#new interactive fiction
marblesstorystudio · 2 months
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❀ Demo Out Now! ❀ Itch ❀ Official Spotify Playlist
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❀ Will you embrace your destiny or choose to avert your gaze?
Betrayed by your mothers and sent away to become a prophet, loneliness became an old friend, and an intense longing for connection stirs deep within you.
Hoping to escape the monotony of your life – training to become a Living Prophet and delivering parcels all over the Southern Territories isn’t as fun as it sounds – you seek solace in the nightflowers that grow in Caligo. 
It’s not like you have a choice, anyway, considering your dwindling medication and the irritating withdrawal symptoms (you've blown up one too many dormitories). Maybe you shouldn’t have put this off for so long, but the thought of being in your parents’ old home … well, let’s just say you aren’t ready to revisit their memory.
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❀ Welcome to Caligo. Our Sovereign is pleased with your interest.
Caligo exists in the Dark Realm, home to the Sovereign and her Crimson Court. Famous for its nightflowers, Caligo is the place to go if you want medicine, poisons, glamours, or even cures.
Twin moons cast an ethereal glow upon you, illuminating the blue haze that swirls through the land. 
Unclimbable mountains overlook lush, fertile land that covers Insomnium, Umbra, Tenebrae, and the Crimson Court in nightflowers.
Though wet, chilly, and sunless, the beauty of this ancient place still prevails.
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❀ choose your name; select your gender & pronoun ❀ customize your character's face & body; choose an outfit ❀ select 1 of 4 unique belief systems ❀ romance 1 of 2 male love interests; or focus on creating deep bonds of friendship ❀ guide your character's decisions & determine their fate
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honeyglas · 9 months
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G reign from @infamous-if save me
Also more colour variations under the cut
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crazerk · 3 months
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When you find yourself among the few women chosen to become a concubine in the Imperial harem, you have a chance to carve your place in court.
The life of a concubine might seem luxurious and idyllic, but behind the silken curtains of the harem, dangerous games are played. Games where the wrong words will cost your life, betrayal, lies and secrets are commonplace and gaining the shah’s attention is paramount to your survival.
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Start out as a princess, disgraced noble or captive.
Intrigue, intrigue and more intrigue.
Dramatic events on par with a soap opera
Revenge, backstabbing, forbidden love, plots and more.
Rise the ranks by outsmarting or eliminating your rivals.
Produce and raise heirs to secure your place.
Influence politics through the emperor or seize power for yourself.
Learn fire magic or join a cult of chaos.
Live a life of leisure and the pursuit of higher education or a life of hedonism.
Inspired by the Sassanid dynasty and Persian mythology.
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Shah Khazunef
He is calm, perspective and far less ruthless than his father before him but they share the same cunning nature and intimidating aura. Khazunef has deep brown skin, dark hazel eyes and silky mid length black hair that frames his face perfectly.
A former slave whose fighting prowess earned him freedom. He has since become a close friend of Khazunef and they regard each other as brothers. He serves as an informal advisor and spy to the shah but shirks any formal duties. Fang is charismatic and extroverted with copper red hair, rose skin and blue eyes.
Her name means dove and fits her gentle demeanor. She was raised a princess in a land of mountains and snow that was conquered by Shah Arzad. Upon the fall of her city and murder of her family, she was brought to the capital to serve in the palace. She has honey blonde hair, dark brown eyes and alabaster skin.
Ignasia is a fire priestess and staunch follower of the faith. Although born a noble, she gave up all claims and titles to serve in the fire temples as a guardian of the eternal flame. Ignasia has dark hair, darker eyes and a regal, reserved bearing.
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Valide Zarayan
She is the ruthless and ambitious mother of Khazunef, originally a distrusted foreigner who rose to great power in the court of Shah Arzad. She rules over the harem like her own little kingdom and holds influence over her son.
Shahbanu Yaris
The wife of Khazunef and shahbanu of the realm. Yaris wed the emperor when he was 17 and she 26 in an alliance that strengthened the empire and influences it to this day.
Vizier Rubien
The grand vizier and advisor to the Emperor who Khazunef considers a father figure. Rubien is fiercely intelligent, loyal and wise. He remains dedicated to his work and helping the Emperor rule justly.
Averus is a high priest and soothsayer of the court. His advice is sought by all and a bad word about you from his lips can sully your reputation and relationships beyond repair.
Consort Iltani
Former consort and favorite of Shah Arzad. Her name is whispered like a curse, and her influence spreads far wide even though the valide has her currently imprisoned within the palace.
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This story is for mature audiences, please proceed with discretion! Story will contain violence, drugs, alcohol, death, suicide, infanticide, harm to animals, miscarriages, abuse and sexual themes.
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snarkspawn · 7 months
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I randomly did this as a bunch of quick warmup sketches over the weekend, and I was going to do nash as well only to run out of steam two doodles in lmao
but I need you to look at twin tails and short haired nash anyway asjkls
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seraphinitegames · 6 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Unit Delta
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I am eagerly anticipating the introduction of Unit Delta in Book 4! Check out this sneak peek shot and intro below for the Commanding Agent to get a feel for their vibe!
Axel Lozano - Commanding Agent - Gorgon
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wildmelon · 7 months
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daphne did not plan on spending valentine's day crying over grayson! so she went clubbing, went home with someone random, and spent february 15th crying over grayson
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if-whats-new · 10 days
Passings and Hiatus
Hi everyone!
Bex here. We have a very very sad message from the rest of the group which needed to shared.
Hi Everyone, This was not an easy post to write, but something that still should be communicated.
During the night of Sunday to Monday, Marjorie suffered an aneurysm. Unfortunately, she passed away before anything could be done.
Marjorie had been sick for a very long time, but her state deteriorated this year, and worsened during this summer. She had felt for a while she would probably not see many more milestones or even get to the end of the year, but she did her best to stay with us for as long as she could.
Marjorie strived to fill her days with happy moments and do things that made her happy, especially at the end. She wanted others to feel loved, appreciated, and seen, with her actions. In recent years, Interactive Fiction brought her a lot of joy (and sadness, and anger, etc...), and through it, she could connect with others - others who didn't see her in pain or sickly. IF had become her safe heaven when things were rough.
What's New in IF? would not have existed without Marjorie. Truly. She was the one who came up with the idea. She wanted to do something special, she told us, to bring some positive into the world, however she could. Marjorie was the one who hyped us up, and brought us on board. It was an electric time, and we stayed up deep into the night messing around to make... something with the idea. It wasn't well thought out, and we didn't realize what we were getting into, but she'd never been this excited about something in recent time.
So, she became the captain who steered this little ship of friends, connected through our appreciation of and love for the medium. But she wasn't just the idea person, she was down in the trenches, organizing it all, spearheading us on the right path, turned words into actions. When we needed some time, she would take over without a second's notice. She was always there, no matter what, at the ready.
She hoped, by her little idea and couple of hours of afflicting efforts, she was doing at least a little good for the community. She worried, often, that she wasn't doing enough, or doing it well enough, to give back the last of herself to the community who made those past years enjoyable for her. But not once did she want to pull that string publicly: she never wanted to take attention away from those who worked hard on their craft (her words). It mattered so much to her.
Through her and thanks to her, we learned so much. About ourselves and each other. And we shared with each other our appreciation for others, what we were passionate about, what we hoped for ourselves. She made us such better people, and we could never thank her enough for it.
Marjorie was first and foremost a loving daughter, a kind and attentive friend, and a passionate woman. Even with her failing health, she advocated for all who needed even a tiny bit support. She was a wonderful and compassionate soul, who always tried to see the best in people, but was never afraid to confront those who needed to face their mistakes. She forgave easily and loved even more.
Marjorie, you left behind a very quiet and empty space, and already are and always will be sorely missed.
- Noi, Axelle, and the rest of FMoDF Gang (Erika, Joss, Olive, Derek, Chaz)
As I'm sure you can all understand that this was a surprise for us and everyone who was close to Mrajorie, I think we can all say she was an amazing woman who invited me (Bex), Brij and Dion to help and create this wonderful Zine. We do wish to continue this on but we will be pausing this until at least the end of September until we can get our bearings and talk about future plans.
Let me assure you, this tumblr will stay and be available to keep a trace of her, the memories and support she gave everyone in the IF community.
If anyone is willing to help keep this zine and Marjorie's hard work alive please contact us here, COG, or in the comments
Until then RIP Marjorie, you were a shining star gone too soon.
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thebarontheabyss · 1 month
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The Abyss Beckons Once More.
The Bar on the Abyss 2.0 Update is Here!
Start your afterlife anew with new mechanics, expanded content, and deeper choices that will shape your MC's journey in the Abyss and beyond.
What’s New in 2.0?
50K+ Words of New Content!
Choose Your Grief Path: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, or Acceptance—select the emotional journey that fits your MC and explore how it shapes their afterlife.
36 Career Backgrounds: Deepen your backstory with various career paths that unlock additional choices and provide unique perspectives on events unfolding around you.
A New And Improved Skill System!
Your Spirit Gift: Choose from six mythical artifacts that enhance your abilities and open new ways to approach challenges.
Detailed Death Choices: Define the circumstances of your character’s death—was it a tragic accident, a deliberate act, or something darker?
Bug Fixes and Improvements: Enjoy a smoother reading experience with numerous bug fixes, text-flow improvements, and better formatting.
How You Can Help
Thank you for reading The Bar on the Abyss, I’d love your thoughts on the new update!
Your feedback is more important than ever— suggestions for more choices, ideas for how your character should react, and thoughts on the latest content; I’m all ears and eyes, like some biblically accurate angel!
Based on your feedback, this update will continue to evolve, with a few “patches” while I work on the next chapter.
So don’t be shy—I want to hear both the good and the bad!
I’m so proud to have brought this update to life. This year has been so hard, but writing this game and connecting with all of you has been truly the best experience.
Thank you for reading The Bar on the Abyss and sharing this eternal journey with me. I wouldn’t change a thing.
See you in the Abyss!
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morbethgames · 2 months
New Update Is Out!
First and foremost, new update is out! It's kind of a small one, but it's a scene with Hawks where they are debriefing the PC on the case. Lots of variation in those 10k or so words, so you'll probably only see about 2k of it per playthrough.
Well everybody, I had been taking a bit of time. Admittedly, and a bit… embarrassingly… coding like, 30 different variations of Lance's happy-fun-time burnt me out. But, it gave me time to really think about things for the game and scenes that should be in there and where their place in the story is. As well as a scene or two I could probably cut so the game doesn't take another year. It's all about that balance of whether or not you can say a scene happened, versus which scenes need to be shown happening. Maybe it can be added in later, but right now, the priority is definitely the time skip scenes and the main story.
But one thing that is refreshing, and a little scary, is seeing the fact that the first scene for chapter 5 is now set up in the game to start being written in. Chapter 5. The final chapter of the game. It's been 3 years. Now, it's gonna be another few months (few as in upper few) until it's finished because Chapter 5 is going to be the chapter with the most variations yet. Multiple TBI's to code. Multiple endings. Multiple paths. It's gonna be a huge chapter. But I'm gonna be starting it (in between finishing up the time skip scenes of course). It's absolutely wild to think about.
There are gonna be some scenes in the final game that aren't going to be in the demo, so the incentive to purchase the game is still gonna be there, but as of right now, the plan is to fully beta test this game. Including the ending. Because what's important to me is making sure I get it right, and in order to do that, I need people to help test it. Whether or not I'll do that publicly through to the ending here or not is yet to be seen. I may ask a couple people to beta test it in private. I'm honestly not sure yet. Maybe it'll be a patreon thing; who knows?
What I do know is this game has been, and will be until it's finished, a great lesson. I have a habit of starting things and not finishing them. Obviously I wasn't gonna say that before because then people wouldn't be invested in the game. But I think it's quite obvious at this point that I'm absolutely going to finish this project, and that is a huge accomplishment for me. It's proof that I can do something like this and see it through to the end.
But yeah, thanks everyone for continuing to come back and check out the game. Now that the current version of the demo is finished, I'll be posting a bit more on Patreon as well. Snippets and whatnot. I figured since I released the little mini-extra scenes game on there I could take another week or two to focus on finishing this up.
As always, stay brilliant.
🛡️Patreon | Forum Page | Demo Link🛡️
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notsogreatdion · 2 months
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✶ IF PROJECTS THAT I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT (and you should be too) ✶
✶ Embers of Hope - @embersofhope-if
who doesn't love hunger games
but also the added drama of being chosen by the people themselves?? ooff
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Press Play - @pressplay-if
i need more slice-of-life ifs
i'm already in love with such happy campers, so I'm sure this one is going to be another banger
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Paved in Ashes - @pavedinashes-if
i'm about to be a 20-year-old in a completely new city
i always wanted to know how to skateboard
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ The Magus Sanctorium - @magussanctorium-if
houses? sign me up
so many poly options omg
also, I'm still trying to fill in that hp shaped hole in my heart, pls don't mind me
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Seven Days in Paradise - @themysticaldrumstick
very juicy exes to lovers mmm
we have a son? i'll be the coolest parent ever, believe me
oh and a very sexy bartender RO
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Love and Leases - @loveandleases
more family drama!!!!
give me back my dog pls :(
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ The Muse - @themuse-if
not only did i struggle with choosing my own major, i'm already struggling with choosing the mc's too
character interviews are such a fun concept - i'm already in love with the whole cast
also did i mention how much i love slice-of-life ifs?
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
✶ Van Helsing (the demo came out before I managed to post this so go check it out!) - @vanhelsing-if
oh i love absolutely everything about this
i love playing characters that are centuries old
-> locate and destroy the end of the world (or romance it). - this sold me ngl
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
if recs 1.0, if recs 2.0
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bunniebi · 1 month
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outfits for the infamous ROs ^-^ (except O, Seb, E and LA... </3 but maybe in the future)
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darielivalyen · 4 months
Eldritch Tales: Inheritance [WIP]
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Eldritch Tales: Inheritance is a cosmic horror game with elements of romance, set in a Gothic manor. You and your high school friends are reunited after five years by a mysterious letter, and through this letter, you inherit an old Gothic manor and a substantial fortune.
There is only one condition: you must live in the manor together.
As you arrive at Blackthorn Manor, strange, unsettling events begin to unfold. Shadows move on their own, nights are unnaturally dark, and the atmosphere grows increasingly tense. The manor is full of secrets, and the more you learn, the less you seem to understand.
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Play as male, female, or nonbinary.
Customize your appearance, personality, and sexuality.
Romance or befriend a wealthy and carefree playboy, a no-nonsense scientist, a disciplined and protective ex-soldier, or a sweet and free-spirited artist.
Manage your relationships, or face unforeseen consequences.
Pay attention to your sanity and health, or…don’t.
Search for clues, solve puzzles, and learn the truth behind your inheritance.
Discover hidden rooms, secret passages, and eldritch artifacts.
Confront moral dilemmas, and be careful as they may have far-reaching consequences.
Face randomized events that will keep each playthrough unique.
Experience multiple endings based on your choices and actions.
What darkness does Blackthorn Manor conceal, and how will it affect your fate? Can you uncover the truth and survive, or will the manor’s sinister influence consume you all?
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Personality: Tyler exudes a confident, carefree spirit that's both alluring and slightly unnerving. He enjoys the present and isn't too concerned with the future.
Background: Born into wealth, Tyler has always enjoyed privilege and opulence. While his party-going ways have quieted recently, he still often boasts about his family's status.
Physical description: Tyler is tall and lean with an athletic build. He has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a preppy yet sophisticated style. He is fond of loafers and owns over two hundred pairs.
Smell: Tyler's scent is a blend of citrus and musk.
Personality: Caleb is disciplined and protective, with a dry sense of humor shaped by his military background. Despite his rugged exterior, he dreams of a peaceful life.
Background: A former soldier, Caleb has spent the last couple of years doing different security jobs. His protective nature extends to his younger sister Julia, with whom he shares a close bond.
Physical description: Caleb is tall and muscular with a rugged appearance. He has a dark brown undercut, deep brown eyes, and perpetual stubble. His style is casual and rugged.
Smell: Caleb smells of cedarwood, with hints of amber.
Personality: Julia is a no-nonsense individual who values efficiency and clarity. Her methodical approach to problems contrasts with her puzzlement at overly emotional responses.
Background: Julia has a deep passion for science, excelling in engineering and physics. Her cross-disciplinary focus defines her academic and professional journey.
Physical description: Julia is of medium height with a lean physique. She has neck-long black hair, deep brown eyes, and wears stylish glasses. Her style is Parisian chic.
Smell: Julia smells of lavender, with hints of paper and ink.
Personality: Luna is a free spirit, and her vibrant personality is reflected in her artwork. Her infectious optimism and innocent humor reveal a soul untouched by cynicism.
Background: An eclectic artist, Luna finds solace in her paintbrush and palette. She embraces all sorts of spirituality and has a deep love for crystals.
Physical description: Luna is petite and has an ethereal presence. She has long platinum-blonde hair with pink highlights, and green eyes, and loves the bohemian style.
Smell: Luna smells of patchouli and sandalwood, with floral notes reminiscent of wildflowers.
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yuveim · 5 months
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THE SPIRITED: ORIGINS v2.1.6 (Prologue) 
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Relaunch of the TS:O demo (Prologue only) with multiple text, visual and mechanic changes. Chapter 1 re-release coming soon...
Read the update notes on itch.io
IMPORTANT: Old saves will not work - please restart the game from the beginning to avoid bugs and overall game-breaking behaviour.
Wordcount: 16300
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The Spirited: Origins is an interactive fiction horror game with elements of romance. In TS:O you take the role of an amateur paranormal investigator who jump-starts their career with a case of a demonic entity, while being haunted by their own inner demons.
This game is rated 18+ for mature content and graphic descriptions of violence. A full list of trigger warnings can be viewed from the title screen.
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heart-forge · 9 months
Bad Ritual Public Update
God what a time to be missing my banners ;; But okay, Bad Ritual technical update and rewrites are now live on itch !! These changes include:
new themes (dark and light, themed towards the characters)
new achievements screen
extended accessibility options
Tahira route rewrite
Siruud route rewrites (not as extensive)
texting interfaces instead of in-line texting
totally retooled character creation options
redone character profile page
I recommend starting a new game just to see all the changes, and also because the new chapter isn't finished yet 😂😂 That's on its way, but for now there's new content inside the old content and some new menus to explore. The new chapter is coming up next !!
Remember that you can subscribe to my Ko-fi for early access to updates, copies of certain games (right now you're guaranteed a fully copy of Manor Hill for donating and/or subscribing), and monthly drabbles at Employee of the Month tier !! There's currently three up portraying the Manor Hill LIs before attending the Harvest Festival, and next month there'll be a Hybrid themed drabble released !!
Reblogs are appreciated, as always. Anyway, have a happy december and new years 💚
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exkowrites · 2 months
That Distant Shore
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This game is in the start of development. It is not currently planned out and is a test for me to learn twine. I can not promise when or if there will be a finished product. This game will be free and remain free if finished. Everything is subject to change.
Choose your first, middle, and last name.
Select from the three pronoun presets, or customize your own.
Customize your hair, eyes, skin, and facial details.
Trans, nonbinry, and intersex options.
Three gender selectable RO's and one nonbinary.
The Demo: (updated 8/6/24)
The story:
You and your siblings are displaced after your parent's death and the loss of your home. You suffer from a strange family ‘curse’ where each member will die one by one. Your flaws will be your undoing... Your dead parents, Adelina and Theodore loved you and your siblings.  So, what happened to all of you?
The characters:
Theodore -last name-
Your deceased father.
Adelina -last name-
Your deceased mother.
Victoria -last name-
Your prima donna sister. She doesn't like you. Can you change her perceptions or will you prove her right?
Alexander -last name-
Your kindhearted brother who took custody over you and your sister after your parents death.
Matteo/Madelyn Abbott (RO, gender selectable) "the bully"
Brash and abrasive. Despite being the principals child they refuse any special treatment and in fact take great joy over annoying their mother. They don't like you, maybe you used to be friends maybe you were strangers. Whatever your history, can you persuade them that you are not who they think you are?
Oliver/Olivia Campbell (RO, gender selectable) "the neighbor"
Typical golden retriever type. They are sweet but loud. You used to be neighbors, you two basically grew up together. O has noticed you drift since the accident. They wish they still lived by you so they could help more, but at least you'll see each other at school! Will you let them in?
Dylan Levine (RO, gender selectable) "the new kid"
A bit mysterious being new to the town. Dylan is your new classmate and is determined to learn about you and all the rumors surrounding you. You don't yet know what to think about them. Will they push you away when they find out about your so called curse, or will they stick around?
Jordan McKinley (RO, nonbinary) "the weird kid"
Jordan is known for being a bit... eccentric. They are kind and love making new friends, but your school has deemed them an outcast, not unlike yourself. Perhaps you two can bond over your loneliness?
My current plans:
Finish writing the prologue
Add/make any changes to the character customization
Publish complete prologue
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breachverse · 5 months
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Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 18 - 26th of August 2023
... This one's actually been brewing for 6 months, so... 1 Million Words folks!
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Update 21 has been released! Last public upload was pretty much a year ago so, I'm very sorry for the long silence, a lot of the updates have been mostly in the private testing phase on Patreon, but I am here with a bunch of fixes and hangout updates.
But most importantly... We've passed the 1 Million Words mark... My fingers are tired. ❤
You may play it on the link below.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#21 (15-April-2024)
Alpha - 21
Fixed something here, fixed something there, fixed something everywhere
SideModule: Fixed Justin's hangout background
SideModule: Fixed Hayne's hangout background
SideModule: Added Anna's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Charlie's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Kaz's 1st hangout
SideModule: Added Carly's 1st hangout
Stats_Page: Added Archangel crew background notes
UniModule: Added 7 new weapons to the shop
MISC: Added AA-12
MISC: Added HK G36C
MISC: Added PP-19 Vityaz
MISC: Added Ultimax 100
MISC: Added SR-25
COMPLETED: Chapter 3 Part 1 of The ARC branch (100%) (PT only) W.I.P.: AA Hangout Part 1 (86%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (85%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout Part 1 (46%) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (65%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade (40%) Word Count: 1,007,622 words including codes (Last update was 971,142)
I'll be completely honest, when I started Breach 2 I knew it was going to surpass 1 million words. I just didn't think it would take this long. Through numerous challenges, both in writing and in real life. Through numerous ups and downs, I'm absolutely surprised and grateful to know that there are people out there who still support me. I've had many thoughts, numerous times, to give up and move on to other things in life, but I didn't want to disappoint, so I kept writing.
I bring to you, the 1 million milestone update. It's really not much, but it is one step closer to completion. This update has been in the works for the past 6 months mostly due to the weapons rework and also story changes for the crew members that I apparently couldn't keep track of without a giant excel spreadsheet. This update finalizes the Archangel's Gamma Crew hangouts, which is Kaz and Carly's hangout as well as Anna and Charlie's hangout.
As before, they share the same storyline so they will both share the same hangout. If you choose to go out with one, you cannot go out with the other. Kaz shares it with Carly, and Anna shares it with Charlie. Keep that in mind. Oh, and there's 7 new guns to play with. Have fun, Ian.
This update does not include the new Chapters. Chapter 3 will still be Patreon exclusive until Breach 2 finishes and I can send the demo to the public testing, and to CoG for the full release.
I really cannot reiterate how grateful I am to have an amazing array of readers and supporters who are still here after numerous hiccups and fuck ups. Thank you all, so very much.
Much, much love. - Max ❤
Link to the CoG Forums
I also have a Discord server!
As always feel free to drop however many screenshot feedbacks you'd like, either in the forums or in our Discord channel!
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