#never seen someone so happy about a potato before
batlleonafc · 5 months
why did they give her a potato?
Emma traded a puck for a potato and everyone loved it
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calypsocolada · 3 months
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(click here for part two!)
synopsis: you're tasked with convinicing Giyu to join the Hashira Training author's note: hello. this was a days worth of writing. from 11 am to 3 am. i even wrote parts in my notepad at work. i really like how this turned out. i finished the hashira training arc last night and think that final episode might've been the best episode of anime i have actually ever seen. this is a whole ass story cw: slightly suggestive, major spoilers for rengoku and the hashira training arc, character death, gore, ANGST, fluff, happy ending, not proofread, fem reader, use of y/n a lil, lover!giyu, hardheaded!reader wc: 6.3k
click here for my masterlist
“Would you mind talking to Giyu for me? So that Giyu, who tends to put himself into a negative frame of mind can start looking ahead again. Will you be persistent in your efforts to speak with him?” 
You stared at the letter. You reread it again and again and again. Your body still aches from the previous fight in the swordsmith village and you sort of hoped this was a hallucination. That you were still unconscious. But as your crow beside you squawked and you jumped you knew it was real. The paper crinkled beneath your hands. Kagaya’s handwriting is flawless and script. You followed the trail of his pen again. 
Would you mind speaking to Giyu for me?
You wondered if maybe this letter was accidentally sent to you. Even as your eyes wandered back up to the top of the paper that clearly said ‘Dear Y/n’. Even if it didn’t say your name there were no accidents with Kagaya. 
But… but there had to be. Out of everyone, all the Hashira that were certainly closer to Giyu. But you, the newest Hashira, had been chosen to speak with him? In what world did that make any sense? You barely knew the guy. Granted he had been the reason you joined the corp originally but he’d dodged your very presence the best he could ever since. 
Your village had been attacked about four years ago. Same old story for a lot of people victimized by demons. There was never a happy ending with those monsters involved. Always blood. Always loss. It was no different for you. Half of your family was slaughtered before you could even rouse yourself from sleep. But when you did all you saw was the inkblots of blood on your white walls, the color shining from being hit by the moonlight. You remembered sitting up and feeling numb as you heard someone screaming. The scream that never left you. Something you’d never be able to ingest for as long as you lived. 
When you got to your feet your mother had busted into your room. She looked pale, blood gushing from beneath her white nightgown. She scooped you up and kissed your head as she stuffed you into the closet. She shushed your cry’s and told you not to come out until the sun shone beneath the crack in the door. She gave you one last kiss. You didn’t know then it was the last. You reached for her but she pushed your hands back, silently shook her head then pressed the door closed. 
You’d always been a good kid. You stayed put exactly as you’d been told. Even as you heard more screams. Even as it went quiet. 
Only until that sun shone beneath your door did you move. You busted out of that closet. Your mother’s name is the first thing on your lips but she wasn’t the first person you saw. The scene in your house was horrific to say the least. The sights of the people you loved in multiple torn pieces is something that comes back to you in flashes when you fight demons. 
It spurs you on to do exactly what they did to your family back to them. To tear them to shreds. 
In the middle of it all was a boy. He was sitting so still that you didn’t even notice him amongst the slaughter. Your living room was still dark, dark enough that it kept this monster safe as it rose to its full height. No longer a boy but a creature from your deepest darkest nightmares. It had your family’s blood on its mouth as it smiled a wickedly devilish smile. 
“Hmm. Missed one.” It spoke in a gravelly tone as it swallowed whatever it was chewing on. You could guess what. You stepped back into your mother’s blood… or maybe your father’s? The blood, thick beneath your foot slid out from underneath you and you crashed into their bodies, something sharp sticking into your side as you gasped in sudden pain. Your mother’s hand still gripped a knife that had now lodged itself in your thigh. The demon only laughed. “Clumsy one aren’t you. Mother wasted her time hiding something so useless.” He growled, approaching with a predatory gleam in his dark eyes. 
When he pounced towards you something momentary took hold over you. You, a measly twelve years old, ripped that knife from your own leg and thrusted it into the demon's eye. The creature roared like nothing you’d heard before as it stumbled back away from you. You just blinked as you watched it, numbness contending with your fear. The creature yanked the knife out and tossed it angrily to the side. It growled, fuming as it charged back at you. You raised your hands to defend yourself, screwing your eyes shut. You heard the whoosh of something cutting through the air itself and when you opened your eyes the creature had halted its assault. It locked eyes with you moments before its head toppled right off its shoulder. You stared in abject horror as the creature's body started to burn a blood red color and you saw a figure behind it. You were as still as a statue as the figure behind  it took shape. 
The shape of a boy, he couldn’t have been much older than you. Eyes an indigo blue, dark and almost unfeeling as they met yours. You watched as he gave a quick swipe of his sword to rid it of the demons burning blood as he sheathed it back at his side. 
“Are you hurt?” He asked, his voice young like yours. You weren’t hurt. Somehow. And you couldn’t open your mouth to answer him, not with your body still on top of your parents. You just stared at him, even as your eyesight got cloudy and stinging tears slid down your cheeks. 
The boy walked towards you and remained still, unable to move as he bent down in front of you. He reached and clumsily brushed the tears from your face. It was as if he knew you wouldn’t part your lips to speak because wordlessly he, with immaculate ease, picked you up off the corpses and carried you out of the house. You moved for the first time in minutes as your head tilted to look back towards your family. 
“Eyes on me.” He said and sure enough your eyes snapped to him. To take in his face. Eyes endlessly dark blue as they stared forwards. He had to have been your age, maybe a year older. He had the shape of a young face, with full cheeks and raven black hair to the nape of his neck. You couldn’t look away, it had nothing to do with his looks but everything to do with his command. 
You were a good kid. When someone told you to do something you did it. Years later you would come to thank Giyu for that, for commanding you to look at him instead of glancing back at what remained of your family.
Everything after that was just sort of a blur. You stayed some place warm, a faint fire flickering and that boy with the sword stayed with you until some men in black uniforms found you. You remember not being able to walk, the shock and grief of the night not letting you. You’d held onto your saviors shirt, your fist balled. He let you, in fact he even came along with you and the men in black and when they asked you to let go you blinked at them. You hadn’t even noticed you were still holding on. You let go in an instant. Your hand is sore from how tightly you’d been clenching. The men in black’s hands were on your shoulders guiding you away and when you looked back your voice came to you. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, everything paused for you so you could hear his answer. 
“Giyu.” He answered. You put a name to his face. You parted your lips to thank him but nothing came out again. You couldn’t say thanks. Not when you were the only breathing because you cowardly hid in the closet. You felt you didn’t deserve to be thankful. You met his eyes again and something, somehow, told you he understood. He gave you the softest nod of his head and when he turned to leave you felt your heart drop. Like something had bonded you to this boy. But you turned and let yourself be whisked away. 
A year later you worked for the very same people as Giyu had. You were given a sword and trained thoroughly by a man with red and orange hair. You weren’t ever good with names but the fire in him fueled the fire in you. Which is why you eagerly learned that breathing style and trudged up that mountain to crush the selection test. 
A few years after that you ran into Giyu. You were sent on a mission to help the Water Hashira. You’d never met any other Hashira besides Rengoku so you were sort of apprehensive. You never liked meeting new people. All those years spent with Rengoku and his fiery personality you wished at least some of it had rubbed off on you but… you were still demure and quiet, quick to anger and prone to disappearing. You liked your alone time. You had all but begged Rengoku to let you go with him in his mission, apparently some demon had infested a train, that sounded far more exhilarating than helping some water Hashira you didn’t know. Rengoku did what he always did when you were disappointed. He gave you a sort of unwanted hug, though secretly you wanted and needed it, and ruffled your hair. 
“We’ll see each other in two weeks. Next mission is yours and mine.” He said and then he was gone and you were boarding a train going the opposite way. 
When you arrived, stepping off the train your eyes met the same indigo blue eyes from so many years ago. When you were both kids. Now both adults. You stopped where you stood, unable to walk any closer as everything fled back. Stuff you had managed to keep down deep for so many years. Memories you wanted to erase. All that time wasted and drudged back up in mere seconds. Giyu may have had those same eyes but he was grown now. His hair longer and tied back, his face had lost that boyish roundness. He looked tall and lean. Well at least taller than you. For a moment he looked just as surprised as you but he smoothed over that emotion into something practiced. 
“It’s you.” He said, his voice deep and soft. You swallowed, your hand resting on your sword. 
“You’re the water Hashira?” You asked and he nodded his head as the train behind you dinged and slowly pulled out of the stop, the wind brushing your hair over your shoulders. 
“You’re Rengoku’s tsuguko?” At that you nodded your head back at him. His eyes trailed to your sword, to your haori, and old one Rengoku had lent you. His eyes lingered on that fiery pattern.  
“I never learned your name.” He said and then his eyes flicked to yours. You swallowed dryly, you weren’t sure why he made you so nervous, why your heart was beating so fast. You wondered if he was a part of a life you wanted to die off. The scared girl in the closet was far from who you were now. Rengoku never got to meet that scared girl. No one had. Except Giyu. You told him your name and he repeated it, as if feeling how it felt on his own lips. Your heart skipped a traitorous beat at the way he spoke your name. It felt different coming from him. You grabbed ahold of yourself.
“Shall we?”
But your mission with Giyu was cut off with the sudden death of Rengoku. You and Giyu hadn’t made it back to the village before both of your crows had delivered the news. You still remembered everything about that moment. Giyu walking beside you, your haori catching a gust of wind, cold wind, as if winter was coming. You could replay your footsteps on the dirt road. The distant flapping of wings growing closer and closer and then stopping as they landed. Your initial glance over at the water Hashira before the delivering of the news. The ripple before the crack in your soul. Giyu had been present for the worst two days of your life. Something about losing someone again that felt like family irrevocably broke something in you all over again. This pain you felt before today you wondered for years if it would last. Rengoku had healed some of it. And begrudgingly and foolishly you let him in. But now you have your answer. This pain would last forever. You couldn’t even cry, you just stared blankly ahead, just as you had in your dark house wrecked with the stench of blood. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder, you didn’t want to look at him.
“Go, I’ll finish the mission.” He said, his voice different, there was a coldness before but now only warmth. You still didn’t look at him as you turned to leave.
“Be careful.” You choked out before taking off in a run back towards the train station. 
You’d seen Giyu a few times after that but only in passing, never long enough to start up a proper conversation though both of you hated talking. You never let anyone else in after that. You took up the position of Fire Hashira and the only thing fiery about you was your utter hatred for demons. The other Hashira were sort of weary of you and that kept them at a distance. You only talked when absolutely needed and was the first to leave after Hashira meetings. You liked that distance. You’d do anything to keep it. There was only so much heartbreak and loss you could take. You were at your limit. You didn’t have room for anyone in your scabbard dying heart. 
That’s why receiving that letter from Kagaya had caught you so off guard. He of all people knew who you were and still he asked you for a favor. Probably a dying wish. He had shown you kindness and since it was the only thing he’d ever asked you for, reluctantly, you found yourself at the front of Giyu’s home. It was cold out as your knuckles rapped against the wooden door. You waited, stepped back and looked off to the side, expecting to see Kagaya’s crow lingering around somewhere to report back to him. A minute had passed as you gave one more series of knocks. Nothing. Maybe he wasn’t home. You sighed and turned to leave just as the wooden door clicked and was pulled open. When you turned back those striking blue eyes met yours. There was skepticism on his face as you swallowed. That feeling that met you every time you saw Giyu never seemed to fade. That persistent speeding of your heart. That faltering of words. All highly inconvenient.
“Y/n?” Giyu spoke first, pulling the door open just a tad more. He was in casual clothing, he looked as though he may have just woken up.
“Giyu. I never knew you lived in this part of town.” You lied. You knew. 
“It’s quiet.”
“I can see.” The lack of noise was slightly unsettling, only the rustling of leaves in the wind could be heard. You swallowed. “May I come in?” Your voice was slightly strained and didn’t at all sound like you wanted to do that but to your detriment Giyu moved to the side. Giyu’s home was a reflection of himself. It was clean, almost sterile, with dark walnut furnishings and dark curtains. He really must’ve been sleeping because he reaches over and flicks on a few lanterns, casting an orange glow to his living room. 
“I wasn’t expecting company,” He says over his shoulder and you almost agree.
“Unwanted?” You ask and when he shakes his head ‘no’ you relax sort of. 
“I’ll make us some food. Did you travel long?” He asks as he leads you towards the kitchen. You take a seat at the kitchen island and watch him get to work. 
“Yeah. Long train ride.” You answer as Giyu nods his head. You know he’s probably dying to know why you’re here but you're sure if you told him things would turn sour. You watched Giyu gather ingredients and supplies, he was very orderly about things, kept things nice and clean as he prepared dinner for you both. You had a lot of experience cooking growing up with Rengoku, that man could eat and eat. Just at the thought you felt a pang and forced your face not to show it.
“Do you need help?” 
“That’s alright, you rest.” Giyu intones, setting a cup in front of you as he fills it with hot black tea. You thank him, wrapping your hands around the warm mug. You stare down into the tea for a moment and realize you had no idea how to go about this little favor Kagaya had asked of you. You barely spoke with anyone, you were well out of practice. How genuine would this ask even be coming from you? 
“How’re you?” You asked, not letting yourself be embarrassed by your lack of social skills. Giyu flicks on the stove.
“Do you really want to know?” He asked over his shoulder and stupidly, because he wasn’t even looking at you, you nodded your head before clearing your throat and speaking.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” You hoped that didn’t come out as sharp as it sounded.
“I’m… well. Thank you for asking.” Giyu answered, his monotone answer at war with the words he spoke. He sounded anything but well. You remembered the last Hashira meeting. You remembered Giyu’s back turned as he said, “I’m not like the rest of you.” Unlike Sanemi you didn’t feel angry at that. In fact you knew how that felt. To feel unwelcomed and wanting it to stay that way. 
“If you’re well then I’m well.” You said and when Giyu turned, his eyes meeting yours, you felt a flash of how you saw him that first time. You blinked it away as he turned back.
“I didn’t think… you of all the Hashira’s would be the first to visit.” Giyu said, turning back to the stove. You stared at the back of his head. 
“Me neither.” You said with a soft sigh. “But here I am.”
“Here you are.” He says, his voice soft again. It did funny things to you. Funny things that only he could elicit. It was frustrating.
“Giyu…” You trailed off, unsure how to broach the subject. “Did something happen? To make you not want to help out with the Hashira training?” Giyu was quiet for a long moment. You watched him stir some stuff into the pan and for a moment you thought he hadn’t heard you. 
“Can we not… talk about that?” He asks almost kindly. But that’s all you needed to talk about. If you didn’t stay on topic you’d be doing Kagaya a disservice, though could you count that as a hardy first try?
“Of course.” You answered, fiddling with your hands. You’d left your sword back at the inn you were staying at and wished you’d had it just so you could fiddle with something else. “Though, I apologize but, I almost wish I could sit it out too.”
“Why’s that?”
“Training a bunch of snot nosed kids sounds like hell to me.” You spoke truthfully and watched Giyu;s shoulders rise and fall quickly, almost like he was maybe laughing, but he still wasn't facing you so you wouldn’t know.
“Not a fan?”
“I had my fill with the three from the swordsmith village.” Tanjiro, his little demon sister, Nezuko and Sanemi’s little brother Genya. All a handful. But very capable in a fight. 
“How’re your wounds? I… never got to ask.” Giyu says as he reaches for some seasoning, finally turning to the side to face you.
“Scarring up.” You said and Giyu nodded his head, his eyes drifting to the scar on your cheek.
“Two upper ranks. If anyone could handle them I knew it’d be you.” He says with a sort of gleam in his eye. 
“Can’t take the credit. That red head kid killed one of ‘em while MItsuri and I held off its body. Muichiro took one by himself.” You recounted, the fight honestly felt like it would never end.
“You and Kanroji worked together?”
“Surprising, right?”
“Not at all.” Giyu answers. “You two are very alike.”
“In what way?” You almost laughed at that statement. 
“Strong, fierce, never quit.”
“I think we all have that in common.” You say and Giyu gets this look in his eyes as he turns back away. You feel as though you lost some ground. You chew the inside of your lip. Clearly Giyu doesn’t feel as though he had that in common with you. Something ignited in you. A need to say something on your mind. “Giyu… I-- I never thanked you.”
“Thanked me?”
“I’ve… wrestled with it for a long time. How to… go about it. Kyojuro used to tell me to practice with all the people we met. To thank them for stupid things, like holding the door open or bringing me food. Just so the words didn’t feel so foreign. But I never really felt thankful for you saving me. I lived because my whole family died. Because I hid.” You take in a shaky breath. You’d never talked about this stuff out loud, not even with Rengoku. You felt embarrassed suddenly, shaking your head, you forced out a choked laugh. “Nevermind. I don’t know what I’m saying.” You felt his eyes on you but you forced yourself to keep looking down at your warm tea. As long as you stayed like this maybe he’d move the conversation along to something else. You cursed yourself for ruining the mood, if there even was one to begin with.
“You don’t have to stop. I… I would like to know more about you. I… always have.” Your eyes shot to his like a gun hitting its mark. Those dark eyes, you could swim in them. Get lost in them. Those eyes… could make you feel something. That made you shoot to your feet, your tea spilling over. Giyu didn’t startle, he just turned to grab a rag but when he turned back you were halfway to the front door. He dropped the towel on the table. “W-wait, Y/N,” He called to you but when he rounded into the living room the front door slammed closed. 
You fumbled outside, steps clumsy as you started to run and run. You didn’t want to think about it. You had to get away, as far as those legs of yours could take you. You could run to the next town over, retrieve your sword in the morning and never speak to the water hashira again. Never again. Favor be damned. What you felt was dangerous. That kind of thing left you the hollow husk you were today. You preferred this safe loneliness. You couldn’t ever be hurt again. You stopped for a moment, the cold air tough to run in as you huffed and puffed out condensation clouds.
“You’re fast.” You hadn’t even heard his approach. You didn’t turn, just swallowed.
“I- realized I have something to do in the morning. Can’t stay out late.”
“Come back, Y/n. Please.” His voice was doing that soft thing you body liked so much. You clenched your jaw, if you could stab your heart you would.
“Why? And… tell me the truth.” You heard him walk a bit closer. Please, you thought, just go back home.
“Maybe you’re right. What you said at the last meeting, that you’re not like us other Hashira. Maybe I just realized it.” You wanted to hurt him, it was a common defense you used quite often. 
“And I’m wasting my time speaking with someone who’d rather sit on the sidelines.” You spat over your shoulder. That’ll do it, you thought, that’ll get him to leave. It was quiet, heartbreakingly quiet and you were too much of a coward to see the hurt you caused so you started to walk away towards your inn.
“I… don’t care if you hate me.” You stopped walking instantly and turned, Giyu looked stricken, as if you slapped him. You regretted turning around. “You can hate me all you want. Yell at me, hit me, whatever you want to do. But I need you to know… you might regret me saving you but I have never regretted saving you…”
“Please… let me.” He straightened slightly. “I… am amazed by you.” His words hit you like the sharpest sting. Like a knife in the gut that slowly twists. “You’re incredible, nothing ever could rival you. You… lost so many yet you fight with purpose. I could never be like you.” You tense your jaw, eyes sharp. 
“That’s where you’re wrong.” You take a step towards him. “I am hateful. I don’t have a purpose to fight anymore I just do it because it needs to be done. You don’t know me at all.”
“Maybe I don’t. But… I want to.”
“I’m not succinct.” Giyu sighs, as if tired. “I just do.” Want to know you. You stared at him and that traitorous heart of yours, that naive heart did another flip. You shook your head. 
“You don’t. No one does.”
“Rengoku did.” Your eyes lit like fire, some heat filling your soul. You wanted to yell at him for saying his name. For bringing him into this. But you’d done it first. 
“He’s dead. They all are. My whole family. I don’t want to know you. I don’t want you to know me. I want you to go back home and let me be.” 
“I can’t.”
“Maybe for the same reason your eyes find mine every time we're in the same room.” Giyu took a step closer, you watched him move as though he was going to strike you down. LIke he was going for a killing blow.
“I… I don’t do that.” The lie was so obvious to your ears it almost made you cringe outwardly. 
“I’m not trying to embarrass you because… I look for you in every room. I… I lied to you the second time we saw each other so many years ago I… I knew you were Rengoku’s tsuguko because he’d written to me. He… sensed something and told me he was sending you to me for that mission. I was so… so damn nervous to see you again after so many years. So curious about how you were faring and I couldn’t even get more than fifteen words out. And when Rengoku passed I would write Kagaya, ask him how you were because I was too much of a coward to ask you myself.” That’s why Kagaya wrote to you. Your heart still beat, skipped a beat then beat again. Everything was falling into place. Why Rengoku had sent you away when you had always gone on his missions with him. The scheming man was playing matchmaker. And even Kagaya was playing the same damn game. 
“Don’t say anything else, Giyu. Please.”
“I won’t speak the rest of the night if you come back. You can even leave at first light. Just please… let me feed you and give you a place to sleep.”
“My inn isn’t too far.”
“Please.” The emotion in his voice was staggering. It was a plea. It had sounded like something he needed even more than breathing. You stared at him. If you went with him now that would be the very first crack in your walls. You never gave an inch away since Rengoku died and if you started now everything would crumble.
“No. I’m going back to my inn.”
“I’ll join the hashira training.” He said and your lips parted in silent surprise. “That’s why you came tonight wasn’t it? You’d never do it alone so Kagaya must’ve written to you? Am I right?” Your face must’ve given away the answer because Giyu continued and you realized right here and now this is the most you two have ever talked. An hour together had more dialogue than almost eight years. And this was why you kept your distance all these years. Because if anyone knew you it was Giyu, he’d seen you at your lowest yet here he was… begging you to stay for just a few hours. “Come back and I’ll join. You can consider your favor a success.”
“Why would you do that?”
“I’d do it for you.”
“Be serious.” You growled and Giyu took another step forward. You hadn’t noticed him getting so close but suddenly he was close enough to touch. You stepped back. 
“Come back. Please.”
“You’re annoyingly persistent.”
“I just want you safe. That’s all.”
“You already saved me once. That’s enough.” You condemned with a shake of your head. Giyu looked doubtful for a moment, unsure of how to convince you to come back. But if you made good on Kaguya's favor this could be the end of it. “I’ll come back.” His eyes shot up to yours. “But I’m gone first light.” He nodded his head at that. 
Giyu finished up dinner as you set the table. It was quiet between you two after everything. Giyu had all but confessed the real depth of his feelings but you had an idea and it wasn’t something you’d let yourself dwell on. That idea was something close to hope. Something close to the degree of happiness. That’s not something you wanted. Not something you’d let yourself have. If there was one thing you were truly good at, it was self destruction. 
You took your seat as Giyu placed down the food. Miso soup with sweet potatoes. You stared at it, stricken. Rengoku’s favorite meal. 
“Y/n? Are you alright?” 
“Seriously? That was at least your sixth bowl.” You huffed as Rengoku smirked as he pulled the bowl to his lips, slurping down the rest of its contents. He placed it down and reached for the ladle again. You watched him in amused surprise as he dulled out a seventh bowl. “You’re overgorging yourself.”
“It’s too good. Who taught you to cook, kid?” 
“You did.” You sighed with an eyeroll as Rengoku laughed heartily.
“Ah! That’s right I did.”
You blinked a few times and suddenly your face felt wet. You pressed a hand to your cheek. You hadn’t cried since losing your parents. You thought you were incapable, that you had exhausted your tear ducts at night. You hadn’t cried when you lost Rengoku and you always felt inhuman because of it. You looked across the table and met Giyu’s wide eyed stare, he looked startled at your tears.
“What’s wrong?” He asked and you couldn’t stop the tears now. They fell so fluidly, so overwhelmingly. You tried to apologize but your words just came out in stuttered croaks in your throat. Giyu stood so fast he knocked his chair over as he crossed to the other side of the table. He dropped to his knees beside you and pulled you to him. Rengoku hugged you a lot. You’d say it was unwanted but it was something you needed. Giyu’s arms around you felt different. He hugged you close to his chest, his hand tangled in your hair as you fell prey to your emotions. But startlingly so… it felt nice. Bottling things up for so long had very nearly ended you and you might’ve been able to really shut off your humanity if it hadn't been for that damned letter. If it hadn't been for Rengoku’s unending kindness. If it hadn't been for Giyu’s persistence. You could’ve nearly ended up as black hearted as the demon that flipped your life upside down. That was the most startling revelation of them all.
Giyu hugged you tight as you fell to pieces. He didn’t let go, never even loosened his arms a little bit around you. He just held you and let you cry and cry. It should’ve been embarrassing but as he pulled your hair back out of your face and wiped your wet cheeks there wasn’t an ounce of that annoying sympathy in his eyes. Just utter understanding. And this was the most inopportune time, seeing as your eyes were probably bloodshot, nose probably running like crazy, but without thinking you sucked in a ragged breath and then pressed your mouth to his.
Giyu made a sound low in his throat, you felt his arms around you tighten, drawing you in, deepening the kiss. This wasn’t something you knew of. Your parent’s pecked each other’s lips and cheeks but this… no this was something for behind closed doors. For just you two. That fire that pooled in your stomach upon seeing Giyu had heightened at least tenfold when he pulled you into his lap. Your bodies pressed against one anothers, no room, not even a milimeter’s length of space. He kissed you softly, but you kissed him back hard. That chasm of loneliness in you had reached its peak and you wanted it gone. He gently ran his hand through your hair and you balled your fist in his shirt. He gently lowered you back and kissed you against the hardwood flooring of his kitchen. 
You shoved your chair away from you both and hooked your legs around his hips. He made another sound and you found that you liked it so you tightened your hold and slid your hand in his hair. That awarded you another sound, like a whimper. When he pulled back for air you yanked him by the hair back to your lips. Fuck air. You didn’t need that. You’d rather breathe him in. He whimpered again, his hips mindlessly moving, sending a wave of heat through you and this time it was your turn to groan. He hooked an arm around your back and with strength and swiftness, he hoisted you up off the floor without even breaking the kiss. You gasped in surprise and he walked you through the hallway. Kissing you against the wall and the door and the dresser before he finally made it to his bed. 
You two fell into the softness of his covers, his body trapping you beneath him. He trailed his lips away from yours and whimpered at the loss of contact. But he kissed both your cheeks, your forehead, the tip of your nose and to your jaw. He paid extra attention to your neck before kissing your collar bones. He kissed his way back down your body. Kissing your scars that had once been an eyesore to you. Ever so gently tracing some absentmindedly with his other hand. Whatever growing between you two was something to be earned. Sure you loved Giyu but you needed more time with him. You spent eight years barely speaking. You could tell Giyu felt that too because when his lips met yours again and pulled back you both blinked tiredly at one another. 
Astonishingly you watched the softest of smiles spread across Giyu’s face. You wanted to catalog this moment forever. To remember it till the day you died. Giyu pressed one last kiss to your forehead and then dropped beside you on the bed. He pulled you to him, your back pressed to his front. Your legs tangled as his hand reached across you and intertwined with yours. You blushed but settled against him. The dregs of sleep calling for you. You two didn’t need to speak another word.  
You watched the first light roll in through Giyu’s curtains. It shone like blades across his room. Giyu softly snored beside you, arms still around your body. You’d never kissed a single soul before but you knew what a kiss meant. You knew whenever your dad kissed your mom or the other way around that it was an unspoken way to say I love you. But it was a different kind of love your parents shared. You loved your family. You loved Rengoku. 
But you loved Giyu. 
You loved him as you clamped your fist in his shirt the night he saved you. You loved him when you stepped off that train. You loved him at every hashira meeting and every stolen glance. You loved him as you read Kagaya’s letter and loved him when he opened the door. As he chased you down in the street and begged you to come back to his home. So many problems never go away, some pain felt as though it would last forever and you never thought you could break through. You never thought you could just grow around it, because nothing was more persistent than a plant in the presence of the sun. You never told Rengoku you loved him, never told him how much he meant to you and that his kindness never fell to deaf ears. You had spent eight years loving Giyu and not letting yourself know it.
And all it took was some miso soup and sweet potatoes.
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luveline · 7 months
hi jade! may I request about spidergirl and miguel? I missed them so much. maybe that she never experience valentine's? and she didn't expect miguel to do anything since he doesnt seems like the type of romantic guy. BUTTT i dunno I just missed them dearly :(((
ty for requesting !! —miguel surprises his forgetful spidergirl!reader with a small gesture of his affection on Valentine’s Day.
“Like, purpose,” you say, running your fingers over the plush carpeting beneath you. “You have a divine purpose, and I’m your girlfriend.”
“I can’t hear you.” 
You raise your face. You can’t see Miguel, his body blocked by the white of the bed sheets in the way. “I’m just whining.” 
“Come and whine over here, where I can hear you.” 
You like his voice, so you listen. Not because he’s said it very kindly; he’s too bossy. You also like bossy, but that’s not the point. He shouldn’t always get what he wants.
“Do you not like being my girlfriend?” he asks conversationally, his broad back to you as he shakes the frying pan. He’s frying onion and potato for a tortilla española, a thick Spanish omelette made with ample oil. It’s your favourite of his many dishes, your mouth watering as you stand there. 
“It’s fine.” 
He reaches back for you and grabs at you blindly, though having a spider sense means he’s coordinated regardless. You slide under his arm, can’t believe you’re there —a few months ago he’d glare at you whenever you smiled at him, and now he’s holding you, pressing a slight of a kiss to your temple without a second thought. Though you’re sure now he’d been glaring because he was agitated to have a crush on, back then you’d thought he didn’t like you, which wasn’t half as fun. 
Still, you clocked on eventually. People who don’t like someone don’t usually spend so long looking at said someone’s lips. 
“Fine isn’t ideal.”
“You’re too clingy,” you say as you curl your arms around him. 
“I know,” he murmurs into your skin. “What do you want to drink this morning, mi hermosa?”
You can’t decide. Miguel makes you a tall glass of water, a similar orange juice, and a frankly audacious cup of hot chocolate. It’s thick enough to cling to your spoon as you stir it. 
“Alright,” you say as he puts your breakfast plate in front of you, “what did you do? You haven’t been this nice to me in ages.”
“Is that true?” he asks. 
He was sort of nice yesterday when he fixed your phone (though you're suspicious he’d only fixed it so you wouldn’t ask one of your Peters), and the night before he’d been angelic, but that was mutually beneficial. You still as he wraps his arms around you from behind, his face pressed to the side of yours, his lips a kind line. You close your eyes and lean back.
A softness touches your other cheek. You peek at it through a squint, tentative, less so when you realise the softness is the petal of a red rose, and the rose belongs to a beautiful bouquet. You breathe out a gasp of awe. The flowers are a stunning dark red and wrapped in glitzy holographic cellophane. You’ve never seen flowers that looked so pretty, petal edges thick and stems a fresh green. 
“For you,” he says. 
“For me?”
“Mm-hm.” He eases the bouquet into one of your hands. “Happy Valentine’s.” 
“Is that today?” 
“Yeah, that’s today.” He kisses the corner of your mouth. 
You fluster as he stands tall and moves away. Bouquet hugged to your chest, you turn your head to watch his movements carefully. “Miguel, I’m sorry.” 
“I’m not, carino.” 
He pushes the sleeves of his shirt up and grabs the two bowls left behind on the counter. You can smell the refreshing spice of the peppery gazpacho and the lemon of the salad as he lays it out in front of you. Your stomach growls, but there are more important things to address. 
“I had no idea–”
“I hardly expect you to know what hour of the day it is, I wasn’t expecting anything.” He sits down in the chair beside yours at the table. 
“So it’s February… interesting.” 
Miguel actually laughs as you shove the flowers down and throw yourself at him. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he scolds. 
“I love your laugh,” you say, clinging to him for dear life. “I love you, I love your face, I can’t believe you got me flowers, Miguel. Miguel–” 
“Don’t act like I never get you anything.” 
I just didn’t think you’d do something this romantic, you think. It’s not fair to him. You still have the pencil sharpener he made for you when you’d haunt the workshop unbidden to him. What had he said? Something like Bring it to me when it needs charging. Well, you never remember, and yet it’s never dead. He’s that sort of romantic. “Thank you,” you say. 
“Were you still of the idea that I don’t like you very much?” he asks, pulling you into his lap with an unblinking strength. His thighs are solid underneath you. 
“Oh, no, O’Hara, you like me too much.” 
“Really?” He laughs. 
“Really. N’ I like you ten times that much, and,” —he kisses your neck— “that’s why we’re in love.” 
He scoffs at your teasing tone, breath tickling the side of your neck. “The longer you sit here trying to apologise the cooler your cocoa gets. Don’t be sorry, yeah? I know you didn’t know.” 
“I’m not trying to apologise. I’m mad. You could’ve told me it was Valentine’s coming up but you didn’t. You wanted to make me look bad.” 
He hugs you close, arm held firm to the curve of your back. “That’s exactly what I was trying to do. You caught me.” 
You lean back. He holds you tight to stop you from falling as you wrestle with the bouquet, pulling one especially lovely rose from the bunch. “Happy Valentine’s, mi vida.”
“That’s cheating, and not even half the effort I put in.” 
You press it to his chest and look up at him with every ounce of affection you have for him: it winds him. He covers your hand on his chest, pulling it over his heart. 
“Forgive me?” you ask. 
He rubs your knuckles. “There’s nothing to forgive.”
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stararch4ngelqueen · 10 months
Heyy! Hope all is well!
Can I request Jason with a Shy! Reader but freaky reader? She prefers not to socialize with others that much BUT WHEN ITS JUST HER AND JASON ALL ALONE??
She’s quite literally snatching the soul from his body (got him seeing stars and the Lazarus pit all over again)
Of course, remember to take care of yourself!
-🥔 anon
This inspired me to do a little something based off a trope. The trope being “well-read girls know how to do it well.” This isn’t completely freaky, but you go for a ride. That’s all that matters.
Not fully smutty, but not sfw by any means.
Time Written - 1:16 a.m
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You were the epitome of bookshop attendee when he visited a new said corner store one day, wearing cute blue light glasses as you typed away at your computer, nursing a warm latte from the next door cafe.
The prime example of cheesy first time meeting via you unable to reach a book you wanted off what Jason accidentally assumed was a horror shelf category. A unique, interesting read Jason politely snatched for you, taking in your thankful, flustered smile as fingertips brushed against eachother.
One of the most interesting compliments Jason got about his relationship with you had come from Barbara at first, who said he was an incredibly lucky guy to find someone so sweet and good natured.
Dick wasn’t aware Jason even had a girlfriend until Babs brought it up around eight months into the relationship, when you and Jason were certain it was getting quite serious.
He met you twice when coming over into your shared living space, greeting you with simple handshakes and minor conversation, though nothing note worthy. Dick thought you were awkward, plain and simple, cute to look at for sure though.
He didn’t know you were Jason’s type, though he never really put thought to what he looked for in a woman. A why, little bookworm introvert going for Red Hood?
Why didn’t he think of that sooner?
He’d never seen Jason sport such a goofy smile on his face every time he saw the two of you talking together on the side. Whatever made the broody man happy was all that mattered.
You met Bruce Wayne when he insisted Jason brought his mysterious plus one to the approaching gala that very Friday night.
A grand room full of high class people flaunting their wealth wasn’t in your list of experiences you wanted to have, and Jason didn’t blame you. All you could muster was an hour of full face makeup, pretty hair and an expensive dress to meet the main man himself, forming some small, respective conversation before murmuring to Jason that you wanted to leave.
He was glad you asked, he wanted to go home the second the two of you arrived.
Coming home to a quiet, calm environment was always something the two of you looked forward to. Just a safe space where you could be yourselves around one another, caring little for any judgements the universe threw at you.
Jason lounged on the couch back in the respective privacy of your shared apartment, his dress shirt opened a few buttons with his coat draped over the kitchen chair. His disinterested gaze was stuck on the television, mindlessly flipping through channels as he waited for his turn for the shower.
“Last night wasn’t too much for ya, was it?” Jason expressed with concern after he hears the bathroom door open down the short hallway.
“Believe me, old man always wants me to go to those parties. Hate it every damn time.” He turns his head, eyes slightly widening at your approach towards the couch. You were out of that gorgeous dress, your body comfortable in one of his old shirts. You could wear trash bags or a damn potato sack and pull it off like one of those magazine cover models.
With a blush coating those pretty cheeks, your body blocks his view from the television, bare feet softly scooting against soft carpet. Bracing your hands along the couch, you then proceeded to sit yourself ontop of Jason’s lap, nestling your knees along the cushions.
You held a certain giddiness about you as if you’ve drank a few glasses of champagne, though no alcohol touched your lips the entire hour you were at the event.
He emits a soft grunt, his right arm wrapping around your back in order to hold you close. He can’t help but smile up at you, taking in the sweet scent of your body wash and lotion.
“Something you want, pretty girl?” He casually asks, his voice soft and husky with a hint of that playful tone he reserves only for you.
In response, your hands spread out along his chest, trailing down the maroon fabric of his pressed shirt, fiddling with some loose buttons along his collar.
“You know what I want, Jason.”
“Do I?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.
His voice grew a little more teasing now, knowing that look in your eye quite well. He knew what you wanted, but he liked when you vocalized it. He liked that in a woman, knowing exactly what she wants.
“Enlighten me.”
You pout at first, pursing those supple lips before your teasing fingers proceed do undo one of his shirt buttons. Then another, and another.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” He asks again, moving his hand down from the small of your back to your hip, rubbing along the smooth skin.
“You know what I want, Jay,” You insist, proceeding to grow bold enough to shift your hips a bit, slowly rocking once against his lap.
Jason lets out a low noise from the gesture, taking a slow breath through his nose. You had on no shorts underneath your shirt, completely lacking those pretty, lacy panties you had worn under your dress. With the slightest movement, Jason could feel nothing but bare, soft skin, making the warm ache in his lower abdomen grow into a bright burn.
“You’re such a brat,” he mumbles, giving your hip a firm squeeze. “I swear.”
“A brat??” You nearly laugh, bracing both hands on his chest. “That’s meaaan.”
“Oh please,” Jason scoffs, his voice thick with amusement. “Don’t start with that whining, now. It’s not that mean.“
Without any warning, he hoists both of you up from the couch, keeping your legs secured around his waist.
A short surprise laugh left you as you scrabble to cling onto him, maintaining the short distance between the living room couch and the soft, unmade sheets of his bed.
“Why are you being so bratty, huh?” Jason questions after setting you down, catching those tits bounce under your shirt from the impact of your fall. He barely had time to catch sight of your eager little cunt before you purposely fold your legs, focused eyes watching your persistent fingers reach for his belt, eagerly unsecuring the buckle.
“Cause I can be,” You promptly sit up, not bothering to yank the loosened belt out of the loops.
“And you said it yourself. You like it.” You lustfully add, watching his teal eyes flutter closed, hearing the faint crunch of the sheets rustle in your ears as both his hands clutch fistfuls of fabric.
To further emphasize, you unfold your legs, promptly securing them beside his waist, further tempting him on such a sweet, irresistible offer.
Jason groans, tilting his head back a bit as he decides on his limited options. He was tired, wanting to take a hot shower and cuddle his sweetheart to rest.
On the other hand—
“I like a lot of things you do, princess. This just happens to be one of them.” His smile grows with his words as you lean up to kiss along his jaw, having him cradle your chin in between two fingers to properly kiss those rosy lips.
“You remind me of a little gremlin when you’re like this,” he murmurs. “Or just a greedy, spoiled little princess.”
“And you wanna fuck your princess, don’t you?” You tease, kissing him once more to spare a small nibble along his bottom lip, making him groan yet again in defeat.
Yes. He does want you, and you know damn well that you have him where you wanted him. There would be no way that he could say no to you.
And why isn’t he able to say ‘no’ to this girl? He should have a little more self-control than this.
His minor moment of being left speechless proved that, making him roll his eyes.
“You’re really are a little brat,” he laughs quietly, choosing to tease you regardless, looking forward to that quirk in your brow shortly after.
Realistically, if this was any other human being or meta monster of some kind, no way in heaven or hell would he get allow someone to willingly put him on his back. It’s a breach of vulnerability, of submission in his mind.
You weren’t anyone by any means, those soft hands grasping along his broad shoulders, using what strength you had to lean him onto the mattress space beside you, cushioning yourself once more on the gracious seat of his plush thighs once more.
Trust was a huge stability in this scenario, one built upon hours of heartfelt discussions on boundaries and healthy behaviors, sharing what the both of you liked and didn’t.
It was endearing to know he had your full trust to grow more comfortable, encased in each confident kiss you gave him while he reaches up to cradle your head, fingers deeply interlaced in locks of shower damp hair.
Jason’s hands slip up under your shirt as he holds you close, squeezing along your ass before pushing your hips down against himself, firmly rocking up against your sopping core to get a sweet whimper out of you.
His other hand worked under your shirt, squeezing along your tender breasts, pinching your nipples to draw out those eager little whines. A mere ounce of payback for your torturous actions.
“You know you could just ask, right?” He chided with a smirk, proceeding to do the work for you by unbuttoning his pants, hastily pulling the zipper down.
Your hands work to free his eager cock from his boxers, biting your bottom lip in excitement to feel his heavy girth in your palms.
Of course, there’s many chances you would have just been able to ask in this moment and in this position. You knew that.
Your middle finger trailed along the smooth tip, wiping off a fat bead of precum that came close to dripping down the side, bringing it to your mouth to graze it along the tip of your tongue.
“I know.”
Teasing him was just a whole lot more fun.
Raising your hips a bit, you rest yourself over the underside of his cock, rocking yourself back and forth. The sting of blunt nails soon irritated your hips, Jason’s impatience peeking through as he feels himself grow soaked with your juices. The tip bumping deliciously against your throbbing little clit.
He makes the tiniest noise as you take the reins, but it just fuels your desire to ‘ruin’ him even more. Once you had started, there’s not much of a chance he has to stay in control.
Important of all, out of all qualities he adored of you, he thrived on your incredibly sweet mouth, like fresh cherry juice seeping through warm, crystallized sugar crust holding in the compote.
Jason loved the tart bitterness of your sassy nature, your ability to talk back during those start moments where it mattered most.
He couldn’t ask for more, really.
His head cranes back, grunting in delicious euphoria of your wet walls perfectly clenching around his cock after mere minutes of torture, feeling like hours. You’ve never been so wet, needing more prep than this before he could even stuff himself halfway through your walls.
Your body accepted him easier, eagerly taking in every inch as you bounce yourself on his cock, squeezing your own breasts as you moan in complete ecstasy, feeling him kissing your sweet spot each time.
Jason could only marvel and admire the beauty above him, his own chest slowly heaving from the sight. The way your hips moved was like art, your back arching like a flower stalk in the breeze, your lips crying out the sweetest of music.
You were gorgeous, where Jason was impatient. There was little time before his hold on you reinforced, his legs bracing along the mattress before he takes the lead, moaning out himself as he thoroughly fucks the girl that got them into this mess. A constant staccato of clinking from his belt accompanied the relentless pounding of his heavy, full balls against your ass.
The rest of his shirt would be ripped open with broken buttons hanging by severed threads done by impatient hands. Manicured nails scratching across every scar down his chest, inventing new ones after every climax you had, his cum coating your gushy walls white.
His neck would be doused in love bites the size of rose petals, matching similar to the bruises that will show up around your waist come morning.
Jason Todd was incredibly fucking lucky indeed, since the second he unawaringly snatched a rather tasteful romance novel for you at the book store.
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dilvuc · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Sebastian was still upset though and hadn’t spoken to the taller male in a minute. [Y] break the silence, “...I see that you find your new master. How is he?”
“...Like hell, but I'll manage…” Sebastian answered in a harsh tone and then it went silent once again. Damn, the demon is pissed off. Why?
“...Are you mad at me?” [Y] sweatdropped.
“We should stop talking and prepare some feast, Sire [L].” The butler ignored the question as he removed his coat and wore an apron, then rolled up his sleeves. “If you wish to talk then leave…”
“You are mad at me…” [Y] whined before removing his tailcoat and hanging them up. Sebastian pressed the peeler to the male's chest, “Peel them then wash the potatoes.”
“O…ok…” the taller male shuttered awkwardly. Just as Sebastian's order, [Y] begins peeling potatoes. It was an awkward silence once again. “Shit…He's really pissed off with me. Why? Is he in a bad mood?”
“...That child…” Sebastian spoke, grabbing the taller earl’s attention. “Is he yours…?”
Outside of the kitchen, Mey-rin was rushing with a bucket in hands. She was demanded to clean up, but she stopped and nearly tripped when she overheard Sebastian and [Y] talking in the kitchen.
“You mean Nova? Yes, he's my son.” [Y] answer Sebastian's question. The butler pouted as he aggressively chopped the carrots, nearly cutting the board in half, “I see…”
“Ah…Is that what he was mad about?”
“Did you break your promise and have an affair with someone else?” Sebastian questioned, swiftly chopping the carrots. “It's cruel to cheat on your lover like that.”
“L-lover?” Mey-rin gasped. The chef, the gardener, and Tanaka peek into the kitchen, startling Mey-rin. Baldo raised his eyebrows, “What are you doing? Spying?”
“Shh! Shh! I've heard that Sire [L] and Sebastian are lovers!” Mey-rin whispered harshly.
“What?? No way! I couldn't imagine Sebastian having a lover!” Baldo furrowed his eyebrows. Finny tilted his head, “Sebastian never talked about it before.”
“Not like he will talk about his personal life.” The chef huffed.
“Just listen!”
“Sebastian…Here I thought you could read the atmosphere.” [Y] deadpanned. Sebastian flinched, “W…what are you on about?”
“He shutters???” Baldo blinked owlishly.
“You mistakenly thought I was cheating on you with someone else. Nova…is my adopted son. I'm not in an affair with anyone.” [Y] stated, causing the butler to harshly chop the head of the carrot. The taller male flinched as the angry energy got stronger, but it quickly went away.
“I see. You certainly got me there! I was close to ending you with this knife~” Sebastian laughed joyfully. [Y] sweatdropped, “Don't laugh so joyfully!”
“Sorry~ I was starting to become jealous or perhaps angry that I want to rip your heart out.” The butler beamed, while waving the knife. “I'm just genuinely happy that you're not cheating on me with someone else~”
“Why would I cheat on you when my eyes are only on you?” [Y] winked. Sebastian chuckled with a soft blush, “Your charm haven't gone away~”
The [h] haired male then wrapped his arms around Sebastian's waist, then snuggled his face against his, “I was feeling lonely when you left, so when I found Nova, I decided to adopt him just so I wouldn't feel lonely.”
“So…that makes him my child as well?” Sebastian asked.
“We are married, aren't we?” [Y] grinned.
“Married?!” the three servants gawked, grabbing both the lovers’ attention to the door. Sebastian sighed with disappointment, “Of course they'll be spying on us.”
The four servants bowed before the butler with bumps on their heads. Sebastian huffed with his arms crossed, “Eavesdropping on conversation will lead to consequences. May I ask why you are eavesdropping?”
“I overheard you two talking, so…I got curious…” Mey-rin sweatdropped.
“Are you really married to Sebastian?! I can't imagine!” Baldo asked the taller male. [Y] chuckled, “True. Proposed to him two years ago…”
“Seeing Sebastian this happy is weird. I've never seen him like this.” The cook deadpanned. Sebastian glared, “Oh? Is it wrong for a butler to get married to an earl?”
“I just thought you're not the best type—” the cook received a shoe in the face before he could finish the sentence. The butler in black sighed, “Now that you all find out, you must keep this from master. We didn't want our relationship to be released in public.”
“You must be madly in love with Sire [L], Sebastian!” Mey-rin beamed. Sebastian blushed softly with his hand clasped on his cheek, “...I-indeed…”
“He shutters again. He's a simp.” Baldo whispers to Finny, earning another kick in the face.
“I think it's cute! I think you two make a great couple!” Finny beamed, clapping his hands. Mey-rin nodded with agreement. The cook recovered from a kick, “I don't think I will get used to this…”
“You might as well need to.” Sebastian huffed before turning to his husband, “We should continue preparing the feast. Master might be waiting.”
“Ah, right…”
“Your name is Nova, correct? You and your father don't seem to look alike…” Ciel narrowed his eyes at the child, who's reading a book. Nova whined, startled by Ciel's stare, “...A…adopted…”
“Adopted? So, you were adopted…?” Ciel questioned.
“Papa found me alone on the street after mummy left Nova to die because Daddy left her for another woman…” Nova explained. The earl was shocked at the answer. The four year old continued, “Papa raised me and fed me good food. Mummy never gave me good food before. She left me nothing but dog food…”
“I see…What made you enjoy books?” Ciel asked. “What sort of books do you like?”
The earl hummed with interest, “Fantasy, huh? You must've enjoyed reading something like that. Are you homeschooled?”
“The servants back home educated me while papa was working. They teach me how to read and write. They even help me write a letter to Papa whenever he's working.” Nova smiles softly.
“Ah. They taught you really well…” Ciel praised the child. How about you pick out some books? You can take it home with you, but promise you'll bring it back.”
“O-ok, Ciel-nii.” Nova nodded.
“...!” Ciel flinched before looking away with a soft blush, “Don't call me that…”
“Everything doing alright at the manor without me?” Sebastian asked the taller male while stirring up the cream. [Y] smiled as he chopped the potatoes, “Yeah, but it still feels kinda lonely…”
“You miss me that much?” The butler chuckled.
“Very much. What about you? Did you miss me?” [Y] teased. “I'm sure you do~ I can imagine you being excited about my arrival.”
“...” Sebastian blushed, looking away from his husband, “...Perhaps I do…”
The taller male wrapped his arms around Sebastian and snuggled his face with the raven haired butler, “You're so cute~ I love that about you.”
“E-enough…” Sebastian whined, feeling his husband’s soft face against his. The servants had never seen Sebastian act so cute before. When [Y] around, the cute side of Sebastian has been exposed. The cook twitches his eyebrow at the scene, “Look at him acting all cutesy…”
“It's adorable, yes, it is!” Mey-rin beamed, clasping his hands together.
“By the way, are you free tomorrow? I would like to request if you could watch over Nova while I'm working?” [Y] clasped his hands together. “I'll be away for three days during a business trip.”
“Three days? Didn't you just got back last week?” Sebastian tilted his head. The taller male scratched the back of his head, “Well…there had been trouble at the factory in another country and they needed me to handle a few things.”
“I see. How disappointing. I was looking forward to spending more time with you.” Sebastian sighed with disappointment. [Y] smile, then whisper in the butler’s ear, “Say, how about coming over at my manor tonight when your master and Nova fall asleep? Meet me in my room tonight?”
“...Ah…You don't mean…” Sebastian's eyes widened with realization.
[Y] smirked as he gently wraps his arm around the butler's waist and intertwined his fingers with his own, “Right~ I'll be taking control tonight~”
“...!” Sebastian's face turned entirely red. This human of his will always be the one and only person to make a demon flustered. “Y…your charm is one my biggest weakness.”
“Oh-ho~ Is it?” [Y] purred.
“T-the servants are watching. Please stop…” the butler looks away, but the taller male doesn't care and pulls the butler closer. “Who cares~ Let them watch, just to let them know that you're mine~”
Sebastian used his free hand to push his husband's face away, “[Y]...! E-enough!”
Too late, the [h] haired male is already getting freaky as the servants watch, covering Finny’s eyes.
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╰┈➤ 𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
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sweetcollywobbles · 8 months
my yandere!leon headcanons so far MDNI
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hello! these are just a few headcanons i had about leon as a yandere and a person in general. there is nsfw below the cut, so MINORS AND AGELESS BIOS FUCK OFF ‼ also feel free to send me your thoughts on yandere!leon and your personal headcanons if you have any!!
⟢ he's self-aware that what he's done to you is horrible. he knows you have every right to hate him, but that doesn't stop him from wishing you would love him back. he never meant to hurt or deceive you, but he's lost and given too much. leon wants someone to come home to, share a meal with, and feel needed and wanted. to receive a sliver of what he's given out. so forgive him if he's being selfish when it comes to you, but he deserves happiness too. so why not help him play house?
⟢ smells of bergamot and lavender. it’s nice and relaxing, but also musky and woodsy. he read somewhere that lavender calms the nerves, so he just absolutely lathers himself in the scent. Sometimes you swear he smells like sleep personified. unfortunately, he’s still a man, so he uses old spice lavender body wash. for cologne, he uses sauvage by dior. 
⟢ normalcy is hard. how can anyone go back into society as if the amount of  horrors you’ve seen, aren’t there? like you’re fine and everything is fine? so, leon has found a pretty good remedy, company. each friday, a sit down dinner with claire, chris, and jill. pizza, wings, and beer every sunday with chris watching whatever football game is on. sometimes they may not know the current standings of teams, but it’s fun to pretend that they do. yet friends can only fill the void so much, maybe with you, the world won’t feel so lonely. 
⟢ he has a major sweet tooth! likes his coffee with cream and sugar, won’t drink his coffee black unless he really needs it. leon will always have room for dessert lmao. has tried to bake, but he just doesn’t got it 💀something just always goes wrong. a big ice cream/frozen yogurt guy. once a month, leon will make a “everything under the kitchen sink” sundae. he’ll dump whatever pints of ice cream into a large bowl and top it off with whatever candy, syrup, and whip topping he has. leon is usually on a very strict diet, so why not splurge?
⟢ leon on his off time has taught himself how to smoke/grill meat. only knows how to make small side dishes to go with the meat that he’s made. mashed potatoes and grilled veggies are usually his two favorite go-to sides. 
⟢ i'm a firm believer that leon's receiving love languages are quality time and words of affirmation with a hint of acts of service. leon works a lot, whether at the office or away on another mission, this poor, tired man is always working. so when he's home be prepared to be attached at the hip. leon also has a lot of self-doubt and guilt about what he's done to you, so by telling him how much you love and appreciate him, it feeds his growing delusion that what he's done is necessary. you need him just as much as he needs you. it also adds to the reassurance when you do small things for him to show your love and appreciation, whether it’s real or not. like cleaning and folding his laundry, making him a cup of coffee in the morning, back rubs after a long day, or even packing his lunch for the day. 
i’m giggling at the thought of leon keeping all the small notes you add to his lunch, reading them when the day gets tough. or maybe he has one or two in a go-bag when he has to take small out-of-state trips for work. 
⟢ building off the one before, he won't admit it but he's clingy. he prefers showers, but will choose a bath if it means he gets a small intimate moment with you in the morning. not in a sexual sense, more in a “let’s bask in each other’s presence”. never sits across from you at a table or booth, always next to you. same thing for the couch. there could be a thousand pillows on the bed, but he always chooses yours. leon will also never lets you sleep facing any windows/doors for security reasons. there is no such thing as personal space with this man.
⟢ since leon is a yandere his reciprocating love language is all of them. he wants you to stay with him, so he is willing to drown you in his love until it's the only thing you'll ever know. i'm going to break this down a little in sections.  
⟡ leon isn't the best when it comes to choosing the words that relay how he feels. the words feel wrong and it leaves him awkward. so any sort of verbal praise from him is rare. the most you would get from him is a thumbs up and a "sure" or a pat on the back with a nod.
(😀👍🏻 <— leon fr) but, put a piece of paper infront of this man and all of a sudden he's writing words that’ll make shakespear blush. it's words so sickly sweet it gives you a toothache. leon really hates himself for not being able to verbal relay this to you, but maybe you can feel what he wants to say?
⟡ leon is just really good at showing you how he feels than telling you. I KNOW THIS MAN WOULD GIVE THE BEST HUGS BECAUSE HE SO DESPERATELY NEEDS ONE. just imagining leon giving you a bear hug, fully enveloping you, and he can't help but hold you a little closer. maybe even holds your head a little more to him. his eyes are closed, soaking up the loving moment, he might even do a little sigh of relief. because with you, he's safe. with you, he's loved. and he just wants you to feel the love he has for you through every action. to feel what he can't say. (SORRY I GOT OFF TRACK!!) leon also always has to be touching you in some way. his favorite places for kisses; nose, cheek, neck, or hand. every morning, when he's holding you close, he'll leave small repeated kisses on your neck until you wake up giggling. not really into lip kisses, but will sometimes start a lazy make out session. just loves holding you whenever he can and making sure you feel loved at all times.
⟡ leon will also do the most for you. having a hard time sleeping? he's awake with you, lightly scratching your back in small circles or holding you close while he's running his fingers through your hair. leon just can't sleep knowing that you're having a hard time sleeping. hungry but don't want to cook? he's in the kitchen cheffing it up. putting love in every plate that he makes you, even if it isn't restaurant quality. i feel like leon will also leave you small notes around the house in places that you would find, but it's little drawings instead of words. in the slow cooker, a picture of a flower. in between the dryer sheets, a bad stick figure drawing of what you think is of you and him. at some random page of the book you're reading, a simple heart. 
⟡ leon loves spending time with you. it doesn't matter what it is, even if you're doing nothing. he wants to do nothing with you. his favorite thing to do with you is listen to you. whether you’re rambling about the latest tv drama he knows nothing about or it’s late at night and you’re reading whatever book you’ve picked up. he loves being in the kitchen when you’re cooking/baking. he’s your dedicated sous chef, so feel free to boss him around like your gordon ramsay. although, i’m so sorry for the amount of “my name is sue” jokes he’ll make. loves watching movies, putting together legos/ doing diy crafts, and playing mario kart. 
⟢ when it comes to pet names, leon will add a “my” to the start of it. he’s possessive and it shows in his actions. will often say: my girl, my sweetheart, my baby, my angel, etc.
nsfw (i’m not good at smut sorry)
⟢ the praise problem does not equate to what happens in the bedroom. i'm sorry, i just simply refuse. a complete 180, he's a talker. whether it's saying something so outlandishly lewd like he wants the whole world to hear or sickly sweet nothings in your ear, this dude will NOT stfu. (and it makes me giggle and kick my feet) I WILL PUT MY LIFE ON THE LINE AND SAY THAT THIS MAN IS ABSOLUTELY FERAL IN BED. he's always stressed. from his job, from the lack of self care, from the past that just never seems to leave him. he's on edge. he has healthy ways of releasing it, but sometimes the gym or extra training isn't enough. 
⟢ which can lead to leon being a little mean in bed. he’s absolutely degrading the life out of you while also giving you whiplash with the praise that he gives you as well. leon is a lot more aggressive and at some point you’re just a fleshlight to him. spanking, choking, biting, spitting, you name it, it is on the table. also licking whatever drool comes out of his mouth makes him lose his mind fr.
⟢ i'm not good at writing smut, but i do have an idea of what i think leon's favorite sex positions would be. the first one would be mating press. it's extremely intimate and it allows him to be close to your face and neck than the regular missonary position. again, he really gets off knowing that he's the one getting you off. another postition would be cowgirl, it gives him full view of your chest and face, except you're not really riding him. again, he just using you as a fleshlight like giving you the perception that you’re in control. another would be you on your belly and him basically putting you in a headlock. IDK WHAT IT’S CALLED BUT IF YKYK. and leon just saying the most down right atrocious things in your ear would make me go crazy. 
⟢ last but not least, ✨moaning✨. i like to think that he’s a grunter and whiner at the same time. idk if that makes any sense? he’s loud but not obscenely loud. but sometimes when he overstimulates himself, he’s a complete whiner like lovi (again if ykyk).
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How the “Azriel only lusts after Elain” crowd must have read the series.
"But Azriel's attention was on my sister, a polite, bland smile on his face as he stared at her chest. Her shoulders loosened a bit."
"Elain said to Azriel, perhaps the only two civilized ones here, "Can you truly fly?" He set down his fork, blinking. I might have even called him self-conscious, but he was certainly just thinking about how to bed her."
"Azriel arrived first, no shadows to be seen, my sister a pale golden mass in his arms, his hands placed firmly on her bottom."
"Azriel smiled faintly. "Would you like me to show you the garden?" he asked as he stared at her chest, never looking her in the eyes."
Azriel, gracefully as any courtier, offered her an arm. I couldn't tell if she was looking at his blue Siphon or at his scarred skin beneath as she breathed, "Beautiful". It was clear what Azriel was looking at. Color bloomed high on Azriel's golden-brown cheeks, but he inclined his head in thanks and led my sister toward the back doors into the garden, where he made his intentions to bed her known."
"Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise longue across the gray stones, sunning his wings and reading what looked to be a stack of reports - likely information on the Autumn court that he planned to present to Rhys once he'd sorted through it all. He'd look up from the reports to give Elain what could only be described as bedroom eyes, disinterested in anything she'd try to say to him."
"Azriel's hazel eyes churned as he studied my sister, her too-thin body. He stared a bit too long at her chest."
"I can help her," said Azriel, stepping to the table as Elain silently rose. No shadows at his ear, no darkness ringing his fingers as he extended a hand. Nesta monitored him like a hawk, but kept silent as Elain took his hand, and out they went. He took a moment to ogle her backside first."
"It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. From how often I catch him staring at her chest, it's clear he only intends to sleep with her at the first opportunity."
"Then Azriel, gently taking Elain's hand in his own while staring at her chest, as if afraid his scars would hurt her."
"From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, "I'm getting her back." Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel's hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, "Then you will die." Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, "I'm getting her back. I will not lose my chance to sleep with her."
"Azriel gently removed the gag from her mouth. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head, devouring the site of him as if not quite believing it, "You came for me." The shadowsinger inclined his head and made a crude joke about making them both come once she's freed of her chains."
"Yet Elain didn't seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger's cheek. His pants tightened in response."
"Azriel, still limping, merely nudged aside Cassian and extended another option. "This is Truth-Teller," he told her softly. "I won't be using it today-so I want you to. If you die, I won't get my chance to bed you."
"Elain nodded, smiling up at me, and it was tentative joy-and life that shone in her eyes…That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel's shadows across the room. That wasn't the only thing on Azriel that grew."
"But Azriel only took Elain's heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, "Sit, I'll take care of it. You'll need your energy for later if I can have my way with you."
"I found Elain studying it, beautiful in her amythst-colored gown. I made to move toward her, but someone beat me to it…Especially as he gently said to my sister, "Happy Solstice." Elain turned from the snow falling in the darkness and smiled slightly. Azriel eyes churned with lust."
"Azriel mastered himself enough to say, "Thank you." I'd never seen his hazel eyes so bright, though it's clear he just felt lust and not joy."
"Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she'd sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using her seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. He didn't seem to be paying attention as he nodded absent-mindedly and stared at her chest."
ACOSF (Bonus for the shadows don't like Elain readers)
""Because of the shit with Elain?" Azriel stilled. "What happened to Elain?" Cassian waved a hand… Cassian surveyed the shadows gathered around Az. "You all right?" His brother nodded. "Fine". But the shadows still swarmed him. Not because of his worry about Elain, they don't like her at all. For other reasons."
"Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain's face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike. The shadows don't like Elain though."
"Nesta met the shadowsinger's stare and he gave her a nod. Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Through then. Elain's breath caught slightly and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room. Nesta knew it was lust Azriel felt for her sister."
"Letting him see that she understood why he stood in the doorway, why he wouldn't go near the fire. Because he lusted for Elain so much, it pained him. His secret to tell, never hers."
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ophelieverse · 2 years
Hi! I was thinking about Jacaerys and his Targaryen!wife welcoming their first baby, a little girl (you choose if Strong or Targaryen appearance). Just a fluff story of a teen couple being cute.
ღA daughter of the summer.
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader.
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I added a little something in the beginning,because I’m a simp for simp Jace.Hope you don’t mind and that you will like it anyway.Let me know what you think💕(sorry for the errors)Also reader is a Targaryen so she will have their features,if incest makes your uncomfortable do not read.
It happened during the summer,when he was just a child,a small boy who didn’t knew anything about it,who only ever saw love reflected in his mother sweet eyes.
It wasn’t love at first sight,he had known her since their were born,and it didn’t even happened the second,the third or fourth time that he saw her.It happened the summer of his ten years,when Jacaerys first realized what love was and that he was in love with Y/n.
The sun was up in the sky warming everything with his rays,the golden light made it look like it was a fairytale,the sound of the crushing waves on the shore and the calming breeze of the wind were the most beautiful lullaby.
The two of them were sitting on the beach,they clothes wet and clinging to their bodies,sand all over their hands and faces after playing in the water all evening.They had always been this close,sharing secrets,codes,dreams together,but it was on that day that Jacaerys felt for the first time something pulling his heart.
Y/n was sitting next to him,her light green dress was promoted above her knees,her long pale blonde hair sticking to her warm face and neck,her eyes were closed enjoying and bathing in the sun to dry herself before her mother could come and get her.Like this he didn’t look like a princess,a proper Lady for her age,but she didn’t care.
She had always felt safe,sheltered by Jacaerys presence,like she could decide to wear a potato sack or act like a wild child raised by wolves and he wouldn’t question her,not even blink his eyes,before joining her in her careless and free nature.
«Mother said that when i’ll come to the age,i will have to marry Lord Lannister son.»Y/n said,her voice was calma as the wind,her purple eyes now opened to turn and look at the boy next to her.
Jacaerys stood silent,the only noise was his pulse drumming in his ears.He felt his mouth go dry,a strange pain,like a sting,the words that had just left her mouth,hurting his entire body and freezing his mind.
«I hope that day will never come.»she said again,her eyes were sad,the sound of her voice flickering something in him.
He wanted her happy,he always did.He wanted someone to know the warmth of her smile,to feel the way he did when he was in her presence.He wanted someone to care for her,to read her stories with a calm and soothing voice when she was sad,to remember remove the peel on her fruits,especially on peaches,or to cut her bread in little stars form so that she could eat it more willingly.Someone who would let her play with their hair when she was zooming out,to help her come back to reality,to help her calm down by caressing her back but only from her shoulders to the bottom,no the other way around.
It was only in that moment that Jacaerys realized how much he actually knew about her,all her little small details that he had memorized and kept close to him,where nobody could have ruined them,right in his heart.
He felt a connection with Y/n,a bond that he couldn’t explain to anyone because even him couldn’t understand.When two souls intertwine to each other,there is nothing but yearing to be close to the other.The presence that is felt by hand held,a voice heard,a smile seen,the burning desire that was consuming his very being,the strength he had to put to not tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and brush her soft skin,felt like love for the first time.
Souls don’t have calendars,nor they understand the notion of time and distance.They only know that it feels right to be with one another.
This was the reason why Jacaerys felt his chest ache,his hands sweating,and his body itching to be close to her.That was the reason he missed her so much when she wasn’t not there,even if she was just in the room next to his,the feeling of not being graced with her presence even of a second felt like an agony.
His soul felt her absence,the very moment she had announced her mother plans for her,it was like she was saying goodbye to him.But he couldn’t let her,how could he survive without the way her eyes sparkled whenever she was explaining something to him,the way her warm hands touched his whenever she felt overwhelmed and needed someone to support her in the room,the way she waited patiently for him to tie up the cloak on her shoulders when it was too cold or her hair up when it was too hot?
He needed her right next to him as much as she needed him,no one else would take care and love her like he did.
«Would you think of me?»Jacaerys asked suddenly.
Y/n looked at him,confusion all over her beautiful face«For what?»she asked.
He smiled,looking at her like every girl wanted to be looked at«If the day of marrying Lord Lannister son won’t come.»he started with a hopeful voice«Will you think about marrying me?».
Y/n had thought about it every day,months and year till she became eighteen,the right age to finally become a wife just like her mother did.
It was again another summer and the young princess thoughts were set on him.She was his aunt,his mother youngest sibling,but it never felt wrong for her to think about Jacaerys in that way.
Being able to find someone you click with so naturally,was the most beautiful feeling.The feeling to be this close to her best friend for her whole life,felt like coming home.She had always felt so comfortable with him,maybe that was what having a soulmate felt like.Not someone she could have shared something in common with,but someone who felt like home.
Y/n didn’t wanted some other rich or handsome man,she wanted Jacaerys.Him who could always understand when her eyes were sad,or how sometimes she stumbled on her words,telling her to breath and start again slowly,him who would point to his chest and tell her “Here is your home.”
«You are in love with him.»Helaena,her older sister,had pointed out one day with a soft voice.
Y/n felt her cheeks heating up,a warm feeling in her chest«How do you know?»she wasn’t even denying it at this point.
Her sister smiled to her tenderly«I can tell by the way you look at him.»she explained.
«Oh?»she said surprised«And how do i do that?»she asked.
Helaena held her hand«Like when he finally look in your direction,you can breath for the first time.»
She looked at him the way he needed to be looked at,like the whole world could crumble down and she wouldn’t even blink.
Years later,under the sunset,orange and pink painting the sky and the clouds roaming around in their softness,they were both laying on a blanket on their spot on the beach.
He had become taller,his hair longer,but he was still the young boy who had fell hopelessly in love with her all those years ago.
Jacaerys removed the peel on the peaches,passing them to Y/n who was sitting right next to him.She was wearing a beautiful emerald dress,a color that he only loved on her and no one else,he had also tied up her pale hair so that they couldn’t get in the way while she was eating.
He never cared about peaches,he didn’t even actually liked them,but that summer her plump lips were so stained with the juices that it was the only thing he ever wanted to taste.
He didn’t had a favorite fruit,but right now,with her next to him laughing at all his jokes,he sworn to the gods that he would be more that happy to eat peaches all his life if that meant having her.
«I thought of you.»she said suddenly,a longing expression on her beautiful face.
Jacaerys took a napkin in his hand,remembering how soft and clean her the skin of her face felt under his palm as he wiped her chin gently«For what?»he asked.
Y/n had a smile on her face that only him was able to put on her«The day of my marrige with Lord Lannister son is coming closer»she started with a shaky voice,the painful light in his eyes stung her heart«But i want to marry you.»she told him,opening up her biggest desire.
Jacaerys heart was beating so fast that he thought he could had lost it,like it was trying to escape to be with hers«You thought about me?»he asked again,his voice was thin,his eyes never living an inch of her face.
She nodded immediately,her cheeks were the same color of the sky,softer than the clouds«It’s you i want to be married with.It’s you in a thousand of lifetimes,in a hundred of ways.It’ll always be you for me.»she stated.
Jacaerys caressed her cheek,her felt warm and familiar.He felt solid and safe,his shy smile the only happiness she ever felt and his arms the only home she wanted to live in.She wanted to cling to his shirt,bury her face in the warm curve of his neck and never let go.
«I thought of you too.»he had to let her know,what by now their heart already understood long time ago.
«Did you?»Y/n asked with a little giggle,the sound blessing his ears.
Jacaerys nodded his head,still caressing her skin«I always think of you before i fall asleep.The words you said,the way you looked.The things we laughed about and the silent moments we shared.»he started,the sincerity in his voice and the way his eyes glowed drinking in her figure,made her shiver.
«And when i dream,i dream of you.Because it’s about you,it’ll always be about you.»he said.
Y/n reminded him of every good day he had,of every summer spent on the beach and swimming the sea.Every sunrise,every sunset spent in her presence.She looked like a goddess,and smelled like light.And whenever she spoke to him,it felt like someone was slowly plucking the string of an arp,a beautiful song staring to play,her melodious voice all for his own.And he loved her,every single minute of it.
The he was kissing her,his fingers running through her hair and her heart beat was merging with his.Somewhere above them,the little stars that took the sun place,were burning out for them.Fire coming alive at the other end of heart,the world seemed to cave in as his knees buckled tasting the sunshine and the peaches on her lips,his thoughts racing as if it was his last moment.
They fell on the blanket in a tangled mess of wild wandering limbs,their lips never leaving each other.Jacaerys grabbed her by the waist with trembling fingers,he was gentle,scared of hurting her.
Y/n laughed,a sound that he could listen to for the rest of his life«You know i’m not going to break,right?I’m not as delicate as you think i’m»she stated with a little smile.
Jacaerys shuddered«I still think i’m going to break you.I can’t believe i’m doing this,never in my wildest dream-»
She put a finger on his lips,silencing his worries«Just kiss me.»she breathed.
It happened so many years ago,when Jacaerys first realized that he was in love with Y/n for the first time.And now it was clear for everyone,it could be seen in their eyes;that they weren’t quiet friends anymore.
They way she smiled for him,the way his face lit up when she was speaking to him,the way they held hands and presented the joyful news that now Y/n was expecting the child of the heir to the throne.Everyone could see it,clear as the day,they weren’t friend anymore but they grew in something even greater.
Swearing their love in front of their family and realms,now waiting for the result of their undying feeling for each other.
Another summer had come by,before the glowing sun could sunk down the horizon and the moon took his place,a high pitched cried echoed in Y/n chambers.
The young princess was laying in the bed,her white nightgown was stained in blood between her legs,clinging her skin just like her hair were sticking on her neck.Sweaty and tired face,the painful feeling seemed to disappear from her aching body when the midwife handed her child to her husband.
«Congratulations,my prince»the Maester said«It’s a girl.»
Jacaerys vision was blurred,hot tears in the corner of his eyes as held close his daughter to his chest.A girl,a beautiful girl with tufts of blonde hair and dark black eyes,a perfect resemblance of him and his wife in everything he was looking at.
«Oh,she is so beautiful.»he stated with a tremble in his voice«We are gonna love her so well.»he promised her,now handing his daughter to his wife safe and loving embrace.
Y/n smile lighted the entire room«She has your eyes»she noticed with teary eyes.
Her daughter little red face was looking up at her,the same dark eyes that Y/n had grown to love and to find reassurance in,so glad that she inherited the same trait.
It made her heart warm up,the little girl being born just the first day of another summer,during the warm weather and longer days.The days Y/n and her husband had spent loving each other dearly,growing up together,discovering themselves and watching at their young love bloom.
A child of the summer for when their soul bonded to each other forever,for whe they first realized that they belonged in each other presence.A summer princess with beautiful blonde eyes like her mother and her father eyes.
Jacaerys sat down on the warm bed,close to where his small family was.His heart exploding with all the love he was feeling in that very moment,watching his wife,a force of nature,bringing him the best gift he could ever asked for.
«She is as beautiful as you,my Y/n.You are so brave and so strong,for giving me everything i ever wanted.»he was stroking the hair out of her face,placing a loving and tender kiss on her lips.
«There is nothing i wanted more.»she said,kissing him again.
«What shall be her name,my prince?»the Maester asked then.
His daughter squirmed in his wife arms,but she didn’t cry no more.Already feeling safe and at ease in her parents presence.
«Alysanne»said Jacaerys,the perfect name that his wife chose long time ago.
«She will be a good queen one day.»Y/n said,lulling her daughter in her arms.
Jacaerys smiled,with so much sincerity.If his younger self could see him right now,he would be so proud of himself for having the courage to take everything he ever truly wanted.
If his younger self asked«If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life,what will it be?»
«Peaches.»he would answer«I could live a life on nothing but peaches.»
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tgmsunmontue · 4 days
Season to Taste - 15/? WIP
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Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                He laughs as he enters the restaurant, Leandro and Silvia’s voices calling out to him and he’s very aware that they’ve arranged a party later for his birthday and also his new residency visa. He hadn’t been paying attention, hadn’t thought about it, until Ice had raised it last year in one of their phone calls and told him that his passport was going to expire and he needed to maybe consider coming home. Except he’d been gone for nearly a decade and it didn’t feel like home anymore. He hadn’t been able to fathom it.
                Then Ice had brought all the paperwork to him, walking into the restaurant himself and Bradley had hugged him so tightly because the anger has long since faded but the pride at not wanting to apologize for running away was still there. He has no regrets about running away, or how his life has turned out so far. He’s happy and has found a big family that has just enveloped him and made him one of their own and he can’t imagine his life being better in any way. Vi is his best friend, along with Giacomo, the three of them doing a road trip to Roma to the American Embassy to apply for his new passport in the summer.         
                “What are going to do to celebrate?”
                “Well, I know it’s maybe a little dramatic, but I thought of getting a tattoo.”
                “Yeah? What of?”
                “I’ve got some ideas.”
…            …            …
                Bradley watches as Jake dips every single piece of potato into sauce before eating it. He can’t believe how comfortable and happy he feels right now. They clear away the plates and wash up, before settling on the sofa, Jake’s head in his lap. They’re going to watch documentaries, because that and movies are apparently the only thing Jake likes to watch, which explains why he’s never seen Bradley on TV if this is what he prefers. Bradley himself doesn’t usually have time to watch anything, so it’s nice, just the novelty of sitting there and enjoying being close to someone else. He doesn’t even notice he’s snuck his hand beneath Jake’s t-shirt and been rubbing his thumb back and forth softly over his stomach until Jake’s hand covers his and he stills, goes to almost apologize and move his hand but Jake’s hand is firm, holding Bradley’s hand in place.
                “You’ve already ordered off the menu tonight, are you that insatiable you’re going back for seconds?”
                “Technically I think it’s thirds. And you did call yourself an all you can eat buffet,” Bradley jokes, but he really hadn’t been aiming to start anything, had simply been enjoying touching and being close.
                “Well, this buffet is closed sorry. Maybe after I’ve had a couple hours sleep we can reassess.”
                Bradley shakes his head like he’s somehow disappointed despite it not being the case, and he grins down at Jake’s upside-down face.
                “Mmm… it’s okay. If it gets bad enough I can always go self-service.”
                Jake snorts and Bradley can’t help but grin, it’s easy and fun and while a little part of him is worried it’s going to burn fast and bright before crashing and burning he can’t find it in himself to care. He doesn’t want to miss out on the right-now because of something that might happen.
                “Oh no… no no no. Hmm, wait. Maybe I wouldn’t mind watching that. Was going to say I could take care of that for you, but maybe I’ll just be lazy and watch.”
                “Well, it’s all hypothetical anyway, I wasn’t actually angling for anything more than a kiss…”
                “Ah, well, I am always happy to kiss you. You know, sticking with your food and sex philosophy… for me sauce is like kissing. No one needs sauce to make the food taste better, sometimes the food can be amazing without it. And I can eat it without it. But I’m always going to want to add sauce…”
                “And you’re always going to want kissing too huh?”
                “I wouldn’t say no.”
                “Come here then…” Bradley says, and he’s smiling as he bends down and presses his lips against Jake’s, his entire body thrumming with happiness as Jake’s nose bumps his chin and he pulls back, a sudden thought occurring to him.
                “You wouldn’t have sauce with dessert would you?”
                “Leo, babe, dessert is all the hand-holding, and cuddling and gentle touches. Of course I want sauce with them.”
                Bradley blinks, shakes his head.
                “No, I mean actual real literal dessert, like brownie or… ice cream.”
                “Oh. Huh. Well… I haven’t tried sauce with any desserts, but also I don’t have the biggest sweet tooth. Maybe because I can’t add sauce.”
                “Mmm. You are pretty sweet already.”
                “Oh, I know dozens of people who would disagree with you there but I’m glad you think so. Don’t mind being sweet with you…”
…            …            …
                Other than their serious conversation about starting a relationship, they haven’t had any deep and meaningful conversations. Yet. Until yesterday afternoon when he’d picked Leo up from Maria’s and then… found himself dating the guy. They’ve spent four nights out of five together, nearly every meal, and he’s well aware that he’s pretty much living with Leo in his not-so-little rental accommodation for the duration of his stay. He likes that it’s a neutral space for the time being, which has been good. Especially as he doesn’t exactly have a place of his own, his bedroom in Nicola’s apartment not exactly the most useful of places when he wants to hook up with someone, mainly because the apartment also usually contains Nicola herself.
                But if he’s going to date Leo, try having a relationship with distance between them, then he wants to share his little piece of home in his sister’s apartment. Show Leo the farm properly, because he’d actually seemed pretty interested in that yesterday when he’d mentioned it. He already knows that Leo’s parents are a minefield, but he’s going to ask because he’s going to gut himself in return. He knows he’s going to have to share bits that don’t make him happy, if they’re going to actually going to make a serious go of this. But he’s going to start small.
                “So, want to tell me about why you have a giant fuck off rooster tattooed on your leg?”
                “You don’t want to make a couple of guesses first?” Leo asks, rolling in the bed and giving Jake a mischievous grin and eyebrow waggle. God the man is a giant dork.
                “Because you’re a cock?” Jake asks, trying to make his expression sweet.
                “Well, you’re not doing any false advertising.”
                “It’s my family name.”
                Jake frowns, because okay, he knows Leo’s name is Bradley Bradshaw, but he answers to Leo just as easily, which he knows is short for Leonardo…
                “My Italian family name. It’s Gallo, which means… well, direct translation is rooster.”
                “And a non-direct translation?” Jake asks. Leo grins again, looking smug.
                “Strong voice… good in bed…”
                “Oh, so you are a cock.”
                “I did say you were close.”
…            …            …
                He has to leave Leo in bed, which sucks for so many reasons but Leo looks fucked out and happy, already half-asleep and Jake presses a kiss to his bare shoulder.
                “I’ll be back in a few hours. In time for lunch. Let me know if there’s anything you need from the farm or grocery store…”
                He gets a muffled grunt for his trouble and Leo just shoves his head further into the pillow. Jake grins and heads for the door. He should be gone for about four hours to help his sisters on the farm. They have workers, but there’s always more work to be done and while many of them have other jobs they’re all still local and he gets to leave for months on end, and not have to deal with the realities of… home. He still needs to talk to Leo about that. Try and have a conversation that doesn’t lead to them immediately fucking. It’s a tall order. Maybe that’s where the distance might be a good thing.
                He pulls his truck into the yard and looks around at the assembled vehicles and rolls his eyes. Fucking great. They’re all here, the Seresin-sister grapevine clearly working as intended. God, he hopes Leo was serious about not getting scared off easy. He’s never introduced someone to his sisters before. Not someone that he’s actually serious about, and for all the shaking up that Leo has done in the last week it’s like a snow globe slowly settling and revealing the scene. He likes the view so far.
                He sits in his truck and drums his fingers against the steering wheel, wonders if he should maybe just start it again and drive away. He wouldn’t put it past them to drive after him, although Sandra and Amanda probably have their kids with them, so they might not chase after him. He sucks in a breath and throws his shoulders back. He can do this. His sisters love him and it’s just going to be embarrassing and maybe he can get the worst of it out of the way now and tomorrow night, when they actually meet Leo, they’ll manage to not humiliate him.
                He won’t hold his breath.
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baohanhanesel · 8 months
Just thinking about John Soap Mactavish meeting a girl, taking her out on a few dates, becoming her boyfriend and he is such a sweetheart too!
He is the man for her, always treating her, giving her sappy poems he wrote while on deployment, his sketches, flowers and all. He buys herb tea for her when she feels bad because he knows she likes a good bitter tea to burn her throat. He knows she prefers tea over coffee. He knows her favorite things on earth and truly it is a shame he goes to deployment so soon. He loves his job, sure. But he loves her too!
He proposes to her within six months, the proposal comes early for her expectations and she fears he is lovebombing. But she accepts the proposal, puts on the ring anyways because she knows John Mactavish is the best deal out there. Always with his confidence, bravery, gentleness and happiness. He is smiling a lot for someone who has seen a lot. And she appreciates him for it. For never letting that violence get through him. For having the most beautiful smile.
So when she ties the knot with him, it is early, she knows. They get married, and everything is much better! He is extra careful, extra gentle. He smiles more, talks more. She fears this will all end one day. That this is the honeymoon phase to the marriage. Because coming to think of it, they only met 6 months ago. This is all a bit strange, but she won't let herself overthink this. She'll enjoy her marriage. She'll enjoy Johnny and his smile.
"John you will break it."
"Don't worry, luv. I'll handle it!" Said John. Who was putting their toaster apart and trying to inspect the problem before putting it together.
She sighed, she knew the outcome. Her husband loved to put things apart and then put it together. But every single time. The thing would be broken. And this time would be no different. Another expensive indulgence he is in. She should probably stop him from breaking the thing before it is too late and bring it to someone who actually understands. But it feels like it would be like taking away a child's toy.
And as expected, not even fifteen minutes later Johnny rises his head and smiles clumsily.
"The thing was burnt from the inside, couldn't save it."
"Mhm." She knows it wasn't.
"... I'll buy a new one."
Next time she wouldn't let him break it.
"What will we be eatin' tonight?"
"I have no idea. What should we do?"
This earned a grumble from him, there was no food when he got home? Was she sick? He wasn't used to coming to a home with no warm meal. In their house, it didn't work like that.
"You didn't think of anythin'?!" He is just taken aback, he thought things would be different.
"Nope." She is just as taken aback. What is she supposed to do? He didn't say he would come home today or specificed what he wanted for dinner so she forgot.
After seeing his upset shoulders, and also the inability to speak up about it she got in the kitchen. Seeing what he just pushed her to do, John was quickly behind her.
"So what are we uhm, cooking?" He says this with a sly smirk, she turns to look at his face.
"We? Go sit down John, I'll figure something out."
"Whaaat no! I'd die sitting still when you're cooking for me!"
Just like that, they tried to work in the kitchen together. But whatever John did, she was all over him.
"John, That's too much oil, love! Meat already has some oil in it y'know?"
"I always do it like this!" He insists.
He moves to work with the mashed potatoes, she stops him.
"John. When did margarine enter our house?!"
"Margarine? It says butter on it."
"John..." She sighs. It is the name of the brand. But it takes a moment longer for him to realize it. It is fine though, it is silly.
Next time she'll remind him not to put too much oil or to read the items better next time. Next time, she hopes, for once he won't do things his way.
It is honestly so shocking to see them being so awkward and different within a few weeks of living together. John is always stubborn, and so is she. John does things his way, and she never corrects him even though she says she will. John keeps breaking stuff in order to fix them, and she keeps forgetting about the dinner because he didn't specifically tell her he'll be home.
Guess the honeymoon phase had ended quickly.
"John! For the nth time!" She huffed, exhausted with this. "Why are you so stubborn to let someone else take care of things?"
"I am just tryna fix it!" He is smiling nervously, and a little disappointed in himself. It was in his nature. He was a curious man, let him live!
"Bonnie, really? Again.." He shakes his head and rubs his temples, though he has an exhausted bitter smile tugging on his lips. "'m going to bed."
"I am sorry, I... I still haven't gotten used to your schedule." She pouts, watching him leave to his room. It wasn't her fault... She was forgetful of the days he was home or not.
"Why must you never listen?!" She was the first one to bite. And John had bit back.
"Why must you not care? Why do you forget me?"
"I do not forget you. I am getting used to it!"
Just like that, they argued for hours to no end. John was nervous as to think if he did something wrong. Because things weren't like this before. She was sad too, thinking about their old days. Maybe they did act rash about this.
Maybe they were fools for acting too fast.
She said nothing, so didn't John.
"Love..." She looked at the washing machine. That is no longer in any way functioning. It was separated into its parts. She sighed, rubbing her temples. It hadn't been a month since their last argument.
"I was..." He trailed off. "Sorry,"
This time he didn't smile after his mistake, and the absence of his smile stabbed her in the heart. She widened her eyes, and looked at the expensive mistake.
"Oh, so it had those things in it?"
John's head snapped back at her, blinking with confusion.
"Huh. Yeah. Yeah!" He smiles. And suddenly her whole world is at peace again, and the knife retreats from her heart.
She did not correct him before, she wouldn't correct him again. Damn those expensive mistakes, nothing was worth more than Johnny's smile. His smile was worth more than anything. She'd write down a new memo each week to follow his always changing schedule. Anything for that smile to stay put on his face. John had given her everything. He'd been so patient with her forgetfulness. So patient with her reluctance to sudden changes even though it was the most simple thing like a schedule.
The least she could do was to protect his smile and savour it.
I apologize for this. I just rambled. Might be bad, it is probably bad. No beta read or anything just a slap of late night thoughts. I just think Johnny's smile is one of the most attractive things about him. And I feel his partner would know it too. Because look at him, truly. I'd wake up every morning just for the sole reason of seeing his smile. 🙏
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whatachillkillyeri · 5 months
Love Amidst Persecution
Son chaeyoung x farmer female reader
Synopsis- loving someone even though its forbidden
Warning- takes place in the 17 century, mention of hanging, fuck chae father in this story, mention of homophobia
A/n- happy chae day
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In the small, idyllic town of Springfield, nestled amidst the lush, rolling hills of the countryside, the air was thick with anticipation. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the fields, where the crops swayed gently in the breeze. A sense of peace and contentment filled the air, as if everything was as it should be.
The people of Springfield went about their daily routines, oblivious to the events that was about to unfold in the future . Young lovers strolled hand-in-hand through the cobblestone streets, children laughed and played in the town square, and merchants busily set up their stalls, displaying their wares for all to see.
Seo y/n was a 17th century farmer girl, her hands calloused from the soil and her cheeks permanently flushed from the sun. Her home was nestled in the heart of the town, surrounded by lush fields and chattering streams. Life was simple, yet fulfilling, as she tended to her crops and cared for her livestock.
As she walked through the rows of corn, wheat, and potatoes, she hummed a cheerful tune, her basket swinging gently at her side. Suddenly, she heard a rustling nearby and stopped in her tracks. There, in the distance, she saw a figure approaching. As they drew closer, Y/N realized it was Son Chaeyoung, the daughter of the head of the town. She looked flustered and out of breath.
"Y/N, I-I'm so sorry to bother you," she panted. "My father sent me to fetch you. He needs your help with something important at the town hall." Y/N raised an eyebrow, skeptical. Chaeyoung seemed genuinely nervous, and she rarely ever saw her in the countryside. "It's nothing bad, I promise. He just wants your expertise on...on some crops that aren't doing well." Y/N hesitated, but eventually nodded. She knew Chaeyoung's father valued her knowledge and skills as a farmer. Perhaps this was a chance to strengthen their tenuous relationship.
She followed Chaeyoung back into town, her heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and fear. The town hall was bustling with activity, townsfolk rushing about, delivering messages and supplies. Chaeyoung led her to her father's garden . He looked up as they entered and smiled warmly. "Ah, Y/N. I'm glad you could join us. I'm sure you can help us figure out what's wrong with these crops."
Y/N nodded, trying to hide her unease. As she examined the wilting crops , she noticed something strange about them. "It looks like they're infested with aphids," she said, pointing to the tiny insects that were sucking the life out of the crops . Chaeyoung's father looked surprised. "Aphids? I've never seen them this far south before. Thank you, Y/N. You've been most helpful."
He gestured for her to sit down beside him, and they spent the next hour discussing farming techniques and strategies for dealing with the infestation. Y/N was surprised to find that Chaeyoung's father was actually quite knowledgeable about the subject, and they shared many stories and experiences.
When it was time for Y/N to return home, Chaeyoung walked her back to the edge of town. They stopped at a picturesque spot overlooking the valley, and Y/N offered Chaeyoung some freshly picked apples from her orchard. As they sat there, talking, enjoying the view and the crisp autumn air, Y/N felt a strange connection with Chaeyoung. It was as if they had known each other for much longer than just a few hours.
"You know," Chaeyoung said softly, breaking the silence, "my parents... they don't understand. They think that same sex relationship is wrong. That we should be with someone of the opposite sex. " Y/N looked at her, surprised. She knew what it was like to be different, to be misunderstood.
"Well, they're wrong," she said, offering Chaeyoung a reassuring smile. "You're special, and you should be with someone who sees that." Chaeyoung blushed and looked away, playing with a stray strand of hair. "I just wish... I wish they could understand." Y/N squeezed Chaeyoung's hand gently. "Time will change things, I'm sure of it."
They sat in silence for a while longer, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Finally, Chaeyoung stood up, brushing the dirt from her skirt. "I should get back. Thank you again for your help today, Y/N. It means a lot." She leaned in and kissed Y/N's cheek before walking away.
Y/N watched her go with a smile, feeling a warmth in her chest that she hadn't experienced in a long time. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the world in a golden glow, she couldn't help but feel hopeful. Maybe things would change between Chaeyoung and her parents. Maybe they would come to understand that love had no boundaries, no rules.
She gathered up the remains of the picnic and started back towards her home, lost in thought. The image of Chaeyoung's face, the way she smiled and blushed, filled her mind. The way chaeyoung looks so effortlessly gorgeous.
As she neared her orchard, the setting sun cast a warm glow over the apple trees, turning their leaves into a symphony of reds and golds. She stopped for a moment, taking in the beauty of the scene, and realized that perhaps this was what love was all about. It wasn't just about being with someone you cared for, but about finding beauty and joy in the world around you.
The next few months passed by in a blur of activity. Y/N spent every spare moment helping Chaeyoung's father tend to their crops. After that she would meet up with chaeyoung. where they would shared stories, laughter, and even a few tears. Each time they parted ways, they promised to see each other soon, their words filled with hope and longing.
Despite the challenges they faced, they found solace in each other's company. They talked about their dreams for the future, about the places they wanted to visit and the things they wanted to achieve. Y/N found herself inspired by Chaeyoung's determination and resilience, while Chaeyoung admired Y/N's strength and independence. They were, in many ways, complements of each other.
One afternoon, as they sat beneath the shade of an ancient apple tree, talking about accident that their friend dahyun made, Chaeyoung leaned in and kissed Y/N. It was a soft, tender kiss that left them both breathless. For a moment, they forgot about everything else and were lost in the moment. When they finally pulled apart, they looked into each other's eyes, their faces flushed with emotion.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," Chaeyoung murmured, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
Y/N smiled and leaned in, kissing Chaeyoung tenderly. The sunlight filtered through the leaves above them, dappling their skin with shadows and light. The warmth from Chaeyoung's body felt so right against hers, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. They kissed for what seemed like hours, lost in the moment, the world around them fading away.
Eventually, they pulled apart, breathless and flushed. Y/N reached up to brush a strand of hair from Chaeyoung's face, her fingers trembling slightly. "I feel the same way," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling of the leaves. "I've wanted this for so long."
They lay there for a moment, their hearts racing, the world around them seeming to slow down. Chaeyoung traced the line of Y/N's jaw with her finger, marveling at the softness of her skin. "I never thought I'd find someone like you," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "Someone who understands me, and who I can be myself around."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for Chaeyoung. "And I never thought I'd find someone who could make me feel this way," she replied, reaching up to run her fingers through Chaeyoung's hair. "Who could make me forget about everything else and just be happy."
They lay there for a while longer, lost in each other's company, enjoying the simple pleasures of their love. The sun began to sink lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the orchard. Eventually, they sat up, brushing the grass from their clothes. Y/N glanced around, noticing how the trees seemed to sway gently, as if they were moving to some unheard melody.
"Come with me," Y/N said, taking Chaeyoung's hand. "I want to show you something."
She led Chaeyoung through the rows of apple trees, the evening air cool against their skin. As they walked, the branches overhead swayed gently, creating a natural canopy that cast dappled shadows across their path. They emerged from the orchard and found themselves at the edge of a small meadow, dotted with wildflowers and tall grasses. A small stream trickled nearby, its waters sparkling in the fading light. grasses swaying in the gentle breeze. The sky above was a deep, vibrant blue, speckled with puffy white clouds.
"This is my favorite spot," Y/N said, her voice soft with affection. "I used to come here when I needed some peace and quiet. It's where I felt closest to nature, and to myself."
Chaeyoung smiled, her eyes taking in the beauty around them. "It's beautiful here," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the sound of the stream. "It's like a secret oasis, hidden away from the world."
Y/N nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over her as she looked out over the meadow. "I used to come here when I needed to clear my head, or when I just wanted to feel close to something bigger than myself." She glanced at Chaeyoung, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I never imagined I'd find someone who could make me feel this way, though."
Chaeyoung smiled, stepping closer to Y/N. "Neither did I," she replied softly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from Y/N's face. "But I'm so glad we found each other." She paused, her gaze meeting Y/N's. "Because now I feel like anything is possible."
They stood there in silence for a moment, the sounds of the meadow and the stream providing a gentle background hum. Y/N leaned in, their breath mingling as she pressed her lips to Chaeyoung's. The kiss was tender and sweet, a perfect expression of the love they shared. As they pulled apart, Y/N's heart swelled with happiness, and she knew that no matter what challenges they might face in the future, they would face them together.
They stood there in the middle of the meadow, basking in the glow of their love, as the sun dipped below the horizon. The air grew cooler, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the scent of autumn. Y/N wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung, feeling grateful for the warmth and comfort she provided.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Y/N asked, looking up at Chaeyoung with a smile.
Chaeyoung laughed softly, her cheeks flushing. "Of course I do. You were so quiet and shy, but you had this way about you that just drew me in. I couldn't help but want to get to know you better."
They stood there for a moment, lost in their memories, before Chaeyoung turned her attention back to the present. She looked around the meadow, feeling grateful for the peace and serenity that surrounded them. "I never thought I'd find a place like this," she said, her voice barely audible. "A place where I could be truly happy."
Y/N squeezed Chaeyoung's hand, her grip firm yet gentle. "You are my happiness," she replied, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Chaeyoung's cheek. "And I'm yours. No matter what the future holds, we'll face it together."
Their time in the meadow seemed to stretch on forever, the hours passing unnoticed as they reveled in the comfort and love they shared. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon, the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. A chill crept into the air, prompting them to move closer together for warmth.
Y/N leaned against Chaeyoung, her head resting on the girl's shoulder as they gazed up at the stars. "Do you have a favorite constellation?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves in the trees.
Chaeyoung shrugged. "I've always liked Orion's Belt," she replied, her breath tickling Y/N's ear. "It reminds me of when we first met. It was like fate, you know? Like the stars were aligning just for us."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling at the mention of their meeting. "That's a beautiful way to think about it," she said softly. "I think I'll always remember that night too. It feels like a dream sometimes, being with you like this."
As they continued to watch the stars, the sounds of the forest began to fade away, replaced by the soft rustling of leaves as a gentle breeze picked up. The air grew colder still, but neither of them seemed to notice or mind. They were content just being together, wrapped in each other's warmth and love.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like," Y/N asked, her voice barely audible over the whispering of the trees, "if we could travel to each of those stars? To see the worlds they're part of, the people who live there?" She felt a shiver run down her spine as she imagined the vastness of the universe, the endless possibilities that lay before them.
Chaeyoung paused for a moment, considering the question. The stars above them seemed to dance in the darkness, their twinkling light casting a soft glow over the meadow. "I think it would be incredible," she finally replied, her voice tinged with awe. "But I think the best part would be coming back here, to this place. To know that no matter where we go or what we see, we'll always have each other. And this place will always be our home."
They sat in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts and the beauty of the night. Y/N felt her heart swell with love and gratitude for Chaeyoung, for the life they shared together. She knew that their love was special, that they were meant to be together. As she looked up at the stars, she made a silent promise to herself: no matter what challenges they might face in the future, she would always fight for their love. She would never take Chaeyoung for granted, and she would do everything in her power to make her happy.
Eventually, the chill in the air grew too intense for them to ignore, and they stood, stretching their limbs and yawning. "You should go back home ," Y/N said, her voice husky with sleep. "It's getting late. And I don’t want you to get in trouble”
Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She knew that the night couldn't last forever, but she didn't want to leave this place. She didn't want to leave the feeling of peace and contentment that came with being wrapped up in Y/N's love. But she also knew that if they get caught there will be consequences.
As chaeyoung was sneaking back home, she didn’t notice her father siting on the chair in the dining room.
“Where were you… let me guess out sucking the face off that bloody witch.”her father said. Chaeyoung was shocked. “Why so shocked? You thought I wouldn’t know, I have eyes on you everywhere.” he added.
“So you was spying on me, where’s the trust in that father.” Chaeyoung said. “You broke the trust as soon as you kiss that witch” he responded quickly.
“ oh bloody hell so what I like y/n what wrong about th-” she got cut off with a slap by her father.
“ you don’t like that thing, you don’t even know what love is. She must had put a spell on you to make you believe that .” he said angrily. “ she needs to pay for what she is doing to your mind” he said then went over to grab a torch. He walks out of the house. That’s when chaeyoung realizes what he means by that a rush to y/n cabin.
"Chaeyoung," y/n whispered, her voice barely audible. "What are you doing here? Your father gonna kill me if he found you here."
Chaeyoung knelt beside her, her eyes wide with fear and desperation. " you need to get out of here , my father is ordering the town to find you ." She wiped the tears from her face, as she gently brushing her knuckles against y/n cheek. "Please, y/n, get out of here, while you still can."
But it was too late. The sound of footsteps approaching echoed through the field. The townspeople had found them. They encircled them, their faces twisted with anger and hatred. They had found y/n, the witch who dared to love another woman especially the daughter of the town . They grabbed her roughly, tearing at her clothes, pulling her away from Chaeyoung. As they dragged her away, she struggled, desperate to reach Chaeyoung one last time, to tell her that she loved her, that it would all be alright.
"Witch! Witch! Hang her at the stake!" they cried, their faces twisted with rage and fear.
Chaeyoung followed, tears streaming down her face, her heart breaking with every step. She begged and pleaded with them to let her go, but they ignored her. They forced her to watch as they hung y/n from the gallows, her body twitching and jerking with each agonizing breath.
As y/n's life faded from her eyes, she looked down at Chaeyoung, her love, the only thing in the world that made her life worth living. "Chaeyoung," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I love you. And I will never ever stop loving you. No matter what happens to me right now, it would never destroy my love for you." With those final words, y/n's soul left her body, as she was hanging from the tree. Chaeyoung screamed, her voice echoing through the fields, the sound of her anguish piercing the very heavens.
The townspeople, satisfied that justice had been served, turned their backs on Chaeyoung, leaving her alone to grieve. But even as they walked away, they could not escape the haunting image of the two lovers, torn apart by a world that could not understand their love. And so, their story lived on, a tragic testament to the enduring power of love, even in the darkest of times.
The sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of red and orange, as if the heavens themselves were weeping for the loss of y/n. Chaeyoung remained at the foot of the gallows, her body racked with sobs, her heart shattered into a million pieces. She clutched at the dirt, refusing to let go, as if somehow she could bring y/n back. But she knew deep down that this was not the end. There was something still pulling her forward, some unspoken promise that their love would find a way to survive.
Night fell, and the stars twinkled in the inky black sky. Chaeyoung's tears finally dried up, leaving her chest heaving with the memory of each sob. She looked up at the stars, searching for some sign, some hope that they would find a way back to each other. And as she stood there, gazing up at the heavens, she swore an oath: she would spend the rest of her life seeking out others like them, those who dared to love against the tide of public opinion. She would fight for their right to be together, to live their lives as they saw fit, free from the judgment of a world that could not understand.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Chaeyoung's determination only grew stronger, her resolve unshakeable. She became a symbol of hope for those who found themselves in her situation, a beacon of light in the darkness. And though y/n was gone, her spirit lived on through Chaeyoung, guiding her every step of the way.
Years passed, and the world began to change. Slowly, but surely, people began to see the error of their ways, to understand that love knew no bounds, no gender, no race. It was a victory of the heart over the head, of compassion over fear. And as Chaeyoung watched this transformation unfold before her eyes, she knew that her love for y/n had not been in vain. She had made a difference, however small, and for that she was eternally grateful.
Eventually, Chaeyoung found herself standing before a great crowd, addressing them with a voice that rang clear and true. "We must never forget the sacrifices that have been made for our freedom," she said, her gaze fixed on the sky, as if y/n were standing there beside her. "We must honor their memory by continuing to fight for justice, for equality, for love. For as long as there is one person left who dares to love against the tide, we will be there to fight by their side." And with that, a roar went up from the crowd, a testament to the enduring power of love and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to follow their hearts.
The years passed, and Chaeyoung grew old, but she never stopped fighting. Her story became legend, a reminder to all who heard it of the incredible strength that can be found in the human heart when it dares to love truly and fiercely. And though y/n's body was gone, her love for Chaeyoung lived on, etched into the very fabric of history, a testament to the power of the human spirit to endure against all odds.
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Cynthia’s Coming Out Scene
I want to start with the fact that I think this is one of the best coming out scenes I’ve ever watched which considering this is a show set in the 50s is an incredible feat. This scene has me sobbing and Ari’s acting was incredible.
To be honest the way this show has represented queerness has been brilliant throughout the season. I love how the show utilises symbolism, but in particular the motif of queer people being able to have conversation about queerness without expressing it out loud is especially impactful - Cynthia/Lydia’s “you’re scared” scenes, the rehearsals, the fall dance, the conversation between Cynthia and Shy Guy. All of these moments convey deeper conversations than their literal words and to have this culminate in Cynthia not even being able to voice their identity/feelings out loud is genius because it’s such a universal experience for queer people.
Ari’s acting was phenomenal, literally just incredible. That moment before Cynthia hands the note to Nancy, relishing what she sees as the last moments of their friendship before Nancy begins to look at her differently? The grip on the note before letting Nancy eventually take it? The absolute look of fear as Nancy reads it? The gut-wrenching sob as she reads Nancy’s response, overcome with pure fucking relief? STUNNING. I’ve never felt to moved or seen. Give Ari their flowers because I can’t express enough how amazing their acting has been this season.
Also as much as I would like to know what the note says, I kind of love that we don’t? Like it remains this beautiful inside joke/moment between just Nancy and Cynthia. Having said that, I hope it says something like “rate the kiss out of ten” in a recall to Nancy loving to rank how good people are at kissing.
ON THAT NOTE NANCY NAKAGAWA IS THE ALLY OF THE YEAR. I love that she picked up immediately that Cynthia’s anger wasn’t entirely about her relationship with Potato, because whilst Cynthia definitely is angry about Nancy’s attitude, a little more of it was maybe some slight jealousy on Cynthia’s part? Nancy and Potato as a straight couple (I have my own head cannons but I digress) can outwardly express affection for each other but Nancy chooses to reject this. For Cynthia this must be incredibly frustrating, because as Lydia’s experience proves, queer relationship don’t have the same privilege, but Nancy takes it for granted. But for someone who said themselves that they weren’t great at listening, Nancy’s response to Cynthia, whatever it was, was perfect. And furthermore, she wasn’t just there to listen, but to actively turn up and support Cynthia in repairing her relationship with Lydia. Honestly just all of episode 10 was Nancy being an icon for a solid 55 minutes.
I also love the way that Lydia’s previous relationship experience adds a deeper layer to her relationship with Cynthia. I already kind of figured this would be the case based on the lyrics from Merely Players (“i know just what you’re feeling I’ve had that dream before”) and her conversation with Cynthia as to how school productions usually goes kind of read to me like she’s had queer relationships before. But it really reinforces how much Lydia likes Cynthia, to the point where she is willing to put her heart on the line again even though she knows how this might go.
Finally, although we don’t know whether the show will be renewed or not, the fact that the season ended with happy lesbians? Revolutionary. I’m going to be devastated if this becomes another sapphic show that’s cancelled, but I have a little peace of mind knowing that for once the lesbian couple hasn’t been left on a cliffhanger with no resolution. The reunion between Cynthia and Lydia was so lovely and Ari’s voice ? Holy shit dude!!!!!! They’re incredible. And the symbolism with the hall of mirrors, showing Cynthia giving every version of herself to Lydia? Amazing! So yeah, thank you Rise of the Pink Ladies for finally giving us some much needed portrayals of queerness with a happy ending, especially considering the context the show is set in.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 6 months
The Uisa's Daughter | Chapter 1: Her First Love
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader (Future Jeon Jungkook X Reader and Slight Min Yoongi X Reader)
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Word Count: 7K
Warning/s (Don't read this if you want some suspense): Age gap (6 years, reader is younger), segregation based on caste, physical and emotional abuse, some pedophilia (an older man harasses reader since she was young), love at first sight kinda?, both of them are too horny, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), loss of virginity, loss of innocence, some manipulation, they both say 'I love you' too soon.
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Chapter Summary: It feels like you have met your match; for life even. But your father can never stand seeing you happy.
A/n: Hey there, don't be a silent reader, do comment under my post and spread some love.
Series Masterlist
Prologue Teaser Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
Father always said, "Great power comes when you attain control over your desires and cravings."
He used to say that to stop your cravings over sweets. His lesser knowledge didn't tell him, you were not of the type to gain such control. You could never gain this....this great power how much ever you wanted to.
Your reasoning was that you were simply curious but in actuality it was the deprevation that halted you. Deprived of sensation, deprived of freedom, deprived of being included, deprived of living, deprived of loving...
No one, in that city full of aristocratic, snob-heads found what some may describe as the utmost form of desire and craving.
Love; love is still hidden from the rich and noble, from the uptight and small-minded
You've always wanted to feel this so-called feeling of love. Was it just a myth made by someone with an oppressed mind like yours? Hopefully not. You didn't know what love was but it certainly wasn't what your father gave you, not what he gave your mother either.
"You must be the uisa's daughter." A slightly aged, wrinkly woman opened the sliding door to the tremulous, raw house you had just knocked upon. "Come on in, girl. My husband has been sick for the past 5 days."
Your father had work with the King so he sent your 19-year-old self on a teeth-chattering cold night to attend to one of his patients. He may not have been a good father but he was one of the greatest doctors to ever walk the streets of Hanseong.
Winds flurried across the empty farmlands in the surrounding making you rush inside the compact yet warm house.
Sacks full of what seemed like potatoes welcomed you by the doorstep followed by sacks of other vegetables. The stove was occupied by a pot of stew. The sick man and his family sold vegetables at the local market.
You realized that your father didn't want to attend to this patient because he was a Kim of the lowest caste, Cheonmin.
Your trail of sight landed upon a person, supposedly Mr. Kim, wrapped up in torn sheets. "Please take a look at him." His poor wife asked.
"He seems to have caught cholera. It's nothing to worry about, he'll be fine in no time." You gave out your diagnose along with a few medicines from your bundle.
Mrs. Kim seemed to be panicking, "Oh dear, it seems I can't find my money." She smiled nervously. "Would it b-"
"Mother, I heard the doctor arrived." The door hastily slid open revealing a disheveled man.
It was him, the man who was going to change your life for good. The man whom you didn't know would be the reason for both of your ruination. He was nothing you'd seen before.
His forehead shiny with sweat, long hair, all messed up, probably because of him rushing over, yet he looked like the most beautiful man you had ever seen. Molded to perfection, his face was something you get framed.
His eyes were full of concern and disturbance. His lips were slightly parted and he stood there silently and your eyes met.
You could feel something between you two, as if you were two magnets attracting each other. You couldn't help but stare at him. He was so handsome that it took your breath away. You had to resist an urge to get up and reach out to him then and there, touch him and feel his skin under your fingertips.
"Taehyung, yes! Where were you?! Dear, did you take my money kept near the cupboard?" Mrs. Kim was infuriated at the man named Taehyung. "Please give the uisa 2 silver coins, I'll have a talk with you later." She scurried to him while you still stared at each other, his eyes boring holes into yours and face being almost excited to see you.
"I see, and what might be your name?" He asked you.
"Y/n." You replied, "As for the money, I don't mind providing free treatment. I basically did nothing-"
"I insist; that's all we can give you." The man standing at the doorstep walked over to where you were sitting on the ground.
"Oh, it's fine." You smiled despite the growing tension between the both of you.
Taehyung, the obscure man in front of me smiled and sat down to bow. "I promise I'll keep your favor in mind and help you." His formal words seemed unnecessary between the two of you.
"Thank you... Taehyung." He could easily say his ears were blessed.
He dropped you home that night. Awkward was the least proper word to describe you two. You couldn't help but talk naturally and freely to him. You both talked about how beautiful the night was before you arrived at your destination and you asked him to leave you a few houses before your own so as to not raise any suspicions from your family.
His moonlighten face looked mesmerizing as he looked down at you and smiled. "It was an honor meeting you, Kim Y/n." He bowed.
"Same here, Kim Taehyung." You took a step closer to him. "I hope to see you again." You wrapped your arms around his neck tightly for a quick second and let go. The urge to touch him had been running through you this entire night. Though you wanted more, this was more than enough for now. Luckily there wasn't a single soul around at this time of the night.
He stood speechless for some seconds, looking straight into your eyes, making you blush. It's not like a woman hadn't hugged him before, it was different with you for some reason.
You looked off into a different direction, "I-I know we have met just an hour ago. But I can't-" You were cut off by him encasing your waist with one of his arms. The other one held you gently by your chin.
"I know, this may be going too fast, but I fairly do not care." Saying this, his lips ghosted over yours, waiting for your permission. Not hesitant at all, you gladly accepted and closed the minute gap between your lips.
It was merely a few seconds before you two pulled away simultaneously.
"Thank you..." You whispered for some reason. It wasn't Taehyung's first time, but it was clearly the weirdest and the most memorable one.
"Isn't that lovely? The vermins owe us a favor." He laughed as you trembled.
"Father, t-they were necessitous. I couldn't possibly ask them for mon-"
"And how would I pay for your expensive clothings, dear? For your food? For our servants?" He scoffed.
"No excuses!" He shouted making you flinch "You need a good whipping."
"I'm so sorry, father. It's just two silver coins." Your trembling knew no bound as you tried to back away from his resting place. You used your hands to drag yourself backwards away from your seat as he stood up with a mud tea cup in his hands.
A fairly loud crash was heard besides you and drops of hot liquid splattered across the floor as well as on you. It was his cup that he threw at you with anger.
"Just two silver coins? I see." His words held no anger, they were just words, heavy words. Words scaring you more than the cold, chilly night because you knew he could hurt you anytime.
"Father I promise, I'll do anything. Please, father." You joined your hands.
"Look at you, so desperate... I'll let you off with a warning this time. You're lucky today, no whipping for you." He spoke as if he didn't nearly kill you.
You thanked your stars, or whatever guardian angel you had for he was in a good mood.
"If you dare to disobey my rules again."
"I know..." You whispered loud enough for him to hear. Ofcourse you knew, this was not the first time.
He smiled like a saint and spread out his arms, "Now give your father a hug, honey. I love you."
Slowly and being disgusted in the sorry excuse of what's supposed to be a man, you hugged him. He was still your father. "I love you too."
He slimy hands gradually went to your head to pat you as you tried to stop your tears from falling. "You are to come with me tomorrow to King Jeon." You nodded.
You were usuals to the King's courtroom even when you were a kid. Your father was his closest advisor. However you never felt comfortable when the King wanted to meet you outside of public's eye.
Unnecessary touches, and even more unnecessary things he made you do. He insisted he loved your cooking, your treatments and meeting you in general. You were honoured indeed but felt repelled since it was a 50 year old man you were talking about.
What was this life you were living?
"And about Y/n..." You were snapped back to reality by the mention of your name. You were deep in your own thoughts, skimming your eyes over each title of the books held by the shelves. The shelves along with their inked treasures adored the quiet room. Quiet with the only exception being the voices of King Jeon and your father.
You thought about the poor farmer's son. Would he like to read, or rather, would he know how to read the Chinese scriptures? You had no idea why he clouded your mind like so, but you certainly weren't against it.
You had never had a love interest, you never found one brave enough to even talk to you. Giving up on love, you had always assumed you'd have an arranged marriage until the man you had kissed a few days ago came into your life.
"What about her?" Your pretentious father asked.
Both of you along with King Jeon were sitting in the castle's study talking about something that you didn't even bother sparing your attention to.
You preferred being in your own thoughts rather than listening to the elders' talks about the world. They surely knew more than you, and it wasn't bothersome.
"I expect a gift from you Y/n-ssi" King Jeon stated clearly.
"A g-gift? I don't understand."
Both of the older men laughed at your naivety and King Jeon placed a hand around your shoulder which distinctly made you uncomfortable.
"You weren't listening, were you?" He asked. "What were you thinking about girl?"
You thought of the only thing that interested you here, "The books here, in the study. I've never even heard about them." Books especially related to medicine interested you. You played the part of a cliché doctor in training.
"Jeon's birthday gift, dear."
"I expect a really special dish from you in a few months." He smirked, "Cook for me."
You had no idea what the smirk signified, but it clearly didn't mean good luck to you. You smiled nervously which the King found extremely endearing, extremely enchanting. Oh, how he wished he could kill your measly father and make you his personal concubine, maybe even his Queen.
The King's first wife died around 4 years ago and ever since then, the King couldn't have been happier. He could sleep with all the women he wanted without being pointed fingers at. The kingdom's people, who thought richly of the King, supposed he was drowning himself in other women to ease the pain of his loss.
What no one, except his Chief advisor, Eunuch Kang, didn't know was his eyes were set on a much bigger and harder-to-catch fish. The metaphoric fish being you. One fine day, before the time of his Queen's death, you along with your father had come to visit him. Seeing how well you had matured through the years, he couldn't keep his eyes or hands off of you. Making you sit on his lap was just an excuse to feel you better.
People in his courtroom saw and objected after you went back home. But those who did, found their heads laying on the floor. They committed treason, hence they died; was what he told their families.
Your father however never dared to speak up. He wanted to be in people's good books more than he cared for you. This helped you more than you could think. He had a good reputation and in return, the King could not kill him without a proper reason.
Ever since that day the King has secretly tried to find reasons to execute him. Eunuch Kang who was in charge of this failed to find any such reason for more than 5 straight years.
"Ms Y/n!" Your cook called out to you. You were headed outside the mansion lands to a place only you knew about.
"Yes, Mr. Jung?" You smiled. You knew such formalities were only for others' eyes.
Jung Hoseok, a young yet talented cook, had been with you since you were born. He worked meticulously from his childhood.
Being around a decade older than you, he was given the responsibility to look after you as well as head the staff of Kim household. He was appointed by your father's friend, the King.
"Are you headed out?" He asked and you nodded cheekily.
"I'm going to that placeee."
He showed clear distaste towards your act of cuteness even though he possibly found it adorable. "Find yourself some use. Go and bring some vegetables for the kitchen. You are to cook for the king remember?"
"But I don't want to..." You pouted, "The King should have better cooks than me, I am no one compared to them."
"It's what the King decides, not you. Now go."
"What is it?"
"I don't like the King." His face contorted into a disappointed look. He looked around to make sure no one heard you and was glad no one did.
"Y/n, you are a grown woman, stop jesting around."
"I'm serious, Hoseok-ssi. The King seems far too friendly for my liking."
"Aish- Shut up, Y/n. I will not hear of it. King Jeon is a very kind man and he has saved us from many external and internal forces. I will not hear anything against him." He said, "Neither will anyone else, so make sure you don't tell this to anyone."
You nodded, poking your tongue out, still not changing your thinking about him. He turned around to leave after shaking his head.
"Hobi is mean." You muttered.
"I heard that, kid!"
"I'm not sure if I have anything special." The vegetable seller smiled nervously. "You can take back some eggplants for the special meal but I'm not sure where you might find them."
This was the first time you heard about them. Being an educated person, it hurt your ego and now you were determined to find them.
"It's alright, sir. I'll search for them." You smiled and headed deeper into the market. The crowd grew denser and the shops became more heavily loaded. Asking every vendor about these 'eggplants'.
"Take a right after about 20 steps, dear." An old female vendor advised. And you followed.
The shop was revealed to be of the Cheonmin Kim's, the one you had treated a few days ago. How will they, out of all people have such an advanced (it's new to her) vegetable?
You gulped, it was the son, Taehyung chewing away at some dried sea weed, and his healthy father talking to another seller nearby. Their shop looked as if it hadn't been visited by anyone all morning, the vegetables still fresh in their places, the man fooling around on his seat.
You slowly walked over, Taehyung still being oblivious to your presence until you cleared your throat. Before seeing who it was and stumbling to stand up straight, he almost looked uninterested. He dropped a few tomatoes by such shuffling.
He held a bright smile on his face and bowed almost hitting his head on the table full of produce. You followed suit giggling at his display of clumsiness.
Still bright as ever and still as handsome as the first day you saw him, he greeted, "H-Hello, how are you holding up, Ms. Kim?" He shook his head and corrected himself, "Sorry, Y/n."
"I am doing just fine, Taehyung-ssi." You turned your head towards his father, "I see your old man is doing good."
He nodded, "All thanks to you. I still have that favor to return."
It was unshrouded, the chemistry between you two was almost visible to the naked eye. Was it just an attraction that you had towards this perfect example of a man or was it something else? You'll admit it, it was the second time you barely met him, and you want more of him, so much more.
You both stared at each other for a good minute before you spoke, "I-uh- wanted some vegetables." You even forgot the name of the exquisite one, the seller had told you about.
"Sure, anything you want." He gestured his hands over the produce lying on the cart table.
"Eggplant I suppose?" You asked innocently. "I wanted an eggplant, a big one."
Taehyung was sure your virgin words didn't insinuate something else. He looked around his stall and said, "Y/n, I don't believe I have any eggplants here. We'll have to go back to my house to look for some. Would you mind?"
You didn't have any patients to look after today neither did anyone care where you went during the day, plus you get to spend time with Taehyung, you don't see a downside to this. So you agree.
As soon as you do, the cheerful man in front of you took your hand and lead you across the puzzled roads of the market.
"Taehyung-ssi! Don't hold my hand like that!" You exclaimed as he dragged you with him. The people looked at the young couple as if they might pop out fangs anytime.
"People are just looking, they won't do anything. Trust me." and you did for no apparent reason. You trusted him with everything you had. But a part of you called out and asked you how he knew all this, how he was so confident when he kissed you. Had he done this before?
"I thought your mother would be home." You enquired as you looked at the 25 year old trying to close the heavy wooden door after you asked him to. He barely had any neighbors but the ones he had, you didn't want them snooping around in your business.
"She's at the farm." He replied brightly. There was this thing about him, he looked so stern when he didn't talk to you but when he did, he was the most fun person you had ever seen.
As soon as he closed the door, he hugged you and you dropped your little bag of groceries at his actions. "I've missed you." Yes, you did too.
"Why?" You asked even though you knew better than anyone else. He had kissed you, an act hardly performed by actual lovers. There was no way to get him out of your mind after that.
If anyone knew you had did something of sorts you'd be ridiculed for your entire lifetime. But you didn't regret it at all.
"Maybe because I have never seen someone as beautiful as you." Softly touching your face like you were a raw sculpture, "And I think my mind is heading to a sinful place with you and there's no stop in sight."
You smiled softly, "We don't even know each other..."
"But you trust me right?" He whispered.
"Unfortunately, I do." Making you both laugh softly.
"Let me court you then." He said biting his lip, indicating his nervousness.
What was this man talking about? A woman of your status and a man of his caste shouldn't even mingle with each other, let alone do what you two did that night.
Your father, the public, the Emperor would all prefer you both dead over that happening.
However, Taehyung didn't care. He hated the caste system. 'Only the insecure and afraid would make such a thing up.' He often said.
You wanted Taehyung to love you, you wanted him to know how much you craved for someone, him to be precise, to come into your life and destroy you completely with their love.
You were thinking clearly when you said, "I would love that."
To say Taehyung was happy, would be an understatement. He wanted you; call it lust, call it desire, but it was a form of his love.
"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this..." He said before swiftly untying the front of your hanbok making you gasp and pull out of his embrace.
"What are you doing?" You scrambled trying to re-tie the knot.
"I thought you said you trust me." He smirked, pushing the outer layer of coat off of your shoulders before you could react.
"You trust me right? Let me help you." His words struck you. Help you? How?
"Help me with what?" You stand still as he pulls you out of the coat and discards it onto the ground.
"I know what it's like being a 19 year old. Heck, I still know what it feels like. Being so alone, everyone hates you, you hate everyone. I know how you crave love. Let me give it to you."
How could he possibly know? "I don't wish for love." You state.
"Tsk, you can lie all you want, but I can see it written boldly in your eyes, those beautiful eyes."
You could say no and put a stop to his madness. But the look he gave you, that look that made you want to let loose and give in to his madness. He clearly wanted your body and this was his way of getting it, but how could you possibly deny it when you wanted the same at some point.
You gulped, "If I agree to whatever you're doing? Will you promise no one, not even your parents or your friends, find out?"
You weren't afraid of giving him anything, you were only afraid of what your father might do if he found out. He would beat you, whip you for sure but he would hire men to kill Taehyung.
"It's sex, so call it that, baby. And I am willing to promise the world to you if you just say yes."
"Taehyung, I don't care what happens to me, but I would rather be dead than have anything happen to you."
"Take risks, live a little uisa-nim."
You never took risks. When your father let you out of the house, you never lost your track, always going the way he asked you to go. You never dared to look at a man how much ever you wanted to.
Taehyung though, lured you in. He was a mere Cheonmin but yet he had more life than an upper class man. He had more potential, more everything.
At this moment, you couldn't help but agree. You would never do this if it were anyone else, but it was Taehyung, the man who kissed you on the first day you met.
"My body is what you want, and my body is what you shall get." You take a deep breath and pull him by his hanbok before he could reply and plant a kiss on his lips.
Taehyung wasn't the one to stop kissing your soft lips and correct you that he, in fact didn't wish for your body. He wished for your love, he wished that you craved him the same way he craved you.
You clearly had no experience nor had you ever seen how to kiss someone properly so you didn't move at all expecting this was all you needed to do to kiss.
This turned him on however. Having to teach you everything and molding you into whatever he pleased from a girl.
He pulled back, "That's not how you do it." He let out an arrogant chuckle. "Just go with your instincts and fight with my lips, devour them."
Saying that he placed his lips on yours once again this time meeting with a much warmer welcome from your mouth.
"You're a- fast learner-" He said between the kisses.
It was when he brought in his tongue, you were surprised. However you decided to fight with yours as well.
Your hands entangled into his long hair. He tapped your thigh and signalled you to jump. You trusted him and did as he asked and clinged onto him for dear life.
Oh, how you yearned for more. Conflicting your tongues wasn't enough, you needed his entire body.
Both of you were moaning, Taehyung's deep voice getting you wetter by the second.
Taehyung couldn't possibly get harder than how he was now. He tasted every last inch of your mouth while moving both of your intertwined selves to a room.
Breaking the kiss, he said, "Let me place a blanket here, it's going to get messy. Wouldn't want the floor to get all dirtied up by you." That made you blush more than any suitor ever had.
He gently let you down and arranged the blanket. Adjusting it's corners, he patted on it for you to lay.
"I'm scared." You finally said as he was removing his clothings.
Pausing slightly, he smiled, "You don't have to do this. I won't be upset."
"I'm scared but I want this. I want you."
"Are you sure about that, princess?" He pulled down his pants revealing a very hard dick, almost slapping onto his abdomen.
"Th-that's..." Big, was the right word for it.
Now, you were a doctor in training and you knew how sex worked and how certain body parts looked like. But you had never in your years of study seen or imagined a penis so big.
"Do you not like it?" He mocked wiggling it around a bit making you snicker.
"No, it's just- it's big..." He was almost estatic at your words.
Taehyung was completely naked at this point while you still had your undergarments on. He helped you remove the one surrounding your breasts.
Your boobs fell into his hands with a bounce. It was like he malfunctioned, staring at them for a quick minute before licking his lips and diving in.
You had never felt this before. Your fingers found their way into his hair once again.
"You're so fucking perfect." He said licking one of your nipples and softly biting onto it.
"T-Tae..." You practically shed tears at the feeling.
He moved between your neck and your breasts, kissing and marking up wherever he felt like it. It was a vice, you were a vice to him.
It felt so good, however you needed friction somewhere else as well.
You started rubbing your legs together and it didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Mmm, I know baby, you need me there?"
You replied with a shaky yes.
Leaving your boobs, his hand travelled downwards and into your lower undergarment.
As soon as his cold, long fingers pressed onto your clit, you let out a high pitched moan.
"Have you ever touched yourself?" He asked.
"I've tried it sometimes but never finished." You said weakly.
Taehyung was beyond the limit of hardness at the moment. He had no idea he would be so turned on by a girl so inexperienced. The things he would do to you in the future were boundless.
His hand worked on your clit while his mouth worked on your boobs. You were a moaning mess at this point. Taehyung gave you what you wanted and more.
He licked a long strip from your chest to your lips, kissing you with utmost passion. You were so addictive, all he wanted was to taste every single part of you.
He finally discarded your lower undergarment.
Dragging his fingers from your clit to your core, he slowly entered one finger. You let out a loud whimper.
"It's so tight, baby. How am I going to fit in there? I can't even fit my fingers." He showed fake concern.
You didn't even care at this point, you wanted him deeper in you.
He added another finger that stretched you out. Trying his best to loosen you up for his big dick, he started a scissoring motion with his fingers.
You tried your best to hold back your moans but his fingers felt so good, you're sure the neighbours heard you. He didn't care, it only added to his ego.
He shuffled down and dragged his lips along your body, down your clit all the way to your core. He wanted, needed to taste you so bad, he couldn't resist anymore.
He licked the slick dripping down your thighs because he didn't want any to go to waste.
He was extremely skillful with his tongue, delving expertly within your folds, bringing you near to the edge as soon as he begun. Holding your hips down, he continued.
"Tae, I think- I'm coming"
"Come on, you can do it." Taehyung could hardly believe he was the one to experience your first orgasm.
His hands reached up to twist and fondle your boobs.
Seeing his head of hair digging into your cunt for a taste had you coming in just seconds.
He licked every last drop of your wetness. When he finished, his head popped up with a smug look on his face.
"You have no idea how heavenly you taste." He said locking lips with you once again making you taste yourself. You did taste nice.
"I want to make you feel good too." You said.
"Not today" He said dragging his tip across your folds. "Today I wish to be directly inside you."
His little action made your cunt gush with juices.
"Are you scared, baby?"
"Yeah, but go ahead."
"This is going to hurt a lot. But you'll take it right? For me?" You nod as he leaned down and placed his lips on your forehead. A very intimate gesture that had you falling for him right in the moment.
Now you were very scared. Did you fall for a man you met a few days ago? Not to mention you're in a very vulnerable position with him as well.
Your innocent mind didn't know any better. What you thought was love, was just mere attraction at the moment which turned to love eventually.
"Tae- fuck" He pushed his tip inside.
"Are you okay?"
"Just go- slow" you squirmed.
He pulled out and pushed in once again this time going halfway in.
"It hurts..." You started sheding tears. Taehyung hated seeing you like this. Ofcourse he would have loved to see you cry, but from pleasure.
"We can sto-"
"You can go deeper now..."
He did as you said and bottomed out. Taehyung blamed his stupidly huge dick for making you cry.
He wiped your tears and placed his forehead against yours.
"You can tell me when to move, I'll be still until you tell me to."
It took you at least a minute or two to adjust and accommodate his length. The man on top of you aided by kissing you deeply through every second of it. You began to move the slightest bit on your own making Taehyung hiss.
"Shall I?" He was still patient, waiting for you to utter the words.
"Please, move." You let out.
Taehyung finally let go of the breath he didn't know he was retaining. He had to remind himself multiple times that he was your first, it pained you.
'Not yet.' He said to himself, referring to the fact that he couldn't fuck you as roughly as a pleased.
His thrusts were unhurried yet firm. So firm that it made your back arch at how deep his cock went.
You couldn't help but moan, in fact that was all you could do. Pleasure overtook your senses and you were at Taehyung's mercy.
He intertwined his fingers with yours on either side of your head, "So good for me, so tight."
"Yeah? Want me to go faster? Such a little slut."
You were surprised at what you heard. You wanted to defend yourself, you were far from a slut and you were sure Taehyung knew that. Oh, but it turned you on so good. Him degrading you like that, him making you feel humiliated.
Taehyung must have sensed the effect it had on you, how could he not? You moaned the loudest when he said that.
"So wet, baby. I bet all the guys would love your little pussy, wouldn't they?"
"Want- only you." You somehow vocalised.
He loved it so much, the effect he had on you.
"Need to train you to become my personal sleeve, am I right?"
"Fuck, I can't-" You knew this feeling, you were coming.
He picked up the pace, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. The scene itself was too explicit. Had anyone seen it, it would have been too entralling.
"Come on." He punctuated his words with his thrusts.
You let out a moan of his name and reached your high.
Taehyung's pace stuttered, an indication of him reaching his high as well. He realised, much to his dismay, he couldn't cum inside of you. He halted to pull out.
"No! You can let go inside of me."
"But, you'll-"
"I am a doctor in training, I have some herbs that can work." You smirked.
He chuckled, "Someone's being a little too smart."
He resumed his thrusts. After a few of them, he came. The feeling was really euphoric. Having the one you had feelings for, let his semen coat your insides.
He pulled out and laid beside you. Both of you faced each other; low on energy but high on love.
Taehyung lifted his hand up, tracing the apple of your cheek ever so slightly making you smile.
He spoke first, "That was..."
"I know, I don't have words for it either."
"Can I tell you something crazy?" He asked pulling you to lay on top of him.
"Ofcourse, what is it?"
"I think I am madly in love with you."
You looked into his eyes, slightly glossy from the overwhelming feelings he had for you.
"What do you mean?" You ask in almost a whisper.
"I know it's been just a few days, but I feel like I have known you for years. Like, your favourite colour is probably blue."
You giggle, "It's not, but go on."
"Then I want to know you better, Kim Y/N. What do you say?"
"Thank you for making me feel, Kim Taehyung." You bury your face into his chest. "This is the first time anyone has had feelings for me, let alone loved me. I never had feelings either, but you are something else."
You look up at him, "I think I'm in love with you too."
He had become your only beacon of hope. Your only little support while you were drowning. What happens when a human is given that? He clings onto it as fast as he can, as tightly as he can.
It had been 5 months since you first met Taehyung. 5 months full of exploring and adventures. It would be proper to say that you never would have guessed you got this close to someone.
You'd spend hours on end with him, until it was finally time to go home before the sunset.
You had introduced him to your special spot. A small, secluded clearing in a forest beside a lake. You had stumbled upon it when you were barely a teenager. No one except Hoseok and now Taehyung knew about it.
"What are you thinking about?" The man whose arms engulfed you asked.
Taehyung was leaning against a tree while you sat between his legs leaned against his chest.
"About the day when the Emperor was practically fuming when I said I couldn't prepare a dish for him on his birthday."
Taehyung twirled a strand of your hair with his index finger and laughed, "I wish I were there to see it."
"I hate him so, so much."
"Yeah, I hope to punch him in the face someday for what he did to you all these years."
"I love you..." You cozied yourself deeper into his arms.
"Love you too."
The talks from the noble and humble alike were spreading. No one fancied the way you, an unmarried aristocrat girl, spent time with a Cheonmin. Certainly, they couldn't see what you did behind closed doors, but you found yourself afraid of what they might do if they did.
Taehyung didn't care and asked you to do so as well. But how could you? When your father continued to beat the life out of you, even more so now that the talks flew around.
You couldn't mention it to your lover because it would have very obvious yet perilous consequences. So you had to feign that everything was alright.
That is why, whenever he asked you where you got a certain bruise from, you would reply with a simple, 'Oh, this? I fell.' or any other falsified answer you could think of.
Every day Taehyung walked you home, or sometimes even carried you just to the edge of the forest. And you were once again back to your oppressive household without anyone to share your sorrows with.
But this day was different. He walked with you till you were a few houses away from your own, you parted ways and you walked back alone to your house, or rather, you thought you'd be alone.
A voice came from behind you, "Good evening, young lady." You almost jumped at how close the man was to your ear and how you didn't hear him coming to this proximity.
The man in question looked much older than you, almost as old as Hoseok. This person was certainly here to bother you and you definitely weren't down for it.
You let out a nervous laughter, "Oh, good evening." And walked forward without sparing him a second glance.
"Don't be so rude now, I am here to speak with you." He caught up to your hurried pace.
"I am sorry but I don't suppose I would be of any use to you." A myriad of questions arose in your mind. Who was he? Was he here to have his way with you? You had heard from Taehyung, what men possibly thought of you; and it certainly wasn't pure.
"Ah, see that's where you are wrong." He said in a false vile tone, "You are very useful to me."
You turned around completely appalled, "That is no way to talk to someone, a lady in particular. I could be of use to you after you have spoken with my father."
"Who is the lady here? I see a girl, no, a kitten."
Not having much time to spare, as your father would quite literally kill you for being outside after dark, you said, "Sir, I am no kitten, but I am not one to argue with you. Good day." Saying this hopefully deterred him enough to not pursue you anymore.
And it did work, he didn't follow you after that, or rather, again, you thought he wouldn't follow you.
"How was your day, father?" You asked setting his footwear aside and welcoming him.
"Well, the funniest thing happened today. A master brought in his slave for treatment." He laughed. Ofcourse, he wouldn't give his services to anyone lower than the nobles and the occasional palace workers.
Your mother reciprocated his laughter with her own, "You should have told your assistant to not let them in." The two of them joked further while the kitchen staff served them dinner. You sat down on the floor beside your father fidgeting and looking down at your fingers on your lap.
It annoyed you, like something that constantly pricked you deep within. It was the way not just your parents, but the majority of people spoke about the lower and less fortunate.
"Isn't it funny, my daughter? Why are you not laughing?" He asked. You had been over this before. You would ask him not to speak about the lower castes this way and in return he would starve you for the night.
"It's just that..."
"What is it?" He asked in a stern voice. "Speak up!"
"I-I don't like your words. I don't like the way you talk about them." You shut your eyes fully expecting a smack right across your face.
But it never came. Neither did your father's anger.
Instead he laughed.
"Is that so? My dear, do you know what that slave said to me?" He asked. You were stunned and confused to say anything.
"He said, 'You don't mind your daughter sleeping with that Kim boy, but you refuse to treat me?'"
You began to grow even more confused as you looked at the servants setting up another plate of food on a small table similar to yours and your parents'.
"You know Jeon called me to his palace today. He has heard the rumours as well."
A man with cold feline eyes and his forehead covered with his messy yet well-maintained bangs walked into the room. He held a scowl on his face as he sat down at the table in front of yours.
Your eyes widened. It was the same person who had bothered you earlier that day.
"Father, what's going on?" You asked partially getting up from your little table.
But your father simply completed his previous statement, "So, he sent his finest to keep an eye on you."
"What do you mean?"
"Meet Min Yoongi."
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Forgotten Potatoes
Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+, thigh riding, fingering, oral (f recieving), PIV sex, wrap it before you tap it, aftercare
Word Count: 3000ish
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Billy was, once again, late to dinner. You know he’s busy, being a CEO is a lot of work and you respect that. You also know he spends plenty of time out picking up women. The least he could do was show up on time for his best friend. The two of you eat dinner at the same time every week, it’s not hard to remember. The sight of him rushing through your door, almost an hour late has you forcing yourself to take deep breaths to keep from snapping.
“I am so sorry, sweetheart. A meetin’ ran late and traffic was hell.”
“It’s fi- is that a hickey?” You were about to let his tardiness go, you really were. But the sight of the faint bruise on the right side of his neck has you fuming.
“Probably from the other night, my date got a bit carried away,” Billy grins, but you aren’t smiling.
“Carried away. Right.” You turn from him, making some excuse about checking the potatoes. He sees right through you.
“You seem upset.”
“No shit, Sherlock. You’re 52 minutes late and have a frickin’ hickey. Were you expecting me to be happy about that?” You’re overreacting, you know you are. You have no right to react this way about Billy’s sex life. This is nothing new. You don’t know why you’re so angry right now.
“I apologized for being late, sweetheart. You’ve never been upset about seeing marks before.” His tone is amused and it’s just ticking you off even further. 
“Usually your ‘dates’ know better than to leave them in obvious places.”
“Are you- are you jealous?” 
“Why would I be jealous?” You scoff.
Billy tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “I don’t know, sweetheart. You tell me?”
You gulp and try to maintain your quickly fading anger as it’s replaced with desire. “Don’t tease me, William. Unless you want me to burn your food?”
“I think I’d rather eat something else.” Billy’s staring at you with an intensity that lights a fire low in your stomach.
“I don’t appreciate being mocked.”
“I’m not mockin’ you, sweetheart.”
“I’m not sleeping with you, Russo.”
“Why not?” Billy asks in surprise.
“‘Cause I can’t do the whole casual sex thing with someone I care about and I’m not ruining our friendship just ‘cause you’re horny and I’m the closest available option.”
“Baby, you wanna know the real reason I’ve been late so often lately?” 
You nod.
“I’ve been tryin’ to work up the courage to tell you how I feel, for weeks now. I can’t take my mind off you. I tried to go out with other women and I don’t want them. I only want you.”
You lick your lips and watch as Billy’s eyes follow the motion. “And the hickey?” You ask.
“It didn’t go any further. I was tryin’ to distract myself ‘cause I didn’t think you thought of me that way.”
“And what makes you so sure that I do, now?”
“Friends don’t get that pissed at the sight of a hickey, sweetheart.”
“You want me?” You question, still not believing your ears.
“You and only you, baby. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen,” Billy murmurs. “Can I?” He looks down at your lips pointedly.
You nod quickly.
“Need you to say it, sweetheart.”
“Yes, kiss me. Please, Billy.” 
As soon as the words are out, his lips are on yours, moving insistently. Your hands clutch the front of his shirt, as if afraid he’ll stop and pull away, but Billy has no intentions of stopping. One hand moves to the small of your back, pulling you in, while the other tangles itself in your hair.
Dinner is forgotten as Billy starts pushing you backwards until your back hits the wall. You move your hands into his hair and he presses against you until your body is flush with his. A firm tug of your hair causes you to part your lips in surprise, something Billy quickly takes advantage of, slipping his tongue into your mouth. He practically steals the breath from your lungs before pressing a series of kisses against your jaw.
His lips trail up and down your neck before he gently scrapes his teeth against your skin and you let out a breathy moan. 
“You like that, baby?” Billy asks, nipping at your ear. You can only groan and nod in response. He takes that as a sign to continue, biting down sharply on your neck before soothing the sting with his tongue. Your left hand is tightly woven into his hair and your right hand is wrapped around his shoulder. Your core is pulsing with need and you rub your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure. Of course Billy immediately notices.
“So needy,” he hums. 
His hands grip your waist and he lifts you upwards. You squeak in surprise, but he ignores it, setting you down onto his thigh as he continues sucking at your throat. You can’t help but begin to grind yourself against him. You let out a sound of pleasure that has you reddening in embarrassment and clamping your lips shut to prevent any more noise from escaping. Billy’s mouth covers yours roughly, teeth tugging at your bottom lip before pressing his tongue inwards in search of yours. His hands slip downwards and grip your hips, dragging you up and down his thigh, creating delicious friction against your clothed pussy. His mouth swallows your cry and you move to tug his shirt over his head. You whine when his hands stop touching you, but they return after he tosses his shirt over his shoulder.
You run your hands across the firm muscle of his chest and abdomen, luxuriating in the skin to skin contact. 
“May I?” Billy asks, pulling back and looking into your eyes as he pulls at your top. You don’t answer, choosing to yank the shirt and pants off yourself, exposing your lace black bralette and thong. Billy groans at the sight.
“Who were you wearing this for?” He growls.
“Wanted to feel pretty.”
“Baby, you're the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. And you’re all mine now. Right?”
You nod jerkily. He slips a hand between your legs, circling your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. Your hips jerk involuntarily and his other hand’s grip on your hip tightens. “Say it.”
“‘M yours, Billy, only yours,” your voice trails off in a whine as he increases the pressure on your clit. You cover your mouth with your hand, but Billy pulls it off.
“I want to hear all of those sweet, little noises, baby.”
Billy undoes his belt and kicks off his pants, left only in his boxers. Then he reaches behind you and expertly unclasps your bra singlehandedly. You help him pull it off your shoulders before he lifts you up against the wall, encouraging your legs to wrap around his waist. This position puts him almost eye level with your breasts, something you barely have time to notice before the wet heat of his mouth encircles one of your nipples.
Your hips jerk when he tugs gently with his teeth and you’re certain he can feel how wet you are against his stomach. Turning his attention to the other breast, he experiments with different pressures using his teeth, lips, and tongue. The whole time his eyes never leave your face as he takes note of each and every reaction.
“Bedroom,” you gasp. Billy doesn’t put you down, just carries you to his room and tosses you backwards onto the bed. You bounce and almost giggle, but your gaze catches on the hardness barely contained by his boxers. You’d always thought Billy was big, but it was an entirely different thing to know. To be honest, you were nervous that it wouldn’t fit. You only really had any recent experience with toys, most of which were of an average size and even those felt like a stretch some days. 
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll get you nice and opened up for me.” He grins, all teeth, before joining you on the bed and crawling over you. 
He keeps his eyes on yours as he dips his fingers under the fabric and gently brushes your bare clit. Your eyes snap shut at the sensation and he tugs sharply at your hair, making you moan.
“Keep your eyes on me. Do you understand?” Billy orders and you nod, earning another sharp tug of your hair.
“I understand, Billy,” you whine.
“Good girl.” He rewards you by pushing his index finger into your cunt, coating it in your slick before dragging it to your clit and rubbing firm circles around the sensitive nub. Billy drops his mouth to your chest and begins nipping at your breasts, the pain an intoxicating contrast to the pleasure of his hand on your clit. 
He alternates directions and speeds, carefully listening to each catch of your breath, before settling on a zig zag pattern that you react the strongest to. Slowly, he adds more pressure and speed until you’re panting underneath him, trying to keep still. Your pussy starts to clench around nothing and as if he can sense your impending orgasm, he speeds up and digs his teeth into your neck, just shy of breaking skin.
Your back arches off the bed as you cum, clit throbbing as Billy continues to pleasure you, never once slowing down or stopping as he pushes you towards overstimulation. Just as it begins to get too much, he eases off, gently stroking you as he kisses your neck. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull his weight onto you as you come down from your high.
“You okay, baby?” Billy asks, amused.
You nod before stopping and saying breathlessly, “I’m okay, Billy. You’re really good at that.”
He chuckles and pulls himself off of you, lifting himself onto his knees until he’s no longer touching you. “I got some other things I can show you that I’m really good at. Unless you want to stop for tonight?” He’s earnest in his offer, wanting to make sure you’re still comfortable.
“I think you might just be all talk, Russo. Maybe you should prove it,” you challenge with a wry smile.
“I obviously haven’t done a good enough job if you can still sass me.” He shakes his head and muses,”I wonder how many orgasms it’ll take to fuck that out of you?”
You try to suppress a shiver at his words, but you’re sure he sees it. You prop yourself up on your elbows and say, “Big talk for a man who’s currently not touching me.”
He growls and wraps his arms under your thighs, tugging you towards him before he grasps the soaked fabric of your thong and rips it off. You’re not sure what he intends to do when he suddenly bites your upper thigh and you cry out.
He licks at the redness of the imprint before moving to the other thigh and biting again, just as harshly. Your hips jerk upward and you wish he would touch you properly and stop teasing.
“I won’t make you beg today, sweetheart,” he says as if reading your mind. 
Then he moves his mouth to your lower lips and licks a long, broad strip from your hole to your clit. Your head falls back and he gives you a gentle slap to the outside of your thigh. “Eyes on me or I’ll stop,” he orders.
“Yes, sir,” you say without thinking. His eyes widen, but he thankfully doesn’t comment on it before he puts his mouth back on you.
“You taste better than I imagined, baby,” he says after coming up for a moment.
Billy takes his time teasing you with his tongue as his strong arms prevent you from wiggling. He drags his tongue up and down your sex, occasionally stopping to swirl it around your clit, but never focusing long enough for you to cum. He begins fucking you with the wet muscle and your eyes shut for a moment. A sharp smack to your thigh has you opening them quickly and Billy hums in approval, the vibrations against your cunt making you groan.
“Billy,” you whimper when he thrusts his tongue back into you. You think that flips a switch as he moves to your clit, wraps his lips around it and sucks.
“Fuck!” You shout and you swear the dark brown of his eyes have turned fully black with how dilated his pupils are. 
He releases your nub and starts flicking it with his tongue. Firm flicks up and down, and then soft circular motions, before sucking your clit back into his mouth.
“Feels good, Billy, so good.” He doubles his efforts.
You feel your core tightening, you’re so close. He tugs your clit gently with his teeth and you cum, stars filling your vision. The sensation is like lightning over your skin. As you cum, Billy slips a finger into you, softly stroking upward as he enjoys the feeling of you clenching around him, imagining what it will feel like around his cock. You squirm against him, trying to escape the intense stimulation, but he doesn’t let you move an inch, sucking harshly against your clit. You whine and buck your hips into his mouth. Your hands shoot to his hair and your tugging gets him to finally ease up.
He allows you to come down, continuing to gently stroke your insides. He removes his finger and licks some of the slick still dripping from your cunt, carefully avoiding your clit to avoid overstimulating you. Your breath comes in quick pants and all you can think about is Billy touching you.
“More?” He asks and you nod eagerly. Billy slips his index finger back into your pussy, quickly adding a second. You hum at the stretch. His fingers are so much longer and thicker than yours, reaching spots you are never able to as he crooks them inside you. Your hips move of their own accord, trying to grind down against his hand.
“Patience, sweetheart. I’ll give you what you need soon enough.” Billy spends a few more moments leisurely stroking your g-spot before he adds a 3rd finger. You are so wet, it slides in almost effortlessly as you stretch around him. His thumb rubs against your clit and you’re moments away from finishing again.
“Please, Billy. I want you,” you beg. Before you can orgasm for the 3rd time tonight, he withdraws his fingers, leaning up over you and offering one to your mouth. You accept it eagerly and suck, swirling your tongue around the digit as you stare up at him with low lidded eyes.
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous, baby.” Billy pulls his finger from your lips and licks the rest of them clean himself. “Condom?”
“Nightstand,” you answer, sitting up. Billy opens the drawer and pulls out one of the tiny packages, tearing it open and handing it to you. He kicks off his boxers and you are speechless for a moment, distracted by the sight of his cock. Billy smirks at you and you snap out of it, grasping his length in your hand and firmly stroking up and down, rubbing your thumb over his leaking tip. 
“Fuck,” he gasps and you grin, rolling the condom over him. Once it’s in place, he pushes you flat onto the bed and hives over you. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, are you?” You ask.
“Never been more sure of anythin’ in my life, sweetheart.” Billy lines himself up with your dripping core and slowly sinks inch after inch into you. You’ve never felt this full in your life, never felt this good. 
Once fully seated, he gives you a moment to adjust before pulling almost completely out and pushing back in. You rock against him, encouraging him to continue moving.
He fucks you in a way that’s almost tender, if it weren’t for the way he continued to nip and suck at your neck. From this angle, the hickey from whatever woman he had been with last is right in your face, mocking you. You lean your head closer and bite more roughly than you had intended, but Billy likes it if the lusty moan escaping his lips is any indicator. His hips snap faster against you as you suck hard and wet on his neck, determined to cover the mark with a much larger one of your own.
“Such a good girl for me. Taking me so well. You look so pretty stretched out on my cock.”
“Fuck, Billy,” you whine as your fingers dig into his back. You’re so close you can barely think.
Billy’s hand sneaks between your bodies and begins rubbing fast circles against your clit as his thrusts pick up speed. The knot in your stomach tightens. Your core clenches and your thighs begin to shake.
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” Billy  murmurs by your ear, gently tugging on the lobe with his teeth.
“Mmhmm.” You aren’t really capable of full sentences right now. All you can think about is his skin against yours. The lewd, wet sounds filling the room. The thrust of his cock against your g-spot makes you see stars.
“Be a good girl and cum.”
That’s all it takes to set off the deep waves of pleasure that lick up your spine as your pussy clenches around Billy’s cock, triggering his own orgasm. You can feel him pulsing inside you, the movement of his hips stuttering and slowing. The hand at your clit slows to a stop and the two of you pant against each other. 
You feel weightless, breathless, and you doubt you could move if you wanted to. A small noise of protest leaves your lips as Billy pulls out, but he shushes you softly, disappearing into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He comes back with a damp washcloth and cleans you up, tossing it in the hamper and crawling into bed next to you.
You roll onto your side and wrap yourself around him. With one hand, Billy traces his fingers up and down your spine as the other strokes your hair.
“Stay the night?” You ask quietly.
“I’ll stay until you kick me out, baby.”
“Forever, then?”
“I can work with that,” Billy says with a grin.
You hum happily before lurching upright at the smell of smoke. 
“The potatoes!”
If you want to be put on, or taken off my taglists, feel free to tell me!
Billy Russo Taglist: @snowkestrel, happydeanpotter, jvanilly
Everything Taglist: @kayhi808,
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
Hi ! I saw you wanted suggestions for Brienne x reader !
So basically, Reader loves Brienne and Brienne loves reader, but the havn't told each other yet.
Brienne is coming to reader's castle (I think reader is a Princess, at least from the upper class) but she is attacked (her and the men she was with). Some of the men manage to escape, but not Brienne.
The men arrive to the castle and tell what happened. Reader ask if Brienne is alive. Some of them answer they don't know, some of them answer they saw her stabbed.
Reader locks herself in her bedroom for a week, refusing to eat and to move. When someone knock she asks them to go away until she recognizes Brienne's voice saying smth like " I'm sorry Y/N I'm late"
I hope I made it understandable.
Thank you if you do it
Late for Dinner
Brienne x reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, hurt/comfort
A/N: Sorry this took me so long, but I hope you enjoyed it<3
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Your stomach sank. “What do you mean? Was she injured?”
“Your highness,” the knight said again, “I’m sorry, but...”
Your ears tuned everyone out. Missing? How could Brienne be missing? She always made it out of a fight. The thought of her misery, her torture, her death made bile rise in your throat.
“Thank you,” you managed to choke out. “You may go now.”
The man bowed, the others behind him following, and turned out of the room. From your peripheral vision you could see your parents turn their heads to look at you.
“Don’t,” you mutter, knowing they’re about to say something. And with no other words, you leave the throne room, court members looking on and whispering under their breaths.
Days had gone by and you hadn’t moved from bed. Meals had been brought in on trays and set down on your vanity. But there was no energy to move. So, the trays stayed there, untouched, food uneaten.
There was a light knock on your door. Without waiting for an answer, the handle turned and in walked your mother.
“Sweetheart?” Her voice was soft and the door clicked shut. She moved to the bed, sitting down on the plush mattress and reaching out to stroke your hair. “The kitchen said that you haven’t eaten a single bite since Monday.”
“Go away,” you grumble. 
Your mother sighs. “Darling, you need to eat. I know you’re worried but Brienne could show up at any moment.”
“How do you do it?” you ask, face still buried in your tear-stained pillow. “How do you remain so optimistic?”
“In a world like this,” she says, “you have to be. Seeing a better future gives you hope. You’ve always been pessimistic, though. I think you got it from your father.”
“I definitely didn’t get it from you.” 
A light chuckle escapes her lips and she sighs. Her hand moved down to touch your shoulder before she stood up. “I know your father’s never really approved of your…choices…but he is worried. He just wants you to be happy, and if–”
“If he wants me happy,” you cut in, “he can bring Brienne back…”
Two more nights passed and you worked up just barely enough energy to take a bite of porridge in the morning. The sun was almost below the horizon when a maid brought in a tray with that night’s dinner.  You thanked her before she left, sitting up in bed and dragging yourself out of the warm cocoon of blankets. 
At this point, you had lost every ounce of hope. Your head had cleaned itself of its brief delusions. Brienne was gone. Brienne was never coming back. Brienne was dead, and that was that. As you weeped, you took a single bite of a pastry on the tray surrounded by various vegetables and mashed potatoes covered in butter. Barely being able to stomach the small bite, you set it back down on its plate. 
After an hour, the sun was completely set, and your room was thrown into darkness. When another maid came in to clear the tray, she lit the fire in your bedroom hearth. 
“Thank you,” you muttered.
Curtsying, the girl left in a hurry and all was silent. The moon could be seen through your window and your eyes focused on nothing but the silver orb in the sky. More tears began to fall and your eyes grew heavier. Grief always makes one so terribly tired. 
A knock on the door drew you from a light doze. 
“Go away,” you called.
You could hear the door open and your breath deepened. Turning over to face the door, you didn’t register who was there before shouting. “I told you to g–!” 
You stopped yourself. There she stood, a sheepish smile on her face. “I’m sorry I’m late,” she said. Her hair was a mess, locks of unwashed hair fell in her face. Bruises lined her cheek with patches of dirt, and she wore no armor–only a tunic and loosely fitting breeches. 
“Brienne!” Tears once again formed in your eyes, but these were not of sorrow. Every prayer, every hope and wish had been answered. You sprang from bed and ran into her arms, sobbing. “I thought you were dead.”
“I know, darling,” she whispered. “I know.” Brienne’s hand came to your head, fingers entwined with strands of hair as she held you closer. “I’m here now…And I won’t leave you.”
Sniffling, you pull away, looking her up and down, panicking. “Oh, gods! You’re bleeding! Let me take you down to the kitchens.” You took her hand and rushed out of the room. “They should have something–how bad is it?”
Brienne stopped you in the middle of the hallway. “Y/N! Y/N!” You turned around at your name. “I’m fine.” Her voice softened. “I stopped at a boarding house a couple days ago. They stitched me up. I promise you,” she said, “I’m fine.”
Your chest rose and fell as you relaxed. “Alright…but we’re still going down to the kitchen. You need to eat something.” You continued holding her hand as the pair of you strolled down the corridor. “And you’re a mess, too. You can use the bathhouse tomorrow, and I’ll have the maids try and find you some clean clothes.” 
At the sight and sound of you fussing over her, Brienne smiled, holding back tears knowing that she’s finally found a love worth fighting for.
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parachutingkitten · 10 months
Programmed Like Me
Little one shot of Lloyd and Pixal after the big battle in season 8, the night before the karaoke scene. The ninja have just gotten back, and Pixal, having been home with Wu, has been making dinner for them.
Lloyd had never seen Pixal cook before, and evidently, neither had Pixal. She stood in the center of the kitchen, staring down at a recipe card in deep confusion. There were a number of ingredients scattered across the counters, and a very large pot on the stovetop encircled in smaller pans. Her eyes blinked up in surprise at Lloyd as he entered. 
“Lloyd! Dinner isn’t ready yet. I’m so sorry, I-”
“No, that’s fine!” Lloyd cut her off. “I haven’t even changed yet. I don’t think everyone will be ready for maybe an hour.”
Pixal sighed. “Good. Zane said this recipe would be easy,” She looked back down at the card. “But a soup really shouldn’t have this many pans involved.”
Lloyd chuckled. “Yeah, Zane’s definition of an easy meal is a little skewed.”
Pixal placed down the card, turning her attention back towards the stove. “I had to look up what a roux was, luckily I was able to figure that out. The onions look just about done, and then the rest of the potatoes go in raw before boiling for a half hour-”
“Is this the soup with the leaks?” Lloyd’s face lit up.
Pixal smiled and nodded. 
“You know what, Zane is right. This is the perfect post battle meal.” Lloyd joined her next to the stove as she lifted her current pan, transferring the contents into the large pot. 
She placed down the pan and her spatula with a hefty exhale, and returned her attention to Lloyd. “I apologize, you needed something?”
“Oh! No, I just-” Lloyd stammered as his mind returned to why he had come. “I haven’t been able to talk to you since we found out… this.” Lloyd gestured to her very generally as she smiled. “And I just wanted to talk to you, or rather, I needed to thank you.”
“For dinner?” Pixal questioned. 
“No. Well, yes. This looks like a ton of work, but more importantly,” Lloyd shifted as he talked, his tone trying desperately to stabilize. “I wanted to thank you, personally, for saving my life that time, just about a year ago now.”
Pixal stared back at him, a pleasant sort of confusion on her face. 
“I know I thanked Samurai X at the time, but,” Lloyd struggled to keep up eye contact. “I always told myself I would want to thank them face to face if I ever got the chance. You were there for me when I was weak, and it really meant a lot to me.”
Pixal leaned toward him, picking up on the vulnerability which had entered his demeanor. “Of course. That’s what I’m here for.”
“No, I mean it,” Lloyd pressed. “None of us knew you existed. You blew your cover for me. That's a huge deal. I don’t know if you were even comfortable with the equipment yet, but you were there even when I should have been able to save myself-”
“Lloyd, do you know what my programming is centered on?” She stopped him. 
He froze for a moment, caught off guard by the question. “You… were an assistant?” he offered.
“That’s right. I was made to assist people.” She nodded. “Now, helping you all has meant quite a different thing than when I was working in an office, but I was also made to adapt to the needs of those around me, so that’s what I did. I would have saved you regardless of if I were ready or not, because that’s the only action which aligned with my directive.”
Pixal took his hands into hers, holding them together between them. “But, I was more than happy to do it for you, because I knew I was saving someone who… is programmed the way I am.”
Lloyd looked up at her, tears beginning to form behind his eyes. He sighed, his head hanging. “This is gonna sound so ridiculous.”
“What?” Pixal grinned, letting him go.
His eyes remained evasive, circling around her as he continued to speak. “I know it’s kind of crazy, and I never told anyone this, but I always kind of saw the new Samurai X as like… my guardian angel.” He finally glanced up at her, watching as her expression softened. “It seemed like you were always there exactly when I needed you most, like you were watching over me. Just this mysterious, illusive figure who somehow knew exactly when I was in trouble, and always came to save me, it was magical to me. And finding out that my guardian angel has also been the one talking in my ear for a whole year now-” The tears finally broke free, as Lloyd quickly rushed to brush them away, a self-deprecating smile quickly popping up to mask his emotions.
Pixal’s wide embrace soon surrounded him, her voice again in his ear. “It’s an absolute pleasure to think I could be half as good as you make me sound.”
Lloyd’s arms crept around her as he leaned into the presence of his angel. “No, I’m not doing you justice.”
Lloyd felt as her breath hitched beneath him. “I’m sorry if the touching was sudden, I haven’t navigated a social situation like this in quite some time,” she apologized.
“Pixal, you can hug me whenever you like,” he laughed.
“Thanks.” She began to pull away, now shooing away tears from her own cheeks in between chuckles. “You know, I think there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who think of the Green Ninja that exact same way.”
Lloyd sighed, pondering the thought. "Well, I'm glad I could borrow some of your programming."
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