#leviathan is one of my most favorite designs
scatmaan · 1 year
wish there were more movies that give off the feeling that event horizon, hellraiser, and annihilation give off
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I really love the Lodgers, their designs are so varied and fun. I'm planning on drawing the rest of them as well, they're really good as a warm-up. Cantilupe is probably my favorite here, out of everyone we see she gives me the biggest Classic Mad Scientist vibe (barring Frankenstein and Hyde I think)
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Misc thoughts under the cut because I love this comic
I love thinking about what the Lodgers are doing while all the primary plot is happening. Like, Jasper would probably hang out with Lavender and Cantilupe a lot for work stuff since they're cryptozoologists as well. Which is a delightful image to me, because he is an extremely mild-mannered werewolf kid hanging out with two very nice women who have the most deranged job in the world. Lavender is very sweet and all, but I don't believe for a second that you become the caretaker of Cthulus and Leviathans without being a little bit terrifying yourself. If not in personality certainly in skill.
Drawing so many of these guys in a row really made me appreciate some of the subtler design features of the whole cast. Like, almost all of the lodgers I've seen have some sort of protective eyewear on their person. The only one here who doesn't is Helsby, but he wouldn't need them, all of his research would be conducted through other types of equipment that you can't exactly carry around (like the diving suit we see him in just before the exhibition!) All the scientists that work with chemicals or other dangerous substances have rubber or leather gloves. Then, when I was looking at the icon of Arythusa's blog, I realized that we haven't seen Jekyll wear those goggles in the comic. Which makes perfect sense. During the events of the story Jekyll is so preoccupied with the social navigation of keeping the Society running that he doesn't have time to do his own experiments. The only times we see him actively brewing something are spur of the moment, like the cough suppressant, or when he's incredibly sleep deprived like in the flashbacks. That missing element from his design also visually aligns him with Lanyon more than any of the lodgers, which is very neat to me. I don't even know if all of this was on purpose, but it's cool regardless.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hello Neil Gaiman! Since I adore your work and read your books with interest, I would like to ask a couple of questions that torment my brain regarding the book "Good Omens". Not a series, but a book, I think this will not be a huge spoiler, but just funny and interesting facts. Sorry in advance, there were more questions than I initially expected) 1) What do Hell and Heaven look like in the book? We've seen the posh portrayal of Hell and Heaven in the show, but the book implies they're more stereotypical. Hell - caves, lava, fire, creepy horned creatures around, Paradise - a blooming garden or a beach resort with white angels. Is it so? There were only a couple of hints about the heat in Hell in the book, it would be interesting to know if this is actually the case. 2) What do Hastur and Ligur look like in the book? Are they in human form or real creepy devils? As a designer and animator, this question torments me the most, sorry) We saw that Beelzebub is described as a red-skinned horned monster, but what do the two dukes of the Underworld look like?3) Hastur is more concerned with this issue, is he from the very beginning a bunch of larvae or a demonic creature with larvae inside? Or is he one of them in the truest sense of the word?4) Does the Dark Council of Hell include such high demons as Mammon, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Leviathan, Lilith?5) Stana and Lucifer are different demons or not?6) Are the tortures and executions in the circles of Hell the same as Dante's or are they somehow different?7) Hastur threatens Crowley in a rather interesting way: "You're going to get taken to the bloody cleaners, pal". There are some kind of blood cleaners in Hell and it is better not to mess with them?8) Do all demons have a true form from a crowd of larvae? It's just that not only Hastur loves this image, but also Crowley, which, it seems to me, is not particularly to his taste. So these are their demonic forms?9) Why in the book Hell and Paradise pretend that everything is in order, and do not try to blame someone for the failure of Armageddon? This is the best scene in the series!Sorry in advance, there are too many questions, but of course you can only answer the most favorite and important questions, and yes, thank you very much! 
Generally the best thing about books is that they leave questions unanswered, and the best thing about fanfiction and headcanons is you get to answer those questions to your own satisfaction.
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pleasantspark · 6 days
What do you think of this potential 4chan leak that Lucifer is the one responsible for the hierarchy and that Sloth, Gluttony and Lust are considered good sins? https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/145383112/#145394767
> Lucifer created the terrible hierarchy of Hell as well as the Deadly Sins. He is described as a moral neutral sin.
Well, neutral is far cutting it, remember he caused nearly everything to happen in Hell. He's described as sexy, when the only sexy thing about him is his depression. No one pointed out that Lucifer was at fault for all the things to begin with, but no people are like "B-B-B-B-BUT, we needed a story to kick off Charlie!" I feel like it's stupid, also, I am a depressed person and whenever a character who is depressed does something bad, they always have to empthize on the "UWU Depressed shit" which is shit you'd see on r/gachalifecringe or r/gachaclubcringe (Which I am a moderator on, and let me tell you, the Gacha side of the Hazbin Fandom is fucked up.). I feel like most don't care because they'd much rather ship RadioApple then point out the absolute fuckery that is Lucifer himself.
>The good sins are Asmodeus, Bee, and Belphegor. The bad sins are Satan, Leviathan, and Mammon. Beelzebub actively hates the hierarchy and how it treats her hellhounds, but there isn't anything she can do about it.
Okay, first off all the sins are bad, they cannot just pick and choose. For FUCKS sake, you know who her favorite is, the funny thing is, I like Mammon, he's cute and his design/accent are great (But nothing comes greater then Jeice), so she failed at making villains scary when all they are is extremely comical people who suck at villianing and suck at life.
> Leviathan is female and a fashion queen. Alot of Envy will be focused on fashion.
Paint me green and call me a fucking pickle, more backlash would be fucking impossible. Remind me what the fuck does Fashion have to do with Envy?
Sure, people can be envious of others looks, but that ISN'T the only thing possible to be envious of.
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This is Leviathan from my Universe, he's a victim of abuse from his father. (Who by the way died because of the effect he has on people, later on.)
According to Levi's official description on the Wikia:
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Leviathan isn't actually Envious, rather the curse he has causes anyone nearby of him close or not to get envious of him as a person which is the main reason why Agatha is acting out.
This would've been better, but complicated storylines and things pulled from TVTropes isn't what Viz likes. Yes, Leviathan is meant to be Stolas from HB but better, and yes, I DO VOICE LEVI.
So what's the issue with Levi liking fashion? Well, it's obvious that she needs another Diva because at this rate Velvette isn't enough, and most of the fuckers in the Pride Ring seems to be fitted for other rings too.
I feel like she's trying to assign something to these character's to make them unique, but they aren't.
Lucifer is literally the Sin of Pride, and the only thing prideful about him is his fruitiness, so add that to the level of "Bible things that Viv added" he's far from prideful, and that's a fact.
Coming from someone whose gay myself.
Mammon, oh sweet sweet Mammon, is just the Greedlr, but a Fat Nickado Avocado Characters, minus the screaming and fits. And aussie. Because "oooo people with accents arre baad"
Beezlebub, is just, well a Bee, because "HAHAH FUNNI BEE-ZLEBUB" she wanted to relieve her golden years of AMVs and Animation Meme-Esque content, also so she can brush hands with Kesha-Senpai. I swear to fuck, she asskisses alot.
And I am BARELY getting started.
> Stella is a decent mom to Octavia. She doesn't have many powers and isn't summoned to Earth like Stolas is.
If she's such a great Mom, you so claim she is, Viv, then why not show and NOT FUCKING TELL. All we see of her, is the way to make the audience feel bad for a [N word, black POC here. Don't wanna say it.] that ain't shit, Doja Cat was right, he ain't shit.
This is ridiculous, this was seen with Jeffy in SML, he was a hated character, Logan tried every trick in the book to get the audience to feel bad for him (I.E. Giving him an emotional manipulative mom, losing his sister, WITNESSING HIS LITTLE SISTER GETTING MOLESTED, etc etc) but the problem with making an auidence feel bad for the character, it gives a in character excuse to let them continue being pricks without any character development.
In conclusion:
More pointless rep that will be thrown out as soon as it appears
More things to hype up, but ultimately fumble the bag
It sucks
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valeriefauxnom · 6 months
Dragalia's Knights of Glory art
Now, it's been gone over how Dragalia Lost actually used quite a bit of inspiration from one of Cygames' previous works, Knights of Glory, for anything from character designs to dragons.
Of course, this showed up quite literally with characters like Lea when they quite literally just had the "Knights of Glory" showcase, but it also showed up in characters ranging from Jakob to Mikoto to Jurota (also showcasing the alighting butterfly blade, also in Dragalia):
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However funny it is to see who we came to know as different characters in a different media, though, the dragons are 10x funnier to look at.
You see, it seemed that Knights of Glory had a certain 'evolution system' to dragons, where they'd develop and grow more fancy, if they weren't inexplicably transforming into an attractive humanoid woman because of course-
And oh boy, we can kinda see alternative evolutionary paths for the Greatwyrms.
There's Midgardsormr, who seems to most closely resemble the fully evolved form from the start...(he also gained an element, as this dragon line apparently has no element!)
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Mercury, who is in her middle phase:
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Imagine a hydra Mercury!
...Brunhilda? Not very sure on this one. She might just be a new design, but here's my best guess for what dragon they might have been inspired from:
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Of course, in her 'final form' if this was a dragon they used as inspiration.
Jupiter, whom I'd almost put in his middle stage for closeness of design:
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Last but not least, poor Zodiark, who really got hammered with the skeletal dragon design and is also in his middle stage and is also drooling 24/7:
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Where is his stomach? Where are his organs? Why is he bipedal?? He lost some bulk in his transition to Dragalia, too. Honestly, I like Dragalia Zodiark more than his inspiration here.
That's enough of full evolutionary trees for now, though.
Some other funny ones to me include:
-Silke turning into a skeletal horse on her final evolution:
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-Baby Leviathan going :-D all the time:
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-Baby Poseidon (honestly a lot of the babies are funny since we only knew their final forms, typically);
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-Possibly Cat Sìth inspiration???
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-Baby Zephyr:
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-Baby Nidhogg, sitting all prim and proper and ready to watch Euden die still:
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-Teenage...Satan? Having a evil little :) face going on there...
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Speaking of, quite a few of the dragons were actually repurposed into bosses, as with Satan above, like everyone's favorite:
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(We must not let Phraeganoth be revived! ...Until Bondforged Zethia's story, at least).
Might be a stretch here, but maaaaaybe a bit of Kai Yan in here?
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The Hypnos/Thanatos/Mega Monarch Emile line's general design:
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This is getting long enough as it is, but if you want to see a mix of some old with a lot of new art that they might have used as inspiration for more dragons/adventurers, here's the link I used to the collections of KoG artwork that people were able to preserve:
Hopefully you find it just as interesting and funny as I did perusing the old art!
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hiddenonyx · 1 year
Obey Me! Brothers Height Headcannons
A/N: I wanted to do some headcanons for the brother’s heights, as we’re never given official heights for everyone. Also I’m ignoring the sprite-height comparison chart or whatever. I can do what I want >:] 
[I was totally gonna add more to this than just heights, but nothing else I had in mind really fit? Into the general theme of the writing, so here’s a shorter one.]
Lucifer’s “human” form is tall - being the second tallest of the brothers at 6’8” (roughly 203 cm). Angels and demons have a tendency to be taller than humans, and magical glamor isn’t truly able to disguise height. While the House of Lamentation, and RAD tend to have high ceilings and doorframes, other places don’t always so he has to duck to go through. He also hates going up or down stairs or ladders to basements or attics because he almost always hits his head.
Lucifer’s demon form stands around 7’0” (213 cm) - his horns add an inch or two if you want to get really technical. He has a lot of the same issues as in his human form, but his wings really add to it. Even folded in, they stick out a far bit. Narrow hallways are his least favorite and doorways become a whole other nightmare. It’s pretty rare to see Lucifer in his demon form go through a doorway (and pretty funny too - he has to duck and go through it almost sideways). He often teleports from room to room instead.
Mammon’s “human” form is slightly above average for humans at 6’4” (193 cm). He’s the third tallest of the brothers (after Lucifer and Beel), and often teases his younger brothers that he’s taller than them. He’s also the one who tends to get asked to get things from high shelves. Mammon will begrudgingly grab whatever, though he’s secretly overjoyed that his little brothers (or MC) need his help.
Mammons' demon form is slightly taller, coming in at 6’7” tall (201 cm). His horns are fairly small when compared to other demons, so they don’t really bother him (but don’t mention his small horns, he’s self conscious). His wings however are. So. Annoying. They aren’t necessarily big and bulky like Lucifer’s, but the bones of his wings are sharp and get caught on everything, and if Mammon’s not careful, he’ll poke himself (or other people).
Levi’s “human” form is a cute, 5’10” (178 cm), making him the second shortest out of the brothers; beating Belphie by a single inch. Levi’s rather self conscious about his height and really dislikes it when people comment on it (or when Mammon teases him). He did end up feeling a bit better when MC called him “cuddle sized”.
Levi’s demon form is slightly taller at 6’0” (182 cm), making him now tied with Belphie for shortest demon form - though Levi will often argue that he’s actually the tallest, or rather, the longest if they measure and count his tail. Leivi actually doesn’t mind his demon form; sure his tail can be a little annoying and a little bit of a tripping hazard, but that’s only if he’s not paying attention or intentionally trying to trip Mammon. Most people don’t know that Levi’s tail is like a snake’s body; he has complete control over it and can move it as precisely as he needs to.
(*Disclaimer: I absolutely hate Satan’s canon demon form. At some point I’ll write or draw a redesign for him, but for now note that my redesign is mentioned, not his cannon design.)
Satan’s about 6’3” (190 cm) in his human form. He doesn’t have much to say about his height - it’s average and not the same as Lucifer so he’s happy. Though…he does often tell Mammon to sit down and shut up and stop bragging about his height; after all Satan’s only an inch shorter than Mammon and Satan can hit much, much harder. So maybe, just maybe leave Levi alone today, mmkay?
Satan’s demon form is around 6’6” (198  cm) tall (how fitting). Assuming he’s not already in his demon form because he’s pissed off, Satan finds his demon form quite…irritating. The feathers around his neck scratch his skin uncomfortably, he hates the restricting feeling of the bones on his chest, and worst of all his tail. The damn thing sways and wags like a dog’s! He has to keep it around his leg otherwise it’ll drive him insane.
Asmo’s “human” form is a surprisingly tall  6’1” (185 cm). Most people don’t know however, as Asmo is almost always wearing some kind of heel. It’s one of his most asked questions from fans and he just smiles and says “however tall you’d like”. Despite being over 6 foot, Asmo will still ask Mammon or Beel to get him something from the top shelf.
Asmo’s demon form is a slightly taller 6’4” (193 cm), plus several inches if you count his horns - he has the tallest horns out of all the brothers. While Asmo loves everything about his demon form, his horns can sometimes give him a hard time. He has to style his hair slightly differently to hide the base of his horns, after all it wouldn’t do well for people to see something so unsightly.
Beel’s human is unsurprisingly tall, at 6’10” (208 cm). He shares a lot of the same “tall” problems with Lucifer. Doorways and certain stairwells become unpleasant to traverse. He doesn’t mind however; he gets to be the person who helps whoever get whatever from the top shelf. Beel also loves to give Luke piggyback rides because the first time Beel did, Luke made a comment about how tall he is now.
Beel’s demon form is even taller at 7’2” (218 cm), making him the second tallest of the entire cast (after Diavolo of course). It’s quite intimidating to be standing before a 7 foot tall demon, and Beel is well aware of it. For any events that require him to be in his demonic form, Beel tries really hard to seem friendly and unthreatening. Nothing makes him more uncomfortable than someone being uncomfortable because of him.
Belphie’s a cute 5’9” (175 cm) in his human form, making him the shortest of the brothers. Not that he minds at all. Being the shortest means he can ask anyone (even Levi)  else to grab the bag of chips on the top shelf while he goes and makes himself comfy on the couch. Imagine his disappointment when a smaller human starts living with him and asks him to get stuff for them.
Unsurprisingly, Belphie’s demon form is also smaller than most everyone else, at 6’0” (182 cm). And actually, Belphie likes being a little bit on the smaller side in his demon form - more people underestimate him then. Belphie can be rather sadistic when he wants to be and nothing feeds that more than breaking the bones of a larger demon who thought that little small Belphie wasn’t a threat.
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0nyxvesper · 3 months
Okay. I've stayed inactive for too long so here are my personal (keyword : personal) thoughts on different obey me characters starting with the brothers (in this order) ->
Lucifer and Mammon || Leviathan and Satan || Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
• My second favorite
I really like his design and personality (Except for the red themed part of his design I feel like it doesn't make sense but I've talked about it in my Lucifer redesign post so go check it out <3 )
I often find his reactions and his way of thinking interesting but what I like the most about him is that tired pathetic overworked single father energy he has going on.
What I do dislike about him is that the game pushes the ''sadistic'' side of his character way to much in his relationship with his brothers. Like. What? Why??!
I understand that his sadistic side can be attractive if aimed towards the player, but his brothers??
We know for a fact that he's overprotective of his brothers and that he may act very strict but loves them unconditionally. So : why the fuck does the game highlight the ''sadistic heartless older brother that bullies his siblings thought weird punishments for any mistake that they make'' trope, like it's the direct opposite of Lucifer's intention...
Plus tying his brothers up feels extremely wrong and is weirdly suggestive?
So yeah. But other than that I just want to make him a coffee and give his a soft kiss on his forehead :)
Petnames I give him : Star, Stardust, Lu/Luce/Luci, Avatar of gays (dw)
• I have mixed feelings about him
First of all, I LOVE his design. Dark skin + white hair as always been an amazing combination, he does not disappoint.
What I have mixed feelings about is his tsundere side. On one hand, it's pretty fucking adorable. Blushing pathetic men are amazing. Though once again, the game pushes that side of him far to much in my opinion like okay it's cute I agree but that's not the only interesting part of his personality pls give us other sides of him like yeah cool you ''don't even care if I get hurt or anything'' but I'm just here trying to stop your brothers from killing each other can you help please? Also the fact that his brothers always insult him is just there to be there cuz we know it hurts is feeling but we can't do anything about it other than insult him too or try to confort him like pls let me slap his siblings when they do that or give us a way to make it stop it's pissing me off.
They also don't make him show any remorse about his greed which feels very odd to me, like at the very least make him realize his mistakes or at least acknowledge the problems he caused. The idea that he can't stop himself from making the same mistakes over and over again because of his sin is good but make him a bit more self aware of it like he's not THAT dumb and I feel lile he does care. (especially when his mistakes ends up bothering and/or pissing off his brothers).
In conclusion, We know he has the biggest crush on us but don't make it his whole personality please, there's other very interesting parts of him that I didn't find explored anywhere and it's pretty disappointing.
Petnames : Mamms and Treasure
That's it for today, I'll post the next one as soon as my brain and motivation lets me!
Much love!
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ocaroon · 1 month
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i decided to revisit my rain world anthro designs, but give a bit more charm to them. i went into this hoping to use it as a creative exercise, but above all, as an outlet and way of healing
ive had this idea for well over a year, and got to starting it a bit less than a week ago. it simply revolved around the idea of the slugcats having more rain world-centric clothing. as simple as the idea was, it turned out to be more complex and some of the ideas i had didnt even make the cut unfortunately :c
sorry in advance for the "boring" pose each of them have - it was mainly for reference purposes to make it easy to follow
let the rambling ensue...
monk and survivor have matching clothes because they are youths from their community in outer expanse. their cloaks are made from the pelts of yeeks and the insides are woven with leaves from outer expanse's big, looming fauna. the necklace monk has has one blue lizard scale that was shed from a lizard they tamed
hunter dons a red lizard head and pelt, with the latter held together around their body with a red lizard tooth. alongside that, they have a king vulture mask. both of their headgear are able to sit on them comfortably because of grapple worm parts being used as a fastening material. i think they wear these to send a message and because they're proud of their achievements
gourmand, alongside monk and survivor, has leaves sewn into their caramel lizard cloak. the neckpiece is made from lilypucks after they ate them for the food quest. it is not attached to the cloak and goes around their whole neck, similar to a lei. this is my least favorite design and is the most likely to get an overhaul because i think it could be more intricate. let me know what you think
artificer, obviously, has the chieftain scavenger mask, though they tied the explosive spear fabric to it to hold it in place. similarly, the scavenger pelt and snail shell are also held together with the red fabric. the snail shell is used as a pouch to hold more bombs, though it cannot hold spears
spearmaster was an interesting character and was the most difficult for me, alongside gourmand. i decided to go with a leviathan skin (blubber?). spearmaster's ties to being a purposed organism made me think this would be fitting. since they're on a specific mission for the iterators, them having access to otherwise "unkillable" creatures for clothing kind of felt right. the leviathan's skin is durable, which is just what they need for the amount of trekking they must do. the miros vulture feathers were trophies they got themselves.
rivulet's was fun! when i started this project a year ago, i had monk, survivor, and rivulet's ideas down. all i wanted was a jetfish scarf, and i added a monster kelp cloak on top of it. the monster kelp helps keep their wet skin hydrated
saint's cloak is made from popcorn plants and woven with discarded scavenger fur that they found, to help insulate and keep them warm. they have a lantern necklace. the more fun idea to explore was the earmuffs, which are repurposed spore puffs infused with fire power. very silly indeed
thank you for coming to my ted talk. heres a more accurate hunter hat but i couldnt decide to be frank
feel free to ask questions..i like talking about my ideas but im shy ._ .
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daytaker · 9 months
The Boys Roleplay As Themselves
mammoney: (This is a CLOSED scenario for me and my bros! Y'all can read it if you want to though. I'm gonna kick things off! @Lucifer @L3V1 @stn @AsmoBaby @Beelzeburger @Belphie) 8 ♡ DDSimeon and 7 others
mammoney:  It was 11 PM, and the Devildom was sparkling. Thousands of demons were lined up outside the hottest club south of Antarctica: Mammonteque. At the front of the line stood six of the most powerful, most intimidating, and most attractive demons you’ve ever seen, and even though the club didn’t open until midnight, the bouncer stepped aside and let them in.
“What? That’s so unfair!” shouted the demon behind them. 
But the bouncer shook his head, unmoved. “Orders from the top,” he said. Then, smirking, he added, “Clearly you didn’t recognize those guys. Must be embarrassing for you.”
Inside the club, the demons, who were all dressed in suits with boas, sunglasses, and fedoras, looked around. Just as they expected, this place was opulence itself. Golden fountains spouting gold-flake infused water. A gold disco ball hanging from the ceiling. Even the floor was made of intricately carved gold tiles.
“Obviously, Mammon is even wealthier than last time we stopped by,” said the oldest demon, looking around over his sunglasses. He quickly put them back on because the glow from the gold was too intense for him to handle.
“Wow, I never would have guessed Mammon would be as good at interior design as I am, but he proved me wrong!” said another of the demons. He was wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a bright pink feather boa, and his fedora was covered in sequins.
Another of the demons was already stuffing his face at the buffet. Luckily, the wily Mammon had seen this coming and installed a machine that pumped out an unlimited supply of cheeseburgers.
“Seeing how successful Mammon is makes me proud to have him for a big brother,” said a demon with blue hair and a Ruri-chan body pillow.
“And speak of the devil,” the oldest said, smiling as he looked over at the entrance. 
A stretch-limousine painted gold pulled up to the front of the club. Demons began to scream and cheer as the door opened. Out stepped Mammon, who looked even more handsome than usual. You-Know-Who was clinging to his arm, staring up at him like he was the greatest being in all three worlds.  6 ♡ AsmoBaby and 5 others
stn: As Mammon approached the entrance to his club, the six demons in attendance greeted him with the coolness one might expect from Hell’s most corrupt oligarchs. The identities of these demons were as follows:
Lucifer: former angel, Avatar of Pride, traitor to the Celestial Realm, now the right-hand demon to and a massive simp for Diavolo: former ruler of the Devildom; magnanimous and crafty, with a tendency to act far stupider than he truly is Leviathan: gamer, miserable to be out in public, suffering a migraine and angry that he’s missing the latest episode of his favorite magical girl anime Asmodeus: party devil, narcissist, and self-proclaimed cutest demon in the Devildom Beelzebub: gluttonous gym rat with a heart of gold and a stomach of lead, and Belphegor: who was asleep.
Mammon himself was the Avatar of Greed, and as such, he lacked any ability to control his need to amass material wealth. This being the case, he had recently upset the political order of the Devildom with a massive coup, ousting the far more competent Diavolo from autocratic power in favor of the corrupt cabal now gathered together in this gaudy anteroom.
Mammon looked at his guests while You-Know-Who wandered off, searching for somewhere, anywhere, that didn’t hurt to look at.
“Somebody’s missin’,” observed the club owner.
“A very astute observation, Young Master,” said Mammon’s butler, Barbatos, condescendingly. He had come with the deed to the Demon Lord’s castle. “You may have forgotten, but your dear brother Satan declined your offer to participate in your sham of a government, citing the proven incompetence of yourself and your brothers as the reason.”
“Oh, right,” Mammon said with chagrin. “Damn that Satan, always stickin’ to his principles instead of sellin’ out like the rest of us clowns. Hey, where’d You-Know-Who go?”
“Ah,” said Barbatos with the nod of a man forced to act as the bearer of bad news. “That noble personage appears to have fled. It seems your company became too odious to tolerate.”
“That can only mean one thing,” Mammon said, his eyes widening as the realization struck him. “You-Know-Who ran off to find Satan, since he’s obviously the better catch.” 2 ♡ LordDiavolo and Belphie
L3V1: Or so he thought. Little did Mammon realize that You-Know-Who wasn’t remotely interested in Satan. Instead, the unassuming third-born got a message on his DDD. Stealing away from the crowd, he opened up the text. It read:
“Levi, I think you know who this is. I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long. But you know it was always you. Come find me where we shared our first kiss.”
mammoney: (What the hell do you mean your first kiss???) 4 ♡ Belphie and 3 others
L3V1: (I didn’t interrupt you, asshole!)
Levi gripped his DDD with newfound resolve. He had no interest in the political machinations of his brothers and Diavolo. That part of the plot was boring and honestly too high stakes for what was supposed to be a story about a nightclub. So, slipping away from the others, Levi sneaked out through the back exit and ran for the field of flowers where he and You-Know-Who had shared a few stolen moments of tenderness. 1 ♡ LordDiavolo
Belphie: Poor Levi. He didn’t even realize that the text was sent by Solomon, who was out to troll him. As Leviathan ran off to meet with his only true love (the bitter feeling of disappointment), the youngest of the brothers yawned and looked around, assessing the situation. 
He was at a luxurious club, owned and operated by his scummy brother Mammon. He was in the company of his brothers, minus Satan and now Levi, and Diavolo and Barbatos were there too. You-Know-Who might have been there for a minute or two, but they were long gone by now, and there were hundreds of screaming demons in line, hoping for entrance to the club.
“Maybe we should have our political talks somewhere less noisy,” Belphie suggested. It was a very reasonable suggestion, so none of the other demons could really argue with him.
The seven demons piled into the golden limo outside the entrance and drove away to a less obnoxious scene. 2 ♡ stn and Beelzeburger
AsmoBaby: Except, oh no!!! The limo ran over a bunch of tacks and the tires deflated before they could get very far from the club! They had no choice but to come back. Besides, Asmodeus hadn’t gotten the chance to greet the crowds, and who knows what kind of chaos it would cause if the people learned their idol had left without offering them so much as a wave and heart fingers?
“Asmo! Asmo! Asmo!” chanted the crowd as the demons climbed back out of the limo.
“Hello, everyone!” cried Asmo with an adorable grin, waving back to the demons. They cheered more wildly than ever! Some of them even fainted when he made heart fingers. Demons all over were pulling out their DDDs and snapping photos of the most beautiful demon to ever walk the streets of hell. 2 ♡ LordDiavolo and mammoney
Beelzeburger: Beelzebub was still eating at the unlimited cheeseburger machine. He was enjoying himself. Every time I swallowed a cheeseburger, another one appeared in my hands and I ate that one too. They had relish and pickles and tomatoes and onions and mustard and ketchup on them, and I drooled just thinking about it. But not for long, because I didn’t have to think about it for more than a second or two before another cheeseburger materialized in my hands. I kept eating the cheeseburgers for the rest of the night and well into the morning. 1 ♡ Belphie
mammoney: (Beel, this was supposed to be in the third person!) 1 ♡ L3V1
Beelzeburger: (Oh, right. Sorry. I got a little caught up in my character.) 1 ♡ Belphie
monSOLO: After pulling that prank on Levi, Solomon met up with You-Know-Who at their planned rendezvous point. 
“It looks like the Devildom is entering some pretty politically tumultuous waters,” Solomon said with a chuckle. “Perhaps we’d be better off returning to the human world for the time being.”
Having agreed to this, Solomon and You-Know-Who clasped hands and vanished from the Devildom for at least the next six months or so.
mammoney: (??? What? This was a brothers only event!)
monSOLO: :) 
mammoney: (I’m retconning that whole bit. Somebody else go while I figure out how to delete it.) 1 ♡ stn
stn: Meanwhile, at the House of Lamentation…
Satan assessed the political machinations of his brothers as logically as he could. He knew that Mammon had no real interest in power; he wanted the glamor, not the responsibility. So who could possibly be the mastermind behind the acquisition of power by the second born?
It was all too obvious.
Lucifer had been playing everyone for fools–the contract lawyers of the Devildom, his brothers, even Lord Diavolo himself. Only Satan, ever wary of Lucifer’s intentions, was able to see past his lies.
Gathering together the power of all thirty-nine of his cat familiars, Satan stood at the window facing the Mammonteque club and uttered a curse so foul and forbidden that I dare not repeat it here. And at the nightclub several miles away, Lucifer dropped to the ground, an empty husk. 2 ♡ Belphie and L3V1
Belphie: “Lucifer, no!” cried Diavolo. Giant tears flooded down his face as he clutched the body of his beloved advisor and probable traitor.
“Rip,” said Levi, who had returned to the club after realizing no one was waiting for him at the field of flowers. “Rest in pieces, big bro.”
“Who could have done this?” sobbed Lord Diavolo.
“I have no idea,” said Belphie, who had an idea. But he wasn’t about to sell out his fellow Anti-Luciferian. 2 ♡ Beelzeburger and stn
Lucifer: How long do you intend to embarrass yourselves like this?
AsmoBaby: (OOC comments are in brackets, Lucifer~) 3 ♡ Belphie and 2 others
Lucifer:  Why have I been killed off after being implicated as the mastermind behind a coup to remove Lord Diavolo from power?
Belphie:  (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 2 ♡ stn and monSOLO
stn: (I didn’t realize creativity was forbidden in this home.)
stn: (I suppose it’s my own fault for not assuming my writing would face unfair censorship.) 1 ♡ AsmoBaby
mammoney: (Okay, listen, I’ve been real tolerant of you all bunglin’ around and makin’ this whole damn activity a laughing stock, EVEN after I went out of my way to make all your characters look cool, but Lucifer, are you really gonna torch this whole thing just because of somethin’ like that?) 4 ♡ L3V1 and 3 others
Lucifer: A one month ban from Devilgram for all of you seems like a reasonable punishment. 1 ♡ monSOLO
Belphie: Are you serious?
AsmoBaby: This is so unfair! I didn’t even write any of the seditious stuff! 1 ♡ Beelzeburger
L3V1: Lmao I hate this family… 3 ♡ stn and 2 others
stn: @Belphie, would you meet me in the observatory? I have something I’d like to discuss with you. 1 ♡ Belphie
Lucifer: If I catch any of you on Devilgram within the next thirty days, I will suspend your account indefinitely. @mammoney @L3V1 @stn @AsmoBaby @Beelzeburger @Belphie 1 ♡ monSOLO
LordDiavolo: What a shame. I was enjoying the story.
(Cross-posted on AO3.)
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genopaint · 6 months
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Week 14 done and done! We're fast approaching day 100! So please take some time to pitch your ideas for the day 100 dragon!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #91 - Cuddlodon
By popular vote, and a tie breaker from my sibling who hadn't seen any of the designs before so they weren't biased: Cuddlodon is the most popular dragon of March! So, of course, this means they get a brand spanking new piece of art! Aint they cute?
My favorite March dragon, personally, is probably still the Rawrnosaur, personally I called it, March was very rough. I'm really hoping things can start to calm down from here! Thank you all again for your support and patience!
Here's the Results of the vote:
Cuddlodon - 2 Votes Velocidunce - 2 Votes Molluscreep - 2 Votes Gemini Dragons - 2 Votes Barbequsaur - 2 Votes Googlysaur - 1 Vote Snoozosaur - 1 Vote Shrine Dragon - 1 Vote Lil Dragon - 1 Vote
Thank you all again for voting!
We're fast approaching day 100 of the year! That means there's still like, 200 dragons left to draw? I got my work cut out for me!
Daily Dragon #92 - Blue
I've got to say it... Green is such a tacky color. I'm over it. I'm Blue now 💙
Bahamut? Old hat. It's all about Leviathan now
Happy April Fools, everyone!
Daily Dragon #93 - Red
I'm over it. I'm Red now- No I'm just messing. But I did really want to go ahead and try making a fun design for the third dragon girl! Meet Red, she's Behemoth :)
Daily Dragon #94 - Yellow
And with that, my main 4 dragons all have nice girlie forms :) This one is of course Ziz and because of that she has wings!
Daily Dragon #95 - Komodo
Komodos are bulky enemies found early in grasslands, they're bulky but not too bad to deal with. As you progress on your journey you'll encounter stronger cousins that can cast spells and even steal HP from you!
Daily Dragon #96 - Punkodon
A mean, raptor built dragon that spews out highly corrosive acid. They make popular pets, imagery, and fursonas for adventurers who are more edgy and cool
Daily Dragon #97 - Teacup Dragon
Because it's so tiny, it can't breathe fire very well. And will occasionally burp up smoke after eating. Do you love them?
This concept was cooked up and the design was helped by my sister, by the way!! So I think this is the first collaborative dragon?
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sinfulbutnotreally · 1 year
Obey Me: Asking Their AI What Their Ideal Date Is
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I decided to go to character.ai and ask each of the seven brothers what their ideal first date was. This is completely random and I was mostly curious to see how accurate the ai would be.
Lucifer: "To be honest, I find first dates to be rather annoying. Nevertheless, if you asked, I would suggest something extravagant, such as fine dining at a quaint restaurant or a moonlit carriage ride in the park."
Mammon: "My ideal first date? A fine meal of fresh meat, delicious red wine, and an eager witch. I could make things hot enough to roast a dragon if I wanted to. Ah, good times."
Leviathan: "What... is a first date? I've never done that... but if I was to go on one, it would definitely be in a cafe with lots of anime figurines and manga. Then we could talk about our favorite anime discuss all the most recent tropes and character designs."
Satan: "Hm... something simple, like grabbing a coffee and a bite to eat. I'd also enjoy taking a stroll, taking in the beauty of nature or a nearby city, and enjoying each other's company."
Asmodeus: "Going to a fancy restaurant! Of course, the food is only part of the experience... I want the restaurant to be all done up in flowers, and my date all dressed up in something special too, with flowers in their hair. And once we finish the meal, the real fun starts..."
Beelzebub: "Devouring someone's heart while they scream in terror."
Belphegor: "A quiet, intimate night, filled with sweet talks and meaningful conversations as the night goes by. And a good amount of romance at the end of the night is always a must."
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revelisms · 1 year
A few Arcane HCs I haven't quite gotten to in my fics, but have been running in the background while I'm writing:
Jinx's and Vi's dad was an inventor: clever as a fox, boisterous and sly, smoker's gravel on his words. He sang when he drank, and he got angry: at himself, at the ceaseless cycle of working the mines, at a world he felt trapped in. He did his best, though. He was loving and kind, always driving ahead: vowing to make promises the world wouldn't let him keep. Powder (Bluebird, he'd call her) was his little girl. They'd tinker together when she was very young. She doesn't remember him much, but she misses him. Mirrored against Vi, against Vander, against Silco, is always Papa.
Jinx has her own routines with Dustin, Ran and Lock. When she first came into their crime posse, the three of them held her at arm's length, skittish at venturing too close to the boss's ward. Slowly, though, they all took her under their wings. Dustin taught her how to throw knives, and how to dance—not gracefully, of course, but lively, freed, fun. Ran taught her how to sharpshoot, and how to cook steamed sweet-doughs with her favorite fruits. Lock taught her how to throw a punch, and how to strum a folk-fiddle pretty enough to make it sing. She's closest to Dustin. He doesn't talk much, not sincerely, but there's a lot they can relate to. If she ever needs someone to sit with, he's her second-choice. They'll sit at the bar together, prattling over their music and painting designs on their nails.
Silco has tattoos—several, in fact. Most are hidden beneath his clothes. Jinx and Sevika both have caught glimpses, when his sleeves are rolled up. On his left arm is a leviathan that cords its finned tail from the inside of his elbow to a set of gaping jaws over his shoulder. A painter's dozen litter his back: patterned motifs, a sweeping snake of sea-kelp, death's-head moths split by glistened daggers, a devilish star. Hidden on the underside of his right arm is a sliver of ink: a bleeding eye caged between fanged teeth. Most others have been smattered with scars, over the years: bullet wounds, knife slashes, shrapnel.
Sevika occupies a rare state of limbo among their crew. She's seen flavors of vulnerability Silco has bared to no other, and has laid down her shields, in turn. One would be unwise to call them lovers—their tastes in all things, down to preferred partners, skews polar opposite. But they have weathered similar hells, and know how to navigate them. Silco knows that she will cry when her rage burns out, and only then: a Vesuvius that takes years to boil up and over. Sevika knows that dragging a hand over Silco's nape, palming slowly into the dark quills of his hair, will make him jitter on his feet: a conflated snap-reaction of hackles raised and walls crumbled. They have shared meals, baths, beds—and, on few occasions, rooms at the brothels—but they are a partnership that leans towards wedded servitude before it ever greets affection. Still, they are intrigued by each other. A mutual curiosity at the layers that unfold, if one only dares to look beneath them.
Vi sees herself first as Powder's sister; Jinx saw Vi first as her own mother. Their relationship has been weighted by this ever since the bridge went up in flames. Vi remembers their mother vividly: how she hummed folksongs when she worked, made them warm stews and stitched their clothes with bright thread; Jinx remembers only a shadow, a lovely voice, and Vi's hands—hands that had Papa's anger, that smashed things and threw them far, far away, kicked and shoved and roared, fizzled out to quiet, frustrated apologies. The cannery fire wasn't the first time Vi had let her anger get the best of her, but it was the most explosive. She's held the shame of it with her, her whole life—and it's a fear Jinx has never been able to detach from.
Despite this, Jinx is touch-first and speak-second. She was always a tactile child—even more-so, after everything. Ironic, then, that she's so often sewn at the hip to a man who's, on the surface, touch-averse and impeccably clean. He's had to peel her off him like glue, more than once, leering at the soot stains she'd leave on his suit. (Child...you do know how to bathe?) But it brings out a quieter, forgotten part of himself, that closeness. He's tactile, too—something long staved off by his betrayal, by the nature of his position, by the violence he enacts and commands; but memory makes easy habits. It's not uncommon to find him making room for her at his desk; letting her nest in his arms while he lounges on his office's chaise, a book in hand; sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with her, folktales murmured late into the night, until her eyes stutter closed, her comforters tucked lightly over her shoulder. And all of it isn't Vi, to her—but it's a shadow of something Jinx remembers; a quiet warmth, a tired voice, a face she's forgotten.
Silco has had many drift in and out of his life, over the years; mentors less-so than bloodied beacons. With Vander, it was a young, prickling, heartached obsession—a desire to prove, to be seen, to be worthy. A manifestation of all his childhood ails, emboldened to their ugliest frenzy. Vander goaded; he chased rooftops and leapt from ever-greater heights; his ambition soared as far as his body could take him, as long as it took for someone to fall behind in the chase. But Silco could outwit him, outpace him, with strategy and scheming—the two of them unstoppable, unmatched, and enmeshed with unbalance. A hound on a killer's leash; a killer baring the hound's teeth. After the betrayal, Silco spent months in the reclusive company of the doctor. Science became a second language, and Piltie business rode on its coattails. The doctor got him through back-door loopholes into Topside medical labs, bartered connection with tutors in law and policy and business, and laid the foothold for investment. Silco's penchant for wordsmithing a crowd and eye for industrialization did the rest.
As a byproduct of the doctor's work, Jinx inevitably crosses paths with Viktor. She learns of him from afar, early-on in her settling in at the reacquired Last Drop. A little errand of passing off reports from Silco to Singed and back again leave her ogling Viktor's work, at every chance. He wants nothing to do with her, at first—until she prattles off her knowledge on chemical reconstruction, shows her inventions, wins his favor. They become good friends, over the years. In the aftermath of Fishbones' explosion, he's one of few who make active efforts to see her: they'll sit at the banks of the Pilt and share fishcakes, pickled cabbage, and thermoses of black tea. She'll talk shimmer varients; he'll talk chem-augmentations with Hextech. Together, they'll compile their shared notes in a tome she dubs Hohenheim (Hohie, for short). It's one of her most treasured possessions.
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assassyart · 1 month
HIII I LOVE UR ART SO MUCHH ^^ so happy I found ur acc, and I wanted to know what's your second favorite ratchet and clank game is :D (since I think ur #1 fav game is a crack in time loll)
Ahh THANKS :D Glad you like my art! I hope you enjoy your stay :D
As for my second fave R&C game, it's gotta be Tools of Destruction!
While my love for A Crack in Time comes from me truly believing it is one of the best games in the series... this isn't the case with Tools of Destruction. I know it's not the best, but I love this game a lot. I have a ton of fond memories with it, and it's one of the most fun games in the series for me to replay, thanks to how brutal it can be when doing no-armor runs (which is basically how I play all R&C games lol).
Plus, Tools introduced my second favorite Ratchet & Clank character, a good chunk of my favorite weapons, has some banger music, and the environments are PHENOMENONAL. Not to mention how rad those Leviathan designs are!
My nostalgia doesn't blind me; I know it's a buggy mess. But it's my buggy mess. <3
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opalizedseptarian · 1 year
The recent dumbassery that was beelzebub's design gave me the realization that they're gonna fuck up Leviathan so god damn hard. One of the coolest figures in the three Abrahamic religions and one of my favorites dragons in mythology, will be reduced to either the most generic sea monster imaginable, or Lovecraft knock-off no. 256
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666writingcafe · 1 year
With Me
Warning: a character decides to end their own life in Act V.
A Play Written By Christopher Peugeot
Lucifer: The Prince
MC: The Attendant
Belphegor: The King of the Land of Sloth
Beel: The King of the Land of Gluttony
Leviathan: The King of the Land of Envy
Satan: The Fairy of the Wood
Simeon: The Narrator
Barbatos: Head Crew Member
Mammon: Set Designer
Leviathan: Costume Designer
Asmo: Hair and Makeup
Solomon: Composer
Narrator: Once upon a time, long, long ago, in a small and remote land, there lived a prince. This prince was a man who could be quite sadistic at times, but for the most part he was a caring man. He had many servants, but his favorite by far was his personal attendant.
Narrator: The prince's personal attendant had a terrible secret: they were cursed. From a young age, they watched everyone they ever cared about die in increasingly tragic ways. The only way that the curse could be broken is if they find their true love.
Narrator: One day, the prince received a letter from his betrothed, explaining that the time has come for them to finally wed. Not wanting to delay the ceremony any longer than necessary, the prince quickly packs his things and orders his personal attendant to accompany him on the journey to his betrothed's kingdom.
Narrator: In order to get there, however, they had to venture through various lands ruled by ruthless kings.
The King of the Land of Sloth tries to force the prince and his attendant into an eternal slumber.
The King of the Land of Gluttony tries to eat the prince and his attendant.
The King of the Land of Envy nearly executes the prince and his attendant due to becoming jealous of their bond.
Narrator: At long last, the pair reach the kingdom of the prince's betrothed. Instead of being relieved, however, the personal attendant feels their stomach sink.
Narrator: Over the course of their journey, the attendant realizes that the prince might just be their true love, making it possible for their curse to finally be broken. However, the attendant knows that the union of the prince and his betrothed would bring political stability to the two kingdoms, so they decide to keep this revelation to themselves.
Narrator: What the attendant doesn't know is that the prince is having second thoughts about the wedding.
Prince: I feel as though all these years, I've been living a lie, refusing to acknowledge the truth. To think that my true love has been right beside me all along...I don't know if I can go through with this.
Prince: *sighs* But I have to. I can't hope to marry them and live out our days together. It would be a selfish dereliction of duty, and I cannot abandon my people for their sake. *sighs again*
Prince: Just the thought of taking their hand and gazing into their eyes makes my heart pound with anticipation. I never knew I could feel this way. I never knew I had such passion inside me.
Narrator: Believing that the prince is completely smitten with his betrothed, the attendant rushes out of the castle. They don't know where they're going, but they know that they have to get away before they risk ruining the prince's happiness.
Narrator: The attendant ends up lost deep within a forest and catches the attention of the fairy of the wood.
Fairy: What is the matter?
Attendant: *cries silently*
Fairy: *places a hand on the attendant's shoulder* There's no keeping secrets from the fairy of the wood. I know what's in your heart. You've in love with a prince, aren't you?
Attendant: *sniffles and wipes their eyes* Yes. He is due to wed soon.
Fairy: I see. You know that only royalty is fit to marry a prince, yet you can't stop yourself from loving him.
Attendant: What do I do?
Fairy: *pulls out a dagger* Take this. Use it to kill his betrothed. That will grant you status and prestige...enough to marry your prince, I'd say. *pauses* But know that this is no ordinary dagger. Once you take it from me, you must use it to kill someone.
Narrator: The attendant takes the dagger and leaves the fairy of the wood behind. Instead of returning to the castle, they end up in a secluded meadow.
Attendant: I still remember the day I first met you, almost like it was yesterday. The way you fixed your eyes on me, that noble yet sincere gaze...
Attendant: The moment I beheld it, I was transfixed. And that was it. There was no going back. I fell for you completely, body and soul. I knew that if we were to become friends--and only friends--I'd be able to stay by your side forever. So I buried my feelings for you deep inside. Forever. At least, that's what I thought.
Attendant: *takes a deep breath* Is there any way that I might take their place? That you might feel for me what you've felt for them? I beg you, open your heart to me instead, to me and me alone.
Attendant: Who am I kidding? You could never love someone like me. *plunges the dagger into their chest*
Prince: NO! *runs over to the attendant and catches them before they hit the ground* MC...! My dear MC!
Prince: *notices the dagger* Oh no...this is the cursed blade said to belong to the fairy of the wood. The curse required you to take a life, but you couldn't bring yourself to kill someone else, could you?
Attendant: *whispers* You love them. *dies*
Prince: No, my darling, I love you. *notices that the attendant is dead* I wish you could have killed my betrothed, but instead you've...
Prince: *nearly chokes on his tears* You've left me in a world without you. Is that really what you wanted? To condemn me to suffer through life without you?
Prince: *starts shouting* I loathe my royal blood, and I loathe a world without you in it! A curse on all of it, everything!
Narrator: Never did the two imagine that such a destiny awaited them at the end of their long, long journey. The prince's true love was dead, leaving him to suffer through life alone. Overcome with sorrow at having lost the person he loved, the prince became consumed by hatred, cursing the world and those in it. Transforming into a demon, he dedicated himself to bringing sadness and misfortune to people everywhere for all eternity.
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myrmica · 5 months
4, 15, and 20 + s4 zam? :3
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
HMMM... i think he would lose a lot of his charm in most other mediums to be honest. for my particular vision of s4, definitely a stage play. or a ballet or something. i want princezam doing salieri type shit.
the wings of freedom/pits of hell cinematics especially would translate well to this and they would be WAY COOLER !!!!!!! his night of the end breakdown becoming an address to the audience... the whole thing needs to be done 1800s style where the audience is expected to heckle him the whole time. and throw things at him maybe. i think you could do something cool with it where the first half of the show is centered around castle arc/leviathan and the second half is exploits/leadup to wormhole... so you can dramatize the thing that happens where pvp stops mattering, if pvp is dance choreography. you have a lot of motion and action in the first half, and then by the second half you're left with these long scenes where characters monologue to each other/the audience (ideally this would genuinely piss people off to watch at least a little but the dialogue and character drama is enough, much like in actual lifesteal s4. i've been watching ford play the second act of inscryption and puzzling over it as a game design choice ... it might be like that.) and then for wormhole itself you have scenes like the final eclipse conversation taking place isolated in the center of the stage under a single light while there's this mass of dancing/fighting taking place in the dark around them...
first scene of the play is subz and vitalasy standing in the wreckage of spawn -> eclipse base reveal. second scene is team awesome betrayal. i can see it all in my head so clearly. mapicc and ro moving around and talking while everyone else on stage is frozen in place. you could have actors positioned throughout the audience who come on stage for wormhole but that feels slightly tacky to me, it would depend on the execution. this all came to me just now like a vision from god
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
(looks around) well um now this might be surprising (coughs) but it is vitalazam. not just my favorite lifesteal ship but one of my favorites ever in anything. i like it when characters feel like they're representative of or deeply entwined with an ideological conflict and these ones in particular are entwined with a METHODOLOGICAL conflict masquerading as an ideological conflict...!!!!!!!!!!! over how they interact with their medium...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and beyond that i like the way they bounce off each other on a very basic level. how weird their combination of complete awkwardness and drama/tension is... this is the appeal of vitalasy as a character in general to me, the way he is exceedingly awkward and weird and yet has a very commanding presence at times. he always feels like an animal puffing its fur up to seem bigger... he tends to put anger on over sadness, in contrast to zam in s4 putting sadness on over anger, making himself "smaller" on purpose in a lot of ways.
basically it's insane to me that two people who talk to each other like THIS have such a real sense of tension between them
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i'm also drawn to the element of frustration and unfulfilledness. there's so little of it comparatively but i loveeeeeee s5 vitalazam for how frustrating it must be for vitalasy. how much he missed his chance with zam in eclipse when he could have been there, and from zam's perspective, chose the exploits Over zam by not spending time with him or fighting for him the way subz did. the idea that vitalasy might regret that forever ... and then zam just never even talks about any of it again no matter how many times vitalasy needles him on it.
been thinking a lot about vitalasy essentially responding to the question "how much did you even protect me?????" with "i protected you FROM ME" like what is wrong with you. seriously what is your problem. it's besides the point but i like "Okay so this guy is kind of obsessed with me" way better than mutual obsession in this context... it plays into vitalasy's grandiose visions for the world and his playing god, and setting himself up for failure, and trying to change lifesteal when all zam wants is to play the game and had vitalasy simply played with him instead of doing all that he might have gotten what he wanted (romantically or as a teammate or literally whatever) from zam. and in the end, does he want that more than he wanted the thing he sacrificed his chances at it for? somebody please bonk me over the head before i keep talking i know i am repeating things i've said elsewhere at this point
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
my first thought was mapicc and then i went "Well that's kind of the obvious answer what else have we got" and then i thought about it some more, went on a whole subzam detour mentally, and then got back to mapicc. So i suppose it is mapicc
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