#new fave reaction image just dropped
thenon-fictiondays · 6 months
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art imitates life
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ormymarius · 1 year
this image of my cat makes me laugh so bad
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mercurypyrite · 1 year
okok idia’s dorm vignette is fucking hilarious and i love it so much — like, look at this:
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new reaction image just dropped
(this is over the website of premo, his fave idol group, getting hacked btw)
what’s much more interesting to me is that lilia got part of his “human lives are as fragile as thread” speech. from. idia!!
“<Gloomurai> and they’re doing this because they solemnly accept the threads of fate they’re given
<Gloomurai> ultimately, humans are frail creatures whose lives are like a single thread
<Gloomurai> once that thread is cut, boom, it’s over”
but here’s the thing: lilia expands upon it.
“Human lives are as ethereal as silk thread on a spinning wheel — and just as easily cut short. But their fragility can be a boon. Interweaving and layering those threads creates the strong, resilient tapestry of their history. Such is the creature called man — neighbor to we creatures of the night.”
lilia’s been around far longer than idia. as a soldier — possibly a medieval soldier, at that? — he’s probably seen some of the worst things the world can offer. but his outlook on humanity isn’t nearly as negative as idia’s. (and yes, part of that is probably that idia’s pre-book 6 outlook is just. so so colored by resignation toward ortho and his curse and his future and STYX. but like. there’s a fundamental difference about how they see the world but it’s not so impactful that they can’t be friends!! bc idia respects muscle red!!) possibly it’s because lilia’s been through awful shit that he believes in humanity’s resilience…?
(disclaimer: i can’t actually remember how much of lilia’s backstory we actually know vs. what’s extrapolation or just plain fanon, but i can’t imagine that a man who raised his human kid like a fae soldier for the first however-many years is perfectly well-adjusted and non-traumatized, no matter how he acts in canon.)
humans are fragile, but humanity is resilient. the individual vs. the whole.
lilia’s seen so much more than idia, but it means he’s seen more of the good, too, compared to idia who’s pretty much only seen the bad.
it’s so interesting to me to see them play off of each other, and i hope we see more of it in book 7!!
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hyuckmov · 1 year
I attended tds2 in my country in my gosh post concert depression is really hitting me hard rn 😭 BUT OVERALL IT WAS QUITE FUN I SAW MARK AND HAECHAN LIKE TWICE NOW THE FIRST ONE ONE BEING IN 127 THE LINK FKEKNDBDHDKDKDK
i keep laughing at my fancams tho because of my ridiculous screams that sound like i'm fighting someone or generally barking HAHHHAHAHAHA
ANYWAY HOW ARE YOUUUU MY FAVE FIC WRITER?? 🥺 tell me how your week went!
- 💛
HIII SLAYYY to ur eventful week!!! omg pcd is the worst. i had a photo of jaehyun from the 127 concert that i used as my wallpaper and i would literally just stare at it and my friends would be like... ENOUGH. but also you are so luckyyy to have this experience like MAHAE TWICE??? IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU i hope it was the best best time evevrrr and you got to make a lot of memories :)
im so stressed whenever i take videos for concerts bc i'm scared my voice will be picked up. when i went for the dpr live concert, it picked up the voice of this girl next to me and GIRL. i was so upset... bc it was so distracting. i'm literally trying to go for a concert twice so i can scream in one of them and just record videos in the other one 😭😭😭 but also im considering selling that ticket and buying one for another artist hehe
JAEMINNNN (growling rn) my feelings for him have been out of control recently. i know idols are just curated images, but damn...his is curated so fucking well... ,istening to ariana grande and niki in his room...grocery shopping in LA... his smile and hsi ARMS and his arms and his arms......wna fall into his chest i am so insane he is sooo it's all so intentional. THE WAY him and hyuck look at each other sometime during concerts???? if i were haech i would be backstage asking him WHAT ARE WE!!!!!
HOW MY WEEK WENTTT i finished up my internship!!! it actually went pretty well bc i rounded it up with a presentation on a research project i did and i tried really hard w it and i was validated w my efforts!!! i got to see my friends a little and irrelevant and tmi but i think im so lonely im going insane bc im kind of having feelings for my best friend but it might be because i dont see him a lot so i'm. trying to quit bc its so embarrassing... next week i have a bunch of interviews so WISH ME LUCKKK 😭😭😭😭
also this is so lame of me but when i drink im mostly NOT drinking outside im drinking... at home? or at a friend's place? LET ME EXPLAIN see it's because 1-2 drink jing is DIZZY. that's my first reaction to being drunk and it's so LAME and terrible in public spaces because i do the ditzy stumbling around and typing terribly on my phone (fun fact i got drunk at a school function once bc soju looks like water and we smuggled it in) and i literally almsot FELL down the stairs in front of my teachers it was. not good. anyway yeah thats why i dont really drink in clubs and bars (ALSO because it's so expensive there 😭) 😞😞😞😞😞  but i'm having a lot of fun i usually have plain soju but today i had whiskey!!!
i AM working hard on my stories and im exicted to share them with you when i'm done!! thank you for always being supportive of me and my efforts <3 i appreciate and luv u so os sososo much
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korgbelmont · 4 years
Newsletter 22/01/21
In the midst of the difficulties and uncertainties happening around the world, we're pressing onward to produce books we hope you'll fall in love with. As we continue to support one another within our studio, we can truly say that your thoughtful feedback has encouraged us during these challenging times. While we can't predict what'll happen next, we hope our 2021 books will provide you an outlet to smile, laugh, and relax during these times...
Book Updates
Without further ado, we wanted to take the time to update you on the various books to expect in the coming year. Hopefully, these will answer your most pressing questions!
With Every Heartbeat
Aching for another heartfelt Choices story? We're releasing this VIP book to all players at the end of the month. (Eagle-eyed fans might notice we've even updated some of the main character hairstyles!) Be sure to follow our official social accounts for more previews...
So It looks like WEH MC will have some new hairstyles, I know for a fact that this book SOOOO good, can’t wait to see peoples reactions to it.
Open Heart, Book 3
This February, make the most of your third year at Edenbrook and reunite with your favorite medical crew in Open Heart, Book 3! Will the heart of Edenbrook remain the same in Leland Bloom's hands?
So it looks like they are setting up the plot to have Bloom as the villain and the gang finding a way to get rid of him whilst keeping Edenbrook open. I am still wary of this book, but will see it through as I do believe it is the final book of the series.
Calling all food lovers! Our team is whipping up a new dish of choices in the kitchen. Get your pots and pans ready for this exclusive Choices VIP book! We'd love to see you all participate with recipes of your own... What delectable dish can you make with these ingredients? Let us know using #playchoices and #ChoicesCookbook.
So this is a part of their branching out into new genres, I have no clue what to expect, I will keep an eye on it. and see what it’s like
Laws of Attraction
Bring your A-game to beat out the competition in this brand new title set in one of New York’s premier law firms. With high-profile cases and a hard-driving, mysterious boss, you’ll be in for dramatic days… and steamy nights!
So it looks like we are getting another book that’s potentially gonna be on the more... mature side. I am curious to see how this will play out and what the premise is going to be.
Crimes of Passion
We’re hyped for this book, and although it won’t be out until later this year, we couldn’t resist sharing a little peek at what you can expect from this thrilling, unpredictable, and jaw dropping mystery book.
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So I haven’t exactly been quiet about my excitement for this book, and this image gives off some SERIOUS culty vibes. Crimes of Passion is definitely my top book for this year to keep an eye on.
The Nanny Affair, Book 2
Book 2 of The Nanny Affair is in the works and will be releasing later this year. Can't wait to find out what's going to happen next? Here's the latest hint:
"We have a lot of exciting plans in the works for The Nanny Affair, Book 2 (and trust me, the art team is outdoing themselves). We don't want to give away too much, but let's just say, you may not be the only nanny in town this time around..." - Megan
As I said before, I enjoyed book 1 and am looking forward to book 2. I am curious as to how it will all play out, by the sounds of this, maybe Sam gets another Nanny in whilst they and MC work to sort out the fallout from the wedding??
We know plenty of you have been dying for a zombie book. (Yes, we see those tweets and messages!) Until now, we were only able to share a zombie emoji… But we can make this official: zombies will be taking over Choices later this year, so stay tuned!
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So I’ve been playing a lot of Resident Evil recently, and the creatures on the right give me serious RE vibes. I am now curious as to what the premise of this book will be and how it will all play out. 
The Royal Finale
As mentioned in our last Choices Insiders email, the final book of The Royal Romance series will air later this year. Here's a quote from the Book Lead to tide you over until then:
"In The Royal Finale, you'll uncover new secrets, unravel old mysteries, and experience new heights of royalty with your family!" - Olivia
I hope the “unravel old mysteries” is in part, reference to what part Jackson played in Liam’s mother’s second child. And with the whole secret society thing, who knows what’s gonna happen. 
Queen B, Book 2
You just can’t get enough of us, can you, newbie? Enjoy that high of being Queen B… Because what goes up, must always come down. - Kisses, the T.
Oooh, we're excited! Writers Chelsa and Maya have sent us this cryptic message:
What do you think it means?
Emojis and I have a terrible history so I ain’t gonna try and decrypt that (leave a reply if you do). As for the book itself, I am looking forward to it, aside from the forced Kingsley romance, I enjoyed book 1. I looking forward to the mystery element and hopefully seeing Zoey get her proper LI treatment, and hopefully see Veronica & Carter become LIs.
More New Books in the works!
We are continuing to work on more multi-gender books, including Blades of Light & Shadow 2 launching 2022.
More books. Yay (in theory (depends what they are))
News about Other Sequels
Many of you have asked when or if your favorite books would continue. We want to make sure we inform the community with confirmed and finalized details regarding sequels. To explain a little more in depth about how Choices sequels are decided, our Head of Content Max took some time to give us that insight:
After a great deal of consideration and discussion, we have decided that officially these series will not be getting additional books: Most Wanted, Hero, Nightbound, the It Lives series, The Elementalists, Distant Shores, and Ride-or-Die.I know this may be disappointing to hear, and the truth is, we’re always disappointed when we have to make this decision. I’d like to share a little bit of our process to help you understand why this happens.
Whilst it is a shame, it is nice to have clarification, especially with Most Wanted & Hero. I was surprised to see that Ride or Die won’t be getting a sequel, but sometimes these things happen. As for It Lives, Distant Shores, Elementalists, and Nightbound, I knew they wouldn’t get sequels, but it is a bit of a heart punch to see some personal faves get an official status of concluded.
About once a month, I, along with a small group of Pixelberry's senior staff, make the hard decisions about which books will be written next. Deciding whether or not we make a sequel is an evolving process that we've refined over the years. But even today, it remains ever-changing, and it's never simple.
So I don’t really know what to say here, it’s rather self explanatory. So, yeah.
Sometimes, we want to do a sequel but the Lead Writer is no longer available because they’ve moved onto another project or even left the company. We've tried changing Lead Writers in the past, only to watch sequels struggle, losing sight of what made the original great. This is what happened in the case of Ride or Die; we simply don’t have the team now with the passion and vision to give fans the sequel they crave.
I saw a post by @thefirstcourtesan​ that OH and ROD share a book lead and after what happened to OH2, it is understandable what happens, and sometimes these things will happen. As for ROD, it works as a standalone, and I am okay with there not being a sequel.
Sometimes a book is a critical darling, beloved by both fans and Pixelberry staff... yet the player numbers aren't there to justify doing another one. This is what happened, for example, with Nightbound, Most Wanted and Distant Shores; while these books were beloved by their players, simply not enough players were starting them to begin with. And these are the ones that hurt the most. We genuinely love these books, but if they haven’t found enough of an audience with our players, then it’s very hard to argue for making a sequel. Believe me, I can't think of a single writer on my team who isn't passionate about their book, but ultimately we are one company in an extremely competitive space, and we have to do whatever it takes to keep running well. If a Book costs significantly more to make than it brought in, it’s very difficult to justify a sequel.
Again, I don’t really know what to say here, again it’s rather self explanatory. Given how long it’s been since Most Wanted, it was safe to say BK2 weren’t happening. 
Other times, everyone online seems to hate a book, but the numbers disagree. It's hard to believe, but your most loathed book -- the one that you feel no way deserved a sequel -- might actually be the one that's keeping the lights on for us. And without those books (and those players!), half a dozen other beloved titles may never have existed. We're thankful for sequels. They help us fund future books and projects to try new things. If it weren’t for the success of sequels to books like The Royal Romance and America’s Most Eligible, we would never have been able to try a risky experiment like Blades of Light and Shadow.
This comes across a tiny bit boasty, but it is kinda true, their more generally released romance books are why we get the big ones such as Blades, and I know people diamond mine the quicker released books for the big ones. So, yeah, I don’t really know how to say it, sorry.
We love our online fandom, and your passion, creativity, and art. At the same time, the most visible parts of the fandom sometimes represent a smaller percentage of our players, many of whom might have completely different taste. We have a vast varied player base, and our job is to try as hard as we can to create interesting stories for all of them.
Finally, saying no to one book almost always means saying yes to something new. And without new there is no Pixelberry. When we said no to Most Wanted, much of that team went on to write Endless Summer. When we decided to stop making sequels to Rules of Engagement, that team went on to create The Royal Romance.
With every new book we create, I hope against hope that it'll be our next hit, the start of a ten-volume series that fans will love and support! Some of them are. Some of them aren't. Either way, I hope you stick with us. Sequels are great. So are new things, and I hope most of all that your true favorite Choices book is still out there, waiting to be written.
The fandom is going to make up a small section of it and at the end of the day, they are a company, so the numbers are gonna be what counts. And in saying no to a sequel, it means they can go on to experiment with new story ideas. 
Looking Forward
Internally we've been working on the representation promises that we made in June 2020. We've implemented some new Black hairstyles into With Every Heartbeat, and will continue to add more new hairstyles in our upcoming books. We plan on posting a representation blog in the coming months to share a full update of our progress.
So I am curious to see how VIP players would react to updates to With Every Heartbeat, but I am glad to see representation being shown and that they are working on it.
Last but not least... We appreciate you <3
We’ve seen a rise in constructive criticism in our social channels and want to personally thank you for all of your honest feedback. We read all of your concerns and continue to evolve our thinking and processes based on your feedback. At the same time we take our responsibility of crafting stories very seriously. Sometimes we disagree with suggestions or due to constraints can’t enable changes we agree with, but we do try to improve over time and learn from your feedback.
We also continue to ask that you communicate with each other respectfully. And keep in mind that just like with other parts of the internet, just because someone posts something doesn’t mean it’s always true. To everyone who helps keep our community a safe place to freely share your thoughts, opinions and love - thank you. Your respect and kindness goes a long way, and we are looking forward to spending more time with all of you in the coming year.
We’re looking forward to a great 2021 with you!
Finally, I’m glad that they’re reading what people are saying, it is understandable that there will be disagreements with suggestions, that’s just life, it’s human nature. I am curious to see what will be released in the coming year and how they will play out.
In summary
I had a feeling that books they said won’t get sequels weren’t, especially Hero and Most Wanted. It is sad to see that It Lives won’t be concluded, and I knew Nightbound & Distant Shores weren’t going to get sequels (unfortunately).
Glad to see them making more multi gender books, hopefully we will get more like Foreign Affairs with the different pro-noun options.
I am curious about Laws of Attraction and very much looking forward to seeing how Crimes of Passion will play out. I will post my thoughts and theories as we get new information
Stay safe everyone :)
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writsgrimmyblog · 5 years
Queerbaiting, Commercial Masculinity and Queer Identity
I don’t want to get dragged into huge discourse, but I wanted to set out a couple of thoughts on labelling / not labelling and the way the word ‘queerbaiting’ gets thrown around, which drives me barmy.
Below a cut to save your dashes. If you want to chat about any of this I’m around for the rest of the afternoon / evening and happy to discuss, just drop me a message.
Queerbaiting. This term is relatively new and it has its origins in fictional narratives where writers explicitly target LGBT viewers / readers with protracted queer subtext without delivering meaningful representation. It has negative connotations and there is a distinction between queerbaiting and the potential for reading something queerly, the subversive pleasures of homoerotic subtext that don’t demand canon affirmation. The line between when something becomes a ‘bait’ and cynical marketing ploy depends on the facts of each specific case, which will include the audiences being targeted (and how) and the intentions of the writers / creators. 
Rainbow capitalism (pink dollar, pink pound) and commercial masculinity. To my mind these terms are far more useful in the context of assessing how a male popstar is marketed, particularly Western popstars with a boyband background. A non-music example of commercial masculinity would be David Beckham and the metrosexual man. This had its roots in the invariably white, ‘body beautiful’ masculine aesthetic of 1970s gay porn which valorised athleticism and muscle men. Designed to appeal to the gay and bisexual male gaze it simultaneously disavowed gay and bisexual male consumers and identities by expressly targeting the straight man to invest in the male grooming market (see: Mark Simpson, Paul Deslandes, Helen Shugart, Justin Bengry, Toby Miller and others). With regard to boybands specifically you will find pieces on marketing masculinity and how this commercialisation of the male body influenced early boyband marketing, together with marketing androgyny (Daryl Jamieson on the Backstreet Boys is one example). 
Can real people queerbait? It’s possible that an individual might be able to construct a ‘fictional’ celebrity persona that is like a queerbait, but it’s a very imprecise term in the context of real people and pop stars in particular because it comes after many of the studies referenced above that offer such important context. Queerly ambiguous pop/rock celebrity far predates queerbaiting research but has formed part of studies on the way gender is marketed in Western music and courting of the pink pound. To offer another gender flipside think of the female solo artists (the disco divas) who have such a strong resonance with LGBT communities. Just because LGBT people are investing in an artist who may or may not be queer themselves does not always automatically equal a cynical or appropriative marketing strategy. It’s way more complex than that.  
Harry Styles. It’s no surprise to me that with Harry’s musical influences, he would be attracted to the ambiguity that enables fans to read Harry the performer - much like his desire to leave lyrics open to interpretation - in a way that speaks to them and their own experiences, a way that makes them feel seen, welcome, safe. With the pop celebrity this can have a distinctively transformative and positive impact on queer fans which is specific to the performer on stage whose image (Bowie, Prince, Freddie Mercury) can often matter far more than their words. This kind of ambiguity isn’t a new thing and if you want to bring accusations of courting the pink pound at his doorstep you’d have to go way beyond yelling QUEERBAIT on Twitter. It can’t be as reductive a critique as saying ‘he waved a rainbow flag but doesn’t say much.’ It’s a much more complex analysis of his marketing strategies, specifically where and how he’s choosing to market himself. My personal take (if you want it) is that Harry is far less about courting the pink pound and gay / bi male gaze and more about providing a safe space for queer - predominantly female - fans and an image they can draw transformative queer potential from without him saying they are wrong to do so.
Labels, intrusive questions and subjective queer experience. The issue with ‘to label or not to label’, with asking the question or not asking the question, is that the way we respond to those moments will not, as LGBT people, be homogeneous. For some - I would suggest particularly those who experience LGBT identity in unsafe jurisdictions or have deep experience of the closet - the question itself might be triggering, a forcing of someone’s hand. For others who choose not to label themselves the desire to put people in boxes will be an affront, an outdated legacy of homophobic othering, the insistence of neat packaging for the non-queer reader, a way of dividing ‘them’ and ‘us.’ On the other side of the coin there will be people whose experiences of fluid sexuality (I’ll use bisexuality for ease but know I mean the broad spectrum of identities between ‘gay’ and ‘straight’) desperate for visibility, see a person with a huge platform coming out as bisexual as a massive win, a step forward, something that matters, and they’re hungry for it. No one has any right to demand that of any individual, but you shouldn’t beat yourselves up for privately wanting it, if you do, for longing to see it open and explicit in the public sphere. 
Ultimately with all of this you decide with your wallet. What we’re effectively talking about is marketing and public image. If you don’t like the image being presented to you, don’t invest. You don’t have the right to demand an individual give you any details about their gender identity or sexuality, but you do absolutely have autonomy to explicitly state (or not state) your own identity (if you are safe to do so). You can take comfort from or feel a kinship with celebrities through their music, the way they dress, the things they say, the messages they put out there and so on. You can decide what to do with your own identity and who you want to be, with or without explicit statements from any given celebrity. 
You can be both thoughtful and critical and simultaneously love and support your faves, you don’t always have to be wholly positive or wholly negative. Whatever you draw from the public celebrity persona we are shown might be very different to the things other fans take away. It seems important to consider that their reactions might come from a place of different experience and to listen to / understand alternative perspectives on something, even if you don’t agree, as the way we respond to so many of these issues will be influenced by our own experiences and queer identities.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Wed 4 Sept 1/2
Listen I'm just gonna throw it all out there as efficiently as I can: Louis posted a list of worldwide coordinated drop times for KMM tomorrow; the KMM-red-and-black image was later found to contain hidden images: a 28, a Louis smiley (tm), and KMM. If reading the chart is too daunting, fear not! A countdown clock has been posted to Louis' ig story. 1883 mag, who have apparently been holding out on us, busted out with a completely new Louis pic, also in KMM black and red, damn! Perfect! He's lounging sexily on the floor and looking at us like he knows something we don't well NO SHIT. Example A: next he gave us a puzzle to solve! A link was sent out to the email list that connected to a YouTube video of a single letter with a tiny clip of sound: each region got a different letter that when assembled in order (Louis-on-a-roller-coaster-voice what order?! to spell Kill My Mind of course!) yielded a clip of the song! YESSS FIRST LISTEN SO EXCITING! Presumably the region divided clips on YouTube gave them some data about who was watching. But we still had our promised surprise! That wasn't it! It was a video of Louis thanking us, talking about the song, and telling us, "we also have the lyric video coming out tomorrow, I’m really, really, really excited about that," and letting us know that it was his idea, that he saw the storyboards for the main video and wanted to make them into this. So that tells us one, something about what the main video will be and we'll know a lot more after we see all of this tomorrow, and two, that mastermind Louis was all up in it and it will probably be packed with hidden treasures to find. He soon after tweeted how impressed he was with the speed of the puzzle assembly (+/- 20 min. Yeah. That fast) and dropped a clip of the lyric video (same song snippet): as suspected it's a similar animation style to what was done for the TOU and JLY videos. Gonna just put it right out there that they were all likely made by the same studio and that Louis was real involved in all of them. And even in the tiny snippet we saw, a little easter egg; Louis is wearing a Louis smiley t shirt. Nice. In the video thanking us and talking about it, he is wearing a vintage Real Madrid shirt with a rainbow on the sleeve, really nice. (And he's sitting in front of his band's setup featuring a big smile on the bass drum, also so nice.) ANYWAY on the subject of the live action video it was confirmed that Charlie Lightening is the director and Louis followed him. Louis himself popped super briefly out of what must be the absolutely manic LTHQ offices to pose for some pics- earlier he tweeted, "so excited for tomorrow" and it really looks like he is, he's just glowing. It's so beautiful to see honestly, we're excited too! I'm excited for you!
We got some early reactions on the song: Official Charts had a big write up and says "there's something very turn-of-the-noughties-indie-pop about (KMM)" and "most notably, on Kill My Mind Louis sounds at his most confident and comfortable yet." "Appreciate the write up! It's bang on!" said Louis. Fan fave (and known larrie) DJ Olivia Jones said, "in my humble opinion this is the most Louis track we've had yet," and confirmed that she has an interview recorded with Louis that will air Fri evening. Radio spots confirmed so far: Jordan Lee at Hits Radio gets first play tomorrow and he's taking questions for Louis on his twitter, Louis will be on KMFM Kent radio also tomorrow night where they'll be doing "Louis RomComlinson" hmm okay, Total Access Show with Olivia Jones Fri night, and The Beat Sat. They appear to be doing the same roll out as TOU in many ways so there will definitely be lots more little radio spots to come, with probably more being announced by the time you read this.
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gayerthanthat · 6 years
charta astrologica Zainis Malikis
(or just Zain Malik's natal chart hehe)
So, basically, I tried to read Zayn's and Liam's composite chart before, but I sorta didn't know exactly what I was doing. Now that I improved my knowledges in astrology and felt more ready to try to read an astrological chart, I decided to start with one of my faves, Zain Malik. I found his birth time in astrobank and his chart is like this:
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The point in the chart that symbolizes the native is the Ascendant (AC), which is, in this case, Pisces. This means that Zain is a person with a sensitive, empathic, kind, dreamer and naive temper. Venus near the AC gives him even more loveliness and beauty. He's moved by the need of emotional security.
All the planets aspect each other, so, direct or indirectly, all of them are connected with Zain's significator, which makes the chart very complex.
Venus gains a lot of importance because she's very close to the AC and, above all, she's its almuten (the planet which gets stronger in a certain zodiac's degree), since the AC recieves no aspects from any other star. She rules the 3rd house (communication, regular studies) and 8th (someone else's money). We can see that these two topics are crucial on Zain's life.
Venus recieves aspects from other two planets: Mars and Moon.
Mars is in Cancer, his fall, and retrograde (walking backward in the zodiac), which is a high level of affliction. He's in the 5th house (sexuality) and rules 2nd (money) and 9th (faith/religion, higher education, foreign countries). He's in a dexter (an aspect formed against the order of the astrological signs) triangle (120°) with Venus and they apply mutually to each other, which means a strong connection between the two of them.
Mars is also in an partile (exact) sextile with the Moon, which could save him from despair, because she's the ruler of Cancer, plus she's angular, so she could give him the power of her house. However, Mars' retrograde movement makes him reject the Moon's transference of virtue, and even worst: makes her catch part of his debility.
Plus, Mars is applying to Jupiter in a square (90°), who rules the Midheaven (MC), which represents career, public image and fame. Last, but not least, Mars opposites Mercury, in a partile aspect, and applies to the Sun, in opposition too.
The Moon is in Virgo and in the 7th house (marriage), angular, which gives her certain importance too. She rules the 5th house (sexuality, children, sports and art, entretainement) and forms a partile sextile with Mars. The Moon also separtes from an opposition with Venus.
The Moon also forms two triangles: one with Mercury, a partile one, and applies to the Sun on the second one. They both are in Capricorn, in the 11th house (happiness, success, friends). Mercury is the ruler of the 7th house and the 4th (privacy, family, hidden things), and the Sun rules the 6th (work abilities). The Sun and Mercury also form a square with Jupiter.
Jupiter, in his turn, applies to Saturn in a triangle. Saturn is in the 12th house (agony, hidden enemies, prision), in Aquarius, and rules the 11th and 12th houses.
Wow. A lot of informations, right? If you're not getting anything, just relax, drink a cup of water, rest your mind for a minute and then keep reading. Believe me, you'll need to.
This first panorama of the chart is important for us to know what means what and what are the relationships the planets are keeping with each other.
As we just saw, the Moon opposites Venus and, since opposition represents a relation of harshness between the topics that both planets means, we may say that Zain's sexuality was an obstacle during his elementary education.
In fact, Zain already revealed in a interview that, when he was a kid, he did not fit in both schools he studied. However he affirmed that it happened due to the fact that he was half Pakistani, so he felt like he didn't belong.
This means that I am lying? Well, we'll get there.
Mars, forming a very strong triangle with a strong Venus (an universal significator of wealth), gains a bit of her strength, which is no surprise that he's billionaire before 30 and already traveled so many countries.
Here, it's interesting to notice that Mars collects Venus and Jupiter's lights, bounding the two of them. Jupiter is in the 8th house, that means someone else's money, and as we know, Zain career started through someone else's investment.
The square that Mars forms with Jupiter once again point to problems envolving his sexuality (5th), but envolving his career/job (10th) this time, creating conflicts and fights, probably with someone who might be his "boss".
Besides, the square between Sun/Mercury and Jupiter, as well indicates conflicts envolving Zain's job and his happiness(11th) and work abilities (6th). This "boss" probably won't allow him to work the way he's more comfortable with, so it spoils his good spirit (bonus daemon, the 11th house). This idea can be more real for the fact that Saturn's very strong in his chart, he's getting along very well with Jupiter and he symbolizes depression, isolation, disgrace, etc (12th).
Another look on the Sun/Mercury/Mars opposition might take us to think that, again, these problems with his happiness and work are linked with his sexuality. We can also understand that there are friends (11th) who collaborates to hide (4th) his sexuality from the public. He may be unhappy on his work (6th) for not being able to talk openly about this person he's with (which is reforced by the Moon, oppositing Venus), since the aspect between Mars and Moon indicates that his relationships are very influent on his art.
Does it ring a bell? Well, it seems that on his adulthood, Zain's sexuality became a threat once again. This is one of the effects of Mars' retrograde movement, which often symbolizes recurrences, return to previous conditions, etc. Plus, due to Mars' extreme weakness, I'm afraid that Zain's sexuality ends up being held hostage of outter factors (Mars usually represents bravery and action, but, in a watery feminine sign, his power is limitated to fearful, headstrong and irrational reactions only).
In the end, due to the fact that Mercury is in combustion (too close to the Sun, thus out of sight, hidden by the Sunlight), it is possible that his marriage will be kept secret from the public.
Anyway, before we finish, I must apologize to drop things like this, but I couldn't had any sight of change of this general picture. My guess is that we'll have to wait (he's only 26 now), the natal chart must be worn out.
The second point is: humans errors happens, I'm still new on this business, so I can't guarantee that I made everything right all the way till the end. My intention have never been to expose anyone, but, in my defense, I couldn't have known what I'd find untill I read it.
It is difficult even for me to glimpse such a tortuous way for someone I really appreciate. However, I truly believe that most things I revealed were already known by part of us.
Any doubts or comments my ask is open. Love ya <3
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: BibleGirl666
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Arguably the country’s most famous queen who has never been on “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” this entrepreneur and genuine pop scholar has captivated legions of fans the world over with her social media presence, including an especially-devoted Instagram following. She came of age in an era where lowbrow culture was championed by the expansive bombast of MySpace. BibleGIrl666 -- who tellingly drag named herself after her own provocative social media handle from that time (a somewhat misleading one, since this native Floridian and current Brooklynite is actually a Nice Jewish Girl) -- built an entire celebrity persona around the equal-parts celebration and satire of the best of the worst of what pop culture had to offer. Now a more seasoned stage performer at the ripe old age of 24 and the founder of the incredibly successful DragqueenMerch online company, Bible is very much a queen that you need to know. Drag Con, you ain’t ready for this!
Thotyssey: BibleGirl, thank you for talking to us! You were just in London, right?
BibleGirl666: Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to rock out here with you! Yes, I was just in London two weeks ago for DragWorld UK.
Is it surreal to meet fans across the ocean, who only know you from social media?
It transcends surrealism, in all honesty. I go into any kind of convention / travel situation with no expectations because it's like, 'Well, who the fuck am I,' if that makes sense; then once at the event, to be faced with a line of people who just "get" what you do without question is really dope.
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It’s always interesting for me to hear from a performer about how much of her drag persona is fully her, and how much is a created character. In your case, BibleGirl is very much a fully-realized character based on those white trashy MySpace girls that came up in the Britney Era: colorful, selfish, messy, fun.  Do you think those traits fascinated you on a personal level, or were you just so exposed to that growing up in in that time that that’s all you knew?
I feel like, more so than ever, the character is at her most fleshed-out point to date. The genesis personality, which was that of the aforementioned trashy girls, took hold because that's what I was super intrigued by at 15 on the internet. 2007 was the era of trainwrecks and unapologetic tabloids! Seeing the public's fascination with the tragic headlines fueled by A-listers really resonated with me.
I sometimes miss MySpace! That network sort of encouraged one’s individualism, whereas social media today tends to streamline you to be like everyone else. You can’t even use your drag name on Facebook! But scrolling through peoples’ MySpaces got ridiculous in the end, with all that music and animation people posted on them. Anyway, do you miss MySpace at all?
LOADED QUESTION! I miss the aspects you described, but I don't miss it entirely for the clunky interface and cesspool breeding ground for the cyberbullying which really took root there, in my opinion.
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The best way to follow you on social media today is Instagram. Do you consider yourself to be very picky and choosy about what images you post there, or is it always spontaneous?
I used to be super haphazard with my posts, but realized there is an algorithm and a process of finessing an "aesthetic" if you will. I have found that following my own set rules for my account has allowed me to explore character development on more of a multimedia platform rather than in a club.
I do my best to maintain levels of spontaneity, to show who I am on a more personal level, through the Instagram stories feature nowadays.
Recently, Instagram temporarily took down your account under very mysterious circumstances, during a period when it seemed like social media was maybe cracking down on gay content. 
The experience was really bizarre, and one of the weirder ones I've had this year. I was in Canada for a couple of shows, and was waiting for a flight to Winnipeg for night #2 at 6 AM, and I watched my account get suspended in what was essentially real time. I woke up before heading to the airport, and checked Instagram with no problem. I got through security, found my gate, and grabbed a seat... only to check Instagram and watch an auto-log out happen. I checked my email thinking I was hacked, but instead had a message saying I violated terms and conditions and was indefinitely suspended. I joke that it's the trip that never happened because I virtually couldn't document it. It took an interview with Unicorn Booty after a week of suspension, and two days after the article’s release, for my account to return with zero explanation.
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You have kind of a rabid fanbase, based largely on your amazing pics and your relatable personality that comes through. Can you kind of empathize with a young celebrity queen like Drag Race’s Valentina, who might’ve been overwhelmed by her fans aggressively trolling other queens from her season and then got heat for not regulating it? Like, can a single person even regulate a monstrous online movement like that?
I can empathize with Valentina on more of a level of we are both people that know what we want, and stay in our respective lanes when reaching our goals. I think it's fucked up that people use a reality TV villain narrative to scapegoat micro-aggressions, but maybe that's just me. I do think a more immediate condemning of the trolling from her fanbase would have done everybody a little bit more benefit, but I did find it in bad taste when people were going to her meet-and-greets just so they could film whether or not she hugged fans.
You do get into some trouble now and then for “hurting someone’s feelings” online, be it another queen or whomever. But your drag persona kinda dictates that you have to be a Heather once in awhile for authenticity, right? Are there lines that you don’t cross when it’s time to take a bitch down?
After a lot of trial and error, I've learned to not go for the lowest hanging fruits, as they tend to be the most personal and internally damaging.
I've fine-tuned the infamy channels, and have kept a lot of my humor more pop culture-centric since it's what I know best. Anything pop-adjacent are gifts that keep on giving.
My motto to troll by hails from Brazil: Se me atacar eu vou atacar [you attack me, I attack you]. It proves handy!.
Have you had a “favorite” feud with another queen, if that’s possible?
It's impossible. They're all great when you're the one getting booked.
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As far as today in Pop Divadom, fans are having wild and polarizing reactions to Taylor Swift’s new music and videos, and Katy Perry’s as well (but we all seem to be on Team Kesha). Where do you stand with these ladies… who are you loving and who are you hating?
First and foremost, always Team Kesha.
Ultimately, I ride and die with Katy if it’s between her and Taylor. Although problematic, I have never seen Katy as somebody with malicious intentions. Her music has always been really fun, well-executed pop, and that's what originally made me love her. I find her recent public reception rather upsetting, considering how on top of the world she was, re: Prism World Tour. She was always just somebody who did her thing and was inclusive of everybody; I feel that it's been a consistent trait of hers since I first discovered her, like, 10 years ago.
I also feel like noting that she was publicly campaigning for Clinton in 2016, and what 2017 yielded was an avalanche/barrage of god awful press majorly hailing from the likes of Page Six & TMZ, -- both of which are backed by CEOs who have vocalized support for Trump. This also happened to coincide with her album promo release cycle, and that created some weirdly fulfilled prophecy of failure. It just all seems strange to me.
I DIGRESS...I really fucking love Katy's most recent album, Witness, amongst all the flack she's gotten.
Circling back to Taylor: she's somebody who at this stage of the game has been nothing but self-gratuitous / indulgent. As a woman, more power to her for living her best goddamn life in what has been a male-dominated industry in terms of those who can make or break you. That said, now is not the time to be rehashing old fights with celebs. Now is not the time to show the world that squeaky jar of mayonnaise TayTay has a bad girl streak "for a reason” now. There's so much going on in the world, and I think her message misses the mark this year. 
That goes without saying that I'm not marginalizing sociopolitical situations via the behaviors of pop stars.
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In the past you’ve emphasized that you’re not a “strong” performer -- that you’re like a regular girl feeling her fantasy lip synching into a hairbrush. But I’ve seen clips of you giving very high-energy, fun, splits-and-drops-and-all stage performances recently. Have you become a better stage performer over time, in your opinion, or have you maybe discovered more joy in performing?
In the past I feel like I had been allowing people's opinions to manifest my performance style, and it created a sense of complacency where I thought being bad was all I was capable of. Through growing into myself, and taking some choreo lessons from my friend, Nick Laughlin, I was able to really channel my performance style into being more about exactly what a song makes me feel in that moment, rather than a fully rehearsed number where you can tell I'm counting steps on my face.
After enough time, I've learned drag ain't so serious. If I'm having fun, people vibe off of that. That's the atmosphere I try to bring on stage nowadays, something just bursting at the seams with bright colors, crazy faces, and good-ass time.
What’s your favorite number to do these days?
Kesha's "Let 'Em Talk" of Rainbow is definitely a fave hard-hitter of mine!
One New York venue where you performed in a lot over the years, Easternbloc, has just closed and will be revamped as the much-different Club Cumming very soon. You and Ruby Roo hosted a fondly-remembered party there called Hellfire Club, and most recently there was Bible Study (hosted by Cameron Cole, Cedric Antonio and yourself). Are you quite sad to see Easternbloc go, or do you think Club Cumming will offer something special? 
Easternbloc was the first real gay bar I had been in ever, right after moving to NYC 6 (AHH!) years ago. It was also the first bar to take a chance on me with a reoccurring party. It will forever hold a special place in my heart, where I made so many friends and lost so many memories! I welcome the evolution of the bar; I like being Glass Half Full.
Do you know yet if you’re gonna be involved in Club Cumming after it opens?
I've heard nothing in terms of official return on my end, and that is totally a-okay. That doesn't mean I won't happily be a patron and support a local queer space.
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You’ve been hosting / performing at several monthly installments of the “Wallbreaker” benefit shows at Macri Park in Brooklyn, which features a new charity cause and lineup of guest performers each month. 
The experience of working Wallbreaker has been nothing short of amazing. It's less about me, and more for what the party is and stands for. I'm happy to see an entire community come together to help support those facing oppression.
What’s in store for the next one?
The next Wallbreaker is on September 14th, and its the ninth installment! Super wild that we're this deep into 2017, period. This month we are raising money for the benefit of Brooklyn Defense Committee, which is an emergency response network for those facing harassment from ICE, whether it pertains to deportation or unannounced home raids.
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Aside from Instagram, you’re best known for the wildly successful and essential company you started, DragQueen Merch. This is basically an Amazon for the t-shirts and other promotional items that drag queens sell to fans, where items are printed and directly shipped to order -- eliminating the need for queens to worry about stock and supplies. How long have you been doing this now, and how much of your time does it consume these days? Do you have a large staff?
The business has been running for nearly three years, which is mind-blowing! A lot of my time during the day (aside from my freelance graphic design job) is invested into the site, whether it's strategizing for what's next or setting up pages for queens. Our staff consists of no more than ten people, as far as infrastructure is concerned!
I recently had a queen tell me that she didn’t want to get on your bad side because she wanted to sell her stuff on your site. Are personal relationships / interactions ever a consideration for putting a queen’s stuff on your site, or is it simply that if they agree to whatever the business arrangement is and have the collateral, then it’s all good? Point blank: it's one thing to have an opinion on me. It's another when you have no problem utilizing a non-expense startup system which was founded on wanting to help our industry on a grand scheme outside of TV, and then marginalize me as just some chick who can't actually do drag makeup or dance. I won't allow a negative opinion to dictate who is or isn't on the site, but I always see everything and note who says what. I like to know who's afraid of the “@” symbol.
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Okay, let’s talk about this weekend. First of all, Drag Con! What will you be doing at the convention?
Dragcon NYC is gonna be the fuckin' tits. I will be at Booth 557 w/ Rubber Child, Lisa Limbaugh, Trixie Mattel, Amanda Lepore and the House of Avalon! The entire DQM team is going to be on deck as well. Together, we are meeting-and-greeting, along with selling our respective merch ranging from apparel to enamel pins!
Who are you excited to see there?
Honestly? Rubber and Lisa. We only get to see each other during con seasons, or on the off-chance I get to escape to Florida for a weekend. There isn't ever enough time with them.
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And you have a stellar lineup in store for a Drag Con afterparty and show you’re hosting at Stonewall on Saturday night: Super Smash Kweenz!  We’ll see you there with Lisa and Rubber, plus Brooklyn’s own Daphne Sumtimez, Hystée Lauder, and Cameron Cole, in addition to famous out-of-town performers like Lucy Stoole and Soju. 
YES. What gags me the most is that we are throwing the coolest party comprised of local talents of NYC and afar (without an emphasis on drag and TV crossover as the main attraction) at a muthafuckin' gay national monument! All of the performers (including Cameron as DJ) are some of the best and most unique that I have had the pleasure of experiencing shows of and working with!
PS - we don't have a cover or tickets because Drag Con is already corporate enough. If you want a damn good drag show in a rad location, Super Smash Kweenz at Stonewall Inn on Saturday the 9th is where you want to be!
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What else is going on with / coming up for you?
At this point in time, I am bound and gagged by contracts until announcements are made! Just note: lots of travel for the next few months, and I couldn't be happier or more excited!
You’re always on many lists as a favorite candidate for a season of Drag Race. Is this something you’re actively pursuing?
It is not something I am currently pursuing. It'll always be a childhood dream, and something I enjoy. I'm a believer in timing, and if my life is circular, I'm not going to try and make it fit within the square hole of reality TV.
Oh, you seem like a good person to ask about this, as an internet-famous and pop-savvy entertainer: what do you think about Lactacia, the 8-year old drag queen? Is she fabulous and wonderful? Is she annoying and demeaning to the art of drag, or a true prodigy? Is she being exploited, or are her parents good role models for what the parents of a drag child should be? Should an extremely underage kid be turning numbers and sass in bars on the stage with Bianca del Rio?   
Ohhhhhhhh, I say let the kid live! I love her and what she represents. It doesn't feel exploitative. If anything, it is celebratory, and should be shown as a class act of how to accept your child for who they are -- no matter what they are or how they represent. I think Lactacia is punk as fuck -- and like every good drag queen, is getting into venues underage. She'll be seasoned well before any of us industry-working heifers are.
Okay, last question: What’s the single best piece of advice you can give to anyone, anywhere, who wants to break into drag in 2017?
Do it for you.
Thank you, Bible!
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BibleGirl666 appears monthly at Macri Park for the “Wallbreakers” benefit concert on second Thursdays (10pm). Check the Thotyssey calendar for upcoming area appearances, and follow BIble on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and DragQueen Merch.com.
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joseyfeli1-blog · 7 years
Camren is endgame Pt.2
The Healing Yep super original to use CC1 to title this right? Anyway I write this to show one of the infinite universes where camren is true and the fact that there are still many parallels and I am trying to show them off but really those aren't important. Now I hope the VMAs are close to this, as in I hope camren will be free soon. Cause my heart is in Fucking pain cause of them. But I digress and do side quests :P Anywho I hope anyone and everyone could enjoy at least some if this ~~ -Camz? Tell me this isn't true, there are so many questions, why do you want me to suffer?- Luaren's voice cracks as she tears up and crunches a letter. Camila that had been packing to go to Miami to meet up with Joseph before the performance. -Laur, it isn't, oh gosh I can't do that, listen it isn't about our relationship, okay?- Craddling Lauren while they are both on their knees in the hotel room of their last time being together for the night. In the public knowing degree, cause whenever they have open days they are racing to reach each other in open arms.-Listen this is was a long time coming. You know I'm not happy, not as much as when we were kids. When we could be very free and very much in love. Even when we couldn't. Hell I never was mad about you not wanting to hold my hand. Show me your unrelenting love. Just saw you love me outside the walls we made to keep us together away from the real world. But I can't do that anymore, from everything that's been going on, I need to leave. Too much has been toxic to the both of us.- Tears marking her fave as Lauren keeps crying into her neck. -I know its horrible to say this to your other heart, but we need space. We need to be far apart so when everything is far away, camren, our music careers, our support from our fans, our contracts, everything that refills the cup of poison we are supposed to drink for our breakfast. I can't be apart that anymore. I need to be the kid again, I need to grow up. Away from all this shit.- Lauren has yet to stop any crying, if anything she is crying more and more.-But just know, that through everything and the worst if the worst that will be created out of this, it is all for you, For you Lauren.- Camila bites her lip as she can see Lauren moving her head up to see she has cried a lot, but they are okay. Complicated as all hell, but okay. -So through all the news and management shit, it's all for me?- Lauren looks up with such adorable puppy eyes that would melt anyone's heart but with the added puffy eyes and wet marks searching for her chin. -Wow all if that and you heard it was for you? And they think you top?- Both of them holding, embracing each other shared a small yet genuine laugh. -Yep, that is what is gonna get me through it, and you know I'm greedy. That's why Lucy left me in the fucking dust. She thought that I was not giving back enough in the relationship.- Lauren brought up her ex to get a reaction out of Camila. -You mention that bitch again, especially where she was calling you out on 'your shit' I swear to ally!- Lauren loved poking the bear. She hugged Camz harder and with a big dumb smile. -Aww you care about me!- -I will never stop.- ~~ -Wait what! This has been in the works since fucking 2014!?- Camila asked with suspicion.-Well no, maybe, no probably not, but as you can see they have been all working together, before so maybe they were hoping that someone that would bring a huge new crowd, a crowd that wouldn't question the companies, people that would be confused, anyone with enough money to be stupid and fun. They wanted Fifth Harmony. They needed you guys, if not there wouldn't be given as much money as they are. You see all these rappers had a fellowship but not of any comparing size. Once they get in touch with someone, in this example its fifth harmony, that have more people, they know that people with a lot of time on their plate will support the collaborates because they believe all the five girls do.- It was late night, They had been talking about why everything was going on and why everything was happening the way it was. There must be an Answer! It was a tinfoil hat kinda night. -They knew this would happen, that there would be a split, they wanted it to happen. More money to circulate. Fresh, new, young money. Cash money Baby!- Joe couldn't resist. Even at a moment of complete seriousness he would still find a joke to make. Camila simply rolled her eyes with a smile. -What assholes...- Camila mumbled.-Right! Well know that we know we maybe a step ahead of them, or just one step closer to them than they thought. Eaither way, its progress Camz!- they finally found something yo bring up to the stage and something they were both sure that no one else could have noticed.-No wonder Laur and Ty were 'vibing' off each other.-Camz said with distaste in her mouth. Quoting a magazine that interveiwed fifth harmony after their VMA performance. Declarungbthat 'Tyren' is officailly dead before it was real.-Yeah and that makes sense he won, you kidding me, thousands of young minds thinking she's happy with him, cause of some posed and made up photos! Hell she hated him from his soul to the skin. He made her skin crawl every moment of every day.- Showers would not be enough for a stain like him. The moment he called her a bitch and claimed her, was when Lauren needed to be with Camila the most. It was a hard day. Much of her fans stopped being okay with the idea that they are together, even though she is probably required to do so. All she needed was her Camz, so for that whole day they never tried to look at it, they ignored the whole world for a day. It was pleasant and taught them that they do need each other very much. -Yeah she needed me more than she ever could that year. She's string and independent but when it comes to me, I need her just as much as she needs me. We deserve each other.- -Well that's sweet and all and it brings me tears, but really you had grab her?- -Gotta show whom owns her.- Camila said with a wink and a laugh. Joe then proceeded with a smile and looking for a way to use this information to their bidding. -Well,- Joe started,-They will deffenately believe in camren now, so they womy believe us, they'll think its to uphold your straight image. Even though I'm sure you have made no real effort to keep that up.- He said with a suggestive eyebrow raise.-But we can make it louder. We can be together more, be together in interveiws, everything! All the stops, and once the album drops,- -They will still know its about Lauren.- Camila interrupted.-Because it is, its always been for her.- Joe gives the girl a solemn star from across the hotel room. He can see that it is already becoming morning.-Hey lets sleep on it alright? We might not be tired but we need our brains to be paying much more attention on this issue. Use our dreams to help us. Abuse the dreamscape!- Joe said as he jumped to the bed.-Ahh. Well come on. You get cuddles,- -No, I don't deserve cuddles,- Camila said sadly and lowly. -Everyone fucking deserves cuddles.- Joe stated sternly.-Come on! What you the only one to be wanting the human touch? Get over here, I'm cold!- -Alright fine.- she laid almost cradling the man laying with her.-Isn't it weird that I'm the big spoon here?- -As weird as it is true that you are top. So not weird at all. Hell I love strong independent women. Why do you think I'm trying to help? My own personal gain?- Camz thought for a second. -Well no you were never like that.- -Exactly I just care top much about all of you. Want you to be happy. With what ends up being, or whom you end up with. You all deserve the best.- And with that they lay there not talking only drifting slowly to sleep. ---- -Huh!- Camila was awoken with a brilliant idea.-Joe! Joe wake up! I have it! I know what to do!- Camila was too ecstatic for sleepy people she needed to tell this plan to someone whom is all there awake and all. -I'm up I'm up!-Joe takes a deep breath as he is nearly blinded be the bright light coming into the room. Closing the blinds before bed would have been a great idea. Joe gets up to close the blinds with a grunt. But fortunately, for Camz, he is awake. -What, is the, grand plan now?- He said wiping at his tired eyes. Walking towards the bathroom to stick to a  schedule to help him wake up. Camila digresses as he wakes himself up. -Okay so this will end being all about camren in the end right?- -But of course,- -Right soo, instead of starring away! We hit it with all we got and give the shippers all they can take.- Joseph was so taken back. He never thought to bring more into the fight. Just use the ammo that they were given. The perfect plan to ante up and use every nine-yards of ammunition they can bring back up. -So what though? We bring back dead news of camren? Or we reuse? Or we use your album and the interviews and performances you'll be apart of soon?- Camila states into the perplexed man with all seriousness and so much giddy. -Everything.- It was so simple. So clean. Such an idea would not be on the minds of fat cats as they believe coming out will only be a bad idea. But It isn't. Its more better than living with so many people watch as you are still closeted. Of course there would be repercussions, hell thousands, for Camz, for Joe, and for Lauren for sure, not many people are her fans any more. Well not the people she would like to consider supporting her.
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thewingedwolf · 7 years
Ben and Lonnie are Actually BFF’s - headcanon/meta brought to you by Rani and her need for her faves to have been friends and also a little wish-fulfillment. I wrote this forever ago and it’s A Lot but I’m posting it before it gets jossed by Descendants 2 (which....who knows maybe my broship will be canon but whateva).
So for my First Piece of Evidence...it’s less evidence and more me spit balling (I’ll get to actual evidence later). But they’re pretty evenly matched in temperament, they’re both happy, cheerful, and kind kids with a general positive outlook on life which would make me think they would get along. I mean, Ben seems to get along with everyone so its not far of a stretch that him and Lonnie would get along.
Second, she seems pretty down with the proclamation. Which could be chalked up to her just being a good person but uh. Considering the pushback Ben got from it (warranted or not), it doesn’t seem very likely that’s the reason. Or likely all on it’s own anyway. I mean most of the parents are against it, at the very least the more popular kids are against it (minus Ben), so that’s a lot of people around Lonnie that don’t like it, but she seems sorta down with it, even if she’s a bit reluctant. Which obviously means that Ben was like “look literally even my parents aren’t in love with this idea I need someone in my corner Lonnie pls I will do your math homework for a month” and she went along with it bc THEY ARE BFFS.
Third point which is - Lonnie tries quite often to be their friend, initially in a way that looks like she was put up to it by someone else (...maybe...idk...Ben...) but then keeps trying
she’s one of the first to reach out to the four and she does so fairly early on
also. why would she go to them for magic hairdo she’s the kid of two big military leaders i am positive she has the money to go to a nice hairdresser or like, her grandmother.
she also comes across a bit better than chad and jane do - evie wants a boyfriend, chad plays on this by using her to do his homework, mal has to chase after jane and jane only stays bc mal makes her popular. the minute audrey and them accept jane, she drops mal fairly quickly. lonnie wants them to do something for her yeah, but she offers to pay for it, so it’s not like she’s taking advantage or anything.
her reaction after she gets her hair done like she’s SO EXCITED AND SHE WANTS MAL TO KNOW THAT and then she rips her skirt in a really obvious i’m-gonna-be-cool-like-you way
she continually reaches out to them, not just for her hair and her own gain but she goes when they’re making cookies and mentions everyone wants Mal to do their hair, which points to her talking Mal’s makeover skills up.
Which. LET ME TALK ABOUT THAT SCENE. She tries to make conversation during that scene, she offers help, she’s genuinely trying to be nice, and wants to know about their lives. And when their lives turn out to be worse than she thought, she doesn’t brush it off or blame them for t heir shitty lives like other characters do, she is KIND AND SYMPATHETIC and tries to offer comfort!!! It even seems to work for a half a second but you know, plot happens and all.
She also sits with the girls at the game even tho she obviously has other friends, but she reaches out anyway.
she is literally the only character besides Ben to constantly reach out to them, in what is initially a way that is her not happpy with it (like she’s been put up to it by a friend) but then keeps trying to be their friend
Piece the Fourth - evidence she’s friends (good friends!!) with Ben. [note: some of this would do better if I had gifs to back it up but I can’t gif. So I have caps, altho it might be a little hard to tell but it’s the best I can do sorry]
Again, first person to actively seek them out (Chad and Jane sorta fall into their laps, and Doug is their guide thing. She’s the one who makes first contact).
the way she phrases it “you hate us and well...you’re evil” strikes me as someone put her up to it. like your friend is like go talk to the new kid they seem nice and you’re like fine and you’re a bit of an asshole initially cuz u don’t want to be there. Considering the fact that Ben has seen they’re having some issues blending in, and then the weirdness of Mal chasing Jane into the bathroom, it would make sense that he’d want to make them feel more welcome so he sends a friend he knows won’t be a dick to go talk to them. Lonnie agrees bc Ben and also she’s nice.
She's so happy for Ben and Mal during Did I Mention
Like seriously she's like squealing and grabbing Mal and pointing at Ben, like there's excited and then there's Lonnie during that scene.
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[Image Description: Lonnie smiling gleefully while Ben makes his way towards a nervous looking Mal]
^^^^^^^^^^^that is the face of a girl who wants her bff to date someone she approves of at long last
During the Family Day debacle, everyone else starts walking away after Chad wakes up, but she stays
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[image description: Chad and Audrey walking away from Ben during Family Day, while Lonnie and Doug look on, Doug looking very dejected while Lonnie looks sad and possibly worried]
She starts walking towards Ben  
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[image description: Lonnie has walked forward several steps towards Ben. Doug has a hand on her arm, and Ben looks on]
and only leaves when Doug takes her hand and literally pulls her away from Ben
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[image description: Doug is pulling on Lonnie’s arm and walking away, pulling her with while Ben watches on, his shoulders sagging. Lonnie wears the same worried and sad look]
Later, she doesn't gossip like Jane or Audrey, she lookes upset like Doug and a bit mad about what just happened.She also loks v disappointed in Doug when he rejects Evie and then sorta shakes her head and looks annoyed when Jane and Audrey come over after they had just insulted Mal. I don’t have great caps for this bc she’s not the focus on the scene (this is where giffing skills would come in siiiigh) but I did find one cap that isn’t too terrible
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[image description: doug sitting down after chad called him over from being with evie. lonnie watches doug, looking disappointed and a bit sad]
She does leave with the group but unlike everyone else, she doesn't look afraid, she's just pulling a Chad away from the group (probably stopping him from getting his ass put to sleep again bc come on nobody is happy during that scene)
So she very obviosly is not happy about this, attempts to comfort Ben, and is not ok with the petty shit Chad, Jane, and Audrey pull off, and disappointed in Doug not reaching out to Evie. To me, it seems less like she’s in with the other kids, and more like she feels very torn and not sure of how to react to the situation. So, similar to Doug - which, I was very annoyed with Doug and while it is disappointing that Lonnie wouldn’t say something either, peer pressure is a hell of a motivator and when you go to school with literal princes and princesses, that peer pressure is probably multiplied by 10000. Not to mention, we know characters like the dwarves are treated badly by Auradon per Isle of the Lost. While Mulan and Shang are human, they’re also not royalty and I wonder how well they would be treated. 
And then in Set It Off, she just jumps into the happy right away. She doesn’t need to be cheered up and she’s not a love interest, she’s just genuinely happy for everyone. Which is a) part of part three in that she’s just a really nice person and b) she’s happy bc her best friend is at least dating someone she likes I mean idk about any of you, but I’m always much happier when I approve of my friends’ dating choices
In conclusion I just love Lonnie so much, she’s so nice to the rotten four and she wants to give them a chance and I want Ben to have friends that actually support him and I want Lonnie to have friends that aren’t catty as hell and I think it would be cute if they were friends, I think there’s a decent amount of evidence that points towards them being friends, and it’s my headcanon and I say so :P
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What are we willing to cancel people over, anyway?
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Beautube continues to be the messy hellscape that it is, but the feud that went down between two major YouTubers just goes to show that nobody is above drama. Still, James Charles has a history of problematic behavior — why did it take until now for the community to cancel him? 
YouTube's beauty community was shaken on Friday when Tati Westbrook dropped a 43-minute video exposing her longtime friend and mentee James Charles. Among other reprehensible behavior, Tati also denounced his habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
The takedown followed weeks of rumors, screenshots, and snarky reaction videos from other vloggers, so it wasn't new, but it was the catalyst that has other influencers distancing themselves from the teenage makeup guru. 
If you're unfamiliar with the wild world of beauty YouTube, here's a rundown of all the people involved. 
James Charles is a 19-year-old beauty maven who went viral in 2016 for not only wearing makeup in his senior photos, but also being extra enough to bring a ring light to emphasize his highlighter. Later that year, he became the first male spokesperson for CoverGirl. Since then, he's amassed an immense social media following — at its peak, he had 15 million subscribers on YouTube. 
Charles' nearly overnight fame reached a climax usually reserved for traditional celebrities, not influencers, when he was invited to the Met Gala earlier in May. He raised eyebrows when he called the invitation "a step forward in the right direction for influencer representation in the media" in an Instagram post.
But after his rapid ascent to stardom, Charles is now crashing back down. He's been cancelled.
So I retook my senior photos & brought my ring light with me so my highlight would be poppin. I love being extra 💀 pic.twitter.com/7Qu1yu8U2P
— James Charles (@jamescharles) September 5, 2016
SEE ALSO: Men's makeup brands are discreet — and all over Instagram
Tati Westbrook is a 37-year-old makeup YouTuber who also owns Halo Beauty, a supplement company that sells gummy vitamins for strengthening hair and nails. Her direct competitor is Sugar Bear Hair, a similar company whose products have been endorsed by a variety of influencers, including the Kardashian-Jenner clan. 
Tati has been "like a mother" to James, according to James himself. She took the budding star under her wing when his career was just kicking off — and he even did her wedding makeup. 
Keeping up? Good, because this is where it gets messy. 
On April 22, James posted an endorsement for Sugar Bear Hair on his Instagram story after the company supposedly helped him with a security issue during Coachella. Without naming names, Tati said she felt "lost" and "betrayed" on her Instagram story. 
"When you do so much for people in your life and they not only don't return the favor, but they just don't even see you," Tati said in her tearful video. "I feel really used." 
James publicly apologized in similarly teary Instagram story the next day, and told his followers that he "did not think about the competition."
"She has been like a mother to me since my first days in this industry," he said in his public apology, adding that he didn't accept any money for the post and that he uses Tati's vitamin brand daily. "And has given me more love, support, resources, and advice than I could ever ask for."
Fellow makeup YouTuber Gabriel Zamora — who you might remember from the YouTube apology fiasco in summer 2018 known as Dramageddon — weighed in on the situation. In a video posted on May 4, he chided Tati for her immature reaction. 
"All these videos are being made where James is being made out to be this horrible human being and I'm just confused as to what happened," Gabriel said.
In response, Tati posted a video on Friday titled "BYE SISTER," a play on James' signature vlog intro, "Hi sisters!" The lengthy video dives into why Tati felt unappreciated by James, from his hesitation to promote her brand to his reluctance to collaborate with her. She publicly severed ties with him, concluding that it was "painful to lose someone you care about, that you thought would be in your life forever, but the chapter's closed."
Since dropping the video, Tati has been rapidly gaining followers as James loses them. Twitter users and other influencers paid attention.
drama aside, i have something to say.... ❤️https://t.co/Hn20TgNSzM❤️ pic.twitter.com/vRPFCTJIEJ
— Shane Dawson (@shanedawson) May 12, 2019
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Image: Twitter Screenshot/Jefree Star
As of Monday morning, James has lost more than 2.5 million subscribers in three days, according to SocialBlade. Tati, meanwhile, gained more than 2.9 million since posting the video. To put that into perspective, as vlogger Callum Markie noted, Logan Paul gained 80,000 subscribers after filming a victim of suicide in Japan. 
But the backlash isn't just over snubbing a friend — it's over a much more concerning issue. Although the majority of the video was about her personal relationship with James, it also shed light on his toxic habit of allegedly sexually harassing straight men. 
"Oh my god, you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay yet again," Tati ranted in her video, recalling a phone conversation she recently had with James. "And somehow, you're the victim." 
She continued:
Tati was alluding to just one of many instances where James toyed with straight men. The receipts channel Spill laid out several examples, including his questionable relationship with model Gage Gomez. In April, Gomez posted a video calling James out for continuing to pursue him despite repeatedly turning him down. 
"[He] pushed his emotions onto me to guilt me into trying something that I didn't want to do," the model said. 
James has also publicly hit on Shawn Mendes, leaving suggestive comments on the singer's Instagram live videos and tweets. 
He later apologized in a tweet, and said he was "sorry if he [Shawn] felt sexually harassed."
After Tati's video, others came forward. Someone who claimed to be a former classmate tweeted that James allegedly sexually assaulted her friend. Singer Zara Larsson also tweeted that James repeatedly hit on her boyfriend, despite knowing that he's straight. And in a supercut of James' vlogs, a Twitter user showed the numerous times the beauty guru admitted he enjoyed pursuing heterosexual men because "it's easier than you think."
It's about time James Charles stopped getting a pass for his repeatedly toxic behavior. But why did it take a video from Tati for the internet to finally cancel him? Twitter user @Quantum_King_ questioned why Tati protected James for years, despite public knowledge that he harassed men both in person and on social media. 
Did Tati Westbrook expose a predator or did she harbour a predator until she felt under appreciated by him?
— Brokeryn Martell 🇱🇨🇯🇲 (@Quantum_King_) May 11, 2019
If James Charles would’ve promoted tati’s vitamins, do y’all think she still would’ve made that video exposing him for being trash? Let’s discuss
— femme fatale (@eliesaaab) May 12, 2019
And others pointed out how hypocritical it was for Jeffree Star, another member of the YouTube beauty community, to speak out against James despite his own problematic past. (Star has since deleted his tweet, but there is a screenshot included above.)
seeing my mutuals dragging james charles while simultaneously supporting jeffree star and it’s interesting pic.twitter.com/TJHlxo2tkv
— 𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖜𝖌 (@tamiamakay) May 12, 2019
Is James Charles being canceled because of his actions, or because the internet loves drama? It's been nearly a year since Dramageddon tore Beautube apart, exposing multiple YouTubers for their racist tweets. 
Somehow, James' own racist remarks weren't pulled into the whirlwind of cancellation. When he made a transphobic comment earlier in 2019 about how he wasn't "full gay" because he had been attracted to trans men, he received some backlash but got away relatively unscathed. Why is it Tati's video that's tanking his career? 
Maybe it's because the internet is willing to give a pass to its faves, until it's time to grab some popcorn and watch a feud go down. It's good that the internet is finally done with James — the face of the beauty community absolutely should not be a predator. But nobody paid attention or sought to hold him accountable until there was a friendship break up involved. 
The influencers at the center of Dramageddon have more or less recovered from 2018's Beautube culling. Gabriel Zamora continues to make videos. Nikita Dragun was just profiled in Forbes. Manny MUA is still releasing products from his makeup line, Lunar Beauty. Even Laura Lee, whose iconically terrible apology video fueled Twitter memes for weeks, seems fine according to Instagram. 
Will James Charles' cancellation last, or will the internet accept him into the fold again like it did with Jeffree Star? Despite his many controversies, Star is a multimillionaire thriving on top of a massive beauty empire.  
"A lot of most of my career over the last two years has been about me making mistakes and trying to learn and grow from them," James stated in his apology video posted Friday. "And I haven't always done the best job of that. I can admit that, but I have always tried ... I wish I could say this is the last time that I make a mistake, but it won't be." 
And as his beauty vlogger predecessors have proven, he's at least right about that. Will he stay canceled? Hopefully. Will more makeup-centered drama go down in the near future and take down more racist, transphobic predators? God, we hope so. 
WATCH: 'Avengers: Endgame' is the most tweeted-about movie ever
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sugainmycoffee · 8 years
{2016} A Year of Yoonmin pt. 2
{2016} A Year of Yoonmin pt. 1
the airing of bon voyage!
jimin’s lost bag yoongi teasing jimin again
“rapmonster and suga will plan it”
jimins lost trust jimin teasing yoongi again
when all jimin cares about is beating yoongi
160711 airport pics black and white yoonmin
ot7 for epilogue but still touchinging
jimin casually holding yoongi tight and yoongi casually enjoying it :’)
aesthetic yoonmin fantaken from epilogue
when tae accidently revealed jimin’s soft spot for a certain min yoongi on vlive
“it would be fun with suga” yoonmin bickering in dialect rip me
yoonmin cuddling yet again for summer package in dubai teasers
episode 3 of bon voyage where yoonmin were hella obvious: from this, to this, to all of thissssssss, this, this, and thiss
they make each other laugh and it’s the most beautiful thing :’)))
two cuties posing for star1
a smol hug for encouragement on stage during baepsae (epilogue)
ot7 for youth japanese album but still stuck to one another
bon voyage episode 5~
yoonmin reminiscing the good times they shared in sweden
the release of summer package in dubai blessing us with another yoonmin photoshoot!
but also the video
and the gifs
and the amazing solo shots
plus their diary
what jimin wants 
another bon voyage date why is every bts variety show actually just a yoonmin show?
an old interview that resurfaced because what the fuck?? jimin thinks about his hometown and nuzzles his head on yoongi’s chest???
thAT DAMNED GARTER and couple jeans
some things never change
matching outfits for Arirang arirang~Arariyo~~
Daegu Boys are meant to fall in love with Busan boys
probably holding hands on yET ANOTHER bon voyage date i love this show
tru luv aka when park jimin lost a game and chose to suffer his frozen punishment with yoongi all that hand holding
relaxing in the hot tub together
min yoongi looks out for his boyfriend
agreeing that they dont know shit (well atleast you have each other)
yoongi can’t take his eyes off the gem that is park jimin
when chuseok isac rolled around and we got rly emotional over our fave cupid duo
the touchinG
the side hugs
the media picturessss (x, x, x, x)
the BACK HUG returns
fooling around together :’)
“since Jimin is cute, Suga can forgive him for his immature image“
yoonmin + tae for puma
yoonmin for smart making us wanna cry yet again
the airing of isac and more yoonmin content
video of the back hug :’)
mini mini cupid duo
yoongi wanting jimin’s attention
obvious jiminie
more touching
precious jiminie and yoongi
hmph x x x
behind the scenes with park pd nim
constant bickering
puma joining in on the yoonmin comeback fun
an undeniable similarity
yoongi embarrassing jiminie...
september 30 2016 - also known as yoonmin day - when yoonmin concept pictures came out and so did their puma bogsock commercial
a parallel
the best concept
when we realized from young forever / wings they swapped hair colours but what does it mean and things got a bit difficult
some fantakens from the busan one asia festival
the blood sweat and tears mv teaser which was literally just aesthetics and kinky yoonmin
fantakens from DMC Festival and an onstage hug???
a lil something sweet during the wings preview show before they slayed us with that mv and album drop :’)
and then the bst mv dropped and we all died
but especially us ym stans bc of this this this & this
snow app filters blessed us and yoongi finally asked jimin out
bst mv reaction where yoongi only sees jimin (yet again) and jimin is soooo flustered
we all wished we could be jin for the album shoot behind the scenes
jiminie’s birthday! (ofc yoongi is the first to post a beautiful selfie of jimin making kissy faces whY DOES HE HAVE THAT PICTURE WILL WE EVER KNOW)
yoongi’s suggestive birthday present for jiminie...
smol touches and deep understanding for sbs cultwo show
the disrespect during bst promotions
dispatch glo up
yoongi still teasing us by telling us to wait a bit more for that song he wrote jimin .-. (still waiting min yoongi still waiting)
sitting unnecessarily close
jimin confesses he spent chuseok break at the min’s cooing over yoongi cooing over min holly :’)))
despite all these km
why its relevant
allll the headcannons
161014 soft touches and giggles
161017 fansign moments (expectation vs reality)
161028 fansign where jimin mocked yoongi and also wanted to whisper sweet nothings in his ear
beautiful fantaken
yoongi abt jimin, making him laugh at fansigns, and wanting to name a dog “dooly” (aka jimins previous nickname)
“it just looks like i hit him hard”
ym fooling around behind the scenes for bst  (and holding hands?)
another win for the ot7 (but also the otp)
yoongi just wants to take jimin on a honeymoon when will they let him
skt returns with another cf for the love of minimini
the end of a beautiful era
one last selfie to wrap up promotions
goodbye stage softness
tony montana collab!!! (aka yoonmin subunit lowkey debuts after all this pining)
yoongi is a supportive bf
but also a jealous one
push push fall in love
jimin teasing yoongi on twitter for the 1392028th time
ym autumn aesthetics
minimini mc duo
tryna kill us w their aegyo
yoongi flustered af remembering jimins iconic contribution to mama 2014
yoongi’s proposal! mama 2016!
soft touches n hugs
shared smiles n explicit flirting
jimin cant contain himself at all after winning the daesang
lovely fantakens of a beautiful night
lost in their own world
when will the teasing end
when we finally got the HD for that isac back hug :’))
the cutest pair
jimin reminding us he knows more about yoongi than we ever will in seasons greetings
“i knew you were good” 
move aside orange mint, a new era of tomato peach is born
wow i love captain of the ym ship, kim namjoon
so soFT
not so single singles
pup jimin knows exactly what he wants
end callout culture 2k17
when yoongi wanted jimin to carry his standee and jimin was being a lil shit
yoongi’s injury :< which led to all this disrespect
“you dont have to hurt yourself”
“namjoon hyung does it better”
yoongi’s tweets....
and a lil something sweet too #neverleavingoutminyoongi
another award = another win for the otp
anddddddddd that’s a wrap. lets hope 2017 is an even more eventful year for our boys ❤️️
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jinjojess · 8 years
Jess’s Thoughts on V3: Chapter 1
Sorry I lapsed on my liveblog, but until my girlfriend headed home I didn’t have a lot of time to play so I was getting outstripped by the stream. Speaking of, I should probably get this post done before tonight, on the off-chance we finish the trial (HAHA).
Will try to resume liveblogging starting with Chapter 2.
Beware of spoilers!!
Still feeling pretty fuzzy and blah in the head, so going to do this bullet point style like the good ol’ DR3 days, haha.
First, the ivory (and ebony) in the room: yeah, I’m pretty pissed that instead of a character way more relatable to me, I’m once again shackled to some wimpy loser boy with insecurity issues. Kodaka, I get that that’s how you were in high school but come on, man. I’m here for newness. I am also neither a boy nor a wimpy loser (my insecurities manifest through overachieving rather than uber moe shyness) so I’m getting awful tired of this trope. RIP Akamatsu Kaede. You had just a touch too much personality to be a DR protag.
That said, I do think that the case was really well designed and even though I figured it out pretty soon into the trial (I was sitting there for most of it screaming 自動的に!じ・ど・う・て・き・に!!! while they were discussing how someone could have killed Amami), the mystery itself was set up really well.
I also liked that the game took care to actually address the question of “Why didn’t you confess immediately?” and “Why tease the answer out of us instead of just admitting it?” since those were also things that bothered me in the so-called “heroic” cases in games past.
I’m also pretty annoyed that my favorite Monokumar is gone now too, but Monodam is quickly endearing himself to me anyway so it’s fine. RIP Monokid. I will scream HERU YEAH! in your place for the remainder of the game.
Man, you know what would have been really great? Changing the protag to Hoshi. Then you could drop the first person view to the weirdly short one from DR1 and SDR2 and it could be like an in joke. Take notes, Kodaka.
Oh right, I didn’t say anything about Amami being the victim yet. Since he was toward the bottom of my character ranking I wasn’t too broken up about it, and I accept the sacrifice of Green Komaeda as payment for me giving up Akamatsu. This at least seems somewhat fair.
My other faves though (HaruMaki, Hoshi, Toujou, Gokuhara, and Iruma) are all still alive for the time being, so yay!
Damn, dat execution though. I loved it--it was brutal and more realistic than most of the others, but still with some of the grandiosity you’d expect from DR-style executions.
I don’t hate Saihara, but I do find him pretty bland so far, especially compared to the rest of the cast. I liked when he went to the piano room to listen to the CD, but other than that I know next to nothing about him despite him being attached to my hip for most of the game so far. I was hoping that his hat was like a treasured gift from someone but no, it’s just because of his guilt over essentially solving a Duel Noir once. His hang up is not being confident in himself. Pretty yawn-worthy. So far he feels like a waste of a really cool design and a fantastic seiyuu. Hopefully he’ll get better as the game goes on.
The part post-trial where someone (HaruMaki?) asks if Monokuma hates them and Monokuma responds “Hate you? Hrm, who knows” reminds me a lot of Junko’s “I love you all so much I wanted you to share my exquisite despair” motivations so I’m pretty excited by that.
On that subject, I found Shirogane’s allergic reaction to cosplaying real people hilarious, and it makes me wonder if the Kibougamine-verse counts as real or fictional in the V3 world. Fingers are still crossed for Junko cosplay.
Chabashira isn’t too bad with her misandry, actually, which is a relief. It’s way more toned down than I thought it’d be.
Kinda want to see what would happen to either Ouma or Kiibo if one or the other died. I get that I’m supposed to take the Monodam killing Monokid thing as foreshadowing, but it feels kind of red herring-esque to me.
Momota is pretty damn likable.
I loved the Monokuma Theater segments this time, especially the backdrops. The fact that the old timey one had a tiny image of Celes on the card was fantastic.
Am now the not-so-proud owner of several gyouza in the shape of Naegi’s face. No really, I have SO MANY.
I imagine some people will take/have taken this chapter really hard because of their shipping walls and to that I say: who cares, ship what you want. I plan to. Don’t worry too much about your ship not being canon because seriously people, it doesn’t really matter.
tl;dr, I’m disappointed in that I lost two characters I like and they’re forcing me to play as the living character I’m least invested in, but the writing is still solid and I’m interested to see where things go.
It’s still possible that this is all just a dream or a hallucination. “It was all a dream” is a stupid twist right up there with “My evil twin did it” and “The Matrix” from previous games after all.
Still nothing to suggest that the new cast aren’t reincarnations or relatives of the existing cast, which if things go in that direction, I hope they choose to do it in an interesting way at least.
I am crazy suspicious of both Angie and Shirogane. The former because she’s a ditz and you first find her in the Altar of Judgement, and the latter because she has this uncanny ability to pop up right around when discussion of the mastermind is happening. Like, Saihara says that he was wrong in his deduction and Shirogane is immediately like “So the mastermind isn’t someone among us???” Stuff like that. In addition, there was that bonus scene with the nail brush you get for having played the demo, which yes gives both Akamatsu and Amami more screentime, but it also randomly involves Shirogane?
Still think that all these kids could have been picked up from various points in time and possibly space.
Also kind of thinking it’d be funny if it were like...Junko writing fanfiction or something. That’d be pretty fantastic.
Oh yeah! My “it’s an rp” idea is still on the table as well.
Anyway, that’s about it I think? Thanks for reading!
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julystorms · 8 years
Your opinion on SNK and Pokémon?
My opinion on ______!
Attack on Titan: I guess if I’m being really honest, my initial reaction was to reply with the marching-band-spells-out-BAD image but then I was like, man that isn’t fair. This pure and good anon sent me this message in Good Faith™. I should be honest but also fair--and balanced! Really I think my opinion of SnK boils down to:
It had a lot of potential to be a really interesting series: gritty without resorting to sweeping pieces off a chess board. Unfortunately the potential was lost--not early on and all at once, but in increments. I feel like the series lost a lot of what it had going for it when things and issues started adding up. I’ve noticed a lot of fans have lost interest in the series and have moved onto greener pastures. Their favorites died...and while many people might screech bias at fans for leaving a series when their favorite dies, I think the issue is deeper than that when whole subsets of people leave. Like, as much as I like to poke fun at some of the fans of SnK, it’s pretty clear to me that for a GREAT MANY OF THEM, the only thing getting them to tune into monthly updates was, no surprise here!, their favorite character(s).
Because honestly, the characters are what holds the series together. The characters are what most people come for and it’s definitely what the majority stay for. And without that connection to the story, the readers tend to, well, to put it as kindly as I am able on this fine Thursday afternoon: they drop away like flies.
I won’t deny that the series has its good points. There are things about SnK I really like. But like a large number of the initial wave of fans, I came for the characters and I stayed for the characters, and now it’s just vague trainwreck curiosity and spite that gets me to tune in for each new update. Other than the occasional meta update/post/art reblog, I probably won’t manage to be super active in this fandom again.
Then again, that could be a lie. Season Two will be hitting us almost before we know it, in which case... I’ll tune in to watch a bunch of my favorites die horribly (and hope that the Rooftop Scene is spun shippier and that there’s extra hilow because UM WHY NOT amiRITE?). Also Gelgar. And Lynne. God if they take away my favorite moments with those two I’mma be livid. Gimme my garbage ship I mostly just made up PLEASE.
Pokémon: I’ve been a fan from the beginning. I stopped watching the anime sometime during Johto. I think I was an adult by that point in the series and I had work, and getting up early to catch new episodes just...was not going to happen. When I was older and had more time on my hands, the show had already ditched Misty and I was like...nah, forget it. I don’t need this anime if Misty isn’t in it. She was, admittedly, my favorite character, so...like with everything else: without my fave I was outta there. Truth be told, I wish the anime would just end.
Pokémon Generations was pretty good, and I enjoyed seeing some quality episodes. (Gimme all the Looker episodes gimmegimmegimme.) It was a nice change of pace. I honestly wish they were just a bit longer--like 10min episodes or something. An excellent idea to have a series more based on game canon.
The games, well, I own most of the games, even though I’ve only beaten Red/Silver/Stadium/Stadium2/PuzzleLeague/X/Sun. It was hard for me to get engaged in anything that came out after Silver; I think...things like natures, hidden stats, items: they all served to make me feel pretty meh about bothering with them. And the story was never very good IMO so it was like...why bother? X’s graphics upgrade piqued my interest, and it was well worth the price I paid for it. I even got into breeding! Sun was even better game/plot-wise. I enjoyed it way more than X (though I admit I haven’t been playing it much lately). 
My only real gripe with the world of Pokémon is how sloppy the entire concept/world is. I’m usually pretty willing to handwave shit but sometimes I’m just frustrated with how fast and loose they play. I don’t consider myself an edgelord but holy shit is it hard putting realism into this series. The pokémon themselves are basically magical fantasy elements so you have to sorta...handwave some things. But then you start asking questions about how the centers are funded and how do traveling trainers even live and things fall apart pretty quickly. The advantage is that you can make shit up and nobody will bat an eyelash. And I guess I’m all about that.
Plus I’m eyeballs deep in this fandom so...
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park-j1m1n-bts · 8 years
Top 50- 11 Songs of 2016
I am a bit late doing this but it took me FOREVER to do! I originally tried to do top 20 but hated leaving so many great songs out so I decided to do top 50. Too many good songs were released in 2016 but here goes...(p.s. I am extremely bias when it comes to boy groups so apologies in advance that about 97% of this list are sung by male singers... whoops)
50. JAY PARK (feat. GRAY) - DRIVE
I swear this song is probably my go to song when driving anywhere (no pun intended!) It’s just such an easy song to listen to
I never used to listen to block b as their previous music wasn’t really my style but omg this song is so good! and I love how chill the dance is
This song for me is Astro’s best song because it just shows off their amazing voices. They are so sweet/innocent but their talents are seriously no joke. A beautiful song
Such an underrated group omg! I love how happy this song is and their stage outfits for this comeback were the cutest ever!
IMFACT is another group that I don't really stan but my god this song is amazing! the beat drop is crazy and their dancing blows me away
This group continues to comeback with catchy songs! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing this song
44. KNK - U
It was such a shame the MV for this song didn't get release but nevertheless this song definitely deserves to be in my top 50. “ I need U!,U,U,U,U” aah I love it
WOW! I’m kinda speechless when it comes to my opinion on this song .... one word... sexy
Monsta x my boys!! I love them so much and they never disappoint! I can’t quite believe this song is only 42 on my list :O but honestly there were sooo many good songs this year. I LOVE this song it is such a jam!!
Another Seventeen song? You’ll start to see a pattern soon of who my bias groups are...but anyways I love love love this song, from the lyrics to the choreography to the gorgeous outfits! Their stylist needs a pay rise I swear
As I’m sure you are figuring out, I don’t tend to stan female groups/singers so I don’t really know much about Jessica except that she is a former member of girls generation but I discovered this song on youtube one day and loved it!
39. B.A.P - SKYDIVE THIS SONG AAAH! But lets not forget the amazing Oscar winning music video omg... I have watched it too many times, I love their dark concept
IOI was probably my favourite girl group so I was so shocked to hear they had disbanded! I liked how upbeat this song was and for a non Korean speaker the chorus was fairly easy to sing to ;)
STAN THESE BOYS! they are so underrated that it saddens me! I really did not expect this style of song from toppdogg but I dig it so much!
(Right I just would like to say first BTS are my all time fav kpop group hence my tumblr account being 99% BTS so it was extremely hard to not put EVERY song that bts released in 2016 in this list so taking that into account I think I did pretty well.) J-HOPE my god you slayed this song! It is low-key (high key!!) sexy and I love it
DADDIES! I hate using that word but forreal it was the first word that came to mind. They are just soo mature in their vocals and the way they present themselves. You can’t not love them
It was a toss up between am I wrong and 21st Century Girl but I had to pick Am I Wrong because when I first listened to the album I remember how socked and I hype I was listening to this song! It is just so different to their usual songs but I love it nonetheless :D
What a beautiful song! I love everything about it! this is probably a good time to also congratulate Peniel for being so brave and opening up about his hair loss <3 I love the part where the vocalists are all kneeling down around my two boys when they are going all in with their rap! it is so powerful.
I’m quite surprised myself that I put this song in my top 50 because 1) its a female singer and 2) it is a very slow song. but anyhooo this song is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. I cam across it watching scarlet heart ryeo: moon lovers and as soon as I heard it, I had to research it and find it because woah!!
Again, such a beautiful song and don’t get me started on Lee Geon notes at the end... that is one stunning man trust me
30. GOT7 - BOOM X3
Now I have to admit, I’m not a huge GOT7 stan... I love a lot of their music don't get me wrong, I just don’t follow them religiously haha! but I love love this song especially the contrast between jackson’s and yugyeom’s voices. All of their voices just fit so well with each other.
I had never heard of this man before this song but forreal where has he been all my life!!? this song is such a jam, I highly recommend it!
I remember when I first heard this song and I fell in love straight away, so you could image my reaction when the music video was released! it was everything I wanted plus more. Well done boys !!
These three boys in one video is deadly!!!! I love how all three have completely different styles but when put together it’ s a masterpiece! I don’t think I will get tired of this song!
When Lucky One and Monster came out, I have to admit I didn't like this song however after hearing a few more times I became OBSESSED! their live performances of it are fantastic!
This is my go to song if I need cheering up! it’s just such a happy song... I absolutely love it!
I discovered Kpop in June 2015 and my first exo music video was call me baby therefore I wasn’t familiar with Kris but i stumbled across this song one day and from then on I have had it on repeat! its sooooo good! (his hair in the music video though is questionable hahahaha)
23. BTS - MAMA
AAAH This was so hard to choose... i love all of the solo songs obviously but personally mama smashed it out the park! the music is so groovy and the message behind the lyrics just makes it even better (p.s. proud of all my boys for composing and singing their own songs <3 )
Something about this song is so sensual... makes me feel some kinda way
21. B.A.P - KILLER
This song is from their recent album and even though all of the songs on their are BRILLIANT .. This song caught my attention “yeah she’s a killer... bang bang” i just love it
This song has had a lot of controversy with people saying it is too autotuned but in my opinion it is one of my fave exo songs! I still scream every time baekhyun comes out with his “lipstick, chateau” aaah
If i had to describe SHINee to someone using a song, it would be this one. I can’t really explain it but this song is just a funky jam haha
EXO SUBUNIT!!!! whooo i was sooooo excited when i heard about this unit. in my opinion i preferred this song (The One) to Hey Mama. i just love the part where they go “just you and me alOoOne” so groovy
17. BTS - LOST
SLAYYYYYYYY VOCAL UNIT! (especially my man jimin ooo i could listen to him sing all day)
Kings. Every single person i have shown this song to can’t help but jam to it! its impossible to sit still! aaaah its amazing
I think this song was pre-debut I'm not sure but still you - yes you reading this now, you NEED to find this song on the internet and listen to it because damn the dance moves and the smirks and the argh just heavenly
This is a fairly new song and honestly i didn't know what to expect. I knew Seo In Guk was an actor but wow his vocals are no joke. The music video though...he is a very sexy man!
I love love love this song and it is in English which is even better as i can sing along properly and not act like i know what I'm saying whereas in reality I'm actually just making noises!
Their voices in this are so angelic! really really talented boys. Their live performances of this song as well blew me away, the idea with the white sheets is beautiful.
I know i know it just missed out of my top 10 but this song without a doubt is AMAZING. And can i just say the visuals in pentagon is no joke! when i first discovered them i was like “he is my bias..... oh no him!..... wait no he is cute” i think currently i have 3 biases but it changes every week ;)
Right so that is my 50 -11
i have decided I'm going to do top 10 as a separate post! this took me FOREVER so i hope everyone enjoys .... and please check these songs out you will not regret it!!!
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