#nina 💫
diazly · 6 months
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eldritch-nightmare · 11 months
Can you make a scenario about how the pastas would react after an argument? Like, if the reader left to get some fresh air? (I crave angst)
a/n: indeed i can my friend here's a healthy amount of (very mild) angst just for you. i'm so totally gonna use this idea in a future chapter for the silly lil scenarios book as well because uh angst. maybe the prompt got away from me just a little bit i won't lie.
how do they react after an argument?
includes: jeff the killer, laughing jack, slenderman, nina the killer, eyeless jack, jane the killer, candy pop, clockwork, ticci toby, nurse ann, x virus, kagekao, jason the toymaker, the puppeteer, homicidal liu, sully, the bloody painter, the doll maker, zalgo, and hobo heart.
warnings: the aftermath of an argument, relationship disputes, some of these are healthy and some of these are not, inconsistent length.
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JEFF THE KILLER would honestly be more upset if you walked out after an argument. he's already upset enough as it is, so you turning your back to him and storming out just makes his blood boil. he won't follow after you, but he'll definitely disappear for the next few days. he really isn't the best at resolving arguments, no matter how small they are. and unless he really fucks up, then he isn't going to apologize even if he is in the wrong. he's jeff the fucking killer, what the hell does he have to feel sorry about? you should consider yourself lucky that he didn't gut you for pissing him off.
if you want to have any form of resolve to this argument, you'll have to force the conversation because he will actively try to shut you down. he can't. he literally can't. resolution is not something he is good at, and unless you're the one to apologize, even if you aren't the one who is at fault, he's just not going to let any of this resolve. does that make him an asshole? yeah, it does. does he feel guilty? just a little. does that change anything? no, not really.
LAUGHING JACK, similar to jeff, would feel more upset over you walking away from the fight rather than the fight itself. he can come off as pretty scary during an argument, especially if it's one where he feels like he's in the right. he gets frustrated easily, and he's just overall a very expressive person, so. and he can get pretty fucking mean if he wants to, so yeah honestly you needing to walk away makes complete and total sense and he knows that it makes sense but that doesn't make him any less upset.
he'll just blame it on his abandonment issues or something because seeing you leave just to go and calm down should not have hurt as much as it did. and he debates going after you but he ultimately decides it would be best if he didn't. he wants to resolve this though, and he'll try but it'll be painfully awkward because, i mean, yeah.
SLENDERMAN is, by default, a pretty scary being the begin with so i imagine an argument with it would be pretty unnerving. it isn't used to people arguing with it, that's for sure. i think it would be more amused than upset, seeing such a small being stare up at it as if trying to intimidate it... it's a cute sight to see, that's for sure. it'll keep that thought to itself, of course. it imagines that saying such a thing out loud may only make things worse.
slender won't be upset when you walk away. it understands that you're just going to cool off. it'll take this time to clear its own thoughts until the two of you are ready to talk again and clear up the tension.
NINA THE KILLER would be immensely frustrated seeing you walk away. she'll probably let out a groan and tell you to come back, but she won't follow after you. she understands that if the two of you kept arguing any longer, things would only get worse. she knows that, so she'll use this as a chance to calm down herself. nina gets over things easier than you would think, and if this argument wasn't over anything major then the next time you see her, she'll most likely be back to her usual self.
she'll probably be the first to apologize as well, even if she feels as if she's not the one at fault. she can't stand when you're upset at her, so just accept her apology so the two of you can move on, yeah?
EYELESS JACK is always viewed as mature and in control of his emotions. and he is. a little too in control if we're being honest here. for most arguments you guys may have, he'll keep his cool and will try to understand your point of view and where you're coming from. there are times, however, when the control he has over his emotions slips, and you get reminded that oh. your boyfriend is a cannibalistic demon that can literally kill you in the blink of an eye. he really doesn't mean to scare you, but it's definitely a good thing you choose that moment to walk away to cool off because he has to physically force himself to not go after you.
and once he calms down, he will apologize. it's a genuine apology, one written all over his face. he never wants to or means to invalidate you and your emotions, and he never wants to make you scared of him.
JANE THE KILLER would probably be the first to walk away from an argument, if we're being fairly honest. if this is richardson we're talking about, then she's definitely more mature about it and politely suggests that you both take fifteen minutes to cool off before continuing the conversation. she does it because it's one, a healthy thing to do for your relationship, and two, while she is heavily in control of her emotions, the liquid hate running through her veins enhances her anger and it would be really bad if she genuinely got angry.
if this is arkensaw, i think she'll be a little less mature than she would like. she portrays herself as someone in control of her emotions, but her emotions and her hatred are what drive her. she does her best to her burning-hot anger in check but if you two have an argument, then it's fairly difficult. if you walk away first, then it'll only serve to upset her more, but she won't go after you. honestly, she'll probably even avoid you in the coming days because her anger lingers. it always lingers.
CANDY POP thinks it's cute that this little argument of yours got you so worked up that you had to walk away from him. honestly hell yeah if i were you i'd walk away from him as well because there is simply no winning with this guy. worst man you could ever argue with, to be honest.
but as we all know, his mood can change in an instant with no warning so. one moment, he thinks you walking away from him is cute and adorable. the next, he's getting frustrated and following after you because you don't get to walk away from him, silly. haven't you realized that he owns you?
CLOCKWORK, while she has her own anger issues and tends to get easily frustrated by the smallest of things, does try her best to keep her emotions in check if you two ever have an argument. it's not easy, and there have been times when she's snapped at you, but she always apologizes immediately after.
you walking away would make sense. she understands, she knows that you both need to take time to calm down before things get too heated. she gets it. but depending on what you two are arguing about, doing so could only serve to make her more angry. it's... frustrating, really. she won't follow after you though, because she knows it's what is best.
TOBY would want you to walk away. he needs it, to be honest. he tries to avoid getting into arguments with you for various different reasons. arguing with you stresses him out more than he would like it to, and it reminds him of the hold you have on him. you walking away from the argument would give him time to clear his head and cool off.
once you've both calmed down, he'll probably be the first to approach you because he cannot stand the awkward tension that always lingers after arguments with people. he wants to clear the air so this can all just be water under the bridge. it'll be a painfully awkward conversation though. he's not good at... resolving arguments. never had a positive example, to be honest.
NURSE ANN struggles to speak, so i think she would try to avoid getting into an argument because she feels as if she won't be able to properly get her point across. but arguments are bound to happen sooner or later, even in the healthiest relationships. and ann, to put it simply, is a very angry person. she keeps that anger in check when you're around, but it's literally impossible to not slip up a few times.
since ann rarely ever vocally speaks, her anger is typically conveyed in her stares and her jerky gestures as she signs. you walking away is the smartest thing you could do in that moment, leaving her alone to stew in her always-burning anger that she'll choose to take out on any nearby destructible objects or some sad poor soul that just so happens to trespass at her hospital in the coming hours.
X-VIRUS seems like the type of guy who has never really been in any arguments, to be honest. maybe when he was at the orphanage he got into a few petty arguments between the other kids, but nothing that would warrant needing to walk away, y'know? and i definitely don't think he'd treat the argument seriously, brushing off your words and whatnot.
he only realizes that you were genuinely angry with him when you walked away. it's definitely like... a slap in the face that oh. i'm a fucking asshole. he's not really sure what to do in this moment, and he waits until you come back on your own to try and apologize. but he's not the best at apologies.
KAGEKAO wouldn't treat the argument seriously at all. at least, not at first. honestly, he'd probably purposefully get you even more upset just to get a reaction out of you. does that make him an asshole? oh, most certainly. he just likes seeing you feel anything towards him, even if it's anger. he likes getting a reaction out of you because it's him you're reacting to. and it's entertaining as well, though you don't need to know that.
when you walk away, he'll feel a little frustrated at not being able to see you but he won't follow after you. he knows when to stop his antics. shocking, i know. and, if you're lucky, he may even hold you in his arms once you calm down. it's his way of an apology, i suppose.
JASON THE TOYMAKER fucking hates arguing with you. you're his other half, so arguing with you makes him feel sick to his stomach because what if... what if you aren't the one? he likes you too much to lose you, so you have to be the one. he definitely seems like he'd try to keep the argument short, and he'll be relieved when you walk away to cool off.
you don't try to leave him afterward, even if he was at fault for whatever you two may have been bickering over. that's good, really. that means you want to stay with him, even if you two have arguments like this. that's... that's so good.
THE PUPPETEER can't stand when anyone argues with him, so yeah, any argument you may have with him will be horrible and tense and it will not be pretty. he has to be the one to get the final word. he has to be the one in the right, even if he isn't. you must be aware of this, right? i mean, you're (hopefully, i assume) willingly sticking around this guy, right? so you should know that there's no winning with him.
and you walking away is simply not something he'll take kindly to. it's something that'll more than likely get a how dare you reaction out of him. you're a fool if you think he's just going to let you walk away. no, he'll either follow after you, or he'll pull you back with his strings. the conversation isn't over until he says that it's over.
HOMICIDAL LIU definitely does try to avoid any potential arguments with you. to be honest, most of your arguments with him will more than likely stem from his almost blatant disregard for his health and safety when he's injured as well as his almost suffocating habit of needing to protect you and keep you safe. it's inevitable, even if it's something he tries so desperately to avoid. that desperation is what tends to lead to arguments as well, if we're being honest.
he's not upset when you walk away. honestly, he's glad that you do. he always feels pretty damn awful whenever you two fight, and he patiently waits until you're ready to pick things back up so you two can resolve things and move on.
SULLY listens to everything you say with rapt attention. the only thing that matters to him at that moment is whatever you two are arguing about. hell, he doesn't give a shit about the argument itself rather than what you say, the expressions you make, and your tone of voice. every little gesture or movement you make catches his attention. honestly, if you asked him what you two were arguing about, he'd just look at you with a slightly confused expression because he's already forgotten.
and when you walk away to cool off and get some air, he has to restrain himself from following after you. he forces himself to sit down and he bites his fist as his mind hyper-focuses on every word you said and the way you looked at him and just... yeah, he's already moved on from the argument he just wants to see your face and hear your voice again.
THE BLOODY PAINTER is definitely not someone you want to have an argument with, honestly. not because he's an angry person or scary to get into an argument with or anything like that, no. he's just... very apathetic. it'll feel like you're arguing with a brick wall rather than a person, and you'll maybe even feel as if he doesn't care about you or your feelings. he just stares at you, blank-faced and monotoned.
once you realize that this argument is going literally nowhere, you leave to calm yourself down and he stays behind. it's not that he doesn't care about you and your feelings, he does, truly, he just... well... i could go into heavy heavy detail about his apathy when it comes to arguments but to spare you the length of that, just know that he does care, he's just absolutely horrific at showing it. once you come back, he will apologize for not better expressing himself and for unintentionally invalidating you and your feelings. he'll be better, though it will take time for him to become expressive.
THE DOLL MAKER seems like the type of person who wouldn't handle arguments well, i think. he's a fairly closed-off person and has some trouble conveying his thoughts and feelings sometimes, so i think it would stress him out a bunch if he got into a fight with you. depending on how bad the argument is, he'll either try to diffuse the situation or he may get angry and make things worse.
the moment you walk off, vine will be throwing himself into work to both calm himself down and distract himself from any potentially needless thoughts. he'll certainly try his best to resolve the conflict with you once you've both taken time to calm down but it'll definitely be stiff.
ZALGO would be very amused if you try arguing with him over something. you, a silly little mortal that somehow managed to catch his interest, are trying to argue with him, an eldritch horror beyond human comprehension that literally creates chaos for shits and giggles? how adorable. he's not going to take you seriously at all, i hope you know that.
and even if you walk away, you won't exactly be alone. zalgo is always there with you, even if not physically. a part of him is stuck with you, so he's always able to watch you, to talk to you. he thinks you're being dramatic for getting upset over something that he deems to be so utterly insignificant. there won't be any form of conflict resolution with him, so don't expect any form of apology or empathy or anything of that sort.
HOBO HEART you gotta be careful with, i think. the last time he felt as if he'd been wronged by the person he loved, he tore her heart out. not to say he'd tear your heart out over a minor argument or anything like that, no, that would be pretty petty and... he doesn't really think he's a terrible enough person to do that. maybe. depending on how serious the argument is.
he'll be a little disheartened when you walk away because he would rather clear up the air and tension immediately rather than wait but he understood, somewhat, that it'd be better if you both took time to cool off before either of you tried to resolve the conflict hanging in the air.
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8iunie · 1 year
ninasimone: “Sound of Silence” performed by Nina Simone - Montreux, 1968
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Post shared by Ethan on his Instagram story, 13.05.2023
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necroangelz · 9 months
i waz supposed to make a nina the killer rentry during break but i Forgot and now i want to make a k-angel/Ame rentry instead but im Too Exhausted
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
✨The crows and their problems✨
Inspired by that one trend
😊Hallucinates the voice of his dead brother😊
👻Freakishly silent👻
💫Hates himself💫
❤Daddy issues❤
🤗Part of a cult🤗
😜Drug addict😜
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hungriestheidi · 28 days
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@.f1academy: History maker 💫
Nina Gademan becomes the first Wild Card entry to score points in an F1 Academy race 👏
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geniousbh · 4 months
💌 from. geniousbh
nenas, sinto em comunicá-las que daqui pra frente irei retornar para o estágio de ser apenas uma consumidora de conteúdo aqui nessa plataforma. são infinitos motivos que me fizeram decidir parar. eu amo escrever, amo que muitas de vocês tenham reconhecido o meu hobbie como algo que fazia diferença no dia a dia, sou grata pelo carinho e pelas incontáveis deriváveis de apelido que me deram nesses meses (eu costumava achar meu nome bem sem graça, e sem a possibilidade de apelidos legais, mas vocês mudaram isso completamente😽💘). eu também, tenho passado por uma fase na vida que é de transição, preciso urgentemente caminhar mais com as minhas pernas, em todos os aspectos, seja no trabalho, seja na saúde, etc, e quem dera se eu fosse uma pessoa multitarefas😔 além disso, tiveram algumas desavenças aqui recentemente que - apesar de eu me esforçar muito pra n demonstrar - mexeram comigo e eu tinha prometido a mim mesma que eu continuaria até o ponto em que fosse saudável e divertido pra mim. sinto muito que alguns pedidos e algumas asks vão ficar sem resposta. vocês girlies sempre estarão bem amparadas pelas pessoas incríveis que compõe a nossa pequena e fofoila🎀💫🐇 comuna! shout out pras minhas pequetitas @creads @idollete @lunitt @cinnas2girl @kyuala @bestgirlie @amethvysts starzinha, groupie, nina, ghostinha, a fiel guerreira que smp falava sobre o blas na ask👉🏻❤, lachaparita, barbierecs, manu (do esteban), e mts mts outras que estavam sempre presentes nos delírios diários de como nós imaginamos que estes incríveis e talentosos boludos sejam. talvez, em algum outro momento, eu volte e poste algo (pq eu tinha muitos plots em andamento🤕), mas se eu fosse pedir algo é que não criem expectativa! obviamente não irei apagar os trabalhos postados, e espero que outras girlies possam lê-los e se divertir fugindo um pouquinho da realidade pra nossa que nós criamos! hihi☺ enfim, um grande beijo e um super mega blaster master abraço apertado🫂
da sua
laura @geniousbh 🦝
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nina-rosa · 2 months
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Fullbody commission for my friend @/orion.cosplay in their Space Outlaw cosplay from Bee and PuppyCat ! ✨🌙💫
Comms are still open, link in bio or below if you’re interested!! ^_�� 🪐
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ninadaily · 7 months
hungvanngo :
"#NinaDobrev (@nina) x @miumiu Paris FW24 🧡🌟💫✨⭐️. Style by @kateyoung 💇🏻‍♀️ @peterluxhair 💄 @hungvanngo assisted by @antomkparis"
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Chapter 7 of my Serirei fanfic 'Lone Star' is out! 💫
To lighten the angst of this chapter here is also a really lovely comm I got from @nina-rosa to go along with Chapter 4! I will go back and embed it if you would like to see it within the chapter itself : ) 💖
Go check out Nino's other artwork it is all amazing, they are incredibly talented! (And they have commissions open again at the moment 👀)
As always, link in the replies, thanks again for reading everyone : ) 🌟
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diazly · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i hope this trip around the sun is even better than the last one🫶ily always
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
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About Me!
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Who I Write For:
- Jeff The Killer
- Ticci Toby
- Ben Drowned
- Nina The Killer
- Eyeless Jack
- Homicidal Liu
- Jane The Killer
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Anons: 🦢, 🍃, 💫, 👽, 127 anon…
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Jeff The Killer
- General JTK Headcanons
- Jeff The Killer with Age Regressor!Reader (ft. Ticci Toby)
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Jeff The Killer x Male!Calm!Well Rounded!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini! Reader
-Jeff The Killer x ESTP!Sagittarius!Reader (ft. Ben Drowned
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- JTK x EJ Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Ticci Toby
- General TT Headcanons
- Ticci Toby with Age Regressor!Reader (ft. Jeff The Killer)
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Toby x Reader, slow dancing in the readers apartment
- Toby x Black!Alt!Fem! Reader
- Ticci Toby Relationship Headcanons
- Toby x Sassy!Reader
- Toby x Animal Hybrid!Reader
- Toby x Oblivious!Childhood Friend!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini! Reader
- Toby x Reader with an obvious crush!
- Toby x Black Cat!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who like to bite
- TT x EJ Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Ben Drowned
- General BD Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- BD ft. Reader who has lots of fictional crushes
- Ben Drowned x ESPF!Sagittarius!Reader
- BD x INFJ!Pisces!Reader
- Ben x Arranged Marriage Victim!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini!Reader
- Ben Drowned x ESTP!Sagittarius!Reader (ft. JTK)
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Nina The Killer
- General NTK Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- NTK x Grunge!ENTP!Fem!Reader
- Creepypasta x ScenEmo!Reader
Eyeless Jack
- General EJ Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- EJ ft. Age Regressor!Reader
- EJ x Future Partner!ISFJ!Reader
- EJ x Cello Player!Reader
- Creepypastas x Emo!INFJ!Gemini!Reader
- Human!EJ x Eyeless Demon!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- EJ x JTK Relationship HCs
- EJ x TT Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Homicidal Liu
- General HL Headcanons
- Creepypastas ft. Child!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Liu Relationship HCs
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
Jane The Killer
(she’s late to the party)
- General JTK Headcanons
- Jane x Skilled!ENTJ!Reader
- Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
- Creepypastas x ScenEmo!Reader
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8iunie · 2 years
via Thomas’ Instagram story, 30.10.2022
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imninahchan · 6 months
NINA pelo amor de todos os deuses do nosso universo cósmico 💫vc disse em uma ask que o it won't fit x I'll make it fit não seria exatamente um fetiche pro enzito, e sim algo mais natural 😔🤔 então, precisamente, oq vc acha que seria fetiche do enzo? pode abrir a porteira pros pensamentos putíferos correrem🥴🥺👉👈
não acho que ele seja muito dos fetiches ou fantasias muito picantes no geral. Acho que o maior seria um exibicionismo ligado a essa questão de fotografias e espelhos. Ele adora te observar, ser observado por ti, que te observem com ele, e é ainda melhor quando pode fotografar e guardar na carteira. Takes mais artísticos, de ângulos que fogem o tradicional. Ama quando você usa lingerie, porque torna as fotos ainda mais artísticas, e é um prazer pra ele te comer só com a calcinha pro canto.
É alguém que aprecia uma bebidinha antes do sexo, só pra vocês ficarem mais soltinhos — derrubar o vinho no seu corpo e ir sugando. Uma música de fundo, uma brincadeirinha com comida, com gelo. Algo que brinque com os seus sentidos, te cobrindo os olhos com uma venda. Não sei se existe, mas o tom da sua voz é como um fetiche pra ele. Detesta transar em lugares em que não vai poder te ouvir, em que não vai poder conversar contigo durante o sexo.
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leonardcohenofficial · 3 months
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a while back i did a game where i tagged folks to create a 5x5 collage of their long-term top spotify artists and share so i figured i'd bring it back! artists are listed l-r:
row 1: phil ochs, talking heads, the 5th dimension, the smiths, bob dylan
row 2: the monkees, nina simone, joni mitchell (glad to see her moving back up the chart now that her stuff has returned to spotify), bobby darin, beyoncé
row 3: les mccann, the grateful dead, laura nyro, the walker brothers, leonard cohen
row 4: the bee gees, the chambers brothers, richie havens, the staple singers, loudon wainwright III
row 5: donny hathaway, sun ra, odetta, the mamas and the papas, rotary connection
i'll tag @sightofsea / @nelson-riddle-me-this / @notharper / @glennmillerorchestra / @radioprune / @draftdodgerag / @dulcimergirl and anyone else who'd like to do this! 💫
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for the ask game: grell for character and redcliff for ship :3
Aaah ofc! 🙏🏼💫 I’m still doing this though it’s been a while, btw!
How I feel about this character:
first off, I think she’s beautiful, fr. Even before I got into Kuro, I saw her design and thought she was so pretty - and that was shortly before I started reading the manga.
I also think that she’s more complex than she gets credit for. When I write her, I like portraying what’s going on behind her queen facade - delve deeper into her psyche, her fears, how she really feels about every situation she’s in… I also think she’s very quick to act and has ended up saving her colleagues’ asses more than once, but that also means she’s impulsive and gets herself into far too much trouble.
Although she doesn’t show it, she really does regret letting her temper and jealousy get the better of her. She never got the love or support so many others she knew did, which is part of why she was resentful of her victims and others who had what she didn’t.
I also think she seems like the sort who, despite her shortcomings, has a great capacity for love and is loyal to a fault. I love showing all her layers and giving her even more.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Honestly, the only people I do ship her romantically with are William or Angelina. However, I don’t mind her with others she’s commonly paired off with, such as Mey-Rin (though I personally can’t see it sometimes), Sebastian (even if how Grelle is portrayed in fics with him often annoys me), Nina, Hannah, Undertaker, or anyone else lol.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Othello or Ronald would defo be her platonic soulmates, lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
She indeed is crazy about Sebastian, but more in an, “I want to fuck him and then bisect him with my scythe à la the black widow spider” sort of way. Does she wanna bang him? Yeaaaah. But by no means is she actually that into him romantically, lol.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish her inner life and backstory haven’t been explored more in the manga. Not only would this have the Grelle lovers more content, but it’ll also give us more to understand her better. I also want her to get the happy ending I think she deserves. 😭
Grelliam. 😂 tho I’m a multishipper at heart.
My crossover ship:
Don’t really have one. I do think Grelle and Hidan from Naruto would be fucking funny, though.
A headcanon fact:
Not my own headcanon, but some of my mutuals on here hc that Grelle is of Russian origin and can even speak the language. Which I love. I also like the German Grelle hc equally, lol.
Now, for the ship part.
When I started shipping it if I did:
After Angelina’s death in the manga. So much angst potential.
My thoughts:
I’ve always remembered wondering if those two did have something else going on. It even seemed as though their relationship transcended what’s platonic. However, though I do like the pairing, I don’t usually seek out that many fanfics for it as two weirdly specific pairings (Grelliam and SebTaker) are the only ones I think of 24/7.
I think they could either be incredibly wholesome or extremely toxic depending on how they’re written in specific fics and given the nature of their rapport. There’s so much potential to explore it in several different ways. Plus… the ANGST.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me:
Can’t really think of any atm, tbh.
Things I look for in fanfic:
I really want another, “what if Angelina lived?” AU, fr. I also like Bizarre Doll!Angelina fics.
Whom l'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Don’t @ me, but (alive) Angelina and Undertaker would be funny. 😂 /hj
Actually, I don’t really ship Angie with anyone except Grelle. But as for Grelle, defo William.
My happily ever after for them:
They’d probably actually try to make whatever they have going on a healthy, functional relationship if Angie lives. As for whether they have a family… maybe there’s the whole, “Grelle finds a baby and decides to keep it” thing.
Who is the big spoon / little spoon?
Grelle is definitely the big spoon. Angie sometimes takes over though, lol.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Lots of things. They both would read tacky magazines and penny dreadfuls together, give each other their observations while people-watching, go shopping, probably do art together… another one would be Angie braiding Grelle’s hair and making her feel so pretty while doing it. 🥹
That’s it for now! Do send in more 😁 💓
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