frequently, often urging you to eat with him, beside him, at his table.
This is ideal for you. Close but not too close.
Although, he begins to ask, don’t you have your key? Can’t you let yourself in? 
You say you haven’t used it.
He hums like he knows differently, but doesn’t press you.
Until finally he asks you to retrieve a notebook in his study and bring it to him.
Fetch, he says.
“It’s locked, isn’t it?”
“You have your key.” He answers simply, not looking up from the book he is reading. 
For a moment, you almost protest, but something stops you. Maybe the twitch in his brow.
It’s a useless argument to pick, anyways.
You do have a key.
It would be fastest, easiest, to just use it.
So you do. 
And you hand him the notebook he asked for, fingers brushing against his as he takes it from you with gentle hands.
“Thank you,” he adds, voice so smooth and low, almost tempting.
You swallow a little.
Then you quickly avert your gaze. 
“Whatever,” you grouse, but he smiles fondly, amused.
And it opens another door, more than just the one to his suite.
Tentatively, you begin to come and go.
The first (second)  time you use your key to enter without his order, he is careful not to react to you any differently than how he usually does. 
His eyes brighten a little, though, like a leopard that’s caught something interesting in its sights and is waiting to see what it’ll do. 
Still, you grow more comfortable entering his space on your own. 
You claim portions of it; a corner of the couch. A particular cushion around his low table. All of the sunny patches in his suite become yours, scented with you, indented with you. More than that, some horrible, hidden part of you adores that your scent is all over his space. 
It’s comforting to find it beside his scent. 
It soothes a part of you that you don’t wish to admit to. 
His hands grow bolder. 
Now they’re always hovering at the small of your back, the nape of your neck. He tucks strands of your hair away from your face and though you jerk away from him, it’s often half-hearted. You snip at him and he only smiles.
Pleased. Smug. Knowing. 
His hands guide you as you walk beside him.
You grow accustomed to his touch in some way—he makes sure of it.
Then, as if to prove something—
Another cult member begins to cause trouble with you; he is another Omega. He begins with snide comments and remarks that test your patience. He doesn’t stop until you are growling and bristled and ready for a fight. 
And all it takes to stop you is Suguru’s large hand coming down on the nape of your neck. 
His thumb rests atop one scent gland at your throat, fingertips pressing delicately into the one on the other side. Hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
“Easy,” he murmurs and just like that, you can feel some of your aggression slip from you, deflate like a balloon.
It’s involuntary, the energy and anger unspooling from your body in an instant. In the back of your mind, you’re alarmed; how easily it was for him to effect you. It’s terrifying.
You swat his hand away, lurching from him, another little growl in your throat.
But you don’t fight him or the look in his eyes, the way he tilts his chin up in the barest hint of dominance. 
You storm off.
Instances as such continue to happen, though, where he’s able to sooth or quell your temperament with a touch. A word. A look. 
It comes to a head while you’re eating dinner with him. 
“You’re so wound up,” Suguru comments lightly, “your scent is so sharp with it. What’s bothering you?” 
Reflexively, you snap, “you are.” 
And it’s meant to be some sort of insult but Suguru’s lips twist into this hitched little smile. “It’s my fault you’re wound up?” He asks lightly. 
“Don’t twist my words.” You respond, fixing him with a glare, “you bother me.” 
He’s still deeply amused by this, you can tell by the twinkle in his eyes. The smug way he holds himself. 
“Would you like me to help you?” He asks. 
“No,” you say reflexively. 
A beat of silence before he says, “come here. I’ll help you.” 
There’s a command in his voice, laced there, and doing something strange to your head. 
You hesitate.
He pounces, “just a massage.” He soothes, “I can tell your shoulders are knotted up and tense. I can see it.”
His voice has dropped into that soothing lull.
Warily, “away from my glands?” 
He smiles, “of course.” And then, “come here.”
Your body moves easily now and he murmurs, “sit in front of me. Back to me—there, that’s it.” 
It feels more vulnerable than it should to show your back to him, to sit in front of him like a child to their mother. You try to keep your posture straight and careful. 
But then he sets large, warm hands to your shoulders. His fingers dig into the meat of them gently, pressing into your muscles which spasm and twitch in pain. You yelp, jerking away. 
Suguru tsks, “see how tense you are? You’re in pain.” He scolds softly and you feel heat smart across your face, “sit still for me. I’ll be gentler.”
True to his word, he eases up, fingers careful as they run into your tense muscles.
He finds bundles of twisted up tension in your back and shoulders, pressing into them until a noise springs from you—a groan, a whimper, a little growl. He works the sounds out of you. You swear he’s doing it deliberately and you wouldn’t be surprised if it was all just to humiliate you a little. 
But you finally loosen and slacken for him. 
When you finally sink into his hands, he murmurs, “I don’t know why you fight this so badly.”
You let go of a heavy sigh, “you do know why. Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you.” 
“Because you’re stubborn?” Suguru asks lightly and you snort, despite yourself, “because you don’t know what’s good for you?”
“You’re no good for me.” You respond.
Suguru’s turn to sigh and if he digs his fingers in to make you yip in pain, he’d never say it was purposeful. 
“You’ve got it all wrong,” he murmurs, “but what am I to expect from a stray like you? You’ve lived off scraps and abuse your whole life; of course you don’t know what to do now that I’ve given you food and shelter.” Suguru’s fingers ease up towards your neck as he continues, “a warm bed to lie in. Toys to play with. A collar—so you’ll never be lost again. No one’s ever given you this before, hm?”
Reflexively, you jerk away from his touch, you turn to look at him over your shoulder with a sneer. 
“I’m not a pet.” 
Suguru does not heed your warning and instead gently pulls you back towards him by your waist. 
“No?” He asks lightly, fingers resuming their steady massage. You go completely still like prey, unsure, wary. Angry. Humiliated. “It’s not a bad thing to be a pet. You’re thinking about it all wrong.” 
His fingers ease up towards your neck and you stiffen again. 
“Suguru,” you say in warning as he nears your scent glands. Perhaps to what he’s said.
“You’re my pet now,” he continues, “though you don’t like to admit it. It’s not so bad, is it?” 
Stubbornly, you don’t answer him.
But after a moment, you say, “if I’m already yours, why do you need this last bit of me? If you already see me as your pet, why do you want me so terribly, in this way—“
Suguru suddenly pulls you back deeper, into his lap, against his chest. 
You squirm, but he holds you tight, hooks his chin over your shoulder.
Alarm bells ring frantically in your head now that he’s so close to the glands in your throat. 
“Don’t play dumb,” Suguru muses, half-mocking, “it doesn’t suit you.” 
“Let me go,” you snarl low and hot.
“What are you scared of?” Suguru responds, “that I’d trap you? If you’d take my Bite, I’d let you roam further than I do now. You’d be safe.” 
“Liar,” you hiss, “I’m not dumb.” 
“I’m not trying to stifle you, I’m trying to set you free.” Suguru almost purrs and his voice is warm and low and creeping up over your spine and trying to find its way inside you. 
You begin to squirm this time, thrashing in his hold until you manage to wriggle free, falling forward onto your hands and knees. 
Instinctively, you turn to keep your back protected, scrambling away from him. You bare your teeth at him. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
He watches this show of aggression with amusement, tilting his head slightly. And then he sighs, “I don’t think anything I say will convince you at this point.” 
You narrow your eyes at the tone. Your hackles rise. 
In an instant, he has grabbed you by the ankle and pulled you back to him. 
Underneath him.
You shove hard at him, twisting and fighting as he settles himself over you. 
You realize how solid he is, how strong, and large. He doesn’t budge. He doesn’t even flinch. 
“Suguru,” you hiss at him, pushing as hard as you can on his chest.
“See how easy it was for me to subdue you?” He says then, voice smooth and low. “If I wanted to take you, I simply would’ve already. You’re no challenge to me; if I wanted to trap you, I would’ve.”
“Get off me!” 
You thrash hard beneath him and in an instant, he has your hands uselessly pinned above your head, stretching you out beneath him.
His nose dips, near the scent gland at your throat. You squirm.
He squeezes your wrists, “stop squirming.” He murmurs low, “or my instinct will be to bite.”
Your stomach does a horrible flip, a flutter of—fear, excitement. 
“Just—get off—leave me alone!” You get out, voice high and tight. You try not to arch away from the way he lets his face fall to the crook of your neck. 
“Hush,” Suguru hisses, nudging his nose beneath your ear.
He’s scenting you. 
He’s done this before and despite everything in you, you finally go slack. You force yourself not to tilt your head or offer up more, rather let him urge you into the way that he prefers. 
He nudges his cheek and nose against your jaw. He lets out a relieved breath, fitting more of his body to you and you feel the push of chest into yours, his hips.
You squirm a little and a growl erupts from his throat.
You fight back the sound that almost works its way out of you now, swallow around it.
When he’s finished, he asks, “would you like to scent me?” And instinctively, you want to say yes, but you temper yourself. Then he adds, “I’m sending you away on a mission alone. I’ll be scenting you until the day you leave now.” 
You catch his eyes, glinting.
“So, I thought it only fair if you’d like to scent me, too.” 
You don’t know why, but something squirms inside of you, something a little hurt. 
“You’re sending me away?”
Suguru hums softly, “I need you to take care of something for me. I only trust you to do it.” 
You flex your hands a little in his hold, but he doesn’t budge. 
He nudges at your jaw again, gentle, and murmurs, “this would be easier if you’d take my mark.” 
You turn your head then to shield your throat, and face him. His nose nearly brushes yours and you look up at him through your lashes. You bite your tongue from any further complaints, dipping down to the crux of his throat now. 
Easily, perhaps eagerly, he bares his throat for you.
Satisfaction erupts beneath your skin as his scent washes over you, dark fig and oud, sandalwood and musk. Carefully, your nose runs along the column of his throat. 
“I’m not even—“ you huff, retry, “I haven’t had a Heat in—it wouldn’t take, anyways.” 
“Ah,” Suguru says and you wish you hadn’t told him at all. Realization dawns over his features the way a cat might realize it’s caught its mouse beneath its paws. “Is this what you’re so scared of?” 
“No—I prefer it this way. It’s another reason that you can’t. It wouldn’t work.” You say stubbornly and perhaps in your irritation, you burrow further down into the crook of his neck, tuck your cheek to his skin to nudge. 
“I could give you a temporary one,” he murmurs, “I’d let you do the same in return, of course.” 
You go quiet, brushing your lips against his skin, hesitating. 
“I don’t need it.” You finally decide, even as you let the blunt side of a tooth nick gently against his neck. “I can protect myself.” You pull away to look at him again, “am I not one of your strongest?” 
“You are my strongest.” He agrees, he praises. “But am I not also strong?” He asks, “and yet you still insist on protecting me.” 
You open your mouth to protest, but he takes your chin in hand suddenly, words dying before they can escape. 
“You are my strongest.” He says, “I would like the world to be aware of it.” 
“I told you, I don’t want to be yours–” 
“Then stop protecting me. Flee. Run away and never return.” Suddenly, his touch, his body, all of him is gone. He rolls off of you and onto his back beside you. Cold air sweeps in. You can feel his touch like burning imprints on your skin. 
You turn your head to the side to look at him. 
“You would hunt me down if I ran.” 
A flicker of a smile ghosts his face. 
“And if I ran from you?” He asks, “if I discarded you?” 
Something twists so viciously and sharply in your chest that your eyes sting with it. You lock your jaw tight. You stare up at the ceiling. 
“You refuse to speak but your scent is spiced with distress, sour with despair.” He turns to look at you, “not so easy to hear, is it?” 
“I can’t stand you or your games.” You get out. 
“There are no games.” He says evenly, “only the one you’re playing with yourself.” 
You scoff, “which is?” 
He sits up slightly, over you, looking down at you, the inky silk of his dark hair sliding over one shoulder. 
“Seeing how long you can outrun what you want.” 
You exhale roughly, in exasperation, and then you ask dryly, “and what do I want, Suguru?” 
“To be taken care of.” 
“I don’t need–”
He cuts off your growl before it can start, taking your chin in hand to turn your head towards him once more. “You never have, but it doesn’t mean you can’t want it.” 
“I don’t want it either.” You snap. “You have some grand delusion of me in your mind that I am some weak, submissive creature in need of your care.” 
“I’ve said none of that, have I?” He hums. “Now you’re twisting my words, being purposefully churlish–in hopes of, what? To scare me off?” 
His palm opens up against your jaw, your cheek. His thumb touches your bottom lip. 
“You snap and you snarl and posture as some ferocious, independent creature to scare everyone off. I don’t blame you–I am certain you protected yourself many times this way from lesser people.” His voice is soft, almost a lull, you allow his palm to open against your lips, to turn your face into the cup of his hands. “You don’t believe anyone can handle you and you hope if you bite hard enough, tear into them, they’ll run off. And then you’ll feel vindicated; you were right, you are too much to handle. You were right, you are a monster. You’re unworthy of care or companionship or protection.” 
His hand moves upward, baring his wrist to your mouth now, “go on,” he encourages, “bite me. As hard as you like. Scream and cry and tear into me. Loathe me and scorn me.” He leans closer, over you, as he hushes like a mother to their child, “I’ll still be here, with the rings of your teeth marks littered in my skin. I’ll be the only one, bruised and bloody, still taking care of you–no matter how badly you fight me.” 
Out of anger or frustration or something else entirely, tears prick your eyes. As if to hide them, you open your mouth against his wrist, gentle first–warm and soft lips and tongue. He looks enraptured. He looks starving. 
You sink your teeth into his skin viciously. 
He hisses in pain, sharp, but doesn’t pull away. “There,” he coos, leaning over you, sinking into the pain, “is that what you wanted?” 
Blood bursts into your mouth in a way that is almost startling, sharp and metallic. It should be gross and horrible and–you whine a little, somewhere in the back of your throat and bear down harder. 
If that’s what he promises, you’ll make him prove it. 
If he wants to be the one beside you, you’ll make him pay. 
He leans down to kiss at your cheeks, gentle, humming. You realize there are tears. Your jaw aches. 
But you don’t let go and he doesn’t even flinch. 
“Does that feel better? To get your teeth into someone who isn’t scared of you?” He murmurs, nudging at your tense jaw, kissing there. “Shall I do the same to you?” 
You release his wrist and shove him off, hard enough that he gives and he goes. 
You stand up and storm out of his chambers, slamming the door on its hinges as hard as you can. You hope it knocks over every painting on his walls. You hope the entire compound somehow hears it. You hope it breaks something in the same way that something has been broken open inside of you.
You wipe his blood from your mouth with the back of your hand.
Suguru doesn’t even bandage the wound. And he wears his sleeves high, so that all the world might see it.
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mvybanks · 5 months
THE DEAL — instagram christmas edition
a/n: a little bit late but hey, at least it’s here! hi babies i miss you all :(
nav the deal masterlist
therafecameron and y/nl/n
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Liked by y/nl/n, sarahcam and 102 others!
therafecameron 🎄❄️
View all 54 comments
y/nl/n best christmas ever🤍
therafecameron 🤍🤍
sarahcam when are you two coming here?!
therafecameron We’re unfortunately on our way
y/nl/n don’t listen to the grump here i’m so excited!
sarahcam they should give you an award for putting up with him
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y/nl/n and therafecameron
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Liked by therafecameron, whosemma and 150 others!
y/nl/n christmas at the cameron’s 🤍🎄
View all 76 comments
therafecameron The day my sister stole my girlfriend
y/nl/n and what about it?🤨
sarahcam will you ever stop whining about this?!
therafecameron I hate you both
y/nl/n you love us
iamethan Merry christmas Y/n!🎄
therafecameron What about me?
iamethan Say hi to your sister for me
therafecameron Don’t push it Ethan
y/nl/n thank you honey! and sarah says hi too👀
therafecameron The fuck is going on here?!
@gemofthenight @vigilanteshitposting @m-indkiller r @buckysdogtags s @yoonabeo @iruzias @babypoguelife @poppet05 @earth2starkey @palmwinemami i @marzipaanz @softherveauxs @sweetestdesire @guililove e @colbysbrocks @magnificantmermaid @chaostudee @rafesmoon @fangirl-madz z @canarysposts @screan @fishingirl12 @darleneslane e @mattyskies @rafecluver @pedrosprincess @jjmaybankisbae @em-dee @rentaldarling @houseofperfecttaste @3in1shampooconditionerbodywash @michelle-26 @imawhoreforu @pankowperfection @buckyhad @kliness @sugarcoatedstarkey @starkeybae @lexi1sblog @starxsluv @wickedlovely121 @softlies @outerbankspov @littlefreaksatellite @aris-void @maybankslover @dogmomalsop @savage-aespa @emery-333 @camelliaflow3r @midnightsgetawaycar @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @wpdailyminimeta @cloismami @madelynie @mskezza @chaeraq @kardamenaa @alexxavicry @strkeys @lovelornanonymity
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averytirednerd · 4 months
Oh yeah, time for a big rant about Hazbin Hotel!!!
I haven’t really had much of a chance to sit down and write about this since I watched the episodes, so things I say are probably going to reflect what others have said. I’m just writing this to gush about the things I love about some particular songs in HH. 
I didn’t have any big expectations going into the first episode, because I’d mostly heard negative reviews of the show so far. I had heard that the songs, however, were bright spots, so I really looked out for the songs and listened in every time we were graced with one. The characters are truly the best versions of themselves whenever there’s a song going on, even if they aren’t the main focus of the song. It’s amazing to see, especially since my favorite thing about this show is the characters themselves.
My favorites are “Loser, Baby” & “Stayed Gone” and will probably be the main focus of this post because <3333
“Stayed Gone” is sung by Christian Borle (Vox) and Amir Talai (Alastor) and I could not be happier about it. Their voices are amazing here, and my favorite bits of this song are on repeat in my head.
I also love little visuals like the mug Vox has in the talk show format, the scrolling text in the news show format, or Vox’s error message toward the end of their bantering. 
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(The scrolling text says: “I’m totally not worried about this guy and neither should you be. I totally wrecked his sh*t last time he tried me.”)
Alastor really gets under Vox’s skin and it makes me kick my feet every time. Their dynamic truly is everything, and I’m so excited we got this song that showcases it perfectly. 
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He clearly enjoys it too, what a little jerk.
Speaking of these two, Vox definitely had/has a thing for Al at some point, right? I mean…inviting him to the Vees for a start. Not to mention just the v i b e s. Poor guy though, it’s definitely one-sided.
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I love Al’s use of…modern…lingo. Truly a spectacle. That on top of it being a reveal of Al’s rejection to Vox’s offer 💀 I love this man <333
Last thing about this song, promise, but also I love the casual little lore drops and more pieces to the puzzle of the past that we get. Very exciting! Can’t wait to see how everything fits together once we find more pieces.
Okay okay, moving on. “Loser, Baby” is amazing musically as well as visually. 
Keith David’s voice definitely fits Husk in my eyes now, I see it, it works. He’s amazing. Does a fantastic job.
Not to mention Blake Roman’s performance was, of course, incredible as well. 
The big, upbeat, brassy sound in this song is amazing and I’m loving the trumpet in it especially (any fellow trumpet players? no?)
I love everything about this song. The visuals, voices, instrumentals, lyrics, message, all of it!
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Husk slowly going from “yeah you kinda suck lmao, but so do I” in order to not make Angel feel like he’s not being genuine, to sneaking in a better message of “we’re not perfect but it’s okay, don’t be so hard on yourself” (and getting Angel to believe/go along with it too!!) is amazing. It’s a perfect example of these characters being the best versions of themselves during musical numbers. 
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This song is what solidified Husk as number 2 in my rankings (and I’m sure I’m not the only one). I mean…just look at the way he moves, it’s so silly.
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(We’re going to ignore the Videoshop watermarks, okay?)
Overall, I’m loving this show so far despite some obvious issues with pacing n such and an overall rocky start. Especially loving the songs, which I think kinda make the show rn. 
If anyone wants to add anything (because I definitely didn’t cover a whole lot, just surface level stuff because even this took a while to type out) then please feel free to! Also ask me any questions you’ve got for me concerning stuff that has/will happen(ed) in Hazbin Hotel. I love HH discourse!
Thanks to those of you who read all the way through, sorry for such a long post lol <3
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tieronecrush · 9 months
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javier peña x f!reader
chapter four: i can see you
series masterlist
rating: E (18+ only, MDNI)
summary: After his return to the US, Javier is trying to settle back into a normal life without the pressures of Colombia and the DEA, but he finds himself feeling isolated with no one to spend his nights with. Now a newly appointed criminology professor at Texas A&M, he is drawn to you, a post-grad student in one of his classes. You’re intelligent and witty, sweet and kind, and he can’t get you out of his mind. To cope with his growing loneliness and to rid himself of thoughts of you, he signs up for an “arrangement service” to connect him with somebody—a sugar baby—he can care for. After he is matched up with Angel, he finds himself developing feelings quicker than he ever expected, but what happens when he finds out Angel is really you?
series warnings: power imbalance (prof and student), sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship, discussion of money, criminal activity, judicial systems, graduate school, smut, daddy/papí kink, praise kink, degradation, self deprecation, discussion of self worth, multiple sexual or romantic partners, sex work, cursing, use of spanish, likely more warning so read at your own risk!
word count: 9.6k
a/n: this chapter is A LOTTTT of filth and as always thank you to bestie @northernbluess for beta-ing <333 love ya!
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It’s the first class after Javi had you on your knees in front of him, the rest of the weekend was spent circling back to that image and having to take a cold shower or adjust himself in his jeans when he met up with some old friends from his days as a sheriff. The other thoughts that alternated from the image of you on your knees, soft and supple lips around his cock, was his view from between your legs, pleasure contorting your face and pulling you to a place where you fully let him give your body the treatment it deserves. There’s a phantom feeling of your come all over his face, the visual of you squirting for him bringing him to the edge when he spent Sunday night with his hand around his cock.
What would you feel like, writhing underneath him and making all those sweet little sounds he’s been replaying over and over in his head, while he gives you his cock over and over until you’re screaming?
You were now a craving that couldn’t be satiated; even if he had your mouth again, even if he got another taste of you, even if he got the chance to fuck you properly, it wouldn’t ever be enough. He’s always going to want one more orgasm, one more little moan of his name, one more time spilling into you and watching you take it wherever.
This is why he is buzzing as he walks through the halls to the lecture room, stalking up to the door and peeking through the small window. A glimpse of the back of your head sends a hot rush of his blood south, rolling out his shoulders and taking a breath to calm down. He languidly makes his way down the stairs at the end of the rows of seating, slowing his pace even more when he starts to reach the row you’re occupying. The sound of your voice rises above all the other students in his ears, and he bites back a smile as he’s reminded of the short phone call from the evening prior.
“Will you draw something else for me, bebita?”
“I can but that means I won’t be paying too much attention in class, Professor Peña.”
“Eh, doesn’t matter so much. Can just fill you in when I see you next. Call it private tutoring…” He grinned when he heard you laugh on the other side of the line, feeling like a schoolboy crushing hard. Javi was sitting on his couch, laying back and listening to you, trying to ask questions that gave long-winded answers so he could listen to your voice. “D’you have any other hobbies, bebita?”
“Hm, I mean, I guess so. Haven’t had a lot of time to do much these days cause of school. But I’ll sound like a grandma if I tell you about all those so let’s leave it at I like to doodle in your class.”
“No, no, I wanna hear about it all. What else is there besides drawing?”
“Well, um, I like embroidery. Like those pieces of fabric in the ring with designs on them? Those are fun to make when I’m watching TV or a film. Helps me focus, I guess. Actually, a lot of my hobbies are just things that help me focus so maybe I have a bit of an attention problem—”
“Don’t seem to have an issue paying attention to me, cariño.”
“Yeah, but you’re a distraction in and of yourself. I can barely pay attention to anything you’re saying during lecture cause I’m just looking at you, which is why I had to start doodling to have something to help me focus.”
“I see. Alright, so drawing and embroidery, anything else you like to do?”
“I guess anything I can make really. I find new mediums that look fun to do, buy all the supplies, and do it once, and then don’t touch it again.” You laughed again and Javi smiled and shook his head.
“Well, how about you make me something from all those different things? I want some Angel originals, hermosa. Show off how much I like art.”
“Javi, you’ve got no clue about anything to do with art.”
“Yeah, but I would know they’re yours. That would make them the best.”
It was silent for a moment, Javi awaited your answer to his loosely termed commission.
“Alright, deal.”
When he comes back into the lecture hall from his trailing thoughts, the student next to you is speaking, trying and failing to keep her voice at a low enough volume for Javier not to hear her.
“I heard that Professor Peña used to not be the most ethical when he was in the DEA…like slept with prostitutes to get information. Can’t even imagine the shit he must’ve caught there,” she says as if it’s the juiciest information she’s been told, likely wanting someone else besides you to overhear and question it.
You scoff at the girl sitting near you, rolling your eyes before your brow creases slightly in disapproval, “Y’know, you really shouldn’t be making assumptions about people based on campus rumors. And even if he did do that, he clearly did something right cause he stopped all of those criminals, and probably helped the women too. A lot of people talk to be able to get other opportunities.”
Anger flashes in your chest, burning red like heated iron to brand your heart with Javi’s likeness.
No, no feelings. Nothing more than what you have going on with him, no getting any more attached and making it messy.
But how can people just say shit like that? Without any care that the person they’re talking about is in the room, likely overhearing everything?
Javier doesn’t deserve the treatment. He’s so caring, and intelligent, and giving, and—No. No more.
You’re drifting back and forth between frustrations and telling yourself to calm down for the rest of class, and it’s clear on your face to Javier. He overheard everything, especially your quick defense of him. He knows the extra meaning behind your words, or at least hopes that there’s something else there — maybe a bit of his infatuation or school-age crush reciprocated. Eyes stay glancing over at you throughout his lecture and discussion, no comments or questions from you as you hurriedly take notes or scribble out something in the margins of your paper.
Fingers twitch at the sight of your tense shoulders, creased brow, and avoidant eyes. He so badly wants to walk right over, kiss you to release all of the pent-up frustration, and thank you for your defense. What he would give to be able to sit right next to you, huddle together in your own world like in the booth at the bar over the weekend.
He doesn’t get to catch you before you jump up at the end of class that day, quickly leaving after getting dirty looks from your seatmate. Javier is tempted to call the other student down to speak to him, but that feels a step too far, so he quells down the need to protect you and moves on for the day.
It isn’t until the second meeting of the week that he finally gets to see you again, his calls going to voicemail for the two nights following that day. He’s in the hallway, speaking with another professor within the department when you come down the corridor, a sweet autumnal plaid mini dress on with a cardigan over it. He licks his lips at the sight of your thighs covered with translucent black tights that tuck under the ankle of your Dr. Marten boots.
The other man’s voice slowly fades out as Javier focuses on you, attempting and failing to steal his gaze away as you walk past him. Eyes lock with a teasing knowing behind yours, the corners of your lips twitching up as you laugh to yourself that he looks like a dog to a bone.
“Hi, Professor Peña and it’s nice to see you again, Professor Quinn,” you slow down on the other side of the two men, Professor Quinn returning your smile and waving you over for a conversation.
“So lovely to see you again! Lizzy has been asking about you, she misses her favorite babysitter. How have you been? Are you in one of Professor Peña’s classes?” Professor Quinn looks between the two of you, friendly small talk coated with tension that only you and Javier can feel. The secret you share licks flames in your gut, stirring an excitement that you know so much more about him than other students, than his coworkers, than most people. That excitement has anxiety constricting in your chest briefly, afraid of what might happen if you allowed yourself to feel any claim over Javi.
Don’t get so attached. It’s work, a job, and there are other men on your schedule. No one else is like Javi, but canceling on anyone else to spend more time with him is too close to blurring the lines.
Javier looks at you, his heart in his throat as he is the recipient of one of those smiles from you, the one that had him crushing from the first sight of it and the same one he can’t get out of his head when you’re apart. Before Professor Quinn feels the need to repeat his question, Javier clears his throat and nods curtly.
“Yeah, my first graduate-level course. Got to get to the lecture in about five minutes actually.” Javier steps to leave but you hold up a hand.
“Oh, sorry, Professor Peña, but do you mind waiting one moment? I’d like to talk to you about the upcoming assignment on the way to the lecture hall.” Javi has a burning need to say he’ll talk to you after class, to cover any suspicions of his colleague from the prolonged eye contact between the two of you, but he can never deny those eyes of yours — and you seem to know that fact already.
He waits to the side while you quickly finish your conversation with Professor Quinn, who taught you during your undergraduate years and whose daughter you babysat for date nights during the school year and nannied over the summers you stayed in San Antonio.
There’s a flash of jealousy in Javier’s chest, no logic behind it, but he can’t help but feel like he wants to be the only one to know you as a student and outside of class. It’s silly, especially because this relationship is completely innocent, but he can’t stop the feeling from rushing over like a wave.
With a smile, one that he convinces himself isn’t quite like the ones you give him, you say goodbye to your former instructor and turn to Javier. Closing the gap to catch up with him, you start to walk side by side, appropriately inches apart despite the surge of wanting that trails down your left side and his right.
“So what did you want to talk to me about? The upcoming assignment? Is it the midterm research paper?” Javier maintains his professionalism, only glancing at you a few times while his mouth waters at the sight of exposed skin at your collarbone and the scent of your sweet perfume.
“Actually, I kind of just said that…” your voice goes to a lower volume, but still audible to him, “I was hoping that you’d maybe have some appointments left for your office hours? Maybe for a little tutoring session? I have my Spanish midterm coming up soon.”
Javi bites back his smirk, shaking his head to himself at your coded questions. Slowing to a stop in front of the door to the classroom, he turns to you, his boots clicking on the linoleum tiles as he rests a hand on his hip to consider.
“You can have the last one for today,” his voice drops to a low, hushed rasp as you lean in ever so slightly to hear him better, “Y’know, been missin’ you these last few days, bebita. Better have a good excuse.”
He punctuates the statement with a wink and a smirk, a teasing lilt obvious in his voice. A strong hand engulfs the door handle before you can reach for it, opening it and nodding for you to step in ahead of him.
“Ladies first,” he reminds, licking his lips as you look up at him with a quick, whispered reply.
“Think you know I’m not always a lady, Javier.”
He can’t stop watching you the whole class. He knows it’s an issue, that surely it’s obvious at points of the entire hour-and-a-half lecture. He knows that you notice his stare, quick flicks of eye contact, and subtle winks sent his way as the corners of your lips curl up in a smirk.
All he can think about is getting you alone — finally alone again — and teaching you a thing or two, like you requested, of course.
When he glances at you next, you’re staring down at your notebook, oblivious to his attention; the end of your pen is tapping against your bottom lip, your brows knitting together in what looks like confusion while reviewing your written notes. Javier watches as you slip the end of your pen between your lips, licking his own while he sees them pillow against the plastic utensil. The gloss swiped across them shines in the fluorescent lights, and with a flash of the image of your lips around him a couple of weekends ago, his trousers tighten and his mouth dries out.
You look up from your desk to meet his gaze, sharing a knowing smile before he stutters out the next point of his lecture. Clearing his throat, he shakes his head to himself and peels his eyes away from you, keeping them away for the rest of the session to attempt to calm down before he has to walk out in front of all the students with a bulge in his tight trousers.
At the end of class, he announces that he’ll be rescheduling his office hours to this afternoon, to start shortly after he releases everyone for the session. You quickly catch his eyes, the corner of his mouth ticking up with a subtle smirk and a quick wink while the rest of the students pack up their things. Some linger to ask quick questions, but you’re out the door before he can grab your attention again, his eager stance deflating. He wanted you to stay, to talk to you before sitting through all his other office hour appointments before he’s able to see you.
It’s about an hour of talking through fifteen-minute appointments with other students, both graduate and undergraduate, about their upcoming midterm assignments or exams for his courses. He can’t help but roll his eyes each time these students ask for extra credit or make-up notes for the classes that they have missed — most of these kids haven’t bothered to show up since syllabus week. The clock to the left of the door ticks away, and he sweeps up the conversation with the sophomore sitting across his desk once fifteen minutes exactly hit, ushering him out the door and promising another meeting before the midterm, but that he has another appointment to get to.
Taking a breath once the student is heading down the hallway, he combs his eyes around the area outside of his office, his attention being pulled to quick footsteps down the corridor. His eyes take in Dr. Martens, slightly beat up and well-worn, black sheer tights snaking up your legs to the mid-thigh hem of your skirt. Trailing up your dress to the exposed skin at your collarbone, Javi licks his lips.
“Sorry, I’m a little late, Professor Peña. Rushed over here when I realized what time it was sitting in the library,” you apologize, a soft smile on your face holding back the playful glint in your eyes.
“No problem, the last student ran a bit over his appointment time. Please, c’mon in.” Javier gestures for you to walk ahead of him into the open door of his office, watching you glance around the space as he shuts the door behind him. At the click of the handle into place, Javi strides over to you and grabs at your hips, leaning down to catch your lips in a heated and rushed kiss.
His larger frame looms over you, your hands finding his shoulders as your body relaxes into his grip. Javi guides you backward to his desk and around it, pressing you up against the edge of the wood.
“Fuck, bebita, jus’ couldn’t take my eyes off of you the whole fucking day. Look so sweet in your dress. Wanted to rip it off you and take you right there. Let everyone know whose girl you are,” he rasps against your lips, dragging his own along your jaw and working a love bite underneath your ear. A whimper pulls from your throat, leaning your head back for easier access as you squeeze your thighs together.
“Bet you’d like that, huh?” The smirk in his voice is evident, cockiness coating his words as he asks the rhetorical question. “Mi zorrita (My little slut) wants everyone to know who makes her feel so good, doesn’t she?”
“Y-Yes, I want everyone to know that it’s you…” you sigh out when Javier’s lips suck at your collarbone, hunched over you while his bulge presses into your thigh.
“You’d do that if I asked, like a good girl. But you’re all mine, bebita. Don’t want anyone else having you like I do.”
Guilt burns in your chest when he says that; you know he isn’t seeing anyone else, he’s said as much. You’ve dodged the question, avoiding the confrontation of telling him he’s one of a few because then you’d have to explain how he isn’t one of the few — how something with him is different, deeper, makes you long for him when he’s away.
And confessing all of that makes your stomach turn.
Instead of responding with words, your hand curls into his hair, the other resting against his chest and pulling him back up to your face. Kissing him hurriedly, you take the moment of distraction to push him back and down into his desk chair. You fold over him, keeping your lips attached to his and sighing when you feel a rumble of a moan from him when your hand at his chest drops down to palm him through his pants.
“Y’know, you asked for a Spanish lesson, bebita. D’you still want to learn something?” Javier asks, his head pulled back to rest against the seat back. You give him a ‘yes’, kneeling in front of his seat and scraping your nails against his strong thighs.
“Eres mío? Eres mi buena chica? Qué vas a hacer por mí? (Are you mine? Are you my good girl? What are you gonna do for me?)” Javier brushes his fingers against your cheek as he looks down at you. You take a beat to translate his questions in your head, a smirk growing on your face while you unbuckle his belt and undo his button and zipper on his trousers.
“Te voy a hacer sentir bien. (I’m going to make you feel good).” Javier grins down at you when you answer, sighing in relief when you pull his dick out from his boxers. His hand is still at your face, eyes darkening when you look at him.
“Una chica tan lista. My smart girl,” he exhales the last syllable when you swipe your tongue up the underside of his cock, his fingers running against your hair and moving to the back of your head. “Ahora chupa, mi zorrita. (Now suck, my little slut.) Show me what you can do.”
Following his instructions, you take Javi into your mouth, teasing the head of his cock with your tongue. Your hand wraps around the base of him, slowly stroking as you feed more of him into your mouth, all the way until he hits the back of your throat.
Exhaling out of your nose, you take a moment before starting to bob your head in time with your hand. The sounds coming from Javi sitting over you are delicious, the actions and the noises making your saliva drip from the corners of your lips and down his shaft, squelching with the motions of your hand. The hand of his at the back of your head starts to guide you, pushing you down an inch further to press the tip of him into your throat.
“Fuck, bebita, taking my cock so fucking well. Such a good girl for me, my dirty girl.” You hum in acknowledgment and squeeze your thighs together, readying yourself to deepthroat him when there’s a sharp knock on his office door. Javi’s hand holds your head still, looking down at you and whispering expletives as he glances around the room. The knob starts to turn when he calls out, “One sec!”
You pull off of him and open your mouth to whisper, but Javi shakes his head and holds his index finger up to his lips.
“Quiet, baby. There’s nowhere else for you to go, jus’ get under the desk and I’ll get rid of whoever it is quick, okay?”
You nod and crawl into the alcove of his desk, sitting on your knees with your back to the panel that hides you from the rest of the room. Javier wheels his desk chair closer to the desk, his legs on either side of you trapping you in. Eye-level with his still aching cock, your mouth waters, and breath hitches when the door finally opens and a voice comes booming in.
“Javier! Agent Peña! Big Man on Campus! How the heck are ya?” Dean Banks greets Javi with a laugh, striding into his office confidently. He rolls his eyes at the Dean, clearing his throat and scooting one leg closer to you under the desk.
“Dean Banks, nice to see you. I’m fine, how are you?” The polite conversation sparks an idea in your head to distract Javier, licking your lip and leaning in closer. You blow a warm breath over his cock, watching it twitch with the sensation and making Javier’s leg jolt.
“I’m doing great — we’ve gotten some glowing midterm reviews for your courses so I thought I would stop by to give you the good news! And to check in and see how you’re doing with the first full semester you’ve had here so far.” Dean Banks wanders around his office, staying in front of the desk as he pokes at all the books on the shelves lining the walls. “Haven’t gotten mixed up into, uh, those extraneous circumstances we discussed have you?”
Javier opens his mouth to answer at the same time you take him back between your lips, plunging your head down to take half of him in one quick go. The words catch in his throat and he quickly clears it to cover up the noise.
“No, absolutely not, sir. Been focused on, uh, teaching and setting all of my students up for—success. I was just finishing up with my office hours before you walked in.” Javier’s hand searches for you under the desk to pull you away, but you grip both of his hands in your position of power, holding them down as you continue to suck his dick hidden away from view.
“Hm, didn’t see any students walking out in the hallway or out of your office. Must have missed them.” Dean Banks turns his back to Javier and he glances down at his lap to look at you with a glare, mouthing ‘Knock it off’.
In an act of defiance, you take full advantage of the dynamic to make eye contact with him before taking his cock in its entirety down your throat. You gag around it and Javier coughs and groans out of a sudden reaction. The Dean turns around quickly, a puzzled look on his face.
“Y’alright there, Peña?”
Javier nods quickly, wiping the subtle sweat built up by nerves on his forehead and takes a deep breath while you continually take him deep in your throat and move your head up and down his length.
“Yeah, yeah. Just got a, uh, a….headache.”
The Dean nods and claps his hands together, walking toward the door, “Well I won’t keep you for any longer then, better get home and get some rest. Glad to hear there are no issues with your new course. Chat soon, Big Man.”
Javier rolls his eyes again at the Dean’s back when he exits and pulls the door closed behind him. It’s another beat before the coast is clear enough and Javier wheels his chair back, you walking on your knees to keep him in your mouth. His chest is breathing deep, looking up at him through your lashes. Unimpressed anger is painted across his face, a stern shake of his head before his voice comes out low and intimidating, making your thighs squeeze together to feel your panties cling to your wetness.
“Thought that was funny, bebita? Doing that while we had company? Pequeña mocosa. (Little brat.)” Javier ticks his tongue in his mouth and pulls you off of his cock, strings of spit connecting you to his still-aching cock. “Y’know, I should just bend you right over this desk and fuck you full of me, so you have to walk around all day with me dripping out of you. How’s that sound for payback, huh?”
Your mind is reeling with the thought of him fucking you against his desk, a whimper sounding in your throat and your thighs rubbing together for any bit of relief. A hand of yours moves to go between your legs, desperate to touch yourself, but Javier quickly grabs it, hooking your other hand with his larger one and bringing them both above your head.
“Oh, but mi zorrita would like that though, wouldn’t she? Not much of a punishment. Guess I’ll just have to fuck your mouth and come down your throat then.”
He stands from his chair and kicks it away behind him, tugging you closer and to sit taller by your hands above your head. The unoccupied hand grips his cock at the base, positioning himself in front of your face, tapping the head of his cock against your plush bottom lip.
“Open, angel. If you’re gonna be a brat, una mocosa, m’gonna fuck you like one.”
No more protests are had from you, opening your mouth as wide as possible and humming around Javi when he slips into your mouth. He sighs, tilting his head back toward the ceiling with a quiet moan. After a second of being still, halfway filling your mouth, he looks down at you again and starts to thrust his hips — slowly and shallow at first before his patience snaps and he moves quicker and deeper.
His cock hits the back of your throat each time, a bruising pace making your core throb with a burning desire, imagining the same feeling but inside of your pussy. You moan around him, choking when he gets the deepest you’ve had him ever, gagging harshly and swallowing around him to attempt to recover.
Javier is blinded with pleasure, soft begs of your name repeatedly falling from his lips before he gives you another hard fuck to your throat, one last gag before he’s pulling back and spilling ropes of his come onto your tongue. He pulls out, the last few painted across your lips as he looks down at you, breathless while his chest heaves and drops your hands from his grip.
“Fuck, bebita, such a little fucking slut taking me like that.”
In the midst of your own recovery, you stick your tongue out to show him before swallowing his spend, coughing quietly. Javier quickly grabs a few tissues and sits in his desk chair, gingerly wiping off the evidence of his punishment from your face. It’s silent between you two while you watch him focus on the task, reaching a hand up to wrap your fingers around his wrist.
“M’sorry if I was too rough, angel. Caught a bit too caught up there…” he avoids your eyes, tossing aside the Kleenex and tucking himself back into his trousers.
“I liked it,” you confess, standing up from your knees and straddling his lap in his chair as you sit down. “Liked it a lot, actually. I wanna be that for you, like an escape. Turn your brain off, 'cause we both know you overthink everything.”
You run your fingers through his hair and he chuckles, nodding before he kisses you sweetly.
“Thank you, bebita. Such a good girl for me. So sweet,” he muses, giving you another kiss, “Now how about we actually learn some Spanish for your exam?”
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The next week is spent either on the phone with Javi in the evenings, when you’ve returned home from any other dates scheduled, or out with him, finding hole-in-the-wall bars and restaurants to avoid any eyes from around campus. Each time you see his name on your caller ID, or see his truck pull up outside of your apartment complex to pick you up, your heart starts with a quickened pulse, dopamine firing in your brain and giving you that stuck in lov—
No feelings. You remind yourself each time you get that serotonin increase, simply excusing it as you enjoy your time with him and the pleasure he eagerly gives you whenever you give to him.
It’s hard not to allow yourself to feel around him; Javi makes it so easy to indulge. Little moments like him calling the mechanic and getting the cost of your repairs brought down, driving you over to pick it up and paying for it himself to make sure they didn’t haggle anymore; ordering your favorite drink if he arrived at a bar or restaurant before you, or getting you something new that he thought you would enjoy; a hand on your back or waist or encompassing your own, guiding you without overpowering. Small gifts given; new books purchased when you’ve browsed bookstores he’s found for you, new favorite dresses or lingerie filling your closet that Javier claimed were as much gifts for himself as they were for you.
His care was ever present, not overwhelming until it came to the point that you thought about him and how much he was there, integrated into your life and habits and moments of joy.
Absolutely terrifying. But you couldn’t stop.
And he was feeling like he couldn’t stop either.
He didn’t know if he was overdoing it all with you, new to this sort of arrangement and its usual boundaries, but he hoped that the fact that you kept laughing and smiling, initiating kisses or more with him, that you were enjoying yourself as much as he was.
There were tiny snapshots where he caught himself thinking about, feeling more for you. When you sneak into his office on the days you have other classes, steal minutes with him before you have to go across campus or he has to go teach or to a department meeting. To-go cups of black coffee on your handful of morning dates at the weekend, a reminder that you made observations about him just as he was you. When you stood up for him, defended him when the other student was spreading rumors. Sure, they were true, and he’d told you as much, but to hear your subtle protectiveness was warming his long cold heart. 
He hadn’t felt like this before, and he never thought he would have the chance. Colombia had jaded him, hardened him to stone, but you were slowly chiseling away to reveal his moldable core, reshaping him into a person he knew before and at the same time, a person who was only becoming familiar these days.
Could this be love? If he didn’t know how you felt or where you stood? He never thought he was in love before, and this confirms those thoughts. Never has he felt like this, never has he been so clumsy and boyish in his relationship at times.
It’s a Thursday evening, and his classes for tomorrow are scheduled to have a break to give them more time to study for midterms. Fiddling with his phone in his hands, he wonders what you might be up to, going back and forth over whether or not to call.
Before he can think anymore, he’s finding your contact, brought straight to the top of the list when he changed the name to ‘Bebita’, and hits the green phone button.
The line rings a few times, cutting out with an answer and a rustle over the microphone before he hears your voice.
“Hi, Javi.” He can hear you sigh, sensing an edge of stress or impatience in your tone.
“Hey, bebita. You busy tonight? I wanna see you.”
“Oh, Javi, I don’t know if I can make tonight work. I’m using this weekend to study for all my midterms and to finish writing all my essays due next week and…I don’t really have time, m’really sorry,” you sound timid, exhausted and it makes him on edge, his brain immediately centering on how he can make you feel better.
“Do you need help with anything, cariño? Can I do anything?” He sits up on the couch, standing in the next moment to pace near his boots and his keys laid out on the counter, ready to pounce when you say the word.
“Oh, gosh, I don’t know…I feel like I can’t even think about making my dinner right now. I’m sorry.”
The coating of your voice and the sniffle through the phone are unmistakable; you’re on the verge of tears attempting to think of what he can do, the avalanche of stress you’re feeling. A crack sharpens across his heart, hands craving to hold you close and to fix it all for you.
“Oh, bebita, dulzura, you don’t have to apologize to me. I wanna spend time with you, help you. Don’t need to be going out or doing anything else than just sittin’ with you,” he nests his phone between his shoulder and ear while he slips his boots on, “Do you mind if I come by? If it stresses you out, you can tell me to leave but if I’m there maybe I can find something to help with.”
It’s quiet on the line while you consider, another sniffle nearly sending him out the door without your actual answer.
“Okay, yeah. You can come over. But I look like a mess and my apartment looks like a tornado went through it and I might cry in front of you.”
Javier chuckles and shakes his head while he grabs his phone with his hand to keep it against his ear. His free hand grabs for his keys, plucking his jacket off the coat rack and already walking out the door.
“Don’t worry about any of that, bebita. M’here to help you, I wanna take care of you,” he hears a hum of acknowledgment from you, “I’ll be there in like half an hour, alright? Gotta make a couple stops while I’m out and then I’ll be there for you, okay?”
“Okay…” you say quietly, “Thank you, Javi.”
“I’ll see you in a bit, angel.”
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Exactly thirty minutes later, a knock raps on your front door, strong and short. Glancing up at the entrance, you see the lock turned and call out loud enough to be heard in the hallway.
“It’s open!”
The door unlatches and swings open, the rustle of bags hitting your ears before the sight of Javi hits your eyes. He juggles the thin plastic handles of the grocery haul in his hands, shaking his head as he pushes the door closed behind him with his boot-clad foot.
“Don’t like that you're keeping your door unlocked, bebita. S’not safe, what if I wasn’t me?” The strict, skeptical agent shows through — paranoia in his eyes while he sets down the bags on your counter, walking back over to lock the door and shrug off his black leather jacket. Underneath his outerwear, the black short-sleeve button-up clings to his torso and stretches at his shoulders. It’s tucked into his usual jeans with his belt on display, and one look exchanged with him reminds him to kick off his shoes — baby blue socks with small figures of different types of dogs patterning the surfaces of them.
“Hello to you, Javier,” you chuckle and turn back to your books, continuing to read over the chapter summary you were engrossed with before his entrance.
His sock-covered feet pad softly over to you at your dining table, taking in the sight of you before he stands behind you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
“Hi, bebita.” He smiles when you lay your head back to look up at him behind you, grinning and giggling when he leans over again to kiss you. “Missed you.”
“I’m just giving you shit.” A laugh leaves your mouth in quiet breaths when he rolls his eyes, steps back to your kitchen counter and starts to unpack everything. You pull yourself away from the table to follow him over, shaking your head at all of the snacks, drinks, and extra pens and notecards spilling out of the bags. “Gosh, Javi. How much stuff did you get?”
He glanced at you sheepishly, shrugging, “Didn’t know what you might want, so kind of got everything I thought you’d like.”
One hand lands on his bicep closest to you, turning his attention to you for you to lean up and kiss him sweetly. You can feel your heart in your throat at the expanse of his thoughtfulness, truly wanting to come over to help without any other expectations.
“I like your socks, by the way.” Another kiss is stolen before you’re back to the table, plopping down and attempting to fall back into studying. A long sigh leaves your lips and Javi frowns when he looks over at you, hyper-focused on all the text laid out in front of you. He putters around your kitchen, poking through to find plates and silverware to keep from asking you; dishing up the takeout he got after putting away the snacks and drinks, he walks back over and sets a plate down in front of you.
“Pause for a few minutes, angel, you gotta eat. And I got your favorite from that Thai restaurant we went to last week.” Javi takes the seat at the corner next to you, pulling away your books to clear a spot for you to eat. The look on your face is painful when you pick up the fork as if any more energy expended for a task other than studying is too much to handle.
“Thank you, Javi. Really. I think it would have been one of those eating shredded cheese from the bag or potato chips over the sink kind of nights if you didn’t come.”
“No need to apologize, bebita. M’always here for you,” he speaks tenderly with a smile, the two of you making light conversation while you eat. Before he clears the plates back to the kitchen, he takes your hand lying on the surface and toys with your fingers. “You can tell me to fuck off and I won’t be offended, but I’ll stick around for a few minutes in case you need me, okay?”
Immediately you shake your head and grip his hand in yours, “No, please stay. D’you mind helping me study? Like quizzing me or something? I want….I want you to stay here. Please.”
Javier holds back a wide smile, giddiness kicking up inside him. He clears his throat and nods, squeezing your hand. He stands up and bends forward to kiss your forehead, “Course I’ll help you study, angel. Let me clean up all this and then we’ll get started, yeah?”
It’s for the next couple of hours that Javier studies with you, asking you sample exam questions from the textbook and quizzing you with the notecards that you’ve made. He keeps you supplied with snacks and hydrated with water, intermittently joking with you to keep you relaxed.
It’s about eleven o’clock at night, Javi’s been here for four hours, and the rest of the weekend is ahead of you both. He’s sitting at the kitchen table, newly made notecards in his hands while you pace the kitchen in front of him. A hand runs through your hair, tugging and sighing when you can’t remember.
“God, I don’t—I don’t know…” You continue your pacing and shake your head, feeling your heart rate increase and your throat start to constrict with anxiety. The hand in your hair moves to press against your chest. “I really don’t know, shit, can you—can you tell me please?”
“Lombroso’s concept of a born criminal is atavism.”
The next few cards you also forget or get wrong and after the last incorrect answer, you stop in the tracks of your pacing. Angry tears of frustration burn at your eyes, words caught in your throat, and breaths come out short and harsh. Javier looks up at you when your movement stops, brows knitting together with concern when he sees the tears in your eyes and hears the clipped inhales and exhales.
“Bebita, c’mere.” Javi pats his lap and you shuffle over, straddling his legs and sitting in his lap to face him. “Let’s call it for tonight. We have all weekend to get you feeling confident for the exam, but trying to push yourself anymore tonight is only going to make you feel worse.”
Javier shakes his head and brings his hands up to cradle your face, thumbs swiping away the few tears that have fallen.
“No, no ‘buts’. There’s no need to be getting upset about it. You’re exhausted and overworked, you’ve been doing this all day. And you know all of this, I know you do, angel. You’re too tired to concentrate and you need to rest.”
“God, I wish I could turn my brain off. This is all I’m gonna be thinkin’ about.”
“I can help with that, bebita.” Javier’s hands run up and down your thighs, snaking around to palm your ass with a gentle squeeze.
“Oh, yeah? And how would you do that?” You play dumb, feigning innocence to his suggestion. Brow cocked up, mouth pursued in curiosity.
“Hm, think we both know what I would do, but m’happy to tell you.” His hands roam again, trailing up your sides to cup under your breasts through your flimsy t-shirt. Your nipples pebble underneath the material when his thumbs brush over them, a satisfied smirk on his face at the sight. “I’ll take you into your bedroom. Kiss you, play with you until you’re dripping for me. And then I’m gonna use my mouth on you, jus’ like the first time, and make you come for me over and over until I think you’re ready. And when you’re begging for me, I’ll give you exactly what you want, bebita. My sweet zorrita is gonna get exactly what she needs — a good fucking.”
Your hips start to grind into his lap, nodding slowly as you listen to him and whining quietly as your eyes close. His hands stall your motions, bringing your attention to him as he admires you from below.
“Let’s go, baby. Think you need it now,” he rasps out, helping you up from his lap and following close behind you. His hands stay at your hips while you walk ahead of him at a delayed pace, his lips kissing and teeth biting at your neck. Trailing down the hallway, he slowly undresses you, leaving each article of clothing on the floor in your wake. Once the two of you reach your bedroom, he turns you toward him and kisses you hurriedly, moaning against your lips when he feels your hand palm him over his jeans.
Javier pulls himself back from you, shaking his head as he steps you backward to hit the edge of your bed, pushing you to sit and nodding to the center of the mattress. You scoot back a bit until he stops you in place, getting onto his knees at the side of the bed and hooking your legs over his shoulders.
He unbuttons a few of the top buttons on his shirt, loosening the material around his shoulders, and licks his lips as he takes in the sight of your glistening cunt.
“God, bebita, you’re always so ready for me. Whenever I want you. Do I get you that worked up being around you, hm?” His tone is cocky as he speaks, dragging two fingers through your folds and collecting some of your wetness. He slips those fingers in his mouth, working his tongue around them and moaning at the taste of you. The fingers pull out of his mouth with an audible pop, and you get onto your elbows to look at him in the eyes as he pushes those same fingers into your entrance.
“Fuck, Javi…” you moan, rolling your head back as he fucks you with his fingers, shallow and slow at first. He’s mesmerized by the view of you taking it easily, sweet little sounds hitting his ears in a satisfying way. “M-More, please. Pretty please.”
“Only because you asked so nicely, angel.” He chuckles and adds another digit, picking up his speed and getting as deep into you as he can. His other hand uses its thumb to run quick circles on your dripping clit, moaning to himself when your noises get louder and higher pitched. “You close already, bebita?”
“Yesyesyes, fuck, m’gonna come—“ You clench around his fingers, gripping the duvet under your hands.
“Ask, baby. Gotta mind your manners, mi zorrita.”
“Ple—please may I come, Javi? M’so close, oh my god,” you tack a whine at the end, lifting your hips and huffing out a breath when he pushes them back down.
“Go ahead, bebita. Come for me—" You moan his name loudly and squeeze your eyes shut, your walls gripping around his fingers tightly. “Oh, yes, fuck. That’s it, angel, that’s it.”
He works you through your orgasm, your breaths evening out after a minute. Once you’ve come down, you realize he’s inching closer between your legs, lips dragging along your inner thighs. Before you can get a word out, his mouth is on you, sucking your clit harshly. Your whine raises in pitch, hands tangling in his hair to push him away.
When he lifts his head, his dark eyes find yours as he licks his lips.
“Gonna let me taste this sweet little cunt, angelita? Make good on all my promises,” he challenges you and you breathe out a ‘yes’, all the permission he needs to put his head between your thighs.
At his first full taste, a switch flips and he devours you like a starving man — sucking, licking, fucking you with his tongue. You’re writhing under him, one strong hand splayed against your lower tummy to keep you down.
“Javi, oh fuck, feels so fucking good—oh my god, you’re so fucking good at this. Has anyone ever told you that?” You ramble the closer you get and Javi smirks against you, the words egging him on to give you more.
He pulls two conservative orgasms from you with his mouth, sucking your clit and licking into your walls with his tongue. Your brain is slowly shutting off, study materials are completely forgotten, and limbs light as air as you lay back on the bed.
Javier stands from the floor, a soft groan and clicking of his knees drawing your attention to him. He strips down from his own clothes, standing in his underwear and nodding to you on the bed.
“Scoot up, baby — that’s it, good girl.” He smirks when you move languidly, reaching out for him when he climbs onto the bed on his knees. Your arms fall to rest stretched above your head, putting you completely on display for him.
“How d’you want me, Javi?” you purr and it nearly sends him reeling, but he shakes his head and smirks down at you.
“Jus’ like this, babygirl. Wanna be able to see you, watch your pretty face as I take care of you.” Javier reaches his hand toward you, instructing you to lick. He takes the same hand and wraps it around his cock, stroking himself as he spreads your legs with his other hand. Settling between them, he drags the head of his cock through your folds, nudging your overly sensitive clit and chuckling darkly when your thighs twitch.
“Javi, please—" He shuts you up with further teasing, slipping himself inside, just the tip. He hisses from behind his bared teeth, rolling his head back to recover before he gives a few pumps of his hips and pulls out of you completely. The next move he teases your clit again, sliding his cock down to prod at the entrance of your tightest hole before moving back up to your cunt slipping just the tip inside of you again.
Under him, you're twitching and writhing with whines and whimpers, gripping the sheets.
“Javi, please, need you.” You choke out, a soft sob of a moan when he keeps fucking you with only his tip, refusing to give you any more inches. The next word leaves on an exhale before you can think about it, “Daddy…”
“What was that, bebita? Didn’t quite hear you.”
“Daddy, fuck me, please.”
Javier stills for a moment, processing exactly what you said while you’re silent, anxiety heightening with each tick of the clock and his lack of response. His hips are still shallowly fucking you, involuntary whimpers escaping your mouth.
“Daddy, huh? You wanna call me that? Got you so cockdumb before I’ve even given it to you.” His eyes are nearly pitched-black, desire evident in his roaming, worshiping hands.
“Yes, yes please, daddy. I need you, please.” The words catch in your throat and you arch your back for him, tits slightly jiggling with the motion.
“You wanted to work on your Spanish, huh? No daddy, bebita. Llámame Papí (Call me Papí). Say it, bebita. Say it for me, buena chica.” His acceptance of your knee-jerk word spill has your mind melting, clenching your walls around the tip of his cock that’s buried inside of you. “Say it.”
“Papí…” you exhale, the noise choking in your throat when he thrusts hard to fill you up to the hilt. A sobbing moan leaves your mouth when he pulls nearly out of you, only to start a punishing pace fucking you hard and deep.
“That’s right, bebita. M’taking care of you, right? Just like a papí should. You call me that as much as you want, angel. Like hearing it come from you.”
Javier grunts at the strain of how hard he’s fucking you, the sounds of your whines and his groans mixing into a melody with the slaps of skin together. It’s filthy if anyone was looking in, but the thought of that makes him fuck you harder, relishing in the sound of your wetness squelching around his cock.
“God, mi bebita, you are taking my cock so well. You like it? Am I filling you up?”
“Yes—oh my god, taking care of me…”
“That’s right, bebita, M’gonna take care of you. You wanna come on my cock, angel?”
“Yes please, daddy…”
Javi’s hips stutter at you saying it, starting again harder and faster, “Not daddy, bebita. You wanna call me that, you call me Papí, baby. Let me hear you say it.”
“P-Papí, oh my fuck, feels so good. So full, Papí.” You’re rambling under him, incomplete and incoherent thoughts, “Oh, fuck— Just there— Papí, papí, papí, ohmygod right there!”
The name is dripping with sweetness from your lips, snapping something into his brain. He’s desperate to provide for you, to take care of you in any way you need. Right now, that is fucking you dumb enough to forget about your stress. Tomorrow, it’ll be getting you coffee in the morning and helping you reevaluate your study materials.
Underneath him, you’re feeling something of the same, enamored with the man above you. The same one who drove around town to pick up things he thought you would like, feeding you, helping you study. The one who smiles at you in the halls, and calls you his babygirl behind doors. Now, he’s fucking you into oblivion and melting your brain to mush to give you what you need. He grips your legs and presses them to fold at your sides, the adjusted position bringing him deeper than before. The head of him hits that special spot inside of you, over and over until it’s driving you to the edge fast.
“Oh, fuck! Papí! Please—Please, please, please. Gonna come, please may I come, Papí?” Your brain turns on its entire leftover power to ask politely, knowing your manners would still have to be minded with your cockdumb mind.
“Such a good girl, so polite. Come for me, bebita. Let me feel your tight pussy grip my cock.” Javier groans when you let go as soon as you get his permission, relishing in the look on your face with a perfect ‘O’ mouth and walls sucking him in further as his thrusts slow down. The tightness of you brings him to his own peak, feeling precum dribbling out inside of you as he gets as close to the edge as possible.
“Oh fuck, fuck, angel. Gonna fucking come, where d’you want me?” His brow knits together with a look of pain, and you breathlessly answer.
“Outside, please, Papí. Anywhere else you want.”
He nods and pulls out of you, using his fist to fuck himself, painting his come across your torso in long ropes. Javier moans your name over and over under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut as his chest heaves with relief.
It’s quiet, nothing spoken while you both crash down. In a moment of clarity in his post-orgasm haze, he stretches over to your nightstand to grab a few tissues, wiping you clean of his spend. He tosses it in your desk trash bin, searching around the floor for his clothes. When he picks up his boxers, you make a small noise of protest and grab his attention.
“Don’t—Um, would you—" You can’t get the words out, shyness clawing at your throat. Javier fills in the blanks, smiling softly at you as he drops his boxers and climbs back onto your bed over your lying form.
“D’you want me to stay, bebita?”
You nod and smile sheepishly, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinning wider when he leans down to kiss you chastely.
“Can you ask me, angel?”
“Will you have a sleepover with me…Papí?” you giggle as you tack on the name at the end, Javier smirking and nodding his head.
“Of course I’ll stay. And if you keep pulling that out all the time, there’s going to be a lot of fucking in random places. Jus’ does something for me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm. Think you know that, bebita. Mi bebita.” 
“Well, that does the same thing for me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm. I like being your bebita.”
“Siempre, Bebita. Always gonna be it.” Javier punctuates the conversation with another kiss, laying down completely next to you and wrapping you up in his arms. His fingers play with your hair, laying your head on his chest as you close your eyes.
A thought pops into your head, picking up your head to look Javi in the eyes.
“Are you gonna be going to the department event next week?”
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now, angel?”
“Yes, now please answer.” You poke his chest, giggling when he pinches your side playfully.
“I will be there, yes, Bebita. I’m assuming you’re going too?” He asks as he closes his eyes, exhaustion overcoming him slowly.
You smile and bite your lip, tracing shapes against his skin, “Well, would you wanna pick out my dress for it?”
That grabs his attention, his eyes shooting open with a grin growing across his face.
“Gonna let me choose what I get to see you in, Bebita? Don’t know if you want that, 'cause I could have you walking around in nothing.”
You snort out a laugh, shaking your head before laying on his chest again and closing your eyes to sleep.
“We both know you wouldn’t do that. Would you really want all those people looking at me? Thought I was all yours, don’t you wanna keep me to yourself?”
“Damn, you’re right. Guess I’ll have to pick out a pretty dress and then I can take you home and have you walk around in nothing for me.” He smiles and kisses the top of your head, sighing out a tired exhale. “Now, sleep time, Bebita. You dream of the pretty dresses I’ll get for you, no exams, and I’ll be dreamin’ about you in nothing.”
A laugh escapes your lips, nodding in agreement, “Goodnight, Javi.”
“Night, Bebita.” There’s more he wants to say, burning in his chest, but he knows it’s too soon — too much right now and it would scare you off. Instead, he holds you closer and kisses your head again, drifting off contently with you in his arms to take care of.
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taglist: @northernbluess @swiftispunk @joelsversion @mrsquill @yazsos @cartoon-garbage04 @ilovepedro @lovers-liability @deathwife @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @undrthelights @atticrissfinch @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @fishingforpike @mrsjarvis @walkintotheriveranddisappear @sugadolly @tbniarq @vee-bees-blog @spidermanfrog @belliezz @joelsflannel @k-k0129 @bianqueee04 @nostalxgic @xyzstar @cumberpegg @peppesgirl @pastawench @addictedtotlou @brittmb115 @anoverwhelmingdin @spishsstuff @wolfbook87 @mswarriorbabe80 @harriedandharassed @decemberdolly @laiisleitte @fierce-bab @vickie5446
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frogchiro · 2 years
hii!! i suddenly have a pierro brainrot that i have to share to you!!
it's a royalty au and i kinda imagine the setting to be like historical manhwas.
y/n's father is a noble but he has some debts to the throne. the harbingers are nobles who serves the throne directly. so y/n's father sold y/n as a betrothed for one of the harbingers expecting for her to be matched with either childe/pantalone/dottore. but turns out she's betrothed to pierro who's way older than her
i hope this makes sense 😭 ik it's rather cliche sorry
and if this emoji is not taken already can i be 🌸 anon? thank uu!!
hi love!! AND YES I LOVE THIS THANK YOU THANK YOU <333 also i think that this emoji is already taken :(( maybe you could come up with something different?
fem!reader, tiny bit of mentions of violence, age gap, shitty fathers and noble pierro thirsting after you
imagine that it was actually pierro who was secretly pulling some threads from behind the scenes. he knew that your father wasn't a very capable businessman and made some...questionable investments and deals and now he's indebted to the throne. the many loan papers stacked on his desk and the threat of the regrator finally calling in for the money looming over him, and while your father might not be the brightest he's very much aware that it will mean your family's bankruptcy and ultimately, your downfall.
if you're drowning you'll grab even the blade of a knife; when he was finally called into the palace about the repayment he was panicking, pleading his case,
'just a few more months i promise!' but his desperate words fell on deaf ears as everyone had enough of his worthless wailing.
this is where in the heat of the moment he blurted out that he has a daughter, a young daughter that's just of marrying age and he'd be more than wiling to graciously present his darling only daughter to one of the most esteemed harbingers in exchange for more time.
frankly speaking pierro thought it was pathetic, basically selling his only daughter like some cattle to settle a debt he himself got into.
the white haired man frowned, deep in thought. he knew about you, saw you on one banquet or two while accompanying your father and he had to admit, you were a true beauty. beautiful soft (s/c) skin, glossy well kept (h/c) hair, doe like (e/c) eyes and those beautiful luscious lips that kept him awake more often than he'd like to admit. and yet what truly captivated him was your personality; soft spoken and polite with a quick and witty mind, the round of chess he invited you to play with while won on his part, was the most difficult one he'd had in a long time.
'yes' pierro thought, 'she'll be perfect, my precious future lady wife'.
the man almost smirked at the bewildered look on your father's face when he announced that he was the one to take your hand in marriage, the fool looked like he was about to piss himself. pierro was no fool, he knew very well that he was getting old and your father dearest probably hoped for someone younger like that brat childe or even pantalone.
but no, absolutely not. pierro was a terribly jealous and possessive man, if he wanted something he'd get it no matter the cost. frankly, it wasn't that hard to get your papa to agree to his demands, the vivid vision of breaking him on a cross, cutting fingers off one by one or whatever dottore has in mind definitely helped him make the right decision.
pierro allowed himself to smirk only when he returned to his chambers for the night. soon he'd have you as his perfect little wife here with him to keep him company, warm his bed on cold snezhnayan nights and finally have someone to return to after a tiring day of harbinger duties.
and all it took was one ridiculously high loan.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
player with kitten sneezes
Player with kitten sneezes
Player with K i t t e n S n e e z e s
This, I can do. Hope you like these short hcs, Anon! <333
(Also, just another note, the second set I had planned is gonna be way longer than I thought, so I'll be posting it tomorrow instead of splitting it into parts. :))
The Player Sneezes Like a Kitten ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, this is quite fluffy)
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Even if you discussed the anatomical difference you had with grunts with your boys from time to time, you never got around to explaining everything about what your body parts do.
If you add this to the fact that grunts don’t exactly have noses like most creatures in your world - so to see or hear anyone doing anything similar to sneezing is incredibly unlikely - it made for a real surprise when your vessels actually heard you do it.
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned had just paused in the middle of sipping his coffee when the noise of your sudden inhale and sneeze reached him, and at first he was met with confusion and slight concern. Your short apology and sheepish look is the only thing that told him that it was from you, and that it wasn’t at all intentional.
(Of course, Doc is always fascinated with little traits and actions that come from humans, so he quickly pulls you into a discussion about what exactly that was. It lasts for many hours, and he now has a full file on his tablet about sneezes and human noses alone, thanks to you.)
However, after that revelation, he realizes that the way you sneeze is honestly really cute. It's enough to make him look at you and chuckle fondly whenever you do it, silently noting how adorable you are before returning to his business. It seems everything about you just makes you more adorable to him.
A part of him is even tempted to record the sound of it, but unless he deliberately makes you sneeze, he knows being given the opportunity to do is unlikely. Plus, he has enough self-awareness to realize that being so entranced by a "sneeze" could be considered sort of foolish.
But the thought is very tempting to him. (He can almost convince himself that it would just be just another resource to use to study your species, but to no real avail.) You always end up making him a lovestruck fool in some way, so he supposes this is no different.
- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos was more confused than anything, and to be honest, he didn't think the noise actually came from you at first so you can't fault him. It also didn't help that he was half asleep when it happened, which only made his disorientation worse.
("-What the hell was that?" You heard his raspy voice call from across the room, thick with sleep as he drowsily rubbed his face and looked at you. You raised a brow, and then he asked you if you'd heard it as well, and you couldn't help but laugh.)
He was stunned when you let him know that it was you that made the noise, and embarrassed by his rather crass reaction. He literally thought it was an animal and now he feels bad for making that mental comparison in the first place.
(Deimos also mentally scolds himself over this long afterward. Lucky for him, you actually thought it was more funny than anything.)
He's quick to point out how cute and kitten-like you sound, cooing and awing over you with an affectionate look on his face. You'd call it teasing, but it's too genuine to be even the slightest bit mean-spirited. Instead, it just makes you blush, which only makes him fawn over you more.
(You really must have no idea how adorable you are to him, he concludes. Otherwise, you'd realize that this is just a fraction of how he feels about you.)
He almost thinks it's unfortunate that these sneezes are relatively uncommon; any chance to compliment you on anything you do is one he'll take as soon as he can. Besides, he knows you appreciate it. Your flushed cheeks tell him all he needs to know.
Sanford falls more into the territory of being concerned, since if you suddenly make an unfamiliar noise, he thinks something must be going wrong with you. It usually wasn't good to jump to the worst conclusion, but if it's your safety at risk, you can bet he's going to.
He saw you sneeze as well, so he was immediately at your side to ask if you were alright, even placing a comforting hand on your shoulder to reassure you. You laughed at his worry and waved him off, explaining that it wasn't unusual for you humans.
Now that he knows it's normal, he's relieved, but this leaves room for him to speculate on how it actually sounds now. He's not surprised to hear that it's a unique trait to you; you're the Player, of course even this sneeze of yours would be special (if anything that makes it even more fitting). What's weirder to him is the fact that he actually finds himself awing over the noise of it so much.
It must be weird to enjoy hearing your sneeze; it's not like you put any effort or anything into it, and it wasn't even that big of a thing to begin with. It was just so cute though, and he catches himself thinking about it later with a dopey grin on his face.
(You're his crush, of course he'd find himself falling further for you with every little thing you do. Or at least that's his justification for doing exactly that.)
Unlike Deimos, who openly fawns over you when you do sneeze again, Sanford won't give a very large reaction. However, if you happen to glance at him shortly after you do, you'll catch him staring at you with a warm smile and an almost love-sick gaze. He can't help it; you've always proven yourself as someone to be admired and loved, even if it's for something as simple as sounding like a little kitten when you sneeze.
Hank, on the other hand, wasn't really that surprised at all. Why? Because he'd already heard you sneeze once before, when you were still separated by that computer screen of yours and you controlled him from afar.
(On that note, he is also one to gloat about being the first to hear it. The others find it insufferable, but he genuinely delights in making it clear just how close you two were before any of them. You've had so many "firsts" together, and he believes it's his right to make it clear that it's just one thing that makes you both so naturally close. Closer than any of the others in your group could ever hope to be with you.)
Hank thought your little sneezes were adorable even before hearing them "in person"; they reminded him a bit of a small cat, and if anything, it's a detail that just makes him fawn over you more. (You have one of the traits of his favorite creatures, if anything this is a sign you were meant for him.)
Hank won't even think about making you sneeze or anything like that, but you will find that he's a tad more affectionate than usual after you do so. He just can't stop himself pulling you into a tight side hug or giving you a quick nuzzle whenever you do something cute, and this is no exception.
You find it hilarious that his hands shake even when you do something so involuntary, and while you do know that your sneeze is "kitten-like" from the many comments of your chat, you'd honestly say that Hank is more comparable to one. He's the one who always seems to loudly purr when you show a reaction to Nevada's dusty buildings, after all.
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"can you stay?" + atsushi & kyouka
"can you stay?"
atsushi's voice trembles as they speak, and kyouka freezes.
atsushi laughs almost immediately, blinking away the impending tears and wavng their hands in front of them. "sorry. you don't... that was stupid of me to say. i'm-"
"stop apologizing."
kyouka slides beside them, curling up against their side. she head plops on their shoulder.
they're warm and shakey, and kyouka feels soft on atsushi's neck.
"i don't mind staying."
honestly, she wanted to stay. no matter how many times she watches atsushi - her sibling by everything but blood - get stabbed, the more she fears for them.
it's a little foolish, she knows; she's been familiar with blood and death and gore since her parents died. limbs being torn off and blood slowly oozing out of the body doesn't scare her.
but it does when she sees it happening to atsushi.
(and she doesn't say anything, but atsushi isn't the only one who gets nightmares - she's just better at keeping them quiet)
"you're just a kid..." atsushi mumbles, breaths shaky and uneven. "you shouldn't have to-to comfort me."
even so, kyouka soon feels the cool pads of their compression gloves rubbing her wrist.
"doesn't matter," she says, because she knows you're still a kid, too only upsets them more.
they whisper it so quietly the only reasons kyouka hears it is because of her assassin training.
she snuggles closer still and listens to their heartbeat. it starts off quick, but gradually falls until it's steady.
and kyouka is able to fall asleep with the reminder that her sibling is still alive.
(send me a sentence (+ a ship/character) and i'll write the next five sentences)
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
hi guys!!! first I want to say that I'm so thankful for everything you're doing and I hope you have an amazing day <333 I was wondering if perhaps you knew any good zombie apocalypse AU fics? Or it doesn't necessarily need to be zombies but I'm looking for that kind of apocalyptic vibe (not the hell and heaven war tho). Thank you so much in advance!! <33
Hello! There's a bunch:
Summer's End by FeralTuxedo [E]
2095. Britain is a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by droughts, the collapse of civilisation, and hordes of the undead. Despite that, Aziraphale’s life is actually pretty good. He has his caravan, his books, and his work, offering his services to the men who stop by Tadfield on their arduous journey north.
One day, a mysterious stranger knocks on his door. Crowley is charming and handsome and he appears to know his way around a vegetable garden. He comes with the tempting offer of a mutually beneficial arrangement. But it’s in Aziraphale’s best interest not to get too attached.
A dystopian cottagecore sex worker AU.
Tribute by snae_b [E]
Water is scarce, the surface is unlivable, and Eden isn’t the paradise Aziraphale once thought he knew. But for a Guardian on the run, it's out of one lion's den, into another.
is there anybody out there? by theycallmeDernhelm (onyourleft084) [E]
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. England has been overrun by walking corpses, everything's gone to hell, and the few survivors are scattered- among them, Crowley and his 11-year-old son Warlock. When Crowley's radio signal is unexpectedly picked up by another group of survivors, he finds himself falling, in a way he never thought he'd fall again, for the charming and kindly Aziraphale. Over three seasons and a tenuous radio connection, a romance develops between them, while a friendship grows between Warlock and Aziraphale's nephew Adam. Love isn't dead (or undead) after all.
Zombie Apocalypse by AppleSeeds [T]
When a meteor strikes Earth carrying a virus that can 'turn people into zombies', Aziraphale finds himself responsible for a group of frightened teenagers at an airbase-turned-hospital in Tadfield. Aziraphale is terrified, but experiences some relief when the teens introduce him to Crowley, who has a plan to get them all to safety. When things don't exactly go according to plan and with the zombies closing in, Aziraphale must face his fears in order to protect the children from becoming infected.
~Mod N
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otrtbs · 6 months
I have the craziest idea. How about instead of being rude and disrespectful to all the nice people that provide us with content we love for our niche lil fandom (you know…the ones that provide us with FREE fanart and fanfics?) we instead THANK THEM for being lovely human beings for giving us all this free stuff and if we disagree with or don’t like a fic or piece of art we move on without being shitty about it?
also guess what? If you don’t like a ship in a fic…there are filters. If you don’t like a trope in a fic…there are filters. YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ IT. Nobody is holding a gun to ur head (like Evan and Barty when Reggie interviewed James) and saying you will only live if you read a fic you don’t like the whole way through and then post ur horrible opinion online.
smh why are people like this???
Anyway…thanks sm for ahb I absolutely loved it and it’s the reason I want to do art history a level <333.
hi !!! love you!!! <333
the thing is the person who made that tiktok makes art for the marauders fandom ??? like genuinely where is the disconnect there?? what if ppl started making videos just ripping their art to shreds ??? they’re just a creative bashing other fandom creatives for some tiktok likes and engagement. truly vile behavior.
and it’s open season in that comment section. fandom is supposed to feel like a loving or supportive community and those fuckwads are content to make it as hateful and divisive as possible as long as they get a few tiktok likes from it. pathetic!
also it’s not a “you’re just mad ppl hate ur favorite fics/something u wrote” issue. bc no one is saying that. nothing is going to be universally agreed upon. like not everything is everyone’s cup of tea. it’s how you move on and talk about the things you enjoy instead of the ones you hate that make fandom a place for experimenting and make it an encouraging creative place. like grow up. talk about your issues w fics privately w friends. blasting it on the internet is just so fucking loserly.
N E WAYZ please let me know how your a levels go and thank you for being so sweet !! xx
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mvybanks · 9 months
THE DEAL — instagram: lovesick edition
a/n: decided to do a little something🫣 this is after they get together ofc so it’s post-series + decided to add the usual taglist, hope that’s okay! <33 ++ i suck at editing so i guess it’s the thought that counts okay?!😭
nav the deal masterlist
check out chapter six!
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y/nl/n and therafecameron
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Liked by therafecameron, whosemma, and 200 others
y/nl/n he said no more pictures :(
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therafecameron We were late!
y/nl/n so? there’s always time for pictures
whosemma free my bestie she’s right!
y/nl/n thank you😌
therafecameron I give up
whosemma talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping —
therafecameron and y/nl/n
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Liked by y/nl/n, iamethan, and 50 others
therafecameron Weekends with u ❤️‍🩹
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y/nl/n i love you baby
therafecameron I love you more sweetheart
iamethan And I love you two even more for letting me have the room all to myself
therafecameron Way to ruin the moment man
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@gemofthenight @vigilanteshitposting @m-indkiller r @buckysdogtagss @yoonabeo @iruzias @babypoguelife @poppet05 @earth2starkey @illicitfixations @palmwinemami i @marzipaanz @wildflwrdarlin @sweetestdesire @guililove e @colbysbrocks @magnificantmermaid @chaostudee @rafesmoon @mistalli @fangirl-madz @canarysposts @screan @fishingirl12 @darleneslane @mattyskies @rafecluver @pedrosprincess @jjmaybankisbae @em-dee @rentaldarling @houseofperfecttaste @3in1shampooconditionerbodywash @michelle-26 @imawhoreforu @pankowperfection @pedrosprincess @buckyhad @kliness @sugarcoatedstarkey @starkeybae @lexi1sblog @starxsluv @wickedlovely121 @softlies @outerbankspov @littlefreaksatellite @aris-void @maybankslover @dogmomalsop @savage-aespa @hallecarey1 @emery-333 @camelliaflow3r @midnightsgetawaycar @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @wpdailyminimeta
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nataliewritez · 1 year
congrats on passing 100 followers! you deserve that and more <3 since it’s 3 requests per person, i’m gonna make 2 which i hope is ok :)
i’d like to request some ler xiao x lee reader, any trope you want, i need some ler xiao in my life </3 and a lee barbatos x ler reader! yes very self indulgent requests but hey, you know me :D
thanks in advance and take care <333
Let The Stars Guide You || Genshin Tk Fic
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A/N: SINNER DEAR!! Xiao is so baby girl like omfggg, Barbatos will be done in the next post, but for now, here's the demon killer himself - Alatus!
Summary: You're feeling lost in your journey, luckily, you have the most wonderful Yaksha to cheer you up.
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You were currently sitting atop the Wangshu Inn, taking in the beautiful evening sky before you, you were contempt to keep moving, to find your sister/brother at long last, but hope was beginning to diminish inside you. The once strong flames of a dragon turned into spits of ash, the fire trying desperately to rebuild itself to no avail, and that residing to you almost breaking down right then and there.
You bit your tongue to hold back tears, blinking repeatedly and looking upwards to stop any tears that threatened to pour out. You were breaking, and rather fast at that.
"Y/N?" A voice came from behind, making you jolt in surprise, but once you turned, you calmed as you saw the soft gaze of the demon conqueror infront of you, looking up at you in obvious worry, despite it only showing in his eye's. "Are you, crying?" He asked, but you were quick to respond. "No, no, I'm not! They're.. tears of joy! I'm one step closer, you know?" You respond hastily, his bright amber brown eye's staring into your teary E/C one's.
"I don't believe you." He said, he didn't intend for it to sound harsh, and you knew that, as he then holds out his arm's, surprising you a bit- no, alot. "I.. see mortals do this to one another all the time, it's okay if you don't-" You cut him off, arm's wrapping around his petite structure, causing the both of you to relax in one another's hold, his face scrunching in worry as he felt tears dampening his shoulder, yet he didn't mind it coming from you, as he just sat there, keeping eachother in close proximity. He wasn't one for giving affection, but if it meant cheering you up, he'd try absolutely anything to your cravings.
A few minutes of silence passed by, you, feeling tired from the repeated sobbing, and Xiao, who was just rubbing your back rather oddly, but you didn't mind that, you were glad that he was trying new thing's. "Now." You turn towards him, as his eye's show pity, "Tell me, Y/N, what's going on. And don't you dare attempt to lie to me." He said, running his finger's through your H/C locks, the other hand used to intertwine eachothers finger's.
At that moment, you told him the entire story, he listened to you, nodding and humming, trying to show you he was listening, which made you glad. "I see.. I'm not the best at words, Y/N, but.. If you feel like that, stop your journey for a bit, mental health comes first." He said, caressing the cheek that leaned against his small hand, you could feel the rough texture of his hands under the gloves, but either way, attention was attention.
Your senses spiked as soon as you felt a poke to your abdomen, cheeks flush as Y/N stared down at Xiao hand, that dared to prod against the soft surface. He noticed your reaction and opted to take his hand away, surprised as you took his wrists and placed his hands against your side's, making his entire face turn red at that movement alone, causing yourself to chuckle at his innocence.
"Are you sure, Y/N? I know you like me tickling you, but.. are you sure about now?" He asked, fingers twitching out of excitement as you jerk and smile, giving him a shy nod of acceptance, as he then resumes. His left hand gently squeezed at the side stuck in his touch, making you jerk away before returning into his touch, his right hand gently raking his fingertips over your stomach, making you quiver and jolt.
"X-Xiahahao!" You call out, peaking his interests, he stopped quickly, which only made you whine. You knew he was only trying to look out for you, as you smile as he looks lovingly into your eye's, "Gosh.. I'm so lucky." You speak out loud, making his entirely oake body flush red, hiding his face behind his forearm, his free hand now gently clawing at your ribs, quickly alternating to each side whenever you tried to protect one side.
"Y-You flirt.." He groans, finally bringing his other hand down to squeeze at the divets of your hip, making you buck slightly. "Aha!? Xiahahao!" No response, just more tickling, "I'm sohohorry!" Still no response, only a slight blush to his ears and nose, "You're juhust too cuhuhute not to tehease!" You giggle out, as he stopped all his movements, instead, laying ontop of you, head head rested against your heart, feeling your heart beat beneath him, noticing how rapid it was going. "Your heart only beats this fast around me." He said, before taking your hand, he kissed the back of your hand then trailed up, making you giggle until you screamed as he placed a raspberry against your neck.
"AHAH!? I'M SOHORRY!" You quickly bark out, swearing you heard him chuckle, as he kept up his ticklish attack. "I SUBMIHIT! SUBMIHIHIHIT!" Your head throws back, making you snort as he nuzzled he's hair under your chin, before finally stopping, cuddling against you.
You take a few minutes to recover, and as you do, he picks you up in his arm's, touching foreheads. "Come on, I'll let you rest."
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
Heyloo! I love your posts man <333 I have a request for the full score trio. What if they had an s/o (gender neutral) who one day asks them "what would you do if I were to get adopted?". Sorry if you dont wanna do this, I get it if your busy!
Ellooooo! I’m glad you like my writing! This is a really cute idea. Thank you so much for the request, hope you enjoy!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Normam, Ray, Emma
Reader: Gender neutral (they/you)
TW: Mention of being shipped out
Style: Short hcs
Summary: Norman, Ray, and Emma (separate) react to their s/o asking them, “what would you do if I were to get adopted?”
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“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You asked innocently whilst you and Norman were cuddling against a tree in the forest, away from all the other children who were playing in the field.
The boy completely froze. He knew that you didn’t know about the secret yet, as he convinced the others not to tell you. He knew how badly it would affect you if you knew the truth. But thinking about you experiencing the same fate made his blood run cold. But he couldn’t show signs of fear, he didn’t want you to ask questions. So he held back his tears and recollected himself, grabbing your chin with his thumb and pointer finger to direct you to look at him.
“I’d miss you dearly, and do whatever it takes to find you again. I’d never be me until I found myself by your side.” Norman responded, letting go of your chin to wrap his arms around your torso, pulling you into him.
You didn’t know what those words truly meant, but were happy with his answer, moving your arms to wrap around him and resting your head on his shoulder. It was moments like this where you felt most at peace. He held you there for a lot longer, the thought still swirling through his mind. You didn’t mind though. So the two of you stayed like that, letting the birds chirp and the small breeze flow. You both tuned out the faint sounds of the other children in the background and overrode your senses with nothing but each other, drowning in the feeling of being so close yet still trying to get closer. Yes, you absolutely adored these moments. And you knew he did too. You just didn’t understand why. Not yet, at least.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You randomly broke the silence. The two of you were sitting on the library floor, reading separate books. The silence was always comfortable with Ray, but you just felt like this question needed to be asked right this second.
You kept your eyes on your page, not seeing the way the raven haired boy’s face turned to one of complete fear, something nobody has ever seen from the boy. But his silence was starting to worry you, he was usually quick to respond to something, so you looked up at Ray with a worried expression, becoming shocked when he looked just as worried as you. You could’ve sworn he had tears in his eyes, before he squeezed them shut and shook his head, reopening his eyes with his usual cold expression. He pulled you close to him and ruffled your hair, but you took note of how he held you tighter than usual.
“…I don’t think I’d ever recover. I’d never be able to smile the same as I did when I was with you.”
Although it was a simple response, it meant the universe coming from him, the boy who rarely smiled or showed emotion, let alone caring for someone. You decided to ignore how he kept you close to him despite usually not being very fond of physical affection, just enjoying this rare moment with him. Your book had been long forgotten. You were must more focused on the sound of Ray’s heartbeat and the sound of his voice as he read his book aloud to you.
You were panting, bent over trying to catch your breath after running around with Emma. The girl was used to running, and had caught her breath before you, so she decided to pat your back and wave her hand in front of your face to try and cool you off.
“Hey, Em..” You said between pants. She continued to give you a cold breeze, but looked softly into your eyes, a look of absolute adoration that she only gave to you. You loved it. You almost forgot to continue speaking, far too distracted staring into the eyes of your lover.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You’re not sure why the thought crossed your mind, but you were now curious for an answer. Emma looked down at the ground, thinking about the scenario. She felt tears run down her cheeks as she imagined your suffering. If only you knew the truth. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she grabbed your face and peppered it with kisses, before giving you a peck on the lips and pulling away sobbing.
“I’d be broken.” You pulled the girl into your chest, kissing her head and rubbing her back as she cried into your chest. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to tell you the truth. It was too scary.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Honestly I’ve been a mix of busy and just mentally unstable, drained, exhausted, dead- Point is I’ve been feeling horrible due to some personal reasons. But I’m trying my best to come back. Though I do want to apologize for constantly saying I’m gonna get things out but then never do, I don’t have a proper excuse and you guy’s don’t deserve some shitty lie or whatever so I’m not going to say anything except that I’m sorry. I’ll try my best to do more but I can’t promise anything. My old schedule is 100% done for as I now need the weekend to recharge. I will post random updates, small fics, and other stuff every now and then but I most likely won’t be writing many actual fics or books until the summer. I wish it didn’t take me this long to heal from everything because I love you guys and writing for all of you, but I also can’t rush my healing because I want my writing to be the best it can be. I know I apologize a lot but I really do feel bad for just randomly dying on you all and never really coming back. I love you guys. 💕
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