#nah bro just dudes bein dudes
the-regressor · 1 year
My adventure to see the Super Mario Bros movie~
Flies to another state to see it with friend...
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...Been waiting for this day all my life...
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...Get in loser, we going to stop Bowser...
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10 min walk from the car to theater:
*Group of 8 or so teens* -"Yoooo! The Super Mario Bruhas!" -"Its Mario and his brother!" -"Can we get a photo!!!" "Sure!" *multiple photos taken* -"Yo yo yo, I don't know you dude *pulls out phone, starts live streaming* but I got my mans Mario *shakes hand* and my mans Luigi *shakes hand* out here representin'! Thank yall for bein out here!" *Car driving by slows down, rolls down window*: *Small kids hands wave out* "Its MARIOOO!!!" -Hello~! *we wave back*
*Another car lets down windows* *More small hands waving* -"Mariooo!!! Luigiiii!" -"Wahoo~!" *we wave back*
-Theater Lobby, before the Movie-
*Family; 2 adults 3 small kids approach* -Small girl insta hugs Mario, not saying anything at all & didn't want to let go, before the family can even ask for a photo xD *Takes multiple photos with 3 or 4 other families with small kids, back to back before we can actually get to the theater screen*
*As we walk to our seats, in front of the screen* hear kids chatter "Look Mario and Luigi!" "Ooooooo!" "Mario's here!"
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-We saw it in a packed 4D theater, families of all ages in audience! -Theater cheered and clapped a few times during awesome moments in the movie! -The crowd and energy was wholesome and feel-good the entire time, I was grinning ear to ear throughout!
-Theater Lobby, after the Movie-
-We get stopped by 3-4 families for more photos with their kids
-One kid was wearing this awesome suit (we did not get a chance to get a photo of him for ourselves) but more families passing by took many photos of us together, for almost 5 min
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*One dad after taking photos for his kids* -"How long will you guys be out here?" -"We just got out of the movie ourselves, we're about to leave" -"Wait, you don't work here?" -"No, we just dressed up to see the movie xD" -"Well they need to be paying you!" -"The manager needs to hire yall, I'm serious!" -"Nah, we just dressed up for fun, to put some smiles on faces :D"
-While that was going on: One of dad's girls tried to stealthy tip Luigi a few dollars for the photo ops, Luigi respectively declined xD
10 min walk back to the car:
-More kids wave from windows exclaiming "Mario and Luigi!" -Few more teens, excitedly ask for photos -Ran into another Mario and Luigi heading to the theater, but they were wearing nice red and green suits with the hats.
All in all an 11/10 movie experience! We loved every moment!
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-Mark (Mario) and Jaryd (Luigi)
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octuscle · 6 days
Lifelong school internship
Day 1: My guidance counselor had advised me to do an internship in the trades. I'm more of an artistic and intellectual type, but my teacher said that it wouldn't do me any harm to have an insight into a different world. Especially as you have to think seriously about what jobs will still be around in ten years' time. It was more likely to be a carpenter than a journalist. As painful as it is, that's not far-fetched. But me as a carpenter…? I find that absurd…
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Day 2: I feel so ridiculous with this tool belt. The other guys here make fun of my manicured pianist fingers. And yes, I don't really fit in here… But I have to admit that the work isn't bad at all. I like the smell of the wood. And I like working with my hands. The other guys all rave to me about how cool it is to be a craftsman. They really enjoy their work. So I forgive the foreman for putting me in a headlock to greet me and making me stick my face in his wet armpit. It's probably a kind of greeting ritual. As long as it's not every day.
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Day 4: OMG, like seriously, it's such a rad feeling when you've totally nailed something! I mean, I'm not like a total pro yet, but my boss let me pretty much build the kitchen cabinets all by myself. And dang, they look pretty darn good! My mom would be so proud if she could see them. I gotta send her some pics!
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Day 7: Totally sicc, dude! I'm like legit a journeyman now. Finally gonna make some moolah. Gonna go wild partying with the boys tonight. Two crates of brewskis in the back of the pickup, then off to the lake to grill a pig on the bonfire. Damn, it's been ages since I strummed a guitar. But tonight might be the night. Gotta put these calluses from woodworking with the bros to good use somewhere, right?
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Day 10: Mate, bein' your own boss at 28 is the real deal. As a tradie, you get to do whatever the hell you want. It's bloody awesome! And buddy, it's bloody cool havin' all the lads dancin' to my tune. And the clients? They'd literally lick my boots just to get me to do their jobs. Can't get better than that!
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Day 14: Yo, listen up fam, greeting rituals ain't no joke. You gotta stick to 'em like glue! I mean, this little softie dude who started his apprenticeship with me today better get the memo from the get-go. I always need someone to lick my armpits and blow my popsicle stand. And for real, did it hurt me when I had to do that for my boss? Nah bro, it turned me into a real man. And as a tradesman, you gotta be a real man. Otherwise, you can't hang with the big boys.
Pics by @ki-kink
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jockdumboy · 1 year
im just a dumb brute jock
yea bro, i aint all smart lmao. i just eat, lift, fuck, sleep. is there a prob with this? nah dude. i livin life. partyin. fukkin real good. bein dumb is great. fuck dat smart pussy nerd shit.
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takendruid · 8 months
Not my image, image by @swamp-land
The image just isn’t on its own so I didn’t wanna reblog the whole post. I just had an incorrect quotes I wanted to write out (also I’m not too familiar with how equius or gamzee talk)
Eridan: okay so. the girls have requested that wwe crossdress. of course, bein the only one that activvely designs outfits, i thought i wwas the perfect one for the task. here are your outfits.
Eridan: wwell i don’t have anythin else in your blood colour.
Sollux: diid you make these?
Eridan: yes? wwhy?
Eridan: you never bothered to ask
Eridan: sucks for you guys, i guess. i do this as a hobby, i’ll havve you guys knoww
Equius: Hang on, care to explain why I’m in a maid’s dress?
Sollux: same here actually dude wtf
Eridan: sol you’re not in a maid’s dress, get ovver it. And equ… Quius… Qui? *sigh* equius, i thought the maid outfit wwould suit you.
Eridan: gam, please tell me you don’ havve any complaints
Gamzee: nAh MaN, iT’s MoThErFuCkIn ChIlL.
Eridan: okay i’m glad wwith that, I wwould have panicked if you had a problem wwith yours not going to lie
Eridan: you’re just gonna have to suck it up, kar
Eridan: okay wwe should all get changed now. no more complaints from any of you
Eridan: you’ll find out
Sollux: actually can ii just back the fuck out? thanks
Eridan: no
Sollux: uuuuuugh fuck you man
Eridan: …later
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darkpunkrocker · 4 months
((Offscreen Convo))
“Thanks for comin’ out ta talk ta me, Brawl.”
“Yea, no problem, dude! So what did ya wanna talk about?”
“So, Uhh outta curiosity, How come you’ve been hangin’ out with me so much lately?”
“Cuz I like you? That should be a no brainer, bro.”
“Yea but ya hang out with me more than anyone else.”
“Do I?”
“… Am I bugging you?”
“Nah, nothin’ like that. I like bein’ with ya too-”
“Oh, good! Heh good to know. I like being with you too!”
“I’m glad, Brawl. It’s just… how do ya like me?”
“Guess you noticed huh? I…I dunno know, I just do. I like being around you, talking to you, working out with and battling you and it just makes me happy I guess. You make me happy.”
“I… make ya happy?”
“Yea! A lot actually. I… just have a hard time telling with other emotions”
“Like what?”
“… Attraction.”
“Wait, so, yer attracted ta me then, or-?”
“I… am? I just- Ugh. Sid, attraction is weird, and I- I have a hard time telling the difference between romantic, aesthetic and uhh.. Well… ya know.”
“I get ya.”
“These feelings are sorta like continuously bailing on a big wave, and I… don’t want the wrong feelings for you.”
“Look, whatever yer feelin’ ain’t wrong, Brawl. Ya feel what ya feel, ya know? Besides, I uhh, well, I actually feel the same way ‘bout you.”
“… Really?!”
“Yea, I like you. A lot.”
“Oh. I… Oh.”
“Ya good, pal?”
“Y-yea just… wasn’t expecting that I guess. It’s a nice surprise though! I’m… glad you feel the same way. I just-”
“Well, like I said I can’t figure out what sorta attraction it is? I know it’s there but I don’t know what to do.”
“I… might have an idea to help ya out.”
“What’s that?”
“Go out on some dates with me. Nothin’ like crazy or whatever, we can do whatever you’re comfortable with, and maybe that’ll help gauge your feelin’s better. If ya like me- Nice!An’ If not, tha’s aright too.”
“You know what, I like that. Sounds like a good deal!”
“So, that bein’ said- ya wanna go out with me sometime?”
“Yea, Absolutely! Just one thing-”
“Can uhh we like, hold hands while we’re out?”
“Snrk, yea. Ya can hold my hand.”
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guyblogging · 2 years
i love a good bromance. just dudes bein dudes. what can i say.
“it’s not gay bro we’re just practicing kissing with each other”
“that’s how you jerk off? nah man this is how you should get off, let me show you”
“dude why do you suck dick better than all my ex-girlfriends”
“i’m definitely not doing this for you, i just wanted to know what it tastes like”
“i’m not a little bitch, you can fuck me harder than that”
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notmuchtoconceal · 2 years
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( o ) goodimpressionofmyself
nah, we’re not together or anythin like that, he’s just a friend, bro. he’s a butcher, and a damn good one. get all my meat from him now, it’s quality shit. you should see him with a knife when he gets to choppin, bro, it’s downright mesmerizin. i could watch him for hours, just lay back and watch the steak, the liver, whatever he’s got fall apart into nice even cuts, listenin to the knife hit the block
he hung me up, bro. yeah. yeah. in the freezer, with all the other meat. there were chains around my wrists, slung around this hook on the ceilin. nah, none a that leatherface shit, bro, he cares about me. cares about my safety. i know he seems a lil weird, but he’s a nice guy. smart, too. real good with words. sorta relaxes me when he starts talkin, you know? but yeah, the chains were in my mouth, too, and over my eyes. i was sittin there in the dark, for six hours, shiverin my ass off, tastin the cold steel. every once in awhile, he’d come in with a pot a hot water, throw it on me to sorta shock my nerves and laugh
nah, wasn’t boilin or nuthin, more like a hot shower that’s a lil too hot. it’s nice at first. warm. then it gets to dryin. my nips were rock fuckin hard, bro. i could hear the steam pourin off me, like it was sizzlin. like a wooshy kinda sizzlin, like a gas stove, you know? then it got colder. colder than it was before. so, you know, naturally to keep me warm, he’d need to keep doin it, but, ya see, this’s where it gets tricky, cause eventually, you know, he wouldn’t do it as much. he’d start slippin a straw in through the chains in my mouth, tellin me to suck. at first, i thought, hey this is great, i mean, i hadn’t had a drink in what seemed like hours. then he kept doin it. kept makin me drink. after awhile, you know, i had to take a piss real fuckin bad, and it was so fuckin cold, i’d almost be dancin there, chained up while he watched me flex, listenin to me beg and moan all helpless, cause i was, haha
well, that pan a hot water. he set it down between my legs. empty, a course, he hadn’t gotten more in awhile, haha. aw, bro. you can see where this’s goin, right? yeah. yeah, i see the gears startin to turn in your head, bro. this whole time the only thing i’m wearin’s my jock, same one i wore here, i just came from practice, and i’m so turned on, i’m beadin through the mesh with pre, like bro. the whole pouch was soaked. i could feel it dribblin down my leg, felt like i had puddin on my dick, it was gettin so thick from the cold. anyway, you know, i guess i felt pretty stupid for thinkin my strap was wet before–thighs too, come to think of it–and that empty pan, it didn’t stay empty too long after that, haha. least it was nice and warm, bro. you know, fresh from the tap, haha. hey, you think that’s bad, you remember that chain i was tellin you i was hangin by? well, get this. it had a winch and lever. couple more repetitions a this, the straw and the pot, i’m about three feet off the ground, still blind, still cold, and i’m swingin back and forth, tryin to hold it in, cause i’m thinkin ‘fuck, i miss this, what’s gonna happen? he gonna let me freeze?‘ 
haha, dude, i know it sounds sick. it sounds real fuckin sick, but he always hoses me down afterwards. meat’s gotta get clean, he says. dunno what to say, bro, i like spendin time with him. i like bein meat. i like how he fondles and punches me, just wails on me for hours while i bite down on my bit like an animal. and he’s nice to me. wraps me up in a towel afterward. massages me. talks to me. tells me i did a real good job bein just a piece a meat. he makes me feel good about it, like not just how he talks to me, but how he looks at me and touches me. then he sucks my dick and lets me suck his, haha. i can’t wait to go back there, bro. i like to hang around. sorta like bein the meat’s my natural state a bein. like i was put on this earth to get tenderized, packaged up and sold. like any animal magnetism i got’s a mistake a birth and i shoulda just been born an inanimate hunk a protein
yeah, not a lot a people get it, bro. i guess it is pretty weird when you say it out loud. not a lotta people listen to me this long, either
ya know, what’s real weird is how many people around here are into eatin brain. yeah, actual brain. pig, sheep, cows, people eat that stuff. my new bro gets orders for it all the time, and i don’t think any a his customers are zombies, haha. yeah, almost every night, bro. takes the brain, the whole brain, wrapped up in like this skin, and he peels it off. haha, i sorta like it, bro. it’s squishy, it’s interestin, and the way he touches it, well you ever hear the sound it makes when a guy kneads his fingers in meat? it’s real peaceful, bro, like the sound you’d used to get goin through styroafoam packin peanuts, really takes me back, bro. feels real good. and right before he cuts the brain, he tells me to picture all the thoughts that woulda been in it, really picture the thoughts, of what it musta been like to be a bull, or a horse, or whatever, and it’s just sooo relaxin bro, you wouldn’t believe it. it’s sorta like i’m in the brain, like the brain’s my thoughts, and when he brings the cleaver down, it all goes away
hey, you free tonight, bro? gets sorta lonely bein a piece a meat, i could always use some company. nother big guy to help me reinforce what i am. lookin at ya right now, wouldn’t be outta place in the freezer yourself. whaddya say, bro? wanna join me? how bout we two slabs a meat start hangin around together?
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appliedvillainy · 2 years
085. Aromantic cupid.
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(It’s the early evening when Tynan walks into a little bar-and-restaurant for a bite and a drink. Upon entering, he finds Scott Parker, setting up a big table in the middle of the restaurant. Scott notices Tynan and waves.)
Scott: Eyyy, if it ain’t my favorite li’l hetero.
Tynan: If it isn’t the gossip train. What’s up?
Scott: Not much, dude. Jus’ got done havin’ some seriously bad times ‘n I’m feelin’ pretty great bein’ on th’ other side’f it.
Tynan: Well damn dude, I’m glad things’re looking up. You having a party?
Scott: Sorta! I got this li’l support group I run. We meet ev’ry other Sunday.
Tynan: What’s the group for? Cool parties anonymous?
Scott: Hell naw, we’re th’ ones throwin’ all the cool parties! It’s for aromantic people.
Tynan: There’s groups for that?
Scott: Hell yeah there is, ‘cause I made one.
Tynan: You mind if I sit in?
Scott: You aro too?
Tynan: Man, I dunno. I just know you’re a good time and I’m sure your friends are too.
Scott: Pfff. Watch it, you might jus’ be fallin’ for me.
Tynan: Like you wouldn’t want me to.
Scott: Long’s it’s no strings attached, fine by me.
Tynan: Well there you go.
Scott: So what’s been up with you? Your job still keepin’ you from havin’ fun?
Tynan: Yeah, as always. It’s been a little slow lately, with the occasional busy night. Had a pretty big thing happen the other night.
Scott: Guess we’re all gettin’ slammed with shit ‘t the same time, huh?
Tynan: Guess so. You mind me asking what happened?
Scott (shrugging): Couple things. Had a bit’f a fight with my dad. Wasn’t very pleasant, but now’t he’s gone ‘m feelin’ better about it. My bro ‘n this one friend’f mine really stood up for me ‘n it helped. ‘N then one’f my other friends came in ‘n helped me out with this other thing that’s been hangin’ over my head, so that’s lookin’ like it’s gonna work out. Things’re lookin’ up for this bad motherfucker.
Tynan: Must be nice having so many friends.
Scott: Don’ get all jealous on me.
Tynan: I used to be such a social butterfly. Now all I’ve got is my annoying family, and coworkers.
Scott: ‘m gonna hook you up with like, all th’ friends if’n you keep talkin’ like that. 
Tynan: Put me on blind friend-dates.
Scott: ‘s absolutely a thing I can do.
Tynan: Nah, don’t worry about it. 
Scott: You sure? ‘Cause that’s th’ shit I live for. I’m like a li’l cupid. Hookin’ people up.
Tynan: Aromantic cupid.
Scott: Damn right. ‘M so unfettered from romantic attachments ‘t I can focus properly on what other people need. See? ‘S like a damn superpower.
Tynan: You could be a superhero.
(Scott laughs.)
Scott: Yeah! Yeah, oh m’ god. Can y’ even imagine?? Me, a superhero? Oh m’ god.
Tynan: Go with the cupid theme. You could get a jetpack that looks like a little pair of wings, go around shirtless, carry a little nerf bow and arrow.
Scott: Okay, I’ll take th’ jetpack. Where do heroes even get those from? I’d use mine like, all th’ time. For ev’rythin’.
Tynan: They have super scientists making them. Like, the people who would be mad scientists if they were villains, except they’re not villains.
Scott: Hell! Get me a scientist. I’ll pay top dollar.
Tynan: I’ll see if any of my coworkers know one.
Scott: I’ll pay ya’ by buyin’ your drinks.
Tynan: Again? I thought we were married and past the flirting.
Scott: It’s never too late t’ flirt more.
Tynan: Seriously though, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Scott: ‘s just a drink for a friend, buddy, no worries here.
Tynan: You sleep with your friends, dude. But as long as you keep it entertaining you can flirt all you want.
Scott: I’ll do my very best.
--End: Episode eighty-five.
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ruralbi · 7 months
Ok so lots happened. I've been breaking up with my boy best friend. I told him we ain't having sex no more, gave in twice (asked him to sleep in my bed) and he rejected me twice. Great life. I do choose to believe that he's just respecting my wishes in rejecting me, and not just bein like nah don't feel like it.
It's been a hell of a rollercoaster. But that's just attempt number 1834749 of trying to not fuck him.
What, do u ask, really prompted this post.
This bitch is out there partying with his bros. All good. He texts me "yo wassup" EXACT QUOTE.
I call him all what u want. He says don't call me unless it's an emergency. BITCH YOU TEXTED ME.
Clearly all his douchebag friends got on his case abt him picking up the phone to answer to his house faggot cause a bit later he texted me "can me and my best bro come sleep at yours" and I'm like sure :) CAUSE IM A FUCKIN IDIOT. And I say something like I'll even take a break from my puzzle to come say hi! (Bc I'm secretly the biggest dork)
And he's like oh my best bro (name redacted) wants more than just a break!
And I'm like that sounds kinda sketchy but I'm sure im just being paranoid. So I say whatever come over if u want. He's like send a message to convince him to come over. And say sorry sir, if he doesn't wanna come over u shouldnt pressure him! Leave the poor man alone to sleep at his house rather than drag him all over the county to drink!
He says nah he wants to come over he just needs motivation. So I, like the absolute clown that I am, send something along the lines of well we got wine and vodka and a fireplace if you boys wanna light it.
Looking back I wanna brain myself. He really says jump I say how high. And he has the gall to text back "yeah but can we sleep with you?"
Bitch YOU'RE not even supposed to sleep in my bed anymore, what makes u think I suddenly a) wanna suck your dick again b) suck your mangy friends' dick on top of it
I can't believe after 4 years of being treated like an absolute sex toy he's finally thought you know what maybe I should share this with the boys.
I'm over here crying my lost love bc I finally accepted that our relationship isn't healthy. Hes not in love with me, I am, we have to stop having sex all the time so I can move on. But it thought well it's not a crime to not b in love with me. He don't deserve to lose his house and living over it. We'll just keep living together all normal, as two friends, the way we should've from the start. It hurts to see him but it ain't his fault and I need to tough it up.
AND HE GOES AND JOKES WITH HIS PALS ABOUT SHARING ME. Bc it's not even like oh I was joking calm down. When I immediately stop answering, first he texted "plz" !!!!!!! AND THEN
"sorry I'm friends with assholes" like oh the good ole trick sorry my friends took my phone !!? So I said oh yeah real easy to blame your friends!!! Stay at your best friend's flat three more days while ur at it. By then I'm livid.
Like okay so for four years ya didn't want to admit ur fucking me publicly but when ur bro wants my ass suddenly you're teaming up???? What an absolute jackass. And then he says "sorry I let myself be influenced"
Meaning he was getting egged on by all his disgusting bros and sharing the messages and making a public mockery of me. Like oh we heard that was an easy peace of ass think he'll take both you and me? He's surely been begging for ur dick for long enough. :( I can just see it I'm crying my eyes out I'm so humiliated.
He swears it's not what happened and he'll explain tomorrow but I don't really care. He's taken me for a joke long enough. I may b a joke but hes officially off the comedy roster. I'll ask him to move the fuck out and not show his goddamn face for a long while. Fuck this dude
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oh, the joys of ''friendship''. you know, like passing by your 'partner', resting your hand on his shoulder, and you both freezing as you look into each other's eyes, caught in the prism of colors and emotions, cheeks warm as you meet eyes, both wondering what the other tastes like-
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localfakeitalian · 5 years
jack: race did you eat all the donuts
race: no why
jack: then whats all that powder on your shirt
race: uh cocaine
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gamerwoo · 2 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader
genre/warnings: idol au, strangers to friends, fluff, just 2 bros bein homies
word count: 647
summary: so we’re taking the long way home; ‘cause i don’t wanna be wasting my time alone; i wanna get lost and drive forever with you; talk about nothing, yeah, whatever, baby; so we’re taking the long way home tonight.
previous song | next song | back to playlist
_____🤙: are you busy?
How did you become friends with someone like Hansol? How, in the last few months, did you go from just filming a couple collab projects with Seventeen for promotional reasons for your group to you and him actually going out of your way to hang out and text each other? It was something that you couldn’t wrap your head around, yet seemed so…simple and easy to understand. Hansol was still ‘Vernon from Seventeen’ but he was also just…Hansol. You saw him as the idol you’d been a fan of for years, but also a close friend.
Hansol👽: nah, what’s up?
_____🤙: wanna go for a drive?
Hansol👽: where?
_____🤙: just a drive
Hansol👽: hell yea i’m in
That was how you ended up in your car with Hansol at 11pm. The roads were mostly empty and everything was illuminated by either your headlights or streetlights. It had also just rained which made the atmosphere that much better. Everything seemed so chill; so cliché teen movie but one of those movie scenes that everyone wanted to recreate. There was lax music playing softly while you and Hansol talked about everything and nothing.
“You’re not gonna get your keys taken away for being out this late, are you?” you joked.
“That was so long ago, dude,” he scoffed. “Nah, we don’t have anything going on tomorrow. I’m the good kid, I don’t leave when I’m not supposed to.”
“Ah, you’re a goody-two-shoes,” you nodded with a teasing smirk as you turned on your blinker.
“Ooh, didn’t realize we had a badass in the car,” he said sarcastically. “What’s the worst thing you’ve even done, _____? You wouldn’t even take any of the food Mingyu made when you were over the other week.”
“There wasn’t a lot left.”
“He told you to eat the rest if you got hungry!”
“Yeah, well…” you shrugged, trying to keep your cheeks from heating up. “Look, I wanna be considerate. Maybe he was gonna get hungry later.”
“I think Mingyu likes you,” he blurted.
You almost slammed on the break to turn. Your eyes widened and you glanced at Hansol who had a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
“Dude, what the fuck?” you demanded. “Where’d you get that idea from?”
Hansol shrugged, “He just seems like, I dunno, like he likes you.”
“Wow, great evidence, buddy,” you told him sarcastically.
He laughed, “I don’t know! He’s just different.”
“I’ve hardly spoken to him. He just makes small talk with me when I come over.”
“Alright, I’m just fuckin’ with you,” he finally admitted. “I’m still trying to find out who your favorite is. Was hoping you might admit to a crush if I mentioned one of them liking you.”
“You ass!” you laughed as you hit him with your elbow, making him giggle.
“Would you believe me if I said Seokmin thinks you’re pretty?” he pressed with his wide gummy smile, clearly still just trying to mess with you. “Or are you more of a Soonyoung girl?”
“You could guess right and I’d still tell you that you’re wrong,” you admitted as you drove down a strip of road that was mildly windy and framed by trees on either side.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, and you suddenly became incredibly aware of the song playing lowly in the car.
‘And you know I’d never let you down. Till the sun comes up we can own this town. Something like make believe. Living in a movie scene. You know this is the way it’s supposed to be…’
It was like the perfect song for a drive like this. And judging from the way Hansol slid a little lower in his seat, put a foot up against the dashboard, and quietly hummed the song to himself as he watched the trees go by, he seemed to agree.
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haikyuuphilia · 3 years
can i request the boys as classic vines from back in the day? sometimes i miss 2014 man 😔✊🏽 in my head kuroo & bokuto made them all the time😩
ajlsdfjk YES OF COURSE!! this is really chaotic and i spent WAY too long on it
also quick warning that most of these aren’t clean lmao
haikyuu characters as vines
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→  HINATA: oh my god he on X games mode
→  KAGEYAMA: he needs some milk
→  YAMAGUCHI: mother trucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
→  TSUKISHIMA: i’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me
→  TANAKA: what the FUCK is up, kyle? no, what did you say? step the FUCK up 
→  TANAKA to KIYOKO: i love you, bitch. i ain’t never gon stop loving you... bitch
→  NISHINOYA this bitch empty. YEET
→  TANAKA, NISHINOYA, & YAMAMOTO: *moving in sync* it’s all around the world just la la la la la
→  SUGA: so i’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties
→  DAICHI: miss keisha? miss keisha? oh my fuckin god, she fuckin dead
→  KIYOKO: “has anybody ever told you you look like beyonce?” “nah they usually tell me i look like shalissa”
→  YACHI: “i’m lesbian” “i thought you were american”
→  TAKEDA: is there anything better than pussy? yes, a really good book
→  UKAI: “dad look, it’s the good kush” “this is the dollar store, how good can it be”
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→  OIKAWA: when there’s too much drama at school, all you gotta do is walk awaAaAaAay
→  OIKAWA & IWAIZUMI: oikawa: so basically, what i was thinking was um *iwaizumi punches him* aw fuck, i can’t believe you’ve done this 
→  IWAIZUMI: what’s better than this? guys bein’ dudes
→  HANAMAKI: happy crismus. it’s crismus. merry crisis. merry chrysler
→  MATSUKAWA: we all die you either kill yourself or get killed
→  TERUSHIMA: so no head?
→  FUTAKUCHI: it’s britney bitch
→  AONE: hi my name’s trey i got a basketball game tomorrow. i’m point guard, i got shoot game
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→  KUROO: *nae naes to heart and soul*
→  KENMA: completely giving up. starring Me, Me, Me, and introducing Me
→  LEV: hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla
→  KUROO & BOKUTO: two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay
→  BOKUTO to HINATA: hi. i’m renata bliss and i’m your freestyle dance teacher
→  BOKUTO: what up i’m jared i’m 19 and i never fucking learned how to read
→  AKAASHI: ... good evening
→  USHIJIMA: “who’s the hottest uber driver you’ve ever had?” “um i’ve never been to oovoo javer”
→  TENDOU: there is only one thing worse than a rapist. boom. a child
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→  ATSUMU: on all levels except physical, i am a wolf
→  ATSUMU/OSAMU: hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so i’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. the benefits of killing him is that i would be pushed way less 
→  ATSUMU and OSAMU: *atsumu shoots gun* osamu: “this is why mom doesn’t fucking love you”
→  OSAMU: can i get a waffle? can i please get a waffle?
→  ARAN: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine but you’re not really fine
→  SUNA: “and they were roommates” “oh my god they were roommates”
→  KITA: country boy, i LoVe yOu... blehh
→  SAKUSA: “you know what? i’m about to say it.” “say it.” “i don’t care that you broke your elbow”
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maybebi47 · 3 years
I think Dan and Phil might be gay????
what the fuck?😳 nah i dont think so, dan just said that they're collaborating designing a shared place so i think they're just homies ya know? just bros bein dudes
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Ned and Peter unintentionally flirting with each other in front of Tony, Pepper, May, and Happy. The adults think it's adorable and can't wait to plan the wedding. The idiots have no clue.
That would be so funny on so many levels.
•  Like, all of the adults watch Peter and Ned interacting, and they keep finding heterosexual explanations for how close they are. 
Peter: Ned, you’re my whole world, bro.
Ned, tearing up: Bro...
Tony: What’s better than this? Guys bein’ dudes.
Happy: Just two bros expressing their heterosexual adoration for one another.
Pepper: ... Okay, I mean. Maybe. But are you sure they’re not... Y’know...
May, without missing a beat: Oh, yeah. They’re gay.
Everyone else:
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•  Like, whether they’re dating or not, they absolutely treat each other with so much tenderness that all the Avengers look at their interactions like
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Are they...........
•  But if they are dating, the adults try really hard to be supportive. They think it’s cute and truly do support them, obv, but they have that awkward disconnect that cishet parental figures have with their queer kids. Tony would try to talk to Peter about how much he supports him and how he’s so proud that he’s comfortable being himself in front of Tony. His attempts would kinda... flop, tho.
Tony: Ahah... you and Ned are a thing?
Peter: Yep.
Tony: So, you’re... gay...?
Peter: Nah, I’m pan.
Tony: Heh. So, like, you’re into kitchenware, heheh—
Peter: *stands up and leaves*
Tony: NO WAIT I THINK IT’S COOL— fuck he’s gone *gets up* PETER WAIT COME BACK I’M SORRY
•  He’s really trying; he’s just a dumbass. 
•  If Ned and Peter date, May thinks it’s so, so cute ‘cuz they’ve been friends forever and (though she doesn’t know the term even exists) she’s definitely a fan of the slowburn, friends-to-lovers trope. She teases Peter about it all the time. Comes up with ship names, asks about every date, gives all her support and date ideas. Like, EVERY time Peter does anything polite or nice for Ned, she pesters him with, “Ooooo is it ‘cuz you liiiike him?”
•  Anyway, they all love and support their spiderson unconditionally!! Some of them (Tony) struggle with expressing it sometimes, but there is absolutely nothing they wouldn’t do for him. 
•  On a totally unrelated note, Tony wants Ned to know that if he ever THINKS of hurting Peter in ANY way, Tony will break his kneecaps with a spoon.
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the-bastards-box · 3 years
How Comic met Fresh
Comic' backstory basically, throughout this Comic is refered to as Ralz, because the name change didn't happen yet
My friend helped with like half of this
Ralz teleported away from his bullies, his skull bleeding from a crack they made, he looked around, panicked.
Fresh was wandering in Classic's AU just across the bridge near Snowdin looking for chaos to cause when the damaged skeleton teleported in.
"Hey yo you look like you're not from around here little homeskillet, wassup?!" Fresh grinned at Ralz for a moment then paused. "Yo, you know your sauce is leaking bro?"
Ralz looked at him and backed away. He's really scared, he looks like someone or even multiple people attacked him. His eyesockets are filled with tears.
Fresh halted, his glasses changed to read "woah," and held up his hands in a placating gesture.
"Heyyyy. Yo, no need ta be spooked bro. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You uhh.. You hurt brah? Ya lookin' like you might need help or somethin my dude."
Ralz is shaking, he managed to slightly nod. Tears are running down his cheekbones alongside blood on one side.
"Uhhh ok ok umm... What do ya want me to do? I mean to be honest brah, I don't know how to help."
". . . h-head . . ." Ralz is in pain. He looks like a child, maybe 10 years old. He's small, weak and fragile, he's barely standing.
"Ok yeah.. Gotta stop that business from leakin. Hold up. I got this, check it."
Fresh takes his jacket off and starts tearing it into strips. he then approaches Ralz slowly, holding out the torn strips of fabric.
"Can I?"
Ralz slightly nodded, he's looking at Fresh.
Fresh used his ruined jacket to bandage up Ralz's head. It was oddly colorful for your usual bandages and a little tight but it definitely did the job.
Fresh looked Ralz up and down and let out a low whistle. "You got Jacked. Up. What even happened to you bro?"
" . . . b-bullies . . .th-they b-beat m-me up . . ." Ralz is trying to calm down, everything hurts him.
Fresh frowned and his glasses changed to "un-rad."
"Bullies? That's whaaaack bruh. ... So uhh what next? Wait, food helps you guys heal, right?" Fresh pulls out his inventory and rummages through it. Ralz is looking at him, waiting.
Fresh pulls out a carton of eggs and holds it out for Ralz with a triumphant grin.
Ralz looks at him, confused.
Fresh looks at Ralz, confused too "Not a fan of eggs brah?"
" . . . r-raw eggs a-aren't g-good . . ."
"Oh... I thought they totes were super healthy." Fresh without warning drops the carton of eggs and begins sifting through his inventory again.
Ralz doesn't say anything, He's still not entirely calmed down.
"Hah!" Fresh pulls a box of gushers from his inventory. "This is food... It's good too." He rips open a packet and hands it to Ralz.
Ralz took the packet and quietly began to eat the gushers.
"Good, right?" Fresh smiled at Ralz. The small skeleton just nodded.
"Well that's as bout as much as I know how to help ya with on my own broski." He held out his hand for Ralz to take.
"Can you trust me?"
Ralz looked at him, thought for a second and took Fresh' hand. Fresh chuckled.
"Probably a bad choice bro." and suddenly they were teleported to a different AU. They arrived in a dimly lit workshop with beakers and blueprints scattered about haphazardly. There was a skeleton slumped over a worktable snoring softly.
Ralz looked around, curiously.
Fresh walked up to the slumped over skeleton and shook his shoulder. The skeleton woke up with a start and rubbed at his face "C'mon couldn't you let me slee- F-FUNK!"
Fresh chuckled "Yo mind your manners Sci, there's kids present."
"I thought I told you not to come in here again, last time you contaminated everything and broke- wait kids?" Sci looked around and spotted Ralz, his eyes widening in alarm.
Ralz is nervous, he looked at Sci. He's slightly shaking.
Sci looks to Fresh angrily "Did you do this?!"
"Nah man, nah. Dunno what happened 'zactly... They said somethin about bullies but that's all I got." Fresh flicked Sci's glasses "Take a chill pill dude I just want ya to help me fix this little homeslice up."
Sci ajusted his glasses and gave Ralz a nervous glance. He switched to a low whisper Ralz couldn't hear. "Why? So you ca-"
Fresh interrupted Sci leaning in close, a dark aura radiating off of him. "Don't worry about it bro."
Sci gulped and nodded. He looked to Ralz and stood up. "Hey. they call me Science Sans, Sci for short... You are?"
"Nice to meet you Ralz." Sci smiled warmly at him.
"Lol I totes didn't think to ask their name."
Sci shot Fresh a look and approached Ralz slowly. "Can I check that head wound of yours?"
Ralz nodded slightly, He's hurt in many different places too.
Fresh distractedly picked at his braces and Sci pulled out a chair for Ralz to sit in.
"Sit, please."
Ralz sat down on the chair.
Sci carefully unwrapped the impromptu jacket bandage and visibly winced at the damage underneath. "Sh-SHIZZ, this is bad."
Fresh looked up at the two of them.
Ralz is still shaking, He's scared and cold, a tear rolled down his cheekbone. He's still looking at Sci.
Fresh frowned and started digging through his inventory again while Sci frantically pulled out some antibacterial wipes and began gently cleaning around Ralz's head injury.
"This might sting, I'm sorry..." Sci said.
Fresh blipped behind Ralz and draped something around his shoulders.
"You were lookin a little too chill there dude..."
It was a soft blanket with neon squiggles and shapes on a dark background.
Ralz wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, "Th-thank you"
"S'nothin..." Fresh turned to Sci who was now applying something to the cut to get the bleeding to subside.
"Yooooo can I do anything to help?"
Sci looked at Fresh distrustfully.
"Maybe, if you promise to listen. because last time I-"
"I got it, I got it. Seriously, take a chill pill dawg."
Sci gave Fresh one more sharp look and nodded. "Ok."
With Sci's instruction Fresh began cleaning up Ralz's other injuries while Sci used healing magic on his skull.
Ralz is silent, He's just looking between them, sometimes reacting to the stinging and pain, He's behaving well.
"You're doin so good kid, don't worry we're almost done patching ya up." Sci gave Ralz a sympathetic smile.
He handed Fresh bandages and instructed him on how to properly use them and turned back to Ralz.
"We're mostly done here, but your glasses look busted. I can fix you up a new pair if you'd like."
"y-you can do that? i don't w-want t-to c-cause problems . . . o-only if it's o-okay . . ." Ralz is mostly calm now.
Sci laughed "I've busted mine more times than i can count. Had to figure ways to easily replace them before. " He adjusted said glasses on his nasal ridge.
"I might be able to figure out your prescription with your broken ones, it really wouldn't be too much trouble."
"A-alright" Ralz looked around the workshop.
Sci took his glasses and left the room, leaving Fresh, who had been mostly silent besides the occasional question for Sci, to continue bandaging up what was left of the major damage on Ralz.
Fresh was diligently following Sci's instruction, carefully and firmly wrapping some major scrapes and cuts on Ralz's shin when he spoke up.
"Yo... So I've been wonderin... What happened exactly? And like... Why'd they go and funk you up like this brah?"
Fresh looked up at Ralz, his expression pensive and his glasses displaying "??????"
"b-because I'm weird . . . I look weird . . ." Ralz is sad, he curled up a bit
"i was going back home from school, it was the only day my parents couldn't pick me up . . . so I was going home alone . . . and this one older kid with his group of friends attacked me . . . just because of the way i look . . ." His eyesockets are filled with tears again.
"That's super whack bro. There's not a funking thing wrong with the way you look." Fresh's mouth was pressed in a displeased thin line.
"black isn't a normal color for skeletons . . ."
Fresh shook his head and moved on to bandaging up one of Ralz's ankles.
"There's nothing wrong with you, or what color ya are. Just 'cause it's not as common in that AU don't mean jack.... Diversity is a good thing yo, what if there was only one kind of skeletons? All carbon copies and junk. It'd be mad boring all up in here." Fresh looked up at Ralz the same dark aura from earlier emanating from him.
"I'd like to see them come at me for bein different bro. Show them what I think of bulling." Then as quick as a switch the aura was gone, Fresh beaming at Ralz.
"Don't worry little homeskillet, you don't gotta worry about them again."
"but I would have to see them again when I go back to school . . ."
"Nahhh man you got options, you could come live with me if ya wanted."
"Really?" Ralz looked at Fresh.
"Heck yeah brah!" Fresh flashes a charming grin at Ralz. "And if ya ever wanna go back, you just say the word my dude."
"alright" Ralz smiled at him.
"Nice! I needed a buddy." Fresh chuckles.
"hm?" Ralz slightly tilted his skull to the side.
Just then Sci entered holding a new pair of glasses for Ralz.
"Had to replace the frames... But lucky you I had a similar style as yours already. Why don't you try these on and tell me how they feel." Sci made his way over to the two and handed Ralz the glasses with a smile.
Ralz put on the glasses and looked around, "It's great! Thank you" He's smiling.
Fresh stood up, done bandaging, and Sci nodded.
"Perfect." Sci pulled a small medicine bottle from his lab coat and handed it to Ralz. "This should help expedite the healing process, just follow the instructions on the bottle aaaaand you should be good to go. I'm- I'm sorry though.. I don't know if that crack to your skull will ever heal properly.."
Fresh looked at Sci, surprised. "It won't?"
"I mean I'm not positive... But..." Sci trailed off into uncomfortable silence.
"it's okay i guess . . ."
"Pshhhh It'll just make ya look cooler, no worries brah." Fresh waved a dismissive hand.
"Before you go.." Sci raised a finger "Are you gonna be ok? If you're getting bullied I can-"
Fresh clapped him on the shoulder, interrupting Sci. "It's all good bro, I got 'im."
Sci looked nervously from Fresh to Ralz.
The small skeleton curiously tilted his head to the side.
"Well ok then..." Sci sweats "Guess I better get back to my nap. Oh! Wait first..."
Sci hurried over to his desk and messed around in a drawer, his back to them for a second.
He turned around holding a pill bottle and handed it to Ralz. "For pain, you probably can't feel it too much right now thanks to the healing but your headaches gonna be killer tomorrow..."
Ralz nodded and took the pill bottle.
Sci nervously looked at Fresh and hugged Ralz without warning. He stealthily slipped a note in Ralz's pocket. "It was nice meeting you... Be safe." Sci said a little intensely.
"it was nice meeting you too"
"Wow Sci, brah... You never hug me like that..."
"That's because you always destroy my lab!" Sci snapped at Fresh.
Fresh raised his hands in surrender with a chuckle "'Aight then." He turned to Ralz and held out his hand. "In that case, let's bounce."
Ralz took Fresh' hand with a slight smile.
Sci gave them a halfhearted wave and the two disappeared with a fresh poof, reappearing in an obnoxiously 90's disaster area of livingroom.
Furniture that were just large cushioned shapes, an overly fluffy neon rug on dark flooring loud colorful walls with skateboards, tastefully framed pictures of Furbies and such hung up. A cluttered coffee table with things like tamagotchis, worms on a string, and a spilled over container of slime.
The whole place was littered with various odds and ends and Furbies strewn about everywhere.
"Welcome to my crib" Fresh said with a grand wave. "Mi casa es su casa."
Ralz is looking around, curiously.
"First things first I'mma get you some fly new digs, because your wardrobe is looking heckin whack right now." Fresh looked Ralz up and down.
"You're kinda small... But I think I gotchu. Hold up, be right back my dude." Fresh backed out of the room shooting finger guns "Careful of the Furbies, they get weird around newcomers. But make yourself at home dawg."
Ralz sits down and just waits for Fresh.
There's a loud thud in the other room and a rubber duck noise.
Ralz ignored the noise and looked at the note he got from Sci.
In barely legible chicken scratch it read "He's not a normal skeleton kid. Not sure what exactly it is, but there's something weird about him. DON'T TRUST HIM."
Ralz frowned and put the note back into his pocket.
Fresh skidded into the room sporting a new jacket and an armful of clothes. "YO!" Fresh dumped the clothes in Ralz's lap "Try these on for size homedawg."
Ralz tried on the clothes, the size is good, a bit too loose but it's okay.
Fresh grinned at Ralz "Ayyyyy lookin good, baggy is in ya know." Fresh's glasses flashed the words "fly af" for a moment.
Ralz smiled at him "you didn't tell me your name"
"Oh! You're right." Fresh laughs. "Call me FRESH!" There's a little fanfare and confetti pops from out of nowhere. "And I can already tell we're gonna be the tightest homies."
Ralz giggled, he's smiling "Probably"
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