#nina zenik deserves better
lilisouless · 1 year
If you think for one second that the show didn’t completely screw Nina, think about a possible Soc spinoff and what would they make Nina’s motivation for going to the heist?
In the books, her eyes are on saving the grisha. On the show she doesn’t give a single flying dam about Ravka
So what her motivation be,Matthias? Okay, let’s get ready to see her whole motivation for risking her life is earning a man that tried to kill her and is very blatant about wanting her dead, what a great icon.
So will her motivation be because she is following Kaz’s orders? You may as well change her for Rotty ,Anika or any other character that is not a main.
Either way, her motivation will be a man.
Don’t you realize how they are setting Nina up to become the worst character on the show?
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wecanstart-fresh2day · 2 months
If I see one more person saying that Kaz calling Inej an investment was romantic I’m going to invest in a gun
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blessedsweetgirl · 3 months
The Crows should have had a separate show with a good theme song so if they decided to make a cameo in the Shadow and Bone series, their theme song would start playing as they appeared and it would have been so dramatic and metal as hell
Plus I think they should have had left the SoC books alone and showed their adventures before the books happend if they wanted to combine the Shadow and bone with Six of Crows
Netflix' Shadow and Bone did not do the crows justice
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ariadnethedragon · 2 years
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SHADOW AND BONE 2.06 — Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
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itsjustanan · 2 months
head empty just thinking about my big blond lover boy being a hopeless romantic
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Appreciation post for the characters who are doomed from the beginning and whatever they do their tragedy cannot be overturned
For Example Regulus Black and Matthais Helvar, ik it seems like a stretch but hear me out for a second plz
Both characters grew up in a toxic environment and were essentially brainwashed (Regulus with the Black Family and Matthais with the Druskelle)
They both lost people dear to them at a very young age (Matthais his whole family in a fire caused by Grisha and Regulus his brother Sirius)
They both fell in love with the "enemy" (Matthais fell in love with Nina who is a Grisha while he is a Grishahunter and Regulus fell in love with James who is a Gryffindor, and essentially stole his brother and is everything the Black family is against)
The person they fell in love with made them realise their own prejudiced views and their wrongdoings encouraging them to change
Doing everything possible to change while fighting their own personal demons (The Druskelle and the Black family weren't good but at the end of the day they were the only family they had ever known)
Dying while trying to fight for the right side and redeeimg themselves bcoz at last they see that they have a chance at a better life (Matthais died while trying to save Grisha and Regulus died while betraying Voldemort)
Bcoz in the end it didn't matter that they tried everything in their power to change, they were destined to die and the most tragic part is that their deaths have no meaning!! Them dying doesn't change the story. They were as helpless on the day they died as they have been their whole life when they were not given any choice.
The one time they try to do something for their own self, fall in love and see this sliver of light, of the life they could have, they meet their tragic demise.
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wylanslcve · 10 months
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Nothing to see here folks just me sobbing over Helnik at 11 in the morning please carry on
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Can we take a moment to appreciate Specht and Rotty, they really deserve more respect, they should be honorary crows
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the-omni-frog-tm · 2 years
I re-read SoC sooo....
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I love Nina she's a queen
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lilisouless · 1 year
Friendly reminder show only watchers doesn't know Nina is bi because there is no single mention or allusion to it, maybe because it would require Nina to interact with someone who isn't Matthias or Kaz, mention being attracted or maybe an ex that isn't Matthias and nonono, netflix!Nina must not have an identidy outside of Matthias
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maitso · 1 year
i hated nina's ending in rule of wolves so much, not because of hanne, i adore hanne, but it just makes zero sense to me how she ended up with jarl brum's daughter, the man she hates the most in the whole fucking world!!!!!! the man who took so much from her, who tortured her, killed her friends, who turned matthias in such a hateful person!!! i know she and hanne created a bond over hanne also being grisha, but they could've remained friends, its like nina got over matthias so quickly after she buried him and it just doesnt make sense to me
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moonferry · 2 years
"but in the end, he was not nina or matthias or kaz or inej or jesper. he was just wylan van eck. he told them everything."
THIS LINE MAKES ME CRAVE DEATH . u don't . Understand. i just want to RAAAAAAAAH *falls down stairs*
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manikas-whims · 2 years
Hii :)
I finished the soc duology recently and I love it, but I was really sad about matthias death, so I looked up for explanations to see if his death was really necessary, if it had a purpose or if it's just one of those things authors do to shook the reader or write "realistic stories" and you are one of the only people I saw who said it wasn't necessary, so can you tell me why, do you have more thoughts about that?
hi there!! i'm glad you enjoyed the books ☺
i usually don't like to speak much on this cuz i feel like people will think i'm biased since he's one of my top 3 crows but i'll explain it just this once..
Firstly, i truly find character deaths in general a very stupid trope.
And in my opinion, Matthias's death served no purpose other than adding shock value.
Throughout the duology, Matthias is talked about and shown to us as this highly trained and disciplined soldier, a Druskelle to be exact. And a lil rugged due to his experience in Hellgate. Throughout the plot we see him being very rational, being extremely distasteful of Kaz's methods yet still silently coping with him. Even during his confrontation with Brum, he maintained his cool and easily tricked Brum to save Nina, and further help break out Kuwei..
So when the whole encounter with that lil fjerdan boy happened, i just couldn't understand (and i still don't accept) how a well-trained Druskelle, an ex-convict and an overall calm and collected man couldn't handle the situation with a child.
In my opinion, the moment that child pulled out the gun, canon Matthias would've swiftly disarmed him and then proceeded to talk the child into calming down and make him understand.
Thus, despite people saying shit like “Matthias's past killed him” or “this is realistic, not everyone makes it”, bla bla bla.., i truly find it hard to believe. His death looks like a stunt for shock value. And it also seems as if the author Leigh Bardugo herself didn't know or had no plans for Matthias, so she simply chose to kill him off. Maybe because she already had things planned in her mind for Nina after the conclusion of CK but didn't know how to incorporate Matthias (and by extension Helnik) into it..
I'm not sure but to me, Matthias's death just doesn't feel like the right conclusion for his arc.
There's so many better ways his arc could've gone and here's my two fav personally thought out headcanons for him:
— Matthias working together with Nina to help Hanne/Rasmus become the new ruler of Fjerda
— Matthias joining Inej on her ship and helping her take down slavers and awful rich men
Ohh! he also gets to adopt a new wolf 🥺
Once again, these are my personal opinions and no one has to agree with these..:)
But I just think Matthias Helvar deserved better.
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reyreadersblog · 4 months
Gender inequality. Even in the books.
Okay, so this might sound stuqid, but you'll get where i'm coming from..(if you don't then i'm an idiot and don't mind me)
As an exa
i'll use TIG book series as an example. I love all Hawthorne brothers, truly i do (and i wish they were real) and if i'm being honest they might be one of the best book bfs out there, my main problem is how overshadowed FMC, Avery Grambs, is by them. So you meant to tell me you find many flaws in her character but don't find any in the brotherss??? Hey i love them all, but they made mistakes, many mistakes too, starting from Xander (i'm not sure about him) and ending with Nash.
"Oh..Avery was boring.." "She shouldn't have donated that much money" "she doesn't listen to anyone" "Avery was dumb" "Avery was meanie" STFU. First of all she is one of the most intersting characters, it's her money and she can use it however she wants, she was naturally smart girl and EVEN THOUGH she made mistakes she is still the best character in the books. I HATE the way fandom ignores every mistakes the boys made, Like..let's take Jameson as an example..i love him, but he also made bad desicions, like..using Avery..hiding the truth..and more.
Avery Kylie Grambs is an icon and she's better than any Hawthorne brother. Here i said it.
Now let's move on to Alisa (you can not make me hate or dislike her) she made mistakes for sure, she was mean to Libby (on my previous posts i explained why i think she was rude to her..but anyway..) but that's the thing again.. GRAYSON? He is litearlly my favourite character but i can admit he definetley messed up in certian situations, if you're saying Alisa was mean to Libby...then Grayson's behaviour staight up deserves jail, bcs he litearlly threatened a heiress...
How i wish that to be his only mistake but he made tons, TONS of them and majority of the fandom chose to ignore, (bcs he's hot), but when it comes to Alisa..when she made a mistake, by being slight rude towards Libby, out of jealousy...fandom goes crazy, saying she's very bad character, a meanie, insicure. And why? Bcs she's not a hot male character, in fact she's a independent female characater..and of course she's going to get hate on her every move..
And the sad thing is this happens in almost evey fandom, female characters who are independent, headstrong..have their own mind and opinions, ALWAYS get hate, Avery Grambs, Alisa Ortega,Donatella Dragna, Pip fitz-Amobi, Annabeth Chase, Wren Greenwrock, Nina Zenik, America Singer..
this no hate post, i respect your opinion, and i do love Hawthorne brother, this is just something that needed to be said.
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tacticaldiary · 9 months
"There's no strong female characters!", "Give us complex women!", "We want to see a range of female personality!"
They gave you Abby Anderson. Nina Zenik. Annabeth Chase. Shauna Sadecki.
It's been a gruelling fight to get crumbs of what we want, but frankly you don't deserve them. You don't deserve them if you're going to call for complexity, then whine about how they're too 'complicated'. How those women are 'too much' and 'not enough' at the same time. How they could have been better, how they should have been changed.
You hate Abby for being too strong, you hate Nina for being too forward, you hate Annabeth for being a leader, you hate Shauna for being a child.
You're given women that are complex, that are morally grey, that can't be stamped with a 'good' or 'bad', and how do you treat them? No, even better, how do you treat the people that advocate for them?
It's fine for the men to be morally gray, but God forbid a woman step into that role like you asked.
I'm sick, and I'm so tired, and this is exactly why I love writing morally grey women. Strong women, women that are unapologetic and powerful.
Grow up.
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