#nick likes people who indulge him
itsmeglycine · 4 months
why do you ship nick and coach? 👀
I figured this is a really unpopular ship so I'll put my rant below the cut!
I mean, look at their in-game dialogue!! They have this... classic "complainer & problem solver" dynamic?? And Coach is the only person who's earned Nick's genuine respect, to the point that he gets to scold Nick / poke fun at him/ tell him what to do without Nick talking back- and that's like, half of Nick's character development???? Nick attitude goes from provocative egotistic bravado to silently acknowledging Coach as their team leader- it's just 👌👌👌?? Looking at how these two interact is like watching episodes of Dog Whisperer wow I'm so normal about it
(BTW, Nick's defibrillator line for Coach "You're not leaving me with those two" I'm sO NoRMal ABouT iT
I shipped them back before I even played the game, and I seriously could not believe the fact that there's almost no content about this ship???? 😭😭 (There's ONE writer who wrote about them and that's it! Where's my sustenance??? Am I living in the false timeline???)
((P.S. I'm probably projecting because I'M that person who complains about everything all the time just for the sake of complaining... Like, I don't expect people to console me, I just want to let it out and move on. And I have this friend who would actually listen and always come back later to tell me "Here, I've solved it for you. How are you feeling?" That moment of realization, mad respect and self-reflection is just... Do you get me??? Ougghhhh yeah I'm definitely projecting.))
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
Will knows who it is at the first light brush on his shoulders.
He tips his head back back, bumping his boyfriend’s hip, leaning into the hand on his trapezius, his scapula, the base of his neck.
“Hi,” he says, grinning.
“Hi,” Nico says, leaning down to press his smile onto Will’s forehead. His hair tickles his cheeks, and he smells like woodsmoke and citrus, and Will slides his hand across his jaw and tugs him closer.
“Errand done?”
“Lord Hades pleased?”
“As much as he ever is.” Nico shifts, kissing the corner of his mouth, the curve of his chin, the shape of his jaw. “My ears are ringing from five days of quiet. Even the echoing sound of lost souls cannot compete with your constant blabbing; I hardly knew what to do with myself.”
“Oh, shut up. You love my chatterin’.” He smacks the side of Nico’s head, but it’s hard to play mad when he’s smiling, shameless, wide enough that his teeth nick Will’s cheekbones, that his snickers are muffled into his skin.
“If I wanted to be stuck with someone who yaps nonstop I would’ve stayed down with Cerebus. In fact he might shed less, and he doesn’t drool when he sleeps.”
“…I do not shed.”
Nico plants both hands next to Will’s head, heaving himself up, and scans his camp shirt. Within three seconds, he locates a strand of hair, pinches it off, and flicks it at Will’s face.
“Oh, for the love of — get over here,” Will demands. Laughing, Nico goes where Will tugs him, curling up next to him on the bench. “You’re such a shit. Normal people are much kinder to the significant annoyances they leave behind for five days, you know.”
“Are they.”
Nico lifts his arm in offering and Will accepts with relish, tucking himself under it and making certain to drag his curls down Nico’s face in the process.
“Yep. In fact I was expecting hand-written letters by day two, honestly, telling me how much you missed me and how the distance was physically painful, et cetera, et cetera. Maybe a sonnet or two. Italian, preferably, Elizabethan are not my favourite.”
“You’re very picky.”
Will sniffs haughtily. “Well, I’m a catch. You have lots of competition, you know. I was fighting them off while you were away but now that you come back and insult me upon reunion, I shall reevaluate my options.”
He feels more than hears the quiet laughter Nico presses in his hair, thumb brushing his collar, dipping onto bare skin.
“Is that so.”
“Indeed. My suitors have even offered a dowry quite handsome. I’m worth twenty-seven goats, didn’t you know.”
“Oh, well then. I might as well return what I brought for you, since I’m not sure I can outshine two dozen goats.”
The cool thing about being a son of Apollo is that Will has range. His dad is the god of arts, generally, up to and especially the dramatic ones. Will knows how to school his face into the perfect mask, how to smile on command and cry as desired, how to deliver a line and bow with a flourish. Playing a part comes as naturally as breathing, as naturally as healing.
“A present?” he asks, checking his nails as if the mere thought bores him. “That’s interesting, I guess.”
Nico doesn’t even bother to indulge him.
“Here, you massive dweeb,” he snorts. He hands over a small paper box, hand-folded and thin. “I can practically feel you vibrating.”
There is only one thing in this world, quite possibly, that Will likes more than proving Nico wrong, and that is letting his boyfriend spoil him. In all honesty it’s a real challenge sometimes, because Nico is really very good at being everything Will has ever wanted even if he has wrong opinions on most movies. Truly Will’s life is a joke at which the gods must howl with laughter.
Eagerly taking the box, he holds it up to his face, carefully inspecting every corner. The paper is regular printer paper, slightly waterlogged (from the Big House printer, then, ‘cause Will was carrying a giant bag of saline in from storage when he was eleven years old and tripped on the shipment of office supplies that someone had left, for some reason, in the middle of the fucking hallway, and the bag had exploded on impact all over four boxes of printer paper holding one thousand pages each) and carefully bent into shape. He recognises Nico’s handiwork from the dozens of origami paper sculptures he’s been gifted over the past few months.
“Open it.”
“What is it?”
Nico rolls his eyes. “What did I just say.”
“No, I mean — it’s not my birthday or anything.”
“So you’ve wrapped me up a present! I want to know why before I open it.”
“Just because,” Nico mumbles, pressing a kiss to his temples. “Not everything needs a reason, nosey.”
“If nothing had reason then we would still be premordial soup,” Will mutters, but pops open the lid anyway.
He gasps.
“Oh my gods, Nico, you —”
Nico’s smiling smugly, but Will barely notices. Inside the box is a black chain darker than shadow, so dark it doesn’t even glint in the heavy sun, and dozens of little charms, from polished obsidian to a ball of slowly flickering flame.
“You like?”
“It’s gorgeous!”
He makes a triumphant nose, pumping his fist, and says, “Fuck those suitors, I fucking win,” and the funniest part is that he’s damn serious. There’s a glint in his eye identical to when he wins a sword fight, to when Connor loses a bet to him, to when twenty-odd bets are stacked against him and he’s got a full house. Something dangerous and wild and superior and Will is not an enabler, okay, he is not, but he is only so strong and there is only so much he can do when pretty boys wrap their arms around him and smirk at him and bring him bracelets they made in the Underworld. He’d like to meet someone who wouldn’t fold, actually.
“There were no suitors, you loser,” he says, but he’s flushed, pleased smile stretched wide across his face, and Nico’s grinning that too-wide grin and tilting Will’s face closer with the edge of his thumb, like he barely had to try. And there’s always a little bit of shadow leeching off him when he comes back from a quest, an aura surrounding him like he’s squaring off to the sun, and of course the wild churning in Will’s stomach has nothing to do with that but what’s he to do, really? What is a warm-blooded person with eyes that can see to do when faced with such a look?
“Of course there aren’t. They know I would reap their actual souls.”
“Possessive, much.”
“You’re literally going red.”
“Shut up.”
And he does, but only because Will makes him.
Although judging by the hand he shoves in his hair, he doesn’t seem to mind.
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lucvly · 6 months
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— christmas headcannons with chris. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: fluff, cursing, mentions of sex, not proofread as always.
a/n: this is soo self indulgent help !! i love christmas fr.
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— he’ll act like he literally doesn’t give a shit about christmas but on december 1 he’s already staying up late thinking about what he’s gonna give you.
— i don’t even wanna hear discourse about this but this man acts like a child around the holidays. he’ll enjoy december like he’s a 10 year old child who still thinks santa’s real.
— my man is quick to hang up those lights. it’ll deadass be mid november and he’s already asking you when you’re gonna decorate because he wants to help you.
— gingerbread house making is a must. he loves it. you do it at least three times in december because it’s by far one of his favorite traditions. of course he ends up building something that doesn’t look nearly close to a house but A for effort.
— you get matching ugly sweaters obviously. it’s your job to get them every year, and they progressively get worse. chris always complains about how itchy they are LMFAOO.
— baking christmas cookies with him is such a chore for real. you can’t even let him open the flour because it either ends up all on the floor, or on your face. don’t even ask him how to preheat the oven because those cookies will end up burnt.
— most times you have to make three or four batches of cookies because the first batch turns out awful, the second one: burnt.
— once your relationship gets really serious, you two make christmas cards and send them to your close family and relatives. it’s corny, sure, but you both love doing it.
— once every year, you go with him and his brothers for a late night drive just to see how people decorated around the neighborhood. chris always ends up falling asleep on your shoulder in the backseat while nick is yelling about how the lights should’ve been hung higher or how the reindeer is out of place.
— you best believe you’re writing letters to santa. it’s unserious but chris loves doing it, especially because he gets to write something along the lines of: “santa, all i want for christmas is my girlfriend under the tree. thx. — C” LMFAOOAOA sorry.
— you’re absolutely making matching ornaments. they have your initials on them it’s adorable. though decorating them is painful as hell because chris always ends up throwing glitter at you.
— takes elf on the shelf so serious like calm down!!! he better not catch anyone laying a finger on that dumbass elf or he’ll go absolutely insane.
— going christmas shopping with him is adorable. he gets so excited over what to get his brothers and his parents AWW, and he also gets a present for trevor obviously.
— you are never gonna know what that man gets you for christmas. he hides it so well it surprises you each year to be honest. you’re out here thinking he didn’t even get you a present and he’s already packing up at least three.
— definitely an expensive gift type of boyfriend, i’m talking tiffany necklaces, chanel bags, dior, ysl. and he doesn’t even care because seeing you happy makes him 10 times happier. (“baby, you didn’t have to– oh my god.” “i know, but i wanted to. you deserve it.”)
— of course you also get him cute and expensive gifts but you could seriously give him a rock and he’d cherish it as if you just gave him a gold bar.
— you two will absolutely watch christmas movies together, especially romcoms. he loves christmas romcoms LMFAOO. he’s the type to complain about the main character idc.
— he hangs up a mistletoe on his door just so he can tease you and give you a kiss every time you walk into his room. (“look, mistletoe, you gotta kiss me.” “chris i swear to god.”)
— christmas dinners are hilarious bye. he’ll deadass be eating 3 or 4 plates with no shame at all. you’re staring at him in disbelief and he just looks at you with his mouth full like “😊”. at least he’s happy LMFAOO.
— he gives you at least three presents. the first one is marked “from: santa, to: y/n” obviously you know it’s him LMFAO he thinks it’s cute and you just leave him be. second one is marked “from: chris, to: his girlfriend.” as if he wasn’t the one marking up those presents BYE. third one is “from: the best boyfriend ever, to: the prettiest girl.” he’s so cute somebody sedate me !!
— one hundred percent asks nick and matt to figure out what you got him for christmas. you’ve figured this out over the years so you don’t even give them hints anymore LMAOO.
— the worst jokes over the holidays seriously. (“hold on. babe, which cooking seasoning is the most festive?” “chris–” “christmas thyme.”) he needs to be stopped lord have mercy.
— secretly loves decorating. he’ll decorate with you all day fr. ornaments, mistletoes, the tree in general is his favorite. he cannot deal with putting up lights though. it pisses him off so badly– (only because he ends up tangled in them).
— i just know he makes hot chocolate with water. nuh uh. you had to teach him the correct way (with milk) because it was seriously getting on your nerves LMAO.
— he gets so lovey dovey over the holidays. he’s also horny 24/7 but that’s completely besides the point HELP. hands around your waist, arm around your shoulder, hand holding, everything.
— matching pjs YUP. he loves matching christmas outfits with you LMAO especially pjs. y’all have like four matching pj sets every year it’s so cute.
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almondamaretto · 6 months
matt sturniolo x reader
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summary: pure brain rot of admiring and longing for matt… basically mindless self indulgence
warnings: weed, stoner!triplets, suggestive at the end
my first work !!
“Yo, want some?” You’re pulled from your thoughts by Chris mumbling quietly and nudging your shoulder, a tightly rolled joint sitting loosely between his fingers. A trail of smoke from the end of the joint swirls throughout the dimly lighted room, painting the air with hazy coils.
You shake your head with a kind smile, “m’not in the mood, thank you, though” you say sweetly. He furrows his brows and purses his lips, confusion contorting his features, before shrugging his shoulders and passing it off to Nick who was sat to his right. 
Music played lowly from your phone, burning up from both the bluetooth speaker and charger it was connected to, both of which Chris opposed your possession of. Your oversized shirt slightly slips off your left shoulder as you stare down at your phone sitting atop your lap, legs crossed tightly underneath you, knees protesting in dull aches.
Various friends talk in scattered conversations, 6 people sitting in a poorly configured circle, a space left open for Matt who had just left to retrieve the food delivery.
Half a minute felt like an eternity that he was gone, ease filling your body as you watch him emerge from the staircase, a large bag of Wing Stop in his hands.
It’s crazy how much you miss him when he isn’t with you. How much you crave him when he is gone. He wasn’t even yours, so why did it feel like he was?
The joint is passed to him almost immediately as he sat down, brown paper bag placed in the center of everyone, greedy hands reaching in to take the flavor-coated wings. Your hands stay situated to yourself, eyes drifting over to Matt, head tilted up as he pulled smoke into his lungs, glancing over at you before exhaling.
He smirks and holds the drug out to you. “Nah bro she’s not-” Chris starts, but cuts himself off as you take the rolled paper from Matt’s grasp, fingers grazing over his as you do so.
Nick and Chris alike stared in skeptical confusion as you mirror Matt’s previous actions, his gaze never leaving you and his smile never leaving his face.
Your eyes close as you let the psychoactive drug take action, enjoying the dizzying feeling in your head. Opening your eyes, you’re met with Matt’s intense gaze, lips darting out over his still-smiling lips. Seconds pass.
“Don’t babysit” Chris whines and nudges you again. He gratefully takes the joint from your fingers, taking his much desired hit and blowing smoke into your face as he spoke; “what happened to ‘not in the mood’?” he grins, recalling your almost apparent feelings for his brother.
You furrow your brows and wave your hand in front of your face, sleeves doing circles around your wrist, brackets clinking against each other. “I’m in the mood now” you shrug you shoulders, quickly glancing over to Matt whose eyes are still fixated on you, cheeks heating up under his stare.
“Yeah, right.”
Four more circles are completed, the last one ending with you inhaling the last of the joint into your lungs, searching for some place to put it out. As you exhale, Matt holds his hand out offering to take it from you. Latching onto the base, he takes a hold of it, licking his thumb and pointer finger, pinching the end to snuff it out. He winced as he did so, tossing it in the now empty Wing Stop bag.
In your peripheral you can see Chris already lighting another preroll, the flick of an almost dead lighter that was most definitely yours catching your attention.
However, you could hardly keep your eyes off the man sat to your left, so close yet so far.
Lounging back comfortably on the plush off-white couch, arms crossed over his chest, his legs were spread out perfectly—just the right amount of room to fit someone of your size.
Practically shaking your head to rid yourself of your thoughts, you try to tune into the conversation being had right now.
“This is literally just a plain wing, like they didn’t put shit on here” Nick voices, but his voice was so distant, you were already back to ogling Matt. His tongue pushing into his cheek while he smiles and nods, hair tossed messily.
His chest lifts up and down slowly as he breathes in and out his tattooed arm flexing and relaxing as he moves his hand underneath his shirt, running his painted nails over the area just under his sweatpants band.
You catch sight of the top of his boxers as he pulls his hand away, shirt getting caught on his index finger’s ring, leaving a sliver of skin exposed to the hazy air.
His earrings perfectly reflect the lamp a few feet away, sending flashes of light into your vision. You blink slowly, eyes refocusing each time you expose them to the sultry lighting of the living room. Montell Fish hums lowly through the speaker making the one-sided moment all the more intimate.
Matt felt your eyes on him, trailing up and down his figure, staring at him with open endearment. Turning his head to you, he puts all his focus onto you—that’s what you were craving, wasn’t it?
He stares into your droopy eyes, watching as you notice his gaze on you. You perk up slightly, face flushing as you slowly flutter your eyes at him “do I have something on my face?” He jokes out, wetting his lips once more.
You pull your lips in between your teeth and shake your head sheepishly, sinking more into the couch and looking away from him. “Well don’t look away now, wanna see your pretty face” he drew out, voice low and hoarse pulling the hem of your sock with his index, letting it snap back into place. Your head snaps back over to him, the high making your head spin.
You focus again on him, noticing how his eyes were just as droopy as yours. He grabs onto the second joint of the night and takes a quick hit, staring at you as he lifts his fingers up to your face, placing the filter in between your lips.
Sucking the smoke into your mouth, you fold under his gaze. The way he looks at you was more intoxicating than the strongest drug, giving you a high you by simply being present. You grab the joint, letting his hand drop and quickly handing it to Chris, refusing to break eye contact.
Matt’s hand snakes around your back, pulling you into him and watching as you nuzzle into him. His scent invades your senses, sending waves over your already sensitive nerves. His left hand falls onto your thigh that was sprawled out over his lap, you glance up at him.
He watched your lashes flick up and down as you slowly trailed your eyes between his eyes and lips, crossfaded off of him and the contents of the joint still being passed around. His head dips, nose brushing against your cheek eliciting goosebumps to slowly crawl up your limbs and neck. He presses a chaste kiss to the area just under your ear, smiling as you grip his shirt.
Your hand gently rakes through his hair, nails lightly scratching his scalp, pulling a sigh from him—you barely even notice the action, however it seems to have a strong effect on him. He grips your hands and pulls both you and himself up abruptly.
He watched you as you nearly topple over onto the coffee table, hands stabilizing you by your hips.
The rest of the group is quickly pulled from their conversation, looking at you in confusion.
“Congrats, chris, you can play music now.” Was all he said before tugging on your hand, placing his hand on your lower back and directing you to his room.
He just barely closes the door before he pulls you into him, hands gripping roughly onto your hips as you collide into him, lips hovering over each other. You were both breathing heavily as you continued to stare into each other’s eyes
“Need you so bad” he mumbles out, holding himself back from making any further advances without some type of conformation from you; “y’look so pretty right now.”
“m’all yours, Matt”
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animelovelover123 · 4 months
Hey there! You don't have to answer, but what do you think (insert DMC charas of your choice) would do for Valentines Day? Love your work btw. Always makes my day when you post 🥰 Have a great evening
Devil May Cry Boys Valentine
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, V x Reader
Author Note: Thanks for the suggestion! I woke up late today (was up and down all night because of period pain) and when I saw this and started imagining scenarios it made me feel better. Hope you like it, happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day!
This mans straight up forgot, like always. He is always forgetting dates and holidays, especially if he is out on a mission in some remote place so doesn’t have the typical festive decorations that litter stores to tip him off that some event is approaching. Even when he is at home though, sometimes he holes up in his house just eating delivery food and relaxing so the world outside and the passage of time goes on without him.
He scrambles to prepare something, anything.
What can he set up in less than a day? What do people do for Valentine’s Day? He is not used to having a partner.
Fancy restaurants? Can he get into any of those? No, they have all been booked months in advance.
Okay, candlelit dinner at home. Should he order something? No, that’s not special enough. So he should cook. He can cook, right? It can’t be that hard.
It was… it was hard.
Well while that disaster is on the way, what else can he do?
Flowers? Flowers sound nice. Again though, most florists are sold out of the traditional roses, but at least he can make his own with his demon abilities (see Lucifer from DMC4). How many does he make though? One? Six? A dozen? Well now Dante has enough roses to fill a hot tub but that’s fine, he can just sprinkle the petals around. What does he do with the stems? Uh… just throw them in the closet for now.
What else?
He should dress up! He still has a suit, right? Does it fit him still? He hasn’t worn it in years.
In the end, you have dinner with Dante who tries to act cool, despite the fact that he is in a suit that is two sizes too small, his food is a mushy mess (a good-tasting mush might I add but still), he nearly set the place on fire with the old candles he used, and you both have little nicks all over your hands from cleaning up the rose stems that came cascading out of the closet when you tried to hang up your coat.
He swears up and down that he will do better next year. Yes, it was a disaster, but by god he tried.
Reboot Dante
Dante is not into Valentine’s Day and how commercialized it is. Every ad, shop, and website proclaims that if you don’t buy your partner <insert product name here> then your relationship will fail. What bullshit.
But you know what is kind of fun? The day after.
Pounds and pounds of chocolate and sweets on sale for cheap.
Popular hangout spots mostly barren as everyone just went.
Bars and restaurants with half-used bottles of wine and champagne that are usually multiple tens of dollars a glass now being sold at a fraction of the price because it was quickly going stale.
Valentine-themed lingerie and sex toys practically being given away at stores.
So hold off on the celebration baby. Save that cash you would have spent.
The next day you and Dante will go on a shopping spree, buying more chocolate than you two could eat.
And as you two indulge in said chocolate, you can bounce from one place to the next, enjoying bougie alcohol at empty restaurants and practically having places like amusement parks, arcades, and waterparks all to yourselves.
And when you two get home, well you now have a drawer full of new lingerie and sex paraphernalia that Dante is dying to try. Which one does he want to try today? Oh no baby, you don’t get it. Dante wants to try them all.
Vergil is the kind of man who did not see a point in doing anything special for Valentine’s Day. He gave you love and affection all year round, why would doing something specifically on this one day mean more than any other?
But if you show even the slightest sliver of disappointment at this, he will do something. Nothing basic though. If he was going to go out of his way for this then he was going to be extra about it.
So on the day he picks you up from work, school, or just your home, in a limo.
He takes you to a dress and suit rental shop filled with gowns and suits of all styles and colours. He also made sure to find a rental place that also offered accessories so jewellery, headdresses, and shoes were also available.
He will not exert his will over your choice, but he does want to be present for you trying things on and he will suggest some things. He claims that he simply wants to make sure you are presentable, but he secretly is having a lot of fun seeing you in different styles, patterns, and colours. He takes mental notes of what kind of things you look good in so he can get them for you later.
Once you pick out whatever you like he takes you to a dance hall where a ball is being held. Men, women, and everyone in between are dressed to the nines and dance around the room to live music. The way the lights shine, the glitter of jewels sparkle, and the fabric of all the dresses swish around creating a dream-like atmosphere.
Vergil will lead you in multiple dances. If you seem nervous or mess up the steps, he does not criticize you. He brushes it off as there is no need to worry. Yes, this was an elegant ball, but that should not restrict you. He did not bring you here to try to force you to act fancy.
He brought you here to make you happy, and that’s all he cares about. Not just today, but every day.
Reboot Vergil
This man is always working and unfortunately does not spend a lot of one-on-one time with you. He makes exceptions for special events though, such as your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day.
He will spend time with you for these events. Note, though, that the likelihood of Vergil actually spending the specific day with you is low. His social life must work around his work, he warned you of this before you started dating. So your Valintine’s Day celebration will happen in about a month's vicinity of February 14th.
When the time comes though, Vergil spares no expense. Literally, this man is loaded and he will use this opportunity to shower you with luxury and attention to make up for all the time he spends working.
We are talking about a multi-day vacation to anywhere in the world you want to go to do whatever you want. And you know exactly where you are going because you are the one that planned it all. Again, Vergil is a very busy man.
This isn't to say he will not have a few surprises in store for you.
Despite what it may seem, when you are talking at him while he is typing away on his computer he is listening. He has a specific file on his computer that lists all of the things you are interested in and said you wanted and will secretly add to it while you talk.
The surprises he gets you for Valentine’s Day will be extravagant, not a simple book or game you have been interested in. He just buys those for you whenever they come up, if you don’t take the initiative and get it yourself with his card. So be ready for things like private concerts from your favourite singer and/or group, getting to play the beta version of an unreleased game you have been waiting years for, or getting to play a minor role in an episode or two of your favourite TV show.
The time you two had together would be relatively brief, as only a few days were scheduled and he reminded you that he would have to return to work as soon as possible.
It was almost two weeks later when he could finally pull himself away from you.
A traditional lover from a traditional city and religion.
Even if Nero was not really into the rules and restrictions of The Order of the Sword, some of his beliefs did line up with theirs.
For example, Nero wasn’t interested in getting you something sexy for Valentine’s Day as he felt it was a bit sleazy and he worried that it would give off the impression that he was only interested in sex. However, if you are the one to gift him with a special something something in the bedroom then he will be all for it.
No, Nero wanted to keep things clean and simple.
Flowers, chocolates, and a card filled with some personal and deep feelings that you better not tell anyone about because he would die of embarrassment if it got out.
He’ll take you out on a date, but not to a restaurant or anything. Instead, he planned a picnic for you two. He made all the food himself, with minimal help from Kyrie. Mainly she just acted as a recipe book and made sure everything he made was safe to eat. Nero was a decent cook, but he did not want to risk making you sick. It may not look immaculate (he doesn’t have a normal right arm, give him a break) but it tasted great.
On the day he will take you out of town, somewhere nice and natural. A peaceful place with a beautiful view and no one around for miles that can get in the way of you two being together.
This will be the first Valentine’s Day V ever celebrates, period. He knows of the day, of course, and many of the traditions that accompany it. But he has never gotten to experience them.
It was also a bit troublesome as many of the typical Valentine’s Day activities, such as fancy dinners, either at home or going out, giving flowers and reciting poetry were things V did for you regularly.
So if days with him are already filled with elegance and refined shows of affection, how would he make this day special? Well, he will do the opposite.
V invites you to make homemade chocolates with him. With his lack of experience, it is a messy task and the finished product is far from immaculate, but that did not matter to him.
He could clean later and his familiars could eat any mistakes created. (They were demons, they could eat chocolate despite their animal forms.)
What mattered was experiencing something new with you. To spend the day working together, laughing at the mess-ups and sharing the prideful joy of success.
And he also quickly discovered the appeal of licking chocolate off each other.
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matchamiko · 2 months
oh my god what you said about dabi fucking you in the bar bathroom like you’re strangers, but you’re actually in love!!! THE IDEA OF IT is making me crazy 😵‍💫 he’s soooo touchy throughout it too
I wanna write somefink long for it too !!! The idea is just so ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა cause he would be kinda dismissive about it first? You’re embarrassed about bringing it up and he’s kinda like “that’s a little weird, why can’t I just fuck u in the bathroom like normally?” But he indulges and has this little script in his head but finds that he falls into character sooooo easily because it’s who he was for years before you came along. And you’re late which makes him able to forget for a little bit, and then suddenly spot you as if he wasn’t even meaning to.
At first he thinks you’re sooooo cute with your little glances and coy fluttery lashes, extra shy and nervous because he seems so imposing and extra handsome tonight. The lust he feels for you is so so loud and so hot in his veins, he’s hard before he even orders you a drink, thinking about the bar, the music, the people watching nd thinking bout the two beautiful strangers flirting over a cosmopolitan. Thrill nicks his lower back and he lets you lead him to the bathroom without asking your name and it’s so dingy and kinda sticky but he’s fucking you rougher and clingier than ever before. You’re positively leaking down his arm when he plays with you, throbbing and calling him “mister” cause you don’t know his name.
It goes to his head too, the power trip and the debauchery, following you home and stopping at a 7/11 to get you an after snack and drink because he still loves you, too much, so much and he can see you wobbling on your heels a little ahead outside of your apartment block.
He gets you four snacks because he couldn’t decide which milk bun ti get you so he got all three that you like, and an extra one is a bribe to maybe do this fun new thing again sometime yknow? Soon?
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neo404 · 2 months
To be loved by...
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summary: photographer Nick and writer reader are in love.
note: very self indulge. and very sweet.
Nick and I have known each other since high school, I’m the first person he came out to, I am the one he talks about his interest, I am the one he comes to when crying, I am the one that holds him when he can’t sleep.
we started dating not so long ago, it was interesting because neither of us knew the others feelings. It might have been obvious to most people, but to us it was different, to me it was scary to lose my best friend if he didn’t liked me back.
I noticed I liked Nick when I started writing poems about him, not even realizing it was him, I used to always describe his blue eyes and the deep intensity of them. Now I write them knowing who I write for and sometimes I even give them to him.
'Streaming down my face,
blue like the sea,
my tears go away when our eyes meet...'
"Did you just took a photo of me" I look up from my notebook and I see Nick smiling behind his camera.
"Maybe... who is asking?" he laughs, putting his camera down on the picnic blanket. "I couldn’t help it; you look so handsome when you write."
"You are gonna finish another roll, how many have you wasted on me?"
"Not a single one, they are not wasted when they are used to capture you..." he moves closer to me, putting one hand on my face and softly kissing my lips.
"You are too corny sometimes." my cheeks feel warm, I’ll never get used to his affection.
"Says the one writing about me." he smiles pridefully and tapa gently at my notebook which I quickly close.
"Not true, you don't know that." I look away from him, my face burning red.
"But darling, I know. You always have a tiny smile on your face when you do." The hand that was still on my face moves my head gently, making our eyes meet again. "It's adorable, truly. Will you show me when you are finished?"
"Maybe." He kisses my cheek and pouts.
"Please, I'll let you see my pictures."
"Do you have ones that aren’t me?"
"I think I have two cats and a pond." he smiles again proudly. "I know you get shy, but I really love your work. Even if I don’t read it, I know it's amazing, it makes me feel flattered that you write about me." he leans in and kisses my lips softly, his hands leaving my face and moving to my waist.
"I was planning on showing you on our anniversary, as a gift, I have a few laying around that I think are good." I confess when he presses his forehead against mine, his eyes looking into mine.
"I have to wait 2 weeks, that’s a lot." he pouts again and I smile.
"It's not that much..." I put a hand on his cheek. "Oh, I forgot to show you, I made a little space on my wall for the pictures you gave me last time." I turn around and take my phone out of my backpack to show him how I arranged the pictures.
"You put the pictures of us in your wall..." he looks down at my phone and I nod, sliding to the next phono which was closer. "Oh, that’s so, thanks." I feel his arms wrap around me and his face on the crook of my neck.
"Nick, baby. Are you crying?" he shakes his head against me, and I wrap my arms around him, rubbing his back gently. "Aww, it’s okay." I kiss his head softly and keep rubbing his back, my other hand going to his head to play with his hair.
I can’t believe such a loving and caring man like him is mine, mine to love and to take care of. He will forever be my muse, and I will be his as long as he allows me to.
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deleteddewewted · 4 months
Poly! Price and Nikolai Headcannons
W: Mild NSFW, Fluff, Poly! Relationship, Gn! Reader (Can be read as amab or afab reader)
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Nik and Price were seeing each other already before they ever met you.
They had dated for a long time and slowly introduced the idea to each other of adding a third to their relationship.
They both were new to the idea of polyamory or adding a third partner as a whole as they had spent a large part of their lives just being the two of them.
They sat you down, wine, and dined you, and in the end, explained why they wanted to talk to you.
The three of you have known each other for a while so when you get together as a thruple, it felt natural.
They were upset when you didn't immediately move in with them but they didn't want to push it if you weren't ready to move in with them.
They had bought their home a long while ago when they were both younger
Nik makes sure to spoil the two of you. He gets Price his favorite cigars even though he wishes his husband would kick the habit but with you, he indulges you without question.
Price is the same with Nikolai and you, though, he shows his affection through spending time with you both.
The three of you make a schedule on who's favorite activity you're going to do and rotate because if you don't organize you all forget what you're doing and the routine gets messed up.
They like to cook together. They expanded the kitchen just so the three of you could cook together without hassle.
When you still lived in your own place, they would make sure to pamper you since they didn't share their space with you yet. They would hold you, cook for you, make sure you were taken care of in general.
Nikolai hates doing chores like cleaning so he tells you and Price that if you both give him the filthiest French kiss you can manage he'll do it without complaining. (You both make sure he's fucked out of his mind and watch as he struggles to clean while hickeys, bite marks, and cum drips down his exposed lower half. Sometimes you both like to tease him while he's cleaning just to see him flustered and needy.)
They get you a ring and propose to you during a break they managed to get. The three of you flew out to a country you've been wanting to visit for a while and when the moment was right, they both proposed to you
The wedding was just with the people you three were closest to and was overall a blast.
Nick got shitfaced, Price was wanting to dance with you both the entire night, and you were eager to get them both started on the honeymoon.
Post-honeymoon, they continued to be as devoted and as charming as before. The only difference is that they now have to fully worry about you.
They took care of you while sick, they helped you dress, they worshiped you.
God knows you are all afraid of the possibility of never coming back. You all fear not ever being able to sleep in the same bed or whisper "I love you's" throughout the day.
No matter how scared, they still promise to come back to you, to each other.
No matter the harshness of the assignment, they always try to reach out to you so you know their still alive and thinking of you.
They'll find a way to retire or at least make sure your life is comfortable if they were to pass away.
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inkyquince · 9 months
Niki with gray streaks at his temples. Niki with crows feet lining his eyes. Niki, who got to expand his business beyond the photography, into being a man of the pictures. The prettiest pictures. Racks in more money than even his best photo shoots. 
characters. Niki. (Degrees of Lewdity)
cw. older niki being a pervert. legit wrote this while watching pearl and then x and had a flash of inspiration. nothing too bad, just niki being an older pervert, filming, its... hinted that its coerced but there's no words spoken. body worship. its HINTED niki is into musk lmao. anyway, this is for all yall very patient dol lads while i've been having a lil brain melt over miguel and then bg3 :3
Niki who still has his white stick balancing on the bow of his bottom lip, tongue stroking the end as he squints at one of his scuffed lenses. Sometimes he’s surrounded by people whose names he doesn’t care to know, shooting some boring scene that gets the old timer’s panties wet and peckers to stiffen. That’s for the crowd that likes the vanilla stuff. “Vanilla” he ruminates, watching the two women in animal masks ride that poor sod’s entire body. Yeah. This is the shit that gets sold at the checkout line in the grocery store. He prefers his other work. The type where he’s no longer surrounded by people fiddling with equipment and lousy actors rehearsing their lines. The type that brings him back to his younger years of filming in the quiet barn. 
His muses came and went. None of them lasted much longer than two months. Except his little assistant. Fuck, he never had one before, when all he needed was his camera and his own sharp eyes. Except he fucking pulled something in his back and had to lie on Harper’s examining table, listening to the doctor chastise him on not taking care of himself, his own blond hair flecked with grey too. 
So, he had you. Lift the heavier equipment, hand out shit so he didn’t have to. Then, when it was just the two of you? You stayed quiet when he needed it. Filled the silence when he needed it. Helped him… When he needed it. 
When the actors and actresses bored him, when the hopeful bright eyed thing getting paid to get fucked in the ass struggled to hold his attention, Niki goes looking for something real. The club, recording as people groped each other breathlessly. To the park, to catch the odd streaker. 
Then there’s something special. Stuff he doesn’t let himself indulge in too much. But when he had a block, where all of his shots look stilted and wrong, when nothing is coming together like it should do, he can’t help it. He needs something real, nothing like the acted out sex, or the lapdances, or anything. Nothing for an audience, but something just for him. 
Even he didn’t know how it started. 
Sharing a room for a good price, with you quietly cooking at the stove while Niki huffed and grumbled, looking at the extensive amount of filming he had to do the next day. He thinks you might have burned yourself. Maybe nicked yourself with a knife. Just a soft swear from under your breath had him looking up at you, his graying strands dipping into his eyes as he saw you in the way he was meant to. 
The lighting was perfect. You loose tank top showing just enough skin by your ribs. The pretty way you were wholly unaware of his gaze going from disinterested, soft, to sharp, intense. An artist who finally had a muse again. 
Without you noticing, Niki quietly resticks his white stick back into his mouth and gets up. Moving around behind you as you made sure the two of you ate that night. The radio whining out a tinny little song masked any sound made by his movements. 
You turned around to ask your boss if he wanted something to drink with his meal but stopped short, seeing his camera up and rolling. Pointed directly at you. Making the soft whirring noises as Nikki fiddled with the equipment a bit before looking straight at you. 
There were no words for you. Just his gaze, fixed on you, with the camera whirring. 
It was the first time you had ever been on the other hand of the lens. You always stayed by his side during the filming, fiddling with the audio equipment or going over the notes Niki had prepared. It felt like you were bare. Being captured exactly how Niki saw you in this moment. Immortalized. Seen. Even though you still had all your clothes on, you felt bare. Because of not how he currently saw you, but you knew in what way he wanted to see you. 
Niki’s expression didn’t change as you slowly raised your hands and slipped yourself free of your shirt. His eyes remained steely and glinting but behind his relaxed lips, just barely open, his teeth were biting through his lollipop stick, breaking it.
Soft, perfect nipples hardening in the cool air, perking right up under his gaze. It felt more real than anything else he filmed for a long while. All for him. His breathing kicked up as you watched him right back, quietly seeking his approving gaze as you slowly dragged a hand over your chest, pressing your fingers down into your skin. It looked so soft, so easy and malleable for his tongue to ruin it with bruises and bites. He noticed the blemishes on your skin, everything that made you imperfect, but real. Nothing fake, not like his other productions with the actors. He knew you wouldn’t force your moans for him. Niki knew he caught you unawares, so you hadn’t had time to spend the last hour shaving your pubes, or shower after a long day of hauling things for him.  Authentic. Saliva pooled on his tongue. 
With a little jerk of his head, he motioned at your shorts, necessary in the cloying heat. Your chest hitched with a shuddering breath and Niki’s dry lips curled into a smile at long last. Nervous. Unaware. Shy. Real. 
So, your shorts pooled around your ankles, which you kicked to the side. Underwear was still on, but he could see everything, outlined perfectly. You motioned to slip those off but Niki shook his head. He made a circular motion with his finger and you flushed. A bit clumsy, almost slipping on the discarded shorts, you slowly did a charming little pirouette, leg lifted. He chuckled and then made his particular motion for you to bend over for him. 
Underwear snug against your body, he made sure to zoom in to where your hole would be. Waiting. 
You heard the click of the camera turning off before you heard Niki’s voice. 
“That's enough. We’ll get up early tomorrow morning.” 
You stood there, stock still for a moment, face too hot before scrambling for your clothes, almost mortified by what just happened. It felt like a snub. It wasn’t, but it felt like one. You expected the next day to be full of filming the cute cow-girls with tits too big for them to know what to do with, but Niki didn’t head towards the farm, instead driving out to the farmlands and hiking to the coast. 
He filmed you swimming. Sunbathing. Just existing as if you weren’t being paid by the hour for this. 
It wasn’t always like that. Niki still filmed other things, with his hand slowly rubbing circles into inner thigh as the camera rolled. The longer time passed in between your private shoots, the more times you caught him watching you during the shoots, eyes seeking out skin. 
Your personal shoots became lewder. Niki wanting to capture every inch of skin, as you invited him in, both his attention and his camera. 
Older Niki, having his personal assistant double as his muse. He’s twice their age, with gray streaking his temples. He grits his teeth when younger men chat you up. He grinds them when you can’t come around in the evening, just to pose for him. Lie there for him, naked and sinful and good. Forced to watch some of your films instead. Niki and his favorite muse. 
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I will be doing that Kenshi character analysis when I have more free time (life's been hectic lately), but until then, please take my headcanons:
Kenshi chews hard candies. This is apparently a genetic trait since Takeda does the same thing.
Frost's real name is Morya (pronounced mori-ya) and she's Russian and Kazakh.
Her hair was also originally black but turned white with age. Which is a common thing for cryomancers, the fact that Kuai Liang has any black hair at his big age is nothing short of a miracle.
Sonya is a kleptomaniac and was a chronic shoplifter in her early teen years (a habit that took months to break). Nothing big just some snack food but she still finds herself pocketing things she's not supposed to.
Liu Kang's favorite song is One Week by Barenaked Ladies. If he's being honest, it kinda reminds him of his relationship with Kung Lao. (I have so many Liu Kang headcanons it's unreal but I'm going to limit myself to one for this ask)
This one's long:
Bi Han, before being kidnapped by the Lin Kuei, wanted to be an opera singer. He wasn't good at singing to start out, but one of his mom's friends worked at an opera house and was happy to give him free lessons. After being initiated into the Lin Kuei he was banned from indulging in hobbies as they were seen as meaningless. But he continued to practice if he had time on solo missions. He saw it as his own act of freedom/rebellion.
Then Hanzo tore his head off. As Noob he didn't even get to try, since the whole mind control business. Sometimes he'd find himself unconsciously falling back into old habits leading to people being unnerved when Noob fucking Saibot started hitting notes high enough to crack glass at them like some kind of horror movie.
Even after getting his humanity restored, his vocal cords were permanently damaged and pushing his voice too hard results in coughing fits, soreness, and losing his voice for days at a time. And when he does sing, it's strained and sometimes hurts. But if Bi Han's anything it's stubborn so he continues to "build up his tolerance" as he calls it.
EEEEEEEEEE can't wait to see it and I love these
The first time Sonya sees Kenshi chew a hard candy she walks straight into a wall in horror. Cassie does the same when she catches Takeda doing it.
The only people allowed to call Frost Morya are Kuai Liang and Cassie. Kuai Liang only ever does it when she's ill or injured and though she'll never admit it she finds it very comforting, and Cassie calls her that whenever she wants to kiss her really bad (bc Frost always kisses her when she does)
Kuai Liang still has black hair that oddly shows no sign of greying, but his eyes tend to flicker between their normal brown and a terrifyingly bright blue whenever he has a strong emotion, a trait also common in cryomancers.
Johnny is actually Sonya's biggest supporter in breaking her habit of nicking things and is the only person she's ever met that hasn't judged her for it, which she appreciates
Kung Lao's fav song is all star by smash mouth and he's the one who introduced Liu Kang to most of the music that Liu Kang knows (pls tell me your Liu Kang hc if you get the chance, I Beg)
Bi-Han used to sing lullabies to Kuai Liang and Tomáš in the Lin Kuei and Enenra can still be founding humming the tunes along to himself after a hard battle.
Noob got a bit of a reputation as a siren in the Netherrealm bc if you heard him singing it meant you were already dead.
After they resurrected Bi-Han and he began living at the Lin Kuei temple with Kuai Liang, Hanzo eventually came to apologize for killing him, it didn't go well but Hanzo is trying to atone and Bi-Han is struggling to stay angry about it (especially when Kuai Liang wants them to get along so bad)
Hanzo found out about the damage to his vocal chords and sought out an edenian tea said to be able to aid in the healing of such wounds, gifting it to the shadow wielder as part of his apology.
Bi-Han will never admit it but it actually works and being able to sing without pain again, even if only for as long as the tea is in effect, is the first thing to make him really feel human again
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imagine-silk · 6 months
I wanna wish my fallout 4 boys for a merry christmas... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I LOVE YOU!!! (happy christler to u too iff u celebrate)
》And I love you random citizen. I did have a good Christmas, thank you... but I got sick immediately after. Happy holidays!
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[Codsworth] "Sir/Mum, I've hope you like the decor. It's not perfect but as long as we're with loved ones we'll love. Isn't that right?"
Under his cheery attitude he is grieving the loss of the world. It's his first Christmas with you back and he wants the rest of the family. Nate/Nora and young Shaun, along with brothers and sisters, and uncles and cousins. But he forces himself to stay positive. Not focus on 'what was' and focus on 'what is'.
[Danse] "Say the word and I'll be there. Whatever you need."
He's more concerned with helping. Having a huge party was something he's never done. Back in the Brotherhood all holiday affairs were kept under wraps. So in all the new excitement he doesn't really care about the day itself, more like being involved.
[Deacon] "Tell me, [Name], have you been a good boy/girl?"
You will not see him outside any sort of costume the entire night. And he has several lined up. Santa, Rudolph, an elf, scrooge pj's. He's also seen with a drink always in his hand. Whether or not it's the same drink, no one knows.
[Hancock] "I'm probably already on the naughty list so let's just have fun."
The entire town of Good Neighbor is partying like the Santa's actually gonna join them. There's a stupid amount of milk and cookies considering the fact none of them are chemed or spiked. They also have a giant white elephant with all the presents.
[MacCready] "What the hell is Christmas?"
In Little Lamp Light they didn't have the tradition and after leaving he never let himself indulge in it so he never learn what exactly it was. To him it's just a gift exchange. Explaining it to him isn't easy either. A big old man, who wears red, flies all over the world in one night in a sleigh with reindeer delivering presents to all the children. What is a reindeer? How? Why?
[Nick] "Merry Christmas, pal/doll. You deserve a break."
No matter what relationship you have with him, he's going to catch you under the mistletoe to tease you. Especially if he's a sort of mentor to you. He thinks it's cute. Besides that, he makes sure you're relaxing and not worried about anything so you can have a break.
[Preston] "I'm glad we did this. It's nice to see everyone warm."
For him, Christmas is the most stressful holiday, given that it's the coldest and people tend to fight over gifts. But it's still a holiday so it's nice. He's also almost immediately buried in gifts by settlers.
[X6] "Happy holidays."
He doesn't care in any meaningful capacity other than you celebrating, he has enough decency to keep it to himself though. You know he wasn't going to give you a gift so he doesn't. If you get him anything he'll take it and tell you why he likes it as an effort to be nice.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Okay, but why ain't anybody in Only Friends into kinky stuff?! Like not even Boston, my resident, favorite manwh*re? Only vanilla? Not that I'm shaming him or anything, but I feel Boston should've at least once met Vegas Theerapanyakul. Although I feel Nick would be the most likely candidate to be brave enough to venture and experiment with it. And I think he would like it!
Anon, you asked this way back in September, and I fully agreed with you then but didn't want to be mad at the show for not being as kinky as me on an international platform. Some people aren't ready to embrace their inner desires
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and ask their partner to indulge them.
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Not everyone can be Japan.
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But now I would like to offer you the kink you desire. In case you are hiding in a cave, Den, the writer for Only Friends, also wrote another show.
And there is no vanilla here.
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Eating pizza off of each other was just the appetizer for one pair.
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We've had role-playing doctor and patient in need of an anal examination.
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Then role-playing as murderers (?)
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This couple is so kinky, that one of them was "kidnapped" and
I truly believe they are role-playing kidnapper/hostage. *clown makeup applied*
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Two episodes in and I'm dismissing everything as a "whatever floats their boat" situation. One character, Porsche is hella sus, yet someone seems okay with his aggressive dom behavior.
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Because in this show, crawling is good, which means I'm Gucci.
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The show even has something for the artists out there who might want to know the best tasting paint for human consumption.
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And next week, we get some pet play.
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Basically, the kinks are on full display and no space is safe . . . unless you say the safe-word. Until then, we are pushing hard up against your BOUNDARIES! Get your mind out of the gutter.
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How does that saying go? Those in glass houses who obviously like an audience (because why else would they live in glass houses) shouldn't throw stones . . . unless someone is into that.
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No kink-shaming here, so far.
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oneknightstand-if · 6 months
Oh! What are the RO's love languages??
Hmm... let me check what love languages actually are and... okay, only five versions of them, that should be easy enough.
Merlin: Prefers physical touch. You can already see how touchy-feely they are in their interactions with the MC (and even some of their current magic is based on that). Will give their target lover whatever it is that they prefer in return.
Adrian: Expresses himself through quality time and acts of services which is pretty much what he's been inundating the MC with in Chapter 1. Prefers to receive... uh, I guess quality time would be the least likely to send him fleeing off into the night.
Arthur: As High King, he well knows that people aren't always free to express themselves as they might want, so he's willing to receive whatever someone is able to give. That said, he does have a soft spot for quality time (something that he's often lacking) and physical touch (due to growing up with Merlin). He'll express himself... in whatever way is deemed appropriate for the person of interest.
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Percy: Physical touch. Receiving it, giving it, he's definitely the most touchy feely of all the ROs even if you're not in a relationship with him. He'll knock if off if the person isn't the type to like casual touching, but it's probably impossible to romance Percy with a touch-averse MC.
4̷0̸4̶ ̸S̴t̴i̷l̶l̷ ̶N̴o̶t̷ ̷F̵o̷u̸n̷d̸: Expresses through acts of services. Would be highly unimpressed with gifts, but otherwise would accept all other expressions. Anything else is...
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Cassandra: Acts of services would be the main way she'd express herself, but she's the type who indulges in all the ways of love. In return... well, she's probably most used to acts of services there as well, but she's more than happy to receive whatever her lover can give.
Gwen: Publically expresses herself through words of affirmation and physical touch. Would secretly be performing all the acts of services. She's happy to receive any expression of love that you'd be willing to give... but does have a bit of a preference for the same words and touches she gives out.
Vivian: Expresses herself through quality time (as little as that might be available), acts of services (like appearing from a random puddle to save you in the nick of time), or gifts (such as magic weapons and healing waters). She's like to receive quality time (all of the time) and physical touch (if you know what I mean).
Lorelei: She'd express her love through acts of services which can be an oblique way of showing interest without having to be so straightforward about it. In return she'd like to receive... actually she'd be cool with whichever way her potential lover would like to express themselves.
Broderick: He'd express himself through quality time and acts of services which is how he'd like to receive attention as well. Other stuff such as touchy-feeliness, smoochy words, and romantic gifts would make him embarrassedly flustered.
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Nick Amaro: Protest 
This technically is a pre-story to this but can be read as a standalone. Warnings: Slight mention of Sexual Assult  
Nick walked back into the bullpen as a herd of protesters were being led in. There had been a slut walk tonight. Hundreds of women had flocked to the streets to protest victim blaming and slut shaming. There had been a case of rape that had been all over the news where the police and media had been more concerned with the length of a victim’s skirt and how many drinks she had consumed than going after the big wig producer. Nick understood their frustration but didn’t see how a bunch of half-naked women walking down a Manhattan Street was going to help. With how hostile the case was going it seemed like asking for trouble at this point. 
Trouble had of course been found. A few men had protested the protest, three had been flashers running through the crowd exposing themselves, one being as bold as to rip down the protester's top. Now gaggles of girls were waiting in the lounge area to pick the assailants out of lineups. Nick notices a barely dressed girl hovering in the lobby. He downs half of his energy drink in one pull before going over to tell her to return to the lobby to wait. 
“Excuse me, are you here for the lineup-” Nick cuts off when you turn around and it takes him a moment longer than it should for his brain to register that it was you. He has known you for a couple of months now. You were a cute little thing. A part of the Crime Scene Unit. The two of you had talked and been around each other at various crime scenes. Nick liked you, you were sweet and funny if not a bit of an oversharer. Granted you seemed to like poking fun at yourself and your rather strange decisions that had some interesting fallout and it got people laughing. 
He is used to seeing you in a shapeless, oversized dark blue crime scene jumper. It takes his brain time to process the cute girl to the sexy woman in front of him. He couldn’t help the appreciative lingering glance. You were wearing high-heeled boots and a short skirt that he was at risk of flashing your underwear if you attempted to bend down or move too quickly and left a glorious amount of toned skin from your calves to upper midthigh on display. A sleeveless wide-dropped, white top that was barely covering your generous chest was only held together with a tie at the bottom snug under your breast struggling to keep them contained. Across your bare stomach written in red was #METOO. His jaw tightened as he wondered about the events that could have caused you to join.    
“Detective Amaro,” His dark eyes shoot up to yours as he focuses on your face. “Yes, I’m waiting on the lineup. All the crazy things always happen at the protests I swear, at least I’m not the one under arrest this time.” You grin self-indulgently. 
“You’ve been arrested at a protest?” He couldn't imagine you getting into any kind of trouble.  
“Once or twice. Charges were never filed.” You cross your arms over your chest, which causes your breasts to strain even more against your white top. The movement caught his gaze. Nick could just make out the lines of your hard nipples through your flimsy top. You seemed completely unaware of his heated gaze as you told him about being sprayed with a water hose and pepper spray, cuffed, and booked for a night while protesting the fracking of Indian land while you were in college. You thought they felt bad and that’s why they released you so easily. You had been pushed down and broken your nose giving you two gnarly black eyes. He couldn’t help but chuckle when you stated that another woman who had been arrested with you spiritually healed and blessed you with sage-infused water in the cell you shared claiming it would help with the physical pain too. It hadn't. 
“Your college days and mine were very different.” You didn’t get a chance to answer as a cuff perp was walking in and saw you. He ogled you and whistled before being pushed into holding. Nick moved to stand in front of you defensively. You shift uncomfortably remembering that you didn’t have much on and suddenly feeling very exposed. You weren’t the type to flaunt your body. This protest had just called for you to go over the top and out of your normal tomboy zone. You feel the warmth over your shoulders and look back to see Nick wrapping his suit jacket around you.  
“Thank you,” You shrug further into it sliding your arm through the sleeves. The scent of his cologne musky with a spicy tinge overwhelms you. Nick is taller than you and the jacket hangs down nearly to your knees. You go to do up the button to completely cover yourself before remembering the red lettering on your stomach, you don’t want it to bleed onto his clothes. You feel his gaze on you. Nick felt something in him change when he saw you wearing his jacket. Lust pooled in his belly and he didn’t think he would ever be able to reconnect his mind with you just being the cute CSU girl who overshares again.  
“You can button that up if you want, I’m not worried about it.” You give him a grateful nod before buttoning the jacket. It helps cover the bare skin, but your chest is much larger than Nick’s and it stretches the fabric bunching it awkwardly, and your breasts are still falling out. 
“You can ask if you want detective.” He had led you over to his desk and you leaned against it. 
“You’ve been sexually assaulted.” You hum in response, “Did you ever press charges? We could file a report-” 
“That’s not necessary. It was years ago.” You play with a ring on your finger, twisting it. “It’s not like the cases you get here.” 
“Any sexual assault-” 
“Yeah, yeah I know the spiel.” You shake your head at him, “It wasn’t anything crazy. Just one incident in college. I was at a party and there was this drunk guy. I didn’t really know him or anything and he didn’t know me, clearly.” You laugh to yourself before rolling your eyes. Then turned back to look at Nick, “He cornered me and slid his hand down my pants. When I told him no, he didn’t listen. He was clearly drunk and thought I was too. I wasn’t. I only had one drink. What he didn’t know was that I had been wrestling since middle school and took kickboxing classes throughout high school.” You shrug your shoulder nonchalantly, “So, when I told him to stop again, and he didn’t I kneed him in the junk hard enough that he spit out blood.” 
“And then?” You start tugging at the jacket sleeve.  
“Then nothing. I got up and left. I was called into the office the next day. They gave me a choice if I didn’t report it as sexual harassment then I wouldn’t get in trouble for violence and underage drinking on campus.” 
“You get harassed, and they try to put the blame on you to get you not to report to save their school image.” You watch his frustration spike and grin at him. 
“You’re a good fit here. It’s nice to know that some cops are still on our side.” He calms down and feels great satisfaction at your praise. “Honestly though, I wasn’t planning on pressing charges. I think he got the picture. I kind of feel bad sometimes... about how hard I hit him. I wonder if he will ever be able to have kids now.” 
“I don’t think it will hurt the world if he doesn’t.” Nick sighed as he read your face. You seemed fine talking about what had happened and he was glad that you had been able to take care of yourself but your not reporting did bother him. You heard your name being called and saw Liv waving to you to do your lineup, so you stood. “Hey, do you want me to call someone for you? To take you home that is. Are you dating someone?” He feels the air pulled out of his sails when you respond. 
“Yeah, Teddy Jackson from homicide. No need to call him though. He’d be pissed if he found out I went to this protest. I don’t feel like another fight.” You give him one more smile before slipping out of his jacket and handing it back to him. “Thank you for the company though Detective Amaro.”     
This was supposed to be a short two-pager. Oh well, I have two more parts to this of Nick pining after you while you are with my made-up homicide detective. I have a notebook of ideas for Nick and I'm trying to get through them before I start up new ideas or they usually get trashed. Hope you enjoyed xoxo
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threadsun · 1 year
Anonymous Asks: "Sorry if you’ve already answered something like this, but what are your thoughts on how Joseph and the boys would respond to being called “Daddy?”"
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I haven't yet, but ohhhhhhh I have so many thoughts about calling them all daddy~
I was torn between doing headcanons and little scenarios of the first time you call them daddy, but I went with headcanons in the end. I can do the scenarios at some point if people want though~
Content: daddy kink, breeding kink (reader is still gender neutral, Jack just fantasizes about having a baby with them), use of petnames like baby and kitten, ageplay adjacent/being babied, handcuffs, overstimulation, mention of petplay, multiple orgasms, vibrator, teasing, dirty talk, ex-sex worker Joseph, mention of mommy kink, praise, degradation/degrading petnames, edging, begging
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Calling Jack daddy is pretty much the #1 way to ensure you're getting fucked thoroughly
It activates his breeding kink too, half the time. The thought of you calling him daddy and then helping make him an actual father? That gets him hot under the collar
He will call you baby in response. Baby, baby boy, baby girl, babydoll, any variation will do as long as you keep calling him daddy
He gets extra protective over you too, if you want him to baby you then just call him daddy in a whiney little voice and he'll do anything you ask
If you weren't already sitting in his lap, then you are now! He can't help himself but want to hold you close before he fucks you senseless
If you want him to fuck you harder and deeper, all you have to do is pull him close and moan more, daddy in his ear~
It's not difficult to get Ian hard and needy in general, but calling him daddy is definitely a quick way to do it
Seriously, it triggers something in him that makes his heart pound and his cock throb. And it brings out more of his dominant side too, with less of the nervousness
It almost feels like a sign of trust to him, like you trust him to take care of you and dominate you lovingly. And he's determined to live up to that
He'll go so slow and gentle unless you say otherwise, laying you down and stripping you bare for him while he praises and kisses you like his life depends on it
But if you'd rather a rough daddy dom, he can do that too. He'll gladly handcuff you to the bed and then fuck you until you're an overstimulated mess~
He'll get shy and nervous again afterwards, of course. But for as long as you're moaning his name and calling him daddy, his only concern is making you cum as many times as possible
We all know Shaun's got a massive daddy kink. And he doesn't try to hide it either, even before you two got together you knew that he was into it
If you call him daddy then he'll call you kitten. He can't help bringing his petplay kink into it too, even if it's just calling you that
He's always a tease, but it gets even worse when you call him daddy. He wants to take his time making his precious kitten mewl for him
The moment you start calling him daddy, he does too. He'll ask if you're going to be good for daddy, if you'll open your mouth for daddy, if you'll spread your legs for daddy...
There's no end to the praise he'll shower you with when he's in daddy mode. You're his perfect little kitten and he wants you to know it!
Once you've shown that you're willing to indulge his daddy kink, he'll bring it up all the time. Whether you're having sex or not, if you two are alone then he's daddy
This isn't new to Nick. He's got plenty of fans who call him daddy, and he's filmed daddy kink scenes before
But... coming from you, it's different. Usually he doesn't care for the title one way or another, but when it's coming from you, it's the sexiest thing he's ever heard
Seriously, he can't get enough of it! And he'll fuck you until you're screaming it over and over, until it's the only word you can remember how to say
He can be a soft daddy dom if that's what you want. He can adapt to any kinks and scenes you're interested in. But if it's up to him, he gets nice and rough with it~
All he wants is to hear your shaky voice moaning daddy while he pounds you from behind or fucks you with a dildo or ties a vibrator to you and forces orgasm after orgasm out of you
Once he knows you're into it, he'll use it to tease you, of course~ He'll pull you close when you're out in public, and growl in your ear about how hard daddy's gonna fuck you later~
Back when Joseph did full service sex work, he was usually the one calling his clients mommy and daddy
It's weird for him to be on this end of things. Honestly, it's not something he ever really thought about until you called him daddy one day
But as soon as you said it... oh it did something for him. Once he got over the surprise and mild confusion, he absolutely let his dominant side take over
If you call him daddy, you'd better not have any plans for the next day, because he's not gonna stop fucking you until you can't walk properly
Seriously, calling him daddy is the best way to get him to stop whatever he's doing to fuck you. Or, if you're in public, to grope you subtly until he can get you somewhere a little more private
His absolute favourite thing is when your legs are around his hips or shoulders, your hands knotted in his hair, moaning please daddy while he makes you cum~
Jean's no stranger to being called daddy, mostly by desperate people trying to hit on him
He used to think it was just kind of pathetic and stupid, but once he heard it from you... well, his mind was changed immediately, it became the hottest thing to him
He likes the possessiveness of you calling him my daddy and him calling himself your daddy. Daddy on its own is enough to get him hard, but the possessiveness is what really does it for him
Depending on what you're into, he'll call you anything from daddy's perfect little baby to daddy's stupid little slut. Whatever makes you spread your legs for him~
He loves to tease you until your brain is melted and you can barely string two words together, and then make you beg daddy to let you cum
Like with every kink, the moment he learns that you're into it, he's starting to think of all the ways he can use it to make you cum and also keep you by his side forever...
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citylighten · 15 days
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My Pietro and Sal gameplay have both been interesting and led to me having so many different headcanons. I’ve always struggled playing Fallout 4 because my main gripe is that I can’t recreate ANY oc want due to them having a set backstory and dialogue that reinforces certain plot things, but Pietro has a pretty good Sole Survivor AU. He's canon divergent though. More undercut!
-Pietro Impellizzeri was an notorious and powerful gangster Pre-War. He’s similar to Vito Corleone of The Godfather in the sense that he immigrated to America as a child and rose to the top of his community’s underworld.
-He had crossed paths with the human Nick Valentine on numerous occasions over ‘missing people’ as well as a ‘dirty money trail,’ but Pietro always knew how to throw the detective off. They were neither enemies nor friends, just merely people who kept a tense eye on one another.
-As a Boss, in terms of his conduct, Pietro was a composed, fair man but he was also known to be ruthless when the situation called for it. Outside of public events, he was seldom seen. If his men saw him it meant something bad was going to happen. Despite having such affluence and respect, Pietro's over-indulgence in the finest things (liquor, media, women) kept him blind to the things going wrong in his personal life.
-Pietro was married to Jasmine, who was a pinup model before marrying him. Their marriage was based on sex, possession and material interests. Ultimately, Pietro was a largely inattentive husband due to the demanding nature of keeping things afloat in his criminal empire.
-As a nuclear war approached, Jasmine began a series of affairs with men. Some powerful, some were Pietro’s enemies. Her wrongdoings ranged from supplying large sums of money to her lovers, to telling inside secrets. There came a moment, days before the bomb dropped, when Pietro (at his limit) considered murdering his wife. However, this did not come to be as the bombs fell over America.
-Needless to say, when Kellogg shoots Jasmine, Pietro feels guilt. Yes, he was plotting to murder her, but he knew that line of thinking wasn’t right. He doesn’t come into the Wasteland in the pursuit of being a better, kinder man, instead his decent actions come largely from the need to survive and understand the world he’s in.
Whereas Sal comes out Vault 111 ready to murder and massacre anyone in Eve’s name, Pietro’s mentality is: “I need to understand what civilization is like now. I need to know who is in charge of things.” Especially because since Pietro has been at the top for so long, it’s been years since he was doing dirty work for himself, let alone personally killing others on a continuous basis.
-When Pietro meets Nick Valentine there’s tension. But, they recognize they need each other to find Shaun, however there isn’t full trust between the men. Gradually, as the two spend more time together, Nick believes that Pietro can become a good man in this new world and often pushes the idea that Pietro is kind. Pietro does not believe himself to be kind, because he’s not burying the man he used to be before the bombs fell.
-There are times when Nick and Pietro split and his companions become MacCready, who reminds him of a lackey he would’ve used Pre-War, and Preston, who is yet another character who believes there’s an inner goodness in him. As a result of Preston and Nick - plus an envy for the mayor of Diamond City, Pietro decides to invest time in building the Minutemen and building settlements to lead. Despite possessing aspirations to lead, Pietro is shifting morally. Often, Nick helps him on Minutemen quests which strengthens their relationship.
-While helping settlements, Pietro meets Rosaria at Covenant. The woman is a secretary for Jacob Orden, the town’s mayor. Even when Pietro seems like he could be trouble for the settlement, she helps him learn more about the Amelia Stockton case with her insider information. After that, she leaves Covenant to affiliate herself with the Minutemen, which allows Pietro to see her more often. Time with Rosaria [who enjoys farming] has Pietro nostalgic about Sicily and as a consequence, he grows to enjoy things about nature as well as treasure the present he gets to spend with her.
-And that’s all for now because I haven’t completed his run yet 😘
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