#need to finish out persona 5 so i can go home (play three houses for the like. 10th time.)
walleeli · 2 years
Thinking about…… him <3 (Sylvain Jose Gautier Fire Emblem)
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goattypegirl · 4 years
Harrow the Ninth Live Read: Chapter 6-11
Con: It’s been a while
Pro: We finished part 1!
Con: this post is hella long now.
Chapter 6
Eighth House icon. Oh no. Gotta say, not a fan of the characters from the Eight House in Gideon the Ninth, whose names I now forget. There was Big Dude and Mayonnaise Twink. 
So, panicked person wheeling Harrow is given the title “Sacred Hand.” I vaguely recall seeing that before; is that a title given to Lyctors? Is this one of the OG Lyctors finally making an appearance? Wheeling the frozen Harrow to the Emperor to “unfuck accordingly?” Well, maybe not. Presumably another Lyctor would be able to “unfuck accordingly” themselves.
Oh disregard it is a Lyctor! And if we go back to the Dramatis Personae, this should be... Mercymorn! Originally of the Eighth House! She seems nice.
“It was his order that she not be touched.” Did the Emperor do this? But hwhy?
Calling Harrow and Ianthe babies is kind of hilarious. Aaaand Mercymorn just knocked this random person unconscious. OH wait is this the person the Emperor said to make static-y noises at? Survey says... maybe? They were called the Saint of Joy, which seems a unique title?
The whole description of the Lyctor and the way she visually dissects Harrow is so poetic, but something else catches my eye here. Harrow says her eyes did not have such a startling transition, which helps confirm my theory that Harrow is suppressing or undid the Lyctor process.
Also using the power of Cringe, Harrow partially(?) undoes the paralysis spell done to her. “An emotion was playing out over her face that was- not unfamiliar to you- but nonsensical; you discarded it.” Eh? What emotion could this be referring to? Confusion over what Harrow did? Awe? Fear? All of the above?
OH okay before I forget, Harrow formed a bone hook inside of her to do that, and she made that bone sheath to hold on to the sword, so maybe her necromancy isn’t being suppressed? Well, maybe. That feels more... internal? Like she hasn’t grown any full ass skeletons from bone dust yet.
...Why is Harrow afraid of telling Mercymorn her actual age? Why is the Body telling her to lie? Why fifteen??
Relief? That’s what flashed across Mercymorn’s face? Oh, duh, because Harrow did that and didn’t immediately die. Duh. Also she straight up said “hiss”? That is weird. Also, thinking back, it is weird there wasn’t an age requirement in the Lyctor trials. Also Mercymorn took Ianthe too???
“You’re not as pretty as Anastasia.” Anastasia being the member of the Ninth House listed with the Lyctors, but not as one of the Saints. Doing this liveread has its advantages, namely that I can remember shit that happened earlier! 
OH WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT. “AS Anastasia,” not “As Anastasia was.” Implying Anastasia’s still alive? Matches her name not being struck through in the Dramatis Personae, and Mercymorn said there were 3 OG Lyctors now. Which matches with Anastasia not having that line about being a Saint! I’ve connected the two dots!
Okay there’s a lot going on here. Why is this normal necromancer so fascinating to Ianthe and Harrow? What she’s doing is pretty dope to be fair. Mercymorn called Ianthe 12... which... huh. More on that in a second. First, I need to google what the fuck an animaphiliac is... probably in an incognito window. Oh, okay, it’s just a style of necromancy in this universe okay thank God. Mercymorn also said Ianthe wasn’t as attractive as Cyrus... which is weird... And it reminds Ianthe of being with Mummy... I assume she means her mother, comparing her to Coronabeth? Oof.
So, back to the lowballing age thing. Mercymorn assumes Ianthe is 12, probably  because she’s super old and has forgotten how mortals age. Harrow seems to have subconsciously picked up on this, which is why she lied about her age. I’m still in the camp of the Body being non-supernatural in origin. Yes, she has Gideon’s eyes, BUT, she spoke in the voice of Harrow’s mother and Aiglamene. SO, my theory is that the Body is a product of the trauma Harrow’s gone through, that’s kind of externalizing Harrow’s inner thought process. Like I said earlier, I’ve read Twig, and this is reminiscent of that.
OH hey we’re headed to the frontline apparently? Because 3 warships got shot down suddenly? Which begs the question I’ve had in the back of my mind since first picking up this series, who the fuck are they fighting??? Probably not Ressurection Beasts, given what we know about them. Other humans, probably? Dominicus (probably) isn’t Earth or humanity’s home planet. 
Okay, hold up. The Emperor is trying to get to the frontline now, Mercymorn wants him to return to “the Mithraeum”, which is presumably the capital of the Empire outside of the Dominicus system? Also, Emperor’s been on the ship for 80 years, and been away from the Mithraeum for 100... Once again, the math’s not adding up...
Okay, so God hugs Mercymorn, she freezes, he confirms that he is leaving, and that he knows exactly who shot down 3 warships???
Okay cool we’re not headed to the fronline, we’re headed to the Mithraeum, whatever the fuck that is.
Ohhh and the Cohort necromancer girl died, or committed suicide? And the Emperor brought her back? ...There’s a story there.
Ohhhh Mom and Dad are fighting.
...Hey. So. Here’s something. In the description of Mercy’s sword, it says it has a white knob at the end of, and I quote “-you didn’t know the exact technical word. It was a pommel though.” There’s a disconnect there, between Harrow’s knowledge, and the narrator’s knowledge. This has happened a few other times, like just a few pages ago, Harrow says a room is used for bodily functions, but the narrator jumps in and says no one in the universe would call it that, it’s a toilet. And this is going to sound kind of batshit, but like 6 years ago i was in to Undertale, and there was a popular theory that the narrator in that game was a separate character from the PC and... a lot of the points used in that theory kinda ring true here... even the use of second person narration...
So the narrator is a separate character from Harrow? Now, whether this narrator exists in-universe, or if this is a really cool stylistic choice, is another story. Right now I’m leaning towards... I don’t know. Well, hm. If the Body is a kind of externalization of Harrow’s inner thought process, maybe the narrator is an internalization? 
That makes no sense.
Something to keep in mind.
Anyway, the shuttle detaches. There’s a sort of irony, in God being tired of people martyring themselves for him, but giving a speech saying “hey if you die in my service I love you.”
OKAY I think we’re about to go faster than light using necromancy? This should be good. OH OKAY WE’RE TAKING A SHORTCUT THROUGH HELL. COOL.
...so what was their original method of faster than light travel that turned out to be unusable? did it have to do with neutrinos in italy?
okay I love Mercy and the Emperor’s dialogue here. Again, objectively, I’m sure they’re bad people who have committed several warcrimes... but the way they bicker is just hilarious.
I’m googling hyperpotamus, and i’m only getting other Harrow the Ninth livereads, so it appears to be a term made for the book. But I have a terrible feeling it’s a pun on hippopotamus.
There are so many quotes here that I absolutely love, including “said the Lord of the Nine Houses, who apparently existed within a complex power dynamic.”  and “The magma metaphor falls apart from here.” 
...Oh. Okay, serious time. Even at the very start, just post-Resurrection, two of the Lyctors fell to the Resurrection Beasts. Well, one died, and one was “removed from play.” Which sounds horrifying.
So we’re dipping into Hell because you can move fast there. Hell is full of angry ghosts. This explains the ghost ward. Lyctors have hacked the system, and so can kind of survive there. And we learn what happened to Cassiopeia, one of the deceased Lyctors. (Interestingly enough it says she baited physical portions of the Ressurection Beast. Not a beast. Nor is it given a number...)
ALright so entering the River physically sounds fucking horrifying. I’m very glad we only have to do it this once and it definitely won’t come back later in the book nope definitely not.
“and that you felt alone in your head.” ;_;
Chapter 7
Sixth House icon.
There’s not a lot to say here, besides how freaky this is. How much do you want to bet that the faint wail Harrow hears is coming from the coffin with Cyntherea’s body?
Also, Mercymorn knowing his like actual human name further implies some stuff about the timeline of the Ressurection, which I was wondering about previously... but that’s a discussion for later because Harrow’s in Hell!
Not a lot to say here besides 
A few things. One. I think they’re going to get out of this okay? And by okay I mean alive? We know Ianthe, the Emperor, and Harrow live up to the point of the Prologue, and I don’t think Mercymorn is going to die already. 
Two. Cassiopeia was from the Sixth House, going by her Cavalier’s last name, which explains the chapter icon.
Three. The lights? The last page or so is very metaphorical, but, at the beginning it says Harrow perceived herself as a “sickly radiance”, and that she perceived the others on the ship as a light as well. She later said she was an “ova cluster of two hundred pinpricks of light.” So I think in this deep part of the River Harrow accidentally sent herself to, souls (maybe?) are displayed as lights. Harrow’s own soul is literally made up of the hundreds of dead House Nine kids, which is. Spooky. But then, at the end, when they jump out of the River, they bring 5 lights with them. So... either something hitched a ride with them, or it has something to do with Harrow suppressing Gideon and the Lyctor ritual. Everyone else on the ship has undergone the Lyctor ritual (or something similar, in John’s case), and they only have 1 light each. At least to Harrow’s eyes. BRUH IDK WHAT”S GOING ON. 
Chapter 8
No further answers here, this is a flashback chapter! So, sheared skull = flashback. And this chapter is going to feature the Fourth House, apparently. Who was Fourth House again? Oh no it was the kids. Oh no. ;_;
So, we are continuing through Harrow’s re-imagination of the events of Canaan House, with her Ortus OC in tow.
Of course Harrow is overwhelmed by normal tea, and of course Harrow thinks dressing up skeletons is stupid. 
AND of course Harrow would have a private prayer wishing doom on anyone that looks at her with any kind of emotion.
Hold up, the Anastasian tomb? Reserved for warriors? And presumably derived from the word Anastasia, the mysterious not-Lyctor of the Ninth House?? 
I can already tell Anastasia is going to become my Pepe Silvia. 
Ohhh this is going to be a lore bomb about the timeline of the Ressurection and I’m going to need to pull out my copy of Gideon the Ninth to see if any of this shit actually happened. 
Okay so I checked and none of this shit actually happened! In fact, Teacher actually said there were 16, 8 necromancers, 8 cavaliers. Where the fuck is Harrow getting 10 from? Who knows! And rather than explicitly saying “hey check out the basement labs to see how to become a Lyctor,” Teacher actually said fuck if I know. Not actually. But still.
Oh of course it’s called the Sleeper!! I had Kill Bill sirens playing in my head when I first read that. 
So,  had a whole ass monologue here, but this is already very long and im sleepy, so to very quickly summarize, the Parahumans series had an entity known as the Sleeper that was intentionally very mysterious and raised a lot of questions amongst fans, and the fact that there’s another entity here known as the Sleeper is flooding me.
So, I’m spooked. Again, this entire conversation did not actually happen. Teacher’s dialogue is precious. “go where I durst not go: because I love my life, and I love noise, also.” and “I do not know the answers to any of these questions, only that, already, you are being too loud.”
So, the rest of the chapter plays out with Ortus complaining to Harrow. Intriguingly, he says that Harrow doesn’t have much of an imagination, when she says there was no one else to choose as her Cavalier... And then one of the skeletons says, “Is this how it happens?” harkening back to Parodos, when the Body says something similar. There’s a lot to unpack here. One, like I said previously, because Ortus, and apparently the entirety of Canaan House, is a product of Harrow’s mind, they can maybe give some insight into Harrow herself. However, the fact that Ortus seems to break character and chastise her for her lack of imagination is... I don’t know.
Okay, theory time. “The Work” alluded to in the letters is not only the suppression of Lyctor-hood, it’s also the erasure of Gideon, and the creation of these false memories. Meaning Lyctor!Harrow somehow crafted them; there was conscious effort behind it. Which means we can totally pick these scenes apart to gain further insight into Harrow! The skeleton and the Body asking if this is what happened, and Ortus breaking character (maybe) are her subconscious breaking through... Maybe that ties into my idea of the narrator being an internalization or compartmentalization of Harrow’s trauma? Hmm...
Chapter 9
Seventh House skull, and not a flashback. I’m guessing this is because we’re going to inter Cyntherea’s body here.
Okay, so time seems to have passed. IDK how much of the River Harrow remembers here. It seems like she recalls it like a bad dream. Ianthe’s here, and they’re in a chapel made of bone. Or at least one absolutely covered in bone. 
Here’s a question. The necromancy Harrow excels at, that’s creating a whole ass skeleton from a single bit of bone. Is she actually creating a new skeleton? Or is she reforming one. Like if she had two teeth from the same skeleton, could she use that to make two new skeletons? In the last chapter the Ressurection was described as not creating anything new... does that apply to all of necromancy, or just what the Emperor did?
Also another side note, Harrow says the stars glow with an unearthly light, which matches what the Emperor said, that they restarted the stars near the Mithraeum with thanergy, so they’re weird now. Except... wasn’t Dominicus restarted the same way? Or is the Dominicus system a hybrid of thanergy and thalergy? I’m getting my energies mixed up.
Anyway yep it’s Cyntherea’s funeral, and Harrow is checking the fuck out.
Okay we have a new Lyctor... and I’m guessing it’s Augustine, since he and Mercymorn are fighting.  
Okay and John’s giving a speech and giving more lore about the pre-Ressurrection and it’s confirmed that this guy is Augustine and-
First gen? Second gen? Sixth installation?? Valancy? ANASTASIA?
bruh im so flooded and this is supposed to be such a reverent moment.
Ohhh this is awkward now that they’re pulling Ianthe and Harrow forward. Okay we get a formal introduction to Mercymorn and Augustine. Augustine trails off before the third... and asks if he, the third surviving Lyctor, knows about the missile strikes...Is the third Lyctor the one leading the people who shot down the warships, which is sounding increasingly like a rebellion rather than a battle against others? Who’s the third again ah fuck it’s ORTUS.
ORTUS is apparently interested in “you-know-what”. Which I don’t know what. Please elaborate. 
(bruh what the fuck is a pseudo-Beast)
Okay yep time to fight an eldritch god.
Speaking of which, God’s name is John confirmed.
And Harrow bled from the ear and fell unconscious, hearing the name ORTUS.
Chapter 10
Pog we’re almost done with part 1. Fifth skull, sheared, so it’s flashback time. 
I don’t recognize immediately where we are; apparently this is in the library in Canaan House? Though I don’t remember one from Gideon the Ninth. We see a bit of personality from Ortus, when he complains about Fifth House poetry, which is nice. 
Oh, wait, never mind, that was Magnus speaking. Ortus remains as boring as ever.
Hehehehe dick jokes.
Hey so no fake vow of silence in the false memories of Canaan House! That’s interesting. As is Magnus and Abagail being here, and them being pretty fleshed out characters. As are these cooking instructions from the Lyctors...
HOOOOOOOLD the phone here. The cooking notes mention an M and Nigella... which was the first name of Cassiopeia’s cavalier... How would Harrow know that? The easy explanation is that this is a note that Harrow actually found, and is placing here in her fake memories... The other explanation is that something funky is afoot...
Ooohkay Magnus is asking if this is how it happens now. The simulation is breaking down. AND ABAGAIL CAN TELL THAT HARROW IS A LIVING WAR CRIME. PANIC.
Okay now we’re getting Ortus emotion! He is a grown ass man Harrow. At least, he would be, were he not a figment of Harrow’s imagination.
Okay and the simulation breaks down further when Ortus says “you did have a cavalier with a backbone, I’m not them.” Interestingly enough, it’s hours later Harrow realizes something’s weird... Huh...
Chapter 11
Seventh House skull.
Literally just a paragraph saying Harrow sleepwalked and stabbed Cyntherea’s body.
...She sleep walked... the Sleeper from the fake Canaan House...
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mattkenzie · 5 years
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Games of the Decade (2010-2019 Edition)
So since 2020 is approaching, I thought I’d make a list of games that I’ve played during my journey, the year is 2010 I was about 23 years old (on the cusp of being 24) and I’ve decided to stop playing World of Warcraft for my own physical and mental health (you see I never thought that this would happen to me being addicted to that game for so many years that I have shunned away from society, I gave up on humanity, I didn’t want to go out and celebrate with my ‘friends’ and Azeroth became my home for the past 6 years and it became an unhealthy obsession that one day I’ve collapsed at home and woke in a hospital.) When the doctors were swarming around my bed asked me “Can I remember what happened to me before I collapsed?” the answered but then they bombarded me with more questions... I wanted to scream “STOP!”, until one doctor (a psychiatrist) overheard my story and had an emergency 1-to-1 session with him, he even asked the ‘right questions’ (funny how we can say the wrong answers... but the wrong questions? Made me laugh.) The phychiatrist smiled and said “Welcome back”.
So I’ve decided to quit World of Warcraft and started to readjust to society that my Mum gave me an XBox 360. Now I was overwhelmed by the choices I didn’t know where to start (granted I had the Wii and now an XBox 360) I was really lost in thought until someone actually wanted to talk to me I shall call him ‘Dan’ and we hit it off “Yes, I do look like I am lost you see I am a recovering World of Warcrack addict and I am given an XBox 360, what games do you recommend?” and this is when Dan got out Borderlands, Fallout, Fallout: New Vegas (2010 Honourable Mention) and Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 (2010). You see Dan’s preferred genre is Shoot ‘em ups and I on the other hand tend to enjoy RPGs so I got the best of both worlds.
Mass Effect 2 has this system where if you played and completed Mass Effect you can import your save file, get some additional perks and pick up where you have left off. I seem to like that concept where “Do I need to play the first game to play and understand the story?” to me the answer is “yes” as you gain additional content but it’s the iconic “suicide squad mission”
So we are at 2011 and Minecraft (2011 Honourable Mention) is in it’s infancy and even though I’ve played it later, I enjoyed watching the Yogscast’s “Shadow of Israfel” series and there are times when I occasionally watch a YouTube video looking at other people’s creations (“Man, I need to get myself a copy of Minecraft when I finish my games of the decade.” —Matt. But only 2 games have approached me and they are Xenoblade Chronicles (2011) and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011). With the Wii going into retirement and even though Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2011 Honourable Mention) is a popular title in the Wii library... I went down the niche path and picked Xenoblade Chronicles is the perfect swan song for the Wii and one of my all time favourite games that I’ve enjoyed playing. There are many things that Xenoblade Chronicles has offered me and what appealed to me are...
The amazing soundtrack (where it has music for the day and the night cycles)... I tend to use the nighttime music to help me go to sleep.
The unique world building, where Homs, Nopon and (there is this race of angels I can’t remember what they are called) live on these dead gigantic titans Bionis and the Mechonis.
A story that started out Shulk wanting revenge but that revenge eventually turned into understanding.
With Skyrim I ALWAYS seem to find my way coming back to this game as it gives me a ton of replay value that I even create my own D&D characters and put them in Skyrim. Whenever I am stressed with the latest releases I sometimes pop in Skyrim and go on all these adventures and explore and when I had enough I know I can always go to Whiterun and stay in Breezehome. I sometimes go on YouTube to watch my Grandma play Skyrim (OK she is not biologically my Grandma but she adopted/treated us like her grandkids).
During this 4 year skip all the way to 2014 and I’ve developed an awesome relationship with Dan for 5 years and I moved out of my parents house in 2011 (I was suffocating in my parents house (my sister was hit by clinical depression and my brother got kicked out of his flat by his knife weilding maniac of a wife) I am an adult and I NEED my own space so what did I get for a housewarming gift? Borderlands 2 (2014) I still have the loot box. But my independence was short lived by my roommate who I shall call William and he was so toxic to me and my friends who come round to visit, there was an incident when I left the house he goes into my room and steals my belongings (I know had to lock my bedroom door) It was Thanksgiving when I was in need of rescuing and William was becoming domestic abusive towards me and Dan’s Dad Scott who was visiting from the States felt a disturbance in the force... he felt that I was in danger and he was right. I had to move into a new flat (I was happy to live on my own) Dan saw it, my parents saw it and even my support workers saw how crappy/unhappy I was. When I moved into my new flat, Dan gave me a parting gift Shovel Knight (2014)
Now 2015 I have picked up the pieces that I’ve lost and rediscovered my sense of self after how much William warped mine for a few years and I’ve finally move on from it. With Dan moving back to the States and I picked up a copy of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (2015) on a later date (I personally never thought it be be ported onto the Switch) I developed the concept that humans can be monsters (even in politics) and monsters can have a shred of humanity.
With 2017 was was hoping for Persona 5 to be released on Valentines Day but it was rescheduled and for me who has 8th Grader Syndrome (I know when to keep my Chunnibyou dormant and when to let my hair down and embrace it when the time is right) I enjoyed the story of how us millennials and Gen Z get to be viewed as degenerates. With the Wii U going into retirement I got the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and although not entirely my favourite Zelda title... I am a person who loves to have direction/structure and more importantly story (and not just charge into Hyrule Castle and fight Calamity Ganon) to have that amount of freedom and I can easily get distracted “Oooh let’s have a look over there!” I regret not giving Super Mario Odyssey (Honourable Mention) a chance nor gave it a fair shake, I bought the Switch because both of the joy-cons are uniform (I was leaning towards getting the grey but red spoke out to me the loudest).
2018 Super Smash Bros Ultimate need I need to say more? OK, I enjoyed the opening song Lifelight... Everyone is here (to have Roy from Fire Emblem) I even loved seeing the DLC fighters not being exclusive to Nintendo (Atlus) Joker from Persona 5, (Rare) Banjo Kazooie, (Square) ‘Hero’ from the Dragon Quest series, (SNK) Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury... although I wanted the Garou: Mark of the Wolves costume added into the equation.
2019 was the year that hit me hard the most Fire Emblem: Three Houses reminded me that I need to cherish the friends I have, I grew up with them since school and college but we all went on our separate paths. Some are married, some started have a family, some have jobs and some have moved to a different country. When I dumped my old friends that I grew up with since my childhood (but felt left out all the time) for new ones that I known for a decade as adults (and had a lot in common and felt that I was included.) So when Dan died in 2019... I felt a huge piece of me was ripped away from me... the man who exposed me to console gaming... I am never going to see him again.
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kingmeiozei · 5 years
STREAM GAME!! Chapter 1
"So, when are we streaming tonight’s game?" said Cole, who seemingly glossed over his PC. "Not right now, too tired, school requirements.."
5 students ready to absolutely drop-out become streamers that live in the same house, what would happen in a dire situation of failing grades, no food<br /> and tuition?
The year 2019, a year full of misinformation, a year full of disastrous surprises, but nothing is all that different for the 5 students that currently try to survive the semester, with a barely passing mark on their cards.
As a result, they started the idea of making a stream team, what would their future behold?
“What does AIICT even stand for?”
“It stands for..uh..” A small girl piqued, looking up at an adult with a questioned look on her face.
“Well..?” the woman started to sound stern, an impatient look writing across her face.
“U-uh.. I’ll have two number nines .. I’ll have another nine but..large..and a number six with extra dip...can..you give me two number 45s, o-one with cheese...and a large..s-..sod..a..” She started stepping backwards, and eventually speeding out of the fast food chain.
Another girl popped up around the area, who recognized her face and approached her.
“Hey dude! You look, uhm, stressed.”
“Thanks I tried to meme in McDonalds but it didn’t work out too well.”
Leaning onto the wall, the latter lifted up their glasses and responded, “Mae. I really think you shouldn’t do that, especially in this place. Where there are students from AIICT..”.
Mae flustered, covering her face with her hands.  
“I know! I was just bein’ a little stupid is all..” Mae shrugged and sighed, hovering over her phone. “Lookie, Cole is gonna come any minute and I’m pretty sure if he saw me do that kind of shit, I’m gonna be made fun of, Raya!”.
“Speak of the devil.”
Cole overshadowed both Raya and Mae, slowly asserting dominance on them.
“I did see that, by the way” He laughed, and Mae’s face turned to a brighter red. “No you didn’t! I’m gonna erase it from your memory just you wait!”
The two laughed as another entered the scene. He put on his glasses and slumped his bag on the sidewalk, looking at the three. “Guys, I’m going to totally fail this exam today.” Jerry exclaimed.  
“God, I hope you don’t.”
“Only hoping.”
The four walked inside the students lounge, a place where the students can hang out after class hours. Now they’re using this space to study for their examinations, students holding their reviewers left and right, others were just playing on their phones, not caring a bit for the big test their going to take.
Raya takes a step forward, and smells the air.  “Ah yes, the fresh scent of students suffering under multiple requirements and deadlines. Hell week.” she smiles.
Mae and Cole put down their bags on the table, while Jerry slams his book lightly in front of them. “Okay guys, all of us are gonna be determined to pass this quiz.”
“Not really..”
“That wasn’t enthusiastic at all.” he frowns.
Mae wasn’t really sure if she was to be enthusiastic about the exams. She had failed this subject multiple times in her junior year, and now she was gonna take the exam that will determine if she were to fail or not.
On the other hand: Raya, Cole and Jerry are trying their best to study, not a single bit of information entering their brain.
“I can’t do this anymore, this is too hard!” Raya whined. She didn’t seem too sure about passing the exams either, but considering her grades in the quizzes and the performance tasks, the exams wouldn’t pull down her grade too bad.
Cole glossed over her book, and furrowed his eyebrows as he kept flipping more pages. “Why did you draw on your book?”
“The book is boring, I needed to spice it up with at least something in there.” Raya thought that was a good reason, but in reality she was just too lazy to bring out her sketchbook.  “You also highlighted these in..glitter pens?”
Raya shushed him, “We can be very extra, y’know?”.
While studying, something came to realization amongst them, but they all shrugged it off.
About to head out of the classroom, Mae noticed a small notepad open on her classmate’s computer.
Out loud, she read: “I don’t want to do this anymore!”. She giggled, knowing that a few people passed their exams, and fully knowing that she herself had not passed.
She saw a wistful expression on Jerry’s face as she went out of the classroom.
Mae slowly approached him, patting his shoulder. “Reviewing before the exams didn’t really help out, didn’t it?”
“I got mental blocked.”
“Same.” said Cole and Raya in unison, looking down on their phones for the exam grade.
That said, someone came bursting into the corridor.
“Justyn, it’s dismissal already, but there is a special exam in awhile if you weren’t able to take it.”
“Oh thank goodness...”
“Hey guys!” Justyn walked out of the room, with a smile on his face, but Mae was quick to notice his smile.
“You failed too, didn’t you?”
“Hell yeah. I got a zero.”
“Oh my God.”
Justyn shrugged as he pulled out a yellow intermediate pad paper out of his bag. “I mean, look at this. Nonsense equations. I didn’t know how to answer any of them.” He frowned.
All of them decided that it was time to go home, but not until they overheard a conversation between two students.
“Hey, Under Development is gonna stream tonight! They’ve been gone for a bit of a while, haven’t they?”
“I mean they had to, they said were going to have a little hiatus due to their midterms.”
“It’s a little weird..” the student sighed, “they have the same dates for their exams just like ours?”
“Must be a coincidence then!”
All five of them smiled. Before the school year started, they were all streamers who played games every weekend of the night, just like how others would do.
When they had found out they all had streamed, they decided to form a group together, in hopes of getting famous, and they were getting there. People around them recognized the small group of streamers in their online personas, hiding behind a cartoon version of themselves on screen.
To forget that they were going to fail, they decided to do a stream that night,
And this is their time to shine.
It’s 8:30pm, 10 minutes before the streams starts for the night. The members are setting up their stations, fixing their PCs, their mics, and everything else that they had to set up.
Mae and Raya were currently setting up their game, whilst Cole and Jerry are setting up the microphones for each PC. It didn’t seem like a hassle at all for them.
What was a hassle though, was choosing the game that they were going to play for the night. Luckily enough Justyn was quick to suggest one.
“Let’s play UNO™!”
“Are you sure about that?” Cole questioned if this was a good idea, but the others nodded.
Everyone nodded, but little did they know the consequences of playing UNO™ with customs.
It would take almost forever to finish, but that didn’t stop them.
The night seemed like it would go on forever, as it was hitting 12 midnight, things were starting to get... fun .
Fucking hell , Jerry thought as he tried to come up with a solution to counterattack Raya. She was the one who was winning, and the only person with one more uno card in their hand. If he pulled a seven, then they could switch hands.
Being on the side of his luck, he got the 7 draw, and smiled.
“I’m sorry Raya, but I’m going to have to pull this on you. He clicked on his 7, and the entire team was shocked.
“Holy fucking shit!” exclaimed Mae and Cole.
“He didn’t…” Justyn laughed into his mic.
“Fuck you!”
And there it set, Jerry clicked on the bright uno button, and another lucky thing happened. Right after that turn, Mae accidentally set down a reverse card, and the color of the card was red.
Which so happened to be Jerry’s last card.
You could hear the sound of an angry keyboard mash, right after that got played.
The chat box was going absolutely crazy, sending so many emoticons in a matter of minutes.
“Heeeey look at the chat! Everyone is saying ‘Noname did such a pogger move` !”
“It was well thought out though, and was very lucky.”
“He’s the winner for the night! Good evening and good night everyone!”
Everyone cheered, except for Raya.
“I literally was about to win.” At that point, Cole turned off the stream since they had already ended for the night. “
Yeah, but I pulled a good move. So good game well played?”
“Fine fine, but only for today. I’m going to get my revenge soon enough.”
Just when they were about to turn off their electronics for the night, a ping showed up on their PCs.
`New Announcement: Grades for the 1st Term`
When they saw the notification, a shiver went down their spines.
Mae turned into a state of panic. “I failed my those exams dudes…I’m totally ready to get the one inducing slap from my mom to get my shit together..”
“Same here”
“Well, I mean..” Cole looked at his grades, scrolling and clicking each and every one of them. “Look, I got a decent score on this one.”
“It’s a grade of mercy, that’s a passing score.”
“But that is what makes it decent. If anything below that, I’d be doomed!”
Jerry didn’t look up from his phone, his face clearly started to show sweat, and very high levels of fright.
“I should’ve studied the night before, and the whole week before exams..”
“I think all of us should’ve studied. I mean, look at this..” Raya lifted her phone up for Jerry to see. “What kind of bullshittery is this? 12 out of 60?”
“No one was ready for the questions, they were all too specific, and way too detailed.” Cole shivered, “But at least I passed my requirements.”
“Ha, peasants.”  Justyn whipped up his phone, and slid it to Mae. “Lookit.”
“Justyn..it’s all…under 80..”
“How were you able to achieve that?”
“By the power of being lazy!”
All of them laughed, somehow failing to realize that they are on the verge of a dropout.
But, they had a backup plan.
“We’re going to start the weekend like this, just lazing out and about?”
“I mean, it’s the only way to relax after a bunch of exams thrown at our faces.”
Everyone sighed, looking at the time.  “It’s time for all of us to sleep, say we continue the conversation tomorrow?”
Little did they know, a roller coaster of events were going to happen to them in the year.
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mismagireve · 5 years
1, 4, 5, 12 for the writing ask thing :p
1. Tell us about your WIP!
I have several WIPs, but the ones I most need to work on are He Who Invites chapter 7, and No Rest In Waking chapter 4.
He Who Invites is a For Want Of A Nail AU for Persona 4 where Dojima joins the Investigation Team after seeing Izanagi in the real world.  There’s more going on under the surface than just the main plot of finding the killer that I’m still really excited to get to even if I haven’t updated since last year.
To be honest, I never really wanted to take such a long hiatus from it, but it’s just that I wanted to keep the timeline as close to the game as possible since the point of divergence has nothing to do with what happens everywhere else around Inaba, which would require me to look into let’s plays in order to get a refresher on everything that goes down in the story.  Which, if you’ve played Persona 4, you’ll know that trawling through its events is a massive undertaking.
No Rest In Waking is a pre-canon fic for Detective Pikachu that deals with something completely unrelated to the plot of the movie: trying to find a house in the city.  I would say that the main draw for No Rest In Waking is the worldbuilding since I’m not 100% on my characterization and stuff, but I’m having a lot of fun fleshing out the world of pokemon and the various customs and legalities that would arise from living with superpowered animals.  Also I get to make up website names and anime titles and that’s really fun.
While i’d hope that No Rest In Waking is an enjoyable read, so far my main priority is getting it finished rather than getting it to absolute perfection.
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
When I was feeling better—in that my parents weren’t home and i wasn’t as depressed since the main source of my anxieties was gone—I started taking a notebook and heading to the living room to write on the couch for a few hours without looking at my computer screen.  If i needed to know what was happening in a particular scene, I’d print out the chapter as it was written so far and take that with me to parse through.  The idea was that it’s harder to focus when writing on a screen because there’s so much i can do on my computer, and being able to see everything all at once distracts me from what I’m doing now.
I miss doing that.  I want to start doing it again as soon as I can start waking up before 1 pm.
5. Top five formative books?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.  That is a very good question because I have no earthly idea.
Probably like the Deltora Quest series as a whole?  The parts I’ve read of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  This series of books I read in middle school because they were about dragons that were kind of hard to get through at times because they were Very Christian and I read them after deciding I was an atheist.  A book of school-focused poetry I read as a kid that shaped my entire poetic style.  This book for beginning readers about an adorable black cat that I found as a kid in my school library that is literally the entire reason I started wanting to read.
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
In terms of individual stories that I’ve written, my favorite is The Bat And The Billionaire, because it’s just a cute, fun little thing about Bruce being a good dad to his sons and having a good-natured laugh about shipping.  And I get to make a shitty pun.
In terms of stories as a whole, my favorite would be Everything Stays, since it’s the first multi-part writing project that I ever actually completed, and it holds a special place in my heart for that.
In terms of stories and concepts that I haven’t gotten around to writing yet, it changes based on my current hyperfixation, so my current favorite is Cadmus, which has evolved from being one single story to a big sprawling AU made of many smaller stories that ultimately has three different endings because each of them is valid and I couldn’t bear to just pick one.
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jaauroo · 6 years
Our Adventure - Sean Diaz x Reader [Part 2]
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| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
A click of the lock echoed out through the empty house. I set my bag that was hanging on my shoulder down on the couch that was near the door. Finally getting the chance to look at my home, the kitchen and living room was littered with empty beer bottles and dirty dishes.
"Are you kidding me? I just cleaned yesterday." I mumbled to myself as I picked up as much bottles as I could carry and threw them into the recycling bin in the kitchen. Honestly how can someone make this much of a mess in less than twenty-four hours? Now to cleaning up the dishes.
While picking up the dirty plates and placing them into the sink so I could get ready to clean them, my phone buzzed in my back pocket of my pants. Gently placing the last dish into the sink I pulled out my phone and turned it on to check the notification. On the lock screen it read "Lyla". Geez what did she want now.
"U know he likes u" is what read in the screen when I unlocked and opened my phone. I bit my lip in trying to think of a reply to that. I know that she means Sean. But getting my hopes up is the last thing I need right now. Plus he likes Jenn right? He can't like both Jenn and I. I kept bouncing my leg in anticipation as I finally came up with a reply. I typed on my keyboard and sent the message.
The message was simple and only consisted of one word, "who?" is what I said in reply.
Of course Lyla immediately read it and started to reply back. The three animated dots at the bottom of the screen just made me bounce my leg even more. Along with that, I started to bite my bottom lip, which caused it to turn slightly red from the pressure. A few seconds went by and my phone vibrated showing that a new message was received.
It read, "wow k you're more stupider than I thought. skype me in 5" I rolled my eyes at her message as I didn't respond back to her. I just locked my phone and stuffed it back into my pocket where it usually remains at. "The dishes can wait." I muttered, exiting the kitchen and entering the living room again. I approach the couch where I left my backpack at and pick it up to bring it to my room with me.
When I entered my room I slammed my door shut, following after that I threw my bag onto the bed which resulted in a slight thud noise. I sighed and walked over to my decent size desk where I mainly complete all of my wonderful homework on. Flipping open my MacBook I saw it flashed a low battery sign. Walking over to my bed I went to the nearest plug and unplugged my charger that was abandon there throughout the day.
In just a few steps, I went back over to my desk and plugged the charger in the nearest outlet there was. Finally plugging in the charger to the laptop, I proceed to unlock it by entering my password. When it showed the home screen the first thing I did was open the application Skype.
The moment it finished loading I clicked on Lyla's contact which was in my recent, considering she is one of very little of my friends. I clicked on the video call button, which in an instant she once again quickly answered. "You called?" I half joked as I propped my elbow on the desk and used my hand to support my head.
"Okay I wanted to call you before we get in a group call with Sean." Lyla informed me as I slowly nodded, her watching my every move. She inhaled some air before continuing, "Anyway, since you're so dense to even realize that Sean likes you." My friend emphasis the 'sean' part. "And sorry for hooking Jenn up with Sean. I didn't expect it to go so well!" I side eyed Lyla before I moved from my currently position to rub my face with my hands.
I can already feel the stress acne.
"Look Lyla, I don't really care if they're going well or not. As long as he's happy and good, then great! I'll still be there for him. I honestly don't even want a relationship right now." My response had a bit of clear annoyance in my voice, which I didn't mean to do. I know Lyla means well. But whenever the topic about me liking Sean comes into play, she won't drop it. After what I said there was an awkward pause between us. She was most likely just trying to come up with a response.
"I'm sorry for pressuring this onto you. I just want the best for you." She apologized, her tone much softer than it usually is in her playful attitude. Lyla really comes off as a handful and that's what a lot of people misinterpret about her. The reason I came to love her so much was her loving, caring, and very affectionate side. When we first met (thank you Sean), I honestly had the same idea and view point. I didn't like her at all and always tried to ignore her, but she kept persisting to be my friend, and even calling me one when I didn't see her as one.
The moment I finally accepted Lyla as a friend was when I was having a mental break down at school, she basically dropped her playful persona to make sure I was okay. Really, I thought she was just all happy, rainbow and sunshine, but her showing that side made me feel at peace. At a young age I learned not everything is all good and dandy. Hence why I didn't really accept my current best friend back then.
Hell, even to this day is still get annoyed by that part of her. But what she shows on the inside is what really matters to me.
"I know you're looking out for me... But we gotta look out for Sean too, you know? It isn't just us in our inner circle." I explained to Lyla kind of frantically doing hand motions as I do so. My voice being in a much, much softer tune I continued, "When I say I'm okay, I mean it. Now we got to do what's best for him. Alright?"
She nodded once I finished what I was saying. Quietly saying 'alright' afterward but it seemed more as of she mouthed it. "Okay," Lyla started positioning her self out of the slouch position to change her mood, "before we bring Sean into the call I want to know if you want to spend a night at my house after the party."
I took a moment and weighed the ups and downs before giving her an answer. "Sure why not. Don't have anything else to do afterward." I shrugged my shoulders as I sunk into my chair.
"Great! Now let me finish getting ready before we bring Sean into the call." Lyla cheered as she got up and looked around her room for the needed materials. "Yeah about that I'm going to go and get ready..." I trailed off, my mouse hovering over the red end call button. Lyla rushed over to her desk saying, "Wait, Y/n wa-"
I cut her off by waving and having an innocent smile on my face as I said bye, proceeding to end the call.
Slowly I leaned lower into my seat as I contemplated things. Sighing, I got up and grabbed an empty backpack off a hook that was up on the wall. I tend to have spare bags so I can use them for sleepovers, traveling, and anything else. So I don't have to deal with taking all of my school supplies out of my current backpack I use.
I held the colored backpack in my non-dominate hand as I went over to my closet to pick out some clothing to just stuff into the bag.
This somewhat continued on for a few minutes of just me gathering anything important that I may need to spend a night at Lyla's house. Now as for the money situation, my father and I typically have a wad of cash kept hidden. The money comes from part of when my dad gets paid and the same with me. Yes I surprisingly have a job when most of the weight on my shoulder's involve school. Anyway, the money is just in case of an emergency pops up, or for situations like this when I need to borrow it when I'm out of cash. Obviously I'm not taking all of it, but enough so I have something to keep myself alive.
Taking the money out of the secret stash, I continue onward back into my room where I pull my wallet out of my school bag and just stuff the money into there. I threw the money holder into my 'sleepover' bag. A good amount of thirty dollars should last me for a few snacks I may possibly buy. I zipped up the bag, finally finished with my task. I flopped down onto my bed with my back laying against the cushion and one leg dangling off the bed. I swung my leg back and forth while I took my phone out of my pocket to check any social media or messages I may have received.
A knock on the front door killed the silence that was throughout the whole house. The loud and erupt noise startled me which caused a reaction of me jumping in my bed. My bed was positioned next to the window, so I crawled over to the other side of the bed to look out the front yard. Which also conveniently allowed me to see who was at the door.
With the blinds in the way it was hard to see who it actually was. But with the small frame and messy brown hair, it made it pretty easy to tell. The knocking continued, obviously the small boy being impatient. I rushed out of my bedroom to the living room and opened the front door.
"Hi Daniel. What are you doing here?" I looked around the small boy trying to look for any sign that Sean might've been with him or even Esteban. I've also noticed he had a zombie like outfit on, though I didn't bother to question it since he did tell me his 'secret' project he was working on. Daniel had a slight sway in his posture, "Sean kicked me out of his room and I wanted to know if you want to play with me." He avoided eye contact with me when he explained to me what happened. I pinched the bridge of my nose and mumbled out, "Of course he would do that." I sighed and put a slight smile on my face as I crouched down to his level.
"Yeah! I'll totally play with you. Just go back across the street and wait for me there okay? I'll keep an eye on you so make sure you're safe." I instructed the youngest Diaz. He nodded his head and said a quiet 'okay'.
I stood up properly, watching him make his way back over to his house safely. The smile stayed on my face as I closed my door to prevent any warm air leaving the home. 'He's so adorable.'  I thought, walking out of the main area of the house.
'Something very bad is about to happen.' A deep and what seemed like a disoriented voice echoed throughout what felt like the house. I stopped in my tracks and put my hand up to forehead, closing my eyes. 'Why now?' I got no response in return as I took a deep breath and just tried to ignore what happened and continue back to what I was doing.
I skipped my way over to room for what seemed like the thousandth time and grabbed my bag, putting it on. Also picking up my phone that I abandoned on the bed and put it back in its usual spot.
Walking out the house, I made sure I locked the doors to prevent any intruders as any normal person should do. I quickly dashed across the street not looking both ways, which I might add is very dangerous thing to do. But it's not like anyone really drives down these streets often.
Slowing down my pace once I was in view of the lovely Diaz house. I glanced over the area to find Daniel, instead I see the moment when he accidentally spills his fake blood onto the asshole of a neighbor. Once again I pick up my pace and grabbed Daniel to quickly shove him behind me. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" I yelled at Brett, taking notice of the fact that he got to close to Daniel for my liking.
You can clearly see the fact that the taller boy was fuming in anger, "What I'm doing?! That little asshole spilt fake blood all over my shirt!" He stepped closer to try and grab a hold of Daniel but I took a few steps back to make sure I nor Daniel was within reach of him. "He's a kid you dumb fuck! Of course he would accidentally spilt something!" I countered back.
Brett didn't have any words and just stormed past me, pushing me in the process, to grab onto Daniel's arm. I fell onto the ground which was covered in dirt with a few grass patches here and there. I guess you could say I was stunned. For sure Brett was a douche bag, but it absolutely shocked me that he would even lay a hand on me.
When I got up off the ground, Sean came to both of our rescues. He pushed the white skinned male off of Daniel. I latched my hand onto the younger boys' wrist to put him behind me once again.
"Don't ever touch my brother! Or Y/N! You hear me Brett?" Sean said threateningly, but Brett only replied back with a weak "fuck you".
Brett gestured to his shirt, "He got his fake blood shit all over my shirt... Look!" He angrily pointed at his article of clothing trying to make his statement clear. Daniel walked out from behind Sean and I. "I told you it was an accident." Daniel tried to defend himself, which of course Sean and I obviously believed, "You better leave us alone!"
For the second time Brett tried to grab at him, but Sean stepped in the way while Daniel also hid behind me. "C'mon Daniel let's go inside." I whispered to the boy that was hiding behind me. "Yeah go hide in your dad's garage!" Brett tried to sound scary which really had no affect on both my best friend and I, but with Daniel I'm not to sure.
I grabbed onto Daniel's wrist to try and lead him inside, as the two teens were insulting each other, but he wouldn't budge. "Daniel. Come on." I tried to tug once again but he wouldn't move. I really didn't want this young kid to see a fight go down. But him not moving a single inch really isn't helping.
Sean threw a punch which made Daniel speak up about it. The eldest kid looked at me while Brett was recovering from the punch he gave him. He then looked at Daniel and pointed in the direction of the house, "Get inside! Now." Sean attempted to help which really did nothing. While he was distracted Brett tried to tackle him.
"Okay, we're going now." I demanded, as I tried to pick up Daniel but he just struggled in my grasp. "Daniel we're going inside."
"But what about Sean?"
"He'll be fine Daniel." I finally successfully picked him up after him twisting around in my grasp to try and escape. Sure I felt horrible for taking him against his own will, but as I said, I didn't want him to witness a fight that he shouldn't even be seeing.
Sean seems to have manage to push Brett down, but he didn't get back up or seem responsive. "Shit." I whispered, a police siren coming closer. Though that wasn't my main concern right now.
I dropped Daniel on the ground and instructed him to go inside. "Y/N, get over here!" Sean called out for help as I rushed over to the other side of Brett and kneeled down next to him. The younger brother popped up next to me, who obviously didn't listen to my instructions. "Sean is he hurt?" Daniel asked obliviously.
"Well he's breathing... somewhat. That's a good sign." I thought aloud. I had no idea what to do. What would any person do in this situation exactly?
"Okay... okay, step away!" The officer commanded, "Now!" He continued.
I followed his instructions, slowly backing up from the neighbor. "Calm down officer." Sean told him. I snapped my head towards him, "Sean you need to listen to him. You too Daniel." I got up raising my hands in the air to hopefully show that I'm possessing no threat.
The officer continued to tell us to be quiet. Though I noticed his hand was behind his back.
Sean and Daniel got up with me, walking away from the gasping boy on the ground. This is really a horrible situation to be in. When the adult went to inspect Brett he pulled out his gun and instructed us to get on the ground.
"H-hey man don't be waving that gun around." My body started to shake. I'm not even going to lie, I am terrified right now. The officer simply didn't listen to what I said, Sean and Daniel tried to reason which wasn't really the best thing to do. All three of us went down on the ground, although a bit hesitant and shaky.
This man was pointing a gun at three kids, let alone he has his finger on the trigger. Really you could tell this was his first encounter of something like this.
I couldn't calm my nerves. My eyes just kept looking everywhere except the scene in front of me. My mind is just thinking of how this could actually be happening right now. It went from defending a little brother to having an officer point a gun at us.
Looking over I see Esteban coming around the corner, and instantly sprinting towards us. The officer reacted fast and directed the armed weapon towards him instead of us. Once Sean and Daniel saw their father they tried to explain to him what happened, which then led to Esteban explaining to the cop they meant no harm. I stayed quiet scared out of my mind. I glanced up to see the officer looking extremely overwhelmed.
The gun was just pointing back and forth between us. I noticed Esteban took a step forward, that then caused a reaction out of the officer. A sound of the gun went off. A heavy thud of the Diaz's boys dad fell to the ground. Not even a second after, the sound of Daniel screaming erupted throughout the whole block.
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badlydrawndrawnings · 6 years
Persona 5 AU
Part 5 of the unname AU (part one, part two, part three, part four) I’m going to change things up a bit. While I’ll be discussing the Sixth Palace, I’m going to avoid any mention of the Palace Owner, for reasons I’ll explain later. Instead, I’ll be talking about Sae Niijima, and the Bad Ending (lol perfect since the anime ended; still haven’t watch it but i heard the op is sick and it ends on the good ending w/o showing joker live.)
Located at the Courthouse, the Palace is a gaudy, huge Hotel/Theme Park. Fun for all, everyone of different ages and gender will have the time of their lives. The Theme Park is quite small, surrounding the Hotel. It has a basic merry go round, tea cup, feris wheel, and a small roller coaster. The cognitive version of people seem to have fun on them. However, the game stalls (balloon darts, ring toss, shooting games) are rigged so that no one can get a prize/toy. No shadows are located here, so needless to say the PT let their guard down here, thinking it may be easy.
The Hotel however, is another story. There are spas, cafes, restaurants, a gym, a tennis court, badminton court (located outside of course), a grand ball room with a stage for a small ensemble, a garden, a pool on the top, suites on every floor, the regular service hall (kitchens, laundry rooms), a small cinema located near the top, and a lock room on the ground floor located between the ball room and a restaurant that has a sign that reads 'RESERVED'. Similar to the game stalls, service quality is terrible. In restaurants, the staff don't serve on time, and if they do, the meals are terrible. In cafes, you'll get the wrong order, and the wait is terrible. Spas will willingly make you look terrible. The cinema never plays the right films, the laundry isn't clean... the list can go on. To get into the reserved room, the PT has to figure out the way to get treated right compare to the other cognitive people. Thinking a restaurant, cafe, and suite room, as the last one is where they get a key from one of the staff to get into the reserved room.
Getting the key moves onto the second part, as this is where everyone is truly treated equal. Of course, that means the quality is just barely passing. It's a mini casino that has poker, craps, and 21 (the Wheel of Fortune got shredded), with several bars, comfortable sofas and chairs, and a stage for a signer and pianist. The singing is actually nice, and is the piano music, but everything else is bad. There is another lock door with a sign that also has 'RESERVED' on it. To join that special club (as that's where the treasure is) the PT have to win three games of 21 and figure out the favorite drink of the Hotel Manager (aka, the Sixth Target's Shadow), as that's the only good drink at the bar. Once the PT get the key from the bartender, they found the treasure location (which looks like a still being constructed room), and they send the calling card.
When the PT try to steal the treasure, they see the Hotel Manager is there, turning the room into a hall of mirrors, as the Manager is cheating to make sure they don't find the treasure. The trick to defeating the Manager is that the PT has to find the switch (or rather, destroy it), bring the room back to its still working form. This makes the Manager transform into Leviathan to make the fight 'equal and fair', and the PT win, bringing back the regular Shadow. The PT steals the treasure, and they make their way out...only to find that Sae Niijima has the Police, on her orders, to capture Joker (Sae not only found Makoto's calling card, but she got an 'anonymous source' about someone at the Office, aka the former partner, having a Palace, so they did an ambush attack).
Palace Owner of the Bad Ending, Sae Niijima (Sin: Envy 2.0). Arcana: N/A (Good Ending: Aeon).
Sae's life was turn around after her father's note was read/heard. She may dislike her father's ideal of justice (it got him kill), but Sae knows that dad was a family man at heart, never resenting his children or family. Seeing Makoto change herself (quitting aikido, being more reserve and studious to where it frightening, and overall being alone at school) made Sae make a promise to herself: Find the person responsible for Dad's death and the note, and bring them to justice. Despite her years of hard work at law school, being a woman in a dominated male workplace is a challenge. Sae is treated differently and isn't respect at all by her male co-workers, except for one, the senior member that Sae is assigned with. Her years at the Prosecutor office make Sae believe the law is purer on paper.
With justice barely treated seriously in her eyes, in her anger and envy from her more successful male co-workers, Sae starts to use legal loopholes to win her cases in hopes to be treated as an equal. Sae won't swoop down to forging evidence or other means; she wants to be the role model for Makoto, and feels if she strays, she's not only going to fail her sister, but her father as well (everything she's doing is for him after all). Wanting justice for Dad, Sae beings to work long hours to where she barely's at home, made worse when the PT join the scene. Tied with a lack of communication between the sisters, and the fact Sae makes a better sister than parent, Sae is late to learn everything about Makoto's life (she only learn of Makoto's break from work from Eiko). During dinner, Sae tries to bring it up, causing Makoto to withdraw to her room to study.
After Makoto's Palace, with Makoto trying to socialize again, starting with Sae, the woman promises herself to plan a vacation just for the sister, thinking maybe she needs a break herself. Of course, Kaneshiro messes that up, and his death forces Sae to continue working, with the new SIU director ordering Sae to take on a partner (Sae isn't too upset with the choice, as again, Sae likes the person). Sae's relationship with the partner -and Haru, as Haru joins them from time to time- go south after Shido's death, being almost beyond repair -with Haru at least- when Sae connects the dots with the Principal and Kaneshiro's death: As in canon, Sae orders the police find the fake calling card for the Principal, as Sae finds the remains of Kaneshiro's herself. This leads to Sae's partner to get remove from the case, and Sae more or less avoiding Haru and her former partner.
Sae is a very strange case, in regards to her Palace. Despite being in control, the Palace forms after Joker's escape in the Bad Ending. In this ending, Joker agrees to give up the names of his party members and allies, but is stop when the Police order Sae to leave, as the PT is trying to figure their leader. While this is happening, Haru gives them a false direction, and get the police away from the room. Breaking Joker out, Haru tells him Sae has a Palace as well, in the same damn location as the Sixth Target. Realizing that things are out of control, Haru stays with the PT to help reform Sae's heart as well. Everything plays out like Canon, until the day they steal the Treasure.
Like Kaneshiro's, the Casino is on fire, cognitive people are running for their lives, and Shadow!Sae is dying. In her last breaths, she tells Makoto that she's sorry for disappointing her and Dad, saying everything she did was for him. There isn't time to mourn though, as the Police make their way in, and capture everyone but Joker and Haru, as they barely escape back to the real world (everyone got beaten up good). It's here does Haru turn on Joker, hurting herself even more by making small cuts. Joker realize that Haru was the one to rat them out (twice), and ask why. Haru doesn't answer, only saying that he doesn't need to worry about how her justice will end, and shoots him point blank. Haru screams, claiming that Joker was attacking her, and it ends with Joker waking up in the Velvet room, everyone being disappointed.
Now, in the good ending, all of this is avoided. The ex-partner/Sixth Target arrives, trying to warn the Police about the PT's attempts to break their leader out. Haru then shows up, giving them the false direction, and she goes with them. Sae is force to leave, but is ask to go to the Isshiki's house, as she needs to hear something. There, Joker is broken out, and they go to Wakaba's house, where they find Sae removing headphones, shock to see Joker alive and well (will be explain in the good ending). If game mechanics are apply, Sae's automatic Co-Op/Confidant will start here, and it will be the Aeon. This frankly covers Okumura's Palace, and her wanting to bring Okumura to Justice with the PT. It finishes on December 25th, and she tells Ren/Joker after he returns in January that she is going to be a Defense Attorney, thinking she'll be more of use there (I like to think Sae brings up Makoto's goal of being a prosecutor, and jokes about the two fighting each other in court).
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kaweeella · 4 years
Chapter 5- Answers That Bring More Questions
Word count- 1449
Description- There were many people before them. Many who couldn’t manage to escape
Author note- descriptions are hard :/
“Wait, Tsuzuroon, what does that mean? What happened?”
“When I found you up on the stage it looked as though,” Tsuzuru pauses, going over what had happened in his head. It was strange and Tsuzuru wasn’t sure what was happening or why and that scarred him. “It looked like you were disappearing or something.”
“That’s what happens.” The bird says, turning toward the stage. “This place lures people here. It draws them in and when they arrive it preys of their insecurities. All of the people you’ve been seeing up there were once just that. People.”
Tsuzuru looks up to the stage and remembers when he had been up there. “Wait, all of those silhouettes were once alive?”
“Just as alive as you.”
Tsuzuru feels a pit in his stomach. So me and Miyoshi both… Tsuzuru didn’t want to imagine it. He didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if Miyoshi wasn’t there and he certainly didn’t want to think about the possibility of him having been too slow. But the mind has a way of wandering where you don’t want it.
“That’s what happens when you give in. You become another lost soul. A puppet for the theater to play with to bring in the next poor sap.”
“Then what are you doing here?” Kazunari is starting to waver in both spirits and health but he holds it together.
“It wasn’t always like this. This used to be a fun place for people to come and forget their worries. It has always been kinda weird but still. Then the director left and things started to fall apart. The first victim of this place… was the man trying so desperately to hold it together.”
Tsuzuru is pretty certain that birds can’t cry but if they could he’d be certain there’d be a tear rolling down his face.
“And that’s why I need your help.” He turns back to them and puffs up his feathers. “I need to stop this place. And if it’s possible…”
“Bring them all back.” Tsuzuru finishes his sentence, eyes still locked onto the stage.
“Do we really have a choice? I mean, it feels like we’re morally obligated to help at this point.”
“I guess you’re right but we still don’t even know half of the things going on here. Like what were those things we had? What were those monsters?” Tsuzuru gestures towards the bird. “What’s his name?”
“Personas, shadows, Kamakichi.” The bird- Kamakichi- answers in rapid fire.
“You’re gonna have to slow down a bit. And how do you know this?”
“Well that’s just what I’ve been calling them. I’ve had a while to think about it.”
“So have there been any other people to… escape the theater?”
“Not from what I’ve seen, and I’ve been here the entire time it’s been doing this.”
“Not a great win-lose ratio so far then.”
“But that can change! Tsuzuroon, we can help change that!”
“You’re right, but we’d all be stepping into unknown territory in doing so. We can, but we should get out of here first.”
“Right, I’m feeling a bit drained so let’s go.”
The three of them leave, Kazunari leaning on Tsuzuru for support.
“Ah, Minagi-san, welcome back. Oh, I don’t think I’ve met you before. I’m Yasashii Tachibana.”
“Hey! I met Izu a while back. She’s great. It’s good to meet you, I’m Kazunari Miyoshi!”
“It’s good to meet you as well. I’m glad Izumi is finding pleasant company.”
“Speaking of which, where is she?” Tsuzuru asks, grabbing a water.
“Working, but Minagi-san, I have to ask, what’s that?”
“Oh him? He’s-”
“I’m Kamakichi! Good to meet ya’!”
“Minagi-san, I know we didn’t talk about pets, but…”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t even-”
“Hey! I’m no ordinary bird, ya’ know!”
“Well… if he’s quiet and you clean up after him then… alright. He is quite cute.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, Miyoshi-san, would you like to stay for-”
Kazunari is passed out on the couch.
“-dinner.” After a second of staring Yasashii drapes a blanket over him.
“Oh, sorry, he was kinda tired but I didn’t…”
“Don’t worry. He seems nice. I meant it when I said. He seems pleasant. It’s good for Izumi to meet new people. She was always so outgoing as a child but her friend group diminished when she lost interest in acting.”
“Acting, huh?”
“Yes, well, lost interest isn’t the right way to say it. She still loves it but she’s not all that good, but personally I put blame on her teachers more than her. I know she can but everyone gave up. And so did she. Her father was into theater, too. She loved going with him and meeting the actors. One day she came home saying she made an amazing new friend she met by the practice room. She was so happy…”
Should I be hearing this? Is it better or worse that Izumi isn’t here? Why? Is she secretly lonely? Miyoshi why did you leave me?
Their one-sided conversation was interrupted by the rattling door.
“Hey, I- is that a bird?”
“Yeah. He’s Kamakichi.”
“He can get a bird but I can’t get a ferret?”
“Look at him! He has a little bowtie!”
After dinner, the Tachibanas went to their rooms while Tsuzuru and Kazunari talk on the couch.
“Sorry, didn’t realize how tired I was.”
“I don’t think either of them minded so it’s alright.”
“What’s it like living with them?”
“Izumi-san is nice. She showed me around when I first got here. Tachibana-san… she seems to have Izumi-san’s best interest in mind and I can’t necessarily fault her for that.”
Kazunari smiles “That’s good to hear. I should get going so see you later.”
“Yeah, get back safe.”
The world around Tsuzuru seems to pause. Then a card appears in front of him with a person working at a table with a 1 on the bottom. He hears a voice from somewhere saying
“I am thou
As thou art I
Thou hast acquired a new vow.
When bonded together you shall find
The arcana of the Magician
Your soul shall bind”
What is this poem?
Time continues and the card disappears as Kazunari stands up. “Will do.”
Tsuzuru looks around, not sure of what just happened. Kamakichi had perched himself on his window seal. As far as Tsuzuru is aware the kid hasn’t tried to break in again.
He feels he has a good idea of who would have answers to his questions, although whether or not he’d get them was something else.
“Welcome back.” Igor says, though Tsuzuru has many questions, there is one he’s been wondering since the first time he appeared here.
“Who’s he?”
“Oh, how rude of me! I’m Azuma, the Velvet Room attendant.” Azuma gives a bow
“And what was that card-thing?”
“That is a social link. You will gain those when you find a close ally. They can grant you amazing power.”
“Okay, well thank you, I will be going now. Good to meet you, Azuma.”
Tsuzuru sees himself out of the Velvet Room, walking back to the house. Though he runs into someone on the way. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“No, no it’s my fault.” The person is a young looking boy with pink hair and eyes with a light grey sweatshirt that says spring on it. “I’m sorry. What are you doing at this time at night?”
“Oh I just needed to talk to someone. What about you?”
“Me? Oh, well I just, you know, I felt like going on a walk. Soaking in the night air. You know?”
This kid is clearly lying. What is he doing out here?
“Well, I’m Tsuzuru Minagi. It’s good to meet you.”
“Sakuya Sakuma! Nice to meet you too!”
“Well, Sakuma-san, I was just headed home.”
“Oh! I’m sorry!”
“No, no, you didn’t do anything.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You haven’t done anything wrong, I promise.” Tsuzuru doesn’t realize his shift into Big Brother Mode. He does, however, notice how upset Sakuya looks. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I- I just- it’s nothing, sorry.”
“Hey!” Kamakichi flies down and lands on Tsuzuru’s shoulder. “Where’d you run off to? Who’s this?” He looks at Sakuya and sees how close he looks to tears. “I didn’t peg you as the kind of guy to bully a kid.”
“Woah. Is that you bird? He’s so cool!”
“No, he just showed up and refused to leave. Doesn’t even pay rent.” Tsuzuru is also yet to pay rent but doesn’t feel like it’s necessary to bring it up.
“Oh, well, I should get going now. Goodbye Minagi-san.”
“Bye. Be safe.” Tsuzuru walks back with Kamakichi, still thinking about Sakuya. He seemed upset.
0 notes
placetobenation · 4 years
Goldberg is back.
Yes, it’s time for a major PPV with the Royal Rumble in three weeks and again we have a returning superstar from the past trying to worm his way into the main event. Goldberg returning on Legends Night, making the challenge for Drew McIntyre’s WWE Championship makes little sense, as we’ll explain in our RAW recap later. Regardless of the storyline, the match on its face doesn’t make me want to invest in it. McIntyre’s been an awesome champion carrying the RAW brand week-in and week-out. Why on Earth would anyone believe that Goldberg, who hasn’t wrestled since losing to Braun Strowman at WrestleMania 36 in April of 2020, should be able to beat a guy on top of the chain who’s been out there wrestling on a consistent basis? Besides, didn’t Goldberg already call out Roman Reigns at the end of 2020 or are we just supposed to forget about that? And speaking of forgetting, why exactly do we get McIntyre going up against Randy Orton again this Monday night out of the blue? Is there something I’ve missed there? Having your top champion wrestle every week waters down how the effectiveness of the championship and the wrestler. It should be a big deal when the WWE Champion wrestles on the show, not just more of the same old thing.  I’m not saying it should be months in between appearances like back in the days of Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan, but every Monday night for a month is a bit much.
Either way, that bit of business was the oddest thing to go down in what was a pretty eventful and productive week around the WWE.
Star of the Week
And still … #WWENXT pic.twitter.com/WuNF0Yu88M
— Ryan Satin (@ryansatin) January 7, 2021
Finn Balor – Back from a broken jaw, The Prince delivers a main-event victory over Kyle O’Reilly to retain the NXT Championship, returning the jaw injury to his foe in the process. These two have put on back-to-back dynamite matches and here’s one who’s hoping there’s a third one to add to the trilogy down the road. He’ll need to stay on top of his came because here comes Karrion Kross and Scarlett back to take what they think is rightfully theirs.
The New Day defeated The Miz & John Morrison
AJ Styles defeated Elias
Non-Title WWE Women’s Championship Match: Lacey Evans & Peyton Royce defeated Charlotte Flair & Asuka
Non-Title United States Championship Match: Riddle defeated Bobby Lashley
Dana Brooke defeated Shayna Baszler
Randy Orton defeated Jeff Hardy
Non-Title RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Lucha House Party defeated The Hurt Business
WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre defeated Keith Lee to retain title
Someone’s got upset fever in the WWE. Not one, not two, not three, but four upsets on the night. Amazingly enough too, they all made perfect sense!
"GET OUT NOW." Consider @MsCharlotteWWE furious…#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/NyRmekWGsv
— WWE (@WWE) January 5, 2021
Charlotte Flair getting pinned by Lacey Evans after Papa Ric Flair takes his flirting with Evans to a nasty level and “inadvertently” trips his own daughter was a nice swerve. Maybe this wakes up Flair and turns her against Asuka and the true Queen persona returns after a few weeks of being nice.
Riddle over Lashley after seemingly tapping out makes him a US Title contender. That’s a good thing. He’s earned it.
Dana Brooke over Shayna Baszler. I’m good with that for a week. Brooke and Mandy Rose have been beat up so many times the past month, they deserve some positivity.
Lucha House Party wins again! Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin are at odds. It’s a nice mix as we lead to the eventual Four Horseman-esque dumping of Alexander I think it’s coming post-Royal Rumble.
What a BATTLE! #WWETitle @DMcIntyreWWE @RealKeithLee
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#WWERaw, 1/4/21 pic.twitter.com/IV2lqkwgPj
— WWE (@WWE) January 6, 2021
Kudos to Keith Lee and Drew McIntyre! Those two put on quite a show as McIntyre defended his WWE Championship. Lee continues to keep himself in the main event mix with another quality showing.
Hope you enjoyed that @Goldberg, because it’s the only push you’re gonna get pic.twitter.com/VFUd150xoC
— Drew McIntyre (@DMcIntyreWWE) January 5, 2021
Now, to the elephant in the room. Goldberg. The whole premise of him coming down to berate McIntyre for tearing the legends down when he’s done nothing of the sort. He’s been as respectful as the day is long. I don’t think for a second that Goldberg will, or should be on McIntyre’s level. Here’s hoping Drew puts his “Dad” in his proper place. Plus, not for nothing, but what a shoddy way to end the night by dumping out at the end of RAW to see Modern Family on the USA Network before we see McIntyre pop right back up from the Goldberg push down that we saw later on social media. Sloppy TV production right there from the WWE who is usually really good at that part of the biz.
Heartthrob @AngelGarzaWwe was ready to party with @iamcardib on #WWERaw but instead ran into THE BOOGEYMAN! pic.twitter.com/oLQQM73Xgn
— WWE (@WWE) January 6, 2021
Speaking of the legends, outside of the ridiculous H-Phone with Hulk Hogan to start the night, I thought it was pretty well done. Nothing crazy. Nothing hugely surprising. But they played the hits. Loved The Boogeyman being a shock to Angel Garza. Melina with the Lucha House Party was a nice touch. It’s too bad Mick Foley has to miss the night due to a COVID-19 positive test. Prayers out to Mick and the Foley family.
NOT AGAIN, RANDY!!!#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/KVx5WbNIzH
— WWE (@WWE) January 5, 2021
Otherwise, Jeff Hardy is one good sport for letting Randy Orton continue to stretch out his ears to no end. The New Day vs. The Miz and John Morrison was pretty good to kick-start the night. I’m expecting The Miz to turn on his buddy anytime now and blame him for the losses.
Karrion Kross defeated Damien Priest
NXT Cruiserweight Championship Match: Santos Escobar defeated Gran Metalik
Last Woman Standing Match: Raquel Gonzalez defeated Rhea Ripley
Shotzi Blackheart & KUSHIDA defeated Candice LeRae & Johnny Gargano
NXT Championship Match: Finn Balor defeated Kyle O’Reilly
New Year’s Evil was a home run folks!
It's only a matter of time before he gets back what's his. 𝑻𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑻𝒐𝒄𝒌. #WWENXT #NXTNYE @WWEKarrionKross @Lady_Scarlett13 pic.twitter.com/OORdOxs5d2
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 7, 2021
I’ll admit, Karrion Kross and Damien Priest was a little bit of a disappointment for me because I had such high expectations for it. It did what it needed to do though as Kross keeps his title aspirations alive to get back his NXT Championship from Finn Balor.
Santos Escobar continues to dazzle as the highlight of the cruiserweight division. While many can compete, there are few who can or will take him down. Gran Metalik tried but came up short.
.@RaquelWWE is the #LastWomanStanding. Words cannot even describe what we just witnessed. WOW.#NXTNYE @RheaRipley_WWE pic.twitter.com/kn4eCTVbwo
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Raquel Gonzalez and Rhea Ripley was a downright epic war. These two took their Last Woman Standing match all over the WWE Performance Center and even took it to another level with Ripley locking Dakota Kai in a locker to prevent further involvement. Gonzalez’ chokeslam of Ripley through the stage was impressive. I’ll have to say, I wonder where Ripley goes next as she hasn’t won “the big one” in almost a year since dropping the NXT Championship to Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 36. Gonzalez stardom continues to rise and now joins Mercedes Martinez and Toni Storm at the top of the charts to take down NXT Women’s Champion Io Shirai.
So many questions, so little answers. #NXTNYE @XiaWWE @Bigboawwe pic.twitter.com/cXbnetNiD1
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Badass thy name is Xia Li. For the first time since their banishment, Li and Boa are back live and Xia showed she’s for real. She looks the part and has all the feels of a faction led by ???? We’ll continue to guess.
Shotzi Blackheart & KUSHIDA is an interesting combo to take on The Gargano Way duo of Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae. It was fun!
Does he have your attention now?
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#AndStill #NXTNYE #NXTChampionship @FinnBalor pic.twitter.com/lMyzOltoXm
— WWE (@WWE) January 7, 2021
Finn Balor vs. Kyle O’Reilly II. Holy smokes! This was high drama to say the least. It was touch-and-go right until the end. Having Balor take aim at KOR’s jaw seemed right. Balor with a little color the hard-way proved how tough his one was. I like that they didn’t get lazy and make a Kross run-in mar the finish either. It let these two have the stage they so richly deserved.
ABOUT TIME. Per #WWENXT GM @RealKingRegal, the WOMEN'S #DustyCup is coming your way, soon! #WeAreNXT #NXTNYE pic.twitter.com/D7btsuCPso
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) January 7, 2021
Finally, I love that the women of NXT are getting a Dusty Rhodes Classic of their own. The NXT women’s division is top notch and there’s plenty of match-ups that could be made. Just like the men though, I hope they bring in some other indie teams to spice it up too.
Intercontinental Championship Match: Big E defeated Apollo Crews
SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler defeated The Street Profits to win the titles
Gauntlet Match – Rey Mysterio defeated Sami Zayn; Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Mysterio; Nakamura defeated King Corbin; Nakamura defeated Daniel Bryan; Adam Pearce defeated Nakamura to win a title shot against Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/WCsFNufQU4
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
It was all about the titles this week on SmackDown. First up, Big E defended his Intercontinental Championship for the first time against his friend, Apollo Crews. But, after Crews thought he pinned Big E yet instead the referee called for a double pin and a draw, Crews wasn’t so friendly. One slap later and a decent back-and-forth restart of a match, Big E retained his title. Nice job by Big E turning things serious when he needed to get the victory.
The Dirty Dawgs did it! AND NEWWW #SmackDown Tag Team Champions: @HEELZiggler & @RealRobertRoode. pic.twitter.com/hUh0XCUWc6
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
We have new tag team champions as Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode take advantage of Montez Ford’s injured left knee to take home the gold. Good to see the vets rewarded with a tactical win. Let’s hope they keep it for a bit and it’s not just a quick respite for the TSP.
The second hour of SmackDown was devoted mostly to the Gauntlet Match to decide who will face Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble. As they foreshadowed in the opening segment, Paul Heyman got WWE official Adam Pearce put into the match as a bit of payback for making the Tribal Chief look stupid for his latest actions. And the rest, as we always say, is history.
Respect.#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/62aycltXw2
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
What a great "win" by @ScrapDaddyAP, who will now face @WWERomanReigns at the Royal Rumble! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/ObSpiKmHoB
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
As for the match itself, I didn’t like Sami Zayn being eliminated by Rey Mysterio in about a minute. He deserves better. Nakamura, who’s really been an afterthought on the singles front for months, looked good with victories against Mysterio and Corbin. Against Daniel Bryan, Nakamura looked even better as those two are magical together in the ring. Beautiful sign of respect afterwards as well. Unfortunately for Shinsuke, the expected happened as Reigns and Jey Uso beat up Nakamura before Pearce entered the ring as the final contestant of the Gauntlet Match. Reigns showed it’s HIS show, as Uso superkicks Pearce before dragging his body over Nakamura to get the win. Predictable? 100%! Good for the storyline. Absolutely.
""I want to put the past behind me." – @SonyaDevilleWWE to @ScrapDaddyAp#SmackDown pic.twitter.com/gWKF48xJ7F
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) January 9, 2021
Finally, what’s the deal with Sonya Deville? At least they addressed her loss in the loser leaves WWE match with Mandy Rose to end 2020. But they didn’t really quite explain what her role will be in aiding Pearce. Will it be taking over now that Pearce is back in the ring? I really wish Michael Cole and Corey Graves would give a little background on Pearce. He was a former 5-time NWA Champion. If Paul Heyman could slip in a Scrap Daddy WCW line, why not give us a little context. I get that the WWE doesn’t think anything exists outside the WWE Universe, but in this day of social media, it helps the story get over with some needed details. They’ve never explained who Pearce is other than just another backstage guy. Major mistake on their part.
Parting Shots:
Could Jay White be coming to the WWE? Rumors abound that he could be leaving New Japan Wrestling after his loss at Wrestle Kingdom. It seems like White liked this tweet from our star of the week Finn Balor after his NXT Championship match this week with Kyle O’Reilly. Count us in on wanting to see that one!
STEP RIGHT UP pic.twitter.com/ojcoHpdcz6
— Finn Bálor (@FinnBalor) January 7, 2021
Coming up this week:
RAW: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton Goldberg’s Challenge addressed NXT: Dusty Rhodes Classic begins
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND
0 notes
majsmom · 7 years
Happy TDBM Secret Santa Day
I was tasked with writing for the @janetdonners.  I have enjoyed getting to know you through asks and your blog. You’re a really cool individual.  This my first time writing for someone else and I tried to keep you and your preferences in mind.
Prompt: charlie/danny, loser + sports person high school AU
So I ended up using the cricket game as a frame for the guy’s friendship challenge.  
I really hope you like it.
                                                  The Moment
The heat of the summer sun beat down on Danny’s head as he stood on the mound waiting for the pitch.  He gripped the cricket bat even tighter as rivulets of sweat ran down his face and neck.   The last batsman in today’s high school tournament, his team’s dream of making it to the regional championship rested firmly on his shoulders.  The score was so close and Danny just needed to five runs to win.
His eyes shot out into the stands.  He could see his Auntie Jean sitting with Rose Anderson over to the left pride shining on both their faces.  Rose was sitting so close to the edge of the bleachers it looked like she was about to jump down and run across the field.  Auntie Jean, on the other hand, was still her body as tight as a guitar string.  She knew how much winning this game meant to him and she wanted it as badly as he did.
Frantically scanning the crowd again, he searched for the only other face that meant anything to him.  His heart sank for a minute at the thought that he might not have cared enough to come. Just before he turned to look at the pitcher, he spied him standing in the distance under a shady tree.  
“Hey, Danny!” Rose Anderson jumped off of her still moving pushie and ran top speed through the gate. “Hey, Dan,” screamed once more before skidding to a halt in the middle of the yard.  
She could see Danny elbow deep in a patch of weeds in the back of the yard.  Although Rose couldn’t understand why, Danny found working in the garden therapeutic.  Gardening had been his solace since the sudden death of his parents.  When not playing cricket or studying, he could be found turning the soil.  Rose turned and looked at the pile of weeds laid neatly beside Danny.  It all just seemed like work to her.
“Danny,” Rose called in a less than loud conversational tone.  “Guess what I just saw?”
Putting down his spade and dusting off his pants, Danny turned to look at Rose.
“This better not be more gossip,” he quipped sarcastically before walking over.
Rose sneered. “I don't gossip. I deal in facts. But since you want to crack on me, I guess I won't tell you what I saw.” She turned quickly to leave the yard.
“Hey! I was only joking. Come on back. I want to know.” Danny hid a smile as he watched Rose adjust her shirt and take on her “professional” persona. She was really only a 15 year old girl but she out on airs as if she were a bona fide journalist.
“Did you know a family of boys moved in the Conlin placed,” she queried with authority.
Danny laughed. “Just boys you say. No parents?”
“You love to interrupt don't you,” complained Rose. “Of course there were parents. A woman and a mean looking man. The one boy is our age and there are two younger brothers. The older boy was nice. His name is Charlie and he's from Melbourne.”
“Wow. You work fast. Do you know their birthdays too,” he said as he giggled. He couldn't resist the opportunity to pick at her a bit.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep at it and you won't get an introduction.” Danny twisted his face into mock seriousness. “So are you finished up here? Feel up for a ride.”
Danny could not deny his excitement. There weren’t that many boys his age in the neighborhood and the ones there were had been friends since diapers. Ballarat was a strange town full of cliques and rules. His love for gardening and baking - women's activities - sort of made him an oddity. Even his place on the winning high school cricket team couldn't overcome it.
“Give me a bit to clean up,” he said turning to the garden spigot.
They found Charlie standing next to the largest pile of wood they had ever seen. His skin glistened with sweat as he split the wood and flung it into the pile. He didn't hear Danny and Rose as they approached from the front yard.
“Aye-o Charles! I was hoping to find you here. I wanted to introduce you to my best mate, Danny.”
Rose smiled looking between them. The two boys could not be more different - a study in light and dark. Charlie was much taller than Danny and more strongly built.  Methods of punishment had made him extremely muscular and the dark hair falling over his eyes made him seem morose. In comparison, Danny was spare but his small frame hid a lithe body quick to movement and deceptively strong. His quick smile hid a pensive nature.
Danny stretched his hand out in greeting. “How are you mate?”
“Doing good. Just finishing up some chores, “ Charlie responded, giving his hand a firm shake.
Danny and Rose looked at the wood in disbelief. Apparently, chores must be different in Melbourne.
“You’ll be chopping wood until you're 80,” commented Rose incredulously. “We planned on showing you the sights of Ballarat but…” Her voice trailed off.
Danny could clearly see the disappointment in Charlie's face. Charlie's task seemed insurmountable for one person but it would definitely be quicker with three.
“I have an idea if you're open to it. How about Rose and I help you finish your chopping? Then, you'll at least have a little time to take the official Ballarat tour.”
Charlie looked around uneasy. Wood chopping was technically a punishment. Bernie, his mother’s boyfriend, was a strict disciplinarian. If Bernie found out he had help, the resulting punishment would be brutal.  Bernie wouldn't be home for hours though and his mother had taken the boys to town. A little help would get his chores done faster and it had been so long since he had any fun. But was it worth the risk?
Before he could overthink his decision, Charlie blurted out his agreement.
“It's a deal and I'll return the favor someday.”
The sound of laughter and splitting wood filled the air.
Danny watched the ball slice through the air into the outfield.  He could feel the eyes of the spectators bore into him as he broke into a run.  Before coming up to bat, he had calculated the number of runs needed to win.  Everything had been strategized before his foot hit the mound...the direction the ball needed to go...how far the ball needed to go into the outfield...the amount of strength required to get it there.  He only hoped that his machinations were enough.
Danny could feel the breeze whispering against his face, as he focused on the target not daring to look to the right or the left.  He felt the other runner whizzing by him matching him for speed.   This had to be enough.
“Charlie! Wait up,” Danny screamed as he propelled himself through the growing twilight. Charlie was meters ahead.  He squinted to make him out amongst the growing shadows.
“Please slow down.”  This trek through the woods had been Charlie’s idea.  Freed from chores, he had sought out Danny at his Auntie Jean’s house.  Charlie was enamoured with life in Ballarat.  In Melbourne, there were so many people and so little space.  The open fields and rambling woods of the countryside intrigued Charlie and he took every opportunity to explore.  
Packing a light lunch, the boys left about midday with the expectation of returning before dinner.  They had no true direction in mind.  The idea was to walk as far as possible and see as much as possible.  Crawling through the woods, they spent most of their time admiring the landscape and talking about their lives.
Experiences with death helped to shape the adolescence of both boys.  Charlie’s father was killed in the line of duty while working as a policeman in Melbourne.  Although Danny’s parents’ death was accidental, they found that they shared similar coping methods.  Both found comfort sharing their fears about life with a kindred spirit.
It was Charlie who first noticed the lateness of the day.
“Danny, what time is it,” he asked frantically.
“Oh, it’s only about 5,” replied Danny.
“We better head back.  My mother is expecting me for dinner.” Charlie hopped up and began walking quickly towards home.  Although Danny knew that they were running late, he didn’t feel Charlie’s urgency.  With at least a couple hours walk ahead of them, they would make it home before dark.
Danny noticed that Charlie grew increasingly agitated during the walk home.  He snapped when asked questions and his answers were short.  It was a marked difference from the easy conversation of earlier in the day.  With every minute, Charlie talked less and moved faster his tension increasing.
It wasn’t until the second hour that Charlie commented about the time it was taking to get to the road.
“Where are we,” he queried irritably.
“We probably are a little turned around, mate,” Danny replied, “We’ll make it to the road soon.”
“A little turned around?  We’ve been walking for hours and the sun is starting to go down.  Bloody hell!  We can’t be lost.  I need to get home.”  Danny noted the frantic tone in Charlie’s tone.  What was the big deal?  They were just a little lost.
“Ok.  Calm down.  Let’s just take a second to get our bearings.  We can’t be that far off.”
Danny turned in a circle examining the direction of the sun and the surrounding landscape.  He’d hoped that his words would have help calm Charlie.
In acquiescence, Charlie sat heavily on a fallen log.  “I really need to get home,” he said quietly.
“We’ll figure this out.  It will probably be another hour or so,” Danny said confidently. “What’s the rush anyway?  I know you promised you’d be home for dinner but how can your mom fault you for getting lost?”
Danny’s question was greeted with silence.  It didn’t take long to get on the right course and they kept a steady pace for the rest of the journey.  The silence between them was oppressive and Charlie’s agitation radiated from him like radio waves.  After about an hour, the sound of a passing car indicated that they were nearing town.  At the sound, Charlie broke into a run.  
Tree limbs grabbed at his clothes as he tried to keep pace with Charlie.  Although Danny’s muscles began to burn from the effort, he could not match the urgency in Charlie’s run.  Before long, Charlie was a shadow in the distance and, although Danny cried out for him to wait, he pressed forward.  When Danny finally made it to the road, he was nowhere in sight.
The screams from the crowd were like salve on Danny’s aching muscles.  He was doing it.  He was going to make this championship happen.  Just a few more runs he thought to himself.
Although he always excelled at the game, he never played cricket for his own enjoyment.  Being part of the team was something that his father valued.  His father, an avid player himself, was his very first coach.  In the evenings, he would take him outside and throw the ball around, coaching him on the best ways to bat and pitch.  At the time, Danny cared less about the game than spending time with his father, whose schedule was usually packed with work activities.  Cricket was a connection to him and winning this championship was the fulfillment of a prophecy.
Danny could distinguish his Auntie Jean’s voice clearly in the in the crowd of voices.  A burst of energy erupted from within.  He was almost there.
Although he had lost Charlie coming out of the woods, he was determined to speak to  him before the end of the night.  A woman’s scream pierced the night air causing a chill to run up Danny’s spine.  The sounds of a fight grew louder as Danny neared Charlie’s house.  
The house lights were ablaze as he entered the yard.  Charlie’s mother was yelling holding her smaller children back as she watched two men tussling on the ground.  Her dress was ripped and blood was dripping from her nose.  
In the middle of the yard, Charlie and his stepfather Bernie Thompson were grappling in the dirt.  The gossips in the town hinted at the fact that Bernie was a drunk who was tough on his family especially his wife.  Charlie rarely talked about Bernie and he never hinted at any of his issues.  As he watched punches and slaps being thrown, it was clear that the gossip was only the tip of the iceberg.
Charlie was holding his own but even drunk Bernie was the stronger of the two.
“Bernie, no!  Stop, please,” Charlie’s mother screamed as Bernie got the better of the boy.
“Oh, you’re a big man, hunh,” slurred Bernie and he grabbed Charlie lifting him off the ground by the collar.  “Well, take this beating like a man.” Pullling his fist back, he let  off a fierce punch that landed on Charlie’s jaw.  Stumbling backwards, Charlie landed firmly on the ground dazed.
“All of that mouth.  I’m tired of you interfering. She is my wife.” Bernie drew his foot back to deliver a well place kick.  
Before his foot could connect, a dark figure catapulted from the darkness. Danny grabbed Bernie by the arms pulling him to the ground. His breath reeked of beer and gin.  
The force of the fall had knocked the wind out of Bernie and he found it hard to recover.  He began to wretch in the yard, stumbling into the shadows to vomit up the night’s drink.
Sitting on the ground, Danny watched as Mrs.Thompson traced the bruises on Charlie’s face.  He could hear her whispered words of apology and whimpers of pain.  Charlie sat with his head bowed still stuck in a daze from Bernie’s punch.  He accepted all of his mother’s kisses but did not say a word.  Danny stood and walked over kneeling down beside him.  
It was Danny’s proximity that brought Charlie out of his stupor.
“What are you doing here,” he stammered. “Why are you here?”
“Calm down, mate.  I only came to talk.  Are you okay?”
A dark cloud passed over Charlie’s face.
“Are you happy?”
Pulling himself up from the ground, he lurched towards Danny.  
“Is this what you wanted to know? That Bernie abuses my mom?  That he beats that shit out of us! Are you disgusted?  Do you pity us?”
Charlie’s words slapped Danny in the face taking his breath away propelling him backwards.
“Why are you backing away?  Answer me! Do you pity us?,” Charlie screamed into the night.  He shook off his mother’s grasp and ran towards Danny.
“Go.  Gooooo!  You’re not wanted here!”
Fear launched through Danny.  He didn’t recognize the person advancing toward him with venom dripping from his words.  This person was terrifying.  
“Gooooooo,” Charlie bellowed as Danny turned and ran into the darkness.
The crowd rushed on the field lifting Danny in its swell. Riding on the shoulders of his teammates, he scanned the crowd. Rose and his Aunt Jean stood in the thick of everything jumping and screaming with  excitement. Strangers chanted his name as he round the crowd like a wave.
The sun was still bright and the air was still hot, but a calmness cooled his spirit. A lightness invaded his heart relaxing his limbs. Pride, relief and tears welled up in his chest as he thought of his accomplishment. A prayer of thanks was on his lips as he thought of his father closing his eyes in emotion.
When he opened them, he saw Charlie with a half smile turn from the tree and walk towards the crowd.  This was not the boy from earlier in the week face contorted in pain.  He could still see the greenish ghost of bruises on his face.  There would be time for explanations later.  For now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment.
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6 Years Later…
“Mommy, mommy!” I heard as I stirred out of my sleep. I felt little fingers nudging me.
“Hmm?” I rubbed my eyes open to see it was still dark and my daughter Aiko was in front of me. She's 3.
“Mama, I made a mistake,” I saw her frown as she played with her little fingers. She was so articulate for a three year old. I will give Dwayne credit for that.
“What did you do, baby?” I sighed as I sat up. I looked at the clock and it was 3:42 am. I looked to my right to see Dwayne fast asleep.
“Umm.. umm..” She couldn't seem to find the right words.
“Come on, sweetheart, spit it out,” I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed.
“The bed. It's wet,” she frowned.
I sighed. She peed the bed. She's been potty trained for a year but sometimes she has little mistakes. “Okay. Come on,” I got out the bed carefully.
“Shhh, momma, don't wake up Daddy or DJ,” she said as she wobbled her way to the door in front of me.
I giggled as I shook my head, “I won't wake up Daddy or DJ.”
DJ is my son. He's 5 years old, named after his father.
I walked to the kitchen and Aiko noticed. She quickly ran behind me. I gathered baking soda, a spray bottle of water & vinegar, a little bit of detergent, and a rag.
I get into her room and I remove her sheets, before spraying the wet spot of the mattress with the spray bottle solution and putting some baking soda on the spot too. I scrubbed the spot with the rag.
“Now, did you use the bathroom before bed?” I looked at Aiko.
“Umm..” she looked down, “I forgot. I was sleepy.”
“That excuse will work this time. Next time it won't. Use the bathroom before you go to bed, okay?”
“Well, can you help me remember?” She looked up hopeful.
I laughed, “Yes. I'll remind you before bed, okay?”
“Okay,” she smiled.
After finishing with her bed, I decided to let it air dry. “Your beds gonna be a little wet, so how about you come sleep with me and Daddy?”
“Okay,” she ran excitedly to me and Dwayne’s bedroom. She's such a daddy’s girl, and loves whenever she sleeps with us because then she's able to cuddle up to Dwayne.
I laughed, shaking my head. By the time I got to the bed, she was already cuddled up to Dwayne and he had his arm around her. I smiled as I laid next to them. I would've never imagined myself here, but yet here I am.
I can't believe it’s been six years since I moved to Tokyo, in this 3 bedroom apartment. I know, right? Whitley Gilbert living in an apartment? But I love it. I love us.
“Dr. Reese, your next patient is ready,” my nurse, Wanda, said to me while handing me my patient’s file.
“Oh,” I look at the file, “Adams, got it. Tell her I’ll be with her in 5 minutes please.”
“Okay,” Wanda walked off.
I returned my attention back to the phone, “Spencer, I really shouldn't on the phone right now.”
“Yes, yes. But I miss you, you know?”
I blushed, “I miss you too, baby, but I have a patient who's ready for me.”
“Is it critical?”
“No. Just a routine yearly check up. She's in her 40’s.”
“Well, if it's not critical, she can wait another 10 minutes.”
“Ten?! Come on, honey. I can see you when we both get home tonight. And how is the hospital not complaining about one of their surgeons playing on the phone?”
He chuckles, “Ever heard of a break? Surgeons get breaks, too. I have about 30 minutes left.”
“Yea, well my break isn't for another two hours. I love you, okay? I gotta go.”
He sighs, “You owe me then. Tonight when you get home.”
I laughed, “Yes, I owe you.”
“And I love you more, Kimberly Reese-Boyer.”
I smiled, “Okay, babe. I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you.”
I hung up. I looked at my wedding ring and smiled. Three years after Whitley had moved, me and Spencer were finally established enough to get married. The wedding of my dreams, too. At a church, with my closest people at my side. Whitley, Dwayne, & DJ flew all the way back from Japan to be apart of it. And although Whitley was 7 months pregnant with Aiko, she didn't let that stop her from wearing that maid of honor dress. And best of all, I married the man of my dreams.
This man is loyal to me, in love with me, and will never in his wildest dreams, hurt me. Something that I was scared I may never have. But I got it.
Freddie. Freddie, Freddie, Freddie. This woman triggers me to a whole new level.
“Can you please explain to me why you're being so difficult about this?” I looked at her. We were sitting on my couch, while our daughter, Luna, watched a movie in her room.
“Because. I don't need my daughter around Micaela. Her home is broken enough, she doesn't need to be around daddy’s new piece of meat,” she rolled her eyes.
“Piece of meat?! She's my girlfriend. Don't degrade her like that. Secondly, her and Micaela have a great relationship. You're really limiting the amount of times I get to see my daughter because of my relationship?”
“Yes,” Freddie stared blankly at me.
“And here you are with the peace-maker bullshit persona, but yet look at you now. She has her own room here, her own clothes here, there's never not any food. She's taken care of. I don't want to go to court with you about this.”
She looked away for a second.
“Honestly, is this about you not wanting Luna in an ‘even more broken home’ or is this about me moving on?”
She stays silent.
“Fine! I don't want her around Micaela because I am hurt, Ron. I risked friendships to be with you! I risked people looking at me different because I loved you! I had a child with you. And this is where it ends up?!”
“Freddie, you didn't have to risk your friendships for me. You could've decided to be a real friend and suppress all feelings for me, but you couldn't, because you were selfish! Hell, I was selfish, but at least I changed! Look at you. Same old Freddie from six years ago.”
She scoffed, “I'm leaving. You drop Luna off by tomorrow night,” she grabbed her purse and got up.
“There you go again. You play victim and once that doesn't work, you run away.”
“Bye, Ron,” she walked out of my house.
I sighed, plopping myself into my couch. I can't wait to tell Dwayne about this one.
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furnitureoxide-blog · 5 years
Sofa Set Designs
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Carson Kressley says, " Friends think your life is so glamorous, and it is. But there are times when instead of going to a glamorous party I would rather just come home from work, pop in a DVD and eat some microwave popcorn while lying on my sofa set".  Well yes, that's what sofas are for. After the whole long busy day when life gets you all packed and you return home tired and exhausted all you will need is a place to let all your senses cool down, a place where you can relax laying without any tension of coming days or hours. Sofas are that place for you.  When on most evening you can light up a few candles, get snugged on the sofa and read your favorite novel carelessly lost in the world of fairies and adventure, other times sit around in a group with all your friends gossiping around on different topics and sharing life events, and connecting dots around your stories.  Having a home, family sitting around you discussing about life events, maybe about the things you spend you day doing or little Nik Naks they wish to share all you can do sitting on the one cozy corner of your room on your sofa. It is important that you buy this one important thing considering all the factors about its quality and your needs. With being the most comforting spot of the living room, sofa sets are also the play stop for children. Where they jump out all their energy, when tired sit down or sleep on them, sometimes make a car out from them , acting as if they are genuinely driving on a rash road, crashing the cars into the trees.  Children have their own imaginations and while they play on sofa it is important that they also get all the comfort needed. Sofas are also the bed for some and an eating spot for others. But in the end, your sofa adds glamour and royalty to your living room. It's the one thing among many attractions for your guests and friends.
History Of Furniture Designs
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Infographic Credit :- Guardsman
How To Choose The Right Sofa/Couches For Your Space? Step-By-Step Guide
Best 3-Seater Sofa
1. Durian Samuel White Leather 3 Seater Sofa Set
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT :  This sofa here is a three-seater sofa set that will provide you with immediate comfort and immense support. What you look for when you reach the market to buy a new sofa set?  This elegant and luxurious looking sofa set here comes from the Durian privately-held furniture company that was founded back in 1985 and has its headquarters in Mumbai. Durian offers some of the best sofa set designs at your door.  Naturally, you look for the framework it has, the joinery that holds the frame, the foam that's stuffed inside the sofa, it's fabric the comfort it offers and last but not the least its price range. Here this Durian Samuel sofa set comes with semi-aniline leather which is the type of leather that is only slightly pigmented. This type of leather is in between the pigmented and aniline leather. It is four times more durable than any other leather. Aniline leather is said to be the most luxurious leather covers for sofa sets.  It comes with fine leather upholstery. The filling in this sofa is of foam which in return can provide more body support while sitting. Foam retains its shape better than other filling like fiber. It comes in steel legs. It also comes with the adjustable headrest and armrest. These two things being added to this sofa makes it better and comfortable. This sofa provides comfort at your best. The bright cream color adds warmth to your house as well and will surely enlighten your day. Samuel can be proved to be the smart choice for modern living room decoration.  OTHER DETAILS : This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful cream color with a weight of around 56kgs. The model number that this set has is Samuel/3 and the item art number is Samuel/3. This sofa comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably.  This sofa set design comes with the leather as the primary material that adds enhancement to the set design. The upholstery material in the sofa set design is Leatherette. Also, the set has a freestanding installation type.  The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. They offer no storage capacity. KEY SPECS: The Dimensions of this sofa is as follows: Length (212 cm), Width (90 cm), Height (95 cm) Primary Material used here is Semi-Aniline Leather Primary Material used here is Semi-Aniline Leather Seating Capacity: Three-seat Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller itself. Warranty: 5 Year Durian Industries Ltd. Domestic Warranty It has an adjustable headrest to provide you with comfort and support. It also has an adjustable armrest to provide proper support to your arm. This sofa set comes with steel legs. Maximum load capacity: 350kgs. PROS Adjustable Headrest. Steel Legs. CONS Colour might not be exactly as displayed in the picture. Check Price On Amazon 2. Durian Wooden Frame Three Seater Sofa (Matte Finish, Caramel Brown)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : This Joseph royal golden age looking sofa set has a classic vintage style touch to it. This is a real grand sofa designed for a step back into the pages of the past. When you want an ancient touch in your house, a look that reminds you of the classical past designs get this sofa right now.  The brown color that this sofa has gives the effective texture of wooden. And will beautifully suit your western house theme having wooden floor set up. This sofa comfy us all you need after a long tiring work hour.  Sofa is not only a place to sit when guests come, it's always staying with you and your comfort means more. Do you think that if children come then it's gonna be a job for you to always stand beside your sofa so they don't damage it? Well, here the solution this sofa set has the primary material of semi-aniline leather which is in between the pigmented and aniline leather.  It's four times more durable than any other time of leather. So not to worry about the leather getting harmed. Also at the same time, aniline leather is said to be a most luxurious leather cover for sofa sets. What else do you need when all you got. This sofa is all in one. Adoring your living room where you can sit and have some gossip around with your friends and family.  The special vintage-styled arms coupled with the molding and the pinhead details all these add charm and persona to this sofa set. This sofa set design comes with broad armrest and soft cushioning which provides you with extreme comfort and calmness.  This sofa set comes with a pair of complementary fabric cushions and pillows that make it a complete perfect set. OTHER DETAILS : This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful caramel brown color with a weight of around 71kgs. The model number that this set has is Joseph/3 and the item art number is Joseph/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably.  This has the freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. KEY SPECS: The Dimensions in which this sofa set comes are: Length (224 cm), Width (93 cm), Height (108 cm). Primary Material which makes this set is Solid Wood. Color: Caramel Brown, Finish: Matte, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 Year Durian Industries Ltd. Domestic Warranty. Grand design. Material used in here is Semi-aniline leather. Lounge chair. PROS It offers you with a grand design. Vintage looking sofa. Three seater with immense comfort. Solid wood as primary material. Easy to clean. CONS Color may not match exactly as in the picture. No adjustable head or armrest. Check Price On Amazon 3. Durian Three Seater Sectional Sofa Set (Matte Finish, Butter Scotch)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : This set offers you the most charming comfort. It looks fluffy and is the perfect kind of soft comfortable sofa set.  Softness is all you smell of while looking at this sofa set design. The light brown mellow color and the cozy comfy cushion this sofa we made from will make you fall asleep as soon as you will lay on this sofa.  While looking around for sofa one looks for the softest sets, well here is one for you and your children to sit, jump, sleep whatever suits you. This sofa set has a premium polyfill on the back and in the arms to prevent sagging and added cushioning. All-day sitting on the chair in your offices and workplaces might stress up your back.  Coming home you need a place to set up your body and take a nice long sleep. Well here is the sofa for you. This sofa has a premium feel to it. Looking for astonishing your guest? I'm telling you this sofa set gives a wow feeling when you first sit down on it. Amenity in your living room. This sofa has a foam filling making it softest of all.  Polyfill material is synthetic material that is very soft, durable and extremely fluffy. So yes when talking about the extreme cozy sofa sets, here you come. This Leslie sofa set is upholstered using genuine leather that is said to be sourced from Italy exclusively. This three-seater sofa is best for your comfort for indoor. OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa design comes in a very beautiful butterscotch color with a weight of around 63kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 208*95*96.   The model number that this set has is Leslie/3 and the item art number is Leslie/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably.  This has the freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. KEY SPECS: This sofa set has Dimensions as follows: Length (208 cm), Width (95 cm), Height (96 cm). Primary Material type used here is Semi-Aniline Leather, Top Material: Leather, Back Material: Leatherette. Color: Butter Scotch, Finish: Matte, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Standard design. Half leather sofa. PROS The top material it offers is leather. Standard design. The capacity it offers is 350kgs. Extremely fluffy. CONS The color may not be the exact same as shown in the picture. It could be a little difficult to clean. No adjustable head or armrest. Check Price On Amazon 4. Durian Marcus Three Seater Sectional Sofa (Beige)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : This premium looking sofa set has an elegant touch to it. It grabs attention with its stylish looks.  This Marcus sofa set is a two-seater features an elegant modernized look. Goes best with the modern living looks. If you're looking for a supreme design sofa set this is the right choice for you. The shining steel strips this sofa set has on the sides make it look more gorgeous and stunning at the same time. This steely glimpse that durian has added to this sofa set design makes it stand out from other sofa set designs.  I'm not sure if you understand the headrest this sofa set offers. Have you ever had a problem with having a straight headrest which in return would strain your head? Well yes of course.  But unlike other sofas, this sofa has an adjustable headrest providing you with the facility to adjust the headset as you want it to be. Absolutely perfect and thus in return preventing a kind of strain. When guests come it's important they have a good first impression. This sofa gives you that. This sofa can also be placed in offices for it gives a luxury feeling which will definitely fit your office reception.  This set has a rich finish. The supreme leather gives the sofa a luxury hint. It also comes with adjustable headrest and makes it stand out. The headrest adds to increasing the comfort level of this sofa set.  The legs of this sofa are made from stainless steel which makes them perfect in each aspect.  OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful beige color with a weight of around 54kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 208*108*93. The model number that this set has is Marcus/3 and the item art number is Marcus/3.  This sofa comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably. The material is leather that enhancement to this sofa set design. This has the freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. KEY SPECS: This sofa comes in the Dimensions as follows: Length (208 cm), Width (104 cm), Height (93 cm). Primary Material used here is Semi-Aniline Leather, Top Material material used is: Leather, Base Material: Wood. Color: Beige, Finish: Matte, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Adjustable headrest. Rich finish. Steel legs. Compact size. PROS It comes with a perfect compact size. This offers a rich finish. Sofa has adjustable headrest. Steel legs. CONS Color may not be the exact same as shown in the picture. The leather is not very washable. Check Price On Amazon 5. Durian Skyler Three Seater Sectional Sofa Set (Mushroom Brown).
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT :  Luxury us all you see when you look at this sofa set. The premium and standard looks this sofa set provides is out of mind. This Skyler sofa set is anything but the most magnificent pieces of all, that will add perfectionist your living room. Skyler sofa set has a soft touch and fluffy feels. It has a modern, contemporary and straight style. The thick cushions this sofa set design provides can be a place to rest all day long.  When you look for the comfort of your kids or anyone from your family this definitely won't disappoint you. This sofa set comes with leather a type that four times more durable and strong than any other set. It is covered with a combination of leather and leatherette with all the areas you can experience are finished with leather and rest nonfunctional ones are finished with leatherette. Leatherette is cheaper than the two here.  Leather, on the one hand, is not washable and can be difficult to clean, also it's porous and so absorbs spills and odor easily. Whereas leatherette is not washable but is less porous and so waterproof and easy to wash. This sofa set design is set in a sleek stilt legs  OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful mushroom brown color with a weight of around 50kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 198*88*76.   The model number that this set has is Skyler/A/3 and the item art number is Skyler/A/3. This sofa comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably. This sofa comes with leatherwork that adds enhancement to this set design.  This has the freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. KEY SPECS: This sofa comes with the Dimensions as follows:: Length (196 cm), Width (88 cm), Height (76 cm). Primary Material used her is Semi-Aniline Leather, Top Material used is Leather, Base Material: Wood. Color: Mushroom Brown, Finish: Matte, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Sleek design. Rich upholstery. Stylish legs. Sleek arms. PROS The sofa set has sleek arms. It comes with a stylish leg design. This set has rich upholstery. It could hold a maximum of 350kg weight. CONS Color may not be the same as shown in the picture. This sofa doesn't have an adjustable headrest. Check Price On Amazon Also Read:- Best L Shape Sofa/Couches In India | Reviews and Comparison Best King Size Bed In India (2019) Reviews, Comparison & Buying Guide 6. Durian Roger Three Seater Sofa (Dark Walnut)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : This glossy finish sofa set adds to the royal vintage look of your living room. It looks lavish and strong persona.  This three-seater sofa is made from a primary material that is semi-aniline leather. The semi-aniline leather is the type of leather that is only slightly pigmented. This type of leather is in between the pigmented and aniline leather.  It is four times more durable than any other leather. Aniline leather is said to be the most luxurious leather covers for sofa sets. The vintage design draws you in with its panel arms and an inviting seat upholstered in the finest leather and leatherette.  It has a brown color that makes it look royal and adds warm persona to the surrounding. It a tufted back and seat cushions are all made out if the finest foam that makes it fluffy and soft. The legs here are of wooden and firmly stabilize's the sofa set.  OTHER DETAILS : This sofa design comes in a very beautiful dark walnut color with a weight of around 77.2kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 239*106*94.   The model number that this set has is Roger/A/3 and the item art number is Roger/A/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably.  This sofa set design comes with the leather as the primary material that adds enhancement to the set design. Also, the set has a freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. KEY SPECS: Sofa set here some with the Dimensions as follows: Width (106 cm), Length (230 cm), Height (94 cm). Primary Material used here is Semi-Aniline Leather. Color: Dark Walnut, Finish: Matte, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Grand design. Tufted back. Rolled arms. Wooden legs. PROS This sofa set design comes with tufted back. It has rolled arms design. The overall design is grand. It could hold a maximum of 350 kgs loads. CONS The color may not be the same as shown in the picture. Check Price On Amazon 7. Durian Three Seater Sofa Set (Matte Finish, Burgundy)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : This leather sofa set design gives your living room the vintage royal look. The color makes it stand out among the other sets. This sofa set is three-seater present here to give your living room a premium look. Are you the one looking for a sitting place for your wooden floors living room and want something that'll match with your expectation of being strong and fluffy at the same time. Then this is the sofa design you need to check out right now.  Whether it's a family function or just a small gathering at your room you obviously need comfort and convenience for your guests and for yourself. This sofa has that all.  This sofa set design has a rich textured Burgundy leather which gives it a supple feel. The back is of the sofa set has tufted panel back cushion which gives you immense comfort and sublime rest.  The secondary material used here is semi-aniline leather. Semi-aniline leather is the type of leather that is only slightly pigmented. This type of leather is in between the pigmented and aniline leather.  It is four times more durable than any other leather. The sofa stands on a sturdy base. This luxurious seating makes the Patrick leather sofa standout for your living room.  OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful burgundy color with a weight of around 58.2kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 220*87*94.   The model number that this set has is Patrick/3 and the item art number is Patrick/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably. This sofa set design comes with the leather as the primary material that adds enhancement to the set design.  The upholstery material in the sofa set design is Leatherette. Also, the set has a freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. They offer no storage capacity. KEY SPECS: The sofa comes with the Dimensions: Length (220 cm), Width (87 cm), Height (94cm). Primary Material used here is Leather, Upholstery Material: Leatherette. Color: Burgundy. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Leather sofa, 3 seater. Modern design. Sturdy base. PROS This sofa set cushion and leather upholstery type. It comes with the 350kgs capacity holder. Gives royal look to your living room. CONS The color may not be the same as shown in the picture. No adjustable headrest. No adjustable armrest. Check Price On Amazon 8. Durian Philly Three Seater Sofa Set Leather (Beige)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT: The premium look that this two-seater sofa set gives will make your living room flawless and standout.  This sofa here has a splendid and stunning design. This Philly sofa set has a marvelous leather cover. The secondary material used here is semi-aniline leather. Semi-aniline leather is the type of leather that is only slightly pigmented.  This type of leather is in between the pigmented and aniline leather. It is four times more durable than any other leather. This sofa set comes with the cushion upholstery type and leather upholstery material.  Leather is not washable and can be difficult to clean, also it's porous and so absorbs spills and odor easily. Comfortable and relaxed after a long workday or party theme styled at your house. This sofa set brings everything to your steps. Want a mentally feel for your newly designed, well-constructed living room?  This sofa set design goes extraordinarily with your elegant living room. Sofa set comes with a cushion panel and offers lots of support and comfort. It has an adjustable headrest for a position that best suits you and provides you with calmness.  It has sleek chrome legs that give this sofa set a very stylish look upon which the sofa rests firmly.  OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful beige color with a weight of around 53.9kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 213*100*70.   The model number that this set has is Philly/3 and the item art number is Philly/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably. This sofa set design comes with the leather as the primary material that adds enhancement to the set design.  The upholstery material in the sofa set design is Leatherette. Also, the set has a freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. They offer no storage capacity. KEY SPECS: The sofa comes with the Dimensions: Length (213 cm), Width (100 cm), Height (70 cm). Primary Material used here is Semi-Aniline Leather, Upholstery Material: Leatherette. Color: Beige, Style: Contemporary. Seating Capacity: Three-seat. Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller. Warranty: 5 years on product. Leather sofa, 3 seater. Adjustable headrest. Modern design. Sleek base. PROS This sofa design comes with a premium-looking style. It has a sleek base. This set comes with an adjustable headrest. Also, it could hold a maximum of 350kgs. CONS Vulnerable to water. The color of the sofa set may not be the same as shown in the picture. Check Price On Amazon 9. Durian Three Seat Sofa for Living Room (Matt Finish, Grey)
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Pic Credit:- amazon.in ABOUT PRODUCT : The premium and luxurious look that this sofa holds will definitely make your living room stand out.  Greyish glimpses this set gives adds an enormous blend of richness to your house. And the level of comfort isn't less to say less. This set is perfect for a place where you want a modern look. Omega sofa set design had a premium look here by comes with primary material of leather. A brilliant addition, the Omega is the pride of the luxe Leather collection. Leather is not washable and can be difficult to clean, also it's porous and so absorbs spills and odor easily.  This sofa set is encased with a premium luxurious cushion that provides you with immense comfort and support.  Comfort always comes first. And then comes the style. This sofa is all in one. This sofa set design will add standard to your luxurious living room. Family time or having guests over at your house I'm sure this sofa set will leave people in wonder and awe of your house. Omega hereby draws its inspiration from a very beautiful Vintage design with an imperial stance with a winged platform base supported on slender steel legs making for an impressive look. It offers you an adjustable headrest for your extreme comfort so you can change it according to your desire.  An eloquent blend of inspiring aesthetics and comfort, this is a nice way to add a little panache to your home.  OTHER DETAILS :  This sofa set design comes in a very beautiful battleship grey color with a weight of around 69kgs. The dimensions of this sofa set are in terms of accommodating your living room and they are 218*103*94.5.   The model number that this set has is Omega/3 and the item art number is Omega/3. This sofa set comes with the capacity to accommodate three people comfortably.  This sofa set design comes with the semi-aniline leather as the primary material that adds enhancement to the set design. The upholstery material in the sofa set design is Leatherette.  Also, the set has a freestanding installation type. The body material of this sofa is wood. It has a rectangular shape and requires assembly. They offer no storage capacity. KEY SPECS: The Dimensions of this sofa set is as follows: Length (218cm), Width (103cm), Height (94.5cm) Seating Capacity: Three-seat Assembly Required: The product requires carpenter assembly and will be provided by the seller itself. Warranty: 5 Year Durian Industries Ltd. Domestic Warranty It has an adjustable headrest to provide you with comfort and support. This sofa set comes with steel legs. Maximum load capacity: 350kgs. PROS This sofa set comes with a beautiful looking design. It offers a premium look. CONS Vulnerable to water. Color may not be the same as shown in the picture. Check Price On Amazon
Hindi Buying Guide - How To Choose The Right Sofa/Couches For Your Space? Step-By-Step Guide
Your sofa will be the communal platform, comforting safe space for family debates and talk over intimate as well as casual topics or a place to sit o lay while most probably having a television in front. Before buying a sofa see and consider all the points including dimensions, range, quality, and other things. Even if the sofa comes second to all the pricey antique and jewelry but still it's one expensive investment you're going to make, but at the end of the day it is something that'll add to the thousands of memories you'll make.  A Sofa is the center of attraction for your living room and a perfect spot to spend time with friends and family. When looking for sofa set designs it's important you look for all the necessary things you feel are needed according to your convenience. The sofa set is something that'll hold many memories and will stay with you are a long long time. Read the full article
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voodoochili · 5 years
My Favorite Songs of 2019
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2019 was a fantastic year for music, but then again every year is. We as listeners have been blessed with abundance, and tasked with the delightful work of sifting through freshwater to find gold. This year, the most reliably golden genres were West African pop and West Coast Rap. Go figure.
The following represents my favorite 100 songs of the year. My only rules: 1) one song per lead artist (a lucky few earned multiple placements through the “featured artist” loophole).
Below are the write-ups (everyone’s favorite part) and stay tuned for my albums list, coming next week. Don’t forget to scroll all the way down for a Spotify playlist of the full list!
25. Desperate Journalist - “Satellite” - A sweeping, emotional rock song by a veteran rock band that can uncork one of these in their sleep. What makes this one special? The dynamic changes in the pre-chorus, the soaring guitar solo, and the passionate performance from lead singer Jo Bevan.
24. Jacques Greene - “Stars” - A brilliant bit of ambient techno that evokes the seminal electronic classic “Little Fluffy Clouds,” by The Orb. Instead of desert clouds, the anonymous female narrator describes a pastoral dream about the night skies of her youth. A transporting piece of music that should’ve been twice as long--five minutes is a cruelly short lifespan for this kind of bliss.
23. Rosalía - “Con Altura” ft. J Balvin - After the brilliant and singular El Mal Querer demonstrated Rosalía’s singular talent, “Con Altura” announced her intentions for worldwide domination. Created with frequent Rosalía collaborator El Guincho and chameleonic superstar J Balvin, “Con Altura” contains two of the year’s most insidious hooks--the soft-spoken call-and-response chorus, and Rosalía’s snake-charming bridge, the strongest indication yet that global stardom won’t stop the Catalonian chanteuse from pushing music forward.
22. Faye Webster - “Room Temperature” – 2019’s answer to “Swingin’ Party,” the Replacements’ great anthem for introverts, the introductory track on Webster’s Atlanta Millionaire’s Club album drifts along with Hawaiian-flavored pedal steel and a palpable sense of regret, as the 21-year-old singer longs to escape her perfectly comfortable surroundings. 21. Yhung T.O. - “Lately” ft. Lil Sheik - Easy, breezy, beautiful Bay Area rap, carried by T.O.’s dulcet tones and Sheik’s unrepentant dirtbaggery. The beat by Armani Depaul is one of my favorite retro-facing rap beats in a while, complete with smooth digital strings and security-pad synths. 20. The New Pornographers - “You’ll Need a New Backseat Driver” - Every five years or so, A.C. Newman writes a melody so strong that it requires Neko Case’s ultra-powerful alto to properly do it justice. This year, that song is “You’ll Need a New Backseat Driver,” which strives for, and nearly approaches, the heights of previous Pornos stunners like “The Laws Have Changed” and “Champions of Red Wine.” 
19. Floating Points - “LesAlpx” - Surrounded by outré synth experiments and beatless soundscapes on Crush, the first Floating Points album since 2015, “LesAlpx” is Sam Shepherd’s gift to club-goers everywhere. It’s a lean and mean house track, foregrounding propulsive percussion and rubbery bass, but it’s also deeply cerebral, creating a sense of foreboding urgency with detuned synths and ambient sine waves. 18. Daphni - “Sizzling” ft. Paradise - Built around a sample of Paradise’s seminal single “Sizzlin’ Hot,” Dan Snaith’s “Sizzling” extends the best moments of the classic post-disco smash to create five minutes of pure euphoria. The song starts in media res, with the groove in full form, and peaks at the end, when Snaith finally allows Paradise’s June Ventzos to finish her thought atop jubilant trumpets. 17. J Hus - “Must Be” - The latest genre-blending collaboration between J Hus and genius producer JAE5 proves that no man is safe from Hus’s dazzling logic, as he stacks syllogism after syllogism over an irresistible, afropop-flavored groove: “If it walk like an opp/Talk like an opp/Smell like an opp/Then it must be.” 16. Vampire Weekend - “Jerusalem, New York, Berlin” - Ever indulging his literary ambitions, Ezra Koenig uses the final track on Father Of The Bride to examine his Jewish identity, and to reckon with a world that hasn’t made sense since World War I. The prettiest melody on an album dripping with pretty melodies, “Jerusalem, New York, Berlin” packs enough symbolism into three minutes to inspire a seminar at Koenig’s Ivy League alma mater. Supported by yearning, spritely piano, Koenig ends the song with a poignant plea for peace, within reason: “So let them win the battle/But don't let them restart/That genocidal feeling/That beats in every heart.” 15. Great Grandpa - “Bloom” - The highlight from Great Grandpa’s outstanding Four Of Arrows album, “Bloom” is two songs in one. Part one brings punchy acoustic guitar that recalls ‘90s adult alternative (think Matchbox 20) and prime-era Saddle Creek (think Rilo Kiley) in equal measure. The second par tcompletes the song’s emotional arc, slowing down for a hypnotic wordless chorus, backed by weeping violins,. The key line here: “Please say I’m young enough to change.” 14. Spellling - “Real Fun” – Gleefully dramatic and overflowing with evil-sounding synths, “Real Fun” synthesizes Neneh Cherry, Bauhaus, and Cabaret into something that sounds like a villain’s theme in an animated musical that hasn’t been written yet.   13. Earthgang - “Proud Of U” ft. Young Thug – There’s no straight man to ground this ATL trio, as all three emcees lean into their vocal eccentricities while expressing their thanks to the women in their lives atop a mutating, guitar-driven beat. 12. Stella Donnelly - “Tricks” – In which the young heroine attempts to rid herself of a particularly toxic ex, who isn’t just misogynist, but a potential white supremacist sympathizer (her subject’s “Southern Cross Tattoo” is like an Aussie version of the MAGA hat). Heavy stuff, but Donnelly delivers everything with a grin, as if she’s wondering in real time why the hell she ever bothered with this jamoke. 11. Jenny Lewis - “On The Line” - The title track and emotional climax of Jenny Lewis’ latest album, “On The Line” boasts one of the finest vocal performances in her long career, sweetly assassinating her cheating ex-lover with a lilting melody and wry smile.
10. Lucinda Chua - “Whatever It Takes” – Lucinda Chua makes languid art pop in the tradition of fka twigs, but I prefer her understated longing to twigs herself. Her main instrument is the cello, but this track foregoes that sound almost entirely, opting instead for resonant Wurlitzer keys and multi-layered vocal harmonies, and shunting traditional song structure aside in favor of one enigmatic verse, repeating at odd intervals throughout: “Wait/The demons I carry are fake/I will fight our fire, too late.” 9. ShooterGang Kony - “Charlie” – The year’s most cold-blooded mob banger starts with the line “fuck the police and your mama if you ask me” and only escalates from there. Rhyming without affect over hiccuping bass, Kony mercilessly ethers cops, R&B singers, and women named Ashley before threatening to shoot you with a gun that sounds like Fozzy Bear. 8. KEY! - “Miami Too Much” – My favorite Atlanta rap song of the year gets its power from its hilariously specific central conceit, with KEY’s impassioned vocal selling the bit: “If you seen that ass, you'd make a song too.” How often must someone visit Dade County before it becomes an irreconcilable difference in an otherwise healthy relationship? 7. Raphael Saadiq - “Something Keeps Calling” ft. Rob Bacon - Named after his older brother, Raphael Saddiq’s towering Jimmy Lee album examines the personal cost of the crack epidemic, and the outsized role addiction plays in the lives of the destitute. “Something Keeps Calling” is the album’s crushing centerpiece, painting substances as at once a seductive lover and a heavy burden, one that overrides all common sense and decency: “My friends say I can never pull it together/Well they might be right, at least tonight/My kids say I'll never come home again/And I know they're right, at least tonight.” The song climaxes with Rob Bacon’s wailing guitar solo, which tries in vain to reach out to those beyond hope. 6. Bad Bunny & J Balvin - “La Canción” - Nestled in the middle of Balvin and Bunny’s summer smash OASIS, “La Canción” takes a break from the party to dwell on the inherent emptiness of their hedonistic lifestyle, as a mournful trumpet echoes the Reggaetoneros’ longing for meaningful connection amidst their chaotic lives. 5. Polo G - “Pop Out” ft. Lil TJay – Only Polo G would interrupt his own robbery to examine the sociological causes of his behavior: “We come from poverty, man, we ain't have a thing.” But on the rest of “Pop Out,” Polo leans into the dark side of his persona, before 2019’s most unlikely guest verse assassin Lil TJay brings the pathos: “If I showed you all my charges, you won't look at me the same.” In contrast to how effortless the two rappers sound atop the dramatic piano loop, listening to Lil Baby and Gunna wheeze through the remix hammers home the high degree of difficulty of such nimble melodics. It’s a testament to how fast rap music moves these days that Polo and TJay can make last year’s It Duo sound like geezers. 4. Octo Octa - “I Need You” – It starts as an intoxicatingly minimal expression of dancefloor lust, but halfway through, “I Need You” morphs into a sincere and moving tribute to everybody who helped Octo Octa become the woman she is today. It’s a moving moment tucked within an epic club track that works equally well as build-up or comedown.
3. Purple Mountains - “All My Happiness Is Gone” - It’s hard to find the words for this one, a matter-of-fact documentation of a man slowly losing his will to live--which became heartbreakingly clear when David Berman committed suicide in August. But because it’s Berman, “All My Happiness Is Gone” is packed with genius-level wordplay and devastating observations, and enough gallows humor to truly emphasize the gravity of his situation: “Friends are warmer than gold when you're old/And keeping them is harder than you might suppose//Lately, I tend to make strangers wherever I go/Some of them were once people I was happy to know.” I’ll keep going: “Ten thousand afternoons ago/All my happiness just overflowed/That was life at first and goal to go.” And one more: “Where nothing's wrong and no one's asking/But the fear's so strong it leaves you gasping/No way to last out here like this for long.”
2. Big Thief - “Not” - A torrid, slow-burning rocker, “Not” showcases lead singer-songwriter Adrienne Lenker’s skill with oblique imagery and wild-eyed intensity. Lenker rattles off a long list of poetic observations, trying to get to the heart of something (everything?) without ever finding a satisfactory answer, as the music morphs from a controlled simmer to a cacophonous freakout. “Not” climaxes with a riotous guitar solo from Lenker herself, one that reaches towards the cosmos and echoes her frayed vocal. As always with Big Thief, though, the song soars in the smallest moments, like when guitarist Buck Meek enters with plainspoken backing vocals, and at the beginning of the second verse when the guitars drop out and Lenker’s voice stands alone.
1. Burna Boy - “Anybody” - Sometimes the best song of the year is the one that makes you feel the best, and no song this year made me feel better than “Anybody.” “Anybody” is both inviting and aloof, urgent and relaxing. Riding an irresistible groove defined by syncopated keys, driving percussion, and an eager-to-please saxophone, Burna Boy slides between Pidgin English and Yoruba chasing a feeling that resonates beyond the capabilities of language. It’s a song about demanding and receiving respect, dripping with the contagious confidence of an African Giant. And for three minutes, you’ll feel like a giant too.
THE REST: 26. DaBaby - “Intro” 27. Perfume Genius - “Eye On The Wall” 28. Yves Jarvis - “To Say That Is Easy” 29. Doja Cat - “Cyber Sex” 30. Mannequin Pussy - “Drunk II” 31. Better Oblivion Community Center - “Dylan Thomas” 32. Shoreline Mafia - “Wings” 33. Kehlani - “Footsteps” ft. Musiq Soulchild 34. Obangjayar - “Frens” 35. Ariana Grande - “NASA” 36. Mustard ft. Roddy Ricch - “Ballin” 37. Baby Keem - “ORANGE SODA” 38. Jessie Ware - “Adore You” 39. 03 Greedo x Kenny Beats - “Disco Shit” ft. Freddie Gibbs 40. Martha - “Love Keeps Kicking” 41. Lucki - “More Than Ever” 42. Park Hye-Jin - “Call Me” 43. DaVido - “Disturbance” ft. Peruzzi 44. The Japanese House - “Worms” 45. Spencer Radcliffe - “Here Comes The Snow” 46. Dawn Richard - “Dreams And Converse” 47. ALLBLACK & Offset Jim - “Fees” ft. Capolow 48. David Kilgour - “Smoke You Right Out Of Here” 49. Sandro Perri - “Wrong About The Rain” 50. Nilüfer Yanya - “In Your Head” 51. Julia Jacklin - “Don’t Know How To Keep Loving You” 52. Miraa May - “Angles” ft. JME 53. (Sandy) Alex G - “Gretel” 54. Kelsey Lu - “Due West” 55. glass beach - “classic j dies and goes to hell, pt. 1” 56. Peggy Gou - “Starry Night” 57. Cate Le Bon - “Home To You” 58. Busy Signal - “Balloon” 59. NLE Choppa - “Shotta Flow” 60. Dee Watkins - “Hell Raiser” 61. Ari Lennox - “I Been” 62. The National - “Not In Kansas” 63. Shordie Shordie - “Both Sides” ft. Shoreline Mafia 64. Alex Lahey - “Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself” 65. Angel Olsen - “New Love Cassette” 66. Young Dolph - “Tric Or Treat” 67. Koffee - “Throne” 68. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - “Half Manne, Half Cocaine” 69. Noname - “Song 32” 70. Anthony Naples - “A.I.R.” 71. Samthing Soweto - “Omama Bomthandazo (feat Makhafula Vilakazi)” 72. KAYTRANADA - “10%” ft. Kali Uchis 73. Moodymann - “Got Me Coming Back Right Now” 74. Drakeo The Ruler - “Let’s Go” ft. 03 Greedo 75. Teejayx6 - “Dark Web” 76. Cass McCombs - “I Followed The River South to What” 77. Gunna - “Idk Why” 78. Sharon Van Etten - “You Shadow” 79. Tresor - “Sondela” ft. Msaki 80. E-40 - “Chase The Money” ft. Quavo, Roddy Ricch, ScHoolboy Q & A$AP Ferg 81. Spielbergs - “Running All The Way Home” 82. 24kGoldn - “Valentino” 83. Quelle Chris - “Box of Wheaties” 84. Emily King - “Go Back” 85. AzChike - “Yadda Mean” ft. Keak Da Sneak 86. Club Night - “Path” 87. Zeelooperz - “Easter Sunday” ft. Earl Sweatshirt 88. Kim Gordon - “Murdered Out” 89. YS - “Bompton” (Remix) ft. 1TakeJay & OhGeesy 90. Future - “Never Stop” 91. Lowly - “baglaens” 92. SAULT - “Masterpiece” 93. Earl Sweatshirt - “TISK TISK/COOKIES” 94. Fireboy DML - “Energy” 95. Rio Da Young OG & Lil E - “Buy The Block” 96. Sacred Paws - “Write This Down” 97. Wilco - “Everyone Hides” 98. Black Belt Eagle Scout - “Real Lovin” 99. Sleepy Hallow - “Breakin Bad (Okay)” ft. Sheff G 100. Aimee Leigh & Baby Billy - “Misbehavin’ (1989)”
Here’s a Spotify playlist of the full list: 
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Parting Shot Episode 5: Walls
I had never been on a proper date before. I had convinced myself that it was simply for lack of trying, but the truth beneath was that it just wasn’t me. I had no intention of meeting any kind of stranger at a neutral location, exchanging small talk and sitting in awkward silence while a candle between us wore down to it’s waxy death. I had no intention of paying for a dinner I didn’t enjoy, or walking through a moonlight park only to end the night with an awkward peck on the cheek and a broken promise to call soon.
On this particular night however, I found myself standing in front of the full length mirror tacked to the inside of our bedroom door and looking myself up and down. Examination was only the second of a two part cycle that included circling nervously around the room and sidestepping every stray pile of clothing Camila had chosen to adorn the floor with at the time. I had chosen a loose top with a soft purple hue, a last minute rush purchase that I was now wishing I hadn’t made so prematurely.
“Lauren, cut it out.” My subject of interest whined from the bed. She had finished with a late afternoon at work, and was now mauling a banana from it’s peel. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, the length of which was looped over her head and dangling in front of her face. “You’re making me dizzy with all the pacing.”
“Do I look okay?” I questioned, facing her and opening my arms like a statue of Jesus in front of the town’s only church. One side of Camila’s cheek was bulging with banana, the chewing avidly as the light from her phone screen consumed whatever attention was leftover. “Camz!”
“Hm?” Brown eyes blinked up at me. “Oh, yeah you look hot.”
“You don’t sound sincere about that at all.”
Placing the half empty peel down on the bed, Camila jumped to her feet and padded over to me, swiping up a small palette of eye-shadow and trapping a brush between her teeth on the way. She then began to slowly unbutton the shirt, pulling it off my shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. “What are you doing?” I questioned, watching her grab a black article of clothing from the floor and shake it out.
“Black.” Camila mumbled through the brush between her teeth. “Not purple. You’re hot as fuck in black.”
I remained quiet, nodding as the brunette went up on her toes so she was a touch taller than me. The hand holding onto the palette landed on my shoulder, the brush sweeping delicately over my eyelids. “Do you have any idea what you’re actually doing right now?” I asked her softly, receiving a gentle press of her finger against my lips as a sign for silence. “I’m just saying.” I mumbled regardless. “I’ve seen you do makeup all of two times in the history of forever.”
“You’ve seen me do makeup more often than that.” Camila giggled, finishing up on the lids and using the very tip of her finger to remove a glob of mascara from my right lash. “There. Much better.”
Admiring Camila’s handiwork in the bedroom mirror, I caught her eye in the reflection. “I promise I won’t be too long.” I assured her. “It’s just a quick dinner, maybe a movie, I’ll walk her back home, and that’ll be it.”
“Lauren, you can take however much time you need, don’t feel like you need to rush true love just to be home on time.” Camila assured me, backing up to the bed again and reassuming her lazy position nested in the comforter with the other half of her banana in hand. I gazed down, watching her chew thoughtfully while a long block of text scrolled by on the screen of her phone.
“What are you reading?”
“No, my imaginary friend.” I smiled, sitting down on the edge of the mattress and reaching out to poke the side of her head. “Yes you.”
“My talk with our english teacher got me thinking the other day.” Camila chewed, turning off the phone and curling around to look up at me. “I want to get into more classic literature, more than just Wordsworth, Hemingway and their life lessons of humility and love. Where there any famous horror writers?”
“Horror?” I frowned. “Since when are you interested in anything remotely scary? The last time I tried to get you to watch a horror movie you curled up and hid behind me like a five year old.”
“I figure writing a horror story is a different sensation than watching one.” Camila stretched out down the bed, every inch of slender limb flexing and relaxing in post snack haze. “It’s a different feeling when I know what’s going to happen, nothing can jump out me bite my head off my shoulders.”
It took me a moment to sort through the scarce library of writers and poets in my head. “Lovecraft was a horror writer.” I told her suggestively. “Shirley Jackson. Stephen King. If you want to get kids where it hurts the most, you can always fall back on clowns ripping off the arms of innocent children from the confines of a storm drain.”
“Did that happen?” Camila sat up with a start.
“Not in real life, but Pennywise has definitely haunted the dreams of a few baby boomers in this town.”
“Is that why clowns have such a scary connotation now?”
“That, and John Wayne Gacy.”
“Who’s John Wayne Gacy?”
I pressed my tongue to the inside of my cheek. “He was a serial killer slash rapist who was active through the 70s. He had something like thirty teenage boy victims, a bunch of which were executed through this persona he had for parties, a clown named Pogo.”
Like a cartoon character, Camila eyes slowly widened in fear as I spoke. “Fuck you Lauren, just go on your stupid date before I get even more terrified and demand you stay here with me all night.” The brunette fell back against the bed, turning her shoulder blades to me with a visible shiver. I laughed, rising to the door.
“Make sure you don’t fold any paper boats without me.” I called on the way out, leaving Camila curled in a very confused ball on the bedsheets.
Lucy lived a few blocks north of the school, the surrounding neighbourhood a little more bright and privileged than the rest of the town. I parked a block away, scanning the numbers on the doors before landing on the address I had well memorized. It was a three or four story home, standing tall at the end of a quaint cul de sac and boasting a rather manicured lawn and primped flower arrangement. Walking up and across the expansive path through the greenery, I didn’t give the butterflies in my stomach a second thought before rapping hard on the smooth finish of the front door. A few seconds passed, and following the sound of small footsteps scuttling across the floor, it opened. I found myself staring down at a girl no older than seven or eight with dusty brown hair and a naturally tanned complexion.
“Oh, hello.” I forced a smile down at her, my distaste for most children kicking in quick. The girl was holding a brown overstuffed teddy bear under one arm. “I’m looking for Lucy?”
“Hello.” The girl said back, granting me a sweet smile. Her voice was layered with a very heavy accent. She nodded, backing up and hurrying away. Lucy appeared no more than a second later, dressed in a tight black dress that was perfectly casual for a simple dinner.
“Hey Lauren, sorry come in.” She smiled. “That was my little sister Elena, she doesn’t speak very much English.”
“What language does she speak?” I asked, stepping through the door and looking around.
“Spanish.” Lucy smiled, the adorable curves at the corners of her mouth becoming more defined as she did so. “She’s actually my stepsister, my older brother and I lived in Miami for a while so we’re both pretty fluent, but she never left Colombia until now so she hasn’t got as much practice.” Gesturing me further inside, I let the front door close carefully behind me. “You look good by the way.”
“Not as good as you.” I shoved my hands into my pocket shyly. “You’ve got a nice house.”
“It’s not too bad.” Lucy shrugged, moving to the sliding doors of a hallway closet and parting them before pulling a long grey cardigan off it’s hanger. “Let me just get my shoes and we’ll go.”
“No rush.” I turned at the sound of a child’s voice, just in time to see a small boy run down the hall, approach the front of the house then turn around and start climbing the stairs as quickly as his little legs would let him. He looked almost identical to the girl, and had a chubby hand wrapped around a small toy airplane. “He’s cute.” I noted, smiling as he reached the mid-landing of the staircase and sat down to take a breath.
“Pedro.” Lucy addressed him over her shoulder. “Can you say hello to Lauren?”
“Hello.” Pedro waved with a shy smile, spending no more than a split second on me before turning and rushing up the remaining steps.
“Sorry.” Lucy chuckled. “This house usually isn’t so loud and full of children, they’re typically in bed at this time but it’s a Friday, so things are a little more casual.”
“No worries.” I watched as she strapped on a pair of fancy sandals and slid the strap of a purse over her shoulder. Walking down to the car, I inhaled at sweet scent of garden flowers gracing the cool night. “I don’t really have anything particularly fancy planned for tonight.” I informed her, catching her dark eyes. “Actually there’s not much fancy that you can do around here.”
“I haven’t had the chance to tour around at all, we’re still in the process of moving in.” Lucy admitted back. “So really, anything you’ve got planned is perfect for me.”
What I had planned happened to be a candlelit dinner at a small, family owned Italian restaurant with the world’s best garlic bread. Playing off what Camila tended to prefer on the nights we treated ourselves, I ordered for us both, slipping a subtle ten dollar bill to the waitress and getting her to serve us a few vodka infused glasses of cranberry juice. “So hey, my friend mentioned that your Dad was a pretty big time musician.” I mentioned as we scanned the desert menu together. “Is that true?”
“You could say that.” Lucy shrugged, setting the menu down. “Carlos Vives. He’s working on studio album number eighteen, and wanted a nice quiet place in the middle of nowhere to act like his cabin in the woods. It meant moving the entire family from a place we all knew really well to somewhere completely unfamiliar, but I guess if it gets the creative juices flowing then I can’t really argue.”
I did the same in order to get a better look at her. “Wow, eighteen albums?”
“Eighteen and counting.” She nodded back. “He’s really more known in Latin America.”
“And you said those two were step siblings, right?”
“That’s right. He might not have been half bad at writing music, but the man was never good at being able to stay faithful to one woman. I don’t hold it against him anymore, my mom was pretty crazy. It all worked out, she’s got a multi-million dollar mansion in Miami, he’s got a lovely new family.” She took a long sip of the glassy red liquid in front of her and looked up at me. “But enough about me, tell me about yourself. What are your parents like?”
“Oh, I don’t have any.”
Lucy blinked, lifting a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “You what now?”
“I mean— sorry.” I forced a soft laugh. “I guess it just seems that way so it’s what I tend to tell people who ask.”
“It must be quite the adventure to live on your own.” Lucy seemed to understand the implications of my answer, instantly stopping any further questions regarding my family tree.
“I actually don’t.” I smiled, pointing wordlessly to the creme brûlée and tiramisu on the menu. The waitress, who was already familiar with mine and Camila’s typical order gave me a knowing nod and dipped off into the back kitchen. “I live with my best friend, we’ve got a really crappy place that seems to do the trick on the south end of town, we’ve been together for about a year and a half now.”
“Oh wow, that’s pretty cool. No rules, no adults, no little siblings.”
“It’s perfect.” I agreed as the dessert arrived to the table. The dishes were about the same size, one glazed with golden layer of cooked brown sugar, the other a cream colour dusted with coca powder. “You’ve got to try these both, if there’s anything worth preserving when a giant tornado wipes this town away it’s the desserts. And the burgers. And the fish and chips. Just try before I have to put my foot in my mouth.”
Laughing, Lucy dipped a small dessert spoon into the tiramisu on the left and lifted a perfect combination of every handcrafted layer. “So how did the two of you meet?” She asked, popping it into her mouth and becoming visibly taken aback at how good it was.
“It’s complicated.” I tapped idly at the hard surface of the creme brûlée, wondering how many details I was . “We were both in the same place at the same time… geographically and emotionally. Everything sorta fell into place because of fate, and just stuck that way. I’ve learned that it’s really important to find someone you can lean on, and when you do you shouldn’t let them get away. Camila’s just that person.”
“Camila?” Lucy was busy cleaning her spoon, and it was becoming cuter and cuter to watch as the lights in the restaurant dimmed. “Oh, the girl you were with at lunch? She seems really nice.”
“She has her moments.”
The two of us hesitated very little when cleaning off the rest of the desserts, promptly paying the cheque and taking a slow stroll back to the car. I had been given the ripe opportunity to lend her my jacket, keeping the stark breeze off her shoulders and taking it on my own. After Lucy’s final year in high school, she wanted to remain in the states, and keep her attention halfway between her Latin American roots and Miami childhood home. She had chosen New Orleans in Louisiana, and when I asked why gave me a rather interesting answer.
“It’s horror factor.”
“It’s what?” I cranked up the heat in the car, pulling from the restaurant parking lot.
“It’s horror factor.” Lucy repeated, giving me a sweet smile across the gearshift. “You’ve never heard of Delphine LaLaurie and her mansion? She was featured on American Horror Story Coven by Kathy Bates.”
“I know who Kathy Bates is.”  I curled my lip in thought, gazing out the front window at the lack of traffic on a quiet Friday night. “But I’ve never heard of Delphine— what’s her name?”
“LaLaurie. She was a socialite of New Orleans in the 1830s who had this central position in society after her third marriage to a young physician.” Lucy explained. “There was a fire in her giant mansion on a rich side of town, and when the police got there they discovered it was set by her seventy year old cook who was chained to the stove and afraid of being sent to an upper room of the house.”
“Afraid?” I had to reach over and set the keys into the ignition, but the raspy tone that Lucy had in her voice was sending an uncharacteristic chill down my back. “Why?”
“Police broke down the door to find seven or eight slaves tortured, some murdered others still barely alive.” She replied, the darkness in her eyes swirling. “There was a woman whose stomach had been cut open and intestine wrapped around her like a corset. Another man had a spike drilled through his head and his brain was all stirred around, and a third with his mouth stitched shut. The citizens discovered her treatment of the slaves, and drove her out of the city. She fled to France.”
Quiet fell over the car, and I finally managed to bring the engine to life. “Should I be worried about you?” I shot her a playful smile.
“Nah, I’m harmless. I just love dark, messed up things.” She smiled back. “I believe that when the zombies rise up and kill us all, we’ll finally have world peace.”
“Because of the common enemy?”
“No, because we’ll all be dead.” She shrugged. “I like Madame LaLaurie’s story because it shows that despite the slavery and mistreatment of African Americans at the time, there was a really powerful sense  of humanity in the people. The entire population of New Orleans trashed that mansion, driving her out of the city and stripping every ounce of social status she may have had. They ruined her.”
“I like the way you think.”
Lucy grinned, lifting her arm and using her fingers to carefully part her light brown hair over one shoulder. “It would be awesome to study something like philosophy and social issues. I love history, going back to things in the past and understanding how they managed to shape the way they are now.”
 On the ride home, I let Lucy open up about the things she was passionate about. Remaining quiet, her voice washed over me like a stress-free lull, the passion in her words about issues that so many of a close-minded town would never consider throughout their daily activities. Lucy spoke about women, politics, some of the world’s greatest leaders and their superficial counterparts. She detested labels, insisting that no soul on earth could pin her down and define who she was, and that no one had the right to call her anything she wasn’t willing to call herself. By the time we arrived back in the north end of town, I was not-so subtly disappointed that our time together had to come to an end.
Walking her up to the porch once more, I accepted my jacket back and stood in shy anticipation as she unlocked the front door. “Do you want to come in?” She asked, gesturing to the warmth of the front hallway. “You don’t have to if you don’t want, I just thought—“
“Of course, I’d love to.” I cut her off, a fuzzy feeling washing over me as the brunette took my hand with a soft laugh and led me into the house. She took me on a quick tour of the ground floor, a wide open space consisting of a grand piano, some smaller keyboards, and a plethora of unpacked boxes still sealed with tape. Apologizing profusely for the mess, she showed me the vast backyard space, perfectly trimmed and adorned with a variety of russet red flowers.
“I had the option to be homeschooled like my little siblings, at least until I graduated and we could head back down south.” Lucy explained, pulling two glasses down from an upper cupboard in the kitchen. “Neither of my parents work, so they have tons of time to spend at home… I guess choosing high school was my way of getting out of the house and away from their watchful eye.”
“I’m glad you chose high school.” I accepted the second glass with a smile. “Just really glad.”
“You’re sweet.” Lucy gestured for me to follow again, and we headed up the stairs. “Everyone’s room is on the second floor, I assume they’re asleep by now.”
“So where are we going?” I asked, glancing up to see the staircase happened to wind up even higher.
“To the upper room.” The girl looked down at me, a devilish smile creeping onto her face again. “The one that’s always locked… that no one goes into for fear of never coming out again.”
I blinked, the image of my intestines wrapped around my stomach like a gruesome fashion ornament suddenly giving me a very severe headache. “Lucy…” I warned, her name dancing off the tip of my tongue as if had not for a few measly hours, but for years.
“I’m kidding.” Lucy landed on the top floor and pulled the door to a rather spacious room open wide. “It’s just my bedroom. “My dad keeps all his recording stuff up here as well, there are a few rooms within other rooms with soundproof glass, padding on the walls, microphones and mixing boards.” I stepped inside, relieved to see a room that was half unpacked from cardboard boxes, a double bed and a tall chest of drawers. There was a shiny laptop sitting open and charging on the blanket, and a wide television backed against the wall opposite. “Sorry about the mess.” She added. “I’ve moved before, but never as far as we did this time. I had to pack up more than I anticipated.”
“It’s no problem.” I eyed the flat-screened device. “You have your own personal TV?
“It’s still yet to be inaugurated.” Lucy clarified, turning her back to me. “It was a gift from my stepmom who believes buying expensive items with my father’s money will make me love her. Could you unzip me?”
“Sure.” I stepped over, clearing a small pile of school supplies and slowly bringing down the zipper on her dress. It hit me in the brighter, more unflattering light that Lucy was strikingly small. She had to be barely over a hundred pounds, her shoulder blades pronounced and the plates of her spine almost countable beneath her skin. There was a faded line that was a touch darker than her complexion moving down the line of her spine, a clear hospital incision that had been stitched up and healed over. Without thinking, I brushed the outside of my knuckle against it, making a small noise of curiosity.
“It’s gross, I know.” Lucy had gathered her hair over one shoulder and peered over the other. “I had really bad scoliosis when I was a kid, and when I had the operation it was risky because I was so small. The correction process was terrifying, but I got through it okay and it’s healed properly now. The scar is still fading.”
“It’s not gross.” I watched as she made her way to the other side of the room, scooping up a pair of soft sweatpants and an off-shoulder sweater off the floor. “It makes you unique.”
“You’re cute, but a huge percentage of kids develop scoliosis just before hitting puberty.” Lucy dipped into the attached bathroom and nudged the door, leaving only a few inches worth of space open. She began to change, her back to the room’s entrance. “It’s kind of like osteoporosis and rickets in industrial England. There was so much smog and pollution in the air that kids were developing bowed knees and brittle bones by age seven. Talk about your terrifying corrective surgeries.”
“You seem to know a lot about the events of the past.” I mentioned, finding myself a standing in for the hero that always peeked at the pretty girl. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the way her back and shoulders flexed as she moved, noticing the tattoo that graced the side of her back, just beneath the arm. “Could they do surgeries like that in industrial England?”
“Likely not.” Lucy turned around, leading me to quickly divert my gaze. “They were just recovering from the era of bloodletting, so modern medicine was still pretty far off.”
“What does the tattoo on your ribs mean?”
The girl hopped back over another pile of clothes and started to the TV, summoning an old looking DVD case from an open box. “Hm?”
“The words.” I tried to clarify without sounding too creepy. “It looks like a different language.”
“Oh, the quote.” Lucy had removed a disc from the case, sending into a sleek player positioned just beneath the screen. “It says for the happiness of nations, we should, philosophers be kings and kings philosophers. It’s in the original Greek.” I tried for the next few seconds to recall who was behind the circular statement, but nothing seemed to hit me. As the television screen flickered to life, Lucy spoke again. “It basically means that if we want to find peace and happiness, those in power need to lead in a way that has regard for the human mind, and those who understand it need to step forward as leaders. That we all have a sense of responsibility to better the greater good based on our strengths.”
Plato? I thought silently. The menu of a terrifying looking horror movie flashed across the screen, the arrow hovering over the play option. “I’m going to run downstairs for a bowl of popcorn, make yourself comfortable.” Lucy told me, vanishing without acknowledgement out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I did so, placing my jacket on the back of a desk chair and sitting down on the perfectly made bed. Whipping my phone out, I took the time alone to send a quick text half intending on checking up on Camila, half to occupy myself from snooping around.
how’s it going? I typed, waiting for the three animated bubbles to pop up. They did, and moments later,
Camila: Oh, not bad. Just sitting around waiting for Barnum and Bailey to kidnap me in the middle of the night and lock me in a cellar to feed on my brains. How’s the date?
the ringling bros would never do such a thing camz, they’re an American treasure. the date is going really well, she’s got a really nice house
Camila: You’re at her house?
I figured it’d be impolite to say no.A touch of guilt flashed through me at the prospect of leaving Camila for much longer. There was a stash of cigarettes taped to the inside of our toilet tank, and for the longest time I knew the girl had assumed I’d either never seen them, or chosen to ignore them. Counting the number of individual smokes left in the pack every time I cleaned the bathroom had turned into a chore, but it was worth it considering how hard she had worked to quit only a few months earlier.
Before I could read  Camila’s reply, Lucy stepped back into the room with a large bowl of popcorn balanced on one arm and something wrapped in colourful foil between her teeth. She had a shrink-wrapped remote in her hand, pouncing playfully onto the bed at my side while sliding the laptop out of the way. The lights went off, her shoulder brushed mine, and for the first time in the night I felt a genuine pang of nervous energy surge through the room. “I was thinking about a classic.” Lucy informed me, starting to tug the plastic protective coating off the remote after placing the bowl of popcorn down in my lap. “Have you ever read It, by Stephen King?”
I glanced at her briefly, taken aback by the coincidence. “I had been thinking about that book earlier today. What made you choose it?”
“It’s my type of horror.” Lucy finally rid the remote of its plastic before setting it between us, pulling the foil wrapped item from her teeth and summoning a small lighter from the pocket of her jeans. “I like the deepest forms of psychological fear. Maybe if everyone has their greatest fears chasing them through the night we would all be on the same wavelength of kindness.” She held out her hand, extending what I could now discern as a rolled joint. “Do you smoke?”
“Once and a while.” I nodded. “But only when the occasion is extra special. It’s an expensive habit.”
“I agree, but you’re not driving very far tonight, are you?” She smirked, holding the unlit joint out in one hand and the lighter in the other like a dual offering. Glancing momentarily at a series of dark opening credits and deep red ominous font, I accepted the neatly rolled cluster of weed and held it over the lighter. Lucy smiled, firing up the joint then hurrying off the bed to lift the side window and banish the scent away with a crisp fall breeze.
The movie was different from the book in a number of ways, most of which my mind had involuntarily set on the back burner as the typical ghoulish images of a literary masterpiece had been played out by the characteristic cinematic charm of the early nineties. The marijuana had done well to bid away any unease I may have had watching a horror movie in the middle of the night, as did Lucy’s comforting presence. We found ourselves talking softly through most of it, discussing everything from characters to set design, poor acting to mediocre makeup.
“So if that was your kind of horror, what other kind of horror is there?” I asked once the credits had rolled and I felt like I’d been somewhat scarred for life. The last thing I wanted to do was get up from the cloud-like bed I had snuggled into and drive across the town, but I had no intention of leaving Camila on her own for much longer.
“There’s the more cookie-cutter, vampire, werewolf, ghost-story one.” Lucy replied. “The one that involves magic, and seeing dead people… paranormal activity and alien invasions.”
I grinned. “You’re telling me that if aliens came down and started to abduct people, you wouldn’t even flinch?”
“I would whip out my camera.” The Latina smiled back. Her expressions were so pure, simple and straightforward as if the emotions she felt had never been anything but true. Lucy didn’t seem to mask any sort of feeling, speaking her mind, refusing to conform and charming me through the night in a way no date had before.
“I should get going.” I laughed, stealing the last popped kernel from the bottom of the popcorn bowl and wishing I had a refill. “Before I fall asleep here.”
“That wouldn’t be too bad.” Her dark eyes sparkled. Deciding to only agree silently, I tipped her over playfully and rose, gathering my jacket. The two of us floated silently back down to the first floor, and the moment I stepped out to the front porch I couldn’t help but turn around. Lucy was leaning against the frame of the door, her hands tucked away into the sleeves of her sweater and a shy look on her face. “I had a really great time Lauren. Thank you for tonight.”
“So did I.” I agreed, matching her smile. “I learned a lot from you… I look forward to learning even more.”
“I’d like that.”
Knowing it was my move to make, I took a small, timid step forward and lifting my fingers to her chin, tilted it up. “I really want to kiss you right now…”
“I really want you to kiss me.” Lucy echoed back without missing a beat. “Right now.”
The sensation of her kiss, much unlike the entirety of the night was pleasantly surprising breath of fresh air. I found myself melting into the contact, her body coated in a thin layer of muscle and warm to the touch. Much unlike myself, Lucy knew what she was doing. Her movements, the way she went up onto her toes so we were eye level and pressed the palm of her hand to my cheek, everything seemed so perfectly practiced.
“I’ll get to see you again, right?” I questioned softly, unwilling to wake any member of the house, young or old.
“We have history together.” Lucy grinned back, running her fingers through her hair.
“I wish.”
“Goodnight Lauren.” She said with an amused lilt in her voice. I nodded, taking a small step backwards and slowly returning to the car with a brief glance over my shoulder to see she had remained on the porch, watching me go. The walk gave me just enough time to accept that I had been wrong about judging the art of the first date.
After a car ride home deep in my thoughts, I arrived back to a silent and pitch black house. Sidestepping a cluster of shoes, and shedding my jacket to the back of a kitchen chair, I then tiptoed into the bedroom to see it fared to better. Crumpled balls of yellow paper from a rather sad looking legal pad were scattered across the floor, the bed, and every foreseeable surface of storage space.
“Camila?” I asked the darkness, keeping my voice low.
The mass of paper on the bed shifted, and from the debris poked a very sleepy looking mass of brown hair. “Hm?” She yawned, rubbing her eyes. “Lauren? What are you doing home, I figured you were just going to spend the night.”
 “No, I didn’t want to risk running into her superstar father in the morning and have to explain who I was.” I explained, crouching down and picking up one of balls of paper. “And I would have felt bad for leaving you alone all night… what’s going on in here? Have you moved since I left?”
“No.” The brunette yawned again, lying back against the bed. “I’ve been trying to write a scary story, but nothing’s coming to mind. I’m just too cute and fluffy.”
“You are both of those things.” I smiled, clearing away a few balls of paper from the bed so I could perch onto the edge and tug off my socks. “Have you eaten anything?”
“Camz, it’s past midnight!”
“I wasn’t hungry.” Camila shrugged at me.
“But you’re always hungry.”
“Help me.” The girl ignored me, holding out what was left of the yellow pad in one hand, a pencil in the other. Accepting both, I looked down at the prompt she had written out. A horror story about a girl with otherworldly abilities on a nation where she is virtually alone. Undergoing a dark feeling that something unpleasant is about to happen, the protagonist must use the passion she has for her origins to prevent disaster. She will do anything to make it so, no matter how dark.
I was instantly reminded of Lucy’s preference for horror, for the darker, more gruesome emotions that her interests played off of were very different from Camila’s idea of a horror story. One preferred to dig into the victim’s psyche and extract it with a spoon, while the other steered her creative track towards a premonition and a world of loneliness. I couldn’t in the moment, choose which one I preferred. Something drew me to both, but in very different ways.
Walls. Thirteen year old Jeanne Carter has all her life been labelled a bio-terrorist. With the elusive ability to manipulate the emotions and bodies of even the strongest personalities, she is both revered and feared, locked away and admired like a caged animal. Thinking back to the unease I’d felt on the way back from dinner, I decided to blend their worlds, embracing a new type of fear. When a threat to social security looms over the nation, Carter is forced to envelop the people who hurt her most, dominating the minds and bodies of the most powerful members of government and make decisions that will inevitably rescue the nation from her premonition. She uses her greatest gift to play out sacrifices, death, conflict and decay while shouldering the hate of so many within the four walls of her cell. Carter succumbs to her own exhaustive demise alone, aided only by the letters passed through the bars by an anonymous source.
“Why are you so much better at this than me?” Camila asked when she finished the brief paragraph. “That’s genius.”
“A girl with unknown origins, beginning her life alone, ending her life alone, yet making so many sacrifices and life-saving decisions to so many people along the way.” I focused my gaze on the very tip of the paper. “And doing it all while locked up and put on display like an animal in a cage.”
“What kind of sacrifices?” The brunette asked, curling up into an adorable ball and resting her head in her hands. “Would she really kill people in order to be the un-sung hero?”
“Sometimes political leaders are so corrupt that they can’t see anything in front of them but the potential to exert their power and money over those who are crippled.” I replied. “There are people that just can’t be reasoned with… minds that are so dark and twisted that the only way to remove them from the picture is to light their lives on fire and drive them from their homes.”
“So you want a person who despite being different, fights to make the dark and twisted right again.” Camila purred. “Someone who doesn’t bother with the pain of labels and acts by her own morals.”
I stood up, granting her a small smile on my way down the hall and into the kitchen. It was hard to describe my confidence level with this particular plot-line. It had too much been infused with the level of insight from my first proper date. Arranging a piece of toast slathered in peanut butter and a banana, I returned to see Camila doodling over the piece of paper, her gaze brushing across the ink. She thanked me, nibbling happily on the late-night snack while I changed out of my clothes.
“It’s a shame she dies in the end.” The brunette mentioned quietly, now buried under the comforter and licking the peanut butter off her fingers. “Wouldn’t it be more heroic if she made it out alive and got to live a full life in the world she managed to save?”
“Maybe.” I agreed, tying my hair into a loose ponytail. “But a silent messiah doesn’t just win in the end, especially when they’re a heroine, not a hero.”
“True.” Camila folded the paper in half and tucked it beneath the pillow. The effects of the weed from earlier had managed to continue lingering as I joined her under the covers.
“Why did you write out a prompt that you had so much trouble following through with?” I asked, letting her snuggle up and inhale whatever was left of the weed scent on my skin.
“I was secretly hoping you’d come home so you could write it for me.” She admitted. “Is that lame?”
“Not at all.” I assured her. “It’s incredibly cool.”
“Good.” Dark lashes fell flush against the spaces beneath her eyes. “Goodnight.”
I drifted off thinking about the evening, glad that I had made the decision to return home; hoping I would always have such a precious choice. A noise in the middle of the night got me up and checking the house, making sure no raccoons were climbing up the kitchen walls. While I was up I decided to check the bathroom, quietly lifting the back of the toilet up and peering into the tank to see the pack of cigarettes taped to the inner porcelain.
It had remained exactly where I remembered, completely untouched.
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Haruka Inuzuka
This character is a more reworked version of an older character I made a long time ago, so I don’t quite have all the history worked out yet. But I’d love a review and some suggestions for what I have so far. 
Name: Haruka (Meaning clear weather combined with fragrance) Inuzuka
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Time set in: Pre Shippuden
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Lives in: Konoha
Appearance: Haruka is around 5 feet and 2 inches tall, and 125 lbs. Her hair is a light brown color and reaches down to a little past her shoulders, with some loose bangs hanging over her forehead. She ties it back with a simple hairband, making a small, messy ponytail. Her eyes are dark brown, though this isn’t easy to see with her slit pupils, her skin is tanned, and her canine teeth are sharper than average. Like the rest of her clan, she has red fang tattoos on her cheeks.
C: 125 lbs is actually rather heavy for her height and age, with this BMI calculator suggesting that she is overweight by 2 centiles (childrens BMI is calculated differently to adults, with anything over the 91st percentile suggesting they are overweight). Obviously BMI isn’t foolproof, but if you bring her weight down to 120lbs she would be a ‘healthy weight’ for her height and age.
Her uniform consists of dark blue three-quarter long pants, with an equipment pouch attached to the back and a holster tied to her right leg. Her shoes are standard dark blue sandals/boots, and she wears a lighter blue open cloth vest that leaves her arms bare. Underneath is wooden chest armor and a simple mesh shirt beneath that. She wears a set of open fingered gloves, with built in blades that extend like claws. Haruka’s headband is tied loosely around her neck.
C: This is okay, though I wonder whether built in blades on gloves would be practical or too bulky. I’m also curious about the choice of wooden chest armour.
Family: (sentence or two for each immediate family member. No need to go into detail on extended family unless relevant)
Morina (ninja hound)- A light brown dog with pointed ears and a curled tail, based off the Akita breed. She’s small at the moment, but has much growing potential.
C: I like the choice of a Japanese breed. I’m curious as to how big she is at the moment, and how big she’ll be when she’s fully grown.
Gaku Inuzuka (Father)- A jounin who’s been in the field since at least the Third Ninja War, and fought directly against Kumo under Minato Namikaze’s command. He’s skilled and confident, but likes to take a slower, more careful approach to problems and is rather strict.
C: What dog(s) does he have?
Kaori Inuzuka (Mother)- A clanless chunin kunoichi that married into the Inuzuka. She works in the medical and science division, and is ocassionaly sent out on missions to gather data and samples when not researching.
C: It’s lovely to see someone working in this field. What does her research focus on?
Kiba Inuzuka (clan relative)
Tsume Inuzuka (clan relative)
Hana Inuzuka (clan relative)
C: I assume that they’re not closely related then.
Occupation: Ninja
Rank: Genin
Team: Kotetsu Hageta (OC clan), Yoshiro Hyuga, and their sensei Kenzou “The Tiger” Byakko
Friends: (still working on this area beyond her two team members)
C: No worries.
Personality: Haruka is a stickler to the rules, and does her best to treat all of her percieved elders and superiors with respect, politeness, and loyalty. In a way, this makes her idealistic, as she believes the best of people in those positions until she is proven wrong. She was raised to value teamwork, and even though she is a bit prideful and standoffish at times, she readily acknowledges that she’s stronger when she’s not alone. Leaving someone behind is a very last resort to her, and she’s more likely to fight to the end than retreat unless told to do so, as long as she feels like it’s still possible to win. She’s more analytical than hotheaded, though when her ego is bruised or she’s worried about something, she may snap at people and have to apologize later.
Haruka puts on a rougher persona around her equals to try and fit her clan’s reputation better, but she’s insecure about her own talent compared to her father’s. Also going against her image is her desire for neatness and order. Possibly because of having a scientist for a parent, she had an unusual amount of knowledge on medical subjects growing up, and despises messes, germs, and dirt in general. She sometimes chastizes people for unhealthy habits, and even washes her dog more often than usual to make sure she’s clean as well. When in battle, this uneasiness is pushed back by adrenaline, though she may complain about the blood and dirt and mess afterwards. She hates loud noises, insects, and chocolate too, though more out of preference than disgust and paranoia.
Haruka enjoys music to the point of using it as a calming tool, though she can’t play an instrument, and she likes trees and woods despite the less than ideal conditions of the outdoors. Her goal is to find her own path to strength and become as respected as her father, no matter how far up the ranks she has to go.
C: I like her personality, though the first paragraph gives me an ‘older than 12′ kind of vibe. I really like her goal too.
History: Haruka was born to Gaku and Kaori Inuzuka, a few months before the Nine-tailed Fox attacked. Both of her parents survived, but many ninja, some Inuzuka among them, died trying to push it back. Gaku became overprotective and stricter as a result, though he always seemed that way to Haruka growing up, and she didn’t push his boundaries much. Instead, she had a huge amount of respect for his past achievements, and wanted to be just like him for a long while. Her mother wasn’t nearly as hovering, but she let her read science textbooks that laid around the house, but she didn’t understand much of it beyond basics, and eventually decided it wasn’t the path for her once her “neatfreak” tendencies set in.
C: Gaku’s reaction is completely understandable here. I’m curious as to how much Haruka was actually able to understand of these science textbooks though. Most of the textbooks I have at home probably wouldn’t be accessible to anyone below 16 years old. It would be more believable if they bought her some age appropriate science books.
She went to Academy around the age of 6, and Gaku was supportive despite his worries over the village’s future peace. She picked up on the studied subjects quickly, and was consistently near the top of her class when it came to tests and sparring, though she wasn’t great with genjutsu or chakra control, relying on her family’s techniques heavily. She had a small collection of friends, mostly because she didn’t look easy to approach. She recieved Morina, who she calls Mori for short, as her ninja hound a year before her graduation, the same year as Naruto’s class but in a different room.
C: I checked with other mods, but we weren’t sure if the rookie 9 were the only ones to graduate from the academy when they did, or there could be another class to graduate from. Some more details about her academy friends would be nice, and maybe a little information on her contact with them after she graduated, though I know you haven’t really finished this part of her yet.
She was assigned her teammates, a quiet, but skilled clan boy named Kotetsu Hageta, and Yoshiro Hyuga, a cheerful member of the branch family who wasn’t very talented in the Gentle Fist arts. Under the leadership of the jounin Kenzou Byakko, a famous trap specialist and battle commander, they grew closer together and improve their skills. She does eventually befriend Anko Mitarashi and, impressed by her drive to grow stronger and diffentiate herself from her teammates, gives Haruka side lessons in poison usage as an unofficial student.
C: Does the team have any speciality?
Ninjustu- 1
Taijutsu- 2.5
Genjutsu- .5
Int- 2
Strength- 2
Speed- 4
Stamina- 1.5
Handseals- 1.5
Total- 15
C: These are reasonable stats for a genin.
Haruka fights like an Inuzuka, with sharp senses, quick reflexes, and hit and run tactics. She doesn’t have as much brute strength, but her speed is even greater to balance this out, and she uses quick accelerations to increase the power behind her blows. She also has a pair of metal claw weapons she extends to increase her reach and bolster her jutsu effectiveness. She’s great at tracking and flanking opponents, but suffers in prolonged direct combat and is best with backup. Her chakra natures are Fire and Wind. Haruka is also a rookie poison user.
C: Does she mix poison with her clan techniques?
Jutsu/Techniques list-
Man Beast Clone
All Fours Jutsu
Tunneling Fang
Fang Over Fang (Iron Fang Over Fang with her weapons drawn)
Fang Rotating Fang (Iron Fang Rotating Fang with her weapons drawn)
Wind Style: Tornado Fangs- Original technique that requires spinning upright and moving along the ground like a pair of tornadoes, slashing opponents apart with an added wind element. It can draw enemies into it at high speeds.
C: Adding in wind style would make it a high level jutsu and be quite hard to create (see Naruto adding wind nature to rasengan), so I feel this is probably something she wouldn’t be able to come up with as a genin and is best left until chuunin or later.
Tainted Claws- A technique that cuts the enemy with her poison tipped weapons, eventually causing their muscles to go numb and make them slower. This is more of a setup for more powerful attacks, as it makes the opponent an easier target.
C: Why did she chose that particular poison? A fast acting and fatal poison would seem a more sensible choice.
Overall, I like Haruka. As you haven’t finished working on her yet, there are bits of information missing, and I’ve tried to point out each time I had questions about her. Even if you don’t write out an answer to each of them, it would probably be beneficial to think about the questions to help develop her. I’d also like to know about any goals that she might have, and more on what made her choose to be a ninja, though it’s okay if she doesn’t really have long term goals considering her age. This is definitely a good start and I wish you the best of luck with fleshing Haruka out. If you have any questions please feel free to message us.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
New Man Part 3 // Rolling in the Deep (Biadore) - Fucking Awful.
A/N: Back with Part 3 of the New Man saga! Another 3500 words of Biadore angst that I swear is going to get happy in a chapter or so. I think there will be 5 chapters, maybe a 6th. Few things:
First, funny story: “Fucking Awful” was actually supposed to be the name of Chapter 2, but because I’m a dumbass and don’t understand the naming conventions it ended up as my author name. AND I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT IT because you know what, I am fucking awful.
Second: This is back in Danny’s POV. I like switching back and forth, but I feel I get Danny (or the version of him that lives in my trash brain) a little better. There are few train of thought moments, designated by italics. 
Third: Back to song inspiration, this time from a different British redhead – the goddess Adele, and “Rolling in the Deep.“ (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEDA3JcQqw) No one is singing, its just a soundtrack to what happens here. Lyrics are in italics AND indented. 
Fourth: Let me know if these are too long and wordy. It’s something I get critiqued on professionally, so I’m keen to reel in unnecessary words in my creative/for fun writing.
Alright that’s it, hope you enjoy this! XOXO Fucking Awful
 “Oh shut UP!” Danny yelled at no one in particular, grasping blindly for his phone to shut off the alarm. “Fuck! Shit! Balls!” He finally managed to quiet the Marimba. 10:12am. An hour and 33 minutes until Johnny would be there to pick him up. Just enough time for a run – Danny was into fitness now – and a shower before brunch with his friends and…oh God.
Danny remembered he had to see Roy today, and out came a full body groan. He had spent the last 2 weeks telling his crew how excited he was for them to meet Roy – his Willow and his best friend, not just that guy from TV. But now everything was so utterly fucked, and after last night he could barely look at Roy let alone fawn over him at a bottomless brunch. Dragging himself out of bed and into workout clothes, Danny mentally prepared for what was coming.
Roy is cheating on his boyfriend. Roy is trying to cheat on his boyfriend with you. You basically told him to fuck off and that you don’t want to know him anymore. Now you are going to spend the whole day with him. Party.
He was now fully awake, partially from the blast of cold Seattle air but mostly from seething anger. What in the fuck did Roy think he was doing? The Haylock he knew wasn’t a cheater, he wasn’t even into open relationships. Moreover, he knew infidelity was the ultimate sore spot for Danny.
They’d talked about this a million times, and Danny had probably cried about it a million more. Adore’s free love persona had made a lot of guys think they could take advantage of Danny, both cheating on him and using him as an instrument of their own cheating. Every time it crushed Danny, made him feel worthless. A committed relationship is a committed relationship, and stepping out on a partner is the ultimate sign of betrayal and disrespect. Fuck that guy (Kyle? Tyler? Who cares.) that Roy was dating, but he still didn’t deserve to be cheated on.
And Danny didn’t deserve to be treated like a whore. That Roy thought Danny would be ok with being the Other Man was what hurt and angered him the most. Danny could feel his heart racing as he stretched. He had to calm down and play this afternoon all flazeda, so his friends wouldn’t ask questions. He knew they saw Roy making out with the stranger, something they were sure to ask about, but there’s no way they saw the 7 seconds in Heaven outside. If Danny could just act normally, he could help Roy deflect uncomfortable quest –
“Oh fuck THAT!” Again, to no one in particular. He knew what he was listening to for the next five miles, on a loop…
There’s a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch, and it’s bringing me out the dark
An hour and a half later, Danny was showered and getting ready – still blasting “Rolling in the Deep” on repeat.
Finally I can see you crystal clear Go ‘head and sell me out, and I’ll lay your shit bare
The “chill” plan was no more. Some combination of Adele and adrenaline transformed hurt and disappointed Danny into a pissed off, vengeful queen. He was rocking an all-black look to brunch – hair tied back under a beanie, long sweater and t-shirt, jeans and Docs – but he painted on some red eye shadow for a little extra fire.
In the years he had known Roy, Danny had never been really and truly mad at him. Annoyed or frustrated, sure, but never angry. So this full-body heartburn of rage that was coursing through his veins and shooting out his fingertips was strange to say the lest.  
See how I leave with every piece of you Don’t under estimate the things that I will do
“If you’re going to listen to music about a woman scorned, shouldn’t you at least play Lemonade?” Johnny let himself into the apartment, sneaking past Danny who was too wrapped up in belting along with the track.
“Beyoncé may be the queen, but Adele is still good shit.” Danny didn’t even glance up, finishing the smoky rust around his lids. “Plus this track fucking goes.” He turned up the stereo louder with one hand, swiping on mascara with the other.
Johnny reached over to stop the music. “Speaking of going, we have to. Jinkx is picking up Roy” – Danny flinched imperceptibly - “and everyone else is already there. If we don’t leave now we’re gonna be…Oh, I’m sorry. Is heroin chic a daytime look now?” Johnny raised an eyebrow.
Danny smirked and chucked his mascara at his cousin. “Fuck all the way off, let’s go.”
Baby I have no story to be told But I’ve heard one on you and I’m gonna make your head burn
Much to Johnny’s chagrin, the Adele fest continued in the car. The full 20-minute drive was spent listening to the thumping kick-drum and haunting chorus, Danny swatting his hand away anytime he tried to switch the music.
“Dude, c’mon. This is the eighth time; can we please listen to literally anything else?”
“No. I need to feel…empowered.” Danny didn’t want to elaborate.
“Empowered to do what? Look, I know some weird stuff happened last night – great job making it awkward, by the way, don’t think we didn’t all notice – but can we please not make a scene today? I have people to impress.”
Danny knew that Johnny was trying to date one of his new friends, and he was fully in support of his cousin getting it in. “It wasn’t me who – I didn’t – ok.” Instead of turning it off, Danny reached over and cranked the music louder.
Think of me in the depths of your despair Make a home down there, ‘cause mine sure won’t be shared
If he wasn’t going to say anything to Roy, at least he could feel the revenge fantasy for the rest of the drive.
The table of 15 was taking up the back patio of a little hipster spot in Capitol Hill. Johnny had almost immediately broken off to make romantical moves, so Danny settled into the open seat opposite Roy and Jinkx.
“Hey Danny! Doesn’t someone look nice today!” Jinkx had a smile plastered on his face, while Roy sat next to him looking more than a little sullen.
Danny reminded himself to keep it together, for Johnny’s sake. “Thanks! Felt pretty chill when I woke up this morning, but it wouldn’t be me without something a little ratchet.” Good, normal conversation.
“Well jeez, way to assume he was talking about you queen.” The words flew out of Roy’s mouth so fast, he almost looked like he was surprised he said them out loud. Danny reacted sharply, brow furrowed and lip curled as he shook his head ever so slightly.
“I was, of course I was!” Danny heard a muffled THUD under the table, and saw Roy flinch. “I love it. Seattle looks good on ya, kid. Doesn’t it, Roy?” Danny thought it was strange that Jinkx was speaking to Roy like he was scolding a toddler.
“Of course, I’m kidding.” More strangeness, Roy sounded almost sheepish. “You look great. You always look great.”
We could’ve had it all Rolling in the Deep
As angry as he was, Danny couldn’t help smile at the complement. How did Roy continue to have this effect on him?
You held my heart inside your hand And you played it to the beat
“Yeah well, adopting the finer points of your clown makeup has its perks. Color can be a good thing.” Roy smiled a bit at that, melting Danny like ice in the desert.
What the fuck are you doing? Remember how you feel!
Danny snapped out of it. “I’m fucking starving, what are you guys getting? Jesus, what food could we even fit here? There’s no space.” He made a show of feeling cramped, and hollered across the table. “Katie, can we try to –“
“Well hey there bitches, room for one more?”
Danny whipped around, as if he needed to see who it was to know the voice. Entrance sisters are forever, after all.
“Not for you, you sneaky little shit! You’re back early!” He jumped out of his seat to hug DeLa, who wasn’t supposed to be back from Australia for another three days. God, Danny was happy to see Ben.
“Yeah well, for a penal colony the Land Down Under is surprisingly low on eligible dick. I think I’ve made my way through the entirety of New South Wales at this point.” DeLa waved to the rest of the table before making his way over to Jinkx and Roy.
“Did you borrow my sailboat to get back here, you twat? Come ‘ere.” Roy stood up to hug the queen, too. Danny was surprised how happy Roy was to see Dela, they were friends but he didn’t know they were that close.
“No grandma, we have planes now. I left the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria safely in your boat house,” Ben quipped back as he went to hug Jinkx.
“Not bad, fruit fly. Not bad.” Roy sat down and Dela rounded the table back to Danny, who had made space for him.
“So, catch me up. How’s it going?” For half a second, Danny swore he saw Ben look meaningfully at Roy and then Jinkx. “Isn’t this just a great little reunion –” THUD. There was that muffled sound again, but this time it was Ben flinching.
“Sorry guys, I know it’s cramped and we keep hitting each other.” Danny apologized.
“It’s fine Danny, really. Everyone just needs to be a little more careful.” Jinkx smiled tightly. Now the pointed looks were coming from him, Danny was sure he saw it.
What’s going on? Why are they being weird?
Oh well, nothing a few Bloody Marias won’t fix.
An hour later the whole table was on the spectrum of tipsy to trashed, with the notable exception of the stone cold sober Roy. Danny’s sense of weirdness was replaced with the warm buzz of micheladas, tequila and good friends. There’s a reason the Lord blessed us with bottomless brunches on the Sabbath. Listening to the laughter and seeing the connection between friends new and old, Danny started to think maybe he could be chill.
Their food plates had barely hit the table when that image shattered, again. Poor Dela, he knows not what he does.
One of Danny’s new girlfriends, Sam, was telling him and Ben about her upcoming couple’s vacation. “So yeah, 5 days in Cabo to celebrate our anniversary, or month-iversary I guess. 5 days alone – I think I love that woman, but pray for me.” Sam took a drink.
“Damn, Sam. I didn’t realize you and Charlotte had been together for two months already. That’s rad.” Danny liked Sam a lot, and was glad to see her happy.
“Two months, that’s a big one.” Ben paused for a beat before winding around to face Roy and Jinkx, who were shouting across the table at Johnny and his new ‘friend.’
“That’s about the time you figure out if a relationship is going to work,” Ben continued. Another pause, and there was that damn pointed look at Roy again. Jesus, was he drunk already?
“Speaking of which – Roy, you’ve been with Sky for about 2 months now. How’s that going?”
Ben shouted the question loud enough to disrupt Roy’s conversation, which had the unfortunate effect of getting the whole table’s attention. The whole table who had been at the bar last night and witnessed Roy’s and Danny’s little display. Silence washed over them like goddamn Hurricane Katrina, leaving Dela very clearly confused if only for a second.
Danny immediately saw red. It wasn’t just the eye shadow creeping into his corneas, or the deep scarlet brunch cocktails – he was pissed. “Yeah Roy, how is Sky?” Danny asked, nearly shouting. He could feel the anger building.
You’re gonna wish you Never had met me
“Why didn’t you bring him with you? Didn’t think he would have fun?” The power of angry Adele was rising in his chest.
Tears are gonna fall Rollin’ in the deep
“I mean, what about this trip wouldn’t be fun for him? Jinkx has never met him. Dela hasn’t met him. In fact, neither have I. Wouldn’t he want to meet your sisters? Your best friend? Why wouldn’t he want to meet me, Roy?”
Johnny interjected. “I’m sure he was busy. Danny why don’t you switch over to water?” God bless him, like any good cousin was trying to stop the train of destruction. Danny was too far down this hill to pull back.
“Nah, I’m good man. Tell me, why didn’t he come here?” He focused all his attention, staring at Roy with enough intensity to clear his blurring vision while burning a hole in eyes of the man looking back at him. 
Now it was Jinkx’s turn to try. “Danny, drop it. You’re yelling.”
“No I’m not. And you’re not my mom, Jinkx. I just want an answer to my question.” Danny never took his eyes off Roy, who’s body seemed to wilt while his eyes stayed locked.
“I didn’t mean to cause a problem guys, I –“ Dela looked totally panicked.
Fire. Heart. Fever. Scars. Breathless. Tears.
The combination of hurt, alcohol and electricity clashed like lightning, and Danny couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Is it because you came here to cheat on him, Roy? You told him you were coming to visit your friends, but really you just came here to fuck some other guys and hope he wouldn’t find out?”
If he wasn’t yelling before, Danny sure was now. 
“You think that’s who I am, that I don’t care about other people’s feelings and that I’ll help you hurt them? You think I would be a part of that, that after all these years of pining for you I’d be so goddamn happy for your scraps of attention that I’d do it? That I’d let you jam your tongue down my throat in back alleys and fuck me in secret like your side piece?”
Well, so much for keeping that kiss a secret, Danny thought as he caught his breath. Might as well bring it home.
“You’re a shitty person, Roy. You’re a bad, mean, hateful person. You don’t care if you hurt people, do you? I never saw it before, but that you would do this to your boyfriend – to me…”
Shit, shit. Don’t cry. Do. Not. Cry. Danny couldn’t understand why Roy, who had never been at a lack of words for a moment in his life, was just sitting there silently while he railed on. The indomitable Bianca del Rio just sat there staring, and increasingly – he thought, maybe – like he was actually biting his tongue.
“You don’t have anything to say? You can’t even defend yourself because you know it’s true. I don’t know if you’ve always been like this, if something changed, or what the fuck is going on.” Danny paused, starting to feel self conscious about the volume of his voice and the lack of chiming in from any of his friends.
“Jesus, Roy. I thought Bianca was an act but the real you is so much worse. I would say I hope Sky’s off fucking someone else too, so you know what it feels like, but you’d have to be a human with emotions to get it. You’re just a heartless evil cunt.” And with that, Danny was out of steam.
The next seconds crawled slowly and quietly enough to hear a pin drop. Danny knew this for a fact, because he literally heard the waitress drop her pen at molasses speed. Then the world slammed back into focus, with the same jarring effect as an astronaut getting ejected into space in a Star Trek movie.
Danny felt all eyes on him – 26 silent, unblinking eyes. The only person not still basking in his impassioned speech was Roy himself, who had finally broken the stare; his eyes were closed, maybe even squeezed together, while he rested his forehead on wringing hands. Danny had never seen this body language before, which was strange because Roy was a true creature of habit.  
Feeling totally exposed – a feeling he wasn’t totally in love with at the moment – but still high on righteous indignation, Danny violently stood up to leave. He threw his credit card down on the table and walked towards the exit, speechless as a silent movie…until he heard a mumble.
“What did you say to me?” Danny turned on his heel, sure he heard Roy say something under his breath. He was ready to fight.
“I said he did, Delano. Sky did. He cheated on me. I walked in on him fucking someone. Two weeks ago.”
Danny didn’t go to school for fucking math, but something was clicking. Two weeks ago, cheating, no more Sky…damn the tequila fog.
“You guys have something in common after all – he said I was too cold to fall in love with. Didn’t think I would even care, I can’t feel anything anyway.” Roy wouldn’t look up as he spoke, his voice was calm and controlled. That was really freaking Danny out – this was his somber voice, the same one he used in the days after Danny’s dad died.
What’s going on? Danny was starting to wonder if he’d miscalculated something here. Fucking continuation school.
“You should be happy, turns out you already got what you want. I got cheated on, Danny.” Roy paused and finally looked up.
In one fell swoop, Danny realized he was so very wrong. The eyes Roy had been hiding were as red as his own, but colored instead by broken blood vessels and tears. Danny realized why he didn’t recognize the body language – he’d never seen Roy cry before.
“Happy, even if you’re wrong. I promise you I feel it.”
In that moment Roy’s voice wavered ever so slightly, and Danny felt his whole body come undone. He had to sit back in his chair to keep from falling over, seeing Roy like this turned him to actual human Jell-O.
Fuck. Fuck. Fucking fuck. Fuck. Danny’s mind raced, trying to figure out what to do. How he could fix this.
“I think I should go,” Roy said to Jinkx, who started to move in response. His voice was back to the unnerving calm. “No, stay. I’ll get an Uber, you guys have fun. Let me know how much I owe you.” Roy stood up. “Everyone, it was a pleasure to meet you in the daylight. Glad to know my friends are so well taken care of in Seattle.”
No no no, don’t leave. What is happening? What are you doing? Danny was screaming internally, but he couldn’t figure out what words to say or at this point how to even make sounds come out of his mouth.
“Bye, Danny.”
Roy said those two words with such a tenderness and finality, Danny started to panic. He needed to do something but he was immobilized, his brain fried by his earlier surge of emotion and the overload of new information.
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can’t help feeling we could’ve had it all
And just like that Roy was gone.
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