#n just going on about how the best/most delectable negativity
skelekins · 1 year
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Four
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2960
Warnings: Itsy bitsy amount of angst, bad language words, mentions of phone sex and masturbation
A/N: divider credit- @firefly-graphics
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission
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You held your breath after you uttered the name into the phone’s speaker. Your heart galloped at the thought of actually speaking to him. You’d be lying if you had said you hadn’t imagined how his voice sounded. You pictured something deep and raspy but drawled and sweet.
In the last five days, you’d imagined many things about James. Not just the sound of his voice, but his laugh, too. Rich and soothing. And of his scent- distinctly his own or a fresh, citrusy cologne of bergamot and tangerines. You imagined his rough, calloused hands sliding over your skin in slow motion.
And how he kissed. You daydreamed about that, too. Often. You couldn’t count how many times you’d stared at his sorry excuse for a selfie. You found yourself drawn to it daily. It was only part of his face, but what you could see was ruggedly handsome. His lips looked soft and delectable. You pictured yourself nibbling on his bottom lip, deepening its color to blush pink.
A sharp sigh escaped through your nose as you waited for his reply. Maybe he hadn’t heard you the first time? “James?” you asked again. “Hello?”
No response.
You pulled the phone away from your ear to make sure you were still connected. The call-time counter ticked ominously second by second on the screen. You tucked the device back under your hair to find the call was still active.
Did he get cold feet and change his mind last minute? He hadn’t hung up yet, so you weren’t exactly sure why he was waiting. Maybe he was tongue-tied? Or hadn’t expected you to pick up?
“Did you butt-dial me, James?” you laughed, trying to dispel some of your anxiety.
You heard a muffled “ shit” and two beeps. You glanced at the phone’s screen again, and call ended flashed in bold white.
Ignoring the hang-up, you immediately re-dialed James. The line rang and rang. And rang.
You weren’t confident you were going to speak with James, the longer the rings continued. He wasn’t ready to talk to you yet, and that was okay. It had only been five days.
Five days wasn’t long enough to build a bond over stupid Would You Rather? questions or form a simmering crush on a stranger that made your stomach flip whenever he sent you a funny cat meme. Nope. Five days was much too short of time for anything.
A generic voicemail greeting clicked over and rudely beeped at you. You took a deep breath and quickly thought of a reason to be calling someone who didn’t want to talk. “Hey, James. Just calling you back. It’s (Y/N), by the way. I’m not sure if you meant to call the first time or if sneaky ninjas have accosted you and somehow did a crazy pocket dial. Y’know, because of the whole military-trained assassin athlete mchottie thing. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And no pressure! If you’re not comfortable talking on the phone, I completely understand. I’m sweating bullets just talking to your voicemail box.” You chuckled nervously. You were starting to babble.
“Anyway,” you continued. “I hope you’re well. And don’t leave me hangin’. I really wanna know if you’d rather sneeze every hour or burp when you saw a pretty girl.” You laughed again. “Goodbye, James.”
You mashed the end call button and face-planted into one of the throw pillows on your couch. You groaned loudly into the fabric, chastising yourself in your head. If he didn’t want to talk before, he most definitely wouldn’t want to now. You shook your head in disbelief. Sneaky ninjas, seriously? What. The. Fuck?
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Hours later, while in the middle of a Say Yes to the Dress marathon (dammit Robyn!) and a self-induced diabetic coma of ice cream and chips, your phone vibrated. You swat at it on the coffee table with a foot, only to realize you lack the limberness or the dexterity in your toes to retrieve the phone. As a result, it tumbled to the ground as you groaned in displeasure. Cursing your luck, you bent forward to pick it up. Awakening the phone’s black screen, a text popped into view.
James Sorry
Your heart lurched for a moment. With every second that had passed since you’d left your voicemail for James, the least likely you’d felt he’d call back or even respond. Hence the pity party with Ben & Jerry and Cool Ranch Doritos.
James My so-called “friends” grabbed my phone from me and led to accidentally calling you.
Ahh, the old “invade-your-friend’s-privacy” maneuver, you thought, shaking your head.
James I didn’t want to hang up on you, but I’m not quite ready to talk yet. I like what we have.
Your heart flopped. You liked what you had, too, but a small part of you- a dumb part- wanted just a little more.
Shaking off the feeling of longing churning your insides, you thumbed over the screen to reply.
You No worries, James. We can go at whatever speed you like.
It was weird to have the guy, for once, want to take things slow. Usually, it was always you pumping the brakes in the relationship. Was this even a relationship, though? Were all the texting and personal questions leading somewhere? Or were you bound to end up friends with an interesting story to tell your other friends?
Not allowing your negative thoughts to curtail the joy of finally texting James again, you quickly punched out:
You I’m just glad you’re okay and not being held for ransom somewhere.
James It would take a whole horde of ninjas to take me down.
You giggled at the confidence contained in this one text, but talking to a girl on the phone threw him for a loop. We are definitely back in junior high, you thought.
You You sound awfully confident for a man who wouldn’t talk to a friend on the phone.
James You don’t want to talk to me.
You pinched your eyebrows together in frustration to form a crease between them. Was he serious?
You Sure, I do. I have a bet going with myself on how your voice sounds. Is it deep and masculine or high-pitched like you sucked in helium?
James Which are you betting on?
You pulled your bottom lip in by your teeth, biting softly. You smirked as you thought of the two options. The former would be nice, but the latter would be pretty damn funny.
You I mean, deep and masculine is very desirable. Listening to the low timbre of a man’s voice is very relaxing for me. But, considering the ridiculous “selfie” you sent me, I’m placing my money on high-pitched.
James What was wrong with my selfie?!
Somehow, you knew that would get him worked up.
You Well, for starters: I can only see, like, part of your face! Did a blind person teach you how to take them??
You And secondly, there clearly wasn’t enough “Blue Steel.” With cheekbones and pouty lips like yours and a chiseled jaw, I’d be blue-steeling the shit out of all my selfies!
A wave of remorse washed over you once you hit send. Had you really compared him to Zoolander? Not only had you objectified him by mentioning how aesthetically pleasing he was (let’s face it- he’s really, really, really ridiculously good looking), but you may have criticized him for his terrible selfie abilities. At that moment, as you waited for the inevitable “fuck off” text to come through, you wished for a giant sinkhole to appear under your apartment and swallow you whole. What were you thinking?
James First off, I’m a selfie amateur. My past line of work limited my contact and/or exposure to the outside world. I didn’t learn what a selfie even was until recently. Remember, I’m also a man of mystery. I’m trying to keep up appearances and can’t reveal too much.
James What is “Blue Steel”? I’m not very pop-culture savvy unless it happened before 1944.
James Did you just call me pretty??
Your cheeks flushed with the heat of a thousand suns. He called you out as you expected him to do.
You Uh...
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You Are we gonna talk about the fact you said you didn’t know about pop culture after 1944?? You are a grandpa!
James Nice try with the subject change! Admit it- you think I’m pretty.
You rolled your eyes. Of course, that would be the thing he focused on out of the whole conversation.
You I have no idea what you’re talking about.
If all else fails--deny, deny, deny.
James Right. Sure about that, doll?
Your pulse spiked.
You never did like pet names before you met James, but doll had a goo-ing effect on you for some reason. Everything seemed to turn to mush whenever he mentioned the word.
You Absolutely. I have no reason to believe that if you weren’t a military-trained assassin athlete mchottie, you’d be a male model. None what-so-ever.
James Uh-huh. I’m going to pretend that you aren’t lying through your teeth and getting back to our scintillating game of Would You Rather?
James I’d burp every time I saw a pretty dame, by the way. I wouldn’t want to take my chances with sneezing in my sleep. Would you rather eat only fruits or vegetables for one year?
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Several nights after the voicemail incident, you were sitting in Penelope with Robyn after work. She wanted to meet up to decide which centerpieces worked best for the reception. Scattered across the table were three samples she and Kevin had narrowed it down to. With your thumb, while playing with a corner of the hand-drawn example closest to you, a sigh escaped your nose.
Your sister’s talent mesmerized you. Each storyboard showed the intricate detail of the flowers and candles themselves and what the tables would look like next to each other with every centerpiece. You were in awe.
“These are so good, Robbie! They must have taken forever to put together,” you said, admiring a different sample on the table.
“Nah,” she replied, brushing the compliment aside. “Just an afternoon’s time last week.”
“Well, shit. I hope they’re paying you the big bucks at work.”
She quirked an eyebrow devilishly as she reached for her drink. “You know it,” she jested before taking a sip.
You laughed at her cheekiness. Robyn had always been a go-getter. One of the many attributes you loved about her. Never took no for an answer.
“Soooo,” she drawled as she set her glass down. “How have you been?”
You looked up swiftly, eyeing her suspiciously before returning your gaze to the storyboard in your hands. “I’m still alive if that’s what you’re asking.” You set the drawing down to take a drink from your glass. “Haven’t been murdered yet, but the night is still young.”
Robyn rolled her eyes at your petulance. “You know I worry about you. Are you still texting James?”
You smiled sweetly. “Each day that goes by, you act more and more like Mom. You know that?”
Robyn scoffed. “I do not!”
She could deny it all she wanted, but Robyn was turning into the spitting image of your mother. You laughed again. “You do too. Even down to the eye roll.”
She folded her arms over her chest, waiting for you to answer her question.
Two could play this game.
You wiped the corner of your mouth with your napkin unhurriedly. “If you must know, yes, James and I are still texting.”
“Has he sent any dick pics or asked for nudes?” Robyn asked earnestly.
“Yup. We engage in wildly pornographic phone sex every night.”
Robyn glanced around the restaurant with eyes wide as saucers, making sure none of the other patrons heard you. “(Y/N), I’m serious! Has he propositioned you?”
You huffed a small laugh. “Nope,” you admitted. “In fact, he’s the one that wants to take things slow. He accidentally called me the other day and hung up from jitters.” Robyn didn’t need to know the full truth.
“The jitters?” Robyn queried.
“Yeah. I even called him back, but he let it go to voicemail.”
“Then, he must be weird or ugly.”
You grimaced at her assumption. “Ew, Robbie. Don’t be gross,” you chastised. “He’s the opposite of ugly. I might even go as far as to call him handsome.”
“How? You don’t know what he looks like,” Robyn questioned.
You took a quick sip of your drink, holding up a finger. “Au, contraire mon frère. He sent me a selfie in the very beginning.”
Robyn looked at you, perplexed. “You know you just called me your brother, right?”
You waved a hand at her to dismiss her accusation. “Ma soeur just doesn’t have the same ring to it.” You pulled your phone out to offer proof.
“You can barely see his face!” she exclaimed. “What if he’s horribly disfigured on the other side? Or missing an arm?”
You shrugged. “Then, he’s missing an arm.” You got a distant look in your eyes as you recalled the last ten days of texting with James. “He’s different, Robbie. He’s smart and funny and caring. Polite. It feels like he has an old soul. He calls me doll for chrissakes!”
“Are you sure he isn’t some crusty, old man?” Robyn gagged at the thought.
“No, I don’t,” you chuckled in response. The faraway look returned after a moment. “To me, he’s just James.”
Realization dawned on Robyn’s face, lighting her up like a light bulb. “Oh, my god. You like him.”
“Well, yeah,” you acknowledged, “he’s my friend.”
“No. You like him like him.”
Your face reddened quickly with the awareness of your feelings. They weren’t real, were they? Shaking your head, you replied, ”Nothing will happen, Robbie. It’s just a crush.”
Skeptically, she agreed, “Uh-huh.”
“I believe that as much as I welcome a cold sore on my wedding day.” She scrunched her nose at the thought of a gross, red blemish on her face for her big day.
“Fine,” you acquiesced. “If I fall head over heels, madly in love with James by your wedding day, I’ll owe you a hundred bucks.”
Robyn raised a sculpted brow in interest. “I’m listening.”
“One hundred dollars. End of negotiation,” you stated. “I don’t have a spare hundred bucks, so it will be a motivator not to fall for James. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”
She smiled smugly, shaking her head in disbelief. “Uh-huh.”
“Will you stop saying that?” you said, throwing a piece of lettuce at her face. “You definitely sound like Mom.”
Robyn huffed in annoyance, back-handing your shoulder softly. “Shuddup! I do not!”
You chortled heartily at the mini tantrum she was throwing about becoming Mom. You’d say anything at this point to get her to forget about you and James.
In all honesty, there was no you and James. Not really. You were friends, but could you move past that?
He was hiding something.
Something big.
And it wasn’t part of the whole “man of mystery” persona, either. James was holding back.
He had a hard time giving up anything personal to you that went beyond his likes and dislikes, which led you to believe he had found it difficult to trust.
It angered you deeply without really knowing why. Something in his past had sparked the inability. You only wish you knew what.
Deep down, you could really see yourself falling for James, and that scared you to death.
Breaking you from your reverie, Robyn piped up, “You know, James is probably jerking off to your voicemail.”
“Oh, absolutely!” you retorted, both of you dissolving into a giggling fit.
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After leaving Robyn with a clear choice for centerpieces, you made your way back home. After a fifty-minute subway ride, you popped into the corner bodega for some essentials for the coming week.
Sauntering up the stairs to your third-floor walk-up, you steadied your armful of groceries with each step. It had been a long week, and now with the revelation of how you felt about James clouding your mind, a glass of wine, ice cream, and a bubble bath sounded good right about now.
You could barely see over the bags and juggled them precariously. As you stepped onto your floor, you recognized the voice of your next-door neighbor down the hall. He was talking with someone, but you couldn’t tell with whom or what about.
Blindly, you called out, “Hey, Peter? Can you be a lifesaver and help a neighbor out?” You heard the scuffle of footsteps over tile rush toward you.
Sighing in relief, you relinquished two bags to the arms reaching out. “Thanks, Pete! You’re a pe-”
You stopped mid-sentence when your view was finally cleared. Your sixteen-year-old neighbor wasn’t standing before you but a tall man with chestnut hair tied in a knot. Your lips parted slightly as your eyes widened to take in the figure’s full breadth holding your groceries.
Your eyes flicked to Peter as everything came back to focus. He was adjusting your other two bags in his arms.
“Miss (Y/L/N), this is Mr. Barnes from my Stark internship. He’s a friend. He was helping me with some history homework,” Peter explained, gesturing to the hulking man standing outside your apartment door.
“Peter,” you admonished, “how many times-” Last names weren’t meant to be spoken by friends slash neighbors.
Peter winced. “Right! Sorry, (Y/N)!” he apologized. “This is Bucky.”
Recognition crossed your face at the name. Smiling, you stuck out your hand in front of you. “Bucky Barnes, it’s nice to meet you.”
Bucky shifted one of your bags in his arms to reach out his hand. He smiled softly, “ Li-likewise.”  
Chapter Three | Chapter Five
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simplybakugou · 4 years
Birthday Wish
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↝ Having a pro hero boyfriend has its perks but when Bakugou isn’t able to spend time with you on your birthday, you can’t help but feel neglected.
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⋆ PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing, fluff, a teeny tiny piece of angst if you look hard enough ⋆ WORD COUNT: 1614
A/N: here’s another piece for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event! Thank you to @xtsundere-princess​ for requesting Bakugou for this prompt and happy belated birthday! I always love your feedback that you give, it always warms my heart. I hope you enjoyed this and had a wonderful birthday! :)
Credits to @eraserhead-transparents​ for the transparent Bakugou in my edit!
✐posted 07.11.2020✐
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If anyone had told you that you would be in a committed relationship with one of the top heroes in the world, you would never believe them. But here you were, heavily involved with a man you loved wholeheartedly and had no intention of letting go so long as you lived. 
Being a pro hero was no easy feat as it took hours and hours of daily dedication and hard work. Having an occupation that wasn’t centered around heroism, it made things difficult for you and Bakugou at times. You tried your best to be as understanding as you could, seeing how Bakugou put his all into his job especially when several news outlets would cover stories based on his heroic deeds on a daily basis.
But at times you felt lonely, like you were the only one putting so much effort into your relationship. 
You woke up on that particular day, springing upwards in your bed excitedly. It wasn’t like any other day; today was your birthday.
You turned over, expecting to be greeted by Bakugou’s sleepy expression but your face fell at the sight of the empty sheets. A sigh escaped your lips as you reached over and grabbed the note that was left on the nightstand. “Had to get up early for patrol. I’ll see you at dinner.” 
You tossed it back onto the table, begrudgingly getting up to get ready. You told yourself that it was fine, that Bakugou saving innocent civilians was more important than spending time with you on your special day. But deep down you felt a twinge of disappointment.
You shook your head, wanting to get rid of any negative thoughts flooding your head. “No, Y/N, it’s time to be positive today!”
With that in mind, you happily got ready, blasting your favorite songs while grinning and replying to the numerous birthday messages you got from your friends. Even Bakugou’s friends and coworkers wished you a happy birthday, offering to pay for dinner which you were thankful for. 
Out of all his friends, you were closest to Ashido Mina, smiling widely when she decided to call you. “Hello?”
“Happy birthday!” Mina exclaimed through the other line. “What are you, like 60 now?”
“Haha, very funny,” you said sarcastically, earning yourself a chuckle from Mina.
“What’re you planning on doing? Is Bakugou taking you somewhere fancy?”
“I’m not sure,” you said, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. “He got called to patrol real early this morning so I didn’t see him.”
“Aw, that sucks! I’m sure he’ll make it up to you later though.” Mina paused for a second, talking to someone in the background. “That was my manager. I’ve gotta head out. But I hope you have a great day, Y/N!”
“Thanks, Mina. I’ll talk to you later.” She hung up and you tossed your phone into your bag, grabbing your coat and keys, heading to work.
It’s gonna be a good day… it will be a good day.
You were pleasantly surprised by how welcoming your coworkers were on your special day, numerous people wishing you a happy birthday. Even your boss was exceptionally kind to you. The whole day you felt surrounded and flooded with feelings of love and support, overjoyed with how kind everyone was.
But there was still something missing.
It was like everything other than the fact that Bakugou hadn’t acknowledged your birthday was perfect. There wasn’t even any traffic as you made your way back to your apartment. But it still didn’t feel right, not to hear even a “happy birthday” from your boyfriend. 
As you stopped at a red light, you practically jumped over to grab your phone from the cupholder once Bakugou’s name popped up in your notifications. Cautious to not be caught on your phone while driving, even though you were at a red light, you quickly swiped at the text message, eager to see his message.
But you felt your hopes get crushed as you frowned at the message. “I’m sorry, babe, I’m stuck at the office. Don’t worry about dinner for me.” was all that it read. You threw your phone to the passenger seat, agitated even more by the sound of the car behind you honking impatiently. 
The day was almost over and you weren’t able to spend it with the one person you loved the most. You didn’t want to overreact but Bakugou meant so much to you and for once you wanted to spend the night with him and not worry about his agency pulling him away from you.
Nevertheless you made your way back to your place, your lips downturned like a frown would be permanently etched onto your face. You exited your car, trudging inside your apartment complex. To rain on your parade even more, the elevator was out of order and you groaned as you walked up six flights of stairs to get to your place. With your chest heaving heavily up and down as you attempted to catch your breath, you shoved your key into the lock of your door, swinging it open. 
You were greeted by a mouthwatering aroma as your eyes darted to the source of the delectable smell. Your dining table was adorned with a checkered tablecloth, silverware, wine, and a candle with its flame swaying back and forth. The mess you had pushed off for later to clean had been dealt with, your whole apartment now spotless from the ceiling to the floor. 
Your bag fell to the ground in shock and Bakugou walked in from the other room, eyes widened once he saw you. “What’re you doing here?!”
“Um… I live here?” You said, your tone filled with confusion.
“No, I meant you weren’t supposed to come so early,” Bakugou grumbled, walking towards the stove to tend to whatever was causing this delicious smell. You peered over his shoulder, squealing internally to see your favorite dish that only Bakugou could make perfectly. 
“My boss let me out early. But what’s all this?” You asked, gesturing to the food and the perfectly set table. “I thought you were stuck at work?”
Bakugou smirked, wrapping an arm around you as he pulled you close to him. “You think I’d leave my girl alone on her birthday? I may be an asshole sometimes, but I’m not a dick.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “You didn’t have to lie though.”
Bakugou chuckled, kissing your head. “Just wanted to make some suspense. Plus I didn’t even finish making this shit. Why else do you think I asked the doorman to close the elevator?”
You looked at him in bewilderness. “You did that?! I had to walk up six flights of stairs! I almost died!”
Bakugou looked you up and down. “You look fine to me.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Well not all of us are in shape.”
“Just go sit down. I’ll finish up here,” Bakugou said, stirring up the contents of the pan.
“But aren’t you tired? You just came from work and--”
“Fine,” you said with a pout, slipping down onto your seat and propping your elbows onto the table, your head resting on your palms. 
You silently watched your boyfriend at work, focusing on his blonde brows knit together as he concentrated on the task at hand. You were grinning now from ear to ear, your previous disappointed feelings diminished the second you saw the state of your place. In that moment, you fell for Bakugou all over again like you did the second you met him. Under his abrasive attitude, one that most people would mistaken for as him being a piece of shit, you knew he was a caring man who sometimes didn’t know how to portray his feelings outwardly.
But when he did, you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
Bakugou stopped stirring as his scarlet eyes met yours, raising a questioning brow at you. “What?”
“You’re staring.”
You shrugged, smiling at him. “You just look really hot right now.”
Bakugou smirked, your statement undoubtedly adding onto his already inflated ego. “I look hot all the fucking time.”
“You know, you make it so hard to compliment you sometimes…” you teased, sitting up in your seat as he began plating the dish onto two ceramic plates. He walked over to you, setting down the plate in front of you. You gazed down at the plate excitedly, your hand immediately reaching for your chopsticks.
“Thanks for the meal, Katsu,” you said, not hesitating to take your first bite.
“How is it?” Bakugou asked, smiling at the sight of the pure happiness practically radiating off of you. 
You beamed, swallowing the leftover food in your mouth before replying. “It’s delicious, Katsuki. Thank you for doing this.”
Bakugou shrugged, continuing to watch as you ate. “I never even see you now so I thought I could do something for your birthday.”
You smiled appreciatively. “Thank you for doing this. I know how hard you work and I know it must’ve been difficult to get out of work tonight.”
Bakugou could feel his cheeks heating up. Whenever you praised him, he couldn’t help but feel flustered. He turned his head, avoiding your eyes. “Whatever, it’s not that big a deal.”
You snickered, taking another bite of your food. You glanced down at his plate as it was untouched. “You’re not eating?”
“I’ll eat later.” He watched and smiled as you grinned from the deliciousness of the food. “I like watching you eat.”
Needless to say that your night had ended in the best way possible, and your one birthday wish was fulfilled.
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
#1 Crush
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You and Bucky are stranded for a few days in a safe house. Unbeknownst to you, Bucky is quite infatuated with you. Wonder if anything will come of that?
Warnings: 18+ Only, smut, oral, naughty thoughts etc.
Word Count: 1,396
A/N: Happy 4th Night of Chanukah and Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone had a great time with family and/or friends! We’re halfway through Chanukah. Have you all been enjoying it lovelies? Thank you so much for all the comments. I’ve been working to reply but I am slow. Sorry!
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Bucky watched your mercurial movements in the tiny kitchenette of the safe house you were trapped in for the next 72 hours Together. Alone. 
If it had been any other team member it wouldn’t be an issue, but it was you. The woman who constantly invaded Bucky’s thoughts.  The woman he was not so sure how to talk to, he wasn’t the same man before the War, before HYDRA. 
You had trained and pushed yourself harder than any he’d known save for Steve. You were courageous, tactical, a phenomenal cook and most of all drop-dead gorgeous. The flare of your hips, that juicy ass, and thighs he wanted to wear as earmuffs.
He dragged his fingers through the short dark locks he had hoped by returning to his former looks would help instill some confidence in him he once possessed with women. While it was cathartic the most it did, in the long run, was make showering less of a pain. 
So he remained stoic in his relationship with you admiring you from a distance. One particular evening when he starred a little too hard at you Sam picked up on it. After a good ribbing, he offered his assistance in bringing his love life to the 21st Century. Bucky had to refuse, he wasn’t used to being the one who needed help with the ladies.
Watching you currently bent over, to place whatever delicious food you had concocted with meager safe house resources into the oven he found himself salivating at the sight of your shorts wedging between your ass cheeks. He was doomed.
His metal fingers twitched, overwhelmed at the need to strike the luscious flesh presented to him. Pulling at his pants to make room for his growing discomfort he made his way into one of the bedrooms, hell-bent on finding something to distract him.
Laying down on the twin bed he couldn’t help but grunt at the pillow-soft bed. He hated soft beds, idly he wondered if he could talk Steve into ordering them changing the beds at the Avenger Safehouses. Use his friend’s status of Captain to his advantage. Bucky frowned, he wouldn’t do that to Steve, plus what if Tony was involved in that? Things could get awkward quick, half the team was already weary of him, except you.
Lost in his thoughts you caught him off guard when the door creaked open at your entrance.
“Hey,” Bucky stumbles out, “What is up?” He internally cringes, Jesus he sounds like Steve. What is up? Who says what is up?!
Instead of answering you climbed on top of the bed straddling his waist. Your hands pressed on his chest to steady yourself. The muscles unyielding and warm beneath your fingers, you gently curl into his tank top while rolling your hips.  
“Woah, woah,” Bucky’s hands gripped your thighs to still you. Any friction surely to awaken something he was sure you didn’t want. Right? 
“Doll, what are you doing?” He tried his best to ignore how supple your thighs felt. 
“Food’s going to take a while and I’m hungry now,” He rose his brow at your nonchalant tone.
“Well, I’m sure there is other food in the kitchen.” Bucky tried to carry on but he was becoming increasingly distracted by the feel of your weight on him.
“Not for food,” You hover your head above his, he could smell the minty toothpaste at how close you were. His brow furrowed, lines forming between his eyebrows. 
“I’m not following,” The delectable smile you gave him caused worry and hope all at once. You moved closed, lips brushed against his.
“You don’t have to do anything,” Bucky made an audible gulp. 
When you kissed him it was soft, languid and everything Bucky wants. You drag your tongue along the seam of his lips, Bucky, unfamiliar with being the docile one in such interactions but too petrified to ruin this moment by taking charge, opens his mouth to your intrusion. When your tongues meet the change in the air is electric. Passion ramped up, your hands push his tank up to bunch over his pecs. Fingernails dragging down the exposed flesh leaving a frenzy of sensations.
Your hips slowly undulate against him, the stimulate leading to inevitable rise in his pants. You whimper against his lips feeling his length press against you.
Letting out a whimper you pull your lips away, Bucky lifts his head up to capture your lips again but you are too far away. He huffed, letting his head fall back on the pillow and you let out a soft chuckle.
“Don’t worry, “ you started to shimmy down his body, kissing his warm skin as you go, biting one of his protruding peck causing him to hiss. “I’ll take care of you.” The wheeze of breath he takes in at your words make your lips curl up as you descend, hands working to open his tactical pants.
Finally on your knees with your succulent ass swaying in the air, you pull his flushed cock from his boxers. Licking your lips in longing as pre-cum leaking out the tip. Before Bucky can slow you down, everything was going so fast, your tongue is on him.
Your kitten licks on the head of his leaking tip caused Bucky's chest to heave. His head bent watching you as your hand wraps around his thick base. He swore to all above and below he had never seen something so splendid until you with your lips around his cock.
DIpping your head down you swallowed him down to the root. The sensation of your throat contracting around him as you try to breathe through your nose taking as deep as you can left Bucky breathless. The lewd sound of your gag as he pushes his hips up towards your mouth bounces off the wall.
Without wasting a moment you begin to bob up and down, your tongue tracing veins as you drag his cock out of your mouth, only to push your face back to his pubic bone. Quick session huffs are all Bucky can get out, he races to place his hands on your face to stop you but you take his hands by the wrist and hold them down on the bed.
“D-doll” he stutters as he hits the back of our throat once more slipping down that on so wet and tight heat. “You gotta slow down.”
You barely get out a hummed negative around his cock before you double your efforts. Your hair flying up and down as you move your mouth up and down his cock in a frenzy. You wanted to feel him let loose for you.
You needed it.
 Letting go of his hands you cup his balls and squeeze the base of his cock, pumping up towards your mouth wrapped around his tip sucking and lavish your tongue, Your eyes trained on him, watching the way he suddenly seized up. You hold back your smile at the sublime picture above you.
Bucky is startled at a knocking noise, his eyes jerked open to face the wall opposite the door in the little room he claimed as his own. Asleep, he had been asleep the whole time. The knocking came again and he blinked rapidly in attempts to get his bearings. 
With the gruff “Come in” he sees you push the door open.
“It’s soup,” you let your eyes roam over his spread out body. He was rolling onto his back, clearly had fallen asleep in the warm, cozy house. Eyes tracing the veins up his arm spreading over the bulging muscles hidden behind his tank top.
“You made soup?”  His questioned, perplexed what soup you could cook in the oven.
“What?” You finally looked him in the face, pretending you hadn’t been ogling his body. If Bucky picked up on your actions he didn’t make any indication. “No no, I didn’t make soup, it’s just a saying.”  
“Oh,” Bucky flushed at his ignorance. An awkward silence reigned in the air. 
“Uh, well come on!” You encouraged before leaving the threshold to make your way back to the kitchen.
Bucky lets out a puff of air dragging his hand down his face before looking down at the mess surely under his pants. He came from a dream about you doing the most salacious things to him. He was decidedly doomed.
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sweetwritertanya · 5 years
Innocent Smile
Summary: Although you are a bubbly happy person, you are insecure about your teeth due to your braces. You feel like they make you ugly and that your boyfriend Jungkook doesn’t like them nor your smile.
Warnings: SMUT! About half is fluff/plot and the rest is smut. So, be aware of: fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex (don’t do this IRL!), biting (just a bit)
REQUESTED: YES. A sweet reader asked me quite a while ago to do something with this specific scenario. Because I wanted the main insecurity to be the braces, there aren’t any specific body descriptions, so the reader can be chubby or slim. Hope you all enjoy!
Word Count: 3632
“Hey, Y/N, you coming or what?” you hear Jimin’s voice call out from the other side of the door.
“Yeah, just a second and I’ll be right there!” you yell back at him.
“Don’t hurry her, Jimin. If you’re in such a hurry, just go ahead without us” an angry Jungkook proposes and you could almost see the scowl on his face and the crossed arms over his chest as he spoke.
“Geez, Kook, calm down. Jimin is just excited to go to the beach” Jin came to the second youngest rescue.
“Ok, ok, I’m ready” you immediately say, grabbing your bag and filling it up with all you had left to pack, hoping you weren’t forgetting something.
Out of the door of you room, Jungkook was sulking right behind your door, regarding with frowned eyebrows all the other six members who were lounging around waiting for you to be ready. Trying to lift up everyone’s spirits, you smile at the boys brightly as you pull the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
“Who’s ready to go to the beach?” you ask happily.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Taehyung jumps from his seat and grabs Jimin and Hoseok by the shoulders, leading them out of the house and into the van waiting outside.
“It’s fine, Y/N. They are the impatient ones” Namjoon assured you, one hand on your shoulder and a dimple smile before going out as well.
“I don’t even want to go… Got dragged out of bed of bed for this, really…” you hear Yoongi grumbling lowly as he gets up.
“It’ll be fun, I promise! And the beach won’t be too busy at this time of the year, so you can nap if you want!” you promise him, smiling brightly at the tired boy.
“Fine, fine. Counting on you to keep them away from me when I’m sleeping, then” he asks of you.
“I’ll do my best” is all you’re comfortable assuring, knowing how chaotic and active the other guys were.
When everyone is gone, Jungkook comes to stand beside you as you grab the keys to close the door of your home. You look up excited at him, knowing he had been looking forward to this day as well, but he seems to be in a bad mood. You really wish he would smile more, he had such a pretty perfect smile.
“Stay close to me today, angel. And stop smiling so much at all the guys” he tells you dryly.
“O-Oh… Yeah, sorry” you murmur, lowering your head as you close the door.
Something you had always been very self-conscious about was your smile. For a majority of your life, you had crooked teeth that made you scared to smile too widely. But last year you actually went to the dentist and were able to get braces. The thought of having a beautiful smile in the near future kept your spirits up, even as your braces made you uncomfortable. However, you had the suspicion your boyfriend, Jungkook, didn’t like your braces.
You didn’t blame him, the braces were very ugly. You worried that was the main reason he didn’t seem interested in taking things further with you. All the months you have been dating and he never attempted to take things more than a few heavy kisses. When you smiled shyly at him, flushed at his tender or hungry kisses, he always retrieved himself. Seeing your braces must turn him off, was what you thought.
The whole day at the beach, you caught Jungkook looking annoyingly at you whenever you were playing with the rest of the boys, forgetting about your insecurities and smiling openly and laughing loudly with them. At one point, you tripped and fell in the sand. Your ankle hurt a bit, but nothing major. Jungkook, however, made sure you put ice on it and kept you sited beside him under the parasol for the rest of the day. He refused to leave you alone even as you assured him you were fine and that he should go and have fun with the boys.
“Really, Jungkook, you’re overreacting” you tell him, as he has an arm around your shoulders to help you walk up to your house at the end of the day.
“I’m being cautious, something you should be as well. You were so caught up playing with them that you forgot to see where you were going and hurt yourself. Really, how clumsy of you” he scolds, opening the door in your stead and leading you inside.
You pout and get away from his hold, making way to your bedroom without sparing a second look his way. He was being incredibly negative and mean today, and you had no idea why. It was like seeing you smile annoyed him, and it brought tears to your eyes to think it’s because he thinks you look ugly when you do, that you embarrass him.
You start taking your things out of your bag, getting ready to go and wash the sand out of your body, but Jungkook knocks on your bedroom door. You didn’t think he was still in the house. You open the door but don’t really look him in the eye.
“Why are you angry?” he asks with a soft voice, crossed arms and a shoulder leaning on the doorway.
“Because you’ve been angry all day with me too” you explain, mimicking his position with your arms. “I wanted all of us to have fun today, but you looked bothered all day.”
“Sorry, angel. I was frustrated today and didn’t notice you were saddened by it. Sorry” he apologizes as he steps in, holding you close to his chest. You allow yourself to feel how warm he was, how delectably summery and sea foamy he smelled like, how his strong arms kept you close and safe. But there was a question perturbing you for so long now, you just had to know.
“Was it… because I was smiling so much?” you whisper loudly enough for him to hear, head still laying in his chest. You hear and feel him sigh, his chest rising and descending. You tense up in his arms as you await his response.
“To tell the truth… yeah. It was.”
Hurt, but still glad he finally told you the truth, you extract yourself from his hug and turn your back to him, your eyes starting to fill with tears.
“B-Because my braces make me ugly, right? Sorry, I’ll be wearing them for at least another year so, if it bothers you that much m-”
“What the hell are you talking about?” he interrupts your strained speech.
You turn to see the most confused expression on his beautiful sculptured face, head leaning to the right, furrowed eyebrows above his big brown eyes and slightly parted pink lips.
“My braces. Whenever I smile, it’s ugly. Isn’t that why you hate it?”
He steps inside the room, an indecipherable expression on his face as he walks slowly in your direction, making you back away until the back of your knees hit the curve of your bed. He stops, leaving only a few inches between the two of you, so close you feel his breath as he speaks.
“Is that what you’ve been thinking all day? That I don’t like my girlfriend’s smile?” his voice is low and incredulous.
Your breath is catching at your throat and you feel your skin heat up. Your hands are clasping the fabric of your dress at your sides and you answer him while staring at his chest.
“I’ve noticed for a while, now. Not just today” you confess in a hurt whisper.
You gasp as he suddenly grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing you to raise your head and look at his fiery eyes.
“You couldn’t be farther from the truth” he dictates.
As if to prove it, he smashed his lips to yours passionately, with a savage intensity you had yet to see from him. Taken aback by the sequence of events, you were pretty much frozen in place as he cradled your head in between his hands, caressing your mouth lovingly with every movement of his lips on top of yours.
When he skimmed the tip of his tongue on your bottom lip, that’s when a jolt of electricity ran through your body and awoke you to action. Your hands found the sides of his body, clawing at the fabric of his t-shirt, as you sighed into his mouth and parted your lips, allowing him to delve his tongue and dance with yours as the kiss deepened.
He tasted like salt and sun, made you shiver when his tongue ran across the metallic strands on your teeth. You moaned before you could stop it, pulling him closer to you. More than willing to comply, Jungkook’s hands fell into your hips and started to explore your body from there, over the thin fabric of your summer dress.
Hips, back, arms and shoulders, his hands were flattening against every surface on your body. Your lips parted wetly when you felt the slightest of pushes that made you both fall onto the bed behind you, Jungkook hovering above you with lust filled eyes, much like yours must have been.
“How could you think I find any part of you ugly, when all I’ve been doing for months is holding myself back?” he asks with a hoarse voice, a slight color on his cheeks at his admission. You gasp, bewildered at his confession.
“Why? I don’t want you to hold back. I love you” you tell him, raising your hands to cup his perfect jawline. He smiles and chuckles a bit, lowering himself down so he is only holding himself up on his forearms, face just slightly above yours. His hands, on either side of your head, are brushing your air away from your face.
“My innocent angel. I never wanted to pressure you into something you didn’t want or weren’t ready for, that’s it. Because I love you too” he explained.
“So, you don’t hate my braces?” you ask in confirmation.
“No. I think they make you that much cuter” he reassures you, dipping his head down to start leaving little ghost pecks on the skin of your jaw, down your neck and in your mostly nude shoulder.  It makes your skin feverish and tingle, becoming hard for you to think.
“Jung… Jungkook?” he simply hums in response, not raising his head from where he was kissing the juncture of your neck and shoulder. “I… I’m ready for whatever you’re ready.”
That gets his attention, as his head shots up and he look down at you with eyes as big as saucers. It was such an unusual reaction of his that it made you smile amusingly. He seems distracted for a moment before he lightly shakes his head and focuses on what you said.
“Are… Are you sure about that?”
You simply nod shyly, making him smirk as he leans down to capture your lips for another breath-taking kiss, filled with all the repressed want and longing he had for you. While tongues clash and lips meld together, his hands find the hem of your dress and start pulling it up, until it is scrunched up on your tummy. He brakes the kiss to pull the rest of it from your body, leaving you in the bikini you wore that day at the beach. You weren’t any more exposed than when you had been having fun at the sea, but his intense stare made your skin catch on fire and you were squirming a bit under him.
“You look so beautiful, Y/N. Too beautiful. I hated how everyone was looking at you” he said, tugging his own shirt out of his body.
“Is that why you were so sulked today?” you realize suddenly, half focused on his response and half focused on the bare skin of his torso. Your hands lifted before you knew, itching to feel the expanse of his chest under them. He was muscled but his skin was incredibly soft and you felt something akin with pride when his muscles tensed up and twitched under your fingertips. He hissed and pulled your wrists away as he came down to kiss you again.
“Worst of all, you were smiling at everyone” he continued, his lips leaving your mouth and starting descending through your skin. “That radiant innocent smile should be only for me”.
As if punishing you, his mouth finds the hill of your covered breasts and bites on it, hard enough to surely leave a mark. You scream, but it was both of pleasure and pain, as his tongue immediately soothes the skin he abused. His hands are undoing the lace on your back and soon the top of your bikini is pushed aside.
Jungkook groans at the sight of you and a torturous pleasure ensues, with his licks and bites and squeezes on your sensitive breasts, enticing all sorts of strange noises from your mouth. He has you hot and bothered in no time, writhing beneath him, toes curling and head spinning. Your body is highly aware of the dampness between your legs and you rub your legs together in an attempt of some relief.
Seeing your actions, Jungkook catches your knees and opens them so he can stand in between them, starting to kiss from the sides of your calves up your legs, hands softly rubbing your thighs as he moves up your twitching form. When he kisses your inner thigh, a bolt of lust sizzles in your abdomen and you whimper.
“J-Jungkook, please!” you beg of him.
He is smirking smugly against your thighs but you don’t dare look down to him. The thought of him between your legs was already erotic enough; seeing him would make you come undone.
A few more open-mouthed kisses on your soft inner thighs and he finally pressed a finger into your aching covered core. You wince at the contact, hips shaking as he presses them down with his free hand. You were certainly wet enough to dampen the bikini bottom, but he continued his teasing above the fabric in incredibly frustrating slow motions.
It took a few more begs from you for he to rid you of the unnecessary piece of clothing, leaving you naked before him. You cover your face with the back of your hands as you feel him opening your folds and looking at your most intimate spot.
“My angel is so pretty… so cute” he compliments, only contributing to your already hot face.
And then you feel the first tantalizing flick of his tongue against you, making you cry out with pleasure. Empowered by your reactions, he continued rubbing your velvet center with his tongue, slurping on the abundant juices you provided until he found a fleshy button that made your whole body shake as he lapped on it.
You were already half-gone, your mind going blank and only white noise on your burning ears, a tension deep on the pit of your stomach threatening to explode, when he slid one of his fingers inside your aching tight hole, while his tongue was busy with your clit. You wailed and arched on the bed, grasping the duvet beneath you with iron fists. A second finger joined the first and together started stroking in and out lazily, stopping every other plunge to scissor the inside of your walls, stretching you out in a delicious way. Their rubbing and the swirling tongue around your cluster of nerves soon had your slick heat spasming and tightening around his fingers, hoarse moans leaving your lips as you saw stars behind your eyelids.
You went limp for a few moments, trying to regain your faculties and coming back to reality. As you started to control your breath, you felt Jungkook leaving sucking kisses up the sides of your body, his dark hair tingling your sensitive skin. When he found a particular spot just above the end of your ribcage, you squirmed away instinctively as a laugh escaped you.
“Ha ha…!” you laugh as he chases you and brushes his fingers against your side.
“Ticklish, are we?” he asks amused, a loving smile tugging at his lips as he sees you laughing beneath him.
“Ha ha! S-Stop! Ha ha…” you struggle to demand between breathy chuckles.
He complies and, instead of kissing your sides, he returns to your mouth. The movement of his hungry lips reignite the fire inside you, your skin prickling again with his brushing hands against your breasts and the delving of his tongue back inside your mouth. Your hands explore the expanse of his back, his shoulders, his arms. He groans and presses against you, making you feel the hardening member inside his shorts.
You flush at his arousal, but bravely brush your knuckles against him, just to see his reaction. He hisses and hides his head on your shoulder, catching his breath for a moment. When he starts standing up, you almost panic and beg him to stay, afraid you did something wrong. But such doubts are immediately shooed away when you see him pulling down his shorts and, with them, his swimwear as well.
He comes back to the bed as naked as you were, shaft standing proudly erect against his stomach, flushed pink and glistening at the crown. He takes the opportunity to feel up your body from your thighs up as he climbs the bed, kissing and nibbling at your skin and flesh as he moves until he is settled between your legs, face to face with you.
Your whole body is shaking with anticipation, heat rising off of you in waves. When he rubs his length against your moist folds, you throw your head back and moan. He was so close and yet too far of where he was supposed to be. He catches your mouth for you to swallow his groans, kissing you with a searing fire telling of how much he waited for this.
Positioning himself, in one single swoop he is fully sheathed inside of you, filling you to the brim with little to no resistance. A thrill shots up your spine at the sensation of him stretching you out, more than his fingers could, and the feeling of him throbbing against your clenching walls drives you mad.
Kissing the hollow of your neck as he grasps your hips tightly, Jungkook starts to move. He pulls back and droves forward again and again, the pleasurable friction making you moan and whimper at an embarrassing high rate. He keeps plunging into your tight heat quicker and quicker, both of your breaths shallow and erratic, hearts hammering in your chests, a sheen of sweat on your skin.
You buck your hips up, trying to keep up with him, but he is hammering you with such precision that it seems like a futile effort. The tightness in your abdomen is becoming excruciating, desire cursing through your veins like fire and you don’t think you’ll hold on for much longer. Opening your eyes, you look at Jungkook through heavy lashes. He is staring right at you, much to your embarrassment, and leans down to kiss your swollen lips once more. His chest is now rubbing against your hard nipples and is just another sensation about to bring you to the edge as his thrusts don’t lose any speed.
“Smile for me, angel” he asks in between desperate breaths. “Smile for me.”
It made you so happy to hear his request, your smile being such a big insecurity of yours, that you actually feel tears in your eyes. But they were happy tears and a smile does come to your face as you pull him down to meet his lips lovingly.
He grunts as pulls on the back of your left thigh, pulling your leg up as he picks up speed with his thrusts and starts hitting at a pad of nerves deep inside that made you scream his name as it sends out bliss to all parts of your body, sparks irradiating from your pulsating core and making you cry out in pure delight. As he feels you clenching snuggly around his length, he grits his teeth and hammers three more times into you before his own body jolting and spilling inside with a stutter of his hips.
Jungkook is breathing hard as he lays his limp body next to yours, one arm managing to wrap around your waist and pull your side close to him. You still feel like you’re floating from the magnitude of the pleasure you felt, but your senses come back enough for you to look at his face, lying next to yours to your left, blinking eyes as if he was struggling not to fall asleep. You smile happily, feeling satiated, reassured and loved, more than you ever felt before.
“That exact smile” he murmurs, strong enough to point a finger at your face, even as he is very tired. “That smile is only for me. Don’t share with no one else.”
“Of course it’s only for you” you promise him, rolling to your side so you can press your naked bodies together in a warm hug. “Only you can make me feel this happy and loved, Jungkook.”
“Good. Good.” He whispers back.
You chuckle against his chest.
“Stay the night?” you ask.
When he doesn’t answer, you look up to find him already asleep, his arms possessively around your waist keeping you close. You giggle again and pull a thin sheet to cover you both on this warm summer night. You decided that your shower would have to wait for tomorrow. And, who knows? Maybe you would have company.
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lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Worth Fighting For: Chapter 2 - Reflections of Time
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[A/N: After much deliberation and obsessing, I have put this fic under a major edit and only slight re-write. This is will hopefully be a bit clearer on the vision I had for the story, world and more importantly the characters. I hope everyone enjoys!]
He was ruthless, cunning, and completely committed to protecting his city; but her arrival to Dauntless called everything he ever thought he believed into question. She was haunted by a past she vowed to make amends for and resolved to sacrifice her very life it meant she could protect her family, faction, and city. Duty and following orders were no longer enough and they both found more than they ever hoped for. They both found something worth fighting for. Eric/OC AU M (Language, Sexual Content, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Tragedy)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai @ericdauntless @beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings @jojuarez26 @oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals @singingpeople @iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt @clublulu333 @fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here wuz-here@badassbaker @beanzjellly @beltz2016 @meganbee15 @affabletimelady @scorpio2009 @gylisaa @geekybeyondallreason@violetsonthelam @kyloswarstars @emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog @slytherin-princess-25273 @whatwouldbuffydo666 @jaiboomer11 @holamor @wealwayskeepfighting @original46  @blakefc
Chapter 2- Reflections Of Time
Eric-Choosing Day:    Roughly one year ago
Whispers of silk moving against silk. Muffled gasps and moans. Flashes of delectable skin, so close and charged with a heat that called to me. These sensory images haunted me through my nights, leaving me in a tangled mess of my own making in bed. The space beside me remained cold, but in those dreams, it burned with the heat of passion. A passion I could never imagine existed in reality, and if ever asked would deny I would even want. Because what those images, those nightmares I am coming to call them, brought forth in me is a terrible burning in my heart and soul. A feeling of being so complete and of such rapture that the cold light of day leaves me a broken husk of a man.
There aren’t many that get to see beyond the normal mask I wear at all times. I can count on one hand those that have seen anything from me beyond negative emotions but there are only two people that really give a shit to see more anyways.
Lately, even they don’t get to see any semblance of the man behind the mask because that mask is slowly seeping into every part of me.
At twenty-four years old I feel like a man of eighty. The weight of a faction, no an entire fucking city, seems to be pressing down on me.
Now I know why Max was reluctant to make me leader even with pressure from Jeanine. He had needed to know I wasn’t in it just for Jeanine because if I was then this pressure would make me snap. It would break me. It is trying to break me and it scares the shit out of me every day how close it is coming to doing just that.
The screeching of the digital alarm clock on my bedside table, as well as the alarm on my watch, alerts me that I need to get my butt in gear and get ready to face another day. One of the worst days of my year is about to start and I need coffee to be able to deal with what is in store for the next few hours alone, not even counting the rest of the day.
So, I begin my day with a cup of coffee in my apartment, then head out to the meetings that will take up most of the morning before the new initiates arrive. This messes up my normal routine so that is another reason to add to my foul mood.
Chase slides a breakfast sandwich across to me when he takes his place at the conference table. “Zach put a couple of these together for us this morning since we couldn’t do the normal thing.” He mumbles around a large bite he has just taken of his own food.
“Thanks.” I nod and take a bite while looking over notes and waiting for the meeting to start.
Lauren breezes in, late, as usual, causing all of us to scowl but Chase even more since he is the one stuck with her for training the Dauntless-born.
The meeting starts out with the same shit that we deal with from day to day then goes on to cover this year’s initiation, which is more of the same shit as years past. Although, there are some new rules that are being implemented this year. Also, cuts are being made this year, steep cuts. Instead of passing everyone through that doesn’t become so injured they can’t continue like in the years before, this year we will have cuts during the stages of training based on the ranks of the two classes.
There was some disagreement about the changes at the time of proposal but in the end, they were approved by simple necessity. This years group is going to be a large one after the absence of any choosing for the past two years. It boiled down to we just don’t have the resources to keep all of them and that meant the weakest would need to go.
I rub the bridge of my nose as Four speaks up about his displeasure in regard to the cuts and fighting changes. He keeps shooting glares my way, as always pinning all of this shit on me. Never mind that there are four other leaders sitting around this table that are just as responsible for passing the new rules, and Max the senior leader that has final say.
Chase shoots me a look that, his way of telling me to keep it cool. I look away and clench my fists on the table while letting the others deal with it.
You would think after eight years of dealing with each other we could move past old shit, but that isn’t going to happen with me and Four. At times, I wish with all my might that I had been able to prove my suspicions about him so I could get him out of the picture altogether.
With a sigh, I crack my neck and focus back on the meeting. It’s going to be a long hour until the meeting breaks and we can all finally head to greet the new blood.
The four or five Dauntless members that stan on the roof waiting for the train take bets on what kind of mix we will see in the initiates this year. We tossed around predictions on what faction the first jumper will be from, and what faction will likely be the last jumper.
The Choosing Ceremony has been over for a while now, but it takes a good hour for the train to make its way to the jumping point. Max already called that it should be appearing within the next five minutes or so.
Max is handling greeting initiates this year. He decided this because of what happened the very last initiation we had two years ago. I was in charge of greeting them on the roof and had not been pleased about it, to say the least.
When no one stepped up and volunteered, not the first time that has happened, I lost patience. I just decided to toss the first person near me over the ledge. I was informed that, while it had been amusing and we are looking to inspire a little fear in the initiates, that wasn’t exactly the fear the other leaders had been aiming for.
For me, I have mixed feelings about the event. See at the time, it had felt fantastic. For all of three minutes it felt great, and then it felt just as hollow as everything else feels to me lately.
So, I’m glad to hand that particular duty over to him. I have enough on my plate to deal with already. Between being in charge of overseeing training as well as the multitude of meetings I have to attend normally, I already have a full workload. Not to mention that I’m expected to just drop everything and go running to Matthews when she quirks her finger for us to. It’s exhausting, annoying, and my mood that isn’t great in the best of times is anything but mellow these days.
“Train approaching!” Someone calls out loudly from near Max where he stands ready on the ledge, and Chase nudges me, grinning like the happy fucker he is.
“Remember the bet. The first jumper is gonna a Candor this year.” Chase said with a knowing smile. He is still firmly pulling for his former faction even though he always loses.
I scoff and roll my eyes at playing this same game even knowing how it’s going to end. But I play along anyways. The guy is my best friend after all.
It still surprises the shit out of me that I became best friends with two former mouth’s, the nickname/slur that has been coined for the people in the Candor faction.  I had always found Candor’s to be annoying before transfer and over the years and having to interact closely with that faction at times as a leader, that feeling hasn’t gone away, it got worse.
So the friendship that developed is surprising in general because of where he came from and my inability to make friends at all. Chase is the only friend besides Zach that can claim to know anything about me or see any other side of me besides what the rest of the faction and city see. They have also seen me at my worst and still seem determined to stick around, that has to count for something.
“Dauntless-born. It’s been Dauntless-born every year since after our choosing.” I say with a smug smirk.
The bet is not about who will be jumping from the train first but who will step up and take the literal plunge we put all new arrivals through.
After getting off the train by jumping from it, while it’s still in motion, to the roof where members of their new faction are waiting for them we have them take one more jump. This one is different because they won’t know what’ll be waiting for them at the end of that jump like they do for the one from the train.
On one side of the roof, there is a ledge where the person greeting the new blood waits, standing on the edge. Behind him waits a hole through another roof that’s actually several stories down. The jump must be made from where we all stand, seven stories up. The hole is wide, but it’s completely dark and there’s nothing indicating what, if anything, will be at the end of it to catch the jumper.
This is the only entrance that’s offered to initiates and is one of many tests that they will be subjected to over the course of their introduction to the faction. If they don’t jump, they don’t stay. Simple as that.
I had been the last non-Dauntless-born first jumper. Back then, the choosing age was sixteen. It’s been changed twice since then. First, it went to eighteen right after my choosing year. Then it was changed to twenty. So there haven’t been many initiations between mine and now, but what there has been has always ended with Dauntless-born being first.
Chase chuckles at my look and shakes his head.
Then we hear it. The horn of the train, letting us know that the train is close and making its way towards us. It slows slightly as it comes around the corner that’s just before the row of roofs that are all part of the compound.
It’s the only concession we made for this part. We slowed the train enough that it gave time for all the jumpers to take their turn. That’s not to say that everyone is actually going to make it though.
The first car of the train is usually filled with the Dauntless members that went to the ceremony. Usually in either an official capacity or because they had family choosing.
Some of them stay on the roof after they make their jump. Some of them prefer to go to the area where the net is to wait and see the initiates and their reactions to the fall through the dark hole of the roof. Most of the others just go on about their day or duties or start partying.
Dauntless-born came next, interspersed with transfers. At first, I see the normal mix of Erudite and Candor in among the Dauntless-born.  It’s all pretty boring after years of the same. When you have watched this same procession many times before anything out of the ordinary will catch your eye in a heartbeat.
So, when two of our prospective initiates are in some kind of altercation or stand-off before they even get off the fucking train, it gets my attention. The fact that the two involved are a Candor boy and Abnegation girl really has me on alert. From the look on the Candor guys face, I’m fully expecting to see a grey splatter on the ground in seconds.
But then I get the surprise of my fucking life.
From the distance they are at from me, I can see the Abnegation girl had been sneering at the boy when they were saying whatever it was they were saying to each other. That changed in a flash as it morphs into a wicked smile that sends chills down even my spine and just as quick I get another shock when she springs into action.
She shoves the Candor from the train. It happened so fast that it wasn’t until he was already in the air that there are reactions from around the roof from anyone that’s actually paying attention.
There are some gasps along with calls of surprise and laughter as he falls straight to the roof with surprising force and accuracy, a girly shriek tearing from him as he goes.
“Are you seeing this?” Chase said while gasping in laughter and disbelief from beside me.
Of course, I’m seeing it. I can’t fucking look away. Especially when I see that directly after she shoved the mouth, she jumped herself while laughing all the way.
Whoever the hell the girl is she’s handling this far better than she should be.
When she lands she goes into a roll. Letting the force of the jump carry her forward and not fighting against it like most newbies do. Instead, she goes into a tuck and roll then pops up, brushing herself off as if she just got a little dust on her jacket and she didn’t just jump from a moving locomotive onto a seven-story roof.
I watch her with narrowed eyes trying to get a better look at her. Up until now she has either been far away, in motion or turned away from me, preventing me from seeing her face but allowing me to evaluate what I can see.
She doesn’t seem to be much of anything. The grey clothes are typical for a stiff and swallow her up. She’s short, maybe five-six or five-seven. What figure I can make out through the crap she’s wearing seems to be rather boyish. No real indication of curves, but then again her clothes really are made to mask any of that per faction dictate. Abnegation seems to prefer to make their people look like carbon copies of each other with no regard to sex, rather androgynous.
Other people have joined her on the roof in rapid succession, but I haven’t been able to look away. She’s already an anomaly and I’m highly trained to keep an eye out for those. It won’t matter to Jeanine that we haven’t even started training today, she will expect me to have a report for tonight on anything and everything that’s out of the ordinary.
This girl sure as fuck is out of the ordinary.
She turns towards the train again and I catch sight of her face for the first time to see her smiling widely.  One look at her and that smile and I feel like I’ve just taken a punch to the gut. The smile so genuine and carefree, so alive.
I quickly turn away, working to contain whatever reaction I’m having and determine to focus on the other initiates around. But I keep watching out of the corner of my eye despite my resolve.
Chase elbows me in my ribs and my head snaps to the side to look at him, a scowl on my lips that only deepens when I see the asshole isn’t even looking at me. I follow his eyes, which are as wide as the grin on his face, and see what he’s so focused on. It shouldn’t surprise me that he’s focused on just the person I’m trying not to focus on.
My refusal to focus on her fails completely as a bit of irritation and worry creep in when a Candor girl, who had been hovering over the Candor that was pushed from the train, then stomps her way over to the little stiff. She looks like she’s ready to kill the girl in grey and also looks like she would be completely capable of it. She’s built like an Amazon.
“You could have killed him!” The Amazonian screeches out and goes to put her hands on the smaller girl, who just rolls her eyes and sidesteps the attack, causing the Amazon to stumble and trip to the ground.
“I could only hope to be so damn lucky.” The little stiff mutters. She might be going for a quiet mutter but it doesn’t come out that way and it wouldn’t matter if she had been quiet, because all attention seems to be on her by now anyways.
I know all of my attention is on her. I can’t even help the smirk that tilts my lips up at her response as Chase snorts out a laugh.
“And if you were observing closely, I aimed him precisely where I wanted him to hit with the perfect amount of force. Enough to make him scream like the little bitch he is but not enough to kill him.” She pauses and sighs, almost dejectedly. “I’m still up in the air on whether I did him a favor, or all the rest of us a disservice. Time will tell though I guess.” With that, she shrugs as if she really was torn about her decision then moves off.
Another Abnegation girl has just careened to the roof and is who the little stiff was waiting for. She scrambles over to where the new stiff is crumpled on the ground and tangled up with another fucking Candor girl.
“Are we just being fucking invaded here?” I mutter angrily but still can’t take my eyes off of the first girl.
“Mary Katherine! Did you have to push him? He wasn’t going to hurt me.” The new stiff isn’t even standing when she launches into her scolding, but the other girl doesn’t even acknowledge it other than to grimace a little when she hears her name.
Not that I blame her. I already hate the fucking name myself and I didn’t have to spend a lifetime with it.
She helps her scolder up then helps brush the gravel and dirt off the other girl’s jacket, all while frowning. She locates a tear on the sleeve and scowls at a cut on her friends’ arm before she lets her go and replies finally; a determined look in her eye and a stubborn lift of her chin.
“First of all, I was helping him get over his obvious feelings of inadequacy, shown by his need to fuck with you.” She gives the other girl a pointed look before she continues. “Second of all, yes he would have and if you think different Beatrice, then you are in for a world of hurt during initiation. If you won’t take my word for it, ask your friend here. They obviously know each other. I’m sure she can tell you all about the new resident dick of Dauntless.”
I know with one look at the glare the Candor and his two friends are throwing to the girls that she isn’t wrong. I can already determine that those three are going to use anyone they think might be weaker than them to make themselves look stronger, and they aren’t going to be fair about it.
They’ll be ones to watch.
“Last of all,” she continues on, undaunted or unaware of the glares being sent her way or the attention she’s drawing to herself. “Please do not call me by that travesty of a name. I am and will only respond to Kat. If you’re smart, you will change yours too, Bea. I mean unless you just want to live with an instant chastity belt tethered to you.”
The Candor girls jaw, who is apparently friends with the other stiff, drops open while the other abnegation turns red and gasps. “Mary Katherine!”
There are sputters of laughter all over and I look over at Chase who’s holding in a laugh.
Kat, a much more fitting name, rolls her eyes and sighs.
“Lighten up Bea. It was a joke...sort of.” She sighs but there’s this tilt to her lips that has me tilting my head to the side and wondering what she’s about to spout next as she shakes her head. “I really do think, dear sister, that our parents chose our names as an instant abstinence tactic.” She crosses her arms and taps a finger to her chin as if in thought, but I can see it’s anything but genuine. “Do you think they teach that in Abnegation initiation?” She lets her hands drop to her side, shifts her posture in a blink, and before me is standing the very picture of a perfect fucking stiff.
Bowed head and clasped hands behind the back. Even the way she hunches her shoulders forward seems to be pushing focus away from her, but there’s still that glint in her eyes and the slight tilt of her lips as she keeps going with whatever little show she’s putting on. “By the way fellow Stiffs, someday you will lay with a man or a woman and produce a new little stiff. We expect you to keep the tradition of leg locking names alive.”
She says this all in an almost perfect imitation of the condescending tone of Marcus Eaton. Ripples of laughter make the way along the roof and while I don’t laugh, I crack the first smile I’ve let loose in a very, very long time it seems.
I shake my head in wonder at this strange girl while Chase is holding his stomach he’s laughing so hard. I honestly don’t know what the hell to think. There’s something going on with this girl, but I don’t have time to contemplate what it is.
All laughter, amusement, or chatter is cut off when a scream comes from the side of the roof where the train jumpers first land. I know before I even look over to the Dauntless-born pulling the girl from the edge what it means. I also know I’m going to be the one to have to deal with it as well.
Max looks at me and Chase, causing me to sigh and give him a curt nod of acknowledgment. I elbow Chase to get him moving. As we’re leaving, I notice that Chase has his head turned to look over his shoulder, trying to get one more last look at the girl I think we both want to stay and observe.
I can’t help but wonder if it might be for the same reason as me and how I feel about any of that.
I know I have a duty to take care of though.
My very last look, just before I go into the stairwell, is of Kat being pulled into a hug by three Dauntless-born, one being a Pedrad. My scowl at having to leave deepens at the look of affection on Uriah Pedrad’s face before I lose sight of her completely.
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nidhithenerd · 3 years
Practical Solutions of the Best Burger Place Near Me Montana
Being a member of a chain restaurant, on the other hand, can be disadvantageous at times. If a competitor of the same name is having trouble due to bad food, sanitation problems, or even the discovery of a foreign object in the food, it can have a negative impact on your location. Although the Big Mac, Whopper, and other well-known fast-food burgers remain popular in America, In N Out Burger has earned the most positive reviews. The fact that the meat is never frozen and the fries are hand cut is a big hit with customers. They say that everything tastes extremely fresh for fast food.  Get the facts about local hamburger restaurant
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The other day, I was thinking about how you can really know what you're getting with a chain restaurant venue. When I went out of town for the afternoon to relax and shop, I had a totally different experience. I was just walking around when I became hungry, so I went into a small restaurant in the shopping district. Back at home, I ordered one of my usuals from a chain restaurant.
I had a chilli burger that was unfamiliar to me. I had been anticipating it with bated breath, but was underwhelmed by what I received. This restaurant served much larger portions than the one I usually go to. I expected the burger to be smothered in a delectable homemade green chilli that was spicy but not overpowering. But I ended up with red chilli that I'm pretty sure wasn't made from scratch. This is the kind of situation that makes a fast-food chain so appealing. When you step in the house, you know exactly what you're going to get. All will be the same, including the menu, portions, and ingredients. There are no surprises or guesswork involved in determining what you'll get.
For many people, travelling is a common trend. They fly to see family members, attend to work-related matters, and take a well-deserved break to get away from their everyday routine. They will all need to feed, regardless of why they are travelling. A chain restaurant removes the confusion of what your meal will entail and how it will taste.
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{A/N} ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
I~ have been playing (and just finished!) Batman: The Telltale Series, and I want to talk about it, because I just have...a lot of feelings about it.
So uhm, be mindful below the cut. (♡´艸`)
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First things first, I will admit I wasn’t expecting to...get into this game, lol. I decided to play it on a whim, just to sorta...I consider myself “toes wet” with DC (I know Bunny tends to give me more credit than that because she’s a peach ♥) but I figure, this’ll get me more ankle deep, even if it’s not like “canon” or anything--which, comic canon is weird and fluid so whatever, I’m not being real strict with the Telltale TL being canon.
So I figured I’d just play it and see some babies and enjoy that...but I got into it. Being able to be in the driver’s seat, making decisions as Bruce and really simulating his life endeared me to him and his universe more than I anticipated.
It’s one thing, to read comics and see writer’s words coming out of character’s mouths and being all, “Yeah, okay,” but when you’re making the decisions, it personalizes it. And unsurprisingly, I played a compassionate, empathetic, emotional Bruce Wayne, not some stunted machismo machine in a bat cowl like some writers and fanboys want him to be.
So I guess it’s safe to say this made me love him more.
I noticed something, playing--and it’s true Telltale style, like the Walking Dead games, where you have a wheel of sentence choices that determine your path--and it’s that Bruce runs into the same sort of problem that I see with Steve Rogers. I don’t see it quite as much with Tony, but Steve has a problem with writers wanting him to be some white bread, bulging bicep “JUSTICE FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER” machine when there’s so much more to him than that. It’s like uh, like the recent Civil War re-read that I did with Monica, that line where he’s criticizing his soldiers by calling them “Nancies” and basically comparing them to women--but Steve Rogers, MY Steve Rogers, guzzles his respect women juice because he respected and loved the absolute fuck out of Peggy Carter. But it’s writers who put that shit in his mouth and make him say and do things that then make me side-eye the fuck out of him.
And I’m realizing Bruce has the same issue, and I realized that playing this game, and seeing how he talks to people and really playing up the fact that he does have a heart and he does have feelings--and don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with emotionally stunted characters, I think it’s cute, but I’m on about those buttplugs who like, don’t write Bruce treating his sons like his sons because it makes him “soft” or when they make him treat Alfred or Clark/his teammates like shit or when he openly beats his own kids, like??? Fuck off, that’s not what I’m interested in and to be honest I don’t think that’s who Bruce Wayne is supposed to be.
So playing this game and going the compassionate route, going the route of making Bruce appreciate Alfred and Lucius and Harvey, people who support him and are his friends/family, it reminds me when we were reading the War on Jokes arc and seeing Bruce initiate the “I love you’s”. That shit about melted my heart and to be honest was right up there with his penchant for adopting kids that really made me notice him. To make me give a shit about him and not just because he’s Batman.
Which, by the way, I fucking love that he says that? Like Tony says it, “I am Iron Man,” and it’s cute they share a catchphrase or whatever, but I love that Bruce says it with a straight face and at the most ridiculous times.
I won’t go into like, a full rundown of the game or anything--to be honest I wasn’t going to talk about the game at all, but I surprised myself being so into it and full of feelings about it that I just wanted to talk about it somewhere.
I think I’ll start with the character designs, because it was real hit or miss.
Harvey Dent*
John Doe/Joker
Bruce Wayne (...eventually)
Selina Kyle
Alfred Pennyworth
Oswald Cobblepot
Now, take my criticisms and compliments with a grain of salt, please~ My tastes are eclectic at best and I like things that are different/out of the norm, so. And it has nothing to do with the character, this is strictly aesthetic.
Let’s start with the hits--Harvey.
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I’m sure my love for him here is unsurprising~ But lemme talk about it anyway.
He was a big beefy boi in this game and I was 👀 from freaking jump. I went into this game blind so I had no idea he was even in it, but he was noticeably the biggest boy (okay well almost, there was this one bigger Frankensteinesque dude I didn’t recognize and whose name WAS NEVER GIVEN TO ME) on the block--haha lemme give him Brenn’s title as the Buffest Boy on the Block. He filled his suits OUT and I was here for it. I loved his facial structure, which surprised me considering I didn’t think I’d be keen on Telltale’s art styles.
As for the * up there on his name, I want to say that I went the route of saving Harvey from himself, so I didn’t let him turn fully into Two Face (this go ‘round at least) but I did see that ridiculous mask they gave him and that’s a huge thumbs down for me.
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Lemme see them beautiful scars pls.
He looks delectable as Two Face so the only negative is that mask they tried to give him for whatever reason. 0/10, would take that off immediately.
Next up is Mr. John Doe, aka Joker.
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And I have to say, like Bruce, he really surprised me--one, because I didn’t know he was in this either (IDK SHIT ABOUT DC STUFF, SO) but two, because I wasn’t prepared to really pay him all that much attention. Harvey’s a given; he, like Arthur, I had a soft spot for anyway because of Kayla’s rampant hatred (thus, giving me a need to love them as unloved characters) but Joker? Everyone loves Joker, so I was tipping toward, like, patting him on the head and sending him on his way kinda thing.
Nope. No. He showed up and I was like ???? WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE ALL OF THE SUDDEN.
Seriously, this art style fucked me up when it came to him. He’s stupid adorable in this game.
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I’m fucking annoyed by it, I think because I was prepared to just breeze by him, but like I don’t wanna slap him or anything but it gives me the same cute aggression small humans and kitties do. I wanna squish his face and just coo over it, that smile is infuriatingly infectious.
Idk why I find him so cute in this particular style but it was like getting punched in the chest, like he showed up and saved me/Bruce and all the sudden I’m like, murder whoever you want just keep...smiling?
And don’t get me wrong, I’m all for his edgy styles, there are some where he’s almost monstrous-looking, grotesque and the like and you know that tickles my fancy but this particular Joker tickled another fancy of mine. He was almost like a puppy, here.
So yeah. I guess I have a crush on Joker now.
And last but not least on the Hit list--Bruce Wayne.
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And I’ll admit, as I did up here, that this look took me a little while to come to appreciate. Reminds me a lot of how I felt about Peter from ItSV, but I love that look on him now and that’s how I feel about Bruce. This grew on me the more I played, although when I started I thought he looked way too much like Archer.
And it seems I wasn’t the only one.
And while, like with Peter B., this particular incarnation won’t be my favorite Bruce Wayne look, there’s a softness to this particular incarnation that seemed to really suit the way I played him--which might be why I liked it.
There was a nice touch, though, because when he slipped on the cowl, when he became Batman, there was a decided shift not only in his personality but his physicality, too--
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Which reminded me of something I’d read where Clark does the same thing.
So yeah, this incarnation took a little to grow on me, and it may not be my favorite, but I did come to at least appreciate it.
Now let’s talk about the Misses, starting with Miss Kyle.
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And it’s weird, because as Catwoman she was stunning and there’s this one scene with her eyeliner on fucking point and it was SENDING ME. Good fucking god I was a dumb dyke through the whole scene, I doubt I could remember a word she said.
But there on the left, her hair was like some weird mix of a bob but too long and uneven to be one? And don’t get me started on her baby ponytail; it seemed too...childish? Sloppy? For her.
And something was off about her mouth. Idk if it was Telltale’s style or if the graphics were a little stiff but her mouth bothered me the entire freaking game.
I feel bad about saying Alfred was a miss but again, this is just from an aesthetic point. The man is a saint otherwise and I won’t say a cross word about him.
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It’s not even that I dislike this particular look of his, it’s just, I have a favorite look of his and this is so far from it (and most of his normal looks) that sometimes through the game it would take me a half second to remember this is supposed to be Alfred.
It was like with Bruce, only it didn’t grow on me quite the same.
Like I said, I just have a favored look of Alfred’s (I’d dig up the picture but it’s on my phone and I’m lazy) and this just didn’t make the cut.
Uhm and lastly, Oswald.
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Out of the Rogues of Gotham I feel like I don’t know Victor Freeze and Oswald Cobblepot...nearly well enough to be talking about them. But the game dealt with Oz so...I’m here talking about him.
And really my issue with him is that...to me he was barely recognizable because I only know Penguin by his typical outlandish look--short, round as a goddamn beach ball, and with that insane curved/hooked nose.
So I may be wrong in that he does look like this sometimes? I really wouldn’t know, like I said I don’t know Mr. Cobblepot very well at all. I just was surprised he looked like this and when Bruce was all, “Penguin?” I was also ?????? but for a different fucking reason, lmao.
I didn’t put Jim up here because he’s always on point regardless of what he looks like, so. 10/10, no notes for you, Jim. ♥
So moving beyond eye candy, the actual game itself, like I said, it was a surprisingly endearing way to be introduced to Gotham. It’s one thing to read the comics and see this particular writer’s vision of what Gotham is and who Bruce Wayne is, but with me in the driver’s seat and getting to make decisions, I got to shape Gotham and Bruce/Batman the way I would like them to be (at least as much as the game allows, lol) and there’s definitely something to be said about that.
I made sure to try and stick at least somewhat to how I think Bruce would have reacted to some things--especially as Batman. I like to stay true to superheroes’ brands (in terms of gameplay, writing is another story) so I kept the no-killing and tried to be...less violent than I might have been if I were, say, Frank. Which helped me win over Jim, so~ Haha but I uhm, I went the compassionate route with Bruce as Bruce Wayne, I was supportive of those around me and appreciative of them.
Unsurprisingly there was a Bruce/Selina aspect to the game, and I played that more as myself, because like Bunny I don’t really like them together. Selina is fine on her own, I see what she was saying about that, but seeing the way Selina is with people--she says things to hurt Bruce just to do it, and I’m...not down with that. Emotional maturity is a thing, lol, maybe she could steal some of that.
Ha-cha~ That joke isn’t funny but I said it anyway.
But I get it. I...palmed Bruce’s face out of the way and just gave the emotional answers as myself and I could see beyond Selina’s words to what she’s hiding--or trying to. You hurt others to keep yourself from being hurt, I’ve seen that sort of behavior before and I get she’s hiding her feelings by lashing out--a lot like a kitty with her claws out. So I have respect for her as a character because of the complexity, it’s just not how you go about having a relationship with someone, lol.
Like she stole some shit from Bruce, was fine to do it, so I retaliated by stealing some of her tech because i’m a petty ass bitch and she got bitey with me about it.
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Like girl.
I also, like I said, went the route of supporting Harvey...because of course I did. I defended him every chance I got, funded his campaign...even after he told me he was distancing himself from me (let me LOVE YOU) and when he started to snap and Two Face was trying to get out, I refused to fight him and encouraged him to get help.
In the end, when Harvey turned on Bruce and literally tried to kill Alfred, Jim asked Batman if Harvey should “rot in prison,” or be sent to Arkham to get help.
I...know Arkham is corrupt and that’s a whole thing in and of itself but I went the compassionate route and sent Harvey to get help.
In the end, I saw Harvey in a cell. He refused to come out and help the inmates during a riot, but the poor baby actually looked kind of afraid?
And not to like, go off on a rant or anything but it was interesting seeing this take on Harvey/Two Face. I could relate to it, in a way, because it reminded me of my Alters and how I created Drette and especially misi to sort of allow myself to be and feel things that I typically try to hide.
Two Face started to show himself and though he...wasn’t nice to Harvey, he did defend him and insist he was there to protect Harvey, that “no one will ever hurt or take advantage of him again”.
Touched my heart. ♥
Selina was also playing Harvey, 100% using him for her own means and she said, about him, “Poor guy just wanted to fall in love so bad.”
He did seem very lost in this game, like this need to be Mayor and to be this big shot attorney was trying to fill a void, make up for some inadequacies he felt he had.
I’ve always been a sucker for broken toys.
And speaking of broken toys, Joker’s whole deal really wasn’t touched on much in this game (it is in the second one, which I’ll probably start after work) but I want to talk about the fact that I was like one of like 15% of people who promised Joker a favor and I’m fucking weak over it.
Lemme set the scene--Bruce, stuck in Arkham, befriends Joker (because I fucking made him) and Joker says he’ll get Bruce out of Arkham “but you’ll owe me a favor~ When I get out of here.”
And you had a choice, to owe him a favor or not.
I was 0% hesitation to shake his hand, lmao, and I didn’t think much of it until I got to the end of the chapter and it was like, “You and 15% of others agreed to owe Joker a favor.”
And I was like...? Oh shit that probably was a bad idea, lmao.
And Bruce’s little Codex journal (which was adorable, btw) updated to include the favor I promised and he wrote, “Not a big deal to owe a favor to a psycho who will never get out of Arkham, right?”
Which- 1) You’re adorably naive if you think he’s not getting out. 2) I legit didn’t consider it being a bad idea.
So I owe Joker a favor to be collected later and I should probably be concerned because the end of the game showed Joker out and fanboying over Bruce in a bar.
SO. (o゚□゚)o  YEAH. TBC.
There were other highlights to the game, like getting to comfort and protect a little boy (BE STILL MY MATERNAL HEART) and for FUCK’S sake, Oswald taking over Wayne Enterprises for a bit.
The entire thing was infuriating as fuck, like I mildly wanted to kick Oz in the face repeatedly by the end of the game, but the scene where Bruce gets his company back and he’s looking at all the shit Oswald did while he had it--I was absolutely in hysterics.
First of all, Oswald used COMIC FUCKING SANS to cross out Bruce’s name and write “Cobblepot Enterprises” on the website. I fucking lost my mind. It was so childish and petty and the YELLOW font looked SO OUT OF PLACE WITH BRUCE’S SRS BUSINESS FONT EVERYWHERE ELSE.
But it gets better.
Oswald had his team hack Gotham’s public records and not only did he change Bruce’s Ivy League diploma to Sociology BUT HE FUCKING CHANGED BRUCE’S MEDICAL RECORDS TO SAY HE HAD SEVERAL STD’S.
I had to pause the game because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t hear Alfred.
AND BRUCE FACEPALMED AS HE READ THE LIST and my god. I lost years off my laugh, laughing that hard.
I’ve talked quite a bit more than I intended to so I’ll wrap this up but before I do, I want to touch on one more thing and I think it’s that DC really did a good job with making Alfred the reason Bruce is a good man, a hero.
I haven’t read or seen or consumed all the Batman media that’s out there, but this is the fourth or fifth time I’ve seen Bruce’s parents turn out to be absolute shits. I mean this time it was only his father who was a dickhead, but the times his parents turn out to be garbage people vs actual decent human beings is like 6 to 1. And the one time I’m thinking of was some alternate dimension so I’m not even sure that counts.
So as someone who has pretty fucked up parents I think it’s nice to see a story where your parents don’t make you who you are. That timeline where Bruce’s parents lived and he turned into this spoiled, entitled brat, where it really showed that Alfred was the one who molded and shaped the good man who grew up to be Bruce Wayne, Gotham’s Golden Son...I think that’s so important. I really like that side of Bruce’s backstory, I think it’s something that isn’t as touched on as much as it should be.
There wouldn’t be a Batman without Alfred and it isn’t just because Alfred is always there at the end of the com when Bruce needs him.
And you can bet your sweet butt I made Bruce say that to Alfred at the end of the game. And Alfred got all teary and I got all teary and this is that qUALITY CONTENT.
Also? I’m super ashamed at the amount of people I saw in the stats who turned on Harvey and abandoned Alfred. I was in the minority a lot of time for shit I def shouldn’t have been in the minority for.
Half the time the stats would roll and I’m left looking at the PISS POOR CHOICES OF THE COMMON MAN LIKE
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Y’all some worthless motherfuckers.
So yes! This was a lot of fun to play and I’m absolutely giddy to start the next game, especially since I get to see Puppy!Joker in it. And he’s going to be friends with Bruce because I’M IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT NOW, BATMAN.
Buckle up, Brucie, we’re full speed ahead toward Crazytown. ٩( ᐛ )و
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thefreshfinds · 5 years
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Scooby Suave: On The Edge of Salvation
As quoted in his SoundCloud biography, the revolutionary MC known as Scooby Suave plans for his blueprint to leave an imprint. Realistically he gives fans what they need, which is someone who seems to get it & of course Scooby Suave delivers. If he isn't using clever punchlines to get the message across then Suave is planning strategically about which bar to tie into the next. And let's not forget about his cadence! Scooby Suave demands attention with little to no effort because it just comes naturally (he can even write a song in less than 10 minutes!) Still, Suave's goal in music is to shed light in a world full of darkness. Often, we as humans feel hopeless but luckily Suave gives us a push & assures all that it'll be okay. Just trust that there's always a rainbow after the storm. Ultimately, his 4-month old album “On The Edge of Salavation” goes on to explain that one should expect the unexpected & get ready for a new beginning because we all can make mistakes & still bounce back on track. "I hope that people feel the pure culture of the arts while listening." Scooby Suave adds on. On the whole expect the MC to have his own record label with a Bachelors degree in Music Production. Hopefully then the spotlight can make room for all New jersey artist as well. "We live in a world that makes everybody want the spotlight but when we look at the sky there’s always more than one star. We can all still encourage each other without negative energy."
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1. Out in The Jungle: At most an undefineable MC, Scooby Suave uses Out of The Jungle to speak on how he's still at the top despite being slaughtered. With a beat that includes an 808, a risen melody & an eerie piano chord --- Suave uses punchlines to keep it moving. My favorite one is: "To cheese, I'm a nacho/The man macho." However at 3:00, the beat does a 360. Whilst the base lowers down, the beat takes into account that Suave just might reference himself to a money-hungry invertebrate & it turns out this assumption is correct. "I'm Mr. Krab to the money/Selling Patties in the deep dea." Overrall Suave is just focused on getting to the checks & could you blame him? e.g "Ya n*ggas owe me/Acting like you don't know me."
2. Rockstar Living: Starting off with an electric guitar & an 808, Scooby Suave is just-in-your face with energic metaphors & rhymes about his lavish lifestyle. e.g "Keep the weight on my shoulder like drill teams." Honestly, Scooby Suave is making hit after hit & live his best life because of this. In unison, Suave screeches out "I'm a rockstar n*gga." And in case you didn't get the message, he's hear to remind you.
3. Rover: In this track, Scooby Suave switches tings up (you heard me right!) Tranistioning to a dance-hall vibe, Suave croons in auto-tune about a girl he's about to get it on with because "she comes with the meal like a waitress." Comparing her riding game to driving a Rover, Scooby aims to please. The combination of rhymes & dancehall is enough to get the sweat dripping off your body.
4. Lights Out: A soulful track that intertwines funk & swoon rhymes — Scooby Suave comes for the win & aims to do the same when bagging the girl of his dream. With a bounce, the piano keys follow along & add some low-hitting hi-hats to show the high anticipation of the lovers at the night. Truly, Scooby Suave doesn't plan on being so polite when the lights go out.
5. Confessions: "More cheese than a photo," Scooby Suave speaks with metaphors & punchlines on how he's keen of being a legend like some historic idols because it's all he knows. While the game might be corrupt, Suave plans on executing regardless. His ultimate confession is that he doesn't know how to loose. The beat even reflects this same ambition — using an enticing piano chord & heavy base. Scooby Suave plans on blowing up like a C4.
6. Cross The Line ft Naeemah: Cross the Line's beat selection takes a blues approach & uses a delectible guitar riff & snare drum . Scooby Suave sings in auto-tune about how he's lost his one love. He really wants his girl back because living without her is unbearable. Despite this horrible decision, he's willing to be honest & admit that he's crossed the line in order to win her back. In the same fashion, Naeemah takes the role as the woman & hits some pretty high notes to express the pain she's dealt with because of her lover's hasty decisions. 'Sometimes you just let me down/I had to decide if I'll cross the line." Ultimately he feels like words won't express enough how much he wants her back but HELL he will try.
7. Losing My Way ft Shanese: Scooby Suave sheds light on his demons in Losing My Way. While the MC speaks on a time where he was depressed, the beat takes it all in with an 808, twinkle effect & puddle of piano chords. Nevertheless he knows to the top is where he's headed because he's got "bars for days/ bars are eternal." You can dig a whole 6 feet & bury him below but he'll still be the realist n*gga that you know.
8. When The Chains Gets Broken: Starting off with a monologue that sounds like it could fit perfectly in a Kendrick Lamar song, When The Chains Get Broken continues to speak on his depression state. Even though he'd like to "go far from here." He still won't get out his element. He's good. The beat takes a eerie approach — using hi-hats & an 808 to express his unleashed drive to continue on in everything he does.
9. In The Dark ft. Naeemah: Even when Scooby is at war with himself or the world, he still fights through! From the snaps to hi-hats & 808's, Scooby Suave encourages others to turn the lights on in a world of darkness. Even he questions who he is but still tries to figure it out. Likewise, Naeemah's voice glitters through as she sings "Try to find your light, then shine so bright." On the contrary this track took a lot of emotion out of Suave due to the depression following his grandmother's death.
10. Pray For Me: Noted as a song that holds a piece of Scooby's story (& his favorite one of all on the project), Pray For Me speaks on what made Scooby who he is today. Overrall, Suave is about unification & patience. Due to a certain circumstance, he was forced to open up his eyes. Still, he puts it all to the higher force & ask to be in one's prayers. The MC just looks for salvation. Following along is a revelutionary piano chord & the famous 808.
11. Life: The best of a majority, Scooby Suave dubs the hate & goes to get what's his. Ultimately he "leaves these rappers on death watch." & focuses on what's important which is doing him. Seems like the MC is fond of cheese as he mentions a punchline in reference to it once more. The beat uses 8-bits & an 808 to get across that he's the winner at life's game. He refuses to get close to others & trusts in his destiny instead.
For those who aspire to be up next, Scooby advices to stay true to yourself, love yourself & to follow your heart. "Don’t let people’s opinions hold you back. Nobody knows you better than you."
On The Edge of Salvation:
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ellipsesarefun · 8 years
But my heart longs for you
Otayuri Week 2017 Day 4: Reunion
A/N: Sorry if this is late.. I’m emotionally spent. UGH. Tried to look for something and I ended up reading angst, tried to get past the angst that I felt and came up with this. viola. This is the conclusion to “now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap”. I’ll put this up on Ao3.. Enjoy.
He was supposed to have an immense amount of positive feelings.. but he can’t bring himself to have them.
Because he’s up on the podium, a gold medal hooked on his neck. On the outside, people can expect that he’s elated. This was the metal that figure skaters fought for; of course he’s happy, of course he’s proud of himself. Truth be told, his thoughts are elsewhere. His eyes were straying from the crowd to a certain figure skater below him, the one who took second place. His mouth was taut straight yet his dark brooding eyes speak for themselves.
They barely had a proper conversation, mostly consumed with extra practice hours, discussions with their coaches (with disgusting PDA and outings on Yuri’s part) and laying next to each other in either hotel room. Nothing has changed, merely a few comments on his growth spurt and his long braided hair and new remixes from Otabek’s laptop.
However, there were also some additional adjustments from Beka’s part... The lingering gazes, the frequent light touches on the arms and shoulders (once on the face, when he tucked a strand of gold behind his ear; his fingers hovered for a moment before pulling away), and the sudden compliments were just part of the package.
And the smiles. Otabek was known for his stoic face and private personality, only displaying a glimpse of emotion to a certain amount of people who mattered. Yuri is a part of that group, and, he begrudgingly admits, even Mila as well. Months ago, they’d been engaged in playful flirting, possibly secret makeouts and dates. But that was then. To Yuri, however, there was something there (and how far his lexicon stretches, he’ll keep referring this ambiguity between them as something). It seemed that these body languages underlie an intent, an implied romantic intent. He supposes his deductions stemmed from his romantic feelings for his best friend... Because why else would he think there was this something in his actions?
But that wasn’t the reason his mind was wandering from his golden victory.
His performance spoke volumes of his wanton emotions that he was harboring these months. Similar to his music project, both his short program and his free skate were outlets of his unified theme: unyielding yearning. Initially he decided against it, with the excuse of the theme being too sappy and extra and so.. Viktor and Katsudon. However, he gave in, with the help of his annoying friend.
“It’s your feelings. It’s your own soul on the ice.” She reasoned, “What’s wrong with it?”
She turned to him, chocolate irises shining with wisdom, “The ice is your canvas. Paint however you want it to be.”
So he did. He poured every single drop of paint of every color on his canvas until the whole rink was filled with the brush strokes of his blades. Every second he was on that ice, from beginning to end, each step sequence and jump, were centered on his unbridled love; all from his first reunion with him in Barcelon to this Grand Prix Final, all those late night talks in the dark gloom at three in the morning, all his quirks and physique, all his mixtapes, all his flaws, everything else that branded as Otabek Altin was displayed on ice.
His friend wasn’t the only one who knew. Both Katsuki and Viktor caught on once they reviewed his choreography and music.
“Ehhh whose this for, Yurio?”
“A message for your beloved?”
Fucking extras.
People started speculating. Most of them were his fans. Initially, they drew hypotheses on the so-called unresolved sexual tension between him and a certain Canadian skater, JJ. While it did follow the hate-you-but-like-you trope, it was as false as his leopard prints and everyone is aware of his happy and successful marriage with Isabella Yang. It’s simply a fucking catastrophe to imply such lies when the wife can see it all over international media. Others had their speculations on Mila, but that simmered down when she recently had her eyes on one Sara Crispino (they were caught making out several times, reporters noted).
His friendship with the Kazakhstan Hero wasn’t out of the formula either. Through the years, his fans butchered into every detail of their social media affairs. Their “factual evidences” stemmed from tagged photos and posts (mostly Otabek’s latest remixes and recently, Yuri’s music project), always speculating that there was something brewing between them. His program theme and music choices made it worse. They now have an official fucking ship name (Otayuri, Yuribek or--ugh whatever). Never had they brought this up and they mostly ignored what others were whispering behind their backs whenever they saw each other during competitions. Not a word of opinion (negative or otherwise) could be heard from Otabek and Yuri did not wish to push anything further.
And thus, it was to be expected that the said best friend, whom he harbors romantic affections for and has now absolute acceptance of them, is completely and utterly oblivious to the message of his program theme. He never once mentioned his theme (out of cowardice and embarrassment) and Otabek never questioned it. It wasn’t entirely part of their conversation, most of their skating topics were about step sequences, jump dynamics and music performances, because he was his best friend and best friends are supposed to have some semblance of a psychic connection.
Somehow, that wasn’t the case for them. Even until now, Yuri has some difficulty deciphering his many stoic expressions and it seems that maybe he in turn was not blatant enough at times when he needed Otabek to know. He still isn’t completely certain on Otabek’s say on the matter, or if he does have an answer for him. Tine said to paint a canvas. But what was the whole point of presenting the whole canvas when the buyer doesn’t understand the intricate stories behind it, or doesn’t even want it anyway?
The thoughts continued to linger within the front of his mind until he realized that the exhibition gala has come to an end the after party is only hours away. He suddenly found himself being cajoled by none other than his “feelings assistant” and sole adviser.
“Yuri!!!” She crashed into his arms, crushing his lungs in the process. Now having had his growth spurt, he looked down at the crown of her black tresses and placed a hand on top. For a twenty year old woman, she was quite petite. 
“Hey.” His voice croaked a greeting, cracking from the lack of use. Immediately, the said girl looked up, crumpled eyebrows of her perceptive chocolate irises and blatant frown on her face. 
“Are you okay?” She asked, voice so small and fragile yet carried the weight of her words. He palmed her head repeatedly and gave a tired smile.
“Yeah. Not in the mood for a party I guess.” He said, to which she responded with a smile.
“Hey guys!!!!” a familiar voice hollered from the side. The two let go and turned their heads to see his rinkmate waving at them with a bright grin on her face. Beside her was Otabek, the usual soldier face as his expression. The second he saw them, his heart jumped, missing a beat. He knew they weren’t together anymore, but just the thought of them...
He blinked and gave his head a little shake, hopefully warding off any assumptions that permit to linger in his mind. He managed a smile, noting the way Beka paused in his steps and the flicker in his eyes. He knows something.
“Hey guys.” He forced a cheerful greeting. Now is not the time for irrational jealousy to take place. However, it only grew worse now that her arm circled the entire span of his shoulders.
“Beka,” he momentarily flinched at her use of his nickname (his nickname for Beka; not that it was only his but still), “and I are gonna grab some food with Sara. Wanna come?”
“Sure!” Tine replied without any qualms of hesitation, as food is now at the center of her mind, “I’m hungry! Yuri’s coming, so there!” Great. There was no way for him to protest otherwise since her friend already decided his fate. The four made their way out of the stadium. Yuri was carefully pacing his steps, expecting Otabek to walk beside Mila and he with Tine. Instead, his red-haired friend grabbed his only saviour by the arm and dragged her a few feet away from them, already gushing which delectable desserts to eat. 
That, in turn, left him trailing after them right beside Otabek.
Great. Just what he needed.
He measured his breaths with his footsteps as he urged his friend with his stunning emerald eyes, hoping that she had some ounce of intuition that she’d turn around and bring him away from this rut he made. She caught on, chocolate to emerald, but merely stuck her tongue out before resuming to their conversation. 
Pushing down his growl into a small grumbled sigh, Yuri supposes this wasn’t such a bad idea. He can be cool. He can be chill. He can set aside his brewing emotions with unflappable poise. He’s done it before. But just as his walls start to build up, they only crumble at the brush of a group of fingers. Beka’s fingers. Somehow his callous fingers found their way in his. They pulled him forward, as he was too stunned to walk. He stumbled before retrieving his spot beside Otabek, the latter still linking his hand with his while avoiding his gaze.
“We should catch up.”
And just from that minuscule, casual gesture, Yuri is not convinced that Otabek is oblivious as he once believed.
He did not imagine he would have an opportunity with Otabek by losing the other two along the way.
It had only been just a second--maybe a couple of minutes, or an hour, maybe-- that he was window shopping around the area for leopard prints and cat merchandise (there was this sale going around and they have quite an abundance of good quality) when suddenly he couldn’t find Mila or Tine anywhere. He turned around, eyes scanning for a familiar mop of red or black hair but nothing except a crowd of strangers. He took out his phone from his pocket to check for any messages from the both of them.
He typed a message, sent it, and wait for a couple of minutes.
What the fuck? 
His eyes stray towards Otabek, who looked apathetic despite their situation. The latter felt his stare and turned to him, dark brown irises twinkling with a question.
“Aren’t you worried?” He asked, “They could be anywhere by now.”
He shook his head. “They’ll be fine. They probably decided to look for other stores that sell ice cream cakes.”
“Did they at least message you?” He shook his head again, not bothering to pick his phone up.
“Weird...” He muttered to himself, but before he could deduce the situation further, Otabek laced his hand with his once more and dragged him through the crowd of people.
“Come on,” he goaded, dark brown eyes burning bright under the night lights, “They’ll be fine. Let’s just.. enjoy ourselves.” That put the conversation to rest and the two found themselves walking the streets along the Passeig de Gracia. It was the Christmas season, so the brilliant display of lights and enthusiastic tourists come to life. 
The rest of their evening fared to be one of the best nights he’d ever been to in Barcelona. They aimlessly wandered off for awhile, whether in silence, long brooding conversations or just nonsensical topics. This was monumental bliss, Yuri mused. He’d never had Otabek like this before. Sure, they did go out after competitions, but this was new... with added bonuses. Aside from Beka’s wonderful smiles, hand holding is apparently now added to the list. 
But now there’s the flirting. Strangers flirt (in bars, or clubs, or wherever or however the usual romantic plot lines go). Friends flirt (which is pretty harmless and just playful banter here and there). Of course, everyone is aware that couples flirt. 
Exhibit A: Katsupiggy with bald old man PDAing anywhere and everywhere at anytime and all the time.
Exhibit B: Otabek and Mila. They had their... secret whatever. (Pure fucking torture to watch them)
He’s pretty sure Beka has his fair share of girlfriends and boyfriends. Because who could not? He’s fucking hot, with those chiseled jaw, manly stoic eyebrows and (may the fangirls add) “brooding eyes” with a those define abs. There was no way in hell he was single forever (and yes, they’ve talked about this in passing and yes, he’s had his fair share on... things). Yuri also has his affairs, some make outs here and there outside the watchful eyes of his territorial fangirls and some casual dates outside his life on ice. 
He could have anyone, he could fall for anyone, really. This is a human-infested planet, of different walks of life. Anyone can fall for anyone
But no, because there’s him. He’s Otabek Altin, who skates with fire and power of the god of victory, who rides motorbikes around the cities for the thrill of the wind, who has stacks of heavy reading that Yuri sometimes has difficulty in (he tried to finish a Jane Austen novel; weird English), who DJ’s for fun at clubs (and even gifts Yuri with unreleased track songs; original ones in fact) and who has manners of an English duke. 
He’s Beka, his best friend, who saw through his brash facade and saw the vulnerable soldier raging his internal battles, who called him a Legolas when people visioned him a Tinkerbell, who stole his heart and added a rainbow after every storm that clouded his life (and past) so far. They’ve been through countless of trials together and here they are.
The tug on his hand silenced his thoughts. They had stopped somewhere.. He checked his surroundings and paused. The two stood at the edge, a beautiful landscape painted in front of them.They were at the top of Park Guell where the starless canvas loomed before the dazzling Christmas scenery of Barcelona.
“Otabek this is--” he paused, a memory playing in his head.
“Yuri Plisetsky had the unforgettable eyes of a soldier.” Those were the famous words he once told him in this very spot, the day they became friends.
“Yuri. We need to talk.” He swore he heard quad flips in his stomach. Yuri took one glance and he knew what was coming. (stupid brooding eyes, stupid fucking jaw, stupid soldier) 
“What about?” He tried his best not to stutter his words. He clenched his fists to pace his breaths and his palpitating heart. 
“About that kiss..” Oh my fucking fuck fuck fuck, “Did you.. mean it...?” He swallowed, as if an attempt to push down any ideas of running away from the situation. He took three intakes of air before mustering his answer.
“Yea..” His voice came out small, but he couldn’t stop there, “It wasn’t supposed to be like that, but I wanted to.. Just...” His mind came to blank, as he tried to find the right words to say.
“Just...?” He urged him on.
“You don’t like me that way.. You were with Mila at that time, all flirting and going on lunch dates and it fucking sucked and it was the last day with you there and I just couldn’t fucking resist but.. fuck!” He threw his arms in exasperation before falling them to his sides, “Fuck it sucked because I love you and you’re with her and I just wanted.. to try something before you left.. but I don’t know, I didn’t think it meant anything to you, which is expected and that’s okay, because we were okay for the past months right?” He just broke the dam to let the river flow. There was nothing that can hold it in anymore.
“And Tine was just so fucking helpful with her fucking music project, saying we should go share our feelings and all that shit and why not put all your feelings in your programs. Because that’ll give him an answer, right?”
“But I don’t know, you didn’t say anything, so I didn’t say anything cause I’m a fucking coward, and that’s okay because still talking to each other but it’s also not okay because it’s killing me and I just-”
“It fucking sucks.. I know got a fucking gold medal after all this shit, but it just fucking sucks because you don’t get it and I don’t know how to make you get it without.. without-”
“WHAT?” He screamed. He looked down, realizing he was now in front of Otabek, with his hands held tightly on his shoulders. His eyebrows furrowed over his dark chocolate pools that melted with concern. His lips puckered down slightly (it’s fucking distracting) that Yuri had to avert his eyes away.
“..You’re crying.” His eyes widened with surprise and he lifted a finger to trail the wet trails on his face.
“Wha? No.” He know he was denying, but it was a habit already, “I’m not crying.” He wiped his face with his palms tiredly, “This is just salt.. from the air.. and it came to my eyes...”
“Yuri..” This time, Otabek took the liberty to wrap his hands around his cheeks, thumbs soothingly preening his still wet skin.
“I’m okay, Otabek. Really.” Lies. 
“No.. It’s not.. I hurt you..” He whispered and somehow Yuri wondered how the hell his face was an inch from his.
“Yea you did, asshole.” He laughed; a weary laugh, “It’s not your fault.. You didn’t know.. You were in a relationship..”
“That was only casual..” He reasoned but Yuri shook his head.
“Still..” These were the moments he wanted to run, to escape, to hide away but his body drooped from all the pent up exhaustion that prolonged the months of silence. He parted his lips again to say something, anything, because the awkwardness is just stabbing him but stopped because-
Fuck. His lips are on his lips. His lips are on his lips. His lips are on his fucking lips and he doesn’t know how to respond. This was out of his expectations. 
And then suddenly, his mouth was left hanging, and his face was shot with woodpecker kisses; they were too many to count.
“What?” He was still dazed, his conscience was still too foggy as if he were drunk by Beka’s affections, “What did you-” He was cut off by another kiss. He let go and curled his fingers around his face with firm intent.
“Yuri. I know. And I love you too.” He confessed, earning a skip of a beat in his own heartstrings and flush of pink filling cheeks. He pressed their foreheads together, dark brown to emerald full of adoration. They both shared loving smiles, both spent from the emotional confessions and-
He felt loved, cherished and that was the best fucking feeling he’d ever felt all day, all year, because this was the moment he was waiting for, the moment that he never thought would come but it happened and it’s real and Beka’s real and their love is real..
And no gold medal can elate his heart like this.
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restration3 · 4 years
What Happens If You Eat Mold?
Table of Contents
Always Turn To The Professionals
Understanding What Mold Is
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Know The Symptoms
Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.
The only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.
Always Turn To The Professionals
The first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.
Whether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like The Duct Kings. Our company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but we will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, we are one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.
Understanding What Mold Is
Most people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.
These spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
You might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.
Your safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Mold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.
If you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.
Know The Symptoms
If you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning from mold and are:
If you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Happens If You Eat Mold?”,”acceptedAnswer”:[{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.\n\nThe only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.\n\nAlways Turn To The Professionals\n\nThe first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.\n\nWhether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like Duct Kings. This company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but they will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, this is one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.\n\nUnderstanding What Mold Is\n\nMost people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.\n\nThese spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.\n\nIs Mold Safe To Eat?\n\nYou might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.\n\nYour the safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.\n\nWhat Really Happens When You Eat Mold\n\nMold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.\n\nIf you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.\n\nKnow The Symptoms\n\nIf you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning and are:\n\nnausea\nvomiting\nfever\ndiarrhea\nheadache\ndizziness\n\nIf you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.”}]}]}
From https://www.theductkings.com/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/
from https://theductkingscleaningandrestoration.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/ from https://homecleaning19.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html from https://homecleaning19.tumblr.com/post/622253992436793344 from https://restorationservices3.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html
0 notes
comercial0 · 4 years
What Happens If You Eat Mold?
Table of Contents
Always Turn To The Professionals
Understanding What Mold Is
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Know The Symptoms
Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.
The only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.
Always Turn To The Professionals
The first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.
Whether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like The Duct Kings. Our company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but we will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, we are one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.
Understanding What Mold Is
Most people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.
These spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
You might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.
Your safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Mold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.
If you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.
Know The Symptoms
If you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning from mold and are:
If you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Happens If You Eat Mold?”,”acceptedAnswer”:[{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.\n\nThe only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.\n\nAlways Turn To The Professionals\n\nThe first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.\n\nWhether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like Duct Kings. This company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but they will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, this is one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.\n\nUnderstanding What Mold Is\n\nMost people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.\n\nThese spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.\n\nIs Mold Safe To Eat?\n\nYou might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.\n\nYour the safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.\n\nWhat Really Happens When You Eat Mold\n\nMold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.\n\nIf you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.\n\nKnow The Symptoms\n\nIf you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning and are:\n\nnausea\nvomiting\nfever\ndiarrhea\nheadache\ndizziness\n\nIf you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.”}]}]}
From https://www.theductkings.com/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/
from https://theductkingscleaningandrestoration.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/
From https://theductkings1.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html
from https://theductkings0.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/ from https://commercialcleaning0.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html
0 notes
homecleaning19 · 4 years
What Happens If You Eat Mold?
Table of Contents
Always Turn To The Professionals
Understanding What Mold Is
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Know The Symptoms
Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.
The only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.
Always Turn To The Professionals
The first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.
Whether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like The Duct Kings. Our company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but we will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, we are one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.
Understanding What Mold Is
Most people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.
These spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
You might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.
Your safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Mold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.
If you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.
Know The Symptoms
If you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning from mold and are:
If you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Happens If You Eat Mold?”,”acceptedAnswer”:[{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.\n\nThe only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.\n\nAlways Turn To The Professionals\n\nThe first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.\n\nWhether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like Duct Kings. This company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but they will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, this is one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.\n\nUnderstanding What Mold Is\n\nMost people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.\n\nThese spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.\n\nIs Mold Safe To Eat?\n\nYou might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.\n\nYour the safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.\n\nWhat Really Happens When You Eat Mold\n\nMold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.\n\nIf you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.\n\nKnow The Symptoms\n\nIf you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning and are:\n\nnausea\nvomiting\nfever\ndiarrhea\nheadache\ndizziness\n\nIf you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.”}]}]}
From https://www.theductkings.com/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/
from https://theductkingscleaningandrestoration.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/ from https://homecleaning19.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html
0 notes
theductkings0 · 4 years
What Happens If You Eat Mold?
Table of Contents
Always Turn To The Professionals
Understanding What Mold Is
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Know The Symptoms
Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.
The only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.
Always Turn To The Professionals
The first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.
Whether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like The Duct Kings. Our company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but we will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, we are one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.
Understanding What Mold Is
Most people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.
These spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.
Is Mold Safe To Eat?
You might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.
Your safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.
What Really Happens When You Eat Mold
Mold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.
If you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.
Know The Symptoms
If you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning from mold and are:
If you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What Happens If You Eat Mold?”,”acceptedAnswer”:[{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Mold! It’s been the talk of the town lately. Whether it is mold on mold or mold growing in some far corner of the home, everyone’s mind is on mold these days. And, this really is a good thing because mold is not only dangerous, but it can cause a lot of unwanted health problems. No doubt eating mold sounds pretty scary, but you might be surprised to learn that you’ve likely already eaten it at least once or twice in your life.\n\nThe only difference was that you didn’t know you were eating it. Does this mean that you don’t have to throw that moldy cheese out? What if you just do happen to consume a strawberry or two with mold on it without realizing it? These are viable questions and deserve real, honest answers.\n\nAlways Turn To The Professionals\n\nThe first thing that you need to know is that mold should always be considered dangerous. Now, there are types of mold that don’t pose a threat at all, but this is not the way that it should be approached. This is because dangerous mold is so dangerous and interacting wrong around it could cause unwanted negative health issues.\n\nWhether you are dealing with mold in the fridge or mold behind the fridge, you’re always going to want to opt for a professional company like Duct Kings. This company will not only come out, test the mold, tell you if it is dangerous or not, but they will safely remove it in the event that it needs to be removed. With years on top of years in the mold removal business, this is one company that can be trusted and relied on for any moldy situation.\n\nUnderstanding What Mold Is\n\nMost people know what mold looks like, but they don’t truly understand it or what it is. Well, mold is considered microscopic fungi that can grow on plants or animal material. When it grows, it grows in a threadlike shape with branches and roots that grow even deeper into the food. You’ll oftentimes hear talk about mold spores as well.\n\nThese spores are the reproductive seed of the mold that can travel through the air and land on other substances or surfaces. From here it can then grow into mold. So, yes that moldy cheese can spread to you delectable strawberries or blueberries and taint them as well.\n\nIs Mold Safe To Eat?\n\nYou might be surprised to learn how many people just cut off the moldy end of a piece of food and eat what’s leftover. You’re probably guilty of this to some degree. While this might not have affected you in an adverse manner, it certainly isn’t the best option. And, this is because mold grows in threadlike shapes, which allows the roots to spread throughout the entirety of the food item.\n\nYour the safest bet is just to eliminate the food item completely. However, the USDA itself does say that there are some items that can be saved by cutting at least 1-inch around and below the moldy spot. Softer foods with higher moisture content like yogurt or canned goods will probably need to be completely discarded since the mold can more easily penetrate into their surface. The same could be said for meat and poultry as well.\n\nWhat Really Happens When You Eat Mold\n\nMold is no doubt a confusing and trick organism. So, if you have consumed some or fear that you have, there is no need to freak out just yet. You have to remember that mold has the potential to cause disease, which means that your body’s response will be entirely dependent on your immune system. If you have a weak immune system, you might not be able to fight the mold off. If you have a strong immune system, you might just simply need to wait for the situation out. Unfortunately, individuals with weaker immune systems will be at greater risk. The mold can eventually become systemic where it will invade the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract, and even the brain.\n\nIf you know that you have a weak immune system, are prone to allergies, or suffer from asthma-like conditions, you’ll immediately want to seek out medical attention. Heck, even if you have a healthy immune system and fear that you’ve eaten mold, it’d still be a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional of some sort because you can clearly see that the substance can invade the body and spread.\n\nKnow The Symptoms\n\nIf you think that you’ve eaten mold, you’ll want to keep an eye out for symptoms. Some of these symptoms can mimic that of food poisoning and are:\n\nnausea\nvomiting\nfever\ndiarrhea\nheadache\ndizziness\n\nIf you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll want to immediately get in touch with a medical professional.”}]}]}
From https://www.theductkings.com/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/
from https://theductkingscleaningandrestoration.wordpress.com/2020/06/29/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold/ from https://theductkings1.blogspot.com/2020/06/what-happens-if-you-eat-mold.html
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