#never change adam
explorersaremadeofhope · 10 months
im doing a very quick (aka skimming-a-lot) GO reread and i'd forgotten how much i love discorporated aziraphale. he is 3000% done. he has no fucks left to give. this part of the book is just him and crowley, independently of each other, having hit rock bottom and come through despair and out on the other side into "fuck it we ball" and it's wonderful. they're so in sync and so unhinged.
favourite discorporated az moments:
telling mr shadwell he's the southern pansy
gets so annoyed with the televangelist he tells him that heaven only has a 50% chance of winning and the rest is propaganda, after denying it for the whole book
"you lot [humanity] are all going to be civilian casualties either way"
telling mrs ormerod that he knows he's in england because nobody else could have asked such a fucking stupid question
world's least sincere "wasn't that touching."
'the exorcist' reference *
extremely eager to murder adam young
i cannot emphasise enough how down with child murder he is **
tells madame tracy they need to be doing 70mph and then makes her fucking vespa warp through space at 200mph
"i'm the nice one. you can't expect me to—oh, blast it. you try to do the decent thing, and where does it get you?" aziraphale snapped his fingers.
* im willing to bet money that was crowley's idea and ended with him feeling vaguely queasy while aziraphale sat next to him going "what absolute nonsense, this isn't how it works at all"
** until he actually meets him. but still.
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Enchanted (2007) |  Disenchanted (2022) 
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anonymouscheeses · 3 months
Chaggie human AU except Charlie is a demon Vaggie summoned.
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Yknoww??? Stars??? Cuz morningSTAR??? Okay I'll stop *sob*
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Here's most of the body design. This is my actual first drawing of them, I made the vest for Charlie a darker yellow but for now feast your eyes upon the minion lookin ahh 😭 (The cape was supposed to be yellow and the vest/suit thing was blue but it clashed with Charlie's hair and shoulder.... things.)
Dw abt the shoes, Charlie is shown later and Vaggies is just black Jordan's cuz she cool like that ig 😭
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Angel Dust is the crackhead who sells drugs. No money? Get ready for a beat down brutha he about to 🔥 serve 🔥 a punch. (I'm gonna def change his clothes eventually to something else but I like everything else ngl I kinda ate 😍(no i didnt))
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Human form Charlie! She looks like Shldon Coper if he went through a furry phase...... that was a HORRIBME comparison what am I on bro 😭..... uhhh just think of any teenage furry who isn't edgy, that's Charlie.
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Hey wait a second, Chaggie angst? With ooc Vaggie/Valerie?? Unreal 🤯
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toiletpudding · 4 months
Eve and Lilith pranks Adam
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I know the ask said Lilith and Eve pranking Adam but Eve's his partner in crime. 😭
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4lphaless · 5 days
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lawrence and adam also met on the same day
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i-really-like-phrogs · 2 months
Re-design of my un-named Beetlejuice OC from back when I was thirteen
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Original Reference under the cut:
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#my art#beetlejuice#toonjuice#beetlejuice cartoon#beetlejuice fanart#beetlejuice movie#procreate#I don’t really make OC’s for fanwork anymore… but the ones I had when I was younger almost never got named 🥲#When I first made her I really really liked her- and her story was very self indulgent#Looking at it now is almost way too weird for me… (and honestly a little unintentionally homophobic???)#Basically she was one of the girls from Dante’s inferno… except she got kicked out because she only had attraction to girls#(This was BEFORE I suspected that I was a lesbian— mind you.)#Yeah but anyway she went to the Deetz/Maitland house looking for a place to stay but drove everybody crazy#She was super flamboyant- loved everything pink n fluffy- and was well meaning but did more harm than good trying to do nice things for the#She had this one sided crush on Delia??? Like musical Beej and Adam except less perverted and more flirty/sappy? I was an odd kid- okay? 🥲#Anyway… the old design didn’t really do much to show off her personality… so I ended up upheaving the whole thing#It was okay for what I knew at the time- but I know what I was trying to say then and now I have the knowledge to say it better#Also— the reason I gave her horns here is so silly.#When I was younger I was in a Christian school where I wasn’t allowed to draw witches-ghosts-demons-etc.#So even though I based her on the Dante girls… I refused to give her horns because I thought that was ‘too sinful’#I even remember having so much guilt while looking for references of the Dante workers#I couldn’t even look for more than five seconds!#Anyways… she really pushed the boundaries for me at the time and it’s fun to see how I’ve changed and grown since then.
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writingwife-83 · 6 months
I think it’s really interesting that according to Adam Driver, even after TLJ they were still sticking with the plan to keep Kylo Ren as a villain to the end. He said his character was still on the same track and in that scenario we’d never have seen “Ben Solo.” Can you imagine? 😟 I mean, yes TROS was a dumpster fire in a lot of ways, but I will always be grateful that they didn’t go the way they almost went. I’m grateful for what we got and for the fact that in some ways you could argue that they’ve now left it open for the possibility of more Ben Solo content.
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silver-itallics · 4 months
I remember thinking that it would be cute if Adam had two last names because he has lesbian moms. But then I realized it's just because nobody could figure out his last name
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thelaurenshippen · 8 months
Hiya Lauren! I remember a while back you reblogged something about mark being romantically involved with nearly all other queer atypicals and it did mention oliver/mark as unrequited and I wonder if you could elaborate a little more on that?:D I'm just curious:) You don't have to of course! Ty!
oh gosh, I WISH I remembered this - I don't reblog very much that isn't fanart, so I'm having a hard time recalling what post this would've been and what I might've said/added to it!
I don't think of Mark/Oliver as unrequited at all. That said, in The AM Archives specifically, we were not writing toward that ship - it wasn't the intention and we had no idea that Andrew and Kristian had that chemistry until we were recording the whole season all at once. And then we weren't sure if we were going to get another season at all! So there definitely was a period when I was more uncertain about it, mostly because it was unclear what the future would hold for any of the characters.
While they don't get together in The College Tapes, I do think that they very slowly figure things out in the months and years afterward. In the TCT planner (which is technically the last bit of canon that exists in the Bright Universe, in terms of timeline), there's heavy implications that they're living together - or at least spending a lot of time together - and I think all of us who made The College Tapes were thinking of them as a romantic ship when writing that show.
They both have buckets and buckets of trauma and unresolved issues (as did Mark and Sam - and their inability to work through it together/the way they first met and got together, etc. is one of the reasons they didn't ultimately work out) so I can't say what their future holds, but as far as I'm concerned, they're headed toward romantic involvement the last time we hear from them (or already there).
I hope that answers your question!
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distinguished little gentleman stuffing his puppet mouth with delicious waffle (ppl who think lesbians can like/be men + vice-versa, proship, & endo dni))
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oneoftheeggs · 4 months
99% of my writing inspiration truly comes from "The last Unicorn (1982)".
They really let me hear sentences like:
"Never run from anything immortal; it only attracts their attention."
"I wish you had let the red bull take me, I wish you had left me to the harpy. I can feel this body dying all around me."
"Unicorn, mermaid, sorceress... no name you could give her would surprise or frighten me. I love whom I love."
"I have done you evil and I can not undo it."
And expected me to be chill about it!
Also I wonder if "I can feel this body dying." was something Adam and Eve experienced when their immortality was taken away from them 🤔
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badnew2005 · 1 year
actually i’m still feeling insane thinking about dee and dennis and the presence of frank in the gang. if you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. you escape, you run. to university where i’m meant to be a Real Person, This is how we start again, and we run away to the real world. but you can’t make it. whatever. we couldn’t stick out college. dee set her roommate on fire. you will find him even when he is not there. run back to those losers from high school. you start again as Them. it’s just us and this bar, invincible, invisible to the world, just living where We matter. bringing in a new life at paddys. but then he comes back. mom died. no she didn’t. i hate you. dad, dennis, dee. mac and charlie love him, he moves in with charlie even. don’t you remember? the angry man. no, you hid it too well, you don’t need to tell the world your business, but surely mac and charlie knew. why we stopped having sleepovers at home. why we ran away. ran to them for safety. a life where your dad didn’t exist. or he was locked away. but he’s back and i hate you. dad/dennis/dee. back to acting out his wars, but moms not here for my station my home base my target. it’s just me and you. and mac and charlie. and he’s not even our dad. but if you’re raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. he’s just a man. and you’re right he wasn’t always Angry. i’m just being stupid and looking for pity you’re right. i wish he was angry more. i wish he didn’t only tell dee he loved her. i wish he cared about us enough to be Angry enough that we can remember. he might be charlie’s father. oh. why does charlie get his love. i Hate you. you’re too much like mom / like him. this was meant to be some faraway land without fathers. a solstice. if one day you find that there is no angry man in your house. i can’t be successful i can’t love you. it’s impossible to pass his test. frank sets sweet dee on fire. i can’t be a Person with him Watching. so i hate you. you will go find one and invite him in. roller rink it’s their foggy memories and fantasies, frank ruined me, He’s the evil twist in fate that ruined me, it was all Him.
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clubnate · 1 year
the academy is... is what you get when you put the 4 least compatible people on earth and some guy named sisky business in a band together
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ineffablyendless · 2 years
Enough "Rose Walker has Hob as her Uni Professior" crackfics. Time for "Professor Gadling is ADAM YOUNG'S Uni history professor" fics.
Professor Gadlen is an immortal.
Adam Knew, the way he Knew some things sometimes, and it adds humourous context to what Adam imagines is his day job. A History Professor? Really?
"I don't think it's cheating." Pepper had said, during their first twice a month phonecalls. Its a great deal more frequent than Brian and Wensley does, nowadays, and he doesn't mind, not really. The Them had grew, as all children do.
Its been 10 years since the Nopacolypse, and while Brian and Wensley had grown to disregard what Adam was (which he of course appreciates) Pepper had not. It used to tick him off. Now he appreciates it too. She puts him in his place, keeps his feet on the ground. He doesn't know where he'd be without her.
(He does. It doesn't bear thinking)
"I never said it was cheating." Adam spoke into mic of his earbuds, hands free to throw the ball for Dog. Theyve decided to spend some time out on the quad today, and 5 people so far had come to pet him. Adam knows he enjoys the attention. "I said it was cliché."
"It is a little cliché." Pepper admits, and Adam laughs. He can hear her smiling. "Does he know? That you-,"
"No." Adam shrugs. "I mean, not yet."
The smile had dropped. "Adam-,"
"I'm not going to do anything!"
"That doesn't sound like the tone of voice of someone who wasn't planning to do anything."
"I'm curious!" Adam says, a bit defensively, and he hears the crackle of her sigh over the line. "Humans, you know it, Peps, youre the one between us with a head for science, Wensley's hopeless. They shouldn't be around so long, should they? What if he needs help?"
A pause, contemplating. Adam's glad she's giving it thought, makes him feel like this isn't one of his, you know, I-Know-Better Stints he gets into. "How long do you think he's been around?"
600 years, Adam thought, but didnt say. Precisely 633. "Longer than you'd think."
"Aziraphale and Crowley long?"
"Not that long." Adam assures, can't helping the smile that the reminder brings forth. He hadn't visited those old hats for a while. "Long enough."
"Did he seem unhappy to you?"
He didn't, Adam thought. He had come to accompany Violet, a friend he's made through their Introductory to 14th century Neopolitics class, to Professor Gadlen's office to ask some questions about the quiz carry marks for midterms, and while there is some modicum of stress, it is the normal, human background buzz. Professor Robert H. Gadlen, as far as he can tell, seems perfectly content, just the way he is. One of the most.
If it wasn't for Knowing, Adam wouldn't have suspected anything off about him at all.
He hadn't said anything into the line, but it seems he didnt need to.
"Then leave it." Pepper declares, her voice crisp with finality.
"Leave it, Adam, you don't know what he is and what he's been through, you don't get to make the call. You know this."
Adam scrunches his nose as Dog returns the ball to him, tail wagging in delight. "I-," he says, and halts himself. Pepper was right, of course she was right, and no messing about, that's what he said, 10 years ago, he'd promised.
"Yeah," Adam relents. "Ok."
"Thank you. I'm only helping you look out for yourself, Adam."
"I know," Adam sighs. "Thank you."
"Don't sound so glum, we're heading over to see you in a week, and we'll have a pint in that old Pub Brian spotted about last time that he wanted to try. The Pegasus, or something."
"The White Horse?"
"Same thing." It really isn't, but Adam doesn't corrrect her. "Anyway, keep safe over there, don't do anything stupid. And give Aziraphale a call, won't you? He's been worried lately over something or the other, something about dreams."
"I will."
"And you'll tell me if you've reconsidered what me and Brian asked? About leaving the town, seeing the sights? Because I know some people, and it'll do you good, you know. Seeing new things. It's not forever, Adam, and Tadfield's going to be right there when you come back."
Adam doesn't tell her she couldn't know that, not when he couldn't either. Doesn't tell her their sleepy little town had been so drenched as home to him, arms slack open for the Before and After of the NoPocalypse, the him of Before and the him of After, that him leaving and severing it, finally, might mean the town might lose the root and half of itself within the year, collapse like an old building with it's pillars stolen out.
He doesn't tell her that it's a part of him, the cracked tar roads and humped houses and ancient ice cream parlor, the ominous edges of Hogsback Woods and the old LifeGuard seat over the chalk pit he still comes to see every other evening, hearing it whisper the things he should have done, the well paved path of what He Still Could Be. How it looms and stretches and groans to make it seem like it was bigger than it truly was, a throne of dirt and earth and decay.
He'd left that behind now, that isn't him anymore, because he said so, didn't he?
He just remembers.
He doesn't tell him that he feels Tadfield like a limb, it's unchanging storybook perfect English weather, and that even departing to stay at Goldsmith's a campus not half an hour away, feels like leaving 10 fingers behind. He feels the phantom of it, he aches for it, feels incomplete of himself without it.
He doesn't tell Pepper any of this. It wouldn't change things, and there was nothing she could do. There wasn't anything Crowley and Aziraphale could do, the only two people with any semblance of understanding how it might feel like. Adam feels like a ghost, posessing his own skin, and he sees the world tilted 0.5 degrees to the left leaving the door open a crack to the secrets of the universe, a room unlit. Everyday, for 10 years, had been a fight to ignore it.
He loves Humanity. He does, he does, he promises. Its part of him too, the love, the agonizing, unpleasant devotion. He was meant to be King. And he loves being human, knows in his heart of hearts its simply the best thing he could possibly be.
But being content, fighting against the maddening glimpse of that unlit room?
He didn't know that was possible.
"C'mon Dog," he beckons, once he and Pepper had made their customary dance of goodbyes, tucking the old damp tennis ball into the pocket of his coat as the hound twirls leaps around his legs, cheerful and impatient and eager to please. "We have to take an early night. Morning classes tommorow."
It is Professor Gadlen's class, and Adam refuses to be late. He cannot wait to poke and prod for more pieces of him. He's promised Pepper there would be no intervention as to what he was, not unless he was harmed, and while Adam has no intention of breaking this oath, he had made no promises against snooping.
After all, he's just curious.
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goldenunicornmaster · 5 months
Everyone was hoping to set Niffty to 1 v 1 Valentino.
In our haste we could not have foreseen that she would KILL ADAM HIMSELF
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dnalt-d2 · 7 months
Bagi really just killed a turtle for hitting Empanada
Oh how far she's come lol
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