Neuro-network in the heart: sensory neurites.
They think independently from the craneal mind.
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honeytonedhottie · 11 months
the science behind manifesting (why it works)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌷
this post is going to explain in depth the science behind manifesting and WHY it works, this is a lengthy, wordy post so i hope u can maybe learn something from it.
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in theory, our thoughts are frequencies, and trying to manifest something is aligning ur frequencies to ur desire. (align ur thoughts with desire)
why can we consider our thoughts as waves?
lets take something else that we can consider as waves, light for example can be measured in waves and those waves are on an electromagnetic spectrum. humans are only able to absorb the visible spectrum, however there are many more spectrums that human beings can't absorb. everything on the electromagnetic spectrum is energy including light.
in that same breath we can consider our thoughts as waves bcuz scientists have found something called EEGS in the brain (EEGs track and record brain-wave patterns). electromagnetic signals were recorded in the brain when thoughts occurred. from this information u can understand that thoughts are similar to light and can be measured on the electromagnetic spectrum in WAVES.
einstien's relativity (physics)
the basic understanding was that life consists of molecules (like our bodies, what we eat, even the computer which im typing this post on), molecules -> atoms (atoms make up everything physical) and atoms -> electrons, protons, and neutrons. we can measure particles in science and what makes a particle a particle is that it has mass. what is mass? mass is a position in time and space, and mass can ALWAYS be converted to energy and vice-versa. E=MC2
the interchangeability of these two quantities has a proportionality with the speed of light (electromagnetic spectrum) with this we can understand that there is a correlation between particles and waves.
the law of assumption
the law of assumption states that what u assume to be true is true. and manifesting is neuroplasticity. ur using repetition to rewire ur thoughts, create different neuropathways, to experience a new reality.
neuroplasticity is the ability of neuronetworks in the brain to change thru growth reorganization. it is when the brain is rewired to function in someway that differs from how it previously functioned.
neuroplasticity is the reason why we r able to grow, and change and learn new things.
repetition creates long term memory by eliciting or reenacting strong chemical interactions at the synapsis of ur neuron.
neurogenesis is the continuous development of new neurons in the brain. (it only stops when ur dead)
think of it like a plant, if u stop watering the plant it'll die. its similar with our thoughts, if we stop thinking the same thoughts and start thinking different ones, our old self and thoughts would die and a new one would be created.
the definition of an assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or certain to happen without proof. the brain works thru repetition so thats why repeating thoughts can create new energy, and a new reality.
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occasionalpokeboys · 4 months
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a ref sheet comm for neuronetworked on twt!
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mahvaladara · 1 year
Vincent: Talos! Talos! Wake up! TALOS: -sweating- What? Romy: Talos? Talos: -comes out of his sleeping pod, confused- Romy: You were yelling... were you having a nightmare? Vincent: You can dream? Talos:... -blinks, realizes the neuronetwork is active- One of my iterations has just been murdered... fuck... -falls to knees holding himself- Breathe. Vincent: Are you in pain? Do you need help? Romy: I'm going to get Val! He's a doctor! He can help! Stay with him, Vince. -runs off- Vincent: -places hand on his back rubbing it- It was just a bad dream. Talos: Aaah... fuck... -trembling, warnings start appearing on the creens- Vincent: -looks- Mental Pain Te... te... tesh-hold above re-recomended levels? Brain ac-activity... I don't know that word. ARK: Brain Activity Abnormal. Memory Banks corrupted. Initializing memory recovery. EYE of TALOS assimilition interrupted. Nanite location triangulated. EYE dematerialization process interrupted. Attempting override. EYE dematerialization process interrupted. Attempting override. EYE dematerialization process interrupted. Attempting override -starts repeating it on loop- Vincent: Are you going to be okay, Talos? Talos: Give me... a few minutes. Fuck... I was just dismembered. Not a pleasant experience to recall. Val: What happened, Vincent, TALOS? Vincent: I think he had a bad dream. Val: -looks at the warnings, knees next to Talos- What happened? Talos: One of my iterations has just been dismembered. We need to go the the Anon LT25 Bi-Solar System. That's where it was gathering planetary records. Val: I don't think, going into a place where a sinthetic replica of you has been murdered is an intelligent idea. Talos: Aaaagh! -winces- Val: Talos- Talos: He's still active! Aaah! Fuck! They have my EYE and found a way to interrupt the recovery process! Aaagh! They're hurting me! -Has an energy surge and passes out- ARK: NEURAL CONNECTION LOST. ACTIVITY LEVELS ABOVE THRESHOLD. REBOOTING SYSTEM. TRIANGULATING EYE OF TALOS - ITERATION 32B.
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theogmissg · 21 days
I never understood that part of dreamfall. The prophet was trapped so he created the machine which would destroy magic, like it was evil. But im trying to free magic. I want us all to be free, not just me.
Oh, a different prophet.
Right because he backstabs the white dragon.
People fear chaos because they dont understand it
By nature
Dark matter
Most of the mass of the universe
Heavy shit
Its where the light comes in
The god particle
What connects the ocean of space
Its why the path of light will always have the upperhand
Hive mind neuronetwork vs voodoo potato phone
If we can all get on one side we can see through the myst
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kappararu · 8 months
Predictions on the #NBA by Neuronetwork
#Charlotte - #Chicago 103-109
Handicap 1 (+10.5) 1.44
Chicago more than 108
#Cleveland - #Detroit 118-107
Less than 236.5 1.49
#Washington - #Clippers
Handicap 1 (+15) 1.5
Total less than 241.5 1.5
#Miami - #Sacramento 114-115
Forward 2 (+7.5) 1.45
Total more than 223.5 1.5
#Houston - #New Orleans 115-113
Handicap 1 (+6) 1.5
Total more than 225.5 1.5
#Minnesota - #Dallas 107-114
Victory 2 6.0
Dallas more 103
Forward 2 (+16.5) 1.53
#Oklahoma - #Denver 110-115
Handicap 2 (+9.5)
More than 219
#San Antonio - #Orlando 124-115
Handicap 1 (+9.5) 1.52
San Antonio more than 109
#Brooklyn - #Phoenix
Forward 2 (+2.5) 1.47
Less than 237.5 1.47
Free subscription here : https://t. me/kappara_ru
Chat about Bets : https://t. me/nba_nhl_tips
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ravenousnightwind · 1 year
Interface, access analysis of depressive damage. Add ADHD modifier.
[Analysis confirmed damage inherent]
Can it be cured or repaired?
[Negative. Cannot be cured or repaired.]
Establish neuronetwork link, access possibility to redirect and rework neuro transmitters with new neuropathways.
[Possible pathways found]
Initiate build of rework
[New neurolink designation may prohibit the use of higher functions]
How many days will higher functions be inhibited?
[Calculated assumption]
[Potential week duration for starter neuro link rework]
Initiate action. Neurolink rework
[Commencing with neuronet rework progress 0.5%]
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fontilan · 1 year
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NEURONETWORKS // Get everyone’s reality out on the table.
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prnlive · 2 years
Gary Null’s Show Notes 01 30 23 P
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
High fat diet activates early inflammation in mouse brains, supports link to neurologic disease
Effects of abdominal massage applied with ginger and lavender oil for elderly with constipation
Study shows link between regular attendance at religious services and health and longevity
Efficacy of various forms of acupuncture for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women
Study: Turmeric proves more effective than pharma pills at treating rheumatoid arthritis
High temperature cooking increases risk of prostate and breast cancer by 50% 
Monday Bonus Recipe
High fat diet activates early inflammation in mouse brains, supports link to neurologic disease
University of Michigan, January 16, 2023
Researchers at Michigan Medicine have discovered that a high-fat diet promotes an early inflammatory response in the brains of mice through an immune pathway linked to diabetes and neurologic diseases, suggesting a possible bridge between metabolic dysfunction and cognitive impairment.
For the study, published in Frontiers in Immunology, investigators analyzed activation of the cGAS/STING immune pathway in a high-fat diet mouse model of prediabetes and cognitive impairment or dementia. Though early changes in cognition were not detected, results reveal insulin resistance, as well as inflammatory activation of cGAS/STING and the microglia, the brain's immune cells, within three days of feeding.
"While there is evidence suggesting a role for cGAS/STING in obesity and diabetes, both of which make patients more vulnerable to cognitive impairment or dementia, its role in the brain has not been previously studied," said Sarah Elzinga, Ph.D., first author at the NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies at Michigan Medicine.
"We now see that this pathway is involved in an early burst of immune response in the microglia, which plays a critical role in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. If microglia are activated in the hippocampus under high-fat diet conditions, that may contribute to inflammation and degeneration in the nervous system and eventual cognitive impairment or dementia."
Effects of abdominal massage applied with ginger and lavender oil for elderly with constipation: A randomized controlled trial
Çukurova University (Turkey), January 3, 2023
Constipation, which is commonly seen in the elderly and negatively affects an individual's physical and psychological well-being, is a treatable health problem. This study was conducted as a randomized controlled experimental study to investigate the effect of abdominal massage applied with lavender and ginger oil on constipation for elderly individuals.
The study examined a total of 40 elderly individuals who lived in a nursing home and suffered from constipation. Elderly individuals in the intervention group underwent 15 min of aromatherapy massage for 5 weekdays per week for 4 weeks. No intervention was conducted for individuals in the control group.
While the Bristol Stool Chart and the Constipation Severity Scale scores were similar in the intervention and control groups of elderly individuals at the first follow-up (p > 0.05), in the second and fourth week after the application, scores in the Bristol Stool Chart increased significantly and scores in the Constipation Severity Scale decreased significantly in the intervention group compared to the control group (p < 0.05).
Conclusion:  It was determined that aromatherapy massage applied to elderly individuals experiencing constipation softened stool consistency, decreased constipation severity, and reduced symptoms associated with constipation.
Study shows link between regular attendance at religious services and health and longevity
Emory Rollins School of Public Health, January 9, 2022
Researchers from the Emory Rollins School of Public Health have published a paper that links regular attendance at religious services with improved health and lowered mortality.
The researchers conducted an empirical study on data collected  through the University of Michigan's Health and Retirement Study (HRS), which surveyed social and economic determinants of mortality in middle-aged and older adults, including religious factors.
"We wanted to link the research on religion—especially religious attendance—into the social determinants of health framework," says Idler.
They found that there is a substantial amount of protection against mortality from all causes for people who attend religious services once a week or more often. Even those who attended less frequently had a greater protection against mortality than those who didn't attend at all. There were no differences by religious affiliation.
Part of this may be due to the positive health behaviors shown among those who attend religious services more often. For instance, those who attended services more often were less likely to smoke or drink alcohol than those who never attended, and they were more likely to exercise and get health screenings. Those frequenting religious services also experienced social benefits linked to health, like being part of a socially supportive community or volunteering to help others.
Efficacy of various forms of acupuncture for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women
Glasgow Caledonian University & Hong Kong Polytechnic University, January 10, 2023
Evidence regarding the efficacy of various forms of acupuncture for the treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) in women is outdated and inconclusive. This review aims to determine the efficacy of different forms of acupuncture for the treatment of UI in women.
Multiple databases were searched from inception to June 2020. Randomized controlled trials that compared various forms of acupuncture to control were included.
Ten trials were included in this review. The pooled analysis demonstrated that an increased proportion of women with stress UI (SUI) reported fewer UI episodes (p < 0.00001) in the electroacupuncture group than in the sham group. The meta-analysis also revealed a significantly increased number of women who reported the complete cure of SUI in the electroacupuncture combined with pelvic floor muscle training group than in the medication group (p = 0.0007). Body and laser acupuncture caused significant decreases in the number of urge accidents (p = 0.01) and the occurrence of urgency symptoms (p < 0.0001), compared with sham acupuncture.
Conclusions Based on the findings of this review, electroacupuncture may be able to improve SUI in women in clinical settings. This review also identified evidence supporting the use of body, electro,- and laser acupuncture for the treatment of urge UI; however, these results were obtained from single studies, and further research remains necessary to confirm the effects of these interventions on the treatment of urge UI in women.
Study: Turmeric proves more effective than pharma pills at treating rheumatoid arthritis
Nirmala Medical Centre (India), January 10, 2023 (NaturalNews) What if there was a way to safely and effectively treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) without the need for pharmaceutical drugs? The good news is that there is a way, and researchers from Nirmala Medical Centre in Kerala, India, wrote all about it  the journal Phytotherapy Research. Researchers from the Centre found that curcumin works better than diclofenac sodium, also known as Voltaren, at relieving pain in patients with RA.  For the study, 45 patients diagnosed with RA were assigned to one of three groups. The first group received 500 milligrams (mg) of curcumin alone, the second group received 50 mg of diclofenac sodium alone and the third group received both the curcumin and the diclofenac sodium together. Each patient was assessed using the standard Disease Activity Score, or DAS, as well as the American College of Rheumatology's (ACR) criteria for assessing RA pain. Based on the research, patients in all three groups experienced significant changes in their respective DASs as a result of the treatment. But patients in the curcumin-only group experienced the most drastic improvements in both DAS and ACR scores, measuring significantly higher than the scores achieved in the diclofenac sodium-only group. Even more significant were the respective treatment outcomes in terms of adverse event prevalence. Patients in both the diclofenac sodium-only group and the diclofenac sodium-plus-curcumin group both experienced some degree of adverse events, while patients in the curcumin-only group experienced no adverse events whatsoever. "Our study provides the first evidence for the safety and superiority of curcumin treatment in patients with active RA, and highlights the need for future large-scale trials to validate these findings in patients with RA and other arthritic conditions," wrote the authors in their abstract.
Multiple studies over the years have confirmed the anti-inflammatory efficacy of curcumin, and more recent inquiry has identified RA and its associated symptoms as a major target for curcumin therapy. 
High temperature cooking increases risk of prostate and breast cancer by 50% 
Natural Health360, January 11, 2022
Very few realize that eating food cooked at high temperatures – through grilling, broiling, roasting, searing, or frying – exposes the body to dangerous chemicals and toxins, including DNA-altering mutagens and dangerous toxins known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
The result is an Increased risk of cancer, heart disease, premature aging and a host of other serious health risks associated with oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
Research has shown the incidence of certain cancers is notably increased in people who eat meat cooked at high temperatures. When raw foods are heated beyond 300 degrees F, chemical changes take place. Those changes damage cells and alter proteins in the body after the food is ingested.
Mutagens are agents that damage human DNA, increasing the risk of serious diseases, including breast cancer and prostate cancer. Glycation end products are toxins that damage your body’s proteins, leading to loss of functionality and tissue damage – which can foster serious health conditions due to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Glycation products are also known to cause weight gain and bring about premature aging.
Enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin, antibodies, collagen, and neurotransmitters are all examples of critical molecules that can be altered by AGEs, sometimes with devastating effects on your health. While it can be impossible to completely eliminate AGEs from your body, your chosen cooking methods play a pivotal role in how much your body is exposed to mutagens and glycation products. A considerable body of research has shown heavily cooked foods damage genes and threatens health.
A University of Minnesota study found that women who ate overcooked hamburgers increased their risk of breast cancer by more than 50 percent over those who chose rare or medium done burgers. Similarly, the Iowa Women’s HealthStudy showed women who consistently ate well-done steak, hamburgers, and bacon had a 4.62-fold increased risk of breast cancer compared to women who consumed these meats cooked rare or medium done.
Men are likewise at risk. A recent study found those who consumed just 1.5 servings or more of processed meat on a weekly basis increased their risk of advanced prostate cancer by 50 percent. The same held true for men consuming one or more servings of grilled red meat or well-done red meat. Given that some men routinely eat high-temperature cooked food almost daily, it is little wonder men suffer with prostate cancer in epidemic numbers as they age.
Cooking foods at high temperatures leads to the formation of gene-mutating chemical compounds known as heterocyclic amines. Heterocyclic amines have been linked to cancer of the prostate, breast, colorectal, esophageal, lung, and liver.
Animal-based foods high in fat and protein are generally AGE-rich and often trigger new AGE formation during cooking. By contrast, choosing carbohydrate-rich foods such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and milk mean relatively low levels of AGEs, even after cooking.
Certain supplements, such as carnosine, benfotiamine, and pyridoxal-5-phosphate, are also believed to act as powerful anti-glycation agents. These supplements can be useful as a complementary tool since even healthy foods and the avoidance of high-heat cooked meals cannot guarantee your system will stay void of toxic AGEs.
Monday Bonus Recipe
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
Find articles, videos, back radio broadcasts, books, and more at GaryNull.com.
Find Gary's vitamins and other supplements at Gary's Vitamin Closet.
Hear Gary's radio show weekdays at noon Eastern Time on PRN.live
While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
Let us know what you would like to see in Gary's newsletter. Email us at [email protected]
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neuroaiart · 2 years
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Training from 0!!! No design and art education is needed.
#Neuronetwork#neurography#neuroillustration#neuroart#educationalnetwork#natashaillustrator#poneuroillustration course#cursneuroillustrations#learningneuroillustrations#coursemasterpiece andart#photofuture#neuroaiart#neuroillustration#neuroillustration
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petnews2day · 2 years
Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/small-pet-news/monoclonal-antibodies-preserve-stem-cells-in-mouse-brains-bring-promise-for-future-studies/
Monoclonal antibodies preserve stem cells in mouse brains, bring promise for future studies
Newswise — A new approach to stem cell therapy that uses antibodies instead of traditional immunosuppressant drugs robustly preserves cells in mouse brains and has potential to fast-track trials in humans, a Michigan Medicine study suggests.
For this study, researchers used monoclonal antibodies to suppress the immune system in mice and compared the results to traditional immunosuppression with the medications tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil. They tracked implanted human neural stem cell survival using luciferase, the protein that makes fireflies glow.
Results published in Clinical and Translational Medicine reveal that suppression with monoclonal antibodies enabled long-term survival of human stem cell transplants in mouse brains for at least six to eight months, while the cell grafts did not survive more than two weeks in most animals when using standard immunosuppressant drugs.
“This study makes it clear that using monoclonal antibodies is better for the study of stem cell transplants in the brain and spinal cord over the long term,” said lead author Kevin Chen, M.D., a neurosurgeon at University of Michigan Health and clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at U-M Medical School. “The cells survived for so long with fewer injections and less toxicity from immunosuppression when using monoclonal antibodies. This will enable more experiments and studies of stem cell therapies, bringing more promise for their future in the neurosciences.”
Researchers sought to combat a longstanding obstacle for stem cell therapy in neurological disease of keeping cells alive when testing them in pre-clinical animal models. Many scientists have relied on immunosuppressant medications to keep the animals’ immune systems from rejecting stem cells, Chen says, but they eventually fail and torpedo the process.
“In many of these experiments, we would only see around a third of animals have cells survive and have no way to interpret the results,” he said. “It gets expensive in stem cell therapy to conduct these experiments and not have the cells survive.”
Traditional immunosuppressant drugs are less selective than monoclonal antibodies, which, in this study, targeted two immune proteins. The antibodies have only been analyzed in a handful of stem cell therapy studies for the nervous system. However, this study tracked cell survival for as long as eight months – one of the longest time points published for stem cells in the brain and spinal cord.
This study lays the groundwork for understanding how transplanted stem cells integrate into the brain, says senior author Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., James W. Albers Distinguished Professor at U-M, the Russell N. DeJong Professor of Neurology and director of the NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies at Michigan Medicine.
“Our new findings continue to support advancing stem cell therapies into human clinical trials,” Feldman said. “Stem cell therapy remains a beacon of hope for neurological diseases.”
Additional authors include Lisa M. McGinley, Ph.D., Shayna N. Mason, B.S., DianaM. Rigan, B.S., Jacquelin F. Kwentus, B.S., John M. Hayes, B.A., Emily D. Glass, B.S., Evan L. Reynolds, Ph.D., Geoffrey G. Murphy, Ph.D., all of University of Michigan
This study was supported by the National Institute on Aging, The Handleman Emerging Scholar Program, The Robert E. Nederlander Sr. Program for Alzheimer’s Research, The Sinai Medical Staff Foundation, and and The NeuroNetwork for Emerging Therapies
Paper cited: “Monoclonal antibody-mediated immunosuppression enables long-term survival of transplanted human neural stem cells in mouse brain,” Clinical and Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.1046
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maevisualplayground · 2 years
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I’m starting a Chinese super hero universe. · · Made with #midjourney · · #ai #aiartcommunity #aigenerated #machinegeneratedart #neuronetwork #neuronetworks #machinelearning #machinevision #aigeneratedart #art #artmaking #generativeartwork (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfi3AoPuBky/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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syedgilanis · 6 years
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What are Neurons https://www.syedgilanis.com/2019/02/neuron.html?m=1 #neuron #neurons #typesofneurons #disordersofneurons #neuronutrition #neuronstructure #neuronfunctions #neuronetwork #neuroscience #neuroglia #neuro #neurologist #neurology https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3pW2Oh8Z0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9kh4mgu9jqp5
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mahvaladara · 1 year
Romy: Hi... Talos: -looks- Hello Romy. What are you doing here? Where is Vicent? Romy: He's with Elder John and January. Talos: I see. Romy: Elder John said we're the last hope of humanity. Is it true? Talos: Yes. All of your Colony are the last genetically pure homo sapiens sapiens. Romy: Humans. Elder John says. But you're humans too... Talos: -stops- I'm afraid not, Romy. I'm no more human than January. Romy: But January doesn't look human. Her ears, and Eyes... You do. Talos: -opens third eye- Humans don't have third eyes, Romy. Nor do they have nanites on their blood, nor can they replicate their consciousness, or connect through a neuronetwork through space-time. Romy:... Elder John says humans have a conciousness, free will and the ability to chose wrong or right. You do. All you, January, Val and even Mecha have done for us. I call that being human. Talos: I was engineered by humans. Romy: Maybe you're a saint, or a god. Talos: We have already proved that mythological spirits and gods are but Ethers. Romy: You said you had Ether DNA. Talos:... Romy: -hugs Talos- I think you're a saint! When we get to our new Earth, we're making a statue of you and naming you our patron. Talos: I'd rather you di- Romy: Even Elder John agrees. -Walks away- -January, eevesdropping- January: -opens mouth- Talos: -instantly grabs her by the mouth- Don't you dare. January: Spaaaaace... Jeeeesus. Talos: -drops her and sighs-
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Oh hey, it’s been 2 months since I updated my first ever RE8 fic. Please forgive!!!!!! Second to final chapter. We’re almost there to any folks still reading. >.<
Pairing: Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader,,, Hints at BelaDonna
Fic Summary: Fresh on the rebound, you are backpacking through all of Europe's Vineyards with your camera. Your field of depth couldn't possibly have included what was in store for you at Lady Dimitrescu's Castle in the middle of the night, or in the days to follow.
Summary:  Alcina gets back her belle!
Ch. Spoiler: 
“Mold!” Bela pants, grabbing the wine from Alcina and taking a couple rough swigs. She sits up, catching her breath. “Mold! Tiny interconnected fungal pathways, like a neuronetwork, all communicating together! Of course!”
Cassandra lifts up to take the wine from her and scoffs. “Well, you’ve finally lost it. Or all that flower time with Donna did a real number on you.”
Bela bites back, “You’re a fucking plant, Cassandra!”
“I’m not a plant!”
Alcina’s aghast chastisements go unheard.
“You’re a fucking plant and we’re connected to the megamycete and it can control us!”
“No way.” Daniela yawns and reaches, asking for the wine.
She chugs for a second and hands it to her mother. Alcina graciously takes a swig, trying to balance her hunger and exhaustion with the educated countess she’s supposed to be.
"You are not plants," she states decidedly. "And watch your words! Don’t be so uncouth. The megamycete may have control over you, but it is the cadou Mother Miranda made that gave you your forms. If anything, you're shapeshifting flies."
Cassandra grimaces, crossing her arms and huffing.
“The cadou is a plant,” Bela mumbles.
“ I’m not a fucking plant! ” Cassandra shrieks at her.
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gaysputnik · 5 years
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Welcome to the best, largest and most successful gay dating site for singles seeking relationships, friendships, dating ,love and more. My brother develop startup with neuronetwork. Love sees no color, no gender. If you are single, please take a try!
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