#never mind don’t listen to me keep doing your thing colin
Luke Newton's yearning eyes need their own acting credits I MEAN...
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frost-queen · 2 months
Tempting fate // part 4 (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @dutifullyannoyingfox, @wolf-phoenix-lover, @mellowdreamlandpost-blog,
@markive-m, @esposamultifandom, @mswwvaleska, @itsalyssadawnuniverse, @magical-spit, @winter-solstice24 , @bloommart, @mushy-mushroom04 , @iamaslytherin0 , @writingfortheunloved , @superhighschoollevelfashion-blog , @kamiliora , @itsfromaboyband-blog, @redhoodsoutlaw , @anonymouscherries , @gayandfairycore
Summary: Putting yourself to the front, you bluntly ask Colin to marry you, yet his answer is not what you expected. Torn and haunted by his actions, need Colin to clear the doubts in his mind. [ part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 5 & part 6 ]
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“What has happened?” – Colin asked. You took him by the hand, pulling him away. Out of the house as you didn’t wish to look upon your sister anymore. Colin confused yet obliged followed you without any restrains. Outside you kept tugging Colin along. – “Y/n wait… what is…” – he asked terribly confused, looking over his shoulder back to the house.
You weren’t listening, simply dragging him along as he put you to a stop. Grabbing your shoulder to stop you and turn him to you. – “What am I missing? Has something happened between you and your sister?” – he wanted to know. The moment his eyes met up with yours, it was enough to give you the clearing. – “My sister is right.” – you outed without a warning.
“I never do anything for myself. Always put my own happiness to the side so my sisters can thrive.” – you went on grabbing Colin by his shoulders. – “I have to think of myself.” – you added looking with wide eyes at him. – “So Colin marry me!” – you expressed with a wide smile. Your words stunned Colin. Making him flutter confused with his eyelashes. He then chuckled nervously taking your hands off him, to gently hold in his grip. – “Are… aren’t you rushing things Y/n?”
“Don’t… don’t you like me?” – you asked nervously. – “I…I do…” – Colin responded still trying to normalize what you just said. – “So marry me.” – you insisted upon finally claiming something for you. Colin lowered your hands with a soft sigh. – “That’s not how you…” – he started taking a soft breath. – “I like you Y/n I do, but marriage. It isn’t something to take lightly.” – Colin explained as if he had more experience with it. – “We kissed did we not?” – you let out taking a step back. – “We did.” – he replied looking at the ground. – “Then why won’t you marry me?” – you called out.
“I don’t know!” – Colin shouted back in desperation. Hardly knowing what he felt or wanted. Lip quivering, you slightly shook your head, backing away. – “Y/n…” – Colin said softly. – “I should’ve never…” – you whispered turning around as you wiped your cheek. Walking off trying to keep your head up high. Sobbing loud, you caught yourself falling even deeper. First your sister now Colin.
You didn’t understand why everyone was so against you. Everyone around you turning into people you didn’t recognize. No one to rely on. All becoming one by one strangers to you. Wiping more tears away, you felt your heart go bitter. Not wanting any more of the heartache it was causing you. You rather wanted it to be ripped out then continue to feel it bleed.
Colin returned home with his head low. He entered the Parlor as Benedict looked up with a cheeky smile. – “How was your visit to the Featheringtons?” – he teased with his hand under his chin. – “Forget about it!” – Colin said snappy making Benedict blink stunned. Not the reaction he expected at all. Eloise came moving around the sofa’s to him. – “Has there been more talk about Y/n?” – Eloise gasped concerned.
Colin threw his hand up. – “Not everything is about that woman!” – he replied. – “Somone is prickly.” – Benedict commented chuckling. Colin sighed loud taking his leave. On his way out of the Parlor he almost bumped into Francesca. – “What is with him?” – she asked as Eloise and Benedict both pulled their shoulders up. Colin went straight up to his room, letting himself fall onto his bed. Staring up to the ceiling as he felt the room spin around him. Why didn’t he know?
Mother came home with Phillipa and Prudence. Prudence sighed loud taking off her shoes. She started to rub her feet. Phillipa gave her hand a slap to stop it before sitting with her. – “Penelope! Y/n!” – mother shouted loud. Not a moment later appeared Penelope in the waiting room. Mother looked surprised at Penelope alone. – “Where is your sister?” – she asked. Penelope adverted her gaze. – “With Colin I presume.” – she commented with a sarcastic undertone. – “Bridgerton?” – Phillipa said confused.
“How many Colin’s do you know?” – Penelope answered bitsy. Phillipa moved her shoulders up innocently or too dumbfound. Prudence shook her head with a soft sigh. – “I shall call upon her.” – she said getting back up. – “Why is Y/n with Colin Bridgerton?” – Phillipa asked rubbing her still sore foot. – “I’m hoping doing a better job at courting than you girls.” – Mother insultingly commented. Prudence left, taking the carriage to ride over to the Bridgerton household.
The doorman opened the door, allowing her in. He announced her at the house. Prudence walked into the Parlor, bowing to the Bridgerton’s. – “Prudence… what… what a lovely surprise?” – Violet said slightly confused yet still upholding her manners. – “I’ve come for my sister.” – she answered. The Bridgerton’s looked confused at each other. Prudence picked up on that, feeling a bit foolish now.
“Is… is she not here?” – she asked fumbling with her fingers. – “Penelope said she was with Colin.” – she finished, looking at anywhere but them. The Bridgerton’s all looked at Colin. – “Don’t look at me.” – he answered holding his hands up. Violet looked to Prudence and back to Colin. – “You were at their household were you not?” – she questioned.
“I didn’t leave with Y/n, if that is what you are suggesting mother.” – Colin spoke folding his hands together before him. – “Well she is not at home either…” – Prudence replied softly. – “Has there been anything that would suggest something?” – Prudence asked taking a step forwards. – “No.” – Colin said with a clearance of his throat and looking away.
Violet kept looking at her son, trying to figure out if he knew anything. He wasn’t letting anything loose. – “My apologies Prudence, but your sister is not here. I do hope you find her soon.” -  Violet commented with a small bow. Prudence curtsied back, taking her leave. Hoping you had somehow returned home upon her arrival.
Moving your hands higher over your arms, you pulled your knees closer to your chest. Head down, sobbing quietly underneath the tree’s shadow. Back against it’s bark. Thinking of what you have all done wrong to be treated like this. At first you didn’t want to notice Colin’s kindness towards you. Then you had accepted it as it felt so glorious. To be noticed by someone that only seemed to have eyes for you.
Then it’s all taken away when you had tasted too much from it. Perhaps he only liked you to flirt with. Not seeing marriage material in you, for who would ever marry a Featherington. Sniffing loud, you lifted up your head, seeing that the sun had begun to set. Not a part of you wanted to return home, but you had no options. Staying out here was too dangerous. With a lot of effort, you dragged yourself back to the house.
Mother gasped loud when she saw you pass in the hallway, hurrying over to see it better for herself. – “Where have you been?” – she shouted concerningly. – “To be alone.” – you answered, dragging yourself up the stairs. Mother sighed deep touching her forehead. Finally she was able to head for bed, knowing you were home. The other girls had gone to bed hours ago.
Mother insisting to stay awake till she heard news from you.  The Featherington household grew silent, all gone to sleep. At the Bridgerton house was but one member still awake. Anthony working in the study on some papers. Managing the estate hasn’t always been easy. Kate had gone long to bed, trying to stay by her husband’s side, but she couldn’t keep her eyes open.
Upstairs going down the second floor, in one of the rooms was someone restless. Tossing and turning in their sleep. Breath loud and sharp as they were tormented with flashes of scenario’s. The image of you appearing in their mind. The look in your eyes as he heard himself repeat his words. Colin turned his head restless, trying to say other words, but it was useless. No matter how hard he tried, he kept repeating his words from before over and over.
Each time, his dream settled on your face. Seeing the moment your heart broke over and over again. Tormenting him with each word. Till he no longer could bear it. Colin gasped loud, jumping up from his nightmare. Pressing his palms against his eyes, he hoped it would all be a dream, yet it wasn’t. Turning his head, he saw little time had passed. Knowing he wouldn’t sleep anymore till it was sorted out, he putted on a shirt, going downstairs.
There was a light coming from the study, walking up to it. There was a soft knock on the door, making Anthony lift his head up. – “Yes?” – he said curious watching as the door opened. – “Colin?” – he said startled setting his papers down. Colin walked in, staring lost in front of him. – “What is it?” – Anthony asked gesturing at the chair at the other side of the desk. Colin shuffled more into the room, closing the door behind him. – “I… I… have you ever said anything you regretted?” – he asked his big brother.
Anthony looked puzzled at Colin. – “Has this anything to do with the Featheringtons? Perhaps Y/n Featherington?” – Anthony asked, gesturing at the chair once more. Colin walked up to the chair, grabbing it from behind. – “What happened after you visited them?” – Anthony questioned needing a bit more context. Colin swallowed nervously turning his gaze away. – “I might have been stupid. The stupidest I have ever been.” – he explained still not sitting down. – “What did you say?” – Anthony wanted to know, feeling a bit worried about the possibility’s of his brother’s stupidness.
“I kissed Y/n Featherington.” – he confessed. Anthony’s eyes widened. – “When?” – he called out trying to keep his voice low, but his concern took over. Colin avoided his brother’s stern gaze. – “A ball or two ago…” – he went on, spilling his gut. Anthony could only stare at him in shock. – “Has anyone seen you?” – was Anthony’s next question. – “No!” – Colin blurted out, looking right at his brother.
Then his gaze drifted shyly away. – “Colin!” – Anthony shrieked out in a panic. – “I don’t think so!” – he called back in an equal panic. Anthony sighed loud, sinking back in his chair. Colin swallowed nervously. – “What more have you done?” – Anthony begged to know, hoping he wouldn’t get a heart attack from it. Colin noticed how his brother was looking at her.
“Nothing like that!” – he called out, knowing what he was hinting. He wouldn’t be improper with you like that. – “I’ve… I’ve just been an ass.” – he spoke letting himself fall in the chair with a weary sigh. Anthony folded his hands in front of him on the desk. – “Well go on, it can’t be any worse… or can it?” – Anthony responded hesitant. Colin shook his head then shrugged his shoulders.
“What did you tell her?” – Anthony asked calmly. – “She… she asked me to marry her today.” – Colin confessed with sweaty palms. Anthony’s eyes widened again. – “I… I kind of told her off… in a way…” – he went on. Anthony shook his head with a sigh. – “I can’t stop thinking about what I said.” – Colin moved closer to Anthony’s desk, leaning forwards. – “I could see her heart break through her eyes.” – he felt a bit ashamed of himself.
“Do you like her?” – Anthony asked. – “I do.” – Colin answered without hesitation. – “As more than a friend?” – his brother corrected, finding his answer a bit too easy. Colin adverted his gaze unsure. Anthony sighed again, pinching his nose bridge. – “Don’t be stubborn as me brother. If you love her, let her know before she slips through your fingers. Believe it is not a feeling you wish to feel.” – he spoke referring to the moment he thought Kate would die on him from her horse accident.
Colin groaned soft, moving his hands through his hair. – “It all feels so foggy.” – he spoke. – “Then make it clearer.” – Anthony simply answered. It made Colin lift his head up with wide eyes.
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quotergirl19 · 5 months
A season 3 conversation between Colin & Eloise:
Colin: You may be able to walk away from Penelope forever because she has done something that you do not approve of or that you cannot understand, but I am not so fickle hearted. I will not abandon her. I will do everything in my power to try and understand why she has done the things she has done, and to try and move past her faults and mistakes because I know her heart and she is a good person. I cannot imagine my life without her. How can you be so quit to forget years of loyal friendship? Are you truly so disloyal?
Eloise: You call me disloyal!? Do you even know what she has done? Do you have more faith in Penelope than in your own sister?
Colin: I do. She is our oldest and dearest friend, and I know how stubborn you can be.
Eloise: You might feel differently if you knew what I know.
Colin: I know that my life is colder and darker without Penelope in it. I imagine you must miss her. I was traveling for months and I thought of her often and deeply missed her friendship. Why are you so unwilling to talk things out so you can forgive and move past—
Eloise: Ask her yourself!! Only do not be surprised when she won’t tell you because she keeps secrets and cares nothing for the pain she causes others.
Colin: Of course she cares! I have never mentioned this before because I knew you would probably never let me live it down but she warned me about Marina. I just refused listen and Penelope hates that she chose to be disloyal to her own family to save me from being tricked into a lifelong commitment with someone who was willing to lie to me and make me her fool. I may have decided to forgive Marina’s actions but make no mistake, it took a very long time for me to do that and I honestly believe it was only possible because she was thwarted. Penelope acted out of desperation and fear of what would become of me if she didn’t stop the wedding and I can honestly say that I am grateful because I was being impulsive and reckless. She hates herself for hurting Marina!
Eloise: She— wait, you know!?
Colin: Yes! I also know that what she did saved Daphne from Nigel Berbrooke and you from your own foolishness! Thinking you could lie to the Queen and get away with it!? All because you decided to ignore every rule of propriety to see a print shop boy who might have ruined you and our entire family! And you think Penelope is the only one in the wrong!? I think it’s time you looked in the mirror Eloise, and be honest with yourself about the part you played in everything that happened.
Eloise: Why would she confide in you but not me?
Colin: Because I allowed her the chance to explain. You should consider doing the same. Especially since you’re about to be sisters.
Eloise: You can’t be serious, you don’t want to marry Penelope. You’re too busy flirting and traveling the world so you can bore us all with your stories.
Colin: I can still travel with a her. In fact, I’ll be grateful for the company and flirting with Penelope is something I particularly enjoy. I have asked her to marry me and she has consented to be my wife. So I encourage you to mind your tongue and be civil because nastiness and hostility directed at my bride will not be tolerated, sister.
Eloise: Oh my god… do you love her, brother?
Colin: With everything I am and everything I will ever be. We understand each other, we’re truly happy to know we will always be together. Please, make things right Eloise. Do it for me and for yourself, and do it for Penelope. She misses you, and I know you’ve missed your friend. Talk to her.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 9 months
You guys deserve to know I listened to Not Strong Enough by boygenius on repeat the entire time I wrote this. So you know. Keep that in mind.
He just keeps running. He can’t help it. Knows it will throw off his run at 4am with Roy.
The point of his current problems.
Jamie’s worked a lot in therapy in the past two years. He knows he has self worth issues. Some days he wishes he can’t look into himself and see what’s wrong.
What’s broken.
What’s been tossed around for years and handled without the care it deserves.
He keeps running.
He’s always run when things get complicated. Sometimes literally sometimes not. He’s not running with a plan. He’s in Colin’s neighborhood though.
He thinks fuck it and runs to his house.
He knocks without thinking.
A light flicks on. Shit he woke them up. The door opens and Colin is standing there. “Jamie? You okay?”
Jamie opens his mouth, he thinks about lying. Michael comes up behind Colin, “hey Jamie? Wanna come in?”
God bless Colin and Michael. They’re incredible.
They are all sitting in the living room, Jamie keeps shaking his legs, “can I ask you guys something?”
Colin and Michael look at each other, “Jamie if it’s about knowing your sexuality-” Jamie laughs. “No mate I’ve known I’m bisexual for years but thanks.”
Colin nods, “okay go for it then.”
Jamie takes a deep breath, he looks at Michael first. Less scary then seeing Colin react to this. “How did you two know you were it for each other. Like that you wanted forever.”
Michael smiles at him. “It was like waves, it hit me one day and then kept hitting me stronger until I was swept up into it.”
Colin blinks away what look like tears, six months married and they are still sappy as hell.
“It wasn’t really a sudden thing. It was like I adjusted everything in my life so that he came first. There wasn’t a question about seeing him in my future plans. He was just there.”
Michael looks a little surprised. He leans over and kisses Colin.
“You wanna explain more Jamie?”
Jamie blushes. “I think I feel forever about Roy but we aren’t even together. Fuck I don’t even know. It’s like I’m an Angel and he’s a God and want to worship him.”
Michael has slowly started smiling more, “Jamie if I may?” Jamie nods, can’t get much worse. “Roy has been worshiping you and in love with you for as long as I’ve known you both.”
“What??” “Michael!”
Colin lightly taps his leg. “What he’s trying to say is that we think you’ll be okay if you tell Roy you want forever.” “I said what I said.”
Jamie nods again, if feels like he’s been nodding to a lot of things recently.
“Thanks I’m sorry I woke you guys up. I’ve uh. I’ve gotta go.”
Colin and Michael hug him before he takes back off running.
He makes a detour to the park. It’s empty at this time of night. He sits on a bench. Curls his legs up. He can’t do this. He can’t be this person.
He was never allowed. His dad tried to ruin everything for him.
What if Jamie ruins this.
His phone lights up. Roy’s texting him.
Where are you.
Christ what time is it how long did he run for.
Sorry took off early for run. At the park near my house?
Be there soon stay in place.
God. Now he has to see Roy.
When Roy shows up he sits on the bench next to Jamie. “Where’s your head at Jamie?”
Jamie shrugs. Tucking his arms over his knees curling himself as close to a ball as he can while sitting up. “It’s here, just loud.”
Roy slides closer, he puts an arm around Jamie’s shoulder and pulls him closer. Jamie didn’t realize how cold out it was until he felt Roy’s body heat.
“Can I say something and you not be mad? Let me finish talking before you say anything?”
Roy nods, “course you can. It’s hard to be mad at you when you look this sad.”
“I’m in love with you. Want forever with you. Ran to Colin and Michael’s house to talk about how they knew. They just did. Roy I don’t know when it started but I just know I can’t stop it. I’m in love with you and it’s fine. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same. I just needed to tell you.”
Roy brushes the tears that fell off of Jamie’s face. “Good thing I feel the same then huh?”
Jamie felt the tears flowing down his face when he was talking but didn’t realize Roy saw them, let alone cared enough to remove them.
“The same? Roy you can’t. That’s crazy.”
Roy laughs. “Jamie I’m crazy, I haven’t done anything about it because I’m your coach. Didn’t want you to feel pressured. But I love you, I want forever with you too.”
Jamie risks a look at his face. He’s smiling. “Seriously?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Jamie nods, and suddenly he’s being kissed by Roy Kent. It’s maybe the softest kiss he’s ever gotten. He melts into it.
He pulls away. “You love me?” Roy touches his cheek, “I love you.”
Jamie leaps off of the bench, he starts spinning around he lets out a shout. “ROY KENT LOVES ME!”
Roy starts laughing and stands. “Jesus baby. Come on let’s go back to your place. I’ll cook.”
Jamie spins right into Roy’s arms. “You’ll cook for your.. boyfriend? Partner?”
“Future husband?”
Jamie smacks Roy. “We can’t just skip straight to that.” Roy takes his hand and holds it, there’s starting to be people out but clearly he doesn’t care. “Fuck straight, be my fiancé. We’ve known each other long enough, know everything about each other.”
“You’re going to kill me.”
Roy kisses him again. “I’m trying to worship you.”
Jamie blinks. Maybe this time he’ll be the God and not the Angel. “Let’s go home then fiancé.”
It’s Roy’s turn to whoop. He picks Jamie up with a spin and sets him back down.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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crescentcampbell · 1 month
Wouldn't You Like to Know ch. 5
            Penelope’s heart raced. This was the moment of truth. Would he believe her? She cleared her throat. “Yes---erm----of course.” She took it from him. “But she is on vacation, so it might take a few days for it to get back to you.”
            He shrugged. “That’s okay. I don’t mind waiting a few days.”
            “You want some coffee?”
            Colin shook his head. “I only came to drop that off and I don’t want to interrupt your morning. But listen, my contact information is in there. Call me, yeah? It’s been ages since we hung out and I’ve missed you, Pen. It’s been way too long. You should uh---come around for Sunday dinner. Mom would love that.”
            Penelope frowned. When her dad had stolen from the Bridgerton’s, they’d been banned from Violet Bridgerton’s famous Sunday Dinners. She had all of her children there, along with the Who’s Who of New York. “Oh….um…I don’t know about that. It might be awkward.”
            He reached forward and brushed back one of her loose, red curls. “Pen, we were never mad at you or your sisters. We were mad at your father for betraying your trust. I know that’s still terrible, but I know Mom would say that you were always welcome in our home. Besides, I know you miss her eclairs.”
            She sighed and hated how right he was. Violet Bridgerton’s eclairs were heaven on earth. America’s favorite online homemaker was magic in the kitchen and Penelope had missed her cooking something fierce. Her own mother had never been a baker. She’d always had private chefs to do her cooking. Private chefs that knew better than to serve Penelope sweets if they wanted to keep their paycheck.
            Portia Featherington would never admit that she didn’t like her daughter not being a size two, because that wasn’t the right thing. But Penelope knew it in the  way she treated her which was why they didn’t really talk much. “I do miss your mother’s eclairs. And I would like to see everyone again. Anthony’s getting married, right?”
            Colin nodded. “He finally found someone that isn’t completely scared of him. She’s actually his boss.”
            Penelope raised an eyebrow. “And Anthony likes that?”
            Colin snickered. “I think it’s a kink or something, actually. She’s the only woman besides mother that tells him that he can’t do things. Kate’s very smart and very good at her job. She runs the magazine that father used to own. The Ton.”
            “That’s right,” said Penelope, “it was sort of a high society thing, wasn’t it?”
            Colin nodded. “Actually, she secretly likes that book series your boss writes. The Gossip? She would love to do a feature on her, but she’s been having trouble trying to figure out who she is and she never answers any of her messages or e-mails. She only gets standard responses. Maybe you could convince her?”
            Penelope found herself unable to look Colin in the eyes. She was still half asleep, and was not prepared to have this conversation. The last thing she had expected when she woke up this morning was to see Colin Bridgerton at her home.
            “Um---you know what, I’ll see what I can do. I actually have a lot of work I have to do though. It was great to see you again.”
            Colin smiled. “I’m serious about Sunday, Pen. Don’t be a stranger. I know where you live now.”
            “Right. Right.” She laughed nervously. “Good to see you, Colin.”
            “Good to see you too.”
            Colin hugged her tightly again, and Penelope thought that she might die as he held onto her tightly. She was going to buy herself a thing of Old Spice and sniff it when she was alone. She wanted to always have the scent of him with her. God. How was she an obsessed, teenage weirdo again?
            She wanted to sniff him.
            She wasn’t going to sniff him.
            “Penelope?” said Colin.
            “Did you just sniff me?”
            Penelope coughed and pulled away from him. She wiped her nose as though she had a cold. “No, um. I have a cold.” She coughed again, harder. “You should probably go. Don’t want to get sick.”
            Colin made a face. “Oh. Right. Okay. Well, feel better. I’ll see you Sunday, yeah?”
            She only coughed in response and pushed Colin out the door. “Sunday. Sure. If I’m feeling better---I’ll get the paperwork to Lulu. Good to see you! Bye.” She slammed the door shut and when he was gone, Penelope breathed a sigh of relief.
            She looked down at the yellow envelope in her hand that had the contract for her movie deal. She read through it and stared at the number. $3.5. million. It wouldn’t be given to her all at once, of course, but that was still more money than she had ever made in her entire life and Penelope considered herself pretty well off.  “Oh. My. Fuck.”
            Penelope jumped up and down. She was a millionaire. A fucking millionaire. She was never going to have to ask her mother for help ever again (not that she did that often if she could help it, but still).
            And Colin Bridgerton was back in her life. He had also invited her back into the Bridgerton’s world. She was going to get her old life back. Maybe she could even get Eloise back as a friend. She had missed all of them. They had been part of her life for so long. It would be nice to have them all back.
            As a teenager, she had spent more time there than she had at her own home. If she wasn’t at school, she had been with the Bridgerton’s, getting into some kind of mischief. Losing their friendship had almost been worse than finding out that her father was a criminal. Because everything shined brighter with them. She would make things right this time around.
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itwasrealtome · 2 years
One last time (PART ONE)
Summary: After a pleasant evening, Scarlett has to face a police officer who is a bit too strict. Despite the difficult breakup, Y/N volunteers to help her ex by taking her home. Just one last time.
Genre: Angst/Fluff(?? > more in part two)
Warnings: A bad police officer, some shitty feelings, and the fact that I don’t know much about the NYPD
A/N: Alright guys. This is it. I know I promised you this one shot for many weeks. Here it is. Well, here is a part of it. I decided to cut it in two parts because it was getting really long. I hope you’ll like it. Don’t hesitate to share your opinion, I remind you that even if I do not answer the comments, I read them all and I thank you for your kindness. It always makes me happy to read your comments. I hope you like this part. PART TWO COMING SOON.
Also, I’m sorry if the parts about the NYPD don’t seem real. Like I said before, it’s fiction, and for the story I needed it to be that way. I know it’s a bit bad, I’m really sorry…
“That night STILL haunts me, no matter how many times I try to push it out of my mind; the thoughts, the touch, the feel, the smell, everything is still so alive and killing me inside.”
Although it had been dark for several hours already, the moon was nowhere to be seen. And it seemed almost strange not to see it when looking up where it was supposed to be. It was nearly as odd as not seeing a person you used to know so well. Maybe because you know it's there somewhere, but you can’t see it. And as someone would do, you keep looking around, hoping to finally find with your eyes what is missing. A lost piece of the puzzle.
However, it is common that when one piece goes lost, we do our best to get another one to fit. And just like that, the image that seemed so perfect is then distorted by new possibilities, by a picture that wants to be different, by an abundant curiosity. Other pieces join the first one, and a whole new picture is created. A landscape, an animal, a family portrait.
The contrast between the restaurant and the car was striking. Where one was loud and stuffy, the other was quiet and brought a sense of peace. And just then, as she took refuge in the car, Scarlett let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in until then. The evening had been incredible, she couldn't deny it. Colin was a very charming man, respectful, and the way he acted with Rose was perfect. But something had made her hold her breath during dinner, and it was a feeling she was not used to anymore. It all felt new to her. She seemed to be back in her teens, but with all the lessons of her past experiences. She had already been through two marriages, two divorces, dozens of affairs, and one love that she thought was her last. But even the person you entrust your entire hope to can take everything from you; your heart, your tears, and a part of you that will never be reborn.
Shaking her hand as a final goodbye, she stood ready to drive home. Through her windows, she could see the writer getting into his car, also ready to leave. He seemed a little more relaxed than she was, though nervous. He could sense some hesitation in the actress throughout their date and wasn't sure why. He was doing everything he could to listen, lighten the mood and not scare little Rose. But maybe he was doing everything wrong, at least he hoped not. He was already under her spell. He couldn't lose her now when he was falling a little more for her every day. It was impossible to imagine.
It was surprising to find that Colin was already halfway home, while Scarlett was only buckling up. She had held a breath again, deep in her mind, shaken by her thoughts. She couldn't get her hands on this thing that seemed to hold her back. She was not free. She was tormented. And dwelling on it over and over probably didn't help. She needed to move on. She needed to go home.
Her daughter's voice startled her. She had almost forgotten about her. The New York sky was clear, but in her mind, a real storm was causing damage. Looking in the center mirror, she could feel the features of her face soften at the sight of the little girl. She was wrapped in her jacket, her head resting against her seat, her little eyes almost closed.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
Rose mumbled a few words while rubbing her face. She was clearly on the verge of falling asleep but seemed to be fighting it. Despite her young age, she could tell something was odd. Her mother's attitude was not usual. Or at least, she had seen better days. Much better.
“You’re sleepy?” Scarlett didn't need confirmation, she knew. “It's all right, baby. We're going home.”
With a last sigh, the actress started the engine and began her journey towards the exit of the parking lot. Her eyes were slowly starting to sting. She imitated her daughter's previous actions and rubbed her face with one hand, hoping to make that tired feeling go away. All she had to do was make it home, and then she could collapse into the comfort of her bed. Maybe that was all she needed, a good night's sleep. It seemed like the right thing to do. Being asleep long enough just to take a break from the world. It meant being at peace for a while, away from responsibilities, thoughts, and emotions. However, it was never that easy. There was always something that came up to disturb her. When it wasn't Rose having a nightmare, it was work or invasive memories. In the middle of the night, it was usual to find her with a glass of alcohol in her hand, immersed in her thoughts, looking for a distraction. And maybe Colin could be that distraction.
The main exit of the parking lot was blocked by half a dozen vehicles. From her position, the actress could not determine the cause of this queue, but she was used to it. There wasn't a day that she didn't end up in a traffic jam. This was New York after all. To expect the opposite would be insane. But the closer she got to the exit, the more she could make out the reason she was stuck. Despite the darkness, she could make out the NYPD logo in the distance. It seemed to be everywhere. Driving a little further in that direction, she could see a group of police officers not far from the exit. They seemed to be stopping every vehicle for what must have been a simple routine check. But Scarlett couldn't help but think back to all those scenarios in which the police were in charge of a much more serious case. She became nervous. There was no way she was going to be confronted with this type of situation with a child not even 10 years old in her car. She wanted to go home for God's sake.
A noise against her window startled her. She froze for a minute, before turning her head to the window. There stood a policeman. His look left no room for any kind of amusement. He was not there to joke around. So, with a slightly shaking hand, she lowered the window and sent him a nice smile.
“Good evening sir, is there a problem?"
“Good evening ma'am, don’t worry, this is a simple routine check.”
She nodded, partly relieved. It wasn't as bad as she had imagined. She had nothing to worry about. It was just a check. Besides, the cop didn't look so cold and intimidating now that a smile stretched his lips. He had heard the words of his colleagues and could not help but shake his head gently. This show of humanity helped Scarlett to relax. She needed it and was grateful to be dealing with humans rather than tough law enforcement officers.
“I need to see your papers, ma'am.”
If the three cops took their job with a touch of humor, their colleague who was now standing in front of the car window did not seem to do the same. Not a smile made its way to his face. His features were drawn, tired, but rough. The steady movement of his fingers against his arm only reflected his state of mind. This work was his whole life. He had been doing it for probably years and had no intention of leaving it unless he was forcibly fired. The actress swallowed her smile, feeling her nervousness rise again. She was the prey, he was the hunter. She couldn't help but think of that Disney cartoon she had watched with Rose a few days earlier. It was terrifying.
“Sure, here they are.”
The man almost snatched it out of her hands. He didn't give her a single glance and turned his attention to studying the documents. Scarlett pursed her lips. She couldn't help but squirm a little in her seat and look nervously toward the back of the vehicle. Rose seemed to be already asleep, unaware of the present events.
“Have you consumed alcohol tonight, ma'am?”
“I had a glass of wine in the early evening.” The man looked up and winced. “But um… I-it was a few hours ago already.”
The silence she got in response took her breath away. The palms of her hands became wet within seconds. She could swear she was about to suffocate despite the cool night breeze. She didn't want any trouble but seemed to only come across that.
“I'm going to ask you to pull over, ma'am.”
Scarlett's mouth opened and closed a couple of times, without a single word being heard. If she was nervous, she was now one step away from fainting or vomiting on herself. She couldn't believe it. As far as she knew, she hadn't done anything wrong. She wasn't even feeling the effects of the alcohol, since several hours had passed since then. Besides, she wasn't so oblivious as to drive drunk with Rose in the back seat.
To avoid creating more problems for herself, she followed the agent's instructions and got out of line. There she waited for what seemed like several hours. Now more than ever, she wanted to go home. She wanted to take refuge in her shower to cry away from the world. Just as she wanted to enjoy a good glass of alcohol in her living room without fear of the other's judgment. She only wanted to mourn without having to carry the weight of her responsibilities.
But whoever was in charge had other plans for her.
As she kept waiting, she began to regret agreeing to go out. Something inside her seemed to be holding her back, but she had wanted to go anyway. She felt like she had to. She needed to see other faces, to change her mind, to take a breath of fresh air. She needed a break. Even her friend Chris had urged her to leave her cocoon, insisting that she couldn't let herself live until she reached her time. But now everything was different. She regretted that decision. She wanted to drive and never stop. She wanted to feel safe again.
“Alright, Ms. Johansson.” The man stopped again at the edge of the vehicle. “I need you to take a breathalyzer test. If it's negative, you'll be a lucky lady.”
“Then I’ll be free to go home, right?”
Scarlett had never been so nervous. She wasn't used to following orders so easily, even from the police. She had learned in the past that many men in the police department had become accustomed to overstepping some boundaries, especially with women. It wasn't right. Everyone knew that. But as it had been explained to her in the past, firing men with over thirty years of loyalty was a risky move and no one wanted to go down that path.
“I'll be the judge of that. Now blow.”
The actress took one last look at Rose, before taking a deep breath. At this point, she was no longer doing it for herself, but for her daughter. She needed to stay calm and be patient. So, with her best fake smile, she followed the man's instructions. Deep down, she was hoping to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. But she didn't know for sure how difficult it was to get rid of this cop.
Not far from them, at the same time, a young woman was doing her best to find her way through the crowd. After so much time, she didn't know why she was there anymore. She just knew she needed some fresh air. So her feet kept leading her unconsciously through the New York streets. The light breeze left a cool sensation against her burning skin. And for a moment, she felt human again. That's what she needed. Even if those moments only lasted a few seconds. Even if these sensations disappeared as quickly as they had arrived. Even if the end always seemed more painful than before. She needed to shake the numbness out of her.
It had been weeks, maybe even months, that this feeling had taken possession of her, and despite her efforts, she could not get rid of it. Even her job didn't give her enough adrenaline to fight that empty feeling anymore. She wanted to feel high again. High on life, happiness, love. The life she had always dreamed of had been taken away from her, and she had been taunted by life ever since. It was only trivial details – a nickname, a touch, a scent - but it was enough to break her a little more. However that was nothing compared to the silence she found in her apartment whenever she had the courage to go there. It was as if life had dissipated there too. The air was dry, and a musty smell was beginning to settle in. It was nothing like the delicious smell she used to come home to many times. There was no more laughter, no more Disney songs, no more sweet words whispered in her ear. No one was waiting for her when she walked through the door. She was now on her own, as she had always been.
The sight of several NYPD vehicles stopped her in her tracks. She heard a few complaints from passers-by, but too absorbed in her own thoughts she didn't think to silence them using her badge. Her shoulders slumped for a moment as she slowly gave up hope. Having a moment of peace was difficult while living in New York. And of course, she had to cross paths with her colleagues when she least wanted to. Over the past two days, rumors had made their way through every department in the NYPD. With the small amount of luck she had left, she had managed to avoid having to justify herself on anything. But now seemed to be the moment she had so feared.
As she was signaled to come closer, she had no choice but to comply. It was too late to turn around and pretend ignorance. Not even the night could let her mingle with the crowd as a simple stranger. It was as if all the light of the city was reflected solely on the badge she wore around her neck. It shone brightly, like a star in the middle of a dark winter night. The moon may not have been in view tonight, but that was far too noticeable.
She jogged over to three of her colleagues who were gathered to the side, a thin smile on her lips that she could not hold back.
“Wow! You even got to wear the uniform, uh?"
Despite an urge to slip away, Y/N couldn't help but tease the members of her unit. Having to put up with their pranks all day long was one thing, but having the chance to witness their punishment was another. This time, she was certain, their captain didn't appreciate it.
The three detectives seemed to react quite differently to the situation. Wilson, who was a little older than they were, and at the initiation of every prank, couldn't help but pout at the thought of being in a lesser position than he usually was. That and the fact that it only made Lewis more anxious, having just joined the unit without really knowing what he was getting into. From his expression, it was obvious that if they were there, it was because of him. There was only one reason for him to go along with the older man's bad plans, and that was Sanders' involvement in all of them. She didn't swing that way, but clearly the younger man had no idea and was determined to please her.
“Knock it off, L/N. If Lewis had kept his mouth shut, we probably wouldn't be patrolling cars in this outfit.”
“I-I'm really sorry guys, I…”
Wilson gave him a pointed look, warning him to be quiet. The tension wasn't unusual, but it was clear that he was enjoying torturing the rookie. The brunette gently scoffed at her teammate's attitude. It was as if she was the only one with a clear enough mind.
“You guys are ridiculous.” stated Sanders. “It's not that bad, and I'm sure our dear Y/N enjoys filling out our paperwork, right darling?”
Y/N scoffed as well. They had no idea what would be waiting for them when they returned to the office. As bad as she felt about having to lie to her team, Y/N knew it was for the best. She needed to escape this city that was suffocating her more and more every day as soon as possible, and she wasn't going to back down for any reason.
“You guys know I like you, but don't expect me to deal with your shit. Besides, I’m sure that the captain has a pleasant surprise in store for each of you.”
“Yeah, like working with Rogers.”
Wilson nodded at the man in question, his muscular arms pressed against his chest. Anyone who had worked with the cop could understand where the detective's annoyance came from. He was one of the worst people you could team up with. Everything about him made him a despicable person. And Y/N would be the last one to admit that she had never gotten into a fight with him.
“Rogers, why don't you leave the poor woman alone, huh?”
“I don't think he can hear you, you know, senior years.” joked Wilson as the man ignored them.
“Just say it's because I'm a woman.”
“How long has he been bothering this woman?” asked Y/N, concerned.
“Something like, I don't know, thirty to forty minutes, maybe.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Should we do something?”
Lewis finally spoke, as if finally freed from the grip that held him in his world. Each of them knew it was best to do something before Rogers misused his power again. However, they were all frozen in place by the fear of losing their jobs. Wilson was on thin ice most of the time, the slightest mistake would lead him to lose his job. Sanders was a woman, and was certain to lose her job quickly if she made a mistake. Lewis didn't have the guts to take on a monster like Rogers.
“Hey Rogers, you got a problem over there?”
Y/N had no fear of confronting the beast, no fear of not being taken seriously, and even less fear of losing her job. She continued to move forward even as the trio begged her not to do anything she would regret. Once in front of the man, she stood there, with no intention of stepping back. He tilted his head slightly to the side, his fists clenched and white.
“L/N, I suggest you back off and let me do my job.”
“It's detective L/N. And I'm not going anywhere as long as you keep harassing this woman.”
Y/N could feel her emotions boiling up inside of her. The last thing she wanted to do was deal with the misogyny of a man who had somehow managed to carve out a future for himself in law enforcement. But she was there, and as she had said, she had no intention of letting him harass this woman. With her lips sealed, she held out her hand to encourage him to give her some kind of proof. He abruptly tore off a piece of paper, a slight growl coming from his lips.
The collected information on the sheet caused Y/N's heart to miss a beat or two. The probability of something like this happening was low. And now more than ever, she cursed anyone who had fun making her life a living hell. As if having to deal with Rogers wasn't enough, she also had to deal with a past relationship that she was trying to avoid.
It took her only a few seconds to come to her senses and find that cold look on her face again. Although she was not officially on duty, work never really left her, and she had become used to it over the years. Putting on a mask and swallowing her emotions was an everyday occurrence now. And damn, she may not have been an actress, but she was very good at it.
“Good evening ma'am, did you consume any alcohol tonight?”
Scarlett could barely hold the detective’s gaze, her breath caught in her throat. She kept looking for an ounce of life in her former lover's eyes, but all that remained was a chilling emptiness and deadly sternness. She wasn't supposed to act like she used to. That meant no more loving smiles, no more tender gestures, no more passionate kisses. Here they were, once again, mere strangers.
“See? I was right, she’s not even-”
“Did you drink alcohol tonight?” asked Y/N again, silencing the officer with a simple look.
The driver answered the question as she had done over an hour ago. She tried not to get lost in her own mind while Y/N explained that she would have to take a test again. Not that Y/N didn't trust her. She still had many memories of a tipsy Scarlett, and could assure that she was far more than sober at the moment. But for both of their sakes, it was better to stick to the rules. Contrary to what Rogers had noted on the sheet, the actress' blood alcohol level was not above the limit. In fact, it was so low that Y/N was beginning to wonder why he had kept her there all this time, other than to misuse his power once again.
Since she had no reason to hold the actress back any longer - although she would have liked to find one - Y/N had no choice but to give her her freedom back. This meant letting her leave the parking lot where she had to wait for long minutes, and face an absolute jerk, aka Rogers. Scarlett was able to get her papers back, and everything was back to normal. Everything except what she had broken months before. And as her fingers brushed against Y/N's, she couldn't help but sink into a wave of guilt and remorse. The woman in front of her was nothing like the one she had known. She seemed exhausted, defeated, as if she was agonizing.  The sparkle in her eyes was gone. Just like the moon.
“L/N, a word.”
Without realizing it, Y/N had succumbed to the temptation. The blonde's emerald pearls had always represented a trap. She simply couldn't help falling into it every time. Swallowing her annoyance, she turned back to the man who had not moved since the very beginning. One could have read the officer's emotions. He had a strong urge to share his displeasure, and was not going to restrain himself from doing so. With a nod, he signaled Y/N to move away from the vehicle. She sighed, not understanding the need to push the issue so far. She wanted to go home. She still had things to take care of, and was in need of a good drink.
Scarlett watched them from her seat. She couldn't hear exactly everything that was said between the officer and the detective, but she could recognize the body language of her former lover. The conversation was probably pointless, and the more the man talked, the more the woman's patience with him wore thin. This lasted for many minutes, during which the actress hesitated to escape quickly after witnessing her daughter asleep. It was late, later than she had hoped to go home, and her own patience was beginning to wear thin. Yet she held back and waited patiently. She couldn't leave, not only because she was facing the police, but also because for the first time in many weeks she had the chance to look at Y/N.
Time seemed to have resumed its usual flow, much faster than it had been in recent weeks. Scarlett had the sweet feeling that she had regained her breath. She was experiencing a slight déjà vu. It was not uncommon for her to wait in her car with Rose, while Y/N spent the last few minutes of her time wrapping up a case or whatever it was she had to do. It had become their routine as the days went by, but now they were just two strangers on each other's road. It was just a coincidence.
As Y/N walked back to the car, the inside of her cheek caught between her teeth, her eyes evasive, Scarlett knew. It was probably not the right time for such a reunion, gods, it was probably the worst time, but both of them would rather put up with each other's presence, than spend a single more minute in the man's company. The detective could feel his gaze burning into her back, and she was certain that if they weren't in a public place, he wouldn't have given up without a fight. She was ready to face him at any time. There was nothing keeping her here anymore, not even what she had thought was her heaven on earth. So if she had to sacrifice the only thing she had left, which was her job, to make sure that Rogers would rot in jail for the rest of his life. I mean, who would hesitate? She certainly wouldn't.
“I'm sorry, ma'am, but unless someone can drive for you, I can't let you go.”
“Please tell me this is a joke!” pleaded the actress. “Y/N, please…”
The mask didn't hold anymore, no matter how hard she tried, Y/N couldn't hold back. Her gaze softened as she leaned back a little more against the vehicle, blocking the view of anyone trying to keep an eye on them. She had had no reason to interfere with this simple routine check, at least, aside from her colleague's excessive power. She had no business being there, and if it hadn't been for her ex-girlfriend in the vehicle, she probably would have called someone to take the woman home. But this was not just anyone, and she had no intention of leaving the woman she still loved in the hands of another brute.
“Is there anyone you can call?”
“Y/N, this is nonsense, I'm not even tipsy.”
Y/N held her breath and closed her eyes for a few seconds. The actress' tone was harsher than she wanted it to be. Her impatience and tiredness were starting to show, and unfortunately landing on the wrong person. Flashbacks of their last moments played again. It was these memories that Y/N wanted to get rid of, but it seemed to be the only ones she remembered.
“Look, I know that. But this man,” the woman pointed her thumb at the man in question. “he doesn't give a damn. And I've just spent a long time trying to make a deal with him, so either someone takes you home, or you spend the night at the station.”
Scarlett sank a little further into her seat. Little did she know that the evening could be much worse than it already was. This is not at all how she had imagined escaping from her own mind. A glance towards the rear-view mirror allowed her to observe Rose for a moment. This helped her keep her composure. She had no choice but to find a driver so as not to spend the night in a cell with her daughter. What kind of mother would she be if she let this happen? And taking the risk of losing Rose's custody when she was all she had left wasn't even an option.
“I really need to get her home. We've been stuck here for what seems like hours.”
“Wait, is Rose with you?” Y/N couldn't help but lean over a little more to try to get a glimpse of the young child in the back of the vehicle. “Son of a bitch.”
Scarlett reacted quickly, grabbing the detective's arm before she could find the officer and punch him in the face. The very touch seemed to burn her skin, but she could not bring herself to break it. It was good. Maybe too good considering the circumstances, but that was the least of her concerns. She could not let her go again. She did not want to see her leave again. She didn’t have the strength for that, not tonight. She just wanted to go home, to feel safe, to be loved.
“Please don’t!” Scarlett could hear her voice quivering. “Don’t leave. Please. I-I just… I just want to go home.”
The pleading tone was almost too much. Y/N had never been able to deny the actress anything when she used this method. It was like an enchantment, one that froze her in place,  gently squeezed her heart, and brought tears to her eyes. She tried to struggle, her gaze fixed on the sky, looking for a sign. She couldn't fall back into the woman's net so easily, but she couldn't let her spend the night in her car either, at worst, a cell.
“I guess I can drive you home,” suggested Y/N. “I mean, only if… if you want me to.”
“You’d do that?”
Y/N held her breath. The question seemed silly to her. Of course she was willing to do it. She was ready to do anything for the actress. Even saying goodbye to her plans for the rest of the night, getting behind the wheel and driving halfway across the city, only to make sure Scarlett and her daughter were safe. She had proposed this on a whim, without any particular hesitation. She didn't want to be in the company of Rogers and her co-workers. Running away with the blonde seemed a much less painful solution.
“Yeah, it’s no problem,” said quickly Y/N. “I-I mean… yeah, I can’t leave you here, right?”
If she was certain that no one would witness such a moment, Y/N would not hesitate to slap herself. After so much time, she still didn't understand how she could so easily turn into a mess in front of the woman who had already seen everything about her. There was this thing about her that intimidated her. She was no longer Detective L/N, but only Y/N, Y/N/M.
“Y/N, you don't have to, you know?”
“I know, come on, get your sweet little butt out of the way if you want to go home.”
Scarlett didn't pick up on her ex's words, but she felt her cheeks redden at the compliment. She managed to get to the passenger seat, where she sat down so that Y/N could take her place behind the wheel. It was definitely a strange situation. Two former lovers brought together by what someone would call fate, and someone else a simple coincidence. It surprised even more the three other detectives and Rogers who had no idea of the connection between the two women. While Y/N's colleagues saw this simple gesture as an attempt at flirting, the police officer took it as an opportunity to prove that Y/N was breaking the rules of their job. And only Gods knew what rules he meant.
Y/N didn’t care anymore. She knew that the rumors would come to life as soon as one of them opened their mouth. But it didn't matter. She wasn't even going to be there to witness it. And deep down, she prayed that whatever was said about her here, would not follow her to the nearby state. She wanted to build a new life for herself, not pick up the pieces of the one she left behind.
“Wait, Y/N!”
Sanders rushed to the vehicle as she noticed it had stopped. She couldn't bring herself to let Y/N go without answers. She needed to know if it was true, if-
“I-is it true? A-are you-”
“Am I what?”
“I heard you were leaving. Is it true?”
Sanders seemed to be struggling to catch her breath. Her heart was beating so hard against her chest, she felt like it was going to pierce her. This happened every time she approached the detective. She could never stay calm and relaxed. She felt so much at the same time. It was like an upcoming explosion. And since she was about to find out whether or not she still had a chance, she wasn't feeling any better.
“I am, today was my last day.”
Y/N felt lost for a second. Both women around her had spoken at the same time. One look at Scarlett, and she knew the mistake she had made. But it was her teammate's reaction that made her feel guilty. Despite the darkness of the night, she could make out the slight tremor in her hands, and the moisture in her eyes. She could only hope that she was in so much shock that she would ignore Scarlett's reaction. The last thing she wanted was to betray the promise she had made to the actress. The world had to remain unaware.
“Where did you get transferred to? Bronx? Staten Island?”
“Virginia?” Sanders was beyond lost. “Wait, d-does that mean-”
“I got into the academy.”
Y/N could not prevent a faint smile from stretching her lips. The decision had not been as easy as she would have claimed when asked, but she was proud of the new beginning that awaited her. She watched with attention the brunette's reaction who seemed to be frozen forever. But a slight yelp later, and Sanders was trying her best to hug the driver. Of course she was disappointed to learn that Y/N would no longer be part of the squad, but she had always been destined for great things, and everyone knew it. Her departure was only the beginning of a new story. A story in which she was probably not going to play a major role, but she was far from being the only one…
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steveng-rogers · 2 years
Beers & Boys
Title: Beers & Boys
Pairings: Colin Shea x Male!reader, Colin x Dom male!reader
Summary: Colin was a playful flirt, but when it comes to you the artist in him comes out. One night shifts the boundary of friendship between the two of you.
Word Count: 949
Warning: light smut, lotsa kissing, beer, boys being dumb. 
A/N: For a friend. Reblog are most welcome, like it? Reblog it. Want more? Reblog it. Likes ain’t do shit in dis turf.
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It was past midnight by the time you got out of work. You say your goodbyes and head out. The street was less busy, but never dead. You walk towards the near market and buy a bottle of beer. Just one, something to accompany you as you walk home. 
You put your earbuds on and continue to walk home, occasionally slowing down to sip your beer. 
As the elevator dings from floor to floor, you hum to the song that was playing. It was one of Colin’s newest tracks. He gave his whole unreleased album to you, how romantic you thought. 
The fluorescent lights from the hall wake you from your daydream. Speaking of the devil, Colin perks up when he saw you walk out of the elevator. 
“Hey, Colin.” You greeted as you took one of your earbuds out. 
“Hey, Y/n.” He smiles at you then he heard the faint sound of his voice coming out of your earbuds. “Listening to me huh? Did you miss me that much?” 
“Nope, just building my criticism.” 
You both laughed. It’s so easy talking to Colin. His flirtatious nature keeps you on your toes. You usually ignore this kind of guy, but you can’t help it with him. 
He’s also so drawn to you. Your words did something to him. It calls something out of him. He’s not only infatuated, but he likes you so, so much. 
You brush it off a lot, thinking that he’s like this with everyone. But deep down you and him both know, you’re his sweet spot and he’s yours. 
“Mind sharing?” Colin points to the beer in your hand. “Go for it.” You extend it to him and Colin smile and takes the bottle from you. He drinks some and gave it back to you. 
You had to look away when he looks back at you, drinking your beer again to distract you. “You’re up late.” Colin shrugs at your statement. “Can’t sleep.” 
You hold the neck of your bottle and circle your thumb on the crown. Colin watches you, the way you hold your bottle, the concern laced on your voice, the way you look away as soon as your eyes meet his. 
“God, you hold your dick like that Y/n?” 
“Pssh, wouldn’t you like to know? Thinking about dick this late is dangerous.”
“Who says?” 
“I say, Colin.” Colin rolls his eyes playfully at you. He steps closer to you until your shoulders touch. 
“I wasn’t thinking about dick.” 
“Uh-huh, what were you thinking about?” 
Colin bites his bottom lip, you were so close to him, he can smell the beer on your lips and a faint of your aftershave. He takes the beer from you and sips it, eyes never leaving yours. 
“You.” He answered. He leans close to you, something hits him after that huge gulp of liquid courage. Something that made him so desperate to have you. 
You lean to him, parting your lips as you feel his lips softly touching yours. You don’t kiss him, not yet. But the way Colin’s lips parts with yours just confirmed that he’s so into you. 
Maybe love songs and poetry type of into you. And you smirk at him, before kissing him deeply. 
Colin breathes you in deep as he returns the kiss you so teasingly give him. You cradle his jaw and your hand slowly slide down, wrapping them around his neck. “Fuck.” He breathed out, pulling away for a second then he kisses you once more. 
The beer tasted sweeter on Colin’s lips. You drink him in as you kiss and explore his mouth with your tongue. You pull him closer, so now he’s flushed against your chest. His moans are soft and deep, you can feel his chest rumbles from it. 
You decided to pull away first and the sight that’s in front of you is a thing that people use to write love songs for. Colin is breathless, his pupils are blown with lust and laced with passion. 
You gave him a playful smirk and pushed the half-empty bottle to Colin’s chest. 
“Goodnight, Colin.” You turn away, leaving him speechless, gripping the bottle like it’s the only evidence that you two just made out. “Goodnight…” But you didn’t hear him. 
The morning after was a cold splash of water to Colin. Because what the fuck? He didn’t bother putting his shirt on and just went to knock on your door. “6D!” He yelled as he bangs on your door. 
“It’s open.” As soon as he heard you, he burst right in. “Morning.” You smile at him as you sip your coffee. 
All the words that Colin ponders the night before disappeared at the sight of you. “Y/n… About last night.” He finally managed to utter the words out. 
“What about it?” You look down at the words on your novel, sounding disinterested. But inside you were smiling like an idiot. Colin put his hands on his hips and chews on his lips. No one, not one person in the world can leave him in the cold like that. He’s offended, but he can’t help finding you attractive as you semi ignore him. 
“Colin, I don’t have all day. If you want to act like a child–
“I like you! And I want to kiss you and touch you and I want you to do dirty things to me. But you’re sending me mixed signals and come on! I’ve given you my albums and half of those songs are about you. Can’t you tell I’m trying here?” 
You chuckle softly and that earned you a red-faced Colin. “I like you too Colin, now come here.”
Tags: @chaoticfandomstuff @daytonsferrari @happygowriting @daddyandybarber
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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vampireshmampire · 2 years
The Wind Sighs Through the Pines (And the Pining Vampires Sigh)
pine (verb): suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart Guillermo wants to know what's wrong with Nandor, Nadja wants Nandor to stop acting like an idiot, Laszlo has an idea but everyone is too mad to listen to him, Colin Robinson is still a baby, and Nandor... *sigh*
[my contribution for @wwditsevents WWDITS exchange! written for @marypoppinstm
“I’m going to lose it,” Guillermo said, thumping down in an armchair next to the couch Nadja was sprawled across. “Why does he keep looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” Nadja did not ask who ‘he’ is, because she didn’t have to.
“Those big sad puppy eyes! Every time he thinks I can’t see him, he stares at me like I just kicked him!”
“Did you ask him?”
“Yes! Every time I ask him if he needs anything, he just gives me a chore to do and runs off!”
“Y’know,” Laszlo said from the corner, “I think–”
“Shut up, Laszlo!” Nadja and Guillermo snapped in unison.
“Obviously he’s upset about the whole ‘being abandoned’ thing–”
“But we told him that was Laszlo’s fault!” Nadja protested. “How is he mad at you?”
“I don’t know if he’s mad. He’s not glaring. He’s just…staring. And sometimes he sighs.”
Nadja looked at him sharply.
“Sighs how?”
“The…normal way?”
Nadja rolled her eyes.
“What does it sound like, shit-for-brains? Like–” She let out an exaggerated, angry huff. “Or more–” She slumped her shoulders and let out a soft, sad sigh.
Guillermo considered.
“More like the second one,” he decided. Nadja narrowed her eyes.
“Hmm. I will need to see this for myself,” she said, decisively.
“If I could make a suggestion–”
“Fair enough.”
Nandor leaned against the window and stared out at the backyard, where Guillermo was raking leaves. Normally Guillermo did the outdoor chores during the day, but Nandor didn’t mind. With Guillermo outside and the lights off inside, Nandor was hard to see, and could stare all he wanted without risking being caught.
‘Oh, Guillermo,’ Nandor thought, his heart aching in his chest like an open wound. He’d never been good with words, but lately he’d been considering trying his hand at poetry. These thoughts were driving him insane, hounding him day and night. Maybe they would stop flying around his head if he pinned them to the page.
But did he have the words? Maybe once, in Al Quolindarian. (Doubtful. He’d been a warrior, not a poet.)
Were there words in English for the curl of hair on Guillermo’s forehead, for the steady and reassuring presence he radiated like body heat whenever he was near, for the wrinkle of concentration that appeared between his eyebrows? Oh, to have that intensity turned on him, the way it had been in his room all those months ago.
At the time, it had happened so quickly, he’d barely had time to think, but since then he had gotten very good at slowing it down in his head, reliving moment by moment. Guillermo’s breath hot against his cheek, the strength in Guillermo’s arms as he held Nandor fast–would Guillermo hold him like that again? Not as an enemy, but with tenderness? Look at him with brown eyes full of fire–but a blaze of passion in place of rage?
Nandor sighed.
“What are you doing?”
The light flicked on, and Nandor threw himself to the floor as Guillermo looked up at the sudden wash of light.
“Nothing!” Nandor hissed at Nadja. “Go away!”
“You are not doing nothing. You are standing here in the dark, staring at Guillermo.” Her nose wrinkled. “And sighing.”
“If you knew, why did you ask?” Nandor demanded.
“Why are you standing in the dark staring at Guillermo and sighing?” Nadja demanded back.
“None of your business.”
“I am making it my business.”
Nandor said nothing. He debated if it was more debasing to crawl out from under the window or to stay on the floor.
He opted to stay down for now.
“Bad enough you go around making cow eyes at your body-guard; could you at least not be so bloody obvious about it? He is starting to notice!”
“He won’t notice,” Nandor said gloomily. “He never notices me.”
Nadja rolled her eyes so hard it looked painful.
“Why are you being such a baby about this? Just go fuck him already!”
“Nadja!” Nandor said admonishingly. “It is not that simple!”
He wished it was something as easy as mere lust.
“I think I am dying, Nadja. Every day I am weaker than before. My mind is, is…” He struggled for a moment then said “See? Nothing!”
“You are not dying, you are just sad and horny for your bodyguard.”
“It is worse than that,” Nandor said, miserably. He looked away, not wanting to see her reaction. “I am in love.”
More silence.
The light turned off. The door closed. Nadja’s footsteps faded away.
Nandor stayed on the floor, and sighed.
“So did you talk to him?”
Guillermo did not like how flat and stiff Nadja sounded. Could Nandor actually be mad at him?
“So?” he said, when she didn’t go on.
“He’s not mad.”
“So why is he doing it?”
Nadja wouldn’t even look him in the eye.
“I can’t tell you.”
“What do you mean you can’t tell me?”
“I mean I can’t tell you! What else would I fucking mean?”
“Oh well, in that case–” Guillermo started, sarcasm dripping from every syllable.
“Don’t you get all snippity with me!” Nadja said. “Why don’t you go ask him?”
“I did! He won’t tell me either!”
“It’s probably because he’s in love with you,” Laszlo said, voice slightly muffled by the safety pin he was holding in his teeth while he struggled to get the baby into a clean diaper.
“No one asked you,” Guillermo snapped. “This whole thing is your fault, anyway, so unless you want me to un-table the ‘killing you for locking me in a coffin’ thing, you stay out of–I’m sorry, what was that?” Guillermo asked as his brain caught up with his ears.
“I said,” Laszlo paused to take the safety pin out of his mouth. “He’s probably staring and sighing because he’s in love with you.”
Guillermo opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it.
“Sorry, what? Why would–did he say…?”
“Doesn’t have to. I’ve seen him do it, and it’s the same way I feel whenever I look at my lady wife.”
Nadja melted, then caught herself.
“Ex-lady wife,” she snapped.
“Not yet.”
“Nearly! As soon as I finish the paperwork. Which I will!”
“As you say,” Laszlo said, mildly. Neither of them noticed Guillermo stumbling out of the room, or that the human looked as if he’d been hit over the head with a crowbar.
He’s probably in love with you. In love with me? Nandor? No way. Laszlo’s just projecting. Not that I think Laszlo’s in love with me, I just think it’s absolutely impossible that Nandor is, is, is–
Guillermo turned a corner and nearly smacked into Nandor coming the other way.
“Guillermo, watch where you are going!”
“Sorry, I was…I was um…” Guillermo trailed off, staring numbly up at Nandor. At that face, the features so proud, but he’d seen softness there, passion and grief and kindness–
“Are you in love with me?”
There. He’d said it. Out loud. To Nandor’s face, which was now a mask of–fear?
“Nope,” Nandor said, and ran out of the room. Literally ran.
“Okay,” Guillermo said to no one in particular. “Cool. Glad we cleared that up.”
“If there had been any other way, my love, I would have done it,” Laszlo said. His hands were twined with Nadja’s. She sniffled as she gazed solefully into his eyes.
“You broke my heart, Laszlo.”
“I broke my own heart.”
“Oh, Laszlo–”
The door burst open and Nandor flew in.
“You told him!” Nandor shouted. A thin wail rose from the crib. Laszlo dropped Nadja’s hands and stomped away, muttering “fucking hell”.
“I did not! Laszlo suggested it, nobody said you were for sure!”
Nandor’s head snapped around to fix a glare on Laszlo.
Nadja grabbed Nandor’s chin and forced him to look back at her.
“What happened?”
“Guillermo asked me if I was in love with him!” It was almost a wail of despair. “And not in a happy way! He looked horrified!”
“What did you say?”
“I said no!”
“If you two are going to shout, go do it somewhere else,” Laszlo said, fruitlessly rocking the screaming baby Colin Robinson.
“Shut up, Laszlo!”
“Not in the goddamn nursery, I won’t,” Laszlo said. “Out.”
Five minutes later, Nandor and Nadja were huddled behind a tree, peering out at Guillermo, who was busy digging a grave in the backyard.
“I’m not doing it,” Nandor whispered.
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I am not, because I know he is not in love with me.”
“Just because he doesn’t sit around sighing all day doesn’t mean he is not in love!”
“He is my bodyguard, Nadja,” Nandor reminded her, condescendingly. “I know him better than you. If Guillermo loved me, I would know it.”
“You would not know if Guillermo turned into a frog every other Tuesday,” Nadja said, scornfully.
“...does Guillermo turn into–” He stopped mid-sentence at the look of contempt Nadja gave him. “He doesn’t even do any in-love things.”
“He doesn’t do your in-love things.” She sighed. “Fine.”
They both straightened up.
“A-hem!” Nadja shouted, and shoved Nandor out from behind the tree just as Guillermo turned around. Nandor glared furiously at her, then panicked, realizing Guillermo was staring at him.
“Ah…hello, Guillermo.” Nandor glanced at Nadja, who made a shooing motion. Nandor hesitantly began to cross the lawn. “I would speak to you about something very important, please.”
Nadja smiled. She glanced up. Laszlo was standing in the nursery window, gazing down at her with much the same look Nandor had been giving Guillermo. It made her heart squeeze in her chest, cold and dead though it was. Leaving Nandor to his fate, she headed back into the house. She would head up to the nursery in a moment, but first she had some divorce papers to burn.
“What are you doing?”
Nandor was standing by the window again, staring down at Guillermo. The lights in the room were on, at least.
“I am watching Guillermo,” Nandor said. “He is very strong, did you ever notice?”
Nadja joined Nandor at the window. Guillermo was hauling a tarp-wrapped corpse across the lawn towards the fresh grave. It was a warm night, and Guillermo had ditched his ubiquitous sweaters and rolled up his sleeves. The muscles in his forearms stood out, the veins and tendons pressing against the thin skin of his inner wrist. Nandor bit his lower lip.
Guillermo dumped the body into the grave and wiped his forehead. He glanced up at the window and grinned, waving. Nandor waved back, twiddling his fingers.
“Isn’t he wonderful, Nadja?” Nandor said, dreamily.
And sighed.
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fantasy2739 · 3 years
Jamie Prompt: something to do with his dad and the team? Like they are all protective of him ?
So a post 2x08 is what I’ve gone for cause that scene hurt me.
He thinks (he’s an idiot) that after getting thrown out by Coach Beard Jamie won’t see his old man for a while. He thinks he’ll just go away for a bit, lick his wounds and then come back in a bit. Maybe compliment him a little with the worlds shitest, most backhanded compliments. Try and weasel his way back in. He does not think, he never would have even guessed, that he would be stupid enough to turn up to Richmond’s next match. Or at least turn up after the match, because he’s been barred from the grounds. Jamie thanks Miss Welton for that mentally a million times. He’ll ask Keeley later what she likes because all he’d said was ‘I don’t want him here’ and Miss Welton had sorted it like that. Hadn’t asked for any details, although she may have heard about some of it, just said ‘of course’ and moved on. He should definitely send her a gift or something because the idea of playing with his old man in the crowd actually fills him with such dread he almost feels sick.
Instead, the dick is in the car park. On reflection maybe Jamie should have known he would come. Because he’s a dick. And he does whatever a dick would do. Which is stalk Jamie apparently. And Jamie does not want to deal with it. He can’t go through another breakdown in front of the team. And he can’t ask someone else to go deal with him, it’s his old man for Christ’s sake. He doesn’t know why he’s bothering with all this tough man bullshit, like the team would think any less of him.
Deep down he knows it’s because there’s still that fear. Still that haunting, gut-wrenching, all consuming fear that lives in him. The little boy who was terrified of his dads footsteps. Of the insults, fists, and rage. Of the man he’d stood up to occasionally, fleetingly, only to get it back so much worse. Not last time though. Last time he’d stood up and people had stood behind him. Not that it has stopped him being scared shitless. The feeling of horror right after he hit him, watching him start to get back up, and knowing, just knowing, it wasn’t going to end well. He’d half thought Roy was going to hit him too, not consciously. But Jamie, well, he hadn’t exactly been in the best state of mind to not perceive anything as not dangerous.
He knows that if he asked, said anything, his team would be right there. He just doesn’t want to. So he shoves his phone away, hiding the text from his old man and changes. They won this time so he probably won’t get too much stick. And he scored the winning goal. It’ll be fine, he tells himself.
So why does he feel like he’s walking into a lions den.
It goes to shit immediately. He’s barely ten feet out the door when his old man appears.
“There he is.” James says, Jamie hates the way his hands drop limply to his sides and his whole body tenses. He feels his jaw clench and unclench repeatedly. “Nice to see you playing properly eh? Against an amateur team but still. Managed to score eh?” He’s way to close and Jamie can’t look at him. He’s staring out into space like it will keep him safe. Like every word James says to him isn’t reverberating deep in his mind. He’s not quite sure what he’s done wrong when James grabs him by the jaw.
“Look at me.” James snaps at him. He’s shoved hard just as Isaac walks out. Fuck.
“What the fuck you doing bruv?” Isaac asks, physically stepping between Jamie and James. James moves forward but Isaac is a blockade. He shoves James back.
“Can’t talk to me yourself eh Jamie?” James taunts. “Fucking pussy.” Jamie’s hand curls into a fist.
“No.” Jamie grounds out. He rests a hand on Isaac’s shoulder. “I got this.” Because he is not having a breakdown in front of his teammates ever again.
“You sure bruv?” Isaac asks, arms crossing. He doesn’t move though. Okay so Jamie is just going to have to tell James to piss off in front of Isaac. He can do that.
He fucking can’t.
He’s breathing a little harder and he still can’t look James in the eyes. He’s starting to sweat a little and his legs feel like jelly. So of course while he’s trying to get his tongue to work and James continues to mock him, more people are coming out. Colin stops pretty much as soon as he’s out the door, causing Dani to bump into him and Bumbercatch to bump into Dani.
“What’s he doing here?” Colin asks, there’s an undercurrent of anger in his voice. Even Dani has lost his perpetual smile. More and more of the team is crowding nearby. Roy comes out after nudging Jan out the way.
“Why the fuck are you.” Roy stops and stares at James Tartt. “The fuck are you doing here? You’re not allowed on the fucking grounds.” Jamie actually feels relief at the sight of Roy. “Newsflash fuckwit, the car park is part of the grounds.” Oh shit, yeah. Yeah it is.
“Am I not allowed to visit my own son anymore?” James asks, all mock pouting. “Why don’t we ask Jamie?” And Jamie freezes because he should say no. He can’t keep letting him in.
“No.” Jamie says quietly. His hand is still on Isaac’s shoulder. James tries to step closer, but there’s Zoreaux, standing right next to Isaac, not letting him anywhere near Jamie.
“Couldn’t hear that.” James says flicking at his ear.
“No.” Jamie repeats louder. He can see Roy nodding in the corner of his eye. He’s not a fan of the way James’ face twists. Or the way his eyes narrow slightly. It’s the small things, the little dangers signs that Jamie has learnt well.
“Well it’s not like I enjoy watching my son play for an amateur club.” James starts and Jamie listens to about half of it before the words slip out of his mouth.
“Just piss off!” He snaps. Instantly he wishes he could shove them back in his mouth because all he’s done is made it worse. Maybe his brain fried. Maybe he was possessed by prick Jamie. Or maybe Roy took over his brain with transparence or something. Either way he knows what’s coming. As soon as he thinks it, that fist is flying towards him and Jamie flinches.
It never makes contact. Roy is hauling him away while Isaac puts his body between Jamie and James again. Shoving the man back before he can do any more damage. Zoreaux and Richárd are snapping in rapid French and Dani is yelling in Spanish. Colin is surging up next to Isaac and telling James to piss off. Bumbercatch looks about ready to launch himself at James and Jan is calling him a terrible excuse for a human. Jamie can understand maybe half the words being spoken but the tone definitely sounds angry. He’s pretty sure that Sam just swore (but it’s Sam so he maybe just called him a piece of shit). Jamie doesn’t get to see exactly what happens because Roy has dragged him inside. Jamie presses himself against the wall and shoves his hands in his pocket because he’s not doing this again. He can still hear them yelling at James outside. He should probably stop them, before they beat him to a pulp or something.
“You alright?” Roy asks. Jamie nods. He breathes a few times and Roy gently pats his shoulder.
“Sorry ‘bout him.” Jamie says because what else is he meant to do.
“Don’t apologise.” Roy says firmly but gently. “He’s a dick. The biggest dick to ever be a dick.” Jamie gives him a half smile. “You don’t have to face him alone.”
“He’s my dad.” Jamie insists. That’s the whole point. It’s his dad. His problem.
“Fuck.” Roy grumbles and Jamie feels like it’s not directed at him. “Jamie, he’s a dick. You shouldn’t have to fucking see him. Get it through that prick head of yours. We’re here to help you.” Jamie opens his mouth to argue, about what he doesn’t know. “We’re here for you.” Jamie’s jaw slams shut and he nods. Roy nods back. And Jamie finally relaxes.
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nnightskiess · 3 years
𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
₊° - 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧!𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧
₊° - 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: when anthony invites one of eloise's possible suitors over for dinner at the bridgerton house, y/n makes sure the boy will not want to come back.
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
"But Mama-"
"The arrangements are done- he's coming over. We can't change the plans on such short notice. It would be rude if not raise questions. You cannot break a promise."
"I would rather get hit by a carriage than-"
"Eloise! Don't you finish that sentence." A stern look from her mother shut her up, but not before she let out a frustratingly loud groan as she let herself fall against the sofa next to her sister, Y/N.
"Hugh is a sweet man, just give him a chance."
Y/N closed her book with a loud clap at her mother's last attempt and watched her leave the room.
"Anthony hasn't learned one bit after last year with Daphne! I don't even know the boy and he has already invited him over to- wipe that smug smile off your face, Y/N! You'll be next."
Y/N straightened her back and wiped a crease out of her dress, "I'm just smiling to myself, is that such a crime?"
Eloise made a face and crossed her arms, "Well, what about?"
"The Durrell boy..." Y/N shrugged and looked away noncomittally. "It's not a bad thing to invite him over."
Eloise scrunched up her nose in disgust. "Thought you'd have my back?!"
"No- listen, let him come over... he'll not want to come back after he's done with dinner." Y/N raised her eyebrows and a small smirk appeared on her face as she watched Eloise put two and two together.
"Good luck with that," Eloise let out a breathy chuckle. She admired how her sister never seemed worried or bothered by the world and if she did, Y/N would find fun ways to lighten the mood. She didn't even seem too worried about the fact her debut was close and whenever Eloise brought it up, she'd just shrug it away.
"Mama will have our heads."
Y/N Bridgerton rolled her eyes and leaned in closer. The two sisters were alone in the tearoom, but she needed to be sure no one was lurking through the hallways,
"Remember when Colin's bed was filled with ants and he got scolded because Mama thought he had left some sweets in his room that had attracted them?"
Eloise nodded at the childhood memory and motioned Y/N to go on.
"Do you really think they crawled into the bed by themselves?"
Eloise gasped playfully, "Oh, how unladylike of you, Miss Y/N." She teased.
"He broke my violin when he was mad at me, it was his own fault."
"Remind me to never get on your bad side."
Y/N stood up and held out her hands for her sister to take, "You will never, you're one of my favourites. Now come on and let me help you, we have some planning to do."
☾ ⋆*·゚:⋆*·゚:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
Violet Bridgerton hastily adjusted Eloise's dress before taking a quick glance at her children standing in line-- they all looked neatly dressed and had gentle smiles on their faces, just perfect. She smiled nervously and watched as Anthony welcomed the Durrell boy inside.
However, she got more nervous when Eloise curtsied and smiled as bright as she could. It didn't take a fool to know the girl was up to something, and every Bridgerton sibling tried to hide their laughter when Eloise spoke next-
"Oh, how wonderful to see you, Mr Durrell. I hope your carriage ride hasn't been too unpleasing?"
Y/N quirked a brow and let out a snort, only to be nudged in the waist by her mother. Even Hugh Durrell himself seemed taken back, for the previous times the two of them had talked, Eloise had always seemed uninterested or rude.
"No, not at all, my lady." He smiled bashfully and handed his hat and coat to the family's butler.
"I have looked forward to this night ever since my dear brother told me the news." She glared slightly at Anthony before the smile on her face reappeared, "Shall we get seated? Yes, we shall- follow me." She linked her arm with Hugh's and tried to walk to the dining room as elegantly as possible.
Violet held her forehead in frustration and worry before following her children through the hallway, trying to mentally get ready for whatever Eloise had in store for them. When Y/N sat down on the other side of Eloise, with a mischievous grin that matched her sister's, Violet knew enough.
"Y/N, darling, why don't you come sit next to me tonight?" Their mother tried to appease her with a warm smile, wanting to sabotage whatever plan the two girls had in mind, but her daughter's quick wit helped her out of the situation, "No, Mama, I promised Eloise I'd sit next to her- and we mustn't break promises, right?"
Violin forced a smile, her daughter had used her own words against her, "You're right, dear."
Y/N leaned sideways to whisper in Benedict's ear as the first course was put in front of them, "You took care of it?"
"Oh, I did." He smiled to himself as he started with his soup.
A while later, everyone would find out what surprise had been waiting for Hugh Durrell, as the second course was brought into the dining room. The plates were filled with bedding of lettuce as decoration while a piece of roasted fowl was resting on top of it with some vegetables to tuck it in. But Hugh had been too focused on his own plate to notice his was different than the rest. On top of his lettuce, laid a brown frog, one he wasn't so sure was really dead.
Mr Durrell hesitantly grabbed his utensils and tried to look for a good part to start with. Were they seriously eating frogs for dinner?! He grimaced but then remembered he was a guest and quickly looked up to send Anthony and Violet a smile. He noticed Eloise had rested her head against her palm, she was sitting sideways and waiting for him to take a bite with the most wicked grin on her face ever. She was beyond amused.
All of a sudden, the animal hopped off his plate and onto Violet's, which caused the latter to let out a scream. She had almost, almost, forgotten that she had to be on her toes.
Both Y/N and Eloise let out a loud laugh before remembering they had to keep up the act, even if it was only for Hugh's sake, since the rest of the table already knew who to blame.
Hugh was given another plate after a lot of apologies from Violet and the kitchen staff. How it had landed on the plate, no one knew. Perhaps they should've noticed Benedict leave the room for a split second before the second course was brought in.
Dessert wasn't any better, as Eloise purposely tried to eat her chocolate pudding as inelegantly as possible. Her whole face was coated in the pudding, and when she smiled a toothy smile as Hugh looked up, he had to clench his spoon to not make a face of disgust and disapproval. He all but ran out of the house by the end of the night and both Eloise and Violet knew that his thank you's had just been out of good manners. He would definitely not want to see Eloise again.
"Well, that was a delightful night, wasn't it?" Y/N grinned and turned to Anthony, sending a glare his way the moment he looked back. Anthony would have to think twice if he wanted to pull something like this during her debut next season.
"Up to your rooms, now!" Violet pointed a finger at her daughters, who gave each other a sneaky handshake behind their backs before running up the stairs.
"How was your frog, Mr Durrell?" They heard Eloise ask her sister from the floor above, in a ridiculous accent.
Y/N replied in a voice just as ridiculous, "Why I don't know, my lady, I was too busy thinking of your pretty pudding smile."
Their laughter echoed through the house before both their doors closed, and Violet couldn't help but crack a smile. Her girls were a handful, especially when it came to being in the society of the ton, but she loved them dearly. The day their laughter and silly pranks would leave the house, would be a sad day.
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tyb1 · 3 years
If It’s The Right Thing To Do (4)
Character: Seth Clearwater
Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Dialogue prompt:“So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.”
Series List
tag list:  @alecvolturiswifeforever​ @scoverdale1​ @anndaydreamer​ @fae-lore​ @queen-of-embracing-uncertainty @nickangel13​ @bi-bi-spencer​@a-vild-bluemyrtle​ @little-miss-naill @crystalxavlove @ilovesethclearwater
Seth Clearwater Masterlist
A/N: message me or comment if you’d like to be on the tag list. sorry it took so long I love you guys:)
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“I’m sorry Seth but you and I both know that what you’re saying is bullshit.” I snatched my hand away from his chest, the feeling of his racing heart was no longer there. I knew he wasn’t lying about what he said but for his and my sanity, we both needed this to end here. This entire relationship was causing too many problems...well before he decided to join the Cullens. 
“What (Y/N)....what are you talking about?.” He stood there with tears in his eyes, I’m surprised he didn’t let them fall like I was letting mine fall. That was one thing I hated about him. He held in all of his emotions and then when it came to the breaking point he would explode. Trust me when I say it’s not a good sight to see.
I had to put off a bold face for him. I couldn’t let him know that I was actually dying inside. I was letting a few tears slide down my face but that didn’t compare to the aching feeling that I was feeling inside of me. It was the same feeling I felt when he first left me.
“Fine since you want me to say it so badly”- I roughly pointed my finger in his face.- “ Leave me alone. We’re breaking up so don’t call me, or text me until you get your priorities straight. I’ll be home when you get your shit together.” 
Seth couldn’t look me in the eyes, he started to kick the dirt with his feet. The sand below him started to change different colors from the tears that were falling upon it. He started to mumble a few words but the only thing I could hear was. “You don’t have your priorities straight either (Y/N).”
“It’s because I’m dealing with your shit! I’m around here following you like a lost puppy when you only play mind games with me! I’m so done with you and your bipolar ass!” I spat bitterly, I turned my back to him then marched towards Sam. I turned around to look at him once more, I instantly regretted it. He stood there with his hands in pockets with his head still hanging low. His head shot up instantly making eye contact with me, I quickly snatched my gaze away from him. This was going to be a new start for both of us so I didn’t need to be drawn back in with his puppy dog eyes.
Seth POV 2 weeks later
 I was too much of a coward to say goodbye. I was truly heartbroken. I wish I could run to her and tell her that I love her and tell her that I cherish everything about her but I know she wouldn’t believe me. I was all out of options. The only thing that felt right to do was to cry and that’s what I did. I cried so hard that day that Jake had to carry me home on his back. It’s been two weeks since I have last spoken to (Y/N), two of the longest fucking weeks of my life. I thought losing my dad was painful but this...this has won the race. I couldn’t bear the heartbreak so I started to stay out longer. I asked to take over Leah and Jake’s patrol hours. I don’t even remember the last time I ate. I can only remember our last encounter, it’s like a nonstop movie in my head it was causing me to go insane.
I hate it here.
I have been spending most of my days down at the border. I was monitoring the days where Colin and Brady patrolled, they were my best option to trick into letting me cross the border. It was my only way to apologize to (Y/N). So here I was trying to wave down Collin and Brady so I could continue with my ridiculous plan.
“Hey! Colin, Brady pshhh, come here!” I yelled out in the distance to the two wolves. I was standing at the border waiting for them to shift as well. I wasn’t in my wolf form. The last thing I wanted to do was be a threat to them. 
Brady was the first to walk from behind the tree while Colin stood behind the tree too nervous to face me. I could read their body language from a mile away, they were very uncomfortable with being around me. 
Brady snarled at me, I observed as all of the muscles in his body grew tense as he spoke. “I heard you got into it with Paul. He should have ripped your fucking head off.”
“Wow I wasn’t expecting that from you Brady, but thanks I guess.” I wasn’t trying to be an ass but it just rolled off my tongue. Straight away I regretted it, it only pissed him off even more. 
Brady pulled Colin by the collar of his shirt pushing him towards me. The kid could barely keep his posture straight or his eyes focused on me. He had no confidence in his steps and started to trip over the branches on the ground.
Brady pointed between the both of us with his thumb. He had an irritated facial expression plastered on his face. “Tell him what you told me when he left.” he spat bitterly, a small smirk was rising on his face but soon faded as Colin spoke.
“Do I have to?” Colin mumbled, he waved shyly at me. I took this opportunity to wave back to him. I gave him a small smile as well. Colin, Brady, and I were always close but Brady was always the fiery type while Colin was timid.
“Yes, you have to say it!” Brady exclaimed.
Colin rolled his eyes, “Fine, I said that you were an ass for leaving us behind. It wouldn’t be the first time that you left us.” Brady glared at him to continue, “I also said that you have a reputation for turning your back on us.”
I noticed Brady smiling at Colin; he must have felt accomplished. I must admit, I did feel bad, I left them behind but it was some things that they have not come to reality with.  “Listen I need a huge favor. I need you to let me cross the border so I can see (Y/N).”
Brady rolled his eyes, “Wow so you just completely ignored what we have to say? Why would we let you cross the border and jeopardize us? Yeah, that was a stupid request.”
“You’ll do it because I am your superior. In Jakes’s pack I’m the beta...but don’t ask Leah or else she’ll lie. She thinks she’s the beta because she’s older but in reality, Jake named me the beta.” 
Colin had a questionably look on his face, by now he has grown more comfortable with me and now is standing face to face just like Brady. “Why would you want to see someone who doesn’t want to see you?” 
I was taken aback, “Why do you mean? She wants to see me, there is no way that she would not want to see me.”
“Umm I highly doubt it, she’s been living well since the accident. We went skating last week with us and the others. Not once has she mentioned your name.” Brady slapped Colin across the back of his head. I watched as the two bickered back and forth. Brady pushed Colin away from him. He snapped his fingers to gain my attention from my feet. I hadn’t realized that I was getting sidetracked but I was trying to figure out why (Y/N)  wasn’t heartbroken.
“She made it clear that she didn’t want to be around you anymore Seth. Dude if I were you I’d really leave her the fuck alone. She really wants nothing to do with you. If you try to see her she’ll probably freak out on you. You’re pretty much dead to her.” Brady then smirked, “There’s also another guy that has been keeping her busy lately.”
Ouch. Well, that hurt...it actually hurt a lot. I cleared my throat so I could stop the tears from arising. We’re not about to cry in front of them!
Colin now slapped Brady beside the head. “You could have said it nicer, idiot.”
“What! Her words, not mine!” 
“Just forget about it.” I spat bitterly, If you wanted to forget about me and everything we had then so be it. I could forget you just as fast as you did me. I could care less about those stupid ass memories we made together. Just like you said I really didn’t love you it was just the stupid feeling of you being my damn imprint. 
I continued to walk and degrade our relationship. Jake tried to stop and talk to me but I just shoved him out of the way. He started to piss me off as well. He had his nose shoved so far up the Cullens ass he couldn’t tell you what roses smell like. Then here comes my second problem, Leah.  I didn’t dare shove her. I didn’t want to pick a fight with her right now. I could explode on her and say some things I didn’t mean. 
“Where the hell have you been!? Were you down at the border again?”
“Does it really matter?” I rolled my eyes at the screaming woman. If she wanted to be my mom then she should have birthed me out. She tugged me backward pulling her face up to hers. I stared into her lonely eyes as she did the same with me.
“You’re my little brother so you are my business. Stop doing dumb shit, Seth.”
 I ripped my face from her hands. “So let me get this straight when I need you you’re nowhere to be found but when I do something dumb you magically appear.” I already knew where the conversation was heading. I was not in the mood to hear her shit right now because I was a walking bomb ready to explode.
“Did you go see (Y/N)?”
“No! I didn’t see her. Why do you make everything about her? I could care less about her.” I couldn’t control myself. I threw my fist into a nearby tree. It cracked and fell to the ground. I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.  As much as I wanted the tears to stop falling I couldn’t. I have never felt so empty in my entire life. That same feeling of heartbreak resurfaced throughout my body. My chest began to tighten, a sharp pain shot throughout my body as I tried to walk forward.
”Make it stop hurting Leah.” I began to sob uncontrollably. “It hurts so bad, why did she have to go? Why is everyone leaving me? What did I do to deserve this….I just try so hard to make everyone happy but when will it be my turn to be happy?  Mom is fucking dating Charlie now. We barely see her anymore only on fucking holidays!  Why did dad have to fucking go!? And you only check on me when it’s convenient for you Leah! Why is everyone leaving me, Leah!?”
“Seth I-”
I cut her off, “Don’t say it.” I knew I was going to apologize about the accident that happened with dad. I never blamed her for the accident. She didn’t mean any harm by it. I could never bring myself to blame her.
 I started to wipe my tears with the sleeves of my flannel shirt. It brought back the memories of the time that (Y/N) would take my flannel and wear it with her converse and shorts. I started to cry all over again at the thought. I started to choke on my words, everything that was coming out of my mouth was undetectable. “(Y/N) was always there for me and now I chose the bloodsuckers over her. She doesn’t understand that it was the right thing to do. They were going to kill a baby. Leah, I don’t have anyone else. I’m so fucking lonely!” 
“I know how it feels Seth. It hurts like hell but you’ll get over it. I’m sorry that you felt like I wasn’t there for you. I must admit that I was being completely selfish. I love you Seth and don’t you forget that.” I started to relax under her embrace. I haven’t seen this side of her since she and Sam were together. It was good to have her back though. “I love you too.”
I followed her gaze, she was staring up at the stars. “I want you to cry it all out, Seth. All of that heartbreak and sadness you have deep within you I want you to let it the fuck out. If you hold it in it’ll turn into anger then that anger will turn into bitterness. I’ll come back and check on you in the morning.”
I don’t want to be alone…
Leah’s footsteps started to become faint, I was left alone in my thoughts once again. I honestly didn’t want her to go. All I wanted for her to do was to hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright. I was stuck on ground zero like I was when my dad died, no one was there for me except (Y/N). She would probably hold me in her hands while whispering the things I wanted to hear. I wish you were here right now, maybe I wouldn’t be so angry at the world. 
“Fuck it!” I started to yell out in the night air. I threw punches in the nearby tree to try and let my anger out. I hit each syllable of the words in the tree. “Fuck you, Sam! And Fuck you too Paul!! I’m not scared of you!” “I don’t care what anyone does and says to me. I’m going to see her and no one is going to stop me.” I didn’t stop until the tree flew back by the force of my hits.
I shifted into my wolf and ran towards her scent. Brady and Colin were still on patrol however they were both on the other side of the forest. It would take them a while to catch up to me at the speed I was running at. A sinister laugh escaped from my lips. This power or maybe it was the adrenaline….no, this was most definitely power. It made me feel invincible, By no means this was me finally sticking up for myself, or how (Y/N) would say, this was me finally growing some balls.
Her scent was in the direction of the beach, oh how could I miss that scent. I followed the dominating scent but there was something a bit off with her scent. It was a mixture of something foreign. I gazed out to the beach scanning every person that was out there. It seemed like there was a party, there were so many teenagers out around the bonfire. I growled out as I watched you sit on a log with another guy’s hoodie on. His cheap polo cologne filled my nostrils. You were sitting there laughing at something that he said which probably wasn’t that funny. 
“Tch, I want to know what’s so funny.” Anger arose in my body causing my teeth and claws to sharpen. My breathing became irregular and there was a tight feeling in my chest. I tried to ignore it but the harder I breathe the more painful it becomes. I took a step forward and instantly collapsed on the ground. My wolf form quickly disappeared and there I was laying on the ground in the fetal position. I tried to crawl but my body felt numb. The only feeling I had was the tears falling from my eyes down my cheeks and onto the ground. I even tried to scream out your name but nothing came out but a gasping sound.
Was I dying?
I started to cry even harder, the thought of dying always freaked me out but the thought of leaving you with guilt made me feel even worse. The sobs were coming out more frequently than I anticipated. I didn’t have time to catch my breath or even think straight. Everything felt like it was closing on me. The air around me started to thin out making me feel dizzy. The pain in my chest starts to become more unbearable. 
“(Y/N) wait...I..I...can’t breathe!” I choked out the words barely having the strength to do it. My head started to pound from the lack of oxygen I was getting. My hearing was becoming undetectable. I felt my body go stiff and my eyes fluttered shut as well, everything became dark and warm. 
It took every bone and ounce of energy to draw a tiny heart near me. If (Y/N) found me like this then she would see the heart. She’ll know that I died loving her...right? Was I even dying or am I just being dramatic? I don’t know, I just want to embrace the warmness that surrounding me right now. 
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sumsebien · 3 years
Your Highness pt.5// Prince Friedrich
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series masterlist
summary: Y/N and Friedrich are still very much in the fairytale stage of their engagement. Of course, that is before the Queen gives her verdict on this match.
warnings: none
a/n: final part of your highness. the next part is “i’ll be in ruins for you” and it’s already up so check that out. oh and here is the duclaux piece i've been writing about. okayyy i’m too excited i am posting this right now :))))
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When you and Anthony told Lord Wilson of your decision, he was happy for you and even invited you to visit his cottage should you ever find yoursef in Scotland. That alleviated parts of the guilt you felt for having strung him along. You wished him all the happiness and fortune before he bid you goodbye and left for his home. After that, you and the Prince had your last dance of the night, both of you trying to keep your giddiness to an absolute minimum as you spun around the room in each other’s arms.
It was utter bliss.
You hadn’t announced the news to the world just yet. So far, the only people who knew of your engagement were your family and Friedrich. And you intended to keep it that way until absolutely necessary.
Everyone was happy. Mama and Daphne were on board the moment they learned that you would remain close, most of the time, for them to visit. Benedict was just glad you had found your match and that you were generous enough to lend him that oil set. Colin was slightly sad that you’d not be living in a splendid castle in Prussia and allow him a tour whenever he made a stop on one of his continental tours. Little Hyacinth was most excited of all, always wondering what you were going to do the moment you became a Princess. Gregory usually answered before you could, resulting in a chase around the house.
As for you, you found yourself singing alone as you sketched in your notebook all the things that reminded you of Friedrich. And it had only been the morning after the engagement. You could not wait for noon to arrive so that you may see him again for the private tour of Somerset.
“Someone’s happy,” Benedict remarked, falling against the empty seat next to you.
“She has been singing all morning!” Eloise said, looking up from her book.
You smiled, ignoring them and went on with your humming.
“Miss Bridgerton?” Humbolt appeared at the entrance to the drawing room. “From Prince Friedrich, my Lady.”
“Yes?” You stood, leaving your notebook behind on the couch.
From behind him, Humbolt picked up a beautiful arrangement of flowers, almost as tall as he was. You hadn’t even fully registered the impressive stature of it yet and Mama was already touching the flowers and sniffing them.
“Darling, this must be very expensive,” she said, pointing at the two-toned roses in white and pink, along with the vibrant pops of blue from the cornflowers. The bouquet was finished with gardenias, adding a wonderful aroma to the room almost immediately.
“But why cornflowers and roses?” Eloise asked and all of you turned to Mama for an answer.
“Roses are the national flower of England as cornflowers are to Prussia.”
You felt an overwhelming sense of warmth just looking at him like so. You decided to sit down on the bench behind you and began to sketch him, “after that day, I went to the library and did my reasearch. Antoine Jean Duclaux, at the time he painted this, was only a student accompanying a more famous artist. While his teacher painted a Queen playing music, Duclaux made a portrait of her from the back. Perhaps so grief-stricken by the recent loss of her dear friend that she could not show her face.” The graphite version of Friedrich was coming to life and you had all the intentions of repainting it onto a canvas. You tried to capture his gentleness with the way his fingers curled ever so gently as well as his strength held mainly in his shoulders. The Friedrich before you had caught onto what you were doing by now. “You’re supposed to draw something that inspires you! That’s the only reason why we are here, my dear!” “I know! And I am doing just that!” He had no objections to remaining still and allowing you to complete your sketch. It didn’t take as long as you made him believe it would. The last five minutes you spent admiring him but he did not have to know that. After you were done, your family arrived to the Duclaux piece. Friedrich joined Hyacinth and Gregory and messed about in the room while you stood next to Benedict. “I don’t have favorites but if I did, you would be my favorite sister, you know that?” Benedict whispered to you when you came to stand by his side. “Do you love me? Or do you love him?” You motioned towards Friedrich who was now helping Hyacinth with her revenge. “Both of you I adore. For you have such fine taste in arts and in people,” he smiled, swinging his arm around your shoulder. You chuckled, about to tease him further when the your guide stopped talking. Through the door came a guard who cleared his voice, looking to Friedrich, “your Royal Highness, the Queen has requested your presence at once.” Before he turned to you, “And yours, Miss Bridgerton.” Dear readers, This Author believes she has uncovered a royal engagement made in secret. It is not hard to guess who the two lovebirds might be in this town. This morning a large bouquet of flowers was sent to the Bridgerton House. Large enough to mean more than just courting. Should the Prince have found himself a Princess so soon? And in someone other than the Diamond of the Season, as well. How very scandalous!
You remembered the nerves you felt waiting behind the tall white ornate doors with Mama and Daphne. You had tried your best not to mess up and in doing so, you paid no mind to your footing which resulted in you almost falling to the ground in front of her Majesty. It wasn’t as much of a disaster as Miss Featherington who fainted at her feet but it was enough to make a terrible and no doubt, lasting impression on her.
You just didn’t expect yourself to be here again. Behind those white doors, engaged to her nephew, you were going to go in and explain yourself to her the reason why you two had hid the engagement from her and have her found out through reading Whistledown. No amount of sophistication and elegance could save you now.
Before you were due inside, you tugged at Friedrich’s hand. He, for one, was not nervous at all, still smiling. The crinkles by his eyes and the dimples by his cheeks offered you a moment of peace. “And what would your mother say? When the Queen tells her that we hid an engagement from her?” you asked quietly. At this point, anything that could delay the possibility of losing Friedrich was good enough.
“She is in Prussia and should not be here until I ask her to. When she does, she will love you. And,” he gave your hand a final kiss, “we did not hide anything. I would never hide my love for you. Not from the Queen, not from anyone.”
You nodded before turning to Anthony who gave you a small smile. “It’s going to be alright, sister.” But you could tell he was nervous too from the ways he kept fidgeting with his fingers behind his back.
Echoing from inside the throne room were your names and suddenly the doors swung open, revealing the longest walk you’d ever taken leading up to the throne. The Queen sat leaning back, her watchful eyes burning into you three, but especially you. Beside her was an army of lady’s maids in extravagant gowns, Pomeranians in their arms. You kept your gaze low and made sure that you did not trip and that your curtsy was perfect.
So far, everything went swimmingly. Up until she opened her mouth. “Care to explain what this is, Friedrich?” She snapped her fingers and one of the servants brought forth a copy of Whistledown on a tray.
Friedrich held up his hand to stop the servant from moving any further. “Lady Whistledown was correct to assume we were engaged.”
She laughed, “You are engaged? To her?”
“I asked Miss Bridgerton to marry me last night and she has accepted. We were going to tell you very soon.”
“You proposed last night?” The Queen sat up in her seat, about to storm forward but stopped herself and slumped back, throwing a hand over her forehead, “do my opinions mean so little to you?”
Anyone in their right mind would be scared out of their wits by now. You were sure Friedrich was the only one you had ever met who wasn’t terrified of the Queen. You glanced to him briefly. He kept his gaze steady on her, still calm and collected. “I love her very much. As she loves me. She may not be what you are looking for in a wife for me but she is what I am looking for. I hope we may have your blessing.”
The Queen did not seem like she was listening or like she cared at all. You knew this was headed. Your hand brushed his, knowing the inevitable was on the horizon. He didn’t look at you, his eyes burning into the Queen.
“No. And you,” she looked to you and Anthony. Contempt in her gaze and venom in her words, “you shall leave.”
taglist: @awesomebooklover17 @oopsiedoopsie23 @milkbaer @vampirestookmydoubts @5hundreddaysofsummer ❤️
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the replies or through messages. love you.
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
How bout a Marshall x nature-loving reader? They, the reader, loves the outside. Flowers, vines, moss, the stars/moon, etc. But, they have social anxiety, so their current only lover/friend(up to you) is Marshall
"We Met In The Garden" [Marshall(GW oc) x Nature-loving Reader, headcanons]
When he first saw you at the entrance of the maze, the air was knocked out of his chest
You were wearing [clothing of your choice] with some nature-related accessories (vine gloves, leaf hair clips, whatever you want)
And the way you were looking around at the bushes and overall garden, with big fascination and awe for who took care of the garden so well
And even complimented the gardener out loud??? O-ho-ho, call me Santa, cuz you already have him around your fingers
Unfortunately for him, he's also a hopeless romantic—which is one of the reasons he stays in the gardens so much—and fantasizes a lot about having a lover a LOT
Girl, guy, outside or in-between, as long as you're a good partner, he doesn't care
I'm not self projecting I'm not self projecting I'm not--
He was tripping in his little world for a while cuz when he tuned back in, you were about to open the gates to the nightmare
Not wanting to lose yet another great person to this world, he called out for you
"u-uhm- excuse me, Mx.! Mind if you stick around for a while longer?"
You looked back to see the stone statue stepping down from his pedestal, anxiety growing on your chest, you accepted his request seeing as he meant no threat to you
For the next few hours you got to know Marshall better, gentle and patient with you, not to overwhelm you with, well, his very being and the social activity you two had going on
You spent your time walking among the garden, he told you about every plant you took fascination in, along with memories of his related to those, and if you were comfortable, you could tell him of your memories related to the plant
You stargazed too, he has a very vast knowledge of stars and constellations and stuff, he used to be an astrologist back in life so be ready to hear him ramble about constellations and the moon
Eventually, you got comfortable and dropped questions and small facts you knew now and then, and he was more than happy that you engaged
You guys were having so much fun that you didn't even notice some of the other statues spying on you, Henry and William telling everyone to keep away from you and Marshall while Apollo and Colin kept Bennet from jumping at you
But he knew you had to complete the nightmare to leave, but he didn't want you to get hurt by his comrades or leave him
So he kindly but kind of threatening told the other statues to back off and kind of... Uuuuh- how do I say this- fucking YEETED APOLLO AND MAXWELL INTO A FUCKING WALL AS A WARNING
Ofc he would never do such a thing to the ones just as Henry, William, Ezekiel, or any of the good ones but he's not afraid to suplex a mother fucker into space for you
They did as they were told, but couldn't also disobey Malak so they just eased up on the chasing, staying still for longer after you took your eyes off them and stuff, yeah
Eventually, you got the ring and all that boss fight that happens in the enhanced version happens and you're still alive
Marshall helps you dodge everything once you're out of the main maze, and escorts you to the portal as the giant statue behind the manor throws axes at you both
He gives you one final hug and a kiss on the hand, a farewell, and sends you off
You hand over the ring piece to Bierce and goes to a corner of the room in sadness
Bierce actually feels guilty for once and tells you the nightmare didn't actually collapse, she just said that so you'd get out faster
You're able to visit Marshall in better terms now that Malak's focusing on having other monsters after you
He couldn't be happier about that
General Marshall dating hcs
This man has not received a single compliment nor praise in his life, so give him some and you have a Marshall puddle on the ground
He's kinda awkward on pda aside from arm hooking, so if you hug him or just, gently hold his hand he WILL melt and this is a threat /j.... /Hj
Once he gets the hang of pda, he'll always do it as long as you let him and are comfortable with it
Tends to ramble a lot, either to anyone willing to listen or to himself, so prepared to be bombarded with info about his passions if he gets into a rambling session
Please just listen to him, no one ever bothered to listen so seeing you actually interested or just listening to him makes his non-existent heart feel fuzzy
Even if you have no idea of what he's talking about but just like the sound of his voice
Since he has a bit of moss growing on him, he avoids touching you too much without his gloves so you don't have to touch moss
Please help him take some of the moss he can't reach off, its kind of uncomfortable and he wants to hug you
Can't take off the moss on his hands though, it's inside the cracks and it grows fast once you try to take it off
Maybe you can take that off with can REALLY get in those cracks
He likes kissing you, rock doesn't really feel nice against lips so unless you're willing to kiss him on the lips, then he'll give you forehead kisses and related
He loves you a fucking lot, is willing to fight the world for you, and will NOT hesitate to suplex anyone if they even try to touch you
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wcnderlnds · 3 years
better with you / colin zabel x reader.
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Pairing: Colin Zabel x Reader Description: Colin goes to his reunion, gets drunk and you end up having to take him home. Warnings: alcohol mentions Word Count: 1165 A/N: hello i love colin zabel with my whole heart so expect more fics of him. again ya girl is sick and writing is the only thing keeping me sane rn so if its garbage we blame that.
Paperwork was your least favourite part of the job but Mare had given you the task of going through and filling out things that needed to be filled. It wasn’t like you could protest either — you were under Mare’s guidance. See, you had worked in the precinct for the better part of two years now. Most of the time you were situated at a desk but wanted to do more. Mare had seen how dedicated you were and decided that maybe she could teach you the ropes, get you out there on the field. After all, you had all the qualifications there just wasn’t use for so many detectives in Easttown. That didn’t mean there couldn’t be another. Honestly, Mare could use the help especially with the case she was on now.
They’d brought in a County Detective by the name of Colin Zabel. He was a good guy, best at his job but Mare wasn’t too keen on him. She didn’t trust him — she didn’t trust anyone, to be honest. But, you and Colin seemed to get along really well. You laughed at his dumb jokes, he was always willing to stay late and help when you were swamped with paper work — it was nice to have him around. You hadn’t had someone like that in a while. Most of your friends had moved out of town or had families that they spent their time with so Colin’s company was more appreciated than he’d know.
Besides, he was cute and there was the slight chance that you were harbouring a small crush on him. Mare knew it, too. Every time she caught you laughing at one of his stupid jokes or saw how you blushed when he said something nice about you she couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“Don’t stay too long, (Y/N), okay?” Colin’s voice caused you to lift your head up from the paper you’d been focused on. He sat on the edge of your desk, jacket slung over his shoulder.
“I’ll try not to,” you smiled. 
“If I didn’t have this reunion, I’d stay,” he sounded almost sad at the fact that he couldn’t stay behind. Instead, he had to go spend time with his friends but all he wanted was to be with you.
“It’s okay! Go have fun.”
With a smile, he left you alone to finish what you were doing. Only a few officers were left around the precinct. They were the unfortunate ones who’d taken the night shift which would mostly end up being calls to stop bar fights and the odd home call. One of the officers brought you over a coffee to which you thanked them with a kind smile.
It must have been only three hours later when you got a phone call from Mare. She’d informed you that Colin was at the bar she was at and in pretty bad shape. Apparently, he was drunk out of his mind talking about an ex fiancee. Colin had only spoken a handful of times about his ex but you knew it was a sore subject for him. That’s why you found yourself in the bar. Eyes scanned the place and soon enough you found Colin at the bar, leaning against it to hold himself up.
You made her way over to him, sliding past people in the crowded bar. He looked up and a bright smile adorned his face when he noticed you sit on the stool next to him. “Well, hello, pretty lady.”
“Hey, Colin,” you chuckled. “You doing okay?”
“Me? I’m fine. Completely fine. Hey, barkeep,” he waved over the bartender. “M’lady here will have a white wine and… just give me more of that… that drink I was drinking earlier. I can’t remember.”
You glanced at the bartender, subtly shaking your head to let him know that you didn’t want the drinks and that you were going to get Colin out of there. “I’m guessing the reunion went well?”
“Uh, yeah. I mean, I saw my ex but… pfft.”
“I’m sorry, Colin,” you placed your hand on his that was resting on the bar. His eyes shot down to your hands then back up to your face. 
“I… just… I don’t get it, y’know? How do you wake up one day and not love someone anymore? Am I not good enough?” his eyes watered, his hand fully holding yours now. 
It broke your heart to see him like this. In your eyes he deserved the world and nothing less. This man was nothing but pure heart. He gave his all to everything he did, he was friendly to everyone he met and he never once treated anyone like they were below him despite being one of the best detectives around. It was all of that that made you have feelings for him. All you wanted to do was tell him how incredible he was.
“Listen to me,” you started, bringing your free hand to rest on his face, thumb gently brushing across his cheek. “You are more than good enough for anyone. I’ve never met someone so… selfless. You have a heart of gold, Colin Zabel. Anyone on this planet would be lucky to have you. I…I’m lucky to just know you. My life has already been better for it. She didn’t deserve you and it’s her loss. One day she’s going to realise she lost the best thing in her life and I know that because every day when you walk into that office, my day is instantly brighter. You are… just, the best person,” each word was spoken softly, eyes never leaving his.
It seemed like your words had sobered him up slightly. Not enough for him to think rationally because once you’d finished speaking, he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours in the softest, most gentle kiss. Fireworks exploded in your stomach, the sparks between you two more than you’d ever thought they’d be. It was short but it was enough. Besides, he was drunk. There was a high chance he wouldn’t even remember any of this in the morning. That thought broke your heart but you tried not to think about it.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” He hung his head.
“It’s okay. Come on. Let’s get you home,” you got to your feet, putting your arm around his waist for support.
“I’m lucky to know you,” he smiled his little drunken smile at you as he threw his arm around your shoulders. “The world sucks but every second I spent with you makes it suck that little bit less. I…, man, I’m crazy about you. So crazy about you.”
Colin kept drunkenly rambling as you helped him home. You tried not to dwell on what he was saying too much considering how drunk he was but what you didn’t know was he meant every single world and he would be sure to tell you the next time he was sober.
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Prompt — wearing their lover’s clothes! (also, “can I get my shirt back? ’'no.”)
Philioise 🥰
okay so i tried to fill the bill this time! things get a bit hot at the end but nothing worth an r rating!
let's see philoise + wearing their lovers clothes.
It had taken some convincing on Eloise’s part.
Phillip was a man with a very defined style and that style didn’t involve hoddies - an absolute pity according to Eloise. He liked his cardigans, his pleated pants, and his wingtips. He liked to look good and yet be comfortable and wasn’t here to be ashamed for taking care of his appearance. And really, it was fine. Eloise loved it. The only problem was that Penelope had been bombarding her with snaps of her wearing Colin’s oversized hoodies and although she would never admit it out loud, she was starting to feel the green-eyed monster burning in her chest. Goddammit, she wanted to take cute pics clapped in one of Phillip’s extra-large hoodies and post them on every social media account she owned.
But Phillip was not having it. Not even when she went out of her way to make obvious hints as to how she wanted to steal his clothes. Or rather, how she wanted to be given his clothes.
And really? What was the problem? Eloise had full access to his closet. She could just walk into it and grab whatever she wanted and he would not protest. But he was a smart man and smart men did not engage in couple wars with their girlfriend’s siblings. Especially not with Polin. Because out of every two words Colin said, one was Penelope. And Phillip loved Eloise but he preferred to keep his displays of affection a bit more subtle and he preferred his love confessions to be for Eloise's ears only. Nothing wrong with proclaiming your love and devotion for the woman you were sharing your life with every two sentences, really. But being around Colin was, in all honesty, a bit sickening.
But even if his love language were light, casual touches or his quiet but calming presence or listening to her ramble about her day, that didn’t mean he loved her any less. Where Colin’s love was loud, grandiose, overwhelming, Phillip’s love was quiet, nurturing, gentle. It was waking up to fresh flowers resting on a vase every morning, it was coming home after a long day at work to the table set and dinner ready, it was finding little notes scattered around the house, reminding her to take her keys with her, to drink some water, to drive safely. It was a soft kiss on her cheek every morning before leaving for work, a cup of her coffee exactly like she liked it placed on her hand. It was pressed flowers under her pillow. It was a back rub while they read together in the afternoons. It was books with his favorite parts and quotes underlined showing up on her bedside table randomly - full pages circled with this reminds me of you all over it. It was gentle praise and sincere encouragement. It was words of affirmation. It was a sense of finally belonging, being taken care of, and being put first, of mattering.
Phillip loved Eloise in all the ways she had ever wanted to be loved but didn’t dare to allow herself to yearn for and even in ways she never knew a person could love another person. He understood her silences as well as her words and always seemed to know how to make her feel better. There was something in his presence that never failed to make her feel safe.
There was nothing she could complain about.
But she wanted to take a bloody picture wrapped in one of his shirts and post it, dammit.
And then a brilliant idea crossed her mind.
She would see Penelope’s hoodie and raise it. Go big or go home.
And go big she did, indeed.
Phillip had one of those botanic conferences he loved so much that weekend, which meant she would (practically) have the house for herself. Or at least she would have the house for herself once the twins went to bed. The smart woman she was, Eloise had already crafted a detailed plan to tire them out so much all through the day, that the moment they came back home they would pass out, giving her the time to put her second master plan into action. It was genius if she herself said it.
The twins had drifted into a peaceful sleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows. The day had been filled with excitement, laughs, and a couple sugar highs that Eloise had made sure to schedule to last until they were on their way home. The plan had almost taken a turn for the worse on the ride home when their eyelids started to flutter. Nothing a good old banger couldn’t avoid. They ended up singing to the top of their lungs to songs Eloise had never heard before walking into those amazing kids’ lives but now she often found herself humming absent-mindedly.
She placed a sweet kiss on the top of their heads and made sure to tuck them in before closing the door quietly and making her way to the bedroom she had come to share with their father.
As much as she would have loved to take her time
Everything was ready; the lights settled to the perfect intensity, the phone resting on the tripod, and the throw pillows placed in a way that only added to the scene. All that she had to do was get in front of the lens. Surprisingly, the hardest part had been to pick the perfect garment to wear. Phillip had such a collection of nice shirts that it had taken Eloise a good twenty minutes to narrow it down to just two and then five more to come up with a winner. The soft baby blue cotton fabric looked very nice against her skin and it even made her eyes stand out so it became an easy pick. Even though the light yellow one was very nice too. Eloise took a mental note to keep it for a late date. Maybe she would have to ask Daphne to keep the twins for a night one of these days.
Eloise tried a couple poses on the mirror before settling for a suggestive yet not very explicit one. Her legs slightly parted, the hem of the shirt covering just about enough skin to allow the word tasteful to be used but to still spark the curiosity about what was (or wasn’t) behind, the first few buttons of the improvised attire open, allowing the valley of her breasts to peak over the lace brasserie, offering a glimpse of what was to come. The wicked smile adorning her features and messy hair the perfect last touches to her ravishing look. The camera snapped once, twice, thrice. Eloise studied the pictures, nodded with satisfaction, and with one last look at them hit sent.
My sunflower: A little something so you don’t forget to think about me tonight;)
Jesus, El, I almost crashed against the wall.
Just so you know, I always think about you.
My sunflower: I hope so.
Is that my shirt?
My sunflower: Maybe?
You little thief.
My sunflower: Do you want it back?
I think you ought to show me if you had stolen more of my clothes.
Like my boxers, for starters….
Eloise didn’t get much sleep that night.
The next morning she made sure to send Penelope a nerdy snap, Phillip’s shirt looking huge on her smaller frame, making her look like she was wearing an oversized dress. Judging by the dry response she got from her best friend, Colin was about to make a trip to the mall to get a couple dressing shirts. The bar had been raised. Hoodies were no longer good enough. It was pressed shirts or nothing now. Good.
Eloise surprised herself by how reluctant she was to take off his shirt. It had been only a day and she already missed him. His laugh, his hugs, his arms lazily thrown over her shoulders as they laid on the couch, the way he wrinkled up his nose with the first sip of tea… she missed having him around and the peace knowing he was close brought her. And it was funny because until that moment the realization of how used she had gotten to having Phillip by her side had not hit her. Their broken souls were two sides of the same coin, joined and twisted and embroiled until they became one.
So she threw a pair of jeans on, tucked the shirt in the pants, and went on and about with her day. The twins didn’t even bat an eye when she descended down the stairs muffled in their dad’s favorite gear. It was almost as if they had been expecting it for a while. In retrospect, they probably had not given it any thought because they were kids, smart kids, but kids and children didn’t tend to have the same worries as adults. For them, sharing clothes didn’t have a special meaning.
And Eloise realized that she should have gone digging into Phillip’s side of the closet a long time ago. Thinking about it, she couldn’t come up with the exact reason why it had gotten her so long to finally do something that had been on her mind for a while.
But Eloise didn’t have much time to dwell on the reasons behind her actions - or lack of them. Because the door sprung open, startling everyone inside, to reveal a smiling Phillip, bag hanging lazing from his shoulder.
“Daddy!” The kids rushed to his encounter, screaming happily, and attached themselves to his legs. He scooped them up, each in one arm, and when he looked up his eyes locked with Eloise’s. A knowing smile immediately overtook his features. Eloise knew that smile knew what it meant. It was the promise of something to come and it never failed to send a wave of heat down her stomach.
“Hi,” he had to lean in slightly to give her a soft kiss on the lips. The kids made disgusted noises and Phillip took it as his cue to let them run free. He watched them disappear up the stairs and only then did he turn his attention back to the brunette, his eyes burning into hers. “Is that my shirt?”
Eloise licked her lips. “Maybe.”
He grinned, closing the distance between them in two long steps, his lips brushing against her neck, tentatively running down her collarbone until they reached the valley of her breasts. The air caught in her lungs. Her eyes closed. And then he stopped. When she opened them again, he was smirking down at her. “Can I get it back?”
Somehow she managed to find the strength to talk. “N-no.”
Phillip grinned evilly. “Not even if I do this?” His fingers teased the hem of the shirt, sending a wave of electricity down her spine whenever they grazed her skin. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, he started unbuttoning the shirt, leaving a kiss on every inch of exposed skin.
“If you want your shirt. You are going to have to rip it off of me.” Eloise breathed out. And Phillip's eyes burned with desire and something that looked a lot like a promise.
Let’s just say, the shirt ended on the floor.
When she came into their bedroom later that night, there was a bag resting on her side of the bed. She looked around for him but he was nowhere to be found. Never one able to resist the temptation of satisfying her curiosity, she looked inside. Tears filled her eyes because there, resting in the bottom of the bag was a brown hoodie. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, the warm breath against her neck making her hair stand up. "I would give you the world, my sunflower. All you have to do is ask."
It had taken some convincing on Eloise's part. But she never needed to try so hard.
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