#ninjago songfic
finn-m-corvex · 11 months
Someone You Loved
Needed a brain break from Whumptober so I wrote this in an hour instead. Haven't listened to Lewis Capaldi for a long time but this song popped up in my playlist and it gave me Jaya vibes so here we are. Kinda similar to Sounding Sea but also not, mostly because I never thought I would write a songfic in my life, but hey, plans change. Literally almost just had a panic attack as I was cleaning this up because I thought I deleted it but nope we're all good. Enjoy everybody!
Words: 2k
TWs: depression, mentions of anxiety, basically all the same stuff as Sounding Sea.
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
Oh, he was crazy alright. But maybe it was just the hunger talking.
He had never really been one for doing things halfway. Something either got all of his effort or none of his concern and there was very little in-between. Now, he was wishing that he had more gears than forward and reverse; was that why humans created cars with multiple modes? To make up for the fact that they couldn't ever take the stick and pull it back to spare their feelings? Was it all just some sick scheme of taking back control?
No, that was stupid. He let his head thunk against the stone wall behind him, ignoring the bruises littering his skin and the blood welling from the cuts and scratches inflicted across his body. Jay had plenty of stupid ideas already, what was one more?
I need somebody to heal Somebody to know Somebody to have Somebody to hold
And of course, like a goddamn fool he had fumbled it. Fucked it up most likely beyond repair, just because he didn't come with a gearshift to dial his love back. She had known better than any of the others, always picked up on his mood shifts and his anxiety and his everything before he even knew what was going on; sometimes she was even faster than Cole. Before then Jay had never met someone with that ability, because most people would turn a blind eye to him at best and try to hurt him at worst. Kinda like what was happening right now, actually.
She wasn't like most people.
First Master, how stupid was he?
It's easy to say But it's never the same I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain
He did. Fuck, he missed her so much. He missed the way she made him feel like he was on top of the world, like he could do anything and be anyone. Anxiety couldn't touch him, his insecurities powerless against the encouraging words she would feed him whenever he started to doubt himself. What was he now?
Stuck in a shitty pirate ship with no friends and no way of calling for help after possibly fucking all of them over for what might be the last time.
Well, at least he wouldn't be able to damn them anymore, right?
The ball and chain was heavy on his ankle, and he had to drag it up by hand so he could tuck his knees against his chest, looking up at the bright sky through the grate. His hands were blistered from how much he had been mopping the deck, but it was still much more preferable to Scrap n' Tap.
He tried to imagine how it would sound for her to say 'I love you.'
Now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Jay was still trying to imagine it when night finally fell, a dark blanket smothering out his one light source and casting the rest of his cell into darkness. He couldn't say that he ever had a problem with the dark before now, but the shadows were stretching just a little too much, the corners just a little too obscured and his vision was too fuzzy as it was adjusting to the new level of light. He supposed one of his eyes being basically out of commission wasn't helping.
Tears tried to leave his eyes but he blinked them back, determined not to cry. Nya wasn't here, and Cole wasn't here, and crying wasn't going to change that. He could do this, he could get through it.
Being left to his own devices left too much time for him to start going down memory lane, and he was thrust into the memory of the day when his world shattered apart, the shards gouging holes in his heart to leave gaping wounds that he didn't know how they would heal at the time. His head had been hurting like he had smashed it into the wooden floor of the Bounty, winded as if he just recovered from a bad fall.
He wanted it back. Why couldn't he just have it back?
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you
He loved her too much to try and push her away again, and yet here he was, keeping her at arms-length when all she wanted to do was get closer and try to help.
Younger him would've rejoiced, reveled in the knowledge that Nya wanted him out of all people, but Jay knew better now. Knew how easy it was to get swept up in the current, to lose yourself in the tide that never quite receded.
To drown in it, because eventually you would forget that you had to keep swimming.
Sleeping was something that didn't come easily to him anyway, but now it was impossible to find. Apparently he had pissed off Mr. Sandman too, as he would spend night after night springing awake from some bad dream or another, only to find some sort of project in this damn lighthouse to keep him occupied. He needed distractions; distractions from how he had left Kai behind, how he didn't protect Zane, how he had damned Cole and Lloyd and Wu and Misako and everyone else in fucking Ninjago-
But mostly? He couldn't stop thinking about he had damned her too.
Now, I need somebody to know Somebody to heal Somebody to have Just to know how it feels It's easy to say but it's never the same I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape
She was right there. Nya was right there and he failed her, again.
Jay shivered in his chair, looking around his parents' trailer to try and find any trace of her. The only thing he could find was a framed photo that he had given his parents forever ago, from before their messy breakup and the fights and the Djinn. From when they were still happy. Sure, they were both smiling, Jay's arm wrapped around her shoulders and her arm around his waist, but...
Were they ever really happy? Or was Jay just too scared to admit that something wasn't right?
He clutched the photograph in his hands, watching as the wooden frame started to crack under the pressure. Maybe it was just because he grew up poor, but the cost of his escape had been too steep; it should've never been her.
It never should have been her.
But it was, and there was nothing he could about it now. The best he could do was hope and pray that his plan to rescue her wouldn't fall through, because he was running out of prayers.
It worked, and the price for that had been steep too. Would the heavy costs and the sacrifices ever end?
Years passed, and against his better judgement Jay thought that maybe it would.
Now the day bleeds Into nightfall
Was it night? He couldn't tell anymore. Slipping in and out of sleep was confusing, to say the least, and he had no idea how long he had spent laying down on this uncomfortable couch before someone would be lulling him back to sleep. Mr. Sandman must be taking pity on him.
And you're not here To get me through it all
But Nya was here; he could hear her voice, whispering to him in soft tones with gentle words, kissing his cheek and then his lips and playing with his hair and trying everything she knew to try and get him back to sleep.
Was he going crazy? Again?
First Master, it really was just like the ship all over again. He didn't remember the voices being able to touch him, though. That part was new. Oh well.
Gotta enjoy a nice dream while it lasts, right?
Why did someone start sobbing when he said that out loud?
I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Jay loved that she loved him, cared for him, trusted him, and he trusted her with his life and his soul. Knowing that she was there at his side always helped him get through the days; he was sure that he wouldn't still be here if something had ever happened to her. They were two halves of the same piece; maybe they didn't quite fit together all the way, but there was nothing they wouldn't do to make it work, that Jay wouldn't do to make it work.
So really, she had to stop doing stupid self-sacrificing shit. But he guessed that he wasn't really one to talk.
But becoming the sea?
And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes I fall into your arms I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around
She was never coming back around. Jay stood outside of the lighthouse, looking out across the ocean and watching as the tides flowed in and out, taking in the rocks just off-shore and the small rip-currents jaggedly cutting through the calm surface of the water.
Jay turned around, feeling the breeze start to blow his jacket into his back. Shutting his eyes, he let his element buzz around him, crackling and fizzing and popping The darkness was something familiar; he knew what to expect when he shut his eyes for too long, and he needed the familiarity no matter how traumatic the origins were. Without hesitating he let himself fall backwards into the surf, the cold water making him freeze up instantly as it washed over his face and into his nose.
He suppressed the natural urge to fight and get his face out of the water.
What was the point when she wouldn't be there to tell him how stupid he was being? To say that he should've worn a thicker jacket, to dry his clothes, to snuggle with him in the bed until he could finally feel his fingers and play with her hair?
For now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Jay wrote the same words over and over at least once a night. He didn't know why he was fixating so hard on them but he couldn't stop, and even now as his hands were trembling and his hair was dripping seawater onto the pages he was writing the same seven lines again. There was no one there to kiss his cheek and offer him tea and to laugh at how his hair looked like he had been dunked in a mop bucket.
He should've just stayed in the goddamn ocean.
But now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
For some reason, Jay cut out the first two lines eventually. After a while, it just got a little redundant to keep saying that the day would go away and be replaced by the night; at least, that was his best guess for why one day he started writing three lines instead of seven. He read them over and over, again and again, feeling the bitterness and the anger and the sadness consume him from the inside out, and Jay knew that Nya would not recognize the man standing on the beach if she ever decided to walk back onto land one day.
But she never would, and Jay would never get used to the loss that spread through his chest like a disease, a cancer that there was no way to treat.
I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
Do you take requests? Are there any rules?
Hello! Yes, I do take requests.
I'll write;
Genres - Fluff, Angst, Crossover, Time Travel AU, Songfic, Isekai, Hurt/comfort, Character x Reader, HCs, One-shots, maybe a Mini Series, possibly Character x Oc, Character x Reader x Character, Love Triangles, Slow Burn
Fandoms I currently write for -
The Legend of Vox Machina
Once Upon A Time
The Witcher (game, series & books)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Steven Universe
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Shadowhunters (series, movie & books - I just finished the 2nd book so please no spoilers)
Black Butler (manga)
My Hero Academia
Spy × Family
Jujutsu Kaisen
Folk of the air
Pirates of the Caribbean
Thundercats (2011 bcs I haven't seen the 80s version yet)
Moriarty The Patriot
Bungou Stray Dogs
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Sherlock BBC
Doctor Who
Demon Slayer
TMNT (2003 and 2012 versions)
Gravity Falls
Stranger Things
Jurassic Park
Independence Day
Tim Burton movies
The Arcana
Inside Job
Blood of Zeus
Mia & Me
Maya and the Three
Beauty and the Beast
Transformers (Bay)
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse + Across the Spider-Verse
Good Omens
Howl's Moving Castle
Van Helsing 2004
Tales of Arcadia
I won't write; NSFW/Lemon/Smut (It'll only be implied), Incest, Character x Character, Pedophilia
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stormflower8 · 1 year
oh look a wip
uh please don't hype yourself up for this because I have literally no plan and too much going on and too little motivation to work on this buuuut here's a Strange wip that's been sitting in my notes app!
this takes place right after nimona's whole. self-sacrifice.
"is this a hamilton songfic" YES IT IS OKAY
"is that "It's Quiet Uptown" YES IT IS
"Look at where we are," Ambrosius said quietly. "Look at where we started." They'd started as two little kids, one with a legacy and the other with a dream. "I know I don't deserve you, Bal," the boy- the man with the golden legacy on his shoulders mumbled. "But hear me out, that would be enough." Ambrosius turned his head to face Ballister, but the other didn't bother meeting his gaze. Instead, the lost person with a broken dream stared out from the balcony, letting his eyes trace the outline of what lay beyond the Wall. "If I could spare her life," Ambrosius continued. "If I could trade her life for mine," and a little chuckle escaped his lips, "She'd be standing here right now, and you would smile, and that would be enough." Ballister finally looked at Ambrosius and opened his mouth to argue, to say that wasn't true, but his words failed him when he saw the tears pooling in his lover's eyes. They shone like liquid moonlight in the night, and Ballister deliriously wanted nothing more than to take Ambrosius into his arms. He didn't move. "I don't pretend to know the challenges you're facing," Ambrosius started to walk away from him, his steps deliberate and strong. He couldn't see Ambrosius's face anymore, but his voice betrayed that he was on the verge of tears. "I know there's no replacing what we lost," and now he turned back to Ballister, the tiniest reassuring smile on his lips, "And you need time." Ambrosius closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, they burned with a fire so fierce that Ballister could've sworn his heart stopped. It was a fire of devotion, a fire of determination, and, dare he say it, a fire of love. "But I'm not afraid," Ambrosius crossed the balcony in a few long strides, and he stood right in front of Ballister. "I know who you are." He didn't touch Ballister, but he held his gaze so strongly Ballister could've sworn he felt it physically. "Just let me stay here by your side." Ambrosius reached out as if to take Ballister's hand, but dropped his arm at the last second, leaving Ballister with nothing more than the cold ghost of a lost touch. "That would be enough."
coming to ao3... hopefully soonish!
btw I'm Burning_Sand on ao3 and only have ninjago fics up right now, please don't come find me
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ohhiimweird · 1 year
Requests are Open Again!!!
So, I'm finally out of college for the summer which means I can write a lot more than I was over the year. That means Requests are open again!
Please request in my ask box so that it will be easier for me to make a post about it.
Requests will go from today (May 15) until May 17th.
Here are the fandoms and characters I will do requests for:
Splinter (platonic only)
Casey Jr. (platonic only)
(I'm just doing Rise at the moment. I'm watching the 2003 version and I have yet to watch 2012)
Monkiekid (please mind that a couple of these characters are ones that I'm writing for the first time)
Sun Wukong
Will do
x reader (gender neutral, AFAB/female, AMAB/male)
one-shots (1,000-2,000 words maximum)
Will NOT do
NSFW (some of these characters are minors)
songfics (please god no it's so cringe)
anything else I'm not comfortable with
If the request falls under anything I won't do, your ask will be deleted.
Have fun requesting!
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 years
Homepage info:
Part 2
Request are sented at only one at a time
Child! Reader and Teenage and adult characters will be platonic.
I'll only write fanfics and drawing fanart with a fandom that I know of.
No repost without permission
X if for ships while & is for friendships
No incest
- W.I.T.C.H
Twisted Affection
Yandere Cornelia X Will
Passionate Love(hasn't started)
Taranee X Will
Accidental Confession(hasn't started)
Irma X Will
She is mine! (WIP)
Yandere! Irma X Will
Sleeping Redhead(Hasn't started)
Matt X Will
Familiarities(hasn't started)
Phobos and Will
Nightmares(hasn't started)
Matt X Will
- Twisted Wonderland
Dragon Card(hasn't started)
Malleus X Ace
Rivals to Lovers(hasn't started)
Leona X Malleus
Ocean Hearts(hasn't started)
Floyd X Riddle
A Gangster's Lover(hasn't started)
Yandere Gangster Deuce X Ace(Adult, gangster AU)
Dragon of Flowers(hasn't started)
Malleus X Ace(Ace is whiterose child au)
A Fae's Lover
Yandere Malleus x Ace
True Love(hasn't started)
Jamil X Kalim
A Snake's Angel(hasn't started)
Yandere Jamil X Kalim
Her Diamond In The Rough(part 1 and 2)(WIP)
Yandere female Jamil X female Ace
Heart of Roses(A Fae's Lover part 2)(WIP)
Yandere Malleus X Ace
A Queen's Heart
Yandere! Riddle X Yandere! Deuce X Ace
A Snake and Baker's Prey(NSFW)
Trey X Jamil X Ace(SMUT)
Insane Love(hasn't started)
Yandere Weiss X Ruby
A Robot's Lover(hasn't started)
Penny X Ruby
Predator(hasn't started)
Yandere Blake X Ruby
Keeper Of My Heart(hasn't started)
Weiss X Ruby(W.I.T.C.H au)
Greek Knight(hasn't started)
Pyrrah X Jaune
Sisters(hasn't started)
Yang and Ruby
Black And Yellow (hasn't started)
Top! Blake X Bottom! Yang
An Heiress's Rose(hasn't started)
Top! Weiss X Bottom! Ruby
Guardians of Remnant(RWBY x W.I.T.C.H) (hasn't started)
The Guardian and The Dragon(W.I.T.C.H x Twisted Wonderland one-shot)(Will and Malleus) (hasn't started)
A Survivor's Wonderland(DRV3 X Twisted Wonderland) (hasn't started)
A Ninja's Wonderland(Ninjago X Twisted Wonderland) (hasn't started)
Guardians and Ninjas(Ninjago X W.I.T.C.H) (hasn't started)
Unique Warriors(PreCure X Twisted Wonderland) (hasn't started)
A Fairy's Wonderland(Twisted Wonderland X Winx) (hasn't started)
PreCure All Stars: Twisted Festival(PreCure X Twisted Wonderland)(hasn't started)
A Hero in Wonderland(MLB X Twisted Wonderland)(hasn't started)
❃Arts and Headcannons❃
Rose Draconia(Old and New)
Dawn White/Marmoreal(Old and New)
Rose's past
Team RWBYS as Guardians of the Veil(1st and 2nd)
Sarah Hale/Roselight
Angie Swan(For @phoenix-manga, @phnxart )
Darcelle Swan
Sonomi Hoshiakari(Cure Forest)
Kaidah Akahono/Garmadon(Cure Dragon)
Mizuki Aoumi(Cure Ocean)
Yumeri Cordelia(Cure Isleen)
Taiyou Kiihikari(Cure Thunder)
Fuyumi Hoshiakari(Cure Schnee)
Hoseki Héxié(Cure Yīnyuè)
Seiza Mikanhoshi(Cure Astralle)
Kiko Midorikaze(Cure Iiesar)
Hokori Shroud(Cure Íroas)
Farah Alsaari(Cure Faith)
Akio Hoshiakari(Cure Joy)
Alyssa's reveal
Alyssa Rosseta(Show)
Alyssa Rosseta(Movie)
❃Special fics❃
Kowareyasuki(An Malleus overblot one-shot/Ace is WhiteRose's child AU/Malleus x Ace)
❃Request fics❃
Yandere! Malleus x Idia
Yandere Azul X Jamil part 2
Yandere Floyd X Riddle
Twisted Wonderland X RWBY
❃Writing for other AUs❃
This Life Is Mine(Headmistress Rosehearts AU)
Rose X Dawn(History)
❃Character Birthdays❃
Note: Ocean's, Isleen's, Schnee's, Yīnyuè's, Astralle, Tornado's, Íroas's and Faith's designs and poses are owned by @phnxart /@phoenix-manga
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lavful · 1 year
Ninjago Rarepair Week, Day 5 - Songfic for Raincloud!
Raincloudshippers y'all are eating today. I'm posting both day 5 and 6 today.
Summary: Vania and Benthomaar meet at the Emerald Royal Ball. Inspired by "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and “La Valse de L’Amour” by Patrick Doyle from Cinderella (2015).
Vania’s chest seized when the orchestra played the last note of their song. Princess Harumi and her father bowed to each other and couples began to make their way onto the dance floor. Sighing with frustration, Vania looked side to side quickly. She was rapidly losing hope. Then, she saw him. 
A man with soft blue eyes and darker blue skin made eye contact with her. Right away, he smiled and began walking towards her. Vania found herself smiling too. It was like everything moved in slow motion. He was unlike anyone she’d ever seen, undeniably handsome but unique as well. He had jet black hair adorned with a gold circlet, swirling markings along his cheekbones, and what appeared to be gills on his neck. The man was dressed in a white tunic and trousers, quite different from the other male guests mostly dressed in black. His finery was adored with dark blue embroidery and pearls, hinting to coastal origins. Vania felt frozen to her spot, tingles gathering in her fingertips. 
At last, he was in front of her, still smiling. “Hello,” he said.
“Good evening, sir.” Vania gave a short curtsy. 
“My name is Prince Benthomaar of Merlopia. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.” He bowed.
Merlopia, the underwater kingdom. She knew it from her studies but little was known about it, like Shintaro. “Princess Vania of Shintaro,” Vania announced herself. She held her hand out and he kissed it gently. She felt butterflies in her stomach already. 
Benthomaar looked up with a shy smile. “Well, your Highness, may I have this dance?”
Vania beamed at him. “Yes, you may.”
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rinas-ninjas · 4 years
Local Bitch Writes for the First Time In Forever, More At Who Knows
(Aka Rina can’t stop listening to HadesTown)
The meanest dog you'll ever meet
He ain't the hound dog in the street
He bares some teeth and tears some skin
But brother, that's the worst of him
The dog you really got to dread
Is the one that howls inside your head
It's him whose howling drives men mad
And a mind to its undoing
Cole took Jay’s hand in his and looked to Kai with a smile.
Wait for me, I'm comin'
Wait, we’re comin' with you
Zane met his lovers’ eyes and nodded once. They were ready.
Wait for me, I'm comin' too
Kai turned to the road ahead and let out a steady breath.
I'm comin' too.
The souls around them shuffled restlessly. They watched quietly as the four took the first steps up the rough path.
Show the way so we can see
Show the way the world could be
If you can do it, so can he
If he can do it, so can we
Show the way
It was like the spirits were holding their breath too; could they make it out? Would they be able to?
Show the way the world could be
Show the way so we believe
And if they could –
We will follow where you lead
If they did –
We will follow with you
Could others too?
Show the way
She looked at the king of the underworld, a soft tone to her voice he hadn’t heard in decades.
Think they'll make it?
He turned away from the slow parade below them.
I don't know
Koko set a soft hand on his shoulder; she leaned against his back.
Garm, you let them go
He silently leaned into her touch.
I let them try
She stiffened; her face froze.
And how 'bout you and I?
Are we gonna try again?
Garmadon took her hand in his. He let out a quiet sigh.
It's time for spring
We'll try again next fall
She smiled at him.
Wait for me?
He met her green eyes.
I will.
Below them, the four continued in the dark.
Wait for me, I'm comin'
Wait, I'm comin' with you
Wait for me, I'm comin' too
I'm comin' too
Kai stubbornly looked ahead as the voices echoed around him.
Who are you?
Who do you think you are?
He was Kai Smith. He was the man who went to the departed realm.
Who are you?
Who are you to lead him?
He pictured Zane’s face in his mind. He was the one who would fetch him back again.
Who are you to lead them?
Jay’s smile and Cole’s eyes flashed in his brain. He’d bring them all back.
Who are you to think that you can hold your head up higher than your fellow man?
Wu’s words repeated on loop in his mind.
You got a lonesome road to walk
And it ain't along the railroad track
And it ain't along the black-top tar
You've walked a hundred times before
I'll tell you where the real road lies:
Between your ears, behind your eyes
That is the path to Paradise
Likewise, the road to ruin
Jay kept his eyes trained on the back of Kai’s head as they walked.
I'm coming wait for me
He felt Cole’s hand tighten around his; he squeezed back.
I hear the walls repeating
The falling of our feet and
He heard Zane’s sure footsteps follow behind him.
It sounds like drumming
And we are not alone
They were almost out; he could feel it.
I hear the rocks and stones
Just a little further
Echoing our song
Kai just needed to trust them for just a little further.
We’re coming
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star-ocean-peahen · 3 years
For the ask game: Kick! (exclamation mark not included)
"And they were going to kick Garmadon's butt."
i spend so long looking for it and this is what i give you seriously
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He Used To Be Mine — Lloyd Songfic
After HoT, before SoG, song is She Used To Be Mine from Waitress
It’s not simple to say that most days, I don’t recognize me
Lloyd gazed at himself in the bathroom mirror, his usual brilliant green eyes shadowed and made dull by the bags that lay underneath them.
With these shoes and this apron, that place and its patrons
There were times when he looked in the mirror he could see the smallest shadow of himself as a kid. He was young, he was fun…
Have taken more than I gave them
More often than not, he only felt older when he did so, his hair far longer than it was before, his facial features more pronounced. Even his eyes were older. They held wisdom.
It’s not easy to know, that I’m not anything like I used to be
Oh what he would give to have his childhood back, to take a look at himself in a mirror and not be able to actually see himself because he was too short.
Although it’s true I was never attention’s sweet center, I still remember that boy
There it was- that wide, toothy smile… when he looked now all he can see is a thin, straight line where his grin used to be
He isn’t perfect, but he tries
His ears used to be so full of kids at Darkley’s laughing, of the sound of candy wrappers opening and teachers telling him to do his work… now all he could hear is shouting. Battle cries and the shouts that led to death plagued his once joyful ears.
He is good, but he lies
As a child he had lied to get what he wanted. Now, he lied just to be left alone.
He is hard on himself, he is broken and won’t ask for help
If Lloyd squinted he could see a faint scar running along his nose and another on the left side of his chin. Battle scars. The one on his nose was from his dad. The one on his cheek was from the Tournament.
He is messy, but he’s kind
Despite being faint, he knew everyone could see them. The scars were usual, always there. He forgot about them. Fans, the press… those scars are the first thing they all see
He is lonely most of the time
In the reflection, he sees the image of his father. Garmadon’s hand is on his shoulder, a proud smile taking over his face. But as soon as Lloyd would lock eyes with his hallucination it would vanish, leaving him alone once more.
He is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie
He longed for that back. Those few years when his family was whole. His dad, his mom, his uncle, even his brothers…
He is gone, but he used to be mine
He wanted to look away. But each time he pulled his face away, he somehow always came back.
It’s not what I asked for
He could see the green on his gi, ugh, that green. He didn’t ask to be the green ninja, he didn’t want it.
Sometimes life just slips in through the backdoor
He didn’t ask to fight his dad, he didn’t ask for all the power, all of the enemies and fame.
And carves out a person and makes you believe it’s all true
But it was destiny. A destiny he wished he could change. But no, he had to accept the fact that this is who he is. He didn’t want to.
And now I’ve got you
When he looked in the mirror, he saw fakeness. He saw lies, betrayal, hurt. He saw the longing to run far away and never look back.
And you’re not what I asked for
He didn’t want to be fake. It’s always a fake smile, fake optimism, a fake “I’m okay”.
If I’m honest I know, I would give it all back for a chance to start over
Maybe he wouldn’t have been the green ninja if he hadn’t been kicked out of Darkley’s… or maybe if he hadn’t unlocked the serpentine tombs. Maybe then his destiny would have changed.
And rewrite an ending or two, for that boy that I knew
Then he wouldn’t have had to fight his dad. Or the Overlord. Or Chen. Maybe Morro wouldn’t have possessed him. Maybe he wouldn’t have to fight anyone.
Who was reckless just enough
He was the reason Zane had died, if he had been faster, smarter, or strong enough to fight the Overlord himself the white ninja would have been fine.
Who gets hurt, but who learns how to tough it up
He was the reason that Kai had been corrupted for a few minutes during the Tournament, Kai should have been the green ninja. Not him.
When he’s bruised, and gets used by a man who can’t love
Sometimes he dreamt of his dad, his dad that despised him because he wasn’t evil enough, or perhaps because he had died for good because of him.
Then he’ll get stuck
He was the reason Cole had been turned into a ghost. They wouldn't have gone to the temple if he hadn’t been possessed.
and be scared of the life that’s inside him
He was the reason Jay was jumpy. He didn’t know why exactly the blue ninja was jumpy, but he always asked Lloyd not to leave him again. Again?
Growing stronger each day
Wu, his uncle, is gone, lost in time… he could have saved him… he should have saved him.
Till it kindly reminds him to fight just a little
He had to be Master Lloyd, he had to lead the team and pretend like he was okay.
And bring back that fire in his eyes
Then he would look in the mirror, and all of the lies would wash away as his smile faded. He can lie to the others, but he can’t lie to himself.
That’s been gone but used to be mine
He ran a hand through his blonde hair and stiffened in that position, his tired eyes lackluster and aimlessly gazing at the sight before him.
Ohhh, used to be mine
All he could see was green, that stupid color. He ripped his gi off of his body, exposing his chest to himself. A grunt escaped from his mouth and he threw the dastardly piece of clothing to the floor.
He is messy, but he’s kind
He kicked the gi, his breathing heavy. He looked back into the mirror.
He is lonely most of the time
He was alone. Alone in his burden, alone in his pain. No one understood.
He is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie
He was tempted to shatter it, break the glass. Then it would be broken, like he was.
He is gone, but he used to be
But he didn’t he never did. He bent down, picked his gi up, then walked away.
aka I’m posting this because work was really rough and just not good in any way today so lowkey venting by posting this so I hope you all enjoyed (also I want to finally contribute something to the fandom)! I just feel Lloyd gives off serious She Used To Be Mine vibes and I was sad one day so I wrote it, it’s a beautiful song, really. Sorry if it sucks, I don’t generally write songfics but this seemed like a depressing but not too depressing oneshot I could post to vent so yeeeah. Sorry if it sucks, thanks to anyone who read this far:)
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evesbeve · 6 years
Professional Dancers - Bruiseshipping (Jay x Cole) One-Shot
You guys may remember me mentioning this a few weeks ago, and it’s finally here! Big thanks to @xxwhisperapplexx for beta-ing it! Hope you enjoy!
Title: Professional Dancers
Franchise: Ninjago
Pairing: Bruiseshipping (Jay x Cole)
Summary: While searching for Master Wu, Jay and Cole decide to spend the night at a village celebrating the day it as created. The music is loud enough for them to hear from their distant cabin, and they have no choice but to dance along to it... Right?
Word count: 1,634
Read this on AO3 and FFN!
Searching for Master Wu was neither easy nor pleasant. The team was seperated, there was no way to know if Wu was even alive… At the very least, Jay and Cole were together.
Although the two friends didn't look like they'd get along at first sight, they completed one another. They were each other's hope throughout their struggle, and their only reassurance.
It was because of that they were able to loosen up a bit in-between their duties. The loss of their sensei was a hard-to-swallow pill, but the elemental masters of lightning and earth would be lying if they said they didn't enjoy being on their own for such a long period of time.
Jay didn't possibly think he could learn more about Cole than he already did - he was his best friend, after all - but he did. Right when he thought he could write a full novel on Cole's life, the master of earth popped up with another story, making it a trilogy.
It was safe to say that no one knew Cole better than Jay, and no one knew Jay better than Cole.
The two friends weren't always lucky with their journey. Sometimes they'd have to camp outside at night, and others they'd be close to a village and book a room. Thankfully, it was the second one's turn.
There was some sort of festival happening. It was a local thing, celebrating the day the village was created. There was music, food stands, lanterns… It seemed like a nice place to stop and relax for a bit.
Jay and Cole didn't stay at the festival for too long - after all, they had a long day ahead of them - but they enjoyed seeing the simplicity of the people again.
They were more than lucky to find a spare room on the day of the celebration. Thankfully there was a spare small house right outside the village, which they were able to rent thanks to a kind old lady at the food stand who overheard them talking.
There was nothing Jay enjoyed more than a warm bed to sleep in. He had gotten used to the sleeping bag at that point, but it could never replace the bed.
Jay took out his shoes and let his body fall behind, and bounce on the bed's mattress. He couldn't help but smile.
"I'm guessing you already called dibs on that bed?" Cole asked, locking the door.
"I think it might even be better than the one back home!" Jay said, sitting up. "This is such a cozy house. I wish we could just stay here."
"You know we can't," Cole said, leaning against the wall, "but I'd like that too."
Jay sighed. He already knew that they couldn't stay, but the thought of going out there, looking for Master Wu… It exhausted him.
The master of lightning stood on his feet, walking over to the window to let some air in. His thoughts disappeared when his ear caught the sound of the distant music from the village.
"Looks like we're going to have some entertainment." Cole smiled.
Jay turned around, grinning mischievously. "Too bad there's not a professional dancer here to add up to it."
Cole shook his head. "Hey, I'm nothing close to a professional!"
"You went to dancing school, that makes you a professional," Jay winked at him. "And did you forget all about that 'triple tiger sashay' move? You were the first one to do it!"
"As if you couldn't do it. It's just acrobatics!" Cole said. "Very precise acrobatics… But still acrobatics!"
"Only a professional dancer would use the word 'acrobatics'," Jay joked, making Cole groan. "Come on, you can't just listen to all this music and do nothing!"
"Isn't that what you're doing right now?" Cole raised an eyebrow.
Almost instantly, Jay made a very silly pose which could be described with anything but dancing. "How's this for an epic dance move?"
"This looks like some training exercise Wu would want us to do," Cole chuckled.
"Sorry, my friend was too embarassed of me to show me how to dance," Jay smirked, crossing his arms.
It was then that Cole broke into some of his favourite dance moves, following the rhythm and moving all around the room.
Jay couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't that Cole was bad; it was that he was amazing.
Without a second thought, Jay joined Cole in their limited dance floor. Jay knew he wasn't a great dancer, but he didn't care. Jumping around the room and trying to copy his friend's moves made him happy, and he knew that it made Cole happy too.
It had only been a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. Dancing, laughing, yelling… Never in his life would Jay have imagined he would be enjoying his time doing all that as much as his did.
An eternity with Cole didn't sound half bad.
It seemed like the festival had been close to its end, because the music died out after a while. Suddenly it was just Jay and Cole in that isolated cabin, looking at each other from across the room.
"I guess there's no more music for tonight," Cole said.
Jay let out a nervous chuckle. "Too bad there's no professional singer-"
"I am not singing, Jay."
"I know, I know," Jay looked down, breaking eye contact. For some reason he couldn't move, so he tried to focus on the wrinkles of the wooden floor instead.
The sound of footsteps caught Jay by surprise, and the sight of Cole right in front of him when he looked up was even more surprising.
Jay gazed into Cole's eyes, his body completely still and shaky at the same time. His heart beat fast, his thoughts ran fast, his-
"Move over so I can close the window?" Cole said, pointing behind Jay.
A new feeling filled Jay's body. Was it relief? Was it disappointment? He didn't know.
"Oh," Jay took a step to the side. "Right."
He couldn't help but glance at Cole as he pulled down the shutters. He couldn't understand his feelings. He couldn't understand why a simple action, like an everyday thing, made him feel so intrigued.
Ever since that journey started, Jay had been feeling this way around Cole, and the fact that he knew exactly what it was scared him. It was the exact same feeling he had once felt for Nya before they broke up, and now he was feeling it for his best friend.
Jay tried so hard to make it stop. To do the opposite of what he did with Nya, to stay quiet and not flirt, to hide the feelings inside of him.
He was doing fine before when they were dancing, why did closing a godamn shutter make him feel so-
"I don't know where we should go."
The music had long stopped, but Cole was only starting. Jay blinked, the sight of Cole facing the now closed window becoming clear.
"Just feeling farther from our goal."
Jay felt every hair on his body rise, and every beat of his heart slow down. Cole's voice wasn't perfect nor trained, but there was something special about hearing the one you love sing.
"I don't know what path we will be shown."
The one you love.
"But I know that when I'm with you I'm at home"
He was in love with Cole.
"Yes, I know that when I'm with you I'm at-" Cole cut himself off as his voice cracked. "Okay, that's all I'm singing."
Jay was biting on the inside of his cheek as hard as he could, but not hard enough to make it bleed. His eyes were wide open, locking on Cole's with what looked like curiosity, admiration.
Not even the warmth of Cole's body could make Jay's frozen one move.
"I liked that," Jay finally spoke up, biting half his words. "The way you say my name- I, I mean, the way you sing! My name is fine too though, but I meant to say song… Sing? Song? I, I like both."
"Thanks," Cole said with a tint of nervousness that Jay was unable to notice, "I think?"
"I just," Jay took a sudden step forward, "I really wanna kiss you right now."
Jay couldn't believe he said that.
He absolutely couldn't believe he had just said that.
There was nothing he could do though. He just waited, for either a miracle to happen, or his friendship with the person that was closest to him to be ruined. Either way it was a slap in the face, which Jay needed right now.
There was a moment of silence, but Jay's beating heart blocked out any feeling of awkwardness in the air. He had no idea how Cole felt, because he couldn't think. He couldn't focus on anything, he couldn't breathe-
"Then do it."
Cole's voice came out as music to Jay's ears, even more melodic than the one playing before. It took him a moment to realise what Cole had just said, and even more to think of how to do it.
Before he knew it, he was trapped between the wall and Cole, their faces drawing closer every second that passed.
Jay loved everytime their eyes locked, but nothing could describe the feeling of their lips locking. It was sweet, warm, soft… It was perfect.
They pulled away, eyes locking once more.
Jay could see the slight blush on Cole's cheeks, and the shine in his green eyes… He could even see himself through them, and his condition wasn't much different.
He wanted to say something, anything, but no words came out. "That was-"
"Damn Jay," Cole interrupted him, trying to hold back a smile. "You didn't tell me you were a professional kisser."
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Fic Masterlist!
This is my masterlist for all of my Ninjago fics. Feel free to check them out (and please comment yes I'm that desperate please someone comment on my works-)
Lava-Shipping (Cole/Kai)
--Royals and Thieves-- -Words: 11521 -Chapters: 7/? -Rating: T -Category: Fantasy AU -Warnings: Controlling parents, OOC characters (Kai''s parents) Language -Status: Incomplete, Ongoing --Night Terrors-- -Words: 2780 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: T -Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort -Warnings: Heavy angst, Nightmares, Night Terrors, Panic Attacks, Language -Status: Complete --Little Flicker-- -Words: 2388 -Chapters: 3/? -Rating: G -Category: Fluff, Age Regression -Warnings: None :) -Status: Incomplete, On Hiatus --Bet-- -Words: 1155 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: M -Category: Comedy -Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Moments leading up to sex, but nothing explicit dw -Status: Complete --Play Something For Me?-- -Words: 1043 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: G -Category: Fluff -Warnings: Language, but thats it -Status: Complete --Lava Oneshots because I'm Gay for Cole and Kai-- -Words: 1753 -Chapters: 4/? -Rating: T -Category: Fluff, Oneshot book -Warnings: Language -Status: Incomplete yet abandoned
Glacier-Shipping (Cole/Zane)
--Even The Toughest Rocks Bear Cracks-- -Note: This was a collab with my friend @crab-boi-blog. I wrote for Cole, they wrote for Zane. Love you bestie /p <3 -Words: 4383 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: T -Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort -Warnings: Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic parents, mental breakdowns, self deprecating thoughts, Language -Status: Complete
Techno-Shipping (Zane/Jay)
--Am I...Irritating?-- -Note: This is a prequel to this fic -Words: 1606 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: G -Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort -Warnings: Self doubt, self esteem issues, self deprecating thoughts, Language -Status: Complete --Love Like You- Songfic-- -Note: this is a songfic inspired by this song. -Words: 1624 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: G -Category: Angst, Hurt/Comfort -Warnings: Ice Emperor Zane but would that really count as a warning? idk, Language -Status: Complete
Polyninja (Cole/Kai/Jay/Zane)
--Cole, Ninjago's #1 Heartthrob-- -Words: 1535 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: G -Category: Comedy -Warnings: None, some suggestive ish words like "hot" but its overall pretty tame, Language -Status: Complete --Video Diaries of Ninjago's Ninja-- -Words: 512 -Chapters: 1/? -Rating: T -Category: Comedy, Oneshot book -Warnings: Swearing but thats it -Status: Incomplete, Ongoing
--Why Can't Every Morning Be Like This?--
-Words: 1320 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: G -Category: Tooth-Rotting Fluff -Warnings: None :) -Status: Complete
--Battery Acid-- -Words: 474 -Chapters: 1/1 -Rating: T -Category: Fluff and Comedy -Warnings: Swearing -Status: Complete
Dumbass Shipping (Cole/Kai/Jay)
--No, You are Not Irritating-- -Note: Please read this fic before reading this one. -Words: 2028 -Rating: G -Category: Hurt/Comfort -Warnings: Language -Status: Complete
--His Chill Brings Comfort-- -Words: 378 -Rating: G -Category: Zane/Reader -Warnings: None -Status: Complete
--The Cold Still Haunts Me--
-Words: 1461 -Rating: T -Category: ANGST -Warnings: Heavy Angst, Violence, Nightmares, Flashbacks, PTSD Nightmares, Dream Murder -Status: Complete
More is to be added to the masterlist as time goes on. If you have any requests, please drop them in my ask box! (please abide by the rules though!)
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purplerose244 · 4 years
I don’t care
Hi!! This is my fic for the @ninjago-valentine-exchange!! Thank you so much for organizing this, I really had fun writing this! 🥰
Special thank also to @nightlybirdie for the lovely fanart I got to respond to! It’s such an adorable little comic! 😍  I thought making a songfic about the same song you choose would have been fitting, since it really is very Lava like ❤🖤❤🖤
Here we go! Enjoy!! 😊
Summary: It's just another celebration party after all, Cole should be used to feeling left out.
Turns out, someone is very not okay with that.
Also on the AO3
We’re at a party we don’t wanna be at
Trying to talk but we can’t hear ourselves
Red your lips I’d rather kiss ‘em right back
With all these people all around I’m crippled with anxiety
 It wasn’t that Cole hated parties.
Although it wasn’t that he loved them either.
“… so thank you again, ninja!” Tipping his hat, the police commissioner finally finished his speech, one that after such a long time spent with them fighting crime and evil beings – like ten years or something? – was starting to sound vaguely repetitive. “Now, without further ado, let us begin this celebration party! To honor our saviors!” The crowd cheered, all the police members bowed at them, and it was finally time to forget about the danger and relax.
… right.
Alright, the black ninja wasn’t a party-pooper – he wasn’t never going to give Jay that satisfaction. There were of course great pros about being here after all, starting from the fact that the very reason there was such a big event in the first place was because they had saved the city once again – he needed to remind Lloyd to bring the sign ‘days Ninjago City wasn’t attacked’ back to zero. This was a celebration in their honor, a thank you for their determination and commitment and for keeping their world safe every time. He could see familiar faces into the crowd, having fun, enjoying the peace that once again so difficulty they had managed to regain.
The music was nice. Nowhere near his usual choice, and he knew he was going to grab his headphones and blast soft rock at full volume as soon as they were back at the monastery, but nice nonetheless – relaxing too… oh… oh, no, no dozing off. His friends were all there, dancing, talking, perfectly in tune with the festive atmosphere.
Oh, there was also a buffet, that was nice. It was also an extremely generous one, with tarts, sandwiches, shrimps and so on, one that could make even Zane’s nindroid mouth water. The black ninja himself had finished his recognition at the table, even though he had ended up with a glass of whatever while standing on the side of the ballroom. All he knew was that it was sparkling and slightly bitter. Not really his taste.
Nothing felt like his taste right now… but that went beyond his beverage choice.
He tried to widen his collar, for the fifth time in the last hour. He should’ve known better than borrowing a suit from his father, besides their obvious different sizes. Even beyond the blatant reality that being the master of earth pulled out muscles that a dancer just didn’t have, it was the most irritating reminder of the time he had spent trying to meet his pa’s expectations by joining a quartet. It had been a while since that matter had been solved, there was no point into sulking over it. There were more important matters ahead.
His finger went to his collar. Sixth time. Great.
Was he the only one holding on instead of having fun? Again?
One impressively loud laugh shook his from his thoughts, and he didn’t have to look to recognize Jay, near their latest used-to-be-enemy-but-now-they’re-our-pal. Great, someone must have asked what happened during their adventure, there was no way Motor Mouth would have missed the opportunity to vent – as long as his obnoxiously talkative nature didn’t bring their new friend back to the evil path. Right next Zane was showing off his dancing skills, that familiar endearing view that probably involved his famous funny switch. Or not, that nindroid was lovable no matter what after all. From the resigned but fond smirk of Pixal, leaning against the wall not far while watching the robot making a spectacle of himself, he wasn’t the only one thinking that.
Lloyd had been kidnapped by a few reporters of the NGTV, although despite the awkward atmosphere he looked like he could handle himself – which wasn’t new, man that kid was indestructible. And even though he was confident that Nya was not the biggest fan of formal clothes just like himself, like the pro she was she knew exactly how to deal both with her dress and the people crowding around her. Besides, she deserved a bit of spotlight.
His friends were having fun, that made the master of earth happy unconditionally. Although he would have liked to share that light-heartedness, or simply being willing to let himself go for once. Well, they were doing fine, he could end this and finally go home by himse-
Wait. No. Something wasn’t right.
Where was that? Where was the crowd of people getting consistently louder and more insistent the closest they got to their red hero? Where was the never-ending flirty attitude that was almost a main characteristic of the master of fire? Where was the improvised meeting of the Kai fan club happening every single time they ended an adventure, like these screaming admirers had been silently waiting for the end to end just to see their diva?
A shiver caught him. Surprise? Confusion? Relief? Cole wasn’t quite sure, he just knew that there was no massive amount of chocolate hair nowhere in the ballroom. A pinch in his chest made his back straighten up. He took the slightest sip of his drink, grimacing at the taste.
Then, someone shouldered him. Wow, silent as a ninja. Then again, it wasn’t hard at this point recognizing his teammates without looking.
Especially someone as warm as him.
“Apologies my good sir, but it looks like we’re in quite the predicament over here.” Yep, he could see Kai’s smirk in the corner of his vision, moving up his mouth with that little dimple on the corner. “This is very clearly a party-fever, non-sulking area. You better correct your behavior, or I will be forced to take drastic measures.” Kai stuck out his tongue as he cracked his knuckles, despite himself Cole couldn’t help half a laugh.
Only half, because this guy could be very irritating when trying to push his reasons on others – the cow yak predicament between him and Jay was never going to be forgotten and was actually brought up again every once in a while. Only half… because there was something mesmerizing at seeing the reckless master of fire getting cleaned up in a classy and refined suit. White immaculate shirt. Perfectly stirred jacket. That little red bow over his neck, because if this guy didn’t like to show off that red was his color on every occasion then the Overlord was a good guy.
You could say a lot about the red ninja, really a lot.
Not having style? Not between that – of course his ego didn’t need to know this.
The black ninja huffed, catching himself before he let his eyes lingering on him for too long – thank you master Wu, poor unaware sensei probably didn’t know his meditation lesson were being used to hide a crush.
“Drastic measures as kick me out? Because first, I would like to see you try.” Kai was strong, but not earth strong, thank you very much. “And second, I can leave on my own, thank you.”
Another shoulder. Much quicker than the other.
“Nah huh, this is also a very restricted non-ditching area.” Now he was cornered. Which wasn’t much because it was only Kai and his mischievous look. Also it was Kai and his mischievous look. “You either have fun and enjoy yourself, or security will escort you to prison in a conga line.”
“Really?” The hothead dared to shrug, like this made-up nonsense was a fact and these ‘laws’ were beyond him. “You don’t have to be a bringer of justice here too, just leave me be a solitary public figure for five more minutes before leaving.” A little frown moved his scarred eyebrows, which looked a little too knowing for some reason. “Besides, don’t you have a fan club to return to? I’m not seeing brown wigs twice your head moving around, that’s worrying.” A third shove, this time the black ninja let out a proper laugh. The red ninja’s hair only got crazier and crazier since they met, and it was always funny.
Endearing, too… dang it feelings!
The master of fire crossed his arms over his chest, pouting yet smiling.
“I can have a party without getting assaulted by my fans, you know? Besides, it’s been a while since we had a proper celebration, I wanna be with my team for once.” It was surprising and also very not. Kai was that much of an egomaniac, he loved the attention; but he loved his family even more, and it was true that they didn’t get much time to enjoy simply be united – trying to survive a villain while experiencing discoveries and development didn’t count as a relaxing bonding experience.
Cole gave a look at the crowd. The others were all still there.
“I’ll give you that, should we call up the others then?”
“No no no, you don’t get out of the radar that easily!” Again with the grin, what was that dangerously pretty head of his plotting? He looked focused too, it was scary. “Cut loose, will ya? You always end up in the corner at these things, you could at least pretend like you wanna be here.”
The black ninja winced.
“Gosh, you sound like my dad.” He definitely didn’t want to think about his dad in front of his crush. “We’re not all social butterflies, okay? I’m fine being myself.”
“Oh that’s not it, you’re okay. You being you is amazing.” Was that flirtatious? Was that a random compliment? Dang it, Cole had known him for too long, he couldn’t tell the difference anymore! “But whenever we get to an event like this one you always look like you would rather go back fighting and it sucks. Not being much of a party person is fine, I just want you to have some fun that’s all.” Ah. There it was. Underneath the mocking, the arrogance and the flirts, was a guy that could fire up a group of ninja with the power alone of his blatantly sincere words. Being against the next reason Ninjago City needed to be rebuilt, or while trying to give a random party some meaning. “Besides, speaking of fans, I know you have some. You could improvise a convention too.” He gestured towards him with both hands, like he was presenting him for a talk show.
The master of earth grinned. His chest felt warm, as always. Curse this guy for being cute. Curse him for being here instead of somewhere else wowing some random guest, blessing him with his company. He was right about not being together enough. Cole did miss having peaceful times with his teammate… he had missed spending time with Kai.
 But I’m told it’s where I’m supposed to be
You know what?
It’s kinda crazy coz I really don’t mind
When you make it better like that
 He took another sip. Grimacing. He shook his head.
“My fan club is nowhere near as wide as yours.”
“It’s not a challenge you know… although if it was, we all know who would win…” The red ninja flexed his arm. The jacket moved accordingly, showing off results of a training that even without involving massive rocks looked still impressive.
Cole swallowed over a sudden dry throat, only to frown.
“Huh… Lloyd?”
Kai blinked and sulked down altogether.
“Lloyd indeed.” They looked at each other and laughed.
The previous song slowly faded, a new rhythm took over. To Cole’s relief, it was something less ballet-like and more vivacious, capturing a few couple and individuals into the ballroom to enjoy the music. Jay was showing off impressive dancing skills, although him coming out of nowhere with a new ability wasn’t unheard of – roller skating, skiing, how did he even have free time to learn where he would always invent and eat junk food? Nya wasn’t too far behind, crossing path with Zane and improvising something together, laughing all the way. Lloyd was about to shake his head with a snicker and step away, only to have Pixal push him in with a little grin.
It was so peaceful. Them having fun, enjoying themselves, doing something other than risking their own lives and protect the land. They were the moments the black ninja loved the most.
Kai was humming himself, smiling just as widely. Cole chuckled warmly.
“You look like a very proud father.”
The red ninja arched an eyebrow and smirked.
“Wouldn’t you like that, honey.” Oh dang it, was he for real?! Was that a flirt?! Was that a little blush or for the master of fire having red over him was as natural as igniting flames?? Was he going somewhere with this, help, abort, something, anything! “We should chime in and join Zane and Jay, make a reprise of the Blade Cup Tournament! I remember the choreography still, bet we could show it to Nya, Lloyd and Pixal too.” Alright, never mind, false alarm… possibly, again, it was confusing.
Cole took another sip. It possibly tasted worse at every try, he didn’t even know why he was holding the glass still. At least he looked refined… or something.
“No way, I’m not going through that again.”
“Oh come on, I thought you got over your dancing complex with the Triple Tiger Sashay.” Kai shrugged, looking at him right into the eyes. “You dance good too, it’s a waste.” Was he in vain of compliments today or he was silently mocking him through an elaborated plan?
… nah, he wasn’t one to make complicated plans. He was a pretty face, and an airhead.
Cole shrugged.
“I don’t mind dancing, not as much as I used to at least. I even like it nowadays.” Having a hobby besides saving Ninjago was kind of important to not completely lose it – and playing videogames became a little too competitive once Jay or Lloyd got in the zone. “But it’s a little too connected to what my dad used to expect me to be and sometimes I don’t wanna even brush that thought.” They were good now, of course they were. But they spent time apart because of it. It was still hard to think about it. “… I don’t like to think that it would’ve been easier to just bear and go on. It makes me wonder what I would have become in that case, through tedious dancing lessons and failures.” Wow, his insecurities were put under a test, and there was no menace in sight for once.
Urgh, nope, not tonight, not after the mess they had been forced to fix for their city. Tonight it was about feeling light, thoughtless and happy. He needed a joke, a mockery, something, and while their official jokester wasn’t available Kai was the next best thing.
Any moment now… any moment now…
… okay now he was deliberately teasing him with those pretty eyes of his. He looked even sappy now, their shoulders were touching. He was so warm.
“It’s… kind of a scary thought, you know. Thinking of a you in a reality in which we haven’t met.” He smiled, one enigmatic, slightly worried smile that Cole couldn’t remember to have seen before. “But master Wu would’ve found you anyway, right? I don’t want to think of a world where we don’t know each other.” Because he was a precious teammate of his. “That’s not right in my head, I kinda hate it really.” Because they were too close as friends to even conceive it. “I’m just happy to have the strong, kind, incredible Cole by my side for this life.” Because he… cared. Because Kai cared about all the people in his life, all the precious members of his family.
That included him. As a… as…
The master of fire was staring at him, lips pressed tight together, burning cheeks and glimmering eyes. His face radiated heat, beyond the temperature itself; it was like an image so hot it got blurry, yet the beauty of it was nitid and flawless.
Cole was mesmerized. Then he slowly took a step back from his condition, finding the energic music fading away around them, and the red ninja still froze with his eyes on him.
It made him smile.
Having his attention always made him smile.
“Oh my gosh, it’s Kai!!” Because it wasn’t for granted and it wasn’t as easy as it was, back when they had started their legend as the ninja team. Now they were celebrities, and having a group of fans jumping excitedly in front of the brunette was ordinary administration. “Kai! You’re so cool, thank you for saving us again! You are our favorite ninja, can we get a picture? And a photo? Possibly both, if you can!” There were a couple of girls, one guy and a kid jumping from one foot to the other. All looking at ease and confident with their dresses and manners, addressing one of the heroes of this island.
Huh. The party had started to get nicer a few minutes ago, now it was back at being dull. Awkward. Uneasy. Solitary. Once again the too tight suit became very vivid, especially around his arms and chest. Once again the music, that had gone back at being slow and classic, got at his nerves. Once again he was being a spectator, looking at the scene like it was airing on television.
Kai was smiling naturally, he was more than used at that kind of attention. But his eyes were quick at focusing on him, and another little frown moved his forehead.
“Thanks for the support guys, but I’m a little busy right now…”
Cole rolled his eyes. He hated pity, so much. It felt like a slap right now.
“No you’re not idiot, come on, show your fans some respect. They get to see you without the city falling apart for a change!” The group nodded eagerly, eyes brightening the room. The red ninja wasn’t looking at them, his eyes were fixed on his teammate and it was even more irritating. “I’ll be at the buffet if you need me, have fun.” He looked hurt. What right did he have to get hurt? From what even? The master of earth was the one casted aside, for a change!
He walked away from the scene, losing Kai’s voice between excited shouts and squeaks from the group. Like that was new, it was always the serious, uncharismatic, downer of the team the one getting less recognition. He had known that when he had met this band of crazy people that he had started to call family. He had known that when Lloyd had taken charge and lead them towards one victory after the other. He had known that when Nya had been called into action, showing off once and for all that she was the real deal. There was always someone before him, brighter, to capture the attention. Being a robot, being an inventor, being the most handsome guy in existence…
… and it was fine.
Cole wasn’t stupid not unrealistic. He knew who he was, he knew his skills and his pros. He knew there were many people cheering for him too, he knew that Ninjago City loved him. Having less focus didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do his best to give back that support. But moments like these made him feel like it was unfairly easy to be pushed away in favor of something better. This really wasn’t what he was used to. The party, the attention… him.
It wasn’t about the attention after all. It was about feeling inadequate. Unlike others, he wasn’t born for the attention. Others were ready to burn to catch everyone’s eyes through their beauty. Cole only wished the difference wasn’t always this upsetting.
The guests were walking around him as he passed through. He didn’t actually want to go back to the table, he had simply said the first thing that had come to his mind – with that one girl so close to Kai thinking had been very difficult. Then the police commissioner had called the attention upon the impressive cake that was being brought in by a carrier. Shaped like the monastery, with their faces on the base. Wasn’t he the absolute dessert lover that he was, he might have found the cake too cute to even attempt a bite. Then again he really was, which was no secret at all. The chief of the police department was more than happy to give him the first slice.
White chocolate and blueberries. He hated himself for being so irritated, he would have wanted to enjoy his cake without bothering images into his head. He knew it wasn’t that big of a deal. Whenever there was a party, his mind just liked to remind him how uncomfortable he felt. It was only a matter of waiting for it to be over. Then he could share a bag of candies with Lloyd, or pull some weights with Nya, or meditate with Zane, or train with Pixal, or destroy Jay at videogame. Or do anything, absolutely everything, that involved spending time with Kai.
Just for the sake of having him near… ah, dang it, feelings again!
He swallowed a bit harshly, all of the sudden he couldn’t have more. The slice was half eaten – yeah he liked to have that big of a first bite –, and even after spending the night munching over those little snacks that couldn’t contain more than one or two calories each. He felt full. He couldn’t even enjoy his dessert now, might as well leave before anyone noticed him. He had planned on leaving much earlier so it wasn’t a problem.
Cole looked down at that forsaken drink, arching an eyebrow. Maybe it was good with sweets? Maybe that was what made it good? He drank, grimaced and grunted. He moved to put the drink on the table once and for all.
A quick ninja hand snatched the glass. A second later it was emptied.
“Finally, you were driving me crazy with this thing!” Kai, smiley and innocent, almost knocked down another glass as he let the empty one fall over the table. “All night sipping and hating!”
The black ninja’s mind was empty. From nothingness, only one doubt emerged.
“… you’ve been watching me?”
 Don’t think we fit in at this party
Everyone’s got so much to say
When we walked in I said “I’m sorry”
But now I think that we should stay
 That wasn’t probably the question to ask, no matter how much the master of earth was stubborn over the idea that nothing was a big deal at the moment. Something like ‘what are you doing here’ would have sounded out of place though, and teasing directly about what happened to his fan club didn’t sound better. Besides, the handsome master of fire finished his drink putting those perfect lips right where Cole’s had been just a second ago, and the black ninja’s strategic leader brain that had many times got him out of a bad situation wasn’t working.
Or maybe it was? There were very few things that could really, actively melt his heart like this. The red ninja’s blush was one of them. It had to have something to do with his element, the reddening was absolute and total. Like watching a thermometer reaching the maximum.
“J-Just a little! One or two times!” Liar, Cole had been doing this sip and regret thing all evening. The thought alone was an injection of giddiness. “Not up for cake? That’s new.”
Oh. He felt a little more in vain for cake. Two bites later it was done.
“I was taking a breath.” It was easier with him around. Did he know that? “You’re done with the fans? That was quick.” Kai huffed with superiority, but the black ninja was no fool: he could see the girl from before sighing a little, like she didn’t get nearly as much red ninja as she had been expecting. “You didn’t have to leave them behind for me.” That came out exactly as badly as he thought it. Why did he say it anyway? Why was the master of fire this shocked and fearful? “Kai I’m not some special case that you have to take care of, you know that. You don’t have to hang around me just because.” Huh. It came out like that.
Huh. Kai looked one with his element, burning from his forehead to his neck, looking almost sunburned. Adorable. So adorable, even while Cole was waiting for whatever was going to come from this situation. Which was, beyond his expectations, the red ninja’s rough and long hand slowly reaching for his, holding it tight.
Warm, so warm, so unfairly warm.
“I… I hang out with you because I want to. I want you to have fun because I…” He swallowed, hardly, and it felt like a light was switched on in the black ninja’s mind. “… I like when you have fun. When you s-smile, too.” It was so different from the usual flirty attitude that this guy used. It would have sounded like a mockery to any other. “I like being where you are too, that’s all I need… I-I mean it!” But Cole knew this guy, he knew him too well not to know that flirting was a show.
This awkward, embarrassed, red gorgeous person was the real deal. One that came out only when the time was right, and the person was right.
Cole was right. He was… right?
“I… I don’t know what to say.” He really didn’t and it was the worst possible answer. But it was true. What did you say to someone you harbored feelings for that showed interest back towards you? Thanks? Same here? I love you?? It was true but it was out and everything felt unnecessary and uneasy again.
The hold tightened. Kai was still blushing, but he was smiling with that special energy into his eyes. The one that usually meant a very bad plan coming, or one heck of an idea.
“No need. Just come with me.” Not like he could resist him right now.
Right on cue the music had changed, slowing down. The master of earth had a suspicion the one holding his hand was behind this – not like bribing Dareth currently at the console was particularly hard, especially with a couple of Puffy Potstickers in hand. Then again, the one holding his hand was this handsome fella that was leading him towards the center of the ballroom, between fanciful people and a couple of eyes in awe at seeing their heroes there. It was easier to ignore the comparison, the feeling of inferiority, while feeling Kai’s fingers clenching around his palm, shaking firmly. It was cute. So very cute. Cole could barely see in front of himself between all these people, yet it felt like nothing was really shouldering him as he passed through.
There were lights above them. Were they always there? Cole didn’t notice before, which was silly since it was all dark outside. His head was lighter, he didn’t have control over his strength even if he had wanted to break free from that hold. He didn’t. Not when the red ninja had that familiar determination making his entire body tense. Not while he turned around, smirking.
Still blushing. Still holding his hand. The master of earth looked down. Two pairs of feet staring at each other. Memories of the dance lessons came flooding back.
He looked up. Those glimmering embers made it much better.
“You brought me here to dance?”
“Impeccable deduction, Rocky.”
“Do you even know how? Dancing in couple is not the same as in a group, and we both know you have awful balance.” It was the only thing that made him regret throwing the battle against Jay back at the tournament of elements: losing the possibility of seeing this klutz making a fool of himself on roller skates. Confident Kai? Goofy and charming. Energic Kai? Attractive and brave. Angry Kai? Literally hot. But man, clumsy, adorably unsteady Kai? A wholesome force strong enough to break every single mountain he had ever climbed in his life.
The master of fire huffed with superiority, which was already promising. Around them a few couples were getting together, slowly moving with the rhythm.
“Please, I defeat evil lurking behind our backs on regular basis. I can handle a dance.” His eyes went down on his feet, while he unsurely grabbed his other hand. “You just gotta work with me, first you move the left… right… no left, left!” Left went right over his partner’s foot, and it was gone right away ironically almost as it got burned. “D-Don’t laugh, I got this!” Screw everything, the master of earth was very glad Ninjago had been in peril just to arrive at this specific moment.
Ah, but he was the responsible one, wasn’t he? Snickering right in front of the brunette’s face while he was doing his dang best at not stomping onto his feet would have not been very mature.
… continuously at least, he could take one giggle.
No one could call one giggle immature. Or two.
“I can hear my father’s pleas from here.”
“Shut up, I’m getting there! Right foot, sorry, then left…” Wow, it was almost impressive considering Cole had managed to see him before almost gracefully practicing spinjitzu with them. Then again, it was so like him it hurt. “There there’s the… huh… casket?” Oh dear, he meant the casque? Yep, definitely good pa wasn’t here. The black ninja almost blacked out he was laughing so much – pun not intended –, wiping away a single tear. Then he looked up, embers were staring. So focused and bright they were too much to look at. Kai grinned. “At least your smile is back.” The softest curve ever.
It was impossible not to look at it. It was baffling how many people were attracted to the master of fire solely for appearance and superficial charm. Yet this part, this tender side of him was the most lovely part. The most hidden too, reserved only to those who got close enough to the fire to get burned, without regretting a single moment.
Cole giggled again, stepping forward. Automatically he took charge, assuming the position that had been sculptured into his mind by years of dance lessons. Kai’s hand was still shaking as he took it, his eyes were trembling too. It made the black ninja smile more.
“It’s easy to smile when I’m with you.” Another incredible thing about this guy, it made all the people around him more confident. Stronger. Him included.
Kai gaped. He stuttered, looking down, up, at him and not.
Then he sighed, whining weakly.
“I was trying to properly confess, Boulder Brain.” It would have been such a shameless, anticlimactic moment for anyone. Gosh if it hadn’t dissolved all the anxious anticipation the black ninja had. “Why did you have to one up me right now?” Maybe it wasn’t only Kai that made him feel this at ease, maybe it wasn’t only them knowing each other so well. Maybe there really was one and only, for life, and the master of earth knew it by instinct.
A pretty good instinct too.
Cole grinned, stepping closer because dang if this didn’t feel immensely good.
“Force of habit, you’re just that slow.” Dang if this easiness between them wasn’t the most comfortable feeling he had ever felt. “You should really put your mind into training a little more, prove that you can keep up with me, Fireball.”
Music was changing, people were moving, the party was continuing and neither of them was looking anymore. Who cared anyway? What was important right now?
Warmth was.
Kai’s hand on his cheek was. Kai’s softened eyes on him were.
“I can do that. You know I never quit in front of a challenge.” One blink of an eye later, their noses were brushing. Another blink, their breaths were caressing each other’s lips. One last, the master of fire turned that kind of serious. The one that put everything on the table, because he considered a moment that important. “… I hate when you ditch a party.” Cole held together a little gulp. “And it’s not about you not being a party person, or wanting you to have fun, or even for you to get the credit you deserve. It is in part, but it’s not all.” He smiled, his thumb tracing gently his cheek, so very careful with him. Him, the lifter of their team. Him, the mighty master of earth. Him, the one that could manifest an earthquake with a punch. “It’s just that I miss you every time. You make everything better for me… I want to be with you as much as I can.”
It was never about that after all. It was never about who he was or what he represented, for either of them. It was just about two guys, two friends that had been lucky enough to get closer to each other reciprocally. In comparison to this, everything felt so meaningless.
The room was empty, the music was gone. It was just them.
Cole closed his eyes.
“You could convince me that parties are cool, you know. Then I won’t ditch anymore.” His closeness, his heat, his presence. The black ninja wanted to take in everything about this moment and never letting go. “I feel like I’m on the right path right now…” Wow, they weren’t even together yet and his flirty tendencies were already rubbing on him. Was he really that gone already for not minding it one bit?
Ah, who cared, Kai was so close he could hear him swallow. His thumb was still shivering, and it made his heart flutter. Then he laughed, low and sincere.
“Let’s see if I can be convincing.” He whispered.
Kissing the red ninja was exactly how he had imagined. It was warm, a little clumsy, so very sincere and vigorous. It reflected how he moved, how he acted, how he fought, how he protected. Yet it was nothing like he thought. It was so sweet it made his eyes pinch, it was delicate and even a little uncertain. It was him on the inside, the him that didn’t always want to make an impression, the him that had so much love to give to his most precious ones. It was him. In every possible way, it was him.
Cole smiled, kissing back, holding onto him as he was held back.
He liked parties. And he loved Kai.
 ‘Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby, yeah
All the bad things disappear
And you’re making me feel like maybe I am somebody
I can deal with the bad nights
When I’m with my baby
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strxnged · 3 years
im gonna be a weirdo and ask a bunch of questions for ya, but 1 and 20-25 for your questions for writers pls 😄😄💕🌸
hiii! thank you for sending these questions in awwe I love talking about myself haha you know me so well already luv <3
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1: Any advice you wish you knew when you started out?
writing quality > number of followers
i mean that like... when i started out i was like ooh my writing isn’t getting notes it must not be very good (which isn’t untrue but anyways). don’t write to satisfy others. your content won’t be as high quality if you’re just trying to get followers/notes. write what you want to write and have an interest in. yuh
20: What is your favourite trope to read?
hhhh probably hmm enemies to lovers is kinda sick but only if you write it right. like have the people questioning whether this is really hate instead of doing “ahh i genuinely despise everything about you and we have like no chemistry but anger is,,, hot” LIKE GIVE ME CONFLICT BUT INTERNAL CONFLICT SDFDs
21: What is your favourite trope to write?
FRIENDS TO LOVERS HAHSHHSDK because i think it’s fun to pretend that this kind of thing would ever work smoothly <3 literally all of my longest fics are basically f2l
22: Link 3 of your favourite tumblr creators!
@snoozless SHE WAS THE FIRST PERSON THAT CAME TO MIND Elle is crazyyy talented and actually the sweetest person ever. I love her shorter akaashi fic “Beyond Words” it’s very calming and has a very specific vibe that i want to LIVE in. PLUS HER ART?!?!?? SHE IS?!?!
@lovesugawara PLS ISA WROTE THIS ONE TANAKA FIC THAT AHHHH (ALSO THIS WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER BYE I HAVE TO LINK EVERYTHING) she’s also actually the sweetest human and her writing is so pretty AND hhh she’s also a pianist like it does NOT get better than that (ONE MORE I HAVE TO LINK: THIS MADE ME SOB LOL)
@nadisabug this woman is soo hardworking and her writing is unmatched OTL she made me cry a lot with this songfic (x tanaka ofc) i just :( wow. it’s so special. her writing - everything she writes is just so vivid and powerful, like you knew she really meant every word. ahh but that does go for everyone i’ve listed but especially nadia oh my gosh
 23: What is your favourite book/series?
The Mysterious Benedict Society has been my favourite series since I was like 9. The writing is better every time. And the story is so thought out and there are so many well-crafted characters (like, S.Q.? and Constance? whohhh AND THE TEN MEN ARE SO SCARY BYE)
24: Any authors that inspired you?
L.M. Montgomery. more specifically her character Emily Byrd Starr, but it’s the fact that she based a lot of that character off of herself. I really want to write my name on the shining scroll at the top of the Alpine Path dang it. such captivating writing, encouraging and emotional. and Emily of New Moon and the following two books capture the wistfulness of the view out the window from such a young perspective that i’ve always vibed with, yk?
25: Any characters that inspired you?
hundreds. Haruhi Fujioka. Reynie Muldoon (+ Sticky + Kate). Rebecca Randall. Rory Gilmore. NYA FROM NINJAGO PLS SHE WAS MY ROLE MODEL OTL. Uh- literally every Haikyuu character. Kaori Miyazono. all of team boomeraang pls they’re all fantastic but esp aang he is amazing wow. SUPERGIRL!!! k so this is just me explaining my childhood (OH AND THE MAIN CHARACTER OF A LITTLE PRINCESS? WHAT WAS HER NAME? WAS IT SARA? HER!! WOW!!)
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ohhiimweird · 2 years
Request Rules!!
Hello everyone. This is my first time putting out requests. So, here are some ground rules for doing those
All requests will go into my ask box. They will be open from Jan 9. to Midnight on Jan 11 CST. (this is US central time.)
Fandoms/Characters you can request are:
Splinter (platonic only)
Casey Jr. (platonic only)
There's a chance I'll do other TMNT iterations, but I need to rewatch those first.
Will do
x reader (gender neutral, AFAB/female, AMAB/male)
one-shots (1,000-2,000 words maximum)
Will NOT do
NSFW (some of these characters are minors)
songfics (please god no it's so cringe)
anything else I'm not comfortable with
If the request falls under anything I won't do, your ask will be deleted.
Have fun requesting!
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
Alright, people, I was planning on releasing two new Ninjago stories but some issues have raised recently. When I posted Club of Flaming Passion on Fanfaction.Net I started getting some rather rude comments about the mature content, which were made by guests so I could remove them but I can't block the users.
I've also seen a few other authors going through similar things but involving songfics.
 People who have been using guest accounts to harasses writers, saying that they are breaking the law by using an artist's song without permission. With all this happening I'm not sure if I will be able to upload these new stories or update some of my others such as Club of Flaming Passion. But that doesn't mean I will never post again, I'm just laying low and trying not to draw attention to myself.
These are the summaries for these new stories:
Lustful Sinners - Kai thought he had it all. An incredible singing career, millions of adoring fans, a close family, and good friends. He thought he had everything he ever wanted, except the one thing his Omega wanted. An Alpha to love and spoil him. Unfortunately, when the Alpha he wants rejects him, Kai places a bet with his best friend that he can sleep with the married Alpha, Zane Julien...
Guilty Pleasures - A demon Kai and an angel Zane, longtime acquaintances who, having grown accustomed to life on Earth as representatives of Heaven and Hell, seek to prevent the coming of the Armageddon...
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Drop pop candy - Lavashipping
Back again with another songfic of my OTP. Based on the song by reol. Check out the companion picture done by shelbot98.
This is so stupid.
Kai knew this was stupid.
The Ninja had been called to help catch a mysterious figure who had been attacking young girls in a local park in Ninjago City. They had made a plan to lure them out. Nya had originally volunteered to act as bait but after they learned the attacker had a thing for targeting short brunettes. Jay had then stepped up, having already been dressed up like a girl before, yet he was too tall to fit the description. So, the task had been given to Kai, the shortest of the group (much to his annoyance), and he was not at all pleased.
Kai  had been dressed up in an outfit Nya helped him pick out to help make  him look younger and makeup which helped covered his scar while making him look 'cuter' as his sister put it. The worst part however was the fact that the others had made her brush his hair down so that his fringe covered his right eye. The icing on the cake being a large bow attached to the top of the back of his head to complete the look. He looked like a girl. He didn't feel pretty though.
That plan brought him to his current situation as he was standing out in the rain with his umbrella. Waiting. The short skirt blew in the breeze as it brushed past part of his knees not covered by his socks. He was walking around the area by himself as the others hung back to watch if anything happened.
It was so boring.
Kai sighed as he turned a corner to a more unused section of the park. The rain pitter-pattered against the leaves of trees before falling gracefully to the ground. The sound was constant and calm. Until it was interrupted by something a lot more interesting. He followed the noise to a stray box on the ground, damp from the downpour.
Inside  said box was a kitten no bigger than his hand. It was the most adorable  thing he'd ever seen. It made small sounds at his arrival as raindrops  hit its head. Kai smiled at the tiny creature. He took pity on it and  placed his umbrella down over the box to shield it.
Amefuri demo kasa wa sasanai no  'Even when it's raining, I don't use an umbrella'
(Hajimemashite to neko wa naku)  '(The cat meow "It's a pleasure to meet you")'
Okiniiri no hiiru o nurasu no  'My beloved high heels get soaked'
He  kneeled down in front of it as the raindrops began to soak into his  clothes. The heels he was wearing scraped across the floor, they were  going to be ruined after this. Kai reached out a hesitant hand towards  the kitten which it sniffed before nuzzling into the outstretched  appendage. He  laughed when it began to lick his fingers, "Hello there." He cooed,  almost sweetly, which made the kitten meow loudly in response.  
"What's  your name?" He asked as he picked up the small creature carefully in  his palm and brought it in front of his face. It was a pure black with  soft brown eyes that stared at him in wonder. It reminded him of...
Thinking  of the earth ninja made him smile more. He had also been displeased  with the decision to use Kai as bait but had been quite happy seeing him  in his current clothing, despite his earlier protests. The two had yet  to start dating as Kai was too nervous to make the first move, in case  he was wrong in reading the others feelings about him, so he waited. Sometimes he was tired of waiting.
Nanigenai you na nichijou ga ima hora  'See now, how the run-of-the-mill everyday life'
Kawaritai to aiiro ni somari dasu   'Is being dyed in blue as if wanting to change'
It was the same every day.  The same longing stares, the same nervous interactions, the same   lingering touches. But, somehow neither of them had made any move to   take it further. Kai blamed himself for that. He was hesitant.
He  was brought out of his thoughts by the kitten shifting in his hands and  move closer to his face. It leaned forward to the point it could lick  in nose. Kai giggled at that as he brushed his thumb over the kitten's  cheek, which it seemed to enjoy.
Mizutamari ni utsuru ichibyou kan  'That one second when it appears in the puddle'
Tada ichido kono me de mite mitai dake nano  'I just want to see it one time with my own eyes, that's all'
"You  know what? You remind me of someone." Kai explained to the kitten,  despite knowing it wouldn't understand him. "Yeah, he's strong and  considerate and always looking out for me. We're just friends at the moment, but you  know... Anything can happen." The kitten seemed to respond as it gave  another loud meow. "You'd like him and he'd like you, hopefully."
"And I'd like you."
Odoru yo sekai ga yuraide mawaru no!  'I am dancing, the whole wide world shaking up goes round and round!'
Todoku yo sokudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's pick up the speed'
Kai  jumped at the new addition to the one-sided conversation between him  and the kitten. The voice was silky smooth and smug to the point it sent  shivers down his spine. He turned around to see a man slightly older  than him leant against a tree leering at him. For obvious reasons he  didn't like that look. Kai held the kitten closer as he stood up to fully face the stranger, "Hello."
"You lost, Hot Stuff? You're a little off the beaten path." The man questioned giving Kai a not very subtle look over. "And wet."
"Well... I.. Um..." Kai hesitated in responding as the other stepped forward into his personal space, "Could you back up a little bit?"
"I don't think I will." The man smirked as Kai tried to back away himself only to stop when his heels hit the box behind him, "The name's Jonah. What's yours?"
"Kai."  He glanced around hoping the others were going to make an entrance  soon. This guy had to be the attacker, he could feel it.
"As in 'water'?" Jonah asked jokily as he re-enter Kai's personal space.
"As in 'fire'," Kai explained as the kitten in his hands gave a loud meow.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo asayake mo inai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Although the guy from yesterday isn't here in the early morning light, that's okay, that's all okay'
"What's that?" Jonah reached for Kai's hands  before the ninja took off running. He didn't trust that guy. Said guy  smirked at his actions as he muttered to himself, "Oh, she'll do  nicely." Kai didn't look behind him as he ran for the main path and out  of the dense tree canopy. Where were the others? Why weren't they here  yet? They said they'd be just out of view for when he needed them, well  he needed them right now.
He  heard Jonah's footsteps calmly walking behind him. God, why were his  legs so short? He hated tall people sometimes, and Jonah was a good  couple heads taller than him. He was almost as tall as...
zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi o kimi o  'I love you more and more! With every day, with you'
Why  was everything reminding him of Cole today, he sounded like a love  struck teenage girl. Uh, now was not the time. Kai finally looked back  at Jonah to find him not even there. He slowed down almost to a complete  stop as he surveyed the area around him. His focus was broken by  another loud meow from the small creature nestled safely in his arms.
This  lapse in concentration meant he didn't notice the presence behind him  until it was pressed up against his back. Kai spun around to come face  to face with Jonah's chest which made him stumble back. The wet floor  allowed his heels to skid and his legs to fall out from under him. He  met the ground with a thud as Jonah loomed over him.
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou o omoi aeteru  'By doing this we can again love one another today'
The kitten escaped his grip to stand on his lap. It hissed at Jonah as he crouched in front of Kai. He swatted the animal away making it skid across the floor until it hit the dirt the other side  of the path. Kai moved to go help it until Jonah wrapped a hand around  the back of his neck to hold him in place. He kept still as the other  moved closer so that he was once again pressed up against his back. He  felt his breath on his ear and heard him inhale deeply through his nose.  "You smell wonderful..." Jonah sighed as he tapped the bow on the back  of Kai's head. "All wrapped up like a present for me to open... And I think I will."
Before Kai could respond a foul smelling rag was placed over his mouth and nose. He held his breath for as long as he could until the need for air became too strong and he was forced to take a deep, gasping breath. Without him wanting to, his vision began to fade to total darkness.
*Time skip*
Jay had been sent to check up on Kai as the others hung around at their temporary  base at the park caretaker's shed. Nothing had happened yet so they  were preparing to give up for the day when he came back in a frantic  mess. All they understood from his rambling were the words 'Kai' and  'gone' before they were out of the door.
The group of ninja   didn't stop running until they reached the quiet path where Kai once   stood.  His umbrella rested on the ground above a box but the area held no other evidence of his existence there. Cole was the first of them to go for the object, as the others spread out around the area, before he heard a quiet noise beside him.  He glanced down to see a ball of fluff shaking on the wet floor. It let  out another pitiful noise as he crouched down beside it.
He registered it was a kitten by the meow it let out when he touched  it. Cole tentatively picked it up to bring it in front of his face. It  looked up at him with curious eyes and he smiled at it. He knew it was  stupid but he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Have you seen my friend, Kai?"  
What he didn't expect to happen was for it to meow loudly as if responding to him. He knew it was crazy, "You have?" He almost cried  when it meowed again, "So do you know where he is?" It fell at that  question and Cole actually felt tears rolling down his face at that  point.
Hoho o tsutau kanojo no shizuku wa  'The water droplets that are trailing down along her cheeks'
(Mite minai furi neko wa naku)  '(The cat meows pretending not to see)'
Utsumuita sink taikutsu narabeta  'Looking down the sink the boredom starts piling up'
"Cole... Are you talking to a  cat?" Lloyd's concerned voice came from behind him as he clung to the  tiny animal in his hands. He could hear the entire group behind him  before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Cole looked over his   shoulder to see Zane crouching next to him as the others all held   expressions of confusion, "Are you alright?"
"No...  I'm not." Cole held out the feline in front of him, "He doesn't know  where Kai is." He explained as the others looked between themselves,  unsure what to do.
Yasashisa de tsumugareta uso demo  'That we're spun out of the yarn of kindness'
Kanashimi ni irodorareta jitsu demo  'And even the truth that has been taken by sadness'
"Why... Would a cat know where Kai is?" Jay asked chuckling nervously at the end.
"I  don't know." Cole shrugged before resting his hands on his lap in  defeat. He felt so useless. Useless to help the sweetest person in his  life. The person he loved. They just didn't know it yet. "He was taken  and we weren't here. We promised we'd be right here, protecting him!" He  yelled making the others wince, they knew what he said was true.
They stood there in an awkward silence as their friend broke down on the ground. Nya leant her head on Jay's shoulder seeking comfort, "What are going to do?"
Mizutamari ni sawagu amatsubu no  'The raindrops acting out in the puddle of water'
Fuchi o sotto yubisaki de nazoru you  'As if your finger tips are gently tracing the edge'
Cole  looked up at this point to seek answers from the group at Nya's  question. Lloyd decided to step up at this point with a determined look  etched on his face, "We're going to find him."
"But how?" Jay questioned as he patted Nya on the side of the head.
Egaite kanadete kirameku negai ga kanau yo!  'Draw it out, play it out. Sparkling wishes will be granted!'
Todoku yo koudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's raise the altitude'
"It would be logical to assume whoever took Kai would have to live nearby. After all,  for Kai to be taken he would either have to overpowered drastically to  point he wouldn't put up a fight or somehow knocked out." Zane concluded  as he surveyed the area, "With  the surrounding area still being intact we can assume no major fight  went on and he was mostly likely surprised allowing the latter option to  occur. Either way carrying around an unconscious person would be  suspicious so their home would have to be close as not to draw too much  attention."
"That's right!" Lloyd smiled as he reached to help Cole off the floor while addressing the entire team. "So, all we have to do is ask around the neighbourhood for... What was their description again?"
"Authorities presume the attacker to be a male, large build and possibly in his late teens to early twenties." Zane listed off word for word.
"A person matching that description and we're bound to get leads." Lloyd explained hoisting the earth ninja to his feet.
*Time skip*
Kai had woken up in this dark room hours ago. He had been placed on a surprisingly soft bed in what  looked like a completely ordinary bedroom. Except the door was made of  what seemed like steel and his wrists had been chained to the bedposts. Jonah had yet to make an appearance, much to Kai's relief, as he lay on the bed.
Kakenuketai no uchuu made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and make it into space in one fell swoop'
Ukabeta hoshi mo tsuki ni mo aenai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Even though I cannot go and meet the stars and moon up above, that's okay, that's all okay'
The only indicator to anything outside of the room was  a window on the far wall which shone with moonlight. He flinched when  he heard a click echo through the room as the door was opened from the  other side. Kai didn't look in his direction when Jonah entered the  room, still leering at him, "Evening Beautiful."
"F**k off." Kai snapped as he pulled on his restraints, "Where am I?"
"Somewhere  safe... Where we can be alone." Jonah waved off his questions  nonchalantly as he moved to sit beside Kai on the bed. He raised a hand  to the exposed skin of his thigh to caress it lightly with his thumb.  Kai's breath hitched as he moved the offending appendages  under his skirt to feel more skin, "Such a vulgar mouth you have  though... I wonder what other kinds of naughty noises it can make."
"You dare and I'll kill you." He growled as the other continue to slide his hand up further.
"As if you could in this situation." Jonah laughed as he grabbed his ass, "Just enjoy yourself, I certainly know I will."
"Y-You know I'm a g-guy, right?" Kai stuttered as his face heated up at the others unwanted touches.
"I know..." Jonah leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "And that just makes this better." Kai shivered as he blew against the shell of his ear. He felt them lick it before moving to do the same to his neck causing him to gasp, "Looks like someone's sensitive."  
He  tried to think of anything other than being in that room, under the  control of this nutcase. He thought about the kitten he met earlier, his  friends and Cole. They all must be looking for him by now. The thought  warmed his heart. Cole was trying to find him.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi to kimi to  'I love you more and more! With every day and you'
He  wished Cole was here instead of this guy. Holding him close and making  him feel safe. Unlike the sicko feeling him up at the moment making him  feel dirty and ashamed at his own reactions. Kai felt tears roll down  his face as Jonah continued to caress his thighs and lick the expanse of  his neck and shoulders, "P-Please stop."
Isso uzukumatte nankai nakijakutte  'And just crouch down, then cry your eyes out many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou to meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"I  don't think I will." Came Jonah's sadistic response as he moved to look  the brunette in the eyes, "Not when you're already crying so sweetly  for me, just begging for it."
"No..." Kai gasped as the hand on his thigh moved the grab onto his underwear but before they could do anything more he screamed at the top of his lungs.
*With the others*
Cole wandered the streets of the small neighbour with his family as they searched for their missing brother. He cradled the now sleeping kitten in his arms, not having the heart to leave it anywhere. He looked up at the sky to admire the moon and the star as they lit up the night sky.
Boku o terashite buruu muun  'Shining brightly upon me, blue moon'
From speaking to various people in the area they had narrowed down their search to a much smaller radius. However,  the late hour meant they had no else to question making the remaining  search harder. He just hoped Kai was okay, wherever he was. Cole had  spent some time during his search thinking about the object of his affections. His smile. His laugh. His passion. All of them warm, like him.
Nagai yume kara mou sameta  'I've already awoken from a long dream'
Asu no hougaku e tsuretette yo!  'Take me away along towards the path of tomorrow!'
Cole didn't have much more time to think about Kai as his thoughts were broken by a blood   curdling scream ripping through the air. That sounded like... "Kai!" He took off in the direction of the sound with the others close behind   him. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
Sokudo o agete  'So let's pick up the speed'
*Back to Kai*
Kai began kicking his   legs about the moment Jonah flinched at his scream. He managed to nail   him in the face before his ankle was grabbed. "Little B***h, can't stay still can you?" Jonah growled as he reached for something under the   bed. Kai turned pale when it turned out to be rope which was used to tie  his ankles together. Jonah laughed as he leaned over him again to get closer to him face, "There we go. Now just stay plenty quiet so I won't have to do the same to that pretty mouth of yours."
"Bite me." Kai could feel his fire bristle at his fingertips, he didn't want to use it this close to a flammable objects.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo yuuyake mo inai kedo sore de sore de iino  'Although the guy yesterday isn't here in the late evening glow, that's okay, that's all okay'
"Don't mind if I do." Jonah smirked as he moved to bring  his lips to Kai's neck. He was about to mark to clear, tender flesh  there when a loud crash came from downstairs. His head shot up towards  the door before he glanced between it and the body underneath him.  Sighing, he got up and left the room but not until after he gave the  other a sly warning, "Try to escape and the next part won't be  pleasurable."
Kai  wanted to throw up when the man went out of view, leaving him alone. He  pulled on the chains again, listening them creak under the strain but  not giving way. Instead he turned his attention to a faint conversation  going on far   outside the room. Whoever it was seemed to have pissed off Jonah as he   was far louder than those responding to him. Then it happened.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Another voice yelled back at him in syllables he recognised. It was Cole and he sounded angry. A crash followed the shouting before it sounded as if someone was running up the stairs. They stopped close to the door but made no move to open it. Kai yanked on his restraints once more as he called, "I'm in here!"
The metal of the door proceeded to creak as his rescuer forced open the door. It gave way suddenly to reveal a heavily breathing ninja in black.
Motto aishiteru! Hibi mo kimi mo  'I love you more and more! With each day and you too'
"Kai!" Cole rushed over to the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..."  Kai sighed as he looked away blushing, "Just get me out of here,  alright." He pulled on the chains around his wrist, "These kind of  hurt."
"Sure." Cole easily broke the metal around his wrists then picked him up bridle style without hesitation. Kai made no move to protest as he buried his head in the crook of the others neck. He was shocked when Cole placed his head on top of his in comfort, "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No..." Kai hiccupped he began crying onto his shoulder, "H-He did things..."
"What kind of 'things'?" Cole questioned, his tone turning darker to match the scowl on his face.
"Like licking me and touching my thighs..." He sniffled clinging to Cole's gi, "And he tried to..."
"To?" Cole coaxed as he felt a wet patch begin to form in the fabric of his uniform. That guy was going to be dead when he was finished with him. When Kai didn't respond he sighed and stroked the back on his head. "Come on now, it's okay. Just tell me what he did?"
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
"He tried to touch me 'there'." Kai explained as he tried to pull down the hem of his dress. It took Cole a few moments to understand where 'there' was. When he did however, he felt something in his own head snap. He was almost completely silent as he carried Kai carefully down the stairs and placed him the arms of a bewildered Zane.  
He  then turned his attention to the guy cowering on the floor in front of  the group, "How dare you..." Cole grabbed Jonah by the front of his  shirt to drag him off the ground to rest eye level with him, "How  f**king dare you!"
"Cole, don't-" Lloyd rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No!  This piece of trash deserves what's coming to him." Cole narrowed his  eyes as the man he was holding gripped his wrist in fear.
"He's  not worth it... Just look at him." Lloyd scowled as the man looked at  him desperately, "It's better if we leave the cops to deal with this,  and take Kai home." Cole glanced over to the small teen in the ice  ninja's arms as Nya and Jay began trying to comfort him. He felt his  grip loosen to the point the man fell to the floor.
Sou yatte mata kyou mo meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"You're  right... You're right." Cole chuckled dryly at his friends before  moving past him to the others. He watched Nya smooth out her brother's  fringe despite his weak protests. He got closer to stand beside her and  address Zane, "Can I have him back?"
"Of  course." Zane smiled sadly as he gently placed Kai into Cole's waiting  arms, "I took the liberty of removing the rope from around his ankles."
"Thank  you," With those words Cole made his exit out of the front door leaving  the others behind to take out the trash. He smiled as he felt Kai rest  his head on his shoulder and relished in way his eyes were half-lidded. "Is someone tired?"
"Mmmm."  Kai groggily nodded against his shoulder so that his hair tickled his  neck. He shifted so that he was better facing Cole so that they could  look each other in the eyes. Cole couldn't help himself as he kissed Kai  on the top of the head in an affectionate gesture, "Wha-"
"Kai listen,  I've liked you for a while now and today just put into perspective how  easily I could lose you." He explained as Kai made a small frown, "So  please, give me a chance to show how much you mean to me."
"Yes."  Kai smiled as Cole moved in closer to initiate a kiss. They were an  inch apart when a soft noise interrupted them from the confines of the  earth ninja's gi.  "Is that what I think it is?" Kai laughed when Cole blushed reaching   into his uniform to take out a small ball of fur. He giggled when it   uncurled itself to reveal the kitten he had found earlier, "Oh my gosh. You shouldn't have."
"It's nothing."
Omoi atte iku korekara zutto  'Continue to love one another from now on and always'
Do make requests for songs and ships if you want. I like a lot of ships.
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