stickercase · 4 months
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NeenYA (DECO*27) by OTOIRO
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saltyteethbooks · 1 year
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Phew! I think this typeset took the most brain power because I had to translate a fic heavy with images as well as links to photos of actors and other media (a number of which have become dead in the years between) but I adore this fic since the day it was posted.
Had to track down age appropriate actor headshots (are some of them the exact ones? Uh, no, cause Internet Archive doesn't have a saved copy of the links) and ended up shoving them all into each movie section endnotes lol, and so so much QR codes+URLs.
But also I had to perform 3 exorcisms/deep cleaning on the printer cause it absolutely refused to emit any gosh darn magenta ink, so compounded frustration.
In the end I made a soft cover/paperback out of it with a naaaaarrow oxford hollow because I have a hot glue gun curse. The cardstock is a seriously pretty embedded glitter type, so shiny!
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kitnita · 11 months
oooh just saw your tags on the stucky post - do u have any good stucky fics to rec?? im talking like looong fics. shit that like changes ur life. i was never into stucky when the fandom was super active but now im like !!! theres a goldmine of good fics out there i just know it
yeah absolutely!!!! but okay so. a lot of the stucky fic i read, i read back in high school before i started obsessively bookmarking things on ao3. i'm almost positive there are some blind spots on this list because i'm just going off the things i do have bookmarked rn. like i also want to dive back into the tag at some point & see what stuff i've missed / forgotten.
THAT SAID pretty much all the big stucky fics i do remember were in my bookmarks so i'm working off those! also thank you so much for sending this because i queued that post & didn't actually end up going back to read any stucky fics. i want to reread everything now.
actual recs under the cut!!
sincerely, your pal by lettered (rated m, 65,620)
i will always be obsessed with an epistolary fic. 10/10
to memory now I can't recall by etharei (rated e, 102,600)
uses time travel in a really interesting way, with it almost acting as a bodyswap scenario between the past and present. really interesting device in a fic with bucky pov.
building from the ground up by emilianadarling (series, various ratings & various lengths w a total wordcount of 68,687)
soooo good. i remember the (chronologically) first & the (writing order) first in the series better than the other two, but they're all good!! spans time from during the war to after the events of the winter soldier.
you know i dreamed about you by napricot (rated e, 59,311)
dreamsharing!! underutilized fanfic trope!!!
between everything, yourself, and home by napricot (rated e, 24,396)
i reread this one more recently than a lot of the others on the list & it hit so good, definitely recommend it.
United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) by fallingvoices & radialarch (rated t, 20,605)
the formatting & framing & storytelling devices in this one go hard, like, i'm pretty sure it was one of the fics mentioned on that post. it'd be worth checking out for that alone except that the fic is just Also good.
the way to a man's heart by niitza & whatthefoucault (rated t, 43,837)
this is one of the stucky fics i think about all the time. food as a healing device hits every time and it's SO good in this one.
the size of perfection by phoenike (e, 31,193)
if you want a lot of 1940's angsting about what the supersoldier serum does to a guy's dick, this is the fic for you.
all the angels and the saints by speranza (rated e, 48,740)
in the authors note of this one it's described as "a motherfucking 95 year epic love story of socialism! science fiction! and hard core gay fucking!" so. worth a read for sure.
roll on by jaxington (rated m, 89,113)
the historical queer themes in this were so good!! the supporting characters & world built up Hit. also i forgot/never knew it was part of a three fic series that is 306,592 words long. definitely read those too.
steve rogers at 100: celebrating captain america on film by eleveninches, hellotailor, M_Leigh, neenya, saintsideways, & tigrrmilk (rated e, 10,228)
exactly what it sounds like. from what i remember this probably barely counts as a stucky fic but it's so fun.
tin soldiers by idrilka (rated t, 19,743)
another one where the formatting & framing & storytelling devices go hard!!
a line that goes all the way by napricot (rated e, 45,218)
realizing now this is the third napricot fic on the list so probably anything else you find by them will also hit!! this one's more recent than a lot of the other fics here but i remember really enjoying it.
tezeta (nostalgia) by vowelinthug (rated e, 20,140)
another more recent fic set in wakanda!! it's steve's turn to be a total maladjusted disaster <3
sparked up like a book of matches by sena (rated m, 26,734)
didn't remember a lot of this one from my bookmarks so i started reading it to jog the memory & now am going to continue reading it. the vibes are vibing.
always stay near me, for tomorrow i will have much to do by roguewrld (rated e, 39,990)
this one's framing isn't as wild as some of the others i've rec'ed but it's still a little noticeable. a great non-linear bucky centric fic.
there's nothing left of you by notallbees (rated e, 22,346)
a fic set during the war!! those are always fun!!! and by fun, i mean. you know. it's good though, very in bucky's head.
i can feel the cold changing us inside by tesselated (rated m, 24,140)
a really good post-winter soldier recovery fic.
might never be normal again (but who cares) by napricot (rated e, 51,540)
okay one last napricot rec from my bookmarks. tagged 'Steve's Slow Motion Midlife Crisis' so you know it's good.
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maichan808 · 4 years
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LOLOL ok, ok. Just give me time to get through the 50 episodes, the animated series, the manhua, and the novel, mmmkay?
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0tterp0p · 4 years
Hamilton 😉
;))))))))))))))))  you’re my favorite
favorite male character: Is it boring to say Hamilton himself? I just love him. He’s such an absolute disaster. A human catastrophe.
favorite female character: I really do love Eliza with all my heart. All of it. Whenever she sings, it makes me cry instantly. That AND she is like the epitome if kindness does not make you stupid. She is kind and strong and I love her. 
least favorite character: Like!!! Even the antagonists are great!!!! How could I shit on Jefferson and his fucking magenta dream suit? Ummm.... Samuel Seabury??? I guess?? For being annoying?
prettiest character: ANGELICA. Alt: Lafayette.
funniest character: Hamilton again. If for NOTHING else but his tiny little “oh shit” to Aaron Burr in that one part. 
favorite season: Let’s just call this act I vs act II, and it’s act II because I like pain and suffering
favorite episode: We’ll call this favorite song, and it’s either Non-Stop OR Wait For It
favorite romantic ship: I KNOW THIS IS BORING but honnnnnestly Hamilton/Eliza is complicated and I like it. I, um, also have read my fair share of Ham/Burr. Ham/Laurens.
favorite family ship: Schuyler sisters. Angelica being the Best Sister.
favorite friend ship: Hahahahahah Jefferson & Madison? Everyone needs their hype man. 
worst ship: Washington/Burr??????? idk, honestly. 
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“It’s sweet of you to think I need this, but all I really need is a bed. And maybe twenty bucks, but I can get that out of your wallet in the morning.”
Yeah, he shouldn’t have let Klaus off the hook so many times back then.
“Keep your fingers out of my wallet.”
Klaus trailed his fingers delicately over the unbruised side of his face. “But if they’re not in your wallet, where will I keep them?”
Everyone please go read this fic my friend wrote about Klaus showing up to Diego’s basement apartment with injuries in the middle of the night and Diego finally deciding he should do something about Klaus’s apparent reticence to hit back.
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boxoftheskyking · 6 years
Fast forward to when I write my young adult rom com and this song is the centerpiece
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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Edge of Glory Zine Artist -- Neenya
Next up on the list, we have Neenya! Yuri has such a bright future ahead of him, and she’ll be helping imagine it for the zine along with her fellow contributors.
Find Neenya on Tumblr at @neenya​!
[ art by neenya | yuri dolls by @bunny-banchou ]
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stickercase · 4 months
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NeenYA (DECO*27) by OTOIRO
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door · 6 years
13 for the book meme!
13. Most beautifully written book you read this year? This was really really tough, I read a lot of truly beautiful books this year! The answer is Fire & Hemlock, I think, by Diana Wynne Jones. I actually stopped reading to post a quote from it, back in October:
“’She sat nursing her mug of coffee, feeling dejected. This isn’t Nowhere, she thought. This is horribly Here Now. I wish I could go.’” 
ask me about books I read this year!
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alwaysalreadyangry · 7 years
for your fic prompt thing: a day (an hour? a minute?) in the life of bones in space school?
a furlong of flight (on ao3)
3,500 words, gen, bones/kirk, 
In which death is not a game, but Jim is going to beat it anyway. Leonard isn't so sure that's how it works.
basically it fits this prompt except there’s also a lot of kirk and a lot of nonsense pontificating.
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boxoftheskyking · 7 years
Two of my roommates moved out so I get to sing again! Imagine this in a Wylan cosplay
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septembriseur · 7 years
And thanks to everyone else who posted messages also. @isabelthespy I only accept being a pisces insofar as it means I am a cool fish. I’m down with that although possibly I would prefer to be a jellyfish or an ornate crab, or a siphonophore, which I’m getting a tattoo of next week.
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rcmclachlan · 6 years
I’m 14 minutes into the first episode of Boku no Hero Academia and if anything happens to Izuku I will walk straight into the ocean.
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otabek-yuri · 7 years
(Otayuri for @rarepairsonice YOI Rare Pair Week)
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rosewindow · 7 years
#35 neil/andrew please!
“I hate trying to put my desire into words when my body knows exactly what to say.  Come home. (You can’t start a fire without a spark.)”
Within an hour of leaving his pro team’s court after the final game of the season, Andrew is on a plane back to Columbia. When he unlocks the door, his security app beeps, and moments later Neil texts him.
‘I’ll be home soon.’
It’s a lie that Andrew is willing to let slide.
Neil’s team has one more regular season game and unless they lose by some spectacular margin, they’ll be in the national playoffs. It’ll probably be a month until they’re home together again.
Andrew falls asleep alone.
He drives down to Palmetto State a few days later to see Betsy. Her office is entirely unchanged, except for the addition of a small Kiriko glass piece he’d brought back for her from Tokyo. He takes her out to lunch and they catch up. She asks about his therapy, once, and neither of them mention Neil.
His phone has several messages when he checks it afterwards. There are a few alerts from the Foxes’ group chat, a dinner invitation from Wymack and Abby, a season recap email from his captain, and the daily text from Neil. This on reads, ‘I miss your hands on me.’
Andrew stares at the unbroken string of gray texts. At least one a day since Andrew graduated; some long, some short. Andrew hasn’t responded in months. He talks on the phone, or he talks in person, or he lets Neil do the talking for him. It’s hard to get the words to pass through his phone and mean the same as they did in his head.
He taps the phone against the steering wheel, then closes the messaging app and drives to Abby’s house.
Neil’s team wins their game and Andrew gets an emailed confirmation of his playoff ticket. He drives to West Virginia the next week. Stuck in traffic around Charlotte, his phone buzzes.
‘Can’t decide if this court is good or bad luck.’
Andrew drums his fingers on the case as he rolls forward five feet. Traffic stops again.
‘No such thing as luck,’ he replies. ‘Just win.’
The two lines of blue stare at him until he tosses the phone into the back seat. He hears it buzz again, but doesn’t even glance back.
The Ravens’ stadium is filling up, but Andrew gets to his seat without being recognized. Dan is already there in the seat next to his.
She grins at him. “I was hoping you got the other ticket. Matt and I had to fight over this one.”
He likes Dan enough not to tune her out as she tells him about Matt and her team. He likes her even more when she doesn’t go on too long.
The two teams come out for warmups and the crowd erupts. Andrew catches the flash of red hair pushed back by an orange bandana. There’s almost half a court between them, but Neil finds his gaze and locks on, smiling faintly and daring Andrew to look away first. Andrew won’t.
It’s the sound of the buzzer that finally breaks their gaze.
The game is close, but Neil’s team manages a win. He’s got a few days of vacation before the next practice and Andrew gets another text. ‘Pick me up in the bus parking lot.’
Neil falls asleep immediately, but Andrew is jittery. His knuckles are white on the steering wheel and they make it back to Columbia in record time.
Andrew unloads Neil’s stuff before nudging him awake.
“Come on. I’m can’t carry your lazy ass inside; you’re too heavy.”
“You totally could,” Neil yawns. “Anyway, I just had a playoffs game. What’s your excuse?”
He gets himself through the door though, keeping his touches to a minimum, allowing Andrew to readjust to having him around. Andrew doesn’t want him to. Andrew wants…
He locks the door and sets the alarm. He’d triggered the coffee machine from the road and there’s hot tea waiting for them. He hands Neil his cup and let’s their fingers brush together, bumps their hips as Neil settles against the counter. They’re two moons, falling back into orbit.
Andrew is the first to lean in for a kiss, and he pulls away slowly.
“Welcome home.”
Neil smiles. “Welcome home.”
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