#nightbrother x reader
dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
roundtable writing : open group : reblog with your addition in a below the cut : go off : add characters and ocs : blow up canon : 🔥🔥🔥 : flash fiction
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ch 1 (written by dathomirdumpsterfire)
You own a diner in the lower levels of coruscant, one that never closes. It's a few hundred stories below the surface, just far enough down to be a little rough and tumble. Your little business is hard work, but good work. Steady.
One night like any other a young zabrak walks in, looking around the seating space with glittering gold eyes beneath a heavy hood.
You seat him and ask if he'd like anything to drink besides water. The answer is no.
You leave him with a menu and go to snag that yourself. It's three in the morning, so there's only you, your chef-droid, and this guy. You come back with that water, and ask him what he'd like to eat.
He prevaricates, stoic, and you get the hint he's a bit unsure of himself. That's not uncommon, with a mixed species menu as eclectic as yours. You know what zabraks like to eat though, so you offer a few choice options.
He picks the second one. It's a simple dish, and you ask your droid to cook it up while you idle around doing clean up and organization tasks.
When you deliver his food the zabrak politely thanks you. He eats everything on the plate without taking off his hood, pays, tips well, and disappears. You don't make much note of the visit, anymore than you'd make note of another.
The guy comes back though, three nights later, and asks for another recommendation.
Again you give him some suggestions. He picks one, eats it and disappears.
When he wanders in at late night a third time, you start to take notice. Regulars are what keep you afloat after all. This trend continues too, until one day you realize you only have a single recommendation off the menu for him left. He's tried everything else his species might like, though he's never expressed his opinion on the result.
Well. He clearly liked to try new things, so you do some research that very day, and have three more options ready for his next visit. You don't even bring the menu this time.
This trend continues, week after week, month after month. Every few days the red and black stranger comes in, picks a dish, pays generously, and leaves. You don't know his name, though he's always formal and polite, just not one for conversation.
That is, until one day he comes in smelling of blood and shivering, his steps slow and unsteady...
ch 2 (written by @krazykupidspoems)
The blood staining his careful steps is the second thing you notice. You yell for the chef droid to bring the med-pak. It's meager but you will do what you can to help. Some bacta bandages, wrap bandages, a needle, and thread for temp stitching (never been used thank the Gods).
You rush to the Zabrak to stabilize his steps. He's as heavy as he looks you note as he accepts the assistance in walking.You brush the thought away and lead him to the attached owner's suite. It's small but you haven't much choice, enforcers wouldn't do anything but direct the man to a med speeder. And he came to you.
So yes you will help even as his two still beating hearts inexplicably speed up at the sight of your small room.
Colorful tapestries made by your grandmother's hand frame the rough ramshackle bed that was shoved against the wall. The quilts for when the blackouts start are hidden beneath the bed. Your thin sheets that probably should have been thrown out years ago cover the bed now.
Well after tonight they will be thrown or perhaps burned.
You guide the Zabrak to sit on the bed careful of the side he is obviously favoring.
The Zabrak takes in a sharp breath as he sits and shakily lets it out through his mouth. A quiet whine building deep in his chest.
Oh, that's not good...
ch 3 (written by @mcu-supersoldiers)
The third thing you notice, after the blood, is how warm he is when you help him sit. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. You seem to recall hearing somewhere that Zabraks ran warmer than your own species. Some holodrama celebrity interview or something. It would probably be much more concerning if he was cold, you reason to yourself.
Your hands hover helplessly, afraid to touch more until the droid comes back with the med-kit. The sound coming from him was clearly one of pain, and he held himself stiffly, as if afraid of jostling whatever injury his dark cloak and clothes were hiding.
"Look, I uh- I know we ain't been real personal-like, when you've been coming in. But um. Well, I mean... Gotta see where you're bleeding." You trip over your words in embarrassment.
There was a professional distance you kept with your customers. Sure, you might get to know the chatty ones. Hells, you even went on a date or two with a couple that were bold enough to ask. But you don't touch them. You don't take their clothes off. In your room. This was crossing all sorts of boundaries.
"Do what you must." He replied, his voice breathy, from behind gritted teeth.
You nod, and peel his cloak away from his body. You could see a few tears in it. And more in his clothes. And... you swallow hard.
His left leg has a large shard of what looks like transparisteel embedded high in the meat of his thigh, near his hip. There are smaller pieces and what looks like honest-to-small-gods wood dug into his side and leg. His black clothes hid how badly he must have been bleeding. The transparisteel or whatever it was glittered strangely in the low yellow light of your living unit.
"Oh dear." Your droid exclaims from behind you, making you jump. It hands you a pair of small but sharp scissors.
Your hands tremble slightly as you cut open first the side of his shirt, then his loose fitting pants almost down to the knee.
You knew his skin was red and black. He never took off his hood when he ate at your diner, but you'd caught enough glances. It was quite different to see ALL of that red and black. Red wasn't a common color for a Zabrak, outside of some high fashion holos you'd seen. Nor was the stark black of his markings, the zabraks you'd met personally leaning towards brown on brown, or perhaps browns over more muted oranges and yellows. This was... well, 'STRIKING' didn't quite do it justice.
You scold yourself. The man was bleeding from multiple shrapnel wounds, and you couldn't stop the tingling flush you can feel rising in your cheeks from seeing so much of his skin.
So much of his muscle. You had known he was fit, under that cloak. Something about the way he moved... gliding through your diner to his regular booth. It made something in your baser instincts warn 'predator!'. You'd learned to ignore that fear reaction, after a couple of years. Lots of people in the lower levels were like that. Kinda rough, kinda dangerous. But they very, very rarely came to your establishment looking for anything other than a meal.
So, you wondered... what in the hells could hurt a man that your instincts told you was plenty dangerous in his own right??
🔥🔥🔥 reblog with your chapter! 🔥🔥🔥
ao3 link in the comments
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Maul, Savage, & Feral dividers
Initially I made a few Maulviders then I was like hey the brothers deserve more love just look at all those sexy reader inserts So here it is. Feel free to use for your tumblr posts, credits or not :3
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Special edition, “Paul”:
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andreamaul · 2 years
Garry Wharton Darth Maul sketch September 2022. Man has talent. Red paper multimedia sketch.
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catsnkooks · 2 years
fulminis instar || ch. 2
Darth Maul x (fem) reader
summary: “and if the devil were to see you, he would kiss your eyes and repent” - farouq gouida
wordcount: 2.5k
rating: e, 18+
tags: smut, monster/alienfucking, unprotected PIV sex, lil bit of sexy chasing, misuse of the Force, pet names, mentions of collaring at the end
a/n: heyyyyy i haven't updated this in foreverrrrr but its here! warning: i wrote this in like...3 hrs and its not edited but whatever enjoy!
tagging some people that might enjoy: @a-dorin @justalittletomato @ironmandeficiency let me know if you want to be tagged in stuff!!
previous chapter || next chapter
here it is on ao3!
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You sighed as kisses peppered your face, waking you slowly from your slumber. You blinked your eyes open, smiling as you focused on the red and black figure in front of you.
“Good morning, my starlight,” Maul murmured, pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. “I trust you slept well?”
You nodded, yawning and stretching.
“I'm sorry I won’t be able to join you today, as I will be busy with meetings all day,” he said, his tone mournful.
You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Oh, Maul, there’s nothing to apologize for. I understand.” His master had been keeping him terribly busy for the past week. You pressed another sweet kiss to his lips.
Maul sighed and buried his face in your neck. “One day, I will spend all of my time with you, devoting each second to your happiness.”
You giggled at his promise, but pushed him away before he could get more distracted. “Go! You’ll be late for your meeting!” He finally left your room after you gave him yet another kiss.
You yawned again as you stood up, ringing for your ladies-in-waiting. You figured you would start your day since Maul had awoken you. Your maids soon appeared, and you exited your bed, going to the attached refresher where one of your maids was drawing you a morning bath. You sank gratefully into the steaming water, sighing with delight, willing the aches of your night with your husband would fade.
Once you had enough of your bath, you dried yourself off, wrapped yourself in a fluffy robe, and made your way back to your bedchambers. Your other ladies-in-waiting had pulled a few outfits for you to try on for the day. You mostly stuck to vibrant reds and crimsons, better to match your husband with, and decided on a deep crimson gown for the day.
The only problems with your wardrobe were the fact that Maul preferred you dressed in deep necklines, leaving your neck and most of your bust bare. This wasn’t a problem if it was just yourself and your husband in the room, but you often entertained various important guests throughout the day while Maul was in his meetings. And it was even worse when he left evidence of himself on you for everyone to see.
You pursed your lips in annoyance as you glared at the dark mark Maul had left on your neck the night before, despite your warning to leave it somewhere hidden. There was no way for you to hide it. You could see your main lady-in-waiting, a severe older woman, looking at you through the mirror with displeasure.
“You need to tell Lord Maul to design you some gowns that cover you,” she said. “And perhaps lay off the fondling.”
You groaned. “I’m trying! He takes a lot of persuasion!”
She sniffed while one of the younger ladies-in-waiting giggled behind you, no doubt going to gossip later about how well Maul ‘treats’ you. You just sighed and resigned yourself to carrying around the mark on your neck for the day.
“Ser Jaute is here to see you, my lady.”
You looked up from your datapad as the servant announced that your father’s advisor had arrived. “Oh, wonderful, I’ll be right out.” You stood, setting your pad to the side, and walked out of the sitting room to the main hall where you knew the guards would have kept him.
And that was exactly where you found him, surrounded by a mix of Imperial Clone Troopers and Dathomirian Nightbrothers. Maul had both forces since he ruled over Dathomir as well as being part of the Imperial Inner Circle. They were quite protective over you, no doubt part of their orders from Maul, and refused to have any outside visitors farther than the main hall.
“Ser Jaute,” you greeted, a warm smile on your face as you made your way to him. “It is good to see you.”
Ser Ber Jaute inclined his head to you. “It is good to see you as well, my lady.” You had known him since you were a little girl, as he’d always been part of your father’s council. He was a nice man, though he could be quiet sometimes, but always willing to do the best for his people.
You gave him a slight embrace when you reached him, bussing his cheeks. “What brings you here today?”
“Ah, I wish to speak with your husband on an urgent matter,” he said.
“Oh, well, I’m terribly sorry but he’s currently in another meeting,” you said, stepping away from him.
Ser Jaute wrung his hands, eyes never meeting yours, but constantly bouncing all around the room. “Ah, well, it’s very imperative that I speak with him about this. Do you think you could pull him away?”
You tilted your head, slightly confused about his mannerisms, but acquiesced to his request. “Very well. Give me just a moment, Ser Jaute.”
The guards formed another circle around him as you left, making your way to the meeting room you knew your husband would be in. The door slid open silently when you pressed the button to enter, but you could feel Maul’s eyes on you instantly when you entered the room. He flicked his hand for the various other dignitaries to continue talking while you walked over to him, your heels clicking on the smooth floor. You sidled yourself into his embrace, pressing your ear against his chest, listening to his dual heartbeats. You could feel him press into your mind, cradling your presence in the Force, subduing all the sounds outside of the hold he had you in. You sighed, never feeling more at ease than when he held you like that.
Just a moment, my starlight, he murmured into your mind. One of his hands came up to caress your cheek while the other wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him.
A few minutes later, everyone had finished their say and all was silent. “If that is all,” Maul said, his voice reverberating around in your mind, “let us regroup later. You’re all dismissed.”
Everyone in the room bowed to him and quickly left, leaving the two of you alone. You lifted your head from his chest, smiling as he greeted you with a small kiss.
“What is it, my starlight?” he asked, his voice tinged with worry. It wasn’t often that you interrupted his meetings.
“Do you remember my father’s royal advisor, Ser Jaute?”
Maul snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yes, the small, quivering man that wouldn’t look me in my eyes. What does the mole serpent want?”
You clucked your tongue at him, lightly swatting his shoulder. “Don’t be mean! He says he has something very important to discuss with you.”
Maul hummed, leaning forward to give you a kiss in apology. “Very well. I shall hear him out.” He led you out of the room and back toward the main hall where Ser Jaute waited for him. He pressed another kiss to your lips when you parted from him, meaning to return to your pad in your sitting room. “I shall see you later, my starlight.”
You accepted his kiss and murmur with a smile, not wishing to leave him, but knowing he’ll be returning to your side later. Even apart, you could still feel him brushing against your mind wherever you were within the palace.
But strangely, the eyes you felt on you as you left didn’t feel like they came from Maul.
Ber Jaute watched the princess walk away, after having the intimate moment with her husband. He could hardly stand to look at her, not when he could see that monster’s mark upon her perfect skin, sullied already from her time away. He felt the rage build in him, but he forced himself to push it down, knowing that the Sith in front of him would be able to sense it, and then his plans would be foiled.
Even still, as the Sith turned to face him, he could feel the nervous sweat breaking out all over his body.
“Ser Jaute,” Lord Maul said simply, eyeing him with distrust. “Why have you come here today?”
He already knows, a scared voice inside his head whispered, but Jaute forced himself to steady his breathing and even out his feelings. “I deeply apologize, my lord, for interrupting your meeting, but there’s and urgent matter the king wishes to discuss with you. Unfortunately, he is feeling poorly and sent me in his stead. May we discuss this in some private place?”
The Sith stared at him for a long moment, and he had to resist the urge to squirm where he was standing. Then Lord Maul looked away and motioned for him to follow. “Very well, this way.”
Jaute couldn’t help the grin that came to his face.
His plan was moving along wonderfully.
You were sitting peacefully in the library, wandering among the many shelves of flimsibooks, when you felt a prodding at your mind. You knew it had to be Maul so you opened yourself up to him, a question apparent to him. It was met with another teasing prod, and then you could feel incorporeal hands all over your body, making you gasp.
Maul! you shouted in your mind, only to be met with an unrepentant chuckle. Not here!
He hummed, and you could feel the vibrations from it all throughout your body. Very well, my starlight. But I will be hunting you, understand? And if you do not make it to our chambers before I catch you…well, then I will just have you there.
You shivered at his teasing threat, your face heating as you imagined him taking you on the nearest surface of wherever he caught you. I understand.
Then the hunt is on, starlight.
After you caught your breath, you quickly slinked out of the library, hoping no one had seen you. You passed many guards on the way, your heart beating each time, wondering if one would be Maul in disguise, but they merely nodded at you, and you gave them a polite nod back. When you had reached about halfway to your chambers, the incorporeal hands returned, making you gasp in the middle of the hallway as they cupped your breasts and roamed between your thighs.
Maul gave you another unrepentant chuckle. I never said that I couldn’t make it harder for you, hm? But I will keep my hands away…for now.
You breathed out harshly as the hands disappeared again, practically running the rest of the way to your chambers. Your heart soared as you entered without being harassed, only for you to squeal as physical hands grabbed you, hoisting you over your husband’s shoulder.
“No fair!” you yelped. “You were waiting here for me!”
Maul laughed, throwing you down on the bed, and immediately covering you with his body. “You expect me to play fair when you tease me so? Wearing my marks so proudly on your skin?”
You pouted up at him. “I told you to leave them where they could be hidden! It’s not my fault!”
Maul growled, silencing your whining with a rough kiss. “I could hardly keep my eyes off of you, and neither could anyone else.” His mouth trailed down your neck and to your bust, leaving hot kisses and nips along the way. “Don’t they know you’re mine?”
You gasped as he nipped at the sensitive skin of your chest, pulling him back up to your lips. “I’m yours, Maul,” you murmured against his lips. “They all know.”
He growled again, devouring your mouth in a passionate kiss. You moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, and holding on as he pushed you farther up on your bed, rucking up the hem of your dress to your waist. You gasped again as he pushed the seam of your underwear to the side, finding you already wet, and sinking two fingers into your hole.
“They’ll all know it soon,” he growled, swallowing your gasps and moans as he fingered you open. “By the time I’m done with you they’ll know.”
“Yes, yes!” you chanted, hips canting as he fingered you open to get as deep as possible. “Please, Maul, please!”
He groaned, burying his face in your neck, and you heard the unzip of his trousers, knowing he was fishing his cock out for you. “Your wish is my command, starlight.” Then he slowly pushed into you.
You savored every moment of his cock entering you, your mouth a small ‘o’ as each ridge popped into your cunt, until he was fully sheathed in you. You both groaned as you tightened around him, feeling so full of his cock that you never wanted him to leave you.
“Oh, my starlight,” Maul moaned into the crook of your neck. “You take me so well, my precious starlight, always meant for me.” And then he began to thrust, slowly moving his hips back and forth.
Your moans gradually became more high-pitched with each thrust of his hips. You wrapped your legs around his waist, the state of your dress forgotten, needing him to be closer to you. He bent his head farther down, enough to free a breast from the confines of your bust, eagerly taking your nipple into his mouth to nip and suck at, making you cry out and arch your back. His thrusts became more frenzied as the place where your bodies joined became more covered in your combined juices. And when his hand found you clit, you knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“Maul, please, please!” you begged, the heat low in your belly unable to grow any longer and about to burst.
Maul groaned at your pleading. “I cannot deny you anything, my starlight. Come for me.” Then he sealed your lips with his.
You cried out into his mouth as you came, legs and arms clenching down around him, holding him close as you rode out your release. He groaned into your mouth as well, hips stilling not long after your release, your cunt milking him through his own. The two of you panted as you came down, maul collapsing over top of you, pressing you into the mattress.
Maul panted into your breast after he collapsed, while you kissed the crown of horns on the top of his head, gently caressing the small nubs. You let him lay on you in a comfortable silence for a long moment, relishing in the afterglow of having him there on you before you tilted his head up so you could murmur into his ear.
“What if you got me a collar?” you murmured, tracing the black lines of his tattoo over his face. “Then they would know who I belong to, hm?”
Maul inhaled sharply and you felt his softening cock twitch inside you. He growled and turned his face to nip at you neck.
“I’ll have someone working on that for you soon, my starlight, do not worry about that.”
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justalittletomato · 1 year
The Archivist reviewed the data file before them, finished with their own work they took a familiar trip to researching. (Maul x reader)
Unfortunately they had the habit of dipping to far at times. From the location of the Dathomirian system, to the flora of the swamps, journeying into the dangerous fauna and the hunters of the planet. There was little known of the inhabitants, but still some information was still information to gather.
The Nightsisters. The Archivist felt a shiver over what was detailed and went further…
The Nightbrothers, the shiver did not fade but their fascination grew and a sigh when they neared the little their was. The warriors with their crowns of horns and ability to withstand the harshness of their homeworld.
There was little else…
The archivist has to resort to other means, a dangerous task.
Live observation with the Mandalore.
Lord Maul domineered over the system in a sweep of both the Duchess Satine and the dreaded Death Watch.
The crimson zabrak sat upon the throne with his crown of horns. Truly it was as if he was born to be upon a throne, but then again the Archivist could be biased, as their heart thrummed at the sight of him.
Unlucky for them Maul was quite aware of the Mandalorian scholars affection towards him. It was both reciprocated and teased…
“I take it you have more questions now than you had before you started.” He studied their face, a furrowed brow and lips pursed.
“There is hardly anything, I know more about the swamps than anything else, did you know there is a whole ecosystem in the marshes alone?”
The Archivist explained for a few minutes before Maul gave a rare laugh, “ But nothing about Zabraks?”
“Not nearly enough” they sighed.
He saw an opportunity, “ And what my dear Starlight was it that you sought to learn?”
Starlight felt their face warm, “Don’t give me that smirk, I was curious.”
The smirk lingered, “ You don’t need to bury your nose in books for that.” He takes hold of their hand and brings it to his chest.
“Two hearts, the result is a faster heart rate as well as increased need to devour” starlight’s face burned more at the action. Especially with Maul being so much warmer..
“And of course that does result in a elevated body temperature as you well know.”
Starlight blushed, oh they knew. Being pressed close to Maul as they lay together.
“Well I have other questions.” They tried to save face.
“Hmm” he had their hand move up his neck. “ And I can demonstrate answers for you.”
“Then let’s take our conversation somewhere more private.”
He raises their hand up and lightly bites at their wrist. “ That would be wise…”
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and-claudia · 2 years
His Heir pt. 31 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
This one is short but.... well I'll just let y'all see for yourself. A/N at the end too ;D
Wordcount: 1041
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I was laying with my head in Maul's lap. 
"What do you want to name him?" I asked, looking at the scans we just got of him. 
Now, at twenty-two weeks, we were over halfway there, and we weren’t even in the ballpark of finding a name for him and it was starting to stress me out. 
He thought for a moment, "I haven’t thought about any specific names if I am being honest. Do you have any ideas?" 
"I’ve thought about what type of name we should go with but I haven’t been sure on what would work best. If I am being honest he is kind of a mess of cultures…” 
“What do you mean?” Maul asked. 
“Well I am a Mandalorian. You’re Dathomirian. You are also a Sith Lord and Nightbrother. I am Human. You’re a Zabrak. There are just so many routes we could go. Or we don’t even have to go down one of those paths for his name, we could just go with a name in Galatic Basic. I just don’t know what to do Maul. I’ve thought about it so much that my feels like it’s going to explode…” 
Maul looked at me oddly for a moment. I could tell he was probing at my mind through the force. I didn’t mind though, he knew that I could feel him digging around my thoughts and if I truly didn’t want him there I would block him out. I let him in, but I only allowed him to see what I wanted him to see. 
“You have a name picked out already… why didn’t you say something?” He asked gently. 
I pushed myself to sit up, with some help from him, and turned around to face him. 
“Because I really want him to have a name like the Nightbrothers…” "Are you sure? We could go with a more traditional name." Maul offered. 
I shook my head. 
"Maybe a traditional middle name, perhaps even a Mandalorian one, then he could have a little piece of both of us. But I really want him to have a Nightbrothers name. My only issue is they’re hard to come up with. Like your name isn’t hard, it’s Maul, you say it the same way as the word maul, like some mauled by an animal.” 
Maul laughed at my explanation but nodded for me to continue. 
“But… um… But other names like…like…” I trailed off, not sure how he would feel about bringing up his brother. 
“Like Savage.” He said for me and i nodded before continuing. 
“Like Savage,” I agreed, “I’ve played around with a few words… and I just know.” 
“Let me hear them.” He said. 
“I like Riot, and just leave it as Riot.” I said, watching him to judge his reaction. 
“I like that. What else do you have?” 
“Okay bear with me on this one, the word lethal, but pronounce it Lee-thal.” 
“Hm… I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. It’s different.” He said. 
“You hate it don’t you?” I asked. 
“No. Not at all, I’ve just never heard it. I like it actually.” He said, easing my worries. 
“Okay, I have one more, vicious but make the ‘i’ a long ‘i’ so it’d be Vīkous… thoughts?” 
“If I am being honest, I like all of them. I think any of them would be perfect for our son. Is there a particular one you are leaning towards?” He asked.
“Not really honestly. I’ve thought about maybe just waiting until he’s born to pick one. Get a good look at him, decide what name fits him best.” 
“I like that idea.” Maul agreed with a smile, bringing his hand to rest on the side of my belly. 
Maker, his smile could make me melt on the spot. 
"What about a last name? I know we’ve talked about it some, but I just really don't want him to take mine." I said.
"I know, but I don't have a last name,” Maul began, “... well actually I suppose I may... my lineage isn't exactly certain. I was taken by Sidious so early that I don't know anything from my early life besides training in the ways of the dark side." 
I grabbed the hand that he had resting on my stomach and brought it to my lips to press a kiss to his knuckles while muttering, "I'm sorry." Against his tattooed skin. I knew he didn’t like talking about his childhood. 
“I've thought about that too actually… your last name.
"What if you took the name Oppress?" I suggested gently. 
"Fr- From my brother?"
I nodded. 
“I think he would be honored to have you and his nephew take on the name Opress. Maul Opress, has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” 
Maul smiled once again, “I suppose it does. What about the names you suggested, how do they sound?” He asked. 
“Let’s find out. First, Riot Opress… I actually really like that if I am being honest.” 
“Agreed, it sounds powerful. Okay how does, Lethal (lee-thal) Oppress sound? I like that one as well.” 
I gasped a little, “Okay I love that one too… last is Vicious (Vīkous) Oppress…” I cringed slightly and I could tell by the look on his face Maul wasn’t a fan either. 
“I think Vicious (Vīkous) Oppress is off the table. I’m not loving it like I did the other two.” I said. 
Maul nodded, “I agree.” 
“Okay so, this,” I placed my hands on my stomach, “is either little Riot or Lethal (Lee-thal) Oppress.” I said before looking up at Maul with a mischievous smile on my lips. I took my hands off my belly and placed them on his cheeks, “And this is not-so-little Maul Opress.” I said, smiling widely as he smiled at his name. 
He shook his head slightly at my antics before bringing his hands up to replace where mine just were on my stomach. 
“The Opress Family… sounds nice, doesn’t it?” He asked, not looking at me. 
“Well, I’m not an Opress.” I said. 
Maul was silent for a moment, before looking up at me. 
“I know…” He swallowed hard and it was making me nervous, “But would you like to be?” 
A/n: Y’all THOUGHT you were going to get the baby’s name in this one but I threw a curve ball there at the end!!!!! 😉😉 Anyways which name do you think it’s going to be??
@fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg @kbarnes-2001@bluusugar @happyheartsss @clairebear1621 @rljart @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @lilallybug @ghoulishjester @kizzyxren @welcometothepedroverse @kaos-bringer @asxrum @kittenlover614 @kugelblubb90 @qweenrogerina @pedropcl
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
Stranded Part 4
Savage x Reader
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Word Count: 1.8k
WARNINGS: Gore, Blood, Death, All around violence, Oof fucking angst. Don’t read if you have a weak stomach.
A/N: So I haven’t written anything this graphic before and I’m positive there’s A LOT worse out there but I did push my personal limits. I kept this chapter short so if anyone needs to skip it, they can. It’s probably not as bad as I’m hyping it up to be but if gore bothers you badly you can absolutely skip this chapter and it won’t hurt the overall story. I’ll be sure to mention the important parts in the next chapter so if you do skip you won’t miss anything too important.
    Savage watched through moonlit woods, aided by his night vision. The gangly creatures dragged his princess away by her legs. She clawed at the dirt, tearing at anything she could grasp, raking at roots and soil as she was pulled deeper. Overwhelmed with terror, she let out a scream, “Savage!” Giving chase immediately with his saber-staff in an iron grip; his body tore through the underbrush. Running as quickly as his feet would carry him. These beasts were fast; their bodies whipped through the air around over growth and thick tree trunks. He lost sight of them but could still hear the guttural shrieks of the monsters and the terrified howls of his princess rip through the freezing night air.
Why now? Why had they breached the bounds of their territory tonight after all these years? What changed?
    He could feel them through the force. Cold, slippery signatures surrounded her bright flourishing light, attempting to violate what was pure. As he pushed forward, ignoring the branches and thorns scraping his flesh, their numbers grew. His mind wasn’t working fast enough to realize he was running into an ambush. Even if he did realize it, he would continue towards her anyway. Glowing putrid green eyes shone through dead branches, the occasional snarl tearing through the atmosphere.  
Her signature was fading into the distance.
He had fallen too far behind.
Her screams had stopped.
He regretted leaving her alone in the first place.
Panic began flaring in his chest, lighting his nerves on fire and boiling his blood.
But he was a hunter; as was his brother and his father before him.
This is what he had been bred for.
Fight for and protect the woman that had not only chosen him, but he had also chosen.
He stopped and closed his eyes, focusing on her scent and her fluttering force signature.
He knew what path to follow.
He lit his saber and spun on the ball of his foot, cutting down one of the creatures that dared to leap out at him from the canopy. When its body dropped limply into a smoking heap the seal had been broken and chaos rained down on the golden Zabrak.
Dozens of the snarling beings dropped out of the branches swiping sharpened claws at his throat and his legs. He was born, lived and hunted in the night on Dathomir. Growing and training until he was the most fearsome thing that stalked through the forests once the sun had set. His roar tore from his throat as the red of his blade cut down any living nightmare that dared to stand in the way of his princess.
One of the creatures latched onto his back and before he could bite into Savage’s throat the Zabrak reached behind him, sank his claws into his shoulder blades and swung the monster over his head onto the rocky ground below him. An almost deafening crack of the monster’s spine rang out, killing it instantly. Igniting both sides of his saber-staff he twirled it in his hands and turned, gutting the three closest to him. The cauterization not stopping their entrails from dropping out of their now hollow bellies.
Savage leapt at the next one nearest him and tore out its esophagus with his fangs, blackened blood dripped down his chin as he stretched his arms out and gripped two more in a steely force choke. He squeezed until their heads sprang from their necks. He kicked another in its sunken chest, propelling it into the trunk of a tree. He made quick work of the remaining creatures with his saber in a barrage of quick and brutal moves.
Just before her signature gave out the last of the beasts dropped into a crumpled heap at his feet hissing out the last of their breaths. Taking off towards the flickering light he ran; ignoring the blood that seeped from the deep lacerations from the beasts’ claws.
He came upon a break in the tree line that opened into a large circular clearing. Moonlight shone on a tree that towered higher than any of the others growing in the center of the clearing. Its trunk thicker than the ship he had crashed here on. He could feel the dark side of the force ebbing and flowing from deep within it. He could smell her blood on the breeze. He could see her claw marks in the soil leading to a hollow within the trunk; sparse bloodied handprints dragged across the dead bark of the great tree. Her light was slowly being snuffed out by darkness.
He stepped inside and nearly stumbled over broken roots. With no moonlight to reflect off of his surroundings for his eyes to pick up he had to see by the light of his saber. His stomach lurched at the sight before him.
Bathed in a red glow, her body lay in the center of the hollow, barely moving. Her eyes were foggy and her chest was hardly rising or falling as they tore into her legs, her arms and her stomach.
One lifted its gaunt face from her neck, pulling a chunk of flesh away with its teeth, to shriek a warning at him. Grabbing it by its throat, he smashed its head into the ground, skull crashing under his palm and spurting black blood across the floor. He reached out with the force and pulled the other three off of her and sheathed his saber inside their chests in succession.
He looked upon his princess, bitten, bloodied, broken.
Her limbs were bent incorrectly, chunks of missing flesh revealed the muscles and tendons that lay beneath the skin.  
She lay limp on the earth.
Wet tear tracks ran from her eyes down her cheeks and pooled on the soil below, mixing with the blood that had poured out of her neck wound.
Her breath came out in rasping wheezes as she raised a trembling hand out to his face.
She didn’t have the strength to close the distance between them and when her conviction ran out, her hand fell to the earth.
He dropped to his knees beside her and lifted her into his arms, pulling her into his chest as tears pricked at his eyes. She opened her mouth and tried to speak but only a quiet gurgling left her lips, followed by droplets of blood that leaked out of the corners of her mouth. He watched her eyes cloud over as her pupils dilated from the loss of blood and she lost consciousness, going limp in his embrace.
Her pulse fluttered sporadically, weakly in his ears.  
A sob escaped him as he lay her back down on the ground and gently as he could, placed one hand on her chest and the other on her legs. Letting out one last wavering breath he closed his eyes and imagined his life force flowing from his hearts, through his arms and into her. Through the force he reached out to her, pleading for her not to leave him. Begging the gods for the strength to heal the only other love he has ever known, to allow him to repent for his brother’s murder.
He could feel his body weakening as hers started to mend itself. Flesh regrew over wounds before his very eyes, her pulse beat stronger with each passing second. Just before it became too much for him her eyes snapped open and a loud gasp left her lips. She force pushed herself away from the center of the hollow until her back thud agianst the inner wall of the tree. Glancing around the small space frantically before realizing that she and Savage were the only living beings in proximity.
“P-princess. I’m sorry I.. wasn’t… fast enough..” Savage toppled over from his knees onto his back and lost consciousness.
      When he woke, the first thing he saw was the familiar wooden ceiling of their small cabin. He groaned and raised his hand to rub his throbbing head. He had tried to sit up but two small warm hands pressed lightly agianst his chest, softly pushing him back to a laying down position.
“You must rest my love.”
He turned his head to look into your eyes and a thankful smile graced his lips before turning into a grimace.
“I did not fail…” he whispered.
“No, my sweet darling,” you cupped his cheeks in your hands and placed a lingering kiss on his lips, “you saved my life. I owe you for every breath I take now.”
“You owe me.. nothing,” his brows creased in effort, “I only returned what you have given me,” he allowed his eyes to close as you peppered his face in kisses and massaged his scalp; eliciting a rumbling purr.
“H-how did we get back here..?”
“Mira found us. You killed them all. There are no more beasts in the trees, the valley is free of them. She must have sensed it and came to our aid.”
“Mmm, remind me to save the best cuts of my next few hunts for her.”
You smiled, utterly grateful for the brave warrior that both saved your life and survived the ordeal himself.
“Please my love, rest now. You expelled much of your life force into me when you healed me. The sun will return soon, sleep.”
And so he did. Safe back home with the love of his life, he slept for days. Thanking the gods every minute for granting him what he required to vanquish the monsters that had haunted your nightmares and feasted upon your body.
While your love rested you rubbed the muscles in your arms. The creatures; bite must have been venomous. The veins in your arms and legs had blacked just under your skin and you could feel the subtle burn. Right now, all you wanted was to lay and rest with your Zabrak. Force healing could cure infections, mend bone and flesh, but toxins had to be treated appropriately. Not now, now you needed rest as much as Savage.
 Taglist :) let me know if you’d like to be tagged 
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 10 months
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~Snacks of Dathomir Snippet~
You grab your buy'ce off the counter and snag one of grandpa's knives in a reverse grip, then you go to check out that noise.
There's a body on the stairs.
With all due caution, you lean out a bit and call, “Hello? Are you dead?”
“Mnnggg,” the body replies. Oh good, still kicking.
“Are you one of the Opress brothers?” you ask hopefully.
“Ngh?” they reply, turning to squint blearily up at you.
It's a man, or male looking at least. Horned. Tattooed. Average height and build. Yellow, with a smidge of orange. Hot as fuck, honestly.
“... messare Feral?” you try. That was the youngest one, right?
“Yeah,” he manages, pupils two different sizes. “Fff- nng. You?”
“I'm your new chef, uh, nice to meet you… do you want help getting to medical?”
Probably-Feral flops back down onto the stairs, and mumbles something inaudible with a tone of supreme annoyance.
[Light hearted & spicy / Learn some mando'a / Cooking recipes / Non-specific 'you' protag / Nonserious fluff / Nightbrother culture]
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ivorydragoness44 · 3 years
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Darth Maul Insert Reader Masterlist:
Last Updated: May 25, 2023
Darth Maul vs Arachnid x Modern Reader
Darth Maul x Artist!Reader: Mosquitoes
Darth Maul x Reader: Not Morning Yet
Darth Maul x Nightsister!Reader: Child’s Play (Part 1)
Darth Maul x Reader: Essay
Darth Maul x Nightsister!Reader: Child’s Play (Part 2)
Darth Maul x Jedi!Reader: Out of Bounds (One-Shot)
Darth Maul x Reader: Simplicity
Darth Maul x Reader: What is Sleep?
Darth Maul x Sith!Reader
Darth Maul x Reader: Crimson Dawn
Darth Maul x Reader: Darkness
Darth Maul x Reader: Meditation
Darth Maul x Reader: Forgiveness
Brothers Three  (Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Feral x Reader)
Brothers Three: The Sequel (Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Feral x Reader)
Darth Maul x Reader: Fear
Darth Maul x Reader: Connection
Darth Maul x Reader: Doting
Darth Maul x Reader: Love Day
Darth Maul x Reader: Can We Cuddle?
Darth Maul x Reader: Shower
Darth Maul x Reader: Saving Time
Darth Maul x Reader: From Our Scars (Soulmate AU Prologue)
Darth Maul x Reader: From Our Scars (Part 1 WIP)
Darth Maul x Reader: Eventually
Darth Maul x Reader: Caught Up
Darth Maul x Reader: From Our Scars (Part 1)
Darth Maul x Reader: From Our Scars (Part 2)
Do not use or post my stories or art elsewhere.
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nun-draws · 3 years
 Feral Opress Headcanons
Feral is a beastmaster- he trains and tames the wild fauna of Dathomir
Feral is extremely fierce and protective of the ones he loves especially of his father- Viscus 
Sweet honied smiles and starry eyes that carry the mantel of family
HE LIVES TO BE NUDE OR MOSTLY NUDE. I don’t think the nightbrothers are very shy- at least around each other
Very upbeat and Charismatic personality! 
Gentle yet firm touch- the touch of a mentor 
worn and calloused hands but they’re soft
he enjoys wearing as little as possible but what he does like to wear is light in texture but dark in colour- woven by the spiders
he’s tall for an untransformed nightbrother- 5′10
might add more to this later but i hope you enjoyed it~ ♥️ 
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a-dorin · 4 years
pairing: feral x reader
word count: 687
warnings: yearning, pining, two idiots in love, cursing, a borderline unprofessional moment for a senator 
a/n: this fic is the kickoff to my thirty-one days of fics of 2021! i figured we’d start with our sweet boy, feral. the full prompt list can be found here! i hope you guys enjoy! also, this is an au where feral doesn’t die, and he’s placed as a bodyguard for an esteemed senator. this is kinda the sequel to that. ok, i’ll stop rambling now. enjoy loves <3 
prompt:  “is this the moment that we kiss?”
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his name is barely a whisper as it tumbles from your lips, almost dripping like honey in the night. the zabrak blinks, his golden gaze falling on you. 
“it’s cold,” you pull the covers closer to your body, in a vain attempt to bring more warmth flourishing through your body. 
“is there anything i can do?” he rises from his stool, crossing over to you. he hovers by the edge of the mattress,”i don’t want you catching a cold. you know how your assistants are, they would find a way to blame me for it.”
you yawn, eyes squeezing shut, “are you sure it’s not winter yet?”
the zabrak’s lips twitch into an amused grin, “i’m afraid it’s only summer, senator.”
“you know how i feel about you calling me that,” you snort, rolling over, “perhaps i should have you contact gretta. she knows how to get ahold of whoever controls the cooling systems. perhaps they could turn it off, just for the night.”
“you’d just complain about the heat in the morning,” he rumbles. 
you sense the mattress dip as he settles on the plush bedding, his back turned to you. perhaps it was to keep a watchful eye out for any potential threats, to keep you protected. yet, his hand lingers near your body, directly next to your pillow. 
“feral,” you shift, propping yourself up with your elbow, “can i ask you something?”
you suck in a breath, “i-i heard something about your species a while ago. i’m not sure if it’s true though--”
his head tilts, swiveling towards you, “and what’s that?”
fingertips find a loose thread, fiddling with it, “i-i um, i heard that your body temperature is naturally higher than most species.”
his brow furrows, “er, yes. that is true. what does that have to do with anything?””
“can you hold me?” 
his eyes widen, lips pursing. in the low light, you swear you could see his cheeks tainted a shade deeper, almost a rich honey hue. drawing in a long breath, his eyes flutter closed, his voice low. 
“would this be pushing boundaries?”
vigorously, you shake your head no. almost a little too quickly. 
“no, no one would know about this.”
“all right then,” he bobs his head, “scoot.”
you obey, moving to give space for the zabrak to slip underneath the covers. cautiously, he wraps his arms around you, his hands resting directly on your belly. his chin settles on top of your head, waves of heat enveloping your body. 
the warmth is blissful, seeping into your bones. feral senses your relief, a purr rising in his throat as you snuggle closer, clutching onto his tunic, desperate to get closer to him. 
“careful senator,” he purrs, “there’s only so much of me you can hold onto.”
“but you’re so warm,” you whine, burying your head into his chest. 
stars, were you oh so cozy now, all curled against him. yet, the moment his thumb grazed your abdomen, it was like butterflies exploded in your stomach, warmth tinging your cheeks. a whimper escapes your throat, and you shrink back, absolutely mortified at the sound that just echoed through your quarters. 
a hand grasps the back of your neck, tilting your head back so that his eyes connect with yours. his voice is lowered, edged with notes of satisfaction. 
“now, what was that sound that i just heard?”
“you didn’t hear anything,” you mutter, lips falling into a pout. 
“i heard it loud and clear,” he counters, leaning in, “did you like that, senator?” 
the way senator rolls off his tongue, so rich and gravelly, sends a shiver down your spine. you nod meekly, “yes, yes i did.”
tattooed lips are mere centimeters away from yours now, so plush and tantalizing. his other hand snakes up, cupping your cheek. your mind reels, the air around you crackling as feral’s lips brush yours. 
“is this the moment that we kiss?” you murmur, lashes fluttering. 
“only if you’ll let me.”
“please,” blood rushes in your ears, nearly drowning out his response.
“good, because i want to do it all fucking night.” 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
taglist: @fandom-gal44 @dexthtoyounglings @xcertaindarkthingsx @idiotonanadventure @pinkwhorecrux @letitrainathousandflames​ @maiaofmischief @zabrak-show @laorme34
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sophiemariepl · 3 years
Hey, do you think that Darth Maul’s potential daughter would inherit his horns?
Or does the Dathomirian DNA work this way only in males?
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zabrak-show · 3 years
"Forbidden kiss" with Savage. Please? My cowboy lookin ass loves your writing 🤠
here you go, cowboy! 🤠🤠🤠
Savage x gn!reader
Fluff! In which Savage is your bodyguard that you have a crush on
638 words
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Frames of art leaned up against each wall of your living room. You stood in the center of the room, rotating yourself around to get a feel for where you should hang each piece. You tapped your forefinger to your lips,
"hmm, the abstract pieces should be over here, I think."
"mrowl," your pet Loth-Cat responded, nudging his head into your leg before collapsing at your feet with his belly exposed, waiting for pets.
You stooped down to pet his soft fur, cooing at him as you did so.
The door to the room swung open, and Savage, your loyal bodyguard, rushed towards you in a panic-like frenzy.
"What are you doing? Are you busy? You have to come here! You must see it! Come Now!" He grabbed your hand, practically dragged you out of the room, and continued down the hallway.
"Savage! What in the Force is going on? Is everything ok?" you almost had to run to keep up with his giant steps.
"It's fine, it's fine. Hurry! Hurry!"
He led you outside the estate and down a small dirt path that led to the gardens.
"I can't imagine what has gotten into you, Savage," you exclaimed, breathless from the exertion.
Savage stopped as suddenly as he'd started, and you ran into his hardened body face first.
"Ooof! Savage, what is-"
"Ssshhhh," he whispered, holding his finger up to his lips. He pointed down towards a bush of purple and blue flowers. What looked like thousands of tiny glowing bugs flew around the flower beds, in and out of the petals. They flashed soft yellow light as they worked to pollinate.
"Wow, I… I'd never seen so many at once," you stared in awe, eventually stooping down to get a closer look.
Both of you stood staring at the glow bugs' work. The sun warmed your skin, and a gentle breeze kept it calm—a perfect day and moment. Long shadows of yourselves darkened the garden as the sun made its way down.
"Thank you," you looked up to Savage, "for bringing me out here. This is so cool! They are so beautiful."
For a moment, you leaned into him as you watched the glowing bugs dance and fly about. He leaned into it, and you bristled, now aware of what you were doing.
"Sorry, I-" you turned to look up to his face, chiseled features, but soft yellow eyes and eyelashes that touched his face when he blinked. He reached a hand out to caress your face—the warmth emanating from his touch like that of another beam of sunshine on you.
"I don't mind," he responded, softer and gentler than you'd ever heard him speak before.
With you, he was always gentle and kind, but it was different somehow this time. It felt like all the glow bugs had swarmed inside your stomach and were flapping around wild and carefree.
You'd be a fool not to admit you'd had your fair share of romantic feelings towards the Nightbrother. He was your bodyguard. Your family's employee, meant to protect you from intruders and enemies. Not to share romantic moments, nor soft touches of skin at dusk, nor smiles that meant more than polite niceties. Certainly not daydream so hard about what his lips must feel like against your own, what he could taste like.
"I'm…" you struggled with words, what to say, his hand still holding your cheek, you never wanted it to end.
"What is it?" he asked, his brows arched in worry.
"I want to kiss you," you whispered, barely audible. Blood rushed to your cheeks. You felt hot all over and like you might faint from having uttered such nonsense.
Savage leaned down to your level, whispered in your ear, "Well, do it then."
Dathomir Character taglist (message me to be added or removed)
@lestrange2703 @mock-ing-bird_ing_bird @maulieber @botherbother-blog @emissarydecksetter @wolfpack-arts-industries99 @a-dorin @spookiifi
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
Stranded Part 1
Savage Opress x reader
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A/N: Oof I really have a problem cause all I want is to be stranded alone with the big boy himself.
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: On his way to locate his long-lost brother, Savage’s course gets altered and he is thrown into the unknown. Barely surviving the crash, he finds himself on a deserted planet with a force sensitive woman who somehow managed to thrive here on her own. If they’re going to make it off this strange planet they will have to work together.
WARNINGS: blood, fear, dead body, wounds, mental illness. Probably not how black holes work but idc fight me about it. Alcohol consumption.
       Savage Opress had been traveling the galaxy trying to find his brother Maul. After being betrayed by the nightsister he was meant to serve, Mother Talzin gifted him a necklace that would act as a compass. One that would guide him to his long-lost brother who could teach him to harness this new power he had realized. His 'gift' however appeared to lead him on a never ending, wild goose chase. Glowing and fading seemingly at will. It had been months and although his hope had started to fade, he pressed on without any other option. The Republic, the Separatists and everything in between wanted his head. He missed his way of life before the nightsister had chosen him to act as her tool of vengeance.
    A rumor of Maul being killed on Naboo by a Jedi had reached his ears. Better than anything else he had to go off of he punched the coordinates into his ship's nav computer and made the jump to hyperspace. The way the stars visibly stretched never ceased to amaze him. He watched the blue from the viewport before he nodded off to sleep, unknowingly altering the coordinates when he kicked his boots up onto the dash.
    He awoke hours later to alarms blaring and red lights flashing. Not being an experienced pilot by any means, panic tickled the edges if his mind. He pulled out of hyperspace, hoping there was a nearby planet he could land on. To his horror there wasn't a planet in sight. Rather, an immense blackhole that was slowly pulling small asteroids into its center. Panic now gripped him full force as he tried to get out of the gravitational pull but it was too late. It had him in its clutches and he could do nothing but let it take him.
    He thought of his younger brother in these moments. How the nightsisters had controlled his mind and forced his hand to take Farel's life. Perhaps he deserved this fate. To be swallowed into nothing after crossing the only living thing that had ever truly cared for him. He closed his eyes on the precipice of the abyss and with a single tear for his fallen kin, let the void devour him in his ship.
       He had expected to pass out or die but he never lost conciousness. He had his eyes scrunched for so long but he never stopped hearing the alarms ringing. He dared to open them only to see, well nothing. It was the darkest black he had ever seen. His navigation was almost useless, he had no idea where he was or where he was going but he could tell that he was in fact going forward. He dared to pray that there was another side to this hole and that he could in fact survive. That hope faded when he realized he was out of fuel, powering only life support at this point.
    Much to his surprise the sight before him changed. What started as a pinhole of a darkness that was slightly less bleak grew. It grew until he could see stars again. He was thrown out of his turmoil and launched towards the only planet in sight. From space it was incredibly green, white caps peaked occasionally and bodies of water could be viewed as well. Wherever he was headed seemed to lack vast oceans but rather, large lakes perhaps.
    He realized that without any fuel he would crash. Once he broke the atmosphere, he redirected the last few vapors he had in the tank to his engines and was able to aim the ship towards one of the nearing brown peaks. Hoping to slide down into the jungle. The initial impact knocked the wind out of him but thankfully didn't immediately kill him. His ship slid down the slope at an alarming speed and a dip in the terrain sent him airborne again. The second impact knocked him unconscious.
    He awoke maker knows how many hours later to the chirping of birds. Out of the viewport he could see that several more crashed ships beneath him had possibly broken his fall. Giant trees he had never seen before stretched out in front of him but not so close together that he couldn't see a decent way into the forest. His back must be facing the mountain. The ship was smoking and the hull was smashed beyond repair. For the first time he was grateful he had no fuel so the ship wouldn't explode if a fire spread.
    Blood dripped into his right eye from where he knocked his head and broken a horn. Lacerations of varying depth littered his body. He tried to move and quickly assessed that it was likely one of his ribs was fractured although he couldn't feel it sticking out or in anywhere. Savage attempted to pull himself free and realized his left arm wasn't responding. The worst of all, in his mind, the necklace that Mother Talzin gave him was shattered in his lap.
    He had to get his shoulder back in place and slung. Slowly he stood to his feet and made his way out of the transport, feeling claustrophobic. The moment his boot hit the grass below him he felt so many things through the force. This planet was teeming with life, wild and wavering force signatures surrounded him and stretched out as far as he could sense. One signature was starkly unique to the others he felt and he tensed. It was incredibly light, lighter than anything he had ever felt before. An airy, dreamy aura with sparks that danced through it grew closer. Whatever it was, it was nearing quickly. He force pulled his saber-staff from the ship into his grasp and lit one side, growling ferociously like the wounded animal he was. Whatever it was he felt had stopped in its tracks. He couldn't see anything through the trees and he took a hesitant step forward. Until he heard her.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I'd like to help."
    He couldn't see where the voice was coming from. It was a female. A young woman he would guess. Her voice was gentle and soft but projected well from her hiding place with a kind power behind it.
"Show yourself," he called almost roaring in pain.
"Promise you won't kill me on sight?"
"Are you alone?" his eyes darted around him trying to pinpoint her location.
"Yes... I know you can feel it."
    He could feel it. What he felt through the force, it was only her. He sheathed his saber and showing it over his head, tossed it to the side. Only then did she leap down from the canopy of the forest. If his rib didn’t make it painful to breathe, he would've gasped. Her hair shimmered in the light of the mid-day sun, her eyes glistened brightly with curiosity and breath-taking beauty. He had never seen a woman like her before. Beneath what was once a white cotton dress, now worn and stained, he could see and admire the outline of her body. A slit up the side revealed one of her legs and a knife strapped to her thigh. She had nothing on her feet as she slowly made her way over to him with her hands visible so he knew she wasn't armed.
"Hello. How did you survive the crash? I've never seen anyone else survive the crash."
"I don't know," he squinted his eyes at her wearily. His voice low and deep rumbled when he spoke.
"I can help you with your shoulder. I had some medical training before I crashed here myself."
Knowing he needed help he nodded cautiously. She continued towards him and gently removed his armor. When she took out her knife to cut open his shirt, he took a step back.
"I meant it when I said I wouldn't hurt you,” she hesitated before continuing; never breaking eye contact. Searching for a sign to stop.
    She slowly sliced open his shirt in one smooth motion. She took a second and allowed her eyes to drift over him. His golden skin and distinctive, almost tribal black tattoos. His massive chest, straight jaw and crown of horns. It was the first time in a very long time she had seen a man still breathing let alone of his caliber and tried to hide the heat that rushed to her cheeks.
"Um, I'm sorry but you're very tall. I'm going to need you to sit down, please. So I can reach you."
    He did what she had asked of him, keeping his back straight. With him sitting and her kneeling tall next to him he was still a head taller than she was. She placed her hands on him and asked him to breathe deeply. On the second exhale she slid the shoulder back into place with a loud crunch. He growled not really at her but the situation itself.
She used half of his shirt to make a sling for him and the other to wipe the blood off of his face. She force pulled an empty bag from the tree which surprised him.
"You'll have to clean your wounds so they don't get infected. I have a home near here with cool and hot springs if you'd like to accompany me."
    He knew he wouldn't be able to do much without aggravating his injuries so he reluctantly agreed. Before she led him away, she trotted over to one of the crashed ships off to the side. The pilot was dead and just starting to decompose, she tossed him out of the cockpit using the force and scavenged what lay inside, unphased. Well, she's got the stomach for surviving out here. He thought to himself.
      Now with a full pack she helped him up as best as she could almost collapsing under his weight. He kept a few feet behind her, taking only his saber and a change of clothes from the ship. She led him through the forest for what must have been at least two or three miles.
    A break in the tree line revealed a log cabin with a mossy roof adorning a few solar panels. He had grown accustomed to either adobe or durasteel buildings so this was a bit of a shock to him. Several hot springs steamed behind the cabin and a large pond lay to the front. Creatures that resembled chickens roamed the grasses near the house and what looked like an herb garden on the other side.
    He stopped and took in his surroundings for a moment before he followed her inside. The floor was also wooden, with various animal pelts laid out across the paneling. It was one large room except for what he assumed was a fresher. A large bed lay in one corner, what resembled a small kitchen in the opposite. Crude shelves covered the walls containing various items from dishes to clothing to medgear and a fireplace with a kettle. A small table sat off to the side with a few chairs. That's all she really had. Some things were obviously salvaged from ships like her clothes, the bed and bedding and some of her cookware but most of it looked hand made. It reminded him of his village in a way. They were not an advanced people when it came to luxury living by any means.
    He watched her dump out her bag on the table while he took a seat on the bed. He didn't realize that it was chilly outside until he felt the warmth of the fire that still burned. She was going through the medical supplies she found and sorting it when he finally spoke, still looking around her home.
"How long have you been here? Is there anyone else?"
"I've lost count. Fifteen years, I think? At least twelve. This planet is larger than the one I grew up on so it’s hard to keep long term time. If there is anyone else here, I haven't found them."
"How did you come here?"
She made her way over to him and started cleaning his wounds with the sealed antiseptic cloths.
"Same way as you I imagine. The blackhole. My family was traveling with an outdated navigation system. I guess the route had been changed due to the void but we were unaware. My father died in the crash and my mother died from exposure not long after. I was ten. The only reason I survived was my force sensitivity."
"You've been alone this whole time?"
"Yes... you're the first to survive the ordeal as well.. other than myself."
    This saddened him for a number of reasons. He couldn't imagine being alone for so long, especially for a child to grow up on her own. It also meant that there was little hope for escaping this planet. She bandaged him gently, their bodies in close proximity. Her work was precise but her hands shook slightly.
"You have a rather deep gash on your side, I think I should stitch it if you'll allow it."
"Have you done it before?"
"To myself yes."
    You left and quickly returned to him with the suture kit and some kind of root. She explained that if he chewed it, it would ease the pain so he took it. She knelt down in front of him and began her work as he gnawed on the blue root. It tasted sweet and the effect took hold quickly to his pleasure. She worked diligently and was careful as she could be. Once again, her work was perfect, the stitches were small and tight but her hands still trembled. When she finished her work, she spread some antibacterial salve on him and went to put her gear away in silence.
"Are you alright?" He asked, hesitant but genuinely concerned.
"Yes. I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I talked to someone who could actually respond. So long since I've heard another voice." She tried to laugh it off but her voice shook as much as her hands had.
    So long she had been by herself. To stave away loneliness she had named every one of her chickens and force probed the minds of animals. Even a few times resorted to sitting with the corpses of the people who never survived their crashes. At first, he felt bad that she had been surviving on her own but the true weight of it was sinking into his chest. He could feel her confliction through the force. Although his presence was a relief to her it was incredibly overwhelming. She changed the subject as quickly as she could.
"Is your species carnivorous or omnivorous?"
"Um, I’m a carnivore but I can stomach a little produce."
"I'm glad I went hunting yesterday then."
    She didn't have to go far to reach the kitchen area, maybe fifteen feet. She was silently thanking herself that she opted for a tall ceiling leaving less than a foot of headspace for her unexpected guest. She thought of him jumping and getting his horns stuck and broke out into a series of quiet giggles.
    Savage had an idea of what she found funny because when he stood, he could almost reach the top with his pointed ivory. He watched as she took out a few steaks from the cooler under the counter and potatoes from another cabinet. Lighting a fire in a stove he hadn't noticed he studied her in silence as she chopped various vegetables and pulled dried herbs from where they hung. She had some electricity to power the cooler from the solar panels but most of the light in the home came in through windows or the fire. He did see oil lamps on the shelves and watched as she filled a pot with water. She had plumbing here as well. He was kind of amazed.
"You did all this yourself." It wasn't a question. "You built this home, ran pipes and wires and.. well everything. How did you learn to do all this?" He was truly in awe.
"The house came together fairly quickly. It helped that I didn't have to actually lift the logs," she pulled one of the chairs from the table using the force to make her point. "The plumbing and the solar power, that came much later. Many ship crashes later. I was lucky that a construction contractor transport crashed. He wasn't lucky, but I was. That's where I got most of my materials and he had a few manuals with him," she added the produce to a pot and turned face him, leaning against the counter. He took the chair she had offered at the table.
 "All of this... it's quite impressive. I might actually survive the night if you don't turn me out," he offered her a slight grin which she returned.
"I'm happy to help and have the company."
    She returned to cooking and threw the steaks on a griddle of sorts, instantly filling the home with the rich smell of cooking meat. Savage's mouth watered. Realizing exactly how hungry he was. She finished her work in silence. Turning back to him only when she had full plates.
    The meal was unlike anything he had tasted in his life. Everything was real, no fillers that were often found in city cuisines and richer than anything he had on Dathomir. He rolled his eyes and she laughed.
"I'm glad you like it."
"I do. I never asked you your name. Mine is Savage Opress. I'm a Dathomirian nightbrother."
"It’s nice to meet you." She furrowed her brow realizing she had forgotten something she wanted to remember.
"I'm sorry I wish I had a name to give you but... I don't remember it or where I came from exactly. I remember my family called me 'little one' but... that’s all I remember," this inadvertently broke both of Savage's hearts.
"Can I call you that?"
"Sure. I wouldn't mind. I don't know the name of the planet I came from but I remember it was a desert and small; maybe it was a moon. I do prefer the climate and lushness of this planet. I've never had to worry about food or water."
"I'm not a fan of deserts either. My planet is humid."
"Where were you going when you got lost and fell here?"
"I was trying to find a brother I had never met. I only recently acquired my connection with the force and I was told he could train me."
"Oh, well I'm not sure you will be able to leave anytime soon but if you decide to stay here.. with me anyway.. until we find a way out, I could help you. I've grown quite strong with the force and I'm sure I could aid you."
"You could?" he seemed surprised at her offer but also kind of excited. It seemed the longer he was off the trail Mother Talzin had laid out for him, little pieces of himself were returning.
"Yes I can. Unless you would prefer to fare on your own here. I would understand."
    He shook his head in response. She was already set up, knew how to survive this place. He didn't dislike her company either. She seemed to brighten at the prospect of him staying. When they finished eating, she invited him to get comfortable. A mutual understanding that they would be sharing the bed as there was only one and the idea of sleeping on the floor was awful. She took their plates and grabbed a large jar of dried grains, taking it outside without a word to him. He could hear excited clucking as he stripped down to his knit shorts and tried to get comfortable. It was difficult with his shoulder and fractured rib. He opted to sit up until she returned.
When she did, she grabbed a bottle of brown liquid and took a swig.
"Almost every single ship has liquor on it at least."
   She offered him another blue root and the bottle, both he gladly took. He almost choked when she turned her back to him and slipped out of her dress within his sight. Leaving only a thin tight fabric covering her backside. He wanted to avert his gaze but was intrigued with the various scars that decorated her body. Modesty or self-awareness in front of others were traits she never learned he thought. She pulled on a loose-fitting shirt and took the bottle back from him taking another swill. Snuffing out the stove but refilling the fireplace. The daylight fully extinguished. Only the light belonged to the fire flickering through the room.
    She looked beautiful in this light. She had a graceful wildness about her that Savage admired. Strength in mind and body to accomplish what she had. He could feel it in the force too, her connection to it ran deep.
"Fair warning, it gets cold here at night even though it's technically spring time. It's a long night too." She made her way towards the bed.
"That’s fine. My species has two hearts and a high metabolism so our body temperature is much higher than yours."
    She felt that to be true the moment she crawled in next to him and lay down. She felt the heat radiating off of his skin. Savage scoot down once she was in. She reached a hand out to his chest to feel his dual hearts but hesitated. He saw this and guided her hand on top of his pulse. Her breath hitched. He was so warm and so soft and he really did have two of them.
"Goodnight Savage."
"Goodnight Little One."
      At some point before the sun rose Savage's eyes fluttered open. He didn't feel her in bed anymore but with the home's set up it didn't take long to find her. She was facing the fire whittling a block of wood with the knife he had seen strapped to her leg. She had left him another blue root on a stool beside the bed. Her hands moved quickly and she was muttering rapidly to herself. He could only pick up a few things from what she said.
"I am one with the force the force is with me.... alone but not, accompanied but alone.... the force is with me......not alone..... the beasts in the trees..... he wasn't real...... one with the force....." An occasional giggle escaped her lips, she was gently rocking back and forth while her hands worked.
    He didn't say anything but just watched her. The blanket of night must make it worse, when life on the planet was silent and the air was cold. He wondered how much longer it would've taken for her to become like this all the time if he hadn't shown up. She seemed alright earlier, nervous and jumpy but nothing like this. He uncovered his body and slowly made his way over to her. Sitting beside her with his legs crossed, trying not to touch her so he wouldn't startle her. He just waited for her state to ease.
    Eventually it did, it didn't take too long. She could feel the heat coming off of his skin. He watched her carve the wood into a long beaked bird, its wings outstretched. She tossed it into the fire and turned to face him. His eyes glowed gold against the dark backdrop behind him.
"Are you real or am I really, finally starting to snap? It's bad in the dark.."
    He took her hand and she tensed at his touch. He cautiously guided her into his lap and pressed her ear to his hearts. She could feel them beating like drums under his muscle. He had dealt with various episodes back home. Sometimes the men in his village would snap at the fear of being chosen by one of the nightsisters. Sometimes the women would come to beat them just to remind them of their place in the hierarchy. She melted and was grounded by his pulse.
"I am real. I am here. You’re not hallucinating."
    His chest vibrated when he spoke. His deep vibrato continuing to calm her. When she looked back into his eyes, they were softer. It seemed as though if they were going to make it out of this, they would both need each other.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
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ivorydragoness44 · 4 years
Darth Maul x Reader Masterlist
Last Updated: October 15th, 2021
Darth Maul vs Arachnid x Modern Reader
Darth Maul x Artist!Reader: Mosquitoes
Darth Maul x Reader: Not Morning Yet
Darth Maul x Nightsister!Reader: Child’s Play (Part 1)
Darth Maul x Reader: Essay
Darth Maul x Nightsister!Reader: Child’s Play (Part 2)
Darth Maul x Jedi!Reader: Out of Bounds (One-Shot)
Darth Maul x Reader: Simplicity
Darth Maul x Reader: What is Sleep?
Darth Maul x Sith!Reader
Darth Maul x Reader: Crimson Dawn
Darth Maul x Reader: Darkness
Darth Maul x Reader: Meditation
Darth Maul x Reader: Forgiveness
Brothers Three (Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Feral x Reader)
Brothers Three: The Sequel (Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Feral x Reader)
Darth Maul x Reader: Fear
Darth Maul x Reader: Connection
Darth Maul x Reader: Doting
Darth Maul x Reader: Love Day
Darth Maul x Reader: Can We Cuddle?
Darth Maul x Reader: Shower
Darth Maul x Reader: Saving Time
Darth Maul x Reader: Soulmate AU #1: Prologue (Final Title Pending)
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