ittybittie · 10 months
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This is how I burn my calories.
Full body workout.
(Pushed myself so hard once or twice that I ran and threw up in the bathroom... sorry janitorial staff)
I have never worked for anything so hard in my life.
And just...
Look at the difference of 25+ ļbs
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Old edblr
It's fascinating comming back to edblr after so many years gone. The one thing that jumps out at me as the biggest "rule change".
(i know it aint no rules to Ed)
Now every other post contains diet coke, and I totally get it diet coke is a savior for many ppl. Bit yet I can't stop reminiscing the one thing we all go loved back then xD we didn't drink much if it wasn't vodka or water, cause our mantra was " don't drink your calories). And we lived by that in every way possible.
I'm actually happy that we moved away from just water cause atleast now edblr has come to the realisation that too much water is more harmful, cause other notice when u end up in the hospital due to organ faliure cause of too much water.
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coeluvr · 8 days
I've been holding in the question for awhile. But I noticed on several playthroughs that there are a few occasions where someone seems to be following you.
After ikram encounter someone stepped on a twig and ran off before you could spot them.
Then again with namia when she tells you they ran off.
Can you tell me if ita the same person or different people during these times??
Because my brain logically tells me the first time can't be hunter and how would helos even know since he wasn't present. But I'm doubtful it was vincent. And then whoever ran off that namia saw could have been hunter cause stain vincent doesn't seem like he really cares all that much at this point in time if he's cruel.
Also the person who left the flowers and happy bday card had to of been hellos or vincent. Hellos seems like it would be him. But vincent likes art so maybe he has pretty handwriting?
I was curious to know what you could share on this topic?
Hey! Those are all different people actually lol. I feel like it's not that hard to guess if you look at the scenes but I tend to think everything is super obvious so ignore me.
I don't want to say too much but they will all come up at some point!🙏
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
[...] Preuve qu’il n’a pas pour idée de se remettre en cause, le président de la République a invité ce jeudi 25 juillet à l’Élysée pour déjeuner un parterre de grands patrons internationaux venus pour la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques (JO) et paralympiques (JOP) afin de les rassurer sur ses intentions pro-business. Un signal politique clair de la part de celui qui est accusé, bien au-delà des rangs de la gauche, de faire sécession avec les plus riches. Étaient présents à l’Élysée Elon Musk, patron du groupe automobile Tesla et soutien de Donald Trump, James Quincey (Coca-Cola), Joseph Tsai (Alibaba), Brian Chesky (Airbnb), Shou Zi Chew (TikTok), Lee Jae-yong (Samsung) Aditya et Lakshmi Mittal (ArcelorMittal), ou encore Neal Mohan (YouTube). Côté français, Bernard Arnault (LVMH), Nicolas Namias (BPCE), Alexandre Bompard (Carrefour) ou encore Sébastien Bazin (Accor) étaient également conviés. [...] Pas de remise en cause  Selon une conseillère élyséenne qui a parlé à l’AFP, Emmanuel Macron a, lors du déjeuner, voulu « rassurer » tous les patrons inquiets après des élections législatives désastreuses pour son camp politique, en se portant garant que ses réformes structurelles (baisse de la fiscalité sur le capital et les plus riches, flexibilisation du marché du travail, chômage, retraites…) ne seraient pas remises en cause.  Une conseillère de l’Élysée a précisé à l’AFP qu’Emmanuel Macron avait « expliqué les choix qui ont été les siens, avec notamment la dissolution » de l’Assemblée nationale, tout en les « invitant à continuer à investir dans notre pays ». Elle a aussi précisé qu’Emmanuel Macron leur avait donné « des gages » sur le fait qu’il a, lui, « l’attractivité chevillée au corps », et que cet élément serait « non négociable » lors des débats parlementaires à venir. [...] [C’est] cette idée « d’attractivité » qui gouverne la politique d’Emmanuel Macron et lui permet de justifier sa politique de l’offre, sans jamais questionner les plus de 160 milliards d’euros d’aides publiques distribuées chaque année aux entreprises qui creusent le déficit. Pacte législatif sans compromis  Autre preuve du déni démocratique en matière d’économie : ce mardi 30 juillet, Les Échos ont révélé les grandes lignes du « pacte d’action » prévu par le toujours premier ministre Gabriel Attal pour travailler avec d’autres forces politiques sur un « pacte législatif commun »... qui n’a de commun que le nom.  Le groupe macroniste, qui s’est renommé Ensemble pour la République (EPR), propose certes d’améliorer le pouvoir d’achat, principale préoccupation de la population. Mais nulle idée, pour ce faire, de rehausser le Smicà 1 600 euros net, comme le propose la gauche, ou de réinvestir dans les services publics. Il s’agit juste de poursuivre la politique déjà engagée depuis 2017.   Le groupe EPR propose en effet, selon Les Échos, une revue des exonérations de cotisations sociales pour rapprocher le salaire net du salaire brut et inciter aux augmentations. Soit ce qui était déjà prévu depuis l’automne dernier, via la mission qui avait été confiée par Élisabeth Borne aux économistes Antoine Bozio et Étienne Wasmer. Le parti présidentiel planche aussi sur une mesure visant à un meilleur « partage de la valeur » et à une amélioration de la « prime d’activité », également dans les tuyaux bien avant la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale. Les Échos nous apprennent enfin que le groupe EPR promouvra la « continuité sur la politique économique, avec une stratégie activité, emploi et croissance pour accélérer la réindustrialisation et inciter à la reprise d’emploi avec une réforme de l’assurance-chômage ». Bref, de compromis en économie, il n’y aura pas du côté de la Macronie. 
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morsobaby · 6 months
Jos teillä ei nyt oo maha kipeä nii arvostakaa sitä tunnetta. Ja jos voitte vapaasti syyä tavallisia asioita nii arvostakaa sitäki. Itseasiassa menkääpä nyt syömään jotain namia ku pystytte syökää jopa iha olan takaa. Meitsi tarjoo. Ottakaa jotain lempiruokaa tänään iha vaa koska voitte.
Mää nimittäin oon toistaiseksi 90%lla nestedieetillä ja mahaan sattuu lähes jatkuvasti
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b3thecowboy · 5 days
thinking of namias jid
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sleepytenny · 7 months
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They had been here before. So many events they had spent together laughing and drinking as a pair. But tonight was different. Amanda's mind wanders back to the masquerade ball, where she had done the exact same thing of fixing Nyx's suit, not necessarily because he needed it, but simply so she could admire him with more ease. Back then, it was nothing more than platonic, but now, she turns her gaze up to meet his finally, her heart thumping in her chest. "You look incredible, you know that?" "Not as incredible as you," he counters. "You look absolutely stunning, love." He puts a hand to the balcony as he leans backward to look up at the sky. "Especially under the moonlight. You're glowing." ===== A little piece for the Lovestruck Valentines event in an RP group I'm in! ===== Amanda Recker (right) ©Namia Nyx Stern (left) & artwork © @sleepytenny Please do not steal. AI sampling prohibited. ===== Want me to draw for you? My commissions are open!
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If that's the case, tell me all about your OCs!
ahh ok!
idk where to start jejddnfkfnfm i recently did introduced a new oc universe (silently glances at epidemic stellaria) so i really wanna talk more abt the characters there. i've written a few character descriptions for them, but it's not ALL OF THE CHARACTERS YET LOL. i'll just put some of the ones i've already written under the cut lel
1. Naoki Sakaguchi
A normal boy who was living a normal enough life up until the Stellaria Epidemic happened. Despite spending most of his high school life indoors even until graduation, he was still cheerful and positive about his situation. However, he's also rather fed up by all of this, so he then sets up a goal to find the person who started the Stellaria Epidemic and put a stop to it once and for all.
2. Miyu Takemoto
Naoki's best friend who he befriended in the midst of their online classes back in high school. Miyu is mostly pessimistic and a realist, always looking at things in a logistic sense and never really likes the thought of even daydreaming once. She's very skilled in the piano, and has harnessed her abilities to use it as self-defense against the Stellarias.
3. Koshiro Nakano
A young teacher who didn't really want to become a teacher to begin with. Skipping a lot of grades and having a lot of skills in any school subject, Koshiro is a smart individual who's parents forced him to become a teacher at the young age of 17. It's been a year now since then, and even if he enjoys sharing his knowledge, he wishes he could do something more than just teaching a bunch of teenagers around his age all that he knows.
4. Stella Namia
The mastermind behind the Stellaria Epidemic, it's unknown why she even caused it to begin with. A girl who seems nice and approachable, but her intimidating aura immediately draws people away. Little does anyone know, there's something hidden behind her nearly empty eyes.
5. Alex Vignetta
The oldest of the Vignetta siblings and is the leader of the Reality Haxxors. A man who is very distant and cold towards others, even to his own relatives. He's always busy occupying himself within his work, so he never really has the chance to spend any time with his family. However, deep down inside, he secretly does care about them and the members of the Reality Haxxors.
6. Arthesia Vignetta
A member of the Reality Haxxors, Arthesia can be classified as the youngest Vignetta Data Bank wielder so far (even if her age is close to the Minase siblings). Not that talkative in real life, but more outspoken on social media, that's how she usually is. Used to be very introverted and quiet, but nowadays is willing to blabber on about whatever she likes a little more. It's all thanks to a certain someone.
7. Aaron Vignetta
He isn't actually a Vignetta biologically. He was just an accidental experiment result who then got taken in by the Vignetta family and became one of their own. Has always taken an interest in music and playing the guitar, and is currently learning how to play one. He's struggling, but he's trying, at the very least.
8. Haruki Motome
An up-and-coming idol! A rising star in the industry! His charming looks and melodious voice captivates those who have only seen him once. With a flashing smile, Haruki is sure to make you swoon~
9. Rumi Narukami
Once a world renowned musician, now is a music teacher for a high school. The reasons as to why she quit is...still unknown. However, she lives her life to the fullest despite everything. Despite being...what, 25 years old? She still isn't exactly familiar with modern technology for whatever reason. Arthesia and Yuta are helping her with that, though.
10. Yuta Minase
One of the Minase siblings, Yuta is a flirty, yet annoying boy who fails in his flirtatious attitude everytime. He has a loud and upbeat personality that never seems to die down unless someone calls him out for it. He's all bark but no bite.
11. Yuka Minase
One of the Minase siblings. Unlike her brother Yuta, Yuka is more quiet and serious. She's willing to help others if possible, but not without any cost, of course. Very skilled in robotics and engineering, and is able to fix anything around the Reality Haxxors's base if needed. Is really annoyed and absolutely done with her brother's antics, however.
12. Tyler Morrison
He serves as some kind of...guardian spirit to Arthesia. Has been with her for many years now, and has closely watched her growth throughout every single one of them. A man who can come off as rude and aggressive, but deep down inside, he has a little soft spot of his own.
THAT'S ALL I'VE DONE SO FAR LOLOL. i think there are a few familiar names for the og the-art-in-arthesia-is-loud followers™ like arthesia and tyler. but new names here and there too (hi stella)
thank you for talking to me btw anon i really really do appreciate it <3
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your-sweetsilence · 2 years
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“Thank you for your patience, Xander.”
“No problem. I can understand how stressful this situation could be. Especially when it’s sprung upon.”
Namia smiled at the young man as the server delivered their order. Eris went straight for her drink. Before the server left, she ordered another. Namia and Xander continued to speak. Something about his parents and how their businesses were doing. As the older woman chuckled, she eyed her daughter. “Eris, put that down and join the conversation.”
“Seriously?” With a glare, Eris took a large sip. The watermelon tequila warming her throat. She shot her mother a tense smile. “Happy?”
Just as tense, Namia snapped at the young woman. “Very.” She returned her attention to Xander. “Now that the two of you have finally met, we need to discuss what will happen and how. Now…”
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When it comes to dealing with societal expectations of teenage/young girls there are three main types of reactions:
- Lana del Ray, my year of rest and relaxation,Tumblr, Chic diet, Kate moss, Cigarettes and Diet Coke, @namia, Vogue, High fashion and old money girls
- Cottage core, Pinterest, body positivity, witchy, happiness and butterflies, abolish capitalism and everything that comes with (lawns, cars, rich white old men), Plants
- Confusion - Nirvana, Instagram and Tiktok, Guitars Glasses, Gender Fluidity, Emo, Punk, Artsy
Is there anything that I forgot ???
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ittybittie · 8 months
This relapse is relapsing..
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mia-faith · 2 years
Born: August 24th, 1995.
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Mother: Nadia Janise Jefferson-Haynes.
Father: Hassan Mateem Haynes.
Brother: Jordan Hassan Haynes.
Grandparents: Samuel & Namaea Jefferson.
Friends: Deja Jones and Marie Clemons
Born and raised in Detroit MI until her mom got sick at 10.
Started swimming to cope with her mom’s illness, and Jordan got heavy into basketball for the same reason.
Her family relocated to Cali because her grandparents chose to retire there.
Mom died at 12, from breast cancer.
Her mom was diagnosed the year before, completed chemo, went into remission, and the cancer back the next year stronger and more aggressive than before.
Her mom left her and Jordan insurance money payouts at 18, 22, 25.
Her father checked out mentally after her moms passing, unable to raise her and her brother, let alone really function himself.
Lived with her grandparents for all of high school.
Got boobs early and had to fight not just women, but a few guys too, for saying and doing inappropriate things to her.
Met her first love Treyvon Little at 15.
Lost her virginity a year later.
He cheated on her throughout most of their relationship, causing some really unstable moments. She cheated back, with one of his friends, and instead of break up, they worked their way through it.
Graduated from high school with honors and that same boyfriend.
He lost his parents in a car accident their freshman year of college and dropped out shortly after that. She supported him through that time, and out of that they created a trauma bond with each other.
She inherited money from her mom’s passing, but kept it a secret, because she wasn’t sure what do with it at first.
Decided to invest, and save it while she went to school. Only considering it "emergency money," until she figured out how to invest it properly.
Stayed on campus the first 2 years of college.
Moved in with Treyvon at 20 just for that to go left as soon as it started. They thought they were pregnant. They lost the baby. He found out about the money, and thought because she had it, he would have access to it too, and when that didn’t happen, he got spiteful.
She then dropped out of school much to her grandparents dismay, to get a retail job, when Treyvon, stopped helping pay the bills in their apartment. She tried to put him out, but he would cry and say he didn’t have anywhere else to go. So she let him stay.
She supported the apartment mostly by herself. He did petty crimes and then got a solid job working in a factory. He still refused to help her with bills and things, leaving her to find a better job at a testing facility when their rent increased the next year.
Things got even worse when she found she was pregnant again at 22. The couple separated after a argument about the baby having down syndrome and he confirmed to Namia that he’d been cheating on for the past 2 years. And wasn’t going to help her with her “deformed baby.”
That was her last straw, and she finally put him out.
He moved in with the girl he was cheating with. Namia had a miscarriage, in her 5th month. Her son lived for 3 minutes. Treyvon called to tell her he was “glad the baby died,” and that he and the girl were getting married.
The year after they were married, they had a baby girl and now make YouTube videos citing their happiness even though every now and again, he still hits Namia up to see “if the door is still open.” 🙄
Jordan's mess:
After that she got wrapped up in her job, she bought her house, and the announcement of her little brother having a baby with his high school girlfriend, Jewel came.
He was supposed to pay for school and other things he needed for the baby, with his portion of his mom's inheritance money, but instead he spent it gambling on dice games and lost it all to a local gang, then gained serious debts, trying to get it back.
He got jumped into the gang to work his debts off, and neglected to tell Namia.
The night of his son's birth, he was supposed to be making a drop for them. He missed it, and the gang took his absence as a sign of betrayal.
As a retaliation method, they shot up his grandparents house, and Jordan, Jewel, and JJ all moved over to Namia's house where she made Jordan tell her all about his dealings and what he'd gotten himself into.
She then made Jordan contact the leader of the gang, negotiate his release, and on some risky shit, she took him the money, and made sure Jordan would be free from them in the future.
Assad, the gang leader, thought she was cute, a little crazy, but down, so he pursued her after. He also kept his members away from Jordan, per her request. And for the next 6 months they had a steamy fling. He got caught driving recklessly and they found drugs in his vehicle. Got charged with 30 years after some lower level members rolled on him.
They still talk from time to time because he keeps his ear to the streets for her, about Jordan.
Some members were jealous that he was able to get out without too many consequences. And we’re plotting to kill him a few weeks after Assad got arrested.
Namia, alerted by Assad, had a few friends in the sports industry from high school, and asked them for help getting Jordan into overseas basketball, they gave her the contact for a manager and she negotiated him a 4 year deal playing for a pretty popular team in Montenegro.
Jordan was pissed because he didn’t want to leave his family behind. But Namia put her foot down and they both left a week later, to get him situated and settled.
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Likes and Hobbies:
Swimming. She competed a little in high school. And got her first job as a summer lifeguard at a local hotel.
Singing. Went to church ever Sunday with her granny and was in the choir for years.
Gardening with her grandfather.
Cooking with her grandmother.
Marathon cleaning.
Working out.
Any museum: Art, Science, History, etc…
Building lego buildings her nephew.
Scars/ Birthmarks:
Top of left knee from stumbling through the woods behind her grandparents house after learning about her moms passing.
Birthmark on the underside of her right boob.
Long mark along her right forearm from the first and only physical fight her and Treyvon got into. She put him out after.
Tree nuts.
Sesame, and sesame oil.
Love languages:
Acts of service.
Quality time.
Physical touch.
Compassionate, caring, nice, helpful, empathetic, humble, generous, polite, resourceful, ambitious, forgiving, organized.
Head strong, candid, assertive, confrontational, obsessive, perfectionist, reckless, stubborn, vain, possessive.
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coeluvr · 7 months
Does Lancelot ever go to Namia for advice on MC?
I don't think so 🤔 I feel like he usually speaks to Hunter about it and that's that.
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hotelsaccommodation · 21 days
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Namia River Retreat – Hoi An’s Cultural Wellness-Inclusive Resort Set to Welcome Guests December https://hotels-accommodation.news-6.com/namia-river-retreat-hoi-ans-cultural-wellness-inclusive-resort-set-to-welcome-guests-december/
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Marc-Olivier Fogiel substituído por Fabien Namias à frente do canal #ÚltimasNotícias #França
Hot News Thunderbolt na BFMTV: depois de mais de cinco anos à frente, Marc-Olivier Fogiel anunciou sua saída do canal de notícias, que acabava de ser comprado pelo grupo do bilionário Rodolphe Saadé e estava perdendo força diante do CNews. “Com muita emoção, mas com a sensação de dever cumprido, decidi, ao final de um mandato de cinco anos, deixar a BFMTV”, anunciou Marc-Olivier Fogiel às suas…
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valentin10 · 2 months
Marc-Olivier Fogiel quitte BFMTV, il est remplacé par le patron de LCI Fabien Namias
Le directeur de l’information de Radio France et directeur de Franceinfo, Jean-Philippe Baille, succédera quant à lui à Hervé Béroud au poste de directeur général délégué à l’information de RMC BFM. — À lire sur www.lefigaro.fr/medias/bfmtv-marc-olivier-fogiel-remplace-par-le-patron-de-lci-fabien-namias-20240722
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