#nature soundscapes
abrazoespiritual · 6 days
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amazingchirping · 1 month
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twistedsoulmusic · 6 months
Özcan takes listeners on an imaginative journey along Turkey’s Lycian Way with “Twin Rocks,” crafting an ambient, jazz and electronic fusion from homemade and conventional instruments. 
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cricketsrings · 5 months
Das Geräusch männlicher Feldgrillen, die laut zwitschern
Grillen sind mit ihrem rhythmischen Zwitschern faszinierende Insekten, die seit Jahrhunderten das Interesse der Menschen fesseln. Diese kleinen Insekten kommen in verschiedenen Lebensräumen auf der ganzen Welt vor und sind für ihr ausgeprägtes Zwitschern bekannt, das ein Markenzeichen warmer Sommernächte und ruhiger ländlicher Umgebungen ist. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Grillen ein und erforschen ihre Eigenschaften, ihr Verhalten und die einzigartigen Geräusche, die sie erzeugen.
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fineval · 9 months
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emo-altdemon · 6 months
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checanty · 1 year
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Misty rain & the cries of birds
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tumkaafiho · 10 months
the sound of the rain from my hometown
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spearxwind · 1 year
you what’s a really funny about me following you for and massively enjoying Challenger Deep?
i am Extremely Not Down with the open ocean and ocean creatures larger than a school bus. worst thing in the world to me. Bad Vibes. far too scary by far‚ i was scared
That's really valid! The truth is though that most creatures larger than a school bus won't really hurt you (on purpose at least), most creatures that can hurt you arent really larger than a school bus at all (sharks and orcas, mostly) and the grand majority of things that can hurt are usually the size of a football at most. Sperm whales however (bigger than a school bus) will kill you just with the loudness of their clicks in close proximity alone
Jokes aside though I do think it's worth learning about the ocean to find it a little less scary, the same way you can do with bugs to make them feel less scary. We fear the unknown a lot, and the ocean is very feared for this reason, so what better way to combat the fear than to learn about it? That is actually a huge part of why I try to share so much about the sea, Challenger Deep included
Yes, I do want it to be scary when necessary and bc ooooo scary sea monsters and sailor legends are cool as hell, but I don't want it to come at the cost of people fearing our ACTUAL oceans!
If you ever have the time, and ever feel like fearing the ocean a little less, I recommend maybe watching a few videos from the EV nautilus channel where they find cool creatures in the deep and excitedly talk about them! And you can see most of them literally just Chill Out at the bottom most of the time. Or even check out the really cool and educational posts by @mbari-blog where they showcase cool creatures and biomes :]
In the end the ocean isnt actually some hell dimension to fear, its just another ecosystem filled with life that's evolved differently <3
And I will refer to this very cool post I reblogged recently as proof
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i hear the teams call sound in the mourning dove’s cry.
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amazingchirping · 2 months
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cricketsrings · 5 months
Eine Stunde Cricket-Feld. Cricket-Zwitschergeräusche
Das Zirpen von Grillen ist ein einfaches Geräusch, das jeder auf der ganzen Welt verstehen kann. Es ist eine Stimme, die man würdigen kann, ohne dass es komplexer oder kulturspezifischer Erklärungen bedarf. Das Zirpen von Grillen hat eine universelle Anziehungskraft, die Erinnerungen wecken, eine friedliche Stimmung schaffen und den Menschen helfen kann, sich in der geschäftigen Welt der modernen Welt mit der Natur zu verbinden.
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araiwatal · 3 months
幕山は湯河原町公認のパワースポット たいへん心地よい場所です。 パワースポットを流れる川の作業用動画を作りました。 リラックス 睡眠 勉強などでご利用ください。
Mt. Makuyama is a power spot officially recognized by Yugawara Town. It's a very comfortable place. I made a ambient video of the river flowing through the power spot. Please use it for relaxing, sleeping, studying, etc.
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cat-eye-nebula · 10 months
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alchemisland · 5 months
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postmakerkiwi · 5 months
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🦴 Skelos Badlands Sounds - Crumbled Volcano 🔥
Lava flows from this ancient dome, broken and worn from eons of eroding, forming this massive pool of molten rock. Bubbles will pop and steam will hiss, so be sure to not get too close.
photo by CatbatQuartet
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