#nah Hyde’s is worse
I couldn’t help but think of them when I saw this meme
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I do not know how to format, help
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a/n: uurrrgghh i love u wednesday addams <33 and i love jealous wednesday even moooore
pairing: wednesday addams x f!reader
disclosure: all characters are aged up to 18-19!! but still follows show timeline.
warnings: angst (?) but not rlly, comfort & fluff at the end!!
everyone in your class hated botany. it was an incredibly complicated class— not for you though, you found yourself breezing straight through it.
you sat next to wednesday in class, you two had fallen into a pattern of sitting next to each other. you had gotten close over the last few months after the hyde was defeated— or at least, you thought you two were getting closer. there wasn’t any way to know for sure since wednesday was just incredibly hard to read.
you even found yourself forming the smallest (biggest) of crushes on the girl. you’d observe her in class, her unwavering focus on the task at hand and how her face scrunched up when writing something down. even when you weren’t in class, you were observing her, when she clicked away on her little typewriter— that was when you stared the most.
you enjoyed your time with her, and she never seemed to decline spending a few moments together. when you two weren’t out graverobbing, you were having lunch at the quad together or watching some obnoxious movie you suggested.
sometimes, you’d even catch her smiling at you— or at least in your presence.
of course, you thought she could never return the sentiment. not after tyler, and not after how she promised she wouldn’t be like her parents.
you tuned back into reality and realised she was staring straight back at you. you quickly turned your head to look back at her paper.
“something wrong?” she asked, a snarky tone in her voice.
“no! nothing.” you said, your face immediately turning red. “sorry, was just distracted.”
“by…” she paused. “me?”
“maybe. would that be so bad?” you didn’t know where that came from. you had chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome when it came to her. you knew she was probably going to kill you for saying that.
“yes. it would be. you’re not usually distracted in this class… and i don’t want your eyes on me.” she said, looking back at her work.
could’ve been worse!
you sighed and looked back down at your paper as well.
you put all your focus into your work for the rest of class, completing the worksheet despite the stall of progress.
when the bell chimed, you stood up while packing your things away. you and wednesday had planned to see enid at the quad for lunch. you let wednesday walk in front of you— you were nothing if not polite.
“hey, can i see you for a second?” your professor got your attention. you gestured for wednesday to go ahead. she nodded and turned around, walking away.
“how can i help?— hey yoko.” you said, turning to the vampire that was also standing at your teacher’s desk. you two were already known to each other, seeing as she was close with enid and you were all in the same friend group. you and yoko never really spent time alone together but you would still count her as a friend.
“ms. tanaka is struggling a bit in class and needs some extra help.” your teacher started. “i thought you would be the best person to tutor her as you excel in this class. if you can find the time, of course.”
“well, i’m happy to help.” you smiled over at yoko. “i’m sure we’ll be able to find some time.”
“thanks. i appreciate that.” she said, giving you a toothy smile— or a fangy smile, in her case.
you nodded as your teacher dismissed you both.
“you joining our table for lunch?” you asked her as you both walked out of the classroom. you both walked in the direction of the quad.
“nah, meeting divina for lunch.”
“fair enough.” you shrugged.
“oh!” yoko said, whipping her phone out of her pocket as you two reached the quad. “before i forget! lemme get your number so i can ask you for your schedule.”
you nodded as she handed her phone to you. you typed your number in and handed it back to her.
across the quad, wednesday was glaring holes straight through the two of you. enid noticed the raven-haired girl get quiet and followed her eyeline, sighing as she turned back to look at her.
“you’re going to kill yourself if you don’t say anything.” enid commented. she was the only one brave enough to say something to wednesday.
“what in the world are you talking about?” she asked, still eyeing you as you gave your number to yoko. wednesday had no idea why she suddenly felt the pit of her stomach start to boil.
she wasn’t jealous, she couldn’t be.
she didn’t have feelings for you, she couldn’t.
could she?
you waved goodbye to yoko and turned around to look at enid and wednesday. her eyes flicked straight back to the food in front of her. you approached and took a seat next to wednesday.
“hey guys.” you said.
“what was that about with yoko?” enid asked.
“oh! i got asked to tutor her in botany.” you clarified.
“i’m sure she appreciates that. you’ll help her a lot.” enid nodded in approval.
“hopefully! i’ve never really tutored someone before.”
wednesday started to drown out your conversation with enid as confusion fuzzed up her brain.
“hey, you.” you got her attention, nudging her shoulder a little bit. “i can literally hear the cogs turning in your brain.”
“just thinking about my writing.” she lied through her teeth, waving a hand in dismissal.
“you must be thinking hard. writer’s block?” you asked, she didn’t like how you seemed like you cared.
“no… just in between two options.” she huffed and turned away from you slightly. “leave me to my thoughts.”
okay?! just okay?!
she didn’t like that you didn’t tease any further. she was too busy in her own head trying to figure out why the thought of you tutoring yoko was pissing her off so much.
she figured it out a week later when she noticed you hadn’t seen each other that entire 7 days.
you hadn’t come by to visit, not even to see enid. and she realised it was because you were too busy tutoring yoko. yoko was big on snapchat so when wednesday peeked over on enid’s phone and saw the two of you on her snap story posing in the library.
a part of wednesday wanted to storm into the library and grab you away, redirecting your attention to where it should actually be.
she hated herself for thinking something like that. gone were the days of wednesday addams thinking she didn’t care for you. she cared, and she cared deeply.
it was even worse when she looked to her right in botany class and saw that your chair was empty. her head snapped to look at the back of the classroom, hoping, praying, that maybe it couldn’t be. but it was.
there you were, sitting next to yoko. you were leaning over to help her with her worksheet. you were too close, she thought. way too close.
you had the nerve to wave at her when you caught her staring, only earning a scowl back from the girl. she couldn’t focus on her work for the rest of the subject, maybe it was a blessing in disguise!
maybe your teacher would ask you to tutor her too.
she tried to get your attention that day.
you and yoko were meeting in the library and wednesday had stationed herself to stand directly across from you.
“hey wednesday.” yoko said when the shorter girl took her stance.
“yoko.” she replied, turning to look at you. “you. i need you to help me with the bees.”
“wednesday, i can’t just leave. i have to help yoko. can i join you after?”
yes. yes. yes.
“no. don’t bother.” goddamn it, addams. you’re slacking. she hated that you put yoko over her, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask again. that wasn’t in her nature.
she turned around and stomped out of the library. you watched her with a worried eye.
“good on you for pissing addams off.” yoko snickered.
“shut up.” you two had gotten closer as friends, being able to banter a bit more.
“she’s probably gonna go slaughter someone with that rage.” she said.
“mmhm…” you muttered in response, focused on the door closing behind the girl that walked away.
“can you be any louder?” wednesday muttered while she was typing on her keyboard. enid was sitting on her own bed, scrolling away at her phone.
“you know, you’re getting more irritable every second you let this go on.” enid said, wednesday could hear her eye rolls.
“i would rather die than talk to her again.” wednesday leaned back in her chair and pushed herself away from the typewriter.
“ugh! you’re so insufferable!” enid said, getting up and stomping out of their room.
great. now enid was upset. wednesday did not like dealing with that.
enid slammed the door behind her as she left, wednesday almost flinched.
a few minutes later, wednesday heard a knock.
“it’s embarrassing that you stormed out but even more embarrassing that you forgot your key—“ wednesday started as she opened the door, cutting herself off when she realised the figure standing in front of her wasn’t enid.
it was you.
“hey.” you greeted.
“hi. what’re you doing here?” wednesday asked, a glare in her eye.
“uh… enid texted me saying you were in trouble and having a hard time studying.”
no way.
“no. i’m fine.”
“okay.” you said, turning to walk away.
no way.
“wait!” wednesday called out. “yes, i need help.” she stepped aside to let you into her room.
“okay…” you said, walking in.
“do you know any other word other than okay?!” she asked, suddenly irritated at your presence.
“sorry… i just didn’t know what else to say.” you shrugged. wednesday pulled a chair up next to hers at the desk.
you sat down in the chair, dropping your bag at the side of the desk and pulling out your book.
“what were you having trouble with?” you asked, smiling up at her.
how could you smile at her knowing how much distress you brought her over the past few days?
“poison.” she answered, firmly.
“okay, wednesday. are you just asking because you’re trying to craft one of your deadly concoctions again?” you asked with a joking tone but you were absolutely dead serious. “and you shouldn’t need help with poison, it’s the thing that amuses you most in that class.”
“actually yes, i’m trying to kill the girl that brings me stress all the time.” she answered, sarcastically— the sarcasm was clear to her, not to you.
your smile disappeared. “oh… who… who are we talking about…?”
“a girl that likes to tutor vampires.”
your head tilted in confusion, why was she out to get you?
“wednesday… have i upset you?” you asked her, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“yes…” she said, sitting down beside you. you shuffled away, despite your feelings for her, she still scared you. she was more than capable of wrapping her hands around your throat and ending your life then and there.
“what have i done?” you put your book away, still keeping an eye on her.
“you left me alone for days.” she crossed her arms, you saw a pout forming on her lips. she felt that pout forming and tried to stop it.
“i didn’t realise you missed me.” you said, she started to regret pushing you away so much. “you’re not exactly my biggest fan…”
“i never said that.” she shook her head, her braids swinging side to side. “i just… i didn’t know how to deal with the fact that i care about you.” she said, that was the most honest you’d ever seen her. you had to choose your next words carefully or else she might pull away.
“i care about you too, wednesday. that’s no secret.” you cracked a smile. “were you jealous that i had been spending time with yoko…?”
“no. i don’t get jealous.” she turned away, looking at the desk. she was horrible at lying to you.
your smile became warmer as you reached over, twirling one of her braids between your fingers. you saw a red hue creep onto her cheeks, that was the most color you saw on her face ever. you slowly leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.
“you’re pretty when you care.” you whispered as you pulled away.
it took everything in her not to just jump your bones right then and there, but she held herself back.
you stood up, collecting your things.
“okay, how about this then…” you put your bag on your shoulder. “you, me. the weathervane, tomorrow after school?” you asked.
“that would be ideal. but what about yoko?” she asked you, gritting her teeth at the mention of the vampire.
“oh! she’s doing heaps better. she actually passed our last test. we were just doing some reading in the library most of the time.”
“what?!” wednesday exclaimed, standing up. “you’re telling me you were lying about the tutoring?”
“yeah, only for the last two days though. enid kinda let it slip that you were upset about us. just wanted to see what you’d do.” you snickered and turned around to walk out the door before she could get your hands on you. “see you tomorrow, addams! you and that blush on your face.” you teased, walking out the door.
“you…” she gritted her teeth. “i’ll kill you!”
you poked your head back in.
“you care too much about me now.”
unfortunately, you were right.
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WIBTA If I named my twin boys after Jekyll and Hyde?
I (37F) am currently pregnant with twin boys. My husband (36M) and I had made an agreement when we started trying for a baby that of the 4 kids we wanted, I would name the first two and he would name the second two. Obviously if the name was TOO ridiculous, it could be veto’d, but overall it’s a pretty clear plan.
He named our first daughter (2F) when she was born and her name is Juliet, after Romeo and Juliet. We’re both huge fans of Shakespeare and while I loved the book, I disliked the name Juliet at first. It’s grown on me a lot because of my daughter, but I didn’t want her to be named that at first and still respected the agreement we had made anyway.
When I found out I was pregnant again, I was really excited and started planning baby names. I’m really big into sci-fi and classics and wanted to stick with a literature theme. When I found out that I was having twin boys, Henry and Edward seemed like perfect names! They’re a reference to Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, but arnt something super cheesy or obvious. We have middle names already picked out from family traditions, so unless we told people it would be hard to guess the names origin. Plus, Jekyll and Hyde had a big impact on me as a weird teenage girl and I love that book.
The problem is that my husband absolutely HATES the name. He thinks that it’s going to lead our sons or other people to stereotype them based on which character they’re named after, and that Edward would be socially set up to be seen as like worse. I understand what he means, but it’s hard for me to believe it would that THAT big of an impact socially speaking because no one would really know the reference. I kind of understand where he’s coming from in the context of the boys comparing themselves to each other, but personally Hyde was always a character more based on being who you are, even if it’s not what’s “pretty” or “normal”, and I don’t really believe the interpretation that Hyde represents pure evil. I feel like if we raised our boys with this idea, they wouldn’t think of one as the “good” twin and the other as the “evil” twin.
I told all this to my husband, and we both see where the other person is coming from, and we’re kind of at an impasse. This book got me through high school, and is one of my favorite pieces of media EVER. He hasn’t veto’d the name, but I still feel a little bad about the whole thing. I think the names will grow on him eventually, but who knows.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Evil Aug please
At one point Agustín becomes self aware? aware? Is it aware? Idk 💀 But anyway, through a grapevine, he now knows about Señor and does more to stop from turning into him. But like. Señor doesn't want to go. And frankly he doesn't find it very nice how the Madrigal family is trying to get rid of him after Agustín tells them about his evil counterpart. After all he did? Nah, he does NOT let that slide ((٩(´͈ᗨ`͈)۶))
So what does he do??? Takes over entirely of course. He starts to appear pretty regularly, only going back when Agustín manages to regain control or when he gets too tired, which is usually at night. He gets worse attitude wise too. And he gets increasingly aggressive, at least to non-family, going as far as to openly threaten villagers.
But yeah. Agustín begs for help, but Señor takes control again. And yes he's still wearing that dusty ahh jacket and holding that goofy ahh axe 🤨
Can you tell where I didn't finish 💀
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Ok so off topic, but i drew this last night. And I was like oh ill try drawing Señor in Ps. BRO ITS SO CONFUSING OMG I CANT FIGURE IT OUT 😭 its so bad im not even sure i wanna share it
Anyway I hope you enjoy <333
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eternalpassions · 2 years
Anyone think there was something off about how the show ended?
Unpopular opinion but I liked the decision Eric made to go to Africa. He finally made a decision for himself and what was best for himself. He knew he needed to change to be worthy of Donna and he needed to do it for himself. He needed to get away from Point Place and that toxic environment (I’m sure his friends and family weren’t intentionally maclious but it was toxic) The only thing that I didn’t like was the Eric x Don a reunion in season 8 was very lackluster. It was very awkward and I didn’t like how they had Eric imply he was wrong for his decision and having to apologize to Donna for it 🚶‍♀️
The way they ended the last “canon” season of the show was truly off putting. If they wanted to break up Jackie x Hyde why couldn’t they have done it in a more respectful way to their fans? Maybe they were bitter but it is the truth that Jackie x Hyde is one of the biggest if not the biggest ship on the show. Their fans deserved a send off that wasn’t so ugly.
They spent the whole show building up Jackie x Hyde in a natural way and 3 seasons on their relationship and how basically everyone on the show was rooting for it only to end it on it on the implication that as soon as Jackie and Hyde had another disagreement she would jump into sleeping with Kelso? It was so random and off putting. These two characters had already made peace they didn’t fit romantically! The implication that Kelso was a weasel who never changed and again tried to ruin their relationship? And season 8 only made it worse by implying that Jackie was lying and that Kelso was a liar as well and literally wrecked their relationship for no reason than his dick and lack of brains cells? Nah, that was an ugly end to their relationship and an ugly end to the last canon season of the show
That 90’s show is an AU basically because no matter if it’s official or filmed how can a show really be canon if they wiped the existence of one of the main characters? And no, the actor being a shit person doesn’t excuse wiping off a main character from the show. This sequel can never truly be canon from that reason alone. Plus there are many inconsistencies and contradictions in this season. It’s just an AU at best tbh
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Hyde rose early, and almost immediately wrapped his hand around his satchel protectively. Good. Still there, along with the two idiots sleeping soundly next to him. Hyde nudged Rolland with his boot, waking him up with a start.
“Who-!” He frowned as he looked up. “Ah. Hyde.”
“We have to move.” Carpenter’s frown deepened, making him look not unlike a grumpy toddler, in Hyde’s opinion, but he nodded.
“You don’t have to be rude about it.” This time, it was the other guy’s voice, still drowsy, that had spoken up. Hyde rolled his eyes.
"Listen, Rolland. You and your friend what's-his-face..."
"Didn't ask." Nor did he care. Leer was too boring to be worth remembering, and so was his name. Joan, or John, or whatever he’d just said. “You and your friend are my allies, and my goal is to keep us all safe. Not to be nice about it.”
He offered them a smirk, turned on his heel, and started gathering his things. Soon enough, they followed suit and once again, the three of them were going through the forest. They were going in the same direction as the main road did, but Leer estimated they wouldn’t get too close to it for most of their journey.
And they didn't, not for a while. At one point, they got close enough to spot the path in between the trees from afar, but that was it. Hyde started walking faster, not wanting to risk, when he spotted something.
"Oh. Oh no." His mind processed the situation in a few seconds. Well, this would probably marginally make things worse. He had more important things to worry about, though. "This is bad, this is really bad!"
Rolland and Leer walked closer, trying to see what he was watching.
"Wanted posters?!" Rolland sounded horrified.
"Really poorly drawn wanted posters," Hyde corrected. "They just can't get my hair right!"
"Who cares?" Leer sounded even more panicked than his companion.
"Easy for you to say. Your hair looks amazing." Well, compared to reality, he completed mentally.
"What do we do?" Well, not acting hysterical would be a great start.
"Get away from the road, obviously. Too bad if we lose a few hours, it'll be safer."
The other two nodded and, together, they started again, shifting their course to go deeper into the woods. The terrain was at a slight slope, thankfully it was barely noticeable and not enough to slow their walk. Unfortunately, it might've been what led the guards to spot them from above.
Hyde was the first to hear the horses. He turned on his heels before he even processed what the sound meant, his eyes widening ever so slightly when he saw the royal guards' uniforms. The others turned upon seeing his face, and for a second, both groups were perfectly still, staring at each other through the trees.
Then, Hyde was running.
He ran as fast as he could, Rolland and Leer next to him, the sound of horses galloping behind them, trees all around. And suddenly, the cliff. Right in front of them.
He looked up. It wasn't that high, thankfully, but they couldn't turn back, and there weren't many options. Hyde turned.
"Help me up."
"Help me up. I'm the best climber out of us, I'll pull you up." Rolland seemed to think it over, way too slowly for his taste.
"Fine. But give us the satchel first."
"Seriously?!" Twin glares. "You guys don't trust me?"
Obviously, they didn't. Might be the smartest thing they did so far, but Hyde didn't have time for their bullshit. He tossed Leer the bag, resisting the urge to punch the idiot's face. It took him seconds to climb up his two accomplices and pull himself up. He looked down. The soldiers were close, too close, and those two dickheads almost got him caught because they decided this was the best time to be careful. Hyde grinned.
"Help us up!"
"Mmh… nah, don't think I will."
"We have the crown!" Hyde's wolfish grin widened as he dangled the satchel in front of their eyes.
"I'm just really, really good," he said, already standing and walking away.
"Have a nice day!" he exclaimed above his shoulder.
He walked as fast as he could, trying only to escape. He was on foot, the soldiers had horses and might not be the only ones around. So, he walked, and he ran, hiding best he could and almost getting caught several times in his downhill rush. He mumbled something under his breath about fuckin' idiots who couldn't get their priorities straight, but in all honesty, he was glad to be rid of them right then and now. Thankfully, the trees slowed most of the guards down, until he could no longer see or hear the pursuers he had left behind.
Hyde paused to catch his breath, listening. Not a sound around for the moment. He relaxed ever so slightly, sighing in relief. So far, things were fine. Now, he needed to figure out a way to get as far from the island as possible. He had barely taken a step when he saw it - the shadow of someone, someone clearly listening and looking for something.
Him. Carefully, Hyde took a step back, looking for a place to hide. His hand landed on the rocks behind him, searching for a recess, or a way to climb. Instead, his arm suddenly sunk and he almost stumbled. Practically invisible to the eye, there was a crevice, a hollow spot someone could easily slide in, perfectly hidden to the view. Without pausing to think, he slipped inside, heart beating as he heard steps coming closer, then passing without a pause.
He grinned and turned, trying to see where the crevice ended, or if it prolonged into a tunnel. What he saw instead left him staring incredulously. The morning sun shone gently into the quiet, small valley, though most of it was still covered in shadows from the surrounding cliffs, perfectly masking the small river, the hidden trail… and the abandoned tower that stood there.
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oxiegoeimi · 3 months
Art| #Euphony
Artist| #t1na
As amphetamines wore off, so did my makeup. With years spent clinging to my demons, I didn’t trust what would happen if they were let loose. With fragile fingers, I fought gravity and time until my soul went numb. Most can relate on some level. When Jekyll becomes Hyde, all things turn dark. Whether anger, bitterness, or hatred surface; hindsight is where the rational spirit reappears. Chalk such up as being fragile or human. Regardless, the person that wreaks havoc doesn’t have a separate SSN, DNA, or body. Panic and exhaustion mixed with desperation do their part in bringing to light what exists underneath it all. Not everyone is fortunate. I won’t go into detail over the countless outcomes souls fall into when broken. What I can share is that I’m not above it. If it wasn’t for countless individuals who experienced some of my mess, I wouldn’t admit how despicable parts of the real me are … Solutions? Nah, I’d rather not speak like I’m “enlightened.” Preachy writings are always unintentional homie. With stars shining above and this planet bearing me, I’d rather be honest (not really but trying here). Worse than some and safer than others, this product of social comparison is stupid. How about slightly more informed based on reflection? Thankfully, the “others” are kind 92% of the time. The other 8% is just so I don’t use an absolute statement 🫣 Anyways, I’m grateful for these avenues and those who make it possible for me to breathe out what’s behind my adulting mask. 2016 is where I discovered online connectivity with the help of someone who I left behind at their (plural to avoid ID) lowest. Without them, not one writing would have been public 🤐 For better or worse, at least pieces of my mind aren’t guarded like in person. Excuse my edits … Gotta draw the line somewhere 😑
- oxiegoeimi
naive 11.1 🦁🏳🔐💙 remember to always #trust #nature 🌲 #Healer 🔥 #Spirit 🕊 #hope ⚜️ #grace ☔️ #love 🌸 #life 🌊 #unity 🌈 #believe 💝 #weareone ✂️🕚🎶 #energy #PinkySwear #prayer #meditation #freelove #hereandhereafter #dream #vision #Eternity #paradise #infinity #light #origin #writing source journey #create #coexist #together 💜🌠🌅🌟
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h7jfangirl · 3 years
TGS chapter 12's cover!
And how I said before, Hyde appears!
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First of all: I really love the colors of this cover, the black and gold convination is fantastic and you can feel how Hyde is suffering while nobody is doing nothing to help him.
Now, let's start from the description of this page
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When I read this for the first time I didn't catch it, I though they were literally saying that although Hyde was shown in agony on the cover, the chapter was going to be calmer than it seemed
So at first I was like:
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But then I read the comments and I understood that Sabrina was being sarcastic (JAJAJSJ).
So, analyzing Sabrina's words we can realize that it reveals a little about what the chapter was mainly about:
The chapter will be about Hyde suffering the concequences of his actions while Jekyll decides to confront Laynon with his feelings, something that could affect Hyde in a worse or better way (Knowing that Hyde usually use Henry's negative emotions to escape from a emotional problem. But Edward could be inside of a deep part of Jekyll's mind where the negative emotions that Henry can feel are even more stronger and dangerous than before, so Hyde would be in a lot of trouble with the same things he once use for his own benefit.
Now let's analyze the cover image:
"The image is of Hyde being taken over by dark forces on top of a stage while many upper-class viewers watch it as a fantastic spectacle"
This is clearly symbolic, I don't think real magic dark tentacles grab Hyde on a stage and the viewers think it's part of the show LMAO. BUT what are exactily thoses dark forces?
Maybe they are the actual representation of Hyde's OWN INSECURITIES, due to everything he went through in chapter 10 Hyde's ego was very damaged and from that new insecurities were formed about himself, being such doubts as "Will I be free" or even existential questions like "Who I am?" That tun into these powerful dark forces that have manifested for drag him into the darkest part of the mind, where he belongs
For one night, he will face and feel all the fear and stress Jekyll felt cause of him, while outside of his mind the exhibition begins and Henry faces one of his own fears...
I think about the possibility that the chapter takes place on the night of the big exhibition, because in the small spoilers of Sabrina on Twitter Henry and Laynon are seen with elegant clothes. However, there is also the great possibility that it could be a Jekyll or Laynon flashback where we are shown that we still did not see EVERYTHING in the last chapter, i think so because we only see them in those suits. But at least we know that the exhibition is very close.
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But then if the spoilers about Henry and Laynon are just a flashback, then the chapter would be about Jekyll remembering the little confrontation he had with Robert while Hyde suffers in the depths of his mind and he doesn't realize? Or maybe...
Nah, I don't think so but it would be super hyper mega cool. Henry being able to somehow control the shadows so they will take Hyde inside his mind and lock him in the deepest, even if it was for just one night (Surely because the poor guy just wants to sleep). It would make sense if we take into account that he will be able to empower himself with Frankenstein (According to Sabri's wip on Twitter)
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So why not with Hyde too? He actually did it in the last panel of chapter 10!.
Well, whatever what will happend in this chapter, we don't have to wait to long, because nexts uptade comes next week!
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So~ I'm ending the post here, thanks for take the time to read this. I'm so sorry about my bad english, i had to use Google translator for this but I hope you liked it!
I Will love to see your theorys and thoughs about this chapter in the comments!
So yeah, goodbye and have a nice day! 💕✨
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swanandphoenixsong · 2 years
Aliit - Ao3
Chapter 12: Scheming – Part 2
Series: Part 2 of the Star Wars - Nouveau AU series
Chapter Summary: Trysor and Hyde attend Varas’s rally, and Boba decides how to move forward.
Notes: This chapter begins in Trysor’s POV and concludes with Boba’s.
Translations of Mando’a: Cuy’val dar – Mandalorian warriors who disappeared with Jango Fett between 32-30 BBY; meaning “those who no longer exist”
– –
19 BBY – Varas’s Compound, Klatooine
After the combatants had been helped to retreat down into the underground chambers surrounding the sunken fighting pit, Trysor, Hyde, and Bossk had went to join them there and congratulate their allies.
It appeared the underground chambers were overseen by a duo of bounty hunters and the three Klatooian locals, each medically trained and unfortunately brusque with their bedside manner. They were bustling about, leaving modified probe droids to dispense stims and painkillers to the recovering participants. While the next fighters prepared for the upcoming match, a medic attended to the Haxion Brood members, who both seemed more concerned with the state of their brawler droid companion, rather than their own physical ailments. Hush, the Talz scavenger, was still being worked over to some extent, while Ragnar, the Lasat mercenary, lounged on a bench nearby, chatting with the Tognath and the Terrelian adversaries.
Ramy and Krix had made it out relatively unscathed, only receiving bruising, shallow wounds, and some burn damage. Smug was significantly worse for wear, with several broken ribs and injuries to both his left arm and leg. As they were given treatment, Bossk, Hyde, and Trysor gathered around them.
“Sso how’d we do, Bossk?” Ramy asked with a smirk, “thinkk our performance perssuaded anyone to enlisst in Varas’s hunt?”
“We shall ssee,” Bossk replied, “Now that they know th’ sstrength of our allies, they cannot doubt our capabilities.”
“You did give us quite the show,” said Trysor, nudging Smug’s shoulder.
“What about you?” Smug looked up at her, “Did our conviction insspire you to join uss?”
She looked away, feigning hesitation, and catching a glimpse of Bossk’s veiled scrutiny. “Us? Nah, you all don’t need Hyde and I to slow you down,” Then she took out the long-range holocomm, offering it to him, “But it did earn you this, just as we agreed.”
“Be careful with that,” Hyde warned as she handed it off to Smug, “you won’t be getting a replacement if you lose it.”
“As if.” He hissed back, clutching the device within his claws.
“Hey, Bossk!” someone called, and the Twi’leks turned to see a human bounty hunter had joined their circle, accompanied by a towering, ancient-looking combat droid.
“Dengar,” Bossk grinned, “Come to ssettle the sscore?”
Dengar rolled his eyes. “Pft. Not a bad match, I’ll admit, but the Brood’s always good for a show.”
“Ssure, they were,” Ramy crowed, “before we beat them.”
Krix snickered mirthfully. “They sshould know better than to tussle with th’ original bounty hunterss.”
Dengar shrugged. “Hardly matters that bounty huntin’s ‘your’ sport - if we’re talkin’ ‘bout entertainment, the Brood’s got the advantage. It’s just a fact.”
Ramy and Krix bristled, yet remained uncharacteristically silent – much like the rather intimidating droid who stood behind Dengar. From their behavior, Trysor could assume that the two Trandoshans disliked working with them, but she didn’t know why.
“Anyway–” Dengar said, turning back toward Bossk, “Varas is waiting on us, if you think this lot can get themselves to the amphitheater.”
“Better watch yoursself, Dengar,” Krix growled defensively, “Don’ thinkk we can’t sstill hold our own.”
“Sstand down,” Bossk warned, moving between them. “You’ve had your fun. Now s’not th’ time to make a fuss.”
Dengar smirked, and Krix seemed ready to lash out, had Ramy not intervened, firmly gripping his shoulder. Krix grumbled, shaking him off as soon as Bossk turned away and followed Dengar and the droid up out of the underground chambers.
“What’s that all about?” Hyde asked them.
Ramy shrugged. “We don’ care much for Dengar. Or any human, for that matter.”
“Humanss,” Krix spat, “they see uss and species like ours as ssavage beasts. They like nothing more than getting under our sscales. But they’re nothing sspecial.”
Trysor caught Hyde’s gaze, and they each understood. So often, humans only saw Twi’leks – and similar species – as slaves or servants, regardless of whether the individual’s own history.
“Th’ droid– Ssee-twenty-one Highsinger,” Ramy continued, “and th’ other memberss of Krayt’s Claw aren’t sso bad, but they defer to Boba, their leader, who is human as well, although he respectss Bossk well enough. We’ve thought of joining up with their guild, but we alsso prefer our ssolitary independence within th’ swampss of Hutta, over th’ territorial disputes across th’ desertss of Tatooine.”
“Nevertheless,” Krix turned back toward Smug, “Besst get a move on. We can watch enough of th’ lasst contest before th’ main attraction.”
Trysor and Hyde gave them space, as Ramy and Krix brought Smug to stand between them. He was a bit off-balance, but he seemed able to walk, albeit with some support. Trysor patted his arm, and he gave her a reassuring smile.
She and Hyde followed behind them, just as the crowd cheered from above, for the latest combatants before Varas’s speech.
The amphitheater, as Dengar had called it, stretched from a shaded stage, within an arched opening at one end of the largest domed structure. Most of the community and assembled guests had gathered there, coming over from the mess hall and training grounds.
Trysor and the others arrived late to Varas’s greetings, welcoming her fellow bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and underworld traders with wide, sweeping gestures. The commanding incentive of her hissing, reptilian speech wound throughout the space, ensnaring her audience within her fervor.
Trysor quickly ensured her transmitter was still active, and set her wrist comlink to record, her nerves heightened by the frantic energy of the crowd.
“Now then,” Varas calmed them, her tone stabilizing into a smooth legato, “I’m ssure you all have your theories for th’ coming expedition, but first, there are ssome introductionss and formalities that musst be made. You’ve all heard th’ tales of uss Trandoshans and our proficiency for hunting our prey– but bounty hunting belongss to all of uss! I built thiss community sso that we might collaborate in our preparations, ssupport and contribute to each other’s successes, and share in th’ sspoils of our victories! Together we are sstronger than any one species’ hisstory and tradition alone! Together, we forge our own legacy!”
Her amassed following hollered and cheered, and Trysor was surprised to hear the raucous enthusiasm of Trandoshans throughout the stands. It was clear she inspired them, and thus they were more than willing to welcome others into their culture. None of the gathered Trandoshans voiced any objections, or even appeared to resent her leadership.
Varas lifted a hand, and the assembly quieted, rapt with attention. “As ssome of you may know, th’ authority of th’ crime families wass challenged by th’ Death Watch Mandalorians. Ssome of you even witnessed it firsst hand. In light of these eventss, Black Sun, th’ Pyke Syndicate, and th’ Hutt Families have formed a temporary alliance with Death Watch. They have agreed to fight by their sside, and together, they have already reclaimed Mandalore from th’ unworthy– th’ faint-hearted Duchess and her pacifisst government! Now that they have shown their capability for success, and dedication to their cause, they have called upon uss to support them as they retake Mandalorian Space.
“Thiss will be no ordinary hunt– thiss will be a contesst of war, to sshow th’ galaxy th’ might of th’ criminal underworld! For too long, th’ Republic hass issued regulationss to impede our activities, but there on th’ battlefield we will sshow them we are more deadly than any clone ssoldier or combat-droid. Th’ Mandalorians were once th’ fiercest warriorss in th’ galaxy, and if we join our forces, we will be sstronger than both th’ Confederacy and th’ Republic!”
The crowd erupted again, just as loud as before, but this time there was an undercurrent of seething rage and manic greed. The Clone Wars had taken its toll upon the galaxy, and it seemed the criminal underworld was clamoring for retribution. Trysor could feel her muscles tensing, driven by her instinct to run, but she clenched her fists, taking control of her disposition.
She looked toward Hyde, and he gave her a restrained smirk. His own trepidation was veiled behind his expression, yet she found evidence of it in the arch of his lekku. To the untrained eye he looked no different than usual, but as a fellow Twi’lek, it was natural for her to see the subtle shifts of movement, the nonverbal communication between members of their species. She responded in the same way, then took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax at his side.
Varas grinned sharply, leaning forward and bracing one burly, red-scaled arm on the holotable, as she activated the viewscreens behind her and around the dais. They showed different feeds of information– a display of the Mandalore system, images of the Duchess and her royal guard, and then more of Death Watch and their leaders. The tips of Trysor’s fingers itched with need– need to grasp, to know, to protect. If she could just get near that holotable, copy every bit of incriminating evidence, then their unit would have all the irrefutable proof they needed to convince their superiors of the imminent threat. But even all that data might not convince the Senate to intervene. For now, she only grasped Hyde’s forearm, and he nodded minutely, placing his hand on hers and grounding her in the moment.
“My friendss,” Varas recalled the attention of the assembly, “it is now my honor to introduce to you our allies, from th’ Krayt’s Claw bounty hunterss of Tatooine, Bossk and Aurra Sing!”
She moved aside slightly, and the two joined her upon the stage, received with the same lauded praise from the gathered audience. Bossk seemed just as confident and cool-headed as he had been off the stage, whereas the other – Aurra Sing – seemed almost ravenous in her intense, piercing gaze. The tall, wiry Palliduvan female was nearly gaunt, and starkly pale, compared to the vibrant Trandoshans that flanked her. Trysor recognized her as a nefarious bounty hunter, known for assisting Cad Bane in taking several Republic senators hostage two years ago, as well as other heinous crimes throughout the galaxy.
Bossk stepped up beside Varas at the holotable. At his touch, the screens focused in on Death Watch and their leaders. “With th’ assistance of th’ crime families, Death Watch hass usurped Satine Kryze and dissposed of her administration. They have reinsstated former Prime Minister Almec, and on his behalf, we have been contracted by Gar Saxon of Clan Vizsla.”  
The screens cycled through various images, displaying a different angle of the same scene from Satine’s plea for help. They also had footage prior to it, showing how Saxon and his supercommandos had pursued her rescuers, how they had fought back, and how Saxon had recaptured her.
Varas took charge again, pulling up files on the rescuers. “As you can ssee, there are dissenterss, even among Death Watch, who resist th’ tides of change. Th’ insstigator, a former Death Watch commander alongsside Saxon, hass betrayed her people. With exclusive intel from Saxon, she hass been recognized as Bo-Katan Kryze, forgotten ssister to th’ former Duchess Satine!”
The images changed, showcasing a collected file on Bo-Katan, with photos of the former royal family, that had been taken before their parents’ deaths in the most recent Mandalorian Civil War. More followed, displaying her time in the Royal Academy of Government. Then those of the Nite Owls, and of Bo-Katan giving a speech before the people of Mandalore.
“She concealed her parentage and, in secret, consspired against her Death Watch brethren. She and her renegade followerss have now fled from Mandalore, and are recruiting allies to oppose Almec, Death Watch, and th’ crime families. Our objective is to hunt them down and put a sstop to their little rebellion, before it can threaten th’ fledgling sstability of Almec’s new rule.
“Additionally,” continued Varas with evident bloodlust, “Saxon hass promised a ssignificant bonus to our payment, for th’ combative elimination of th’ traitor. She will be no easy markk, but I can assure you, she will not ssurvive facing my ferocity!”
Murmurs spread throughout the crowd, like the sound of wind blustering through fields of farmland. It had been some time since Mandalorians had played a significant role in the criminal underworld, and from the gossip Trysor had heard, it seemed Varas had been known as a relentless opponent of theirs during the last twenty-odd years. Trysor wondered if she was truly loyal to the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, in the midst of the crime families’ fragile alliance with Death Watch, or if Varas had only been persuaded by the prospect of hunting outcast Mandalorians once again. Was it only for the worthy challenge she sought under the watchful eye of her Scorekeeper, or was there more to her merciless hostility?
And what’s more, Trysor knew there were factors left unmentioned. What had happened to the former Death Watch leader, Pre Vizsla? Was it Almec or Saxon who was in charge now, or was there someone else, pulling the strings? How strong was the alliance between the syndicates and the Mandalorians? If Bo-Katan recruited clans to her side, and Saxon to his own, would there be another civil war on Mandalore? And if so, would the crime families be expected to fight in it? Would Varas and her assembled bounty hunters join the fray?
A whistle rang out, calling the crowd back to attention. Aurra Sing now stood between Varas and Bossk, having changed the displays once again. “Despite whatever opposition we face from Bo-Katan and her forces, we have our primary targets. They have taken among them four cadets from Mandalore’s Royal Academy of Government. One of them is the nephew of Bo-Katan and the former Duchess. With their education, they could be seen as rightful inheritors to any persistent supporters of the overthrown New Mandalorian government. Regardless of whether these young Mandalorians are cowering captives or eager recruits, they cannot become symbols of resistance or idolized martyrs for their people to rally behind. We are expected to bring them back to Sundari alive.”
Trysor stiffened, watching the viewscreens, zeroing in on the faces of the four Mandalorian cadets, exposed before the crowd of bounty hunters. In the footage of the failed rescue attempt of the Duchess, they were armed and dangerous, but Trysor could see their youth, the inexperience behind their resolve. They couldn’t be much older than eighteen or seventeen, the same age she and Veda had been when they were in training with RNI. They should be just starting their adult years, discovering who they want to be and what they want to do with their lives, not fighting for survival and hunted down by Death Watch and contracted killers.
Hyde caught her focus, discreetly comforting her where she still tightly gripped his forearm. He curled his fingers over her knuckles, his gaze narrowed with determination. She nodded, her hold loosening. Whatever happened, regardless of the bounty hunters’ contract or the Senate’s ruling, she would protect those young Mandalorians, and she knew Hyde and the other members of their unit would agree.
On her other side, the Trandoshan trio they had befriended were, unknowingly, in direct opposition to their goal. Leaning forward with gleeful smirks, they seemed all-too-willing to pursue the young Mandalorians, in a zealous crusade that would take them around the Outer Rim and through the Mandalore Sector. Trysor could only assume how much their hunger was fueled by a need for validation, after their sole survival in Garnac’s last hunting party on Wasskah. If they contributed to the success of Varas’s hunt, then they could prove that their failure, with the young padawans and the Wookiee’s reinforcements, was only a fluke, and not a confirmation of their incompetence.
“Otherwise,” Aurra Sing continued, “any opposing combatant, whether a Nite Owl or that of a recruited Mandalorian clan, can be eliminated as the situation allows.”
Varas stepped forward again, raising her arms to her gathered recruits. “Today, I assk you to join with me, follow at my command, againsst these Mandalorians, and with my leadership, we will vanquish these foes and arise victoriouss, for our glory, as bounty hunterss, one and all!”
As the crowd broke out into exuberant uproar once again, Varas brought up the contract on the holotable projection. With a sweeping flourish, her signature joined that of Aurra Sing’s and Bossk’s. She looked out over her assembly, her sadistic grin wickedly sharp, stretched across her scaled visage.
– –
Boba had watched the proceedings from the sidelines, arms crossed and his helmet concealing his bitter frown, standing still between C-21 Highsinger and Dengar. Dengar had been as loud and receptive as the rest of the crowd, while Highsinger was as silent as always, unaffected by Varas’s lofty proclamations. Boba had much preferred the droid’s quiet companionship over the other Krayt’s Claw members – even Bossk, despite that they’d known each other longer.
But as the midday sun beat down on them and the crowd dispersed, Boba could only think of another desert planet, a faint sound of buzzing haunting his mind. It had been years since Geonosis, but the sense of it, looming over his shoulders, was still fresh, festering beneath his skin.
And Boba had been thus particularly preoccupied, when images of Mandalorians were displayed to the assembly. Death Watch and the New Mandalorians had both been enemies to his father, and yet they were his people nonetheless. Boba wondered who he would’ve sided with, were he around, but he supposed the answer wasn’t so difficult to assume. He’d be here, among bounty hunters and mercenaries, in the lifestyle he’d chosen, over the homeland that had no place for him.
Boba remembered the many stories he’d told, of the many people he’d lost. The tale of Galidraan had been the most harrowing – of how he’d lost his mentor’s armor and his own freedom – but his father had built himself back up, stronger than before. But even after recruiting the Cuy’val dar, his father had told him, Mandalorian Space was no longer a home to him. Instead, he’d dedicated his life to bounty hunting, where scheming and betrayal were expected, even relied upon, to keep one’s skills sharp, and their trust closely guarded.
And now, here alone stood Boba, the Cuy’val dar scattered to the wind, unheard of since their dismissal from Kamino, his father dead, slain by a Jedi’s saber, and he without any claim to his Mandalorian heritage. These were the reasons why Boba didn’t give a damn about his father’s people. Any connection he’d had to them was gone, and they didn’t want him anyway. Better to stick with bounty hunting, where he could use his talents and earn some measure of prestige and renown, all his own.
Yet his father’s shadow still weighed upon him, judging his worthiness. All his father’s expectations, behind the endless stare of his helmet, still demanded more of his son, his only surviving legacy. Here, in his present reality, it didn’t matter what his father would’ve done. All that mattered, all that affected his status, was what Boba chose to do in his stead.
With that thought, Boba turned away from the amphitheater, and headed for one of smaller domed dwellings. Krayt’s Claw had laid temporary claim to it, at least until they left Klatooine. For now, it was private enough to serve his purposes, while the others were distracted with planning Varas’s hunt. He crossed over to the circular holotable, removing his helmet and punching in a frequency he was reluctant to use, but nonetheless needed.
At least the narcissistic bastard didn’t ignore his call, if that could be considered a comfort at all.
“Ah– what a surprise! Boba, my dear boy, it has been some time!” greeted the Weequay pirate.
He rolled his eyes, already regretting not having Bossk at his back, although he knew he could handle Hondo fine on his own. “Shut it, Ohnaka. You and I both know this call is long overdue.”
“Of course, of course, but we’ve both been very busy since then, wouldn’t you say? Bounty contracts and pirating, they keep us busy, traveling all over the galaxy, yes? Have you finally relocated off Tatooine?”
“You’re reaching, Ohnaka,” Boba warned, diverting the conversation from the obvious attempt at validating elusive rumors. “And isn’t your crew still in a state of disrepair? Who’d you fare better with – Grievous and his droid army, or the pair of Zabrak force-users that turned your own lackeys against you?”
“Oh, have you no sympathy, young Fett? I hear the Hutts and your bounty hunters were defeated by the same laser-sword-wielding maniacs!”
“Ha!” He conceded, “That may be true, but then, you and yours didn’t fend them off on your own, did you? I hear you’ve been making friends with Jedi.”
“You say that as if it were the Jedi alone who won those fights, but in fact it was me and my men who swooped in to save the day! Both with Grievous and the Sith!”
And that, that word he hadn’t heard in years, piqued his interest. His father had warned him of the Jedi’s ancient enemy, informed him that they were more than red-saber-wielding Force-users. While the general public, if they had ever heard mention of the Sith, might assume Count Dooku and his assassins – or these Dathomirian Zabraks – fit the definition, but they had never been confirmed as such by the Republic or the Jedi. To be a Sith, as his father had described it, they had to believe in a certain ideology – follow the Dark Side, train in Dark arts, and keep to ancient traditions. Boba hadn’t realized the Zabrak force-users were Sith, but he wasn’t surprised to hear it now.
“Hondo, I wasn’t there with the Hutts, I only heard of those two horned Force-users from Dengar and the others, but are you saying you know those two are Sith, specifically?”
“Eh? Yes, that’s what Kenobi called them. They were very persuasive with my men, and brutal. That red one, he killed one of my most loyal lieutenants! Stabbed him, straight through his back. When Kenobi arrived, he had another Jedi with him, never got her name. At first, the two Jedi couldn’t take down the Sith on their own, especially with the battle between me and my men going on around them. But during all that – the yellow one slammed into the other Jedi like a rampaging rancor! She perished, and Kenobi and I regrouped in the tunnels. While I was reunifying my pirates, Kenobi solely faced the Sith. I don’t quite know how he managed it, but he sent them running – or no, more like faltering – back to their ship. We shot them down as they tried to escape, and we assumed they were dead. Kenobi suspected otherwise. But,” he sighed, “I suppose he was right, when we heard they had taken over the crime families, with the help of those Mandalorians – the Death Watch, yes?”
He had listened carefully, even as Hondo gestured wildly, caught up in the story. Boba drew over a chair and sat low, hesitating over confirming the Mandalorians’ involvement – and his own knowledge of their operations. But news traveled fast on the holonet, and even more so in the criminal underworld. With his questioning before, it seemed likely Hondo had his own contacts, either here in Hutt Space, or back on Tatooine. In the past, his father had afforded some trust with Hondo, and he hadn’t been unkind to Boba, when he had been abandoned by Sing two years ago. He supposed he’d have to share some information with him, if Hondo was going to see him traveling with Varas anyway.
“It was Death Watch, although they’re not quite the same since then. You can draw your own conclusions, if you’re willing to meet us as we make our way toward the Mandalore sector, and return to me my father’s ship.”
“Ah, I should not be surprised, but you understand, I’ve grown quite fond of Jango’s Firespray. I’ve fixed it up since Aurra crashed it, and it served me well in the battle against Grievous.”
“The Slave I is still my ship, Ohnaka,” he corrected him “and you should be thankful I’m contacting you on good terms. You can imagine how I might react if you refuse, especially now that I have my own guild of bounty hunters, and not to mention I’ll be traveling with Varas’s crew as well.”
Hondo looked up, his eyes bright with interest at the name drop, but he seemed to know better than to question it. “Of course, of course, Boba, I wouldn’t dream of keeping you from your father’s ship. But am I not owed something, at least from Aurra, for repairing the ship she so ceremoniously crashed, the last time I saw her?”
“Sure,” He laughed heartily, glad that Hondo had brought that up. “Aurra will be with us, the two of you can hash out the details then.” He would enjoy seeing Sing being held accountable for her betrayal, even if it was by some money-grubbing pirate like Hondo. He could only hope it wouldn’t involve any of that face-sucking that Sing had enacted the last time they were reunited.
“Excellent! Where shall we meet?”
“Do you still operate near Felucia?”
“Oh, not as often, ever since the Jedi taught the farmers to fend for themselves. But I think we should be able meet there, especially with your bounty hunters around.”
Boba nodded. “Just be sure your pirates are on their best behavior. Varas is not as reasonable as I am, and I don’t think she’d tolerate defending your lot from some simple villagers.”
Hondo agreed, and together they organized some other details of their meeting. Boba left the holocall in marginally better spirits, looking forward to having his father’s ship back, and following his lead in the days ahead.
Endnotes: For Clone Wars: Legacy, or what would have been the original Clone Wars season seven, there was going to be a bounty hunter arc, where I imagine we might have seen Boba get back his father’s ship, and possibly seen him talk with Ohnaka about his previous knowledge of Jango (as the episodes were also rumored to emphasize Boba's and Cad Bane's relation to one another as Bane had known Jango). So, I’m putting my own spin on that, especially since The Bounty Hunter Code & Ba’jurne Kyr’stad Mando’ad have Bossk, Aurra Sing, and Hondo Ohnaka making margin notes in the guidebook. 
However, in the next chapter we leave the bounty hunters and rather than returning to Mandalorian Space, we’ll travel inward, toward the Core Worlds. I may also include a short interlude at some point, but I’m not quite sure yet where it’ll fall in the timeline. I’ll also be making some updates to Jedi Scholar soon, as we got more information from the Kenobi show, and maybe even a whole chapter update, if I can get past the writer’s block I met with the last time I updated it.
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springsteenicious · 3 years
Day 4 - Jack O’ Lanterns
[Context - October 1978, Jackie and Hyde have just made their relationship official]
"I don't want to scoop the gross goop out of the pumpkin!" Jackie whined.
"Then don't carve a pumpkin," Forman suggested.
"Come on, Jackie, you've touched way grosser stuff. Like Hyde," Kelso said.
Hyde flung a handful of pumpkin guts at Kelso, hitting him in the chest. Kelso shrieked indignantly. Jackie smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, Steven."
"No problem. I'm not gonna gut your pumpkin for you, though."
Jackie pouted. "You know what, I don't need to carve a pumpkin. I'll just watch and criticize you guys."
"Wuss," Hyde muttered, knowing it would piss her off.
She gaped at him. "You take that back!"
"Start scooping pumpkin guts and I'll take it back, wuss," he said with a smirk.
She crossed her arms. "You know what? You're the wuss for not doing a couples costume with me!"
"That makes him the opposite of a wuss, actually," Forman said. "He'd be a wuss if he did what you told him to do."
"Oh, so being a good boyfriend makes you a wuss," Jackie said.
"To these idiots, yes," Donna said. "And stop using the word wuss. It's a boiled down version of pussy, and that's a gendered insult and equates women with cowardice."
"Then Jackie is a coward," Fez said.
"I am not! I watched all of The Exorcist without even getting nervous. Eric had to leave the theater," Jackie said.
"And yet, who's the one scooping out pumpkin guts?" Forman asked, dumping his spoonful of pumpkin onto the newspapers covering the ground.
"It's not Jackie, that's for sure," Kelso said.
Jackie glared at Hyde. "You see what you did, Steven, you turned everyone against me. You know what? I suddenly have plans for Halloween night and can no longer go out with you."
"Ooh, burn!" Kelso said. Hyde flung more pumpkin guts at him. "Jeez, Hyde! I was just calling it like it is."
Hyde ignored him and turned to Jackie. "Fine. I'll go trick or treat with Fez."
"Yay! No one else wanted to come with me this year," Fez said happily.
"See, Hyde, that's the wrong move," Forman said. "If your girlfriend threatens to not go out with you, you have to threaten something to get her to back off. You can't go passive like that."
Donna gave him a look. "Oh yeah? Well, I have plans with Jackie on Halloween night now. I can't go out with you either."
Forman's face dropped. "What? No, Donna, please-" He caught himself. "I mean… I have plans at Kelso's house. Casey's having a Halloween party."
Donna glared at him.
"Do you ever think before you speak, Eric?" Jackie asked.
"Yeah, that was just cruel," Fez said.
"You're right, Forman, that's much better than what I did," Hyde said sarcastically.
"That was awful," Kelso said. "I mean, I've said worse to Jackie. But if even I realize it's bad, it's bad."
"Sorry," Forman said sheepishly. "I didn't mean it. That was just the first thing I could think of on the spot. How can I make it up to you?"
Donna smirked. "Scoop the guts out of Jackie's pumpkin. Then I can change my plans with her and we can hang out on Halloween."
Forman glanced between Donna and Jackie's pumpkin. "Fine." Jackie grinned and rolled her pumpkin over to Forman.
Hyde scooped the last of the guts out of his pumpkin. He wiped off his hands, then grabbed a knife. Jackie tilted her head, looking at Hyde through her long lashes. "So, Steven, are you gonna do something to make it up to me?"
"Mmm… Nah. 'Cause I know you don't actually have new plans and you'll be here in the basement with me on Halloween."
Jackie straightened up. "I actually do have other plans. The cheer squad invited me to their party, but I was gonna skip it for you."
Hyde felt bad at that. He was still figuring out this whole relationship thing, and he didn't want Jackie missing out with her other friends because of him. On the other hand, he did like the idea of Jackie choosing to spend the night with him instead of her friends. "Oh. Well, if you want to go do that, I won't hold you back."
Jackie's eyebrows raised a little. "Okay. I will." She stood up. "You know what, Eric, forget it. I'm not carving a pumpkin." She left the basement.
Donna looked at Hyde. “That was bad.”
“Yeah, she actually left,” Forman said. “That’s bad.”
“And how do you think I should fix it, Forman? Tell her I’m going out with Kelso?”
“Oh, no, I’m going to a party. I can’t hang out with you,” Kelso said.
“I was being sarcastic.” Hyde grabbed a handful of pumpkin guts from the floor and threw them at Kelso. “Dillhole.”
“Stop throwing guts at me!” Kelso shouted as he wiped them off his shirt. “If you really want to make it up to Jackie, you should just buy her a present. She loves getting stuff.”
“No, just apologize to her. Tell her you want to spend Halloween with her,” Donna said.
“I don’t need relationship advice,” Hyde said angrily.
“Yes you do,” Fez said. “You’ve never done this before, you need help.”
“I don’t want help.” But deep down, Hyde knew he probably did need it.
“Well, if we’re not talking about Hyde and Jackie… I’m going to carve the best pumpkin any of you have ever seen,” Forman said.
“Oh, we’ll see about that,” Kelso said, picking up a knife.
Hyde stood outside Jackie’s house with a pumpkin and a bag full of newspaper. He rang the doorbell with his elbow. She answered the door after a moment. “Hi. Why do you have a pumpkin?”
“You left and you didn’t get to carve your own, so I brought you one. Gutted and everything. You can carve it if you want.”
“Oh. Anything else?”
“I figured if you still want to go to the party with your cheer friends we could at least do this together.”
“Do you still think I’m a wuss?”
“Yeah,” he said, making her glare at him. “But I like it.”
Her demeanor softened at his clarification. “You can come in.” She backed away from the door and let him inside. She brought him to the kitchen, where they spread out the newspaper on the table.
“I’ve never actually carved a pumpkin before,” Jackie said as she got a knife.
“No? Why not?”
“Wasn’t something my parents usually did. I’ve always wanted to, though.”
“I’ll help you out.” They sat down next to each other at the table. “What do you want to carve?”
“You know the pumpkin face they draw on the back of Charlie Brown’s head in The Great Pumpkin? Let’s do that.”
“All right.” Hyde drew out the face with a pencil. “You can base the cuts off of that.”
“Thanks.” Jackie started cutting into the pumpkin. She got the eyes done pretty easily, then struggled with the mouth a little. Hyde helped her when she needed it. Soon enough, they had a finished Jack O’ Lantern on the table.
“Not bad for your first ever Jack O’ Lantern,” Hyde said.
Jackie grinned proudly. “You helped.”
“You did most of it, though. Next year you’ll be doing it all on your own and you won’t even need me.”
Jackie’s smile faded. “Do you think I don’t want to be with you or something?”
Hyde scratched the back of his neck. “No, I just… I didn’t want to make you choose between me and your friends.”
She stared at their pumpkin for a moment. Then she looked at him and smiled. “How about you come with me to the cheer party? We’re allowed to bring boyfriends, so they’d be fine with you being there. And if it’s terrible, we can always leave early. As long as you still want to spend Halloween with me, of course.”
“I do.”
“Then let’s do that.”
“Sounds good.” He kissed her softly. “Sorry I was a jerk yesterday. Still getting used to the whole boyfriend thing.”
“It’s fine. I think you’ll figure it out.” She kissed him, deeper than his previous soft peck. “Thanks for helping me carve my first pumpkin.”
“No problem.” As they kissed again, he thought that maybe this whole boyfriend thing really wasn’t that bad.
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pinballwitxh · 4 years
get down tonight - imagine - steven hyde x oc
Get Down Tonight, KC and the Sunshine Band
summary: after accidentally slamming a door into steven hyde’s face, a fellow classmate catches his interest and he pays her a late-night visit.
warnings: drug usage and cursing
a/n: I am so glad I am writing one for Hyde, my favorite character of that 70′s show!!!  also I know all the stoner terms since I myself am a hardcore stoner.  so this was an absolute blast to write!  enjoy y’all!  there will definitely be more to this, I may make it a small series of stories with this same character and their storyline.
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She could see him across the dance-floor, dark and brooding yet somehow still as handsome as ever.  She rolled her eyes and turned back to talk to her friends.  Somehow she was angry at him for being so cool but so bad. 
Steven Hyde always made her furious, especially at school.
When he wasn’t getting away with skipping school or sneaking out at night, he took the punishments without a care in the world, and continued to act so stupid.  He never got in the trouble he deserved.  
“Look at that burnout, always frowning.” one of her friends scoffed.
She nodded, “It annoys me.”
“Did you see him dancing with Donna Pinciotti earlier?  Clearly she had no interest, don’t blame her.” another friend said while sipping on a water. She glanced back to the wall he was leaning against, still in the same position with the same look.
Around them couples were pouring out onto the floor.  The girl sighed when she turned back to find her friends gone.  With a huff she stood and knocked her chair over.  The disco was supposed to be the most fun place around, a place where you could find friends and a partner to dance with.
She was expecting to waltz in and find a gentlemanly boyfriend, actually.
The bathroom was empty when she slammed the door open.  For a few minutes she stood in front of the mirror examining her makeup and tightly curled hair.  She frowned to herself and thought to herself, why does no one pick me?
After giving herself a quiet reassurance she left for the exit and was surprised to hear a thud on the other side of the door when she opened it.  She sucked in a sharp breath and peered around the frame and gasped quietly.
Steven Hyde was laying on the floor with a hand to his nose, groaning just the tiniest bit.  
She stuck a hand out, took it back, stuck it out, and finally held it back to herself with a wince.  If she left before he sat up she would be in the clear, she could pretend like she hadn’t just rammed a door into his scruffy face.
She turned on her heel and began to walk away quickly but quietly, wincing at the tone of his voice when he called out, “What the hell, man?  I can hear you walking away so don’t even think about walking away,”
Dead in her tracks, she took a deep breath and turned back to face him.
“Sorry, sorry, I thought-”
“Thought you could get away?  Yeah, I saw you.” he growled as he sat up slowly with his hand still gloved over his nose, “You know hit-and-runs are illegal?”
A small smile threaten to pull at her lips but she held back, leaning down to offer him a hand.
“I said I was sorry, let me help you up,” she insisted.
Steven sighed and took her hand tightly, allowing her to help him stand.  Dizziness took over upon standing up so quickly and he screwed his eyes shut, “What does a guy have to do to get a drink around here?”
“Wouldn’t know, don’t drink really.” she said as wiped her palm on the side of her dress.
Steven scoffed, “Why am I not surprised you don’t?” he smirked.
She frowned and crossed her arms, “What does that means?”
He shook his head, “I see the way you and your posse look at me.  It doesn’t make me feel any worse about myself, ya know?  My mother already does a great job at that,”
He watched her eyes flick to the ground, a telltale sign he had gotten his point across and that he’d probably made himself look even more like a delinquent.  With a sigh he shoved his hands into his pockets, “Don’t you have a group to get back to and gossip with?”
She laughed, “They left me for the dance-floor.”
Steven nodded, “Ah, yes.  Mine as well. . .”
For a moment it was quiet and awkward between the two.  The sound of the deep bass of disco thrummed in the air and she could feel the vibrations in her bell-bottoms.
“Wanna get outta here and smoke some Mary Jane?”
“Are you INSANE?” she shrieked, earning a shushing from Steven.
“No, I’m not, and I think you’d be a little more sane if you smoked some with me.” he smirked, “I see you at school sometimes, you’re way uptight.”
She shook her head, “I don’t really know who you think I am or what I do, but that is not it.”
Steven raised his hands in defense, “I get it, I get it, just thought I’d offer since I have some to share.  Spread the love, y’know?”
“Sure, spread the love.  That’s very kind of you,” she said.
The song ended and she could hear her friends calling her name amongst the crowd.   She turned back to Steven and crossed her arms, “Well, I’m sorry I slammed a door in your face.  I hope your night gets better,” she said quietly.
Steven shoved his hands back into his pockets with a shrug, “Yeah, you too or, whatever.”
- - -
It was 11:00PM and her eyes would not stay shut.  Her brain wouldn’t power down, either.  Sleep seemed to be a distant dream for now.  With a sigh she reached over and turned her lamp back on and opened one of the books by her bed.
Not five minutes later she could hear a faint tapping her bedroom window.  The curtains were pulled over and she was not going to check who it was.  Probably one of the Kelso brothers trying to bother her as they did once in a while.
The tapping stopped for a minute and she settled back under the covers and returned to her book.
Boom boom boom.
“Hey goody-goody, wanna see how my nose looks now?”
She jumped at the voice and set her book down momentarily to sit in surprise.  Was Steven Hyde at her window?
“I don’t have all night, I can see your light is on, too.”
She scrambled out of bed and through a sweatshirt on before drawing the curtains and pulling up the blinds.  There stood Steven Hyde in full-smirk glory, leaning on her windowsill.  She winced at his bruising eye and nose, apologizing once more to him and he merely waved it off, “Makes me look tough.”
She opened the window and placed a hand at her hip, “What are you doing here?  How do you know where I live?” she questioned angrily.
Steven shrugged, “Not that hard to look up an address.  Plus I was bored, couldn’t sleep.  Looks like we’ve got the same issue,” he grinned.
She crossed her arms, “Well I’m not letting you in here, I know what this means.  Kelso’s tried it thousands of times-”
“First off, I’m not Kelso.  Second, you don’t have to let me in.  I’m fine standin’ out here by myself.  And third,” he paused to reach into his jacket pocket and pulled out a freshly rolled joint, “Sometimes smoking alone isn’t all that fun.”
“What about that group you’re always with, Eric Forman? Kelso, that foreign kid?  And Donna Pinciotii. . .why don’t you go smoke with them?”
“Already did.”
“Well go do it again,”
“Nah, it was getting boring.  Plus, it’s hard to talk over Jackie Burkhart’s constant whining and her lips all over Kelso’s.”
The girl nodded silently and looked away, “Well I’m not gonna smoke it.”
“Fine, more for me.” he said as he pulled a lighter from his pocket, “D’ya mind?”
She looked behind her and made sure the door was locked before giving him the okay.  He grinned at her approval and brought the lighter up to his face, holding the finely rolled joint between his lips.  
Which she was currently staring at and couldn’t seem to tear her eyes from.
The smell hit her first and she recoiled, “Why does it smell like a skunk?”
Steven laughed and took a drag, “I love it.”
“How could you smoke something that smells like that?” 
He shrugged his shoulders, “I guess you just get used to it, you learn to appreciate it the more you smoke.  You can smell the nature in it, y’know?  It’s a flower anyways, it’s got a sort-of earthy smell to it before you light up.”
She laughed, “You really are a stoner like they say,”
“What else do they say?” he asked, leaning closer to her from the windowsill.
She looked away, “A lot of things. . .”
“I’ve got all the time right now, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that,” she pointed at him, “Besides, none of it’s really nice anyways.”
“You think I care what a bunch of school girls think about me?” he said defensively, “I can assure you I have been called worse.”
“Don’t say that-”
“Why, cause it makes you uncomfortable to hear about how shitty my life is compared to yours?”
“No,” she said firmly, glaring at him.
He scoffed, “Okay, I’ll spare you the sob story then.”
“Why are you here, Steven?”
“Oh god don’t call me that, please.  Just call me Hyde, everyone else does.”
“Alright then, Hyde, why are you here smoking a joint at my window?” she asked as she stepped closer, arms still crossed over her chest.
He took another long drag and looked away for a minute, letting the wind carry the smoke from his lips in beautiful swirls and ripples.  She wondered for a moment if he could blow smoke rings, and how cool that would actually kinda be.
“To tell you the truth I don’t really know, but part of me wants to corrupt that good girl inside of you-”
“Gross, that is so typical!  All boys want is-”
“I’m not Kelso, remember?  And I don’t mean it in that way. . .at least not yet,” he waggled his eyebrows, “I just think you’re an interesting person, is that such a crime?”
She shook her head, “No, it isn’t.”
“Maybe I just wanna show you I’m not the guy your friends think I am.” he said quietly, looking away to take another puff.
For a few more minutes he sucked on his joint while she watched and awkwardly shifted her weight on her legs.  He was making her feel so guilty and she figured it was his intention.  One more time he offered her the joint and she passed, he simply shrugged his shoulders again and finished it.
He bent down to put out the smoking joint and stashed the roach in his pocket, “Don’t worry, I wont leave any evidence that I’ve been here,”
“Well, thank you for the conversation but I should be going to bed.”
Steven rubbed his hands together and smiled, “Alright, I’ll see ya tomorrow at the same time.”
He left before she could question his statement. 
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 years
Since I just saw the only Hammer Dracula film I hadn’t gotten around to before, I thought I’d give a few thoughts....
Scars of Dracula is now going to be subtitled  “Good Help is Hard to Find” whenever I mention it. Drac has peasants that come with torches, a servant that toys with putting a crush above job performance, and a gal that would rather sink her own teeth into his dinner. And how does he deal with this? Through wasting a lot of blood that you’d think he would find yummy. (Though in the stabbing scene it sure looks like they cut before he took a very sensible sip.)  The problems of being a boss with no people skills seems to be a thing even if you have fangs. 
Or a tavern owner, for that matter. The dude is just as unable contol what his employee says and does, thinking gruffness can keep her in line. He never even bothers to explain the wee hazards of working in the shadows if a vampire’s castle. I tell you, check out who you are working for and what the risks of the job are, because you can NOT count on your boss!
Actually, I really do like a glimpse at the life of a vampire’s servant. It’s all well and good for fang boy to leave a bloody mess in the bed, but somebody had dispose of the body. TBH, I rather enjoyed seeing Patrick Troughton’s Klove cheerfully  rummaging about the latest victim’s belongings  before casually dismembering and disolving  in acid the remains of a fellow employee that had just recieved her severance package. 
The movie might have been fun as a dark comedy, but unfortunately when it kept trying for comedy it just didn’t work. I say this as someone that likes The Horror of Frankenstein, so feel free to dismiss that. If they had gone for humor at least the wobbly aspects might seem part of the joke.
Wobbly like the bats....
Dear Dark Shadows, Remember how I used to giggle at your fake bat attacks? All is forgiven! Hammer did it much, MUCH worse! 
Seriously, brightly lit Halloween puppet bats bouncing of clevage is just hilarious! 
Hmmm, maybe they were trying to make a comedy.
Nah, the slaughter of an entire church full if the town’s “women folk” is anything but funny. I sort of love the idea of the villagers deciding enough is enough and going after Dracula, and him taking retribution on such a huge scale. The fact the silly peasants thought burning a stone castle would do the job and that Dracula actually sent the kiddie toy bat to do his killing doesn't change the fact I like the idea. 
I also like the bedroom full of red. Red decorations, not blood I mean. Though there was plenty of the latter in the bed eventually. I would love that bed pre-stabbing.
Mood lighting is something no one involved in this movie had ever heard of ever. Pity. Extreme pity actually. A world of production limitations would have been hidden.
Dracula has some seriously weird pale makeup on, like me the first time I tried to do vampire make-up for Halloween. This was not a teenager goofing around in looking undead, because by now they should have had practice. Maybe they thought the lighting should be different too? 
Wait, why did I never notice Christopher Lee’s nostrils before? Is it because this is the first time I’ve been watching him on such a big screen? They weirded me out for some reason.
Small towns really can suck can’t they? Never mind the vampire, locals can be seriously unwelcoming. Give ‘em a neighborhood vampire and they’ll just throw you out the door, sunset or not, if you ask questions. As a small town gal, I half expect my neighbors would so the same to me, and I’m not even a “stranger”. 
Gotta admit that as a vampire fan who fell in love with the novel Dracula in 3rd grade, I never have completely warmed to the Hammer Dracula films. I enjoy them but even Hammer-wise I prefer all the Frankenstein films, Curse of the Werewolf, Doctor Jekyll and Sister Hyde,  Vampire Circus, Twins of Evil...... even Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb to most of their Dracula films.
That said I kinda love Taste the Blood of Dracula. I rewatched it the other day, and other than the way Drac is offed I still love it. Does Brides of Dracula count? I love it, but Drac isn’t in it so I don’t think of it as a Dracula film. And I enjoyed The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, but I’m not sure it quite counts either...
Do I actually even like Christopher Lee as Dracula? I like him in many things, but his Drac films leave me kinda cold. And not in an undead way. Odd thing tp admit about one of the most beloved performers of the role, but there you go.***
Lightening gets him this time? Well that wouldn’t happen if fang boy had used his natural weapons instead of mucking about with weapons. What was it with him and using weapons in this movie? Knives, red hot swords, bit if metal lobbed at him by someone that doesn’t get the wooden stake thing..... Still, it isn’t the lamest of his deaths in the series. 
Final verdict on Scars of Dracula? Well, in most ways it’s a weak movie, but at least it isn’t the atheist bashing of Dracula Has Risen from the Grave** Technically though, yeah, maybe the worst. I still might rewatch it one day, just not any time soon! 
** Beware: Rant Ahead!-  I made the mistake of rewatching it the other day, forgetting it was THAT one, and I ended up so upset. My father was an atheist and I’m agnostic so it kinda slaps me in the face. I suppose most people won’t get it, but if you have had to be in situations where you really don’t what to talk about it, but someone keeps at you about what church you go to, then have the gall to be angry when you tell them, you might. Once you’ve been shunned and forced to fight for the right not to pray you get sensitive on the subject. If the atheist in the movie had been a former priest that regains their faith I wouldn’t have had a problem at all, but I resent atheists being treated as someone that, when not simply being a villain, must convert.  Guess what folks? Atheists can be kind, loving, ethical, and all around good people. 
*** I have nothing against him. In fact, I watched the movie because I dreamed about Christopher Lee last night. We had quite a lovely conversation, well until the car we were in  crashed off the top of the moss covered cube shaped mountain. There he was, smiling very pleasantly at me like he was enjoying talking to me, and next second we were plummeting to what seemed like certain death. Luckily for me I never die in my dreams, but unluckily for him the same doesn’t apply to others,  The poor fellow was the only one to die, but not to worry, in true Dracula and dream fashion, he later turned out to be in a hospital suffering from extreme blood loss and still alive. Odd dream, got weird after that, but got me thinking about thr one of his Drac films I hadn’t seen....
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Would you mind if I requested another Alfie I love the way you write. A bit of an angsty one were Alfie is mean to her at the start she could own a little shop and he comes in saying she owes him money for protection if she wants to set up shop on his turf. She is afraid of him and is always in a panick to pay. Then he starts to soften to her and a relationship begins. I'd like some sexy time if you can can add it in. But if it doesn't work for you that's ok.☺️
//I love soft Alfie, but we can never forget his gangster roots. Because DAMN does he look hot doing that crime thing. 
           Independence was always a scary thought for Cora. But it was something she always desired. Her mother was certain she needed to be married before Cora left the house. But she didn’t see herself marrying any time soon. She wanted to make it out in the world on her own.
            So, she saved and bought a storefront in Camden Town. She began to put together a boutique. But she had yet to open before someone came barging in as if they owned the place.
            Cora poked her head out from the storage room. “Sorry, we’re not open…yet.” She felt her voice fade away when she saw the man entering.
            “Cora Hyde, that right?”
            She startled. “Uh…yes, I’m sorry, do I know you?”
            “Nah, but you will. Heard from a little bird that there was a new shop opening up. And the owner ain’t come to me to pay protection money.”
            “But I…” Cora shook her head. “Who are you?”
            He just chuckled and continued into the half-empty store, his cane tapping against the floor. He looked up from beneath his wide-brimmed hat. “Where are me manners? Alfie Solomons.” He introduced.
            “Cora…well you already know my name.” The young woman felt like backing away from him as he moved closer but she found she couldn’t move a muscle under his stare.
            “Yeah, m’surprised the person who sold you the shop didn’t give you the lay of the land, love. Surprised he didn’t mention where you’re setting up shop.” He looked around, even though there wasn’t much to look at as Cora was still getting things in place.
            “I uh…” She swallowed, still completely perplexed by the man.
            “See, you’re in my territory.” He placed a hand to his chest, showing the multiple rings he had on his fingers. “And shops in this area, pay me a bit of money so they’re under my protection.”
            So, this was what independence was like. Cora shook her head. “I’m sorry, Mr. Solomons but I think you have me mistaken. I don’t need protection…I’m not even sure what I would need protection from.”
            “Oh, anything, anything. Fires, big scary men, yeah, robbers. I’ll take care of everything. But I don’t work for free, right, I mean you don’t work for free and neither do I. Simple business, innit?” He finally stepped right in front of the counter. “S’business. You pay me for protection.”
            “But I…”
            “You’re new to the area so let’s call it…eight pounds a month.”
            Cora’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “Eight? Are you mad, you have no right storming in here demanding money like you own the place. I bought this store…”
            “Yeah, the last shopkeeper was a pain in me arse. Now that you mention it. He refused to pay too. Said something similar, I had no right to ask for money, right. Want to know where he is now?” A dark look passed over his face. “He’s in the river, love. All he had to do was pay for protection and he’d still be alive.”
            Cora was almost trembling with fear. She had no way of knowing if this man was just blowing smoke. But the look in his eyes told her he wasn’t joking around.
            “You seem like a nice girl, not looking for trouble, aye? Cut ya a deal, seven-pound a month. First of every month.”
            Seven pounds. How would Cora be able to get seven pounds every month? She hadn’t even made a single cent from the store yet and was already strapped for money. But what else was she to do? “I don’t know if I’ll have the money in time. I don’t have much…”
            “First of the month.” Alfie echoed before striding out of the store, leaving no room for debate.
            Cora ran a hand through her hair in a harried state. “What am I going to do?” She whispered.
            The first of the next month came much faster than expected. Cora had tried, she really had. But between paying rent and trying to afford the bare minimums to survive, she came up very short of the seven pounds Alfie had insisted upon.
            She cringed when she saw his dark, broad figure coming into the store. “Mr. Solomons…”
            “First of the month.” He announced as if she wasn’t fully aware. “Seven pounds is what I said, innit?”
            “Y-yes and I tried but I-I haven’t any money an-and I can’t afford to pay you or-or for anything.” Oh God, she couldn’t hold herself together. It was so scary being out in the world on her own. What the hell was she thinking trying to be so headstrong and independent? She began to weep, too broken to hold the tears back.
            Alfie stared at her for a moment. Very rarely did people cry in front of him, unless of course, they were begging for their lives at the end of a gun. But to see the young woman break down in front of him was unnerving, to say the least. “Alright, alright. Don’t hafta fucking cry.” He mumbled and reached into his coat for a handkerchief.
            “Please, I don’t want any tr-trouble.” Cora looked up to see the small piece of cloth offered to her.
            Alfie looked disgruntled but perhaps it was to show the guilt he felt for being so intimidating to a young shopkeeper. “I don’t need seven pounds, right, I’ve got considerable means. Your seven pounds ain’t nothing to me.” He established so she didn’t consider him weak. It would do him no good if word got around that he was getting soft.
            She hesitantly took the handkerchief to wipe her eyes. “I don’t understand.” She hiccuped. “You said-”
            “Yeah, well fuck what I said, okay? Can change me own mind whenever I fucking want to and I just did.” He grumbled.
            She looked puzzled. He was a very confusing man, to say the least. His face had become less intimidating and she found him to be a bit more endearing. Crass and cranky, but less of a threat than he was before. “I don’t know if I should thank you or not.”
            “Don’t need thanks.” He saw her eyes were still welling up with tears. “Just stop crying.” Maybe he was softer on women. That much might’ve been true. But he couldn’t stand being the reason for her crying. Perhaps it had to do with comforting his sister when they were younger. Comforting her in their family’s darkest moments.
            Cora dabbed at her eyes again before going to give him back the handkerchief.
            “Keep it, s’alright.” He said. “I’ll be checking in from time to time. Just making sure no one else is giving you trouble.” The words came out before Alfie could really realize what he was saying and why. With no required payments on the table, realistically, the two would never have to cross paths again. But, there was a softness to her that was so rare in his life. So rare in Camden. A deep part of him wanted to cling to that softness, to have some sort of humanity in his life. Something nice amongst the blood and rum. Something nice.
            True to his word, Alfie checked in on Cora’s shop with increasing frequency. It started out with Alfie asking if anyone had given her a hard time around Camden Town. And if so, he’d like the name of said people. He wanted to make sure her landlord was being fair. Wanted to make sure she was getting enough business.
            Initially, Cora found it very strange that the man who had come barging in asking for eight pounds a month, suddenly had a vested interest in her business. It would’ve made her suspicious if it hadn’t been for his gentler side.
            Of course, this side only came out after a couple of months of knowing one another. Alfie brought his dog, Cyril, along one day, much to Cora’s delight.
            “Oh, Alfie, he’s gorgeous,” Cora remarked as she stroked Cyril’s smooth coat.
            “Gorgeous.” Alfie scoffed. “Yeah, he’s fucking gorgeous when he’s taking up half the bed and wakes me up at the crack of dawn.”
            She laughed softly. It was something new that she realized about him. Cyril wasn’t some guard dog or a prop to look more intimidating, he was a companion. Someone that Alfie was fond of. So, he wasn’t heartless.
            It came to be that nearly a year after she set up shop, she found herself waiting for Alfie to drop by. Days seemed more mundane when he didn’t pop in for a quick chat. But it seemed he was firmly standing behind a line. Even if Cora dropped hints that she perhaps was interested in getting to know him better, he didn’t respond. She was starting to think he really was just being friendly. Strange behavior for a gangster, but she wasn’t going to assume things.
            To get some closure, Cora steeled herself and asked.
            “Would you ever want to see me outside of here?” She asked him after their conversation about dog breeds ran dry.
            “I see you outside.” His brow furrowed.
            It was true, sometimes they ran into each other on the street. “I mean, like out. At a pub or something.” She clarified shyly.
            Alfie swallowed. He knew he was treading dangerous waters. Damned as he was, he was looking for the outcome. But had always tried to hold himself back. A girl like Cora could do so much better than him. It was wishful thinking to believe it would ever work out. But he was a sinful creature and couldn’t stay away. “We could. Didn’t think you’d want to be seen with me out in public.”
            Cora looked appalled. “What gave you that idea?”
            “Well, love, you know my reputation.”
            “Your first impression with me wasn’t stellar but you’ve only ever treated me nicely ever since.” She reminded him.
            “You’re braver than I thought.” He mused. “Much braver. Here I was thinking you were a little mouse, ‘fraid of everything.”
            She shrugged. “I don’t think I have reason to be afraid of you.”
            That’s when Alfie knew she had his number. There was no pulling the wool over her eyes. “Alright, I’ll take you out then.”
            “Pick me up tonight?”
            “Eight o’clock.”
            Cora got some jitters when she started seeing Alfie. She was worried he might change for the worse and she would be in a tough situation. But he never did. If anything, he only got kinder and opened up more to her.
            But then she realized people stared at her when she walked down the streets of Camden Town. No one would talk when she was nearby, lest Alfie Solomons rain down hell upon them. But they did talk when she was out of earshot.
            The woman who had tamed Alfie Solomons. What a mystery. What a scandal.
            But the hype faded after a couple of years. Meanwhile, Alfie and Cora only fell deeper in love. It was a far cry from their first interaction, which Cora sometimes teased him about.
            One morning, Alfie came into the store and began locking the door and pulling down the shutters.
            Cora, who was hanging up some clothes looked alarmed. “Alfie, what on Earth are you doing?”
            “You, miss,” He began striding toward her once the shop was all secured and the outside world was locked away. “Left me bed this morning before I even woke. Leaving me without a proper goodbye.” He scolded.
            “I left you a note.” She said, at least relieved there was nothing serious going on and he was just being dramatic.
            “A fucking note.” He humphed. “A proper goodbye, not a note.”       
            Cora rolled her eyes, amused at how bratty he was sometimes. “So, you’re driving business away from my shop because I left without a good morning kiss?” She rounded the counter with her arms crossed.
            “Cheeky, as always.” He picked her up without warning and sat her on the counter.
            “Alfie!” She giggled, a bit taken aback by his sudden movement.
            “You want a little taste of what I were gonna give you this morning?” He asked. His hands traveled down her back, starting to undo the buttons of her dress.
            “Well, if I had known you had something planned, I might’ve stayed…” She leaned forward to kiss him.
            “Well, plans can be changed a bit.” He murmured between kisses. “Always dreamt ‘bout fucking you in me office but here’ll do just fine.”
            “Here?” Cora asked, her eyes widening. But she couldn’t deny that the thrill made her stomach knot up.
            He studied her face. “That’s a no then?” He assumed, ready to back off.
            “You’ll need to be quick.” She tugged his shirt so he would get closer. “I need to open back up to actually make some money.”
            Back in the mood, he gave her a smug smile. “I’ll take as long as I want with you, love. Ain’t rushing anything.”
            “You think money grows on trees?” She retorted, smoothing her hands over his chest, and ghosting her lips over his neck.
            “Ah, you know you’ll never go without. I wouldn’t let you.” He finished unbuttoning her dress. “Anything you want, I’ll get ya. Gonna bathe you in diamonds and sapphires.”
            His seductive tone was making Cora lose her mind. “Alright. Fuck reopening the store.” Alfie’s eyes lit up and he moved in to kiss her. But she stopped him with a finger to his lips. “But it’ll cost you eight pounds.” She teased.
            “Oh, you little minx.” He groaned. “I fucking love you.”
            She giggled and pulled him in for a kiss.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Your safety is my concern; 13th doctor x child reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well I have in store for you another Doctor Who fic request that came to me over 50000 years ago, so ti took me a bit but I managed to get a straight story plot in so to the anon who requested this fic, I hope you like it and thank you for being SOOO patient :) Not really any serious warning except for the alien threats, mild swearing and a bit of action so your typical PG-13 rating. Enjoy my lovelies :) Also there’s a fun face cast (until tumblr decides to stop being a little B***ch the face cast is Tom Ellis for our villain).
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“Wait, wait so those things actually exist?” Ryan exclaimed.
“Yep.” I replied.
“You’re actually serious?” said Yaz.
“Yeah. They live in a place call the Black forest. That’s where the Brothers Grimm wrote their histories.”
“You mean their fairytales?” Yaz tried to correct me but I just looked at her with a quirked brow and a grin. “No way……”
“Can we go?” asked Ryan.
“I would but—that’s the one rule my mom doesn’t allow. She doesn’t even allow me to go on my own. But I’m in my 11th stage at this point, she went there long before I was even thought of. So you know what—screw what she says. Let’s go!”
“Alright!” Ryan cheered as the two of us fist bumped.
“Uhh Ryan can I speak to you for a bit?” Yaz urged him.
“Oh Yaz don’t be such a spoilsport.” I argued. “I know what you’re gonna try to convince him that we all shouldn’t do this cause it’s my mum’s only rule. Well news flash. You guys have been in worse case scenarios before, so let’s just drop it and go there and you guys can see what inspired the Grimm’s history books.”
“Yeah Yaz. C’mon. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity.” Yaz was in a debate with herself before she finally said.
“Oh alright. But only because I loved reading their books growing up.” I cheered out a yes as I fist pumped into the air.  “Just tell me we don’t have to use the TARDIS to get there.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous. You can get there practically in any universe or timeline. Just gotta know where to look.” I said.
“Okay so where do we find the entrance here in London?” Ryan asked.
“Well if you were an English writer or wanted to read a book in peace, where would you go to write?”
“The Park.”
“But which one? There’s over a hundred parks here in London.” Yaz said.
“Well the land where the Brothers Grimm came out of in order to begin writing “Little red riding hood” was turned into what is Hyde Park. So just a cab ride there and I can show you guys they exited. Some entrances can lead you out into another part of the world so we’ll have to make sure we exit out of that exact spot once we get there. Otherwise we’ll end up in Germany or Italy.”
“But how will we get pass the Doctor and Graham?” asked Yaz.
“Leave that to me. Now c’mon let’s get going.” We then left my room and we made it to the heart of the TARDIS.
“So there you three are, finally getting bored of reading eh?” Graham’s voice rung out.
“Oh not my girl Graham. My little (y/n) could just bury herself into books, call her my little Belle sometimes.” My mum said.
“Yeah, hey mum since we’ve had such a long few weeks of battling Daleks, evil hitmen and mind controlling robots, you think we could take a holiday?”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Yeah so where shall we go? The Bermuda Triangle?”
“Nah not after what happened last time.”
“Yeah you’re right very nasty business. What about the Capri islands?”
“Charming little places but no. I was kinda thinking in the lines of local holidays.”
“Oh okay then well umm……uhh fam what is there to do around here that’s peaceful and tranquil?” my mum asked the gang.
“Well there’s always the park.” Ryan suggested going along with my plan.
“The park! Of course good suggestion Ryan.”
“Which park shall it be?” asked Graham.
“Earlier (y/n) suggested Hyde Park.”
“Of course she would. Never did choose any other park after that, not after seeing Queen perform there back in ’76.”
“Hey that was a great concert and don’t pretend you didn’t love it in your previous regeneration!” I snapped at her.
“Oh of course I did. I may have been a sour angry Scotsman previously but I knew good music.”
“That you did mum.”
“Alright Hyde Park it is!” mum proclaimed and as we all began to head out Graham took me by the arm and he said.
“Wait so—she was serious? She used to be a man?”
“Oh yeah. Various generations of them too. I kinda preferred her 10th and 11th form though. He was much cooler and funnier in those forms. His last form it was like having a grandfather instead of a father. But oh boy was I surprised to see this, but she does get me better now as a woman.” Graham looked overwhelmed so I patted his back and gestured for him to follow us.
We left the TARDIS and decided that a simple cruise through cabbie to Hyde Park was the best thing.  It took us about 15 minutes to get there but we finally arrived at Hyde Park.  Graham paid our fee and we all exited the cabbie and stood before the park.
“Alright gang, what shall we do first? Do a little exploring? Skip some rocks? I’ve always wanted to try and skip rocks, I never could do that when I was a man. Maybe with these new wrists I could do it.” My mum said.
“You know Graham’s actually a master at rock skipping, aren’t yah granddad?” Ryan asked.
“Yep. I mean I don’t like to brag but once I managed to get seven skips right by the docks during the WWII. My old brothers in combat never let me hear the end of it, but it was worth it if it got their egos knocked down a bit.”
“Then it’s settled. Graham you can teach my mum how to skip rocks, while Yaz, Ryan and I go on a little hike. That okay with you mum?”
“Alright but you stay close to Yaz and Ryan alright?” she warned me.
“I promise mum I won’t leave their side. Cross my heart.” I said as I crossed both my hearts and raised my right hand.  She looked at me but cupped my face in between her hands, her thumbs stroking my cheekbones before placing her forehead on mine.
“You better not. Yaz, Ryan I’m entrusting you to protect my daughter. Make sure she stays out of trouble.”
“Don’t worry Doctor, we will.” Yaz assured her.  My mum hugged and kissed me one last time before Yaz, Ryan and I headed on out towards the hiking trail Hyde Park had to offer.
“See, told you it’d be easy.”
“You were right (y/n).” Ryan said with a grin.
“Alright let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Now where do we find this entrance at?” Yaz asked.
“Well if I remember correctly, cause as usual you humans always make changes to the forests in order to build your parks, I think it’s…..this way.” I went to the right part of the park that led to the forest.
As we tracked along, I looked carefully at every bush and behind every tree trying to remember where the entrance to the Black Forest was.  It was then when I came across the blackberry bush, something clicked.
“Hey guys, we’re getting close.”
“How can you tell?” asked Ryan.
“See that blackberry bush? The Brothers Grimm once spoked about a blackberry bush being the first thing they found after they back from the Black Forest.” I raced on ahead with Yaz and Ryan calling out my name.  It was then I found what looked like a small cave entrance. “This is it guys. We found it.”
“This is the entrance?” Ryan said.
“Yep. This is our entrance into the Black Forest.”
“So…..what do we just crawl through it.” Yaz asked me confused.
“Go in and see for yourself.” I said with a slight smirk.  Ryan and Yaz looked at each other and Ryan shrugged at her.  Yaz sighed and walked up to the entrance.
“I can’t really see any….any light at the end of the tunnel. (Y/n) are you sure this the entrAHHH!!!”
“Yaz!” Ryan exclaimed as he went after her but he too ended up falling down the hole. I grinned and crawled into the den before whispering to myself.
“Off we go.” I then slide down on my back and proclaimed happily like I was going down the slide.
I ended up lying on top of Ryan’s back and I heard him groan underneath me.
“Hello Ryan.” I said.
“Hey (y/n), do you think you could get off of me? I think you broke a rib.”
“No I didn’t you’re just being dramatic.”
“She’s right Ryan, if you had you’d be in a lot worse pain.” Yaz confirmed with me. We all stood up and she said, “So, this is the Black Forest?”
“Yep. We can look around if you like, there’s plenty to see here. But be careful, every single character the Brothers Grimm wrote, they are all real. And some of them are made even lighter by their standards so tread carefully.” I walked on ahead leading the way with Yaz and Ryan following cautiously behind me.  As we walked on Ryan asked me.
“So who should we meet first?”
“Actually Ryan it’s best we don’t go looking for them, in fact I didn’t want to scare you guys but they might have a feeling that humans have entered their world.”
“Wait so even the human characters aren’t really human?”
“Not exactly. They’re…..” it was then an arrow came right in front of my face, barely missing my nose by a centimeter.
“(Y/n)!” They both cried out.  They pulled me in between them and they both asked if I was okay as Yaz began to look me over.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” But it was then dozens upon dozens of archers came out with their arrows drawn out ready to fire at us.  We all held our hands in the air trying not to appear threatening.
“State your name and business trespassers!” the bear-like huntsman demanded as he drew his arrow further back.
“We are not a threat Huntsman.” Ryan tried to reason with him.
“Silence weakling! I speak to the girl!”
“No need to get your knickers in a twist Huntsmen dear.” An echo sounded off as we heard a flock of ravens flying ahead.  It was then every single one of the huntsmen all tucked down in fear trying to swat away the ravens buzzing around them.  The ravens gathered behind a tree and as soon as the last one went behind the tree, a man stepped forward.
His skin while looking like the skin of a toad, glistened like morning dew on the grass, or the sparkling of the stars in the universe.  Across his face was an impish smirk and his eyes were demon red and he had hair black as ebony.  It was then I knew exactly just who this guy was.
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The King of the Black Forest, the Fae King, Rumpelstiltskin.
“Rumpelstiltskin.” The Huntsman said fearfully.  He then bowed as did the rest.
“Oh my god.” Yaz whispered in awe.
“Shh!” I hissed lowly.
“Now then, who has the audacity in entering my kingdom without a request from me?” the Dark Fae king stood before us and looked at each of us one by one. “Ahh a couple of humans, been a long time since humans came. Now what were those two lovely yet odd gentlemen’s names again?” he hummed as he tapped his foot, pondering in thought till he snapped his fingers, “The Grimm Brothers. Lovely chaps they were.”
“This guy can’t be the Rumpelstiltskin.” Ryan muttered to Yaz.
“And just why can’t I?” Rumpelstiltskin snapped as his eyes flashed angrily.
“Oh well I—I-I-I didn’t mean any disrespect I was just…..”
“He only meant that….you looked so different, than what we’ve read about you.” Yaz tried to explain.
“Oh really?” he pondered. “And just how exactly am I portrayed?” Yaz didn’t respond back right away, all she did was just stare in awe at the Fae King.  
And I’ll admit in my previous stages, especially my teenage forms, I probably would’ve fawned over Rumpelstiltskin too.  Cause even with the toad-like skin color, he was still a very attractive fae (then again what Fae isn’t?).  
“Well judging by your gaping mouth I’d say not quite like this.” Rumpelstiltskin said as he gestured to himself.
“Begging your pardon, your majesty. What exactly shall we do with them?” a huntswoman asked.  Rumpelstiltskin looked at Yaz and Ryan and said.
“Take these two away.” It was then four huntsmen came down and two of them took Yaz while the other two took Ryan by their arms and held them back.
“Hey let us go!”
“Get your grubby hands off of me!”
“Yaz! Ryan!” I exclaimed.  Suddenly I felt this magical grip on me.  I couldn’t break free of it.  I was then hung upside down and forced to look in the direction of the King Fae. Knowing just how he had the power to affect children, I closed my eyes and tried to turn my head away.
“Ohh, a smart child aren’t you? You seem to know exactly what I can do. But you don’t have the same mortal aura as those two simpletons.” He cooed. “Why don’t you have a look into my eyes dear one? Let me see those adorable, innocent eyes?”
“No! I know exactly who you are! You’re a Djinn Fae! A creature from the Planet Drecarys that can bend reality and target solely children in order to obtain your long lives!” I heard him chuckle icily that sent shivers up my spine.
“A clever child you are, but then again you’re not any ordinary child, are you?” I felt his hand cup my cheek.  I tried to fight it but I felt myself being squeezed by the magical force and that’s when he said. “So that’s it. Now this is a surprise indeed. I think you a mere child but LOW! You are the daughter of a Time Lord.”
“Wait does he mean you know who?” I heard one of the huntsmen say.  That was until I heard the sounds of him choking and even gurgling? I don’t know what but I honestly didn’t want to find out, not if I risk falling under the spell of the Djinn Fae that is Rumpelstiltskin.
“The Doctor does not rule me!” Then I heard the snapping of bones and the collapse of a body. “Take the humans away, I have special plans for our guest of honor.” It was then I could hear Yaz and Ryan crying out my name and I called back to them till my voice was silenced as a gently shush was the only thing I could hear. “They don’t matter anymore my dear little Timelord, all you should be concerned about is us.” Then as I felt both sides of my face being cupped, I then began to smell something sweet.
It was like—honeysuckles no, no, no uhh….lavender. No oh stardust no he’s using the aroma Djinn Fae’s are known to use to put their prey under their spell. Wait hey….why are my eyes closed? Shouldn’t they be open? I then opened my eyes and that’s when I was looking into warm brown eyes.
“There’s my girl. Now come, we’ve got a lot to discuss.” I then felt myself being carried like a baby in his arms and I guess he looked safe so I clung onto him and he smiled down at me before I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his warm, protective embrace.
*3rd Person POV*
He finally had it.  Out of all the children he’s sucked the life out of, Rumpelstiltskin finally had the key to eternal youth.  With the regenerative abilities the timelords have been blessed with, even he could surpass any other Djinn Fae that came before him.  Even if he were near death, all he had to do was regenerate and he’d continue to live his life.
Rumpelstiltskin grinned down wickedly at the young timelord he finally had in his grasp before fading off into a beam of light and disappearing from the forest.
Meanwhile with Yaz and Ryan, they were being escorted by the hunts-people feeling beyond worried about what Rumpelstiltskin wanted with (y/n).
“What is he gonna do to her?” demanded Ryan.
“Quiet nave!” said the leader of the huntsmen scouts.
“No you don’t understand that is our friend he just took hostage! She’s important to us! Important to someone else!” Ryan snapped.  At that point the leader stopped which caused the rest of the guard to stop.  He turned around and said as he held up his ten inch hunting blade right before Ryan’s nose.
“One more word out of you, and I’ll feed you to the wolves!” he threatened.
“Please. That little girl is really important to us. Don’t you have children? Did any of you have children?” Yaz said as she looked to all the hunts-people. They were all silent until one woman stepped up and said.
“I did, once. But then Rumpelstiltskin came along and took her away from me.”
“I’m so sorry, how—how old was she?”
“Younger than your friend. He caught her when she wondered too far from home.” The huntswoman answered solemnly.
“My two boys, Isaac and Ferdinand. That—damned imp stole them from me. And it was me Ferdinand’s first hunting lesson. I should never have let his brother go on his own.” Answered another huntsmen.
“My husband and I once had a pair of twins. Two baby girls. They were the lights of our lives. Until that—devilish son of a bitch came and stole them in the night. My husband’s never been the same after that.” Another huntswoman replied. Yaz and Ryan felt heartbroken hearing these stories, but they were surprised when they heard the leader say.
“Even though I had asked for sons, seeing those tiny little things wrapped in their blankets, I—wanted to protect them. I should’ve protected them.”
“If you all want to avenger your fallen children, then help us rescue our friend back.”
“It’s impossible to fight the likes of Rumpelstiltskin. We’ve all tried, and many of us had lost comrades in battle trying to kill him. I won’t risk anymore of my people.” The leader answered.
“There has to be a way to kill him.” Ryan said.
“There’s not. No one can kill the imp that is Rumpelstiltskin. Even the knights from kingdoms have tried. Other sorcerers, and he just turns them either to dust or a part of his werewolf and dragon army.”
“Well if you won’t help us, do any of you know where he would take her?” asked Yaz.
“His castle is five leagues from here.” The leader said pointing West.  He then let out a whistle as he called out “Gregory! Gretel!” it was then two horses came in.  One was a brown stallion and the other was a khaki color mare.  “These horses once belonged to two great warriors. Before they too died at the hands of that imp. We named them after their riders. May they lead you both into battle, just like they did their former masters.”
“Thank you……”
“Hansel.” The leader introduced himself.
“Hansel? Does that mean…..” they both questioned.
“Yes, my sister—after she lost her son she tried to avenge him alongside with her husband. May my sister bless you and guide you in a way that she could not in life.”
“We won’t let you down Hansel, thank you.” Ryan and Yaz mounted the horses but before they took off riding a huntsman called out,  
“Hold on brave heroes,” He walked up to Yaz and Ryan and handed them each two things. A piece of mushroom and a vile of liquid.
“Wait is this…..”
“Since you come from the world where we are stories yes. Eat the mushroom and you will grow, drink the vile and you shall shrink to the size of a field mouse. Be cautious. His goblin spies and werewolf watch dogs patrol all of the castle.” They nodded before finally urging their horses and took off riding Westward.
“Good luck, and my God have mercy on your souls.”
Far into the West where a decayed old castle stood up along a mountain, Rumpelstiltskin had tied to a sacrificial table (y/n) bound and ready for the ceremony that would begin at the moon’s highest point.  As he prepped his potion and sharpened his dagger, he turned towards the young timelord child and said.
“With your powers no one will ever stop me. Not even death.” He poured a vile containing red liquid into a cauldron and the green potion turned red before he stirred it up.  
“Uhh…..mum? Mum are you there?” (y/n) softly groaned starting to feel slightly more conscious.  Rumpelstiltskin turned wide-eyed but remembering in her memories of how the Doctor was now a woman, he walked up to her and disguising his voice, he spoke as the Doctor.
“I’m here sweetheart. Just go back to sleep for now, mummy’s cooking up a special something for her favorite little Time lady.” He then kissed her temple and using his sleep magic, he once again had (y/n) under a sleeping curse.  “All to easy.” His voice spoke normally once again.
Meanwhile inside the lower part of the palace as a goblin guard was walked through the hallways and corridors doing it’s patrol.  It stopped and sniffed the air before looking towards a small crack in the wall.  He walked right up to it and looked inside it before sniffing it again.  After a few sniffs it turned away and proceeded with its patrolling.
It was then peeking out of the wall were mouse sized Yaz and Ryan.  Ryan looked around to make sure it was all clear before he said.
“He’s gone.” He said to Yaz as the two of them came out of the hole and walked along the stone railings.
“Okay, now how do we find (y/n)?” Yaz asked.
“We just—gotta think like an evil mastermind in any other fairytale, where would you keep a young female at?”
“The highest tower point.” She replied.
“But do you think we can get there in time? If this is anything like the fairytales then by midnight Rumpelstiltskin is gonna suck her life out. And either time moves faster here or my watch is broken but it’s 5 minutes till midnight.”
“Okay, okay let me think uhh—do you think we should drink the vile?”
“Do you think we can sneak past every guard, get up the tower and get to (y/n) normal sized?”
“We gotta try, otherwise the Doctor’s gonna really be pissed at us for having her daughter killed by some psychopathic fairy.”
“Alright Ryan, but you better be right about this.” They then took the pieces of the mushroom and took a small bite of it before the two of them grew to their normal sizes.  They then took off and hid behind a stairway just as two more goblin guards came their way. The two of them holding their breaths so that the goblin wouldn’t be able to smell them, then once it took off, they quickly and quietly raced on ahead.
As they came to a throne room, they noticed something behind the throne.  Yaz walked up towards the black and skeletal throne and moved it aside before pressing against the wall behind it to reveal a secret passage.
“Secret door, nice.” Ryan commented with a grin.
“This might lead us to the highest point of the castle. Now c’mon we’ve got four minutes left.” Both Yaz and Ryan quickly raced on ahead as fast as they could up the stairs.  When they finally reached the top, they were now standing before some ritual room but it was the young girl sleeping on the floor on top of an engraved symbol.
“(Y/n)!” they both cried out.  They both knelt down beside her and Ryan grew worried.
“Is—is she…..”
“No, no she’s still alive.” Yaz said as she took her pulse.
“Then what’s wrong with her?”
“Sleeping curse. Like snow white and sleeping beauty.”
“Great, so only a true love’s kiss can wake her up. But the Doctor’s not here.”
“Maybe not, if we can get her out of here, maybe that could cause the curse to fade away.”
“It’s worth a shot, let’s go.” Yaz picked (y/n) up and the two of them took off running back down the stairs.  But as they came down, a raven flew in front of them and began flying out cawing out an alarm.
“Oh shit!”
“Run!” Yaz and Ryan proceeded to run out of the palace as quick as they could with a goblin army chasing after them.
Flaming or non-flaming arrows were shot at them as they tried to dodge each one of them.
“Quick the forest!” but just before they could enter the forest, a firewall blocked them from the entrance and there a spiritual form of Rumpelstiltskin appeared.
“Taking my meal ticket away? I wouldn’t dream of it. You should’ve left when you had the chance, but now you will be delicious treats for my darling puppies.” He let out a wicked laugh as soon jumping from the fire were about seven werewolves, snapping with teeth and claws ready to devour Yaz and Ryan.
The two of them took off running as fast as they could as one werewolf was literally breathing down their necks.  Ryan reached the edge of a cliff, but before he could even react Yaz bumped into him just as the werewolf pounced right where they were just standing.  Sliding down the bumpy slide-like path that send them down the cliff before sending them flying through the air and landing in the forest.
“C’mon this way!” Yaz said as she adjusted (y/n) in her grip and took off running. From on top of the cliff, Rumpelstiltskin proclaimed.
“Don’t let them escape this world!” the wolves and goblins soon all poured down out from the palace and into the woods.  He also transformed into a large spiritual raven and took off gliding in the skies to track down the thieves who were the key to his eternal life.
As Yaz and Ryan kept racing through the forest, all they could hear were the sounds of goblin snarls and werewolf howls echoing through the forest.  Their adrenaline pulsing and their fear rising.  They didn’t know whether they were surrounded or about to walk through a trap.
“C’mon we can lose them this way!” Yaz proclaimed as she ran to the left through a thick patch of bushes.  But as they went deeper and deeper, the bushes soon turned into a hell trap of thorns and vines.  Even though they were getting scarred up and bleeding from their hands or cheeks, they kept pressing forward.
Suddenly like a bomb setting off, Rumpelstiltskin landed right behind them in the form of a dragon.  Yaz ran on ahead but as Ryan tried to keep up, he ended up getting tied up in the thorns. He tried to push on ahead but inch by inch he was being dragged back.
“Yaz! YAZ COME BACK!! I’M STUCK!” All the while Rumpelstiltskin kept opening and closing his dragon mouth trying to reach Ryan through the vines and thorns that he too was caught in.
“RYAN!!” Ryan looked up to see Yaz reaching out her hand for his.  He reached out and took it and she began pulling as hard as she could to free her friend.  Rumpelstiltskin roared and tried with all his might to grab a hold of Ryan, but then like a spring chord, Ryan was free and the vines shot out like a whip towards the King Fae’s eyes and the thorns went right into his left cornea which forced him to shoot up and roar in agony.
Yaz and Ryan continued to race on ahead, that’s when things began to look familiar to Ryan.
“We’re close to where we came from Yaz! Go right!” she nodded and the two ran ahead but just before they jumped down the small hill, something exploded from behind them and the three of them went flying.  When the smoke and dust cleared, Yaz and Ryan coughed and groaned in pain.
“Ryan, you okay?”
“Maybe feeling a bruise tomorrow but other than that I’m just fine. Where’s (y/n)?” It was then Yaz noticed that she was no longer holding (y/n).  She and Ryan gasped as now standing over (y/n)’s unconscious body was none other than Rumpelstiltskin.
“I’m gonna enjoy draining the last bit of life from this time lord’s very soul. Then you two,” at that point goblins held onto Yaz and Ryan as Rumpelstiltskin said in an almost ecstasy tone, “I’m gonna enjoy tearing you both a part. Nice. And slow.” He then picked up (y/n) by the collar and his eyes glowed pure red as he was ready to suck the lifeforce out of (y/n).
“NO!!!” Both Yaz and Ryan proclaimed.  Suddenly echoing through the forest was a thunderous roar.  A tiger’s roar to be exact.  It was then shooting out from the bushes was a large tiger.  It frightened off the goblins forcing them to tuck tail and run away, meanwhile the werewolves tried to fight back but with a single thunderous roar and show of it’s long canines, the werewolves backed away submissively.
The tiger then stood before Yaz and Ryan and hissed and mocked charged at any werewolf trying to get near them.  A few more thunderous roars left the entire forest shaken and even Rumpelstiltskin stood there in shock.  The tiger turned towards them and actually spoke.
“Don’t you even dare think of taking them away from me!”
“Oh my god.” Yaz muttered.
“Impossible.” Ryan said in shock.
“No, Doctor. Never. Never again.” He then carefully set (y/n)’s body back down like he was bringing a sacrifice to a God.
“This is your final warning Rumple. Stay. Away. From my family, or you’ll come face to face with something far worse than me being a tiger.” The Doctor lowly snarled as she stood over her daughter before turning back to face Ryan and Yaz. Both of them in shock at seeing the Doctor like this.
She then looked back down at her daughter and lowered her head and gently licked her cheek.  Slowly her chest began to rise and fall as a small groan came from her mouth before finally her eyes were starting to open up.
*My POV*
Whoa, that was—that was a seriously long sleep. Where was I? I mean last thing I remember was…..oh god Rumpelstiltskin, Ryan and Yaz. I slowly opened my eyes but I got an even bigger shock when I saw my mum standing over me.  Her eyes hard with sternness and anger.  Uh-oh, busted.
“Now keep that promise, we’re finished here!” I was then picked up in my mum’s arms. I turned to look at the Fae king who looked at my mother with a suspicious look.
“I promise Doctor, this is all behind me.” He eyed down at me wickedly as his eyes briefly flashed, almost like he just wanted me to see it, before finally disappearing into a beam of green light and fading away.
“Doctor we—”
“Not. Now Yaz! We’re going home now!” she kept hold of me in her arms as we proceeded to head back in the direction we came in.
Next thing we knew, we were back at the park.  Graham was standing by a tree and he said.
“There you three are, just what the hell were you two thinking!?” he snapped worriedly.
“Graham, I will handle this.” Said my mum.  “Now we’ll discuss this in the TARDIS, so everyone let’s head back now and get out of here.” As my mum and Graham walked on ahead, Ryan, Yaz and I lagged behind and I said to them.
“Sorry I got you into this guys.”
“It’s okay (y/n).” said Yaz.
“We’ll try to have the Doctor go easy on you.” We took a cabbie back to where we had left the TARDIS at and let me just say the car ride back there was so tense, it was like waiting for a black hole to devour the entire universe.
When we got back to the TARDIS, mum activated it and we were once again traveling through time and space.  She had Yaz, Ryan and I sitting on the steps as she paced back and forth as she said.
“I don’t know what any of you were thinking. You all could’ve been killed had I not stepped in!”
“Speaking of which how did you turn into a tiger?” questioned Ryan.
“Not the time Ryan. I’ll be dealing with your punishment later.” Graham lectured him.
“I just—I don’t know who to be madder, madder is that even a word? Anyways I don’t know who I should blame more! Yaz, Ryan I told you to watch over her and not let her out of your sight! And you young lady, you deliberately disobeyed me! You knew that the one world I’ve forbidden you to go to and yet you went ahead and did it. And what’s worse is that you put Ryan and Yaz in danger!”
“We’re sorry Doctor.” Yaz said solemnly.
“Just—the three of you please leave the console room, I need to have a word with my daughter alone.” My mum said in a disapproving tone.
“Don’t you worry Doc, I’ll give these two a proper talking to.” Graham said as he guided Ryan and Yaz out of the room and into one of the many rooms that TARDIS had. My mum came up to me and she knelt down in front of me and said.
“Seriously what were you thinking? Do you realize the damage you’ve done? You nearly surrendered your Timelord energy to one of the darkest and most dangerous Fae’s in all of time and space. Do you have any idea what could’ve happened had he succeeded in draining your life force?”
“I get it mum I screwed up okay? I’m sorry! I was just—I just wanted to show Ryan and Yaz that the Grimm Brother’s stories weren’t just stories.”
“There are other ways of showing a reality is real, especially one as dangerous as that. (Y/n) I—when you, Ryan and Yaz didn’t come back I grew so worried, then when I remembered that a Grimm world entrance could be found in this park I was terrified. If something ever happened to you I wouldn’t know what to do. You’re so important to me, and I can’t bear to lose you.”
“I know mum. The last of the timelords is us. You spared me the night I was born from the extermination of our planet when you ran away. I screwed up, I know. But don’t blame Yaz and Ryan, they were just curious. I was the one to goat them on and let them go with it. Hell Yaz was against it at first.”
“First of all language missy, you’re no longer a 24 year old anymore, you’re 11 and I don’t want any swear words coming out of your mouth while in this state.” I cheekily grinned at her. “Second, thank you for telling me who was really responsible for this. I’ll—try to be light on Ryan and Yaz.”
“Yeah, they had nothing to do with this. It was all me. So if anyone should be punished for it, punish me.”
“And you can bet I will, but for now come here.” She held her arms out and I went up and hugged her and she hugged me back. “I’m just so relieved that I found you when I did.”
“But—I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Rumpelstiltskin.” I muttered frightenedly.
“I know.” She said gravely. “He’s not one to give up so easily, but he’ll have to kill me first in order to get to you poppet. I promise.”
“Thank mum, I love you.”
“I love you too (y/n). I love you so much.” She kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter.
After all that, mum apologized and let Ryan and Yaz off the hook since they really had nothing to do with going to Grimm world.  And of course I was punished with no mission going for an entire month. I was forced to stay in current time London 2019 and forced to stay with Yaz’s family, yeah I know it may not seem like much of a punishment but to a timelord who can’t travel and save the world, it’s torture.
But I had sickening feeling that we would soon come in contact with Rumpelstiltskin again, I don’t know when and I didn’t know how but I’ve been getting visions of him. It’s almost like there’s this—psychic connection between us.  I can see him and he can see me, and it frightens me to no end.
I only just hope we can find a way to stop him before my visions come to pass.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had FOMO (fear of missing out)? Yeah.  If so, what’s caused it? I’ve missed out on a lot these past few years alone because of my physical and mental (that more than anything). I’ve just been a hermit crab, wasting my life away, distant and withdrawn from everyone. Are you happy with your social life? I don’t have one. If not, what would you have to do to change that? The sad thing is I don’t want one? At least that’s what my brain tells me. Like, part of me wants to want one, but. I don’t know, man. I’m a mess. Have you ever hosted a party? If so, what kind of party was it? Yeah, just a couple times. I don’t like hosting, it’s too stressful.
What’s the best thing you can cook yourself? The only thing I cook is ramen. Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighbourhood? Not around my neighborhood, but in my city. What kind of a phone do you have? iPhone XR. What kinds of stuff do you have on your keychain? One key and a shitload of keychains haha. I have several on the ring with the one key, but I have so many that I had to start putting them other places like on every purse/mini backpack I own. Have you ever made something with your own hands that you’re proud of? Probably when I was a kid. If so, what is it? What is your favourite Jack Lemmon film? I don’t have one. What is your favourite David Hyde Pierce film? A Bug’s Life and Adam’s Family Values are the only films of his I’ve seen. Have you ever made your own soda? (Soda Stream doesn’t count!) Nope. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? No. My hobbies are all done at home and can be done in the comfort of my bed. Have you ever been part of a theater group? No. If so, did you get any lead roles or mostly supporting roles? Which IM app do you use the most? I don’t use any. I mean, I have Facebook Messenger, but I haven’t used it in a long time. What’s the most ecological thing you do? Recycling plastic bottles and cans. What’s your favourite board game? Why do you like it best? Hmm. That’s tough. I love board games. Besides English, what other languages can you speak? Just some Spanish. Besides English, what other languages can you read? Some Spanish. Do you think you could make it as a chef? Uh, no. What’s your favourite kind of tea? I rarely drink tea, but I do like Chamomile and peppermint tea. How do you like your tea? With a packet of sweetener. Girls, do you ever just say “Fuck it!” and go without a bra? Yeah. I have small breasts and wear oversized shirts, so. I didn’t used to do that (ever), but the past few years I stopped caring about a lot of things. What’s the most freeing thing you’ve ever done? Hmm. Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? Noooo. If not, would you even want to try one? Noooo. Do you think today’s kids are really impatient? A lot of people are. I am. Although, I bet kids today probably are worse because they’re used to being able to access things quickly and have a lot of things at their disposal. Have you ever tasted birch sap? No.
How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? No. Which edible flowers have you tasted? None. I’m not an adventurous eater AT ALL.  What has been your worst restaurant experience? I really haven’t had a horrible restaurant experience.
Have you ever had a life threatening condition? If so, what was it? I’ve been in a couple life threatening situations. Do you ever compare your life to somebody else’s? If so, why? Eh, it’s something we can’t help but do sometimes. <<< Yeah, I definitely find myself doing that. Like with people my age who are further along in life it seems and doing more with it. Even people younger than me who seem to have way more together than I do or ever did.  What is a food item or a dish you absolutely cannot stand? I don’t do seafood. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? I’ve decorated my own shirts for concerts before. What does your favourite mug look like? It’s a Peter Pan one that’s blue on the outside and yellow on the inside.
Do you ever copy surveys to Facebook Notes and share your answers? I did that sometimes years ago. I set the privacy settings so only certain people could see them, though. To be honest, I usually did ones with answers I wanted Joseph to see. :X Yeah, I was that girl who posted quotes and lyrics for certain people to see. What’s the best thing about today? It’s only 5 in the morning, not much has happened. Do you ever read other people’s survey answers? Yes, always. Everyone I follow on here writes very well and it’s always interesting to read their answers :) <<< Awww, yes same. We have a pretty cool survey community. (: Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? Nighttime, I guess. It’s when I like to do surveys, listen to ASMR, and read. What’s your highest level of education so far? I have my BA in psych believe it or not. If you could have any job in the whole world, which would you like? I don’t know. :/ Describe your ordinary day. Wake up between 2-3PM, have coffee, do my Bible study, check social medias, perhaps watch some YouTube, watch TV, eat at some point, lounge and mess around on my phone, play Animal Crossing, have dinner, watch some TV, eat ramen and watch more YouTube, scroll through Tumblr, do some surveys, listen to ASMR, read, play some more Animal Crossing, go to sleep. A lot of just lounging around, honestly. I also spend time with my family. Would you ever have a UV tattoo? Nah. What is the brand and colour name of your favourite lipstick? It’s been a long time I’ve since I’ve even worn any, but I really liked NYX. What do you like on your tortilla? Beans, Spanish rice, cheese, guac, and sour cream. Or a breakfast burrito. How about inside your pita bread? I don’t eat pita bread. What do you like in your burger? Not a big burger person, but if I have one just mayo, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and cheese. Signature sauce when available like on a Big Mac (which I know is just Thousand Island). How about on your pizza? White sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, crumbled meatballs, and pesto drizzled on top. Would you ever take part in a games club? A games club? If so, what would be your ideal club? How about a survey club, ha. We kinda have that going on here. Would you be able to give a speech on your favourite subject right now? Noooo thank you. I do not miss having to do speeches and presentations. Ugh, those were awful. It never got any easier for me. Do you work better alone or in a group? Alone. Group projects just made me stress out more, honestly. 
Which one of your friends have you known the longest? For how long? What is your favourite song right now at this very moment? I’ve been listening to the Savage remix a lot lately by Megan the Stallion ft. Beyonce.
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jacquelineshyde · 6 years
"I noticed you're alone a lot! And I'm alone a lot! So let's be alone together!" I was re-watching this episode and when this part came on I thought about some Friends with Benefits AU. But not like Mila's movie or in that moment of the show/their lives but in the future, post season 7 break up or something. What do you think?
Imagine that. 
They breaking up and slowly getting to be friends again, always with that tension between them of the “could it happen, could it not” because their feelings have always been too strong, and a love like theirs just doesn’t go away.
And Hyde knows he can commit to her, that he wants to, but he is still scared of the future and he knows she could do better, she CAN do better than him, and she only deserves the best. Jackie? There is no other one, just Steven– but he is such an idiot, and she is just so tired.
She gets her job at the local TV station and things slowly settle into some sort of normality that sometimes brings out the worse in Hyde because fuck, he could just, you know, do that to Jackie. 
But he knows she will never let him touch her again and he has to be fine with that, he makes himself be fine with that, especially when Donna suggest that one day, Jackie will start dating again and he better be ok or she is going to kick his ass to Mars.
So when it happens, none of them were expecting it. 
They are saying goodbye to Eric because he is going to Africa, and there’s a lot of drinking and late night conversations, and then Jackie doesn’t go to Donna’s and she questions her friend if she slept at the basement since she and Eric were busy in her room. 
Jackie is thankful for this. She doesn’t tell anyone, and doesn’t speak to Hyde for a few days.
(Of course, I think this goes unsaid, but there is no Chicago crap in here)
When they finally talk, she asks if he has changed his mind about marriage and the future, but the truth is that no, just like she hasn’t changed her mind either. They are not going to work out, not like this, not when both are running away from the apology they know they own the other and the growth they are scared of.
Their friendship becomes so touchy, Fez and Donna start commenting on it, while Kelso asures everyone they are probably doing it until he is leaving for Chicago and there’s a party, and it happens again.
Hyde knows that two times is no coincidence and suddenly she is saying she doesn’t want a relationship, oh my God, and he jokes about it, like, “well, we could keep the sex and leave the drama aside”. 
“That’s a great idea!” 
Nah, man. He wasn’t expecting that. And if he accepts it, he calls himself a complete idiot every day until the pining is too much and he just wants to be with her, to truly be with her, goddammit.
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