#new reader
ennawrite · 4 months
i will get through the cruel prince this week
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the-book-diary · 11 months
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Getting back into reading I wanted to start with reading everything I never go to. So here’s a little haul from the past two weeks, I pick up most of my books from thrift stores because it’s just so much cheaper. I always wanted to read the books to the greatest shows and movies my generation had to offer but I never could for whatever reason so now I am🤷‍♀️ Also i feel like shopping at thrift stores for books gives more opportunity for things I wouldn’t typically immediately pick up and I like getting new things I’ve never heard of.
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eywaseclipse · 7 months
Alright it seems like a So’lek series is a go. Now I have one question about the reader:
would people like a Sarentu reader who was rescued from TAP like the others? Or prefer another clan like Olangi (Which is the rumored clan So’lek may be from) I could also do Hulanta clan as well! Let’s do a poll. ✨
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brudheargsilly · 11 months
Hello! Recently i’ve started reading dc comics as i impulsively bought one at waterstones a few months ago, now i’ve really been enjoying the books i’ve been reading!! Does anyone have any good recommendations for new readers? I don’t have access to any proper comic stores only waterstones or like amazon :/
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these are the comics i’ve read so far as well as a bit of Batman: No Mans Land, from my local library! Any help is gratefully accepted!!! ☺️
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satorusemepls · 7 months
New reader of ACOTAR here and I have thoughts.
Just finished ACOTAR, have already started ACOMAF, and I actually don't have many spoilers so far. I am very excited to read the next book and see how Tamlin and Feyre heal from Amarantha. I am here mostly to leave my thoughts. I wont read posts and stuff to avoud spoilers. I just know that its fun to see someone experience things you like for the first time and like experiencing it for the first time through them kind of. Would appreciate if you can leave no spoilers!
Onto my thoughts. Ok so, I haven't read fantasy after harry potter because the first fantasy I was offered was the hobbit, which is not very beginner friendly imo. I had read like dystopian books like hunger games and divergent and a lot of contemporary romance but I found it to be a very easy read. Like until chapter 34, which I think is where she runs into Alis in the trashed and empty spring court, I was interested and read like a little bit everyday, but after that I devoured the whole book in one night. I really liked the romance before it, with Tamlin and Feyre. I like how sweet, kind and like protective Tamlin is. Like I love them together but my heart belongs to Rhysand. And I know, okay. What the fuck? He is like literally evil and like hurt Feyre because she wasnt taking up his offer and then had her wear weird clothes and all blah blah. But I feel like he is just so...idek okay.
Like Tamlin is practically perfect, but Rhys is so, like he never violated Feyre, and he tried to help her multiple times, more so than Tamlin could or even Lucien could. So yeah, he is hot.
Lucien is just so good. I love Feyre and Lucien's friendship.
I really liked the trials and the riddle and it was actually pretty fast paced after chapter 34. CANNOT WAIT TO MAKE A REVIEW FOR THE NEXT BOOK.
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theriu · 1 year
Quick question for Wings of Fire fans! I’ve finally picked up this series on audiobook and just finished book 1, am a few chapters into book 2. Love Clay, he is too good for this world, so it’s been a bit of an adjustment moving to Tsunami’s perspective. The story is very interesting (and much more violent than I expected, goodness). But I have one burning question I would really like to know (below the cut for mild spoilers):
Are all of the adults in this series completely awful?!
Please tell me there are some adult characters in this series who aren’t, just, the absolute worst. It’s becoming slightly painful; even Queen Coral, who seems to have her good side so far, is showing signs of following the awfulness trend (although we just met her, so we’ll see). Osprey might have been okay, but we didn’t get to see him long before, well, you know. Riptide doesn’t feel like an adult to me, since he’s only a few years older than Tsunami. Some of the prisoners in book 1 were probably decent, the group singing was a lovely scene, but nobody the dragonets have personally gotten to know so far seem capable of compassion, acceptance, or at least tact (lookin’ at you, Cattail).
Please, someone tell me there are eventually a few adults who aren’t homicidal, racist, sociopathic, paranoid, cowardly, and/or egotistical beyond measure. I’m all for kids’ series that let kids be the heroes, but GOOD GRAVY. This is not intended to covertly bash the whole series, I am genuinely hoping someone will tell me there’s some nice adult characters to look forward to because it’s just a little hard for me to read a story where the kids never get to experience nice role models, but I think I can hold out through the tough interactions better if I know some nice ones are coming.
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You want to start/enjoy reading again? Here are a few tips from someone who used to read every single day, stopped, and now at age 27 is on track to read 50 books in 2023.
1. Read what you enjoy.
Do not get hung up on reading the “right thing.” Read what you enjoy. Whatever it is. I read a lot of memoirs. It took me a while to accept it, but no I probably won’t ever be into high fantasy or sci-fi like many of the people I know are. That’s okay!
2. Read what you can.
Reading isn’t a race. You don’t need to read a book a week like I am. If you find reading difficult, part of it is because reading demands total engagement and attention while you do it. It is not a passive activity. If you want to be a daily reader or read 50+ pages in a sitting, you will be. But it probably won’t happen overnight, even with a book you love.
3. Read short books.
It’s totally fine to read short books. Short books are still awesome and contain complete stories. Longer isn’t better and short books can help you get into the habit of reading by boosting your confidence and lowering your time commitment.
4. Get books in whatever way is accessible to you.
Buy new, buy used, rent from the library, swap books with friends, read physical copies, read digital copies, buy from a brick-and-mortar store, buy from an online retailer.. however you can get a book—get it.
5. Don’t look at page numbers or the time.
Don’t look at the page numbers and don’t look at a clock, just read until you want to stop. If you need to cut off your time for some reason, set an alarm. Whatever you read is what you read! If you know you’ll be tempted to peek, use a bookmark to cover numbers when you flip the page.
6. Set a timer and read whatever you can.
Opposite to the previous advice, but hey, both of these techniques have worked for me and I hope at least one works for you! If you only have a sliver of time in the day, set an alarm and read for that allotted amount of time.
7. Read “just another 10 pages.”
If you really want to push yourself, read “just another 10 pages” until you can’t anymore. Sometimes I don’t, sometimes I only do the 10, but other times I’ve done it 6+ times in a row. It’s a worthy endeavor. Think of it as a challenge, and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do it!
Bonus: Read other things!
Most people have more trouble with books because they’re block of text with little to know pictures. But you don’t have to read books, read comics, manga, trades, research articles, and magazines. Even though my advice is through the lens of book reading, reading is reading! If you’re not ready for books or have no interest in books, you don’t need to read them.
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anbu-legacy · 1 year
New Reader
Yo, wassup authors, I’m a new reader here, and I was wondering what would be the best method to approach this novel. From many of my fanfictions that I have read, the overall story/world-building approach you all take is rather unconventional from my standards. In what order should I read the story to get the best experience? Also, is there a forum where I can discuss this novel? -New Reader, Anonymous
Welcome to ANBU Legacy, New Reader!
Generally, I think the best way to experience Legacy is to follow the King of Heart’s advice and begin at the beginning. Our Table of Contents lays out the Legacy chapters in chronological order, though separated by story arc. We wrote the Prologue chapters at the very beginning of Legacy to show a defining moment in each major character’s life, to find our way into the story and each character’s voice. 
If you want to skip the Prologue chapters, of course, you could start right off with the ANBU Trials arc, but you might find yourself confused by some references to prior events, character interactions, and worldbuilding. 
And if you’d prefer to read on your favorite e-reading device, try the ebooks! You’ll miss out on the character icons that indicate changes in POV, but you’ll get some fantastic cover art in exchange.
As for discussing the story with other readers (and occasional drop-ins from the writers), there’s The unofficial fan-moderated Discord server for ANBU Legacy.
- Ki
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Hello! I've had this story on my "to-read" list for a while and now I finally have some free time to read the whole demo and it's so fun! Just a little question... if we sign our sibling/child up for hmmm drum lessons, and maybe we can get a drum set at home, will this infuriate a certain cranky old neighbor? I mean, not like I mean to purposely make Barns angry. That would be evil! >:) My sibling is just trying to practice music!
Lol I can totally see that happen. Will make a not to see if I can add a scene. 💕
Thank you for reading.
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chevy452 · 11 months
Okay, okay, okay so your girl caved and read A Court of Thorns and Roses. I picked it up forever ago and struggled with the face-value Tris-Divergent-Pick-Me vibe I got from Feyre.
Goddamn, I wish I had held out a few more chapters.
Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy she is so fucking cool. The whole beauty and the beast meets hercules/orpheus climax had me awake at 2am!
Also, because I'm now actively trying to avoid too many more spoilers I'm staying out of the ACOTAR tags, but please tell me Rhys at some point suggests sharing *wink* with Tamlin? Right? That happens right?
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heatherbooks · 1 year
Well, I started One Piece.
After a false start last year (somehow deciding I didn’t like Nami and not wanting to read any more after around 2 1/2 volumes) I have finally started reading One Piece properly. I am currently about 3/4 through East Blue and loving it. 
They’ll be a proper blog post/review thing coming out when I finish this saga. So, probably in less than a week, if I can get my thoughts all together. It’s definitely a good time to be getting into One Piece, and I’m looking forward to the journey. 
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eywaseclipse · 3 months
I find it so funny that I’ve made my writing experience easier by doing something as simple as going on YouTube to find FOP gameplay videos, all cut scenes, and whatnot. Lol. Anyway… the next chapter of my Sarentu x So’lek series will be out this evening.
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fmlkell · 1 year
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one of the sweetest kelsier lines. i will not forget him : (
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im like if john egbert was kind of a girl
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skyepatridge · 3 months
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Dropping this here for anyone who may not already know about it. paywallreader.com
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