#ngl it’s probably time to update my job stuff and all that
little-pondhead · 6 months
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twistedmionn · 1 month
TLDR at the bottom of the post!
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Some old ass memes that I think I've never shared here lol
Hiya, it's Mionn aka twistedmionn!
So y'all have probably noticed that I've grown really inactive here. This is for the following reasons:
I honestly ran out of good meme ideas & have problems finding new fitting & funny stuff
I'm heavily focusing on art
I have a job now & spend my free time during other things
This blog has been confirmed to have been restr1cted, unfortunately
In other words, blog updates are rare nowadays, and I barely do a thing here anymore, which I feel kinda bad for ngl.
I've built a loyal community here & appreciate all the support ridiculously much — not to mention that I've made many amazing friends through this blog —, so I came up with an alternative solution that combines memes with my current focus (art).
How to request:
Drop some of your favorite incorrect quote memes from this blog in my inbox on @raguiras2 , which is my art/main blog.
I will make illustrated versions/comics of the memes!
In other words, you can see your favorite memes/character interactions from this blog come to life from now on! NO DEADLINE!
Whether it's the meme of the first years rolling a giant snowball down the street or one of Ruggie scamming people, there's no limit — as long as I made the meme ^^
I'll likely post most of the drawn memes on @raguiras2 , so please follow me there if you don't wanna miss anything!
(There's also a much higher chance I'll draw your suggestion if you follow me on that blog agsgsffg)
I'll also keep reblogging things.
Sharing/reblogging this post is very appreciated as this blog has been confirmed to have been restr1cted! :')
Thank you very much for the support over the past year & let's keep growing! 🖤
~ Mionn (twistedmionn)
TLDR: New memes on this blog are rare nowadays (there WILL be occasional new ones) due to various circumstances & I will focus on making drawings out of already existing memes from this blog on @raguiras2 , so please drop some in my inbox over there.
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
Sakura fic recs: captured on a mission/mission gone wrong
Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with y'all, I'm really just recommending stuff by my favorite tropes lmao. Quite honestly, mission gone wrong just makes things so much more entertaining. Poor Sakura though, this girl just can't catch a damn break.
Now, I should point out that there are MANY Sakura fics out there were the mission goes wrong, but in this list I am only going to put ones where that is the primary focus of the series.
Started: 2024.07.23
Last Updated: 2024.07.25
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Survival of the fittest - cywscross || ao3 || T || shikasaku || mission gone wrong || one shot
Sakura is thirteen, still a Genin, lost in the middle of Earth Country, lugging an unconscious Chuunin around, and so far beyond scared that she’s moved right on to pissed off.
Survival of the Fittest is a fabulous one-shot that follows the trouble that Sakura and Shikamaru find themselves in after accidentally landing themselves in Iwa. This story depicts the characters truthfully and fully conveys exactly how hopeless they feel in their situation. I highly recommend.
The Ocean is Deep and Dark - Pleasedial123 || ao3 || M || captured || complete
Gato doesn't trust Zabuza to get the job done. Instead he sends a team of thugs to ambush the Bridge Builder on his return to Wave. Team Seven, exhausted from their fight and Kakashi still unconscious, is separated. Sakura gets captured.Terrible things happen to pretty girls in the hands of men like Gato and his thugs.But Zabuza puts his claim in first and suddenly Sakura isn't the prisoner of a civillian businessman and his hired muscle. Suddenly she's Momichi Zabuza's.
I won't lie, I have a soft spot for fics that take place during the land of waves arc, especially when they focus on Sakura's growth. I love how Zabuza was portrayed in this as although he wasn't necessarily a bad guy, he wasn't a good one either. He simply has morals. Sakura's fear in this is also quite raw and eye opening as it covers a theme that isn't ever covered in the original series. The reality is, the world is not kind to women, and a captured young female ninja is most certainly going to be at some untasteful risks. Oh, team 7's concern was also pretty touching ngl.
With Every Beat - halfdemonfan || ffn || sasusaku || M || canon divergent || incomplete
Pain can come in various forms. Sakura had suffered all of them; but with the war raging on she found the torture would continue.
If I'm completely honest, With Every Beat probably isn't the best rec for this trope since from what I remember Sakura is not captured for too long. I never did get very far reading this so I don't have too much to say, but it takes place during the war arc and is an interesting take.
Ripples - Yellow Mask || ffn || sasusaku || T || captured || complete
Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin.
Ripples is probably one of the og mission gone wrong/captured Sakura fics, as far as I am aware, but it's pretty good! On her way back from a mission, she manages to get captured and is taken to Orochimaru's hideout. Super interesting to see as Sasuke is still with the sanin at this time.
The Pack Survives - ihopethelightwillshineupon || ao3 || team 7 || mission gone wrong || complete
When a simple C-rank mission turns into a straight-up nightmare, the members of Team Seven narrowly escape with their lives. They end up stuck in the middle of nowhere, each of them injured and forced to rely on one another for help.They’ve only been a team for a couple of weeks, still distant from one another, still trying hard to prove themselves. But when they’re all hurt and struggling desperately to survive, they have no choice but to lower their walls.Stranded far away from the village, Team Seven fights to get back home safely – but with help impossibly far away, with their food supplies shrinking and with their injuries slowing them down, their journey becomes more difficult with every step.In the wake of their struggle, though, their bonds grow steadily stronger.
Sakura is not the main character in this one as it it more focused on team 7 as a whole, but she still has some great development! Essentially, in typical team 7 fashion, they find themselves in a bit of a pickle during a mission and it results in some great bonding between them.
An Inch of Gold - KuriQuinn || ffn || sasusaku || T || mission gone wrong - time travel AU || complete
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Somehow, the Boruto and Naruto timelines interconnect and Sarada literally falls into team 7's mission. Things only get worse from there. The writing captures the personalities of the characters so well and I'm a complete sucker for the whole Sarada meets Sakura and Sasuke trope!! Sasusaku is super cute in this (while being realistic) and I love how Kakashi is such a shipper. Also, this is a multiple perspective fic.
Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem - Tozette || captured || gen || M || canon divergent || complete
The invasion of Konoha during the chuunin exam didn't fail. Team seven is broken, people are dead, and Sakura is hurt and frightened and a very long way from home.Alternative summary: In which Sakura carries half of Hidan across two countries, leaving a trail of blood, bodies, and other people's legs.
This one is pretty gross tbh, but I highly recommend!
Only a Crush by Gingersoup || ao3 || kakasaku || M || canon divergent || complete
It was supposed to be an easy, fun night out. She never intended to wake up in her sensei's bed, half-naked and with no memory of what happened the night before! As she tries to unravel the mystery of that night, something sinister is growing beyond the walls of the Leaf Village... and what was only a crush spirals wildly out of control.
I can't really say much without spoiling, but Sakura is unwillingly thrust into the world of illegal drugs, trafficking, and sex all while coming to terms with her new feelings regarding her former sensei. I typically don't like kakasaku, but I think this work is done tastefully well. The characters are both adults and the immorality of the relationship is not ignored, so be prepared for a lot of "we can't," "this is wrong," etc.. Anyway, Sakura is an absolute powerhouse and I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between all of the different characters and villages!
Got Nothing to Prove (but I'ma show you how I do) - GuardianMars || ao3 || gen || T || mission gone wrong || incomplete
Civilians and orphans are always used as cannon fodder. Sakura’s not sure where she first came by this phrase. Whether she heard it or read it, she can’t quite remember, but it stuck in her head and it stays in the back of her mind whenever Team 7 takes a mission. When Sakura and Tenten get placed on a temporary team looking into a series of kidnappings of local village girls, Sakura is naturally worried. She doesn't want to be cannon fodder. When the mission goes to pot, Sakura and Tenten find themselves far away from home and with only each other to rely on. As it turns out being cannon fodder is the least of their worries.
Genin Sakura and TenTen are sent on a mission due to their unimpressive lineage and things go wrong. This is a bit of a mystery where details of the mission are uncovered as the series progresses and is seen from the prospective of both the girls and their sensei's who are desperately trying to bring them back.
The Storm Beneath - CrimsonEden || ao3 || gen || T || mission gone wrong || one-shot complete
Sakura skidded to a halt. “Sensei?” she choked out, voice raw and painful. Kakashi made no reply. His eyes stared desperately up at her, as if he thought that she was going to disappear if he looked away. One of his hands reached out slowly, like he wanted to touch her face, to check to see did she was really there. His eyes were glazed over and his chest was heaving from the force of his heavy breaths. She stood there frozen, unsure of what to say or do. How could things have gone so wrong? . . . . . A simple mission goes horribly wrong, and Team-7 finds themselves stuck in the wilderness injured and facing Kakashi’s past demons. POV Kakashi and Sakura.
Team 7's mission gone wrong not just lands them in a complete disaster physically and politically, but also uncovers some of Kakashi's trauma. Really well written and focuses a lot on the team bonding, primarily Sakura and Kakashi, which I love.
Team Seven and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Roadtrip -Transformatron || ao3 || gen || T || captured || incomplete
No chakra. No allies. Captured by an unknown enemy a thousand miles from home, Team Seven must work together if they want to survive - which, if you ask Sakura, puts their life expectancy at approximately one week. If she’s feeling generous.
Team 7 is captured and the enemy is trying to get information out of them by any means possible. Follow them as they try to escape.
final exams coming up! - waterpllar || ao3 || gen || M || captured || complete
Kakuzu can name numerous reasons why Hatake Kakashi could make him an excellent profit, most of which involve the numerous organizations he's sabotaged. Specific figures would certainly be willing to pay very well for free reign to relieve their violent frustrations on one of the most notorious jounin in the Bingo books. Such a business would only function with a healer on hand, but it just so happens that a vast majority of shinobi teams have a healer, and there is a pink-haired genin without a bloodline limit or bijuu on the team. What he did not anticipate is that the Copy-nin's teaching might be so remiss that he hadn't trained said genin in any iryo-ninjutsu whatsoever. Kakuzu does not like making oversights, and he decides to remedy this fact immediately (unluckily for sakura).
Kakuzu captured Sakura and Kakashi in an attempt to make money (of course) off of Kakashi's many enemies and Sakura is forced to learn medical ninjutsu in order to keep him alive. Although this is marked as complete and could be considered that to those who read it, the ending is not very conclusive tbh (I wanted more).
Edit: ok this actually just got updated even though it’s marked as complete, so ig it’s still ongoing?? Maybe???
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || captured || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate. As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise.
Your childhood home is just powder-white bones (and you'll never find your way back) - Dovey || ao3 || gen || M || captured || complete
Sasuke is not the only one who worries he's getting too comfortable in his genin life. Itachi decides to add another motivator to Sasuke's revenge plans by kidnapping the teammate who wasn't a charismatic Jinchuriki. Sakura is used to being an objective for those around her, not a person, but even for her this is a little much. In which Sakura is held captive and learns what a genjutsu specialist can do to a person's mind, that sharks can actually make great friends, joins a dying clan, and gets regifted multiple times before she's finally strong enough to fight back. *while this fic contains explicit and graphic torture, there's no sexual assault.
Okay, this was actually a really hard read for me. We truly see Sakura's decline in this as she slowly loses her mind and it is very frustrating to see what has happened to her. Nonetheless, it is extremely well written and great is you want something dark.
Freedom in the Eyes of Another - Oroburos69 || ffn || gen || M || captured || complete
The Wave Mission was a failure. They got caught, captured, taken-it didn't end well. Now Sakura has a half-heard order, uncut fingernails, and more desperation than bravery. One way or another, she's getting Team Seven out today. Complete.
I actually can't believe that I forgot to add this the first time I wrote this list! Anyway, team 7 is captured on the mission to Wave and Sakura takes Kakashi's mumble and runs with it! Pretty interesting as we get some nice team bonding and there are some other popular character appearances too.
Like always, please send me recs if you have any!
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hyunnows · 10 months
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A series of tapes describing Namjoon's life since joining the Supernatural Investigation Unit.
PAIRING(S) | Namjoon x reader
THEMES | cop!au, x-files!au, ghostbusters!au, cop!Namjoon, cop!reader, youtuber!Seokjin, youtuber!Taehyung, ghosts, conspiracies, cryptids, the paranormal, and the supernatural are main subjects
WORD COUNT | 1.1k+
NOTE | im so excited for this series im ngl--not sure how frequently i will be updating yet but i think once every two or three weeks? I dont want to take it too seriously (especially since it will probably flop) but oh well... also i know i should have posted this before halloween but it would be too close to the release of 'a love so beautiful' and i want to try to release fics consistently again so i have to keep these a bit spaced out. any this was a new style of writing for me, so i really hope you all enjoy this <3 if you would like to join the taglist, feel free to rb, or reply letting me know--or you can check out my taglist form as well <3333 have a great day/night!
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“So how did it all begin?” A man in a dark suit looms over the metal table, his words echoing off the brick walls and two-way mirror as he adjusts the large camera.
A more timid man sweats under his stare, looking into the camera’s lens awkwardly. “Well, it was the day of my promotion,”
“You’re going to kill this interview,” the brunet mumbles to himself, fixing his tie for the third time. “You’re going to do great and get promoted. Then you’ll finally be a detective.”
He huffs as his tie becomes undone, reaching for one of his clip-ons instead before putting it back down. “You have plenty of time Namjoon, you can correctly fix your tie. A real detective wears real ties.”
He stares in the mirror, continuing to prepare himself. “I’m going to ace this interview. They’re going to like me, I’m going to be likable. Calm, put together, and ambitious—but not too ambitious, I’m going to be grateful for the opportunity. I’m going to get the position, and make mom and dad proud.”
“At least, I thought it was a promotion,” Namjoon almost sulks, arms crossing at the memory. 
“This isn’t a promotion interview, Officer Kim. You’re being transferred to the Supernatural Investigation Unit,” Chief Yoon sighs, leaning forward. “I’m sorry to have misled you.”
“The Supernatural Investigation Unit?” The suited man repeats, leaning toward Namjoon.
“Yeah, everyone called it the X-Files though, like the show.”
“The thing is, we don’t really have the budget to keep the X-files up, but we don’t have enough to take them down either. I need you to debunk the work going on in there, so we can submit a legit request to get the unit removed.” Mr. Yoon’s voice rumbles out, the crinkles by his eyes appearing as he looks at Namjoon with a serious look. “Listen, if you get our evidence, and I’ll get you a promotion, deal?”
“Obviously I wanted the promotion, so I agreed.”
“Is that the only reason you were chosen to fulfill this job?” the interviewer asks, the same monotone voice filling the room.
“I wish, but it was because of my past,” Namjoon sighs, “I used to be really into ghosts. I wrote reports on it, took video evidence, documented everything so that I could find proof about them. Back then, I also had a YouTube channel with my friend–we were pretty popular at the time. Anyway, I ended up writing a book on it before deciding to leave it all behind to become a serious detective.”
“And are you a detective now?”
“No, look at me,” he gestures to the modified hazmat suit draped across his figure. “How many detectives do you know that wear ghost gear and thermal goggles?”
The interviewer looks at him, unamused and urgent for him to continue his retelling.
“I look up our old stuff and see that new copies of my book are for sale, and that the channel is still up and running–both with my name still on them. So I decided to track down my friend and have a chat with him.”
“Yah! I’m getting the door, stop nagging at me!” Namjoon taps his foot impatiently, hearing the all too familiar voice approach the door. “How can I help–Namjoon? What are you doing here?”
“Hey Jin, I was hoping I could talk to you about the book and the old channel.”
The older man nods his head in recognition, opening the door to allow the taller male in. “Have you seen how well they’re doing? The book is selling pretty well and the channel is blowing up pretty quickly these days,” he says, too enthusiastic for Namjoon’s liking.
“That’s actually my problem,” Namjoon starts, dodging all the odd equipment and supplies scattered around Seokjin’s floor. “I’m sorry, what is going on here?”
Seokjin motions for Namjoon to follow, walking into the nearest door to the left. Upon entering, the cop is met with a makeshift lab filled with beakers, random devices, steam, and many other chemicals Namjoon can’t imagine to be safe. Not to mention one slightly tidier corner of the room with a camera facing a small desk, a corkboard up behind him. Namjoon immediately recognizes the set-up. “This is where we’ve been operating from recently.”
“Oh, right. I have a new partner, give me one second,” Jin sticks his head out of the room, inhaling a large breath and bellowing, “Taehyung!”
“Stop yelling!” A younger guy grunts as he enters the messy room.
Seokjin grins, “This is Taehyung, mechanical genius, and my partner.” Taehyung gives a small smile and wave, removing Jin’s arm from his shoulder with a shrug. “Back on track though, what’s going on, why are you here?”
“I need you to erase me from those videos–take them down, even. If you really need to keep them, private them. The book too, I want my name off of it. They’re ruining my life, they’re–”
“Haunting you?”
“Really?” Namjoon groans, a dour expression on his face at the attempt to joke. 
“We argued for a bit, and he refused and pried until he found out about my transfer. That didn’t make anything better for me.”
“How so?”
“Instead of understanding where I was coming from, he just kept telling me how ‘this was my chance to live my dream’.” He deflates a bit. “When we were kids, everyone made fun of us for being the ‘ghost kids’. Even our teachers, parents, and everyone thought we were crazy. I remember my mom telling me how she wanted me to be normal so bad.”
“I take it you come from a not-very-accepting neighborhood?”
“Not at all. Those people didn’t like anything abnormal in the slightest. You should have seen how happy everyone was when we left for college,” Namjoon laughs dryly. “It was really messed up for some dorks like us growing up.”
Namjoon straightens himself in the uncomfortable metal chair. “We both wound up going to college together, I took criminology, profiling, and forensics. He took a medical path, with a few courses in human behavior and psych, I think. We were in a robotics club in high school and took engineering for a bit before dropping the class.”
“During college, we still made our videos and stuff. We made the book then too, 300 pages of paranormal bullcrap we put together over a few years. Because of our educations, we considered ourselves to be a pretty credible source for the paranormal.”
“Why did you stop?”
“I got tired of being seen as a joke. I wanted to be important,” his face is void of any emotion as he recalls the day he told Seokjin he would be leaving for the police academy and packed up his things. “So, I joined the police force. I did a few years as a mall cop, then started getting assigned more important cases and assignments slowly. Then one day, I was getting ready to be Scully to somebody’s Mulder.”
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hpdfag · 1 month
IM SO HAPPY YOURE DOING BETTER!!! I’ve always been rotting for you from far away, and I’m so glad to see it happen…I hope our interactions contributed to that nice state of yours :} good luck with all of that! I also can’t grasp how you’re going to college ngl…I won’t go to uni for another four years even if I’m your age because of the school system here and stuff so it’s just so interesting to me!
(Here in Italy you go to uni at 19/20, strangely)
I checked out your website and it looks sweet,,,I’m not very info informatics and computer-y stuff anymore but i was super obsessed with that stuff in the past! I hope you’re able to finish it <3 to me it’s like making a carrd so I can’t fathom how difficult it would be, but it feels very old internet-y and silly for now! Good luck, really.
I’m also really happy you’re with your family more! It’s so nice to feel connected to them…there’s a self fulfilling feeling that comes to me whenever I manage to be with my family, myself.
This update is so good to hear and it really brings a smile to my face, thank you for always taking the time to answer me and create this little connection :}
- 🧶
ooo thats rlly interesting !!! im probably gonna skip a year before going to college anyways, since i need time to get a job so im not in Too much debt .. so ill probably be 19 when going into college myself !! i just need 2 power thru this year ... then i'll be off !! the goal rn is to major in computer science and minor in japanese :] since i wanna make games for a living and well. japanese is such an interesting language and while it wldnt be as useful career wise as like spanish or smthn i dont want 2 only make life decisions based on career viability ... i wanna have fun !!
and they really have, it's always nice talking w/ u guys !! it means a lot that uve been rooting fr me, truly :]
hehe thank u thank u ... i hope so too !!! im working on moving away from the template i started with, it's a lot of work figuring it all out but im having a blast, coding is a pain in the ass but once u get the hang of it its so cool seeing what uve been working on coming together all nicely :D html is generally an easier language to learn than something like javascript or python, since it's much more immediately readable. it has a lot less potential than those two, but it doesnt necessarily need to be the most complex thing in the world! u can still get a lot out of it, and most things tht i dont understand immediately i can usually infer what theyre Supposed 2 do and tht makes it a lot easier. much less math too LMAOAOAOA
and of course, even if i don't reply right away i always want to reply to you, it's lovely being able to have a connection like this :] i hope you're doing well !!
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Update from Perz!
The quick version: This boy is tired and needs time to recover. Midterms were awful, but the worst of them are done.
Full version: Sorry for no updates. I'm just so drained this week. Statics mentally drained me. I had to end 5 minutes early because I "cheated" since my calculator has the capability to connect to the Internet. I would've gotten an F for the exam, but she's letting it slide as a warning. But my credibility with my prof is shot and any leniency is probably going to be pretty hard to get back. Ugh.
Also, my productivity seems to go down the drain if stuff like midterms come up. I procrastinate which I know is bad, but idk how to get out of it. Any tips you people have?
Last thing, I'm loosing an hour of sleep once the clock strikes 12am. Officially happened 😭. Daylight savings time in the States 😓.
About writing, I'm currently working on a fic. Pairing are lers Hei and Kazu and lees Ae and GamGam. Nicknames for Heizou, Kazuha, Aether, and Gaming respectively. A tickle chase!*
I'll get back to messages and any requests when I feel more in the mood. It's just a lot of priorities. My job interview is coming up this Friday too. Hopefully I can get the summer job 🤞
I hope you all are doing great wherever you are! Happy tickling :)
*More serious things about me below. No need to read if you don't wanna.
*Idk if I should say this. I decided to post it. This was written when I was very sleepy so just know that. Seems like my emotions come out during that time:
I hope you all like the tickling parts in my fics. Ngl, when I read other fics, I feel a bit inferior since a lot of you are very talented in describing scenarios, how the ler tickles the lee, a lee's reactions, and it doesn't feel repetitive and is unique. I tend to overthink and believe that my work isn't that good and I kind of can't bear to work because my brain is mean and tells me that my work isn't going to satisfy you, the readers, even though I get likes, reblogs and nice, encouraging comments, thank you btw ♥️. I usually fall short compared to other people no matter how hard I try. Though, your comments, likes, and reblogs ease my thoughts and bring me more confidence in my work. I just put high expectations on myself, so that's why I spend so long on things to try and make it perfect whether in school or my writing or just anything personal really. Maybe I should cut myself some slack since I'm brand new to the scene? I will not stop writing though because it's a chance for me to express myself and something to indulge in. But yeah, a little something to know about me.
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pokevillainsrus · 2 years
Remember when I used to talk on this account lmao?
You may see an uptick from me recently.
First off, I wanna thank all y’all for sticking around for seven years. Seven years???? Wow, time really does fly fast. When I first started this blog back in 2015, I was literally just starting college that winter, you know fresh-faced bright eyed 20 year old waiting to kick ass and take the world, and now here we are seven years later, closer to 30 with every passing moment, being your casual cool college dropout with a WFH job and still obsessed with pokemon villains LMAO
So a lot’s happened in seven years, namely kinda quit tumblr for a bit and came back amidst the tumblr renaissance and El*n losing his shit on the twitter dot coms, and I’m still not as active as I used to be, but I’m a lot more active than I’ve been maybe in the past three, four years. We also kinda just brushed through two whole gens since then so it’s update time
- May change up the blog theme a bit in 2023. Idk coding seems to be more of a mess nowadays but everything’s outdated. I may or may not leave it alone, we’ll see
- GEN 8 AND GEN 9 LMAO. I’m ngl, for me gen 8 was probably one of if not my least favorite pokemon gen to date, and Team Yell was uh. underwhelming in my eyes. You have not seen Team Yell posts on this blog. It’ll probably stay that way unless the obvious caveat that they’re actually being menaces to society. (You have seen Rose + Oleana posts on here, though)
- LEGENDS ARCEUS - I haven’t reblogged any Volo yet but I’m not opposed to it, plus the coin sisters finger guns. I just don’t come across it too often because I think I passed the timeframe
- POKEMON MASTERS - Apparently ????? This has gotten really popular over the last few years???? I don’t follow it but idk if there’s villains stuff I’m not opposed to it. I’ll look into it more
- GEN 9 - I will not elaborate yet as I’m doing a personal embargo as to not talking unmarked spoilers til after Christmas, but it’s looking like at this moment I will not be reblogging Team Star stuff until the villains clause caveat. Shit may change if any DLC stuff comes out or villains or ????? idk. The antagonism in gen 9, without getting into deep spoilers, wasn’t really there, so for now you will just not see any gen 9 stuff here, period (Team Rocket carries 25 years later-)
so there you have it. tldr, will continue reblogging gen 1-7 villains, gen 8 is up for grabs, gen 9 is not up for grabs for the foreseeable future. We’re living our best lives for 2023 \o/ 
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queenz-z · 3 years
imma reveal one of my big sis mari plots
.. here it goes
okay so basically it’s with the end of hawkmoth battle
damian likes to go in the batcave and watch ladybug fights — it’s on live
he’s watching it and basically ladybug gets thrown into a building
though as she gets up her eyes turn green, so she quickly covers her eyes (ppl probably think the girl is crying) when she removes her eyes they’re back to being blue (eye contacts??? hmm 😟😏🤷🏾‍♀️)
so she’s now having an adrenaline rush and starts to literally punch hawkmoth and it’s revealed to be..
.. gabriel agreste
so ladybug being done with this she’s screams
“SAY SIKE RN SAY SIKE RN I KNEW IT” and she’s just like undermining herself, and like all that bc she thought it was gabriel a while ago bc of him owning the grimoire.
and she’s even worried of chat bc in this they had an accidental identity reveal
she screams “LUCKY CHARM” and gets a baseball bat (yes i thought of this genius i know.. if i wanted to be extra i would’ve said crowbar)
she immediately gets it snatched from her hand by chat and he’s beating gabriel with a baseball bat (crazy huh)
and then ladybug holds him back and is like “chat give me the baseball bat” he grudgingly gives it to her and she’s like SIKE I LIED YO PANCAKES IS DRY RESPECTFULLY (she didn’t say that i just wanted to say sike but like i was in the tiktok moment)
she snatched it and hits hawky with the baseball bat until he falls out of consciousness, and chat himself had to stop her
after that she gets Kaalki from her bug phone and uses her phone to get on a call
“yes.. i’ll be opening a portal for you. bye mother.” (😏)
and then the portal opened and ***** walks out in all glory..
from across the screen Damian yells “MOTHER?”
okay so talia comes out hugs her daughter and sends her guards to collect gabriel
yup he’s going to the league and he can’t escape sorry not sorry
and in this story mayura/nathalie spends 3 years in prison only bc she quit her job after she realizes gabriel had no intention of loving her, so she gave her miraculous to ladybug and helped her defeat hawky
now after that all the reporters are in their faces
“ladybug who was that lady?”
“is she your mother?”
“is hawkmoth defeated?”
“what now happens to adrien agreste?”
then chat noir would be like no questions until
then ladybug would pass out (yes the dramatics) and chat noir would carry her.. 😏 bridal style to the dupain-cheng house
now the dupain-chengs knew there was something up with her daughter
coming to school late, random excuses, rarely helping in the bakery
they were gonna talk to her about it until one night they hear
“TIKKI! SPOTS ON!” 🤦🏾‍♀️👩🏾‍🦯
from then on they knew not to worry
that was their marinette always helping people
(i’m getting lazy guys 😟😟)
anyways ladynoir would sleep for two days in marinette’s bed
then she’s get a guardian sense to teleport to a specific coordinate which someone how lead to..
wayne manor??
(i can’t believe it? i would never expect to- okay i’ll stop lol 😹)
Now everyone in the wayne family were having a forced family movie night hosted by Dick
Now Dick was coming back to the family room after fixing himself a bowl of cereal when suddenly he dropped it and a portal opened in front of him
“magic portal?! magic portal!!” dick shouted as two gorgeous looking couple came out
(just kidding cut out the gorgeous part 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ i was trying to say something that adrinette both have in common but like- nvm.)
the wayne members headed to where dick was with their weapons on them
it’s all silent until the woman with black-blue hair shouts “dami!!!”
she hugs dami goes on her tippy toes and ruffles his hair and baby talks him
“omg, you’re so big now!! you’re taller than me! wait- how old are you? wait- wait wait- what’s your measurements?”
she tries to get her sketchbook out until she remembers that she’s being a marinette
“Hello. Um- I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, this is Adrien and I’m Damians-“ The woman starts, but is cut off with Damian mouthing and no, and shaking his head.
“Damian, you know I kind of have to or else they’re gonna think I’m evil or something.” Says Marinette
“Anyways i’m Damians older sister and i don’t even know how I got here- well i do, but i didn’t even know the address.” Marinette spoke.
“Yes I’m biological, yes i know who my father and mother are, and no i’m not being a bat.” Marinette said, quickly answering any question going to come.
“Anyways, just came here to say hi, and to give you this.” Marinette says, as she gets a gift bag out of thin air.
(I’m getting too lazy guys i’m gonna just summarize)
She hands him a gift bag. (Yes ik i already said that)
she’s says her goodbyes and adrinette leave from the same portal
everyone stares into space for a while, and then jason asks bruce
“Bruce, did even know about this?” Jason said exasperatedly.
Bruce looked completely out of it.
So they all went to Damian. (Next victim- oh i mean person.)
But Damian just walked to his room and locked the door.
When Damian opened the bag.
There was a box.
When he opened the box. (i’m so annoying ik)
There were pictures of Marinette and Damian together.
-One with him being completely straight faced.
-One with Marinette hugging and kissing his cheek.
-One with Marinette dressing him up. (Fashion designer okay?)
-*you can make stuff up*
Damian quickly looked around. (Not trying to be caught in 4k i see, huh?)
and softly smiled before drifting off to sleep
ty for sticking around with my crazy thoughts.
ngl it was wayy better in my head, and every time i said i’m getting lazy i kept going so ig i’m making progress.
bye besties ao3, and wattpad in my bio !!— though don’t expect any updates 😭🥸😃
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Just some thoughts on the new season of FTWS. It’ll probably change once I finish the whole thing because we all know I’ll rewatch it all over again lol. I’ll update this post as I go :)
Episode 1:
Dane is mad annoying. That’s it.
Episode 2:
Wildest Dreams playing in the background carried this episode. And that playing while Bloom and Sky ride around on a horse is 🤌🏼
(This will probably be an unpopular opinion but oh well) Flora is annoying. Like girl, you’re new here. Don’t be injecting stuff on people you don’t even know.
Saaaam. What in the world is going on with you?
Stella’s yellow + purple outfit? Cute 🥺
Episode 3:
Trent Crimm, The Independent!! What are you doing at Alfea¿? 😂
I’m still not vibing this new Ben. I don’t think I’ve seen any works this actor has been in, but it just feels like he doesn’t fit the character.
Whyyy isn’t Saul concerned about Farah. Like damn man, Ao3 writers do a better writing job
Episode 4:
Rosalind is suddenly sentimental???
Episode 5:
Musa and Riven are actually cute ngl
I already knew the spoiler before I started watching. But damn. Hearing them talk about Farah’s death just hits different
Bloom vs Rosalind? 💀 definitely was not expecting that
Episode 6:
Saulllll. Why are you being so nonchalant
Kate Fleetwood stays slaying. You go, queen.
The little bulletin board behind Stella with the cast’s BTS pics are so cute
The Tribunal? Shook af.
I know Farah’s character confirmed it but are we really expected to believe that one of the most powerful fairies just… died?? Just like that? 😢
I’m sorry we were done dirty. This whole time she’s just been dead 😭
Not to mention I’m still annoyed with how there’s barely any reaction from Saul
Beatrix!!! Girl wtf
Episode 7:
Saullllll again wtf??
Beatrix??? Oh my god??
Well this gives me more questions than answers.
I need to binge read on Ao3 to make myself feel better.
Why do I need to binge read? I don’t have a therapist.
Ao3 🤝🏼 Spotify. Good luck to everyone else. Lmk what you guys are doing 🫠
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baishunpuwu · 2 years
hey yall little update on my personal life. id normally post this kinda stuff on twitter but too many ppl there know me personally so ill post it here instead
so good news first, i quit my job! in hindsight i dont think i can handle any kind of corporate job but the work enviroment within finance and banking type jobs is particularly bad and it was all too too much for me so im glad to be out. im going to be applying for a beauty course instead which im very excited for ngl i think ill do well. after i finish that ill probably resit a few exams and try to enter uni but it rllt depends on what i have the mental energy for tbh. im gonna focus on more humanities and arts though since i tend to enjoy those more
on to the bad news, my parents have not taken my quitting my job well at all. the day before i quit my mother told me somethong about how she just wants me to be happy but clearly thats a lie bc for the past 2 days now the only interaction ive gotten with her is being woken up too early bc of her yelling about how im stupid and should go fuck myself through my bedroom door?
im looking for a new house and a new part time job to keep me afloat since ngl i dont want to live in a house where my sleep keeps getting interrupted like that. thats a bit of a work in progress, ill try to figure it out in time. i dont really feel fully safe at my current house so ill hope i can get out quickly
heres to starting a new life for myself
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lostinanimage · 2 years
Do you have physical descriptions of your characters? Not face claims, just something like race, hair, eyes, height, build. I like to picture them when I'm reading! Your Patreon OC most of all, like Alex, Burg, Marissa, Noah, Mickey, Willy, Hunter, Alex's siblings and all the children, Devon, Courtney... It's okay if you don't! It's a testament to your talent that you got a visual reader like me so immersed in the action and dialogue to forget what your characters look like ❤️❤️❤️
Alex, Noah, Devon, Cupid, Mills, and Mason are in a different post, so I’m linking that here. I have updated that post a couple times as I’ve changed my mind about things. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Absolutely don’t feel bad that you couldn’t find it if you looked. Tumblr is a mess when it comes to finding stuff. This post also includes some explanations about why I tend to not be a visual writer. So, I’m not going to include that here. It’s absolutely okay that you care and that you asked. Thank you for reading anyway and I’m always happy to answer. I apologize in advance for how many times my ADHD took over during this post.
One thing I also want to add to that post is that part of the reason I don’t often describe body types is that to me, a lot of this is implied by the professions of my characters. Hockey players’ body types don’t very all that much and I’ve mentioned when they do. (Alex is described by Willy as being one of the really big guys.) Kat is a rhythmic gymnast and I’ve mention that she hopes to go to the summer Olympics which puts her in a specific body type. Morgan plays college basketball and that says a lot about her body type. (This might be a spoiler. Sorry?) I’ve mentioned Mason and Devon’s heights, but after that, they’re assumed to have the body type of an Olympic figure skater. (Mason is an example of where I’ve mentioned where he differs a bit because he’s taller. Devon is an example of the same because he’s shorter and also an example of a place where I'm mentioned his size because of his height difference with Alex.)
Burg: I have the issue with Burg that I have with Matty. Both he and Matty are in my head as “basic American white hockey player with brown hair.” I have literally met multiple members of my cities NHL team multiple times at my old job and they all dislike me because they recognize me, and I never recognized them because they literally look exactly the same to me. But honestly, this genericness is purposeful for Matty and Burg because being “typical hockey players” but making the decision to align themselves as they do is important for Alex and Kent. They are also both around 6’1” and built like hockey players. I have literally never thought of their eye colors, so I’ll go with brown. (NGL. I have literally never noticed someone's eye color in my entire life. I literally just sat here and tried to think of the eye colors of all my best friends and I'm not sure of a single one.)
Marissa: I *think* I’ve mentioned that Marissa has brown hair and she’s half-Mexican, but is white-passing in most cases. Her hair is naturally kind of curly, but she straightens it most of the time because that’s less day-to-day upkeep. She’s 5’3” and slim but curvy.
Mikey: Honestly, I could sit here and try to make him sound different than Burg, but I would fail, and it would be embarrassing. I am thankful that I’m good at dialogue. (Which honestly is probably due to having prosopagnosia.  I regularly recognize people by speech patterns and have been known to mix up people who look completely different but have very similar speech patterns. I actually had to explain to two people who were BFFs that I could see them, but since I don’t recognize by faces, my reflex is to recognize by speech patterns and stance/movement, so I’d say the wrong name reflexively before filling in the blanks that I was wrong when my eyes caught up and noticed other things my brain recognizes like hair and skin tone.)
Willy: Willy is blonde. I never intended for him to be a main character, so at the time I made him up, multiple Williams in the NHL had shoulder-length blonde hair so he also has it. He’s an example of where I’ve mentioned his hair because he cares about it. He has blonde hair and blue eyes for the same reason. He’s American, but has Swedish heritage. 6’1”
Hunter: Hunter is black, and he has a slighter lighter skin tone than Mason, Mills, Reaper, Ty and Emily. He keeps his hair cut fairly short. 6’2”
Courtney: Black and 6’1”. He doesn’t actually look like Hunter in facial features, but the description here is going to make it sound like that because I am a disaster at describing facial features for obvious reasons. I’ve mentioned that he is close to evenly matched with Willy in size, with Willy being a bit bulkier due to being a professional athlete while Courtney is a regular guy who goes to the gym.
The kids are going to be a little bit hard because they’re obviously growing. So I’m going to say height they’ll be as adults? (I have also deleted spoilers from this multiple times because Lizzie is 17 in the most recent post and 19 where I’m writing.)
Kat: Very slim and blonde. As an adult she’ll be 5’5” This is why even when she’s older, she jumps on Alex because he’s huge.
Ethan: Also blonde. Average height and gangly with glasses. He’ll be 5’8” as an adult, so average, but small next to Alex because he refuses to work out when he doesn't have to.
Lizzie: As an adult, she’s 6 foot and adds half an inch in between 18-20. She has been eating a lot of protein for a long time and as an adult, she has a fair amount of muscle. She has straight brown hair that is to her chin on the side of her hair that isn’t buzzed. She has been known to have team-related designs cut into the shaved side of her head.
Trey: He will end up a couple inches taller than Bitty, but he is basically almost a copy of his biological dad.
Ariel: 5’7” dirty blonde hair. Looks like someone a hockey player would date. Determined to not date hockey player and be a stereotype. May or may not succeed.
Asher: Looks like Matty with lighter hair and blue eyes instead of brown. NGL, I just decided his eye color.
Morgan: 6’1” light brown skin as an adult. Black hair that she usually wears in braids. Fairly muscled.
Taylor: 6 foot. He’s black with a deep skin tone. If Jeff was with him and Reaper at the same time, people always assumed he was Reaper’s kid. He’s athletic in the sense that he plays sports in high school, but will just do intermural sports for fun in college.
Darius: As an adult, he’ll be 5’7”. He’s black and absolutely passes for Mills’ biological son. As an adult, he'll look like Brian Michael Smith but with less muscle.
Feel free to ask for updates if I forgot anyone or when I add new characters!
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Age gap crush anon back because I forgot to say that you totally do not need to be sorry for not replying to my anons right away!! I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time right now and I hope things get better soon!!
I also forgot to talk about how I’m super worried about if he wants me to meet his mom or even just if he starts to take me to meet his friends. Because I’m currently unemployed and out of school (I’m going back soon hopefully but I had to stop for a while). I’m totally unsure of what I want to do in school and with my entire life and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I’m just so embarrassed about my situation because he’s got a really good job and he’s a full on adult while I’m here unemployed and trying to figure out if I’m even smart enough to go to college or university. I just think my situation really makes our age gap stick out like a sore thumb. I know it’s stupid and that his mom is probably really lovely and wouldn’t judge me and that if anyone else did judge me it wouldn’t matter but I can’t help ruminating on these things. Ugh I’m probably just being over dramatic again aren’t I?
Thanks lovely, I'm doing a bit better mental health wise, I'm just up and down i guess. I'm working a lot and I'm tired and I miss B a lot haha. All in all I'm one sulky girl atm haha.
So also I'm living through your updates!!!
Okay I get this, I really understand actually because I'm coming to the end of my course and I'm getting a lot of people ask me what I'll do when I finish and honestly, my answer is that I will take on more hours in the care home and just try to do writing I guess? And it's not much of an answer and I don't feel like an adult at all.
BUT this is literally your 20s now ngl. It's everyone's 20s. Not to be morbid but the world has run in such a way that now your whole 20s is spent piecing together some kind of life, trying to become an adult when the generations above you keep burning the instruction manuals and rewriting the rules.
Not knowing what you want to do yet is not a weakness, it's an opportunity. You can tell people you're preparing to go back to school but that you're trying to work out what your best options are. You can say shit like, you don't want to waste time on a degree that won't lead you anywhere, you want to work out the best path to go down or whatever. There are adult ways of saying you don't know what you're doing trust me.
Have you spoken to ur man about any of it? Like when he was ur age he probably had fuck all clue what he was doing either and you never know he may be able to help guide you or at least offer you a little reassurance/encouragement or whatever.
Like with me and B I have this complex where I think he's soooooo much more intelligent than me because he's already got his degree and his masters and he got 1sts and he did amazingly well at them. And I did not get a 1st for my undergrad and idk I'm scared I won't get a Distinction for my masters. I'm constantly worrying about stuff to do with uni and at first I wouldn't ask B for help because I thought he'd think I was dumb but actually now he proof reads my essays and he's really good at helping me out with stuff, he gives me so much encouragement. It was the same when I was applying he read my application and guided me through the whole process.
I think if you tell him you're worried ur man will do the same.
You're not being dramatic though I totally get it, there's a lot of B's family I haven't met but every time I meet someone new I have the fear all over again. I also always think that like I'm so shy and awkward in social situations and I do just hide behind B, I think his family probably must think I'm not good enough for him or that it's weird we are together, but like they actually don't and it's all just in my head. And also, the same that you don't care what your family think of your man, you still like him anyway, your man will be the same. He won't care, he already likes you.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . Herrroooo! 👋🏽 May I request a Baby daddy head canon (The “as dads” head canons lol) please? For Iwaizumi and Nishinoya please and thank you 💞 Love your writing too!!!
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . jae idk whether anyone has requested this but is it okay if i request for some iwaizumi and ushi dad HCs 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 ur HCs make me SO soft and tbh i just wanna live in ur imaginations 😢💞
❝ ― submitted by @b0kuto <3 ❞
✎ . . . since you did oikawa as a dad, what about my boyfie iwachann?? and maybe how their kids will interact with each other, thank you if you ever consider💛
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ iwaizumi hajime <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . happy 900 followers and happy birthday lizzie !! @kaidasen , i have two other iwaizumi hcs in my inbox and one being another dad req but not just general hcs and phew i'm tired
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➜ i'm not a s*mp but,,,
➜ i would glady offer him my hand in marraige
➜ you two weren't quick to settle down, since the both of you have been busy with your own jobs especially then, trying to survive a comitted long-distance relationship
➜ but now that it has been almost a year since you two got married, hajime knew he wanted to start a family with you
➜ and when i tell you that if MANS EVER EVEN THOUGHT of having children WITH YOU, you're in it for a long long run my love
➜ listen ─ iwa is a rational and decisive man, stubborn too, but overall thinks first before bringing these types lf serious stuff with you
➜ knowing that once you agree, mans will not be able to hold back anymore
➜ it was quite funny actually, since it has been a running joke between you two with your baby fever phase in high school that you soon grew out of when you attended collage.
➜ iwa used to relentlessly tease tf out of you but even then, he couldn't help but be the one that you want to have a child with
➜ now all the left over pride he has vanished away while he looks like a CLOWN as he nervously asked you about starting a family with him
➜ emodiment of👉👈😳🥺
➜ because now it was YOUR turn to tease tf out of him, payback bitch
➜ iwa : what if we . . start a family?? 😳👉👈 haha i'm joking . . . unless??
➜ you : it's funny how bitches turned into my fans💅💸
“ wow how the turn tables ”
“ baby girl, i don't think that's how it ─ ”
“ ─ aha simp ”
➜ but regardless, you immediately agreed to his offer and you BET that iwa would give you payback for all the teasing you have done in the bedroom
➜ ok bet fill me up to the brim sir
➜ okay um chile ,, i have to keep reminding of myself that this is a family friendly show
➜ he may be a little busy with work sometimes, but he'll always try to have time to go with you on your baby check ups and appointments which, he, actually booked the second you told him you were pregnant
➜ but whenever he doesn't, he would always be a lot more affectionate whenever he goes home to see you and would hear how you talk about updates from the doctor as he just RUBS YOUR TUMMY as he apologizes for not coming with you😭
➜ when you gave birth to a beautiful hanako, iwa couldn't help but cry because wow??YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL AND HE IS SO PROUD TO HAVE YOU AS HIS WIFE, AND YOU GAVE HIM THIS LOVELY MASTERPIECE OKAY AIGHT
➜ hajime didn't really care about gender now, but before he actually wanted a son, but as i said now, all his mind was just about you and your daughter ─ his precious girls
➜ besides, he has all the time in the world to make a son with you or two
➜ hanako, no matter how sweet she could be ─ she is lowkey a little shit too
➜ prefers hajime over you but would LOVE to rile him up and make it seem that she prefers you over him
➜ he would be a strict father, but such a softie for his daughter that he forgets why he even was mad when your daughter pulls up with THE TRUMP CARD with the same puppy eyes you always used on him
➜ like mans was already a goner but aight
➜ gets FLUSTERED AND EMBARESSED whenever hanako wants him to play with her with her dolls and he also has to act out with her lmao, but we all know she was doing it on purpose
➜ your daughter is a   s a d i s t
➜ makes her dad watch all the OLD barbie movies because she doesn't👏like👏the👏new👏ones👏
➜ periodt 😡💅
➜ has grown to LOVE the thought of being a princess AND HAJIME CALLS HER PRINCESS ALL THE TIME AHH
“ but daddy i'm a princess !! of course i need a prince ” hanako pouted as iwaizumi's tick mark just grew with the thought of his daughter having another boy in her life other than him ( and oikawa & perhaps future brothers😳 )
“ why would you need a prince when you already have your knight in shinning armor here, ” he gestured vigorously to himself with his hands moving up and down from his head to toe
“ oh yeah! i guess i'm okay with that ” your daughter giggled before calling out to you as she saw you coming into her line of sight, reaching her hands out for you to carry her
➜ and by the time you have her in your arms, she would always nuzzle her little head onto your neck, but this time, before he could, she looked back at her father ─ but this time with a mischievous glint
“ ─ for now ” she smiled cheekily before tugging you to head over to kitchen because one, she wants to get away from her father's intense aura emitting from him, and two, she was hungry
➜ as you can see, bb girl loves to rile up her father, but as i said, iwa could never stay mad for too long
➜ would, yes, kinda yell at his kids, but would NEVER EVER hit them
➜ would kinda BONK🔨💥 them but not the childhood traumatizing methods
➜ he has strong beliefs that hitting children are a no-go, because it would probably affect them in the future, and there are other, better and appropriate ways to handle them without leaving them in child trauma
➜ since argentina is close to california where you and iwa have settled down, you bet that oikawa BEGGED them to have a small little reunion atleast every other three months LMAO
➜ and when you gave birth to your son, hayato, oikawa's offer did not STOP, and when oikawa finally had the time to visit you guys with his family ─ it was chaotic.
➜ first of, hanako is so mean to oikawa for some reason but she also kinda likes him too?? 😭
➜ oikawa : that's so upsettin😔
➜ then moves to hayato because unLIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE, hayato being the precious bb boy he is, accepted all the love oikawa would give him
“ hana-chan, yahoo !! ” before uncle tooru could engulf hanako as he ran up to her with arms open wide, she avoided his figure as he went pass her and hit himself on a lampost
➜ with a blank stare, she crouched to his cowering figure as he rubbed the spot on his head that hit the post while whining, poking his side in curiousity.
“ uncle, are you alright ─ ”
“ ─ oi, shittykawa what are you doing ─ ”
➜ as you and your husband along with oikawa's wife and kids, run up to where the two duo were crouching, your toddler son tilted his head innocently
“ shittykawa . . . ? ”
➜ usually these reunion day would always end in traditional family dinner with the iwaizumis and the oikawas ─ and after that, their offsprings just couldn't get away from each other when it's time to go 🥺
“ i don't want them to leave :( ” hayato pouted as he wouldn't let go of his little tug on akiro's sweater
“ hana-chan !! ” hikaru clung onto hanako as hanako quietly glared at him, trying to shake him off while she shyly held onto akio as aiko starts scolding her little brother
➜ also side note : you bet that they would come back to japan just to attend aobajohsai
➜ anywh0res😍
➜ iwaizumi is the type of dad that would give EQUAL amounts of love to his children, would never have favouritism with his children because that shit actually hurts ngl😔
➜ would arm wRESTLE with hayato but he doesn't wanna hurt him so he would always let him win though it may cost his pride
➜ someone thirst with me about his arms please😭😭
➜ when he's soft'ish
➜ it was near father's day and you have been planning for it along with your children but you guys were anything BUT LOWKEY
➜ iwaizumi could literally hear giggling in one of the rooms and he goes to check it out and sees nodding vigorously at hayato.
➜ wanting to join in the fun, he opened the door and leaned onto the door frame expecting for you to call for him to join you guys
➜ but to his suprised, you guys stayed unusually quiet while your two kids avoided eye contact with him
➜ iwaizumi was upset being left out, but didn't really comment on it. but as father's day rolls in with your two kids waking him up as he goes down to the kitchen to see his favourite breakfast along with some cards from hanako and hayato, and with you smiling warmly at him as you took off your apron before kissing him a goodmorning in his cheeks ─ he knew it was worth it, whatever you guys were planning
“ ew, mommy kissed dada!! ” shrieked by your children as hajime stuck a tongue at them as he grinned at you, lovesick, before he could get to steal kiss on your lips, you pushed his head to look at the opposite side
“ brush your teeth first, and THEN, i will think about kissing you ”
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razberryyum · 4 years
So you’re done with The Untamed and want more, what now?
Reposting this since I’ve updated it with new info/links. Again, I entered the fandom via The Untamed so I’m by no means a MDZS expert, just tried my best gathering all the resources I can which I hope will help some new Untamed/MDZS fan out there. If you spot any errors, don’t yell at me, just let me know and I’ll correct it as best I can, especially for any future reposts.
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Read the original web novel the show was based on: The Untamed (aka “CQL” or “Chen Qing Ling”) was adapted from the BL web novel, Mo Dao Zu Shi (aka ”MDZS” or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (”MXTX”). Yes the novel came first, CQL is only an adaptation. In the novel, you get the uncensored romance of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, where they are canonically married and living happily ever after. The novel goes full into R18 territory so please tread carefully.
All four volumes of the novel can be purchased from the original publishing site, JJWXC. The site’s in chinese but here’s a tutorial on how to navigate it and purchase the books:  JJWXC Tutorial Link.
There’s also the option of purchasing the physical copies from Yesasia which might be easier but it’s also more expensive since they’re the middle man: Yesasia MDZS Link
It would be wonderful if you can support MXTX-laoshi by actually buying the books, especially since the cover art is so beautiful and the extra chapter volumes come with a lot of awesome extra goodies, but of course there’s also the option of reading the fan translations graciously provided by the Exiled Rebels Scanlations team at their site:  
They translated all the novels including the bonus chapters in their own free time and are providing the fanslations for free so please give them some love for all their hard work.  
WATCH THE ANIME (aka “Donghua” in Chinese)
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Watch the anime based on the novel: The donghua was released before The Untamed. Two seasons are already available (23 eps total) with a third season in production and a special chibi version of the donghua in production as well. The Eng-subbed donghua can be seen using the WeTV app or on Youtube:  YT MDZS Donghua Playlist
Grant it, the donghua is even more censored than The Untamed, but the donghua team still managed to sneak in some easter eggs (f.e. WangXian naked bathing scene in the cold springs from the novel...in The Untamed they were fully clothed) and more importantly, the animation is just gorgeous so it’s absolutely worth a watch despite the censorship. 
READ THE MANGA (aka “Manhua” in Chinese)
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Read the manhua which is ongoing and is being officially translated by WeComics, available on their app for free. Search under the name “Mo Dao Zu Shi”.
Unfortunately, the official translations are more than 20 chaps behind the raws and there have been complaints about the quality of the translations in the past, but I believe they’re starting to improve so since they’re official, it’s always better to support the official source.
The raw untranslated manhua can be found on the Kuaikanmanhua app. Other than being in Chinese, some of the chapters (f.e. the most recent ones) are behind a paywall, but here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the chapters, provided by @chiharuzushi on Twitter:  Kuaikanmanhua Tutorial
The chapters are quite cheap...I purchase 1000 KK coins for 10 rmb ($0.14) and each chapter is only 68 KK coins so even if we end up with 500 chapters it’ll still be...er...quite cheap overall (don’t make me do the actual math). The most painful part is figuring out how to set up the Kuaikanmanhua account, but otherwise, if you can read Chinese or know enough of the story by now that you don’t really need to read the words, the manhua is definitely worth reading because it’s less censored than The Untamed and the donghua. 
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Listen to the audio drama, which is at this point the most faithful and LEAST censored adaptation of the novel we will probably ever get! Wei Ying’s voice actor in The Untamed is the voice actor for his audio drama counterpart. (Yes, almost everyone in The Untamed is dubbed by a voice actor, EXCEPT for Nie Huaisang. Ji Li, the actor for NHS, was the only one who used his own voice. Lan Zhan in The Untamed shares the same voice actor as his character in the donghua). 
Each episode art of the audio drama is AMAZING. Google Translate works well on the site, you’d want to see the listeners’ comments cuz they’re just adorable and hilarious.
Official links on Maoer FM:
Season 1: Maoer FM S1 Link
Season 2: Maoer FM S2 Link
Season 3: Maoer FM S3 Link
The audio drama was supervised by MXTX-laoshi, the author of the novel, so a lot of love and care went into the production, and it shows. The audio drama is behind a paywall but I remember it’s relatively inexpensive. Here’s the tutorial on how to purchase the audio drama from the Maoer FM site:  Maoer FM Tutorial Link
Ngl, it was tough at first navigating all that, Google translate helped, but once I figured it out, it was all so worth it because in addition to the MDZS, the site houses a lot of other wonderful audio dramas. There are also MDZS fan songs on the site that are near professional quality and oh so good.
Suibian Subs have kindly translated the episodes and their translations are available here:  Suibian Subs MDZS Audio Drama
Show them some love too for translating the episodes, but please if you can, purchase the episodes so you can support the audio drama team which have done an amazing job.
There’s even a Japanese audio drama which the Chinese AD team helped spearhead, available on the MIMI FM app. Here’s a tutorial on how to purchase the eps (half of the first season is out): MIMI FM Tutorial
It’s in Japanese but just follow the pictures. I’m hoping that the Japanese audio drama will end up being the MOST uncensored version of MDZS since Japanese BL dramas are not afraid (and allowed) to go all the way to R18. XD
Lastly, if you’re just thirsting for more Untamed content, there are two spin-off movies you can watch. The first one, The Living Dead, is kind of centered on Wen Ning and Sizhui post-CQL. 
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The second one, Fatal Journey, is focused on the Nie brothers, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang, with a cameo by Jin Guangyao. It takes place prior to Wei Ying’s return from the dead.
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Of the two movies, I definitely recommend Fatal Journey more. Both movies are available on the iQiyi app, which offers a one month free trial for first members. Each month afterwards for VIP is $6.99.
You can also go on the WeTV app for even more Untamed extras: WeTV put out a special edition cut of the show which tightened up the story AND features the original ending that was intended before censorship forced the production team to come up with the more ambiguous one we saw in its original run. It was a simple matter of rearranging certain scenes and getting rid of the separation part, but imho it really made all the difference to the ending.
There’s a ton of behind-the-scene cuteness that you can watch and also concerts with the cast in Thailand and Nanjing. VIP subscription to the WeTV app is $5.99/month and the Nanjing concert is for rent for 3 months at about the same price.  
The show also put out two official soundtracks, one for the vocals and one for the score. Both are available on Amazon and iTunes. For Amazon though, you can search under “The Untamed” but they did this weird thing where the vocals one is listed as “The Untamed (Chinoiserie Music Album)” (wtf) while the score is just listed as “The Untamed (Original Soundtrack)”.
Finally, most of the male members of the cast took part in a fan meet and greet at the start of the show, before it became hugely popular. The entire meet and greet is available on youtube subbed: The Untamed Fan Meeting
That’s it for The Untamed and MDZS. If you end up liking the novel enough to want to read more by the same author, MXTX-laoshi has also written two other BL novels, The Scum Villain Self-Saving System (aka “SVSSS” or “Scum Villain”) and Heaven’s Official Blessing (aka “TGCF” after its Chinese title). Both have been fully translated by fans (but always try to buy the original if you have the means, as a way to support the author!): 
SVSSS Translation: BC Novels Link
TGCF Translation chaps 1 - 24:  Sakhyulations Link
TGCF Translation chaps 25 - End: Suika & Rynn Link
As with reading any BL novel (aka “danmei novel” for Chinese BL books), please heed the warnings and if it’s not your cup of tea, just exit out of the page and move on with your life. No big deal, right? 
Anyway, hope all this info dump helps someone! If you’re brand spanking new to this fandom, welcome, and I’m so jealous of you! Would love to relive stepping into the world of MDZS/MXTX/danmei novels all over again since I feel like I’m already running out of stuff to read and I’m beginning to panic a little. 
Happy watching/reading/listening!  
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blushinggray · 3 years
Okay ngl I usually don’t post hc’s or updates or ideas about my fics bc I usually wanna keep them “as a surprise” for when I do publish it (if I ever even do lol) or I’ve had this mindset that just talking about writing prevents me or takes time from actually writing. Or that even if I do talk about my feelings/ideas about smth, that no one will really care. Which is why I kinda save it for dm’s with friends/when the topic actually comes up. And even then, I don’t wanna overwhelm them with all my thoughts/ideas so I kind of hold back on some things
But recently I came across this Twitter thread that reminded me that it is perfectly fine to blabber on about the things I like if I want to. And even if no one cares, it’s MY freaking blog. I write for fun and for free and for ME. So I should stop trying to hide behind self deprecation as “humility” or keep my ideas bottled up just to save them as “surprises” when I actually just wanna talk about them!!!!!
I’m gonna start tagging these as #fic trivia so if you don’t care to see my babbling, or you prefer just my surprise fic emails outta nowhere, then feel free to hide that tag from your dash. But I am gonna try to start being more open about what I wanna talk about when I wanna talk about it, regardless of the feedback/interaction (or lack thereof) that I get
So without further ado, some hc’s from my tattoo artist!bakugou fic:
Among his friends, Bakugou has tatted:
Jirou (first practice canvas)
Kirishima (upper arms and chest, maybe legs)
Uraraka (upper arms)
Kaminari (random scattered pieces for whenever he’s feeling spontaneous and can handle the pain)
Sero (one sleeve, chest, legs)
Deku (he’s a good boy but he wanted one by his friend so he got one on his hip just to support kacchan/hide it from his mom)
Ashido (random pieces all over, not only by Bakugou bc she has more tattoo artist friends who practice on her, so she’s pretty filled up)
Inasa (whole sleeves and chest pieces)
Camie (one thing on her back maybe)
Tokoyami (random pieces on his upper arms)
Sato (whole sleeves)
Shoji (whole sleeves and random stuff all over)
Tetsutetsu (whole sleeves and chest pieces)
Among clients, Bakugou has tattooed:
Nejire (obviously) — a singer in this au
Shindou (chest and upper arms)
Nakagame (one thing in her arm)
Gang orca (whole sleeves)
Death arms (chest pieces, one thing on legs)
Kendou (one on her arm, one on her side)
Present Mic (one on his arm)
Vlad King (one upper arm/chest piece)
Burnin’ (tat on her back)
Before starting Dynamight Studios, he was an apprentice for Best Jeanist for several years. His mentor was a lot more artsy than he was, but Bakugou respects legends in their own right. Plus it gave him a chance to experiment with things to find out that he does, in fact, only like to do what he wants to do 😪
But Jeanist gave him a ton of experience and brought him along to plenty of conventions, domestic and international, so his time as an apprentice is irreplaceable. They still talk and Bakugou visits every once in a while. 
Reader has tattooed:
Mount lady
Intelli Saiko & friends (from provisional license exam arc)
Kodai & Komori (came in together)
Probably way more people in her base area
Reader apprenticed with Hawks, which honestly gave her a bit of a headache. He’s a super talented tattoo artist but his work style is kind of overwhelming. She learned a lot from him, that’s for sure, but the way he would just make her crank out dozens of sketches a day was not sustainable for her. It did force her to think out of the box a lot though, which is what eventually birthed her new personal style
She now works at a relatively popular tattoo shop she started with another tattoo artist friend, but she takes jobs from a lot of people and places. Sometimes, she even gets a client referred to by her old mentor, whom she visits every so often with food. 
About Red Riot Bar:
It’s a pretty spacious place, with mostly low rise coffee tables and stools so that you don’t feel like you’re being obstructed when you talk to others by tall furniture. If there are tall tables, they’re off to the side/the bar itself
There are arcade games set up one side of the bar, like pinball, darts, Pac-Man, etc. Opposite the pool table. and the walls are decorated with all of kirishima’s favorite art, bands, and inspirations (esp crimson riot, his favorite tv show character. He’s still waiting for the day that the actor shows up to his bar so he can put a framed photo on the walls)
It’s a chill place, where the music is good but not too loud and everyone can feel at ease. It’s on a street that’s pretty popular and busy with restaurants and other izakayas, so he’s got competition. But the ones who do come in and stick around are exactly the type of clientele he prefers for his bar
Was talking to @tonystonem about this but if you happened to stop by his bar a few times casually after work or smth, he would probably remember you since he’s pretty friendly with all his customers and likes to get to know people
And bouncing off of that, if you happen to catch his eye, then maybe he’d crank up the flirting a bit. Or get a little nosy when you bring a guy friend/acquaintance along with you one day
Obviously, jirou and yaomomo are in a band together, along with some other friends. (Although yaomomo still has a part time day job working for her family’s business) They play for a lot of different live music places and sometimes get booked for touring artists or events.
Their first big gig was given to them by popular radio host and producer present mic, at a music festival. They’re working with him occasionally on an EP, but they’re putting a lot of care into the project so it’s taking a bit longer than expected. But it’s gonna be so good and kirishima is definitely gonna stream it nonstop in his bar when it comes out
Kaminari knows everyone and everything in the city lmao. Everyone wonders if he actually has a job bc he’s always just out socializing and partying and having a good time. He does have a job tho! He’s like a recruiter for his company, so he has to go out and find new clients or workers all the time but that usually involves inviting them out for a casual hangout first to throw his pitches. It’s not always successful but he makes a lot of friends out of it. More than he can handle/remember sometimes lol
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side-lizabeth · 3 years
This part is the spoiler-free part of my impressions.
I don’t know what I was expecting from Dressrosa but it didn’t left me wanting for more... outside the animation part, probably. But I mean when you get spoiled on how OP’s being animated rn, no sh*t. Although I really did enjoy the new characters. Cavendish is accidentally becoming one of my favourite characters and this is because of the anime of Gintama... But that’s because I’m finding more and more seiyuus in One Piece that just so happened to be voicing recurrent characters (or straight up main characters) in Gintama, so I shouldn’t be suprised.
And then there’s Zou and I’d lie if I’d say I should have had expected an island with furries, and yet I didn’t. ...and once again the “holy sh*t I wasn’t expecting these seiyuus being in One Piece too” striked back. But at this point I don’t know if it’s really because of Gintama or just because I’m starting to go back to my old teen hobbies like when I was a hardcore Seiyuu fan, and recognizing a lot of seiyuus is giving me a huge bust of serotonin. (?)
Above all, I liked Dressrosa more than Zou, even if Dressrosa has... it’s own issues.
If you want to go straight up to the spoiler section, click down here:
Let’s start with Dressrosa:
I thought to just continue this lil update, where I started the non spoiler section by saying that I won’t feel any shame or make an apology for reblogging non stop posts of Roronoa Zoro, I’m still on that Idea, fight me if you want(maybe no); but I decided to explain more about my first impressions, and then maybe elaborate extra stuff from those bullet point-lighning round from that post.
Overall, I had fun. I geniuently enjoyed Doffy as a villain, and his motivations where pretty interesting too. NGL, this arc is basically new world Alabasta” and it pretty much shows... But the thing is that this time it was a little bit more interesting because of Doffy.
Doffy being the combo of Warlord and Celestial Dragon may sound like that moment of the Simpsons of “it’s just the same doll but with a new hat” in comparison to Alabasta, but even if I also enjoyed Crocodile as a villain in there, at least Doffy had a more interesting backstory and motivations to explore... while Crocodile was just an excuse to show off Nico Robin in all her glory. That’s it. I said it. (and probably made a fwend sad). Please, Crocodile, sir, next time you come back please do show us the secret Ivankov and you only know and then we talk.
Overall, I just had the time of my life hating Doffy, that’s it. I’m not going to try to explain anything else. I’m a basic b*tch whose favourite villains are the ones who are just so evil I just have the time of my life hating on. Like Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy, another despicable motherf*cker, for instance.
...Btw, I just need to break this impressions one moment to openly say that, as a Spaniard, I feel weird now saying Doffy’s entire name. For a reason. And Cora-san’s too. Now I understand english speakers(americans to be more precisely) when they watch Bungou Stray Dogs and some characters from there just happened to be named after famous english literature writers... (the first comparison I just thought about, don’t attack me plz)
Also, kudos to the voice actors because they did an amazing job and I had even more fun, like for instance Koyama Rikiya. I absolutely loved Kyros thanks mainly to him... Although I wish I could entirely say the same about Rebecca and Baby 5 because they barelly had any screentime or, at least personally speaking, didn’t to bring something interesting tothe table... Well, maybe I can excuse Baby 5 because of the ending of Punk Hazard, but with Rebecca definetly not. FFS her seiyuu is the Queen Hayashibara Megumi, I was expecting more from Rebecca (although maybe the blame is really in me for expecting that much) than what we got. But don’t get me wrong, I did like her but.. I wanted just a little bit more of her.
Another thing I enjoyed a lot was the introduction of Fujitora. I knew he was popular for a reason, but I wasn’t expecting it to be... because of this. I was expecting him to be popular only because he was a blind old man who could fight harder than the dudebro’s gary stu fanfic-like idea they have of Zoro, but he’s definetly not that. Fujitora is a really interesting man who geniuently thinks about people’s safety (can’t say the same about Sakazuki and Borsalino, lol), and I respect that.
Now I’m just going through some bullet points from the update post:
First bullet point I’m actually elaborating: The Colloseum part was hella boring.
I just couldn’t stand it. I barely gave any sh*t about the characters and there’s also times where I’m just thinking that the Colloseum part could had been handled differently, with more interesting characters but well, that’s my opinion. I mean the only tournament arcs that I genuenly enjoyed were the Galaxy Wars from Saint Seiya (the OG one from the 80′s if somebody’s wondering), and maybe the Heaven’s Arena arc from HxH, so even if I was interested on seeing the OP take on it.. It kinda went sour for me at the beggining of this tournament, honestly. The fight versus Diamante was probably one of the very few interesting things happening inside the tournament.
And don’t get me wrong, interesting things do happen inside, like the encounter of Luffy and Rebecca, the fate of the losers from the colloseum, etc. But the tournament arc itself... not the best thing, pretty boring tbh.
The second bullet point I’m actually elaborating, but this time I’m literally copy-pasting the bullet point... for a reason: I STARTED TO SWEAT IN F*CKING FEAR WHEN NAMI’S GROUP ENCOUNTERED BIG MAM’S SHIP, AND EVEN MORE WHEN SANJI SAID “I’M GETTING INTO THAT SHIP”. NO. PLEASE. DON’T. I’M NOT READY FOR WHOLE CAKE ISLAND YET.
Look, by the time I’m writing this I’m already in Whole Cake and let me just tell you one thing; I’m still not ready for this arc. I know it’s very important, specially for Sanji’s development as a character and it’s like a re-introduction of him, but I’d lie if I’d said that I “do feel sensitive” around the themes explored in this arc, and it’s personally tought to go throught it but... Since it’s just too long and too personal to share the entire reason on a public post, I’m just leaving it as the following: “I’m not ready to tackle those themes, but I feel like I need to tackle them if I want to be the best version of myself”. That’s all.
The third and last bullet point I’m actually elaborating, LET ME TELL YOU HOW GINTAMA F*CKED ME UP ENTIRELY
For the sake of being short, I’m a crazy Gintama fan. I’m almost like an encyclopedia of shorts for all(?) Gintama content. I’ve been like this since I was 14-15 y/o (when I’m writing this I’m currently 25), so of course, if there’s something that remotely resembles something from Gintama (mainly gintama jokes or references when it happens), I’ll react to it instantly (but in a healthy way, not like an obnoxious annoying elitist lil sh*t of a fan), and sadly, part of this curse I ended up with included reconizing every single seiyuu that appeared in Gintama (or at least the ones who voiced important/popular characters) in other anime. And of course, seiyuus from Gintama did already appear before Dressrosa; like kid Ace’s seiyuu Sakaguchi Daisuke (voice of Shinpachi), or... Akainu’s seiyuu Tachiki Fumihiko (voice of Hasegawa “Madao” Taizou)... But then there’s Dressrosa and... It just went all over the board (pun not intended... does it even count as one tho?).
And don’t get me wrong, this did also happened to me on reverse with One Piece Seiyuus, but.... coming back to “Gintama f*cked me up”, it hitted differently, because it almost looked like they were casted to play certain characters based on the characters they played in Gintama and... NGL, it made everything even more hilarious. Like the fact that Kugimiya Rie voices a bad mouthed “child” in One Piece(Sugar)... just like she does in Gintama(Kagura). And I know technically speaking Sugar “is an adult” BUT, if we follow the logic of her Hobby Hobby fruit, she’s doomed to be an eternal child for the rest of her life, as in “no more development like a normal adult human would”. I’m just saying what the canon says, don’t mind me.
...Or Cavendish. I can confirm you that Cavendish is pretty much Gintama’s Katsura Kotarou’s madness as an OP character. And now he’s one of my favourite background characters in One Piece... Mainly because of that. And yes, they do in fact share the seiyuu Ishida Akira. (Also, is it just me or is he inspired by Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles???)
...So yeah, TLDR: too much gintama made me shout “oh shit, gintama’s taking over one piece”
Now with the Zou impressions
I liked the idea of Zou being an “island”, that’s not an Island but a millennia old elephant, walking around and hard to track down. Brilliant. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s inspired by something mythological but I still can’t point out which one.
...also I wasn’t expecting Pedro to be voiced by Miki Shin’Ichiro, in the same way I wasn’t expecting Orikasa Fumiko as Wanda... although she already voiced someone previously in One Piece so...
Even if it was a short arc, it gave a lot of valuable information like the origin of the poneglyphs and the link between the Mink tribe and the Kozuki clan from Wano but...
What I wasn’t expecting was how we got introduced to the Whole Cake arc. I came to this arc, thinking the Whole Cake thing won’t be that mentioned and... I ended up crying because of the sacrifice Sanji was willing to partake in... I feel bad for that guy... And since by the time of writing this I’m already in Whole Cake... Without spoilers I’ll say: yeah, no sh*t I was feeling bad for him” (also because I got almost entirely spoiled over all Whole Cake arc).
...but look, ngl, I didn’t like very much the ending of this arc. Probably what happened to Momonosuke and the Millennia old elephant may be more interesting and better explained in the near future but... I was more confused than anything, and I’m hopping it to be better explained in the future. I’ll just leave it as such.
Over all, if I had to choose, I’d say that Dressrosa was more entertaining than Zou... Although Zou did deliver bigger stuff when it comes to plot development, while Dressrosa was more focused on the next step to overthrow a Yonkou than anything, I felt like I had more ”fun” watching Dressrosa... Probably because I also want to get to Wano already.
Now I’m in Whole Cake arc, I’m more or less by the beggining of the arc and oh boy... This arc is going to be harder than expected and the only thing ready I have are the pocket tissues by my side because I already know I’m going to cry the hell out of this arc. And of course, have my soul utterly destroyed by the Reintroduction of Sanji and his past.
I hope he has a break after this because wow... He needs too many hugs to count. Probably more than Luffy in Marineford.
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