#nightowl bp x reader
prettyboykatsuki · 26 days
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i've been very far home, my heart | nightowl (blooming panic)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ tags; established relationship, hurt/comfort, feelings of inadequacy / low self worth, gn!reader (they wear heels and have manicured nails, but otherwise nondescript. no gendered language), role reversal, arguing / messy human behavior, suggestive towards the end, they are implied to be the same height 🫡
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ wc ; 3.7k (added 500 to wc in editing. ok)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a/n ; bro idk what happened here FDHJDKDKJ. my sleep meds were making me feel super hungover, i got a little cooked on the devils lettuce and then wrote this?? and it wasn't bad lmaoaoa??
i really like this blonde twink ive known for three days. he is like. so extremely, hilariously my type and exactly like several ppl i've dated so this end up being a reflective piece on being a giver n navigating adult relationships.
title is from where we go by jelani aryeh
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The bathroom light is on.
It’s spilling underneath the door frame when you come in from work later than usual. It’s busy season, with new clientele - all of which require socializing around drinks and expensive dinners to secure them. It’s nearly 1am, and you’ve taken two Ubers to get back home from the restaurant all the way across town that you’ve been mingling at since nine.
You closed the deal though, and your boss (perhaps seeing the visible exhaustion in your eyes) has given you the go-ahead on taking a few days off. The consulting part of your financial advising job could wait until Monday, which was a relief to hear. You came home expecting Nightowl to be up. He’s always up this late, and when he is - he rarely limits himself to one room in the apartment. You have a routine to it. You sleep in the dark bedroom and Owl tries not to make so much noise as to wake you.
You texted him you’d be late, and he’d read it but didn’t reply. Too worn down to think anything of It at the time, you slept on two car rides rather irresponsibly and were unsure of what to feel when your apartment didn’t have any lights from the outside upon arrival. Youwalked in after that, wondering if your eyes had been playing tricks. But the house was still dark, both upstairs and down stairs - in the bedroom and in the office. The only place you could find any trace of life was in the bathroom.
You’ve only left your bag on the couch downstairs. Worry makes your brows furrow as you turn the door knob to your shared bathroom and walk in. The clinical scent of bleach is the first thing to grasp your senses, jolting you awake from the haze of steam and leftover buzz of alcohol.
You cough a little, and find Nightowl on the bathroom floor. There’s a bottle of peach soju on the counter, and a few open packets of developer and mixing bowls. Owl is drunk already you think, or at the very least tipsy, moreso than you. The hot blush on his skin makes you think he’s been at it for a while. You try not to monitor his liquor intake too much, but the concern you feel is immediate and not helped by where you find him.
His body is slumped against the gray wall closes to the tub, sitting on the tile with a different bottle in his hand. His phone is face down beside him and he’s not noticed you come in. Your frown deepens as your heels click slightly on the tile. Crouching down at the knee, you reach your hand out for his forehead. His skin is so hot it’s scorching. You sober up almost instantly.
Even in his inebriated state, he seems to recognize you. His smile is wide, but you don’t feel like it reaches his eyes.
“Oh, so you decided to come home after all!”
You smile sadly followed with a curt nod. “Sorry.”
“Don’t really see what the point is in you apologizing when you’ve already been so late,” He says jovial. You try not to let it sting. You remind yourself that he’s drunk and stifle a sigh again. “But welcome home!”
“Were you gonna bleach your hair?”
“Isn’t that obvious?”
“Yeah,” You reply, choosing to sigh that time. His lip wobbles a little and you try not to say anything more. “Do you want help?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
You mumble something about being right back and Nightowl hums in affirmation. A feeling washes over you. Bone-deep exhaustion crushing your lungs and making you wheeze when you step out of the bleach-scented bathroom. When you’re distance enough away that he won’t hear you - closer to your bedroom door, you breathe in and out, calming yourself down. After you feel more centered, you open your shared room door and take a stool from along the wall, bringing it with you into the bathroom. Nightowl doesn’t turn his head to look at you until you place it. Sharing a glance with each other, he gets up on his own and sits himself on the placed stool dramatically and you give him a weak smile through the mirror he doesn’t bother returning.
You’re quiet as you leave the door open a touch to make sure the steam doesn’t overheat you both. Shrugging off your suit jacket, you fold it and hang it on the towel racks behind you. You unbutton your sleeves and roll them into neat folds on both arms, and before digging into one of your bathroom drawers for plastic gloves. Sliding them onto your manicured fingers, you pick up the bowl of developer from the side of the counter and mix it using the provided brush until it’s all smooth.
Nightowl is unusually silent through the entire thing. If he weren’t fidgeting, you could barely tell he was there. It’s so difficult to see him that way. You try not to blame yourself too much.
“Gonna start,”
A longing passes over you in the warm, sterile air. The coolness from the A.C. in the rest of your apartment dries down the sheen of sweat your accumulated while out socializing. Your feet are killing you and your shoulders are aching and your lungs feel like you can’t get enough air out of them. That’s busy season for you. The price of your job with all of it’s stability and benefits is the annual stretch of months where you are so busy you feel like you are drowning.
It’s one thing to be so mind-numbingly busy when you’re single and only worried about not dying. Another though to have a partner waiting for you, who you love and would like to be with - who you’ve admittedly not done well in paying attention to. You’ve tried you think. Made some attempts, but it doesn’t feel good enough and it certainly isn’t enough for Nightowl. You know that, too. You look down at where your hands are applying the bleach, dazed - using only muscle memory to apply it to the roots and strands of his hair. You want to touch him. To press kisses into his spine, drunk and elated, and press your cheek to his shoulder and confess your undying love until he’s giggly all over again.
The thought of adoration soothes you. Makes you smile to yourself even amongst the unforgiving atmosphere. Nightowl doesn’t care for that, his face growing even more frustrated.
“Thought of something fun? Glad at least one of us is having a good time.”
Your eyes meet his in the mirror. He looks away when he sees how pained you look, and you shut your eyes trying not to react. “Sorry.”
“Stop saying that,” He frowns, though he seems more sad than you.
“S—“ You clear your throat and laugh humorlessly at yourself. “Okay,”
You go about your business. Many things cross your mind but you can’t wrangle your thoughts into anything cohesive enough to say. Your jaw tightens a little, like your mouth wants to practice syllables it can’t remember. The distraction of rubbing bleach into Nightowls roots is welcome. His hair is a lot healthier than it used to be, after a year of forcing him to use hair masks. You admire as you brush through the strands, and Nightowl seems to lost in his own thoughts to say anything in protest. He probably hates this silence more than you. He’s uncharacteristically stiff, and there’s no smalltalk to distract from the surroundings.
You’re not feeling well enough to try and remedy it. Allowing yourself to stonewall and sit in the discomfort is about as much as you can do to reach a hand to your relationship. You probably can’t make it better, but you can do your best not to make it any worse.
“All done,” You mumble, just loud enough for him to hear. You slide the gloves off and toss them into the trash “We should sober up before bed. Hangover before bed sounds awful. Did you,” You hiccup. “Want some?”
He doesn’t reply to you. You press your lips into a flat line, feeling somewhat sorrowful but ultimately resigned. “I’ll make some anyway. And set a timer too while I’m down there. Just, uh - join me. When you’re done here.”
Before you turn to leave, he grabs your wrist. You’re taken aback by the sudden gesture (though there’s not force in it), turning around to look at him. His face is red. Wet tears pool on the corners of his straight, black lashes. Blinking a few times in surprise, you reach your hand to wipe them from the corners. Muscle memory. You find your love for him defined that way. He doesn’t flinch away from the touch, at least.
“Don’t you have something to say to me,” He insists. You frown in genuine confusion, a sad smile pulling at your mouth.
“Thought you told me to stop saying sorry,” You repeat with no malice, smiling a little. “That’s all I’ve got though.”
His lower lip trembles again and you try not to laugh. “God. How could you be so. God.” He sniffles a little. “You could cuss me out. Or like, I dunno, just get mad in general. You’re supposed to be mad, I was,” He cuts himself off.
You laugh a little tiredly, bending down to press your forehead to his. The flush of his skin against your own makes your heart murmur his name. “I don’t have anything to say, my heart.” You assure, smiling. “We’re both pretty tired. But I have tomorrow off. Let’s cool off and talk tomorrow. “Okay?”
“Okay,” He says back, still simmering. “As long as you’re here tomorrow.”
Your heart stings. “For the next two days, promise. I’ll toss my work phone if you want.”
He cracks a smile like that. “Might have to take you up on that, cutie.”
The familiar nickname eases you a bit, making you laugh. “Whatever you want.”
Morning comes unyielding and indifferent, like always.
Sunlight filters through the curtains as your eyes peel open and try to get adjusted to the light. There’s a weight on top of you, and the sound of steady breath. Another heartbeat thumps alongside yours and before you can make much sense of it - you catch the freshly yellow blond roots of your lover as he lays on your chest.
You went to bed last night not even facing each other. The image of him reaching around for you in his sleep and ending up in your arms feels like divine intervention. You admire how perfectly he fits there. Your eyes trace of his features. Thick, straight brows, skin like light gold, a straight nose and full lips. The shock of blonde suits him strangely, makes the dark lines of his other features pop. It’s rare you get to look at him so closely, even more so lately.
The intimacy of his flaws makes your stomach flutter, texture in his skin and eyebags and all. You crane your neck to kiss his hairline and think about returning to sleep in the cocoon of warmth. The cradle of soothes you, makes your eyelids heavy with sleep again. You think it’d be nice to sleep in more, but you don’t want to squander anymore time with Nightowl. Shifting, you pry yourself away from his grasp and tuck him into blankets. You’ll wake him later.
You’re quiet as you tiptoe around the house and get your affairs in order. The bathroom first to shower and brush your teeth, then downstairs to start on breakfast. You take the ritual of it to calm down and ease the leftover nerves of your stomach. It was better to save any conversation for sobriety - so you don’t regret it. Still, you feel a fear lingering. A nagging voice in the back of your head as you flip pancakes and cut fruit and pour juice.
The eerie silence of Saturday morning pushes you to reflect. It’s rare you fight like this. Even more rare that Nightowl reverts to that kind of angriness, which is why you find you can’t get upset. Not even the sound of sizzling and frying can keep your mind from wandering.
Inadequacy is familiar. An old winter jacket, too sizes too small and ill-fitting but full of your own personhood. One of the things you and Nightowl bonded over a long time ago.
You did well in school, in college, made a career for yourself. It’s making up for the rest of you, you think.
At least you’re good at your job, even if the rest of you is not worth mentioning. The ghost of feeling like you are, in some basic and intrinsic way, not good enough likes to shake you every now and again. Not friend, nor partner. It’s not something you easily get rid of, despite how far you’ve grown past it. Or around it. Or ahead of it. Wherever you’ve ended up, occasions come that knock the feeling loose from your deepest memories. You work hard to cover for it.
You like to logic your way out of the guilt when you’ve poured so much into it and people drift. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Usually that works. Tuck your emotions into neat compartments, throw yourself further into your work, don’t drink too heavily or be alone with anyone for too long. Ignore everything, do it by yourself so you’re still worth something, wait until it’s over. Eventually it all comes to pass, and you come out of the other end alive - but alone.
You can’t do that anymore though. It’s hard to remember that. Isolation is no longer the answer, because there is someone (multiple people, really) who will feel lonely without you. Even if it’s unfathomable to you, even if it’s hard to remember. The consequences creep up like this, and your left with the emotional void of making a bad situation worse. Sorry is the only word you know. There are so many things to be sorry for.
You’re so lost in thought you burn a pancake and have to toss it. You also seem to miss the presence of another person in your shared space until Nightowl comes and wraps his arms around your shoulders. Turning the heat down, you shift to face him. He looks exhausted but he must’ve come down after washing up.
“You’re awake.”
“Mhm.” He says, still sleepy. A smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. “So are you. And you’re making me breakfast.”
You laugh. “I am. So, go sit down.” And then, a little more serious. “We have a lot to talk about but I’d rather do it on a full stomach.”
“We’re in an argument and you’re still taking care of me.” Sadness bleeds into his words.
You reply without skipping a beat, going back to the stove to pour some more batter. “Well, its not like I don’t love you anymore.”
There’s a long, long pause of silence that alarms you once you recognize it. Once you hear sniffling, you whip around again to see Nightowl weeping a little as he leans against the counter. Alarms go off in your head, once again turning the stove down. You wrap your arms around his waist loosely, bending down to get a closer look at him. He’s cover his face with his hands.
“Ugh,” His voice is thick and heavy. “Can you not be so nice and perfect and angelic? I’m trying really hard to be mad at you and I’m failing like a loser.”
You can tell there’s some sincerity in his words, though you ignore the first half of his statement. “I don’t want to make you feel bad.”
He pulls away then, looks at you incredulous. “You’re so,” His hands curl at your chest as you hug him slightly. You’re confused but don’t say anything. “God, you’re so frustrating.”
“Sorry,” You say apologetically. “Don’t mean to make you cry either. Feel like I’m going that a lot. We should really eat.”
“Don’t want to,” He whines a little as he says. “Just. I want to kiss and makeup already.”
You smile a little before humming.
“We should talk about it, then.”
Nightowl just nods, and you take that as permission to just go. You do your best to get the words out.
“I really love you,” You say first, and then sigh. Nightowl clings onto you tighter and listens instead of interjecting, which must mean he’s feeling serious. “And uhm, was already feeling bad about myself. And then I got busy which made it worse cause I couldn’t really you know… be there for you, so I ended up pulling away to figure it out alone and then got even busier. Which was isolating for you, and I’m sorry for that. It’s hard to like.. I dunno. Lean on you. On anyone.” You laugh a little. “Is that too vague?”
“It makes sense to me but…what were you feeling bad about, even?”
“Well I was busy before that, so I just felt shitty about being a bad partner to you. In general, don’t feel like I deserve you but then you know,” You sigh “It was shitty of me.”
“Are you kidding me?” He says. His face is twisted in a pout. “You’re seriously being all mopey ‘cause you think you’re a bad partner when you’re like… literally the best ever? Like, that I’ve ever had?”
You’re too surprised to say anything. “Is that not why were arguing?”
“I mean,” His frown deepens, and he presses his face against your chest. “Ugh. So embarrassing. I am upset because you’re so busy and we haven’t spent time together but that’s like… totally not your fault, yknow? I’m being super clingy and I was just… really lonely yesterday.”
“Sorry for making you feel lonely.”
“Stop apologizing or I’m gonna bite you, ‘kay cutie?” He says seriously. You relent with a worrisome smile and encourage him to keep going. “I was getting like… all pathetic. Cause I thought you didn’t want me anymore, didn’t even occur to me something was wrong. I’m so sorry about that, about all of it - god. I shouldn’t have lashed out on you. I hate that it still gets so bad when we've been together so long. I just missed you so fucking much. And I think so highly of you, I couldn’t help but be all torn up about the idea that you were pulling away cause you didn’t want me.”
“I do want you. I’m just surprised you want me sometimes.”
“You’re dumb,” He whispers with no bite at all. “That’s my line. You’re like literally perfect to me.”
“So we got in a fight ‘cause we needed to be with each other,” You say with a long pause, then laugh. “How silly.”
“Guess so,” He says back with a little frown. “Are we okay?”
“We’re okay,”
You share a brief moment of comfortable, understanding silence. It feels easier to breathe. Even though it’s messy and foolish, you love being with him. It makes you feel real and whole - wanted to be missed that much.
“I missed you too by the way,” You reply with utmost sincerity. “Only thing I thought of all night was how much I wanted to hold you.”
“You’re making me blush.” He says with a loopy little smile. “Y’mean that?”
“More than anything.” You reply. “I like being with you. I like taking care of you. I like that you’re needy and jealous and temperamental.”
“Stopppp,” He groans and you laugh aloud, leaning forward to place a kiss on his jaw. “Not that I hate being told what you like about me but it’s making my tummy flutter.”
“I like loving you,” You say with some finality. “I feel really shitty when I feel like I’m failing at it because I take pride in being good at that.”
“Jeez,” His face is bright pink when you pull away. “You shouldn’t think of yourself so little, yanno? Not that this is a surprise but yesterday I was like, totally acting awful to you. I really am sorry I let it get that bad, I was just really worked up. Even right now you make me so happy, it feels a little unfair to me. I want to be with you all the time. So sometimes when I can’t I just get like… awful. And stupid. And want to throw a bunch of dumb tantrums about it.”
You nod in understanding. “It did hurt my feelings but I really didn’t feel like it was undeserved.”
“It was totally undeserved!”
You crack a little smile. “Agree to disagree?”
He grabs your face with both hands, knocking your foreheads together. “It was undeserved, no take backs. I’m sorry I hurt you and always will be. Stop being so nitpicky about yourself, kay? I’m literally crazy about you.”
“Me too,” You crane your neck to kiss his palm where it cradles your face. “I adore you, baby.”
“I like being adored by you,” He says with a sweetness that makes your heart melt. “I like loving you too of course, but attention is… nice. You know.”
He makes a face at you as you say this that you can only describe as a grin, before pushing himself forward to press a long kiss to your lips. You laugh a little into, smile splitting your face at the intensity he kisses you at first thing in the morning. Over and over, pulling and pushing - giggling as you chase his mouth as he pulls away.
“We kissed but I dunno if we’ve made up,” He says. Concern briefly passes over your expression. “Got some really good ideas about how we could do that.”
You give him a flat look but can’t contain your laughter.
“We should really eat breakfast,”
He puts a hand at the top of your waistband with lidded eyes and smiles. “There’s something else I wanna eat first though?”
You pretend to be exasperated.
“Jesus. We just made-up and you wanna fuck already?”
“Duh. That’s like, the best part,”
You snort. “We’ll go once and then I’m making you eat breakfast even if I have to force it down your throat.”
“Ooh, feeling rough I see,”
You snort. “Yeah, guess so.” You shoot him a little look, leaning into whisper and nip at his ears. “On your knees for me, baby.”
He giggles a little, giddy with mischief in his face. “Mmkay,”
He presses a cheek to your clothed thigh, lovesick. “I love you,”
You can’t help but laugh at his choice of when to say it and simply reply back in full adoration. “I love you too, my heart.”
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a/n ; ANOTHER AUTHORS NOTE? sorry for being the ceo of yapping im insane
i just want to like. give some insight on this fight bc im worried it seems onesided. reader has low self esteem and really beats themself over their own expectations in everything. they isolate when they're overwhelmed and work was already doing that to them. and then things got busier, which meant there wasn't really time to repair the relationship between them which is why nightowl gets as mad as he does.
nightowl is deathly afraid of being unloved and abandoned, and he get a little caught up in his self hate that they fail to realize something is going on with their partner. so he lashes it out and it feels warranted but he gets like guilty bc reader doesn't react to the goading any differently
i think nightowl is a very complicated but incredibly familiar character. he's a little selfish but i find him incredibly endearing and i have a strong desire to dote on him and monopolize him. which was the intent for this fic. but i ended up just exploring real life relationship dynamics between a character like this. very selfless x selfish. they love each other and find fulfillment in this. i love them.
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sunshowerwriting · 5 months
they refuse to go to bed unless they hear from you and get a goodnight and an i love you. weather that be in person or over the phone or even through messages, they will not go to bed unless they hear from you. which has led to many situations where they will bother you and even wake you up because they need to hear you say i love you before going to bed.
MAMMON. HINATA. oikawa. atsumu. itadori. NIGHTOWL.
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kings-writes · 4 months
uhhh...thoughts on the bloomic Love Interests taking care of mc during their period...
This is hard because they would be both similar and different when it comes to this-
NightOwl is more exaggerative with his worries in a sense? than NakedToaster is. I mean like he is more expressive and would want to help out as much as he can, but you need to comfort him more (but he does make you laugh because of it). Buys as many pads and tampons as he can- you wont have to worry for a while. Loves when you rely on him- he likes knowing you come to him first when things like this happen.
Toasty is more composed- he is the type to run his hands through your hair and make you tea to help as best as they can, probably has a hot water bottle ready when he notices. He takes time off work because what are they supposed to do? Leave you in pain for 8 hours a day? Thats not what a good partner does.
Xyx picks up on it first- with his line of work it would be kinda hard not to. Easier to cry, pain is worse, and your appetite is fluctuating? Yep, it’s that time again. He planned it the day before, setting everything up so that you can relax and kick back. He doesn’t want you stressing, and Cat is great company for when he cant get out of work, usually bringing home more snacks than usual to help cheer you up while you cuddle on the couch.
Quest is the type to be more..service? Like he runs you a bath, the type to make you some food and usually you two take turns cleaning but he takes more of the work that makes it harder for you when it’s your period. He WILL NOT let you stand for too long because he knows youre in pain, he will carry you. He honestly loves taking care of you the most because you dont usually let him and he likes making life easier for you.
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wordsofoleander · 2 years
🌸 where you should give the bloomic characters a kiss!
❥ 619 words ❥ tags: pure fluff, all of the characters except societyboy ❥ cw: owl's section may be a little bit suggestive ❥ notes: my thirst for pure tender fluff is unquenchable. can't believe this is finally leaving my drafts after like, half a year? enjoy!
— nightowl: on his collarbone
- there's no denying it when you hear nightowl's labored breathing and feel the rapid beating of his heart when you pull away from the crook of his neck. when you gaze even deeper into his half-lidded eyes and feel his grip on your waist tighten, you become just as lost as he is. hey cutie, you won't think of him as selfish now if he asked for seconds, right?
— quest: on his chest
- sometimes, after a long and tiring day at work, some quality time to unwind with each other is just what you and quest need. one of his favorite ways to do so is to hold his angel in his arms! he feels his heart skip a beat every time he feels you drowsily kiss him on his chest, just above the fabric of his shirt. with moments like these, there's nothing else in the world he could ever wish for.
— xyx: on his cheek
- when xyx sees you tiptoeing towards him and feels your lips on his cheek, he's gone. oh what have you done to him this time, doll? nowadays, he can't help but ask you to reward him with a kiss on the exact same spot for the little favors he does for you with a shit-eating grin on his face. the whole thing makes him feel like he isn't himself. gross. but the way he looks at you says otherwise.
— nakedtoaster: on his chin
- height difference go brr. toasty finds it hilarious how you could be standing on your toes and still be barely reaching the upper half of their face. though when your lips finally touch their skin, he finds his eyes closing shut and his lips letting out a quiet sigh of relief, wishing for the millionth time that their fast-beating heart calm down at least for a little bit.
bonus for the non-lis!
— onionthief: on his nose
- it’s amusing how one little kiss from you is enough to get onion to shut up completely. you’re convinced that it’s all worth it every time you see his cheeks brighten when you pull away. his full reaction is always a surprise, and you certainly can’t correctly predict what it will be. but when he’s feeling playful and starts to reach for your arm in hopes of revenge, you know you’ve hit the jackpot.
— two2: on the corner of their mouth
- it's become a common occurrence to make dinner together with two and their sister. they're so focused on the task that they don't notice the tiny bits of food left over on their face after taste testing the food. despite the shock from the siblings that comes after, there’s no better excuse than that to plant a quick and chaste kiss just centimeters away from his lips!
— june: on her forehead
- there's just something about feeling a kiss from you on her forehead that sets june's pulse racing. it melts your heart whenever you see her beam at you in response just as much as hers does the exact same thing when you kiss her. you note that there is a spring in her step after, and you can already tell that she’ll forever cherish these little moments with you.
— biglady: on her palm
- lady loves loves loves to cup your face in her hands and gush about how you're the absolute best. when you take one hand against your cheek and give it a smooch, her expression softens, cheeks with a light blush. though you better prepare yourself, as she'll be sure to pepper your face in kisses in return!
— salocin: on the back of his hand
- you once found yourself taking salo's hand in yours and giving it a peck in thanks, saying something about how he's the best grandfather figure you could ever ask for. who wouldn't? it takes you mere seconds to process his reaction. he's happy but... wait, shit. are you...? ohmygod i'm so sorry, salo. please don't cry—
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stintsy · 5 months
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Bloomic banner drop !!!! Couldn't find one so i made one >:]
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andheresthething · 1 year
Crazy For You, Oh Boy
Summary: Nightowl dotes on you when you come to visit.
[Established Relationship] [Long-Distance Relationship] [Domestic Fluff] [Reunions] [Pet Names] [Kissing] [Cuddling & Snuggling] [Literal Sleeping Together] [Sexual Innuendos] [Househusband Energy] [No use of y/n] [Fem Reader]
This is super rambly and drawn out but it's just loads of Nightowl fluff. Would appreciate feedback as I'd like to keep writing lil fics for my favorite Blooming Panic boy, carpal tunnel allowing.
Also, obligatory character playlist plug because I love it. Title comes from a lyric from a song on there :)
Reposted from AO3
You impatiently stared out of the window as the car turned into the parking lot of an apartment complex. As it comes to a halt, you could not have gotten out of it sooner. Grabbing your backpack, you thanked the driver before closing the door. You went around to the back, opened the trunk, and hauled out a duffel bag. As overworked as you were, your wallet be damned if you paid for a checked bag, not that you really needed it anyway. Slamming the trunk closed, the car drove off. With your backpack on and the world's heaviest duffel bag slung over your shoulder, you practically ran towards the entrance of the building.
Once inside, you rocked your feet back and forth as you waited for the elevator to come to the ground floor. While your destination was only one floor away, your cargo would kill you before making it up half a flight of stairs, not to mention how much a long, cramped flight takes out of you. After an agonizing wait, the elevator arrived with a ding. You hopped in and repeatedly pressed the door close button, knowing full well that doing so would not speed up the process at all. Pent-up excitement was being taken out on your phone via death grip as the elevator went up. Another ding allowed your phone to live another day. With an exit now available, your speed walking to your destination rivaled that of senior citizens at the mall at 7 in the morning. Halting yourself in front of the door, you knocked. 
“Hold on!” Nightowl shouted from the other side. Some faint chaos bleed through the door for a moment before the door swung open. You immediately flung yourself onto the person in front of you, enveloping him in a bear hug forceful enough to push him back a step or two. “Woah, hey there, cutie. I missed you so much,” he laughed, reciprocating the hug with the same amount of love.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you more, sweetheart,” you spoke into his neck. The two of you stayed in the hug a moment longer before moving slightly apart, still enough to hold each other. Nightowl leaned down for a kiss, that you happily gave. Though short, both of you had been dying for it. 
“Glad you’re back home, things just feel so off when you’re not here.” 
“I know, just a few more months, and we never have to do this again,” you smiled at him, lifting yourself slightly for another kiss. When you broke apart, a playful pout was on his face.
“Why can't you just stay here now,” he whined, tightening his grip on your waist slightly. Even after finishing his graduate program, he still acted like a little kid at times. You loved his playful demeanor, though.
“Because my sadist job is trying to kill me before I can leave,” you responded, starting to sway the two of you. “At least the new one will be much better.”
“Mmh, can’t wait till then. But, in the meantime, I will be a chivalrous gentleman and take your bags so that you can take a nice, long shower. I’ll order some food after, and we can have a quiet night in.”
“Ah, you’re truly wonderful, darling.”
“Only the best for you, cutie,” he said, giving you a peck on the lips. 
Letting go of each other, you immediately dropped your bags onto the floor and handed Nightowl your phone. While you kicked off your shoes, Nightowl took your bags back to the bedroom. You quickly made your way back to the bathroom. With as often as you visited, it was easier to get a second shower brush and share toiletries than lug your own back and forth. Given that Nightowl wasn’t the 20-in-1 type of guy, you didn’t have to worry about your hair being dry and skin breaking out. 
As you took your long-deserved shower, Nightowl put himself to work unpacking your things. Putting your clothes in his closet, your phone and laptop on his desk and charging them, accessories on his own stands, and whatever else you had brought in their rightful places. While the majority of the time he wouldn’t do these things for himself, for you, he spends a full day getting his place clean up for your arrival. Not to say that he was a slob, but the life of an architect could be very demanding. He sometimes joked with himself that if his carrier fell through he would be the perfect househusband for you.
Eventually, your shower ended and you went across the hall in your towel to get changed. Walking into the bedroom, you’re greeted with Nightowl laying on the bed, scrolling through the several options on DoorDash. He looked up at you and grinned. “You’re looking good, cutie. I unpacked everything for you while you were in there.”
“Absolutely wonderful you are,” you hummed, making your way over to the closet to pick out something to throw on for the night.
“For you, anything,” He stared at you, nothing but adoration filling his eyes as you grabbed your clothes. “Want me to close my eyes?”
“If you don’t mind,” you responded. Although you have seen each other in every state of undress imaginable, he still felt the importance of privacy whenever wanted. You appreciated his care, especially given your history of mediocre relationships with people who couldn’t bother with those sorts of things. When he closed his eyes, you quickly got yourself dressed in a random t-shirt of indeterminate ownership and the sluttiest pair of plaid pajama pants you could find. “You’re good now,” you spoke, starting to dry your hair off with the towel you wore into the room. At your command, Nightowl opened his eyes to look at you once more.
“I think I like this combo better than the towel.”
“I tried with the pants.”
“And you succeeded,” he chuckled. “So, did you think over what you want for dinner?”
“Hmm,” you began as you continued to dry your hair, “You craving anything?”
Nightowl shook his head, “Not really, I’m good with whatever.”
“Then can we get something from that one Chinese place over by that one bookstore?” you asked cheerfully.
“Sure thing, cutie. The usual?”
“Yes, please. Thank you, love!”
Nightowl went back to his phone to place your order while you went back to the bathroom to hang your towel. When you returned, he set his phone down and patted the spot next to him. You lay down next to him, moving closer to lay your head on his chest.
Nightowl wrapped an arm around your waist. “How was your flight?" he asked.
"About as good as it can get with two babies on board."
"Aw man, sorry you got stuck with that.”
"At least your neighbors don't have kids."
"I don't think I could have made it through grad school if they did. I hope the shower relaxed you some though," he said, starting to rub your stomach with his thumb slightly. 
"Not as much as lying here with you right now," you smiled at him.
“Pretty girl on my chest and she’s this sweet? I won at life being able to have you all to myself.” Your face went pink at his words. Although he said things like that all the time, it never failed to make you feel like a dumb teenager when he did. The best you could do was let out a small whine in response. “Aww, and you’re all flustered by that? You’re killing me here, cutie.”
“Oh, shush, it’s just 'cause I haven’t seen you in months.”
“Sure, if you say so,” he hummed.
The two of you continued to talk about random topics as you waited for your dinner. Due to the wonders of technology and neither of you possessing the ability to be okay with not calling every day, there wasn’t anything exactly big to catch up on. A little while longer went by until Nightowl got a notification that the driver was at the building. The two of you got up, he to acquire the food, and you to grab drinks and pick out the entertainment you would be promptly ignoring. After a decent look in the fridge, you grabbed two beverages of choice and plopped yourself onto the couch.
You waited a moment longer before Nightowl came back with the food. He brought the bag to the couch and rummaged through it to hand you your food along with a pair of chopsticks graciously provided by the restaurant. You, starving, started eating before he even got around to opening his food.
“God, I’ve missed this so much,” you started between chews, “Seriously, this place has the best Chinese food I’ve ever had.”
“And here I was thinking you meant eating takeout with me,” he joked.
“I suppose I missed that too, but I don’t know, this lo mein is pretty fucking good,” you shot back. With his free hand, Nightowl placed a hand on his chest and leaned back, closing his eyes.
“Oh, I can’t believe she loves egg noodles more than me!” he remarked. You giggled a bit in response.
“Fine, perhaps I love the current activity more than egg noodles.”
“Just the activity?”
“You’re not gonna make me say this, are you?”
“How else would I know if you don’t say it out loud, to my face?” The little antic of his was one reminiscent of one faithful night in the call channel of the Bloomic server. Over time, you learned that he loved to pull this type of line either to get you flustered over little things or annoy the shit out of you. 
“Fine, I definitely absolutely, love you, Nightowl, more than egg noodles or eating egg noodles in your presence,” you playfully groaned out. 
“You hear that? She loves me more than egg noodles!” he shouted. You smiled at his response. Though a cute moment, it was quickly ended by a banging from the wall in front of you.
“Shut the fuck up in there!” A neighbor shouted through the wall. The two of you stared at each other in surprise before Nightowl yelled a quick apology back.
“That’s the second neighbor you’ve pissed off by boasting about my love for you,” you said after a moment.
“I would happily piss off several more if it means I can brag about you,” he said, going back to finish his food, “Granted, as long as it doesn’t get me evicted.”
You chuckled. “Good call.”
As time went on, you continued mindless banter accompanying the completion of your meals. Even once finished, the two of you sat together and talked for what seemed like forever. You even managed to squeeze out some information, albeit, fairly vague, about the dates he had planned for the two of you during your stay. At some point, all the travel and excitement of the day had gotten the better of you. While you did try to hide it, a yawn gave your state of energy away to Nightowl.
“I saw that, cutie. A queen needs her beauty sleep.”
“Says you.”
“I’ll have you know that I still get my full 8 hours every night,” he asserted.
You chuckled, which turned into another yawn. “Maybe so, but you still live life in another time zone.”
“When you’re here, it gets a bit more normal.”
“Really?” you thought for a moment, “Huh, I guess it does. Wonder why?”
“Maybe it’s cause I worry about your well-being in terms of sleep so much that it rubs off on me,” he pondered.
“If taking care of me gets you to take care of yourself, then I'm all for it,” you smiled at the sweetness of it all. 
Nightowl got up and started collecting the empty containers, “You go on to bed, I’ll meet you there in a minute.”
“You sure?”
“Mhm, you come first, cutie.”
You got up from the couch, “Absolutely the best to me.”
You cupped his face, giving him a peck on the cheek before making your way to bed. Little did you know, but that small act of affection melted Nightowl’s heart. Blushed, he took a moment from cleaning up to compose himself. He didn’t exactly know why he reacted with the fuzzy, teenager-in-love feeling, but he welcomed it nonetheless. He picked up the pace to join you just slightly sooner.
While he was finishing up, you had practically thrown yourself into bed, the exhaustion finally hitting you. You got yourself comfortable and passed the time looking around the room, studying what’s changed since you last visited. Though a tad boring, you didn’t exactly possess the brain power to check your phone and retain anything. 
Eventually, a blonde figure caught the corner of your eye. You turned to face your beloved Nightowl as he entered the room, shutting the door behind him. He turned off a small desk lamp, allowing the fairy lights over his bed to illuminate the room. You sleepily pat the spot next to you, which he happily filled, snuggling as close to you as he could. The sparking of the lights above the two of you reflected in his brown eyes. Even in your extremely groggy state, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your boyfriend.
“You ready to sleep?” he mumbled, seeming to try to hide a yawn of his own. 
“Yeah,” your eyes were already fluttering closed. Nightowl brought an arm around you and planted a kiss on the top of your head. “Maybe tomorrow you can be the activity I love.”
“I will most definitely make sure that becomes true,” he smiled, “Goodnight, cutie.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
The warm lights illuminated the two of you drifting off to sleep together for the first time in months. All became still in that apartment, and for a night, all was right in the world. 
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heyo!! can i ask for a little angst for the bp LIs 😌 scenario isss: mc has a very dangerous job (like a spy or smth) but doesn't say anything abt it. one day, they're sent on a mission that goes bad and they're heavily injured to the point where they go into a short coma. when they wake up, they have to tell their lover the truth. how do the LIs react??
ty!! stay hydrated bestie <33
warnings: guns, injuries/broken limbs, blood violence, hostipals/doctor's office notes: idk why this took me so long, i was STRUGGLING but i do like how it turned out. i only did owl and toast, might write quest and xyx's parts later. sorry about that and the wait, and ty for requesting this amazing prompt and being so patient @gabinggabi have a lovely day hope you enjoy <3
despite it all
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a single lightbulb flickered inside a concrete basement. the only sounds present were the near-silent noise of your breathing and steps across the floor. sweat dripped down your forehead as you held your pistol close to your chest. the air was so thick you could cut through it with a knife.
your goal was to free a hostage from their holder. the building was surrounded, however you were the only one inside the building. it was truly a solo mission, and a stealth one at that. you would be alright, you thought. you were a professional after all.
keys began to turn in the door. your heart nearly jumped out of your chest, diving behind whatever large object you could find.
unfortunately for you, this particular room had a corner mirror. before you knew it you were pinned to the wall by a surprisingly tough, scrawny man, no older than 30.
he kicked you in the chest, before taking your gun from you. he used it to strike you in the face before aiming it at you, backing you into the wall.
your ribs ached and your body was bruised, cheek already turning red and nose bleeding.
you wracked your brain for something, anything you could do to gain the upper hand. anything to get away, preferably with the hostage. they were the priority here, as soon as they escaped your team could rush into the house and apprehend the criminal.
unfortunately, things were not going so well.
you doubled over as the kidnapper shoved his knee into your stomach, before elbowing you directly on the back of your head.
black patches were beginning to cloud the sides of your vision. your ears were ringing. you fell onto your knees, desperately gripping into the criminals leg in an attempt to do some sort of damage.
your efforts were fruitless however. the criminal proceeded to press his foot down on your arm. you could feel it crack. he pulled back, before kicking you in the side, wringing a pained groan from you. you could taste blood and your head screamed at you.
almost mercifully, he put you out of your misery, whacking you in the head with the pistol once again, finally knocking you out.
black consumed your vision, both a pain and a relief as footsteps faded away, followed by the slamming of a door.
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you woke with a start, looking this way and that. panic set in. what happened? did you end up catching the criminal? was the hostage okay? where were you?
it smelled of hand sanitizer and disinfectant. the overhead lights were bright enough to cause a headache. everything in your field of vision was a stark white. you were in a hospital.
on second thought, everything was white, except for your partner on the chair next to your bed.
— nakedtoaster
you blinked as it set in. something went wrong. you were in the hospital, your arm broken, your head aching, and bruises all over. and toasty was there.
you had no idea how long you had been out. god, you hoped it hadn't been that much time. but no matter how long it had been, your boyfriend was there, still; and if their state told you anything, it was that they hadn't left your side since you were checked in.
despite all the circumstances, a smile found it's way to your face.
"dear?" you spoke. or, more correctly, tried to speak. your voice sounded croaky and quiet, like it had been through a grater.
he jolted awake, foggy eyes darting around the room before landing on you.
eyes suddenly clear as day, their mouth hung open.
"Y/N?!" they shouted.
he immediately dove for your hand, holding it in his own and checking your pulse with the other, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"oh, fuck! i should call a nurse," they laughed; a delighted, shocked, lovely laugh.
"toast, i—"
BANG! a nurse comes into the room, drowning out anything you were going to tell them.
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after hours of tests and waiting and resting you finally got a moment alone with your partner.
it felt like it had been forever. actually, you had been told it was only a few days that you were out. but hell if that had a baring on how you felt.
speaking of how you felt... well. there was a lot on your mind, to say the least.
you had just woken up from a short coma after a failed rescue mission, all types of injured and wounded. there was no logical way that you could have rescued the victim. your medical bills would be through the roof. but most of all, you didn't know how to even begin to explain this to toasty.
as they say, there's no time like the present. because in the present, he was asking you what's on your mind.
"honey? you alright?" they gently asked again after you failed to respond the first time.
"ah, um. well," you started, throat feeling much better than before.
"i haven't been... entirely honest about my career." you admitted shamefully, refusing to meet their eyes. this wasn't how you wanted them to find out.
he raised his eyebrows, silently prompting you to continue.
"i am — was? — a... vigilante of sorts. it was organized, not just some hobby. i was paid, full time obviously." you took a breath in. you were avoiding what you clearly needed to talk about. you exhaled.
"that's why i wound up here. usually i never get injured like this! this was the first time that a hospital was necessary," you realized every word that left your mouth sounded worse and worse.
"i swear i just, i got careless and—" your breath hitched when you look up to your lover's face.
their eyes were filled to the brim with tears, a few spilling down their cheeks as they inched closer and closer to you, so clearly wanting to embrace you but struggling to do it in a way that wouldn't hurt you.
the sight was enough to break your heart.
you couldn't resist stepping in, leaning your head on his shoulder as you felt sobs begin to wrack their body. you wrapped your free arm around them, holding them as tight as you could.
they went to place their hand in several different spots before resting on the back of your head, pulling you closer. they pressed their lips to the crown of your head in a sweet kiss.
you stood like that, holding each other for a long while before having a seat on the bed.
"i should start from the beginning of the mission that caused, you know," you gestured to yourself, "this."
you began to painfully explain what happened to you, each memory like pulling teeth for the both of you.
once you finished your recollection (after going on several tangents), you braced yourself for the worst. you knew he would never yell or fight, but somehow silence seemed worse. you couldn't help but fret.
"i love you, and i was so so so scared. god, i am so glad you're okay." they breathed, each word dripping with emotion.
"...well, as okay as you can be." he added with an entertained glint in his eye and a huff. it was very like him.
all your worry was for naught.
sure, you would need to talk more about this. it would take time. but it was okay. you were okay.
time had passed, you broke down, but nothing had changed.
you still had each other.
— nightowl
your boyfriend was bouncing his leg anxiously, face resting on his hand as he stares off into space. it was clear he hadn't slept well, if at all, for who knows how long.
something had went horribly wrong, and he was fretting over what he didn't know. things you might not even know. you had to do something. you went to reach your hand out towards him, before realizing you had an IV drip.
"babe?" you managed to call before breaking into a coughing fit. it was as if your throat had dried like paint on a wall.
owl watched, eyes open just as wide as his mouth. not word left him, only a long stretch of uncanny silence.
nurses rushed in, but his silence was the loudest thing in the room.
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test after test followed check up after check up before you finally could rest.
rest, and finally see your boyfriend.
thin white sheets lay over your body, arm in a cast and bandages wrapped around several separate injuries.
after the quiet of your waking, you could not be sure how he would react. you knew he loved you no matter what, but you couldn't help but imagine the worst. your mind raced, spiraling and spiraling, until—
the door opened with a click, and just like that nightowl was on top of you, squeezing you so tight you could feel all of your injuries and bruises resurfacing.
"Y/N!" he wailed, hot tears seeping into your robe.
"i, i was so worried," he let out between sobs.
you pat his back as well as you could before groaning out a small "my ribs..."
he immediately jumped back, cupping your face and turning it this way and that to make sure no bruises were there before pressing an overeager kiss to your lips. your teeth clashed together, before breaking apart into laughter.
"you're okay," he gasped.
"i'm so relieved." he teared up again, taking your (not broken) hand in his.
you brought it to your lips, giving the back of his hand a gentle kiss. his mushy smile grew, before immediately forming a frown.
"and i'm so mad at you! why didn't you tell me something was wrong? that you were in danger?" he half-pleaded, half lectured, voice a perfect combination of sternness and desperation.
now your eyes were teary, squeezing his hand.
"i..." you started, struggling to find the words.
owl gave an encouraging hand squeeze back.
you began an explanation, starting with your real job and going through how you got injured. owl nodded along, intertwining your fingers part way through.
by the end he was crying again.
"why... why didn't you tell me?" he asked. he sounded more tired and understanding than anything else.
"i didn't want you to worry." you mumbled, realizing how silly you sounded. and boy, did he make sure you knew it as he lectured you.
you pulled him down to the bed, a grin on your face. he was still himself. you kissed his cheek, giggling as he stopped talking and turned pink.
"i love you. thank you for worrying about me and... for being here." you smiled, stroking his hand with your thumb.
"of course i was here!" he exclaimed, as if you just thanked him for breathing.
"i love you more." he said, finally relaxing into your touch.
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spir1tfar3r · 1 year
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Now Playing: Heart Attack
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻
ʚ ɞ owl had no idea what to tweet on the bloomic account and eventually did that because he thought it would be funny and you know what? it was
01:08 ━━━━⬤─────── 03:20
taglist: @thecowardwrites @bumblybeeee @queenaveryrules @wheredidmycrowngo
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vipersiia · 2 years
characters? quest, xyx, nakedtoaster, nightowl, and onionthief
recently talked about onionthief and romantic literature quotes,, and started having,..,., mm thoughts. quotes can be from your view or theirs, up to perspective. 
all quotes taken from various works of literature, and some are translated from other languages <3
quest ; 
i could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; i would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. i would know him in death, at the end of the world - the song of achilles, madeline miller
if a million loved you, i am one of them, and if one loved you, it was me, if no one loved you then know that i am dead - letters to milena, franz kafka
xyx ; 
if, however, your feelings have changed, i will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i love...i love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on - pride and prejudice, jane austen
i love you in this way because i do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no i or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when i fall asleep your eyes close - cien sonetos de amor(100 love sonnets), pablo neruda
toasty ; 
and sometimes i have kept my feelings to myself, because i could find no language to describe them in - sense and sensibility, jane austen
i love you without question, without calculation, without reason good or bad, faithfully, with all my heart and soul, and every faculty - juliette drouet's love-letters to victor hugo,  juliette drouet
owl ;
if someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, because every night i tell her about you - shahrazad al-khalij
i love you. today. tonight. tomorrow. forever. if i were to live a thousand years, i would belong to you for all of them. if I were to live a thousand lives, i would want to make you mine in each one - the retribution of mara dyer, michelle hodkin
onion ;
i can listen no longer in silence. i must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. you pierce my soul. i am half agony, half hope... i have loved none but you - persuasion, jane austen 
and I know that i want the impossible, and that you’re above the claim of imagination, above possession and above destiny - impulse, nizar qabbani
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0rphiichaze · 1 year
The door to your house closes with a squeak.
Today had been… Well, it wasn’t awful. Just the same draining 9 to 5 slew of pages and pages of documents and forms handed to you by your boss. It was honestly upsetting how quickly you’d gotten used to it — the sapping hustle and bustle of a white-collar job. Maybe one day you’d be able to do something different, something more; but for now you were stuck in this cycle. At least you had one thing to look forward to.
     “Owl, I’m home!”
The patter of feet echoes through the otherwise quiet home, and a familiar figure skidds around the corner of the hall. You can practically feel your mood lift as nightowl appears in front of you, like an angel sent from the heavens. He might as well be with those golden locks framing his rosy face. He gazes at you with a shaky grin.
     “Oh, cutie! I um, wasn’t expecting you to be home yet—“ There’s a waver in his voice and jitter in his posture. He straightens up unnaturally, causing your eyes to be drawn to his apparel.
     “…Are you wearing an apron?”
His cheeks flush bright pink. He rubs the back of his head, tussling his hair. “Yeah, I was uh—“ He abruptly cuts off, his head perking up like a dog who just spotted a treat. His eyes go wide, his head swiveling towards the kitchen. A slew of creative curses slip from his mouth, and he rushes towards whatever caught his attention. Just as you’re about to ask what’s wrong, you smell it. Something burning.
You hurry to the kitchen and find owl pulling a pan off the stovetop. Your face scrunches at the sight. Whatever was in the pan is unrecognizable now — reduced to a mess of blackened shapes. He twists the eye’s dial to turn it off and slowly turns back to you with a small frown.
He stands in silence for a few tense seconds, his shoulders drooped. Finally, he murmurs, “I really messed up, huh?” He tries for a laugh, but fails. It peters out into a sigh. “..I’m sorry, I was trying to make dinner today — but I got distracted.” His eyes drift over to the culprit; the discarded switch lite laying on the countertop. He looks back to the floor tiles. He adamantly avoids your gaze, almost like he’s afraid of what he’ll see there. It seems like he’s waiting to be scolded for his blunder.
But your mind is thinking about anything but reprimanding him. He was… making dinner for you? Your heart soars.
     “Owl… Can you look at me? Please?”
His hands clench at his sides. Slowly, his brown eyes meet yours. He bites his bottom lip, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glossy. It seems like he might just apologize again, but he’s cut off when you press your lips to his. His eyes immediately go wide before squeezing shut, his arms slipping around your back to pull you even closer. When you pull away, he looks at you with so much awe and adoration, you almost kiss him again. But you’re able to reign in your desire, instead opting to smile at him.
     “I love you. I really do.” And without any further explanation, you pull away completely, taking your phone from your pocket. “I’ll order something. What d’you want?”
     “You. I mean— pizza.”
After a moment, you smile.
     “I can do both.”
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sunshowerwriting · 1 year
fellow bloomic lend me ur powers!! imagine mc gets into a fight with sb,, yes by fight i mean Fight. hair is lost!! skin is scratched!! spit is spat!! how do the LIs react?? (headcanons pls and male reader for my trans self YEEEEE) ty ty for indulging my feral fantasies :bloomAww:
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(Blooming Panic) Xyx, Nakedtoster, Quest & Nightowl (separate) x Male Reader
700 words
fighting, mention of injury
What would the bloomic boys think of their boyfriend getting into a fight?
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– If xyx sees you fight he's 100% going to cheer you on. He knows you can beat societybozo any day. And although he could, and would, step in if you needed help, he's more likely to just cheer you on from the side lines.
– However there is this twinge of worry and anger that hits him every time societyboy even comes close to laying a hand on you. But he will let you handle it, unless things get out of hand.
– If he doesn't see the fight go down, and you just come to him bruised and stuff he's gonna be worried but ultimately settle for a joke.
–”Did you win?”
– When you tell him you got into a fight he's gonna be so pissed. How dare someone lay a hand on his man. And it'll be really easy to tell that he's ready to go kick societyboys ass himself.
– But he’ll tend to your wounds, assuming you have any, and will take very good care of you.
– Unlike some of the others, he's not going to lecture you about getting into a fight, honestly he'd probably tell you that you were in the right. But he’d definitely want you to come to him before you get into a fight again.
– He's so nervous. He's normally not phased by fights, physical or otherwise, but his boyfriend getting into a fight? There's no way he's not freaking out a little.
– He wouldn’t try to stop you if he was there when the fight went down. But I can't see him getting involved himself either. He definitely would if things were going too bad, but it wouldn’t cross his mind to get involved until he's already jumped in.
– If you come back to him after the fight though and he has to see you all roughed up he's just as worried. He tries to play it off a little though.
– “Woah cutie, a fight? I wouldn’t have thought you had it in you.”
– He's worried though, but don't let him patch you up. He is not good at it and would probably do a really bad job at it so you'd just have to redo it anyway.
– He won't lecture you, but he will definitely be more clingy than usual just to hit home how worried he was about you. He's really afraid of losing you so when you do dangerous stuff it makes him worry.
– He is pissed at societyboy, but his worry is more pressing than his anger in this instance.
– There is no fight if Quest’s there to see it.
– He wouldn’t let the fight happen. At least not with you. The second socityboy starts to get close to you Quest will step in. He's more than willing to beat socityboy up for you, and you should feel honored for that.
– If you come to him after a fight though, he's pissed. At socityboy for hurting you and himself for not being there for you.
– “Angel, I'm so sorry, are you okay?”
– You try to tell him that there's nothing for him to be sorry for, but he still feels bad.
– He patches you up and makes sure not to lose sight of you for the next few days. He swears that he won't let you get hurt, especially in a fight ever again.
– He did have a few things to say about not getting into fights and about how dangerous it is to get into fights and so on. You appreciated his concern but you certainly could’ve done without the lecture.
– Toast doesn’t really know what to do. He's never been in a fight himself or even seen many, so their knowledge about fights is very small.
– However, theyll step in and do their best to deescalate the situation. He's very good at talking people in circles and getting them to calm down, but I’m not so sure it would work with societyboy.
– If it's you coming back to Toaster and them seeing you after the fight though he'll freak out.
– “Oh my god! Are you okay?”
– They're not really sure what to do and especially when you tell him you got into a fight, he's even more stunned. They never took you as the type to get into a fight and they’re a little shocked that it happened.
– They'll patch you up and definitely lecture you about not getting into fights anymore. Not from a place of disappointment or anger but because they worry about you and when he's not there he can't do anything to protect you.
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nyxoholicwrites · 2 years
Heyo lovely readers I am back on my bullshit and I am fortunately back from my long hiatus!
Firstly I want to thank you all for 110+ followers I am forever grateful to have people who enjoy my work and I appreciate all of you sm I can't even put it into words <3
I saw the truth or dare ask and I decided to make a series bc yes anywho onto the fic
♥ 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬 𝓛𝓘'𝓼 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓽: Truth or Dare Series ♥
Part 1: The Dare Part 2: The FFXIV Enjoyer Part 3: The Server Troll Part 4: The Moderator Part 5: The Grad Student
TW: A bit suggestive but not rlly tbh
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Blooming Panic LI's x GN! Reader
Prompt: The whole server decides to play a famous game called, Truth or Dare, a game of potential romances, foolish dares and invasive truths. Did I mention potential romances?
The sound of laughter surrounded Toaster’s condo, the whole server aimlessly lounged on their plush couch, the soft material digging comfortably into their skin as the atmosphere was lulling them into a potential slumber.
Xyx was having none of that. 
It was time to spice things up a bit, potentially metaphorically or in a literal sense. He rose up from his previous position, rising in a manner similar to his feline companion. “ Now, everyone, since we are all gathered here and know each other quite well…”
“ If two years is what you call ‘quite well’ then sure.” 
“Now, now my fellow FFXIV enjoyer, though I appreciate your sarcasm, it’s time to liven up this room with a game of Truth or Dare.” His face was decorated with an all too familiar smirk, gaining a few sighs and groans throughout the room. Though the prospect of potential silly dares or revealing truths sounded interesting, the act of getting up seemed like too much of a chore.
“ And whoever chooses the most dares gets to babysit Cat next time.” 
Everyone in the room began to form a circle on the plush ivory carpet, the aspect of caring for the cutest being in this earthly realm seemed to awaken everyone’s snoozing soul. Thoughts of petting their majesty, Cat, was truly an honour and privilege. With a dramatic sigh, xyx draped his tall frame over the comforter, muscular limbs dangling as his hand made its way to his forehead.
“Woe is me! My own friends are betraying me for my cat, however shall I live!” With the most dramatic performance they have ever seen, they chuckled at their friends' antics, though they anticipated such a reaction, he never failed to make them smile.
“ Don’t worry dearest xyx. I promise to spend time with you once I win this game.” Y/n’s grin rivalled his own, a silent agreement or perhaps a quiet moment of solidarity was formed between the two. 
“ Yea doll? I will be sure to make it worth your while, after all,” slowly his fingers traced their chin, bringing them ever close to his visage as he gazed at their  eyes with an unfamiliar look, “ It would be a shame for you to be left all by your lonesome don’t you agree?” His tone dropped a few octaves, a pleasant shiver made its way into their system. They feared their beating heart would betray their thoughts as each pulse seemed to quicken the longer they held one another’s gaze.
Before they could form a reply, the brunette hastily made his way onto the floor, sitting beside his tall companion, Toasty.
“Now then let’s begin shall we?” Before any reply could be heard, June raised their hand up, an urgent matter perhaps, thus they now had the floor all to themself.
“ Before we start, shouldn't we stock up on food and drinks? I mean we will be here for a while.”
Hums of agreement echoed throughout the room, though, now they had to choose two unlucky souls who would bear the burden of providing the necessary nourishment needed for their continuous session.
With silent murmurs of discussion filling the room, debating on who would be the quickest and most efficient duo, it was decided upon Quest and Y/n.
As they walked beneath the pale glaring lights of the gas station, the only location willing to serve the ravenous group, the two picked out bags of chips and sweets, enough sugar to fuel a kindergarten for a week.
“ It’s been a while since I had this much sugar, I truly applaud Toaster for his sweet tooth, practically no one can match it.” His blue eyes were always filled with fondness when he spoke about his friends, the people he truly treasured most swelled his heart with joy.
Though the one beside him made his steady gaze wander and his stomach riddled with butterflies, his heart swelled immensely with such affection he himself couldn’t fathom.
Y/n chuckled at his words, reminded of their companion’s enormous appetite for sugary treats, though, their massive sugar intake surely didn’t make them as energetic as one would expect them to be, such a revelation was truly amusing,
“ Oh! Remember how Lady and Xyx were convinced they could eat more sugar than him and then he proceeded to beat them, their stomachs were aching-” As their eyes and mind were focused on Quest, they failed to notice the stand before them, thus knocking over the complex pyramid of crackers, toppling the perfect shape into a boxy mess. 
A hand grabbed their waist firmly, and though it brought them into a tight embrace, the hand’s lock was safe and comforting, reassuring them of their safety with a gentle yet tight squeeze.
“ Are you alright angel? Did you hurt yourself?” His worried blue orbs scanned their frame, inspecting each part of their body with an anxious gaze.
“I’m alright don’t worry, though with you keeping me safe I don’t think I have to worry at all.” A sly smirk entered his vision, though their chest heaved with emotion and undeciphered feelings, their tone remained teasing.
“ Thank you, my knight.” “ Oh! No problem angel, wait no, Y/n! Sorry.” 
The two remained embraced for a moment too long, as though afraid to leave each other’s sight. With each passing second, both inched closer and closer, with a passionate hope of something more, the passage of a threshold familiar to their relationship, and into uncharted waters.
“ I’m sorry Sir but could you and your friend move? Someone has to clean these boxes, which happens to be me.” They grumbled beneath their breath, cursing the day they stepped foot into this establishment, murmurs of ‘I’m not paid enough for this’ could be heard.
The two jumped out of the tight embrace, hands pressed against their own bodies as though they were afraid to touch one another for the second time. “I’m so sorry we were just-”
“ Please just go checkout.” 
Quickly and quietly they made their way to the cashier, not a word was exchanged between them, not a sound was made till they entered the condo, the silence grew uncomfortable and tense, unspoken feelings plagued their thoughts, they feared to even mention the close proximity they stood minutes ago.
“ Took you guys long enough, we were about to make a bet on whether we would notice any stray collars and messy strands poking out.” The group chuckled at nightowl's comment, though two chuckles were as forced as they could be, attempting to mask the prior events from their mind.
They focused on preparing the snacks, assuring not one piece slipped onto the polished kitchen tiles. Though a few had managed to slip onto the marble counter, they quickly found a home within the confines of their mouth within seconds. Not a trace of the crime was left.
Pale pink hair filled their vision, hands bringing out more bowls, aiding them on their quest to provide nourishment for their friends.
“Thank you for your help Toasty, it was getting a bit lonely snacking on these all by myself.”
He chuckled at their comment, “ I sure hope we won’t have to make another trip to the store because some raccoon decided to feast earlier than others.”
“Hey!,” lightly they smacked his shoulder, earning a smile in return, “ I will have you know the one who provides the snacks gets a right to eat first.”
He raised his brow, laughing lightly at their attempt at an excuse, his shoulders relaxed, his hands mindlessly inching closer to theirs. He truly hadn’t thought of touching them, though, his body couldn’t help but gravitate towards them, as though a force pulled him to them, drawing in his gaze and attention fully towards his companion. His friend. His…
Why didn’t these words feel right? He felt confused, though his mind gestured towards a platonic word, aimed with friendly affection, his heart felt otherwise… Oh no.
“ Hey Toaster! Are you there?” Their waving hand broke his trance, a rosy blush climbing its way onto his pale cheeks. His mind frantically searched for an answer, an excuse for his staring, wait he was staring for a while! No! Panic mode had, unfortunately, activated.
“ I-I, uh, yes?” 
If humans had a smaller version of themselves in their minds, it would surely be smacking its face continuously. Slowly he felt a hand brush a strand behind his ear, tucking in the stray pink hair that had once masked his face.
Such a gesture suddenly felt so intimate, so forbidden, so unfamiliar. Though they had done this before, aiding him with his hair malfunctions and issues, this light graze of their fingers upon his cheekbone brought his hairs to a stand. A shiver responding to this foreign touch was felt throughout his body.
“ Sorry, you had a stray hair, I imagine it blocked your view,” slowly they placed numerous bowls into their arms, hoping and praying they wouldn’t fall, “ Well then let’s go feed the other raccoons huh?” Fearing his voice would crack, his head nodding frantically, indicating a yes to their question.
Somehow, to no one’s surprise, nightowl and oniontheif managed to get into another senseless argument about… something. No one was quite sure what prompted their squabbling,  all they knew was that it was best if the two separated for a few moments, a necessary peace for a successful game.
As the Toaster and Y/n made their way into the living, they spotted a fuming nightowl jumping out of his seat and making his way onto the terrace, aiming to run from his headstrong opponent, daring not to even think of his name, even the slightest mention could set him off.
Everyone slowly tried to negotiate an agreement for the two, hoping to form an answer to satisfy them both, perhaps they could manage not to further anger one another. Though, they all knew that at this current moment they had to speak with anyone but each other.
As June slowly, went to speak to nightowl, Y/n placed their hand on their shoulder, easing their friend’s mind with a small offering of a gentle smile and pat.
“ Don’t worry I will talk to him, I think oniontheif might need as many potential therapists as he can get, especially considering his current anger.”
Slowly they glanced towards him and proven right, the man was practically fuming, spouting rant after rant sprinkled with cuss words to solidify his fury.
“Yea I think so too…” 
As they pushed the terrace door, allowing them access to the spectacular view of the night lights of the busy city. Though the time told a different story, the noises and glowing orbs spoke of the city's high energy, as though it itself consumed the sugary treats they purchased not long ago.
“ Hey owl, I brought you some candy and company? Unless you prefer to be alone, which is totally fine I can-” “ No! I mean no, it’s alright I… I appreciate you being here with me cutie.”
Patting the soft cushion of the couch, they slowly sat beside him, bringing him into a tight embrace, trying to halt his worries and aid his struggles. As he placed his head on their shoulder, a sigh escaped his lips as he took in their warmth and comfort. Attempting to savour their perfume combined with the softness of their skin, fearing they would leave him should his hold loosen even for a bit.
“ Cutie, I-I’m sorry could we stay like this for a bit? I don’t feel quite like talking.”
Tracing circles among other shapes along his back, they hummed in agreement, their hands continued stroking his back, hoping to ease each worry forming in his mind.
The lights decorated their bodies, and the sounds of the city were drowned by each other's warm breaths. He further snuggled into them, each touch felt so comforting, it felt like home. They felt at home. A place of shelter, safety and comfort. Somewhere where he was accepted, where each of his flaws was overlooked by the shine of his virtues.
No one felt quite like this, though June came close to providing this feeling, it wasn’t quite like them. Y/n felt so different and so, warm.
God his stomach fluttered too much.
“Alright then, now that everything is settled, we have snacks, a truce formed between two opposing forces,” Owl and oniontheif glared at one another from a distance, “ we can truly begin this game, may the best win!” 
Everyone cheered at Xyx’s words, excited by the prospect of the promised award, babysitting Cat. Lady pulled out her phone excitedly, ready to spice up the evening with a thrilling dare. “ I call dibs on making the first dare!” Her excited shout echoed throughout the condo, earning a few scoldings and shouts in return.
As she spun the wheel on her phone, she anticipated the arrow's target, her target. Each second felt too long, and all feared for their sanity and dignity, till finally, it stopped. A cheerful sound came from the phone, displaying her prey proudly on the screen.
“Oh fuck.” “Oh fuck indeed my friend! Don’t worry, I promise to be gentle. Now then,” With an enthusiastic clap, she began to announce their fate, “ I dare you to kiss…
AN: Hey yall! Hope you guys enjoyed the tiny taste of what's to come. I plan on writing NakedToaster's first bc domestic week got me down bad, the rest I will let y'all decide so feel free to write down the next LI in my inbox. I might even do side characters after who knows!
Stay hydrated my luvs and have a wonderful day!
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kings-writes · 2 months
hear me out... blooming panic roomates AU.
wait wait wait you are saying something I spent 2 years STRAIGHT reading non-stop.
Nightowl would be the WORST because he stays up all night, but if you do? He is the BEST and listen I LOVE him so much- but because you two would be up all night, there is no accountability so looks like the morning and night shifts will have to be given out between you two.
Quest would be up there as the best along with Nakedtoaster. Quest would help with chores, would be very sweet and is very impartial so you know he speaks for everyone and not just the Individual. He is the best also because he would be deeply understanding and I think if you needed space, he would be very quiet to not disturb you.
Nakedtoaster is also great because he is also just to himself so you never have to really worry. He keeps to himself, likes to be alone, so you wont have to worry about loud roommates and the only thing you would even remotely argue with them about is 'STOP SIGNING ME UP FOR FINAL FANTASY' but in all honesty...you play it because your bored and he knows he won.
XYX oh boy- I feel like he can go either way. Either he is the biggest fucking pain or he is the absolute best. If he was a pain it IS in fact because he is using that damn SOUNDBOARD all the time and coming home injured often. You have to patch him up all the time- but if he is the best, then its because he is actually really funny. He is easy to get along with despite being hard to get close to and he makes hard days you have not as bad.
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eyzoa · 2 years
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↳. Nightowl moodboard || bloomic
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vividc4ndy · 1 year
Some nightowl comfort
Really old draft that I never bothered to work more on. Reader is basically panicking at night and gets comforted.
No warnings needed here, just fluff!
It was late at night and you were sitting up in your shared bed, shaking and holding yourself, unsure if you should wake up your lover next to you. It was an especially hard night, the thoughts were too much and the never-ending pain in your heart certainly didn't help. After a lot of moving around, trying to find a way to comfort yourself, Nightowl stirred awake, looking for you only to find you in your disheveled state.
Nightowl immediately sat up and reached out to hold you but hesitated, instead grabbing your hand. "Hey, hey, cutie, what's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern and fear, his eyes constantly moving over your figure looking for anything that could be causing your pain. You shook your head and threw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing tight, acting as if he'd disappear at a moments notice.
Nightowl didn't hesitate to hug you back, pulling you even closer and kissing the crown of your head, one of his hands cradling your head while the other rubbed your back comfortingly. He didn't hush your cries or press you to tell him what's wrong, no matter how much he wanted to know. He let you cry it out against him.
You sobbed nonstop and buried your face in the crook of his neck. Not even a whisper of what was hurting you left your mouth as you bit your bottom lip, hoping it'd make your cries quieter. Nightowl continued to hold you, whispering sweet reassurances of "It's alright, I'm here," and "I've got you."
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andheresthething · 1 year
I Got So Fucking Romantic, I Apologize
Summary: Cute lazy morning (afternoon) with Nightowl.
[No use of y/n] [Lazy Mornings] [But it's really 2 pm] [Cuddling & Snuggling] [Kissing] [Love Bites] [Pet Names] [Dorks in Love] [I cannot stress it enough you act like teenagers in love] [Implied Sexual Content] [You're smaller than him] [Established Relationship]
I recently played Blooming Panic and absolutely fell HARD for Nightowl. This is the first time I've ever posted any of my writing and it's been a while since I've written at all so this will probably be rusty. I might write more (could make a spicy follow-up) if people like this one, though it might be delayed because carpal tunnel is a bitch.
Gender-neutral reader for yall :)
I wrote this while listening to my character playlist for him
Reposted from AO3
Also, I haven't used Tumblr since MIDDLE SCHOOL so I apologize for things being strange to the platform
Rays of light shone through the drawn blinds of the bedroom you and Nightowl shared. The small beams laid across the two of you sleeping well into early afternoon. You slowly blink and let out a yawn, taking a moment to come into the conscious world.
Once your eyes adjusted you finally get a look at the blonde sleeping on his side next to you. His chest slowly rising and falling and an arm draped over you. Lips slightly apart, just enough to show a sliver of his front teeth, and his neck and collar bones covered in spots that ranged in shades of purple. Though a familiar sight for you to see each day, it never grew old. Each day, without fail, your heart would flutter the same way it did when you spent your first night together. You cracked a smile, just watching and waiting for your partner to wake.
Sometimes it was still baffling to you that clicking on a discord invite led to this. How fast everything moved between the two of you was unexpected, but not unwelcomed in the slightest. You recall all the nights the two of you would spend up, talking about anything and everything until you fell asleep. Nightowl would follow shortly after, but would never hang up the call. Some of the time right before he’d turn in as well, you were just conscious to hear him say, ‘I can’t wait until we can do this in person. Goodnight, Cutie. Sweet dreams.’
Your smile grew thinking about those early times of your relationship, though soon enough you were broken from the little daydream with the feeling of Nightowl lifting his arm off of you, stretching himself awake with a yawn.
“Mornin, sweetheart,” you said as he lowered his arm back to hold you. He sleepily smiled, then placed a light kiss on your forehead.
“Good morning, cutie,” he smiled, “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“Impossible, plus I lost myself in thought, so I doubt I would have noticed an hour going by.”
“Care to indulge me?” Nightowl asked while moving his hand to hold yours.
“I was just thinking about our old late-night calls before I got to move in with you and how sometimes when I was half asleep I’d hear you say how you couldn’t wait for this to happen for real and wished me goodnight”
Nightowl squeezed your hand, eyes lighting up slightly. Your little story seemed to help wake him up from his groggy state, “Awe, I love you getting all sappy and nostalgic on me first thing in the morning, cutie.”
 “I always felt all stupid and happy whenever I heard it.” 
“You know,” he scootched as close as he could be to you without being completely on top of you, “I did it every. Single. Night.” he hummed, peppering a kiss on your face between every word, and you giggled with each one.
He put on a serious face, sharply nodding, “Without fail. I still do actually. Granted, I’ve changed that first part a tiny bit considering you’re now actually here with me, in the flesh.”
“Awe, sweetheart, you’re literally the best. How’d I get so lucky?” you reached to hug him. Maybe a bit too enthusiastically, though, as you managed to push Nightowl over on his back and put yourself on top of him, burying your face in his neck in the process, “Seriously, I could have never imagined having someone who does stuff like that for me all to myself.”
“ You can’t believe you have me all to yourself?” Nightowl laughed, “I should be the one saying that. I was such a hungover ass to you after knowing you for, like, five days, and you still wanted to be with me after that night. You’re the one here that's the best,” he refuted, placing a kiss on the side of your head, “To have someone as precious as you makes me the lucky one here, darling.”
“Mmm, I’d have to disagree with you.”
  “Incorrect and unfactual statement.”
You lifted yourself enough to meet your eyes with his, “As much as I’d love to continue this to prove I’m, in fact, correct on this matter, I think I’m a little too tired to try.”
“So what you're saying is that I win?” he said with the biggest shit-eating grin. You groaned at his playful antic and started to push yourself up, now straddling his lap as he still laid underneath you, which also effectively pushed the blanket once covering the two of you off and behind you. 
“Sure, you win, dumbass. What shall your prize be?”
“Can it be anything?” he said excitedly.
You knew you might regret the answer you were going to give, but went through with it anyway, “Sure, anything you want, sweetheart,” with that, you sealed your fate.
“Hmm, what a tough decision to make,” Nightowl exaggeratedly pondered while pushing himself back slightly to be able to sit up with his arms supporting him from behind. You also moved so that you were sitting in his lap, legs wrapped around his bare lower waist, and brought your arms around his neck. Your arms sat on the soft fabric that was the straps of his crop top, “The possibilities are endless, cutie. How could I ever just choose one thing?”
You giggled at his complaint, “You better, the offer is going to expire soon. Then you just get bragging rights.”
“Oh, how cruel! How could you?” he moved his arms from behind him to hold your hips.
“I know, I’m such a horrible person,” you said, matching his sarcastic and playful tone.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, you took the time to admire his face. The small beams of light highlighted his softer features. They made his messy hair shine and his brown eyes sparkle, revealing all the little flakes of different shades that resided in them.
The light also reflected off of his cartilage piercings. Nightowl had a bad habit of not taking out his earrings before bed. No matter how many times you reminded him, he always forgot. It wasn’t the end of the world that he didn’t, though. At least he remembered to take out his statement piece each night.
In that time, Nightowl did the same, soaking in the sight of you. Hair just as messy as his own, a stupid wide smile, and a pair of beaming eyes staring into his own. But your shirt, God it was killing him. It was one of his own that you’d steal regularly to wear almost anywhere. While purposefully somewhat oversized on him, you were swimming in it, allowing your neck and collar bones, covered in marks (courtesy of him), to be exposed. Maybe it was his somewhat possessive nature, but the mix of the shirt and hickies fogged his mind with a myriad of thoughts ranging from wholesome to extremely sexual.
“Have you made a decision yet?” your words snapped him out of his short, albeit very vivid, daydream, “Or are we just going to settle for bragging rights?”
“Nope! I’ve come up with my prize.”
“That would be?”
“One super lazy, stay-in-date day complete with stupid horror movies and possibly some more… intimate affairs later on,” he paused, “Please.”
You pretended to think it over, despite the arrangement of this prize. While you, of course, got tasked with a pile of work for the weekend, you couldn’t care less about it. Getting ripped by your boss on Monday would be worth it, especially with the not-at-all-subtle proposition for later in the day. Knowing Nightowl though, it would probably come way sooner than nightfall. “You, sir, have yourself a deal.”
You gave him a small peck, but Nightowl being Nightowl, was having none of that. He immediately put his lips back on yours, tightening his grip on your hips. While it took you slightly by surprise, you gladly accepted the act, kissing him back. Quickly things became heated, pulling each other closer, the movement of your lips becoming desperate. Your hands drifted to his hair, lightly grabbing at it, which Nightowl responded to by letting out a small moan into your mouth. That noise of his set you off, eager to continue the sudden act of intimacy. 
Unfortunately, as quickly as it picked up, it stopped. Nightowl pulled away and loosened his hold on you, causing you to let out a small whine of disappointment.
“As much as I don’t want to stop this right now, cutie, I’m starving for some actual food, not just you.” 
You let out a chuckle, arms going back down to rest on his shoulders, “You’re such a tease.”
“Says the one wearing nothing but my shirt,” he flirted, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face once again. “Looks great on you, by the way. Makes your ass and thighs look fantastic. Especially your thighs.”
“I do, in fact, have something on under, mister,” you retorted, “But if you’re that hungry, I guess we could go scrounge up something, but by we, I mean me. We both know you can't cook for shit.”
“Ouch, that one stung.”
“It’s not that bad if I like cooking and you like eating it. Plus, you get to stare at my thighs all you want while I do so.”
“A win is a win,” he lifted one hand off your hips to cup your cheek. “Shall we then?”
“To the kitchen!” you giggled. 
Nightowl gave you one last kiss on your forehead before putting his hand down, allowing you to get up off of him and the bed. He followed suit, loosely holding your hand. With that, you led the way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to start your long date day at 2 pm.
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