bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Hey Bitches! I got a promotion at work recently (woo!) and now that I'm making more I'm trying to shift my focus to paying down the credit card debt that I have. I've been reading the articles that you guys have on the topic, along with articles from elsewhere too. One of the outside ones mentioned the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, nfcc.org, which I hadn't heard of before.
I'd kind of like to work with someone to help create a plan, but I'm not sure I can afford an advisor yet and it looks like they'll work with you on rates. Is the NFCC a credible organization to start with or are you familiar with anyone who's worked with them before? Or would I still be better off trying to start on my own at first?
If you have talked about them before, I apologize if I missed it.
I love it when a bitchling is like "I did my homework, aunties!" We love that you've been doing your research and putting the time in to get your debt sorted. We're so proud!
Anyway, we LOVE the NFCC! They're an accredited non-profit with a VERY good reputation. They help a lot of people without gouging them on the pricing. If you feel you could use a professional's guidance, then there are definitely worse places to start.
You're asking the right questions, my dear. Sometimes we all need a pro in our corner to feel supported and motivated. It's ok to not want to go it alone.
For everyone working on their debt, here's our master list of advice articles we've written:
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about How to Pay off Debt 
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violetzane · 1 year
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This past weekend in Niagara Falls Canada I was able to realize a three decade long wish come true and that was to meet my all time favorite actor and celeb crush BILLY ZANE. Billy Zane played Caledon Hockley Roses Fiancé in Titanic, The Collector in Tales From The Crypt Demon Knight, Kit Walker The Phantom as well as many many film and television roles. Billy Zane is also an avid swimmer and brilliantly talented abstract expressionist artist along with spiritualist. While I love all of Billy Zane’s characters and roles it was Cal Hockley from Titanic that stole my heart. Billy Zane aka Cal Hockley was my absolute favorite in Titanic. I was always a Caledon Hockley girl since the original release in 1997 when I saw the movie in HS. To me Caledon was perfect. Caledon Loyal here! I got the opportunity to meet Billy Zane over Saturday and Sunday at Niagara Falls Comic Con. Let me tell you he is absolutely the most kindest and sweetest and wonderful people you can ever meet. Just so appreciative of his fans and is so down to earth. Billy Zane is just so chatty and takes his time with each fan. The best celeb you can ever meet. Billy loved the gifts I made him too. We chatted about his art, movies, spirituality and life in general. He also called me beautiful too. I also got my number one bucket list dream pic come true too with him putting The Heart Of The Ocean Necklace on me like he did for Rose in Titanic. LADIES! He is wayyyyy more beautiful, handsome & gorgeous in person. That tan, those eyes and that smile is to DIE FOR! Billy Zane is an all around beautiful man inside and out. It was a dream of a lifetime and a truly enriching and spiritual experience meeting him this past weekend. I hope to meet him again! If you guys get a chance to meet Billy Zane GO! It’s a truly soulful experience. Always a Billy Zane aka Caledon Hockley Girl.
PS: Billy Zane gives great hugs too! Love Caledon Hockley Hugs!
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queen-of-obsessing · 1 year
I went to my local comic con and there was NO merlin stuff anywhere! I am personally offended
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brehaaorgana · 6 months
adhd budgeting talk: the budgeting service i *don't* use
i keep seeing youtubers get sponsorships from rocketmoney and normally i tune them out, because a) i don't care, and b.) i am happy to recommend people sign up for YNAB, i use YNAB, and will continue to use it. [i am NOT sponsored. they give me no money. i DO have a referral link, but any person who uses ynab does. we both get a free month of the service if you start a trial period via my link, and then choose to purchase the service after the end of your free trial. they don't auto-charge. that's it.]
BUT. but. one youtuber, as part of her advert, started mentioning that rocketmoney has bill negotiation services and she was talking about how nice it was to have someone like, be the adult on her behalf to negotiate down bills save her money etc, how she didn't have to deal with the stress and anxiety and they do it all FOR you. they call all the companies FOR you!!! how "nice"!
unfortunately this was THE OPPOSITE of reassuring to me. in fact, this screams: RED ALERT RED FLAG PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!
let me explain why i don't trust rocketmoney since i found this out.
the VERY tl;dr is this: you're giving away all your security info and login info, giving them the right to pretend to be you to negotiate on your bills, and also they "may" charge you for this service per bill. if you want assistance with this kind of thing, please find a non-profit licensed credit counseling agency via the NFCC because as non-profits their goal is not making money off of you, it's literally to improve the community, increase financial education, and genuinely help you.
okay the full "holy shit please be more suspicious of companies whose goal is to make money," spiel":
most budgeting apps/services that are free have to make money somehow, so you need to consider how they do that. (probably selling your data, or being your literal bank, etc). they are typically for-profit companies. never forget the goal is them making money.
that's not inherently a bad thing per se, but it means they have a known motive.
if you have a budgeting app set to auto-sync with your bank info, you are granting them a limited power of attorney to view, access, and transmit your bank data. every single budget company that offers this, mentions that in their terms of service agreement.
my recommended budget service, You Need a Budget, states this in their TOS. in YNAB, it only applies if you choose to sync your bank accounts with your budget, bc you have to give them the info, obviously. You can enter everything all manually if you want to, and then they can't access anything. Personally I am comfortable with authorizing this very limited POA, so I do it, because yeah, it makes my life easier, and i need this automated to make it sustainable to do bc adhd. even on my best days, i would never keep up with all of that.
LIKE. bruh. y'all. everyone.
unfortunate truths:
sometimes you gotta at least skim the headings of the terms of service agreement
sometimes you GOTTA just buckle down and do the annoying anxiety inducing awful adult thing yourself and, barring that --
find a NON-PROFIT TO HELP YOU, NOT A FOR PROFIT COMPANY if you really want this kind of service.
rocket money's terms of service for bill negotiation is waaayyy more than just "sync and share my transaction data."
By requesting a Bill Negotiation, you authorize Rocket Money to contact your Provider as your limited agent in order to secure a better rate on the service on your behalf. Rocket Money will provide account verification details including, but not limited to, your full name, respective addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, the name of the Provider, your Provider account number, the applicable password, PIN number, or other security credentials to access the account or validate the account with the service provider in order to proceed with the negotiation. If it’s necessary for our agents to represent to your Provider that they’re the account holder, you consent to such representation solely in order to perform the Bill Negotiation.
hello???? they get all your security info and pin and credentials and you give them permission to pretend to be you. their goal, i must STRESS, is to MAKE A PROFIT OFF OF YOU by doing this.
...i know people's eyes glaze over this kinda shit but like. god. the TOS!!!! the FEES!!!!
We may charge a Bill Negotiation fee (the "Negotiation Fee") for our Services connected with Bill Negotiation.
you MAY charge a fee for this??? i hate legalese. this is probably just "we WILL charge a fee most of the time."
The current Negotiation Fee is decided by the user, anywhere between 30-60% of the 12-month savings achieved as a result of the negotiation. 
wait, what. it's decided by us, the CUSTOMER, and we can pick a range? who the fuck would choose a 60% fee? this doesn't make sense. why are there options. why the fuck would i pay 60% OF THE SAVINGS TO MAKE SOMEONE DO ONE PAINFUL PHONE CALL FOR ME?
For instance, if a 40% fee is chosen and Rocket Money is able to lower a bill by $10 per month, that would equal savings of $120 over 12 months and a Negotiation Fee of $48.
.....okay so. again they lower the bill by $10.00 monthly, right? let's say the bill was originally $50, now it's $40, but you DO pay it monthly, not in a lump annual discount. doesn't matter what this bill is for. they're taking 40% of your savings that they broker for you. meaning instead of saving $10, you're only saving $6.00.
you're not ACTUALLY saving $120.00 over the course of a year. you're paying them $48.00 all at once in order to not have to spend $72.00 over the course of TWELVE MONTHS. because you don't want to make an annoying phone call that might take you hours.
i mean look, if you feel that's worth nearly $50 (hypothetically) for a SINGLE BILL, idk what to tell you. that just doesn't seem like a very budgeting savvy trick tbh.
We may charge the Negotiation Fee to the credit or debit card provided and authorized at the time the Bill Negotiation is submitted. The Negotiation Fee is non-refundable, except in the event that an error was made during the Bill Negotiation, or except as otherwise required by applicable law. 
oh also if they sign you up for some special promo deal that expires and then gives you a higher bill or extra fees later, you're on the hook for that. lmfao.
Rocket Money’s Savings Plan feature is not an interest-yielding savings account so you will not earn any interest on your funds.
get the fuck outta here lmfao.
I have a decent-ish savings account right now. i've earned almost a full THIRTY DOLLARS so far, THIS YEAR. in THREE MONTHS. FROM INTEREST.
i cannot stress this enough, rocket money is selling you a savings...program or something to help you...save money.
it's a premium only feature.
We offer the Premium membership on a sliding scale of $4 -$5 per month (billed annually at $48 and $60) or $6-$12 per month, billed monthly.
it was so hard to find this btw. (that's $72.00 - $144.00 annual in the monthly billing example.)
again i stress it is a premium feature for you to pay at least $48.00 a year in order to "automate your savings" where it will earn you ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST.
i've earned exactly $29.90 in interest from my completely free to open regular degular savings account since january 1st. it is march 16th. if we just estimate i could get about $30 in interest every 3 months, then i could earn $120.00 just from saving money all on my own. (incidentally, that would cover the $99 annual YNAB subscription fee and leave change left over. gee. how nice. real talk: it's cheaper than amazon prime. but anyways.)
why the fuck would i pay someone $48.00 to put my savings somewhere for me and have it do nothing. what. how does that improve my finances. i hate this.
.....goddamnit they're a MORTGAGE COMPANY. rocket mortgage. is....rocket money. lmaooo explains everything.
okay don't sign up for them bye.
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sharksgonnashork · 10 months
im LOVING the niners crush the stupid birds after everything that they've said and done since the nfcc
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brinteylovesaliens · 1 year
Mr Feeny is coming to NFCC!!!! Dammit, I can't get that week off work 😔
Between him and Kane Hodder (completely with photo op of him in costume as Jason Voorhees from "Jason Takes Manhattan"), I'm so sad I can't goooooo
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p0litemenace · 7 hours
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Link to donate to GoFundMe
God, making posts like this is not easy. But here goes nothing.
First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read this. Very recently, I was dealt two medical setbacks within the same week. Posting this is extremely difficult and violates every single safe feeling in my body when it comes to asking for help, but I’ve also reached an impasse where I don’t have any other choice but to reach out to my community and be vulnerable.
I am attempting to raise approximately $4,400 to address the following medical needs
1. Time sensitive dental care
To resolve advanced, time sensitive tooth decay, including fillings and crowns.
I am currently utilizing CareCredit to cover the upfront out-of-pocket costs of dental care.
I am resolving these issues to be eligible for surgery ASAP, per the advisement of my care team (see details below)
Estimated cost of this care is approx $2,200 post-deductible; I have paid for approx $1,500 of the treatments at this time via CareCredit (receipts posted below)
2. Parathyroidectomy (surgery)
I was recently diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). First-line treatment for PHPT is surgical intervention (parathyroidectomy).
Estimated cost of this surgery is approx $2,200 post-deductible. These are based on estimates via UHC for the in-network team I’ve selected.
With PHPT, I experience chronic pain of the joints, muscles, and bones, as well as additional side effects such as extreme fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, constipation, and nausea.
For those familiar with PHPT, I have PTH levels of 185pg/mL (normal 10-65pg/mL), calcium levels of 11mg/dL (normal 8.5-10.5 mg/dL), and a left adenoma roughly the size of a bean, per my 4DCT scans (for context, a normal parathyroid gland is no bigger than a grain of rice). I have likely had this adenoma for over 5 years and desperately need to remove it to vastly improve my life and tackle chronic pain and fatigue, for which I've been having weekly physical therapy to help mitigate.
I have likely had this adenoma for over 5 years and desperately need to remove it to vastly improve my life. Receiving first-line treatment is extremely necessary in ensuring I do not develop osteoporosis and/or kidney disease further down the line.
Unfortunately, I have increasing credit card debt, making the payments to CareCredit extremely challenging to manage due to the high interest rates I currently have on other cards. I have accrued these charges due to a combination of life hardships, prior medical debt (previous dental work), and the overall high cost of living.
My ultimate goal vis-a-vis this GoFundMe is to pay off my CareCredit card to fulfill these medical needs, then through NFCC (National Foundation for Credit Counseling) work with a counselor to (1) close my credit cards and (2) lower my interest rates. I cannot close my credit cards and begin to properly manage my debt until I have fulfilled the medical needs I have.
For additional context about me, as of right now I have a full-time job in operations. I am also neurodivergent (AuDHD) and have always struggled with financial literacy. In full transparency, I have made financial mistakes along the way that I cannot undo, mistakes which are all catching up to me at this point in time.
I find due to these mistakes and due to life hardships I have no control over, it is getting harder for me to keep up with the day-to-day costs of living, including buying essential groceries, paying rent, and paying my utilities. If I can tackle this medical debt, I truly believe I will get ahead of my other debt.
Thank you for reading this far. As I said, anything you can spare, even $5, is greatly appreciated and will extend a long way. Sharing this across your networks is also greatly appreciated and will help more than words can say. Thank you so so so much.
Link to donate to GoFundMe
Verification proof below, as of September 26, 2024.
Primary hyperparathyrodism estimated cost of surgery (post-deductible) via United Healthcare
Full report pathology of single adenoma found on left adenoma via initial 4D scan, with additional verification of PTH and calcium levels.
Upcoming appointments set with prospective surgeon and bone density scan
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Dental Care
Payments made toward CareCredit via Tend UWS, where I am receiving treatment.
Completed dental care thus far
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Link to donate to GoFundMe
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usalibertynews · 12 days
According to the Education Data Initiative's November report, over 43 million student loan borrowers carry an average debt of $39,351 each. Over the past two years, more than 35 million of these borrowers with federal student loans benefited from the CARES Act of 2020, which provided general debt relief. The latest analysis from the EDA reveals some troubling trends: one in ten Americans has defaulted on a student loan, 15% of loans are in default at any time, and $124.4 billion of the $1.75 trillion in student loan debt is currently in default. With extensions to CARES Act relief deadlines and expanded eligibility under changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, navigating student debt can be overwhelming. Nonprofit financial counseling agencies are valuable resources that act as independent advocates for borrowers, offering: One-on-one guidance to bridge the gap between borrowers and lenders. Student loan counseling to help borrowers understand terms, explore repayment options, and find affordable solutions. Expert advice for borrowers who are delinquent or in default, ensuring they stay up-to-date with changing policies. Before engaging a nonprofit student loan counseling agency, keep these tips in mind: 1. Verify the Agency’s Reputation Check the reputation of the agency before reaching out. Look for certified nonprofit counseling services, such as those accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). Be cautious of loan forgiveness schemes that often target vulnerable borrowers. The Department of Education and the Federal Trade Commission are actively working to combat such scams. 2. Understand the Fee Structure Most nonprofit student loan counseling agencies offer free services to help consumers understand their loan options. A certified counselor will typically review the borrower’s loans, explore repayment strategies, and develop a personalized plan at no cost. If fees are involved, make sure they’re clearly explained. Fees may vary depending on the level of assistance required, such as help with applications or direct communication with loan servicers. Some agencies may also provide scholarships to cover counseling fees. 3. Review Available Services Nonprofit counseling agencies should offer a range of services that address a borrower’s complete financial picture, including a credit assessment and repayment strategies for student loans and other debts. A counselor should educate borrowers on available programs, interest reduction strategies, and repayment plans to ensure affordability. For delinquent or defaulted loans, the agency should provide an in-depth analysis and develop a plan to bring the loans current. Counselors can also assist with tracking updates to loan forgiveness programs, such as the expanded PSLF. Working with a certified nonprofit financial counseling agency specializing in student loans can help you identify the best debt reduction plan for your situation.
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sataniccapitalist · 1 month
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millermarco74 · 1 month
Your Premier Choice for Quality Flooring Solutions | National Flooring and Carpet Center
National Flooring CC offers premium flooring solutions, including hardwood, laminate, vinyl, carpet, and tile. Our expert team ensures top-quality installation and service for both residential and commercial spaces.
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h2ofiretoronto · 2 months
Fire Extinguisher Service Toronto: What’s the law on Fire Extinguisher Maintenance?
Ensuring the safety of personnel and property is of utmost importance in any organizational or residential setting. One essential component of such safety measures is the rigorous maintenance of fire extinguishers. In Toronto, compliance with legal standards for the maintenance of fire extinguishers is not merely advisable but a legal requirement. This article explores the legal requisites concerning Fire Extinguisher Service Toronto, offering detailed guidance on the steps necessary to ensure both compliance and safety.
Legal Requirements for Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
In Toronto, as well as throughout Canada, the upkeep of fire extinguishers is regulated by the National Fire Code of Canada (NFCC). The NFCC mandates specific regulations that necessitate fire extinguishers to be inspected, maintained, and tested at prescribed intervals. These regulations ensure the devices are operational and accessible in the event of a fire. Regular maintenance is mandatory at least annually, with the frequency increasing based on the associated risk levels and environmental conditions of the premises.
Qualifications for Servicing Technicians
For Fire Extinguisher Service Toronto, only certified professionals are legally authorized to conduct inspections and maintenance. Technicians must possess training and certification through recognized programs that comply with NFCC guidelines. This certification confirms that individuals servicing the extinguishers are well-versed in various types of fire extinguishers and the corresponding servicing techniques.
Types of Inspections and Maintenance
Fire extinguisher maintenance encompasses various types of checks and procedures:
Visual Inspections: Carried out monthly by the property owner or designated personnel, this inspection involves examining the extinguisher for any signs of damage, corrosion, or obstruction.
Maintenance Inspections: Conducted annually by certified professionals, these comprehensive examinations may include disassembling the extinguisher to check for physical damage, corrosion, and ensure the pressure is within safe limits.
Hydrostatic Testing: Required at intervals determined by the type of extinguisher, this testing involves pressurizing the extinguisher cylinders to test their structural integrity.
Documentation and Record Keeping
Accurate documentation of every inspection, maintenance, or testing activity conducted on fire extinguishers is crucial. The documentation should include the date of service, findings, actions taken, and the technician's name. These records are vital not only for compliance with legal standards but also for audits by fire safety authorities or insurance entities.
Indicators of Required Servicing
Several signs indicate the need for immediate servicing of a fire extinguisher:
Broken seals or missing tamper indicators.
Visible damage such as dents or corrosion.
Pressure gauge readings that are too low or too high.
Blocked, cracked, or damaged nozzle or hose.
Any level of usage, even if minimal.
Adhering to fire extinguisher maintenance is not solely a legal obligation but a critical safety precaution. Regular and professional Fire Extinguisher Service Toronto ensures that fire extinguishers will function effectively in emergencies, potentially saving lives and property. Following the NFCC guidelines and ensuring service by qualified technicians is imperative to maintaining effective and operational fire safety measures. The initial defense against a fire is a properly maintained fire extinguisher.
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takechargeamerica95 · 2 months
Unlock Financial Freedom with Credit Counseling
Financial freedom is a goal many aspire to but often find challenging to achieve. Credit counseling can be a powerful tool in this journey, offering guidance and support to navigate the complexities of personal finance. Whether you're struggling with debt, trying to improve your credit score, or simply seeking to better manage your money, credit counseling can provide the expertise and strategies you need to take control of your financial future.
Understanding Credit Counseling
Credit counseling is a service designed to help individuals manage their finances more effectively. It typically involves working with a certified credit counselor who provides advice on budgeting, debt management, and credit repair. The counselor will review your financial situation, identify problems, and develop a personalized plan to address your specific needs.
Benefits of Credit Counseling
Debt Management
One of the primary benefits of credit counseling is assistance with debt management. Counselors can help you understand the different types of debt, prioritize them, and develop a plan to pay them off. They can also negotiate with creditors on your behalf to lower interest rates or arrange more manageable payment plans.
Improving Credit Scores
A good credit score is essential for financial health, affecting everything from loan approvals to interest rates. Credit counselors can provide insights into factors that influence your credit score and suggest ways to improve it. This may include correcting errors on your credit report, paying off debts, and adopting better credit habits.
Budgeting Assistance
Effective budgeting is the cornerstone of financial stability. Credit counselors can help you create a realistic budget that accounts for your income, expenses, and financial goals. They can teach you how to track your spending, identify areas where you can save, and allocate funds toward debt repayment and savings.
Financial Education
Credit counseling often includes financial education, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions. This may cover topics such as understanding credit reports, managing loans, and planning for retirement. The goal is to empower you to take control of your finances and avoid common pitfalls.
The Process of Credit Counseling
Initial Assessment
The first step in credit counseling is an initial assessment, where the counselor reviews your financial situation. This involves examining your income, expenses, debts, and credit report to get a clear picture of your financial health.
Personalized Plan
Based on the assessment, the counselor will develop a personalized financial plan. This plan will outline specific steps to address your financial challenges, such as creating a budget, paying off debt, and improving your credit score.
Ongoing Support
Credit counseling is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Counselors provide continuous support and guidance, helping you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. They may also offer resources and tools to help you manage your finances more effectively.
Debt Management Programs
In some cases, the counselor may recommend a Debt Management Program (DMP). This involves consolidating your debts into a single monthly payment, which the counseling agency then distributes to your creditors. DMPs can simplify the repayment process and often come with reduced interest rates and waived fees.
Choosing a Credit Counseling Agency
When selecting a credit counseling agency, it's essential to choose one that is reputable and accredited. Look for agencies certified by organizations such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA). These certifications ensure that the agency adheres to high standards of professionalism and ethics.
Unlocking financial freedom is a journey that requires knowledge, discipline, and support. Credit counseling can be an invaluable resource, providing the guidance and tools needed to manage debt, improve credit scores, and achieve financial stability. By working with a qualified credit counselor, you can take the first steps toward a more secure and prosperous financial future. Don't let financial challenges hold you back—consider credit counseling today and unlock the door to financial freedom.
For more info :-
Credit Counseling with Take Charge America
Take Charge America Debt Programs
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escapethepovertytrap · 2 months
Debt Management Strategies
Steps and Resources to Help You Take Control Managing debt can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies and resources, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand and implement effective debt management strategies. 1. Assess Your Financial Situation List Your Debts: Start by listing all your debts, including credit cards, loans, and any other outstanding balances. Note the interest rates and minimum monthly payments for each. Calculate Your Total Debt: Sum up all your debts to understand the total amount you owe. Review Your Budget: Evaluate your monthly income and expenses to identify areas where you can cut back and allocate more towards debt repayment. 2. Prioritize Your Debts High-Interest Debts First: Focus on paying off debts with the highest interest rates first, as they cost you the most over time. Snowball Method: Alternatively, you can use the snowball method, where you pay off the smallest debts first to build momentum and motivation. 3. Create a Repayment Plan Set Clear Goals: Determine how much you can realistically pay towards your debts each month and set clear, achievable goals. Automate Payments: Set up automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date and avoid late fees. 4. Explore Debt Reduction Strategies Debt Consolidation: Combine multiple debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can simplify your payments and reduce overall interest costs. Balance Transfer: Transfer high-interest credit card debt to a card with a lower interest rate. Be mindful of any transfer fees and the duration of the lower rate. Negotiate with Creditors: Contact your creditors to negotiate lower interest rates or payment plans. Some may offer hardship programs or settlements for a reduced amount. 5. Seek Professional Help Credit Counseling: Work with a reputable credit counseling agency to create a personalized debt management plan. Debt Settlement: Consider hiring a debt settlement company to negotiate with creditors on your behalf, though this can impact your credit score. 6. Educate Yourself and Stay Informed Read Books and Articles: Educate yourself about personal finance and debt management through books, articles, and online resources. Attend Workshops and Webinars: Participate in financial literacy workshops and webinars to gain deeper insights and strategies. 7. Monitor Your Progress Track Your Payments: Keep track of your payments and celebrate milestones as you pay off your debts. Adjust Your Plan as Needed: Regularly review your repayment plan and make adjustments as your financial situation changes. Resources National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC): Offers credit counseling and debt management plans. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): Provides information on managing debt and protecting yourself from predatory practices. Debt Payoff Apps: Use apps like Undebt.it or Debt Payoff Planner to track and manage your debt repayment progress. Books: "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey and "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin. Managing debt requires discipline and dedication, but by following these steps and utilizing available resources, you can take control of your finances and work towards a debt-free future. 🌐 Sources NFCC - National Foundation for Credit Counseling CFPB - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Undebt.it - Debt Payoff Planner Amazon - The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey Amazon - Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin Read the full article
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creditqueenllc · 2 months
6 Essential Steps to Become a Certified Credit Counselor
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Becoming a certified credit counselor can be a rewarding and impactful career choice. As a credit counselor, you will play a vital role in helping individuals and families manage their finances, improve their credit scores, and achieve financial stability. This guide outlines the six steps to embark on this path and become a certified credit counselor.
1: Develop a Strong Educational Foundation
While a bachelor’s degree is not always a strict requirement for becoming a credit counselor, having a solid educational background can significantly enhance your credibility and marketability. Pursue a degree in finance, economics, business, or a related field to gain essential knowledge in financial principles, accounting, and economics. Alternatively, you can explore specialized credit counseling programs offered by various educational institutions and vocational schools.
2: Gain Relevant Work Experience
Obtaining relevant work experience is crucial in establishing yourself as a competent credit counselor. Seek employment opportunities in financial institutions, banks, or credit unions, where you can gain practical experience in customer service, financial analysis, or debt management. This experience will equip you with the skills to understand clients’ financial situations and provide valuable guidance.
3: Complete Credit Counseling Education
To become a certified credit counselor, it is essential to undergo formal training in credit counseling. Look for accredited credit counseling programs offered by reputable organizations or associations. These programs should cover various topics, including budgeting, credit management, debt repayment strategies, financial planning, and counseling techniques.
During your credit counseling education, you will learn how to assess clients’ financial situations, create personalized budget plans, and offer expert advice to help them overcome economic challenges. Moreover, you will be introduced to various debt management options, such as debt consolidation and negotiation.
4: Pursue Certification
Certification is a critical step in establishing your credibility as a credit counselor. The two primary organizations that offer credit counseling certification are the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) and the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA).
Research each organization’s specific requirements and application process to ensure you meet their criteria.
Typically, the certification process involves submitting your educational and work experience details, passing a certification exam, and possibly undergoing an interview. The exam will test your knowledge of credit counseling principles, laws, and best practices. Ensure you thoroughly prepare for the exam by reviewing the study materials provided during your education program.
5: Continuing Education and Professional Development
Once you have earned your certification, the learning process does not stop. The field of credit counseling is constantly evolving, with new financial products, regulations, and counseling techniques emerging regularly. Engaging in ongoing professional development is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.
Attend workshops, conferences, and webinars from credit counseling organizations and industry associations. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and enable you to learn from seasoned professionals.
6: Seek Employment or Start Your Practice
With your certification and continuous education, you are now well-equipped to pursue a career as a credit counselor. You can explore employment opportunities in credit counseling agencies, nonprofit organizations, or financial institutions that offer credit counseling services. Additionally, some credit counseling agencies may have internal training and certification processes, which could be a potential avenue for employment.
Alternatively, you may start your credit counseling practice. Establishing a private practice gives you greater control over your schedule, services offered, and client base. However, building a clientele and selecting a reputation may take time and require effective marketing and networking strategies.
Credit Queen LLC offers certified credit counselors who can provide expert guidance and assistance in managing your credit. With our in-depth knowledge and experience in the field, we can help you understand your credit situation, develop a personalized plan, and provide ongoing support to improve your credit score and financial well-being. Take control of your credit today and schedule a consultation with one of our certified credit counselors at Credit Queen LLC.
Contact Us :
Address - Downtown High Point, United States, North Carolina 27265
Phone - (336) 803-8880
Website - Credit Queen LLC
Blog - 6 Essential Steps to Become a Certified Credit Counselor
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rbbtruther · 4 months
Hi, I hope this does not come off as attacking or judgmental, I promise it’s not mean to be. But you might find credit counseling helpful as a non predatory resource if you’re in the US. It’s non profit. NFCC . Org. No need to respond and feel free to ignore if it doesn’t speak to you, just throwing it out there as I know people it’s helped with credit card debt. And it’s free.
Hi *waves* I appreciate your clarification since my autistic brain doesn’t always read context well and I also very much appreciate the suggestion and will look into it. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to read my post and send this
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thefauxsport · 4 months
I hate to admit this as a hawks fan I see another 49ers vs Eagles NFCC but this time Eagles go back to the SB. (Can’t stand both teams but I’m also not blind af)
I hope not....
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