#new horizons tarot
cringelordofchaos · 8 months
DAM remember back then when the only hints of Amy being into magic and history were that one Sonic CD manual and the fact that she could go invisible in Sonic 06?? And now tarot cards are literally her PRIMARY MOVES??MOMG??
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h4ll0w33n-isle · 10 months
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brave enough to have your fortune told?
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spiritomb · 2 years
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You prefer working with herbs or crystals?
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Got some bad news yesterday...
...about my position at work being eliminated.  Turned to tarot to avoid freakouts.
SITUATION: Three of wands - New horizons! ACTION: Three of cups - Community, friends helping out OUTCOME: Ace of cups - New beginnings, emotional fulfillment, the joy of giving and getting in return
While I was pulling, my boss texted me to tell me she was texting the hiring manager at a position I applied for to put in a good word.
No results yet, but the cards helped me explore other avenues emotionally so I could go into this all with a much better attitude than I would’ve otherwise.
Blessed be!
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tloaak · 1 year
you literally get it
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the innocence of new beginnings, the wisdom of fresh eyes, etc. :^)
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dontkaraabit · 2 years
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throwing it back to 2005
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always-coffee · 3 months
Welcome New Followers!
Since there are quite a few new folks popping in, I figured I’d say hi! I’m a poet, editor, word-nerd, and unapologetic coffee addict. I read tarot cards, and I never met a dog I didn’t want to hug. Or cat. Look, if it’s got four legs and a tail, I’m gonna wanna hug it.
If you’re interested in reading more of my poetry, there is a lot of it up for free online. I’ll link to the free ones below! If you like the poems, and you’re able to, support the mags that pubbed them. But either way, I hope you enjoy the work.
“Six of Swords Becomes The Emperor” in Uncanny.
“Five of Cups Considers Forgiveness” in The Deadlands.
“Knight of Wands, Six of Swords” in Uncanny.
“The Empress Chides the Hermit” in Small Wonders.
“Temperance and The Devil, Reversed” in Uncanny.
“When the Wraith Smiles” in Nightmare.
“The Heart Sings a Siren” in Mermaids Monthly.
“After The Tower Falls, Death Gives Advice” in Uncanny.
“A Meeting Place” and “Secret Keeping” in Mermaids Monthly.
“Of Monsters I Loved” in Uncanny.
“The Devil You Know” in Strange Horizons.
“Athena Holds Up a Mirror to Strength” in Uncanny.
“Three of Swords, King of Cups” in Fireside.
“The Magician Speaks to The Fool” in Uncanny.
“The Year We Got Rid of Our Ghosts” in Uncanny.
“Lorelei” in Uncanny.
“A Lovesong From Frankenstein’s Monster” in Uncanny.
“The Persecution of Witches” in Uncanny.
“From the High Priestess to the Hanged Man” in Uncanny.
Bonus: A Q&A I did with Asimov’s, after the published one of my poems.
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macguffinandco · 11 months
Hi - we're on Tumblr now!
I'm sorry, who are you?
We're @sashasienna​ and @jonnywaistcoat​, and we make tabletop RPGs as MacGuffin & Co.!
Tabletop what-nows?
Immersive storytelling games where you and your friends can dive into weird worlds, play fascinating characters and have harrowing adventures!
What, like Dungeons & Dragons?
*sigh* Yeah. Like Dungeons & Dragons
Ok, so what have you made?
Well, we've got a collection of system neutral micro-settings called Odd Jobs - it's eleven small and fascinating worlds to play games in, each with a campaign you can play through in a month. They're not designed for any particular system, so you can play them with whatever game you like!
Oh, and it won the 2022 UK Games Expo award for Best Adventure and was nominated for Ennie Product of the Year. Just sayin'.
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We've just released a tarot-themed magical river game called Upriver, Downriver with our dear friend Ella Watts, in which you play the crew of a ship sailing the Great River, either travelling upriver to the mythical Source with it's magic and revelation; or downriver towards the unending Sea with it's freedom and horizon.
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We have KER-SPLAT! - a high-chaos, full nonsense cartoon RPG we wrote with Ross Barlow, where the players can't die and the GM can't stop them in a hilarious cascade of silly jokes. Also, not to brag, but this is the funniest RPG rulebook you'll ever read.
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We also have smaller games, such as Zero Void - a no-prep one-shot zine game, where you play a bunch of desperate space criminals trying to escape a space station before the law arrives.
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Is there any way to keep up with what you do?
Well, following our Tumblr is a great start. We also have a monthly mailing list you can sign up to from our website that will keep you updated on what we do.
We also have a Patreon.
What was that? You're mumbling!
Yeah, like all creators trying to eke out a living, we have a Patreon. If you sign up you get behind -the-scenes updates, small or prototype games, RPG resources, new micro-settings and our monthly TTRPG Gamesmasterclass, where we use our 35(!) combined years of GMing experience to help you run the best games ever.
But what if I want to see your faces?
Then I have great news! We stream boardgames and RPGs every Sunday at twitch.tv/macguffinandco! Jonny also streams videogames every Friday at twitch.tv/jonnywaistcoat, and Sasha steams their Jane Austen Bookclub every Monday at twitch.tv/sashasienna
Sounds cool - where can I find out more?
macguffinandcompany.com, baby!
Wait, so why are you on Tumblr?
Because social media is a nightmare hellscape and it's weirdly the chillest one left. We are on other social sites as well - you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook - but this is our favourite.
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
The April 8 Total Solar Eclipse in Aries brings a potent new beginning, marked by intense energies and a focus on self-awareness and healing. The Sun, Moon, and Chiron at 19° Aries emphasize the need for self-care and addressing insecurities. The Mercury-Eris conjunction at 24° Aries encourages us to have courage in our convictions, supporting long-term themes and the development of new healing methods.
Emotionally, this eclipse may be intense, especially when Luna conjoins Mercury and Eris later in the day. The eclipse marks a time of establishing something new, initiating a new karmic cycle, and addressing past issues related to anger or missed opportunities for taking action. It's a time for personal transformation, akin to the energy of the Fool's card in tarot, where we are called to choose differently and embrace healing and change.
Aries Rising: This eclipse heralds a profound period of self-discovery and personal reinvention for you. You are being called to redefine your identity and how you show up in the world. Embrace your courage and pioneer spirit, as this is a time to boldly step into new beginnings and embrace your authentic self. The eclipse may stir up deep-seated desires and insecurities, but it also offers a powerful opportunity for healing and transformation. Use this time to explore your true passions and set intentions for a future that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.
Taurus Rising: The eclipse activates your inner world, urging you to delve deep into your subconscious mind and spiritual beliefs. This is a time of profound introspection and healing, where you may confront past traumas or buried emotions that are holding you back. Embrace the opportunity to release old patterns and embrace a new level of spiritual awareness. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into your subconscious mind. Trust the process of inner transformation and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of life.
Gemini Rising: With the eclipse in your 11th house, your focus turns to your social circles, friendships, and long-term goals. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. Embrace opportunities to expand your network and collaborate with others towards common goals. Your aspirations may undergo a transformation, leading you to reevaluate your long-term plans and make necessary adjustments. Embrace the power of community and collective action, as you work towards creating a more harmonious and inclusive world.
Cancer Rising: The eclipse highlights your career and public image, signaling a period of significant transformation in your professional life. You may feel called to pursue a new career path or take on new responsibilities that align with your true calling. Embrace the opportunity to step into a leadership role and showcase your skills and talents to the world. Trust in your abilities and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of success and fulfillment. This is a time to embrace your ambitions and take bold steps towards achieving your goals.
Leo Rising: This eclipse inspires you to expand your horizons and seek out new experiences that broaden your perspective on life. Embrace the spirit of adventure and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. You may feel called to explore new philosophies or belief systems that resonate with your soul's purpose. Trust in the wisdom of your intuition and follow your heart's desires, as they will lead you towards a path of greater fulfillment and enlightenment. This is a time to embrace the unknown and welcome the opportunities that come your way with open arms.
Virgo Rising: The eclipse brings a period of deep transformation and regeneration, urging you to release old patterns and embrace a new way of being. This is a time of intense introspection and inner healing, where you may confront deep-seated fears or insecurities. Embrace the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace a new chapter of growth and renewal. Trust in the process of transformation and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater authenticity and empowerment. This is a time to embrace your inner strength and resilience, as you emerge from the shadows into the light of a new beginning.
Libra Rising: With the eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships, relationships take center stage. This is a time of significant growth and evolution in your personal and professional relationships. You may experience changes in your relationship dynamics, leading to greater harmony and balance. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your connections with others and cultivate more meaningful and authentic relationships. Trust in the power of love and partnership, as they will support you on your journey towards greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to open your heart to new possibilities and welcome the blessings that come with deep and meaningful connections.
Scorpio Rising: The eclipse signals a time of positive change and transformation in your health and daily routines. You may feel inspired to adopt healthier habits and make positive changes to your work environment. Embrace the opportunity to prioritize self-care and well-being, as this will support you in achieving your goals and living a more fulfilling life. Trust in your ability to create positive change in your life and take practical steps towards improving your health and well-being. This is a time to listen to your body's wisdom and honor its needs, as you work towards creating a life of balance and vitality.
Sagittarius Rising: This eclipse sparks creativity, passion, and self-expression, urging you to embrace your inner child and indulge your creative instincts. This is a time of inspiration and innovation, where you may feel called to start a new creative project or pursue a new hobby that brings you joy. Embrace the opportunity to express yourself authentically and share your gifts with the world. Trust in your creative vision and allow yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression. This is a time to cultivate a sense of playfulness and spontaneity in your life, as you rediscover the joy of living in the moment.
Capricorn Rising: The eclipse falls in your 4th house of home and family, signaling a time of transformation and renewal in these areas of your life. You may feel called to create a more nurturing and supportive home environment for yourself and your loved ones. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your roots and cultivate a sense of emotional security and stability. Trust in the process of change and have faith that the universe is guiding you towards a path of greater fulfillment and happiness. This is a time to honor your emotional needs and create a home that nourishes your soul.
Aquarius Rising: With the eclipse in your 3rd house of communication and learning, you are being called to expand your mind and embrace new ways of thinking and communicating. This is a time of intellectual growth and curiosity, where you may feel inspired to start a new course of study or engage in stimulating conversations with others. Embrace the opportunity to share your ideas and opinions with the world, as your unique perspective has the power to inspire and enlighten others. Trust in your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself authentically. This is a time to embrace the power of words and ideas, as you explore new avenues of self-expression and personal growth.
Pisces Rising: The eclipse falls in your 2nd house of finances and values, signaling a time of reassessment and realignment in these areas of your life. You may feel called to reevaluate your priorities and make changes that align with your true values and beliefs. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and financial security. Trust in your ability to create abundance and prosperity in your life, as you align with the flow of universal abundance. This is a time to honor your values and invest in yourself and your future, as you create a life of abundance and fulfillment.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔰𝔭 (𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔫𝔢𝔯) 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔫𝔢
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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pile 1, crochet plant:
your dream sp: do yall like fixing people,,,,, hmmmmm bc im getting a vibe of i can fix them but you actually do. delusional ass. you want someone who has escaped some sort of bad experiences, or has a bad boy / girl appearance. you want someone who is a born leader, fiery energy, good with money and is ambitious to achieve their own goals. oh you want someone with duality. someone with a peaceful, gentle side to them that they don’t show often, perhaps mysterious or emotionally intuitive. 
your fated sp: someone who has experienced enough to become mature and warm and caring. i don’t think it’s a bad boy / girl. someone who has expertise in their field, master of 1 skill kind of vibe. someone who enjoys learning and travelling, broadening their horizons. idealistic, likes bright colours? that’s a specific message. always looking for chances for entrepreneurship, money making, learning new hobbies and skills, hopping around from one to the next. a fresh breath of air, embodies the sun. 
pile 2, crochet jellyfish: 
your dream sp: are yall stuck on your ex or someone toxic??? you want someone who can fight for you, will burn the world down to save you trope. someone who saves you from the bad things that happen to you. you want someone who can help you clear your mind and take a break, a healing person. someone who ISN’T STUCK ON THE PAST AND DOESN’T WALLOW IN SELF PITY. or maybe you are missing your ex who knows 
your fated sp: they may come in later in your life than you think. you are fated to meet someone who is powerful in their field, respects authority, perhaps religious and traditional. someone who has achieved happiness in all aspects of their life and is willing to share that with you. someone who completes you. kind and family-oriented, emotional, sensitive, and compassionate. balanced masculine and feminine energy. 
pile 3, crochet pasta: 
your dream sp: i think you watch too much tiktok or smut. yall are all FINDING THE SAME TYPE OF GUY. i think you like toxic people who will fight for you. literally physically fight someone off for you. someone who is good in bed and creative. passionate, motivated to work hard, probably athletic especially running. someone who can dominate you, but still be patient and compassionate with you. tamed wild beast typa feeling. 
your fated sp: and guess what you will get someone who will fight for you, but instead of literally fighting they will defend you and this relationship to the very end. someone who likes fairness and justice, could work in the law field. someone who will make sure that they give as much as they take. down to earth, nature-loving, practical and resourceful. willing to hand make things for you. likes to save money perhaps. 
ok i got lazy so i posted this like weeks after i said i was gonna sorries
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading or spell service by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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bblovetarot · 4 months
{❀} What good things is the new year bringing you?
ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ Pick a Pile ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ 
. ༄ . paid readings . ༄.
。°⚠︎°。follow your intuition when choosing a pile. if you're drawn to more than one pile, that's okay! you may have messages in more than one.
。°⚠︎°。tarot readings are not 100% accurate, and do not dictate your future. please keep in mind that you have free will. these readings are also general and aren't specific to one person, so please take what resonates and leave what doesn't! 
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Pile 1
Many of you might be used to keeping to yourselves and often feeling down. But in the upcoming year, you'll have a chance to step out of your comfort zone. Although it may not be something you're thrilled about since you're accustomed to staying away from others, your heart will encourage you to break out of this habit. In the new year, this decision to come out of isolation is expected to bring about various opportunities for you. It's important to note that someone who used to bring you joy but is currently causing stress in your life is likely to leave. This person seems impulsive and tends to follow others rather than making their own choices. Their departure could lead to a more peaceful and happy time for you. If the described person sounds like yourself, it may mean that your own habits of holding yourself back are finally leaving your life. This change could make you feel happier and lighter, freeing you from negative energies. Some of you might engage in daydreaming as a way to cope with past difficulties. In the new year, you may become more aware of how this habit can be more harmful than helpful. The good things for 2024 is moving away from negativity and behaviors that hold you back, creating an environment where your true happiness can thrive.
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Pile 2
For this year, Pile 2, positive changes are on the horizon as you break free from a cycle of self-doubt, consistently prioritizing others over yourself, and lacking belief in your own abilities. It seems like you're stepping into your power more confidently. Many of you may have grappled with insecurity issues for a long time, possibly spanning a decade, but in this year, you're overcoming significant hurdles. While some insecurities might still linger, you're handling them better and adopting a kinder attitude toward yourself, Pile 2. There's a desire for success in a particular area of your life, perhaps related to projects or a business venture. However, there's a noticeable shift in your approach as you become more patient, understanding that success takes time. Despite any impatience you may feel, thinking that others aren't recognizing your talents, you're navigating this challenge more effectively because of the newfound sense of security within yourself. You've developed a strong self-awareness, and external opinions no longer have the same impact on you – a commendable transformation, Pile 2. For some of you, there might have been experiences with failed projects, but you're now discerning when to let go and recognizing what is not aligned with your path. This newfound sense of self-assurance allows you to trust in your ambitions and their natural course. While blocked creativity may present a challenge, your enhanced patience will serve as a valuable asset to guide you through this year.
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Pile 3
For Pile 3, the positive developments coming your way this year involve a journey of self-discovery. It appears that many of you may have grappled with emotional immaturity, but in the current year, you're addressing any ego-driven fears that have hindered your confidence and authenticity. There's a noticeable enhancement in your emotional intelligence, leading to increased kindness towards both yourself and those around you. This year, you're taking a measured and deliberate approach, crafting a plan and sticking to it. Some of you may possess psychic abilities, and it seems that you have a strong connection to nature, receiving profound insights when surrounded by its beauty. Throughout the year, there's a palpable growth in various aspects of your being. This includes boosting your confidence, refining your emotional intelligence, and nurturing your psychic abilities. You're focused on maintaining balance and grounding, ensuring that neither extreme dominates your life. For many in this group, the challenging period of the dark night of the soul may have been experienced in 2023, and the current year serves as a time to reflect on the progress made during that transformative period. If you haven't yet undergone the dark night of the soul, 2024 is likely the year for you to navigate through it. While not an easy journey, you're taking the necessary steps, no matter how small, that align with your personal growth. There's a noticeable effort in learning to control the ego, recognizing and addressing your deepest fears. In the past, you might have been reserved and hesitant to speak up, but in the current year, it appears that you're stepping into your power and finding your voice. Many of you maintain a close connection to the spiritual realm, and it serves as a guiding force through this transformative cycle. Communication might take a back seat, indicating a year of self-focus and solitude for personal growth.
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sefinaa · 4 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: “𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠?”❞
How will the love of your life affect you?
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YouTube | Masterlist | Tips | Paid Readings
—18+ readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
This person will expand your horizons, open you up to new opportunities that you believe were not possible. They will grab your hand and pull you up, they don’t care for your whines and complaints, they want to see you happy. Their happiness stems from you improving yourself and seeking a higher version of yourself. They want you to believe that you can have a better life and they want you to seek it in improvement.
“Because, I have been on the same road you have been, seeking adventures and a better life, but assuming I cannot do it. You already know you can do it, so why assume otherwise? I don’t understand why or what makes you afraid.”
As I channeled this message, the same imagery popped up in my head many times.
Imagine yourself on a tall rocky landscape, and the only way to escape is on a very thin line, not even a rope, a thin line to escape and walk on to make it to the other side. I can see and feel your fear upon this and you keep telling yourself, “I am scared,” or “I cannot do it.” Of course not, how will you do it if you have these assumptions? You cannot.
So what is the point of this imagery? Because this is how your lover’s feels, your lover is someone who will always pick up their feet when things go wrong and this will influence you to do the same. This person will make you whole once more and this person will make your life complete. They gave you advice and you change your life. Thank them, thank anyone, sure, but thank yourself the most.
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Pile 2:
This is a rocky pile. Is anyone dealing with a lover who treats them like crap but they keep going back to?
Why are you going back? You have this angel looking around for you, to marry, to love, to have kids, whatever, and you have the audacity to disrespect yourself, for what? To make them happy? To control you? To manipulate you? What are you doing with your life? Sweetheart, you have an angel waiting for you, to love and adore, to caress you when you’re sobbing and to make you feel safe. Why are you going back to that person?!
This person is going to change your whole existence!! I mean it, I feel such amazing an energy radiating from this person, I can feel it in my whole being as I type your reading. This person is going to love you so much where you cannot even fathom how the heck you went back to this so called lover. This person will make you believe that you can become a billionaire, that you are worthy, that you deserve so much better. They will change your mindset to the point where you will be financially stable. You want to have kids, right? So do they. They want children who will be treated with so much love, dignity and respect. How can you have children like that if you don’t show the same to yourself? You cannot.
Know your worth and leave them, heal yourself and your angel will come to you. You’ll see.
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thesensteawitch · 6 months
🌟Message From Your Higher Self 🌟
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right-- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!
I hope you're all doing well. This reading sheds light upon the messages from your future self. As this is a collective reading take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Keep your current situation in mind while taking this reading. 🍁
Book A Personal Tarot Reading|Rate Card|Tip Jar
Feel free to message me in case of any booking related queries.
Pile 1
Cards- 2 of cups, 8 of cups, ace of pentacles, the hierophant, the world, ace of cups, 10 of wands
Hello, my dear pile 1. I hear, “Open your eyes and see the way our horizons meet.” Perhaps, currently, it seems difficult for you to keep believing that you will ever experience the good things. But somewhere deep down you know that good things happen and people go from rags to riches. Tables turn and the wheel of fortune takes a turn. But all of this is just an idea in your head. You may BELIEVE in these things but you don't have enough FAITH in yourself. Your stars are guiding you. They are the reason why you are even taking this reading. Your future self can see the roadmap for you so you need to trust that new beginnings are on the horizon. You need to open your eyes. You are very lucky pile 1. Your stars align so well. Every power in the universe is ready to start many new chapters in your life. It seems difficult for you to understand the spiritual world from the 3D perception. You guys seem too tired and burdened. Some of you may even have become pessimistic. You have been trying your best to make things right but one human can't make any kind of relationship better. Any relationship's survival depends on the people involved in the relationship. You alone can't make things right. You are not going to make it alone is what I hear because some things are meant to go two ways. I feel that the situation you have been in was one-sided. And you are not able to see what this situation is doing to you. For some of you, it seems regarding a relationship or your job. It's only you doing all the work. Your higher self is asking you to quit. Surrendering is the best thing we can do sometimes. Find the courage to break this pattern in your life. Your future self is here to tell you that new opportunities knocked on their door as soon as they let go of the one-sided responsibilities they were carrying. To let new things enter your life you need to make space for them. So throw out everything out of the window that does not serve you anymore. Your creativity is suffering with so much heaviness that is burdening your heart. Your future self wants you to focus on healing your wounds. Feel your emotions and share them with the person who truly listens to your concerns. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. This situation is trying to teach a very important lesson. Be grateful for what you have, this way you will find your lost hope. I also see that some sort of fortune/success/good news is coming your way. Don't worry because even if you quit your efforts are not going to go to waste. You'll be rewarded but you need to let go of your attachment to the result of your actions. You are only putting pressure on yourself. And pile 1, I see that you know you need to detach but you are still not able to convince yourself. At least take this reading as a sign. The more grateful you are for the things you have the more things you attract to be grateful for.
Drop a message in my Tumblr inbox to book a reading with me!
Pile 2
Cards- 2 of pentacles, Justice, 3 of pentacles, page of wands, 9 of pentacles, 6 of swords, the sun, 8 of cups
Okay, so my dear pile 2 your future self wants you to know that they made it. They have been working on something for a very long time. They did not let challenges stop their growth. They are currently living their most vibrant life. And it only happened because they did not let their spark die. Remember that only fire can ignite a room filled with darkness. Currently, for you, I see that it's difficult for you to follow your fire and find your passion. For some of you, the purpose of your life seems blurred. Movement is round the corner for you pile 2. But without action, no manifestation can take place. So you are asked to not intellectualize things so much that they stop you from achieving your life's purpose. Walk away from old patterns. It's time that you do justice with your life. You (just like all of us) signed a soul contract to fulfill. But some of you seem a bit distracted currently. If you remain in this state for a long time then you are only going to distance yourself from achieving your purpose. Your future self is doing so well because they made the right decision. Because they chose to work with love. Your passion can free you and give you the strength to overcome the challenges that may come your way. So make a decision. Sometimes, it's now or never. This new journey may seem unknown and unfamiliar to you but it is going to bring you so much abundance and self-growth. Pile 2, it's your purpose calling you. Be patient with yourself but don't drown in the narratives you have framed in your mind. Just forget about the past because your life is bringing a refreshing start. Get your mind out of your way. Get your insecurities out of your way. It should be you and your goal. If some of you have been waiting for justice to be served then know that the scales are in your favor. You don't need to worry if you were wronged. Divine will take care of it. You need to take care of your career/purpose. Keep going. Life moves in cycles and a new cycle is beginning. Consider taking guidance from someone you know can help you with your life's purpose so that you can avoid potential challenges or at least know how to overcome them. You need to show more resilience in the face of adversity. Find your spark. I see that your overly emotional nature has diminished your spark. Turn around and see what you were and how something/someone took the light away from you.
Drop a message in my Tumblr inbox to book a reading with me!
Pile 3
Cards- 3 of pentacles, four of pentacles, ace of cups, three of cups, queen of swords, queen of wands, knight of cups, ten of cups
Okay so pile 3 your future self is asking you to have fun. Stop worrying too much about the future. You don't need to stay reserved and in hibernation mode. Meet people, talk to them. Give yourself a break. Your future self is so strong. They have strong boundaries but they aren't caged. Your future self wants you to know that you are going to find a new connection. For some of you, it's a romantic connection. It's going to be a dream come true. You both are going to be so in love. It's going to be an honest and healthy relationship. Currently, you have caged yourself and you are afraid to let go of the security and safety you have created for yourself. Your whole life will feel short to explore the wide world. Your future self wants you to make new friends and create ever-lasting bonds. You will meet all kinds of people. You have so much to share. You are just denying it. There's only so much you can keep in your heart. One day it overflows and you can't hide it. Don't be afraid of social interaction. I hear, “It's everything you wanted, it's everything you don't. One door swinging open, one door swinging close.” It may be difficult for you to interact after a long period of solitude. Go out and meet just one person, maybe an old friend. This new love is going to bring so much happiness in your life. Please let people in. You don't need to trust them blindly. Trust yourself that you can handle human interaction. You don't need to be alone. Spend some money on yourself, you deserve it. Start with solo dates if you must. You are about to meet some amazing people who are going to be catalysts of change in your personality. Your future self has finally let go of all the fears that are there in your head. They are free from the constant anxiety and bickering of the mind. Your cards are so positive, pile 3. Nothing is stopping you except for yourself. Believe me, you are going to say thank you to the universe for such amazing people your future self has met. You are going to wonder why you didn't meet them earlier. Don't expect the worst because you are the creator of your destiny. Your WILL still plays the most important role. So don't let your past govern your future. Don't let your mind deceive you. Just think of the best and you'll make it through. Many of you are soon going to meet the true love of your life. And if not love then the friendship of a lifetime. Face your fears pile 3. It's going to be amazing, believe me!
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thankskenpenders · 7 months
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So I wrote a whole long thing about Amy's tarot cards, but what about, you know... the rest of the Sonic Frontiers DLC? The new alternate story route, the hours of new gameplay, all that?
Having now played it, I'm not sure Sonic has ever had this specific combination of good ideas that make the future of the series look bright, and execution that I fucking hate.
(Full spoilers ahead.)
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The good
There's a lot to like here, conceptually.
First and foremost, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are finally playable in a new mainline 3D Sonic game for the first time since 2006! Seventeen years! We've been begging for this for so very, very long. Nature is finally truly healing from the fallout of Sonic '06. Early on I hedged my bets and expected them to be locked to Cyber Space or something like that, assuming that there was no way they'd be fully playable in the Open Zone. But sure enough, while they're a bit limited compared to Sonic, they're still all full-blown characters with skill trees to unlock and lots of exploration to do.
We also got a more bombastic alternate final boss fight, after the first take on The End kind of underwhelmed. And it's obvious that Sonic Team has listened to our pleas to focus on the 3D platforming over the forced 2D sections, and to reduce the amount of automation in the level design. This update is chock full of Actual Platforming. Wow! I can only pray this means we never get an area as agonizing to explore as Chaos Island again.
Sure, there's still some jank - especially with Knuckles' movement, which is kinda rough. But if this is the stuff they're trying out so that they can refine it further for the next game, then I'm really excited.
On the other hand, good fucking lord is The Final Horizon tedious. And that tedium sapped most of the fun out of it for me.
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The frustrating
The new scenario massively increases the difficulty over the base game, seemingly out of a desire to give the hardcore players who were posting speedrun videos and whatnot more of a challenge. It's the Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels of Sonic. This difficulty comes in many forms throughout your playtime, some worse than others, and continues to ramp up over time.
Rather than giving you a tutorial level, the new scenario dumps you directly into a remixed version of the final island and makes you do some fairly precise platforming with Amy, Knuckles, and Tails - new characters with new movesets that you won't have any experience with. You'll also need to find character-specific Koco that give you free levels, because Sonic's friends all start at level one and certain locked moves in their skill trees will be mandatory to progress. They don't even have Cyloop unlocked at the start. And because they're all low level, that means you'd better steer clear of the beefed-up bosses scattered around the map, which will absolutely annihilate Sonic's friends. (I honestly just avoided them and never bothered beating any of them, not even with my high-level Sonic. I have no idea if they're beatable with the others.)
None of this is explained to you particularly well. I spent my first few minutes with Amy wondering why the attack button did nothing, only to eventually think to check her skill tree and realize that I had to unlock her basic attack. If you don't bother to take the time to read through the skill trees, you'll very quickly find obstacles you have no way of getting past with no clues as to what exactly you're supposed to do.
Adding to this confusion is the fact that objective markers often tell you to go half a kilometer into the sky, and you'll have no idea how to get up there because all of the relevant platforms are out of your draw distance. Many objects seem to only pop in for me when I'm within about 60 meters of them, which isn't a long distance for a high-speed open world platformer like this. I was having this problem running the game with high graphics on PC, so I can only imagine how obnoxious it is on Switch. I'd frequently find myself poking around nearby clusters of platforming objects and praying that they'd lead me to a spring, rail, or cannon that would eventually point me in the direction of the floating objective marker.
There were always complaints about the art direction in Frontiers and the way it relies on floating rails and prefab platforms that are visually disconnected from the natural scenery of the islands, but it's even more dire here. The new platforming sections are dense and complex, but they seemingly didn't have the budget to change the topography of Ouranos Island at all, so it all takes the form of these prefabs. It very strongly gives the vibe of a Forge creation in Halo 3, back when there were no blank canvas maps and people just had to make "new maps" by jamming a bunch of shipping containers and barricades together in the sky above one of the default arenas.
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I was still more or less having fun, though, despite the jank. It's a big creative swing, I told myself! They're trying stuff out! They're experimenting!
And then I hit the towers.
The towers are agonizing because they're SO close to being great. The logical part of my brain understands why some people love them, but god, I just fucking hate them. The platforming there IS cool! These layouts are cool! The individual challenges along the way are a bit tough, but totally doable. You know what's not cool? Making one mistake and slowly falling 800 meters all the way back down to the ground, forcing you to start over. Because none of these towers have checkpoints. For me, this one decision transforms what should have been a fun set of platforming challenges into a massive, unfun difficulty spike.
I enjoy some masocore platformers, but those are typically games with quick deaths and restarts like Celeste, Super Meat Boy, or VVVVVV. Hell, the Mario games tend to get way more difficult than the average Sonic game, and those are obviously all great. Quite frankly, unlike those games, Sonic Frontiers is nowhere near tight or polished enough to make this difficulty feel fair. Bits of jank that I could ignore in the base game due to its lower difficulty are now matters of life or death. Missing a jump because I boosted off an incline in a way the game didn't like for reasons I don't understand is not fun. Falling off a tower because the camera was pointing in the wrong direction while I was in midair and I couldn't see the next thing I was expected to homing attack is not fun.
And it's such a jarring spike when moving from the base game to the DLC that it feels like the game is suddenly quizzing me on skills it never bothered to instill in me. Maybe if you've spent the last year labbing out the movement tech in this game this is all a no brainer, but for the average returning player it's a kick in the dick.
I'm sure I could've beaten these towers normally if I gave them enough tries. They aren't the hardest thing in the world. But I very quickly decided I had better things to do with my life and turned on easy mode, which adds tons of extra springs and homing attack balloons to make all of the platforming piss easy. I wish there was a middle option between Only Up: Sonic Edition and this extreme hand holding, but when given the choice between the two I gladly picked baby mode. I just wanted to see the story.
(The new Cyber Space levels are also long, challenging, and devoid of checkpoints, not unlike the towers. But I only ever found the entrances to two of them. So I only did two. They're theoretically required, because they give you "Lookout Koco" that you need for... some reason? But in a rare act of mercy, Sonic Team put Cyloop treasure spots that give you free Lookout Koco all over the map.)
As I continued, so many little things started adding up to piss me off. Why do you only reveal like five tiny squares of the map at a time? I would've loved to find all the new 1-on-1 dialogue scenes, but not if I had to do dozens of hard mode versions of the stupid little puzzles and challenges to reveal the whole map. Why does every character need their own unique collectibles? What is this, Donkey Kong 64? Why can't I just grab this EXP for Amy when I find it as Tails? Why can I only manually swap characters by talking to an out-of-the-way NPC unlocked right before the final boss? Why is fast travel disabled? Why are the new vocal themes you hear when playing as Amy, Knuckles, and Tails so monotonous, with a single verse repeating over lo-fi beats ad nauseum? Why is the jukebox feature completely disabled throughout the DLC, even after rolling the credits? Why can't Tails homing attack? Why do I have to wrestle with the camera so much while also holding the jump button to fly as Knuckles and Tails? How many right thumbs do they think I have? Why is this animation for picking up animals in the Cyber Space levels so incredibly slow, and why can I still take damage while it's playing? Why does the stupid starfall event have to make it so hard to see what I'm doing when climbing these towers? Why does this shitty combat trial have a popup that makes it seem like I should be using the Cyloop when the actual strategy revolves around repeated parries? And on and on and on...
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The story
What about the new story? Well, there sadly isn't much to chew on here. Most of the DLC has the cast running around and finding different macguffins for arbitrary reasons, as part of some sort of plan to divide up the work on the last island so that Sonic can go train with the spirits of the Ancients and harness the power of his cyber corruption. What the fuck is an Impact Form? I don't know, but Knuckles needs something to do, so go find one.
It's a thin excuse plot meant to make you do platforming challenges around Ouranos Island, with little room for Ian to add any real flavor of his own, even though he certainly tries. Having Sonic meet the spirits of the Ancients who controlled the Titans, who are revealed to directly parallel the personalities of him and his friends, is kinda neat, I guess? It's something. The optional conversations seem to have some fun bits, including both conversations between the supporting cast and additional lore. But again, I only found a few of those because of how tedious filling out the map was.
The writing is also let down by the voice acting - or I guess the voice direction, because I know this cast can do better. Roger's voice continues to be weirdly, distractingly deep as Sonic, which was clearly something that was requested of him just for this game. (For a recent example of him going back to his regular Sonic voice, see this LEGO trailer.) The performances of Sonic's friends are also WILDLY mismatched. This is most clear when they start feeling the effects of the cyber corruption. Knuckles seems to be barely affected at all, Tails sounds like he's moderately hurt and low on energy, and Amy starts completely overselling her pain out of nowhere. The extremely strained performance makes it sound like Cindy's literally being tortured in the fucking booth. I have no idea what's going on over there.
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The final challenges
People have debated whether or not things like the towers and the new Cyber Space levels are fair challenges. What's not up for debate is the fact that Master King Koco's Trial is complete and utter bullshit, and I can't believe they shipped this.
Before you can fight the new final boss, the game forces you to do a boss rush of the first three Titans - INCLUDING the pre-Super Sonic climbing sections - with a hard limit of 400 rings. For all three lengthy, heavily scripted fights. Back to back. You can't even cheese it with the leveling system, because you're forced to do this at level 1. This all but forces you to look up speedrun strats for the Super Sonic fights so that you don't run out of rings and fail the trial.
And the real kicker? They changed the parry just for this trial! Originally, you could just hold down the bumpers endlessly and Sonic would ready himself to parry the next attack, whenever that may hit. Now it requires you to do a "Perfect Parry" with specific timing. And you HAVE to hit those parries if you wanna clear this trial and get to the new ending. Miss a few and you're probably fucked. You just have to reset. Time to go through all those fights, all those climbing sequences, all those QTEs, and all those unskippable mid-fight cutscenes all over again. This is by far the most egregious example of the DLC deciding to quiz you on new skills that the base game never required of you, and it's one of the most absurdly unfair things I have ever seen in a Sonic game.
Easy mode does make this trial easier by making the timing window for Perfect Parries much more generous, but that's all the help you get. It's still easy to lose time failing to parry Wyvern's hard-to-read animations, or to lose rings by getting hit on the climb sections, or for things to just fuck up because these fights were always kinda jank. I gave it a few shots. I looked up guide videos. I tried the Quick Cyloop and stomp combo strat that seems all but mandatory. But I quickly decided that, again, this wasn't a worthwhile use of my time. It just sucks. And I really, REALLY didn't want to overwrite all my fond memories of these Titan fights, some of my favorite setpiece moments in any Sonic game, with memories of this shit ass boss rush.
So I cheated! And if you're on PC, you should too.
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With the worst hurdle out of the way, I turned cheats back off and moved on to the new final boss. It was pretty cool. It's much flashier than the original fight against The End, that's for sure. It's still kinda annoying, and it requires you to do very specific shit without properly telegraphing it, but it's nowhere near as bad as the preceding challenges. I was hoping for one last new metalcore song to go with the new fight, which we sadly didn't get, but at least the new version of I'm Here is good.
The ending is... mostly the same, with a couple altered scenes that don't really change anything in the long run. But overall the new finale was pretty good. I just wish it hadn't been such a slog to get there.
Closing thoughts
Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon wants to be three things:
A patch that adds a new alternate ending that was probably supposed to be in the base game in the first place.
An experimental take on making Tails, Knuckles, and Amy playable again, presumably testing things for the next game. And...
An official Kaizo Sonic Frontiers mod for the sickos.
The thing is, the people showing up for #1 and #2, the main things that Sega hyped up about the update, are not necessarily going to be down for #3. If they had announced some uber-hard new Cyber Space levels for the arcade mode or whatever, I'd be like, neat! And then not play them. I would never touch Master King Koco's Trial if it was an optional challenge. I would leave that for the sickos. But instead, they made the hardest content mandatory for anyone who wants to see the new Good Ending where the final boss gets an actual budget.
I'm mostly left in a state of shock that it shipped like this. I cannot believe they playtested this and decided this was the state The Final Horizon should be released in. That this should be the note Frontiers ends on. That this should be how we remember those Titan fights. That this should be the lingering taste in our mouths as we wait however many years for the next 3D game.
Armchair devs always love to say that things would be "easy to fix," but like... there really would be easy fixes for the insane difficulty and general tedium here! Add a few more tutorial popups explaining what the game expects of you with Sonic's friends. Give the Cyber Space stages and the towers a couple checkpoints. Give the combat trials more generous time limits, especially on the lower difficulties. Remove half of the map puzzles, and make the ones that remain uncover twice as many squares. Skip the startup animation for Knuckles' glide. Let me turn on the goddamn jukebox. Since so much of this update was designed around fan feedback, I can only pray that Sonic Team is still listening, and that they tweak at least a few of these things with a balance patch.
But still, after those many, many paragraphs of complaining... this still somehow makes the future of 3D Sonic seem pretty promising?
Sonic's friends are FINALLY playable again, and the focus is back to proper 3D platforming, rather than railroading players into awkward forced 2D sections in what's otherwise an open world. These are the things that they hopefully want to carry over to the next game. The difficulty? Well, that's just because it's the postgame DLC that's supposed to be the toughest challenge in the game. It's just an unreasonably cruel one of those - an example of how designing and balancing for a vocal minority of your fanbase can really hurt your game. But Sonic Team is onto something here, and I hope that they can learn the right lessons from this expansion and not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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chantiying · 2 days
Welcome to your fairytale where the only rule is let your imagination go wild
Hi, it's Chanty (I feel like this name resonates more with me rn) Today, I have a fairytale for you. How to choose? Close your eyes, imagine yourself surrounded by thousands of fairies, let these little creatures to lead you to their world, then choose either the image or fairy you feel more drawn to
If you are ready then let's jump into the fairies land
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Remember tarot is not set on stone and you can change your path whenever you want. This is for entertainment purposesThis reading is general so if it doesn't resonate with you just let it go
Welcome to your story little stranger. You were born in a port, where you had to fight against everything you loved and get away from there. You are a brave adventurer with your heart always on your sleeve. You left your home where there were seas, oceans, seagulls & boats to reach a place in the mountains, where you will begin to discover yourself. You will see that the world is bigger than you thought, your perceptions about life will change. One day, walking through the countryside of that new town, a woman will change your perception of what life is, what love is, what freedom is. What you had always believed in will collapse, you will feel lost, you will cry, you will miss what you used to be, what you were, what you knew, but from that encounter your internal conflicts will be removed and understood, and your faith will have new foundations. You will feel glad to have spoken to her, to have asked her for maybe an address? Or a price? Or even the time. From that moment your motivation will be to see life as she sees it, your motivation will be to go out, smell the fresh air, the grass, the flowers, even the smell of the market. See the sky, the landscape, the clouds go by. You will miss the sea but the land will keep you anchored, which is what you needed, which is why you decided to start a new life
Your days will pass, your luck will change, you will be successful but then one day, when you look in the mirror, you will understand why you feel tired, because despite living well, you have never felt complete. The villain of your story will take action and look directly at you through the mirror. Why? It's me? Did I forget you? You will murmur while your memories of the sea, the fish, your family, of you, pass through your mind. The laughter as a child, how you dreamed of conquering the world, the promises you made to your parents, friends and siblings, all that comes back to you, your eyes crystallize and suddenly you feel tiny before the world again. Someone knocks on the door is your messenger, he informs you that there is a traitor in your castle, someone close to you has stolen the most precious things you had "running away" is the first thing that goes through your mind instead of fighting "RUNNING AWAY" is not the first time you will do it, will you stay to fight? No. "I want to go home" you say to the surprise of your server, I want to go home, you repeat once again, I want to see my family. You pack your things on a day of the waxing moon
Winter is about to come, the snow is about to fall but the only thing you think about is looking for a new rainbow on the horizon, the only thing that matters to you is starting over in a new place. Because as the years go by you still don't forget what that woman you met that spring told you. The seasons have passed, you are now in a big cage, fly little bird, look for your freedom, because your peace is in building a new home in every place you go. You will always have people celebrating your victories, your father, your friends, your colleagues. Everyone understands that you were born to sow, harvest and go to a new field to sow new seeds. What you are looking for is found by moving away from the problem, the magic that the fairies gave you is in letting go and waiting for your wishes to come true. That woman, that fairy that you found in the past, was just the beginning of your path, she was your teacher, she was your inspiration so that you could free yourself from everything that is gone, so that you would run with the wolves, so that you would be master of the sea, mountains and forests, so that you would finally understand that moving away is part of your freedom, that growing up sometimes makes you smaller, but even being small you can conquer whatever you set your mind to, that your greatest enemy is you, that the solution is not to stay tied, that you can build bridges and cross them with your friends but sometimes you must leave the bridge and take the road on your own, that it is you and your independence creating new relationships and that your hope is to collect all the colors of the rainbow, the pot of gold is not so important to you, but the lightning that bathes you when you arrive at what will be your new home, your freedom
Cancer, Aquarius, Gemini, Pisces, Leo rainbow, Beaches, Places with ports or mountains (whether you were born there or want to live in a place like that or it is where you find peace of mind) Sociable, Fish or Birds as pets. LGBT? People who struggle to let others/things go
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Oh little creature, you are a warrior, strong, determined, with an implacable character (or at least that's what you want to appear to your family), "should I go?" You ask yourself from time to time. One night, while everyone is asleep, your magical adventure begins, you then take a book, press it between your hands while you watch the lamps from your window, "should I go?" You ask again and unconsciously use that book as an oracle. The answer comes to you. Then, you go to sleep, you let sleep take over you. The rays come through your window waking you up, it doesn't bother you, since you have decided what you will do: you will give up. But you will not give up on your dreams, nor will you give up on your ideals, you will give up on feeling the way you have been feeling, you will give up on the pain, the tiredness, you will give up on feeling alone and after that, you will realize the power that it has. nature for you. Before you had resolved your conflicts by crying at night, you had fought against them in your dreams, you had tried hard to feel the pain on your skin but this morning you had decided that it was no longer going to be like that. You gave a light smile to the people who were at home, you took your backpack and went for a walk down the street, the weather was perfect and the sun's rays caressed your skin, as if it were your father delicately touching your face, making sure you felt him next to you. Soon you felt a little sad, why did those women treat you so badly? Why did they seem to despise you? What was the evil that you did? Why did they claim that you were the one who ruined them? You hadn't done anything, at least not deliberately, but still, you couldn't please them. You are about to cry again, your aimless steps take you to a large tree, you are impressed by its magnitude, how tall it is, but you do not feel small, but rather protected. You sit leaning your back on its trunk, you take out the book or a notebook and the doors to the magical world open again for you
You have found the point where the fairies gather, they dance happily while you immerse yourself even further in your thoughts that are no longer bad but healing. You remember when you had a family that in your opinion was happy, you remember dad's arrival, the affection, a golden halo covers all those memories, the smile spreads on your face "I will have a home full of love" you promise yourself.
Time passes and you keep your promise, that day it wasn't your imagination but your power of divination. Now you are everything they told you you could never be, you are beautiful, you are kind, generous and an example for those who love you. Sometimes you have bad days, sometimes you have problems, but everything you experienced taught you how to draw your sword and fight your enemies. Your dark days and that hand that was extended to you that day you were reading under the tree, have been your allies. You are still of unbreakable character but now you do not pretend it but rather attach it to your emotions as a whole. You no longer cry yourself to sleep, you no longer mark your skin, now you appreciate every day and the opportunities it gives you, because those who had hurt you received what they deserved. You understood that it was not right to normalize what they did to you, or what you did to yourself, you turned pain into light, you wrote your wishes in your journal and you were grateful because they came true.
Trees, Nature, Parks, Libra, Aries, Pisces. Forests, Green, Blue, White and Purple, Journal, "Find the answer in a book" "Write down your fears" Lamps, Activist, Environmentalist, Healing through plants, Shadow work, mommy issues, "I love you"
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This is the story of a wise man who with his words gave peace to those who consulted him about their indecision. It was magic, it was freedom, it was calm, it was hope, it was a miracle. It was written in his life story that he would be a courageous human being, who would face any problem by giving it a real solution. He was a transformer of lives but he was afraid to transform his own, but that day came... His worst fear: change, arrived in the form of a warm, pleasant and charming young person. He could not do anything but fall for them, he fell in love. His powers and wisdom disappeared. Confusion reigned in his head, he felt bad, he felt miserable, he felt like things had slipped out of his hands. Why had he fallen in love? Why had he given his heart? That was not his mission, his mission was to be a counselor, to share his wisdom and words with others, his mission was not to live but to serve... Then a day, one of the two left and no, it wasn't the other person but the wise one. He took the pieces of his heart, almost all of them, and decided to go to a new place to find peace and he achieved it.
The days, months and perhaps years passed, his recognition, powers and wisdom returned, he felt happy, he was an advisor to privileged people, he had a name with golden letters. There was a celebration, everyone was dancing, laughing, drinking and our wise man had a smile on his face but his soul felt desolate. He felt like a part of him was dying, tears rolled down his cheeks, he apologized and went out to the garden to get some fresh air, that pain became bigger, he couldn't contain it anymore and he let out the tears that he had held back for years, is it worth? the pain? He asked himself. He had left the one he loved alone so as not to transform who he was, but now he realized that transforming was part of life, of his life: passion, emotion, love, tears, all of that was part of his being and he couldn't bottle all those feelings for his entire life, he had to let them flow, and then, not only would he be a wise man of words, he would surrender to the transformation and now he would be a teacher, a magician, a whole. But he had to face his secrets, his fears, his shadow. He had to learn from his past, he had to embrace his self that had been hidden, he had to learn not to fear change and flow with it.
The process was chaotic, sometimes he wanted to go back to being who he was, sometimes he woke up wanting to explore his other versions, sometimes there was light, sometimes darkness, sometimes he just wanted to be in bed, forget who he was, but sometimes he wanted to use his magic, play an instrument, dance barefoot and watch the water drops fall creating colors as they crash on the ground. He always had the world in his favor, but, because of his fears, he never realized it, he thought that they only used him or needed him, he thought that they only approached him because of his wisdom. He never imagined that they were going because of the peace he transmitted, because of his gaze, because of the admiration and respect they felt, because of the inspiration he exerted. Sometimes he forgot that magic existed, that he was magic, that he was light and he was protection. He has not yet become the magician he should be, he has not yet mastered it, he still has doubts and setbacks, he is still sometimes afraid to feel, to love. He still sometimes thinks that he was born to serve and not to live. But life will show him (show you) again that nothing stays the same forever and that the only thing that is certain is change.
Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius. Fear of change, Red, A Party, Lost love, The Past, maybe some of you are LGBT, Tea or Coffee, Avoidant Attachment, The friend who gives good advice, Teachers or your career has to do with education or sharing your advice, listening, Speak Now by Taylor Swift pop out to my mind
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Ok, this is it, thank you for reading me and I hope it resonates with you (I was about to cry bcus I wrote this like three times and for a variety of reasons I needed to pause it and I don't know why but the post wasn't saved for those three times 🫠 I don't know if it was a sign of the universe and I just kept being stubborn 🙂)
Anyway, see you all next time
Alic (Chanty) 🪽
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greenboyfriend · 3 months
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choose a fish to fill you with whimsy & glee! (tarot reading)
"what can you look forward to?" image 1: this guy's got it all figured out. he's able to breathe above water due to the bowl of water superglued to his face. one might even assume he has prosthetic legs, or perhaps even feet... image 2: the ideal male figure... you may not like it, but it's a fish with a broom as a tail and no internal organs. image 3: a fish that doesn't resemble anything in particular. no... not at all! image source not everything may resonate with you, and that's ok! take what does & leave the rest. don't force it.
you guys!!! there is something very wonderful in store for you, so long as you’re able to get yourself out of this rut! you may be feeling powerless, suffering some sort of attack, and being forced into the role of the victim. however! justice means to tell you that there is a major change that must be made on your part. instead of letting yourself be victimized, take action! use those emotions you’re feeling to tackle this challenge with passion– take that risk!! don’t be afraid to get creative, too. above all, and no matter what it takes, you’re going to need to address this, and with confidence.  in a broader sense, this situation is teaching you how to overcome a fear of yours. maybe you’re not the best at asserting yourself, but that’s ok! we’re all learning!! take this as a step in the right direction.  the extremely right direction, i might add, as the 9 of cups and justice seem to imply, this will be a very fruitful endeavor for you. the 9 of cups is often referred to as the “wish” card, because it represents having your wish fulfilled. after you take action, i see this result leaving you feeling quite pleased with yourself, and even a little smug! as you may know, justice is no card to be trifled with, so keep in mind that the actions you take regarding this situation will heed important results. do what you know is right and believe in yourself! you can do it!!! all of these cards are reversed-- except 10 of swords-- indicating that they're meant to inform your future actions (in the next few days, or next week). so don't worry if you haven't thought about it too much yet. but please remember that justice does not play! believe in yourself, you'll know when the time is right. there is some 18+ info beyond this point... click the link to read the rest but be warned its literally 2 sentences and NO ONE UNDER 18 SHOULD fucking READ IT! /srs link
(10 of swords, page of wands reversed, 9 of cups reversed, justice reversed)
hello my silly little broom fish. you’ve been working hard! if you haven’t, expect to work hard soon! you will be taking on a new project or adventure, which will require your full attention. i’m thinking, some of you guys might be taking a new class, or be receiving training of some kind. you’re going to need to put your all into this! you may already have an idea of what to expect, but some things will be new, too. take the time to really get into the minute details, tie up loose ends, and recheck, then rerecheck, and rererecheck just for good measure.  this may also be a way for you to expand your horizons, and become a leader. if you have a good idea, share it! you may end up showing others the way, and being a representative of some kind. remember, though, to be painstaking about this, and really brush up on those fine details.  along the way, make sure you’re keeping yourself on course. if you need a moment to reflect and think about where you’re going, consider it a part of the process. while it is also a good idea to consider other perspectives, keep in mind that you’re here for a reason. you may have to assert your position & really push for your way of doing things. again, if someone else has an idea, don’t underestimate it, but don’t underestimate yourself, either! this may take the form of having to resist authority, and you may have to be firm. in doing this, you may also be able to reap a reward of some kind! remember, there are so many people in the world that would push for their perspective no matter what, even if they haven't researched it at all. based on the 8 of pentacles, you most certainly have researched, so believe in yourself! make that stand!!... well, when it comes to. all of these cards are reversed, so this situation is likely to come into fruition in the future-- in the next few days, or possibly next week. mull over it for a while. when you start to see the signs, seize your opportunity!
(8 of pentacles reversed, 3 of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles reversed, 7 of wands reversed)
ok go off!!!! or somefin it’s time to commit to that regimen. whether that’s eating healthier, taking more time for yourself, or, if you’re like me, trying to practice more self kindness, creating an organized structure/routine is likely to help. so, for example, i’ll take my own life into account: i’ll often think certain thoughts can make me feel bad about myself without me totally realizing it, and lately i’ve been trying to change how i talk to myself. i use a systematic approach, in that i recognize the thought, then force myself to replace it with a positive one, instead. it seems silly at first, but the more that i stick to this method, the more success i’m seeing! this is just my example, but can be applied to your own situation! it’s always tough to start something new, but a month or two in, or maybe even a week, you see improvement. & it’s ok to make mistakes! you may be focusing too much on what you lack, or your shortcomings. there may also be setbacks keeping you from achieving your goals, or maybe you’re convinced that you made the wrong decision.  know that it’s always darkest before the dawn!! you may be in a bad place right now, and if you are, consider how you can make things easier on yourself. instead of letting yourself be a martyr, or feel powerless, do what you know will make you feel better. like that new god forsaken ariana venti song, be your own damn best… friend. it’s wise counsel. both of the readings above this are about the future, but for you, i think this is very much about the present. with all cards facing you except temperance, there is a story unfolding, where you complete some unfinished business, and find peace. the peace part is likely in the future, with it being reversed and all, but the time for action seems imminent, or already happening. i think you probably know what you need to do. whatever those plans are that you’ve been sitting on, make them happen! i just keep getting “declare yourself openly”!!! so do with that what you will.  you may even discover some sort of missing truth, keeping you from seeing things fully. you may also be swept up into the tides of change, and witness all the elements fit seamlessly into place. so hey! enjoy!
(the emperor, 5 of cups, 8 of wands, 10 of swords, temperance reversed)
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