#n my unmade bed. dont look >:( !!
lookingformoondrop · 7 months
Yan!Andrew with his Reader who found out she's pregnant? Spoiler: She didn't want to have children.
Yan!Andrew Graves x Preg!Reader
TW: Unexpected pregnancy, hints at abortion, reader in captivity, manipulation, yandere Andrew, unwanted pregnancy
♡ Notes: I wrote this entire thing while on a train so you'll probably find a wild typo or error font somewhere here. I said in my last post that my next work would be a fluffy one, I lied. Sorry. Remember kids, practice safe sex, and dont act like Andy. Thank you so much for supporting me, anon! I appreciate all the requests and asks from you guys. <33
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Andrew hummed as he removed his shoes and took off his coat.
Work was a drag, his boss was a dick, and his family was unbearable. But despite it all, he had you at the end of the day.
When he came home, he'd always hear your padded footsteps coming down the hall to greet him.
You'd wear one of his shirts or wear a cute outfit he'd pick out for you, all to make him happy.
He just loves you so much.
I mean, that's why he took you in the first place.
You had no idea who he was, only that he was a customer that came at odd times of the day in the cafe where you worked.
He could only guess how poor the pay must've been. How miserable you were... Yes, that's it.
As he watched you, he could spot the circles under your eyes, and he knew instantly that fate had brought you here, or maybe it was a cult summoning? Either way, you belonged with him. And he would bend heaven and earth to keep it that way.
Andrew blinked away his train of thought and looked up. He hadn't heard your footsteps.
That was unusual.
Andrew quickly slipped his bag to the ground and walked further into the house.
The kitchen was empty, minus the dishes and pots from last night's dinner that still remained untouched in the sink.
The living room was empty, minus the tissues scattered all over the floor, and the blankets that pooled the floor.
With his heart racing, he sprinted to the last room he hadn't checked. The bedroom.
He pushed the door open with haste; his eyes wildly searched the room.
The bed was unmade, and the sheets were shoved off the mattress, trailing onto the wooden floor.
As Andrew stepped further into the bedroom and he could hear the sound of the shower, and small sniffles coming from inside.
Andrew let out a sigh of relief, you hadn't left. You were still home with him. But now he had another problem to deal with.
He knocked on the bathroom door and heard a quick shuffle from the other side. The water turned off and Andrew flinched at the sound of objects crashing.
Then out you came, your eyes were red and your hair was messy, as if your fingers ran through them constantly.
You mustered a smile for Andrew, muttering out a weak 'welcome home' before Andrew grabbed your arms for inspection.
"What happened? What were you doing? Why were you crying?" He craned his neck out to try and look inside the bathroom, but you quickly closed the door.
"I was about to take a shower when you came home so uh, I dropped some bath products when I realized I hadn't greeted you." It was a horrible lie, really. You knew lying was one of Andrew's biggest pet peeves, even if he lied consistently himself.
"My little lamb, you're not making a lot of sense right now..." Andrew tried giving you a sweet smile, but the vein twitching in his forehead told you how he really felt.
His grip on your arms became tighter, and he leaned in closer, "I would like to know what you're keeping from me, please."
"I... I was crying," you cringed at how weak your voice sounded.
"Clearly, what else? Don't stall for time you don't have Y/N. Tell me who hurt you, I don't fucking care for the reason."
You peeled Andrew's hands off of you which was surprising giving his intense tone. You slowly walked to the bed and sat down, tracing the thread that was imbedded in your mattress. Your eyes lingered on the white sheets for a second too long.
Andrew followed suit, instead opting to go on his knees in front of you as to hold your hands.
He traced his name on your wrists with his finger and hummed a low tune, unremarkable at best, but it calmed your nerves.
"You are my bleeding heart, Y/N. Everything you feel, I long to taste, everything you love, I devour, and every secret you keep from me I savagely rip apart to find. What could you possibly keep from me, that I wouldn't find out in under a day?"
You kept still, refusing to meet Andrew's gaze.
"You have to promise you won't.. um, get mad." You chewed on your lip as you thought about your next words. The lump in your throat grew harder to swallow the more you thought about it.
How were you supposed to deliever such... news, when that news made you want to rip your hair out from stress.
"yeah, I promise. My little lamb, tell me, what is wrong?"
"I'm scared, Andrew." You looked up.
"Scared?" Answered Andrew, who let go of your wrists to instead settle around your waist.
He continued, "What could you possibly have to fear while with me? Are you afraid of someone?"
You shook your head, "no, well maybe, not yet I-" You took deep breaths, your chest felt like it was going to crack from the pressure.
"Not yet? What does that even mean?" Andrew furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched his nose, trying to make sense of it all.
"Andrew, do you know what day of the month it is?"
Andy groaned; his patience was begging to grow thin. "Y/N, I'm done playing this game with you. Are you trying to provoke me to extreme measures or something?"
"No! Just... answer the question. What day of the month is it?"
Andrew shrugged, "It's the first of the month. It's my mom's birthday. It's trash day. It's Monday. I don't fucking know what this has to do with our conversation, Y/N!?"
"No Andrew, just listen to me! Look, I usually get my period on the first of every month. But last month I didn't get my period."
"So?" Andrew looked at you with annoyance in his features.
"So.... I should have gotten my period last month, but I didn't. I'm not an irregular person and I've been here awhile so..."
Andrew's features stayed scrunched with confusion and annoyance as the words mulled over in his head.
Then it hit him.
Andrew fell back on his butt in shock, staring at you, your belly, and then back to you. The realization so big that his brain stopped the train to language station.
"You're pregnant?" He muttered.
You nodded, the tears that danced on your waterline finally falling. Your chest shook, and you gasped deep breaths, the pressure you had on your chest this morning, becoming ten-fold the weight as Andrew processed this information.
Your head hung low as the sobs shook your ribcage.
Without realizing it, Andrew got back up and sat beside you on the bed.
Wrapping his arms around your head and body, so that your body pushed against his chest.
A gigantic smile placed itself on his face, every bad thing that happened up until that point dispearred in a cloud. The only thing he could think about was the baby you were growing.
His baby.
Finally, Andrew let you go and grabbed your face, lifting it up so that he could place gentle kisses on your forehead. "My Y/N, thank you. This... fuck, I thought you were going to say something horrible, but this? Shit, this is the best news I could have ever heard, well maybe besides news of my sister's death or imprisonment but shit this is even better!"
His kisses became harder and more passionate. But he hadn't noticed the soul that had left your body. Instead, you looked at him terrified.
"But... Andrew, I'm not ready for this. I- I don't even think I'm old enough to be raising children, let alone birth one. This thing could rip me apart." Your breathing became quicker, the pressure on your chest becoming an unbearable pain.
You were so sure that Andrew would hate the idea of children, that he would have the initiative to take this thing out of you, but he was so happy, so much so he couldn't be bothered to notice your despair.
"Doesn't matter. You need to stop worrying about things that haven't even happened yet. You're pregnant, and that's all that matters. You're pregnant with my baby, and you will live through every moment." His smile never faltered as he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, humming a sweeter tune this time and rubbing your tummy.
"I'm not ready," you cried, shaking your head profusely.
Andrew looked up with a smile, trailing his forefinger down the bridge of your nose.
"Doesn't matter."
You held onto Andrew's hands as he leaned forward and embraced you. Sighing deeply into your chest.
"I love our little family. Don't you?"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Im not sure if you still take reqs so sorry if you dont but can you do yandere donnie with a reader thats really bad at taking care of themself? Like they’ll stay up until like 5am playing videogames and end up sleeping in so much they decide to skip breakfast and lunch then end up eating a snack instead of a real meal for dinner because its to much work
A/N, not important: Uhh, I think I may have done this wrong- I had an idea, but somehow this came out instead. If it's majorly not to your tastes, send the request again and I'll try again. Thank you sm to @lethelagoon for the title and for helping me with the fic! Also this is posted on the tenth and not the third because I posted smth on the first and decided I could just skip to this week. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: mention of feeding tube, descriptive, mentions of drugging, pills, needles, abuse, kidnapped reader, dark themes, yandere themes
Words: 1357
Summary: Donnie comes home and finds out you broke his rules. Again.
“Do we need to go over your schedule again?” Donnie’s smooth voice sounds from behind me. I look towards him, shrinking down in fear. I set the console SHELLDON swore I was allowed to use down, racking my brain to try and find an excuse to get out of this. It had taken me three months to convince him I was fine being left alone, three months to convince him I wouldn’t break the schedule he created for me. Yet here I was, caught with the console on and his(or ours, as he liked to claim) bed unmade, the clock shining the traitorous numbers brightly. It was three in the morning, and Donnie had just returned from a mission, catching me in the act. I gulp. This was not going to go well.
“Well?” He asks, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. A scowl was on his face, signaling his distaste to the world. I chew on my cheek, opening my mouth and closing it over and over, trying to think of something to say. I didn’t want to be drugged again. I wouldn’t let him drug me again.
“I couldn’t sleep.” I say. It was a half-truth, which is better than a full lie. He can’t prove I wasn’t having trouble sleeping. Hopefully he won’t realize I never tried.
Donnie scoffs, a scowl set on his face. “Then you ask SHELLDON for sleep medicine. That is not an excuse and you know it. Gosh, you’re so- UGH!”
I cower back, my hands starting to shake as he paces around the room, his arms flailing as he continues to rant. I was going to be punished again, I was sure of it. Images of the isolation room and chains flashed through my mind, the slick taste of pills burning my throat. I couldn’t go through that again. I never wanted that to happen again.
Noticing my shaking, Donnie rolls his eyes and crosses the room in quick succession. He scoops me into his arms, holding me close while he continues to grumble under his breath. His arms were tense, the muscles more defined due to his anger. I couldn’t help the wave of panic coursing through my veins, my mouth going dry. 
I brace myself for the sharp pinch of a needle, but it never comes. I glance at his face, his dark eyes boring into mine. He wasn’t pleased, that was certain, but I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t freaking out. Last time I did something like this, he stripped the room of anything I could mess with and kept me locked up for a month. I still remember the pills he brought in, every night at seven. I shudder at the thought, the feeling of my body shutting down and pulling me into an unwanted sleep. 
He continues to stare at me, scanning my face slowly. He sighs in irritation, adjusting me in his arms before carrying me further into the room and setting me on the bed. He sits on the edge, his eyebrows furrowed as he takes his gear off slowly, letting each glove and padding fall to the floor. His steady hands were shaking in anger, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. My chest is tight in fear, knowing what was to come. The only wonder I had was why he was taking so long. I watch his face, trying to look past his eyes and learn what he was thinking. His silence was never good, a painful indicator of how ruthless he could be. Silence was a warning with Donnie, never a blessing.
“You didn’t listen.” He says, his voice tight. He’s not looking at me, his eyes trained on the floor. His hands squeeze the blanket of his bed, his green knuckles going white from the force. My blood runs cold and I desperately try to think of a way to fix this. He looks back over at me, his eyes narrowed and furious. “Why? Do you think I’m wrong? Do you not see the way I love you and want you to improve?”
I stay silent, unable to form a response. I didn’t know how to tell him the way he loved me was wrong in every way possible. I didn’t know how to tell him I still wanted, no needed, my escape from reality. 
His eyes wash over me again, my body feeling heavier with each look he gave me. It was like every time he scanned my body, another layer of fear and shame was set on my shoulders. The room was getting smaller, my lungs struggling to take in air. My left hand crosses my chest and sits on my shoulder, my right digging painfully into my thigh. I couldn’t do this. I wanted to go home. I hate him, I hate him so much. I can’t do this, I can’t be near him. All he does is hurt, and take, and I can’t leave. I was going to die here, stuck under the sick obsession of a mutant turtle.
I feel his hand on my back and I try not to cry, panic and fear growing until I feel as if I would pop. I couldn’t live like this, not any longer. I look up, seeing the way his face had tensed. I could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear the words. I feel my throat ache from the held back tears, my entire body thrumming in sync with my heart. It was too fast. His room was too dark.
I suck in a sharp breath at the order, my body conditioned to do as he says without question. His hand goes under my chin, gripping it firmly, but not harshly. He makes me look into his eyes, the same eyes that were unbothered as he locked me away for weeks. The same eyes that stared angrily as he shoved a feeding tube down my throat when I forgot to eat. A sob bubbles from my chest as I try to pull back, survival instinct kicking in. His grip on my chin grows tighter, his other arm looping around my back and holding me in place. He places his forehead against mine, his lips moving once more. I could feel the words around me, the vibrations in the air, but I couldn't hear them. I could understand what he was saying, but I didn’t know what he said.
I continue to cry involuntarily, the hand holding my chin shifting to cup my cheek so he can wipe the tears as they fall. It didn’t help, his thumb wasn’t fast enough to wash them all away. I sit like that for nearly twenty minutes, the world around me crashing down and landing on my chest. My vision swirls with each sob while Donnie continues to hold me and whisper useless, silent words.
My vision swims one last time before the room starts to come back into focus, a harsh ringing in my ears. Donnie’s face is inches from mine, his drawn eyebrows furrowed. I stare at them through my sniffles. I never noticed he didn’t take off his mask. I try to turn my head to look at the room, but his grip on my face is strong.
“Are you done?”
I blink at him, his thumb roughly swiping my cheek as a stray tear falls. I forgot how his voice sounded for a moment. I take a deep breath, nodding. I didn’t have any other way to tell him, and I doubted I would fall into another fit. His hands fall from my face and I lean my neck back, staring at the ceiling. I felt numb, like my tears washed away every emotion my body once held. I couldn’t tell if I felt free, or even more suffocated. It was surreal, having my body be able to go through such stress before falling back as if nothing had happened.
Donnie’s hands trail down me, as if he was afraid I’d fall apart if he let go. They loop around my waist, pulling me firmly into his lap before he shifts on the bed and falls backwards, keeping me on his chest. I don’t fight it this time, letting him press a kiss to the crown of my head while he slowly rubs my back.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen, love.” His voice is quiet, one hand leaving my back to take his mask off while the other holds me tight. I let my head fall, my cheek pressed uncomfortably against the hard of his plastron. I let my eyes close, too tired to fight him any longer. I feel his chest vibrate as a small chuckle can be heard from him. “There you go. Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up so we can discuss your new schedule. This will never happen again.”
I feel my stomach churn at his words, but I do nothing more than hum in agreement. I couldn’t fight anymore, my energy zapped. I just hoped I could sleep in tomorrow. I would delay a talk with him forever if I could. I take another breath and sleep comes for me, dragging me down into the darkness of my mind.
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Sun drowns the house - George Daniel & Matty Healy
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aka: the spit roasting fic
A/N: took my meds just to write this fic, also thank you my love @justleaveatnine for forcing me to write and ALSO proofing this for me xx
wc: 6k
content warnings: litch everything i fear, smut, dirty talk, degradation, praise, so insanely gay dont look at me, this is what happens when a gatty truther writes a threesome fic, spit roasting (obv), handjobs (sort of), matty in lingerie (a given at this point), knife play, dom George for literally three seconds, insanely pathetic gatty for the rest, she orders them around (also a given atp), cunnilingus, slight impact play if u squint, begging, denial (sort of), facials, cumplay, mention of sub drop, but he's well taken care of x, disgustingly sweet because i have to, MDNI!!!!!!!!
You hear them first  
The door clicking open, Matty struggling to get the chain off to let George in, and then muffled footsteps as he toes his shoes off, throwing them into the floor next to the coat rack. Muffled voices laugh as Matty says something out of pocket, ushering him upstairs with a giggle. The door to the bedroom creaks open, stopping halfway through the motion because of its broken hinge.   
That's when you see both of them. Matty’s hand touching George’s arm, right above where his elbow creases. The glossy magazine in your hands is heavy, pictures of models in posh clothes littering the pages, pops of vibrant color drawing you in. It’s one of Matty’s, his extensive collection of them growing in piles next to the bed. You joke that you don't even need a nightstand anymore, you could just put the lamp on the stack of old vogue. 
You set it down, straightening your back as George looks in your direction, nodding at you as Matty keeps touching him, only letting go to close the door, leaning his back against it as you pat the bed next to you, asking George to come sit down next to you. The furniture creaks awkwardly, making you giggle when the mattress dips beside you, the unmade sheets crumpling even more under the two of you. 
George's eyes wander over to Matty, who surprisingly, is still just standing there, looking at both of you. He shifts on the bed, uncrossing his legs to sit with his feet planted on the floor, both hands on his knees as you move behind him, trying to figure out what he’s doing. 
That's when you see it. 
Matty stands there, a filthy smirk plastered on his face as both you and George stare at him, everything clicking into place slowly. His clothing gives his intentions away so blatantly, it almost makes you laugh. Clad in his favorite black, skin-tight jeans, he’s paired them with a pair of new heels neither of you had seen before. Cherry red platforms, rhinestones lined along the bottom, glimmering mesmerizingly as your eyes travel further up, taking in the sight of him all dressed up for you. 
You can feel George move oddly, and you know his little ensemble affects him just as much as you, if not even more. Matty’s top is pink and slightly see through, and you recognise it as one of yours, seeing how it hangs a bit loosely, folding and draping itself over his chest and torso. You hear the soft metallic sounds of jewelry as Matty takes a step forward, the glitter around his eyes becoming more and more visible the closer he gets the the foot of the bed
“What are you playing at, Matty?” George speaks, making you jump just a bit as his voice reverberates through your body, the low tone of his voice going straight to your core. Matty scoffs and shakes his head at the accusation, however true it might ring. 
“Just want to hang out with my mates, is that a crime now?” he deflects with another question, waving his hands around him gesturing to you, then George, like that somehow strengthens his point. 
“No one gets that done up just to hang out.” you breathe, blatantly enjoying the view as Matty’s hands find his hair, brushing back the freshly washed curls out of his face. George cocks an eyebrow at him, nodding along in agreement. Matty simply shrugs, picking at his nails in a bored way as the tension in the room builds, Both of you know what he wants, you just want to hear him say it. 
“What did you really have planned when you invited G over?” you say, hearing George suck in a deep breath in through his nose, steadying himself before Matty answers, who puts his hands up in defeat.   
“Got me there darling, m’not as slick as I thought.” now it’s your turn to scoff, “You really aren’t.”
Matty isn’t bothered by your jabs, pulling a playful face at you.
“I brought our sweet George over here to fuck him” he walks over to the foot of the bed, finding George’s choked reaction quite amusing. “Or watch him fuck you, I don't mind either way. But you knew that from the moment I walked in here.” 
"D'you want to get in my panties, George? Want me to scream your name like I scream hers?" Matty speaks, his voice sultry and low as George lunges towards him, catching his lips in a hot kiss, full of teeth and tongue and desperation as Matty whines into it, letting George take over. George’s eyes are wide when he finally pulls away, darting over Matty’s features before pulling him back in, both of them breathless as though they had just to run a marathon. You watch intently, taking in every movement and noise coming from the two of them, committing it all to memory. 
“Oh, I like this.” you whisper, grinning at the two of them as they turn to glance at you, sat back with your back against the headboard, watching the scene in front of you. “Of course you do, freak.” Matty murmurs, nipping Georges bottom lip with his teeth as the blonde gasps softly, eyes blown out and flicking between you and Matty frantically, not sure where to look. 
A delicate hand guides his face to look straight at Matty, their lips locking in another bruising kiss, making even you feel the heat of it, your fingers brushing your hair out of your face as they break away and turn to look at you. Both of their chests heave with effort, George using every ounce of self control left in him to not kiss him again, opting to bite his lip and try to catch his breath instead. Matty grins wildly, looking you up and down as ideas run through his mind, all of them absolutely filthy.
“Don’t want her to miss out on the action, yeah?” His voice is teasing as George looks at you in the same way Matty did, full of desire and want. “‘Course not.” The bed creaks loudly as Matty climbs off George, quickly pouncing onto you and slamming your back into the headboard, your crash cushioned by pillows and blankets. You yelp, a small giggle escaping you as a mess of curls bends down to press his lips to yours, tongue licking into your mouth dizzyingly 
Now it’s George's turn to watch how Matty kisses you, his lips moving from your lips to your cheek to your jaw, slowly trailing down until he reaches your collar bones, his teeth nipping at them lightly. He makes his way down your body, hands pushing your top up to reveal inches of skin previously concealed, a soft gasp leaving your lips as he presses a hot kiss right between your tits, pulling at your shirt hard enough to get you to raise your arms and have George pull it off you. No words, except a quiet “Fucking hell,” from George, are exchanged as you lean forward to unhook your bra, letting it slowly fall off you and be discarded in the corner. 
You can hear Matty exhale sharply, licking his lips before diving back in, sucking marks and bruises onto the skin of your tits, biting down every so often just to feel you twitch. He grins against you as George catches your lips in a sweet kiss, his hand coming up to cup your face as Matty presses wet kisses all down your stomach, his fingers digging into the fat of your hips, hard enough to leave bruises. 
The bed creaks again as George disconnects his lips from yours, proceeding to nudge Matty off to the left, making you spread your legs even wider. You feel obscene as George kneels in between your legs, right next to Matty, his large hands gripping your jean clad thigh and peppering kisses over the material.
“Fucking gorgeous, tastes amazing as well.” Matty mutters, almost inaudibly, his fingers toying with the button of your pants, tongue running over the zipper teasingly. The eye contact makes you dizzy with need, his eyes fluttering as the thought of his mouth on you takes over his mind. 
You look over at George, who looks like he’s trying to desperately suppress a moan at Matty��s words, his breathing heavy. Matty senses how worked up he is, his own cock starting to fill in the confines of his tight jeans. His fingers work to undo the button of your pants, the quiet pop insanely loud in the near silent room. Matty runs his thumb over the zipper, looking up and slightly behind him to get a good look at George, who is panting and bright red, rock hard in his shorts.   
“Want a taste?” Matty’s words are smooth, sure, sultry. George looks like he’s about to pass out when he pulls your zipper down, the sound ringing through his head as loud as sirens, his eyes wide and lips parted. “Fuck, can I?” George pants, his voice shaky and so turned on, he can barely form words. Matty looks up to you, his look asking for your approval, and you vigorously nod your head, pulling your gaze over to George.  “Yeah, yeah please, George– fuck.” you breathe, your eyes heavy and hooded, nipples hard against the cool air. 
Matty works on tugging your jeans down your thighs and off you, George’s hands coming up to roll your nipples between his fingers, making you gasp in a mix of pain and pleasure, head foggy with lust and desire for both of them. The moment your pants hit the floor you can feel Matty’s tongue on you, licking and sucking your clit over your cotton panties, the front of them painted with a visible wet spot, making his grin against you as the taste envelopes his senses. You roll your hips against his mouth, desperate for any friction you can get, a soft moan leaving George’s lips at the sight of Matty’s head buried between your thighs. 
With your eyes closed, you can only hear how George properly settles between your legs, mirroring Matty’s position, on his stomach. You watch as Matty moves to the side, leaving hickeys all over your thigh as George lets his fingers trace over the wet patch on the front of your panties, a mix of your arousal and Matty’s spit, shuddering as he feels you twitch under his touch. You genuinely can't think straight as George hooks his thumb into the waistband of your panties, slipping them down and off you as you arch your hips, Matty so blatantly staring at your glistening core it almost makes you giggle. 
You  bite back a whimper when George takes your panties into his right hand, stuffing them into his pocket with a smirk, Matty grinning wildly once he realizes what he'd done. George’s tongue on you feels like absolute heaven, his hand snaking around your waist to grip you tighter, pulling you impossibly close to him. Matty watches with lustful eyes, his gaze flicking from where you and George connect and your face, very much enjoying the blissed out expression painting your features. 
Your skin is flush, sweat making your hair stick to your forehead as your hips arch up and grind onto George’s tongue, blinding pleasure shooting into every corner of your body as he laps at your clit, quickly being pulled away by a very eager Matty, yelping as he’s yanked back by the hair. His lips are replaced by Matty’s, who is moaning into your cunt so obscenely it makes you blush even harder. “Want you to kiss him baby, show G some love, yeah?” you whisper, your hand running through Matty’s messed up curls as he nods, turning his head and being met with George’s face already incredibly close to his. 
The kiss is hot, all tongue and teeth and soft, breathy whimpers, the sound like music to your ears. George’s fingers circle your clit as they make out, sparks of pleasure making pressure build in your core. It doesn’t take long for George to pull away, his hand threading through Matty’s hair and staying there, guiding his mouth back to your clit, a choked moan leaving your lips. “Making her feel so good, doll, look how loud she is for us.” George coos, looking up at you as his hand presses Matty’s face further into your cunt, depriving him of any oxygen. 
You can tell how much Matty is enjoying this, his hips bucking into the mattress helplessly as George talks him through it, whispering filthy things into his ear as his lips connect with his neck, the angle awkward but still insanely hot, your eyes rolling back when George rests his head on your thigh, watching Matty eat you out with such an intensity it makes his head spin. You can feel your orgasm approaching rapidly, your chest heaving and mind hazy with pleasure, making Matty redouble his efforts as George keeps guiding his head. 
You try to warn him, but Matty just nods into your cunt, swirling his tongue around your clit and sucking it between his lips, making your vision white out in pleasure as you cum, legs trembling even in George’s firm grip. “Fuck, there you go doll, making her cum so hard, aren’t you?” George whispers, breathless at the sight of you thrashing and grinding down onto Matty’s tongue to ride out your orgasm. 
Matty’s face is slick when he pulls away, licking his lip with a filthy smirk plastered on his face. Both of them get on their knees, now kneeling in front of you, still panting and hazy from your climax. 
The kiss they share is frantic, needy, almost animalistic as Matty presses his body against his, hands tugging at George’s shirt, moaning wantonly into his mouth. “Off, need this off.” he whines, George obeying and lifting his arms up to allow Matty to take his shirt off him, leaving his sweaty chest bare. You watch as Matty’s teeth sink into the skin of his shoulder, making George cry out in surprise. The yelp slowly turns into a groan as the pain morphs into pleasure, Matty sucking hickeys into the space right below his jaw, hands roaming his chest and tweaking his nipples. 
George gives in to his touch for a while, feeling every intense sensation tenfold as Matty touches him, overwhelming him with pleasure and pure need. It’s almost painful to pull away, but he does, making eye contact with you as Matty cocks his head, following his gaze to you. You’re still laying there, though slightly sat up now as you watch the scene in front of you unfold, grinning at the show they’re putting on for you with hungry eyes. 
“I want..'' George stammers a bit, trying to form a coherent sentence as his cock strains against his trousers, Matty’s mouth back on his chest not helping him in the slightest. You smirk at Matty, parting your bruised lips to speak, your words coated in thick honey. “Tell me, baby, what do you want? Don’t be shy.” Your tone doesn’t help George speak clearly, it only clouds his mind even more, thoughts and fantasies flashing in front of his eyes faster than he can verbalize them. 
“I want you to, uhm–,” George pauses again, biting his lip as teeth graze over his nipple, the sharp pain making his cock even harder. Matty giggles at his reaction boyishly, like he isn't just as hard and twice as desperate as him, his cockiness turning you on even more. 
 “I want you to fuck him. Like you told me, wanna see him take it.” 
Those words make Matty perk up, his eyes fluttering at the thought of being filled by you, feeling you pounding into him mercilessly. You don't even acknowledge his reaction, ignoring him completely as you speak to George and only George. 
“Yeah? Wanna see how pretty he looks crying for us?” You can tell how turned on Matty is, the way you two speak about him like he isnt in the room making him dizzy with lust and want, his lips pulling away from George’s now marked up chest in favor of frantically trying to look at both of you at once, hoping to see a spark of interest in your eyes. What he sees is so much more than interest. He sees promise, and George’s next words only solidify what he hopes is going to happen. 
 “Please…Fuck, darling–”
“I know baby, just lie on the bed for me, yeah?” you coo, getting up to a kneeling position and pressing a (hardly) chaste kiss to George’s wet lips. You get up slowly, turning your back to sift through the nightstand drawer, hearing the bed creak behind you as George lays down where you previously were, leaning his back against the headboard. Your hands finally feel what you were searching for, grinning to yourself as you pull the strapon out from the mess of toys and lube that live in your bedside drawer. 
Turning back around, your breath hitches at the sight in front of you. Matty on his stomach, settled between George’s spread legs, cheek nuzzling into his tensed thigh. Strap in hand, you grin at them, both blatantly ogling your naked frame, eyes raking over the curve of your hips, the slight pudge of your stomach, and you feel a flash of power, of control rush through you at how much you affect them. 
“Getting started without me? Not that I'm complaining.” you giggle at Matty’s smile, eyes hooded in overwhelming lust as he rubs against George’s bulge, knowing how much you love it when he does shit like this. 
“And I thought Georgie here was the voyeur.” he says, his teasing tone making an already nervous George stammer and stutter over his words pathetically, trying to defend himself. “I– I don’t–” 
“Shh, it’s alright darling, no need to be shy.” you speak, slipping on the strap tightening the harness around your hips, watching how Matty’s eyes widen in anticipation. You know you look hot, evident in the way they both look at you, silently begging you to do something, anything, or at least allow them to do something to each other. 
“Oh– fuckk– ” the desperate noise comes from George, caused by Matty suddenly unzipping his trousers, the pressure on his cock finally being relieved after what feels like hours. Matty practically salivates at the sight of his cock straining against his boxers, eyes flicking back up to where you're standing, wordlessly begging for permission to touch him properly. “Just keep being pretty for me, I'll be right there.” you tell him, his defeated nod making your core stir with desire. 
Brushing your hair with your fingers, you grab the bottle of lube sitting on the nightstand, fumbling it and earning a giggle from Matty. You watch him mouth along George’s cock through his boxers, the blonde’s eyes screwed shut in torturous pleasure as Matty teases him. Matty, still fully clothed, attempts to grind against the mattress, being the only one that hasn't been properly touched this whole time. You chuckle to yourself and so does George, and you make playful eye contact as Matty whines, slowly getting more and more impatient. 
“Getting so worked up for us, aren’t you baby? Want me to fuck you, is that it?” you tease mercilessly, dragging out each syllable until Matty feels like he’s going to cum on the fucking spot, his hips bucking wildly against the sheets. George watches as you kneel on the bed right behind Matty, nudging his legs telling him to spread them. “Let's get these off you, yeah?” Matty nods frantically, too turned on to speak as he licks up George’s shaft, watching him twitch under the heat of his tongue. 
Matty shuffles on the bed, kneeling and staring at George as he unbuttons his skin-tight jeans, moaning in relief as the pressure is lifted off his leaking cock. The lust is so dizzying that he fumbles with the zipper for a few beats, finally getting it down far enough to show both of you the new lace he had gotten especially for today. You make eye contact with George, the sight of him palming himself over his boxers, skin flushed bright red and chest heaving burning itself into your memory. Matty throws his jeans off the bed, taking a moment to mirror George’s movements on his own cock, pornographic moans spilling from his lips at the sensation. 
Matty’s your top is next to go, joining the crumpled up jeans on the floor. Your breath hitches when he looks back at you, winking provocatively before running his hands up his chest, finally able to touch himself properly. You let him, knowing how much George is enjoying the show based on the choked groans leaving his lips, the whole scene going straight to your core. 
“Get on your stomach, baby, make G here feel so good for me.” you speak slowly, smiling condescendingly as Matty’s eyes cloud over with lust, his nod dazed and desperate, and you know he’d do anything right in that moment. He does what you say, leaning forward and scooting onto his stomach, back in the position he was before. Clicking your tongue, you grab his hips harshly. “You know what I need from you Matty– yeahh that's it baby, arch that pretty back for me, doesn't he look so good like this, George?” 
Both of them whine at your words, and you can physically feel how bad Matty needs you, his breathing heavy and irregular, skin glistening with sweat. You’ve dragged this out as long as you can, teasing and toying with both of them to near tears. Right when they think it's over, all the games and demands, that's when you pull out one final item from under the sheets. 
A small pocket knife. 
Matty can’t see it, but George can. His eyes widen as you twirl it at him, grinning wildly as you lean down to whisper into Matty’s ear, your strap pressing up against him, making him tremble in anticipation. Trailing the blade down his spine, you watch goosebumps erupt all over his skin as he slowly realizes exactly what you’re doing, a strangled whine ripping itself from his throat. 
“Want me to cut your pretty panties off you, baby? Have you all exposed for us?” 
Your words make Matty genuinely shiver, his nodding frantic as he turns his head back to catch a glimpse of the knife, so overwhelmed with sensation he can't form a single coherent thought, his hips pressing back into your strap. “Don’t neglect poor George just because you’re a fucking whore for me, yeah?” As the focus is brought back to him, you watch George’s eyes snap up to meet yours, wide and hazy. 
Matty whimpers quietly, his fingers quickly working to tug George’s shorts further down, taking his boxers with them. George stifles a moan as Matty’s cool hand wraps around his cock, gathering the precum at the tip and smearing it down his shaft. “Fuck, you’re so hard.” are the only words he can force out, mesmerized by George and his reaction. “C’mon baby, spit on his pretty dick, get him nice and wet.” you urge him, and George can't stop the pathetic obscene moan that leaves his lips when Matty does just that, spit dribbling down his as his hand moves up and down his cock. 
What finally does George in is the way Matty looks at him, teary eyed and desperate, his tongue darting out to kitten lick the tip, sucking the head of his cock between his lips. The look of absolute bliss on George’s face makes your breath hitch, one of your hands trailing up to grope yourself, enjoying the scene playing out in front of you. 
You use Matty’s preoccupation to trace the knife in your hand further down his back, hooking the blad into the waistband of his panties, slowly letting the material split until it quite literally falls off him. 
You can tell exactly when Matty takes George completely into his mouth, a dragged out, “O-oh god– shittt.” leaving his lips as George lets one of his hands find Matty’s cheek, soothingly rubbing it as he bobs his head, making the blonde’s eyes screw shut in pleasure. You don’t let yourself get lost in it though, but fuck, it’s hard not to. The sound of the cap opening is impossibly loud, and Matty recognises it immediately, his hips bucking violently as he gags around George, eyes tearing up from the effort. 
You slick up your strap with a generous amount of lube, using the remaining liquid to draw a small heart on Matty’s back, the shape shining even in the dim light of the bedroom. Matty coughs violently as George accidentally thrusts up into his mouth, a mix of spit and precum dripping down his chin as he pulls off for a second, wiping away a few tears.
“I’m okay G, I promise. Fuck, that was so hot.” he assures George, grinning up at him with sparkling eyes, mouthing an inaudible “I love you,” before taking him back down his throat. 
You watch as George threads his hand into Matty’s hair, pushing his head down slightly and gauging his reaction, a muffled moan telling him all he needs to know. Using more force, he guides Matty’s head up and down his cock, slowly, almost lovingly, fucking his mouth. The groans that spill from his lips are nothing short of delicious, spurring Matty on to take him even further, doing his absolute best to suppress his gag reflex, relishing in the feeling of George’s cock hitting the back of his throat. 
Leaning down once again, you whisper quietly against Matty’s ear, “Relax a bit Matty, mhm? I’m so proud of you, you’re taking this so well for us.” Matty can only whine in response, attempting to nod even with his mouth stuffed full of cock. . 
You inhale deeply before pressing the tip of the strap to his hole, teasing him one last time, just for the sake of watching him squirm and writhe under you. You know his cock is leaking onto the sheets by now, making a mess of them because he can’t help himself when it's the two of you, thinking his with dick instead of his brain. 
“He’s so fucking pretty George. Look how good he’s gonna take my cock, aren't you baby?” you speak, nodding at a blissed out George, so overwhelmed with pleasure he can barely respond, nodding back at you. The relieved moan that leaves Matty’s lips when you finally, finally press into him is nothing short of pornographic, audible even over the wet sounds of his lips sinking down on George’s cock, bringing him closer and closer to the edge with each and every movement. 
“So gorgeous doll, feels good?” you coo, your hands gripping his hips and holding him in place, mercilessly fucking into him and never once letting up for even a second. Matty pulls off of George to answer, his hand taking over while he speaks, stumbling over his words pathetically. “P-please, feel so full, fuckk–” 
George just watches you thrust into him, brushing against his g-spot with each movement of your hips, Matty’s whines once again muffled by his cock fuckign into his mouth, taking pleasure like it belongs to him. “Taking us so good Matty– looks so fucking pretty too, doesn't he?” Your words motivate Matty to no end, and he deepthroats George until he can’t breathe, so eager to please it literally possesses him, the only thing on his mind being you and George. 
“Yeah, y’look so beautiful choking on my cock, fuck.” George groans, and you know he’s close because of how his voice pitches up, sounding eerily similar to Matty. You almost scold him when he pulls off again, his obscene moans now even louder as your strap hits his g-spot over and over again, making him dizzy and all his thoughts go away, pleasure taking over every inch of his being. 
“Feels s’good, shit– Please make me cum, darling I need to cum so fucking bad, been so good f’you, please.'' Wet sounds fill the room, and you're sure you look like something straight out of a porno, the position so filthy it clouds your mind, your movements speeding up, causing Matty to moan louder, loud enough for even the neighbors to hear. Not that you would mind.   
“George–” he starts, interrupted by your chest pressing to his back and you reaching to wrap your hand around his cock, squeezing him before putting on a condescending tone “Speak up baby, he can’t hear you.” George can barely think, so fucking close to the edge he can taste it, his cock leaking and twitching with every jerk of Matty’s hand, his knuckles ghostly white where he grips the sheets, trying desperately to hold off his rapidly approaching orgasm. 
“George, I want– FUCK– please, oh god fuck.” Matty’s voice cracks as you start drilling impossibly deeper into him, stretching his hole around your strap, mesmerized by how absolutely fucked out he looks even though you can barely see his face. 
“Want you to cum on m’face G, please darling, please.” he slurs, eyes hooded and heavy as he twitches in your hand, threatening to cum in mere seconds if you don’t get your hands off of him. You want this to last, after all.  
“So filthy, and here we thought you had a bit of dignity left in you. I don’t blame you though, baby, just look at him.” you let go of his cock, a quiet whine interrupting you, earning Matty a soft slap to the flesh of his arse. 
George pants, his hair wild and eyes glazed over with lust, looking like the fucking personification of sex. Matty’s eyes light up when he nods, blinking slowly as his hands settle on his stomach, leaving Matty to do all the work for him. You can tell how much he loves the idea of finishing on Matty’s face, the thought messing with him much more than he lets on. But you know, and he knows you know. 
It doesn't take anything but a few jerks of his cock and Matty batting his lashes, looking up at him with that eager, fucked out expression on his face that could make anyone give in to him to make George spill all over his face, painting his features with thick ropes of cum. George shudders violently, bucking his hips into Matty’s hand as he works him through his orgasm, sticking his tongue out to fuck with him even more. 
You don't stop pounding into Matty, not even for a second, the bed shaking with the sheer force of your thrusts as Matty’s moans and whimpers go unmuffled. “M’so close, fuck, please darling, fuck me harder.” George sees him genuinely tear up, bringing his hand up to cup his face sweetly, wiping away stray tears as a wanton moan spills from his lips. 
“Jesus christ, he’s–” you don't even let him finish, nodding in agreement as Matty presses his cheek into George’s hand, his please borderline incoherent by now.
“Fucking wet dream, isn’t he? Can never get used to how sweet he sounds, can I, baby?” Matty nods violently, his cock twitching and leaking precum, and you know he’s never been more ready to cum in his life. Yet, he knows he can’t, not until you allow him to. 
“Pleasepleaseplease, oh god m’gonna cum, please George–” Matty uses the last of his strength to beg the one person who he knows would let him, tears rolling down his cheeks, mascara and eyeshadow mixing with his smeared lipstick as he begs for permission
“Go on doll, cum for us. I know how bad you want to, yeah? Fucking soak our sheets.” George speaks slowly, his voice rough and strong, a flash of dominance coursing through his veins right in that moment. 
Matty cums, hard, writhing against the mattress, legs shaking while George's hand soothingly runs through his messed up hair, the touch comforting as his orgasm washes over him in violent, almost forceful waves. 
“Look so beautiful Matty, just let go, let it all out, baby.” 
You swear he’s never looked this good in your life, having taken absolutely everything you’ve given to him with an obedient nod and an eager expression, holding off until he’s made both you and George cum. You stroke his back lovingly as he goes limp against the bed, breathing heavy, his small sounds of pleasure as you pull out making you smile. 
George whispers unintelligible praise, making sure he knows how good he had been for both of you, how absolutely loved he is. 
“I love you so much baby, did so well for us.” you say, your tone loving and soft, peppering kisses down his spine as you slip off the harness, discarding it somewhere behind you. Matty nods weakly into George’s thigh, muttering a small “love you too,” back at you. 
“Gotta get up for us, doll, need to clean you up.” Matty groans in protest to Georges implication that he should move, eventually giving in at the promise of a more comfortable, less wet sleep. You get up to get tissues, wiping the cum off his face with a giggle, earning an amused chuckle from George, who is holding Matty against his chest, stroking his hair and kissing his shoulders lovingly, showering him with the affection he most definitely deserves. 
“Sleep?” Matty whispers quietly, evidently tired and half asleep already, his head resting against George’s shoulder. You nod, guiding his frame to lay down between you and George, letting your arm drape over him comfortingly. 
“You were so amazing Matty, we’re both so, so proud of you.” Matty, now slightly more coherent, offers a cheeky “Yeah I know that, fucking look at the state of me.”  
George lets out a girlish giggle at his words, wrapping his arm around his waist, letting Matty slowly drift off into sleep, absolutely exhausted and rightfully so, given the relentless teasing and torture you had put to poor boy through. He loved it though, and reassures you of that every chance he gets
You make eye contact with him one last time, George mouthing a barely audible “I love you,” shutting his eyes just in time to miss the massive, stupid grin plastered on your face. 
Their soft snoring and the heat of their bodies beside you lulls you into a deep, comfortable sleep, peacefully surrounded by the two people you love most. 
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sainzfilm · 2 years
a drabble with Pierre were he's obsessed with the reader's curly hair
you could also put in some part normally she doesn't really like people touching it but doesn't mind if he does it because he's so gentle
(as a curly haired myself, absolutely hate when people touch my hair because it just takes so long to make it look pretty and, usually, when most people touch it just unmade everything)
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
a/n: literally relate to this sm. sometimes i like being curly and sometimes i dont…but anyways hope you enjoy this request, anon :)
“Yeah yeah, we’ll be there,” Pierre said into the phone as he paced around the room, “I’m not kidding! Okay, we’ll see you, mate.”
Looking at Pierre as you exited the bathroom, you chuckled softly, “Was that Yuki calling you?”
“The one and only,” Pierre laughed as he sat down on the bed, “He was worried that we weren’t going to come to the party and leave him alone.”
“Can’t believe your best friend is somewhat like a child to us,” You smiled as you took the towel off your head and grabbed the bottle of treatment on your dresser, “I adore that guy though.”
“I guess that makes us his grid guardians,” Pierre grinned as he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek, “Also, baby…can I do your hair regimen?”
“Again?” You laughed as you turned around to face him, “You know I can do it myself, right?”
“I know that, mon ange!” Pierre pouted and clasped his hands together like a little kid, “Please? I love your hair.”
Handing him the brush and bottle, you smiled and turned around to face the mirror, “Okay fine, go ahead, love.”
Pierre smiled to himself and squeezed a portion of treatment on his hand before applying it on your hair and gently massaging your scalp, “I don’t know how you make your hair so nice, baby.”
“Patience and time, Pierre,” You sighed happily as you watched your boyfriend concentrate in the mirror, “That’s why it’s annoying when people touch my hair because it takes so long to fix.”
Brushing your hair gently, Pierre raised his eyebrow as he looked at you, “I’m people? Why doesn’t it annoy you when it’s me?”
Shrugging while you apply mascara, “You’re obviously my boyfriend, Pierre.”
“So? I don’t think that gives me enough of a pass,” Pierre mumbled as he scrunched your curls, “Don’t you think it’s annoying that I always ask if I can touch your hair?”
Pausing for a moment and setting your mascara down, you shook your head, “Not at all. You’re always gentle with my hair, love.”
He chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss your cheek, “There we go. Now my girl’s looking even prettier.”
“All thanks to my favorite driver on the grid and boyfriend,” You scrunched your nose up cutely and turned around to kiss him quickly, “Let’s go, our child must be waiting for us.”
“Ah, right. The party,” Pierre smiled as he grabbed the car keys, “I’ll bet €10 he’s going to try and touch your hair.”
“Absolutely not,” You frowned as you grabbed your purse, “You’re jinxing it, Pierre!”
He grinned as he tapped your nose, “Let’s just wait and see, mon ange.”
bonus scene!
“Finally,” Yuki groaned as he walked over to the two of you, “I thought the two of you ditched me.”
“Nonsense, Giuseppe,” Pierre laughed as he put an arm around Yuki, “How could we ever ditch our child?”
“I’m not your child,” Yuki huffed as he pulled away from Pierre and smiled brightly at you, “I’m glad you could come along, Y/N!”
You laughed as you brought Yuki in for a hug, “Always nice to see you again, Yuki.”
Before you knew it, Yuki was patting your hair while smiling, “Your hair’s really nice today, Y/N.”
Pierre reached his hand out and smirked at you, who looked completely unamused while rummaging through your purse for €10, “It does look nice, doesn’t it, Yuki?”
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a-boca-do-inferno · 2 months
broken (sonny corleone x reader) [request]
summary: “Fuck off.” Sonny waves his hand dismissively, his expression contorted in sheer contempt. “Ya always had champagne taste over a beer budget, sweetheart.”
warnings: angst, cheating (some tom hagen x reader implied just because), swearing (like, a lot), domestic/verbal abuse somewhat, mentions of murder (ya know...usual corleone stuff) and fluff-ish
words: 2.2k
notes: howdy! who asked for some angst??? gosh you guys dont know how much i love writing this type of stuff...please send more angst requests i beg you anyways hope you like it :D xx.
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It is all he can give you at this moment; after years of marriage, years of your devotion toward him. Unwavering. Unyielding. He had thrown it all away for a cheap settlement, two gladly open legs for the young lady who knew of his money and power. Forgotten immediately, there you stood, facing their unmade bed, smelling of sex and false promises you just knew Santino made her every night they spent together. Whilst you stayed home alone, surrounded by the coldness of tall walls and the crushing weight of his absence. You nearly let out a bitter chuckle, how stupid could you have been, right?
Oh, how they warned you. Everyone! Your friends, your parents, even your dear grandfather, despite the old man being deeply aware he was the one who would always benefit the most from the transaction that was your engagement to Sonny. Because that’s what it was, you had to face it now. Your love had been nothing but another heartless mafia deal to Santino, quite like the relationship your husband himself maintained with the poor girl in front of you, pathetically stumbling to get her clothes scattered on the floor as you eyed her motionless. There was not an ounce of animosity in your bones at this point. You simply did not have it in you to feel anything but pity at her state. Poor girl. Her reputation would be ruined, and for what? She was so young and helpless, almost like you had been once, albeit with the enormous difference that you would not have fucked a married man if he was made of gold. 
“What’s your name?” You order, though gently, still frozen in your spot watching her avoid your eyes at any cost.
“Maria”, she mumbles, adjusting her corset.
“Italian.” You reckon out loud, not really surprised. Having spent such a long time being scrutinised by every pure blood Sicilian who’s ever come into contact with the Corleone family somehow—as ironic as it may seem—prevented you from any type of disappointment at the notion of Santino silently damning you for your half breed background, too. So much so, he’d been searching for compensation elsewhere, on some random broad’s lap. But hey, she was Italian! “How long?” You manage to ask, your voice starting to strain. At the subtle hesitancy from her, you snap, your scream ripping through your throat before you can stop it, “how fucking long?!”
“One year”, comes the coy answer while the young woman shrinks in the corner of the room, her dark orbs filled with tears.
“One year.” You nod, finally letting out that incredulous laugh you had been holding back ever since you spotted the guards standing outside the apartment. That’s when you notice it. Her features weren’t so unfamiliar. Shaking your head softly, you murmur, “you’re the one who brought me the bouquet at my wedding, yes?”
She winces. “(y/n), I’m…”
“You’re a sad, sad excuse of a person.” You hiss, not allowing her to finish the false apology. That was confirmation enough. “I’m the one who feels sorry for you, because you’ll never have what I had, though I only had it for a few months.” Taking one step closer, you spit, looking down at her dishevelled self. “A family.”
You stormed off her bedroom without another word, only to find Santino leaning over the countertop of the kitchen, smoking a cigarette casually. His face spoke of some displeasure at the situation, albeit not nearly as much as you would have expected from him. He was known for making a spectacle out of everything, after all; but you guessed just not when it concerned his own ass. You took a deep breath and grabbed the purse you’d thrown at the brown sofa, spinning to give him one last glare. You had nothing to say to him, not really. Your suspicions about his cheating sprees at night had begun probably long before your husband would have decided to act on it. 
Tom helped you with following Sonny after the kids were asleep, staying with you in the car whilst you both waited for him to leave his—at the time alleged, because you could be fair—mistress’ building. And although the circumstances were less than appropriate or pleasant, you found yourself growing closer to your brother-in-law in the course of your private investigations. You now regretted not fucking Hagen just out of spite for the man staring back at you with disdain, yet your own morals would’ve never let you do such a thing, doesn’t matter if Santino had been sleeping with your own mother. You were not like him and no amount of hurt in the world could ever make you do something as cruel and as vile as this. You refused to sink to his level. 
“I’m taking the boys with me.” You blurt out, causing Sonny to raise his brows and snap out of his grumpy trance at last, lunging at you angrily. You flinch and hold up the pepper spray he’d bought you on another occasion, when you two had to visit a gritty part of town for his business. “Not another step or I’ll fucking blind you.”
“You’re not leaving me, ya hear?!” He growls, grabbing you by the shoulders, uncaring for your warnings. “They’re my kids too! You don’t have the right!”
“The law says differently.” Your tone remains controlled, contrasting with your trembling form under his touch. Your adrenaline must’ve been through the roof by now, and you were blinking rapidly to try and hold your angry tears inside your eyelids. “My grandfather made sure I would be protected in any case, especially if I wanted a divorce for adultery. Guess he was a visionary.” You scoff, hardening your jaw when Santino shrieks and pushes you against the wall. 
“That son of a bitch.” He hisses, pinning you with one arm over your neck. You struggle to breathe, coughing and fighting for air, but your husband’s not having it, pushing you even harder. “You’re not gonna do this to me, (y/n), or you’re fucking dead.”
“And so are you, or do you think my family will let you live?!” You shout, hoarsely, as you gasp for oxygen. He shoots daggers at you and then lets go begrudgingly, your body sliding down the flowery wallpaper while you regain your composure. “I’m sure you… don’t wanna leave the kids orphans either. From either side or both of them.” You finish, pulling the collar of your dress lightly to breathe better.
“You fucking whore.” He grunts, his hand going through his hair in a clear act of desperation. “You’re gonna pay for this.”
“I’m sure I will.” You sigh, your tone dry and full of resentment. Standing back up, you walk over to him, lowering your voice to a fairly vulnerable whisper, “I love you and you did this to me. Believe me, I wanna kill you too, but I have to think of my children first.”
You can swear you see a flicker of remorse passing through Santino’s orbs, but it is as feeble as it is ephemeral. “You wanna act all holy and mighty now, but ya know this was never real, doll. It’s all about money.”
“I always knew that’s all it was for you.” You nod, closing your eyes for a brief second. “I never fooled myself into believing you ever loved me like Vito or Carmela do.” You narrow your gaze faintly, wanting him to know this, as it is probably the last time you’ll speak with him directly. “I’m aware I was but a fun little adventure once, just like Maria is now, and then I became a chore. Something you had to come home to, boring, tiresome. ‘Naggy wifey’, ain’t that how you refer to me to your brothers?” You mock his thick New York accent, frowning deeper. Your talks with Tom often involved some gossip about how Sonny spoke of you behind your back, unknowing that his own brother disapproved of what he said. Well, you just felt like airing all the Corleone family’s dirty laundry tonight. It was as good a time as any.
“Ya been fucking Tom or something?” Santino snickers, however there’s no humour whatsoever in his demeanour. Only awkwardness and embarrassment, somewhat. Such a stark contrast to the man you came to love. He was never smaller in your eyes. 
“That’s what you deserve.” You turn your face away from him, holding your purse firmly against your chest. “But, no. He was the one who asked me about some jewellery you bought me, because the accountant needed to write it down. I’m not sure if he already knew and wanted me to know too or what, but I’m grateful for his character either way. Perks of not being a Corleone.” You snarl at the end, fully aware your words only served to sting his ego further. 
You were right. 
“You know what? That’s what I could never stand about you, your fucking arrogance.” 
“You really wanna pin this on me now, huh? C’mon, Santino, let it all out!” You raise your voice, clapping your hands dramatically. “Now it’s your time to tell me how you always felt so beneath me because you can’t read a fucking drug label without falling asleep or asking for Tom’s help, yet you still wanna be kingshit when Vito dies.”
“Shut the fuck up”, Sonny barks, pointing at your chest. “You wanna be so high and mighty when your parents practically sold you to me? Fuck off.” He waves his hand dismissively, his expression contorted in contempt. “Ya always had champagne taste over a beer budget, sweetheart. If it wasn’t for my family, that prick you call grandaddy woulda gone bankrupt.”
“You wanna act like you care about that now when all you ever wanted was to fuck me and get done with it, no matter the price you had to pay.” You shoot back even before he can close his mouth, crossing your arms defiantly. “And then you get caught cheating and wanna say it’s my fault, because what? I didn’t give you enough attention? You wanted me to baby you and tell you’re the smartest guy in the room when you’re a joke even to your own family?”
“Shut up.”
“Just think what Mikey is thinking of you now...”
“I said, shut the fuck up!” Santino grabs you by the shoulders again, pushing you to sit down on the couch. The noise is loud enough for Maria to burst out of the bedroom, fearful of what he might do. He tells her off with a deep growl and she cowers back inside, leaving you two alone. You try to get up only to be harshly pushed down by his body straddling yours, trapping you completely. You kick and scream under his assault, but Sonny takes your wrists aggressively with one hand, while his other holds your chin in place, squeezing your cheeks with all his force. “Look at me.” You have no choice but to oblige, hot tears streaming down your flushed features. “I’m sorry.” He says through gritted teeth, his own eyes glossy, his sharp inhales telling of the almost inhuman struggle to keep his emotions in check. “I’m sorry, ya hear me?! I fucking love you too.”
Your whole body shook violently, your soft sobs mixing in with his. You said nothing in response, what else could you say? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if it was just a matter of words on divorce papers, your signing and his to make it official and tangible? Yet it wasn’t. There were two sleeping little boys waiting for you both to come home, blissfully unaware of the fact their parents were pulling each other apart at the seams whilst a young girl cried silently in her secluded spot in the next room, drowning in her own remorse and regret. Right now there were mere broken pieces of whoever you three ever came to be one day, and some part of you—masochist, foolish, selfish—wanted to cling to Santino’s anguished confession of his love to you so badly, it hurt. Could it really be too late for him, for you, for your family together?
“Let’s go home.” You whimper after a moment, similar to a scared animal caught in the headlights. 
Sonny’s grip on your chin had long softened as he sobbed uncontrollably on your neck, soaking up your dress with warm tears. You snaked an arm around his waist and sighed, listening to his ragged breathing gradually calm down. Soon you were surrounded by quietness, just like you had been earlier when facing the two of them on that same brown sofa, half naked. The image remained branded into your brain, although less unfamiliar now than a few moments ago. You figured that’s what people meant when they said trust can never go back to its normal state once it’s broken. The cracks are always there, no matter the amount of glue you try to put on them or how unshakeable they may look after the repairs. 
“Yeah.” Santino coos, wiping his face sheepishly, unable to meet your desolate gaze. “Let’s go home.”
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confetti-critter · 3 years
O no aaaaa its 3am I need to make my bed and then sleep asap! *lays on the ground and watches a silverfish run around in the kitchen for 10 min*
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imagineswriting47 · 2 years
The Demon Deal
A/N: This is for @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden who asked Heyy, I saw that your requests are open. I have an idea for a Dean x Reader. They are on a hunt, and she has to make a deal to save Sam (because she knows how much he means to Dean, and he can't live without him, Sam is also your best friend, and the world needs the Winchesters). But then she decides to leave them because the deal causes too much trouble for the brothers. Then they try to find her. Make it as fluffy and angsty as you like :)
All mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Warnings: Mentions of death, violence, and Hell.
Summary: The reader makes a Deal with Crowley to save Sam's life.
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Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and now I have to sit and watch Sam take his last breath. Silent tears run down my face as Dean openly sobs over Sam holding his head to his chest. In between the sobs, Dean begs Sam to wake up. 
"WAKE UP!" Dean is screaming, shaking Sam. 
"Dean, we have to go." I try to get Dean moving, knowing that someone must have heard the firefight we just had. We have to get out of here if we dont want to be arrested.
"Don't. Just don't!" Dean yells at me as he picks Sam up and carries him out of the building. I can hear the sirens in the distance getting closer. We dont have that much time to get out of here. Dean lays him down in the back seat before jumping in the front of the car and starting up Baby. We haul ass to get out of there before the cops get here. 
It doesn't take us long to get back to the motel room. We move quickly, not wanting anyone to see Sam. Dean carefully sets Sam down on his bed with the door closed behind us. He left the bed unmade that morning as we had an early start and figured it didn't matter. The tears once more fill my eyes. I dont want to think of Sam in the past tense. Sam can't just be gone; the world needs him. Dean needs him. 
Dean doesn't want to believe he is gone as he sets to work on cleaning all the blood off him. With Dean's back to me, I quickly left the room. I dont manage to walk far before I hit the ground with my knees and just let out a scream. Once back on my feet, I keep walking. I don't know where I am going; I know that I dont want to be in the room.
"Hello, Darling." I hear Crowley say as he falls into step next to me.
"Fuck you!" I scream to him as I turn to punch him in the face.
"Now, now, Darling, I'm here to help you. I have a deal for you. I will bring Sam back to life in exchange for you spending ten years in Hell working for me."
"What's the catch?" I ask him as I finally stop walking and turn to look at him.
"No catch. You work for me for ten years, and I'll bring Sam back to life." He says with what he probably thinks is a comforting smile. But it's not. It didn't take long for me to know I would take the Deal. Dean needs Sam more than he could ever need me. I'm just the hunter that they picked up and never left. So life will go on for both of them.
"Deal," I say as Crowley pulls me into the kiss to seal the Deal.
Time Skip
My time in Hell, for the most part, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For the most part, Crowly just had me doing his dirty work and killing demons that he felt got out of line. What surprised me the most was the amount of bureaucracy in Hell and why he needed me to help him. Even though he wanted these demons killed that would not listen to him, he couldn't just outright kill them. 
My time in Hell also taught me more than I think Crowley wanted me to know. I learned the inner workings of Hell once I found the library where I was staying. Ten years was a long time, and I think I managed to read just about every book in the library.
"Your ten years are up tomorrow, Y/N." I hear Crowley say from behind me from where I stand, looking out a window and over the Hellscape.
"I know." I dont turn to look at him. It didn't take long for us to build a friendship. I am not saying that I still dont want to kill him, but I definitely dont want his job, and I might even have a little more respect for him than I did when this all started. 
"What are you going to do once you are back topside? Find Moose and Squirrel?" 
"I don't know. I doubt they would even take me back after making a demon deal."
"Now you know that isn't true. They haven't stopped looking for you." Crowley comes and stands next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. 
"As much as I hate you, I have grown to respect the three of you. Give them a chance. You saved Sam with your Deal with me. If they can't understand that, then that is their loss."
"You love me, and you know it, Crowley," I tell him with a slight smile on my face. We spend the rest of the night in silence, both of us waiting for what is our daylight to shine, signaling my end in Hell.
"I will drop you off as close to the Bunker as possible. After that, the rest of it will be up to you." He says before placing his hand on my shoulder again; then everything goes black.
When I finally come, I am lying on the side of the road, the blue sky above me. Seeing the color blue brings me to tears. I didn't know how much I missed that color till I saw it again. Then, Hell was all fire and brimstone, blacks and red. When I finally sit up, I can see the Bunker. I get to my feet and stumble my way to the Bunker. Part of me always thought that I would never see it again. That something would happen while doing Crowley's dirty work. I never dared to dream that I would see Sam smile or hear Dean laugh. 
Opening the heavy door of the Bunker, I quietly step down onto the landing. I can't see them from where I am standing, making my way down the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, I am thrown against the nearest wall with a knife against my neck. I look up to see Sam is the one holding the knife. It feels like all the air is knocked out of my lungs. I knew that Crowly would uphold his end of the Deal, but I watched Sam take his last breath at the time. Seeing him now almost had the power to bring me to my knees.
"Sammy," I whisper. I dont do anything else as he stares at me. He doesn't take his eyes off me as he screams for Dean. I hear Dean running toward us, but Sam never moves the knife. 
"Sam!" Dean yells once he is in the room. Sam movies just enough for Dean to see me. 
"Y/N," Dean whispers once he sees me. Dean looks tired once I take him in; I want to do more, but Sam is still holding a knife to my neck, and I dont want to move. 
"Hi," I whisper, my voice rough, making me wonder how long I lay outside after Crowley dropped me off. Sam and Dean have one of the silent conversations that they have. Dean moves away from us, moving into the Bunker. Sam removes the knife but keeps his hand on my shoulder as he pushes me away from the wall, his grip tight and most painful as he walks me into the map room. 
Once Dean is back in the room, I am quickly handcuffed to a chair. I Dont say anything nor argue as they run the tests to see if it is me and not some monster wearing my face. Once the tests were run, Dean quickly uncuffed and pulled into a hug. Dean is down on his knees, me sitting on his lap. 
"How?" Dean whispers to me.
"I saved Sam," I whisper just as quietly. Sam is sitting on the floor next to Dean and me.
"Y/N?" I can hear the question in Sam's voice when he says my name.
"I made a deal. The world needs you both. Im not that important. Crowley offered me a deal of ten years in Hell for Sam's life. I took the Deal."
"You've been in hell?" Dean asks me, his voice breaking as he asks me. I nod my head yes as I finally wrap my arms around Dean. I know we all have a lot to talk about, but I'm just going to sit in Dean's arms for now. The rest can wait. 
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fantasy-innit · 3 years
fluff for tommy or ranboo , , they've been thrgouhg s o m jhuch,, . ,
long week | tommyinnit x reader
OKAY so i didnt know if you wanted the smp characters and tbh i have NOOO idea whats going on with lore. sooooooo let me know if u want another one with the smp characters and I will gladyyy do it!!! <3<3
ALSO in case you didn't see my rules,, i do not write inherent romance for minors! it is up to you how you interpret this (platonic or romantic,, dont be weird!)
f/s- favourite show
620 words, sorry its a little short lol it's 5am at the time im writing this (i think this is posting at noon? not sure)
tw cursing, stress?
the day had been long, the vermillion sunset cascading across the skyline. the beginning of the eve fell onto the city like a 'once upon a time' to a fairytale.
his inbox piled with message after message, and whether it was a friend or a fan, tommy felt no motivation to stand up and sit down at his desk. his phone buzzed against his pillow as turned over in his bed, stuffing his face into his pillow.
despite his disregards towards his phone, the buzzing persisted until he'd had enough.
he cursed under his breath and turned his shoulders around his back to reach his charging phone.
tommy gripped his phone and squinted, the bright, blue light straining his retinas. he stared blankly at the incoming phone call, but he turned up his lips upon reading the contact. he sighed and swiped to answer the phone.
"y/n?... what's up?"
y/n was tapping among their desk, and exhaled sharply, "are you okay? sorry if i'm being, like, clingy, but y'know, your seemed really bummed in the car this morning before you left for class."
tommy groaned and sat up in his bed. "yeah, yeah, fuck... i'm okay. just a, um, a long week i guess."
"okay, dude, now you're just lying." y/n spoke, getting up from their desk and plopping down onto their unmade bed, "i know you just a bit too much. and what i'm hearing right now is your lying voice."
tommy laughed silently to himself and replied, "man- i try to tackle everything and pretend like it doesn't have an affect on me. but, like, recently? each thing added for me to do feels like a stack of bricks on my shoulders. i'm so tired, y/n."
"oh, tommy." y/n spoke as they left their room, keys in hand. "okay, i'm coming over. we are gonna relax tonight. no streaming, no stress. i'll drop by sainsburys and get some food. stay put."
y/n pulled the door of their car closed and navigated their way to sainsburys.
grabbing a few of theirs and tommy's favourite snacks, they made their way through the unpopulated sainsburys.
a few short minutes later, y/n arrived at tommy's front porch and knocked softly on the door.
a baggy eyed tommy pulled open the door and sighed, pulling y/n into a hug.
"it's okay, tommy. i'm here now, and we can watch annyythinnngg you want! or, you know, we could watch f/s, but i'll do anything."
"uggghhh," he groaned, flopping onto his sitting room couch and looked up at them with pleading eyes. "i just wanna sleep."
y/n smiled and set down the orange sainsburys bag on the kitchen counter. "okayyy, give me a second."
they took off their shoes and sat down at the end of the couch. tommy scooted himself closer to them and placed his head into their lap. he stared up at y/n and smiled soflty.
"i don't deserve you. you're a great friend."
y/n sighed into a smile. "yeah, im great, aren't i?"
"shut the fuck up." he whispered as y/n twirled with the ends of his blond hair.
"mmm you can't tell me what to do."
tommy smiled, eyes closed. "i guess you're right. if you want we can put on f/s."
"aww so, so kind of you tommy. i think we can just turn on one of bo's specials. what do you think?"
"mm okay.."
y/n twirled a piece of his hair with her finger and with the other hand directed itself towards the remote and turned on the tv.
"you can sleep. go to sleep little baby."
he smiled, "go to hell bitch."
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The things we never tell.
[[Zuko x Reader]]
Summary: After the war Y/N strays away from her friends, and her relationship with Zuko seemed everytime more distant, slowly she starts to fall into a darker place.
A/N: I took a very extensive but very needed break, I’m incredibly sorry to anyone who sent me a request before I disappeared and was left waiting for me to post it but my mental health was not the best during this past few months and it’s been hard to do anything at all. But I’m back and I hope writing again gives me a sense of purpose or something lol. Talking about mental health, this fic talks about heavy topics like depression and isolation, if you’re not confortable with that or are going through this stuff I recommend skipping this one, I will have lighter fics coming soon. Remember you are never alone, no matter how much you feel like it. There’s always someone to reach out to or ask for help.
Requested: Yes!!!! By a lovely blog that deactivated but went by the name of aristasiaclarke :( (yes that’s how long I’ve been away) But side note, if you sent me a request before my break and would still like me to write it send it to me again I’d be more that happy to do it!
Warnings: Depression, Anxety, Isolation, Angst
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The war was over, it had been for months now, yet some things hadn’t gone back to normal . You decided to stay in the palace after Zuko was crowned since your relationship with him had only grown stronger by being so close to losing eachother. Your friends on the other hand all went their separate ways. The friend group you’d spent so many days with, planning on how to defeat the firelord, training, camping, going on missions, it all became just memories and it had been so long since you’d all been together last. You couldn’t complain though, you understood after everything that had happened all your friends were left with many responsibilities laying on their shoulders and, in a way, none of you were the same kids you were when this adventure started. You had all grown up.
Zuko and you spent a lot of time together those first few months since you moved in, that period of time when his people understood his need to settle into his position and take charge of his nation, but after that was over the workload was relentless, Zuko had been left with a broken nation and the full responsibility of fixing it. At first he always made sure to eat every meal with you, chat and update you on everything new that had happened, little by little he started to miss lunch and then it was dinner, soon breakfast and any midday break was gone as well. It came to a point where you rarely saw him at all, him working so late you were usually asleep by the time he came to bed, if he did at all, and you waking up to an empty bed every morning.
Slowly but surely a feeling you knew all too well started reappearing in your chest, something you hadn’t felt in years and were too scared of to even acknowledge. You tried to figure out what to do with all the free time you had in your hands so the feeling wouldn’t consume your mind, you remodeled at least fiver rooms in the palace, picked up several hobbies, offered your help to servants all around just to be rejected, anything and everything your mind could think of, but nothing was enough. That darkness and emptiness inside of you seemed to be determined to conquer your every waking moment once again.
Last time this happened you had your old friends around you, back at home. You family did everything they could to help you, and little by little you learnt how to heal. But this was different, all you had now were empty hallways that lead to even emptier rooms, and the ones that weren’t empty you weren’t permitted to go into.
Days were longer and shorter at the same time; on one hand, a day seemed to last ages, all you did was wait til night fell so you could go back to bed and rest, on the other you started spending more time inside your room, taking naps here and there turned into sleeping most of your days, taking baths became a task harder than any of the ones you’d had to complete in your adventure days, the curtains stayed closed and the bed unmade, day and night slowly started to blend in together.
Servants noticed first, they knocked on the door several times a day to ask if you needed anything at all, to which you would always answer no. When you stopped going to the dinner hall they started to bring food to you, most of which you didn’t eat. One too many times they even had to drag you to the bath so they could get a chance to clean your room.
It was your personal maid who had decided to finally bring in the palace medic. After running some tests on you he concluded there was nothing wrong with you and all it could be was hormonal changes. But hormonal changes weren’t supposed to last weeks, not to mention months.
The maid tried encouraging you to go out to town, visit some new boutique that had opened or a restaurant with great reviews, but all you ever said was “maybe tomorrow”. She came to understand that tomorrow wouldn’t come.
One day she decided to not stand by and witness a girl who had once been the light in every room wither away. It took all her courage to approach the fire lord,. Even though she knew of his kindness and how different he was from his predecessor he was still an intimidating ruler.
“Fire lord” she called as the young man walked through the palace surrounded by his officials, discussing some political matter she assumed. He didn’t seem to hear her so she sped up and stood in front of the group of men.
“I’m sorry but any issue at the moment will have to wait, important matters need to be addressed with urgency.” He informed her with his usual formal tone.
“Your majesty, it’s miss Y/N, she-” the maid started but was soon interrupted
“Yes, well if she requires my presence please inform her I’m occupied at the moment, but whatever she needs she can ask the help to do it for her.” Zuko attempt to walk past her but the maid stopped him once again.
“Your majesty, I hope I’m not being too bold but I don’t think you understand, she’s very unwell.” the maid saw as Zuko was about to protest her audacity, but once his eyes fell on her he seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter.
Zuko’s heart sank, all kinds of thoughts went through his head, had you gotten injured? Had one of the rebellious groups he’d been dealing with infiltrated the castle and taken you? had you fallen ill with a terrible condition? He soon turned to his second in command and said “You can take charge from here”
The man rather surprised replied after a few seconds “Your majesty, this matter requires your presence, it can not wait.”
“Well it will have to, I’m going to be unavailable the rest of the day. I’m sure you all can manage without me.”
Nothing could’ve prepared Zuko for the sight he encountered when he entered the royal chambers. He hadn’t sleept there a few nights in a row, not wanting to wake you up at late hours when he was done with his workload of the day, but even when he did sleep there he was too tired to even notice anything wrong. Now, at broad daylight, he saw it all.
You were cuddled up under the covers, your hair matted and messier than ever, very dark under eye bags and an extremely pale complexion, even laying down and under blankets and covers he could tell you’d lost a worryingly amount of weight. He’d never seen you in such state.
“What happened to her? Is she ill?” Zuko asked the maid who stood next to him.
“The medic has been called, your majesty, he wasn’t able to point out anything wrong with her. Said it was just hormonal changes, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on.” she said softly.
“Well then bring another doctor in. Someone has to know what’s wrong.”
“Yes, your majesty, we’ll being someone else in first thing tomorrow.” she bowed and was about to leave the room when the firelord stopped her.
“Thank you... for bringing this to my attention and for looking after her.”
The maid just bowed once again and made her way out of the room. Zuko walked up to you, your eyes were closed and even in your sleep an uneasy expression was plastered on your face.
“Love...” he cooed stoking the side of your face slowly. “Hey, darling... wake up.”
He made sure to rest his hand on your forehead to see if you had a fever, but on the contrary you were rather cold. You barely opened your eyes, but it was enough for Zuko to see how the light that had once been there was now gone.
“Zuko?” you asked, your voice barely audible and raspy as you tried to blink the sleepiness away slowly.
“Hey, do you feel sick Y/N? Does anything hurt?” Zuko’s hand had moved from your forehead to your cheek and his thumb was now sweetly caressing your skin.
You hadn’t felt a loving touch in what felt like so long, you’d almost forgotten that you could feel something good and not painful. It was all it took for tears to slowly start forming in your eyes and eventually rolling down your face.
At the sight of your partner’s concern, you forced yourself to smile a little and respond “Nothing hurts.”
“Y/N... something’s not right. I’ve never seen you like this before, i need you to tell me what’s going on.” Zuko’s voice was almost breaking, you could tell how hard he was trying to be strong and keep collected for you, this broke your heart even more.
You took in a deep breath, your mind running while trying to find an answer for him. You knew what was wrong, you’d ignored it so far, pushed it away even though it now consumed your every waking moment, but you knew you couldn’t do this anymore. “I don’t feel well, Zuko. I haven’t for a while now.”
“Are you ill? We’ve called a doctor already, he should be-” He said before you cut him off.
“Zuko... It’s not that kind of unwell.” you almost whispered. “A doctor can’t help me with this.”
The firelord seemed lost for a while, not quite sure of what you meant. You took a second before sitting up on the bed and pressing your back against the headboard. You decided to recount the events of the last time you’d gone through this to him, every sleepless night and every full of sleep day, the multiple crying sessions, the pain and hopelessness, the ever changing appetite, the heavy chest you couldn’t seem to get rid of. This was all terribly hard for you to do but needed to be done, for your sake and for his. Zuko didn’t seem to understand at first, his eyes looking at you attentively, waiting for the moment where the pieces of your story would fall into place. It took you saying how what was wrong with you wasn’t physical but rather emotional for him to get what you were referring to. His face had fallen into a heartbreaking expression, you didn’t know if it was guilt or pity or something in between.
Once you were done and the tears that pooled in your eyes while tellling your story had fallen, Zuko held your hand tightly. “This is all my fault. You should’ve been my priority.”
“Zuko...no. This isn’t your fault, it’s nobody’s fault.” You assured him as your hand went up to his cheek.
“I’m so sorry. You shouln’t have had to deal with this alone. You were there for me when no one else was and I want to do the same for you, always.” He tilted his head into your palm before turning slightly to kiss it.
“I’d like that... I really would.”
For the rest of that night, you and your partner opened up to each other like you’d never had before. For the first time since the war had ended you didn’t feel so alone, you were together and that made you feel like you had the strength to get better, maybe not today or in the days to come, but someday. He gave you hope.
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
choir and kisses
a niki x reader school au, where there in choir together and have a project to work on. maybe they kiss? maybe
this baisically inspired my school au tbh
Niki sat in her choir class, exhausted from her previous class. The kids were just too much to be around and didn't have the mental strength to deal with them sometimes. She opened her choir folder, putting it on her stand.
“Yo niki, you good?'' Wilbur says, sitting down next to her. “I'm fine, but Wilbur, you're not in this class. I thought you were in orchestra.” she answers, looking at the tall man. “I am, I just don't have a class right now so I decided to visit you.” niki nodded. “Oh right, seniors have free hours sometimes.” he nodded at niki’s statement, opening his phone. “Texting sally?” niki asks, making Wilbur blush. “No no I'm not.” niki laughs, turning to the front of the room when the bell rings.
“Alright everyone, we will be doing a group project today! Your gonna do a presentation of a musical and then sing a duet together! Your partners are posted on google classroom.” niki opened her phone, seeing who she was partnered with. Wilbur just sighed, staring at niki. “Mind if i hang with you and your partner?” wilbur asks. Niki nodded. “Yeah its fine. Seems like I'm partnered with your sibling!” wilbur just started laughing. “What are you laughing at?” he calmed down slightly. “It's just that you have the biggest crush on them, it's gonna be so funny.” niki blushed. “I don't have a crush on them! We’re friends, I don't like them like that wilbur.” he just laughed at this. “Niki, your blushing!” niki huffed. 
“Wilbur leave Nikki alone, besides we need to do work!” niki turned to see (y/n) yelling at their brother. “I'm still pissed at you for leaving me to deal with techno and tommy.” Wilbur laughs nervously. “I'll do your chores if you don't tell dad.” “deal!” (y/n) sits in the empty seat next to nikki.
“So, what musical do you want to do for the project? Note that we do have to do a duet.” (y/n) says, setting their folder down. “Maybe we could maybe do into the woods? It takes two isn't that hard of a song to do.” niki suggests. “Yeah, we can do that!” niki and (y/n) started to work on their presentation, getting what they needed before they had to leave for class. Wilbur occasionally budded in, bored out of his mind. 
“Maybe you should have chosen a different class wilbs. Maybe bother tommy.” (y/n) says, listening to the song they were gonna do. “I dont wanna hang out with Tommy, he's always bothering me about my music.” he crosses his arms and sinks into his chair. “Oh calm down, he's just excited.” niki says, gathering information on her phone. “Niki, you don't have any siblings, shoosh.” niki just laughs. 
Things went on like this, right until the class was nearly over. “Oh, niki, you should come over tonight to finish the project. We could practice the song as well!” (y/n) says, moving their chair for the orchestra class that was next. “Yeah, that would be great! I could come over after school?” niki asks. “Yeah, we can walk home together! Gotta make sure to leave Wilbur behind though, he would constantly complain if he were to come along.`` We laugh together. The bell soon rings. “Alright, see you after class ends!” (y/n) says, picking up their stuff. “See you then!” niki puts away her stuff and leaves soon after.
Class went on, (y/n) very excited that niki would be coming over, yet also very nervous. They knew Wilbur would just say something. (y/n) turned to techno, who was in their english class. “Techno, did you read the book we were supposed to read?” technoblade turned to them. “(y/n), this is the second time you're taking this class and you didn't read the book? Again?” (y/n) just glares at him. “I don't like the book, okay! Anyway, did you read it?” techno just sighs, nodding. (y/n) smiled. “Oh thank god! Okay, help me with the essay then.” techno agrees, knowing if they didn't pass, he would get in trouble for not helping.
After a half hour, the bell rings, signalling that school has ended. (y/n) picks up their things, heading to their locker. They see niki waiting for them there. “Did you get out of class early?” (y/n) asked, unlocking the locker. “Yeah, I asked the teacher and she said it was fine!” (y/n) shoves their things into their bag. “Well that's nice of her! Anyways, we better get moving or one of my brothers would force us to ride home with them.” niki nodded, closing (y/n)’s locker for them. They walked down the stairs, heading out of one of the school's many doors.
They walked home, talking about random things as they went along. “You ever think about getting run over when your crossing the road?” niki stared at (y/n), concerned at their comment. “No? Are you okay?” (y/n) nodded. “Yeah im fine.”
After ten minutes, they reach the minecrafts home, noticing that they weren't home yet. “Oh thank god, i forgot they had to pick up tubbo as well.” (y/n) says, opening the door. They both walked inside the dark home. “Im gonna get us some food, just head up to my room!” (y/n) says, taking off their shows and heading to the kitchen. “Alright!” niki says, taking of her own shoes and heading upstairs. Niki spotted a door that had the progressive flag on it. “Oh thats new!” niki says, entering (y/n)’s room. “Wow, their rooms changed since I was last here.
(y/n)’s room was painted (f/c), and had drawings and posters all over the room. They had a desk, with their pc and art stuff atop it. Their bed was unmade, having stuffed animals all over the place. Niki spotted a whale plushie seated on their pillow. “Aww they kept it!” niki had given it to them years ago, so she found it sweet that it was still there.
(y/n) soon came up, holding a bunch of snakes and some cokes. “Sorry this is all we had, tommy wont let us buy anything else.” (y/n) says, handing niki the coke. “Oh, that's alright!” they sit down on (y/n)’s bed. (y/n) sat their snakes on their desk, so as not to spill them all over. 
“Okay, we need to actually put the presentation together. You have the notes right?” niki nodded, grabbing her phone while (y/n) sat at their pc, not too far from the pink haired girl. “Okay, so we have-” they did this for a while, niki reading the notes while (y/n) wrote them into the google slide. It soon got to the part where they had to sing their song. 
“Okay, so I'll be the baker, and you can be the other one.” (y/n) says, opening the song for them to sing. “Okay, i can do that!'' They started the song, getting ready to sing.
“(Y/N) ARE YOU WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND???” (y/n) stops the song. “I swear to god I will kill tommy. NO JACKASS, WE’RE NOT DATING!!” niki tries to stifle a laugh. “ARE YOU SURE????'' Tommy responds, still downstairs. (y/n) glares at the laughing niki. “Sorry sorry.” niki says, still laughing. “IM POSITIVE, NOW SHUT UP WE’RE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING!!'' Tommy responds immediately. “ARE YOU TWO HAVING SEX??” niki chokes on her own spit, while (y/n) blushes profusely. “OH THAT'S IT, COME HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” (y/n) says, jumping out of their chair, running downstairs to attack the child. Niki leaves as well, wanting to see (y/n) beat up a child.
She comes down the stairs to see (y/n) putting Tommy in a choke hold while techno cheered them on. Niki stands next to techno.
"Apologize! I'll take your Cds if you don't!!!" "No no not my disks!!"
Niki turns towards techno. "Does this regularly happen?" Techno nodded as a response. Niki turned back, seeing Tommy try to bite (y/n). "OH STOP IT RACOON CHILD!!" philza soon comes In and breaks them apart. "Awwe my free entertainment.'' Techno says. "Oh calm down. Tommy, please stop annoying your sibling. This is why you get choked.” Tommy pouts. “Okay phil.” philza glares at the young child. “Also, (y/n), next time, just punch him in the throat. You've learned from techno.” “HEY!'' Tommy says, offended. (y/n) laughs, “okay, will do dadza. Oh, what time is it?” techno looked at his phone. “Its close to 9 pm.” (y/n) pouts, going over to niki and clinging onto her. “Noooo, it can't be her time to leave.” niki giggles, patting (y/n)’s head. “I have to leave. I'll come over soon, okay?” (y/n) nodds, letting go. 
They go upstairs together, grabbing nikkis stuff. They go back downstairs to the front door. (y/n) and niki hug each other. “Are you coming back tomorrow?” (y/n) asked, letting go. “Yeah, we did never got to actually practice the song! I'll be over at 4 pm, like always.” (y/n) nodds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow?” niki nodded, leaning over and kissing (y/n) on the cheek, making them blush. “Yep! See ya, bye!” she says, opening the door and closing it, leaving (y/n) a mess.
“Yep…” they say to themself, smiling happily. “YES!!!! I TOLD YOU THEIR GIRLFRIENDS!! PUSSY DIDN'T EVEN KISS HER THEMSELF HAHA!!” (y/n) turned around, running towards tommy. “COME BACK HERE AND SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
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Imagine: your Father Bruce Manner comes visits you unexpectedly and catches a very Sweaty Bucky in your closet half naked
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‘Okay Doll relax we got all night!”
Smiling weakly hearing the sweet pet name Bucky gave you, grunted it was probably Not that “special” too him since in his time “doll” was a common phase. But in the 21 century? Where everything is highly complicated and everything offends something. Like even the nick name “doll” your friends heard him call you that and you LOVE IT! But your friends jumped on his back saying you aren’t a object and you agreed you aren’t but you also agreed that Nothing sounds better then him calling you “Doll” or sweetheart. Bucky quickly apoglized as you had too tell him if he stopped calling you Doll you would be mad.
it’s been a Long two weeks. Steve, Bucky, Nat, Hawkeye, Wanda and the kid Peter were on mission in Russia. You knew that they would be safe. I mean four outta six have superpowers. And you know Nat can protect herself and she’s a badass and she scares everyone and then thier was Hawkeye he was a basically a god with a arrow so you weren’t worried. But two weeks without Bucky was tough!
the Only people who knew about your relationship with Bucky was your friends who are not involved in the “Avenger” life mainly cause they don’t even know who your dad is. It was two different worlds and with your friends and Bucky you can be a regular couple no one questions it.
But if the Avengers KNEW!
If they knew Everyone would have questions, Nat would be supportive, Wanda would want too talk about how it happened. Tony would. Ask completely inappropriate questions , Steve would be silent but supportive. Vision wouldn’t care, But Bruce!
the HULK! Bruce! Your father would Have definitely a few words for you. He hated that you were so involved in the Avengers in the first place . Your Dad Only wants you too have a safe , normal life something you didn’t have much growing up. Let Alone! Dating a guy who was frozen who is technologically older then him and has a lot of baggage’s! You dad wouldn’t be thrilled.
Bucky agreed also, If they knew about your relationship the rules at HeadQuarters would be different for starters, he wouldn’t be able too sneak too your room anymore, because everyone would be stalking the hallways too see if he was coming over, and Bruce would use his massive brain too sperapte you bothd also Bucky very scared about the Hulk coming out and killing him.
Missions are apart of the gig you get it, you were just annoyed it’s been two weeks. He messaged you whenever it was safe but it wasn’t the same you were always restless when he was gone. So when the door opened and you saw him standing their grinning brightly you bolted over too him planting a kiss on his lips as he held you tightly.
both of you were unaware of Bruce heading towards he’s daughter apartment he held some flowers a tradition he started when he visited you at home too give you flowers. He wasn’t around much while you were growing up but when he did visit he bought you some flowers. Now that you see your dad almost every day he hasn’t done it lately but he’s seen how out of it you been for the last few weeks and he was hoping some flowers and too spend the day going too the national museum would cheer you up. You always love correcting the wrong dates. Picking up some beauitful sunflowers your favourite. He walked up heading up too his little girls appartment.
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Having Bucky stripped it was always heated with you both and neither of you wasted time when he arrived him. You were ALMOST there! When the door knocked. You jumped high stunned hearing the door as Bucky went too ingore it until they heard Bruce’s cheerful voice.
‘sweetheart it’s Daddy you home?”
“Shit!’ You whispered softly as Bucky shot up as you got up quickly getting dressed as Bucky looked around trying to oo find something. He’s shoes? They were at the front door. You got into your jeans and your crop top that was white as you had your black fannel overtop as you called out “HOLD ON DAD!”
You pointed too the closest as Bucky nodded his head bolting too the closest as you walked off too the front door. Quickly moving Bucky’s shoes. As you checked yourself in the mirror. Oh God1 your hair was a mess and your makeup was awful! Your lipstick smeared as you realized you quickly grabbed a napkin fixing it as you spoke, “Sorry Dad-“ opening the door you looked at your dad seeing him holding fmlwoers you smield as you spoke, ‘what’s that for?” He handed them too you as you smiled as you sniffed them walking too the kitchen, “what brings you over? We didn’t have plans today did we?”
“No- I thought i would take you out- you been so sad and off lately I- Is that bucky’s bag?”
Shit- you thought as you turned seeing Bucky’s Bag on the sofa. You spoke, “no?”
He walked over looking at it as he spoke, “this is Bucky’s bag I just saw him with it- why did it take you so long too answer th door?”
you blinked stunned. As you spoke, “I- Ugh... i was looking for my shoes.”
“your barefoot..-“ he walked too your bedroom seeing the bed was unmade and messy , you followed him as you spoke, ‘let’s go get ice cream- Dad.?”
He ingored you going too your bathroom as he opened the door seeing it was empty. As you cursed softly. Damn it..
“Dad-“ you went. Too confess it was better if you tell him vs Bucky Buck naked appeared from the closest.
Before you could confess Bucky opened the door too your surprise and your fathers as he was still shirtless and covered in sweat. “I- Bruce- Sir.. this isn’t... I love her.”
Bruce felt his blood boiling. HIM! He knew one day that one idiot would take he’s daughter heart that he wouldn’t be good enough. But he was HOPING! The person would be her own age- and Not older then him- and he wouldn’t be a former agent from hydra, Or that he wasn’t basically a walking mess. He was HOPING that the person wouldn’t be a Superhero! He wanted you too have a normal life. He felt his anger raising as you stepped over, “Daddy- it’s fine.. it’s- were all adults and-“
he looked at the bed as you noticed that look instantly backing up as you spoke “Bucky.... you should Runn..”
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The Hulk appeared as you quickly called out too Friday. Tony set you up last christmas for safety, and because he thought it would be fun too send you more codes thru the lights. When he was bored. Piper mainly thought safety.. but Tony thought a torment tool. “Friday! Code green!”
the hulk screamed loudly as Bucky stumbled backwarrds before heading towards you too shield you. As you slapped he is protective arm as you screamed, “he wont get me! He’s after you! Get away from me!” You bolted as he screamed, “THANKS FOR THE PROTECTION!”
The hulk bolted towards Bucky who jumped out of the window.- the hulk followed making a massive hole in your wall. As you saw Tony flying over as he noticed the scene as he laughed as thor appeared too assistant as they tried too calm down your dad.
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Back at the headquarters you sat beside Bucky rubbing his head. It was a Hell of a fight, as you spoke, ‘how- you okay?”
“he has some anger issues.”
“Yea- that’s generic- you should see when i get angry.” He grinned weakly at your lame joke as he spoke, “he broke my ribs..”
“you’ll heal!”
He rolled his eyes as you rested your head on his shoulder, “it could of been worst.”
“HoW!” He gasped as you spoke, “he could of easily! Ripped your head off!”
He rolled his eyes as Bruce arrived he was fiddling with his glasses as he looked at his only joy in his life resting her head on Bucky. He sighed heavily as Tony was squeezing he’s shoulders, “So- I personally want too hear everything!”
Tony stated as Bruce, Bucky and you snapped shut up. As you looked at your dad. “We were going too tell you- but honestly.. we were afraid you would of reacted- like you did..”
Bruce looked at you as he spoke, “how long?”
“almost a year.”
“Well- 14 months and three days.” You turned too Bucky as you spoke “you asked me out in October! It’s July.”
“I was yours the moment I saw you.”
you said aw touching your heard as Bruce spoke up, “Okay! Okay! No lovely doves stuff! Y/N! I’m sorry i broke your boyfriend.”
“thank you.”
Bucky asked if he gets a apoglize as Bruce spoke, “No! I dont like this!”
he walked off as Tony spoke, “he’s protective, those great way kids telling the old man!”
“Shut up! TONY!” You both snapped as he chuckled going after Bruce.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
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A/N I cant wait for yall to read this
Sunlight fights to filter in beneath the thick curtains, causing you to stir slightly as the sweet smell of burning sugar pulls you closer.
Happily you snuggle deeper into the scent, drowning in it as you nose your way further into the crook of a soft neck. A hum escapes you as you are pulled quickly back under tow dreaming of a sweet shop with nothing but squares of caramel and deep candy apple eyes.
A harsh knock comes at the door snapping you back to reality causing your muscles to tense with burning adrenaline. You're pulled ever closer, pressed impossibly so into a muscled chest, pops ringing out of a steady hand.
"Who the fuck is it?" Voice dark, deep with sleep and venom. Causing your body to act on it's own as your stomach and core flutter.
The dream makes more sense as you slowly remember last night, your cheeks aflame.
"Ka..Kaachan. We're late! Our plane leaves in half an hour and I'm worried about Y/N. She isn't picking up her phone and she won't answer her door. I...I dont remember her coming back with us last night. She came back with us right? We didn't leave her? The girls left before us and..." He continues on in a tangent as Bakugo growls. Both of you relish each other's skin for a moment before letting go, giving one another an odd glance as you both dress. Katsuki nods towards the sliding door as he breaks Deku's worry spell.
"Oi! Oi!" Bakugo growls ripping the door open enough that his top half sticks out, "She and I brought you back. She's probably taking forty fucking years to get ready like normal. Let me get my shit together."
He glances over his shoulder to watch you gracefully float from his balcony to yours. His eyes return to his oldest frenemy. Jade eyes hazed, half asleep, deep bags pull at his features harshly enough to have the hot head say.
"You look like shit. Did you take the meds Y/N left out for you?" Deku nods, gripping his forearm tightly.
"I'm sorry I..." But Bakugou cuts him off.
"Told you you couldn't out drink me, ya fucking light weight. Now get ready, when I'm done I'll get Y/N." He sighs shutting the door just before Deku turns to make his way back.
Katsuki stares at his unmade bed, at your card and phone sitting on his nightstand, reliving the night before.
He hopes he didn't make a mistake or take advantage of you depsite both of you being drunk as fuck.
The lingering smell of your shampoo clings to him like a lost lover causing him to bite his lower lip.
You stand in front of the glass door, debating if you should go in. Brave hands act on their own as they grip onto the door, flinging it to the side before you step into the dark room.
After a quick scan, it is safe to say that no one is present. House keeping had come to freshen your sheets and towels and you do not see anything amiss. The only thing noticeable is the slight indent on the side of the bed. You convince yourself that it's from the natural sag of the mattress.
Quickly you grab for your bag, checking to make sure you have all of your extra hero suits before grabbing onto the Bakugou waifu pillow having half a mind to leave it here.
But the longer you stare the more your head swims as your stomach twists with the weight of uncertainty.
Of the silent tension the two of you carried that could shift your relationship drastically one way or the other.
Little time is left before the three of you are supposed to leave, yet you make your way to the shower anyway. Cranking it up as high as it will go before standing in the burning water.
Almost wishing you were sharing the shower with the same person who left little purple bites over your breasts.
Even with your shower you manage to beat both of your male coworkers to the hallway.
Waiting patiently as you lean agaisnt your door, heart fluttering as you relive the ENTIRE weekend.
Of green eyes you hope to never see again, of a glass replica of your own eye, a threatening note, of the laughs you shared with the former 1A.
Of the closeness that developed between you and the women, that developed between you and Izuku.
And especially the smile that Bakugo has been sharing with you.
Of the eye contact from last night. Your heart freefalls into your stomach with enough force that the wind leaves you in a small "Fuck."
Hand pushing through wet hair as Izuku emerges from his room.
"Oh Y/N, thank goodness you're okay!" He wraps strong arms around your frame, flooding your senses with peppermint and a hint of lime.
"Oi, oi stop being dramatic I told ya the brat was fucking fine." Katsuki huffs, slamming his door, "You forgot this in my pocket last night."
There is little bite in his voice as his hand holds out your phone. He looks over you with deft eyes, reading your body language for distress while checking to see if any bruises were visible all before slinking back down to your hand.
That you haphazardly rewrapped. A snarl escapes his lips as you grab onto your phone, eyes burning into you.
"Remind me to never let you wrap my wounds." He nudges your shoulder with his own, crimsom eyes shining more than usual. You scoff at his remark, shoving him roughly.
"You act as if I wouldn't hope that you'd bleed out first." You flick your hair as you sashay past him fighting to keep the smile off of your face. A smile where a scowl should be. The two of you quip and bicker like normal but something is...different. Or at least it seems that way to Izuku as he watches the two of you interact. Studying the odd pair as he wonders what has changed.
It's a subtle change, as he hadn't caught on until the two of you had gotten onto the plane.
Suddenly Izuku couldn't help but notice that there was a little less animosity, a little less hostility between the two of you.
And he sure as hell didn't miss the lingering glances the two of you shared.
Bakugo slides into his seat across the aisle as he did a short two days ago, headphones on, scarlet eyes glancing at you before squeezing shut. You choose the window seat staring out at the tarmac below. Izuku watches your eyes flutter and blur with unshed tears as whatever heartwrenching thought crosses your mind. He swallows thickly ignoring you to give you privacy.
The three of you stand in front of the towering building of your agency.
All three of you asked to return to the office for various reasons.
A set of jeweled jade and burning scarlet rove over you, worry lacing their eyes in two atronomicly different forms. Furrowed brows and a narrowed glare.
You sigh pulling your luggage behind you as you walk through the office doors first.
Bakugo finds his office exactly as he left it. A mountain of paper work that is close to being over due. He bites at his lower lip as he slams into his office chair wondering how your conversation you must be having is going. Rocking in his leather chair as he stares at his phone, avoiding work as his ears perk hoping for sound in the office beside him.
Your office settled between his and Deku's. He growls out when he hears that stupid cheery voice of Deku's thanking his assistant before Bakugo descides he should probably do some work while he waits for your return.
Snarling curses to himself as he doesn't understand *why* he is so anxious to hear from you when normally he would relish your getting in trouble.
Shining eyes stare up at him settled on rouged cheeks, plush lips forming his name devouring every other thought on his mind.
He grinds his teeth trying to forget as deadly hands open his wallet to pull out his ID card for his office laptop only to be met with your debit card staring up at him.
"Fuck." He snarls abandoning his task in search of you. Not that he really had a qualm about avoiding paper work. He just spots you leaving the agency through his large office windows.
Odd, had you not had your meeting? Usually when you were in trouble with the director the lights flickered AT LEAST once. He takes the steps two at a time, pushing through the door to the stairwell just in time to over hear the latest gossip from front reception.
"So Tejina just up and quit after a paid vacation?" The security guard asks, setting down his extra cup for who he was obviously pining after. She barely gives it a second glance.
"She didn't even pack any of her stuff." The receptionist sighs, filing at a nail, "We might have to clean out her office."
" Ungrateful bi.."But before he can finish his sentence a loud pop rings out. He freezes staring down the top hero before swallowing thickly. Scarlet burns into mundane brown before he shifts his weight to walk through the double doors. All the while the security guard thanks his lucky stars.
"Oi!" Bakugo calls after you but you ignore him, pushing through your mixed emotions as you stomp your way towards home, "OI Y/N!"
But he is just as persistent as the memory of harsh vermilion turning soft as it glimpsed into your soul.
"Fuck." You mutter, walking faster dragging your stupid suitcase in your wake.
An explosion erupts, landing a toned body directly in front of you. Heated hands finding your shoulders quickly to stop you in your tracks. You jerk back from his touch and he tries not to let the hurt shine through on his face.
"What happened?" A bite that you ignore, trying to shove past him just to repeat the dance again. Jerk away, obvious display of hurt attempting to meld into rage. The longer you dont speak the more his blood boils before he finally sounds off.
"Did you really fucking quit?!" He yells loudly enough that birds flee from trees and rooftops. Avoiding his gaze you stare at his clenched fists, wanting everything and nothing to do with him all at once.
He was the last person you wanted to see.
Especially after the look on the director's face when you stated your resignation.
But here he stood in all his muscled glory, blocking your way.
Somethings never changed did they?
"Yes Bakugo I fucking quit. I'm done I.." Just as you're about to allow yourself to break, to consciously cry in front of the last human being you thought you could ever be vulnerable with he burts with popping motion.
"YOU FUCKING QUIT? FOR FUCKING WHAT?!" He heaves, pressing further, pushing your last button, "I didn't think you would quit over something so trivial as your fan base."
Red clouds your vision and drowns out any rational thought you had as your body moves on it's own accord. Your fist rears back, slaming into a sturdy jaw line causing him to slide back a few feet. And with it infecting him with that all consuming *red*.
A mixture of a snarl and smirk contort his handsome features as he spits blood onto the ground. He lunges, powering himself with his quirk as he comes for you.
Luggage far from forgotten as you bring it up to swing, hitting him in his ribs fucking his flight attack. He counters with a point blank explosion to which you stop with a shaky shield.
Struggling to keep the energy formed with nothing as its base. You distance yourself only for him to close the space, knowing full well you worked best from afar.
Well he sure as fuck better know considering how many hours he was forced to spend with you. He watches your quirk activate and deactivate in a matter of seconds, anticipating all of the projectiles you produce.
But he fails to notice the large boulder you steal from rock garden in the courtyard of the agency. He lunges for you again hot finger tips grazing your skin before you bring the large boulder down with full force.
Pinning him into the ground until a satisfying crack rings out.
Heaved breaths echo in the semi silence as the two of you work your problems out the only way strong quirk holders seem to know how.
Destruction spelling out every word that you'd never dare to speak. He gets the message loud in clear, although too late, as he watches your posture shrink just the slightest as you look down at him.
Barely able to hold eye contact, he produces a strong enough explosion for the boulder to become confetti on the wind before he stands, spitting crimson into the dirt.
This was your opportunity to move, this was the turning point of your relationship with him.
If he comforted you now for what felt like the thousandth time in the past few days you knew you wouldn't be able to resist him again.
Caramel tickles your nose on the wind moments before he stands before you, deadly palms resting on your exposed biceps. Gently squeezing as if the two of you hadn't tried to off the other. He sighs, body relaxing before you as you stare at his ever rising chest.
"Please...please tell me what's going on." He sounds desperate and you are unsure if you've ever heard a tone like this from him before. You heart pounds in your chest and painfully so. As if it were ensnared in an unsuspecting trap, barbs puncturing the tender flesh with each agonizing beat.
*"I should end this here. I should end this now."*
Is the all consuming thought you have before your mouth moves all on it's own. You hold his gaze, matching the intensity as you stare into his stunning scarlet eyes.
Eyes that you tell yourself are actually green.
"Please, as if you really fucking care Ground Zero." You cannot even bring yourself to use his name. Knowing that when you were to sound out the syllables your voice was sure to crack, his grip becomes tighter. Those damn lips you want to devour morph into a thin line biting back his ire.
"It's funny that you are so touch starved you would take a pity fuck as anything more." He jerks away then, eyes widening before turning into a nasty glare.
Still you continue your assault, pushing him with hot hands as you pretend so desperately that he is someone else.
Anyone else so you can push him away from you, hurt him enough that he would never look in your direction again.
That wouldn't be so bad right?
"We were never friends and we never will be. Quit being a bitch, like I said. It. Was. A. Drunken. Pity. Fuck." You bite out each word, staring him down for a full moment before turning on your heel. Hand raised for your strown luggage to assemble itself before returning to your hand.
All the while blurring red eyes stare after your powerful form. Teeth grit so tightly they threaten to turn to dust.
He should move. He should go after you.
Those words were clearly not meant for him. You clearly weren't looking him him in the same light as before. He knows in his bones he needs to follow you to fix this.
But that would require Bakugou Katsuki to swallow his pride.
And he always chokes on it.
You're a shaking mess of nerves as you walk home, trying hard not to glance over your shoulder at any noise as you near closer to your apartment.
No one but the agency knows where you live as you took extra precaution to avoid not only the paparazzi but especially crazed fans even opting to stay in random hotel room instead of the comfort of your penthouse apartment.
You smile softly at the slightly dilapidating building, climbing the crumbling concrete steps jingling one of the three keys it requires to get into your apartment.
The first for the front door.
The second for the stairwells
The final for your deadbolt and handle.
Both slide in easily as you breath in the smell of your dusty and dank apartment.
Relishing the fact that no one would find you here. The black out curtains are drawn keeping the apartment plunged in a never ending nighttime. You toss your keys onto the entry table closing the door behind you as you set your luggage down with a sigh.
Suddenly the air seems to shift, dust particles disturbed in the slight sunlight that streams in the small crack of the curtains sending your heart into a panic.
Green is reflected to you in the screen of your TV as breath floats down the nape of your neck.
Before you can react a sticky substance is placed over your mouth and nose, steadily forcing its way in and down your throat. A panic sets a cold sweat onto your goose skin as you realize the substance is forming from a thick forearm.
That you beat onto desperately as your vision begins to fade to black. Quirk grabbing onto anything to smash into your assailant just for it to be absorbed. Green holds your panicked gaze.
"You really couldn't have picked a better time to quit." He presses his noise into your throat huffing in your scent as you feel a shutter go through him. The strength in your body begins to fade with your vision before he runs his tongue along the hollow of your exposed collar bone.
"I told you you'd be mine soon enough *Doll.*"
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Prompt request
Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Anon asked: 43 and 44 with bishop, angst and fluffy : you lost the bet / stop calling me Im busy
Word Count: 1.2k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. The gif isn’t mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou @sammskellington @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines @briana-mishell24 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Stop calling me, I'm busy, Obispo”. You mutter with anger and the phone on your left ear.
“Then forgive me”.
“Fuc' off! You don't fuckin' deserve anything from me”.
“It was a bet!”
“Yeah', you lost a bet, and also me”. Without giving him the opportunity to reply, you hung up with a bitter snort.
You had been working for almost twelve hours at the hospital, from dusk till dawn. Two long surgeries, three car accidents and some fake emergencies of people who visit it because some coughs. You didn't even have time to eat, other than a few bites of a cold sandwich. So, when you finished your turn, the only thing you wanted to do was go to the clubhouse and have a beer between your man's arms. But when you arrived and saw one of Vicki's girl on his lap serving tequila directly in his mouth, the hell burned like never before. It has been three infernal days since then, with a lot of Bishop's calls and texts begging you to forgive him.
Keeping your phone in the pocket of your doctor's gown, you walk towards the locker room to change your clothes. Resting your forehead against your box-office, with an angry tear running down your cheek. It's not like he's cheating on you, but disrespecting whatever it supposed you two have together. Maybe you don't have the right to reproach him for anything, 'cause you're not his Old Lady, but you have the right to cut everything with him after feeling so humiliated.
Your phone dings with a notification, when you're trying to figure out where are your car keys, supporting your waist against one of the doors. Unknown number. You roll your eyes opening the text.
📨: hi, im shara, im sorry about what happened with bishop. we were just having fun, i dont want anything with him and i also know he loves you. i never wanted to bother you and im so sorry. hes always talking about you and its amazing the way he does. please talk with him, vicki told us hes fucking bad
Rubbing the bridge of your nose, you lock the phone to put it inside your bag. After finding the keys, you drive your way back home. You don't want to talk with him, not even if you have read the message. What happened hurt you, hurt your ego and feed your insecurities. And it's not going to be easy to recover.
The headlights of your car illuminate the facade of your house, spotting Bishop sitting by your door and smoking a cigar almost consumed. He looks tired, with dark circles under her eyes and a sloppy beard covering his jaw. He throws the cigarette away, getting up and placing both hands by his back, with the head down. He doesn't know what more can say to you.
You keep silent, passing him away to open the door, closing it without letting him come in. Through the peephole you can see how he sits again, rubbing his nape with a hand. A sigh escapes from your lips, turning around to walk towards your room. Leaving your stuff on the unmade bed and getting undressed, you go to the shower taking your time in under the water, until your fingertips are wrinkled.
Wrapping your body with a long towel and your hair in another, you come back to the main room, to wear some comfy clothes and find something to eat in the kitchen. Your fridge is empty, 'cause you forgot shopping for food, so you need to order something. But before doing it, you walk next to the front door having another look by the peephole to see that Bishop still there. Sitting in silence with his locked phone in his hands, like if you were gonna text him or something. Opening the door, he turns a little towards you.
“I'm gonna order some food, you wan'?” He shakes his head and, by the way you opened the door, he knows he can't come in.
You nod with pursed lips, closing it again and pressing the button to make the order. If he's trying to make you feel sorry, he's doing it pretty well, but then you remember what happened and you forget how he feels.
The night passes and when you're about to sleep, you walk outside one last time, opening the door and supporting your body against the frame.
“Are you gonna sleep there...?”
“It's cold, Bishop. Go home”.
“If I've to die tonight, I'll do it waiting for you to forgive me”.
“Sounds like a bad movie on Netflix...” You sigh rolling your eyes a little desperate.
“I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't mean to hurt you. You're my girl, my one and only, my Old Lady, and I wa—”.
“No, I'm not”. You interrupt him, getting up of the door frame, with a confused gesture on your face. “You didn't propose me, nor ask me, nor introduce me to the club, even if they also know me”.
“I was about to do it”.
“When? Before or after drinking the tequila with that bitch on top of you, uh? I don't know too much about the MCs, but I'm sure it's not the way to introduce your girlfriend to them”.
Bishop, snortling and placing both hands on his head, sinks his face between his knees.
“Go home, Obispo. It's late and you look like shit... We will talk... tomorrow”.
Then, he turns at you getting up and holding his helmet from the floor.
“You promise?”
“Jesus Christ, Bishop... Go home”.
“No, no, no. Promise me. Promise me we're gonna talk tomorrow”. He says walking next to you.
“Yea', Bishop, sure... I promise”.
A soft smile is drawing in his lips, putting a hand on your left cheek, to leave a kiss on the right. You hold his hands, closing your eyes and enjoying the nearest. You miss him. Every touch, every word, every kiss. And you fall again, wrapping his back with your arms. He hugs you back, tightly, leaving some kisses on your head.
“You can... sleep on my sofa”. You whispers, pulling him away some inches. “It's late and... you look tired. You shouldn' drive”.
“You sure, querida...?”
You nod one time. With an arm on your shoulders, he guides you through the door, closing it after coming in. He leaves his vest and the helmet on the table in the living room, while you go to your room to find a blanket. When you come back he's already lying there, with the boots on a side of the floor and an arm covering his eyes. You sigh for a second, offering him.
“Thank you”. He says grabbing your wrist to pull you closer.
He knows he doesn't deserve to sleep in your bed tonight, but he really wants to sleep with you and the sofa is pretty huge for both. You let him lay you down next to him, tangling your legs with his and sinking your face on his neck, taking a deep breath of his scent. Bishop wraps your body with his arms, getting comfortable by your side.
“You have to shave tomorrow, please”.
“I will, but let me sleep all day. I need it”.
“I need it too”.
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dgmagines · 4 years
[ Regret ]
Pairing : (Minor) Howard Link/Reader
A/N : I offer you this little thing as I work (or rework gdi) on the masterlist so enjoy!! I’ll be crossposting this on my ao3 and quotev as well so don’t freak if you see it there under a different name :3c 
Also also, I’m gonna start linking my ko-fi here ever so often I hope you guys dont mind uwu;;
[ This one takes place after the North American Branch attack; just before Link’s last meeting with Allen so uhhh spoilers...? ]
Summary :
The recent attack from the noahs took more from them than just the North American Branch. The damage was far bigger than anyone could comprehend- a sense of distrust blooming into every level of the Order, bound to destroy the organization from within.
Even knowing that, Link couldn’t help but think about his family - think about what he’d lost and how this has affected him.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
The once lively, once occupied room stood at a standstill; and with it, so did the man that once occupied one of the beds. The man stared at nothing in particular and yet...  his eyes roamed- seemingly looking at everything all at once. 
A contradictions in its own rights.
An occurrence that shouldn't have been possible.
Just like that fateful day - a couple days backwards - when he'd lost.... 
He never had any regrets before - all that he did was, afterall, on his loyalty to his superiors. On his loyalty to the Order.  His loyalty.. to his family. But in that moment, as his dark eyes landed on his companion's unmade bed, all he wanted to do was turn back time.
To that day.
Maybe even to the days before that.
How far back could he go to prevent this, he wondered. Mulled the faithful day he'd decided to become a doll for the Order; a CROW, trained to fight and restrain and kill if he had to. Trained to do... To do things... Unspeakable things that couldn't fall to the common people's ear lest he wanted to be scorned.
If he closed his eyes, he could just about - just about - hear the laughter of his family. His small family of six; all very different from one another but all he loved as if they were blood. He'd done what he could for his family - to survive, to protect, to live.....His family.
His family.
Was nowhere to be found now.
Now, when Howard Link closes his eyes - whether that be for a moment or as he waited for sleep to claim him, all he could see was the image of his sister.
His sister, with tears in her eyes and prayers on her lips - not a prayer to the gods, no. More a plea. A plea to her family. To not be left alone. To not be left behind. Even as she sank into the portal beneath her feet, the words fell from her tongue in a chant - broken and repetitive; she unaware of the state of her reality.
and just as Allen felt he was too slow in saving Tokusa -
"I wish you'd trusted me more, Link,"
- Link felt the same with Tewaku.
For someone who'd train his body and reflexes for over a decade, his legs were far too slow in the most crucial moments. His fingers brushing against the skin of her flesh just seconds - milliseconds - before she disappeared.
Tewaku slipped through his grace; and so did the rest of his brothers.
And Tokusa - god - Poor, poor Tokusa. He was always a fighter, stubborn to a fault but he had good heart. He'd seen them - Walker. Doing god knows what to his brother. but the boy was absolutely heartbroken once Tokusa was taken away - him breaking down amidst all the bindings the inspector has placed on him.
His legs weak, Link sat on Allen's bed; his eyes growing weary as his mind continued to wander.
Had he spoiled the one chance they had at saving the Third...? Had he trusted his companion more, given him a little more time, would his brother still be here? Grumpy and injured and most probably with his pride in shambles - but he'd be here.... 
He couldn't remember what Tokusa's voice sounded like anymore - the memory of his past self warped and replaced with the morbid screams of what he'd... become. Tokusa didn't laugh - didn't truly laugh - as much as the others did but he had a beautiful laugh, that much Link was sure.
He could still hear snatches of it in his sleep - Tokusa’s laughter echoing from everywhere and nowhere. As if mocking him. Torturing him... and for what? He didn’t know.
Would he be able to hear it anymore? Assuming the Earl hadn't already made them his plaything? Assuming there was a mission to rescue the stolen Thirds?
Would he be able to hear it now? If he had trusted the boy branded as a possible traitor more? One who was apparently helping his brother instead of causing needless pain?
So deep in his thoughts he was that the blond didn't hear the creak of the door nor did he notice the head of (h/c) tentatively peeking into the room.
The sound of their voice pulled him away from his thoughts first - the syllables of his name falling from their lips as they stepped inside the room. Soft. Gentle. As if the wrong intonation would break him.
He wasn't made of glass - Howard Link was anything but a fragile man - but at this moment, he had to question if that was true.
Because Howard Link, while not fragile, certainly felt like crying.
His eyes closed for a second before they fluttered to the side, where his partner stood with their back against the wooden door. The warmth of their gaze and the nervous yet comforting smile on their lips made him bite the inside of his cheek, his eyes pricking painfully as an unfamiliar sensation raged through his system.
He hadn't noticed them stepping closer, only taking note of their presence when his hands were taken from his lap, enveloped in the warmth of their skin as they caressed the back of his hand. Comforting (e/c) eyes met his sleep-deprived ones, the first trail of tears that made its way own his cheek interrupted by the warm hand of his partner.
They smiled gently, pushing his bangs aside and over his ear - futile really, as they just fell back into place but the action was,,,, comforting. They stared at him a moment longer before their lips parted - three simple words falling from their tongue that made his chest ache and his vision blur and his breath still.
"Are you alright..?"
Three... simple words.
Link felt his throat constrict, his eyes stinging painfully as tears continued to fall from them. His head bowed, the blond tightened his grip on his partner’s hand. Weakly pulling them closer, closing the space between them, until finally he could feel the warmth of their embrace.
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Hold Me (Peter Parker x Stark! Reader)
Request; Hi so I know you're getting a lot of sad requests but can I request one more for Peter Parker? Reader is Tonys daughter (I know you got so many Stark daughter requests) and is super super close to Tony after loosing her mom, and she is at her fathers side when he dies and when the reader goes back home with Pepper and Morgan she skips the funeral to stay in her room and Peter comes to check in on her and she starts crying and asks him to hold her?
Warnings; Lots of crying, reader becomes depressed and it shows
What really ticks me the fuck off was I had over half of this written, pressed save and some "unknown error occurred" and deleted my shit, CAUSING ME TO REWRITE THIS SHIT. Fuck you Tumblr
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Tony slowly lurrs his head to the broken sob next to him, a figure dropping to their knees in the dirt and moving their hands to his shoulders
"Dad, please," It's his daughter, eyes full of tears and already falling down her cheeks, fingers drawing down to his chest to grab at his shirt, "Please talk to me,"
Tony moves his eyes up to your face, stained red with blood and bruised from taking punches,
"Y/N?" Tony lifts up the hand that rested in his lap, your eyes darting downwards before you take the hand, holding it up to press to your heart,
"Im right here Dad, I promise," You scoot forward, fingers tight around Tonys as you searched his eye's, "Dad you gotta stay strong, please, just for a little bit longer,"
Tony closes his eye's, head shaking weakly, and he grabs your other hand, dragging it to the light on his chest,
"Dad," Panic is visible in your voice when Tonys hand drops, going limp in your grasp, "No, no," You tug at his shirt, chest heaving in sobs,
You pinch your eyes shut as the light fades, leaning forward so your forehead pressed to his shoulder, arms sliding around his back, "Dad please, dont leave me too,"
"Y/N," Your godfather, Rhodey, kneels down, hand at your back, "Sweetheart,"
The cry your release shatters Rhodeys heart, arm wrapping around you to slowly pull you off your father, but your hands fly to his arms, a scream tearing through your throat,
"No!! Please! Dad, wake up!!" Knees falling weak, you drop your head so your hair blocked your face, sobs shaken as you allow Steve to wrap his arms around you, holding you up against his beaten form,
"Dad," You hiccup, Steves hand pressing to your head and lowering it down to his chest, your eyes shutting tiredly,
"It's okay," Steves voice quivers against your ear, eyes looking away from Tonys form, "I got you,"
"Mrs. Stark?"
Pepper looks up at the weak voice, the all too familiar face of Peter coming to view as he bites the inside of his cheek, "U-um, sorry, Pepper,"
"Im guessing you're looking for Y/N?" Pepper asks gently, Peter pressing his lips together, nodding slightly,
"In her room," Pepper smiles weakly, "Be gentle,"
"Got it," Peter whispers, nodding in thanks, and he walks up the stairs to the home owned by the Stark family, eyes catching the picture frames lined on the wall,
One was of you at newborn, Tony holding you so your head was in his hands, and Rhodey sat across from him, laughing off guard of the camera,
Peter looks away, entering your room and pausing when he reaches the door,
He finds you, curled in a recliner seat you had by your window, one of Tonys button ups thrown on and arms tucked against yourself,
Your eyes showed dried tears, staring out the window to give you the full view of the lake, down below being the family of yours and Tony's,
Peter silently slides off his tux jacket, unclipping his bowtie and setting it on your bed, unmade like it has always been,
"Hey," Peter murmurs, slowly squatting down in front of the recliner and hesitantly placing a hand at your thigh, "I don't think I should ask if you're okay,"
You swallow thickly, Peter visibly seeing your eyebrows pinch at a headache that never left, eyes leaving the window to look down at the teenager,
"I should've been me," You whimper, Peter shaking his head slowly and tucking hair behind your ear,
"No, please dont say that," He pleas, and you blink rapidly, tears blurring your vision,
"It hurts, so so bad, Peter," Your arms slide out from around you, hiccuping as you press your sleeve to your eye, "I cant believe hes gone,"
"I know, baby," He draws his thumb under your eye, own eyes shimmering at your broken state, "I know it hurts, but Im always going to be here for you, no matter what happens,"
"Peter," You meet his eye's, arms sticking out, "Please dont leave me,"
Peter rises to his feet, arms looping around you and pulling you up, holding you tight under his chin,
"Never," He breathes, hand running through your hair and allowing you to cry into his shoulder, "I promise I'll never leave you,"
. . .
Peter slowly blinks open his eye's, squinting at the light of the hallway shining, making out the figure of Pepper at the bedroom door,
"Oh, Pepper, I-I must of fell asleep," He whisper shouts, eyes looking down at you to catch your nose in his chest, face at peace and hands at his sides,
"No, no," Pepper smiles, "It's okay," She holds up her phone, "May called just to check up on you. She's okay with you staying the night, Y/N's finally sleeping with you here,"
"Its really bad," Peter frowns, hearing you inhale a deep breath and release it as your muscles relax against his soft touch, "Im afraid she wont be okay if I leave,"
"You can stay as long as you need," Pepper states softly, "You know how Y/N can be, if it comes to it she can spend nights at your house,"
"Stop talking," You whine against Peters chest, voice muffled as you blink open your eyes and look up, "Im trying to sleep,"
"Sorry love," Peter smiles warmly, and Pepper chuckles, sending a wink and closing your door with a soft click,
"I'll be okay," You murmur, hand rubbing your eye as you press your ear to his chest, "I just need you here for a while,"
"And I'll be here," Peter presses kisses to your temple, then tilts your head up with his thumb, lips brushing yours, "Whenever you need me, Sweetheart,"
"What would I do without you?" You smile tiredly, Peter pecking your lips before sliding his mouth to your cheek,
"You'd be dehydrated, sleep deprived and you'd starve yourself," Peter raises an eyebrow knowingly, and you laugh in his ear,
"True," You slide your hands to the back of his neck, scooting up so you were facing him straight on, "I love you Peter Parker. Thank you for being here,"
"Of course," Peter whispers, your fingers tangling in his hair as he leans forward, forehead bumping yours as your eyes flutter shut, and he realizes you've fallen asleep when your smile falters and your grip has loosened,
"Good night," Peter presses his lips finally to your nose, resting his head on the pillow and allowing darkness to consume him
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Ég hélt áfram.
With: Ivar x Reader.
Words Count: 1.681
Ég hélt áfram: I moved on.
Note: Ivar's gifs belong to @honestsycrets, and Svoeg's (character name) to @therealcalicali
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"Y/N, there is someone here wanting to see you?" One of the guards told you and you nodded at him.
"Maybe it's the healer to see Esdrane." Your sister-in-law answered. Esdrane was the boy you adopted a few moons ago, your husband, Svoeg, brought him from a destroyed village, he was a small child and you loved the kid.
Steeping in the small tool to sit in your throne you nodded. "Yeah. Who it is?"
"I don't know- He- Well, I believe he was a king. I think its Ivar The Boneless." He stuttered.
Your heart almost stopped at the mention. But what would Ivar be doing so far from his home?
From his perfect life.
Taking a deep breath you gathered your calmness. "Why do you think such a thing?"
The guard could blurt it out that the man that dragged his body like a snake threatened to kill him, but he knew it was better to pass this. "His legs don't work, and by the stories I've heard about his personality, I believe it's him."
Your sister-in-law looked confused but realized that Ivar used to be the man that had your heart, as her brother used to say. "Sister, he doesn't have to come near here, you can banish him."
Ivar's eyes came to your vision, those damned blue eyes. "Its okay, Sviga," You held her hand and looked at the guard giving him a nod.
You rubbed your face and touched your hair to make sure it was great. You didn't love Ivar anymore, he ripped your heart out of your chest when he chose someone else. But still, you couldn't control your nervousness.
The sound of axes being hit in the floor made goosebumps erupt in your skin, Ivar entered the place dragging his body, he wasn't walking like the last time you saw him.
Ivar sat and looked at you, his hair was unmade and wet. He looked tired, destroyed. "Y/N." He said, not looking at you directly.
The hall got silent, and the guards looked at each other trying to understand the situation.
Ivar finally looked you in the eye and you could see the desperation behind his cerulean gaze.
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"Hello Y/N. You are doing good, apparently."
"Yes, not thanks to you. But, I'm sure you didn't come all the way here to spot the obvious."
"Listen, I-" Sensing the extra eyes on him he felt uncomfortable. "I wish to speak with you alone."
"That is not possible."
Scoffing Ivar looked at his surrounds, three guards, the annoying looked woman near your throne, and you, looking like the queen of the world. "I'm sure its if you just-"
"No Ivar isn't. Whatever you want to speak just say it. After all, in the last time we saw each other you didn't want privacy."
Ivar felt like you punched him, but he deserved that.
You trusted your sister-in-law, and your husband had the most trustable men, but they didn't need to hear Ivar's words, you aren't like him. He didn't need to be humiliated.
You gave the guards a signal and they left, your sister-in-law stood by your side and Ivar was annoyed by it.
"I'm sorry." He spoke. And for a long time you waited for those words. Long nights you laid awake trying to master a thought that could relieve your broken heart, a way that the person you loved so much could apologize for breaking your heart. But now, that this was actually happening, it didn't meet your expectations.
"For what exactly?"
"Y/N, listen, for everything. Honestly. The gods know. And I need your help."
Of course. "I see."
"What happened is... I was betrayed, in more ways than one, and I know is not fair but you are the only one I can seek help."
"No, I am not."
"If you want me to say that i was wrong go on, but-"
"But nothing! Listen, I don't know what you thought you could achieve coming here but I can't help you. And the fact that you only came here to want something shows... courage, the bad type of it. And whatever you want I can't help you with."
Ivar looked you up and down and bit his tongue before he could say something he could surely regret. "Freydis betrayed me, my brothers betrayed me, Hvitserk... he left and... and I have no one, I have nothing."
"Well, I remember the day when I haven't. When I went wandering town to town, because of you."
"No. Do not say my name, and leave my house, my home, before I tell the guards to drag you out of here."
"You will not do that." He moved his legs and tried to stand up, but without the braces you knew he would only hurt himself.
"Why? Uh? You're sitting in a throne while I am on the floor, I need to speak with you like equals, like we used to."
"Stop it, if you think there has anything you can do, just stop. I don't care if you're alone, I don't care if your brothers or whore doesn't want you anymore. Isn't my problem. So don't you ever come here again asking for help, crawling,"
"Literally." Your sister-in-law said and won a very hateful glare from Ivar.
"... To me like I could give in and be stupid to help you again. I gave you everything, I left my family for you, my friends, I gave you my body and soul but you wanted someone else. Something else. A desperate way to prove your fucking point if having a child," You laughed. "A child made without sex, uau, I heard the story, to think she is so disgusted by you that she had to make a stupid idea up so you wouldn't touch her. And I used to think you were the smarted person I knew."
The hall door opened and Svoeg entered, he looked at Ivar and at you, he knew Ivar was there, he was the Earl so everything that happened came to his ears, but he was honestly surprised by Ivar's gut to come to seek help from you. And relieved to see you were holding your ground.
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"What is the matter here?" Svoeg spoke and Ivar glared at him, to the ground, and back at you. He knew about your marriage, he knew it was an Earl, but he didn't expect someone so young, and even if you weren't a gold digger nor vengeful enough, he couldn't think the Earl you ended up with was because of... love.
Until now.
Svoeg walked to your reach, passing by Ivar to walk to you and placed a kiss on your lips and then forehead. "Hello, love."
You looked at him with love in your eyes and you knew Ivar was watching. "Hey."
"Ivar the Boneless. What brings you here to my lands?"
Ivar looked at you and back to him.
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"Nothing. I was mistaken."
"Well, then, I hope we can see each other again in better conditions." Svoeg politely said and the guards opened the door so Ivar could leave. Svoeg held your hand and squeezed giving you his attention. "My love, did the healer came to see our baby? I hope our little son is fine."
Ivar stared at you with wide eyes. A child? Your child? With... with someone else?
"She didn't arrive yet, but I'm sure she'll soon. And Y/N might have to go back to hold him, you know my nephew loves his mother."
"Sviga." You said, silently asking her to be nicer.
"It's true, and he also loves his father." She answered back.
Ivar glared at you before turning around and dragging his body outside.
Svoeg held your shoulder and gave you a small smile receiving one from you. You were lucky for having him. "You're okay?"
"Yes, honestly. And you didn't have to speak of Esdrane in such a way, after all he isn't a baby."
"Nor ours, but I needed that bastard to feel at least a small part of what he made you feel." He winked and pinched your cheek playfully.
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The healer arrived and thankfully small Esdrane was only with a cold, at night, in bed with Svoeg, after a passionate love make session, you asked him for an favor.
To find Ivar and give him a bed to sleep, he seemed exhausted and whatever he wanted to do, he needed to rest.
Svoeg was understanding, a fairytale prince for sure, but he couldn't control the jealousy to grow on his heart.
"Don't worry, it is not like I'm worried about him, him coming here showed me how I feel nothing else for him. I just... I dont know, no one should be exhausted in the cold."
Svoeg took a deep breath and nodded after a few seconds of staring at you.
"Thank you, honestly, thank you. You are kind." You touched his heart and kissed the skin. "And so good to me. I love you."
"And I love you."
In the lands of dreams, you found yourself in the great hall back in Kattegat, where Ivar showed up beside the slave he freed, he wasn't your Ivar anymore. The Ivar you loved wouldn't hurt you as much.
But he did, banished you from his land, because she didn't want you around. After all, you were his 'ex'.
And granting her wish, Ivar banished you, at first he was calm, saying it was temporary until he could warm her up to allow you to stay.
And with no house to go, because your parents were quite clear that if you went to “the side of the heathen” they would never want to see you again. No friends, because Ubbe and Bjorn left, and Hvitserk was too drunk and regretful to help. And no man would possibly want you because you used to be Ivar's and who wants to anger the big Ivar the Boneless?
But an angel appeared to you, sweet Svoeg. 
And everything was past now. And seeing Ivar again. Just showed, how some wounds, can be scarred and make you stronger.
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