#nezha headcanon
lotusarchon · 22 days
tw; mentioned suicide, some spoilers for the lmk s5 trailer and the canonization of the gods (I forgot the og name), and nezha angst
been talking about some nezha stuff with a friend and, inspired by that one tiktok audio on tiktok with a woman humming to her microwave (spoiler alert: yin wuming is NOT Nezha's mother's name. My friend says she's nameless so the title stuck on me and now it's a fan-name)
i imagine that yin wuming used to hum to her boys to comfort them as children, but the one that remembers her voice the most would be nezha since jinzha and muzha would've been closer to their dad than their mom, knowing how things turn out.
so when nezha committed suicide the first thing he hears/remembers is his mom humming to him, because she has always been the one to truly love and care for him, as a person and a child, unlike li jing who sees his children as a means of earning fame and power to his name.
there's also the headcanon that muzha was the one who told li jing about nezha's temples, and i imagine instead of being angry or hurt, yin wuming simply forgives muzha, because what good would it do to hate her son? in my mind, muzha is more similar to li jing appearances wise (jinzha is a mix of his mom and dad, and nezha looks similar to his mother), so he has his own self doubts, but yin wuming tries her best to comfort him because she wants to be a better parent than li jing ☹️
psa: i wanna draw this idea so bad but i suck at art so i'm going to write it ahaaeebbf
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starrclown · 1 month
I've see ALOT of LMK angst and I have nothing better to do (cause it's late at night) and I'm not working on my LMK apocalypse au right now sooo-
Triggerwarning for Violence, Blood, Suicidal thoughts, and other general upsetting topics.
(Feel free to leave yours below. Let's make these characters sad together!)
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Pigsy gets upset when people joke about Wukong being Mk's dad. It's insulting to him, the one that raises Mk since he was so little.
Wukong is someone that craves physically touch but also can't stand it. It stems from all the violence he's been apart of + the crown messed him up alot. He was SUPER uncomfortable with Mk touching him in the beginning. It has to be on his terms if you wanna touch him.
Macaque doesn't have a heart beat anymore.
Because of Macaque never coming back when Wukong needed him, Wukong had no trust that Macaque will come back if they have a argument. He assumes that Macaque is just gone and gets upset about it. Eventually Macaque comes back and realizes Wukong's upset but he doesn't bring it up cause he doesn't know how.
Redson doesn't really understand why his father doesn't seem to like him. He assumed that his dad would be overjoyed to see him again, not how he's acting now.
Mei had many breakdowns because of her grades and the pressure to be a spectacular student.
Pigsy got bullied alot in school for being a pig demon. It wasn't everyone, most people liked him, just a specific group of kids.
To add on to #7, Tang used to beat himself up over not being able to help Pigsy. He HATED seeing Pigsy getting bullied but he knew that if he tried to start a fight he would either get beat because he can't fight or get himself kicked out of school.
Mk gets nightmares of Wukong getting forced into the scroll. Sometimes he wonders what would of happened if Wukong never got out. He usually ends up crying.
The closest thing Sandy ever got to being violent is when one of his cats scared him and he accidently dropped Mo. He cried. Alot. (Mo was fine but he just hates his cats being hurt.)
Sandy still doesn't know Hunstman is dead. He just thinks that Huntsman was scared of him so he never came back. (Guess Hunstmans my favorite and he's dead and i hate it here god dammit.)
No one can say anything about Azure or Azure's death around Wukong because he will get upset. Macaque made a joke one time and Wukong lost his shit. He's still kinda shooken up about it.
Some of the baby monkies recognize Macaque as the one disguised as Wukong that ate the monkey and passed it around. Those monkies REFUSE to be around him. They get violent if they have to be around him.
Nezha wants to see Wukong, Redson, and the others more but his job is so demanding he barely gets to leave.
Wukong physically couldn't be around Tang for long periods of time when they first met. He got more comfortable with him over time but Tang reminded him to much of Tripitaka and he couldn't handle it.
Mei doesn't yell out of anger, like serious anger alot. When she finally yelled at Wukong because of the fire, all Wukong saw was Ao Lie screaming at him. (Stole that headcannon from a friend of mine. Thanks Ainnur you ruined my life.)
Mk brought up the fact that Wukong was willing to put the fire into himself and sacrifice himself, almost certainly killing himself in the process one time. Wukong kinda laughed and just said "Yeah, had to save the world bud. It's a shame Macaque messed up my plan, the world woulda been a little bit more peaceful if me AND Lady Bone Demon died." He wasn't even trying to admit suicidal feelings, he was just being honest. This scared the SHIT out of Mk because Wukong just admitted that he can and will kill himself if he feel he needs too.
Sandy often feels left out of the group and not as important but he doesn't wanna ruin everyone's fun so he stays quiet.
Bai he was ready to die when she was found by the Monkie Gang. She wasn't scared of death anymore.
Bai he was scared of Wukong when they first met face to face. Wukong apologized and explained himself. Over time she got a little more comfortable with him. She understands why he's apologizing but at that point she was so ready to die she didn't care who did it.
Redson wants to be around Sun Wukong again but he doesn't know how to start the relationship again. Same on Wukongs part but he's a bit more forward.
Macaque gets physical in fights fast. Partly cause his fights with Peng, Partly cause of his life before Wukong, Partly cause of Lady Bone Demon. If Macaque thinks a situation will get rough, he'll try to fight but if he thinks he'll lose he'll dip.
Princess Iron Fan unintentionally critiques Redsons's looks all the time. It messes with him alot so he's quite insecure.
Mei feels the need to always be upbeat and cheerful so Mk doesn't sink to far into depression. She can tell when he does this for her but she doesn't bring it up.
Pigsy's worst fear is that Mk won't come back home. The nightmares he's had of this is brutal.
I could make more but I'm sleeeeepppy. I'll make a part two one day though. Leave your own headcannons cause seeing other people break down these characters is so fun.
(How some people think Mk will be in season 5)
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- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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emelinstriker · 3 months
☆ A Few ESAU Headcanons ☆
Art drawn by me + the AU itself is mine.
We literally hit the 1k follower milestone only like 5 days ago, how tf did y'all bring it way beyond and made it 1022 followers this quickly- I couldn't even make a special in time- I love y'all but how dare you- So I'mma just lovingly slap you guys with these headcanons- hfgnhfgnhfg
Also, these are supposed to be dating/romantic headcanons, but half of them count more towards general relationships with your champions within the AU.
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☆ ~ Headcanons ~ ☆
☆ Wukong
>Doesn't talk much, but loves to show his affection towards you with his actions.
>Has a habit of wrapping his cape + tail around you when hugging/cuddling you.
>Much like his LMK counterpart, he is still lazy in his own way. So he rather lazily snuggles against you when cuddling. He's like a blanket with some extra weight to keep you trapped in his arms.
>His kisses are very gentle for his rather emotionless attitude. Mainly because he doesn't want to overwhelm you or accidentally hurt you with his strength.
>Very protective of you. Of course he was already protective before, but if you're in a relationship with him, then he takes his jobs of protecting you a lot more seriously. That's not just his Master in danger anymore, but also his significant other.
>Casually picks you up with his tail and holds you close when he craves kisses or cuddles. Won't do it in public though. In public he just holds your hand.
☆ Macaque
>Talks a lot and practically won't shut up about how much he loves you.
>Most openly clingy out of them all. You better get used to him literally hanging onto you at times.
>Hope you don't mind him accidentally getting blood on you when hugging you. Don't worry, it's not his.
>Might show slight yandere-ish behavior when you're in a relationship, but it's really not that noticeable when comparing it to his regular behavior. Just take his usual somewhat unhinged vibe and crank it up a bit.
>Dramatic over-the-top flirt. Unironically has done the draw-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls pose while shirtless on the bed before, and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
>Lots of PDA. He not only won't verbally shut up, but also physically won't let you escape his love. He tends to initiate a lot of passionate kisses even in public. But if you don't feel comfortable about making out in public, he's also fine with just little pecks on the lips.
☆ Nezha
>He was just supposed to act like your guard. How dare you make him feel this way. Not that he's actually complaining, of course.
>If you have kids/have to babysit kids, he's your best helper. He doesn't have a problem dealing with them all day and will make sure they don't accidentally get hurt while playing.
>Has a tendency of kissing the back of your hand when on-duty. Doesn't mean he isn't sneaking in cheek kisses here and there before you can even react.
>Out of all of them, he's the one with the highest probability of suggesting going to Megapolis or another city for dates. Though, you can expect him to wear sunglasses with his disguise. For obvious reasons.
>Tends to act more like your bodyguard than your boyfriend, so you have to basically teach him to loosen up a bit when on a date, and remind him he's not on some mission.
>Generally needs more time to just relax, so a recommendation would be to have a lot of dates, or even little vacations with him away from the palace. It also just adds to the time spent together. (Whether or not you'll actually be fully alone with him away from the others is another thing. Especially when they can transform/disguise themselves to act as bonus bodyguards without your knowledge.)
☆ MK
>He's an absolute sweetheart. Until he isn't.
>Let me rephrase that: He's an absolute sweetheart towards you and his fellow champions, but will not hesitate to rip off someone's arm if they try to flirt with you. Even if it's playfully/jokingly flirting, clarify that to him before he targets the person that was just joking around.
>He usually asks for kisses first by either silently wrapping his tail around you and leaning against you, or just flatout asking you directly. There is no in between.
>Surprisingly remembers when you plan a date. Also remembers your anniversary. What he usually doesn't remember is to bring whatever little gift he packed up for you, so you sometimes have to pick up your gift in his room.
>Pretty sure that's part of the plan and he just wants to have you alone so no one could disturb you two, but it's hard to tell whether or not he's doing it intentionally or is just really forgetful about specifically that.
>Sometimes offers you his bandana to wear, and you get to see his hair in a slightly different style.
☆ Red Son
>If you're ever hungry and have little to no experience in cooking or baking, he gotchu. He can also teach you how to cook/bake if you want to learn. Or if you already know how to work the kitchen, he wouldn't mind letting you prepare meals with him as bonding time.
>He is too embarrassed to wear his favorite apron in front of others. His favorite apron has "Kiss The Best Cook" written in bold on it with little burning hearts all over it. The "Best" part was added by you. But he enjoys wearing it when it's just you around him.
>If you're one of the unfortunate souls to have been born with monthly shark week, he offers himself as your heating pad when cuddling.
>Doesn't usually initiate kisses, feeling like he's bothering or distracting you in the moment. But that gives you all the more reason to shower him in them.
>Would rather spend his dates alone with you around the palace, including cooking you something for said date. However, he also doesn't mind going out to some restaurant and would most certainly pay for it all.
>But don't even dare try pay for your own meal. Or literally anything you ever wanna try pay for with your own money. He will stop you. And he will pay for it himself.
☆ Ao Lie
>Your personal air taxi in form of a dragon.
>He gives you more cheek kisses and generally short kisses, but a lot of them.
>Can be found lazing around outside in the field a lot. Be it in human or dragon form. 
>Because of this, his suggestion for a date would also be outside, like a picnic.
>Tends to offer you his over-sized clothes. Yes, most of the things in his wardrobe are really big and comfy.
>Almost as physically clingy as Macaque, but will mostly just rub himself on you before letting go. So at least you don't have to worry about trying to pry him off you like a certain monkey. Cough.
☆ Azure
>Your personal bed... No seriously, he's so tall he just straight up becomes your bed when cuddling.
>Most awkward flirting out of them all. Like, second-hand-embarrassment levels of awkward. But he's trying.
>Sometimes accidentally licks you like an actual cat instead of kissing you, which ends up in him feeling embarrassed over it and quickly apologizing. He does let out a quiet purr when licking you though.
>Likes to carry you around, if you will let him. Usually either in his arms or on his shoulders. You can just hold onto his fluffy mane when you're on his shoulders.
>He's very attentive and will try make your day just a little better with small gestures. Such as silently pulling you close if you need comfort, but don't need as much as when every other champion can feel it.
>His standpoint on outdoor vs indoor dates are 50/50. Really depends on the time, day, weather, etc. Just make sure he actually fits wherever you wanna plan a date. His tall stature makes sitting in normal-sized seats at restaurants uncomfortable for him.
☆ Mink
>Ironically the most normal-feeling relationship.
>Like, despite being physically the least amount of normal, he feels the most like a genuine relationship with no prior biases towards you, despite you being labeled as his Master. Mainly because he absolutely avoids treating you like one and refuses to put you on a pedestal in any way that isn't necessary.
>He's very skilled at flirting. Even if some of the pick-up lines reek of cheese, he saved up quite a lot with the help of the scroll- Some being more unique than others.
>Kissing him is a bit complicated due to him literally being, well, goopy ink. Or rather mostly goopy ink mixed with the other black goop.
>He likes to wrap his ink around you and keep you at least somewhat covered in it though. It's like his personal way of showing off his claim/mark on you.
>Dates are most certainly happening in the Scroll of Memory. He knows about some great locations to spend time in there.
[ Masterlist ]
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theycallmeazalea · 1 month
Nezha headcanon(s) (angst and fluff) #4
⚠️ i want to clarify that this has a tad bit of romantic behavior, mentions of abusive behavior, death as well as SH. If you’re not comfortable with this, please scroll.⚠️
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•💮 fluff: Nezha is highly intelligent, having an IQ above average. He’s able to solve puzzles fairly easily and loves them to! He loved them so much that even the Jade Emperor customized a whole entire room as an escape room just for Nezha so he could at least do something fun in heaven.
•💮 fluff: Nezha used to call the Jade emperor “爷爷” (ye ye) or in private: “爹爹” (die die), due to Nezha not knowing his mortal grandfather, aswell that the Jade emperor is in theory his grandfather (Granddad and Grandson bonding)
•💮 angst: Nezha has audhd, but due to the fact that term didn’t exist back then (as in it wasn’t noticed as an actual disorder) people thought that Nezha was simply being a “man child”
•💮 angst: Nezha heavily dislikes DBK, due to the bull’s past implied abusive behavior towards Redson. Whenever Nezha visits the bull family he keeps an eye on dbk, especially when he’s around Redson.
•💮 Angst/Fluff: Nezha was the primary parental guardian of Redson due to Redson’s father being absent and PiF finding a way to save her beloved husband (neglecting her son in the process). This is why Redson kinda behaves like Nezha.
•💮 Angst: Nezha keeps his family photos, but crosses off Li Jing’s face. Because of their very toxic and overall negative history with eachother. Nezha does not see Li Jing as his dad nor apart of his family, and he would do anything to get away from Li Jing.
•💮 Fluff: Though Nezha and Sun Wukong in public seem to have tension between eachother, they actually have a stable and good friendship. The bitterness was all an act, and they both agreed to act as if they don’t really like eachother until someone notices their silly scheme.
•💮 Angst/fluff: Nezha really loves children and one day wants a family of his own, but due to the fact that he doesn’t have a spouse he’s not able to.
•💮 Fluff: Nezha, though cold and even short tempered is very empathetic. He knows exactly what to say to people and how to act around them. But because of that he’s able to swoon people fairly easily, being a good talker and even flirtatious at times. He’s a charming man basically with a high level of empathy.
•💮 Angst: Nezha sometimes play’s devil’s advocate whenever he knows something very important is on the line. Because of his empathy and ability to easily make someone vulnerable with his charm, he’s very much capable of manipulating someone without that person knowing. The reason for why is because of his god forsaken biological father, who’s probably also a master manipulator. But since Nezha’s dislike for his father he doesn’t chooses to take advantage of people.
•💮 Fluff: Nezha get’s easily flustered, and absolutely adores compliments. Though he doesn’t admit to it.
•💮 Fluff: Nezha only accepts PDA from the people who he’s comfortable with, if someone he doesn’t trust or doesn’t consider as a friend touches him he’ll simply smack away their hand or moves away from them. If they keep trying to break his boundaries, the next thing they know they’re on trail about if they’re going to heaven or hell.
•💮 Angst: Nezha has some coping mechanisms, due to his already well known childhood being a disaster and unhealthy. Since he wasn’t able to fully experience being a child, he in stressful and emotional situations where he’s more prone to a meltdown he’ll subconsciously act like how he acted as a child. Basically age regression. When he’s having a meltdown he most likely goes to his room and is more prone to harming himself.
•💮 Fluff: Nezha has a therapist, which is his teacher/father figure Taiyi Zhenren. Nezha is very fond of his teacher and in private calls him “dad” instead of “master/Shifu”. Nezha is slowly recovering from his past.
•💮 Nezha used to play tricks and or mind games on people, some of them are light hearted but some are complete torture. He once lead someone insane because of his tricks that led to that person commit suicide, after that Nezha promised to only use his tricks as punishments for the guilty.
•💮 Angst: Nezha personally does not like being pulled into fights, it’s especially heart breaking for him when he stumbles apon corpses of children that sadly lost their lives in conflicts. He buries them somewhere peaceful and hope that in the afterlife destiny would go easy on them.
(A/N): If I accidentally offended you on any way, I apologize.
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beetheweezarddd · 1 month
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im kinda bored so i wanna give yall my personal Nezha headcanons (involving romance)
🪷 is an angry pissbaby and LOVES going on extremely long rants about his day, and appreciates it when you comfort him and/or encourage him in his tea spilling
🪷 he doesn’t dislike PDA, but gets adorably embarrassed and irritated when you or others point out his blushing
🪷 enjoys talking about or showing you his work, willing to take HOURS explaining the nuance of whatever the fuck he does (also enjoys going on long tangents about his interests, such as operas)
🪷 is much more productive when you’re watching him work or just sitting there with him, because he wants to impress you
🪷 is at first extremely flustered and surprised by your first few instances of flirting, but will later surprise you by attempting to match your confidence
🪷 is naturally competitive in general, he WILL constantly try to be better than you at showing affection, doing chores, and making the other blush.
🪷 as he gets used to the relationship, he becomes naturally more playful and flirty with you! (he still remains a flustered and angry little bitch when you’re the one doing it)
🪷 he secretly loves it when you humor him and play along with his competitions
can yall tell im lonely orrrrrr
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ruinxl0ve · 10 months
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Love u Ash for revealing dat one scene tbh<3 dis so fun to draw guhgghhgjhjhjjkjkj
Anyways a bonus headcanon stuff:
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bella-ved · 1 year
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obsessed with the headcanon that nezha babysat/trained red son 😭💕💕
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 10 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 3 (Chang'e, Nezha, Pif, DBK)
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- She/Her
- Bisexual w/ male pref (eternally devoted to her husband, Hou Yi, in Chinese mythology though, so I don't ship her with anyone)
- Constellation shaped freckles
- Even though her robot bunnies don't need to eat she still sets out extra plates otherwise she feels bad
- Ambivert
- Used to have a short hair phase
- Aside from cooking she's also good at coloring/painting and makes jewelry for fun
- Can talk for hours on end
- Would absolutely loose her mind if she found out about rollerblading, change my mind
- BIG sweet tooth
- Exchanged a few recipes with Pigsy before they left
- Uses Kaomojis
- Stress eats
- Chang'e and Macaque are besties (I saw other people talking about this and thought it was cute)
- Chang’e is one of the very few people Macaque allows hugs from because she gives the best comforting hugs ever
- She tried to teach MK how to cook once and he failed miserably, she has banned him from the kitchen permanently
- Everytime Macaque complains about something to her it ALWAYS has something to do with Wukong and Chang’e is honestly done with them at this point
- She is always energetic, like seriously, she can run around and cook and exercise for hours and never break a sweat
- She can play the flute
- She does Nezha's hair sometimes when he visits
- Her, Nezha and Macaque will all get together sometimes and just gossip for hours
- Hates it when her kitchen is messy, even when she's in a rush to make something or there's a lot going on she'll be sure to put everything in a neat order
- Smells like cakes, pies and other pastries
- Love language is quality time
- Her skin is always really cold (because of , y'know.. living on the moon) but she's lived there for so long now that she hardly notices anymore
- Doesn't really have a skin care routine and doesn't use a lot of products but her skin is always so soft and clear anyways
- Makes up her own constellations when she stargazes
- She has a small shrine in her house in respect to Hou Yi
- Has two group chats, one with Macaque and Nezha for gossiping, and the other with Pigsy and DBK for cooking
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- He/Him
- AroAce
- Put his hair up in a messy bun the ONE time Wukong decided to drop in unannounced, still gets bullied for it to this day
- Would probably die if you ever gave him any kind of soda
- Has a scar on his neck and can even pop his head off like the headless horseman because of... iykyk.. sometimes pulls it off to scare people
- Like Pigsy, he's a huge environmentalist; got super pissed when he heard about climate change and pollution, like he was DEVESTATED
- Really likes chocolate milk, but only drinks it when he's alone because Wukong caught him once and still teases him about it
- Use to babysit Redson when he was little, especially when Princess Iron Fan was too distressed to look after him herself for long periods at a time after her husband was sealed away
- Taught Redson how to harness his powers while he babysat
- Perfect handwriting, it should be a font
- Has difficulty breathing, especially when he gets overwhelmed, due to... yk.. committing..
- Always has a least a small taste of metal in his mouth
- Redson would somehow manage to disappear if Nezha looked away for even a second so he wound up having to get a ring sling to carry him in, no one took him seriously with it on
- Sees PIF as an older sister
- Favourite food is strawberry cake
- Not necessarily a vegetarian but doesn't eat meat often
- Meditates to save and absorb energy instead of sleeping, that way if something happens or someone attacks, he's always awake and ready to handle the situation
- When meditating, stray lotus petals will float around and surround him that act as a shield while also emitting a peaceful aura that keeps both himself and the people around him in a calm state of mind
- Him and Wukong have a sibling rivalry
- Felt incredibly guilty when Redson got trapped in a scroll because he was the one Redson came to when his parents were gone and thought he failed to protect him
- DBK and him have an awkward relationship given the whole "Attack on heaven" thing, but have been trying to find something to bond over for PIF
- Erlang and PIF are basically his older siblings, like they'd be the kind of siblings who'll pretend to give him an important task so he'll leave them alone and then immediately shut and lock the door as soon as he leaves the room, y'know?? He still hasn't forgiven them for that
- Smells like Lotus flowers and strawberries
- Love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
- Likes the idea of hiking and stargazing but never has the time to do it since he's always working
- Isn't afraid to call out someone's bs (*cough* Monkey King *cough*) but can't handle someone calling him out for the literal life of him
- He loves flowers and their symbolism, use to study it before he was tasked with guarding the map to the samadhi rings
- He's actually a really good swimmer but people don't believe him because of his relation to fire
- Has absolutley licked himself to see what he tastes like
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- She/Her
- Bisexual
- Has a beautiful singing voice and use to sing lullabies to Redson all the time when he was a kid. Although it's a rare occurrence, she'll sing lullabies to him even now if he gets particularly stressed out or anxious
- Feels guilty about being too mentally unwell to take care of Redson properly after DBK was sealed away when he was little but never knew how to make up for it so she just closed herself off instead which is why she's so cold with him
- Would sleep in a guest bedroom or on the couch for the first few years of DBK being sealed away because she couldn't handle being alone in such a big bed without him
- Follow up on the last HC, after she started sleeping in her and DBK's bed again Redson would sometimes come in in the middle of the night and sleep in bed with her so she felt less lonely but stopped after he turned 11-12 (or at least the Demon equivalent to that age cause he's like 500+)
- Does Redson's hair for him in the morning since he's always too tired to do it himself
- Use to style his hair like hers, with the little horns made of hair, at least until his real horns started growing in
- Her and Macaque are sworn siblings (I have no idea where this HC came from but I saw other people talking about it and thought it was cute)
- Sees Nezha as a younger brother
- Was outcast from her family after DBK started courting her, she was upset for a while but it was worth it
- Super long hair, like it reaches her thighs when it's fully down
- Master calligrapher, seriously her writing is so beautiful and neat
- When DBK was first freed, the first two or so weeks she would stay up as long as possibly and hold onto him so tight whenever she finally did fall asleep because she was scared she'd wake up and he'd be gone again
- Felt like she failed as a mother when she realized she missed Redson's first words, first steps, everything, because Nezha had to look after him while she mourned her husband
- Favourite flowers are Dhalia's
- Because her hair is long it's also very heavy, sometimes if her scalp is particularly sore from keeping it styled up in horns all day DBK will sit with her and brush her hair while she relaxes and watches TV or reads
- Cooks sometimes but isn't as good as DBK
- Has a terrible habit of hiding her emotions from her family (actually the entire Demon Bull Family struggles with this habit)
- Hates the feeling of ink on her skin, someone knocked over a bottle of writing ink in her hand once and she washed it for almost an hour straight to get rid of the feeling of it on her skin
- Smells like Stargazer Lilies
- Love language is quality time and words of affirmation
- Surprisingly big fan of horror movies (conjuring, exorcist, Shining, etc)
- Listens to true crime shows/podcasts while working
- Had servants home-school Redson and then took over home-schooling him herself when he was older
- All her clothes are custom made, and had to get them re-made with fire resistant materials after Redson was born, as well as everything else in the Demon Bull Palace (Clothes, rugs, sheets, blankets, curtains etc)
- Has separate makeup and jewelry boxes, one for everyday wear, and one for special events (anniversaries,  royal gatherings, etc)
- Ambivert
- If she runs out of patience for you, you will literally die
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Hardly recognized Redson when he was freed from the mountain, which is why he didn't address him as quickly as he did Iron Fan
- Has a hard time trying to Remember Redson isn't little anymore, was devestated that he didn't get to watch him grow up
- Tries to connect with Redson and learn about his interests but it just comes off as really awkward for both of them
- Throws all of MK's (and other suitors) Courting gifts to Redson away if he sees them before Redson does (I am a firm believer of overprotective dad DBK)
- Learned how to cook for Iron Fan after they started courting eachother to impress her and it grew into an actual hobby of his, now he likes to cook and bake when he's stressed instead of yelling and breaking things (especially after the Lady Bone Demon incident)
- All his old cook books are pretty much dust after not being used and taken care of for several centuries and although he was upset, he still remembers a few of the recipes, majority of the food he makes now is what he learned from watching Chang'e's cooking show
- Exchanges recipes with Pigsy after getting to know eachother a bit at the beach, but they don't talk much outside of food related topics
- Once walked in on Redson and MK making out in Redsons room and promptly threw MK out the window (he was fine)
- Use to allow Wukong to take naps on his chest while they were still in the Brotherhood, mostly because Wukong would never stop and DBK eventually gave up on trying to get him to stop
- Got really emotional when he found out Redson got a nose ring to match with him (pretended not to care but started crying when he was alone)
- Keeps a photo of PiF and Redson with him at all times, it's not in great condition anymore because he was buried under the mountain with it, but it's too sentimental for him to replace it
- Knows Redsons date of birth down to the exact hour by heart (Canon in JTTW)
- Touch starved, being locked away for 500 years definitely took a toll on him
- Still hasn't entirely forgiven Wukong for calling Redson a "half-baked son"
- Much like how PIF will sing to Redson when he's particularly stressed or anxious, DBK will cook Redson his favorite childhood meal; he was worried the first time it happened because he wasn't sure how to handle Redsons emotional state and also wasn't sure if he still liked the dish he loved as a child, but Redson was visibly happier (or at least calmer) afterwards so he'll keep making it for him
- Has a sepertate pen and writing ink that he uses exclusively for writing to PIF
- He's a sucker for romance movies
- Will pick Redson up by the back of his shirt like a cat and drag him to bed if he's overworking himself
- Invited the Brotherhood to see Redson when he was first born; was disappointed when Azure, Peng and Yellowtusk never showed up
- Goes all out on him and PiF's anniversary to make up for the 500 anniversaries he missed (same with PIF and Redson's birthdays)
- Smells like dirt and regretful life choices (fr though he's been under a mountain for 500 years, that smell doesn't wash away easy after that long, Iron Fan surprisingly doesn't mind, but maybe she's just too happy that he's back to care enough about it)
- Love language is physical touch and quality time
- Cried watching the Titanic, don't even try to tell me otherwise
- Hopeless romantic
- Loves spicy food but doesn't have as high a tolerance as Redson (still very high though, but I mean c'mon, Redson is literally a fire demon)
- Cannot understand or use technology for the life of him, he's calling in Redson left and right asking how to download something or how to get onto another website
- Still feels guilty whenever he sees Redson flinch at him (because of the whole almost killing Redson when he was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon)
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crypticjackal13 · 8 months
Could you do an easily flustered Nezha x Flirtatious/Suggestive reader? Reader can be Gender Neutral or male, your choice.
Flustered!Nezha x Flirty!GN!Reader Romantic Headcanons!
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ah yes. stoic, organized, uptight Prince Nezha........who has the BIGGEST weak spot for you.
he's very patient when it comes to your antics!! he doesn't mind if you follow him around while he's working or anything, or if you'd like to stay and chat with him in his gardens during his rare bits of free time.
the problem arises when you decide to flirt with him.
at first, you're very cautious about it--because really, how much are you able to get away with?
your kisses linger a little more, you're the one to link elbows with him first when the two of you are walking, and oh boy you give him a lot of compliments!!
(compliments and praise are the way to his heart tbh)
"your hair is soft today", "oh, your form was spot on when you were training earlier!", "that was a good idea, good job!"
he's already overheating.
poor boy never knows what to say to those comments!! just kinda blushes a bit more and refuses to make eye contact
then, when you've gotten more comfortable with him, you begin to be more bold.
"your hands are so cold. let me warm them up", "can I have another kiss?", "my handsome prince"
Nezha.exe has stopped working
a few too many comments and he'll start kissing you to shut you up otherwise he's gonna set himself on fire by accident
we love him :))
SIDE NOTE: if anyone comments or dms me about this possibly being out of line because it's Nezha, PLEASE KNOW my intention was not to offend anyone and I am writing about the LMK version of him--who is much more adult! I AM NOT writing him as a child(AND NEVER WILL)!! thank you :)
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acoraxia · 28 days
How does she feel about nehza. Doesn't think about him at all or does she enjoy teasing him for the "hidden" admiration or something else
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she sees him as a smart guy but ultimately loves to poke at the fact she had his side of the war bamboozled for AGES before she eventually lost
like “haha, sure, let’s not forget who the actual threat was here ok boy eat your dinner before your brothers get here”
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
The crew listens to Epic: the Musical.
MK's favorite song is Legendary.
Wukong identifies with Just a Man (not that he'll admit it).
Macaque likes Ruthlessness because he's an emo little stinker.
Sandy likes Open Arms (of course).
Tang and Red Son like Warrior of the Mind.
Pigsy really thinks the monkeys should take Luck Runs Out to heart.
Mei likes Keep Your friends close (a fun bop that belies danger underneath, just like her).
I have to be careful binging a new muscial (or in this case Saga) cus I end up playing each song on loop for hours. Opinions might change once the full and finished versions of later sagas are released.
I love all these hcs <3
Im imagining the gang likely sees/listens to Epic on the reccomendation of MK (who's currently on a Greek Mythology hyperfixation), and he gets them all to watch the full play - maybe in the future as a irl performance or film.
"Legendary" is SUCH an MK song. Both him and Telemachus growing up with the stories of someone dear to them and wanting to replicate their success. I could also see him really liking "Warrior of the Mind" with the theme of "some nobody" gaining the favor of a god (reminds you of anyone?) + SWK is infamously the personification of The Mind in Jttw so its a bonus. MK is smiling evily whenever a harsh plot twist occurs and his fam are shocked silent. >:3
Sun Wukong feels targeted personally with how many of the Epic songs remind him of his past. Ofc he starts crying halfway through "Horse and the Infant", and is inconsolable during "Just A Man" - verbally yelling "NO!" at the end. And like Nezha and Sandy is *silent* during Posideon's songs. Is super jazzed during the triumphant Ithaca Saga though! And feels mega catharic during "King" when Odysseus proves that he still rules to the suitors! He tries his best to hide how much the muscial is affecting him.
Macaque is a canon theatre Nerd - so he's already listened to the musical multiple times, but he's uber excited to see the live performance (and secretly bond with his found fam). Is rocking out during "Ruthlessness" and "Done For" in particular, so much so that he's fidgeting and dancing within his seat. He also vibes with "No Longer You" as someone with powers of prophecy. Is really amazed how much Wukong gets into the musical, but in retrospect understands *why*. Him and Wukong accidentally share a glance during "Would You Fall In Love With Me Again" and it gets a little awkward afterwards.
Mei is similarly excited to see anything with her bestie, so she tried her best not hear/see any spoilers ("it's a centuries' old story Mei" "Ssssh!! Dont tell me!"). She was shooketh by how hard the muscial goes. "Keep Your Friends Close" is her fave based on beat alone. She gets delightedly scared and amazed by consistent horse imagery used with Posideon (shameless link to my fave Animatic of "Ruthlessness").
Tang loves himself some historical and mythological adaptations, and is estatic that MK has given him an excuse to go see one! He's not as familar with Hellenic mytholgy as he is with Hindu-Chinese, but he knows enough lore to make the pog-champ face at every foreshadowing/reference. "Warrior of the Mind" really gets to him as a song about valuing your smarts. He also feels really empathetic for Calypso.
Pigsy only went cus Tang begged him. He feels super lost by the deep Greek lore he's missing, but he can get Odysseus's whole thing with trying to get home - but he def identifies more with Eurylochus. "Luck Runs Out" proves this to him. Later on he feels that the second-in-command was justified in having the soldiers rebel against Odysseus after so many losses (who wouldn't after losing all their friends?). Audibly gasps at the end of "Just A Man" - cus who would just do that!? Is a little freaked out by Circe turning the Athenian's into pigs - Eurylochus is depicted as partly-transformed, played by a pig-demon actor who was in super convincing human makeup in the previous sagas. He also gets protective feelings by-proxy seeing Telemachus's situation since the prince reminds him of MK. Is surprised by how much he likes the musical!
Sandy feels betrayed. This isn't like Disney Hercules at all! He does really enjoy Polites message in "Open Arms" and the later moments when the hopeful soldier's outlook is proven correct. He's a little overwhelmed at points though - he get eerily quiet during Posideon's scenes. He sobs joyfully when Odysseus finally makes it home and reunites with his family! :')
Because of this really good animatic/almost child-like depiction of Aelous by gigi; I can def see "Keep Your Friends Close" being Nezha's fave. It reminds Nezha of when he was far more carefree + has a solid lesson on about trust/"forbidden fruit". He also enjoys the more march-like tune of "Survive". He does however, freeze when he listens to Posideon's songs "Ruthlessness" and "Get in the Water" - he has been on the bad end of a sea god before and is quietly shtting himself for Odysseus.
Red Son goes in feeling like he could have stayed at home listening to the musical on his phone while working on a car instead. He is however blown away by the heavy themes and performances, especially "Warrior of the Mind" and Telemachus's situation - a prince forced to grow up fatherless and protecting his mother from suitors due to his dad pissing off a higher power? Hello?? Accidentally shrieks "YES!!!" when Athena becomes Telemachus's mentor/friend after "Little Wolf".
Princess Iron Fan I could see loving any song including Penelope (she empathizes with the Queen's situation hard), but unexpectedly enjoys "Keep Your Friends Close" - she's a fellow Wind Goddess at her core. It also reminds her of her not-so-little-anymore nephew.
DBK on the flip side loves the heavier songs like "Polyphemus" and "Ruthlessness". This man is a Posedion apologist. He does feels bad for Odysseus by the end though - man just wants to get back to his wife and kid dammit!
Bonus: The Spider Gang are watching the bootleg and Spider Queen agrees with Circe's whole girlboss attitude especially "Puppeteer". Scorpion Queen is Calypso in "Not Sorry For Loving You".
This got a little away from me - hope you enjoy!
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so i was rewatching the end of lmk s4 with some friends today, and i noticed that in 4x10 peng says smth to nezha like "let the demon child come out and play!" and like. if i knew more about nezha lore thatd probably be quite concerning to me as a lorehead. and you seem knowledgeable. so. any thoughts?
oh boy. (cracks knuckles) it's late and i should be sleeping but I'm also sad so Nezha interest go BRRRRR
i will say for any accurate/culturally referenced info, go check out @ruibaozha - i am simply summing up as much as i can and some stuff is missing/not elaborated on
let me break down the basic elements of the Nezha myths.
Nezha is born his mom and his military dad, Li Jing, and his older brothers Muzha (second) and Jinzha (first). but Nezha is like fucking. superpower baby for some reason? Apparently the heavens decided to bless Li Jing with a powerful son for his military prowess, and Nezha's mom, Lady Yin(?), was pregnant for 3+ years. Then Nezha popped out as a goddamn ball of flesh. His dad attacked him because hey! Flesh ball! But then Nezha's ball split open and he jumped out as an already formed young child (ages often unclear- ppl say he's 7, or 12, and in some cases he died after only 3 days(?) alive.) either way, Taiyi Zhenren swoops in to be Nezha's master, and everything is fine for some time.
at least til Nezha kills Ao Bing. this part of the myth is really what defines Nezha as a "demon child" or not. in Fengsheng Yanyi/Investiture of the Gods, ONE of the older/more well-known written versions of his story, Nezha washes his sash in the East Sea and causes the dragon palace to quake. Ao Guang understandably gets pissed and sends up his general to ask him to stop, who Nezha kills. then Ao Guang's 3rd son, Ao Bing, who Nezha also kills (and rips out his tendon to wear as a belt)! sometimes Nezha also kills a demon, apprentice of Lady Earth Flow, miles away on accident because he randomly fired a bow. yet in another cases, Nezha is the hero- a demon came up to eat children at the shore, and Nezha obviously killed the dude, then Ao Bing, same thing. but in other other versions, Nezha was friends with Bing and accidentally killed him while playing due to being ultra powerful...
and then Ao Guang threatens Nezha's town, because the kid killed his son. (sometimes Nezha goes and strangles Guang before he can talk to the Jade Emperor, so...) Guang demands an apology and/or Nezha's life or he'll flood the whole mountain pass. and Nezha decides to slit his own goddamn throat to apologize to his parents and "return his body to them". Aka: he commits suicide at like, seven(?)
From here on, stuff differs: Li Jing is a shitty dad (like he REALLY really hates Nezha. calls him a curse and beats him), Nezha gets a temple and Jing burns it down, Nezha gets reborn in a lotus body by his master and/or Buddha, goes on a murder rampage against his dad and Muzha (beats up Muzha w/ a golden brick), is forced to submit to his dad through a Golden Pagoda, making Li Jing the Golden Pagoda Bearing Li Jing, sometimes Jinzha gets to flog his brother, and Nezha's basically a bitter fire god (child) put into the literal armies of heaven. he's also got his 6/8-armed and 3-headed war form in the myths...
now, this is a very long yet still EXTREMELY short explanation of the myth(s), and the "message" really boils down to what version you tell- the boy who started stuff by (unintentionally) murdering people, or the hero. but a lot of the main point of nezha's myth was originally about filial piety, and can be told as a story to remind kids that the parents are always superior, but in more modern myths and stories, Nezha has ended up shifting more into a symbol of rebellion. He's the protection deity of children: the outcasts and the demon children, the kids who question things and are loud and outspoken and aren't what people (especially their parents) want them to be. Nezha's story entirely depends on region, context and intent, which makes him a very versatile figure.
Now, put that into LMK?
I have a lot of hcs abt why LMK Nezha is the way he is, but my main one comes down to that "demon child" line. I like to think that Nezha was basically an uncontrolled force of war power and killed Ao Bing (regardless of the situation).
But then he got put into heaven and 1. realized how he acted and had to deal with crushing guilt and self-hatred and 2. got groomed into a (then) child soldier 👍
He was still a general, but learned to channel all that destructive power into being a protector and how to defend instead (ex: his shields, sealing power, etc). He takes his current job very seriously bc he sees it as his only reason to still be worth existing. he also dislikes Wukong bc he sees far too much of a younger him in Wukong; doomed for destructiveness and chaos. this is also why i put parallels to Nezha and MK because. yeah. (and imo, although i know Nezha paid it back w/ his suicide, I'm a bit surprised Mei wasn't taught to hate him, due to how much family matters to dragons...)
so aka, my hc of: "dude was literally always seen as a demon child/symbol of destruction, and therefore after being used as a literal war weapon and then being made to guard a map for ages (probably because he didn't want to harm anyone else), DUDE'S GOT ISSUES!"
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aerkame · 3 months
headcanons of monkey king of nezha reborn new gods??🤔
Been a while since I've gotten a headcanon request! Not sure what the context of the headcanon is, so I'll just do general stuff.
I feel like Nezha Reborn Monkey King would be an introvert's worst nightmare (I know I feel stressed out just thinking of it). He would definitely go out of his way just to make things more uncomfortable. But not too uncomfortable as to scare you off.
But on the flip side, I think as an artist, his style is very inspiring. So many colors and shapes that click with each other, makes you want to draw him. Just don't let him find your sketchbook or artbook, he'll never leave you be after that. (He'd probably bug you about drawing more of him I'm sure)
Poor dude is probably lonely. He's usually alone, but he does have Li. Still though, he gets so excited just by being around others, it's pretty obvious. Plus, monkeys are pretty social, it's not healthy for someone like Monkey King to be isolated.
Defiantly has an uncle-nephew relationship with Li and you can not convince me otherwise.
You like your personal space? Monkey King also likes your personal space.
I'd assume that he still acts like a monkey sometimes, such as grooming or being a bit clingy.
Same can be said with how silly he acts sometimes
Literally everything he does is done in an extravagant way. From how he dresses, how he talks, to how he behaves, it's all for show.
I bet he sings a lot, or at least he gets pretty vocal even when alone.
Even though he's pretty silly, he's still dangerous. Casually dragging a corpse back home like it's a normal Sunday walk is a bit of concerning behavior. Granted, he's probably done this a lot before.
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emelinstriker · 1 year
[ { ⓘ Not taking requests ⓘ } ]
[I don't take requests as I prefer writing stories I'm actually interested in myself.]
Welcome to your Empress’s realm of fascinating tales...
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For reference:
Title Keys:
♡ = Fluff
♢ = Angst
♤ = Emotional Mix/Angsty Fluff/(Hurt/)Comfort
♧ = Special/Crack
☆ = Headcanons/Scenarios
¤ = Platonic
Lego Monkie Kid X Readers
Also available on:
Sun Wukong
☆ Playing Monkey King VR
♢ 'Vacation'
♡ Crafty Love {Triad AU}
♡ Part Of The Family
♤ Even Little Things {Twice As Bad AU}
♡ Obedience {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
Six-Eared Macaque
☆ Playing Monkey King VR
♡ Private Play
♡ Bath Time
♢ No Response
♤ No Response Pt.2
♤ Even Little Things {Twice As Bad AU}
♡ Obedience {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ Playing Monkey King VR
♡ Devotion {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
Mink (Ink MK)
♡ Opinions
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
Red Son
♤ Parental Guidance
♡ Parental Guidance Pt.2
♡ Offering {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
♡ A Special Stranger
♡ A Special Stranger Pt.2
♡ A Special Stranger Pt.3
☆ Special Stranger Nezha
♡ Loyalty {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
Azure Lion
♡ Allegiance {Eternal Servants AU}
☆ A Few Headcanons {Eternal Servants AU}
♤ New Me
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theycallmeazalea · 2 months
Nezha headcanon No.1 :
Since Nezha is the patron god of children, I believe he has a huge orphanage in heaven for the children from the mortal realm that lost their parents, died, are abandoned, or are from an abusive households. So you could say Nezha is capable of kidnapping children if he gets permission from the heavenly court.
This makes him a father of a lot of children.
It’s also the main reason why Nezha isn’t always present around heaven, since he’s either busy with the military or is taking care of his children.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
How would Ne Zha, Wukong, and Macaque react to a reader who is short(round 5ft tall) and works at a flower shop? Separate or together is fine with me. Hope you're having a great day!
Wukong and Macaque are both 4'3" they cannot speak a word, Nezha won't let them.
Instead of short jokes, they'll make really horrible tall jokes: "How's the weather up there?" and stuff like that
Be prepared for one or both of them to potentially want to swing from your arms like you're a jungle gym
After a fun night out on the town, one or both of them are gonna get sleepy and you and Nezha will have to carry one monkey each on your back
Nezha really doesn't mind your height, but he does secretly love bending down to kiss your forehead. He is tall. Tall and built like well-watered tree. Climbable, perhaps
The three of you will be bullied very gently by Nezha who calls you "My three little small fries"
Wukong and Macaque want to bite him for it but you won't let them
Nezha has at least once told Wukong and/or Macaque "Ah, what a shame! There is a height limit, guess you will have to watch our things"
It's his way of getting back at them for being such hellraisers both individually and together
It was hysterical when Nezha got tired of their shenanigans and got them backpacks with leashes attached
One time they got free and it was a MAD SCRAMBLE to wrangle them before they set something on fire (they truly bring out the worst in one another)
Imagining you having to call them over and they sheepishly trudge to you, covered in cotton candy and with ash in their fur because the cotton candy vendor asked where their mom and dad were
Macaque's got stuffing in his fur, when he tried to do an epic parkour move off the Ferris Wheel he kiiind of landed on one of the booths and it was a plushie massacre
Wukong and Macaque are banned from most public spaces
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