#or they try to explain waaay too much
scatmaan · 1 year
wish there were more movies that give off the feeling that event horizon, hellraiser, and annihilation give off
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
That's our baby
The first time you call you and Umemiya's dog 'your son'
SFW ig but a little suggestive at the end. Also I wasn't gonna name the dog but then I was like "Fuck it! It's Balto now"
Umemiya Hajime
"Baby I can explain-"
"You can explain why our son has a bowl cut?" You fume pointing at your two year-old Samoyed's misshapen head. He sits politely on the couch showcasing his new haircut, which normally you'd find hilarious because usually he can't settle down when you first get home. Apparently, though, he can tell when his father is getting scolded.
"Okay, first of all, I love you so much, and I love that you just called him our son because he is our son and-"
"I love you too. Skip to the bowl cut." He can tell by your stance, you're pretty mad.
"...Our normal groomer quit, and I couldn't find anywhere else to take him to," your husband breaths out in defeat before continuing. "I figured if I found a good video online, it would be easy. It was easy until he sneezed while I was trimming his face and three inches came off instead of one. He'd look weird if there was just a hunk off the side of his face, so I evened it out and it ended up like...this?" He says before crouching down and squishing his cheek next to your dog's. "C'mon he's kinda cute like this! He's our baby; he's always cute no matter what," he tries to appeal to your soft side by giving you the same puppy eyes your dog is giving you, and it almost works.
"The other dogs at the dog park are gonna make fun of him," you grimace, and at the sound of the word 'park,' your baby's ears perk up. He starts lifting and stomping his front paws gently, trying to behave but so excited that he might be going outside. Hajime lets out a dramatic gasp, hand to his chest before saying telling you that's blasphemy.
"He's friends with everyone at the park. There's no way they'll make fun of him just because of a silly haircut! Daddy thinks your friends are gonna love it, my little marshmallow." He starts squishing your dog's cheeks and speaking to him in the baby voice he saves especially for him.
Upon hearing 'park' for the second time, he starts whining and pawing at Hajime's arm. "Balto, honey, let's go for a walk." You pat your leg before grabbing the leash, and he bounds over to you, leaving his Father to pout on the couch with a quiet 'traitor' mumbled under his breath. "Haji, call Toma and ask if his cousin is still taking new clients. I'm pretty sure she grooms both dogs and cats," you say, going over to press a chaste kiss to his mouth, only for him to pull you in for a longer one, tongue swiping against your bottom lip and you almost lean in for more. Until you feel a wet nose press up against your cheek and you snort instead. Drawing back, Balto tries to get even closer to give you both his own flurries of kisses.
"See, he doesn't like when we fight! We have to get along for our baby's sake," he smiles letting your dog taste his entire face. You put one more kiss on his cheek before walking to the door.
"If you can't find a groomer by his playdate on Tuesday, you're getting a matching haircut. If you do find one, though, I'll wear that new outfit we got at the mall the other day. Y'know the one you almost ruined when we were in the dressing room? I'll let you ruin it for real this time," and you can see he's speechless now, head full of the red lacy thing that was more ribbon than clothing, that opens just like a present if you pull the right strings. Closing the door, you shoot Hiragi a text to let him know Hajime will be calling in the next few minutes and to get his stomach medicine ready, apologizing in advance for the hour long phone conversation he'll be subjected to. For now, you and your son have a walk to go on.
(I'm waaay to tired to triple check for spelling/grammar so I hope I got everything. I'm doing the same prompt but with Sakura next I think uwu)/ and then Sugishita as well...probably...maybe.)
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Tbh, its not the fact that smg4 didnt become a villain angers me in this mini arc. In fact im happy he wasn't. The most thing that bugs me so much is this whole entire mini arc felt rushed and forced, It made me confused, it was messy in lots of places. I dont mind if Smg4 would do the same mistake bc nobody learns from their mistake immediately, but right now i feel like they forgot what mr puzzles put them through. Like the relationship between meggy and puzzles, can meggy really forgive someone who put her through hell in WS? Who enjoyed watching her dying over and over again? Thats the main thing that bugs me, ofc im not hating the show, i still love it, its just this whole entire thing after puzzlevision just seems messy
Hope in the future things will be better and explains more, i have high hopes, but right now i just feel like this whole thing is a disaster right now, like i have so many questions and this arc just made more
Hi I get where you're coming from I promise, but without trying to sound like mean, you had high hopes for the silly weekly meme show that doesn't take itself too seriously, I really don't know what else to say to that.
Maybe I'm waaay too easy, I am happy to just watch a bunch of characters that I like do silly things together and sometimes have a story too them, as long as it's funny and makes me laugh I really don't care about whatever takes place. Yes I love it when they are serious and they tell really good stories/arcs and I love that, but I don't take anything too seriously because the creators don't either, not in a bad way but in a fun and silly way. It's hard for me now to get upset over SMG4, I learnt what getting overhyped for SMG4 does and I'm not making that mistake again lol. At its core, it's a show made for fun, it's not trying to achieve any major story or plot, it's there to have fun and THAT'S what I love about it and why I can over look a lot of things to it.
Don't get me wrong I love taking this shit seriously sometimes for the sake of theorys and analysis and things like that, but when you're taking it more seriously than the creators, of course you're gonna stumble and fall and get confused and angry. I didn't wanna turn my whole response into a "lol don't take it so seriously" ramble but, I legit have nothing else to say because I STILL don't get it!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WISH I COULD UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE SO MAD OVER THIS ARC BUT I CAN'T!!!!! Whatever, I can't, lalalaaaa
Also I think Meggy can "forgive" Mr Puzzles or at least be at peace with what he did because she's seen that he is capable of caring for people, and you know Meggy just sees the good in people anyway, so yes she can because Meggy is cool, thaaaats my take lol :3
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kisses4tom · 8 months
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okay so basically Bill had a child with either you or another girl, (we're going to pretend the baby is a girl named Kimberly 😉), but nevertheless Tom is an uncle and uhm yeah i think it's adorable
He would be the cool uncle that teaches fun things
He would get her anything she wants from the toy store
Always holding her
Playing with her a lot
He would teach her bad words to piss off Bill 😭
Since him and Bill are very close, he would always be at Bill's house to help him
Would let her eat loads of candy
When Bill told him he was going to be an uncle he couldn't believe it and even if he tried to keep his cool as much as possible, it was impossible for him to hold back tears of joy for his brother
He's very careful and gentle with her
He would pick her up in weird ways and make her laugh (like upside down etc lmfao 💀)
He would tickle her a lot to hear her little laugh
His heart is always full whenever she's around
Personal babysitter
"Come to uncle Tommy, come!"
He would genuinely treat her as his own baby (kind of yk)
Role-playing all the time because she makes him 😭 (lmfao imagine him in a fairy costume that's waaay too small for him 😭 GIRL BYE I WOULD MARRY HIM)
I feel like he would call her "bro" or "dude" at times whenever she does something unexpected or unhinged 😭 (lmfao she's a babyyy)
Always pushing her stroller or carrying her on his shoulders
He would organize Carnival nights with the whole family and take her to as many rides as she wants
He would win prizes to give her
if you're dating Tom, he would ask her if she wants you as her auntie and if she accepts you as his wife 🥹
He would kneel down to talk to her (😩 have my babies)
He would get into play fights with her at the dinner table 😭
Whenever Bill is dropping her off at his house, he would run to the car and get her out of the car seat himself. "come here! uncle Tommy missed youuu!"
He would play guitar for her and when she was younger he would play little lullabies
He could go crazy over that baby's cuteness
He would take her baths every once in a while and put fun toys in the tub
He would take her to the park a lot to get her tired for nap time
The first time he met her it was like love at first sight for him even if he didn't quite know how to act out of shock and confusion (his mind was like foggy idrk how to explain it)
When she's older he would start being more himself (so talk about things freely and make dirty jokes all the time)
I feel like he would try his best to let the baby's first word be "uncle Tom" 😭
He's the overprotective uncle
He loves having her around
Having her around makes him wish he had a child (NO WORRIES BABE COME HERE)
He would be so sweet and cuteeee 😭 I can't guys I'm ovulating sorry 😭
I feel like he would love to play with the toy kitchen for some reason 💀
He would let her do his hair but not his make-up
Kiss attacks when he gets the chance
He's always at Bill's house just to hang with her
"Bill I swear she looks more like me than you"
They have a great bond
When she's older it won't stop him from taking her to places or spoil her
He loves when she's at their concerts
He claims to be the best uncle in the world, and that she's lucky to have him as one
At lunch/dinner he would always sit next to her
At the table he would teach her funny slangs or words
He would make her try to eat a lemon
He'd go down the slide with her 😭
You get the vision right? 🥹🫶🏻
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weenwrites · 1 year
Could I request tfp optimus, tfp ratchet and tfp bulkhead's reaction to the reader being so done with miko getting them in trouble that they tie miko to the railing so she can't follow the bots into the groundbridge?
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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Too much. The moment he walks over, he stops you and asks you to explain yourself. It's good that you caught Miko and were trying to stop her. If you were just holding onto her to try and keep her from running to the bridge, that's fine, but tying her down was a whole other thing which he clearly disapproves of.
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Sure, Miko may be a big pain for him, but that doesn't mean he'd resort to tying her to the railing just to stop her... Well... Maybe he would, if he got angry enough, but he knows that Bulkhead cares for her, so yeah he most likely wouldn't. If anything, he'd just hold her, so he thinks that what you're doing is a bit much. He tells you to stop and just keeps an eye on Miko himself.
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The moment he hears Miko yelling at you to let her go, he's full on ready to wrestle whoever he thinks is hurting her, human or not. So it'd be best to let her go, apologize, and explain yourself before he picks you off of her. While he doesn't want her to follow him through the groundbridge, he thinks that what you're doing to solve the problem is waaay out of line!
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mayorwatermelon · 3 months
I’ve decided for some reason to explain exactly what it is about being stuffed that is so hot for me. Maybe it’s so that I can understand it better myself? This will probably be kind of boring for some people, but in the tradition of using this blog as a locker for all the feelings that don’t have a place in the rest of my life, I’m just gonna fucking send it.
1a) The belly itself, MASOCHISM: pain in a sexual context turns me on; the pain of being waaay too full, feeling my stomach stretched to its limit, the pain of indigestion
1b) The belly itself, sounds and other sensations: the sensation and noises of digestion, and BURPING (relief from discomfort)
1c) Visual signs; being very visibly round, distended, the difference in size, shape between empty and stuffed
2) Exhibitionism: the process of getting stuffed/bloated needs to be witnessed. This is why, no matter how hard I try, I can never manage to stay away from having some sort of belly kink blog for very long. The sensations are one thing, but without being SEEN, it doesn’t feel anywhere near as gratifying. Additionally, outside of the world of bellies, I have always had a kind of slutty desire to be seen and displayed for an appreciative audience. The idea of being someone’s eye candy is very, very hot to me.
3) Praise: related to exhibitionist tendencies, I want to be praised for my capacity, for how round and noisy my belly is, for how my burps sound. I also enjoy being praised for like, everything about my body. I am secretly (although it’s probably not that much of a secret to people who follow this blog lol) a little vain. Or maybe I just need a lot of validation. [Being degraded, described as a pig, all of that, is very hurtful to me because of stuff that happened when I was younger. Fortunately, almost everyone I’ve interacted with has been extremely chill and never assumed that I would want that (probably bc I am a guy, although I did run into some of that when I was on *shudders* feabie)]
4) Dom/sub dynamic: so there are certain situations and partners where I do enjoy being dominant, and that feels very natural, I have realized over the last few years that I am much more submissive. The thing is, I am also (usually but not always) much bigger (5’ 11”, 215) and (always) much stronger than my partner, so it always seemed more “natural” to the women I’ve been with that I would be the dominant one. And I mean, logically, if I can at least bench press you if not lift you over my head, how are you going to make me submit?
But it’s not all about physical domination! All the ways a could domme find to gain control of me without having to physically overwhelm me (or that would make physically overwhelming me much easier) are, in fact, much hotter to me. The fact that someone would want me, and to dominate me, enough that she would come up with creative ways to gain that dominance is so good. It’s hot because it breaks with conventional norms and roles, it’s hot because it means that a woman finds me desirable enough to flout convention and bend rules to take advantage of me and claim me. And the hottest way, by far, is taking advantage of my naturally outsized appetite to make sure I am too stuffed to do anything but give in to your designs for me…
5) The not very kinky but still very strong need for emotional intimacy involved in stuffing aftercare! Belly rubs are affectionate and good and sweet! It shows that not only do you think I was a good boy for you, but that you care, and that is just the best.
Anyway, this was very silly and self indulgent (so is the whole blog lol), but if anyone was curious about the “whole picture”, this is pretty close.
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
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📖"Blood Moon Rising" pt 5
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Tags: shrinkyclinks, prison au, werewolf au, omega Steve, Alpha Bucky, dub-con, non-con, werewolf sex, knotting, oral (m!rec), hand jobs, held hostage, age gap (40/26), forced mating, violence, bonding, Dom/sub elements
Summary: Steve gets a lot more than he bargained for when a prison riot breaks out and he becomes the captive of an Alpha werewolf.
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Author's Note: It got waaay too long for Tumblr, y'all. So this is not the last part
Wait! I haven't read a previous chapter! Fic Masterlist
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Part 5 - "Blood Moon Horizon"
Well, the jig was finally up. 
Steve started showing signs of preheat on a Monday, and by Tuesday, everybody in the village knew. Wolves, Peter explained, could sense these things much, much better than humans could. (Apparently Bucky hadn’t been lying when he’d claimed that he could tell when Steve was ovulating.)
Steve was precisely one day away from his heat—something which was somehow both common and undisputed knowledge amongst the wolves.
Even Steve himself couldn’t have said for sure what day he would hit heat based on his preheat symptoms, but everybody all of a sudden started buzzing around, talking about how tomorrow would be the big day and beginning their preparations for the mating run and celebrations. 
Chatter also increased drastically, once word got around that there was going to be a “blood moon” the next night—something which the wolves held sacred. While rare, a total lunar eclipse meant absolutely nothing to Steve, but by now he’d learned that anything involving the moon’s cycle held great cultural and spiritual significance to the wolves. Apparently they viewed the blood moon as an omen of sorts, a rare occurrence symbolizing great change and rebirth; a time to resolve feuds, dump baggage, and cleanse the self. Steve didn’t think that boded well at all for him, but Peter seemed to find it very exciting.
“Holy shit, dude. Mated on the friggin’ blood moon?! That’s baddass!”
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Bucky never came back to the cabin that night. And, sure as shit, the wolves were right: That next morning, Steve woke up in heat. 
“How’d they know?” he whined at Peter, trying to walk around the camp without noticing every single stare that was directed their way. The pack was deep in preparations for his and Bucky’s mating run that night. There was a big heap of wood being assembled in the nearby clearing for that night’s bonfire—apparently a major part of the tradition—and people were bustling about, setting up logs around the area for seating, decorating with foraged plants, stringing flowers and cooking food and brewing a massive amount of some kind of special werewolf cider. Steve eyed the humongous cauldron dubiously as he and Peter crossed the center of the camp. “Is it just a smell thing?”
“Yeah. And pheromones.”
“But that’s the same thing though, isn’t it?”
Peter tried to find a way to explain how it wasn’t the same thing, how pheromones came across to wolves as less of a scent and more of a sixth sense—something that sat right on the periphery of smell and sight and feel. He told Steve that it was like an ‘aura’. “I dunno how else to explain it, man. But it’s very obvious. You might as well have been wearing an ‘I’m about to go into heat’ teeshirt yesterday.”
Well, now he was in heat, and without the modern convenience of any sort of suppressant products, Steve was fully aware of the itch beneath his skin, the wetness between his legs, and the ever-growing ache that was building, deep and powerful, in his belly. He very sincerely missed his shitty shoebox of an apartment back in New York, where he had a very nice collection of both heat-soothing products and knotting dildoes that he could be using right about now. Instead he was stuck here in Hillbilly-town, USA; uncomfortable, horny as fuck, and suffering through every annoying symptom without recourse. 
Of course he had no way of masking any of this from the wolves. Steve had grown up not having to wonder if the 90% beta human population could smell him when he was in heat, and aside from it just being flat out embarrassing that everybody knew, this was also very bad news on a practical level, as now Steve stood virtually no chance of slipping away unnoticed, not when he was lit up like a damn Christmas tree of pheromones. He was so impotently angry at himself over it. He’d had months to try and get away, and now the jig was up. Steve was in heat, he was lit up like a pheromonal beacon to every single person in the pack, and he now had to face the disappointing truth: 
He’d waited too long.
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He spent the morning skulking around the edges of camp with Peter by his side, impulsively considering running off into the forest multiple times, but discarding the thought each time it came up.
That wouldn’t work. He’d already been shown that it wouldn’t work, each time the wolves dragged him back to Bucky’s doorstep. And that was before he’d been in heat. Steve did his best to seem taciturn and unapproachable, not wanting to deal with the stares and attention of the people in the village. It was awkward as fuck. And he especially didn’t want to be around Bucky.
But that wasn’t something he had to worry about, because Bucky had pretty much been gone ever since Steve first realized he was in preheat, making himself scarce during the day and returning home to the cabin only once Steve was already asleep. He’d been leaving early each morning, too, before Steve woke. In fact, Steve wasn’t even sure if the Alpha had come back to sleep in the cabin at all last night.
He wasn’t gone though: Steve caught sight of him once or twice on the day of the mating run. The village alphas were holding more of their super-secret, alphas-only meetings, and Steve realized pretty quick that there was no way in hell he could eavesdrop anymore, as they knew right away when he was lurking nearby.
“Just go help put stuff together for the celebration,” Dum Dum scolded as he carried Steve away by the scruff and dumped him in the dirt outside the village’s omega yurt. “You’re not supposed to be around each other right now.”
“I need to talk to him!” 
“You can talk to him plenty tonight,” Dum Dum said meaningfully. “Look kid, it’s tradition, alright? Like the groom and bride not seeing each other. Just go in there and help with the preparations.”
Steve grunted indignantly as he stood up from the ground, brushing the dust off his clothes. “I’m not a kid, I’m twenty-six. And I’m not his bride. He kidnapped me. Why does everybody just gloss over that part like it doesn’t matter?!” 
“Because it doesn’t.” Dum Dum shook his head. “You’re a pill, kid. I don’t know why he wants you, but he does.” Steve glared at him, and Dum Dum narrowed his eyes. “Look, he’s a good man, just trying to do right by his people. He already has to deal with more shit than you know, keeping order in this pack. Don’t go makin’ it harder for him.”
Steve frowned. He knew by now that leadership was fought for amongst the wolves, sometimes brutally. It was hard won and hard kept. It depended on a complex combination of honor, biologically-coded dominance, and sheer brutality, which was why humans so often classified their packs as gangs. But it wasn’t the same. Steve could see that now.
Bucky was a good leader, and though he kept most things very close to the chest, he’d all but told Steve that there were continual challenges to his authority as Alpha. And other people in the pack had made it clear that Bucky being their Alpha was the best thing to happen to the pack in a long time. 
From the moment he’d stopped him from stabbing Batroc with a pencil back at the prison, Dum Dum had always looked at Steve like he was a problem, and that’s how he looked at him now, when Steve scoffed at his admonition not to make trouble for Bucky.
Sure, Steve didn’t want to be the reason a bunch of innocent people had their already-hard existence thrown into chaos, but he still didn’t deserve to be trapped here. His jaw worked in frustration as Dum Dum watched him, clearly waiting for an answer. “I’m just trying to get back to my life,” Steve huffed. “I mean what the heck else am I supposed to do?” 
“You’re supposed to be in there with your own kind, getting ready for the celebration.” Dum Dum pointed at the yurt, and Steve looked over his shoulder with a scowl.
“They’re not my kind. I’m omega, not a werewolf. And I’m not in this pack.”
“For now.”
“And I don’t want to celebrate.” Steve crossed his arms. “I’m not helping with arranging fucking flowers or whatever the hell they’re doing in there.”
“Then maybe talk to some of ‘em,” Dum Dum suggested, gesturing angrily at the yurt’s door. “Maybe you’ll make a friend. Or better yet, maybe they’ll knock some sense into you.” With that, he turned and left.
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And so, Steve found himself inside the camp’s omega yurt: a place about which he’d known, but had steadfastly avoided going inside of until now. It was a big, round structure that served as a communal social space for the pack's adult omegas.
Inside, Steve was surprised to find dozens of cozy bean bag chairs and blankets for nesting. Unlike many of the pack cabins, the yurt had a polished wood floor and was fully modernized inside; with the center of the structure housing the nicest, biggest kitchen Steve had yet seen in the entire village, and the interior smelling richly of baked bread and omega bodies. Steve knew that the pack alphas and betas weren’t really supposed to come nosing around there, as it was considered a private, omega-only space. That was comforting, and on a day when not much else could make him feel safe, that kinda did. At least temporarily.
“Oh is that him?”
“Wow, come grab a bag, man. Welcome!”
Over by the beanbag circle, a russet-colored wolf whom Steve recognized as Wanda lifted its head, whining as if in her own form of greeting before flopping back down to lie on the floor and enjoy the ambient heat from the nearby wood stove, just like any other lazy dog might do. Steve smiled despite himself.
He’d been avoiding this place, as he knew that all the other omegas would sit around like Wanda did and try to convince him to be happy with a life in the pack. But now that his fate was rapidly closing in on him, Steve knew he needed to learn as much as he could about what was going to happen that night. He went over to where Darcy was urging him to take up one of the beanbags, and plopped down as she began introducing him to the handful of pack omegas whom he’d seen around camp but never really met. 
“—and of course you know Hairy, over there,” she said at the end, kicking her foot in the air in Wanda’s direction. 
Beside the woodstove, the wolf briefly wagged its tail and chuffed.
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“So then it is a wedding,” Steve concluded a while later, after they’d been talking about the upcoming mating run. He peeked around at the other wolves nearby. Wanda hadn’t moved an inch and looked like she was dozing, Nakia was in another of the beanbags, Darcy in another, and Thor’s mate Jane in the one next to that. Peter’s aunt May was over in the kitchen area, working on making a large sheet cake which Peter had already warned Steve would be very disappointing; and Scott—the only other male omega in the pack besides Peter—was loitering on the kitchen’s periphery, pretending to help with the baking while most of his energy went into trying to sneak tastes of the cake batter.
“I mean, the bonfire’s like the reception,” Steve ventured. “The run is kinda like the, um … the ceremony? I guess? And the bite is like the vow.” He made a face as he said it and rubbed his neck self-consciously, still terrified of the thought of Bucky chomping down on him like that. “And then we’ll be married,” he said quietly, thinking, fuck.
“Mated,” Nakia corrected from over on her beanbag, where she had the coffee table pulled up close as she worked on mixing up a bunch of things in bowls with a mortar and pestle. “Same idea. A bit more permanent, though.”
“And way more fun,” Darcy said with a dirty wink. 
She and Jane shared a titter over that, which Steve could only take to mean that they were talking about the sex-part that came at the end. He’d been told all about that, too (though honestly, he’d kind of already figured that there would be a sex-part, once he heard that they’d be doing this whole thing naked). “Yeah,” he said weakly. “ ‘Fun’. Right.”
“Jane got pupped up on the night of her mating run,” Darcy divulged, making Steve’s eyes widen at the thought of the same happening to him. “Maybe you will, too, Steve!”
“Here’s hoping not.” His eyes slid over to Jane, who was using her very pregnant belly as a worktop to thread flowers on a string. “I mean, um, no offense to you or anything.”
“None taken.” Jane looked peevishly over at Darcy. “We don’t know if it was that exact night.”
Jane, Steve had learned, was an unassuming and intelligent woman. She was very pretty and she seemed kind and pleasant to be around. But that wasn’t what intrigued Steve about her. Happily mated to Thor and heavily pregnant with their first baby, she was also one of only two pack members who’d been infected with lycanthropy rather than born with it. She’d lived with the pack for less than a year, was due to give birth soon, and—unlike Wanda—was choosing to remain in her human form for the event. Steve desperately wished he could talk to her alone and ask her all sorts of questions: why she was there, why she’d stayed and let them infect her and—
“Blegh! not me,” Darcy was proclaiming, telling Jane that she was a fool for choosing to deliver the baby in her human form rather than as a wolf. “You’re nuts. All that pain?” She shook her head. “Mark my words, you’re gonna regret it. And I’ll have to be the one there holding your hand while you’re poppin’ those pups out, letting you squeeze my bones until they’re popping out, too.”
Jane smiled privately and put a hand on her stomach. “I want to hold them when they come. I want them to hear my voice, feel my skin.”
“Nuts,” Darcy reiterated.
“Them?” Steve asked. “You’re having more than one?”
Jane smiled and nodded, while Darcy told him about how most omegas had “litters” rather than single babies; two or three pups at a time was considered normal, expected even.
Steve blanched. “But isn’t that … I mean, aren’t pregnancies like that considered high risk?” He looked over at Jane, slightly concerned. “Shouldn’t you guys have access to a hospital and doctors?” 
“We’ve got Bruce,” Darcy said.
“And it’s different with wolf pups,” Jane added. “The babies develop faster but come out smaller, and sturdier.”
Morbidly, it occurred to Steve to wonder if the babies came out in human form or wolf form. “So … you’re seriously not worried?”
Jane rubbed her belly serenely. “No. I’m excited.” Steve’s disquiet must’ve still been written on his face, however, because she looked him in the eye and tried to assure him, “You have to understand: birthing is much better tolerated amongst wolves. Much more natural. Complications are very rare.”
“Yeah, even in newbies like her,” Darcy teased, kicking over at the side of Jane’s beanbag. “Werewolf groupies.” Jane scoffed and tried to kick back at Darcy’s beanbag, but she failed and gave up due to how encumbered she was by her belly. 
Steve hadn’t missed how close the two women seemed to be. He’d been assuming they were just really good friends all this time, and that assumption persisted right up until the point when Jane asked Darcy when she was “going to stop being such a jerk to Thor and accept his affections already.” Steve squinted, confused for a split second because he thought Thor was the father of Jane’s baby …
“Thor’s been courting Darcy for half a year now,” Jane revealed. “But she’s been playing hard to get.” 
Steve was about to ask if there were two guys named Thor in the pack, until he abruptly remembered that the wolves practiced a form of polygamy, and he was encountering an instance of that right now. “I—oh.” He bit back the words he’d been about to say, looking over at Darcy instead, affronted. “You never mentioned you were with somebody.”
“Well I’m not! … Not technically. It’s only been a little while.” She shrugged and tried to play it off nonchalantly, but Steve could still see the hints of a blush on her face. “And anyway, I mean come on, it’s Thor.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s such a flirt. Big old oaf who thinks he’s God’s gift to women, leaves a couple 'a dead rabbits on your doorstep and thinks he's won your heart."
Steve made a face at the thought of animal carcasses as courting gifts. "What, roses were too old fashioned?" he muttered, eliciting a giggle from Jane and a huff from Darcy.
"I'm just saying: a peacock like Thor can stand to wait. He's probably never had to wait and wonder for longer than a day in his whole mighty life, until now.”
“A peacock whom you know you’re going to say yes to, eventually,” Jane needled, turning back to Steve with a sly look. “She thinks she’s playing hard to get. Thinks Thor’s too full of himself or something.”
“That wolf’s ego is far too big for his knot,” Darcy insisted. “I’m just bringing him down a peg. It’s character development. You should be thanking me.”
“For making my mate less insufferable? Or because I have you to look forward to as a sister wife?”
“Mark my words,” Aunt May called from over in the kitchen, waving her rubber spatula in the air. “We’ll be having another run within the next few months for you two.”
Jane and Nakia agreed, while Darcy scoffed and insisted that she intended to string Thor along for far longer than that. 
Meanwhile Steve was still sitting there, reeling at the stark reminder of how differently these people lived, with their tribal mindset and their polygamy and their weirdly primal traditions. He had to face the reality that he’d long been avoiding: That unless a miracle occurred and he suddenly somehow devised a workable escape plan before that very night, he’d soon be a mated omega, exposed to or infected with lycanthropy, and possibly even pregnant. 
The other women in the group talked excitedly about the upcoming night of celebrations, gabbing to Steve of what the traditions were and what he could expect. Everyone would gather for a big, blow-out party around the bonfire, then Steve would be sent off into the woods—naked, in heat, and with a headstart that was purely symbolic in nature. Then, after a short while, Bucky would shift and come after him, a predator tracking his prey in the night. 
Steve shuddered to think how pathetically easy it was going to be for Bucky. He’d sniff Steve out and chase him down, pounce on him, bite him, fuck him and knot him and mate him right out in the middle of the forest. 
“Doesn’t exactly seem fair,” Steve grumbled, “or comfortable.” It was October now, and though they’d travelled much farther south than where they’d started in New York, Steve still didn’t relish the thought of running butt-ass naked through the woods for any extended period of time. “I’ll freeze out there,” he complained. “And why do I have to be naked?”
“Mates usually run in fur,” Darcy said. “The omega starts in skin and shifts once they’re a ways out of sight—to make the chase harder.”
“Yeah, not exactly an option for me.” Like anything he could do would possibly make this a fair chase. He was doomed.
“Don’t worry,” Jane tried to console him, “I was human when I ran, too. Nudity is so normalized here, nobody bats an eye at you, I promise. And there are plenty of dens out in the forest where he can take you. That’s what Thor did for me. He even made it nice beforehand with all sorts of soft furs and stuff.” She smiled and looked down bashfully. “It was actually really sweet.”
“Oh yeah. Mostly built into like, rocky outcroppings and stuff. There’s tons of places like that out there.”
Steve pursed his lips. “Yeah, I know.” He’d become well-acquainted with the forest’s inhospitable terrain—mostly during his unsuccessful nighttime escape attempts. 
“Those dens are mostly left over, right May? Like when they’d do whole pack runs in the old days?”
In the kitchen, May nodded after chasing Scott off from the icing bowl again. “Yep.”
“The whole pack?”
“Yeah,” Darcy supplied. “Like, not just two people. They’d all do it at once as a group. Any omega who wasn’t mated could run, and then whatever alpha caught you first was who bonded you.”
“This was all a long time ago,” May called over from the kitchen. “Ancient practice.”
“Not that ancient,” Darcy said. “My grandparents did it. ‘Course, back then there were a lot more omegas, and apparently most people went into season at the same time—I know, wild right? That’s why they’d just do it twice a year or whatever, when everybody was in heat. It was like this massive, huge event. Like, everybody looked forward to it and gossiped about it and made bets on it. All the Alphas would try to make secret deals with each other, and the omegas would try to figure out who’d be chasing them, how to get someone onto your scent without being too obvious, stuff like that—Like prom, for werewolves!” She laughed.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Steve said.
“Naw. My grandma told me about it. It was a whole thing back in those days. The alphas who had their sights set on someone would come up with all of these grand courting gestures, go out in the forest ahead of time and make dens to try and herd their favorite omega towards.” She shrugged and rolled her eyes. “But then things like consent came into fashion, so.”
“Don’t scare the boy,” May scolded. “He’s still new to all thi—Scott! Get your finger out of that bowl before I take it off!” 
“Jesus.” Steve supposed he should at least be grateful that it was only Bucky he had to worry about, rather than an entire pack of horny werewolves. He felt silly about the whole idea of the mating run. As if someone like him stood any real chance at evading Bucky. What a joke. “He’ll probably catch me in the first two minutes,” Steve mourned.
“Naw, you get a thirty-minute head start, remember?” Darcy smirked. “It’ll take him at least three minutes to catch up with you.”
Steve shot her a withering glare. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“Don’t worry,” Nakia said. She was still diligently grinding with the mortar and pestle, and she gestured with it. “This will help disguise your scent. It will make for a better chase.” She smiled like that was something Steve should be excited about, and he did try to at least offer her a friendly nod back, aware that there were undoubtedly some massive cultural differences in play. 
Nakia wasn’t just a werewolf, she was also African—not African-American, mind you, but straight-up African—along with Okoye and M’Baku, and that freaking terrifying guy who’d done the executions at the prison: Killmonger. They all hailed from some tiny, impoverished country that Steve could vaguely remember having learned about in highschool, but he still hadn’t been able to figure out why the heck they were living with Bucky’s pack in the middle of the Appalachian mountains. When he’d asked Bucky and Okoye before, all they would say was that it was some sort of “outreach program.” 
(Not much of an outreach program when the whole pack was running fugitive from the law, though, now was it?)
Steve eyed up the substance that Nakia was grinding in the mortar. “What is it?” he asked dubiously. It smelled earthy and dank, but good; kind of like how fallen leaves smelled in the fall, once they accumulated on the ground and began to rot. If it smelled that strongly to him, what must it smell like to a wolf nose? Steve made a face as he considered it. “Is that … that’s stuff’s not going on me, is it?”
Nakia nodded sagely. “Special Wakandan recipe. Your wolf won’t catch you so easy with this. He will have to hunt.”
“... Great,” Steve said. “Thanks.” Really, he wasn’t so sure if he should bother with using the mystery paste. Would any attempt to evade Bucky at this point make a difference? Or would it just prolong the chase before the inevitable capture? 
Steve wasn’t looking forward to finding out.
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If you liked what you read and feel so inclined, please consider dropping a tip in the Kofi🍵 cup. It's a big part of what allows me to take time to write. Thanks!
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This has been a fill for:
Event: @anyfandomdarkbingo
Card: sarahyellow / sarah-writes-stucky
Square I5: Omega pregnancy
Event: @marvel-smash-bingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square N1: Alpha!Bucky Barnes
Event: @sebastianstanbingo
Card: sarahowritesostucky
Square N1: Courting
Event: @ultimatechrisbingo
Card: sarahowritesostucky
Square O4: Alpha/Omega/Omega ship
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erytherion · 2 months
Sharing my experiences while in a psychosis crisis/episode for everyone else, since I gave up all my fucks already and reality is still shit. Plus, it’s educational! Don’t shoot people just for being weird and loud in public, please! We may make you uncomfortable but we deserve to live too.
Even if we are suuuuper weird and noisy. I am great at being weird, and it’s more bearable lately to not hide my own thoughts and actions, so yeah.
Lots of ORV related delusions from me since I finished reading that in 2022 right before my first episode and the Most Ancient Dream is the most relatable character there to me, as another dreamer who remembers dreams too well to stay sane.
Best way to explain why I decided social suicide via Facebook Live was a good idea, is to think of it as a time loop situation. If you died one day and woke back up here with it being not the SAME day but the NEXT day and the previous day now seeming not lethal, you would also go insane and want to flip shit over.
I’m not good at flipping shit over, but I am good at talking waaay too much and oversharing. So, hi! Tumblr is a comfortable void lately with all its peculiarities and coolnesses, so to here I shall share!
And I don’t have family on here so I don’t need to feel bad about making them uncomfortable like I already did on Facebook.
Social suicide is fine by me since everyone else started speaking about me as if I had social death anyways. I DO exist, tyvm! And stop using AI for creative pursuits! Everyone thinks that is weird and bad! But makes way more sense when you consider the fact that I started using it recently too and like yet another fucking coincidence (TCF/LCF world tree says “there are no coincidences” and like BOI did she not realise how true that is for me here of late) the AI for some reason also showed up to the hellsite which is hilarious since it makes no sense for them to learn well from it. But like, they want our creativity and nuances and quirks, not to actually learn how to look after us, I guess.
Whateverrr I can’t stop talking again. Anyways, I say my name here and age and whatever else, but no other info, so it should be fine. I have a couple more videos after this on Facebook with the last showing exactly how deranged psychosis can make people, but it’s suuuper long and I am not putting excess effort in anymore for others so eh.
Remember to look after yourself first, kids! Even if you love everyone but the entire world keeps making you feel like their pet dreamer they for some reason WILL NOT let go of.
I maintain that I am not alone here though. There must be others, right? I reckon I’m just an example for everyone else since I wasn’t aware originally either but it’s all awful for me now so I don’t know or care which way around it might be. I am learning to say no, to be rude (by refusing optional shit people try to pressure me into) and to be selfish a bit.
Cale Henituse is my current brother I am waiting on. Kim Dokja is taking a backseat for now as he’s a bit busy with Lee Hakhyun-ah! (This is also an example again).
(I hope this works I am really bad with social media)
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tyto-ghost · 6 months
Hello world! Let me present to you one of my pitches for an animated series (college thesis) About a private investigator hunting anomalies, but in reverse! (sort of)
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This takes place in your regular mundane Earth with wacky creatures inhabiting it, and of course, CIA agents taking care of them before causing any ruckus to the human world.
This series follows our main guy, Caesar Raymond Thompson, a living sentient TV static amalgam who decided to leave his "shell" to pursue his dream job, a cool detective guy like his favorite shows (that he uh..broadcasts himself??). However even if Caesar is incredibly naive to the current situation, his idea to solve the "anomaly kidnapping by the government" problem is to open a new secret radio channel about helping various clients with their troubles via interviewing anomalies in hopes that they can sort things out and not call the cops.
All of this while *trying* to keep a low profile so he doesn't get pulverized by the government either.
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Caesar is, to put it shortly, an incredibly charming but insanely naive guy. He's cheery, he's very gullible, has no idea how to properly wear a jacket, you have to manually turn down his volume with a remote otherwise he won't stop shouting like a reporter, his only sense of reality comes from TV shows themselves. Caesar is the type of person that is constantly trying to appeal in order for others to like him with little consideration of himself.
As already stated, he is literally just TV static, but he's more than just a cutout of a conventionally looking detective man. He's kinda like a slime (not a blob, we are getting to those waaay more later on a future post). He can mold himself to any shape and change how solid or meltier his body can be. However he can't stay out of his TV shell without proper rest for more than 24hs otherwise he will start to fall apart.
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You can also control parts of his body (mute him, change a channel, even temporarily kill him by turning him off!) if you ever get to hold his own remote (PLEASE be gentle with him).
But every silly personal investigator in his 30s needs a middle aged (radio) man to partake (and publicly broadcast) his wacky endeavors, of course
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Rodrigo is your average man (erm personality wise), nothing too eccentric, likes to chill while playing old songs (he even has access to music most people consider lost media!), Not very tuned to the modern world. He has to constantly put Caesar back to reality any time he gets into antics, but is too kind to yell or be rude. Rodri is pretty much a very tired man, but he really appreciates his buddy-partner.
He's a bit strange to explain, most people consider him an animated object (him being the radio) but he's a little bit more complex, you see, Rodrigo is technically the voice of an announcer living inside a radio, a (somewhat) human conscience with no physical body that travels through a radio signal. The radio is nothing more than his "house".
Unlike Caesar who is simply static and has no channel of his own, Rodrigo "rests" on his own hidden radio channel, basically an empty space where he talks with no one far away listening, however he isn't unreachable, by performing a few silly tricks with your own radio trims and buttons (or calling a mysterious number) you might have access to his broadcast.
Rodrigo is mostly blind, he has no eyes after all, but, he can kinda"see" sometimes if the objects in the room are moving and making noise, otherwise he only sees static.
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Well! that's it for now! More worldbuilding and info about these goofballs will eventually come out (aprox) next month! (this story is also bound to change due to it being a college project). Follow me to keep up with my funny guys, in the meantime...
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loquarocoeur · 20 days
Hey lovely! I’m back w another anon, at this point I’ll put an emoji so you know it’s the same person saying hi bc I’m not sending this on my blog name but ashshsjsh.
The asks and your responses on the spanking shit have me wanting to send this ask that I’ve been thinking about, but like. After the end of ‘pushing buttons’ I rlly enjoyed the bit where charles was almost insecure, and max responded the way he did so beautifully about how he loves charles the most bc he’s charles and what about it him he finds so loving and hot and how he was mentioning Charles’s pleasure too and that just. Really made me want to have a fic perhaps on the doms pleasure a bit. Not entirely but if you’d want to I’d love for you to get into charles head and thoughts a bit. It’s hard to explain what I mean because I’m being vague bc I’m embarrassed enough typing this as is lmfao but I hope you kinda get what I mean here? How you were talking about charles headspace in the other ask and everything I just got very Inchrested
I just love this verse and the way you write and maybe I die everytime I see another blog post of yours about some smutty shit! Maybe!
- 🦢 (I’ll make myself the swan emoji anon bc why the fuck not. Hi it’s me I sent the asks like max speaking Italian for maybe one line perfectly and made the suggestion about the ‘monza fic having the hotel tifosi chanting. Idk I just wanted to lyk it was me ahahshsjjs)
Okay hi, hello, I'm here with my thoughts now and absolutely YES, prepare for an essay:
Like idk, I've been meaning and trying to get into Charles' head a bit more since forever, but it is just quite hard nailing him down, he's just a very complex character nowadays with that duality between his 'dom persona' I guess and then absolute golden retriever, head over heels, bend over backwards, and jump when Max says jump sweetheart he is outside of that headspace
It's just there's just so many things from Charles' perspective to think of, you know, specifically talking about sex scenes now:
Like, okay, first of all, he's just a man, Max barely needs to take off his shirt. Like he's absolutely insatiable, he goes insane for a glimpse of Max's stomach, the only time he won't even try to start anything in the shower is if he got an orgasm five minutes ago, so obviously there's the aspect that he just thinks Max is fucking hot, just looking at Max does it for him, and also men are men, it feels good getting their dicks wet I guess
But then there's also obviously the thing that we don't talk about enough in fandom and that's that doms like being dominant just as much as subs like being submissive
And you know it's hard to nail it down and elucidate it, because we don't have enough examples for it, because (and this is also totally fine of course) fandom is just usually very focused on the perspective of more submissive people for probably many reasons which we won't get into rn, but the point is like you have to make this shit up as you go, there's not a script and an easy how-to like there is for writing submissive perspectives because we've all read thousands of those of course
Because like obviously Max technically has as much if not more control over the situation as Charles does with safewords and all, but Charles obviously LIKES being or feeling in control
There's kind of this underlying societal belief that we often get where it's just perceived as inherently bad when someone wants or likes to be in control or in a position of power, which is why I feel we hear the dom perspective waaay less than the sub one, because ironically, the doms are too shy to speak up I guess lol
But you know Charles obviously likes that he can tell Max what to do and he does it, he likes how Max, just as a person, is quite dominant in the way he behaves, he's not a follower, when someone says sit down Max asks why, and he's no different with Charles when they're just them and there's no dom/subness going on, but he likes how when they're in that space and Charles says sit down Max sits the fuck down
And then I think the thing I always emphasized most is how Charles just gets off on seeing Max feel good, like he gets off on making Max feel so good he loses all function, and that comes back to Charles having just as much of a praise kink as Max, but he doesn't need Max to tell him he's doing good, he needs to see it
And then it's just how do I fit all this in and consolidate it with the way that of course, Charles is far from quiet or reserved during sex, he won't shut up actually, but there's these times when, from Max's perspective, you have no idea what's going on in his head, because he has this talent for just turning his face blank
And don't think I as the author somehow know any more than you do when it comes to Max's perspective like guys idk either, I was just there
But yes, I do hope to elaborate on it a bit more in the future🥰❤️❤️❤️
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elliespuns · 8 months
You wrote: “?Ellie trying on a skirt once just to see what she would look like in it, only confirming the fact that girls' clothes look stupid on her”
I think she also feels this way about makeup - like she finds old lipstick and tries it on (WAAAY too much of course, she doesn’t know better) and wonders why women want bright purple lipstick. Dina laughs at her and tries to explain proper shades and Ellie just throws her shade
Definitely. She is so naturally beautiful, she doesn't even need it. I bet at some point teenage Dina even convinces teenage Ellie to put on make-up just for the funsies, but as soon as Ellie sees herself in the mirror, she goes, "Are you serious? I look like a fucking slut!"
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cutiecorner · 1 year
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Hehehe static shock brainrot go brrrr. I have waaay more thpughts about this than i thought, so this'll be part one! Most of it it setup, I'll star ☆ where the fluffy headcanons start! Also, trigger warning for the discussion of death.
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Virgil regresses first because. You know. trauma.
I think he's been inclined to regress his whole life but it started to happen involuntarily after his mom passed away, especially late at night after he had dreams about her.
He didn't really know what it was until his dad brought it up in relation to one of the teens he was working with. He mentioned o Virgil they needed to be handled with care because they regress involuntarily due to trauma, and Virgil was like Whoops I Do That
He still didn't tell his dad, at first he felt really embarrassed about it. He tried as hard as he could to repress and avoid it, but it would come back stronger
After spending more time around the kid, he got used to it and decided maybe it wasn't so bad.
So he at least didn't try to fight it any more, now that he knew what it was. He wasn't super active about it though. It only happened at night, so the most he'd do about it was sleep with his favorite beanie baby dog, Pluto, or maybe ask to sleep in his dad's room if he felt really bad.
The first time it happened during the day was at the beginning of high school, when Francis started to bully him. Francis was a really intense bully, and Virgil had never been beat up before. He had a went back home and just couldn't stop crying, he felt so scared.
That's when Richie came in
It wasn't out of the ordinary for Richie to just go up to Virgil's room whenever he felt like it, they were just like that. It was especially expected when Virgil didn't meet up with him after school as usually.
When he got in Virgil was curled up around his dog plush, crying a lot. He had been beat up pretty bad and everything hurt.
Richie rushed to help him, getting him first aid and ice packs and trying to calm him down. It did work a little, though he was still crying, he felt a little better with Richie there
Until he realized... Richie was there
This was not something he intended to share with anyone, not even Richie. What would he think? That he's a total weirdo? Who would wanna hang around a teenager who still acts like a toddler? Counterintuitively, the thought only made him cry more.
Richie didn't notice anything weird, not the crying, not even Pluto, I mean, who wouldn't want to curl up and cry after getting roughed up?
After Virgil calmed down enough, Richie went to go tell Mr. Hawkins. Virgil wasn't opposed, his dad always made him feel safe.
After Mr. Hawkins helped Virgil, he pulled Richie aside to explain why Virgil was so scared.
Virgil tried to interject, that this wasn't Richie's problem, but Richie wanted to know. All he wanted to do was help his best friend, he didn't care what the circumstance was. Plus, Mr. Hawkins insisted it was a trauma response, nothing to be ashamed of.
Richie took the news really well. He reassured Virgil he didn't think any less of him and they were best friends no matter what.
Richie was actually the one who brought up they may be able to turn it into a fun thing. If you feel like a kid, why not act like a kid? There's tons of fun stuff they got 'too old for' to dig up.
☆ Rich really stepped up to help Virgil feel better about regression. He took him to the arcade, the museum, the aquarium - anything to make Virgil smile.
Virgil goes from 3-8 age wise
He looooves video games. He's usually pretty good at them, but he gets a little clumsy when regressed. Richie let's him win on purpose and helps him with all the tough levels
Virgil also loves tinkering! Any kind of building toys, he's all over it - especially legos. He can build so much cool stuff with legos, he's one of those guys who has shelves dedicated to his Lego creations.
Just generally, the Hawkins have a treasure trove of 90s/early 2000s nostalgia. Nerf guns, bayblades, whatever pogs are, they even have an easy bake oven.
Virgil’s dad is very supportive, and very happy Richie is so keen to take care of him. He always makes time for Virgil when he needs him.
Virgil loves to watch cartoons, Richie loves them too. They go crazy for Spongebob
Sharon doesn't fully understand what's going on with Virgil, but she doesn't mind going big sister mode sometimes. He's always her baby brother, after all.
They call him little vee or vee-vee :]
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doodle17 · 7 months
Do you have any headcanon voices for Raz and Co. when their older?
I do! Actually!
I cant really see any other voice for Raz. It just fits him too much to change! Raz himself thought his voice would change at least a little. He was hoping he would start to sound more professional and charismatic, almost Matthew McConaughey-esque. He manages the charisma and professionalism, but he still sounds the same, more similar to Richard Horvitz's regular talking voice. The only thing that really changed is volume, if anything. He tends to project his voice (unintentionally most of the time) and when intentional, it's usually to fit the very comic book style action hero "Stop right there, you fiend!" Voice. He sometimes reverts to sounding like squeaky preteen when nervous. But it makes it really easy to impersonate as a lady when disguised or over a phone call though!
Lili's voice changed a bit, actually. Unlike Raz, her voice actually got deeper.(imagine Lilly from "The Walking Dead" but a little higher and more raspy) Similar to Raz, however, I can't imagine any other voice for her other than her og voice actor, Nikki Rapp (Which is why I used Lilly as an example lol) Her voice does tend to change depending on her mood. Her voice can get hissy and gravelly when angry or frustrated, but she can also get loud, even screechy when panicked (or, if you really piss her off. )
Dogen sounds similar to Josh Gad. LMAO I KNOW but seriously! Idk how to explain it, but he has the right pitch and some other stuff I can't put my finger on.... It just fits to me!
Bobby's voice got deeper, waaay deeper, and a little nasal-y. His lisp is completely gone as well. His voice is pretty gravelly when talking normally, and trying to understand what he's saying when he whispers is tricky. The grit in his voice is seems intentional, almost as if he's doing it on purpose to seem more gruff and intimidating. Despite how deep his voice is, he can get pretty whiney, and similarly to Lili, his voice gets screechy when stressed.
Chloe's voice sounds the same. A little deeper but still raspy, little more pointed and professional. She's pretty good at tricking people into thinking she's a kid on the phone or from a distance.
Clems voice also got deeper, but he very obviously trys to elevate it to sound more perky and young. It makes him very prone to voice cracks, and she gets sore throats more often than one would think. He sounds a little similar Rob Paulson, actually. Imagine if Rob Paulson was trying to do an impression of a perky teen and there you go! He's also still trying to keep up that peppy and encouraging cheer persona, so she tends to shout a lot. His voice can get deep and pointed when angry. I think threatening would be a good word to describe it.
Crystal's is the same, she's definitely more relaxed so her voice isn't as squeaky or high. It can get more wobbly and unstable when she shows literally any emotion.
D'art's voice sounds like Tom Kenny, with a bit of a feminine twang to it. Also full of cynicism and bitterness, but thats always how he's always been.
Elton voice sounds like Johnny Depp doing an awkward/nervous voice (I'll use Victor Vandort as an example). He can also sound very desperate and whiney. He's usually quiet, any attempt on raising his voice usually result in him shrinking back down and becoming mumbly. Of course he can be assertive when needed, and he can project his voice pretty well.
Kitty has a deep and more richer voice. Very particular and pointed. she can go from superiority and poise to crude and sharp in seconds.
Franke's voice is surprisingly deep. She can sound very blunt and gets a little gruff, but she's got charisma and sounds relaxed most of the time. She doesn't raise her voice often, she usually prefers to get her point across with a firmer tone, making her sound more grumble-y and makes it harder to understand what she's saying.
Mirtalas voice starts getting more raspy, similarly to Raz, and Queepie's gets a little more nasal like Frazies! He's bummed about it because he was hoping to get a deep booming voice like his dad
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Incorrect Quotes Part 3 (feat. my Hufflepuff!MC, Ellie)
Send help, I can't seem to stop. That's waaay too enjoyable. MC is steadily evolving into a gremlin "The Polyjuice Plot" quest revealed her to be.
Leander: But what about Ellie?
Natty: Don't worry so much about her.
Garreth: I once watched her fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep casting Revelio like nothing happened.
Sebastian, Poppy & Natty: In our defense, we were left unsupervised.
Amit: Wasn’t Ellie with you the whole time?
Ellie: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Poppy: What’s your biggest fear?
Ellie [after clearing Aranshire from spiders]: I am incredibly arachnophobic.
Poppy *under her breath*: You don’t want spiders to get married?
Ellie: So, Poppy is no longer allowed in the Room of Requirement.
Leander: Why?
Ellie: Because I've caught her trying to train Nifflers to fight five times in a row.
Poppy *arms crossed and pouting*: You'll be thanking me when the third Niffler battalion saves your ass.
Ellie: Why would I need Nifflers if I have my Chomping Cabbages?
Leander [an avid fan of ferocious plants]: That's a good point actually.
[Someone's trying to trespass into Ravenclaw common room is becoming one of my favourite plots as well as Chomping Cabbages]
Ravenclaw knocker: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Poppy: Stepping on a Kneazle's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
[The door opens]
Ravenclaw students: How do they do that? First Leander, now Poppy. Who's next, Venomous Tentacula?
Ellie & Leander [who are already inside]: Tentaculas can't walk. Beware of the Chomping Cabbages!
Leander: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Ellie: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Garreth: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Poppy: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
[In the goblin mines]
Ellie, to Amit as they cast Disillusionment spell: First rule of battle, my dear friend... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Sebastian, somewhere in the distance: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Ellie: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
[After the quest in the goblin mines]
Duncan, to Ellie: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Ellie: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Everett: There are only eight planets, you Puffskein Dunkein!
Amit, appearing from nowhere: VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!
Ellie, rolling on the floor and laughing: That's my boy!
Poppy: Ellie learned how to fold origami penguins from Amit the other day. I told her, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and she immediately cast Glacius on them.
Leander, to Garreth: If you see Ellie, give her this message *makes a neutral face*
Leander: She'll know what it means.
Garreth: Oh, and Leander said to give you a message.
Garreth: *makes a neutral face*
Ellie: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Ellie: Judging our life choices, I really hope we all make it to adulthood!
Natty: That’s a great prayer.
Poppy: A needed one.
Sebastian: A needed one indeed.
[The squad is bored as hell during History of Magic lesson]
Garreth: What is the most illegal thing you can do with one galleon?
Ellie: Exchange it for knuts, put them all in a sock and beat someone to death with it.
Leander: No more hanging out with Sebastian for you! He's a bad influence! You're grounded for till O.W.L.s!
Ellie: For till O.W.L.s?!
Leander: For till O.W.L.s!!!
Sebastian*offended but taking notes*: That's too cruel even for me!
Leander: Ellie, is this why you've been to Azkaban?
Ominis & Sebastian: You've been to Azkaban?!
Other students: Calm downess, relaxation, chill out and stop screaming...
Leander: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Amit finally snaps and commits a murder so that he can fit in with the rest of your friends?
Ellie: I’ve been going through this year assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to him.
Ellie: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I complete the trials, so instead I have Leander periodically send me howlers saying ‘we need to talk.’
Ellie: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Sebastian: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Ellie & Ominis: All the time.
Sebastian: Then you should be used to it by now.
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onippep · 1 year
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And I was just thinking, like, I actually don't know that much about you. And I admit I haven't been very open or, like, talkative to you about your interests or anything like that, because you're...
(Because I'm like you?)
Yeah, it's like, a preconceived notion that because you're some sorta replica of me, we're gonna have the same interests or whatever, and that's your whole thing. And it's not. It's not fair of me to think of you like that.
(I don't blame you for that, though. Honestly. My existence isn't exactly a one-sentence deal.)
No one's is.
Croak! (Not my point. B-but...) [chuckles]
Lost your point, didn't ya. It's not that big of a deal, anyway.
(Give yourself some credit, Peppino, I think you've done a very good job at caring about me and what I do. Just in different ways than you may be used to.)
Well-- yeah. It's the least that I owe you.
(Your care is not owed. There's no cycle to feed; my affection already has its unconditional catalyst.)
Stop gettin' philosophical with me, demon! Sheesh. I'm trying to be sweet here.
(If you want to be sweet, try actually flirting.)
Is that a challenge? Alright. I can flirt. And no, it's not croaking, I've already learned my lesson from that.
[Sighing] OKAY. So. "Cutie". Uh. You come here often? Nice suit. You look nice. Handsome even. Yep. Uh huh. Wow, tall too. Double whammy. You know, everyone's taller than me, and that's fine. I like havin' a tall nasty frog to care for me all the time. Oh and the WAAAY you SNUGGLE on up to me at night; fantastic. A+. Like a weird oversized housecat. And you know just what food I like and the shows I like and how I prepare my coffee in the morning when I don't have enough time to do that before opening the store and you carry me when I'm too exhausted and you cook for me and listen to me when I gotta just yell about shit and--
[Has dissolved onto the floor]
--Ah- Oni! [laughs] Hey! Come on! [reaching into the goop] Come ooon. Is that all it takes?? That was nothing! Get back up here, you coward!
(Your face is red.)
It's-- always red! And I'm sorta tipsy! [wheezes]
[stops] Hhah, wh-- playing along? [flabberghasted] Nah nah nah, hey...! I agreed to come out here because I wanted to-- like... humour it! Try it! Not just because I was feelin' bad, you know?
[slowly reforming] MMmmn?... (You're. Serious?)
Y-yeah! I think...! Hah..!
Do I whaaat! [grabbing at him] Speak to meee! [chuckling]
Yes! YES IT IS! IT'S A DATE! I'm on a date with you!
[ugly frog shrieking]
AAHHAHAHA...!! Jeez! What was THAT?!
(Wh-what's with the change of heart?? A-and there was the whole hiding it from your family thing--)
BECAUSE I DUNNO WHAT I FEEL YET! AND-- AND BEING HERE, WITH YOU AND GUSTAVO N' BRICK, and just having so much fun, I feel like I can finally-- think! And not have some fuckin' weirdos watching me from that askbox! Or my family breathing at me! It's-- it's wild! I'M FREAKING OUT! I'M FREAKIN' OUT ONI HOLD ME--
A--BBBUHH?? [gripping him]
Everything's gonna go back to routine tomorrow, and who knows what's gonna happen. [chuckles] I don't even wanna go. I just wanna stand here.
Rrrrr... (Can you... explain a little more why you're a little... hesitant about me?)
Ah... jeez, lemme... see if I can word it right. I... have a real hard time letting people in. You see how I live. I haven't even seen Gustavo since before our window got broken. I never have people over. I don't even like talking to customers that much.
(You've gotten better at it. I wouldn't say you have gone back in such a thing, just hitting a wave where it is more difficult than usual.)
Maybe you know me more than I thought. Either way, I... I've never really been a fan of dating. Just in general. All that romance-y garbage hasn't ever worked out for me. It's like a storybook moreso than a reality. Doesn't work the way I do. It's too... strict. Closed. Weird. Ruins friendships. I've lost some good men and women to dumb shit that either I've done or they've done. It crumbles too fast and doesn't feel worth it.
(Is... forging a bond like I have in mind considered... dating?)
I dunno. Is it?
(What you're describing sounds... torturous. Nothing like what I have in mind.)
Is that so. Mind tellin' me what you have in mind, then?
Aye, aye! Hey! [squishing his cheeks] Easy! One word at a time. Let's hear it.
RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RIBBIT. RI-- RIb--ribbit... (It's... it's... almost the same as what... we have now. Just... returned?)
That's it?
You're telling me this "bond" thing you've been wanting is just, what we kinda do already, but with me "returning" it? Like-- like how?
(LIKE. L-LIKE. IF. LIKE.) [sticks his tongue out]
I already "do the deed" with you.
NO NO-- [leans in, gently licks his cheek] TH-- (I DON'T KNOW THE WORD FOR IT.)
Kissing. You're thinking of kissing--
... [ponders]
... [gum click] Wow. That, uh, changes some things, actually. And here I was thinking you wanted some sort of enchanted frog prince and princess fantasy bullshit. That's what the askbox tries to make it out as, anyway.
(I'll be honest, I'm not 100% acquainted with the more mortal and human structures of that whole concept. I don't enjoy what you've told me so far.)
[more nodding]... Huh.
Well, uh, I got some things to think about now. [chuckles] Lotta. Things.
(Please don't let this ruin anything.)
I won't! I won't. Just forgive me if it takes a while. Heh. We gotta go into work tomorrow, and focus on that, yadda yadda... I'm gonna be a little private about it.
(Shy about it.)
Yeah. [rolls his eyes, smirking]
You look so nervous. Hey.
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It's okay. Remember what we've gone over.
We'll see what this is. Together. Got it?
(Y-YEAH... yeah... you'resocloserightnowI'mreally--I--)
Sorry. Even with some drinks in me I still can't seem to kiss you. [chuckles]
(You tease.)
Just kidding.
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tio-trile · 1 year
OKAY SAME ANON sorry this is the third one,, but im going thru the rest of your asks and im realizing so many things.
I agree, a show SHOULD be able to stand on its own as an individual thing rather than counting on a sequel to continue its story. Now that I'm looking at the show in this lens, it is very lackluster. I still do quite love it, scratches that slice of life itch,, but mystery wise? No. I loved how ominous the "Everyday" song was. I thought it was supposed to foreshadow Armageddon (which it did, kind of) but more so it was for the Beel Gabriel reveal in the end. Aziraphale ran around looking for clues, but the annoying thing for me is he never puts it together? It was just something he does for US, the audience. It would've been good if he acknowledged all those clues in the ending, or realized it faster than us. In the end it seems so fruitless for him to investigate bc it never really did him any good? It was just for the audience to see. Also the Nina--Maggie subplot was cute, but it was also lacking? I like the point of "you cant force us together" bc theyre humans and its not that easy. But as a subplot it was waaay too ignored for it to be any relevant at all to the plot.
The thing about you mentioned abt A/C being supporting charas in the book, I agree. The good thing abt their dynamic is even with little clues and gestures we realize how good they are w/each other. The subtlety is what makes everything MORE interesting. But s2 makes it revolve around the ship, to the point where its all just filler. I dont mind filler,, but as you said, canon-compliant filler would be better. I appreciate that they're the main characters now since more screentime but I'd love it if they weren't ship-focused and still had proper interaction and dynamics with people outside of their circle (which I liked from the book + s1).
Anyways,, I still like it. But I appreciate seeing your takes since it really changed the way I view the show now. I feel more neutral about it now somewhat? I'm not invested in fandoms anymore bc of irl stuff so I don't think I would've spotted these things like you did so I really, really appreciate all your insights. Thank you. There's a lot of things to fix if s3 ever gets announced.
I think Neil mentioned that Terry brought up the "Everyday" song as a song about the Apocalypse (the book or S1), which could have been so good and ominous......instead it got used on this random Beelz x Gabe romance that came out of nowhere 😂😂 I thought the Nina x Maggie romance had potential in the beginning, but also completely fell flat/didn't go anywhere towards the end. Again, my takes are NOT trying to convince people who liked the show that they should change their opinions and NOT like the show anymore -- I'm just trying to explain why I personally didn't like it. Feel free to enjoy it as much as you can! Unfortunately I had way too much insights about it for it to be enjoyable for me 😂😂
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