#niftu cal
berryplusbears · 10 months
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bagog · 10 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 19: Volus
A little thing about that little volus dude from ME2
The galaxy trembled at the feet of a biotic god.
Niftu Cal saw the worlds now through a haze of crackling blue, his own aura of command made manifest in a biotic halo.
“Fear me, lesser creatures!” Niftu wheezed. “The Age of Niftu Cal is upon you! Feel my mighty power!”
He stood upon the planet now, mounting Illium as if it were a mountain of excess and trickery and power. He stood at the top, now, the oceans beneath his feet and the cities cowering in his shadow. Mighty asari warships appeared, and Nifty flung them into the depths of space, cartwheeling like toys, with a mere thought.
Gone were the days when a hapless Niftu Cal would be abducted off the street, used as some crazed asari’s pin-cushion… test subject. He was ‘afraid’ then, a feeling he no longer knew the meaning of. What a sense of humor the fates had, though! That out of such infantile terror would be born a titan of pure, raw power!
He picked up the Citadel, plucked it out of space with a hand. He gazed down at the people below—the masters of the galaxy. Well, former masters. Gleaming blue, he crushed the Citadel in a gloved fist. None would stand in his way! He was filled with the ecstasy of domination, he began to cackle. Standing on the disc of the galaxy like it was a dais to his throne, he burst out laughing: a terrifying sound that shook the hearts of lesser beings galaxies away.
He looked now at his gloved hands, still wheezing from his powerful laughter. The gloves—the suit! What need had he for a pressure suit when he was a biotic god? His new world should know their deity as he truly is! Still cackling, Niftu Cal began to tug at the seals of his pressure suit.
Damn things wouldn’t come loose.
He tugged, pulled, struggled.
This couldn’t be… he was a biotic god… a BIOTIC GOD!
“Wh-what?” Niftu Cal woke up, found he had an easy time breathing. When he looked down, his hands were not covered and an asari doctor in a pressure suit stood nearby, looking puzzled.
“Welcome back,” She said, helping Niftu sit up.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Medical clinic. When they carted you in here, you were unconscious and babbling. I’ve flushed the drugs out of your system but you’ll want to take it easy for a while.” She beckoned to a pressure-suited salarian nurse who came over and helped Niftu to settle into the bed.
“I… I was a biotic god…?” He said weakly.
“Sure you were,” the nurse said, adjusting the blanket around the rapidly fading volus.
“F-fear me?” Niftu said, a tiny voice.
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illusivesoul · 2 years
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N7 Month 2022 - Day 7: Free Space - Biotics
"The leader of these mercenaries is in the next room. I shall toss Wasea about like a rag doll! I will tear her apart. My biotics are unstoppable!"
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zet-sway · 2 years
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Mass Effect Legendary Edition | Dossier: The Justicar
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melded-galaxy · 9 months
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felassan · 3 months
PC Gamer interview with Mark Meer: 'I'm afraid you'll be forced to encounter me as Niftu Cal and Blasto and any vorcha you run into'
Mark Meer is a fan of Jennifer Hale too.
""I occasionally get told by people, 'Oh, I've never played female Commander Shepard. I only play you.' And I'm like, why are you denying yourself the excellent performance of Jennifer Hale?" Meer says. "That's the thing about Mass Effect, it has so much replayability. I certainly don't mind though, if people are like, 'No, I just play Jennifer as Commander Shepard,' because I'm afraid you'll be forced to encounter me as Niftu Cal and Blasto and any vorcha you run into and various other things in the game." Before he was cast as Shepard, Meer was hired by BioWare to come up with soundsets for the alien species, which he describes as the audio equivalent of concept art. "Laying down what a typical krogan would sound like, a typical turian, that sort of thing." He not only ended up playing a bunch of different alien characters, he's the one responsible for ideas like the asthmatic inhalations of the volus—those heavy-breathing, wombly little guys in gas masks.  "Not rocket science," he says. "Obviously they're wearing some kind of breathing apparatus so I threw in that wheeze sort of sound. There are some alien races that I ended up playing all of, for example, the vorcha. I think I'm almost all of the hanar and have played a number of volus, I think I've done at least a few elcor and batarians certainly. So yes, I'm sprinkled throughout the games in a variety of roles." One of the most memorable of these is Niftu Cal, the drugged-up little guy who gets so high he thinks he's become a biotic god. "That was a lot of fun," Meer says, "and perhaps lesser well known but equally important, the pizza volus. And speaking of hanar I got to play Blasto, who is in some ways one of my favorite characters—no offense to Commander Shepard. But Blasto was a lot of fun, especially because it started as an audio in-joke." Blasto is a parody of action movie heroes like Dirty Harry and James Bond who you first hear about in ads as you're exploring Mass Effect 2. "Jennifer Hale played an elcor in that," Meer says. "She's playing the sister of Blasto's partner Bubin, who Blasto winds up having an affair with. Embedded as an audio easter egg is both commander Shepards having an affair—as a hanar and an elcor." Even before Jennifer Hale was cast, he was an admirer of her work as Bastila Shan in Knights of the Old Republic, and in various cartoons. "I'm a big comic fan," he says, "so I was a big fan of Justice League Unlimited and the old Batman animated series. I'd loved her work as Zatanna and she was the go-to Giganta and Killer Frost for the Justice League stuff.""
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sol-consort · 1 month
I was rereading Thane's unique dialogue lines from the wiki, and wow, it's so easy to forget how ruthless he is with anyone that isn't Shep or Kolyat.
After Niftu Cal says he will "toss Wasea about like a rag doll," Thane will say that he "couldn't dress himself, much less fight."
Avina will state that, according to asari futurists, poverty cannot be eliminated without Cornucopia technology, which Thane refutes by saying, "Technology cannot cure greed."
When Jacob comments that his father may have suffered neural decay, Thane sarcastically opines that "I doubt the ship contained ten years' worth of food.
After the violent males attack, Thane wryly notes that "Neural decay doesn't cover the reality of it."
When the mechs attacking the crew have been defeated, Thane points out that "Even Terminus Systems pirate gangs rarely kill their own crew to impose discipline."
JESUS THANE!! Let him get up! Give Jacob a moment to recover he's already down this is just cruel!
Jacob says one (1) salty line about him if Shep breaks up with him for Thane—and apparently that was more than enough to hold a grudge for so long and repay it tenfolds Like the audacity of these lines firing one after another from an ex-deadbeat dad himself.
Different as night and day. He's extremely lenient with you, even at your worst.
If Shepard accidentally fires on Thane, he will calmly reply, "That's me, Shepard."
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stormikins · 8 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @nowandthane thank you!! Warning I ramble a bit in this lol
I am a fan since: 2017, I got it for Christmas in 2016 so I always just say '17
Favorite Game of the series: By virtue of simply replaying it the most, three. I really love the combat in it so I've played it near thirty times? But all time fave would have to 1 because of the aesthetic, tone, and story. There's something about first discovering a world which is what me1 is about.
MShep or Femshep? Gotta go with Femshep. I have played both, its just hard to capture the male shepard image I have in my head in the character creator so Femshep it is.
Earthborn, Colonist, or Spacer: earthborn! My main Shepard Jenn is earthborn so that's what I'm going with. Though, I have numerous Shepard's are various background combinations. I have feelings about each background trust me
Biotics or tech: Both! Though I really do love biotics, you can do some cool stuff with them, setting up and detonating both biotic and tech explosions.
Paragon or Renegade: I have to repeat what nowandthane said, paragon choices, renegade dialogue.
Favorite Class: Sentinel. I love the versatility of the class, but I do have an affection for Infiltrator because that's what got me through me2 on insanity.
Favorite Companion: Tali. By story value, Javik. He's like one of the most important characters
Least Favorite Companion: Javik, throw your attitude out the airlock. IM JOKING! (he has every reason to be like he is. I love him very much) Liara is my answer though only because I don't like some of the story choices the devs did with her. (ex: why does she have Shepard's armor in a display case when i didn't even romance her??? I can't mention this at all??)
My squad selection: For Jenn's playthrough: Wrex/Tali in me1. Garrus/Mordin/Miranda generally in me2. Thane and Miranda/Samara for the collector base. Kaidan/Javik/James in me3. Of course, I mix it up based on story aspects and the difficulty settings. But me3 is pretty fixed bc I always play on insanity.
Favorite in-game Romance: Tali and Garrus. I'm a sucker for awkward, wet cat of a man like Garrus is. But Tali's romance man.... her parting line to Shepard during the beam run "I have a home" makes me insane actually
Other pairings I like: Obligatory Nihlus/Shepard/Kal (and the duos within in this throuple) mention here. Other than that, Joker/Miranda and Joker/James, Ashley/Garrus, and Shepard/Wrex, I could list a whole lot so I'll keep it to those ships lol
Favorite NPC: Nihlus and Kal'Reegar for sure. Victus and of course Niftu Cal our favorite biotic god.
Favorite Antagonist: Saren. He's the best one that we get in all three games (Harby could have been number one if they did anything with him in three but that's a rant for another time lmao)
Favorite Mission: Haestrom/Tali's Loyalty mission because that's when I get to see Kal <3 and blow up a colossus with the Cain. Also, the Collector Ship mission I have to mention because it's frankly the only mission besides the two previously stated where I've loaded up the save to play it on insanity when I'm bored. It's fun. Of course, this is with the Infiltrator.
Favorite Loyalty Mission: Tali for numerous reasons. Kal mention here. But I love the insight into Quarian culture we get. Also we see that fire in her when she's talking to the Board which I always appreciate. Along with her dialogue at the end, "I got better, Shepard. I got you." and then on the ship afterwards, "I don't think life is about what we deserve." I love her so much.
Favorite DLC: Leviathan. Only because of the horror aspect.
Control, Sythesis, or Destroy? Destroy. I have so many issues with the ending and that's the least worst option in my opinion so. (I too ignore that it wipes out the Geth and Edi fuck that)
Favorite Weapon: The M-90 Cain or the M-99 Saber aka the "Big Iron". Lancer in three was my favorite weapon before I found the Saber. Special mention to my bud the Mattock, I have been convinced of its glory. I do not think the Harrier is better anymore lol which my brother would be happy to hear
Favorite Place: me1 Citadel my BELOVED.
A quote I like Quotes I Like: The ENTIRETY of Sovereign's dialogue on Virmire GOD ITS SO GOOD!!!! / "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer." / "Does this unit have a soul?" / "Just followed your example, Shepard. Yell loud enough and eventually someone will come over to see what all the fuss is about." / "I won't let fear compromise who I am." / "I MADE A MISTAKE!" / "Help me out here, Shepard. The line between friend and foe is getting a little blurry from where I stand." / There are so many great quotes in these games I could go on and on but I'll stop myself
No pressure tags: @spacebunshep @jtownnn
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merthemspolls · 2 years
Weird Little Guy Contest
Hhhello this post is going to list all the weird funtime guys who are entering my poll : ) feel free to vote if you want to look at some guys
Will only post this intro post onto my main, so check on this new blog to take part in the poll.
Each wacky guy has been through a careful, deliberate selection process to ensure highest quality. Any questions on this rigorous process can be directed to my inbox.
Sticking to games for this, but may broaden the scope if I do more of these.
It is okay if you don't know these guys. Vote for the one that speaks to you from the picture.
Guys are as follows:
Bowser Jr. (Super Mario)
Burgerpants (Undertale)
Chris (Until Dawn)
Wizzro (Hyrule Warriors)
Beedle (The Legend of Zelda)
Johnny (The Witcher III: Wild Hunt)
Zeugl (The Witcher)
Cicero (Skyrim)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Plague Knight (Shovel Knight)
Blobert Blaubelaire (Monster Prom)
Time Eater (Slay the Spire)
Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil)
Ramon Salazar (Resident Evil 4)
Niftu Cal (Mass Effect 2)
Alexandria Hypatia - SPECIFICALLY as Grim Alex (Dishonored 2)
Cruelcumber (Dragon Quest)
Psyduck (Pokémon)
Pietro (Animal Crossing)
F.A.N.G. (Street Fighter)
Globox (Rayman)
Orbulon (WarioWare)
Marx (Kirby)
Olimar (Pikmin)
If you have a favourite guy, they will need you in their corner in the coming days. Check back soon if you'd like to vote!
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Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Tagged by @smolsawyer Cheers!
I am a fan since: 2013. I've always loved rpgs but i'd never played a space one before. Immediately loved it.
Favourite game of the series?: Oh that's a tight one! ME3 wins due to the whole reaper fight & the citadel dlc
MShep or FShep?: Femshep, never really tried Mshep. Might try it so i can romance Miranda or Jack (yes i'm still bitter about that.)
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: First playthrough was colonist
Biotics or Tech: First playthrough was soldier, after that i took biotics just to see what it was like & it was pretty fun
Paragon or Renegade: Mostly Paragon. I have repeatedly tried to play renegade but fail miserably
Favourite Class: Vanguard for the decent armour (i'm allergic to light armour lol)
Favourite Companion: Damm that's hard. Umm... it has to be Jack for sheer badassery
Least favourite Companion: I don't really have one
My squad selection: 1 - Liara and Wrex. 2 - Jack and Grunt. 3 - Tali & Liara
Favourite In-game romance: I've had several but I think Liara is the most... detailed? Fleshed out? (sorry I'm bad with words)
Other pairings I like: EDI and Joker.
Favourite NPC: Captain Kirrahe, Eve, Niftu Cal (bless him) Commander Bailey. does Kalros count?
Favourite Antagonist: the Illusive man for obvious reasons
Favourite Mission: Noveria & Jack's recruitment mission
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali & Grunt
Favourite DLC: Citadel, closely followed by Omega
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Synthesis cause I really can't bear to let EDI die
Favourite Weapon: Valkyrie & Reegar Carbine
Favourite Place: In the Mako bouncing across planets 😁
A quote I like: 'Take your balls outta your purse & kick some ass.' Not the most meaningful quote but I always liked it
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bagog · 20 days
Mass Effect Questions: 18, 36 49
It's an ask meme! Thanks! 18. Favorite Mass Effect 2 Mission
Mass Effect the second is probably the game I look forward to playing the least, so this was a tough one. Either Kasumi or Samara's loyalty missions.
36. Funniest Moment in the Games
The first thing that sprang to mind was Niftu Cal the Biotic God, but I know I'm forgetting something...
49. Favorite Shepard Headcanons
I headcanon that Shepard is on the spectrum. I dunno, it just never occurred to me that he wasn't. Hard to say the difference between 'my Shepard' and my idea about headcanons for ALL Shepards in general. I headcanon that Shepard is actually really boring to be around? Like... countless scenes of wonder have befallen Shepard, and yet I headcanon that Shepard just... sucks at conveying stories, noting what details are interesting, and generally in thinking Shepardself as a source of entertainment.
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drelldreams · 1 year
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oakstar519 · 1 year
ok, volus list.
me2 there's pitne for and niftu cal. also a couple of unnamed volus on illium in the markets. there's the one on the citadel that harasses the quarian, and there's the one in garrus's loyalty mission.
me3 there's the volus in that one side mission, and there are a couple of other unnamed volus here and there. can't remember if there are any named volus other than the one in that side quest.
am i missing anyone
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myuphrid · 2 years
Mass Effect 2, part 19
Niftu Cal totally should have been a party member too.
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driffftttt · 2 years
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diekaduwee · 3 years
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I've been really struggling to know what to do with is capture of Niftu Cal. On the one hand I know the context, on the Niftu Cal is looking pretty damn kick ass at this point.
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