#natasha cheating
bagdaddyb · 1 year
Spider's Web
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Summary: What really happens when you're gone on missions?
Pairing: fem!ssReader x Natasha
Warnings: Angst no happy ending.
AN: We all need our heart broken sometimes
Exiting the quinjet you released an audible sigh of exhaustion. The mission while shorter than scheduled had sapped all the energy out of you. You were extrememly greatful to be back two days early not sure what a full two weeks would of done to you. Scanning the few on the landing pad you aren't greeted with the comforting red hair of your girlfriend but you don't think much of it, you were early and Natasha was often busy herself. Slumping over you slowly make your way down to the meeting room grabbing your paperwork to get it over and done with so you could enjoy uninterrupted sleep. It only took you about an hour and by the end of it you could barely keep your eyes open.
Making your way to the bedroom you shared with the red head you'd yet to see today you're so in your own head it takes you a moment to register the steady thump you hear coming through the wall. Disregarding the noise, you grab your handle door unlocking due to facial recognition. As you open the door, your drowsiness begins to fade, your adrenaline suddenly pumping as if you were still deployed with bullets flying past you. You recognize the back Maria Hill, her body moving at a steady pace pumping into your girlfriend who is panting below her. Familiar small whines escaping plump lips. The room smells like sex, a noticeable temperature increase once you passed the threshold, and you take into account that they must have been at it for hours, long before you got home. In an instant, you process everything, eyes taking in the disheveled room with clothes thrown everywhere. Every surface slightly rough housed as if they'd gone at it like animals against every piece of furniture you owned, and you can't help the audible deep laugh that escapes you. The noise finally alerting the two spies of your pressence. Maria bends over Natasha in an attempt to cover her, which causes her green eyes to meet yours. The red heads widening frantically and that only makes you laugh a little harder.
"Wow, I have to say even I'm impressed. Your act is so good you even got me to let down my walls. Don't stop on my account, I'll just see myself out."
You say with a chuckle closing the door as you shake your head and fight the tears that want to pool in your eyes. The Black Widow had spun even you the Angel of Death into her web. You should have known, should have realized it was all a lie no one could ever possibly love someone with a past like yours. You begin your trek down the hall towards the elevator unsure of where you were going just knowing you needed to get away. You're almost there when you hear a door slam open behind you but you don't even turn around continuing towards your destination. Your hands flex and unflex, you were truly having an out of body experience. Is this how heartbreak feels? Your chest clenches and suddenly you don't know how to breath. Crossing the threshold into the elevator you turn to hit the button right as Natasha runs up to you. She looks thoroughly fucked hair a mess, kiss plumped lips. Her clothes are thrown on the shirt she's wearing not even hers you realize.
"(Y/N) wait. Let me explain."
You raise your eyebrow crossing your arms as you look down at the shorter woman.
"No, I don't think I will."
"(Y/N) please."
You fight back another chuckle at her desperation.
"You weren't worried about me while I was gone on my mission, you weren't worried about me when I got back almost two hours ago, and if I hadn't walked in on you and Maria you wouldn't be worried about me now. So no Natasha, we're done fuck off and go back to laying under Maria."
You push the girl back getting her outside of the elevator doors before hitting the ground floor not bothering to spare the red head another glance. As soon as the doors ping signaling you're at your destination, you're walking. Heading straight for the front doors to the compound. You keep going passing the garden, the track, the tech building, heading straight for the forest tree line.
You scream at the top of your lungs before punching a tree with all your might the log exploding into a rain of small splinters.
"Guess you learned your lesson (Y/N)."
You say to yourself as you pace back and forth. The pain in your chest unfamiliar and highly uncomfortable. Your throat hurts with the tears you refuse to let out, blood pumping with anger and sadness all together. This feeling was unbearable, you'd compare it even to tortures you'd endured as a science guinea pig. You try and even out your breathing ignoring the tremble in your lip and cloudiness in your eyes.
"You're okay, you're okay. You are okay."
Four Months Later
You grab your go bag slipping it over your shoulder. You're dressed in your familiar skin tight black shirt and brown pants. Fabric straining around your new muscle growth. You leave your shoulder length hair to fall around your face deciding to tie it up later in the quinjet. Chewing on a piece of gum you head for the roof. In the past one hundred and twenty three days you'd shut yourself off completely. Detaching from your own emotions even you don't recognize yourself in the mirror sometimes but it was for the best, for your protection. You'd dedicated yourself to your job and your training finding little to no time for anything else and taking almost every mission that came across your desk. On the roof you're greeted by your fellow Avengers the trip to Wakanda an urgent one that required the whole team. You keep your head down for the most part not wanting to risk locking eyes with ones you knew to be staring at you. You'd successfully avoided Natasha since your last encounter and even though this mission would be the first you'd work together since you were determined to keep it up. After the quick debreif you all load onto the jet taking your usual seat off in the corner you plug your ears with headphones wanting nothing more that to be left alone for the flight. You ignore the familiar feeling of eyes on you settling to scroll through your phone for music, you feel her steps approach through vibrations in the floor but don't look up completely ignoring her pressence when she comes to stand in front of you. She hesistates a moment before sighing moving to sit next to you but before she can another red head quickly slots into the space crossing her legs and opening up the book she had in her hands.
"Sorry but this spots taken."
Wanda says without even looking up leaning back as she begins to read allowing her red wisp like magic to float between her fingers. Another sigh escapes Natasha but she accepts her defeat moving to the other side of the jet to sit by Clint. I appreciate that. You think knowing the scarlett witch is listening and she merely hums in response eyes never leaving the pages before her. As you apporach the border you pull out a hair tie running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to tame it before pulling it back. The action catches the witches attention pulling her eyes from her book for the first time that flight.
"May I?"
The question causes you to pause eyeing the red head out the corner of your eye as you contemplate.
"No need to think so hard I promise not to ruin your precious locks."
You release a sigh relenting and passing the hair tie to the woman next to you. You hate to admit how comforting it feels to have her nails lightly scratch your scalps as she pulls your hair back. Making quick work of throwing your hair into an efficient bun. The trip to Wakanda is worse than imagined the attack being more that anyone had anticipated and if it hadn't of been for an unexpected visit from Fury's friend among the stars you're sure more than one of you would of ended up dead. You search the battlefield with Steve and Bucky looking for Wanda, Natasha, and Tony. Your three unaccounted for teammates. While Jarvis still had heartbeat signatures from all of them Steve begins to audibly worry the longer the search takes. You find Tony first half his suit fried and fighting unconsciousness Steve picks him up lightly before running back to the others. You and Bucky continue deeper in the battlefield luckily it doesn't take long you find both red heads close to eachother, the two of them having gone down in some last stand together. Natasha has a bad cut on her abdomen but the bleeding has mostly stopped indicating the blade didnt hit any artery. Wanda has nasty cuts to both arms including a gash on her thigh which she seemed to have temporarily mended with the last of her magic. Bucky moves towards Wanda but you grab his shoulder moving ahead of him towards Wanda going around Natasha's injured form. You miss the tears that form in the Black Widows eyes not that you'd of cared for them anyway. Bending over Wanda you push her messy hair out of her face before giving her a once over.
"Always have to go a bit overboard don't you witch?"
You ask as you examine her arms before leaning towards her thigh noting the seriousness of the injury.
"Go hard or go home. Isn't that what you tell me in the gym?"
Her accented voice replies and for the first time in one hundred and twenty three days a small smile plays on your lips.
"Yes, yes it is."
You tuck your arm under Wanda's legs before placing your other behind her back.
"Hold onto me, we need to get you to med asap your leg is in seriously bad shape."
The witch hums in response her magic use taking its toll but doing as instructed as you lift her bridal style turning to Bucky who held Natasha in a similar fashion The two of you take off in a cool jog, your eyes constantly scanning the witch in your arms. Approaching the rest of the team and medical you waste no time heading straight to Banner as he finishes looking over Tony.
"She's in rough shape, the cut to her thigh hit an artery."
Banner immediately gets to work the moment you lay the girl on the table.
"Don't pass out on me now Wanda."
You say as you see her eyelids begin to flutter causing a light chuckle to leave the red heads lips.
"After you you call me Wanda, I would never."
On the quinjet you watch Wanda from affar for a minute mind running a million miles a second but once you see Natasha trying again to apprach you, you make up your mind. Grabbing the book you knew Wanda was reading earlier you go to sit beside the woman who was laying with her eyes closed.
"Would you like me to read to you?"
You ask after a beat of slience. Green eyes crack open looking your way before smiling.
"I would love that."
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imtryingbuck · 10 months
Too Late.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n’s Steves girlfriend and she’s been taken by Hydra, will he get to her in time? Will she want to go with him if he does?
Word count: 2,237
Warnings: angst. cheating. nat and steve are terrible people. pregnancy. miscarriage. tiny mention of being sick. swearing. ending is terrible sorry.
A/N: women aren’t failures or less of a woman if they have miscarriages, unfortunately and sadly it’s a natural thing.
Part 2
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Why he kept doing it was beyond him.
The first time it happened both swore that it was a mistake, second time was a mistake too. The third time was to blow off steam from a rough mission. The fourth time, a mistake.
Now they’ve lost count of how many mistakes there’s been.
They know there’s been too many “this is the last time” before they end up in the same position.
Even though he knew what he was doing was wrong he just couldn’t stop.
When he woke that morning he knew he had fucked up. In the whole time that they’d been fucking he never fell asleep, he always headed home afterwards. He never once woke up with her in his arms. This was intimate, something that they didn’t do. It was just sex. They barely kissed, it was rough, he barely touched her other than her hips or his hand on her head as he pushed her face further into the pillow, further away from his mind - from his guilt.
Finding his phone he jumped up out of the bed his heart in his throat at the 22 missed calls and the one text message. He made her have a number that she would send to him for emergencies. For when she wasn’t or felt safe.
He received the number 4 in-between the many missed calls.
“Shit, baby pick up.” He chanted as he picked his clothes up off the floor and shoving them on in a hurry.
“St-Steve?” A woman’s voice came from the bed.
“Get up. Somethings wrong with Y/n”
Natasha took the sheet to cover herself as she rose from the bed, her too putting her clothes back on in a hurry.
Steve ran out of the room finding the team in the kitchen, Natasha soon following. “H-has Y/n called any of you? Somethings wrong”
Receiving a chorus of no’s his heart plummeted in to the depth of his stomach. Not giving any thought to it he took off running to the garage.
Speeding through the busy streets Steve kept trying to ring Y/n, heart rate going through the roof every time he heard her voicemail. Not even parking the car he jumped out and ran up to their apartment, Bucky and Sam quick on his heels.
“No no no no no” the door was open halfway.
“Y/n? Baby, I’m home…” he tried, Bucky and Sam swore they never heard Steve’s voice sound so small.
Taking small steps into the apartment he has shared with his girlfriend for the past three years he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
The grey couch was tipped on its side, cushions once nearly placed on said couch now lay on the floor. Pieces of glass from the photo frames they had hung up, littered the ground. Trinkets and ornaments belonging to Y/n, that took her ages to get a nice collection going was broken on the floor amongst the mess.
But that’s not what caused him to loose his breath, no, it was the small puddle of blood in the middle of their living room, droplets leading to where he stood and behind him.
Bucky made his way around the wall that was Steve and did a sweep of the apartment in signs of his best friends girlfriend. Sam took off in the direction of where Bucky was calling his name. Five minutes later they both emerged from the bedroom, Bucky holding two things in his hands.
“What are they?”
“A phone…and um, a…a pregnancy test.” Bucky stuttered out, his heart pounding violently.
“W-what does the test say?” Nat questioned quietly from behind Steve as she stood with the rest of the Avengers.
“It-its positive”
No one moved as Steve hunched over and puked up.
Just as he was about to stand the phone started ringing. Bucky answered and put it on loud speaker.
“You’ve been a naughty boy Steven so we took your girlfriend. You have less then… ten hours to find her, hopefully she won’t be too mad at you. Hail Hydra” the voice on the other end of the phone chuckled darkly before hanging up.
“What the fuck is going on?” Tony demanded.
“I-I don’t know, we need to find her. I can’t lose her”
“We’ll find her don’t worry” Nat says as she put a comforting hand on his arm, Steve looked at her hand in disgust and yanked his arm away as if she had burned him.
“Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me. Again.” Steve growled in her ear quietly, even Bucky didn’t hear.
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Her head throbbed, her whole body ached and was sore when she finally came to.
“Ah you’re awake, finally. I’m Conrad and I’ll be here to help you through this very tough time”
“W-where am I?”
“With Hydra darling. Believe it or not but you’re safe, I promise”
“Really? You pricks attacked me and you want me to believe you when you say I’m safe?” She chuckled with a head shake.
“I know, that wasn’t suppose to happen but we didn’t realise that one of Captain Americas girlfriends was so feisty, well we knew one was but not you” he says.
“W-what are you talking about?”
“Oh didn’t you know? Weird. Steve has another girlfriend. You know her, Natasha also known as the black widow.”
Her heart cracked but she didn’t believe him, he was a member of Hydra for Christ sake. “Your lying”
“Hold on. Matthews turn the screen on and let’s show our guest where her hero is.”
The bright light from the tv screen she hadn’t even noticed was there, nearly blinded her. Conrad told Matthews to press play, her soul felt like it had died.
There was her boyfriend on six years thrusting in and out of her best friend.
“T-t-turn it o-off”
“No. Look in the right corner where his jeans are, open your eyes and do it Y/n.”
Complying with his order her eyes slowly peeled open and look where he had told her. There on the floor was the jeans she had brought him when he needed some new ones, every few minutes there was a flash.
“Want to know what that is? It’s you, you was ringing him when we came knocking. You was running and hiding ringing for him whilst he was fucking another woman. Matthews fast forward to the best part”
The footage fast forwarded and she saw Steve sleeping and Natasha climbing out of the bed, going to his jeans and picked up his phone she saw all the missed calls but instead of doing anything she put the phone down on the bedside table and climbed back into the bed.
“She’s not very nice is she? She knew you needed him but she didn’t care, that’s not a good friend is it?” Conrad mocked with a chuckle. “D-do you want a drink of water?”
The change in his tone confused her, one minute he was mocking her then in the next he sounded worried.
“H-here, take slow sips. It’s just water, look I’ll take a sip.” He says “see, it’s okay I promise.”
“W-why are you doing this?”
“I’m helping you. I’m not really the bad guy in this Y/n-“
Just as Conrad was about to respond Matthews ran into the room “they’ve arrived”.
“Ah show time”.
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“Where is she?” Steve demanded clutching his shield tighter.
“She’s here, didn’t think you’d find us so soon Cap.” Conrad says from where he was stood, a grin on his lips.
“Where is she?” He repeated.
“Bring her in, nicely I don’t want any more harm coming to her”
The team watch as the door comes open from the left side of the room and Y/n came through it with two Hydra agents by her side.
“How long.” It wasn’t a question but more of a demand.
“What are you talking about?” Steve questions.
Instead of answering him she turned to the others “did you guys know?”
“Know what?” Tony asks.
“Did you know that Steven was fucking Natasha?”
Both Steve and Nat flinch as she calls them by their full names. Natasha slowly backed up as the team looked at the pair.
“D-Doll whatever they’ve told you is a lie”
“I saw it with my own two eyes. How long”
“A year.” 
Steve and Natasha spoke at the same time.
“It was an accident Y/n/n-“
“Don’t call me that Widow. A year isn’t an accident, did the rest of you know?”
All shook their heads at her question.
“Y/n please, it was a mistake I swear! She means nothing to me.”
Before she could respond Natasha spoke up “I meant nothing to you?”
“No. Please Y/n let’s go home, your pregnant baby”
“Not anymore I’m not. I was two months ago but I lost it, I remember ringing you all night begging you to come home but you never answered a single phone call. Probably with her.” She quickly wiped the fallen tear from her eye as she remembers that night.
The night where her happiness had left her all alone on the bathroom floor, panic raising by the second. Ringing her happiness’s father just for him not to answer, blood flowing down her legs and hands that shook something fierce. She begged and begged for them to come back, promising that she’d do better and be the best mum she could possibly be.
Sadly her happiness had gone away.
Numbly she cleaned up the evidence of her failure, placed the baby onesie she had brought as a present to tell Steve that he was going to be a dad - back in the box it came in, she put the positive pregnancy test in the box along with the sonogram and then neatly placed them in another box, pushing it right to the back of her side of the wardrobe.
Over the next two months whenever she was alone she would take the box out and talk to the sonogram, telling the tiny bean that she loved them. She knew she should of told Steve but she had no idea how to bring the conversation up, she couldn’t bare to see his face light up when she said she was pregnant just to see it fade away when she told him that she had failed as a woman and that it was no longer with them.
To her she was protecting him by keeping it away from him.
“But it doesn’t matter now does it? You guys can fuck off now.”
“No no Y/n please we can figure this out-“
“No. There’s no figuring anything out. You betrayed me, you! I didn’t do anything wrong! You don’t love me no more? Break up with me! You wanted to get your dick wet by some bitch that wasn’t me? Break up with me!” Her voice got louder as she went on stepping further towards him, standing in front of him she felt sick at the devastating look in his eyes.
“I asked Conrad to kill me” she smile sadly at him “you guys need to go now-“
“Y/n baby please I’m sorry, I can be bet-“
“Don’t humiliate me even more please, I’ve wanted this for a while now so please just leave”
Steve opens his mouth but shuts it quickly when the agents of Hydra points their guns at him and his team.
Y/n walks back over to Conrad who leads her through the door they came through. The last thing the Avengers hear is the deafening bang they were all familiar with.
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In the two years that had passed since he lost Y/n, Steve stayed far away from Natasha. 
The team had only recently begun talking to the pair again, they had lost a friend and to them it was Natasha’s and Steve’s fault.
Steve missed Y/n more than anything, sleep didn’t come easy to him not now not when the memories of his betrayal was always there as a constant reminder. Not when all he remembers is the pure devastation look in her eyes or how her hand glazed over her stomach when she spoke about their baby that they lost - a baby that he did not know anything about.
He had no one to blame other than himself for every time he hears a gunshot he’s transported back to that day he lost everything. Lost his world.
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On the other side of the world in a woodland area away from the civilised society sat a lonely small farmhouse, surrounded by a large fence to keep the farm animals inside.
Y/n emerged from the wooden door with a small smile on her face, dressed in her dark blue dungarees that wore a deep green stain on the knees.
She didn’t lie when she said she had asked Conrad to kill her and he had agreed, when they went into the hallway she had fully prepared herself for the bullet to come, to end her life instead the bullet zoomed past her head and lodged itself in the wall.
“I’m not going to kill you Y/n, I-I want to help you leave but you need to stay quiet okay”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I’m not much of a bastard, come on we don’t have long”
Now in the two years since she had left she finally felt at peace, she found herself.
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~ banner credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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ncis-nerd · 5 months
But Daddy I Love Him
ship: older!natasha romanoff x younger!reader. wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff.
warnings: angst, no happy ending, mentions of cheating, older nat, jerk nat, younger reader, wanda is kinda a dick, age gap, arguing, being ignored.
a/n: happy ttpd day!!
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"I'm done with being your second choice Natasha. Just because I am younger than you, it doesn't mean you can just go off with other women because you're scared to admit that they are what you are looking for. Someone older, more mature, someone you can relate to" Y/N exclaimed, her small frame against the older women's.
Her green eyes met y/n's gaze which only confirmed what y/n feared. "That's it? You aren't going to say anything?" Y/N spokes as she grabbed a suitcase from the closet.
"I'm so sick of Wanda! Don't think I didn't see all the ways she touched you. Her hands always on you whenever the two of you were together. I'll tell you this Natasha. I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'" Y/N threw her arms up in protest and huffed.
"Where are you gonna go." Natasha spoke dismmisingly. She doesn't think you'll actually do it. You have no where to go, no one to go to. Her eyes watering at the slight chance that you may be serious.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Natasha had an award dinner and she asked you last minute to come. It was odd she didn't ask you earlier in advance because they usually know about these things at least 6 months in advance with scheduling and whatnot. But you didn't think much of it. Because you didn't want to accept the alternative.
You came as her date but it sure didn't feel like it. You were the youngest there, all the avengers were at least 10 years ahead of you. It didn't help that your girlfriend left you to fend for yourself, your eyes stuck on her and Wanda. Natasha threw her head back, laughing. Wanda's hand on her shoulder. Their prolonging eye contact. The way they looked at each other. It gave you a bad feeling in your gut but you pushed it away.
No, I'm not coming to my senses. I know it's crazy. But he's the one I want.
You refused to accept it. She said she'd never let it come between you guys. That your age difference would never break you up. She lied. You rose up from the table but no one even noticed, everyone engrossed in their conversation. A stray tear fell from your glassy eyes.
You made your way to the bathroom. Attempting to keep your composure, they already think you're immature, you don't want them to see you as a baby on top on that.
You looked at yourself in the large glass window. You looked at your reflection. Your dress glistened in the light. The door swings open. It's Wanda. Of course she was the one who noticed you missing. Ironic isn't it.
"Y/N" she spoke, her voice filled with fake concern but a hint of guilt. You refused to meet her eyes, not willing to give her that sense of comfort. "Y/N, I'm not going to lie to you just because you're younger than us. I like Natasha. And honestly it feels like she is into me too. There's nothing I can say to make you feel better but I assure you I would never make a move on her while the two of you are together. I promise." Her eyes met yours in the mirror.
"I have money, I know you don't have anywhere to go but if you and Natasha should split, please call me. I don't want to on your own, fending for yourself. I can help you get an apartment or something." Wanda offered.
I just learned these people try and save you'. Cause they hate you
Of course, of course she wants to "take care of you". Because you're the little fragile thing who can't handle heartbreak. She just wants to make a move on Natasha, this is a ton of bullshit. You press your nails into your hand. You smile politely and say a simple thank you. Not wanting to cause a scene and give Natasha more of a reason to leave you.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me. And counteract the chemistry. And undo the destiny.
Her hand reaches for my shoulder, to stop me from leaving. "That won't work anymore, Natasha. I'm calling Wanda. She offered to help me get an apartment." You spewed out, reaching for the door. It hurt. You no longer called her Natty, the sweet nickname you had gave her when your relationship was in an earlier stage. A simpler stage where you didn't have to question if she wanted to be with you.
You slammed the door behind you, goodbye Natasha.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
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viixenvi · 9 months
𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞?
Summary: You find out Steve has been cheating with other girls on his guy's night out. But you also just found out you are pregnant...
Characters: Steve Rogers, Fem!Reader, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: Cheater Steve, hurt, angst, mention of abortion, mention of infertility
Badly written and mistakes were def made but I hope u like it!
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I looked over the picture again. Steve kissing some random blonde girl in the bar. The phone was clutched in the palm of my hand. It was not the right time to find this out.
I glanced at your other hand, a pregnancy test that read 'POSITIVE' in big letters. Tonight was going to be the night I told him. The test was from the day before, Steve was on assignment so it didn't feel right to throw the news at him right after a long mission.
No one else knew either, of course, they'd be happy but it felt wrong to share it with my friends before my boyfriend knew.
The elevator dinged, letting it be known someone was there. I quickly put the test away in my pocket and wiped the stray tears from my face.
"Y/n? you are up?" Natasha asked as she walked into the living room area. The rest of the boys were following behind her, all drunk or slightly drunk of course.
"I was waiting for Steve to come home," I give a half-hearted smile to her. She nods and sits next to meme.
Steve stumbles to the couch across from me and falls back onto it. "So how was boy's night out?" my phone is set face down on my thigh. Everyone looks a bit tense as they realize I saw the photo they sent.
"Good, had fun doing stuff," Steve sighs. I nod along and pick my phone up, turning it on and pressing the photo.
"I bet you had so much fun kissing that blonde huh?" I turn the phone towards him. His eyes widen at the sight of the photo. He immediately sits up.
"I can explain!" his voice was filled with panic. Like I had just uncovered something he'd been keeping from me forever. Tears starting to sting my eyes. I tried to keep them back but the hormones mixed with finding all this out got the better of me.
"Explain what? That you cheated on me? That all the trust I put into you was a lie? That this relationship meant nothing to you?" I ask him, the tears falling down my face. I wipe them away but they just continue.
Steve shakes his head and gets up. I stand up and try to walk away but he puts his hands on my shoulders and stops me from walking any further. "Please baby, please let me explain," he begs. It almost makes me rethink it all, just for a split second.
"Explain then."
"I was drunk, I had no idea what I was doing." He takes his hands off my shoulders and rubs his head.
"Drunk? that's your excuse? Steve that photo was taken right after you guys arrived at the bar. You probably only had two drinks in you," I yell. Everyone around us is shocked. I'm never one to yell, even when provoked.
I was angry, sad, hurt. I was feeling everything and I couldn't keep it in anymore. "Listen, I'll never do it again. Honey, please." Steve looks into my teary eyes and my heart finally breaks.
He's not the Steve I loved. He's not the one I trusted and shared my secrets with. "You know, I really loved you. It may have been just another relationship to you, but I wanted to marry you." I wipe my tears again and this time they don't return.
"We can still do that baby! You and me," He says, holding my hands in his.
"Tell me one thing, if you tell the truth I'll forgive you." He nods and looks at me expectantly. "Did you love me? Like actual love," I ask. He hesitates before speaking up.
"Yes. Of course, I loved you." I can tell he's lying. I always knew when he was lying and this hurt me even worse. I knew what the answer was but hearing it from him just hurt me in ways I could never explain in any words.
I pull away from him and reach into my pocket. I pull the pregnancy test out and hold it up.
"I was going to tell you tonight, I found out yesterday." Steve beams when it registers that I'm holding a pregnancy test.
"We are going to have a baby?" He asks excitedly.
"No, you have nothing. The moment you decided to cheat on me you lost the right to me and this baby," I start. "I struggled with fertility, I told you this. I confided in you about how I was ready to start a family because I trusted and loved you completely. When the doctor told me I might never be able to have a baby I confided in you. I cried on your shoulder and you promised we would get through it. I was so stupid to actually believe I'd finally get what I wanted."
Steve's smile drops and he looks confused. "What do you mean? Are you going to have an abortion?"
"I haven't made up my mind yet. All I do know is that I want nothing to do with you ever. We are done, consider me dead from now on." I throw the pregnancy test at him and walk to our shared room.
I hear footsteps following behind me. "Y/n?" A voice says. I turn to see Natasha looking at me with a concerned face. I finally let the tears go that I was holding in. She rushes to me and holds me close to her chest as we sit on the bed.
"I loved him, Nat, I loved him," I sob out. Natasha pets my hair and rocks us back and forth.
"I know hun, I know."
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moonysreid · 8 months
imagine cracking your head open and not having a cute redhead by your side…
couldn’t be me
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badsalmonella · 9 months
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Phillipa Soo adultery slay!! 💅🏼💁🏻‍♀️
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selfcestmovies · 8 months
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Okay, this one feels angsty... tw: cheating maybe?
For years, Natasha had never felt that love was a fit for her. She was either too busy, too cynical, or to numb to make a concerted effort. And when something special did cross her path, Nat knew herself well-enough to sabotage all chances of romance before the heartbreak could ever truly set in.
It was a vicious cycle, but she had grown to accept it.
She had hoped to change it all for Wanda Maximoff, though — the beauty of a witch who Natasha might have only faintly hoped could break her from her permanent solitude. When they were together, Natasha felt almost normal. It was hard to take things slow and sweet, but for Wanda, she was willing to try patience for a change.
But she was still an Avenger and a top agent for SHIELD, and like clockwork, the noise of life threatened to uproot her romance with Wanda even before it had begun to blossom. Natasha was swept away on mission after mission, pulled to the corners of the globe and feeling Wanda's adoration in her slipping through her fingers. Maybe it was for the best.
Her final assignment brought her to Paris and tasked Natasha with safeguarding some very new and pricy SHIELD tech: a quantum duplicator that could allow spies (like herself) to literally exist in two places at once. Nat was forced to test out the tech on the fly in order to save her skin — and when the dust settled, found herself back in her safe house with another identical Natasha Romanoff in tow.
It was a still evening in the city. Natasha had longed for a woman's touch for so long. She would have preferred the company to have been Wanda — but the witch felt worlds away at this point.
Would she regret being her own comfort in times like this?
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lucy-moderatz · 6 months
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What are you afraid of?
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Rooster: I am begging you - don't run away. You and Bob have something so rare, so powerful! Don't chicken out now.
Phoenix: "Don't chicken out"? He cheated!
Rooster: Get over it. It was years ago! With some slutty friend of yours! A friend, incidentally, that you're not even mad at. And you know why? Because you don't actually care. You love Bob so much you forgave him the second you heard, and that's what scares you.
Phoenix: You have no idea how I feel. No idea!
Rooster: Yes, I do. I've been in your shoes. You know what? It scared the hell out of me too.[about Hangman] What if he hurt me? What if he left me? What if he died?! It would have been the end of me. So I cut it short, before he ever could. And you know what? It was the biggest mistake I ever made. And you're making the same mistake right now, and I'll be goddamned if I'm going to sit by and watch. You've got to risk love, Natasha! I didn't and look at me! I'm a lonely ghost of a man. It doesn't mean that you're never going to get hurt, but the pain you feel will never compare to the regret that comes from walking away from love. And from someone who's felt a lot of both, trust me, pain beats regret every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Don't run away. Don't do it.
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imtryingbuck · 6 months
Too Late part two
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader. Fem!Reader x Conrad (whoever you picture)
Summary: part two of Too Late
Word count: 2,613
Warnings: angst. fluff. lies? Steve makes an appearance. 
Part 1
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Now in the two years since she had left she finally felt at peace, she found herself.
For close to a year Conrad would visit Y/n in her little sanctuary that sat alone in the woodland area, for those months Y/n didn’t trust him of course she didn’t he was a member of Hydra, the bad guys who spend years and years destroying the goodness that was James Buchanan Barnes, destroyed and killed those that didn’t bow down to them and abide by their rules.
And while yes Conrad decided not to put a bullet in her head like she had asked for him to do, choosing to open her eyes to the betrayal, he chose to give her a second chance in life he was still the guy apart of a terrible organisation.
Even though she didn’t trust him she did have to admit that she appreciated his help, appreciated his company. Every time he visited he brought supplies and food for her, he even showed up once with a van that had a ray of different livestock in the back so she could start a little farm up like she had wanted to do.
Y/n tried, she really did try to not get too comfortable with Conrad but he was just so easy to talk to about everything and anything, she appreciated that he never once mentioned Steven and his betrayal with Natasha. She hated how funny he was, she hated how much she missed him when he left to go back to the monstrous organisation that was Hydra. Hated how he occupied her mind when he wasn’t there helping around the house fixing things and only accepting a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade from her.
She definitely hated how much he looked so attractive when he chopped fresh firewood for her.
She especially hated that.
It wasn’t fair, he was supposed to be the enemy yet he had treated her better in those few months than anyone had ever.
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It had been exactly four months, three weeks and two days since Conrad had last been to visit and she hated it. Though she had the many animals to keep her company she had to admit she was kind of going a bit crazy.
Molly the cow would look at her like she was insane when Y/n would be perch upon on the wooden little stool that Conrad had made for her, talking to the cow as she milked her. Y/n swore that one time the black spotted animal rolled her eyes at the woman once.
Y/n walked into the pigpen fussing over the month old piglets that were the most precious little things she had ever laid eyes on. When her leg was knocked she looked down to see Grumpy, named perfectly for his grumpiness, she patted him on his head telling him to hold on for food, chuckling lightly when he snorted in response. The moment she finished putting the food in the trough she heard the unmistakable sound of a car coming up the gravelled driveway.
Nobody had ever come up to where she lived apart from…
“H-he’s back” she mumbled to herself before dropping the bucket with a clank and running out finding herself nearly tripping over her own foot when she had to turn back around to shut the gate of the pigpen.
Running to the front of the house she saw the same car Conrad always came in, her eyebrows pulled together when she saw two figures sitting in the front, as the car got closer her heart started beating faster as she noticed Conrad and another figure she had come to know because of Steve.
“Y/n-“ Conrad shouts as soon as he gets out of the driver side door “-god I’ve missed you” he jogs over to her and wraps his arms around her frame, pulling back when he notices she doesn’t hug him back but is staring at the other person who stands by the car. “I can explain everything I promise”
“It’s nice seeing you again Y/n.”
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Two sets of eyes moved back and forth as Y/n paced around in front of them. One was nervous the other didn’t care about her reaction, well lack of one. Conrad went to speak but the other person in the room shook their head.
“Y-you lied-“
“I didn’t lie-“
“You didn’t tell me the truth!”
“Because I couldn’t, I’m sorry Y/n”
“It’s true Y/n. He couldn’t tell you the truth”
The truth being that Conrad was never a member of Hydra but a SHIELD agent. He had been undercover for four years. There were a handful of agents that were sent undercover and Conrad was one of them, the plan was to take Hydra down from the inside.
From what Conrad had said that it had worked, they had successfully captured members of Hydra one by one.
“Bu-but your meant to be the enemy”
“Yet you trusted him”
Y/n’s eyes squinted at the man sat next to Conrad “I understand that I’ve got real bad judgment when it comes to trusting men Fury”.
“I understand your confused but to be honest Conrad never lied to you-“
“I’ve been thinking he’s the bad guy from the moment he kidnapped me!”
“And yet you trusted him enough to let him come into your home”
“I-shut up. Okay so why are you telling me now?”
“I’ll let him fill you in on that. I’m going to go, it was nice meeting you again Y/n, truly. Goodbye”
Y/n watches Fury stand up fixing his trench coat before nodding to both of them then leaving. Taking the car with him. Leaving with a promise, promising her that Steve doesn’t and will never know that she’s alive.
Conrad’s eyes never moved away from Y/n, patting the seat next to him sighing a breath of relief when she sits. “I’m sorry for not telling you the truth about me, I wasn’t allowed to.”
“No I understand, sorry for overreacting”
“You didn’t-“ he chuckles “I missed you”
“I missed you too”
“So I erm I-I told Fury I want to retire and he’s accepted it, bu-but I was wondering i-if you would have me, here I mean”
“You want to say here? With me?”
“I haven’t got any family anymore a-and I feel happy here”
Conrad hated the silence that followed, he was about to tell her that it didn’t matter, that he would still come to visit, that he was sorry for overstepping when she finally spoke.
“We’ve got piglets. They are the cutest things ever, want to come look?”
“Well yeah you live here now so…”
He moved so fast wrapping his arms around her, bringing her into his chest. Mumbling thank you over and over again.
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In a way Conrad went off script when he took Y/n from her shared apartment with Steve, it was Hydra’s plan all along. The plan was to find a way to destroy Captain America. They had heard from a Hydra agent that was undercover with SHIELD that America’s golden boy had a girlfriend but was cheating on her with the black widow. The plan was to use Y/n as a way to get Steve to stop destroying their ‘hard work’. They were going to blackmail him, telling him that they won’t tell Y/n about his straying ways as long as he did what they said.
It was foolproof as the double agent told them that Steve was in love with Y/n.
Even though he had been cheating on her with someone she thought was her friend.
But Conrad knew that Hydra would hurt her just to get Steve to break. And that wasn’t something he could stand by and watch so he told the team he had been in charge of that he had gotten word that it was time to go ahead and kidnap Y/n. He did have to admit that it was admirable that she put up a fight against ten men who were ten times bigger than her, he hated it when Mitch punched her.
Due to having eyes on him he had to act as if the tears that were coming out from her pretty eyes wasn’t bothering him when she watched her boyfriend and friend sleeping together. When the Avengers showed up he couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling as Steve tries to make a pathetic attempt at explaining his betrayal. He did have to force himself to stifle the laugh that tried to make its way out when Natasha had tears in her eyes hearing that she meant nothing to Steve.
Conrad’s heart clenched at hearing that she was pregnant because she had already asked him to kill her, a thing that he agreed to do even if he didn’t want to. But hearing that she had lost her unborn baby made his heart clench even harder.
Getting her out of the rundown facility was easy as his team were to focused on keeping their eyes and guns trained on the Avengers. Getting her to the farmhouse that sat alone in the middle of nowhere was easy even if she was driving him mad when she kept asking him where he was taking her.
Fury found out that it was Conrad that had ‘killed’ Y/n a few months back when he had to meet the man to talk about how the progress was going. Fury was angry. He had met Y/n a handful of times he thought she was sweet, nice, definitely didn’t deserve to have her life to be ended the way it was. That was until Conrad told him the truth.
For the four months, three weeks and two days since he hadn’t seen her it had drove him insane he wanted so badly to reach out to her and let her know that he was thinking about her, that he was definitely coming back to her. Fury made him go no contact with her until the dust settled around them.
Conrad begged Fury not to let Steve know about Y/n being alive or where she was, Nick wasn’t a stupid man he knew that Conrad had clearly grown fond of Y/n. Finding out what Steve had done, he gave the man pacing around in his office his word. Steve would never find out.
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“Con! We’ve got a runner!” Y/n screamed trying to chase after one of the pigs who decided to make a run for it. “She’s coming your way”
“I’ve got eyes on her! I’ve got her!” He cheered picking up the animal, who actually sighed in defeat.
“Shes so fast it’s unbelievable”
“I know, she was on a mission to get away” he laughed placing the pig back down into the pen.
“Her mission fail- what?”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
“Gimme a kiss- wait…”
It had been two years since Conrad had joined Y/n at the farmhouse after retiring, in those two years Conrad had confessed his feelings for her, he understood that she probably needed some time since how her last relationship had ended so he was completely shocked when she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Through them two years they lived happily in complete ignorance of the world around them.
“What?” Following Conrad’s eyes looking up at the sky she frowned. “That’s one of SHIELD’s jets Con…”
“I know. Stay close to me okay”
They watch in silence as the jet lowers on the field just at the back of their home, the door comes open and the ramp begins to descend. They share confused glances at seeing no one making an appearance, when someone finally stands in the doorway Y/n gasps.
It’s been four years to that day since she last saw him. Those four years weren’t kind to him honestly. His hair was longer and he was even sporting a beard. He looked bigger in muscle though his face was slimmer, his once bright blue eyes were now sunken and dull.
“H-how did he find us?” She whispered unable to move her eyes away from him.
Steve Rogers had found them.
And unfortunately was now making his way down the ramp.
Since Y/n had her eyes trained on his approaching figure she didn’t notice the rest of the Avengers making their exit from the jet. Even Loki and Bruce were there.
“You-you made out that you’ve been dead for four years and yet here you are shacking it up with the enemy” his voice was deeper than it use to be.
“How did you find her?” Conrad asked standing in front of her, not liking the way Steve’s eyes moved up and down her body.
“You let me believe that you was dead baby, for four years I’ve-“
“What are you doing here?” She cut him off.
“Fury. He’s not as sneaky as he thinks.”
“Why are you here Steven?”
“I want you back” Steve states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Not happening. Leave all of you”
“Baby I made a mistake-“
“Don’t come any closer Rogers. I mean it” it’s now Conrad’s turn to interrupt him. Steve cocks his head to the side and laughs. But does as the other man says.
“He’s Hydra baby-“
“He was undercover for SHIELD. Please leave now”
“Is that what he told you?”
“It’s what Fury told me. Leave”
“Just come home okay, I can be better please baby I love you”
“I’m already home. Tony, Bucky please get him gone”
Bucky looks at her with an unreadable expression on his face “it’s nice to see you again Y/n/n. Come on Steve she’s happy here let-“
“No. No because she isn’t. She can’t just run away and pretend she’s dead-“
“You was cheating on me Steven. With my so called friend as well. I’m happy here, I don’t want you anymore”
“Natasha meant and still means nothing to me baby, it was a mistake, one that I want to make up for. Please just come home”
“I don’t care, I stopped caring about you and her a long time ago. I won’t ask-“
“Just come home!” Steve shouts cutting her off.
“She is home! Just leave and move on”
Standing there Steve shakes his head slowly before looking back up to Y/n. “D-do you really love him?”
“I do”
“Does he make you happy?”
“He does”
Nodding, defeat and acceptance written on his face. “I really am sorry for everything I did Y/n, I-I never wanted to hurt you, I’m sorry truly.”
Leaving Conrad’s side she walks closer to Steve, standing in front of the man who she loved so much, the man who broke her heart. “I forgive you Steve, I’m happy now. Conrad is a great person and he makes me happy”
“I’m glad. I-I’ll always love you Y/n. Goodbye” Steve says before walking backwards and turning around to walk up to the jet. Everyone all except Natasha nods or waves to Y/n before following their captain.
Watching the jet leave Conrad moves closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. “You alright my love?”
“I’m more then alright, come on I’m starving and let’s not forget I am eating for two”
Hand in hand with Conrad she walks into their farmhouse seeing the positive side to seeing Steve again, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
At first Steve cheating on her was the worst thing that ever happened to her, but now four years later she was finally happier than ever before with the man who loves her and their unborn baby.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @vicmc624 | @capsbestgirl77
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harmonicaorange · 8 months
currently reading kings of the wyld and it’s very funny but every 3 pages i’m reminded why i don’t typically read male fiction authors cause nicholas eames does not know how to write women or about women either
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies
Series Masterlist
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha x Bruce, Steve x Natasha, Reader x ????
Chapter 5
Warnings: swearing, angst, unintentional(?) bodily harm, descriptions of sex acts
In the great hall, right after Y/N left, Steve was hearing it from his friends. Bucky was the worst.
"What happened to the guy I grew up with? He wouldn't have cheated on his girl. What were you thinking" Bucky questioned.
Steve clenched his teeth "Why are you so concerned about her? You think you're so sly but I noticed. I see how you look at my girl. I know you want her and are just mad at me because you can't have her. What happened with you two in Wakanda?"
Bucky worked to rein in his temper and remind himself that this is Steve, practically his brother, and keep his response measured "You mean when you sent her to babysit me so you could be free to fuck Nat whenever you wanted? It doesn't matter how I feel about her because she was your girl and I would never cross that line. You have a lot of nerve throwing accusations at me, considering what you've done."
Steve was losing his temper and taunted "Maybe you're just jealous. I have Y/N and your old girlfriend, Nat, while you have nothing. No sane woman would want you anymore."
Bucky clenched his fists and went to reply when he was interrupted by Tony.
"Jesus Cap, I wish you could hear yourself. Where's the star spangled man who always does what's right? I'm glad my dad never saw you like this, selfish and entitled, insulting your bff because you were caught cheating. Talk about the mighty falling." He glanced over at Bruce, seeing green blotches on his skin "Yeah, Cap, You might want to leave before the big guy shows up."
Steve looked at Bruce who was trying to hold it in, his eyes widened and he decided to take Tony's advice and leave "I'll see you all back at the compound"
Before he made it out of the tent there was a bright light and what sounded like an explosion.
Steve looked back to the rest of the team but they were already out of their seats.
Y/N quickly left the hall, needing to be alone without Steve staring at her like that. She started off crying, feeling the ache in her chest over Steve and Nats actions, the sting of Nat's betrayal. Nat was the first friend Y/N had ever made, she trusted and confided in her but the whole time Nat resented her and was sleeping with Steve. And Steve, how could he try to claim that he loved her and did it to protect her.
After she had passed a few buildings and headed into a wooded area she heard someone clearing their throat. She stopped and turned around to see Nat behind her.
Y/N growled "What the fuck do you want, Romanoff?"
Nat laughed "Aaww, Little princess got so mad she said a swear. Stevie will be so disappointed."
"Fuck you and fuck Steve. You can have each other. I don't want anything to do with either of you."
She tried to leave but Nat grabbed her arm "Don't walk away from me you prissy little bitch! I didn't get to tell you how good your Stevies fat cock felt when he was balls deep inside me or how he ate my pussy until I soaked his face. How he fucked me in the supply closet while you were in the hall, right there. Or how fucking hard he got inside me when you were so close but too dumb to figure it out. You should be thanking me, your dear Stevie is a freak and your naive ass wouldn't be able to keep up with him."
Y/N shook her head "Stop it! Stop!! I get it I'm a dumb kid and you took my man. He's yours. Now leave me alone." She tried to twist out of Nats grip but Nat just squeezed harder.
"Stop fighting me. You'll stay here and listen to what I have to say or I'll break your fucking wrist."
Y/N pulled again and when she still couldn't get free, felt a panic attack creeping up on her. "No Nat let me go!!! Let me go! Letmegoletmegoletmego."
There was a snap as Nat broke her wrist. Y/N screamed in pain and dropped to her knees, a blinding white light flashed around her and she just sat on her knees in the mud sobbing until darkness took her.
Tony got there first, saw Y/N unconscious in the middle of a huge circle of trees that had been blown back as though a bomb had hit. Under a couple of the downed trees was Nat, laying very still. Tony was speechless, they had been working on controlling her powers but he had no idea she could cause such destruction.
"Friday? Notify the team that we have a situation over here. Romanoff is down and I don't know what's up with Y/N."
"Of course, Boss."
"Can you get vitals on either of them? Or any other info on what happened?"
"They are both alive but Agent Romanoffs heartbeat is thready, she needs medical attention. That's all I can tell from here."
Tony slowly started moving towards Nat since she was in worse shape. He was working out how to move the trees without causing any more damage when Steve, Bruce and Bucky came running up.
Steve looked at the collapsed figure in the middle of the blast area and headed towards Y/N when Bucky stopped him. "I don't think so asshole, go take care of your girlfriend. Help Tony get those trees off her."
Steve looked like he was going to argue when he heard Bucky's vibranium arm whirring and decided another fight wouldn't help things any.
By the time they got Nat out from under the trees a stretcher had been brought out and they took her to the medical building that was still under construction.
Bucky went to help Y/N, walking up slowly and speaking gently to her.
"Hey Doll. It's just me, your Bucky. I'm gonna come over there and make sure you're ok."
He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when her eyes opened only to quickly close until her hand reached up to cover them. When he reached her he kneeled down next to her.
"I saw you open your eyes. It's ok doll. I just wanna help."
And started stroking her hair, smiling when she leaned into his hand.
Y/N pushed herself up until she was sitting. She looked around "What happened?"
Bucky smiled "I was hoping you could tell me. Looks like a bomb was dropped here."
She laughed wryly "Are you saying I'm da bomb?" The effort making her cough.
Bucky chuckled "No I mean yes you are but that's not-"
"It's ok, I was teasing." She rasped out "Uh, Bucky, I think my wrist is broken but I can't feel anything. I must have drained myself." She struggled to sit up and looked around to see the mess
"Oh. No. Did I cause this? I didn't mean to hurt anyone but Nat wouldn't let me go. She kept taunting me and it just pushed out." Her eyes filled with tears.
"Bucky, please believe me I never meant to hurt anyone. Please don't let them lock me up again."
Bucky rubbed her back, trying to soothe her "Hey, hey, it's ok. No one is gonna lock you up. Not on my watch."
Y/N collapsed against him and he held her tight "Can I pick you up, doll? I want to have you looked at."
She looked up at him "I think I can walk myself" and tried to stand but her legs gave out. She chuckled "Ok, maybe not." And sighed "Sure, you can carry me."
Bucky gently picked her up and carried her to the medical building. As soon as he entered an Asgardian quickly brought a gurney over for Bucky to set her down on. They nodded at him and rolled her away while Bucky sat down to wait.
As she was rolled away the woman pushing her spoke up "I'm Eir. We need to do some tests to make sure you're alright. That was quite a display of power you made."
Y/N cringed "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, she just...." She paused
Eir smiled "It's alright child, we have seen what the Widow has done to you. She pushed you too far and overwhelmed you. You would think she would be smarter dealing with enhanced individuals."
"I didn't even know I could do anything like that" she said shyly "I've only been learning to focus the light, like a laser, recently."
Eir looked at her sadly "Such is often the way with powers like yours. They don't manifest until puberty and strong emotions can intensify them. If the Queen allows it you should stay here for awhile to work on them. You would be safe from other countries governments who would prefer to cage or experiment on you and surrounded by people who understand and want to help."
Y/N smiled "It sounds lovely but the team-"
Eir shook her head "Some members of your team want to help but others are frightened of your abilities, more so now. I'm sure the queen would allow your Winter soldier to stay with you." And smiled knowingly.
Y/N felt her face heat up and hoped Eir couldn't tell "What do you mean? Bucky and I are just friends. He's not my anything."
Eir laughed softly "Dear child, that man is in love with you. I don't know how you could miss it. He has almost come to blows with his closest friend over his treatment of you. Take your time to heal from the captain but don't overlook the sargent."
Y/N laid quietly while Eir did a scan and physical exam, thinking about all of it. When the scan was done Eir helped her sit up.
"Everything looks fine, except for the broken wrist and exhaustion. I believe the large output of emotions enhanced your ability to allow you to cause the damage you did but also drained you. I want you to stay here until tomorrow and get some rest. If you choose to stay here for an extended visit, I'm sure we can find someone to help you work with your powers.
He can be shifty but Prince Loki might be able and willing to help." Eir started wrapping her left wrist.
Y/N nodded "It's something I'll definitely, consider." She looked down "Is Natasha ok? I might hate her but I didn't really mean to hurt her."
Eir looked at her "The Widow has multiple broken bones, scrapes and a concussion. She hasn't woken up yet."
Y/N woke up that evening when she smelled food. Her mouth was watering before she even opened her eyes. When she looked around the surroundings were unfamiliar and it took her a moment to figure out where she was.
Then the memories hit and she had to hold back a sob.
"Hello my dear. I've been hearing so much about you I had to come speak with you myself." Loki smiled at her
She tried to smile back "We have met before, you know. Thor brought you to the compound once but you didn't seem to like it much"
Loki nodded "Yes, well I was a bit of a war criminal at the time and being around my former captors wasn't exactly my idea of a pleasant experience. So much has changed since then.
I know you are still tired so eat and get more rest. I would like to speak to you tomorrow when you're well rested."
Y/N heard a scream, she could tell it was Nat. Then she heard noise like a struggle and more yelling. The door to her room was slammed open to Nat breathing heavily, gauze wrapped around her head, covering her eyes.
Someone came up behind her "Miss, you shouldn't be out of bed, you'll hurt yourself."
Nat screeched "I don't care. I need the little bitch to see what she's done." She moved her head like she was looking for something "She's in here isnt she? Y/N!!! You stupid little brat, you blinded me. I can't see because you can't control your emotions or powers. I'm going to have Fury lock you up and when my sight comes back I'm going to-"
Nat dropped and they could see the orderly behind her with an empty syringe
"I'm so sorry Prince Loki, Miss. She's very strong and took a higher dose of sedative than I expected."
Y/N looked at Loki "I blinded her? Maybe I should leave before Fury finds out and causes trouble here."
Loki shook his head "Fury has no authority here, he can't cause us any trouble. Her blindness is probably temporary."
Y/N wrapped her arms around herself, trying to hold back the feeling that everyone would be better off if she were gone.
She slept that night but it was plagued with dreams of Steve and Nat.
The next morning, after breakfast and the ok from Eir, Y/N went for a walk to work through everything that had happened the last couple of days. Her life had been turned upside down.
After walking for a while she saw a pasture with horses and a barn at the other end. She remembered reading books about horses and imagining the freedom to climb up onto a horses back and run away when she was a kid. She leaned against the fence and watched the horses playing, trying to appreciate their beauty and push the painful thoughts away.
As she shook her head and groaned she heard someone approaching. It was Val with a beautiful white horse.
"I know we've just met but you seem like you could use a friend. This is Calliope but you can call her Calli. She is the gentlest horse in my stable and an incredible listener. She understands commands in English walk stop etc. I've packed a water bag and some lunch and snacks. She will take you on a nice ride and bring you home when you are ready. Nature is good for what ails you." She smiled gently.
Y/N shook her head "It sounds like you were getting ready to ride out, I don't want to take your horse"
Val laughed "No, I was in the hall when Rogers and Romanoff showed up yesterday. After everything that's happened, I figured you would need to get some air and perspective. When Eir told me you had left her care to go on a walk I thought you might like a ride. It always helps calm my mind, allowing me to think clearly."
Y/N gave her a small smile and fought the tears "Thank you" she whispered.
Val nodded and gave her a leg up and some basic riding instruction then sent her off with a walkie talkie in case she needed help.
Y/N sat astride Calli and looked around her. Norway was so beautiful it brought her to tears but to be fair she was right there anyhow. For hours she let Calli take the lead while she contemplated her situation.
How could Steve think she would just take him back? Even though he seemed sorry she didn't know how she could ever trust him again. Two years this had been going on and he never tried to talk to her about any of it. He was the one who always pulled back when their making out became too heated.
Now that her head was a bit more clear she was able to see other things in her relationship with Steve that didn't sit well. The way he often spoke to her like she was a child or an idiot. And how he reacted to her using her powers outside of missions, like she should be ashamed of them, of what she was.
Y/N knew she was somewhat immature after so many years of her life were spent imprisoned and experimented on. Maybe she was too needy, maybe if she had.....NO! She wouldn't let herself follow that line of thinking. Nothing she did or didn't do excused what Steve did. Whatever she thought they had was over, she knew that she could never completely trust him again. She would always wonder where he really was and who he was with.
She knew this was the only way it could go now.
Y/N lost track of time on her ride until the sun started setting. She asked Calli to take her home and the horse turned back towards where they came from and picked up her steps a bit.
"I'm sorry for keeping you out so late, Calli. You must be getting hungry" she laughed as her stomach made her own hunger known.
When they returned to the stable Val was gone but Loki was also returning from a ride and helped her put Calli up while the horses were being fed.
She turned to look at Loki "Thank you for your help, this is the first time I've ever ridden a horse. I was a little scared but Calli is so sweet it went away pretty quickly."
Loki smirked and took her hand "I never would have guessed, you looked completely natural astride, like you've ridden all your life." He paused for a moment "You should stay here for awhile, to help you heal, your beauty brightens this dull world. Your lights rival the aurora borealis. Consider it, you may stay as long as you need" He kissed her hand, smiled at her with a glimmer in his eyes and left.
Y/N headed towards her quarters to shower and change before going to the hall for dinner. Once she arrived she saw Bucky, Tony and Bruce sitting huddled together in an intense conversation. She grabbed a plate of food and headed towards them.
"Hello boys" she smiled. "This seat taken?"
Bucky startled "You're back, we were getting worried. Please sit."
She looked down "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I just needed some time to clear my head and think."
"It's ok doll, I hope you're feeling better."
She nodded "I'm still hurting but I know it will get better."
Bucky smiled at her and Y/N felt butterflies for a moment, which made her think of what Eir had said about Bucky being in love with her. She smiled back at him and knew she would be alright.
Chapter 6
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
thinking about that one comment I got on Gambit about how it was, DIRECT QUOTE, “painfully obvious the characters do what you want rather than what they want.”
do you. do you uh. do you know how writing stories works. they’re not real, bro.
(this is from back in 2018 so not recent. this is also not actually the worst part of that comment.)
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sneakydraws · 1 year
if natasha and andrei had Actually gotten married, what do you think their marriage wouldve looked like? especially if the whole anatole fiasco did or didn’t happen in this alternate universe.
cant decide on weither to say did or didn’t because either way it’d be an interesting thought.
hi hiiii omg once again so honoured to be the wap men expert!! i'll be real i fully assume it would have ended up much like andrei's first marriage...
natasha is unlike lise in that she isn't in the least artificial or fond of shallow chit-chat (which is part of what draws her to andrei) but i think the "housewife whose whole life is her family, uninterested in politics, society affairs or high minded ideas" persona she grows into as an adult would have become just as tiresome to andrei as lise's charming socialite persona had. not only because he likes people whom he can spar verbally with a bit, but also (largely, even) because he would not have been able to avoid being disillusioned with ANYONE whom he'd put on a pedestal as tall as the one poor natasha ended up on. i've talked about this before but i think andrei is drawn to people he thinks are better than him and idealises them terribly, which then inevitably leads him to crash and burn once the object of his affection proves to be just another oridnary human. this is why i don't think it really matters whether the natasha we see in the epilogues rings true to the young natasha of the rest of the book - even if tolstoy imagined a more flattering future personality for her, i don't think it could have lived up to the ideal in andrei's mind. natasha's failed elopement with anatole was exactly this, but if it hadn't been anatole it would have been something else, and even if there hadn't been any massively dramatic event to bring her down in andrei's eyes, he would have been disappointed sooner or later whenever she'd fail to be the manic pixie dream girl in his mind.
now that you mention it, i can totally see a scenario wherein they marry, andrei - be it gradually or suddenly - realises she's not all he built her up to be, he sulks and distances himself from her instead of putting in the effort to get to know and appreciate her as she is, thus creating a situation not unlike that with lise. natasha, hurt and confused as to why he's so cold to her, would then be as susceptible to seduction as she was when andrei left her alone during her engagement, so i could totally imagine an affair with anatole happening then!
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everythingoiezoie · 1 year
Bit of double standard that we're cool with the Nat / Wands cheating on their guys for the reader, no?
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Jealousy prompt 3- Protective! Agatha x R
Sky's stolen ask game
A/N: I am deeply sorry it took me so long to get around to your ask, Nonnie! This is actually the last one of these, so if anyone wants to send in more, I'd love to do them! Thank you for sending this one in, I wasn't sure where it was going to go, but I'm very happy with the result 💜
"Please, go with her if you like her so much better." Agatha's voice snaps out from behind you. "But don't stick around and belittle them for not being enough when they've tried everything under the sun to cater to your ridiculous wants."
"Agatha..." You trail off, uncertain of what you wanted to say, tears stinging at your eyes.
Nat only scoffs.
"I wouldn't even have considered going with Wanda in the first place if they could just follow the basic house rules."
You finally snap. "It's my fucking house!"
Agatha's steadying hand squeezes your shoulder.
"I think it's time you left, Romanoff. I'll be sure that your things are packed away and left by the front door nicely. It's not what you deserve, but they're better then you."
Natasha opens her mouth to speak, but you cut her off.
"I thought you were told to get out."
With Agatha's reassuring presence, you finally have found your ability to stand up for yourself.
"Oh, and Natasha?" You call out as her hand turns the front door's knob. "I did have sex with Agatha that night. And she's much better in bed then you are."
You hear Agatha sharply inhale in surprise.
She's well aware of your lie, but she doesn't say anything, and you can see out of the corner of your eye that she juts her head out proudly.
"Run along now, dear." She smiles viciously. "Your loss is my gain."
The door slams shut behind the redheaded woman.
Agatha turns to you and raises a brow.
"So when did you supposedly cheat with me, hm?" She hums.
Your face flushes.
"When I spent that week by your place." You mutter.
"Funny how I remember you firmly telling me to back off because you were taken."
You swallow, heat sparking in the pit of your stomach as you take in the look forming in Agatha's eyes.
"Well... If I supposedly had cheated anyways..." You dance around what you're thinking.
The smile Agatha gives you make your knees go weak, and you can't help how they try to buckle as she steps well into your personal space, her breath hot against the shell of your ear as she whispers, "let me make good on your own words. I promise you, I am most certainly better in bed then she ever was."
Your lips part gently.
"Take me." You beg.
Agatha is all too happy to oblige.
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