#natasha turns around and scares the actors for kicks
kasdan · 1 year
Haunted House Headcanons
Pairing: marvel characters x gn!reader
Characters: Frank Castle, Loki, Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: minor violence and ptsd, mention of a heart attack
𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆
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Is not the biggest fan of things jumping out at him to scare him
Will only go if he gets the impression that you really want to
Repeats “no” over and over if he has a feeling something will pop out at him
Tries to expect the scares that will happen before they happen in order to try and prepare himself
Is definitely not prepared when a person bursts out of a coffin that he assumed was just a prop for decoration
Will try and fail to reassure you that it’s fine if you turn out to be scared
“C’mon now ‘s not even that scary”
The end of his sentence ends with him screaming as someone jumps out of a wall at him
Will laugh about the experience with you after it’s over
Drags you to get coffee with him after because it’s the “least you could do”
He even hits you with the puppy dog eyes and you resist the urge the roll your eyes at him
You’re now up all night because of the coffee he forced you to get, thanks Frank
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You want him to go where?
Looks at you with such disdain when you say he’s gonna have to interact with other people
You end up having to drag him there against his will
Visibly looks bored and drags his feet the entire way
Makes fun of everything in it and question who would come to one of these things willingly
Is actually scared at the props and jumpscares, but will never admit it out loud
Walks close to you so you’re shoulder to shoulder
Will quickly step away and puff out his chest as if nothing happened
Jumps closer to you after a specific jumpscare and stays there until you reach the end of the house
He ends up punching one of the scare actors and gets you both kicked out
"I told you; you weren't supposed to touch any of them"
"They're reflexes what do you expect I do about those"
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
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Is excited to go to one
She lives on the adrenaline rush that she gets when she’s inside the house
Has a smile on her face the whole time even when she gets scared
Walks confidently through the attraction, turning corners sharply to see what’s on the other side
Thinks of it like a fun game as she drags you to different areas with different scares
When you reach the end she brings you back to the line to get in to go in again even though you both know where most of the scares are in the place already
Ends up in an entire conversation with one of the scare actors when you guys reach the exit of the attraction for a second time
Makes it an annual occurrence to go to a haunted house every year
Even finds one to go to when it’s not even close to Halloween
“Carol it’s February why are we going to a haunted house?”
“Because it’ll be fun c’mon scaredy cat!”
𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒏
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Girlie is so scared to go to one
You can sense the nerves on her and you tell her she doesn’t have to go but she insists that it’ll be really fun to go
Literally clings to you the entire time
Won’t get more than a foot away from you before she’s glued back to your side
Screams at every small movement she sees
Won’t go into any room or around any corner first
Pushes you quickly into the new areas when one of the scare actors came up behind you both and scared her half to death
She flails her arms when she gets scared and she almost hits you on multiple occasions
Practically runs out when she sees the door to the exit
You have to bring her to get ice cream after in order for her to calm down completely
Her voice is completely gone the next day from screaming so much
𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔
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Used to be a big fan of haunted houses
Would take women there so he could “protect” them when he was in his womanizer days
Now with everything that’s happened he doesn’t exactly see the appeal of them like he did before
He’ll get slightly triggered by the flashing lights and loud noises
When you offer to leave the place because of it he insists that he’s fine and that you both should stay
You reluctantly agree and he swears that he’s fine
He doesn’t have any more episodes for the rest of the house and he finds himself having a good time otherwise
The scares don’t really phase him, other than a couple of good ones that catch him off guard
Finds it hilarious when the other people in the house get scared at all of the wimpy and childish scares
Will keep making the “I’m too old for this” type of jokes
Has a great time and would probably drag Sam there once in order to try to scare him
𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓
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Is honestly terrified
Jumps at noises before you’re even inside the haunted house
Tries to play it off like he didn’t just jump or was kidding, but he’s really bad at it
You can feel him shaking next to you as you start to walk into the scary building
You have to force him to move his feet when he stops a couple steps into the building
Keeps his eyes closed for most of the time so you have to guide him on where to go
His spidey senses are all over the place when in the building even when he knows there’s no actual real danger
Squeezes your arm tightly every time someone screams
You have to tell him when you’re out of the building so he can open his eyes again
Screams when someone taps his shoulder to ask him if they could borrow his phone since theirs died
Gets extremely embarrassed because of it and stutters a lot when he hands over his phone, almost dropping it in the process
Is not able to sleep for the night and ends up having to watch comedies to get his mind off being scared
𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒂
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Is really excited to get to go and try a new experience
Gets more nervous when you get closer to the destination
You have to actively keep from harming any of the scare actors or destroying props
When something pops out at her, her arms immediately go up and hands turn into fists
You have to forcibly bring her arms back down at her sides so she doesn’t end up harming anyone
Ends up accidentally breaking one of the props after it jumps at her
Tries to put it back and fix it, but it ends up falling over again
Quickly walks away from it after she tries and fails multiple times to fix it
Laughs about it after you’re both out of the house and away from the area of the workers so they don’t suspect
They definitely suspect something when you both conspicuously fast walk away from the attraction
Overall has a great experience
𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒌
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There isn’t really a reason for him to go to one since for one he won’t be able to see what’s happening and two he would know when each scare was going to happen and from where
Goes with you anyway since you sound so excited about it
Chuckles every time you jump closer to him
Pretends to get scared a couple times but you know he’s just pretending
Ends up somehow scaring one of the scare actors?? You actually have no clue how
Genuinely does have a good time because he finds your reactions to everything amusing
“Stop laughing at me”
“I’m not laughing at you I’m laughing with you”
“Matthew I am not laughing”
You threaten him with not inviting him to go to a haunted house with you again and he quickly apologizes because he had a good time and would want to do it again, even if he couldn’t see the attraction or enjoy it for the reasons everyone else does
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
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The person who is probably the most down to go
She’s the one who comes up with the idea to go
Doesn’t get scared as easily as some of the other characters do
Confidently walks through the area, not getting deterred by many of the scares
You have to work to catch up with her with how she’s moving, trying not to slow down much when you get jumpscared
When she gets scared however, she gets scared good
There’s a specific scare that she doesn’t see coming that she jumps back from, almost crashing into you
Will want to go through it again when you’ve both reached the exit, or find a different new one to try
You’re both at it until the early hours of the morning
It’s a shock that you don’t have a heart attack from all the different houses she drags you to
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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Honestly she would probably act like how an average person would in a haunted house
Screams and gets scared at parts while also seeing the fun in it all
Will most likely make fun at how some of the props look
Laughs at the more ridiculous ones because who decided to make these look like this
She does get more scared from more of the props than the scare actors though
She doesn’t expect the first prop to come down from the ceiling into her face and she recoils so hard bumping into you
She glances at it as you both walk by it to get to the rest of the attraction and scoffs at the weird zombie/skeleton looking creature that scared her
“I can’t believe I got scared at that thing.”
Gets scared again by one that looks the exact same
Won’t go out of her way to go in it again but is willing to do it again at some point
You casually get drinks after to talk about your experiences in it
She won’t let the one scare she had down and keeps insisting that she definitely would not be scared if she would have seen how dumb it looked beforehand
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all photos used were found on pinterest ❤️
buy me a coffee ♡
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, trigger warnings of physical/emotional abuse by parents
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
"We don't have to do it today." Tony said, rubbing comforting circles on the back of your hand as the two of you sat in the car that was sitting across from your old house.
Looking at the house now, you weren't sure why you had been so scared of it in the first place. It was a little, two story run down place with a huge backyard with an expanse of forest. A rusty car sat in the driveway and the house was mostly silent.
At the same time, you knew it wasn't the house that scared you. It was the people inside. Your mother, father, and older brother that had decided he'd never move out. He had still yet to find his soulmate, and he had not turned animal either.
"No, the longer I put it off, the longer people will wonder why I put it off." You sighed. "I should have come here the day after the fight. Immediately. It's been two weeks. You know what happens when people wait to long for abuse cases like this. They lose."
"I have the best lawyers in the goddamn country. We're not going to lose." Tony growled. He wasn't growling at you, but in determination. He squeezed your hand. "If it makes things easier, I could just threaten them or even better, I could shoot them!"
You smiled a little but shook your head. "As much as I would love to see either of those things, taking it to court is the best option. Putting them behind bars for the rest of their lives will be satisfactory and fulfilling."
"If you say so. But maybe just a nice blast through the leg at least?" Tony asked.
You smiled a little, "We'll see. Now let's go before I chicken out again."
Tony wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you made your way up the sidewalk. You could hear the dog barking in the house. It was an ugly little white thing that sort've looked like a mangily mop. It'd never really bothered you, but it never really liked you either. It mostly just ignored you.
"If the dog bites, I'm kicking it." Tony warned you.
"Be my guest." You replied. "It can be pretty mean."
Tony knocked on the door and you waited. You could hear your brother hollering through the house and your father's roar to answer it.
You weren't sure why you were coming here first. Natasha was actually helping behind the scenes to see if there was video evidence she could get. The original plan had been for you to go in by yourself, but Tony had refused. And you had been glad.
What was going to happen- and it made your insides turn- was he was going to leave for only a moment to go to the bathroom. You knew from experience that your parents could make quick work of you when a guest left the room for three minutes.
The door was yanked open and your father froze on the steps, his eyes wandering from you to Tony. His mouth dropped and then he straightened up. "Y/N, you're. . . home?"
You nodded, a tight smile coming across your face. Tony's hand tightened comfortingly around you.
Your father stepped back, yelling to your mother and brother to get down here. Your father shut the door behind the two of you. "You're Tony Stark." He said, eyeing Tony shrewdly. He stuck his hand out. "Mr. Y/L/N."
Tony shook his hand cordially. "Yes sir. Nice to meet you."
Tony was a fantastic actor. You knew how much he wanted to punch your father in your face.
Your father relaxed as it was 'clear' Tony knew nothing of your past life here. Your mother and brother paused on the stairs.
"Welcome home Y/N." Your mother said softly. You had been fooled many times with that 'safe' voice of hers.
"Hey mom." You replied awkwardly. You were not as good of an actress as Tony and it showed easily.
"Let's move this to the living room, shall we?" Your father offered.
Tony smiled brightly, but squeezed your hand in comfort once more. You led the way into the living room with Tony by your side. Your back prickled and you arched just slightly at the thought of all of them behind you.
You and Tony quickly took the smaller armchair on the far side of the room, while your parents settled down on the couch across from it, and your brother leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, scrutinizing the both of you.
"Are you actually Iron Man?" He asked quickly before anything else could be said.
"Yep." Tony said enthusiastically. "You a fan?"
"Totally!" Your brother said with great enthusiasm. "Of course, superheroes in general are pretty dope. Captain America is pretty great too, did you hear that they dug him out of ice a few years back?"
You felt Tony's entire body tense next to you. You could remember that he'd complained a few times about how his father was never bothered with him, because he was always trying to find Steve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America.
"I had heard that, but I have never met him." Tony replied with that same cheerfulness. "I'm sure I will meet him one day though. My father, Howard Stark, and him were good friends."
"Oh yeah, it's all in the museum and history books." Your brother grinned.
You couldn't help yourself. "You read history books?"
He smirked at you. You wondered if this was just an act that he was putting on because of Tony, or if he really wasn't all that upset with you. Now that you thought about it, he'd never actually done anything to you except sit by when your father or mother was hitting you. But he'd never actually tried to be friendly with you either.
"I read a lot Y/N. History books included."
That was definitely not something you knew, if he was being truthful anyways.
"Hey, you should see the collection I've made." Your brother said suddenly to Tony.
You squeezed Tony's hand in an 'okay' motion, knowing that this was a great time to get the truth out of your parents. Plus, it would be a longer time than if he was just saying he was going to the bathroom. Which scared you, but you also knew Nat and Fury were on the case.
"Sure, why not?" Tony asked casually, standing up. "It'll give your sister time with your parents too."
He gave you one last, slightly worried look, before him and your brother disappeared up the stairs.
"What are you playing at?" Your father asked immediately, already standing and looping his belt out of the loops of his pants. "Why the hell did you come back here you little bitch? Trying to intimidate me because you've got a billionaire as your soulmate. I wonder how you managed that."
You stood up, knowing that if this was a tape that was going to be shown in court, you wanted to be seen fighting back. But your entire body was shaking terribly as you tried to do so. "Y-You don't get to h-hurt me anymore."
Your father laughed, a deep bellow laugh, before lunging out with the belt.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Tony was on tenterhooks, waiting for some sort of weird noise to come from downstairs that let him know Y/N was being hurt.
He had to admit, the brothers room was actually pretty cool. It was very smart looking, with several bookcases backed against the wall with stacks of books inside. There were several posters of Iron Man, Captain America, and even one of the Hulk on it. But there were also what looked like hand drawn blueprints of different machines.
"You draw these?" Tony couldn't help but ask.
"Oh yeah." Y/N's brothers responded, looking slightly taken aback. "Don't know how effective they are though. I don't have the resources to build them up and try them out. Don't know how my parents would feel about me going into engineering either."
If Tony hadn't hated the family so much, he might've offered to let him try an internship at Stark Industries.
Although. . . Y/N had never mentioned anything about her brother. It was always her father and mother.
"Look." Her brother suddenly said and Tony looked at him now because of the urgency in his voice. "I don't know why Y/N wanted to come back here. I don't know if you pressured her into wanting to meet our parents but you shouldn't have. They don't like her. Hell. . ."
Her brother started to pace back and forth and then blurted out, "They hit her. They abuse her. You need to leave and never come back."
"Why didn't you ever tell anyone?" Tony asked, surprised but angry.
"They would've taken her to one of those camps." Her brother mumbled. "And as much as I couldn't stand up for her, couldn't protect her, couldn't say anything to anyone about what was happening, I knew what she was facing here was ten times better than those camps. I had friends from those camps. Half of them died. The other half. . . well you don't even want to know. Please, take her and go. I just want her to be safe from here on out."
"Well you seem like a good enough kid." Tony muttered and saw there were tears in her brothers eyes, who quickly turned to look at his blueprints so Tony didn't see.
"No. I'm not." He said hoarsely. "If I was a good kid, I would've protected her. I only protected myself."
Suddenly, there was a harsh sound from downstairs, like leather on brick, but nothing else.
"Go." Her brother said.
Tony didn't need anything else. He'd recorded her brother's entire speech for evidence. And also his innocence.
Tony hurried from the bedroom, but couldn't help himself as he passed an open door that was clearly Y/N's bedroom. He hesitated to take a quick look around, and couldn't help but feel saddened by how sparse it was. He saw there was only one picture frame on the nightstand of Y/N and another girl who was about the same height as her with brown hair and eyes.
Grabbing the picture frame and the stuffed rabbit on the bed, he hurried down the stairs as the leather whistled through the air again.
He was quiet with his steps and managed to walk in to see her father holding Y/N down while she thrashed in his arms, sobbing, while the mother brought the belt down again.
He dashed forward, gritting his teeth as the belt wrapped around his arm. Her mother gasped and her father leapt up from where Y/N was laying.
Tony couldn't help it as his hand lashed out, the belt cracking over her father's face so harshly, that her father stumbled back, crying out. Blood trickled from the corner of his eye.
Tony helped Y/N to her feet, wrapping an arm around her waist.
"Don't you ever lay another finger on her again." Tony spat, throwing the belt at the mother, but still unable to actually bring himself to hit a woman. "C'mon sweetheart."
He rushed her out of the house and into the car. Once in the car, he pulled Y/N into his lap at the front seat of car, holding her tightly. "I'm sorry. I should have gotten there sooner."
"I'm okay." Y/N said shakily. "They had really only gotten started."
"I- I got something from your room." He admitted, pulling out the photo and stuffed animal. "I thought maybe you'd want them. They looked like they were important to you."
Y/N smiled and nodded, taking the two items from him. "The rabbit was my hospital present. My grandmother and grandfather of my father's side gave it to me the day I was born. They died when I was seven. I don't think they ever knew. . ."
Tony hugged her tighter.
"This is Elizabeth." Y/N said finally, pointing to the other girl in the picture. "She's kind've my only friend."
"She's the one that drove you to me. The one that became a cheetah?" He asked for confirmation.
"Yeah. I'm a little surprised that she became an animal though." Y/N admitted, wiping her face. "She never seemed like such a submissive or small person. I always though her soulmate would be the animal."
Suddenly, Y/N perked up, "Hey, do you think we could go and see her? She lives just down the street."
Tony smiled. "Of course sweetheart. Oh, and look."
Y/N and him looked out the window to see Nick Fury walking up to her parents front door.
Y/N just smiled. "Good."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You knocked on the door of your best friend and her mother was the one to answer the door.
"Oh, Y/N." Her mother said in surprise and then looked past you to Tony Stark and both blushed, but frowned. "I'm sorry, but Elizabeth-"
"I know." You said. "I was just hoping I could see her."
"She's out in the backyard if you want to go through the side gate." Her mother said and then closed the door again.
You were always used to her mother's ways. She didn't really like anyone except her daughter and family.
You and Tony headed through the gate and you saw the beautiful, sleek furred cheetah lounging in the sunlight. She got up when she heard you approaching and then meowed in happiness and ran towards you guys.
"Hey Elizabeth." You said happily, bending down to hug her.
Elizabeth's eyes seemed rather mischievous.
"So no soulmate yet?" You asked.
Her eyes actually seemed to roll and she headed back towards the porch and nudged the computer that was there. With some direction of hers, you found a Word document that had the lines:
𝕄𝕪  𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕖  𝕚𝕤  𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪  𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟 .  𝔹𝕦𝕥  𝕥𝕙𝕖  𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖  𝕗𝕠𝕣  𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘  𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞  𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤  𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥  𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠  𝕥𝕙𝕖  𝕒𝕚𝕣 .  𝕀  𝕕𝕠𝕟 ' 𝕥  𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨  𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥  𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤  𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 .
"Huh." You said while Tony responded, "So you're soulmated to an alien."
She rolled her eyes again and you said, "Aliens don't exist Tony."
"Hey, why don't you come with us?" Tony suggested. "We'll introduce you to Fury. I bet he'll know what to do."
You stared at him in surprise and then that expression quickly shifted into love.
Elizabeth took a moment and then she dipped her grand head. Then she turned to the keyboard and typed:
𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥  𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥  𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝  𝕞𝕠𝕞  𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕤  𝕠𝕦𝕥
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Preferences: how they’d react seeing their Disneyland counterparts
Avengers x reader
prompt: @werewolf-himbo: “Alright bet. How would the original 6 Avengers plus Wanda and pietro react to seeing their disney land counter parts. I would imagine the reader was the one with the idea”
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Bruce would get really embarrassed really fast. He’d try his best to avoid his double and fail spectacularly when the actor saw an opportunity to say “hi” to, well, himself. They’d chat while you and the rest watched nearby trying to stifle laughter. At least the shade he turned was red instead of green. (It’s okay Thaddeus Ross hasn’t become Red Hulk in this universe yet so it’s a good joke).
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Clint was a total stickler. He’d head right up to the guy and introduce himself as “the real Hawkeye.” He’d then correct his stance when he uses his bow and insists he’s doing this “for the children” and “authenticity.” Clint told the guy he’s an actor, too. A better one because he’s a spy. But in the end he gave him a high five and left him alone.
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Natasha thought her actress was super cool, a little too cool. The actress recognized her immediately and called her an imposter, possibly a “trickster god.” She was impressed by how dedicated the other Widow was to her role and decided to…fake fight with her, letting her win so the kids could “believe the magic.”
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Steve saluted his counterpart and you could tell that his actor was trying not to freak out that the real Captain America had shown up to his work. The two shook hands and Steve told him the story about how he used to dress up in a costume to dance and sell war bonds, so this was the much better job. He also signed the back of the shield and left a “message of inspiration” for anyone using it.
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Thor laughed a full laugh and ran up to the actor, nearly scaring the daylights out of him. “Cheers!” He yelled and knocked their Mjölnirs together. Thor complimented his hair, reaching for it to see if it was a wig and then asked him to lift the real Mjölnir. It would definitely be a day the guy never forgets.
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Tony was appalled by his Disney rendition specifically because they didn’t ask him to do it. He wouldn’t have anyways but he would have liked the invite. He then told him that his facial hair was wrong, the voice was off, and then nearly got kicked out of the park for making a scene. But he eased up and told him to keep up the good work and even had you take a picture of the two of them together.
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Wanda wasn’t as enthused until she saw the amount of people who were excited to see her Disney counterpart. They were all telling her how awesome she was and how they wanted to be just like her, so she gained the courage to go meet the actress, who was thrilled. You even convinced her to cast some red fog around the actress to make it look like she had powers. It made the kids ecstatic.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovygirlie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @buckyeojin // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse //
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avengingnomad · 4 years
Day 3- Movie
“Natasha, you ready?”, Steve shouted toward the ceiling, where Natasha was changing. He pulled the popcorn out of the microwave and set it aside. He placed a mug of butter in to melt and poured the popcorn into a big red bowl. He popped a handful into his mouth. “Hm, needs salt,” Steve mumbled to himself and grabbed the shaker from the cupboard. He cranked the shaker a few times, making sure to get every inch.
“That much salt could kill you, you know.” A voice said an inch from his ear. Natasha. She loved to sneak up on Steve like that a lot. When they first moved in together, his instincts and training would kick in and he’d be ready for a fight, grabbing whatever was closest to him, ready to use it as a weapon. But these days, he’d be surprised if she hadn’t been standing behind him.
“I’d like to see it try.” He replied without looking at her. She hopped up onto the counter beside the popcorn.
“Aw, come on, Steve. Can you at least pretend to be scared when I sneak up on you? It makes me feel like I’m not a good spy anymore.” She looked at him, eyes wide and lips pouted, pleadingly.
Steve turned to face her. “Okay, try again. I’m ready to be surprised.” He turned to the bowl again picking up the salt again. He started humming to himself.
“You’re a terrible actor, Steve, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway.” Her voice came from farther away this time.
“I’m a better actor than you give me credit for, Nat.” He turned around, popcorn bowl in hand, offering it to her. But she wasn’t there. His eyes shifted back and forth, scanning. Okay she was good, but he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction this time. So he proceeded to the family room and plopped down on the couch.
Seconds passed. A minute. Two, three, seven, eleven minutes. Still no Natasha. Still he didn’t want to let her win, so he stayed glued to his seat, and turning on the tv to pick the movie. “I guess I get to pick the movie tonight since you’ve decided that trying to scare me is more fun than using me as a pillow!” He said into the open space above him. Still no Natasha.
Okay, seriously. Where is she? he thought. He had a plan tonight. He found what he was looking for: The Corpse Bride. He pressed play and settled in, putting his feet up on the coffee table. The opening song began and Steve focused in on it.
Another minute or two passed, and then Steve felt a dip in the couch.
“You know, I was just about to come look for you.” Steve glanced sideways at her.
“Oh I know. I could sense it.” Natasha replied.
“You sensed it, now? Did you get bitten by a radioactive spider like Peter?” He asked with feign surprise. “How could you keep a secret like this from me? I thought you loved me, Nat.”
“I hate you sometimes,” she said smiling at him.
“I’m sure that’s not true, Natalia.”
Natasha laughed, shaking her head. “Damn it, Rogers. I do love you. You make it too easy sometimes. So stop it.”
They turned their attention back to the screen. Victor was in the forest, practicing his vows. Steve began...
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine...”
He continued, turning to Natasha.
“With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.”
Steve got up from his seat and quietly as he could and knelt down in front of Natasha. Her eyes met his, her eyebrows knitted together, and then shot up when she realized what was going on...
“Natasha.” Steve said quietly, taking her hand in one of his. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Steve, I— yes, I will marry you!” Natasha pulled Steve up off of his knee and pulled his lips to hers for a kiss.
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clintashaotp · 4 years
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Author’s note/summary: Clintasha feat. Peter and the team! April challenge day 15, I hope you guys are enjoying the fics so far. <3
1,076 Words
Playing Pretend
Natasha Romanoff meets Peter when Tony has him train with the other new Avengers recruits. Natasha is supposed to be observing Wanda in particular, but something about the kid draws her attention. He’s one of the most energetic people she’s met since she’s seen Clint on energy drinks, and he has an infectious, awkward smile. 
Natasha doesn’t like him. 
He’s smart, he’s strong, and he improves quickly over the weeks. Tony has to write a new software program for their mission simulators because Peter had beaten all the levels. He gets along with Clint as much as could have been expected. Clint is pretty much a teenager himself. 
There’s just something wrong with him. He’s too happy, too nice, too eager to help people. So Natasha stays distant towards the kid. 
One night after dinner when the recruits had joined them for pizza, Clint confronts her about it when she’s doing the dishes. 
“Why are you being so weird with Peter?” he asks in a low voice. 
“I’m not,” she says shortly, stacking the plates in the sink harder than she meant to. A corner of one of the plates chips off with her force, and Clint sighs, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. 
“Whatever’s going on, you can talk to me,” he murmurs in her ear, but she shrugs him off before the team can see their small display of affection.
“It’s nothing,” she repeats, and Clint gives her a sideways look.
“Fine. But try to be a little more friendly. If Tony notices, he’ll beat your ass.”
Clint leaves Natasha to the soapy water and her confused thoughts. The rest of the team starts a movie on the couches while Natasha cleans. Steve offers to help, but she turns him down quickly. 
She watches the kid out of the corner of her eye. He laughs so brightly, and his smile seems to light up his whole face. It can’t be real. Can it? No one smiles like that. No kid is that happy. 
When Natsaha is done with the dishes she sneaks back to her room instead of joining the team. Being around that kid scares her in a way she doesn’t understand. 
It’s not until almost two months after Peter’s arrival at the facility that Natasha understands what it is. She is assigned to privately tutor Peter in judo, and the second they get on the mats, something in her brain clicks. He’s excited to learn, quick on his feet, and trained in a lot of weapons. He’s not just a quick learner. He must have had training somewhere else. 
Of course. He can’t be real. He’s too happy. He’s too energetic, enthusiastic, too...perfect. No kid is that happy. So if he’s faking it...it’s to gain their trust, it must be. 
Natasha tackles him to the mat in seconds, and he groans, the wind knocked out of him.
“So you teach by example?” he manages, and she pins his arms down, holding him still. 
“Who are you really?” she growls, and his expression of shock is so genuine she believes for a second he isn’t acting. Man, he’s good. “Is this...part of training, or something?” he asks, and Natasha leans close, staring into his eyes, searching for the tells of a lie. “What are you doing?”
“What are you doing here? Are you a spy? Trying to infiltrate our ranks? Gather information on us? Sell our secrets to your boss?” “What? No! What’s going on?” he tries to sit up, and Natasha forces him down again. 
“You’re a good actor, I’ll give you that.”
“Acting? No, what? I’m just...what’s going on right now?”
“Please. You must be pretending, kid. No one is as happy as you are. No one. No kids just grow up happy, that’s not--”
“Natasha, what are you doing?” Clint, Tony and Steve burst through the main doors, and Natasha whirls to face him. Peter uses her momentary distraction to kick her away, and scrambles to his feet. His strength sends Natasha tumbling off of him, and she jumps gracefully into a fighter’s crouch. Clint sprints over to her, grabbing her arm firmly. 
“What’s going on?” he hisses in her ear, and she glares at him. “He has to be a spy, Clint, he has to be. Think about it, he’s trained, he’s a good actor, it has to be fake, it has to be!” it comes out a little louder than she had intended, and she sees Tony’s glare and Steve’s look of confusion. But Clint’s face shifts to one of recognition. 
“Natasha...he’s not you. He’s not one of those red room kids.”
“He’s just a kid, Natasha. He’s a quick learner, that’s all. And he’s not pretending. He has reasons to be happy, like...friends, and family…” Clint trails off, waiting for the realization to hit her. And it does hit her, hard, like a punch to the stomach, and she folds into his arms. 
“I didn’t--I’m so sorry,” she whispers, desperately holding her tears back. “I’m so sorry, I’m sorry…”
“I know, Nat. I know. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” 
Natasha hears approaching footsteps and whirls around to see Peter standing a few feet away from her, looking apprehensive but friendly. 
“Um, Ms. Romanoff? I’m...sorry that things were hard for you. When you were a kid. Because...I know there’s got to be a reason that you got upset, and that makes sense. But I promise I’m not a spy?” he says it as if it’s a question, and Natasha nods slowly. 
“I’m sorry,” she says again, and Peter shrugs, giving her a half-smile. “It was good training. You know, for if I get captured, or something.” “Not on my watch you won’t,” Tony says firmly. “And Romanoff...I get it. There are some things that you can’t get out of your head. Some programming you can’t undo.”
“I guess so,” she mutters. “But I won’t do it again.”
“Yeah. You’d better not, or I’ll send that video I have of you and hawkboy to the press,” Tony smirks, and Natasha gives him a death glare. Clint just laughs. 
“Well, if Peter is going to stand a chance, you’d better train him,” Clint chuckles. “You know, so if you do it again, he might be able to defend himself.”
Natasha smirks at him, then gives Peter a level look. “I guess we’d better get to work then.”
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ohbeauregard · 5 years
A Summary of the Season 6 bluray extras:
Gag Reel
Featurette Litchfield to the Max (interviews with cast and crew) | Part 1 | Part 2
Commentary for episode 8, "Gordons", with Sian Heder (director), Vega Santamaria (writer), Laura Gomez (Blanca) and Susan Heyward (Tamika).
They all love the theme song.
The new set made everyone feel claustrophobic. Not just the cast, but the writers and the crew, they didn't have the freedom to move around that the old Litchfield offered.
Sian felt like she came back to her family (she left the show after S3).
Daniela (Zirconia) broke her leg while kickboxing but her character was supposed to be injured in the other leg. She showed up on set with a cast on her opposite leg and there were a lot of discussions about how they'd deal with that and if the fans were going to notice.
Danielle was actually smoking that blunt (Sian: "not real, of course"), by the end of it she had tears streaming down her face, her throat was closing. The scene where they're stoned and dancing around was improvised by Danielle and Susan.
Susan and Danielle Brooks knew each other before OITNB, they went to the same art high school in South Carolina, and that translates into the relationship their characters have.
Laura Gomez also knew Selenis from theater, and that friendship translated on screen as well.
Alex coming into Piper's bunk, at first it was decided Laura had to stay by the door to abide by max rules, they tried to keep her with one foot by the door. (unsuccessfully lol)
The "I told you she was a wily no-goodnik" line was added by Jenji.
Taylor and Laura have developed such a great rapport over the years that by now their characters back and forth truly feels like they are an old married couple.
They switched a lot of extras because most of the times some of them looked like they couldn't even hurt a fly and now in max they needed people that looked tougher.
The writers' room enjoyed how well received Carol & Barb were by fans.
The Nicky and Blanca insemination storyline was the writer's way to try to get back at some of the fun they had at minimum where some of the old crew was always coming up with some hair brained scheme.
Sian had to direct Laura G and Natasha in the insemination scene right after Lionsgate made them spend an hour having sexual harassment training.
By this time in the season they missed writing scenes between Nicky and Red, it wasn't easy to get them together because of max, so that scene was a little moment to tide them over until Nicky and Red are able to cross paths again.
Matt Peters was stressed about the scene where he had to dance, so much that some of the writers asked Jenji and Tara to bring someone to give him dance lessons but Jenji refused, said everyone should come up with their own moves in that scene.
They didn't want to make Aleida's storyline of getting involved with a pyramid scheme a case of just "look at Aleida's bad idea", they wanted to show how someone who's struggling with employment or trying to make ends meet would look at it like a good solution and get all caught up in it.
The scene with Taystee and her lawyer was filmed in a real prison and there were times when a bell would ring and they had to stop what they were doing, close themselves into a room and duck, because actual prisoners were walking through that hall.
Sian Heder: "There's always been a line walked by this show where it's never been didactic, the fear of writing a prison show is that you're saying something about prison or you're basically offering a whole political commentary on the state of the prison system, and what the show's done so well is being incredibly entertaining and kind of back you into those issues without you even knowing you got there." She was moved by the speech, by the writing and Danielle's performance.
Vera, Sian and some of the actors got trapped in a real prison, they wandered off from where they were filming and ended up in gen pop.
There are scenes that are always surprising, because they take 1-2 pages in a script, but the actual shooting can take up to 12 hours.
One of the joys in the writing room during the development of season 6 was coming up with and writing new pairings.
The scene where Taystee comes out of her cell and asks Tamika if there's mail for her was supposed to be the last scene of the episode. But then Sian talked with Vera and asked her to switch the scenes and use the flashback to close the episode instead.
Tamika's line about her mom was something they talked a lot in the writer's room, they wanted to show Tamika had someone waiting for her, wondering where she is, and Taystee doesn't, and that could've been the life changing thing that sent them in two different paths.
 The final scene felt like the most important scene and they wanted to show them going in different directions, it was the last moment Tamika and Taystee were connected and together and that was the moment where life would take them in different paths that were irreconcilable.
Commentary for episode 13, "Be Free" with Nick Sandow (director) and Brian Chamberlayne (writer).
Taylor got so comfortable that she fell asleep when they were filming the first scene for ep 13. It was an early call time and she'd fall asleep between takes.
It was Laura and Taylor last day of filming.
They had a lot of conversations whether to shoot above or underneath the sheet. Nick didn't want to because of the complications of having to shoot underneath the sheet, but Brian won that argument, they had to pull the bed out and place it in another space to be able to shoot underneath the blanket.
Uzo is unbelievable, she always does something specific that the writers are not expecting, but they love it and ends up being better than whatever they had pictured.
Brian was happy he got an opportunity to work with Laverne.
Nick and Brian got choked up several times when they were filming the trial.
The coffee beans scene: Laura and Taylor had a lot of discussions with Nick about that scene because so many different feelings needed to happen and they conveyed that beautifully. They were asking Taylor to hit a lot of different notes and she really pulled it off.
The "I can't believe you were gonna ditch all us poor losers without saying goodbye" was ad-libbed by Natasha
Nick thought Yael was a treasure in the wedding scene and they could always cut to her for comedy because she started crying from the moment they started filming, Nick knew her reactions were going to be gold
Nick as a director was a bit scared because the scene was so long, and there was so little action/movement and he thought he'd have a hard time figuring it out but the actresses carried it and it made it easy.
The wedding scene took 8 pages in the script (in this show one scene usually takes 2 or 3)
Laura and Taylor brought the weight of it, they knew it was a moment that was building up for so many seasons of watching Vauseman's relationship come together, and they carried it.
Natasha was so focused because she had the most dialogue and she had to lift the scene up, she killed it because she brought so many different levels (she made it funny but also brought a lot of feeling) to it.
Brian fel a bit overwhelmed at first, because he had to write three speeches for the scene, and it was for the main relationship between two leads that has been building up for years, he thought it had to be momentous & big.
Since the wedding comes in the middle of the episode, in a strange way it worked like a nice intermission from all the gang stuff and the heavy scenes with Taystee and her trial. Brian: "It was a nice moment between these two that you have been rooting for all along".
Nick and Brian were wowed by Taylor's acting during the vows.
It was nice to have Flaca and Cindy come in, because they wanted a bit of the OG crew, they wanted that feeling from the first few seasons of the old crew coming together and holding little events that was lost since they came to max because it's such a harsh environment.
Bottom vs. Bottom is an actual court case.
They loved the scene with Luschek and Gloria in SHU, Selenis was so powerful and so intense in her performance that they all were drained by the end of it.
Taystee's verdict: Danielle was given a standing ovation after they did the take that was used in the episode.
From the beginning of the season they knew they wanted to address the immigration detention center problem.
Yael was hysterical after they finished shooting the scene where Lorna's bleeding and being dragged to the infirmary, Nick had to hold her while she cried and told him that was an awful thing to have to imagine.
Brian felt so stupid for writing that, but it was a storyline they already had thought of before they knew she was pregnant irl
Shooting the kickball scenes was a nightmare because it snowed the day they were supposed to shoot, so they rescheduled for the next day but it rained at night, so the whole field turned into a swamp and it was absolutely freezing, Nick swore he wouldn't go back to Staten Island after that.
Uzo nailed the kick in every single take.
Brian was flattered that he was given the episode where Piper gets out because it's such an iconic moment in the series.
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minaminokyoko · 6 years
How about favourite captain America movies scenes?
The First Avenger
-Steve at the movie theater, telling that douche to shut up and getting his little ass kicked for his trouble. Oh, Steve. Goddammit, Steve. You are too pure and good and wonderful for all of us. I like that it’s both a good quality trait and a weakness for Steve that he can’t abide bullies and he’ll stand up to anyone even if all it means is he’ll just get the stuffing beaten out of him. Plus, Bucky stepping up to help his idiot best friend is so heartwarming it’s insane. I love that Bucky is just fucking used to Steve getting himself beaten up because he stands up to shitty men. That’s best friends for you. 
-Peggy punching the bejeezus out of Whatshisface in the troops’ first scene together. Oh, dear Lord. Where do I start? First, her telling him to step forward. Second, the completely placid look before she does it. Third, the fact that she puts his bitch ass on the ground no trouble. Fourth, Steve’s appreciative smile. Fifth, the General not even blinking that she flattened that douche. It’s just brilliant.
-Steve jumping on the grenade. Standing ovation. Steve is too good and too pure a cinnamon roll for any of us.
- “Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.” This is the heart and soul of Captain America and Steve Rogers and I cannot stress enough how this is honestly probably my favorite scene of the movie. We follow this guy not because of the strength of his body, but the strength of his heart. Steve has all the heart.
-Bucky and Steve being reunited. The best bros just knock it out of the park. 
-Peggy’s reaction to Steve returning with all the captured soldiers. Seriously, it is the most NC-17 thing I’ve ever seen in a PG-13 movie. That smile Steve gives her and the smile she gives him right back is 100% code for “if we weren’t in the middle of this camp right now, I would tear your clothes off and fuck you to Jupiter and back.” It’s such a pure, awesome moment of sexual tension, and it’s done in such a classy way. I love that scene to death. They eye-fucked the shit out of each other and I adore the overwhelming yet subtle acknowledgement of what’s going on between them.
-Steve having a picture of Peggy in his pocket watch, and the fact that Peggy sees this during the little film montage. I want to scream. I LOVED the General giving her an amused side eye but not actually saying anything. It was a wonderful little nod to Steve’s reciprocated feelings for her. 
-Steve and Peggy’s kiss. Whyyyyyyyyyyy, Lord? Whyyyyyyyyyy? Why didn’t they get more time together?! They were so fucking cute and I know if they’d have gotten together, it’d have been amazing and wonderful and they would have been so happy. Dammit.
The Winter Soldier
Disclaimer: Legit, The Winter Soldier is arguably one of the best comic book movies ever made and it is taking so much restraint for me not to list the entire goddamn film as my favorite scene, because I love it from end to end. Gun to my head, I’d say my Top 3 MCU films would be this, Ragnarok, and either Avengers 1 or Avengers 3. It’s really hard to pick out scenes in a perfect movie.
-Sam and Steve’s introduction to each other. The sheer chemistry here is stellar. I was in stitches that Steve Rogers was just okay with teasing a total fucking stranger for no reason other than just lolz. I love that TWS starts out reminding us that Steve isn’t some humorless do gooder. He has a great sense of humor and he’s just a friendly guy in general, so they couldn’t have picked a better scenario to introduce their dynamic. I adore that opening scene, man.
-Taking back the ship. Fuck, dude. Talk about one of the best executed action scenes in the MCU. Everything from Cap racing around just laying those fucking dudes out on his own to Nat popping in to the absolutely genius execution of Cap vs. Batroc. Oh, if a film scene could get me pregnant, it’d be that one, man. I fucking love that entire damn sequence.
-Nick Fury vs. Hydra. I appreciate this simply because we saw some badass Nick Fury in Avengers, but this was a delightful addition to remind us that the man is the head of SHIELD for a reason. He is NOT to be fucked with. He is a very capable agent and held his own and it was awesome.
-The elevator fight scene. ‘Nuff said.
-Natasha confronting Steve with the flash drive. So this was the first moment where I knew I was going to ship Captasha/Romanogers until the end of time, regardless of the canon. I loved this interaction. Steve is frustrated and suspicious, and so is Nat, but they both find a common ground and realize neither one is actually the enemy. I especially love: “Bye bye, bikinis.” “Yeah, I bet you look terrible in ‘em now.” That snark tho. Cap is flawless, and there is a healthy dollop of sexual tension delightfully overlaid with this scene of him backing her up against a wall and then her showing some skin. Yas lawd. 
-Steve and Nat undercover at the mall. Not only is it just funny as hell and delightfully awkward, but it really shows off the great chemistry between the two of them. You’d think that with them being polar opposites that they’d butt heads, but they actually just complement each other extremely fucking well. Then there’s the exquisite escalator kiss. I mean, mm, did that look yummy. Even Steve comes out of it like, “well, damn.”
-The car conversation on the way to Jersey. I think that I would’ve only liked this movie, not loved it, if Nat hadn’t been there. I think Nat’s presence is what helped make this one of the MCU’s best films period. The honesty between them as they have probably one of their first real conversations getting to know each other is amazing. I adore this scene. I adore seeing them bond. “That’s a tough way to live.” “Good way not to die, though.” I think that is one of the best lines in the whole MCU, personally. 
-Recovering at Sam’s place. First off, the two of them sharing the guest room and bathroom says a whole lot of shit right there. It’s an implied intimacy. Then Cap walking over and just knowing in his gut that Nat isn’t okay, and just gently, gently asking her what’s wrong is so important to both of their characters. You get to see them go from coworkers to friends and from friends to good friends in such an amazingly short period of time that it’s so heartwarming. Evans and Johansson have worked on several films together, and this is definitely one of those things where they just play off each other so well from being friends in real life. I love the inflections. I love the close up on their expressions. I love how Steve is able to get Nat to lower her walls and just talk to him about how she’s feeling, and how she sincerely thanks him, and how she’s even a little scared when she asks “if it were down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?” and Steve emphatically answers, “I would now” and then smiles at her so sweetly and makes a little joke. I just…my heart, man. My heart. Steve and Nat’s relationship is possibly my favorite out of all the Avengers, and I should note that Chris Evans ships it and I am really happy about that fact.
-The Winter Soldier’s attack. Flawless. This fucking sequence is flawless. Getting to see everyone’s skills on display, and then capped with the emotional realization from Steve that his best friend is not only alive, but has been brainwashed and is trying to kill them, is just so great. Huge, huge kudos to Evans, Stan, Mackie, and Johansson as well as their stunt team and the choreographers, because it’s some of the most gorgeous, polished action I’ve ever laid eyes on. Especially Evans and Stan’s fight. Wow, that could not have been easy and it’s all them when there are close ups during the knife fight. I really appreciate them going HAM on that shit. It turned out beautifully.
-“But I knew him.” Yep. Let me die. Just let me die. Poor tortured Bucky’s memories surfacing at the sight of his best friend saying his name just tears me up inside. Ugh. Bury me. 
-Cap remembering Bucky’s words after his mother’s funeral. Bury me again.
-Cap’s speech to SHIELD after they arrive at the HQ. Hnnnnnnngh. I would die for Steve Rogers. Without question. This speech is why. He knows that he might die trying to stop Hydra, but he gives those people the choice to do what’s right at great cost, and he believes that they will do the right thing, and he’s absolutely right. I had mentioned years ago that this is why the DCEU’s current Superman has failed; that trait, believing in people despite evidence pointing to the opposite, is what make Cap and Superman two American icons. This is why we rally behind them as characters. Because they believe in us and they believe we are worth protecting. It’s a fucking shame the DCEU writers don’t understand that and have forced a decent actor like Henry Cavill to be a morose, joyless, brooding Superman, and don’t even try to tell me they “fixed” him in the JLA movie, because they retconned it and thought that did the trick, and they were wrong. What Cap said in that speech is precisely why he is as great a man as we’ve all come to love over the years. It’s nothing short of incredible.
-The entire ending helicarrier sequence. Good to the last fucking drop, man. Everything about it is flawless. Especially “You’re my mission!” “Then finish it. ‘Cause I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.” Cue me screaming and crying and clawing down my curtains. Bucky pulling Steve from the river turns me into an absolute wreck of emotions. 
Civil War
-Cap consoling Wanda after the bullshit news report. Man, fuck the whole ass world for that reaction, by the way. Wanda saved that entire marketplace full of people, but she still got blamed for intervening anyway, and we know Crossbones would’ve killed countless people if they hadn’t stopped him, so you can all fuck off. But what I really like about this scene is Cap’s almost fatherly concern for her, knowing she was still recovering from the pain of losing her twin brother not too long ago. He understands the loss and the pain she feels and knows that she has doubts about herself and he’s there to assure her he doesn’t blame her, if that is any consolation. Cap is so conscious of her needs and emotions that it’s extremely touching to see, even though the scene is brief.
-The team going over the Accords and choosing sides. This was very well done, as everyone’s reactions are very interesting. I personally don’t see how the hell anyone could be Team Iron Man, but that’s just me. I at least like that Tony’s actions are justified in that he has been trying so hard this whole time to do the right thing, but it feels like the harder he tries, the more awful things become until he’s left with no good choices at all. I feel for him. So much. I feel for Cap as well knowing that about Tony and yet being unyielding in his feelings about the Accords.
-Nat comforting Steve at Peggy’s funeral. Cue gross sobbing. Damn, this is why I ship Captasha so hard. She tells him that she’s pretty much going along with the Accords for the sake of keeping their little family together if possible, and Steve sadly tells her he can’t do it, but she already knows, and she’s just there to support him. That’s love. You can debate if it’s platonic or romantic, but that scene is just pure love between Nat and Steve. She is there for no other reason than to hug her friend and check on him and make sure he knows he is not alone in this awful time in his life. It’s by far one of the most touching scenes in the entire MCU. 
-The death of T’Chaka. Oh my God. Give Chadwick Boseman all the awards. How did we become that emotionally attached to him in such a short amount of time? Wow. I mean, wow, was that powerfully acted. 
-Nat warning Steve not to intervene. Again, you can’t tell me these two people don’t love each other. She’s so worried about him, and even Sam acknowledges that she’s not wrong to want them to stay out of it since they’ll now get arrested. 
-Everyone chasing after Bucky. Hnnnnnngh, yes please, this shit was awesome. Especially Cap and T’Challa racing over moving fucking cars and Bucky snatching that motorcycle mid-air. I love that scene with all my heart and soul.
-”So, you like cats?”
-Bucky’s escape. Seriously, the Winter Soldier is not to be trifled with. Holy hell, does he put everyone through their paces.
-Tony recruiting Peter Parker. And now we have it, the shining crown jewel of Tony Stark’s development as a character, in the form of a tiny adorable baby he adopts to fight a ninety year old veteran. I know, right? I never expected that Tony recruiting Parker would be anything like what we got and yet it’s by far one of my favorite relationships in the MCU. It’s so genuinely cute and sweet and the word choice during that scene in Parker’s room is very important from a character standpoint. “When you can do what I can do, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen…they happen because of you.” Without saying it out loud, they were able to convey what happened to Uncle Ben, and that’s really good storytelling, man. You see this kid is hurt and blames himself and he will do anything to make up for his sins. Tony is even touched by it. Plus, the humor in that scene is awesome and it’s so warm and evident that RDJ and Tom Holland really got along and had chemistry.
-Recruiting Scott Lang. It’s so brief, but that fucking scene puts me in stitches every time, especially Paul Rudd’s improv of grabbing Chris Evans’ shoulders when he sees just how goddamn built and cut the man is. I thought that was genius. It’s so perfect.
-”Can you move your seat up?” “No.”
-The airport fight scene. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. This is so good. For so many reasons. How it’s staged. How it starts off quiet and it slowly builds tension. How Tony is so hurt that Cap appears to be choosing Bucky over him, how Cap is protecting him, how Tony absolutely doesn’t want to fight his friend and yet they are on opposite sides anyway. “You’re gonna come with us because it’s us.” The utter desperation in Tony’s eyes when he almost begs Cap to turn himself in is so heartbreaking. It kills me, man. Emotions aside, I simply love all the fights and the various match ups. Especially Spidey versus Bucky and Sam (”Couldn’t you have done that earlier?” “I hate you.”) and Spidey versus Cap (”That thing does not obey that laws of physics at all!”) and Spidey versus Ant Man. It’s all so glorious.
-Nat stopping T’Challa from getting to Bucky and Steve. It’s raining on my face. “You’re not gonna stop.” “You know I can’t.” “I’m gonna regret this. Go.” It’s so important. It’s so important, y’all. Nat chose Steve when it mattered most and I ship them until my dying breath.
-“Vengeance has consumed you. It is consuming them.” All the awards, Chadwick. All the motherfucking awards. 
-The final scene of Steve walking up to Sam’s cell. There’s just something about the playful confidence and determination in his expression that despite how sad the ending is that Tony and Cap are no longer on speaking terms that it gives you just a tiny flicker of hope that maybe things will be okay for Team Cap. 
Well, there you go. Cap and Thor are currently tied for the top spot in my heart of Favorite Avenger, hence all the word vomit. Sorry, not sorry. 
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eyecandybarnes · 7 years
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a superstar actor in Hollywood, and the reader works as a photographer for an upscale fashion and pop culture magazine. One day, she is assigned to take photographs of Bucky to promote his upcoming movie, but her schoolgirl crush on Mr. Barnes proves to be a problem.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 3,547
Warnings: Smut (a little bit of D/S undertones). Also some fluff, it’s not 100% smut.
A/N: *THIS IS A REPOST FROM MY OLD ACCOUNT.* This is my submission for Kait’s (@bionic-buckyb) 5k AU challenge! My prompt was “Model/Photographer”. Hope you enjoy! (also if anyone can guess what reference I’m making with the fake movie title I put in this fic, you get brownie points!)
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Another day, another photoshoot in the studio with some rude celebrity who thinks they’re better than you.
You sigh, shuffling over to the strobe to make sure it’s synced properly to your camera. With a quick press of your shutter button, the light goes off, and you’re satisfied that everything is set up perfectly for today’s shoot. Your contentment doesn’t last long, though; the thought of having to deal with another snobby subject clouds your brain. Sure, the concept of meeting celebrities every day at your job seemed cool, but once you got used to it, you realized that they’re all just regular people. There was hardly anything special about anyone you met, aside from the few who were very nice and complimented how good you made them look with your camera.
“Oh, wonderful, you’re all set up!” Michael, the fashion consultant and your bosses’ assistant, bursts through the studio doors. “James will be here in a second. I want you to make him look SO sexy in these photos, got it, Y/N? Carol needs to be proud of our work when she’s back from vacation.”
You shake your head and give him the slightest pathetic smile you can. “I can’t make someone sexy if they already have an ugly face, Michael. Now which James are we talking about?”
“James Barnes?” Michael looks shocked, his eyes widening as he says the name. “For his new movie, ‘Farewell, Atlantis’?”
“What?!” You almost drop your camera in shock, your heart racing. “Y-you mean, like, Bucky Barnes? The guy from Gossip Girl? The guy from that horrible movie last year about gymnastics? THAT James Barnes?”
“Yes?” He seems scared of your response. “Did Carol not tell you?”
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something? I can step out for a minute if you need me to…”
The new, yet familiar voice catches you off guard. You whip around so fast that your ponytail hits you in the face rather unceremoniously. You feel your eyes grow wider as you see him standing there; dressed in a simple light grey v-neck and ripped skinny jeans, a thin black jacket on, and a ball chain around his neck. His soft brown hair is slightly tousled in a way that makes him look not too perfect, but unbelievably irresistible. When your eyes meet his, you can’t help but stare at how clear and blue they are, sparkling like glass.
“No, no, Mr. Barnes.” Michael makes his way over to your frozen form, shutting your mouth with a hand under your chin. “Just a little miscommunication, is all. This is Y/N, our resident photographer. She’ll be capturing your essence today.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I saw the work you did last week with Natasha Romanoff. You made her look like a freakin’ goddess.” James sticks out his hand, and you subtly wipe your palm on your pants before taking it in a handshake. “And please, call me Bucky.” “Oh, isn’t he just delightful!” Michael claps, turning his back to the two of you. “Now let’s get this show On. The. Road!”
You turn away from Bucky quickly, allowing yourself to blush and gather your things before getting started. You hand Michael a light meter, directing him to hold it in front of Bucky so you can get a good reading off his shirt and make sure your settings are right. As you look through the viewfinder of your camera, you see Bucky sticking his tongue out at you, behind Michael. You try hard not to let out an ugly laugh, concealing your face behind your camera as you blush more.
“Okay, Michael, I’m good.” You say, looking down in more efforts to hide your red cheeks. “Care to get started?”
“It’s actually kind of hot in here, from all these lights…” Bucky says, keeping his innocent eyes on you. “Mind if I take my jacket off?”
“That’s a great idea for a photo!” Michael interrupts, his face beaming. “Y/N, take pictures of him taking his jacket off. In a showy way, of course.”
“You got it.” You step back and sigh quietly. Placing the viewfinder to your eye again, you watch as Bucky removes his jacket, in an alarmingly seductive manner. As the material comes off his arms, you can’t help but stare at how perfectly muscular and toned they are. You get a few shots in before you find your legs shaking, your body feeling like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be. You have to put your camera down and straighten up to regain your composure. You’re not sure if you can do this shoot, with this hunk of man standing in front of your camera lens.
Michael’s shrill tone brings you back to Earth, your heart racing. “Did you get it?”
“Y-yeah. Got it. Let’s do the next pose?” You fumble with your camera, only taking a quick glace up at Bucky. He’s staring at you, a little bit of curiosity in his eyes. It makes you feel unsettled.
“Alright, James. Now I want you to give the camera a mischievous smile, alright?” Michael stands behind one of your light stands, directing Bucky. “And, I don’t know, tug on your shirt or something? I want you to look playful.”
“Like this?”
You look up, and Bucky’s got the bottom of his shirt balled up in his fist, just enough that a peek of skin and the waistband of his pants become visible. His other hand is on his torso, and he’s looking into the camera with a devilish grin. You swallow dryly, trying to keep yourself calm. This might be the first time you can’t finish a photo shoot, because you’re too busy swooning over your subject. Your finger shakes as you press down on the shutter button, capturing the photograph. You can only hope that your reaction to Bucky isn’t a visible one.
“You’re doing great!” Michael claps his hands again, excited. “How about we show a little more skin this time and put the hem of your shirt in between your teeth? Show off those abs!”
You glance over at Michael, screaming in your head for him to stop. Taking a deep breath, you raise your camera again. In front of you, Bucky’s got his shirt in his teeth, with a playfully aggressive look on his face. His thumbs are hooked into the sides of his shirt, pulling it down to form a ‘v’ shape of material around his six pack. You feel your breathing hitch, and suddenly become aware of a rather uncomfortable situation between your legs. This is all too much for you. “You know what, Michael? I really need to go take a quick break.” You stumble, heading towards the door. “It’s really hot in here.”
Without looking back, you exit the studio and make a beeline for the bathroom. Luckily, no one’s inside when you enter, allowing you to let loose. You turn on the sink faucet and splash your face with some cold water, putting out the fire in your cheeks. You look in the mirror to find your pupils wide, your reflection not looking familiar to you. “Oh my god…” You pace the bathroom floor, running your hands over your hair. “How am I supposed to do this?”
You look at your watch, noting that five minutes have passed since you stormed out of the studio. You need to get back and finish this job, or your boss will have your head. You can’t afford to lose this job; you just got it several months ago after being unemployed and you know no other magazine company is looking for a photographer right now.
You take a deep breath, before exiting the bathroom. It’s knocked out of you rather quickly, though, as you slam into a solid object just outside the bathroom door. You expect your backside to meet a hard floor, but instead, someone’s strong, gentle hands catch you.
“Are you okay?”
You look up to see those irresistible blue eyes staring back down at you, a soft concerned look on his face. You can feel your heart pounding against your chest as you stare back, the only thing holding you up being Bucky.
“You seem a little distracted.” Bucky stands you back up, but keeps a hold on your arm. “Let’s go somewhere quiet, maybe?”
Before you know it, Bucky is pulling you into your bosses’ office. It’s cool inside, and goosebumps form on your skin where Bucky was holding you. He keeps the lights off, and shuts the door, swiftly. All you can do is stand in the middle of the room, your mind racing.
“Is this better?” He smiles at you, sitting on the desk. “Everything’s okay?”
“I… I guess.” You almost have to force yourself to answer. “I’m okay. I was just… daydreaming.”
You want to kick yourself in the head for admitting that.
Bucky laughs a little, reaching out and pulling you closer. “About what, may I ask?”
You swallow again, feeling a lump in your throat. You can’t keep your eyes off his gorgeous smile, his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth, his eyes smiling too. You find yourself once again unable to speak.
You don’t even move when you feel his hands take yours again. He pulls you closer to him, your legs colliding with his. You can’t control your breathing anymore as you’re held close to him, your face within inches of his. He gives you a little smile before leaning forward, pressing his lips to yours gently. You feel your heart race, his lips unbelievably soft and warm against your own. Bucky brings his hands to your waist, pulling you even closer. You can’t help but melt into the kiss, your hands finding their way to his arms, stabilizing you.
“Was that it?” Bucky whispers, pulling away from the kiss, leaving you breathless.
“I-uh…” You’re frozen again, in his embrace. “Pretty much.”
His lips curl up in a sinful smile before he brings you back to him, once again engaging you in a kiss. He puts more passion into it, pulling you even deeper into his spell. His hands slide behind you, grabbing your rear, pulling you up onto the desk and into his lap. Seated, you feel his fingers poking under the hem of your shirt, lightly dragging along your skin.
“Oh my god…” You gasp, pulling away to look at him for a second. “Is this… Is this really happening?”
Bucky’s chest rises up and down, against yours. He has an unsure look on his face, providing you with a slight relief. “Only if you want it to?”
“Of course.” You say, grabbing his collar and pulling him to you. This time, it’s you who initiates the kiss. Bucky follows, deepening it, his tongue poking into your mouth. You can’t help but let out a little groan as he kisses you, the feeling like none other you’ve experienced before.
You feel Bucky’s hands at the top of your shirt, trying to undo the buttons. You try to keep still while he fumbles with them, but you’re too impatient.
“Just rip it.” You squeak, in between kisses. “I’ve got another shirt in my office.”
He gives you a raised eyebrow and a cute smile, before forcing your shirt open, the buttons clattering onto the floor. Bucky’s hands immediately make their way to your breasts, gently, yet greedily, kneading them. He slips a finger in between the cups and yanks your bra, the clasp in the back giving way, the garment coming off of you. He tosses your now-ruined bra to the floor, and his fingers immediately return to play with your nipples.
“Oh my god, Y/N…” Bucky almost moans, his fingers running over your nipples. You feel a shiver run down your spine. He brings his lips to your neck, attacking you with kisses, while he caresses your breasts. “So perky… and all because of me?”
“Yeah…” You breathe out shakily, your eyes closed, letting yourself focus on his touch. “Please, Bucky…”
“Please what, doll?” His lips ghost over the skin of your neck, just under your ear.
“I need you…” You half-moan out, breathless.
“How about you bend over the desk for me, then?” He whispers by your ear, causing you to shiver. “If you’re so ready for me?”
His hands are on your waist, guiding you back down off the desk gently. You feel his hand on your back as he puts you over the desk. The cool wooden surface provides relief to your burning skin, while his fingers dragging down your sides send tingles throughout your body. You feel Bucky hook his fingers in your belt loops, tugging down your pants to your knees, letting out a small laugh.
“Pink polka dot lace panties…” He breathes, his hands on your ass. “What an interesting choice.”
“They were from Victoria’s Secret and they were a lot of money. Please don’t ruin them.” You sigh, feeling his hands cupping your bottom. You know, deep down, that you wouldn’t care what happened to those panties right now.
“What would your boss think about these panties, doll?” Bucky rubs up against you, and you can feel his arousal. “What if she walked in here, right now, and saw us doing this in her office?”
“She… she’s on vacation.” You squeak, your breath becoming uneven again.
“I bet she’d punish you if she was here.” Without warning, you feel his hand come down on your ass with a loud slap. You let out a yelp, the skin on your bottom feeling warm. “Just like that.”
“Bucky, please…”
“Do you normally screw your clients in your bosses’ office?” Bucky lands another slap to your other cheek. “Are you a naughty girl, Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky!” You cry out. “Please… stop teasing me.”
“Alright, but only because you asked for it.” He brings his hand down on you one more time, releasing a moan from you as he pokes his fingers into your panties. He finds your dripping core, sliding a finger into you. “Shit, doll, you’re so wet already…”
“I have been since we were in the studio…” You moan shakily, grinding your hips against Bucky’s hand.
One hand rubbing your bundle of nerves in circles, you can hear Bucky undo his belt with the other. His pants hit the floor, as he pulls your panties to the side giving him access to your core. You feel your heart beating against the desk as he places his tip at your entrance.
“Are you ready, doll?”
You swallow and nod, bracing yourself against the desk. He thrusts forward, filling you up easily, stretching out your walls in a way no man has ever done before. A high pitched moan escapes your lips, followed by a yelp as Bucky grabs your ponytail in his fist. He pulls it so your head is angled to the side, leaning down face-to-face.
“How soundproof are these walls?” He whispers, keeping still inside you.
“They’re… pretty good.” You whimper, shaking.
“Perfect.” Bucky presses a kiss to your cheek before thrusting his hips again, slamming the two of you into the desk. He holds onto your hair, making sure your head doesn’t hit the desk, continuing at a fast pace.
“God, Y/N, you feel so good…” He groans, bringing his other hand back to your clit for extra stimulation.
You can’t help the moans rising from your chest as Bucky fucks you over your bosses’ desk. Pens and frames fall from the desk and onto the floor, but you’re too consumed in the moment to care. You grind down on Bucky’s hand as he flicks and rubs your nub, craving the most stimulation you can get.
Bucky leans back down and starts gently placing kisses upon your back. He runs his fingers down your sides just barely, your skin too sensitive. You don’t know how much more you can take.
“Oh my god…” You moan, feeling your walls clench around him. “James!”
Hearing his first name escape your lips makes Bucky let out a groan. “That’s a good girl, Y/N…”
“Bucky…” You whine, holding on to the edge of the desk. “I’m getting close…”
“Let it happen, Princess…” He breathes, going faster. “We need to get back out there…”
“Oh… Oh shit, oh shit…” You gasp, squeezing your eyes shut. Bucky rubs your clit faster, and you can feel a knot of energy tightening itself within you, just threatening to come undone.
The next few minutes are a mess of tangled, sweaty limbs, jerky movements, moans and groans. Coming down from his high, Bucky leans over you on the desk, desperately trying to catch his breath. He places a few more kisses to your cheek before removing himself from you.
“We need to get back out there and finish that photoshoot…” Bucky says, breathless, as he pulls his pants back on. “I just remembered I have a flight to Italy later today that I can’t miss.”
“You go out first.” You sigh, pulling you shirt back on you to cover yourself up. “Tell Michael I’ll be out in a minute. I’m gonna go fix myself up.”
It’s been months since you did that photoshoot with Bucky Barnes. The photos wound up coming out great, getting extremely popular on the internet. The issue of the magazine that featured Bucky was one of the best-selling issues the company had ever put out, and your boss was over the moon. You even managed to clean up her office before she got back, with zero evidence of your day with Bucky left in there.
It’s also been months since you heard from him. After the photoshoot, he had to leave for Italy, to finish filming “Farewell, Atlantis”, and departed without a word. You hadn’t even given him your number, so why did you expect him to try and contact you? Then again, he probably slept with every girl he came across, with that handsome face and irresistible smile. You probably weren’t the only one.
To combat the loneliness, you’d texted your friend Wanda to have a pajama party. You were armed and ready with a box of pizza and three different movies to watch, all cuddled up on the couch and ready to go. She would arrive any minute. Your Australian Shepherd, Franklin, jumps up on the couch and curls up by your side. You run your fingers through his fur, grateful that you have his presence, so you’re never truly alone. He was the best gift you could have ever gotten in your life.
As you and Franklin relax on the couch, a trailer for “Farewell, Atlantis” starts playing on the tv. You watch halfheartedly, your attention only fully on the television when Bucky’s character shows up onscreen. Franklin lets out a whine, his wide blue eyes staring at the tv.
“I know, boy.” You sigh, petting the fur down smooth on his head. “But at least we have each other, right?”
Your conversation with your dog gets cut short when there’s knocking at your door. Franklin’s ears perk up, and when the knocking happens again, he’s off the couch and barking at the door. You chase after him, grabbing his collar as you reach out for the doorhandle. “Relax, Frankie! It’s just Wanda! I told you she was coming over, silly.” You pull your dog behind you before answering the door.
Standing in front of you, however, is not Wanda. Instead, a tall, handsome, slightly tanner Bucky Barnes has appeared at your apartment, his face lighting up when he sees you.
“Hey…” He smiles, quite genuinely. “I, uh… I got your address from your boss, if you were wondering… Surprise?”
“Bucky…” You feel your heart almost stop in your chest. “Why are you here? I-I mean… not that I don’t want you here…”
“Well, I came to apologize.” He shrugs, smiling sheepishly. “I shouldn’t have just ran out on you after what happened between us, but I was kind of rushed, and had no other choice.”
You sigh, at least getting closure for the situation. “Thank you. I understand you had other things to do. It happens.”
“I was also wondering…” Bucky stretches out his words, bringing his arm out from behind his back to reveal a small bouquet of roses, “…if maybe you were interested in going out on a date with me? I’m done filming, so, I have time…”
“Oh my gosh…” You grin so hard that you’re sure your ears are going to fall off. “Yes, Bucky, I’d love that.”
“Oh, thank god.” He breathes out, his shoulders relaxing. “I’ve been worrying about this for four months… oh!”
You look down to see Franklin bumping his nose against the back of Bucky’s leg, pushing him into the apartment. You can’t help but laugh at your beloved pet’s antics.
“He wants you to come in.” You giggle. “And have some pizza with us.”
Bucky smiles wide, his eyes sparkling, just like the first day you met him. “I can’t say no to pizza. Or cute dogs. Or their beautiful owners.”
“Oh, come on.” He rolls his eyes at you playfully. “You know it’s true.”
Before you can protest, Bucky’s lips are on yours again, just as amazing as the first time.
Hope you enjoyed this! It was my first smut and a little rushed so not that good but whatever.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/? - A Visitor Part 2/? - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/? - Cutscene Part 4/? - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/? - Breathless Part 6/? - Escape at Last Part 7/? - Fox in Socks Part 8/? - Things Go Wrong Part 9/? - Downey and Out Part 10/? - Road Trip Part 11/? - Temptation Part 12/? - An Awful Reunion Part 13/? - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/? - A Call for Help Part 15/? - Loki’s Guests Part 16/? - Stan Lee Cameo Part 17/? - Reassessment Part 18/? - Midnight Invasion Part 19/? - Elevator Fight Part 20/? - Courage Part 21/? - Unwelcome Back Part 22/? - Darkest Hour Part 23/? - They Are Here Part 24/? - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Part 25/? - Word of God Part 26/? - Avengers Assembled Part 27/? - The Houston Underground Part 28/? - Houston has a Problem Part 29/? - Onward and Upward Part 30/? - The Chi’Tauri Queen Part 31/? - Through the Wormhole
I’d hate to disappoint kiralamouse.
The first plan that occurred to Steve was the self-sacrificing wanker one – he could crash the Leviathan.  That would probably kill them all, but it would take the queen with them…
That wasn’t what they were trying to accomplish here, though.  Their whole purpose was to get back home alive.  There was self-sacrificing, and then there was self-defeating.
Suddenly something moved on the console.  The screen Steve had been using to navigate shrank into a corner, and another open popped up.  This was the point of view of one of the remaining soldiers, and it was looking at a tablet, being held up by a terrified NASA employee.
The image was of Ochoa, standing in front of a metal door that Steve recognized as the same type in the tunnels of the Houston underground.  She was still filthy and sweaty, but she had washed her face and was standing up tall, with Colleen and Kevin on each side of her.
“This is Ellen Ochoa, director of the Johnson Space Center,” she said, “and I have a message for you, visitors from space.  You said we have no heroes, but you made two big mistakes.  The first was assuming we can’t make our own wormholes. It just so happens that Dr. Kevin Farinas here is one of the world’s experts.”  Next to her, Kevin held up her drawing of the inner workings of her wormhole machine.  They did look very technical and impressive.  “You may have some of the Avengers,” Ochoa went on, “but we have the rest!”
The metal door behind her rolled up, and a group of figures stepped out.  They were brilliantly backlit and at first it wasn’t possible to see anything but their silhouettes, but those were in themselves familiar.  The stuntmen representing Steve, Thor, and Natasha were not there, but Elizabeth Olsen was, and Jeremy Renner, and Colonel Rhodes, whose actor’s name Steve hadn’t caught.  Spiderman was there – that must be Donny – and Sebastian Stan, dressed as Bucky complete with a special sleeve to represent his mechanical arm, and Pietro, who must have arrived late but there he was, alive and whole.  And finally, Bob Downey, dressed in a tailored suit and red sunglasses that were perfectly Tony Stark.  He stepped up beside Ochoa and took the glasses off.
“That second mistake she mentioned?” he said.  “That was assuming we wouldn’t come for our team-mates.  Avengers,” he turned and pointed at the others.  “Assemble!”
With that, the video was over.
It would never work, Steve thought.  Even with the re-write, the Chi’Tauri would know now that it was a bluff, a distraction.  Just for a split second, however, the queen stopped, staring at the screen and trying to figure out what importance to attach to it.
A split second was all Natasha needed.  She kicked out and hit the pink gem on the queen’s belt.  The force field protecting her flickered and died.  Loki grabbed the end of the staff weapon the queen had taken from him, its shaft still in her hand, and set it off.  The bolt went right through her arm, severing it at the shoulder.  She shrieked and dropped Thor and Natasha, and Loki jammed the muzzle end of the weapon into the bloody stump and fired again, directly into the queen’s flesh.  This shot went right through her and out the other side, spattering Thor with blue-black gore, and the queen collapsed.  Steve had to dive out of the way to avoid her massive body coming down on top of him. Natasha rolled under the console and curled up, preparing to be crushed.
The corpse hit the console, slid a bit, and pushed against the control stick.  The Leviathan rolled over and went into a dive.
Steve dragged himself upright again and tried to push her off.  Thor, on the other side, attempted to pull.  Natasha, trapped under the edge of the console, joined Steve in pushing, and after a moment Loki dropped the staff weapon and did as well.
“You cannot blame me for breaking this!” Thor said.
“Don’t you two dare start!” Natasha ordered.
Warnings blared all around them as they dropped, but the queen’s body was literally dead weight, and it refused to move.  Steve could barely believe this was happening. He felt as if he were outside himself, watching this all go on in slow motion from a million miles away.  They couldn’t have survived everything so far, from the movie set to ruining their alternates’ lives and careers to fighting the Chi’Tauri, only to die in a stupid, stupid accident only moments after they’d won.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the screen with the starfield on it.  There was an icon in the corner like a pulsating circle, spinning end over end. They had nothing to lose now – no harm in experimenting.  He reached up and touched the icon.
It shrank to a point and vanished, and there was a flash of light.  A blue sizzle passed through the cockpit of the Leviathan, bringing with it a prickling sensation and a metallic taste in the mouth, and then suddenly they were weightless.
Zero gravity was not a sensation Steve had felt before, and it was a deeply disorienting one.  His gut told him he was falling, but the air around him was perfectly still.  Loki, who’d still been pushing on the queen, was thrust backwards by his own efforts and set spinning in the air.  Thor, pulling from the other side, could no longer keep his feet on the ground, and grabbed the queen’s arm to keep from floating away.  Natasha squirmed out from under the console and hung there in midair, waving away globs of dark blue blood that were now floating freely.
“I think I just activated the wormhole,” Steve told her.
“Oh, really?” she asked, her face perfectly, sarcastically neutral.
“Yes,” Steve said.  “As a matter of fact.”
The star map screen had now grown larger, to take the place of the front view.  Steve couldn’t identify any of the stars they were seeing, but he wondered…
“Do you think we’re back in our own universe?” he asked.
“We’re certainly not back in our own bodies,” Loki observed.
Like the rest of them, the body of the queen was now floating gently, leaving the controls once again accessible.  Steve took the column and flew the Leviathan in a wide arc, hoping for a look at what was behind them.  He was out of the habit of formal prayer, but in the back of his mind he was murmuring please, God, please… please let him find himself looking down at Earth.  His own Earth, where he was, or had once been, Captain America.
Stars rolled by.
Steve’s hopes sank slowly.  It looked like there was nothing out here… just the black void in all directions.  Then he realized that stars were winking out in one part of the view, and back in a moment later… there was an object there.  Multiple objects.  Multiple big, dark, symmetrical objects, floating out there in space.
The Leviathan’s computer recognized them.  Outlines appeared on the screen of giant ships with smaller companions, and Steve realized they were looking at an entire armada. There were at least six of the big vessels and too many of the small ones to properly count… and here were Steve and the others with their one relatively tiny ship, in bodies that had barely survived four Chi’Tauri.  Who knew how many thousands more were waiting for them out here.
Stark had said that he’d seen what was coming on the other side of the wormhole over New York.  Was this it?  No wonder the man was scared to death.  Scared enough to do anything, even try to use the Mind Stone, if he thought it might save the world from this.
“Steve,” said Natasha, her voice calm but wavering very slightly, “whatever you just did, I think it would be a good idea if you did it again backwards.”
“What if we crash into the ground?” asked Steve.
“Then I guess we crash into the ground,” said Nat.
He reached for the circle icon, which had reappeared in the corner of the screen, but then suddenly the starfield flicked back to being a side image rather than a focus, and a different screen took its place. This one was for communication, and it showed another Chi’Tauri queen even more ornately armored than the last one, draped with metallic cloth and, Steve realized a moment later, much, much bigger.  The tips of staves were visible on either side of her, and the tops of guards’ heads that barely came up to her waist.  She was nearly twenty feet tall.
Steve and Natasha, Loki and Thor all pulled themselves off to the sides or ducked under the edge of the console, hoping they would not be seen.  Perhaps they were not, but there was nowhere to hide the dead body of the smaller queen. It was plainly visible, floating inertly along with its own severed arm.
Other screens lit up, and Steve heard noises as machinery came to life.  The bigger queen vanished again and the star map returned, but this time it had a blinking crosshair on an outer corner of the nearest mother ship.  For a moment they seemed to be standing still, and then Steve saw a few more stars vanish behind the outlines.  They were moving towards the armada.
The group exchanged some glances.  They were all injured to various degrees, beaten and bruised and exhausted.  Nobody felt capable of another fight.
Loki reached out and retrieved the staff weapon, which was floating nearby.  He checked it, and then nodded.  “Still has a charge,” he said.
“Thor,” said Natasha.  “Let’s get some more weapons.”
“I’ll see if I can disengage the autopilot again,” said Steve.
He’d done that before just by pushing hard enough on the steering column, so he tried it again.  It was much more difficult now.  In the lack of gravity he couldn’t push against the floor, so when he tried to rotate the controls he ended up rotating himself.  He had to tuck his knees under the edge of the console for leverage, and then pushed as hard as he could, but it did nothing. The mother ship had control and was not going to relinquish it.
Thor and Natasha returned, and Nat handed Steve a plasma rifle.  It was, as Loki had discovered on the ground, surprisingly heavy.  If Steve had been fighting humans, he would have wanted to use it as a club rather than a gun.  His arm was just barely long enough to reach the firing mechanism inside, and he understood why Loki had found it so awkward to aim.
“Where’s that force field switch?” asked Nat.
“Here.”  Loki showed it to her, on the bottom of the device.  “Just remember that it will not fire with the field activated.”
“Got it,” said Nat.
The mother ship was looming very large in the viewscreen now, like the Death Star dwarfing the Millennium Falcon.  Steve wondered how big it was.  It had to be at least the size of Manhattan.  If one of these had come through to Earth, SHIELD’s helicarriers would have looked like mosquitos buzzing around it.
“My friends,” said Thor, “it will be an honour to die by your sides.”
“I would have counted it a greater honour not to have died at all,” Loki observed.
“Same,” said Nat.
Distant sounds echoed through the structure of the Leviathan as it docked.  Steve heard metal scrape on metal, clicks and thumps of things sliding into place, and then with a final dull, reverberating clang, the gravity came back on.  The queen’s body hit the cockpit floor with a sound like dropping an enormous leather coat, and Steve squeaked as he came down on his bad ankle, but quickly silenced himself again.  Everybody double-checked their weapons, and Steve observed that he was proud of them – all of them, including Loki.  They had no fight left in them, but they were going to keep fighting anyway.
Something below them rumbled.  It must have been a door open.  Perhaps it was the Leviathan’s mouth.
Heavy, leathery footsteps were heard, very loud now that the motion of the Leviathan had ceased.  The ladders creaked.
The first soldier poked its head through the entrance on Steve’s left.  Natasha took aim and shot it in the face.  It dropped out of sight again, with a series of cries and thumps that suggested it had fallen on top of several of its fellows.  A second soldier popped up on the right.  Loki blasted it with the staff weapon.
The Chi’Tauri were not stupid, though – the next ones that appeared had their force fields on.  That meant they couldn’t shoot, but they also couldn’t be shot, and Steve and the others would have to take them on hand-to-hand.  Thor tried Steve’s move from the foyer at the Johnson Space Center, throwing himself at a Chi’Tauri’s legs to knock it down.  This worked, but the next alien behind it grabbed him and held him off the floor by one leg.  Loki slashed with the staff weapon’s bladed end and stabbed one Chi’Tauri in the belly, but another one wrested it from his hands with ease.
It didn’t take long, just a few desperate, panicky, painful seconds.  None of them were capable of putting up a decent fight in their current state. Steve, too, was lifted off the ground. His captor snarled at him, and Steve could only hope that wherever he was now, Chris Evans would forgive him.
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hunterpuff · 7 years
What Ifs
Pairing: Rob x Reader
Word Count: 1700 Warnings: Language
A/N: Purely fiction. No disrespect meant to any actors or their significant others. It’s all for entertainment and to fulfill fantasies of fan girls.
Rob Benedict was, without a doubt, one of your best friends on the entire planet; he had been ever since you had joined the cast of Supernatural as a regular and subsequently become a regular on the con circuit. Of all of the people you had met and friends you had ever made, both new and old, there was just something about Rob and you that just meshed well. You could never really say what it was about the two of you or pinpoint exactly why you clicked the way you had, but you had instantly connected from the first time you’d met and had been practically connected at the hip ever since. Everyone who knew the two of you and saw you together could see it; there was an undeniable chemistry between you and most, if not all, of your mutual friends often wondered both to themselves as well as amongst each other why you and he had never become something more. As far as they could see you’d have made a perfect couple and nobody believed for one second that there wasn’t something more than friendship beneath the surface or that neither of you felt something deeper for the other.
What most of them didn’t know, at least you didn’t think they did, was that Rob DID want there to be more between the two of you and that he had even brought it up to you. One night in the middle of a Netflix binge session, and after a few glasses of wine too many for both of you, he had confessed his feelings to you. He had told you in no uncertain terms that he was falling in love with you and wanted to be with you. He had all but begged you to give him, to give the two of you as a couple, a shot. It had taken your breath away to hear him say those things to you, to hear him telling you that he felt the same way about you as you did about him, to have him tell you that he wanted to try at a relationship with you.
Your reaction, however, hadn’t been the best and you knew it wasn’t what he had been expecting from you. Rather than echo his feelings back to him and tell him that you’d been feeling all the same things, you had stuttered and tripped over your words as you struggled with what to say to him. Instead of falling into his arms, you had nearly fallen over your own to feet as you grabbed your things and stumbled out of his house without saying anything to him. To his credit Rob had never mentioned that night to you again and never treated you any differently, but every time he looked at you there was a pain in his eyes that had never been there before. The spark that had made him your Rob was gone and you knew it was your fault.
Ever since that night you found yourself distancing yourself from him, almost pushing him away. You weren’t connected at the hip the way you had once been. There was no longer the Double Trouble Duo of Y/N and Rob, kicking up trouble and sending peels of laughter echoing down the hallways at the conventions. Everyone was starting to notice and talk amongst themselves, wondering what had happened to change the dynamic between the two of you and had driven you apart. The entire atmosphere in the group was changing and nobody liked it one bit; it had everyone concerned to the point that they knew somebody needed to say something and to run an intervention.
That was how you wound up finding yourself cornered by Briana one Friday afternoon when both of you had a little bit of downtime. You had been sitting in the green room eating a quick lunch, keeping to yourself the way you tended to do nowadays, when Briana came over and flopped herself down in the empty chair next to you. You glanced up at her briefly before turning your attention back to your food, trying to ignore the way her eyes burned into you as she stared you down.
“What the fuck is going on between you and Rob, Y/N?”
You nearly choked on your fries at her incredibly blunt question and you had to grab your drink and take a big swig of it to wash down your food. The plus side was that you didn’t have to come up with an answer right away, as you were too busy trying to catch your breath again. Once you had stopped coughing, you chanced a glance up at Briana and tried to school your features to look confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Fucking bullshit, Y/N. The two of you have been acting weird for months. We hardly ever see you together anymore, and that’s not like either of you, so either you tell me what the hell is going on or I’ll go and ask him.”
Looking back down at your lunch, you pushed the food around on your plate with a fork and tried to look interested in it despite the fact that you had completely lost your appetite. Sighing softly, you looked back up at her as you shrugged your shoulders. “He told me he was falling in love with me…I bailed.”
The look of shock on your friend’s face would have almost been comical, had it not quickly been replaced with a look of anger. “What the fuck, Y/N, why the hell would you do something like that? And don’t try and tell me it’s because you don’t feel the same way, because everyone here knows that’s a pile of bullshit. So, why’d you do it?”
There it was. The question you had been trying to avoid ever since it had happened. The question that you barely had an answer to yourself. In your head, you had an answer, but in your heart you knew it was weak at best. Shaking your head a little, you just looked at her with regret filled eyes. “Because, Briana, I’m scared. He’s my best friend and I don’t want to lose him.”
“What the hell kind of answer is that, Y/N? The man is in love with you and I know damned well you’re in love with him. So how the hell would you lose him?”
“He’s in love with me NOW, Briana, but what if that changes and things go south? What if he finds someone better and doesn’t need me anymore? What if he leaves me and breaks my heart? Then what?”
Unbeknownst to you, somewhere during your conversation with Briana, Rob had come into the room. He’d been standing in the corner, not wanting to eavesdrop but at the same time wanting to know what was going through your mind. When he heard your reasoning for walking out on him and subsequently pushing him away, he let out a growl and came stalking across the room towards you. “Seriously? That’s what this is all about, Y/N, the what if’s?”
Your head snapped around so fast at the sound of his voice that you were pretty sure you felt a muscle pull in your neck and you could feel your face heating up in embarrassment at having been overheard. Never before in your life had you wished for the floor to open up and swallow you whole the way you did right now. “Rob? How long have you been standing there. I…”
“No. No more, Y/N. We could sit here and talk about what ifs until the world stops, but it’s pointless.” He shook his head sadly as he sat down in the chair next to you on the other side from where Briana was. “You want to talk what ifs? Then I’ve got a few for you. What if this is it and I was the one made for you…or you’re the one made for me? What if you and I are meant to be? What if…what if I end up being the one to change your name someday?”
“I’m not done yet, Y/N.” Moving his chair closer to you, he took both of your hands in his and leaned in to rest his head against yours. In the back of your mind you were aware that not only was Briana still sitting right next to you, but everyone else had started to trickle in as well. You had a small audience now, but they all seemed to fade into the background and disappear as you stared into the brightest most beautiful pair of blue eyes you had ever seen. “What if I kiss you right now, Y/N? You might like it…but we’ll never know unless we give it a try.”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly as you tried to keep the tears from falling. You wanted this, you really did, but you were still scared. There was just so much that could go wrong and you couldn’t handle it if your heart got broken in all of this. Rob was the one you always went to when you were upset, but if he were the one to hurt you then you’d have nobody to go to. If you were to try a relationship with him and things didn’t work out you’d lose your lover and your best friend all in one fell swoop and you didn’t think you’d be strong enough to survive that. But…what if Rob was right? What if this was meant to be? The what ifs, on both sides of the spectrum, wee enough to make your head spin and you didn’t know what to do or what you wanted anymore.
“Please, Y/N. Let me love you…”
You could feel your resolve breaking and melting away as you looked at him, saw the pleading and desperation in his eyes. There was a lot on the line, a lot that could go wrong, but there was so much more that could go right. Taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly and nodded your head. “Okay…”
Before you had even fully gotten the word out, you felt Rob’s lips brush softly against yours, tentatively at first as he waited to see what your reaction would be. As you leaned into him and into the kiss, you felt the kiss become more possessive as his fingers tangled in your hair and you both got what you had been wanting for as long as you could remember. Just like that, in that moment, you felt Rob kissing all of your what ifs away.
Tags: @natasha-cole @casjohnson
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raulsparza · 7 years
Great Comet 8/17
I was sitting stage left banquettes, row BC. A lot of this is stuff I didn’t notice the first time around in the orchestra, or specific actor interactions! 
-I told the usher who showed me to my seat that he had, the best job in the world and he wholeheartedly eagerly agreed with me, saying he gets to watch the full show every other night and that he’s started sitting on the opposite side of the stage to get a different view. Everyone involved in this show loves it with everything they have and that is part of what makes it so special. 
-During Prologue Natasha and Sonya cross arms so Natasha drinks Sonya’s shot and Sonya drinks Natasha’s shot what cuties!  
-Dolokhov fist bumps so much i love the little party man
-at “minor charaaacterrrrs’ an ensemble member made eye contact with me and put his thumb and pointer finger close together. I did the same and he nodded emphatically 
-Scott Stangland was on as Pierre and honestly his physical acting blows me away? He moved so slowly and heavily. It seemed like every step took such immense effort because he’s just so weighed down with despair. It really helped me sympathize with Pierre even more than I already had 
-From where I was sitting Pierre’s back was to me when he sat at the piano, but the spot where sheet music usually goes was mirrored, so I was able to see his facial expressions! which is just, so genius. When Pierre wasn’t there the conductor placed an ipad with all his sheet music there
-Anatole walked across stage and rolled his eyes at Pierre when he sang ‘left it toothless and bald’ and ensemble members on the staircase next to me laughed/pointed fingers at Pierre :((( 
-Marya hits every note with such a wonderful balance of aggression and playfullness and it will never cease to amaze me 
-Sonya and Natasha held hands as they walked aw
-Mary and old prince Bolkonsky were onstage this whole time, in the area below the platform by the big door. Mary was reading a bible and bolkonsky was whittling. He trembles SO MUCH him holding a pocket knife was. a fright. 
-At bolkonsky’s “people enjoy me though” I felt a light on me and he made direct eye contact with me and squinted and I squinted back and then he like nodded and waved and I waved back and then he continued singing
-Marya played a cowbell upstage later on in the song
-I was like right in line with the violist and two cellists and I kept getting distracted by how crazy their shifts and slides are omg
-During the Opera for “no I am enjoying myself at home this evening” Pierre did a half-hearted/sarcastic ‘raise the roof’ motion
-there is one point, I cannot for the life of me remember when it happened bc I was so caught off guard, but Anatole like crawled on the woman in front of me and had his mouth up to her ear and his hand was on the back of the seat literally inches away from my knee and it was. A lot. ((later he gave this woman the most intense bedroom eyes and like, damn. Natasha, girl, I get it))
- At anatole’s “we’re off to the club” he dramatically swings on his leather vest, grabbing it out of Pierre’s salon
-at one point Anatole turned away from pierre and leaned on a bar and blew air out of his mouth to flutter his lips it was so goofy
-okay the strobe lights paired with the music so intense I could feel the stage vibrating paired with everyone in the fricken bdsm leather outfits made for,, the most surreal experience of my entire life
-Marya dragging that riding crop slooooowwwllyy through her legs like? kill me? wow?
-Balaga literally lifted Sonya up on the ledge above where bolkonsky had been sitting earlier and mimed eating her out and sonya  tilted her head back so it was kinda under another girl’s skirt geez. And then later at the bouncy ‘here’s to the health of married woman’ part balaga gave sonya a piggy back ride?? Like jumping with her on his back omg
-Helene and Dolokhov full on kiss and the music short circuits and everyone falls to the ground and it was so fricken intense
-Pierre puts his arms out before Dolokhov raises his gun like he’s just so ready to die and it. h u r t s
-after dolokhov shot pierre doubled over and stayed that way for so long. Long enough for an ensemble member to lean over and mime to ask if he was okay
-dust and ashes started off so tentatively and timidly he’s so hurt and scared but by the end he’s fiercely grabbing the air in front of him, so resolved to change and I love love love the contrast
-during charming two people hold up the dress for Natasha to glide into and then she walked downstage a little and looked at Helene like um, help? And then the two girls came up and buttoned the back of the dress for her.
-Natasha’s eyes glittered so intently during the ball. Her and Anatole dancing was so mesmerizing it really felt like they were the only two people in the room
-when she said ‘you’re hurting my hand’ Anatole released her so quickly and held his hands up in surrender and shook his head a little
-anatole and Natasha kissed for like a full minute and everyone on stage, every ensemble member, every musician, every part of the cast, held a glass of water and rubbed the rim to produce such an eerie sound. I didn’t see anyone pick up or put down these glasses I swear they materialized out of thin air
-during letters Anatole went on his knees and wrapped his arms around natashas waist and she makes a stubborn ‘I won’t look at you face’ and averts her eyes. Anatole kept moving his head around to try and make eye contact and he held out the last just say yessssss for so long his voice wavered and almost cut out and then came back in lucas steele is so good at hogging all of the attention
-sonya alone made me cry so very very much bc brittain ashford is a literal goddess
-anatole fumbled putting his suspenders on during preperations and I don’t know if it was lucas having trouble or Anatole being nervous but either way it was adorable
-Before the show started we had all been instructed that, at the line ‘everyone raise a glass’ we were supposed to mime raising a glass. We all practiced. It was swell. Cut forward to the abduction. I’m mesmerized by anatole’s coat. So mesmerized that I didn’t fully process that he had sung “everyone raise a glass” until I saw Marya out of the corner of my eye. I turn and shes glaring at me. So intensely. Of course she is. I missed my cue. I’ve brought shame on this family. I tentatively raise an arm, miming holding a glass. She leans across the couple sitting next to me and really aggressively puts two arms out in front of her. In my face. In this moment I thought Grace McLean was literally and truly going to strangle me, and I was ready. But my self-preservation instincts kicked in and I raised my other arm as well. She started to back away and then I pick up my water bottle and lift that, so I have one arm miming a glass and the other holding a water bottle and finally she looked satisfied. Thoroughly exasperated, but satisfied.
-everyone swayed back and forth in the audience once we were all successfully raising glasses and it was really special
-Dolokhov handed his guitar to the kid in front of me and shouted “can you hold this?? I need to go DANCE!”
-Anatole wildly and randomly playing his violin with the most crazed look on his face
-Helene and Marya kissing and touching, teasing and hungry 
-Pierre started to do the ‘woooaaAAhhaHHh’ bit but he stopped, breathing heavy. Faked starting again and stopped and then finally did it for real LOL
-for ‘that’s the way’ about the fur coat Cathryn caught my eye and pointed and nodded
-During my house (which marya killed. I mean of course she did. She had almost strangled me for not following directions of course she was able to rip anatole kuragin a new one with just her voice), at one point when Natasha was running away Sonya leaned forward and silently mouthed PLEASE with so much horror and helplessness
-When pierre went to find Anatole, Anatole was lying with his head in helenes lap and she was petting his hair
-later when pierre was confronting Anatole with how awful he was Anatole was cowering and pulling at his hair so stressed and overwhelmed
-when Andrey is done talking with pierre he goes upstage and pushes past mary so gruffly but also in an annoying brotherly way. Poor mary. Always poor mary.
-Natasha walked down the stairs sO gingerly, toes, mid-foot, heel, whole body shakes, hands gripping the bannister with every ounce of strength she had
-pierre delivered the spoken lines so shyly/tenderly, ashamed of himself and who he was. I cried.
-and I sobbed through the entirety of the last song. From where I was the comet was in my line of sight before pierre, so being able to see that giant force of energy and looking just past that to see pierre, dwarfed in comparison, gazing up in such awe, wrecked me. The eerie tangling otherworldly notes are the perfect way to end the show, as everyone stares along with pierre at the great comet of 1812
 And, this is my short version. Oh dear. If anyone read this and wants to talk even more in depth about this beautiful beautiful show pls do that immediately. 
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minervajeanlupin · 7 years
Summary: Bruce and Tony are extras in a movie and they meet each other. That's basically it.
Word Count: 1627
Author’s note: This is my first time writing about science bros, so please let me know what you think!
Bruce sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly. He stood in the corner of the room awkwardly, hoping no one would notice him or try to make conversation. Luckily, no one did.
He caught his friend Natasha’s eye and she smiled at him. ‘You okay?’ She mouthed. He smiled back, though he was still mad at her for dragging him to this. ‘Yeah.’ He mouthed back, though he wasn’t. He didn’t want to be here.
They were on a movie set. Natasha was the bodyguard of some important actor- Bruce didn’t know who, though to be fair, he didn’t know a lot of famous people. Natasha had asked him to be an extra for this movie, complaining about how much time it took to screen people to make sure they weren’t secretly out to kill the actor, and Bruce of course agreed. Because no one, no one, said no to Natasha.
Which is why he was here. Suffering silently near a crowd of people when he could have been doing research at home.
“Okay, extra 2 and 3, go to the table at the back and start talking quietly.” The director called. That was him. Extra 3.
He made his way to the table, mentally preparing himself for the awkwardness that was sure to ensue when he was forced to make small talk with a stranger.
Sitting at the table was a man with brown hair. He was good looking, Bruce would admit, which did not help in any way. He sat down at the table. The man was ignoring him and scribbling something down on the napkin in front of him. Bruce looked at his plate laden with food awkwardly, unsure of what to do. The food was fake. Turns out movies, just like most things in life, were full of lies.
The man grumbled under his breath about something, then threw the napkin down, looking annoyed.
“Can I see?” Bruce asked, curious about what was making him so upset. The man looked up, seeming to only notice now that there was someone sitting in front of him.
“Sure.” He said, handing the napkin to Bruce with a dubious glance. Bruce looked at the paper. There was a complicated equation written down and the man seemed to be trying and failing to solve it, judging by the number of cross-outs and scribbles on the paper. Bruce quickly took out a pen. Feeling the man’s eyes on him, he quickly solved the equation and handing the napkin back to the man. The man took it and looked at it with narrowed eyes. There was silence.
“What the fuck?!” The man yelled. Bruce shrunk back in his seat as everyone turned to face the two of them. Natasha looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“Please be quiet.” The director said, annoyed.
The man gave him a defiant stare but nodded. Everyone else went back to filming.
“What the fuck?” The man said quieter, staring at Bruce. “How did you do that? Who are you?” Bruce stuck out his hand.
“I’m Bruce.” The man shook it, looking slightly awed.
“Dr. Bruce Banner? The physicist?” The man asked excitedly. Bruce nodded, surprised that someone knew who he was.
“It’s an honor to meet you.” The man said sincerely with a big smile on his face. Bruce smiled back. It had been a while since someone had that reaction when they found out who he was.
“So who are you?” He asked politely. The man stared at him, bemused.
“You really don’t know?” Bruce shook his head.
“I’m Tony Stark.” Bruce knew his surprise must have been evident on his face as the man chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s usually the reaction.” He said. Bruce felt faint. He had been talking to Tony Stark. He had helped Tony Stark solve a math problem! He shook his head, trying to get his thoughts clear.
“Table in the back, stop attracting so much attention!” The director said, sounding significantly more annoyed.
“You should come down to my lab sometime!” Tony-fucking-Stark said.
“Maybe we should have this conversation later, I’m pretty sure the director is very close to kicking us off the set.” Bruce said, glancing at the director who was still glaring at them. Tony rolled his eyes.
“He won’t kick me off, I’m too important. Besides, I didn’t want to do this, Pepper forced me too.” Ah, Pepper must be Ms. Potts, the one who had to constantly work to make sure Tony’s public image wasn’t completely tarnished. Bruce felt a little sorry for her.
“Still, maybe we should be a little quieter. We don’t want to take away attention from them.” He said, nodding to the couple being filmed, who were just professing their love for each other.
Tony snorted. “I can take away attention from that couple just by sitting here.” He said. Bruce couldn’t resist a smile.
“True.” He said. Tony flashed him a surprised smile, and Bruce felt his heart flutter a little. What? He was attractive, after all. Sue him.
“Are you single Bruce?” Tony asked. Bruce felt himself blush a little. This could not be possible. Tony Stark could not possibly be flirting with him.
“On a first name basis now, are we?” He asked, purposely deflecting the question. A look from the man across from him let him know that Tony knew exactly what he was doing. Ah, the setbacks of talking to someone as smart as you.
“I would say we are.” Tony responded lightly. “And since you didn’t answer the question, I’m going to assume you are, and now as you out on a date.” Bruce sighed.
“Tony… I’m flattered, I really am, but someone like me shouldn’t date.”
“Why not?” Tony countered. “I’m an incredibly persistent man, Dr. Banner.”
“I have… issues.” Bruce said delicately. “I have problems with anger management.” Tony gave him an incredulous look.
“You think I care about any of that?” He asked. “Because I really don’t. I have many, many problems too you know.” Bruce felt a rush of anger and tried him best to control it.
“I nearly killed a man.” He hissed. “I got mad and started punching my old professor. I couldn’t stop. He nearly died.”
“Did he deserve it?” Tony asked calmly.
“Well, I guess so- but that isn’t the point!” Bruce said, frustrated, not being able to understand why Tony wasn’t freaking out. Why wasn’t he scared of Bruce? Everyone he knew was afraid of Bruce when they found out!
“What did he do?” Tony asked, looking genuinely curious. Bruce took a deep breath and counted to ten. When he was sufficiently calmer, he opened his eyes.
“I proved a theory he was famous for was wrong, so he said that I’d cheated on all my exams and failed me.” Bruce said quietly. No one, not even Natasha or any of his other friends knew about this, but he had just told Tony Stark, who was famous for saying things he wasn’t meant to, his biggest secret.
Tony didn’t say anything for a while and Bruce finally looked up at him when the silence had stretched on for too long. He was a little shocked. Tony’s eyes were blazing with anger.
“Do you want me to sue this guy?” Tony asked in a quiet voice laden with fury. “Because I can.”
“No, no it’s fine.” Bruce assured hurriedly. He wasn’t one to hold grudges and besides, the man had suffered enough, nearly dying at the hands of one of his students.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Tony responded. There was silence again. Bruce looked at the set, not really focusing on anything. He could feel Tony’s eyes on him.
“So.” Tony said again. “Will you go out with me?” Bruce shook his head, a little amused. He thought Tony would have let that go, but he was right: he was incredibly persistent.
“Why would you want to go out with me anyway?” He asked.
“Well, for one, you’re very good looking, you have that rumpled professor look going for you. Not to mention, you’re one of the smartest people in the world- which I find insanely attractive. Plus I think we have great chemistry.” Tony responded immediately. Bruce raised an eyebrow.
“And how do you know we have great chemistry?”
“Well, I’m not entirely sure if we do, but I’ll have to test my hypothesis first to make sure.” Tony said with a grin. His eyes flickered to Bruce’s lips. Bruce felt a thrill go down his spine.
“Experiment away.” He said in almost a whisper. They leaned forward at exactly the same time.
It was incredible. The second their lips met, fireworks went off in Bruce’s head. He closed his eyes and everything around him was blocked out, except for Tony. He could hear the director yelling at them again and someone, probably Clint, Natasha’s boyfriend and stunt double to one of the actors, was wolf-whistling. But he didn’t care.
The two of them let go of each other only when they ran out of breath.
“So.” Bruce asked, slightly breathless. “Was your hypothesis correct?” Tony grinned.
“Hm, I think I need to test it again.” He leaned forward again, but was interrupted by the director, who stormed over to them.
“What are you two doing?” He seethed. Tony got up and the director shrinked away slightly, remembering who he was talking to.
“Leaving.” Tony said, holding Bruce’s hand. As they walked past Natasha, she raised an eyebrow at Bruce and he smiled.
“Won’t Pepper get mad at you?” Bruce asked once they were out of the movie set. Tony shrugged.
“It’ll be fine. Besides-” He leaned over to kiss Bruce again, “-I’d rather spend time with you.”
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sserpente · 8 years
Three times and one (Part II)
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Being an ordinary human girl among a group of extraordinary people with peculiar abilities on an entirely different planet can be much of a challenge, more so that you have taken quite a liking into a certain God of Mischief, with whom you oddly seem to get along with very well. Sounds like trouble? Well, you kind of asked for it.
Read it on AO3!
Find Part I in my masterlist!
The next morning, it was almost unbearably hot on Alfheim. The sun was shining brightly, the warmth tickling your skin. Yawning, you opened your eyes and stretched, only to realise you were still curled up against Loki. You froze instantly.
Had he not sent you back to your own tent? Hadn’t he bothered you falling asleep in his bed, practically on top of him? Obviously not. Immediately, the chipper butterflies in your stomach awoke, having you burying your face in your hands.
Loki chuckled when he noticed.
“Good morning. I take it you haven’t slept this much in a long while?”
True. And it irked you that the God of Mischief seemed to know exactly what was going on.
“I haven’t,” You replied, shrugging it off before you rose from the bed. “I guess… I felt safe last night with you being right there…”
Loki frowned, the shock on his face, although concealed, as prominent as your own. The more you thought about your words, however, the more you came to understand that it was true. You did feel safe around him, even if none of the Avengers would ever be able to comprehend.
The Trickster seemed willing to reply no more, so you simply smiled—both sneaky and cordial—and then left his tent, wondering how nobody had called for you yet. It must have been late in the morning already.
“(Y/N)” Steve nodded when he spotted you walking towards the extinguished campfire, a coffee mug in hand, though the lame excuse for what they drank here on Alfheim to stay awake was but disgusting. You settled for hot water with some healthy fruits you had collected in the forest—and, after Thor’s and Loki’s thorough examination of the foreign berries, you had created yourself your very own tea.
“Morning, Cap. Where’s Thor, where’s the others?”
“Thor has gone to meet one of the tribe leaders of Alfheim’s armies. Clint and Natasha went with him, it might gonna take a while. They left about ten minutes ago.”
You frowned, calculating what that meant.
“And what are we supposed to do? Wait for them until they return?”
“That’s pretty much all we can do, yeah.”
“So… we have the day off?” A wicked smile played on your lips as you thought about exploring your surroundings a bit. You had never been on a different planet before, duh, so you might as well just go and discover something new.
“Basically” Tony, who had just joined you, shrugged, making Steve throw his hands up in the air in annoyance.
“We should be ready anytime, when they return, Thor will—“
He didn’t get to finish his sentence.
“Oh come on, Cap, don’t be such a killjoy.” The iron man exclaimed. You winked, nodding in agreement.
“I’ll be back soon. Try not to get into trouble in the meantime.” Ironic, really, for actually, you were usually the one getting into trouble. Still, you winked once more before you bit your lower lip and gazed into the distance, trusting your gut feeling to head north.
Vast rocks, ancient and huge, seemed to scrape the sky—they looked truly beautiful, impressive even, so, on a whim, you decided to march in their direction, just in time for Loki noticing you wandering off and away from the safe and secured camp.
“And where do you think you are going?” He called out, his voice teasing.
“Discovery tour” You answered. “Care to join me?”
“I assume it is better than spending the time with this circus.” You heard Loki say before he caught up with you, his dominant and confident tread almost having you trip. Hopefully, your legs would continue to support you, with him walking next to you this… majestically.
The silence that shortly after spread between the two of you was rather calming, if anything, pleasant. There were no words needed to be said right now, for Loki seemed to know exactly what you thought about him. You needn’t explain to him why you had come to his tent last night, neither why you kept spending time with him. He knew. And you loved that he did.
Soon, the two of you reached a cave. Though hidden behind a few rocks, the entrance was still quite conspicuous. Your eyes widened, with curiosity awakening in your body. It felt like electricity as it got the better of you and you started walking towards it, nosey about what was going to be inside.
Loki stopped you. He wrapped his hand around your upper arm firmly as he threw you a taunting look.
“You are not just going in there, are you? For all I know, there could be a deadly creature lurking in there, waiting to digest your bones.”
“Why, you scared?” You teased smirking, winking at him before continuing to enter the cave. “Well, you can stay out here and wait if you want!”
Fortunately, the God of Mischief had been wrong, for inside this hidden place, there were no such things as creatures. Instead, you faced what looked like an underground pond, with seldom and unnaturally glowing gems on the stone walls and ceiling. It looked tremendously beautiful.
“Oh… my God…” You breathed astonished, your voice barely a whisper though it still echoed through the whole cave. “Loki, look at this…” You didn’t have to turn around to know he had followed you inside.
“I can see it,” He chuckled at your bewilderment.  “They are called nightingale gems—ancient crystals which hold incredible healing powers. They are rare nowadays, even here on Alfheim. It seems like we stumbled upon a secret nest.” He then explained.
“Nest? Come on, they’re not alive.” When you giggled, Loki said nothing at first. A longer break followed before his voice echoed through the cave again.
“Oh they are.”
“Really? Like… really alive? They’re basically rocks.”
“You haven’t listened, kitten. They are called nightingale gems.” The God of Mischief chuckled once more, sending a shiver down your spine as he did.
“Fair enough. And don’t call me kitten.” Not that you didn’t like his new cheeky nickname for you. Quite on the contrary. Now you finally understood how girls wrote “ovaries exploded” under pictures of hot actors and band members.
“I shall consider it.” Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing to you. If you hadn’t known better, you would have said he was flirting with you but hey—that was just your opinion, after all, he was a God and you were… well… an ordinary human.
Still, you decided to turn the tables. If he got to drive you insane, you would do well to do the exact same thing to him. How often did you get to swim in a glowing cave anyway?
Grinning maliciously to yourself, you eyed the pond before you as you started to walk towards it, making sure that there were no animals of any kind lurking on the ground. Much to your relief, it seemed like the brightly shining gems kept the water clean. No short work then.
“Let’s go for a swim.” You stated enthusiastically, turning to face the God of Mischief who was staring at you in a rather irritated manner.
“Neither of us is wearing appropriate clothes to swim” He gave back, frowning as he did.
You only shrugged your shoulders in response as you got rid of your shoes and kicked them against a nearby rock. The dull thud sounded loudly in the whole cave.
“Can you do magic or not? Let me repeat myself, Loki. Are you scared?” And with that, you took off your tanktop, revealing a black bra from Victoria’s Secrets. It was one of the few you had brought along, for it was the most comfortable one you owned. And the sexiest one. Of course, that hadn’t been its main purpose when you had put it on before leaving for Alfheim in first place. Now on the other hand…
You could literally feel Loki’s scrutinising and penetrating gaze in your back. His enchanting blue eyes seemed to burn themselves into you, warming you from the inside out. It spurred you even more, urging your devilish conscious to take off the rest of your clothes until you stood there on the edge of the pond in the dim light of the cave, completely naked right in front of the God of Mischief. Oh, you wouldn’t grant him the satisfaction and turn around.
Instead, you slowly glided into the surprisingly warm water, the transparent liquid stroking your bare skin. It felt wonderful, almost as if the water itself was healing your wounds, little scratches and bruises from former fights.
“What are you waiting for, Trickster?” Once more, your words echoed through the cave, this time, so it seemed, even louder than the last. Something rustled behind you and then—you suddenly felt a cool body pressing against your back.
Now, he could have used his magic to make a swimsuit or some ridiculous shit like that appear for the both of you but then again… where would be the fun in that? It was exactly what he seemed to think when his muscly chest connected with your bare back, his long arms sneaking around your waist.
“I am not scared, kitten.”
Oh no, no, no, no… You were going to melt under his light touch. He couldn’t just take your composure from you that easily, now could he? All you wanted to do was enjoying a swim. Fine, that had been a lie but it certainly was one thing you wanted. Among other.
Clearing your throat in an attempt to calm yourself, you struggled free and then dived under, your whole stature disappearing underneath the surface. You made sure to bring several feet between the God of Mischief and you before you allowed yourself to emerge again, your body, down from the neck, concealed by the warm water around you.
“So…” You began, hoping he wouldn’t notice your sudden nervousness. “Tell me more about those gems. What can they do? What do they heal? Flesh wounds? Broken bones? Diseases?”
“All of that and more” Came the immediate reply. Loki’s voice was mocking now, teasing and taunting. It seemed like he was rather enjoying himself too. The others would kill you if they ever found out about this. Well, maybe they’d kill him and scold you. Neither option sounded appealing.
“Their powers are stronger than any other cure in all of the nine realms.”
“And if they’re so powerful, then why don’t we all use them to heal ourselves?”
Loki smirked. It was barely visible in the dim light but you noticed it nonetheless. He was swimming closer now. Inch by inch he eliminated the short distance between the two of you. You swallowed thickly.
“They are the property of Alfheim. Decades ago, they would occasionally send pitiful amounts of the liquid pressed out of the gems to use them for what we call healing stones. You know what those are, I assume.”
You nodded. Yes, you did. Sif had saved your life by crushing this weirdly glowing stone right above a stab in your chest once. If it wasn’t for her, you would have bled out and died minutes after.
“Well, after that the gems became rarer and rarer. They sought out new hiding places such as these…” —He gestured around him— “…to defend and protect themselves.”
Were you short of oxygen? Loki was right in front of you now. He looked absolutely stunning, with his raven black hair falling over his shoulder, his pale but muscly chest and his bewitching blue eyes which bore into yours, forcing you into a somewhat hypnotic state.
It was hard to catch your breath when suddenly, his soft lips were on yours.
A/N: Those nightingale gems? I made them up. xD
Find Part III in my masterlist!
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oltnews · 4 years
Netflix India recently released the trailer for their next thriller, Ms. Serial Killer, with Jacqueline Fernandez, Manoj Bajpayee and Mohit Raina. The Kick actress will star in the film and the trailer looks really promising. This is probably the first time we will see beauty play this kind of character. The story revolves around a woman whose husband is supervised and imprisoned for serial murders. She then takes the burden of proving him innocent and puts on the hat of the serial killer herself. It will now be interesting to see how Jacqueline Fernandez describes this role. From Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston to Gal Gadot and Others - Hollywood Divas That Could Be A Perfect Fit For Jacqueline Fernandez's Ms. Serial Killer Here are some Hollywood actresses who we think can play the role of Jacqueline as a BOSS: Angelina Jolie is someone who can play the role of Mrs. Serial Killer without making any effort. We've seen her make films like Taking Lives, Mr. & Mrs Smith, Salt, Wanted and The Tourist. We have seen her make perfect police thrillers and, therefore, we know that without much effort, she may just be the best at what she does. Jennifer Aniston can be sweet, sassy and bad at the same time. His character from Friends to his recent masterpiece, The Morning Show opposite Steve Carell and Reese Witherspoon, we have seen him grow over the years. Her role in Murder Mystery is what makes us think she can be a perfect fit for Mrs. Serial Killer. Like the way she tries to prove the innocence of her husband, Adam Sandler in Murder Mystery, she can totally be a badass if need be. From The Princess Diaries to The Devil Wears Prada, only Anne Hathaway can make this kind of transition. Not really! Not only that, movies like The Hustle, Havoc, The Last Thing He Wanted and Ocean’s 8 really helped her change the image in Hollywood. She has an innocent face but can really blow you up if need be. Trend Is there something this woman can't do? Like literally. She can simply keep a straight face like Nicole Barber from Marriage Story or Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow from Avengers, this woman has everything to please. Death doesn't scare this one or it does. Speaking of Avengers: Endgame with The Hollywood Reporter, Johansson said, "The end was sad, but I was excited to die with honor. ” You see, that's what we're talking about. Because she is a versatile actress. She has a captivating smile and that is enough to mislead and trap someone. As she has an innocent face, it cannot be easily understood that she is up to the level of someone suspicious. Also, after seeing her play almost all types of roles, we really want to see her do a "killer" act. The career graph of Sophie Turner aka Sansa Stark in Game Of Thrones was the most progressive. Sophie can be more feminine when needed and more brutal and mature when someone tries to act intelligently with her. From a child actor to become the "Queen of the North", he has put on almost all hats on the way. Who better than her to play the role of Mrs. Serial Killer! Quick confession, my favorite to play the role of Mrs. Serial Killer. Her character in Riverdale is full of surprises. She is tender, gentle but avenging. She wouldn't let you go if you try to touch someone she loves. "She cries in an episode. She is a villain in an episode. She is having fun. She always does something different, "says Madelaine in Vogue's interview on the role of Cheryl Blossom in Riverdale. She would make a good serial killer, I'm sure. We saw her play a crazy role in Jennifer’s Body and there is no doubt that she can be the best Mrs. Serial Killer. She is beautiful with her brain. The craze for Megan Fox was clearly born from Transformers, but we are already drooling over her imaginary look in it (wish that turns into reality!) What made you think that we will not take this Amazonian queen. Gal Gadot aka Wonder Woman is one of the strongest characters in the DC universe and there's no way she couldn't be a serial killer. She would go as far as possible to save her loved ones, revenge and murder are nothing for her. Here is our list. Tell us in the comments section if you think we missed someone and deserves to play the character. Android and IOS users, download our mobile app for faster Bollywood and Box Office updates than ever! (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.8&appId=379203805755441"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); https://oltnews.com/from-angelina-jolie-jennifer-aniston-to-gal-gadot-and-others-hollywood-divas-that-could-be-a-perfect-fit-for-jacqueline-fernandezs-ms-serial-killer-koimoi-2?_unique_id=5e9e92b865884
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