#nina winchester
thatpunkmaximoff · 10 months
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Story: 5 out 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
Wow. What the hell did I just read?!
One moment I think I have things figured out, then the next I’m questioning what I think I know. And then I’m back to thinking I was right in the first place, and oh my god!
This book is amazing. I loved it.
At first I didn’t wanna continue reading because Nina Winchester rubbed me the wrong way, but then when I picked up the book for the second time, the suspense had me in a chokehold and I read 200+ pages in one sitting.
If you love suspense and questioning what you think you know, then pick up this book asap. You won’t regret it.
Now here are my rambling thoughts:
* “If I leave this house, it will be in handcuffs. I should have run for it while I had the chance. Now my shot is gone. Now that the police officers are in the house and they’ve discovered what’s upstairs, there’s no turning back.”
* Oohhhhh, I’m intrigued. What’s upstairs?
* So the landscaper is… weird. Was he trying to warn her?
* Wtf is on Millie’s record that’s preventing her from being hired anywhere 🤔
* Prison?! Ooohh, girl. What did you do?
* Landscaper is definitely trying to warn her. What is going on in the Winchester house?
* Yeah… Nina is cuckoo. Get out of there, Millie!
* The daughter Cecelia is a little twat.
* What the fuck is Nina’s problem? I really hope it’s her body they find that was in the prologue. Fuck this bitch.
* Woo. Nina is pissing me the fuck off.
* Those PTA moms are a bunch of backstabbing bitches. But at least we know that Nina truly is crazy.
* Goddamn. She tried to kill her own daughter?!
* Okay, on a side note, is Nina really crazy? Everyone says there’s twists in this story so now I’m thinking the husband is just too good to be true. If he’s the one with the money and has a prenup, then why is he putting up with Nina’s bat shit crazy antics? What’s it in for him to keep that relationship going? If anything, it’s Nina who would be doing everything to please her husband, but it’s the husband trying to please her? Wtf is going on?
* So no baby for Nina. Isn’t that a good thing?
* Uh oh. There was a zing between Millie and Andrew. They’re definitely gonna bone lol.
* They’re drunk and kissing 🤦🏻‍♀️ Nina’s gonna have a shit fit when she finds out because let’s be real… SHE WILL!
* Called it. Nina totally knows 😂 And she just outed Millie as being an ex-convict. I was originally rooting for Millie, but you don’t sleep with married men. Smh. And Andrew is rubbing me the wrong way now.
* Oh shit. Andrew kicked Nina out 😨 He wants a divorce! Things are about to get way ugly.
* Lmao. Who the fuck is Enzo and what does he know!?!
* Damn. He fucked her in the attic and then what.. locked her in..?
* Wait… Nina’s happy to have gotten rid of Andrew? IS ANDREW THE BAD GUY?!
* Holy. Fuck. He locked Nina in the attic when they were first married. ANDREW IS THE BAD GUY!!! But why the fuck was Nina such a bitch to Millie after hiring her? I’m so confused.
* Ohhhhh. And now it all makes sense. I can’t believe Enzo was in on it. At least he wants to help Millie now, but fuck… they shouldn’t have done that to her to begin with.
* Holy shit! Nina is way fucking smarter than I gave her credit for.
* Fuckkkkk. Nina took the fall.
* The detective!!! Oh my god!!
* Goddamn. Andrew’s mom is the true psycho 😬
* Fuckkkk. She took on another job with a housewife being abused. Nina recommended her to the new client. She’s the housemaid assassin lol. Wtf!!!!
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Pride art Part 2! Decided to draw all my favorites bisexuals, canon or fanon, for this month🩷💜💙🏳️‍🌈❤️
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manpaindyke · 6 days
watched on the head of a pin, folsom prison blues, and faith in that order last night and it was um. perfect. thank god for dean winchester.
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nika-neangel16 · 7 months
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• One love, one heart, one destiny
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rocksalt-and-pie · 4 months
i know im late to the party but i just watched nina rubin's last episode and i can't believe they literally gave her the Castiel Supernatural Treatment like... make her canonically queer and IMMEDIATELY kill her off?? seriously?
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ninarefaceapp · 7 months
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melxhunter · 1 year
In a relationship <<<<<< in love with fictional characters
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somelokivariant · 1 year
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tvdspncrossover · 3 months
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elejahforever · 2 years
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Gift 🎁
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black-angel-manips · 1 year
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Request by  louka-por-series
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misschris1412 · 2 years
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Trois ancienne 2010 ?
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nika-neangel16 · 7 months
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Do you believe in life after love? 
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impalaslytherin · 2 years
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Well just imagine 😉 them together 🥰🥰
So I will post my edits here as well
gonna torture you all now 😈be ready 😂😂
@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @winchester-girl67 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @pink-sparkly-witch @deanwinchesterswitch @smol-and-grumpy @waynes-multiverse @beaujensen
@deanwinchestersgirl87 @deanwithscissors @holylulusworld @b3autyfuldisast3r
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hightidelowmood · 2 years
* meet cute!!!! Meet cute!!!!! Mary Winchester is cute af such good casting. Literally adore her! So pretty! Exactly how I would assume a young Mary w would look!
*‘See you around soldier boy’ excuse me did Jensen know he got picked up as soldier boy when putting this together cos LOL love that subtle nod.
* AHHHH NANNA WINCHESTER IS A FOX OOOOOFT I have the biggest crush!!!! She’s so sweet! already adore the shit out of her
*‘my husband and kid walked out on me’ ok ok ok mummy winchester no worries.
* ‘time to let the past go kiddo’ John winchester doesn’t just let things go…
*it’s very clear that Dean is much more like Mary than we thought! Ooooo who is Maggie!??? Also mary exercising a demon wheewww
*hahahahaha John winchester freaking out about demons is so great! I wish I could recall who Maggie is?? Did we ever cover Maggie??? Is she in canon?
*oh oh oh who is the man that gave that letter to John???? Is that man of letters????? wait so john’s dad was a man of letters??? Why are both their dads missing???? I adore this!
*oh his dads dead dur
*the chemistry is great! Well done to Jensen / casting people, these two already have me wanting them together
*This is extremely adorable that John is so accepting of demons and he’s just accepting it. Like literally demons? Weird bunker under ground no worries totally normal whatever
*was John always that tall??? Can we get a side by side of John and Mary???? Or Jeffrey and this actor??? Like he’s pretty tall… is he taller than Jared???
*side note - can’t wait to see them at the winchester panels and Comic-Con’s hahahahaha
*What a big bunch of shoes to jump in for this actor… how do you play Jeffrey Dean??? Hahahaha anyway, back to business
*soooo glad we’re covering man of letters and this will be their home base… it begs the question why didn’t John know about this in supernatural??? How was he not familiar with this man of letters base for him and the boys??? Does that get covered? Do we ever get closure on this? I feel like I didn’t pay enough attn to spn beczhse I’m feeling like John winchester from spn didn’t know about men of letters.
*don’t worry son… I know how to trap it awwwwww god bless John! So accepting of this whole demon situation I just like this energy, doesn’t even think twice just decides to be a demon hunter, what career????
*lubbock Texas ok ok ok we have flickering lights here we go! What demon is going to possess this woman???? Run lady run!!! Oh oops she wasn’t fast enough
* Mary drives a bad ass car and of course John is waiting by her car hahahaha oh we’re on a hunt!!!!!! Yay!!!!! Also adore that Mary is so stand off energy with John is in love. Mary is literally like please fuck off I don’t want to love you / like you energy and he’s very much golden retriever energy
*John hating his dad for keeping hunting away from him is so funny because he learnt about that and decided not to hide hunting from his kids… so weird
*oh we have an English accented chick
*PTSD John that’s so sad ‘I think I’m being haunted’ well ok… I love that they’re opening up to one another. I like that we’re seeing a heavier side of them as a pre couple. It’s clear they’re going to fall in love but it’ll be a slow burn - it’s also nice that John is likely going to have a few episodes where he’s dealing with the fall out of loosing his close mate
*i can’t get over the fact that Dean is so much like Mary in mannerisms and Sam so much like John in mannerism
*carlos hehehehehehehe ‘come on rookie.. learn something’ oh oh we are totally going to love Carlos ~johns first exorcism, well done john 😂 ‘jimmy, Janis, hahahahahaha wait is johns real name johnathan???? Excuse me????
*oh oh we officially are in Samuel’s hunting stop? He maps his hunts the same way that John did in season 1 of spn that’s interesting and slight nod
*carlos being ?bi is so great, so glad they are going down this route! Well done!!! How is the Winchester’s more progressive than spn???
*the English girl is definitely a great addition, she’s like the walking encyclopaedia, she’s giving fred from angel the series or willow from Buffy, the intelligent walking encyclopaedia that every Scooby gang needs
*☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️maggie… who the hell is Maggie???? Why does Mary think it’s her fault that whatever happened to Maggie happened???? Who is Maggie guys????
*carlos is my favourite character I just know it
*john is so caring, so sweet, such a darling ‘maybe we can be nervous together’ god bless him, imagine he was this sweet in the original series it’s so nice to see this beginning of him, the young version of him makes me appreciate and love the Jeffrey Dean Morgan version of him cause you just know there are many layers to this character 😭
*yes!!! Who is Maggie?!!!
* she’s a hunter like Mary, a vampire of course, a sister to Mary and Mary couldn’t save her and I’m emo, 18 years old and gone
*🥺Mary wants out
* back story time about Mary and how she wants to walk away :( how she’s so sad that her mum and dad put a knife in her hand ahhhh that’s so sad and that’s exactly what John did to their children 🥴🥴🥴🥴that’s so sad
*although we’ve already gone through that backstory in the original series it’s nice for them to cover this in this series so new viewers know what’s happening hahahaha and when and if they go down the route of spn they’ll understand the level of OUCH Mary felt when she saw her two babies these amazing hunters but so sad for herself and the life they could have had ugh I’m emo
* Mary is soooo in love it’s so cute!!! Her big smile at him makes me LAUGH!!! they just vibe so well together. Anyway we just jumped down a well? That is heavily guarded… oh my god wtf is that??? A loogaroo
*did John really cut his arm open for Mary to buy her enough time to get it out of there?? That cute sacrificial thing is such a winchester trait
*surely Carlos isn’t going to o get his ass beat this early in the fold????
*mary is kicking some sweet demon ass and John is fighting a dinosaur looking thing odd odd definitely weird ok he just cut off it’s head how very winchester of him
*side note mary kicked some demon ass but only threw John a knife? As if he could fend for himself the level of sureness she had in his abilities to fight the dinosaur
*oh! Mummy winchester owns a whole ass garage where she fixes cars???? Aww mum winchester wanted nothing more than to be like her dad and then she fell in love with john’s dad and ☠️☠️☠️☠️
*mum winchester literally just said ‘I knew I would do anything to keep you safe, when you have kids you’ll understand’ and I am crying big real fat tears
*wait who voiced john’s dad’s voice???
*no John don’t go down this road please ‘saving people, hunting things, I was born to do this’ ugh John please and also what happened to Johns mum? Did we ever deal with that? Was that covered in spn??? Also wish he said ‘saving people, hunting things, the family business’ 🫣
*lata, Samuel would be proud of you! You kicked some ass!
*ada confirming John looks like his dad and telling him how kind he was is so lovely esp. for John winchester because it’s clear that by the time we hit spn Johns so lonely and sad and seeing this bright and happy version of him with the weight of the world not on his shoulders ugh I’m crying again
*oh oh we are going on a road trip to savannah and that’s when Mary winchester gets heart eyes for John winchester 🥺
*acreada my man’s who r u and why u trying to end the world?????
*oh my god Jensen!!!!!! ‘Until then I will keep picking the music’ oh my god the fucking goose bumps call the police on me right now and the impala baby ugh perfect pilot!!!!
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ninarefaceapp · 7 months
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Some edits I did for me and man on mewe / Facebook
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