#n maybe its bc ive only seen the movies
scatmaan · 1 year
wish there were more movies that give off the feeling that event horizon, hellraiser, and annihilation give off
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maaxverstappen · 4 months
ty for the tag miss @foggieststars :-)
1. do you make your bed?
yes 99% of the time! I'm a really still sleeper and dont really disturb my sheets/duvet so its easy to do :)
2. favourite number?
4!! my birthday is 4/4
3. what's your job?
waiting to start my masters in aug and right now i'm a freelance social media manager n like project manager
4. if you could go back to school, would you?
i am going back to school lol. didnt know what to do with my life so i'm getting a masters degree in digital culture
5. can you parallel park?
I'm currently in the process of learning to drive (just waiting for my test) so theoretically yes but also ive only done it a few times.. but id be confident that i could do it in at least 2 tries. maybe not exam level perfect but like daily life good enough
6. do you think aliens are real?
in the way that there is life elsewhere yes. maybe even that we've discovered it but not silver men with massive eyes and slimy fingers
7. can you drive a manual car?
i can only drive manual! or, have only ever driven manual :) but dont see why i couldnt do an automatic
8. guilty pleasure?
oh my god ive been so into the outdoor boys on youtube lmao
9. tattoos?
10. favourite colour?
greeeeeeeeeen. even got a green engagement ring lol
11. favourite type of music?
pop pop and pop
12. do you like puzzles?
omg i got a puzzle the other day and it was the best ever. i spent a full day doing nothing but the puzzle. no thoughts just puzzle. i also really enjoy sudoku and daily games like wordle
13. favourite childhood sport?
i was not a sporty child
14. do you talk to yourself?
i actually don't. I'm very busy thinking all the time but childhood trauma has made me a very quiet person. i generally dont make much noise existing and that includes talking to myself
15. tea or coffee?
tea! but i did have a coffee i liked for the first time in america. was more sugar than coffee
16. first thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a princess and then an interior designer
17. what movies do you adore?
i ... dont watch movies
ive literally seen everyone be tagged bc it took me a while to do this so no tags today
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fail-boy · 4 months
okok i did the playlists...i hope it sends bc i know tumblr gets weird with links
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUljoUDIIcPQogdOE124yj6sGb2WzrvSX&si=bQWn-xASUqMr6oJZ (video essay playlist, it hasnt been updated in a bit besides the couple i added on just now, but it's the ones ive watched more than once. ill definitely be adding onto it over time!!)
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ZoTzZJYiXF3UwDmPEQnGO?si=Og-Yhho6SE2NUIxeWJt-MA&pi=u-GGePLzyXQOe6 (playlist !!!!!! it was only gonna be a couple but. now it's eight hours...)
im very normal and not thinking about your lap still (it's been plaguing me for days), and i also did Not (i did) consider that you'd look rlly hot smoking while i was there 😔 ive never smoked before but i kinda wanna try it with you 🫣 id rather try edibles though first bc of those thc(?) nerds ropes!!!! they were my favorite candy growing up :3333
weeee okok ill try to catch up with dnp....thank you for the suggestion :3
my faaaavorite musical is falsettos (and in trousers which is like the prequel to it!), and i also really love ride the cyclone!!!!! the character jane doe is my favorite :] if you ever have the time i recommend ride the cyclone, it's an hour long (compared to falsettos being two hours long...) n really fun !! you can find it on youtube :3 (i also like bmc, i like to reenact bits and pieces of it as michael when im bored !!!!)
hereditary !!!!!!!!!! i absolutely love hereditary ive only seen it once but aaaaugh....peter is my favorite character n i care about him a lot :[ i tried watching saw but i got sad bc i was worried adam was gonna die and i immediately got attached to him lol, but i wanna try again !!!!! everyone talks about it so much i gottaaaaa, ill be brave 😤😤
i hope you're doing good today :33333 sending you all my love and good vibes for your cornflakes !!!!!!!!
- 🫀🦷
hey sugar! it's so lovely to hear from you again <3
fuck yeah! i gave it a look through and ive seen a couple and some are new to me! im definitely gonna watch some tonight while me and my gf have the house to ourselves <3
ooooooh thanks cutie!!! im very excited to give this a listen as well! you have good taste pup i like lots of these songs <3
sweet thing <3 i want you in my lap more than anything, wanna cuddle you and kiss you and hold you while you try and be good for me <3 id love to smoke with you! that would be a lot of fun, we can start you with little joints and blunts and then build up to pipes and bongs :p i bet youd look gorgeous hitting a bong and getting all stoned <3
hell yeah! i rly hope you enjoy their videos, they're so good <3
oh yes ive heard of that! very good taste bb! ill try and check them both out this week, i have lots of time to myself! god ur really fucking adorable sugar id love to watch you sing your lil heart out
yippee!!! i have two hereditary tattoos; charlie's pigeon drawing in her notebook, and the little sigil that pops up everywhere (like on the grandma's necklace) <3 peter is my fave he's such a good relatable character! awww sugar thats so real of you, i wish i could watch it with you so i could hold you and keep you safe! maybe watch it with your partner and they can snuggle you while you watch it and keep u cozy and safe! its a really really good movie i think youll enjoy it!! adam is the scrunkly
my day was pretty good! busy as hell but im almost done for the day, just need to order dinner and eat <3 thank u sugar im sending good vibes right back and kisses and hugs <3
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ppnuggie · 2 years
      XENOMORPH KING x gn human reader
    『 xenomorph king ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> sort of the beginning of having a king xeno s/o ?? pt 1
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, gore warning in a way
  — some hcs of a xeno king ,, bc ive started watching the alien series ,, and even if ive only seen the queen xeno ,, kinda interested in what the king xeno is like 👁 so heres some hcs of that ,, ig this is a oc sort of xeno ?? named him king
  — this is a pt 1 ,, since this is more of how you met king n stuff ,, that sort of stuffies and all :) i have been watching the predator movies so hopefully ill be able to start writing for them too !!
• it was kinda confusing how it happened ,, as you were sent to a section of a certain planet with about 4 other people to research about these beings
• thankfully ,, during the process ,, your team hadn't received any injuries from the beings ,, besides getting hit in the head with a flick of their tail when theyd get too close
• even then ,, it wasnt that bad of an injury ,, and having your ship away from the hive kept the xenomorphs from finding out about your existences
• though ,, during your time spent on the foreign planet ,, the queen of the hive had died ,, leaving the rest of the hive to go into panic
• with no queen ,, reproduction would be difficult for the hive ,, as well as no order to be given out ,, and nothing to do ,, which had caused some xenomorphs to act out of line and attack one another
• of course ,, those who acted out were quickly taken care of by the upper ranking xenomorphs ,, who were not only in charge of guarding hosts when face huggers had been attached ,, but also guarding the eggs the queen would lay
• before the queen had died ,, she did lay a large clutch of eggs ,, and so the upper ranking xenos were left to hope that maybe a queen would hatch from one of them
• though a few of the eggs were quick to hatch ,, a small handful had taken quite some time ,, meaning they would be high ranking
• one day ,, a drone had snuck past the high rankings and took off with one of the eggs that had taken quite some time to hatch
• due to this ,, the drone would be hunted down by some of high rankings ,, though the drone bad found a host for the egg before it was killed off
• and the egg had hatched ,, the face hugger had implanted the chest burster ,, and then thats where you had stumbled across it
• the face hugger was long gone ,, but the host had been limping around ,, before it laid down and soon the chest burster came out
• you had watched with fascination ,, the chest burster coming out ,, its body bigger than the average chest burster
• though you werent the only one who spotted it ,, a ‘predator’ they had called them ,, had their eyes set upon the baby ,, ready to quickly exterminate it
• they hadnt noticed you ,, though ,, yet you had noticed them ,, as they had their guard down and camouflage off
• with quick thinking and planning ,, you scooped the chest burster up into your arms and quickly ran off ,, heading towards the hive to return it ,, after all this chest burster could end up being a new queen
• even if the entire xenomorph race was made to destroy and exterminate anything in their path ,, it didnt feel right to you to leave the chest burster alone and in danger
• maybe it was your crazy thoughts finally getting to you ,, maybe you had been away from earth and actual civilization for far too long ,, but you just couldnt let the hive dive further into chaos and helplessness
• after all ,, the queen did hold the whole hive together ,, and without the queen the hive had nothing to do but turn into chaos
• you did successfully get the chest burster to the hive ,, without being caught by the predator or any lurking xenomorphs thankfully ,, and let the chest burster down to the entrance
• it turned its head to the side ,, before making its way towards the hive ,, where you could easily hear a shriek from one of the higher rankings
• a small smile had made its way to your face ,, and soon you left to go back to the ship and to the rest of your crew
• a year later ,, you were out gathering meat from one of the local creatures that had been deamed safe enough for consumption
• whilst out ,, the predator who you had seen before was there ,, unbeknownst to you ,, with a couple of his clan mates
• the word must have spread that humans were on the planet ,, and that one in particular had taken a chest burster with them
• as the yautja were preparing to rid of your existence ,, a lurking xenomorph that had hidden from their radar had popped from its hiding spot
• its crest was big ,, and so was its size ,, mass equivalent to a queen yet a bit smaller ,, however it was too big to be a guardian / knight
• hearing its shriek made you look up ,, seeing the large creature and a few surprised yautja with their camouflage down
• your immediate reaction was to run and hide ,, making your way under some leaves that had grown from the ground ,, large enough to hide your body
• you could hear the fighting from outside ,, the predators talking amongst each other as they would fight against the xenomorph ,, and the louds cries and shrieks from the xenomorph itself
• then it all came to a stop ,, the fighting and the cries from the xenomorph ,, only left with eerie silence
• you put your hands on your mouth ,, afraid of what may happen if whatever was left outside would hear your silent cries and whimpers
• you didnt dare peak out from the brush ,, worried that you may be killed next
• though a light sniffing sound could be heard ,, long claws moving aside the leaves ,, from behind the bushery was what looked to be a queen xenomorph ,, yet its crest was bigger than a queen and its size was smaller
• teeth sharp and snarling ,, saliva dripping to the ground as it sniffed at your form ,, shivering and afraid of the being in front of you
• it stepped back ,, sitting on its hind legs as it waited for you to come out from your hiding space ,, though you were unsure as what to do ,, with the being in front of you and not showing any sign of hostility
• slowly ,, you made your way out from the bush ,, the ground before you mushy from the rain the previous day ,, and to your side laid the predators that had been hunting you
• with the angle you were at ,, you could better identify the xenomorph sitring in front of you ,, as it wasnt a queen but instead a king ,, a rare occurrence for xenomorphs
• this had been a huge change for your studies ,, basking in the beauty of the xenomorph ,, yet he moved from his position ,, standing on his hind legs and front arms moving to grasp you up
• it reminded you of the way you had held the chest burster you found a year ago ,, how similar it looked to the king that had its hold around you
• careful of his long claws ,, he made his way out of the shrubbery and towards where your ship had resided ,, the king set you down upon arrival ,, chest bonking lightly against you as a way to say ‘go’
• confused at your discovery ,, you slowly backed up towards the ship ,, watching as the king xenomorph in front of you had started to move away ,, showing no signs of aggression
• once he was quite far away ,, you made your way into the ship quickly ,, ready to brag about your discoveries to your teammates
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
He doesn't even know its touch starvation either - its not a concept he associates to himself bc 'Something Something Im Above Needing Anything'
'why do you subconsiously wrap your arm around your stomach and rub your side as if someone was with you if you aren't touch starved, AB' one might say. The answer to that is Shut The Fuck Up >:((
JUST LITTLE THINGS <33 he'll get distracted and just start,, passively touching himself?? (not like that you HEATHENS, that comes later smdnsmd)
LIKE <3333 fiddling with his own hair?? Pressing his palm just under his neck, running his thumb along the collarbone?? Before he shuts himself down for the night, he places his hand on the opposite shoulder so that when he wakes up it Almost Feels Like Someones There??? </3 YEAH. YEAH HE'S TOUCH STARVED. TOUCH FAMISHED. TOUCH RAVENOUS. SMDNSMD.
It wasn't even anything big?? Like <33 Reagan finally let up and agreed to let you sit in his tube for an hour, and when you were sitting yourself down your leg pressed against his side and Oops Hes Instinctively Leaning In Because He Wants More But,, Also Doesn't Know How The Fuck To Ask For More???
GRKKRKGR <333 him laying on your chest??? Like he'd never ask but,,, he just slowly keeps gettin closer and closer and eventually you just wrap your arms around him and coax him into this half-cuddling, half-hugging position??
HE HESITATES FOR,, A SOLID MINUTE??? Like you can SEE him battling his pride bc,,, Oh No Vulnerability.
Coo out a little,, endearment or pet name though?
his whole body <33 completely slacks in this gorgeous relieved sigh. He shudders a bit here and there but,, <33 mostly he's still. He accepts his defeat with grace <33
he doesn't even start huffing or scowling?? Like,, His Yearning For Touch completely overrides his pride. <333 in this moment he's a hopeless romantic mess for you, and maybe that's okay <3
OH BABEY the first time you play with his hair is a religious experience. It looks like he's about to faint?? his eyes just,, instinctively close w/ this massive shudder. You might even catch a low moan or two, if you have nails <333
LISTENNNN <33 REAGAN SAID AN HOUR ONLY BUT <33333333 yea it ends up being most of the afternoon bc she peeked in on the security feed and... tbh shes never seen AB that happy, she's not gonna interrupt that.
His shoulders and brows just,, raise and raise and raise at first?? It's like this full body Shock??
<33 he <333 he didnt <33 he didn't think they'd be so soft <3
he forgets you need to breathe bc hes so invested in it <333
like every time your head dips a little to catch your breath his head weaves down <333
EVEN WHEN YOU DO PULL BACK TO BREATHE, HIS LIPS ARE GONNA BE LIKE,, ON YOUR CHIN N BOTTOM LIP??? He breaks into smiles at random intervals just bc of how Dizzy With Love he feels??
<333333333333333 this man doesn't half-ass anything, especially not kissing <333 expect some <33 very long kissing sessions <333
HE <333 HEEEEE <333
IVE BROUGHT THIS UP AGAIN BUT LIKE <333 oh heavens just feeling your hands on his skin is enough to make him dizzy <33
running your hands along his back while he fucks you?? Or if you drape your arms around his shoulders while you ride him???? His eyes always unfocus a bit <333
LIKE <333 nah during sex he wants as much skin touching skin as possible. You're pretty sure he'd crawl inside u and hide there forever if he could lmao, he loves having you close <333
YOU WOULDN'T EXPECT IT,, BC,, YKNOW, HE ACT LIKE THIS TOUGH SNARKY ASSHOLE 80% OF THE TIME??? But Super Cuddly Sex is absolutely his jam when he wants,, smth more intimate.
NOT ONLY because he's secretly a sap but <33 oh the physical contact <33 feeling the little vibrations under your skin, the changes in temperature?
YKNOW WHAT??? I think he'd love cockwarming for that exact reason - not only for the delightful sensations, but like <333 he's so very close to you?? <3333 eee
His idea of heaven is lazy saturday morning cockwarming <333
JUST <333 the two of you pressed close under Massive Covers, his dick vibrating inside you?? Soft kisses here and there, all pretzeled around eachother?? Being close enough to hear every noise you make?? Your skin feels so soft and warm in the morning, that it almost feels like he’s standing in front of a fireplace? <3333 YEAYEAYEAYEA THAT'S LITERALLY HIS JAM
Whenever I write about this man, my brain cells completely escape my body. This is a formal apology SMDNSMDND
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everything update / the next few weeks.
hey everyone!!! i just wanted to update you on what’ll be happening over the next few weeks in case im not as active as i usually am!
i’ll be going to the opposite coast of the US for thanksgiving, so there’ll be a time change that’ll take me a minute to get used to. im going to keep regular EST in mind on the next two saturdays so i can post PTC at its usual time. i usually have it queued but sometimes tumblr doesn’t cooperate with me 👹 so if im a few hours late, that’s why!
the 27th is my birthday! im thinking of having another celebration or maybe taking a few days to post some new one shots since i haven’t done that in a long time. at the very least, there’ll be a new chapter of PTC out that day. i have some good ideas in my notes that i just need to actually take the time to write lol (btw my list is still on amazon and my ko-fi is linked in all of my work 👀)
the name thing- i’ve gotten a few messages about that. if you didn’t catch it when i said it earlier, i’ve been going by my middle name on here. i’ve always gone by it so it’s not like it’s an alias or anything. i always used to hate my first name but lately i’ve been trying to switch it up, i’ve grown to like it more as i’ve gotten older. i’ve always gone by both my first and middle names interchangeably, so whatever you all feel comfortable calling me on here i am also comfortable with! nina, christine, christie, chris, nc, c, n! i’ll usually sign everything “n.c.” but im okay with anything.
also, finals season is approaching for me. these finals are pretty important bc they’re the last finals i’ll be taking in my college career. if im not interacting as much, that is why! i love interacting and being on here, but i also love good grades jshdksh. everything should be done at the beginning of december, and that’s when im opening my requests back up!
a few months ago i updated you all about an awful family situation i was in, if anyone is still concerned, my brother is doing fine and is back in school! he went as a horror movie character for halloween (sam from trick r treat? i’ve never seen it but he looked cute as heck in it bc he’s so little) and as far as i know, is doing much better. thank you for all your kind words during a really rocky period of my life. i can only hope that he continues to stay better.
ik ive said it already today, but i genuinely am so happy you’re all loving my new series! i can’t wait for you to read future chapters and other new works that’ll come eventually 💞 thanks for all the love on this blog, im so excited for what the future holds!!
-n.c. დ
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cheswirls · 3 years
okay..... okay
so i jus finished watching promare,
wow. like trigger always does amazing but this is wow.
i think? i had suspicions of kray that got confirmed when he showed galo the migration plan that got official-confirmed later on but like. that was definitely because of bna which is kinda funny. i think trigger really likes the misleading-hero-is-and-always-has-been-main-villain trope bc i think the same thing happened in lwa too. 
i stopped halfway thru the movie to do stuff and had time to process before coming back to finish it, but i think by that point i was already p set on kray’s stance. he jus reminded me so much of alan from bna, to the point where i was questioning, if i had watched promare when it came out, and then bna when it aired the following year, would i have caught on to alan before the reveal?? like they really are super similar. to the point where i was thinkin, like,
what if kray’s whole plan explained so early on wasnt even real. like i think, i think i thought it was gonna be like an exile. like he tricks heris into helping him w the warp gate, but all the passengers turn out to be burnish, with the end goal being to eradicate burnish from earth by warping them somewhere else. this was implausible when the engine was revealed but that was my original thought
ngl when kray is preparing to confront lio and his hand glows i completely misinterpreted that. i went full-on “this is alan from bna” and said oh! maybe he has actual ice powers somehow. turns out it really was full-on alan-from-bna bc he turns out to be burnish instead, and at this point i am questioning why trigger got away w literally having the same villain in two different animations, but again i think ive seen things similar to this in other trigger stuff so. they jus have a villain type!! like its cool its not a big deal. but i did. predict things on kray bc i was thinkin abt bna while watching so.
i rly went into this not knowing anything rhgrhwrh ik promare has been huge since release.. i watched the dub trailer while deciding which vers n went ahead n watched it in english bc i knew if i didnt have to read subs i could pay attn to the animation more (had i done it subbed it wouldve been a 4hr film bc. pausing a lot. admiring frames. going back to remember dialogue. etc.) and the dub is so good actually!!! ainas voice i enjoyed a lot it took me uhhh til they all crash into the lake for me to realize, hey, this sounds like cherami leigh. and then i had to check bc. had to. and its alyson rosenfeld!! that caught me off guard. the second time this year ive thought a voice sounded super similar to cherami leigh’s one-voice-acting (the other was kimiko glenn as kara which knocked me off my feet bc. paperstar????? the same va as paperstar?? girl has rangeeee) and then i was like, okay, thats why it took me over half the movie before i recognized cherami leighs voice -because it wasnt her (not that shes bad or anything its jus that. she only has one voice. super recognizable. brings me outta the immersion every time)
i think the only downside was the text is so blocky it was hard to read and no subtitles means. i jus missed stuff until they reintroduced everyone in the blue writing at the end. and i got used to galos voice to identify what he was naming everything gehgrwg
i rly love triggers animation and the story is so good too aaaaaa this was a rly fun watch
Tumblr media
oh also!!! the idea of ice beats fire is SO GOOD man im gonna use that. like. i think id already considered it bc of somethings influence (spe maybe?? likepryce maybe idk) BUT RLY like ice freezes fire. like if you freeze it cold enough it jus cant burn anymore. like water puts out fire sure but ice isnt always a weakness against fire!! depends on how you utilize it. like yea fire can melt ice but also. if smth is cold enough it cant burn. much to think abt
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antpelts · 3 years
money, naughty, rapunzel beeeeeeep
beeeeeeeepeeeepeeep haiiii
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
ughhhhh u know i hate like deciding things at allllllllll [eye roll] <3 probably like.. buy a house and car cuz that stuffs expensive and then like ,, buy things for ppl i love etc etc a nice camera too maybe a lighting kit whos to say :sob:
Naughty: Tell us three things that your parents disapprove of?
theyre like.. generally chill they like.. also disapprove of some stuff to an extent but dont really care too much as long as its not crazy :sob: ? like.. they dont like alcohol much but as long as im not crazy they dont care too much what i do with my life? they dont like my sisters tats bc well.. reasons i do think theyre kinda horribly tacky :sob: but they dont mind my tattoos. i think theyd only disapprove of like.. :sob: hard drugs and illegal shit?? dfljdsklfj they dont like smoking but neither do i so you know most if not all of this tho kljgfkldfjd
Rapunzel: Name three Disney movies that you adore.
hm.. ive seen a lot but off the top of my head its hard i loved like bambi and fox and the hound. lady and the tramp.. hundred and one dalmatians.. flkjgfdklg a lot of the animal movies. OH the aristocats !!!!! ;_; i LOVE that one. lion king is good too. OH OH lilo n stitch !!!! ;A; to be fair theres a good amount of disney movies i never saw or dont remember lkjfgklfd i liked wall-e a lot too OH OH OH BOLT!!!!! ;_; LOVE BOLT...... yeah im looking at a list what of it........ up was really good i actually loved g force and saw it in theaters :sob: i liked tangled a Lot too ohh big hero six too ;; i liked moana too even tho it took me like 2 yrs to see it i feel like those are all my faves theres others ive liked but yeah
ask meme
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spotsupstuff · 4 years
🥺 vibe check my baby shithead?
bless... its my sibwing time...
Why I like them:
what the fuck is there not to like about them, lets be honest. their personality is unique when compared to other bvs. i lowkey always hoped id get to see a bv that would be more bold, angry, just more sharp towards the world. most of bvs that ive seen before joining the creating part of the fandom were soft shy kids that didnt want to hurt anybody. its valid to characterize bc like that, but it was everywhere. lost was like the polaris in the entirety of the fandom. learning about them was refreshing, comforting, it felt and still feels safe to consider and think about them. they feel real, i feel like i could meet them on the street in a playground and become friends with them. you made them so real and important to me. ive said this plenty in the server, but theyve helped me through a lot of hard times. i was too sad or anxious or scared to come out of bed? i thought about them interacting with broken and i felt better. i was in a lot of pain? thinking about them helped distracting me and getting me through a lot of it. im so so thankful for their existence and even more so for your willingness to interact, rp and vibe with me. i love lost so much.
Why I don’t:
their clinginess sometimes worries me. they are valid in it, but clingy people generally make me Slightly uncomfy bc i have times where id rather not be touched and i have trouble speaking up because i dont wanna offend or hurt. broken is the same and i fear the day they will have to disappoint lost by turning away a hug or a cuddle session. the mixture of natural understandable clinginess and anger can result in a sort of manipulation. unintentional, but still manipulation
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
,,,ill be mildly self-indulgent and say that the scene where them and broken adopted each other, overlaying with the morning after, is perhaps my favorite thing ever. BUT!! i liked the scene with them shunning ghost out of oros hut. it established their thoughts and determination to Keep things important to them away from people that had hurt them.
Favorite season/movie:
the ENTIRE FUCKIN FIC THATS ABOUT THEM GETTIN FROM THE ANCIENT BASIN TO ORO. bro ive checked ao3 like every morning when the second chapter was still in the wip bin, i just couldnt wait for it kgjslkgjsldkk the amount of details to the struggles and the size of torment expressed through your words was so so real and i couldnt get enough of it. im incredibly thankful for that fic and for all the feelings it stirred up in me wee heart
Favorite line:
”I mean you’re a clown. do I need to say it slooooowwwweeerr?” the beginning of an age...
“don’t ever pull Us together like that, ever again” theres a lot to unpack here and boy, im keepin the entire suitcase right in my lap and i WILL think and dive deep into it with my thoughts
Favorite outfit:
theyve got One but they sure be rockin in and i -cocks designer gun- have Some ideas for that second cloak that net would make them so i Hope that will follow close behind their og look
this lil creachure is fifteen, i only ship them with safety and parental/platonic love and care
them and purl!!! but also them and hornet, even though its not as close of a relationship, it makes me very happy that they arent completely shut off from each other. that lil short story they shared about their first encounter with cain instinct committed by hornet has been inserted into my mind forever out of the RAN universe canon... them and broken for obvious reasons, them and net (ive been LOOKIN for an AGE AND A HALF NOW SO HARD at that relationship) and tbh??? them and junior has been on my mind a Lot lately. ever since the first doodles of junior hiding them with wings in the among us au, ive been considerin n thinkin of scenarios
Head Canon:
-thunk emoji- hmm... theyll never be too great of a flyer. they will be able to do more than just flap once or twice to get over some distances, definitely, but i feel like they will forever prefer ground over the skies. some minor hcs: ,,,they might pick up some sort of sewing from net in the bverse, maybe; their hand writing will/does look like yours; one day, they will do something that will make a giant difference in something important, completely by themself
Unpopular opinion:
i dont fahcken kno how to do these with yalls characters what hte fuck
A wish:
i wish radiance didnt fuck them up so much during Those years. they deserve to get tall and strong, capable of their dads nailarts, big enough to wield a bigass nail like him and suplex broken
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
this is an incredibly unlikely scenario to happen cuz i know you dont like thinkin about the ultimate end of people and characters, but my biggest fear is that one day they will come back from a hunt or a visit to a cold body in their dads bed, with eyes closed to never open again, not giving them the chance to even say goodbye.
5 words to best describe them:
angry, worried, caring, gentle, afraid
My nickname for them:
sibwing... lil star (just like u heehoo), sometimes i think about them as simply “safety” or “comfort”
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moontours · 4 years
can you talk more about Iron Man 2 Natasha versus other Natashas?? I feel pure joy when I see it <3
sure <333 ill break it up into sections by movie
iron man 2: shes literally the love of my life and the reason why i even started liking natasha in general but like outside of My personal feelings i do think this is the best iteration of natasha by far. her cover story for stark industries was SO good like do u know how clever u have to be to get around tony’s systems? and imo its literally the ONLY time in the mcu where we get to see natasha being a SPY even though thats a large part of her skillset. i loved the hallway scene in the end where she got to show off and literally singlehandedly take down all those guards and i loved the moment between her and tony before his birthday party. it was honest, vulnerable but subtle enough that it makes SENSE for natasha’s character. 
the avengers: hmm. probably my second favourite iteration of nat. i loved the beginning with her at her mission and then her manipulating bruce, i thought those scenes were both in character. also, ive seen ppl say that they hate that first scene where nat is being interrogated bc it makes her appear as weak when ?? i feel like it does the opposite ?? like shes literally only still tied up bc she wants to be, so that she can get more information. she is literally in control there, she was just waiting for the time to strike n had to do it sooner than later bc of clont getting compromised. anyways idk i like ta!nat i think shes fine but theres not much in terms of like. anything else other than Badass Character, u feel? also i HATED how scared she was of bruce/hulk. it left a bad taste in my mouth n i cant believe they tried a romance there after
winter soldier: maybe controversial but i hate her in this movie jrbjhabsjd or i guess hate is a strong word but i dont like her in this movie. like first of all the role shouldnt have even been hers??? it shouldve been sharon’s and it was supposed to be until they decided to replace sharon with her. her characterization in this movie is literally god-awful which imo led to her shitty characterization in endgame. she was genuinely humiliating when she tried to go undercover in this like idc how brief it is shes always ready (in dd v2 she literally wore a FULL disguise to visit matt as work when there was a lot of press so she wouldnt gain any attention for him. foggy didnt recognize her til she took off her wig) so the fact that she would put on a HOODIE ??? AND GO ??? TO A PLACE WHERE THERES CLEARLY CAMERAS ??? humiliating. the part where she was like 🥺🥺 would u trust me to save ur life ?? humiliating. natasha doesnt give a SHIT about what people think of her. frankly, all steve did up to that point was heavily judge her so she shouldnt care abt what he thinks. they obviously tried to make her a more emotional character in this but it just came off wrong lmao. i did like her last scenes though
age of ultron: ill keep this short—i dont like aou nat, i dont think it was a good representation of nat at all and i absolutely despise the brucenat romance with my entire heart. i did like her suit and fight scenes but thats it. theres not enough words to describe how misogynistic and wrong and disgusting it was for them to say natasha is a monster like bruce to make HIM feel better just bc she cant have children. 616 natasha sweetie.
civil war: the twist of her being the one to change sides was so lame i literally have to laugh like omg wowow the former spy ended up switching sides how unexpected i cant believe no one saw that coming. her being on tony’s side was the right call and the switch was stupid thats all lmao they just wanted her to stay with steve and sam after the team broke up which is literally stupid bc either way she shouldve been on her own. irritashun
infinity war: honestly not much to say she only had 6 minutes and all she did was Fight ppl so it was ur typical portrayal of nat. her eyebrows and hair were atrocious though. it shouldve been black hair as a nod to 616 nat’s tendency to dye her hair black in the old comics
endgame: oh boy where to even start. this is my least favourite iteration of nat in the entire mcu. i literally did not recognize her for a SECOND. before the movie came out, sc/rjo talked abt how we would see a pissed off nat ready to take action and i was really excited because THAT sounded like the nat i knew. but when the movie actually came, we saw her ?? moping ?? crying ?? eating a sad ass sandwich by herself ?? basically doing the emotional labour for the team because god forbid any of the men do it ??????? and the fact that they CUT OUT ALL OF HER COPING SCENES TOO LIKE THE TARGET PRACTICE, THE PUNCHING BAG??? i cant jbhjabsdhj it makes me SO fucking furious that they would make her some overly emotional character—like not to say that its a bad thing to be that, its not, but it’s also NOT natasha in any way. ive said this before but natasha’s grief almost ALWAYS manifests in the form of anger and u can explicitly see that in secret empire when she cries by herself for a minute, composes herself and gets ready to kill stevil. u can see that during hickmanvengers when its HER that realizes this is more than just taking sides, theres a bigger fight. i wanted so desperately to see a pissed-off nat and i was literally lied to. n then her ending lmao?!?!?!?! i dont even want to touch on that bc its going to get me so fucking mad jrbhavshgd abut i will talk abt it briefly: FUCK her ending FUCK the russos FUCK m&m and FUCK everyone who said this was empowering. it wasnt. she literally died for HER family, who she decided wasnt as important as clint’s blood family. thats BULLSHIT. its so stupid and the fact that she wasnt even able to reunite with everyone?? the fact that she died in the SAME DISGUSTING MANNER that gamora did???? like she didnt even make it to the FINAL BATTLE. how on earth do u treat ur first female hero (and one of the first female leads of the mcu in general) like that????? the fact that they didnt even give her a proper funeral bc they said that natasha is ~private~ like shes not some fucking loner or recluse. at the very least, we shouldve seen them mourning her properly (steve shedding one tear and bruce throwing shit around doesnt count) but they really said fuck women xo
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cozyteez · 5 years
Hii, do u have any tips for writing fics?? I’m so used to writing research reports, lab reports, and formal essays that creative writing has become something I really struggle with. I guess it’s having the freedom to write anything and not knowing how to make sure it’s not corny. I tried outlining a fic one time but it was so frustrating LOLOLOL. Anyways, I love your ateez fics. They are so cute and creative!!
hi !!!! im like rlly touched u asked me and i feel u actually that's why i started this blog; im a biomedical engineering major so as u can imagine i dont get to take much creativity with what i write because writing papers and reports and proposals are so formulaic and u gotta stick to the facts so that being said i actually tested out of all my college writing classes so all my writing knowledge is from ap english in hs lmao so take it w many grians of salt
the #1 thing i do when im feeling sort of unmotivated about a story or maybe like like dragging myself thru mud to write it is to just write the "fun" part first. to me the fun part is usually the climax or maybe the like the "wouldn't it be cute if..." moment that came to mind that inspired me to write a blurb in the first place! then usually once i sort of get the ball rolling on that my brain will help me out and keep the momentum going by thinking of maybe "oohh okay maybe this can happen next" or "oohh and what if this led up to it" or !! just stop there !! something ive learned from my mx writing blog which is like a year older than this one was that you don't owe anybody context especially for a blurb so maybe it really is just 3 sentences of a cute moment u thought of like its whatever ur the one writing it
now for longer fics im going to be honest jongho's first love is my first and only completed attempt at a multi stage coherent story. and that was fueled purely based on the fact that when i look at jongho he just gives off sort a really excited sort of innocence that i wanted to further explore and personify through the idea of him experiencing love for the first time but even then i really struggled w the last part because that's where my personal experience stopped and i had basically nothing to go off of because ive never been in love so i did have to kinda wait for ideas to come to me. for prince yunho i have posted 4 chapters but have all the way through chapter 15 drafted. and by drafted i mean it's like 3 sentences of the overall idea. again, the fic was inspired by the duality between yunho's on stage vs. off stage persona where if somebody was to watch an ateez performance for the first time they may find him very serious and maybe even intimidating but atiny would know that his off stage persona (the one he choses to create for us anyways) is very silly and happy-go-lucky and approachable, which is why prince yunho is seen as narameth's strong and stoic pride and joy but in reality he's sort of clumsy but means well. so i let that and his relationship w xenia who is an original character (OC) sort inspire stories or interactions that i force into a plot line. so for example i believe when i first started thinking abt a prince au for yunho i thought "wouldn't it be funny if the first scene started out painting him as this strong and serious man and then cut to him choking on food or something" and that sort of inspired the idea of him being nervous abt the speech and then xenia came out of that because he needed a complementary character imo since i knew he was gonna be kind of one dimensional and then his backstory with xenia inspired other ideas and then one day i was sad and wanted a hug so that inspired a piece of the plot line and so on. so basically: let an idea or even an aspect of somebody come to you and just write it down, let it inspire other ideas. and don't be afriad to completely start over. i wrote a whole chapter for prince yunho and deleted the whole thing because i hated where it was going and started back from scratch. sometimes you have to revisit things abt your characters and their relationships with others to get a new idea. there's a story in every person and every relationship you just have to find the clues
here's an example of what i mean by "write the good part first". this is typically what the very first draft of a blurb will look like for me
((( blah blah blah basically its raining and y/n is sad bc wooyoung broke her heart two weeks ago idk maybe go into it maybe not)))
y/n is all sad and feeling sorry for themselves on the couch theyre past crying but still feel pretty shitty plus it's storming and cold outside. great
there's a knock on their door ofc they have the cliche "who could that be moment" even tho they lowkey know. we literally all know
so yeah wooyoung's there soaked in rain eyes puffy y/n thinks he's been crying
-this would be the "fun part". i'll fix all that garbage up top later or maybe even change it completely idk yet-
"y/n? i - uh. hi"
he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while you crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to close the door and walk away for good
"hi? really wooyoung? is that the best you can do?"
(((wooyoung does smth idk)))
"well i just -"
"you just what? showed up here in the rain after you broke my heart and didn't even bother to tell me why? this isn't some romance movie, asshole. you can't just come here late at night and expect to find me all sad and willing to take you back because i'm not. so say what you're gonna say so i can get back to my life"
your face was red hot and you trying very hard, probably too hard, to fight back tears. ((( idk talk some more abt y/n's emotions then what wooyoung is doing)))
"look, i made a mistake i-"
"oh my god! why did i know you were gonna do this. i just knew as soon as i saw you-"
"will you let me get a fucking word in!?"
well that was new. in the entire time you'd known him he had never raised his voice at you like that, your shock causing you to immediately close your mouth and fold your arms back into yourself (((make y/n seem more scared))) noticing your reaction, he lowered his voice back down and instictively reached for you, heartbroken at the way you jerked away from his touch
"please y/n, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice it's just that i need to tell you that i regret what i did i regret breaking up with you so fucking much and you don't have to take me back i just need you to know how much you meant, no, mean to me. i still love you, a lot. there's not a day, an hour, a minute, or a single second that goes by that i'm not thinking of you"
"then why?"
your voice was small and wavering, your tears now dangerously close to spilling down your cheeks
"why what?"
"why did you break up with me like that, just all of a sudden"
he pushed his hands into his pockets and looked away
"because that morning i woke up before you and when i looked at you asleep next to me, i saw myself spending the rest of my life with you and it scared the shit out of me"
"why did it scare you?"
"because i just figured you didn't feel the same. i was selfish and wanted to save myself heartbreak down the line and so i told you i didn't wanna be with you anymore, but that was a mistake because it turns out i can't function with out you, i can't breathe without you i can't live without you, y/n. i shouldn't have let you go"
tears were now freely flowing down your face (((okay brain no work anymore y/n kisses him duh and then ofc they make up wooyoung prob says smth cheesy and y/n is like ur lucky i love you or smth ahaha the end)))
tl;dr -> don't be afraid to get messy. creative writing is not nearly as structured as academic/scientific writing. write whatever u want first it can even be the middle of a huge fight scene or some dialogue u think is funny. if ur stuck read what you have or maybe just take a break and let an idea come to you. a story doesnt have to come together til the very end so it can be as messy and out of order as u want until u wanna post it. also i would always use the third person omniscient point of view for a longer story like a chaptered fic as a default and only change if it would impact the plot in a negative way. this is where the narrator knows what every character is thinking/feeling and im p sure a teacher in middle school told me it was the easiest to write and follow
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scatmaan · 2 years
zombie apoc movies/shows are better when its at the beginning of the apoc and not the middle
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novacxlum · 5 years
the wedding planner
in which you’re a wedding planner working on the biggest party of your career with more than a few bumps along the way
a/n: facts about this piece: 
1: this isnt much like anything ive ever written and doesn’t rly sound like me AT ALL
2: its really quite long, like nearly 25 pages in word
3: this is very much based on the jennifer lopez movie bc its SO good
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You squint under the bright sunlight as you rush down the bustling city streets; it’s an unusually warm day in southwest London and you can’t help but curse yourself for not checking the weather. If your arms weren’t so full, you’d shrug off your cardigan, but between your phone and purse and binder, you can’t find a spare hand.
“Listen, Izzy, tell Joelle to stop freaking out. We’ll just tour venues tomorrow, instead. Call her and make sure she’s okay, tell her I’ll call them all.”
“Do you still have the list or do you want me to send it to you again?” Your assistant and best friend’s voice echoes tinnily through the phone and you purse your lips. You can barely focus on the question, the heat beginning to become unbearable. Your shoulder is becoming sore from bumping into everyone on the crowded sidewalk.
“Um, I may have it, but can you send me an extra copy just in case?” You fit your phone between your ear and shoulder and you begin to rifle through your binder.
“Yeah, for sure. She also wants to add Heavenly Hollow onto that list. I’ve got their number right here, can I read it off to you?”
You look up from your binder to gauge the distance to your crosswalk and pull a pen from your hair, find a blank page, and say, “Yeah, but hurry.”
You listen to her speak quickly and jot down the number as fast as your fingers will move. Just as you begin to walk across the crosswalk, you stick your pen back behind your ear. “Okay, call me when you get home.”
“Will do,” you grin, saying your goodbyes and listening to her hang up.
You struggle to get your phone out from its secure place. Someone’s shoulder hits yours particularly hard and you grunt as it falls from your arms. You gasp as papers fly around you and you hastily sheathe your phone in your pocket and crouch down, fumbling with your papers. If this weren’t the most important wedding of your career, you’d have left them, but you know there are papers here that Izzy doesn’t have and you’ll be damned if you’re going to let Joelle Christiansen the same wedding treatment you give everyone else.
“Hey!” The word rings loudly in your ears. You barely hear it, still struggling to get your papers back in their spots. “Hey, ma’am!” This time you look up; not at the man yelling, presumably at you, but at the tourist bus hurtling straight toward you.
“Shit,” you whisper, clutching your binder and standing to your full height. You take a step, and before you can get anywhere, the wind is knocked from you. There are arms wrapped tightly around you, but your back slams into the cement of the sidewalk. You groan, still gripping your binder as the sounds of screeching rubber from the bus ring through the air.
“Jesus, are you okay?” A Welsh accent asks. Your eyes, which you had not realized were still closed, blink open. You let a deep breath out and look at your savior.
And, good god, was he a savior. A beautiful one at that. You clear your throat and close your eyes again, your heart still pounding. “Did I get all my papers?” You ask, and he chuckles ludicrously.
“Yeah, love, I think you did.”
“Thank Christ.” You breathe, dropping your head back. You eyes immediately snap open. “And thank you! Seriously, I owe you my life.”
He laughs softly, and as you stare up at him, you become acutely aware that you’re still trapped beneath a strong contender for the most handsome man you had ever seen. You sit up quickly and he falls to sit beside you. “Are you alright?” He asks again, and you let out a huffy breath, blowing your hair from your face.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” The two of you stand, you gratefully taking his hand when he offers it. “Hey, let me buy you a coffee or something. It’s the least I could do.” You plead, still holding your binder close to your chest.
“I shouldn’t,” he breathes softly, and you give him the smallest of all smiles.
“Please. It doesn’t even have to be a coffee, I just owe you.”
“Coffee would be lovely.” He admits. Your face splits into a grin and you hold out your hand.
“I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
He accepts your handshake and the two of you begin to walk toward the cafe just around the corner. “Taron,” The name is familiar, but you suppose it isn’t an entirely uncommon name. You furrow your brows as you try to remember exactly where you’ve heard the name. “So, what exactly is in the binder? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Oh, it’s just, uh, work stuff.” You chuckle. “It’s a big client.”
“Big enough to risk your life over?” He asks teasingly, sticking his hands in his pockets.
You laugh softly. “You have no idea.” You shrug off your sweater and lay it over your arm.
“Well, hey, I hope it works out for you,” he admits, pulling open the door for you. You thank him, walking into the cafe.
The two of you order, and despite Taron’s insistence, you pay for his drink. As the two of you sit at a table, you begin to wonder how you got so lucky. Sure, you may have nearly died, but there’s a silver lining to every cloud. You laugh at all his jokes, not because you feel that you have to, but because you actually think they’re funny. It had been a long, long time since you had met someone you saw something in, and it felt as though you and Taron were operating on the same wavelength.
With a quick glance at your watch, you gasp softly and begin to grab your things. “Taron, this has been lovely, truly, but I have to go. I’m so sorry.”
“Where are you rushing to?” He asks curiously as you grab your things.
Shrugging your sweater on, you smile. “My best friend, Izzy, and I go to outdoor movies in the park every Friday. She should be getting there by now.”
“Oh, they’re playing An Affair to Remember tonight, right?” He asks, and you cock your head.
“Yeah, actually. Do you go see them?”
“I used to, a few years back. I haven’t gone in ages.” He admits. You grin, stuffing your binder in your oversized purse.
“Well, hey. If you’re looking to reminisce, you are very welcome to join us.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), I’m not going to be able to make it tonight,” Izzy says apologetically.
“Izzy, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it, okay? Next weekend.” You sigh softly, looking to Taron’s confused face.
“I’m sorry, okay? I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I love you. Bye,” you hang up with a soft sigh and look to the man standing beside you. “So, Izzy isn’t going to make it.” You quirk the corner of your mouth up.
“Oh, damn.”
“Hey, if you want to bail, that’s fine.” You assure, and he makes a playfully offended face.
“I could never.” He teases. He offers you a package of M&M’s and you hold out your hand, clutching onto the candies he pours into your hand.
The two of you listen to the music in silence, waiting for the sky to darken enough for the movie to start. As much as you adore the tradition with Izzy, you’re grateful to have what felt suspiciously like a first date. You look over to Taron and already find his gaze on your face, causing you to blush. He inspects you and you raise a brow, a silent challenge. Instead of saying anything, he shakes his head with a smile and scoots the smallest bit closer to you.
Within moments, the movie is beginning.
“That movie is terrible.” Taron criticizes, and you glare at him, nudging his ribs with your elbow.
“It’s not! It’s one of the most romantic movies of all time.” You defend, and he rolls his eyes.
“It’s such a cop-out. The ending would be so much more impactful if they never ended up together.”
The crowd begins to disperse as the moviegoers began to leave, but you and Taron remained seated on the grass. Your thighs pressed together and your hands rest on the ground behind you to hold up your weight, making you blush every time Taron’s arm brushes against your back.
“I think it’s sweet. I like happy endings.” You admit softly, your gaze resting upon the smooth skin of his face.
“There aren’t always happy endings.” He reminds you, making you roll your eyes, looking away from him.
“So cynical,” you tease, making his shoulders shake lightly as he laughs quietly. He turns to look at you, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe so.” He accepts, his eyes still trained on you. You begin to falter beneath his stare, looking into his bright eyes and allowing your own smile to take root.
The silence is nearly stifling, and you feel his hand move near yours, his fingers brushing over your own. You let out a breath, the anticipation burning in the pit of your stomach. He leans toward you, just slightly, and you subconsciously mirror his movements. He’s only inches away when you hear a voice cutting through the cool air.
“Hey! We think it’s gonna start raining, you might want to pack up.” Your head swings around and you catch sight of a security guard.
You nod and hear Taron’s thanks, mate before the two of you stand, looking to one another. The air is awkward now that you’ve been interrupted, so you laugh softly. “I should go. Thank you, for everything today.”
“It was truly my pleasure, (Y/N).” He assures, and you grin. You purse your lips, looking to him before booking a thumb over your shoulder.
“I’ll see you around?”
You see him narrow his eyes, but he nods, a sweet smirk pulling at his mouth. “Yeah, of course.”
You turn and fight the smile at the thought of him, and you want to roll your eyes for already being enamored by him, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. It isn’t until you’re nearly home that you begin to berate yourself for not getting his number.
“So what, you just didn’t ask for his number?” Lewis asks, and you glare at your father’s best friend from across the table.
“No, Lewis, I didn’t.”
“Well, did you at least kiss him?” His wife asks. You purse your lips and avert your eyes to your coffee mug.
“I mean, technically--”
“Come on!” You father cries, making you shake your head.
Saturdays were your designated days to spend with your father. Saturday mornings, anyway. It was hard to get Saturdays off with work, spending most weekend afternoons and evenings with brides touring, tasting, and tailoring. It was busy, and most days physically exhausting, but it was worth it. At least, you seemed to think so.
You roll your eyes and take a sip of your coffee, changing the subject immediately. “Anyway, we’re touring venues today, I’m hoping we can finally pick one and start setting vendors in place.”
“You work too hard,” Katherine scolds, and you smile at her.
“I’m not working too hard, I’m just dedicated.” You shake your head, looking to your father.
“Don’t get yourself too worked up over this wedding, (Y/N/N), or you may actually get hit by a bus. Literally or figuratively.”
“Yeah, whatever.” You roll your eyes playfully, laughing softly under your breath.
There’s a soft knock on the front door and you look over, your brows furrowed in curiosity as your father cries, “Come in!”
The door opens just as you begin to lecture your father. “You cannot just let random people into your house, dad. Do you want to be robbed?”
“C’mon, do you really think I’d rob him?” A familiar voice asks, and you blanch.
“(Y/N), you remember Colin.” Lewis reintroduces his son, and you watch him with wide eyes.
“Uh, yeah, of course.”
How could you possibly forget? You had grown up with him; you’d known him as long as you can remember. Lewis and Katherine’s son was, in a way, your first love. For years, you’d pined over the man. In fact, you still felt your heart race at the sight of him. Colin, however, had been several years older than you and as far as you were concerned, far out of your league.
You stand as he approaches you, reciprocating his actions as he wraps you in a tight hug. “God, you look so different! You look great.” He grips your hips and you allow him to push you away as he looks at you from a distance, gripping his elbows. “Really great.”
“You too,” You breathe, looking up at his face. He flashes a grin and you offer a bashful smile, feeling the heat rise up your neck.
“Can you two get a room?” Lewis teases, breaking you from your reverie. You clear your throat and allow your hands to fall, ignoring Colin’s chuckle from behind you as you turn to face your father. You ignore your burning cheeks, giving a convincing smile.
“Y’know, Colin is single.” Katherine admits, a knowing grin on her face and a playful twinkle in her eyes. You make eye contact with your father, who shrugs and stands to get Colin a cup.
“Thanks, mum. Really.” You hear Colin chuckle. He nudges your arm to get your attention. “We should catch up.” He offers.
Your mind immediately goes to Taron, and though you nearly blush again just at the thought of him, you begin to wonder if you’ll ever even see him again.
“Yeah, totally.” You nod, a friendly smile on your face. You can’t tell if you’re accepting because you’re being polite, or if you actually want to go, but you sigh.
He flashes you a blinding smile before walking to the kitchen to meet your father. You sit at the table, glaring at Katherine and Lewis.
“You did that on purpose.” You accuse. Katherine just shakes her head, taking a sip from her mug.
She had been the only person to know of your childhood crush on her son, and though you had sworn to her for years that it was over, she never fully believed you. You hadn’t seen Colin in about six years, and distance had done you well.
Out of sight, out of mind.
But now, Colin was very much back in your sights. As you peer into the doorway of the kitchen and see him laughing with your father, you wonder if it was in everyone’s best interest that you might pursue a relationship with him. After all, he was still extremely handsome. And kind, a generous person since the time you were young children. It was difficult for you to find fault in him, something you had tried and failed at doing whilst trying to get over him years ago.
You sigh, crossing the table to say your goodbyes to your father’s friends. Gripping your cup, you hesitantly venture to the kitchen to rinse your mug and say goodbye to your father and Colin. You peek in the doorway, catching only a second of their hushed conversation before fully stepping in. Colin catches your eye and grins. Your father twists to look at you.
“Hey, love, you leaving?” He asks, reaching out to take your mug. You hand it to him with a grateful smile and nod.
“Yeah, I’ve got to be at a venue in thirty minutes.” You sigh, hugging your father.
“Hey, (Y/N), can I have a word?” Colin asks softly. You look at your father, offering a soft smile.
“Yeah, for sure.”
You watch your father set your mug in the sink and exit the room awkwardly, a small laugh falling from your lips.
Colin watches you carefully, smiling softly as you turn your attention to him. You push yourself to sit on the counter, looking at him with curiosity in your eyes. “What’s up?” You ask, tapping your fingers on your thigh.
“Would you allow me to take you to dinner?”
You try to hide your shock, but you can’t get out many words, so you say, “What?”
He laughs, loud and warm and you can’t help but smile at the sound. “I want to take you out.” He says again. You shake your head to clear your mind and nod.
“That would be lovely, Colin.” You say. You know now you’re accepting because you want to. As much as you hate to admit it, there are still residual feelings for Colin. He grins, nodding.
“Okay, great. I hope you don’t feel that I’m too eager, but how’s tomorrow night?”
This could not have been described as anything but your childhood dream. You can’t help but break into a smile, sitting up a little taller as he approaches you. “Tomorrow night sounds wonderful.”
“You slut!” Izzy gasps, punching your arm.
You can’t help but laugh, pushing her away from you. “It isn’t that big of a deal,” You assure her. “It’s just Colin.”
“But you didn’t tell me about the other guy. What’s his name? What does he do? Did you get his number?” She pressures, walking beside you. Her voice echoes through the eerily quiet church and you want to scold her for yelling, but you can’t find it in you.
“His name was Taron, I don’t know, and no. And we didn’t even kiss, it was barely a date.” You patiently reply, flipping through the pages on your planner.
“That’s kind of a coincidence.” She mumbles, pulling your purse off your shoulder.
Your eyes remain on the papers before you as you move your arm to give her access to your bag. You don’t bother asking what she’s doing as she rifles through your belongings. “Why?” You ask, finally reaching the page you’ve been searching for. The binder was still a mess, no longer the organized, clean collection you were so proud of. Papers were wrinkled and out of sorts, the pages you had lost reprinted just to be shoved in the front pocket.
“Our groom’s name is Taron.”
You gasp and look up at her. “That’s right! I knew it sounded familiar, but I couldn’t remember who it was.”
“We’re finally gonna meet him today.” She reveals, and your eyebrows shoot up. She immediately begins to address the silent question in your eyes. “Well, if you weren’t so busy going to movies with handsome strangers and being asked out by literal brain surgeons--”
“Colin isn’t a brain surgeon.” You scoff, looking up at her through your lashes.
“He’s a surgeon of some sorts, who cares? Anyway, I tried to call you last night and tell you, because Joelle told me when I called to talk about the venues.” She finally finds what she’s looking for, a pack of gum spilled at the bottom of your bag.
“Well, that’s good. It’s not often we get this far in the process without meeting the groom.” You sigh, closing the binder. She hands you a stick of gum, popping her own piece into her mouth.
“Well, Jo said he’s been out of town, right? I guess he just got back a few days ago.” She shrugs, handing you your purse back. You pass her your binder to drop into her tote bag, at which she winces. “Jesus H, this thing is in bad shape.” She breathes, earning a playful glare from you.
“Don’t make me feel worse about it.” You groan. You glance at your watch, and as if on cue, the church door slams open, a breathless Joelle rushing through the door.
“Hey, ladies! Sorry, we got out late. Taron is parking the car, he’ll be here in just a second.” She finally reaches you, her breath heavy.
“Hey, Jo. You guys didn’t have to rush for us.” You say, listening to her laugh in your ear as the two of you embrace.
“Oh, it’s fine. He hates to be late, so no matter what I said, we would have been speeding here.” She giggles, turning to hug Izzy. “We can start without Taron. He’ll find us.” She suggests, and Izzy looks at you with a raised brow.
“That should be fine. Let me go get the pastor, he’ll be giving us our tour.”
You turn on your heel, letting out a breath before looking for the office. Joelle Christiansen was A-list; she was, without a shadow of a doubt, the most high-profile client you had ever had. You had been recommended through a friend of a friend, and every single time you interacted with her, you were desperate to keep her happy. On top of that, you were quite fond of her.
You knock on the door, smiling as John swings it open. “(Y/N)?” He asks, a friendly grin painted on his face.
“Hi,” you reach out a hand to shake his. “It’s so great to meet you. Sorry about the mess with scheduling.” You apologize. He waves a hand to dismiss your worries, closing the door of the office behind himself.
“Don’t worry about it, we don’t get too busy here.”
The two of you make your way back to Joelle and Izzy, the voices echoing off the high ceiling. The pastor reaches his hand out to shake theirs, greetings flying around as everyone introduces themselves. You finally allow yourself to take a breath, with the attention off you. With the pastor in charge, you finally feel at ease.
“Well, let’s start the tour,” he claps. Just as he turns around, the door flies open and all four of you turn to look at the intruder.
For a split second, you’re nearly ecstatic, a smile playing on your lips before you realize what exactly is happening. Izzy’s eyes fly to you, and you lean over.
Taron half-jogs toward all of you, your Taron. You turn to Izzy in a panic; she looks back to you, her face twisted into a silent question.  
“That’s him.” You say, the beginnings of a panic attack taking root in your gut.
“Obviously that’s him.” She rolls her eyes, discreetly elbowing your side.
“No, the guy from last night. That’s him!”
“Holy shit.” She whispers, catching everyone’s attention.
“I’m sorry?” The pastor asks, his brow furrowed. Taron begins to chuckle but is cut short as soon as he sees you. He blanches as you glare at him and the sound of Izzy apologizing is quiet to you as you think of the infinite amount of things you wanted to say to him. Your anxiety is replaced with anger and you can’t help but keep your cold stare on him.
“Tar, you okay?” Joelle asks. He averts eye contact to look at his fiancee--the word nearly makes you sick--and flashes the most convincing smile you may have ever seen.
“Yeah, love, I’m fine.” He assures, reaching out to shake Izzy’s hand first. “Taron, nice to meet you.”
He’s too busy introducing himself to the pastor to hear Izzy’s, “Is it?”
He reaches for you last. With a small hesitation, he reaches for your hand. “Taron, hi. You must be (Y/N).” There’s a silent plea in his eyes and you resist the urge to scoff.
“Hi,” you greet curtly, shaking his hand for only a second before dropping it as though it’s burnt you. You spin on your heel to face pastor John. “Right, should we start?”
He begins the tour, the four of you following him nearly silently. Taron and Joelle listen intently as you and Izzy follow from a distance. She sends you a bewildered look, and you mirror her expression; how the hell did you end up here? It’s safe to say you’re in the unventured territory. Izzy was equally overwhelmed, looking between you and Taron.
John rattled on as Joelle and Taron followed, paying close attention to the information he was feeding you all. Taron sends a look back at you, a look that obviously meant something. We need to talk, he mouths before quickly turning back around. You and Izzy shared another look and turned your attention back to the tour.
“Taron, this place is beautiful.” Jo gasps. The tour is just barely over, the four of you standing in the middle of the alter.
“Yeah, it’s quite nice.” He mumbles, the deep Welsh accent echoing off the marble walls. “I just think it may be a bit cold.” He offers. She purses her lips.
“Well, should we move on to the next?” You ask, pulling your binder from Izzy’s bag.
“I think I’m going to run to the restroom, okay?” Joelle asks. You smile curtly, watching her retreat. The three of you watch her wander away, the silence stifling until she turns a corner.
“Can I speak to you?” He asks, sending a pleading look to Izzy. “Alone?”
“Hell no. I’m not leaving.” She snaps. He looks at her with a near pitiful face.
“She knows?”
“Izzy, I’m fine. Give us a minute.” You sigh, pushing her lightly away. She glares at the two of you but meanders away to sit on a pew.
“I am so sorry.” He whispers.
“What is happening? Are you stupid?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“You’re engaged? How can you act that way with someone when you’re engaged?” You exclaim. He runs a hand over his face, pinching his bottom lip.
“I hadn’t meant to, not at first. But you’re so lovely, and I just kind of got carried away.” He sighs. A hand reaches out for you, but you pull away.
“You are a literal psychopath.” You take a deep breath before squaring your shoulders. “But this wedding is big for me, okay? So we’re going to pretend we just met, and you’re going to be a helpful groom because if you aren’t, I’ll kick your ass.” You threaten.
He looks at you in shock and opens his mouth to reply. Before he can get anything out, Joelle rushes out from the bathroom. “Okay! Are you ready?”
You turn around with a blinding smile. “Yep! Let’s head on out.”
“It’s been five dates,” Izzy reminds you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“And it’s coming! He’s going to ask you soon.”
The two of you walk into the bakery, waving at Joelle and Taron. “No, he isn't. It isn’t that romantic, Iz. And they’re barely dates, we’ve just been catching up.” You sigh, looking over at her. She raises a brow, giving you an incredulous look.
“Then why is he coming today?” She asks, rolling her coffee cup between her hands. “That’s boyfriend shit, (Y/N).”
“He’s just dropping off my laptop.” You defend. The two of you stop a few feet from the table, you in hopes to end the conversation before you sat, and Izzy because she wasn’t ready to give this up.
“Which you left at his house! Plus, you’ve kissed. He’s got a leg up on that one guy.” She says pointedly.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m being honest. Two weeks and five dates, you’re kissing him, and leaving things at his house? This is getting serious.”
“Can we finish this later?” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. She nods and walks toward the table, sitting down. You follow, greeting the couple and pulling a pen from your purse.
“Good morning, guys.” You greet, opening your binder to a blank page. “Let’s just jump right into it, yeah?”
“Someone’s feeling productive today,” Joelle notes, her laugh ringing through the air. You laugh, too. Not because you think it’s funny and definitely not because it’s true, but because you want to get as much of this done before Colin got here and you don’t want to have this conversation.
“Well…” you trail off, finally looking up to the pair. Joelle has a friendly smile painted on her face and Taron has a curious brow raised, a silent question. Your gaze lingers for only a second before you look down at your page. “What flavors were each of you thinking?” You ask, looking back up to them.
Taron’s disinterested face watches you as Joelle rattles off a list. You write them as fast as you can, nodding as she continues to speak.
“We’re going to have a lot of guests,” she begins. In your head, you cannot help but say ‘562 guests,’ a thought you had been carrying with you for weeks. 562. “So obviously we’re going to need a lot of it, but I want everyone to have something they want.” You zone out, nodding as she speaks despite the fact that you aren’t listening. Her high-pitched voice echoes through the nearly empty bakery.
“Well, we can sample all of these and you can pick three or four, we can do several cakes or a large tier cake; we can talk about that later, though, so don’t worry about it.” You stand to take the list to the man behind the counter when the bell above the door rings. You turn out of instinct and freeze. “Hey, Iz, you wanna take this up?” You ask rhetorically, offering the list and motioning to Colin.
She turns and makes eye contact before breaking into a mischievous grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Hey, Colin!” You greet pitchily, walking toward him. He’s nearly an hour early; he had told you he would be here at ten, but it’s barely a pinch past 9:10. “What are you doing here?” You laugh a little, trying to hide your anxiety.
“Why are you freaking out?” He sing-songs, pulling you into his side. He presses a chaste kiss to your temple and you look up at him.
“I just wasn’t expecting you this early, that’s all,” you whisper in response to his teasing, thanking him as he hands you your laptop.
“The department meeting didn’t last nearly as long as I was expecting. Didn’t think it would be a big deal if I came early. Am I interrupting?”
“No! No, of course not. You’re fine.” You assure.
“(Y/N), who’s this?” Joelle asks playfully. You turn to look at her, a bashful smile on your face.
Colin reaches his hand out for a handshake, gripping Joelle’s hand tightly. “I’m Colin, (Y/N)’s boyfriend.”
Your brow furrows in confusion for only a split second. He reaches for Taron, who watches Colin carefully as they shake hands. “Um, Colin, this is Joelle and Taron.” You introduce, ignoring Izzy’s smug look as she returns to the group.
“It’s just lovely to meet you, Colin.” Joelle winks at you. You roll your eyes playfully. “Would you like to stay with us?” She invites.
You begin to wonder what you’ve done to deserve something like this. Things with Taron were still awkward, to say the least, and even just the few moments Colin has been here had been nearly unbearable. There’s an unmistakable tension in the air, but just a single glance at Jo shows you she’s none the wiser.
“I’d hate to intrude.” He says, looking to you.
After a beat, you realize it’s up to you. You jump. “Oh! Um, you’re welcome to stay, if you’d like.” You say, watching him break into a grin.
“Stellar.” He exclaims, pulling up a chair. Taron raises a brow at you, but you become distracted by the comprehensive amount of cake being delivered to your table.
Cake tasting is not nearly as uncomfortable as you’d feared; Colin’s inexplicably charismatic personality had made it easy on you. In fact, you’d barely gotten in any words in between the rambunctious conversation. Taron and Collin had even built some rapport, much to your own surprise. It had been a rather lovely morning, in all honesty.
Cake is long finished and conversation seems to be nowhere near over when Colin’s pager begins to beep loudly. Around the table, faces scrunch in confusion as he pulls it out, sending you an apologetic look. “I just got called in. I’ll call you tonight, yeah?” You nod, a small grin on your face as he leans over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “It was so great to meet you all, but I’ve got to go.”
Joelle’s hands clasped over her chest. “Colin, it was wonderful to have you. I hope to see you soon.”
“Likewise,” Taron nods from across the table. He stands parallel to Colin to shake his hand again, a kind smile gracing his face as they say their goodbyes.
You watch him exit the shop, a nearly-wistful sigh leaving you. “(Y/N)!” Jo squeals, catching your attention. “He is so cute, why didn’t you say anything?” She asks. You chuckle softly, shaking your head.
“It’s kind of new.” You excuse, beginning to pack your things.
“I have to go to a meeting but I’ll call you later, and not just about the cake,” she winks. Izzy chortles from beside you, and even you can’t help the laugh that falls from your lips.
She leaves, sharing a chaste kiss with a quiet Taron before rushing out of the shop.
You and Izzy are talking quietly about which flavors you liked best, starring the ones you thought Joelle enjoyed when Taron speaks up. “I think it’s rich that you chastised me for being in a relationship when you’ve got him.” He grumbles.
You give him a tired look. He looks back, his disinterest gone as he watches expectantly for an answer.
Instead, you say, “It seemed like you liked him.”
“Well, I did.” He’s caught off guard, of which your a little proud. “But that’s not really the point, is it?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve known Colin my whole life, and our first date was days after I met you.” Taron looks a bit embarrassed, so you sigh and backtrack. “We don’t have to fight like this, all the time.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of exhausting.” Izzy cuts in, ignoring your glare.
“Can we just call this a truce?” You say softly, crossing around the table to stand next to him. You hold out your arms to invite him in a hug, giving him a playful smile. He diverts eye contact but grins, holding his arms out as well. You let out an exclamation and hug him tightly, ignoring Izzy’s soft ‘yay!’
“Friends?” He proposes, giving you a squeeze before pulling back.
“I miss you guys!” Joelle’s voice lilted through the phone.
“We miss you too, love,” Taron says sweetly.
She’d been gone for nearly a week and it happened that she had the smallest bit of separation anxiety. Knowing the three of you were planning without her made her neurotic and phone calls were coming in nearly every hour.
“You’ll be back tonight, in no time,” Izzy assures. Joelle hummed through the phone, her discontent obvious. “What have you guys done since we talked last?” She changes the subject. The three of you can’t help but snicker under your breath.
“Honestly, we haven’t even gotten to the tailor yet.” You say, your eyes attached to the road.
“Are you serious?” She screeches. You raise your brows in surprise, the corner of your lips turning up.
“Well, Jo, you called us last not even an hour ago.” Taron reminds her. There’s a beat of silence and she giggles.
“I suppose you’re right.” She admits. ”I’ll stop calling, I guess. (Y/N), call me tonight and we can go over it all.”
You chuckle, parking your car. “Alright, I’ll talk to you then.”
The four of you say your goodbyes before she hangs up. Taron twists to look at you, his face turned down.
“Don’t look so excited,” Izzy suggests. You giggle, nudging him over the console of your car.
“It won’t be that bad. We’ll be done before you know it.” You assure him, though you weren’t so sure of that yourself. Tux fittings never were so bad for you or Izzy. In fact, you found they were the most relaxing appointments of the entire wedding for you. It was a break from the usually overbearing bride, a time for you to sit and relax. The grooms, however, never much liked them.
The three of you enter the building, immediately greeted by an older man behind the counter.
“We have a fitting for Egerton.” You inform him, turning over your shoulder to look at the ornate tuxedos on mannequins around the shop. As you check in, you turn to look at Taron, his less-than-enthused disposition clouding around him. “Taron, be a big boy.” You cajole, following the man as he leads you to a separate room.
“I don’t want to,” He glowers, causing you to glare at him.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to deal with it.” You grumble.
You and Izzy fall to sit on the couch across from the mirror, watching the man fidget as he stood before you. He taps his foot impatiently as the three of you waited for his tux, inhaling sharply.
“Dude, why are you flipping out?” Izzy asks, catching his attention. He doesn’t answer.
He lets out a deep breath. You can’t help but stare at him, watching the wrinkles between his brows as he paces the room. He peers over at you and you snap your attention across the room. You’re grateful for the soft knock on the door before it opens to reveal a kind-looking man with Taron’s tux in hand. You let out a soft sigh of relief as he introduces himself.
“Taron? I’m Marcus, nice to meet you, mate.”
“Hi Marcus, pleasure.” Taron smiles. He gestures to the two of you on the couch. “Um, this is (Y/N) and Izzy.”
“Which of you is the bride?” He asks, and you chortle without thought, putting a hand to your lips when you realize how odd you must seem.
“Sorry, neither of us. We’re the wedding planners.” You introduce, ignoring Taron’s look of surprise.
“Ah, lovely. Well, Taron, if you’ll just follow me…”
The door closes behind them as they retreat to a changing room. “Holy shit, you’re a mess.” Izzy giggles.
Your head snaps to her, eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
“Could you be more obvious? You’re all flirty and the glances are getting weird.”
“Izzy, shut up. We’re friends, it isn’t that big of a deal.” You try to convince both Izzy and yourself.
“I mean, the flirting is pretty toned down when we’re with Jo or Colin, but now there are no barriers and it’s so incredibly obvious that the two of you have feelings for one another.”
You pause, trying to process her words before you open your mouth with your rebuttal. No sooner have your lips parted is the door opening to reveal Taron and Marcus. He holds his arms out, looking to the two of you for a reaction.
“Cute!” Izzy exclaims. However, you inhale sharply, fixated on him. Maybe there was more truth to Izzy’s words than you cared to admit. As he stood before you, you felt your heart beat faster.
He crosses the room to stand before the mirror. “(Y/N)? What do you think?” He stares at himself anxiously in the mirror. You stand, watching as he turns to face you. His jacket remains unbuttoned, revealing his white dress shirt.
Your fingers are working seemingly without your permission, slipping the buttons into their designated places before he turned back to face himself in the mirror. You rest a gentle hand on his back, so light he can barely tell it’s there. “I think you look very dashing.” You admit. He breaks into a grin, looking into your eyes through the mirror. “The legs are a hair too long, but that’s a simple fix.”
“Okay, fantastic. I’ll go change then?” He says softly, eyes still locked with yours. His smile is long gone, so the two of you stand silently for a beat before you clear your throat.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
They retreat yet again, leaving you alone with your best friend. You turn to her with a grimace.
“Oh, you are so fucked.”
“Bye, Izzy. We’ll see you in a few days.” Taron says, waving at her from the rolled down window of your car.
“Bye, guys.” She calls from over her shoulder, walking into her building.
You let out a soft sigh, shifting the car into drive and relaxing into your seat as you began the route to Taron’s.
“So, how’s Colin?” He asks, fiddling with his own fingers. You glance over at him before clearing your throat.
“H-he’s good, I guess.” You shrug. You’re unusually nervous around him after the fitting, and he feels it too. He’s much less playful; the atmosphere in the car is nearly stifling.
“You guess?” He asks, twisting to face you in his seat.
“I haven’t really talked to him today.” You admit.
“What’s the deal with him, anyway? Like, this handsome, charming, doctor man? I’d like to know how this came to be.” He says honestly. He’s watching you intently, waiting for you to crack. You fear you might do just that.
You blow a raspberry jokingly, causing him to chuckle. You glance at him again, watching you and waiting for the story, so you shrug. “I’ve known Colin for my whole life. My dad is best friends with his parents. I guess Colin was my what if.”
“Your ‘what if?’” He asks curiously, cocking his head to the side.
“Yeah. You know, that one person you know you’d never be with, but you can’t get over them, so you just think about them all the time and think of all these scenarios even though you know there’s no chance.” You ramble. You look to him for confirmation. He doesn’t say anything but the look on his face is enough to tell you he understands.
“If you never thought you’d be with him and now you are, why are you going days without speaking to him?”
The question catches you off guard and you narrow your eyes. “I guess it’s just not what I thought it would be.” It’s the first time you’ve said it, and you can’t believe it was to Taron, of all people. “I mean, I’ve created this version of him in my head but it isn’t like him at all. That’s not to say he isn’t wonderful, but it’s not what I thought it would be.”
There’s a pregnant pause as you park in front of his building. You look over at him, gazing as he stares out the windshield.
“I don’t know if I can marry Joelle.” He says softly. You gape at him, reaching across to grasp his arm.
“Taron, what are you talking about?”
“I--” He takes a deep breath, groaning at the exhale. “I wouldn’t feel good about marrying a woman when I have feelings for someone else.”
He looks at you pointedly, staring into your wide eyes. You let go of his arm, turning back to face forward in your seat. It’s what your subconscious has dreamt of hearing. You’ve wanted the confirmation, wanted to know he’s jealous of Colin, wanted to know he wanted you. But you can’t accept it; you know it’s wrong, no matter how much it pains you to talk him out of it.
“You have to marry Joelle.”
“Why? Because we already reserved the venue?” He scoffs. “I love Joelle, but I have never felt like this about her.”
You turn toward him once again. “I hope you know I adore you. But I respect Joelle far too much for anything like this to happen. If I have to keep my distance, I will, but you have to go through with this. You and Joelle were meant to be.” The words sound like a lie coming out of your mouth, but he nods anyway.
“If that’s how you feel.” He says quietly. He opens his door and gets out, facing you one last time. “Have a good evening.”
Before you can answer, the door is closed, he’s walking up his steps, and your phone is ringing. You take a deep breath before answering with a fake smile. “Hey, Col. I can’t talk long, I’ve got to call Joelle in a little bit.”
Things were back cold with Taron and you, avoiding contact with one another at any given opportunity. Izzy had to become a human buffer between the two of you, much to her chagrin. With Joelle back in town tonight, you were praying for things to return to normal, or as close as you could get to it. Your phone call with Colin can’t be over soon enough. You’re feeling guilty and more conflicted than ever about your relationship; it’s the same reason you’re dreading the call with Joelle, but you’d rather get it over with than deal with her questions tomorrow.
You’re settling onto the couch with a glass of wine and a blanket when you call, ready to get it over with so you can laze and watch a movie. She picks up immediately, a sniffle audible over the line.
“Hey, (Y/N),” she says, her voice thin.
“Jo, are you okay?” You ask, sitting up straighter. You hear another sniffle and your face wrinkles in concern. Your mind can’t help but turn to Taron. Had he broken up with her? Was she even home yet?
“Um, I don’t know.” She whispers honestly.
“What’s wrong? Do you want to come over?”
She laughs despite herself, shaking her head. “No, it’s fine. But I’m glad you called.”
“What’s up?”
“I’m on my way home, and I realized I don’t want to go.” She says softly. “I mean, I had to pull over. I literally cannot go back, (Y/N).” She breathes. For the first time, you notice her car running softly in the background.
It’s unlike you to pry, but she said she needed to talk to someone, so you ask, “Why?” What else could you ask?
She takes a deep breath. There’s hesitation, but she starts. “I was dreading being away from Taron this week. Seriously, I was sick over it. And then I was away, and...I don’t know how to explain it. It was so relaxing. Can you believe that? My business trip was relaxing. I love Taron, but being alone was--” She collects herself. “I kept calling because I thought if I spoke to him, I would miss him again, but I didn’t.”
Your heart soars for a moment before you frown. “Jo…”
“I know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t know if I can do this.” She groans.
You lean back into the couch in silence. What are you meant to say? Break up with him? You couldn’t. Not if you tried. “Jo, are you sure you aren’t just getting cold feet?” You suggest,
“I don’t think so.”
“You two are made for each other.��� This is as close as you get to begging, your voice a little softer as you try to reason with her.
She doesn’t say anything for a few moments and momentarily, you wonder if she’s hung up on you. You’re about to check when she says, “Have you noticed the way he watches you?”
You feel like you’ve been kicked in the chest. You had sworn whatever had happened between you and Taron before tonight had been buried and that the two of you were acting normally. “What?”
“I don’t know,” she sighs. “It’s like he’s watching over you. Like if anything came within ten feet of you, he’d lose it. He’s never looked at me that way.” She says softly.
“Maybe he’s just really passionate about the binder.” You attempt to lighten to air, successful for a moment.
She chuckles. “Maybe I am just getting cold feet.”
You breathe a silent sigh of relief. “Are you going to go home?”
“Yes.” She affirms. “Thank you.”
Instead of accepting her thanks, you say, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She hangs up and you lean back into your couch. A heavy sigh falls from your lips and you dial Izzy’s number.
“Hey, (Y/N/N).”
“Hey, Iz. You busy?”
“I’m already out of the door.”
“Thank god.” You breathe.
“What’s up?” You hear her keys jingle and her front door shut behind her.
“You’ll never believe this.”
Just over a week. It was just over a week until the most important wedding of your life, and you couldn’t have been more relieved.
Today was a rare day off, full of sleeping in and watching television with Colin. Izzy was meeting with Joelle and Taron this morning for some final touches, locking in details before giving them the rest of the week off. Izzy agreed that you needed the week off as well, nearly forcing you to take the following days off.
Lying in bed, you couldn’t have been more grateful to her. The TV is already on and you can hear Colin fumbling around in the kitchen, murmuring to himself. You smile softly, swinging your legs over the side of your bed and stretching with a heavy groan. Colin had been quick to find your spare key and wasn’t shy about using it; when you woke up to breakfast, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
You pad to the kitchen, grinning as you hear him singing under his breath. Briefly, you wonder if Taron sings when he cooks breakfast, or if he ever cooks, but just the thought of him makes you anxious, so you shake him out of your head and enter the kitchen, catching Colin’s attention.
“Ah, you are just in time.” He praises, pulling two plates down from your cupboards.
“Am I?”
“Very much so, dear.” He dishes your plate, handing it to you with a grin. You set it on the table, grabbing glasses and filling them.
“I wanted to talk to you.” He confesses, sitting across from you at the table.
“Oh really?” You ask, beginning to eat. You watch him with a soft smile until you notice how serious he’s become. Your brow furrows and you lean toward him, setting your fork down. “Colin?”
“You know how much I care for you, right?” He asks, reaching to grip your hand softly.
“Of course. What’s going on?”
“I think we should end this,” He admits, catching you off guard.
“I’m--Colin, I don’t--” You take a deep breath, shaking your head. “Did I do something?”
He smiles sadly, shaking his head. “No, of course not.”
“Then where is this coming from?” You ask, slightly disgruntled.
“You don’t love me, (Y/N),” He says softly. He exits his chair to squat in front of you, your fingers still entwined.
“No, I do! Colin, I do.” You try to convince him, getting down to his eye level.
How could this possibly happen? You swore things with Colin were going perfectly. You thought you loved one another. You thought it was getting serious.
“Maybe you do, but you couldn’t love me like you do Taron.”
You’re taken aback by his words. First Joelle, and now Colin? Admittedly, you and Taron had gotten close and you spoke about, maybe in excess, but you were sure it seemed friendly. But as you stare into Colin’s melancholy eyes, you almost feel sick.
“I don’t love him.” You lie, shaking your head heavily.
“You do. And that’s fine; I think we both knew this was too good to be true.” He says softly, dropping your hand to cup your face, his thumb rubbing lightly under your eye.
Behind your eyes, stings and your throat feels dry as a tear falls from your eye to his thumb. “I’m sorry, Colin.”
“It’s okay, (Y/N/N).”
Your eyes close, reveling in his touch. After all, you knew this would be the last time.
“We’re not getting married.”
The words make Izzy choke on her tea, groaning when she feels it shoot up her nose.
“I’m sorry, what?” She inquires, staring across the table at the pair. She feels like a child with separated parents, but they could still pass as a couple when they look at one another with knowing smiles.
“Izzy, you and (Y/N) have been so amazing throughout this process and I genuinely consider you my good friends,” Joelle assures.
“But,” Taron’s voice cuts in and captures Izzy’s attention, “we want different things. This is very mutual, and we still love one another, but getting married is not the right move for us.”
“You guys are still getting paid, so don’t worry--”
“I’m not worried about the payment! I’m worried about you.” Izzy exclaims, looking into Joelle’s concerned eyes. “I mean, you guys seemed so happy. Where did this come from?”
Again, a knowing look is shared between the two across from her. Joelle’s smooth, small hand reaches across the table to grip Izzy’s with a soft smile akin to a mother’s.
“It’s been a long time since I was alone. I forgot how good I am at it, how much I like it. As for Taron…” she trails off, her left eye dropping into a wink. Izzy’s eyes narrow as she looks at the man, who gives her a bashful smile, his hands releasing one another and thrown up as if to say, ‘what can I tell you?’ “I think they’re much more suited for another than he and I ever have been.” She admits.
Izzy’s head is spinning, unable to wrap her mind around the information being thrown at her.
“She told you?” Izzy asks softly. “(Y/N) told you?”
“Told me what?” He inquires, the wrinkles between his brows appearing.
“That she’s in love with you.”
“She’s in love with me?” He gapes. Izzy’s mouth forms an O, a hand coming up to cover it.
“I told you!” Joelle squeals excitedly, punching Taron’s arm.
“She didn’t tell you?” Izzy groans, her hands on her cheeks.
Taron stands, a confident smile tugging at his lips. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse me.” He shrugs on his jacket. He looks at Joelle with a nostalgic smile before squeezing Izzy’s shoulder and rushing through the doors.
There’s only a beat of silence before Izzy turns to Joelle and offers, “This must be terribly uncomfortable for you.”
Joelle only shakes her head, a wistful smile on her lips as she stares at the doors.
The knock on your front door is the first thing to get you off your couch. You can barely move. First Colin, then Joelle? This was meant to be a relaxing day off. Instead, you feel as though your world may be collapsing. Despite Jo’s assurances that she couldn’t have been less upset, that she still loves you, you feel sick.
You swing the door open to reveal your best friend. “Did you hear?” She asks in lieu of a greeting.
“I just got off the phone with her.”
“Holy shit!” She exclaims, pushing past you to get into your apartment. “Hey, where’s Colin?”
You wince softly, shrugging. “We broke up.”
Izzy gapes at you. “Why?”
“Because he thinks I’m in love with Taron.” You groan, dropping onto the couch yet again.
“You are.” She reminds you, earning a glare from you. She sits beside you, rubbing your back comfortingly. “You know what will make you feel better?”
“Dying?” You ask facetiously, the eye roll from Izzy glaringly obvious.
“The park is playing About Time tonight.”
Despite yourself, you can’t help but gasp. “Really?”
“You wanna go?”
The park is less than crowded tonight, which means the two of you get a great spot, the thick blanket laid over the grass less than five rows from the front. It’s a much-needed distraction from the hot mess that is your life at the moment.
“Are you going to call Taron?” Izzy asks, the two of you ignoring the previews.
You sigh softly, picking at the grass near your hand. “I don’t know. I’m afraid it’s too soon.” You admit, turning to face her.
“Are you kidding? This dude canceled his wedding for you, I don’t think it’s soon enough.”
You groan, your head falling back. “Don’t remind me. I mean, I guess--”
The Welsh accent calls through the park, echoing over the heads of the patrons. Izzy’s head snaps toward you, a grin spreading over her face. “I don’t think he thinks it’s too soon.”
You spin around, but can’t see him. The sky is dark, making it difficult to see anything behind you. You’re straining your eyes to find him as he continues to call your name until Izzy slaps your calf. You look down at her, twisting when she gestures toward the screen.
There he stands, smack in the middle of the screen. Taron’s voice is still reverberating around the field and you can’t help but laugh when those around you begin to call your name. “Go over there, dude!” Izzy cries, reaching to push you toward him.
You take a hesitant step, enough movement to catch his attention. He doesn’t say anything, just watching as you speed to get to him. Within seconds, you’re standing before him. The two of you stand in front of one another for only a moment before your arms are thrown around his neck, his wrapped tightly around your waist. “Did Joelle tell you?” He asks, and you can only nod against him. “I don’t even care about Colin, (Y/N). Marry him, for all I care. But I want you to know I love you.”
“Colin and I are done. Because I’m in love with you.”
A face-splitting grin overtakes him and he pulls you closer, leaning down until your lips are connected. You lean into his body, the passion behind the kiss causing you to wobble. His lips work against yours, a hand raising from your waist to your face, caressing your skin gently. He pulls away, resting his forehead against yours with a sigh of relief. You grin, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“Maybe you aren’t so cynical after all.”
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fail-boy · 4 months
it would be very fun to do that, your lap would be rlly nice to be in and id be very normal about it >///> my favorite stims are bouncing and rocking and flapping my hands (and making noises....also biting!!!! i will absolutely bite you any chance i get) !!!!! so i hope that wont be bothersome :3
i had pizza today for dinner !!!! my parents got it n it tasted extra nice bc you had answered around the time it came :D i havent watched dan and phil in a loooong time and im so bad with keeping up with them now, but i really wanna watch them again ;0; idk where to start !!!!!
i absolutely adore philosophy tube !!!!! i also love contrapoints and a billion other video essayists (like quinton reviews !!!) that would take sooo long to list, but i have a playlist of my favorites somewhere !!! it'd be neat to send a link and compare what we've seen :D
id love to see your ajj playlist !!!!!! unfortunately my spotify stopped working with my apk so i have to use my partners premium account, n finding all my music has been hard with my bad memory lol, so it'd be super cool to have that :33 n omg im glad you used to like musicals, im really into a few musicals n i sing them all the time (fun fact, im a soprano II/mezzo-soprano apparently !!) so it's good to know i wouldn't annoy you haha. if you wanna !!!!!!! i could make you a playlist of songs i like !!!!!!! i dunno if you'd be into them but it's fun to share :3!
also...a little random but im rewatching my favorite movie moulin rouge n im wondering if you've seen it ??? i have it memorized :D!
(n i don't mind a tag :333333 ive only had an anon tag once years ago with a rlly close n old friend so it's fun to have that again !!!!!)
- 🫀🦷
aww sugar ur so cute <3 u r welcome to my lap anytime it's open 24/7 for u <3 those r some awesome stims! my favourites are rocking too, flapping my hands, whistling, and tapping <3 biting is perfectly fine with me i love being covered in marks so pls do bite away cutie <3
nice! im so glad it was good! omg ur really so so sweet and cute i wanna kiss your sweet face so bad and buy you pizza whenever you want <3 so for dan and phil id recommend starting with gamingmas 2023! for december 2023 they did a video everyday leading up to xmas and theres some good videos in there! its in a playlist !!!!
yippee!!! u have good taste baby, id absolutely love to see a playlist of your favourites <3
fuck yeah! ill put the link here <3 omg i know that feeling i had an ipod nano when i was about 15 that i lost at a music festival and to this day im still hunting down the songs i had on there (>_<) :3 well sugar i can't ever imagine you annoying me, but you definitely won't with musicals i promise <3 i love learning about what you're into! would never make fun of u for stuff u enjoy <3 pls do!!!! id love to see that playlist :D
omg yes i have seen moulin rouge!!!! my best friend loves it a lot so ive watched it a few times and it rules. i also rly love ewan mcgregor as an actor and i think he's great in it! that's so cool that you have it memorized! i think one of the few movies i have memorized is Saw 2004 and maybe also Hereditary 2018
yippee!!! cutie <3
0 notes
vacuousauto · 4 years
tysm for tha ask molli!! ill talk abt kny here bc its takin over my life rn qwq
spoilers ahead 4 tha whole series!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
kny is a manga w an anime adaptation thats had 1 season so far n a movies bein made of my fav arc!! (also this plot desc may not b perfect bc i havent read it in like 4 months)
its abt a boy called tanjirou whos whole family got killed by a demon, n his sister nezuko got turned into a demon (which fun fact: in kimetsu theyre man-eatin creatures w different powers called blood demon arts!!)
hes sent by giyuu (a demon slayer!) 2 join tha demon slayer corps so hell become stronger n mayb get a little revenge. as a treat (and also mayb find a way 2 turn nezuko human?)
as he trains he learns how 2 do water breathing (a sword technique taught by him n giyuus mentor, urokodaki) n his final challenge is 2 cut a massive boulder in half w his sword
its real hard 4 him (as u can imagine) so 2 kids in fox masks named sabito n makomo come n help him, but after tanjirou cuts tha rock n tells urokodaki abt him its revealed theyre dead???
@ final selection (basically a demon slayer entrance exam where u win by surviving on a demon-infested mountain 4 seven days) he learns from a real fucked up demon that hes exclusively been targetin urokodakis students n that not even sabito could slice its neck open?? (thats how him n makomo died)
after tanjirou kills tha demon n basically puts all tha water breath students’ souls @ peace he passes tha exam!! its been 7 days n now he gets his nichirin blade (the only kinda sword that can kill a demon, tha only 2 ways they can die is thru a slice 2 tha neck from a nichirin blade n sunlight)
turns out nezuko was turned by the strongest demon of all, michael jackson muzan kibutsuji, n so he sets out 2 hunt him down n try 2 kill him
but he aint so strong @ first so he needs 2 try 2 take down tha twelve kizuki first (the 12 strongest demons besides muzan)
another reason he needs 2 kill tha kizuki is 2 gather their blood for a demon named tamayo n her assistant yushirou!! tamayo can make a cure if tanjirou can gather blood samples 4 her (the stronger tha demon tha more of muzans blood they have so hes gonna have 2 aim high)
he meets a bunch more slayers along tha way, includin zenitsu (a scaredy cat thunder breath user who basically simps 4 nezuko n becomes a badass when hes asleep) n inosuke (a rowdy beast breath user who wears a boar mask n lived in tha mountains)
after lower moon 5 gets killed by giyuu, nezuko unlocks her blood demon art (exploding blood!) n tanjirou remembers how 2 use tha hinokami kagura, him n nezuko get captured by a slayer called shinobu qwq
turns out she n giyuu are 2 of the nine hashira, the strongest of all tha demon slayers!! but theyre all havin a debate over whether they should kill tanjirou n nezuko 4 goin against corps rules n travelin w a demon
eventually oyakata-sama (tha leader of tha slayer corps) comes in n tells em its ok, urokodaki sent a letter explainin that nezukos never hurt anyone n if she does, tanjirou giyuu n urokodaki all have 2 die basically
oyakata-sama also tells em that tanjirous met kibutsuji, at which everyone goes feral at (and understandably, none of em had ever even seen him before hes that elusive)
so they get 2 live bc theyre like. tha best hope the slayers have @ findin kibutsuji
the rest of the hashira are kyoujurou (flame), muichirou (mist), mitsuri (love), obanai (serpent), gyoumei (stone), tengen (sound) n sanemi (wind)
theres also kanao (shinobus pupil, flower breathing) n genya (sanemis brother, eats demons 2 gain power n basically become a demon temporarily, also He Has A Gun)
ive gone on a lot here so ill try 2 keep it brief now but i HAVE 2 explain infinity train or ill die (slight suicide tw but no one actually does that outside of dreams)
BASICALLY the lower 6 moons have a meetin @ kibutsujis infinity castle, muzan decides 2 dismantle tha lower moons bc they keep fuckign dying
all of em get their shit wrecked except enmu, who avoided death by usin muzans “dont tell me what 2 do” rule against him n beggin 4 death basically
so he gets a metric fuckton o blood n goes off 2 kill tanjirou
turns out he keeps killin people on his train n kyos gone 2 investigate!! the main gang (the kamaboko gang as the fandom calls it) are there too bc tanjirou needs 2 investigate what hinokami kagura really is (turns out its sun breathing, the og form and ones that only folks w the same mark on his forehead can use) n if anyone knows abt the alleged “fire breathing” as they know it rn its the fire hashira!!
so they get on tha train (inosukes lovin tha experience bc hes Literally Never Seen A Train Before) n kyo basically adopts the whole group
BASICALLY he can make people fall asleep in a buncha ways (the mouths on his hands, his weird eye thingies, the tickets) n once thats happened he n his henchmen can access said dreams (he can even control em!!) n if they find tha “spiritual core” they can destroy it n essentially leave em as an empty shell thatll never wake up!! yaaaaaay /s
he fails bc tanjirou realises a way out n its by cuttin his own head off in his dream, eventually everyones awake again n tanjirou finds enmu on tha roof(?) of tha train
after a while he does manage 2 decapitate him but surprise!!! hes not dead
turns out he literally FUSED WITH THA TRAIN n is plannin on eatin everyone inside, includin kyo n the gang
but he doesnt bc Main Protags Cant Die(tm) n dies while complainin that he wants a redo (sorry enmu, ily but u cant turn back time unless ur yoshikage kira)
also sidenote enmus tha only kizuki w/o a canon backstory as far as i can remember and????? H??
ANYWHO after that whole debacle basketball akaza (UPPER moon 3) shows himself!!! FUCK
n after all that struggle against the 8th strongest demon of all time now they gotta deal w tha 4th strongest????? damn,
so yeah it goes how youd imagine, its a tough fuckin battle n its Not Fun but it turns out kyoujurou fucking dies n i genuinely didnt realise until he said “kamado my boy, lets have one final chat” bc i was so in denial n lets face it i still am now
long story short idk how im gonna manage 2 get thru the movie w/o breakin down @ the end
anyway after that horrible horrible time tanjirou goes n meets senjurou, kyos little bro, who gives him kyos sword guard thing (its shaped like a flame!!) n i havent read it in a while so i cant FULLY remember but i think this is where he learns abt sun breathing??
after that they end up goin on a mission in tha red light district w tengen, his 3 wives are there 2 serve as spies (theyre kunoichi, which i think are ninjas of some kind??) n the boys have 2 find em
they do manage 2 find em but not after runnin into upper moon 6, who are 2 twins called daki n gyuutarou
after that fight tengen has 2 retire bc he got fucked up p bad from that fight n he wants 2 make sure tha girls are ok above all
so after that arc tanjirou n nezuko go down 2 tha swordsmith village (bc the guy who usually makes his swords is fuckin tired of repairin it) n run into mitsuri!! she tells tan that theres smth in tha forest thatll make him stronger
ngl this is tha arc i remember tha least abt so this desc is prolly SO inaccurate despite havin 2 o my favs in it)
but muichirou shows himself too n hes mean 2 tanjirou >:/ (he does get nicer eventually but 2 him specifically)
a 10 y/o kid named kotetsu shows tan this 6 armed trainin robot called yoriichi type 0 (based on tha first slayer 2 use sun breathin) n tanjirou breaks it by accident qwq
but he keeps trainin thanks 2 kotetsu but tha kids a harsh fuckin trainer ill tell u that
anyway so we have a whole buncha demons 2 deal w here except most of em are 1 demon split into different parts
hantengu n gyokko, upper moons 4 n 5 respectively!! mui deals w gyokko while mitsuri genya nezuko n tanjirou deal w hantengu
in these fights mitsuri n mui get their demon slayer marks!! these are marks that they get when they surpass the limits of tha human body n they look like tha marks demons have (muis looks like clouds on his cheeks n mitsuris is 2 hearts on her collarbone)
next up is tha hashira trainin arc!! everyone gets trained by each of tha hashira 2 try n unlock their slayer marks
each have a dif trainin style that focuses on dif stuff (for example gyoumei focuses a lot on physical strength n stuff like that, obanai is more abt accuracy) n this is where giyuus backstory gets revealed bc he doesnt think hes worthy o bein a hashira :((
basically him n sabito were absolute besties!! they both trained together n sabito basically told him not 2 die ever
but it all goes wrong @ final selection- sabito manages 2 take down every demon on tha mountain but one of em, that bein the hand demon that exclusively targets water breathers (theyre easy 2 distinguish bc of their blue haoris n custom made fox masks)
he manages 2 save giyuu n everyone else from tha selection except 4 himself (this is why giyuus haori is like that- its made from his sister n sabitos haoris)
giyuu blames himself 4 both of their deaths bc he failed 2 protect em n says that he doesnt deserve 2 have passed tha selection let alone b a hashira,, but tanjirou convinces him otherwise!! ^^
then one day while giyuus trainin w sanemi disaster hits- oyakata-sama, his wife n two of their kids just died
the 2nd to last arc- the infinity castle!! thingsre gettin real n muzans revealed himself
in tha infinity castle EVERYONES there but can u really blame em theyve been workin up 2 this 4 millenia
shinobu runs into upper moon 2- douma, aka the bastard that killed her sister as well as inosukes mum
she is. justifiably pissed. n she gives it her all but he kills her :(( douma ily but also FUCK YOU.
so perfect timing!!! heres her adopted sister!! as well as inosuke!!!! revenge battle time >:0
in the end shinobus poison is what kills him- her whole body is filled w wisteria poison thats deadly 2 a demon so he basically consumed her whole body weight in poison rip
but ofc word gets out via messenger crow that shes dead n its just a real sad moment tbh :( but theres no time 4 that bc giyuu n tanjirou just ran into akaza >:((
so tanjirous pissed as hell now n w their combined efforts they take down tha basketball lookin bastard (bastardball??)
meanwhile obanai n mitsuri (n yushirou iirc?? he uses his own art 2 control her @ some point tho i cant remember when) deal w tha new upper moon 4 (nakime, whos also shiftin tha rooms around w her blood art n makin tha fight super fuckign annoyin tbh) n muichirou genya sanemi n gyoumei deal w kokushibou (upper moon 1, also tha original sun breathers twin brother so he gets moon breathin >:3)
mitsuri n obanai fake their deaths w help from yushirou n muzan falls 4 it, which comes in handy later ;3
zenitsu also deals w his former bully, upper moon 6 aka kaigaku aka dickhead supreme who if zenitsu didnt kill i would personally kill w my bare hands
so after everyones taken down all thats left is muzan >:( muzan kills tamayo real early on n everyones goin all out on him
we also learn that he has multiple brains n hearts in his body eww
also the hashira have their marks now!! but all but sanemi n giyuu get killed n giyuu loses his arm :((((
genya also gets killed noo
eventually ofc the battle is won thanks 2 everyones relief, it took for fuckin ever bc the only way muzan can die is tha sun so they had 2 kill time n keep him out in tha sun 4 a long time
also nezukos been cured!! shes a human!! n shes comin 2 help!!
the 2nd to last chapter is tha happy endin, the kamaboko gang visit tanjirou n nezukos house, giyuu cuts his hair n SMILES n tha hashira have their final meetin w oyakata-samas son kiriya
i cried readin it ngl their sufferin is finally over...... it cost a lot but now theres no more demons,,,
chapter 205 is set in tha modern day! kanao n tanjirous descendants are shown, as well as zenitsu n nezukos
everyone who died/never had kids get reincarnated (for example gyoumei is now a daycare worker, kyos reincarnation toujurou is besties w one o tans descendants n giyuu (giichi) is friends w sabito again!! makomos their friend too!!
ALSO KIRIYA IS STILL ALIVE hes the oldest man in japan!! this is huge bc the ubayashiki family dont usually live past 30 bc of a curse that was put on em when they had muzan
yushirou is still alive too but thats bc hes a demon n he paints tamayo for a living qwq
it just made me cry so hard bc waaah,,, everyone gets 2 live a demon-free life now,,, anyway typin this took me like an hour im sorry mint (as well as anyone else who read this)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
tha infinity train arc as a whole tbh??? its basically enmu n kyoujurous big moment and. i care them sm. i cant wait 4 tha movie qwq except 4 their deaths ofc
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
i have a lotta headcanons really!! outta my f/os favs tho i hc:
giyuu is trans bi n autistic
kyo is gay n has adhd
muichirou is nb n pan
mitsuri is pan
douma is gay
enmu is nb pan n autistic
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morganisboringg · 4 years
Omegle friendship story ;-;
Stranger: m
You: hiya
You: f
Stranger: bonjour
You: hola
Stranger: im 18 bitchh
You: im 14 hoeee
Stranger: shidddd
Stranger: 😂😂
You: yeah im a childdd
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but im not a creepy guy so ur good 👌🏼
Stranger: hahaha
You: yeah ie had a 20 year old try to keep talking with me
You: and a 17 yr old ask if i have a nice ass XD ive delt with creepy guys XD
Stranger: hahaha dudes are horny
Stranger: used to be like that too but i realized its wrong
Stranger: so yeah just vibing rn
Stranger: 😤😤😤
You: yeah they are, i be vibin too im watching sky high B)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im watching rick&morty
Stranger: im the ultimate virgin
You: lmaoooooo , i mean u have to also like game theory and film theory for that but ur close XD
Stranger: never heard of that
Stranger: 😂
You: theyre nerdy yt channels, they make theorys on games and films and shows and stuff
You: they have a bunch on rick and morty
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i watch some of those
Stranger: 😤😂
Stranger: im an ‘adult’ child
You: yeah i do too, i literally have their merch
Stranger: hahahaha
You: oh i hope to be an adult child bc gRosS adults
Stranger: yeah i dont wanna be an adult
You: me either, adults get stares when they only dress in hot topic clothes why would i want that
Stranger: hahahah yeah
Stranger: thats the reason i dont have a gf
Stranger: bc im too childish
You: well then u just havent found the right childish girl
Stranger: that is a fact
You: might i reccomend the single rider lines at like amusement parks XD
Stranger: hahaha why
You: ive seen plenty of dudes shoot there shot there bc the girls are by themselves then they get to ride a rollercoaster together
Stranger: hahah yeah thats fun
Stranger: maybe i wikk
Stranger: :)
You: yeah XD then if it works out a cute date at an amusement park!
Stranger: hahah yeah
Stranger: do u have a amusement park obsession
Stranger: lmaoo
You: uh- thats uniMPORTANTTT
Stranger: hahahhah
You: theres food and adreniline whats not to love!
Stranger: i love them too
Stranger: i once forced my cousin to ride the same coaster 12 times in a row
You: ive ridden king da ka the tallest rollercoaster in the world XD
Stranger: he puked after
You: lmaoooo sounds like smth id do
Stranger: hahaha
You: but then id just say again and go again XD
Stranger: hahahah same
Stranger: adter he threw up i went alone
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: dude i need some advice
You: sure
Stranger: my friends sister (shes 15) has a crush on me
Stranger: what do i do
You: oh shit uh- tell her shes too young
You: or like take her on a cute date but say its a friends date
You: thats a nice way to friend zone sm1
Stranger: yeah true
Stranger: its kinda weird
Stranger: my friend says he doesnt mind
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: but still wekrd
Stranger: weird
You: well thats uh getting to chris hansen levels so gotta shoot her down lmao
Stranger: yeah hahaha
You: but like yk when like a little sisters older siblings s/o would take them on a "date" to show them how to be treated u could do that- idk
Stranger: yeah idkk
Stranger: we shall see
You: we shall broski, just uh dont do anything that chris hansen would ask u to sit down with him over XD
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: i have no idea who that is
Stranger: oh i looked it up
You: yeah XD
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah like it is weird but not the age difference
Stranger: 3 years is not a lot
You: oh abt the friends sibling thing? XD
Stranger: ya
You: ik 3 years isnt alot in like the grand scheme of stuff but NOW 3 years is the difference between 6th graders and freshman and thats really weird
Stranger: yeah true true
You: and abt them being a friends sibling, um dont pull a kissing booth and be all dating behind everyones back- that movie was weird in general smh
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: yeah i wont
Stranger: his mom told me i would be a good son in law
You: LMAO too soon??
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: yeah right ilnow
You: 1) u arent even dating and 2) u think its weird
You: that would creep me tf out
Stranger: yeah but i dont really care
Stranger: i take it as a compliment
Stranger: it means im nice
You: yeah, im just a generally akward perso so XD
Stranger: hahahaha
You: but like uh if u dont wanna date a friends sibling dont, in most movies thats like number one best friend code no dating sibkings
Stranger: yeah i dont really care if my friend doesnt mins
Stranger: but i dont like her
Stranger: i like someone else
Stranger: and she doesnt like me back
Stranger: 🙃🙂
You: oh cool, aw that suckss u seem really chill and have a good personality so idk whats not to like thats prob my pansexual talking tho XD
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: ur attracted to pans?
Stranger: thanks lmao yeah idk
You: no i came out of the pantry smh
Stranger: 🤯🤯🤯🤯
You: common misconseption XD
Stranger: yeah shes my girl best friend
Stranger: so thats why she doesnt like me
Stranger: but maybe some daaaaaayv
You: oooo thats a hard place to get out of the f r i e n d z o n e
Stranger: ivee been tryyiiiiiiiing
Stranger: to make u love meeee
Stranger: but everything i try
You: *blasts u belong with me by taylor swift on a boombox* now go stand outside her window
Stranger: just takes you further from me
You: XD
Stranger: ghost town by kanye west is such a good song
You: oh i dont think ive listened to it lmao too much emo music and musicals
Stranger: you like kid cudi
You: who..? ugh i feel stupid not knowing stuff
Stranger: ur too young
Stranger: hes a legend
Stranger: makes good music u should listen to him
Stranger: kind of drug/depresion related
You: oh okay, that sounds like smth id listen too XD
Stranger: listen to love. by him on youtube or soundcloud
Stranger: it isnt on spotify
You: oh okay, i use amazon music like a loser XD
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah its only on yt or soundcloud lmao
Stranger: hahah doesnt matter right
You: yeah lmao
You: u wanna be friends? its ok to say no cause im 14 XD
You: im morgan btw whats ur name?
Stranger: hahaha aw thats a nice thing to ask
Stranger: but i just came on here to twlk to random people :( sorry
You: im not good at the whole "making friends" thing so idk what to do but ask lmao
Stranger: my name is julian
You: oh okay
Stranger: im sure u will make friends some day
You: OMG ofc its julian- i meet guys with m names or julius/julians never anything else
Stranger: hahaha what do y mean
You: i mean in the past week ive met a mike, mikey, and a mick then ive met like 4 julius' and 2 julians
Stranger: ahhaha wow
Stranger: thats funny
You: i swear idk what is up but smth is
You: my fbi agent is on smth ig
Stranger: hahahhahaha
Stranger: tryna set u up
You: yeah they want either an m&m or m j XD just m&ms or michael jackson IDFK XD
Stranger: haahahah
Stranger: so when did u find out u were pan sexual
You: uh when i was 11 i thinkk
Stranger: wow
Stranger: when i was 11 i was eating boogers out of my nose
You: yeah i knew i wasnt straight since like pre school girls are just too cute lmao
You: lmao thanks for sharing
Stranger: that is a facr
Stranger: women are cute
You: yeah they are XD
Stranger: hahaha
You: ummm idk what to talk abt now lol
Stranger: yeah me too lol
You: uh do u like heathers? like the movie or the musical
Stranger: never heard of it
You: my friends saying to skip u smh but i wouldnt dare
Stranger: what do u mean hahah
You: heathers is like a cult classic 80s movie like breakfast club or 16 candles or the outsiders
Stranger: ohh ok hahah
Stranger: i dont watch a lit of old movies
You: u know what those are right? especially the outsiders?
Stranger: only fiction
Stranger: never heard of them
You: U HAVENT???
Stranger: whats sliced bread
Stranger: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: i swear i dont watch movies
You: like a loaf of bread XD its an expression
Stranger: oh lolllll
You: but like look up dallas winston MMMMM I LOVE THAT MAN
Stranger: hahah ok
Stranger: this was a fun talk dude hahah
Stranger: i ahve to go eat rn
You: okay byee nice talk too bad we cant be friends i wish u luck <3
Stranger: were kind of stranger friends
Stranger: so count me as a friend
Stranger: :S
You: okay too bad after this we'll never talk again
You: S?
Stranger: idk lmao
Stranger: yeah but thats life
Stranger: byeee 😘
You: yeah it is byeeee
Stranger has disconnected.
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