#no babe you both just have crushes on each other so any idea from the other person sounds like a fantastic one
bellabrady · 1 year
sometimes i just think about how when they were helping maddie move and the sofa wouldn't fit through the door, buck and eddie's first ideas were 'pop the hinges off the door' and 'use the jaws of life' instead of 'put the pizza somewhere else so we can simply turn the sofa around.' they really are two halves of the same idiot
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psychwxrdd · 5 months
i can't stop thinking about rafe being all head over heels for kook! reader and she doesn't give a damn about him and loves jj 😭 could be a dark rafe too omg
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(gif is not mine!)
🎀 - 18+, dark! rafe x kook! reader, jj x reader, stalker! rafe, possessive! rafe, obsessive! rafe (tbh i feel like it's all just normal rafe lmao) blackmail, gaslighting, gun use, smut, rafe is really unhinged, dub con. work and college are draining the life out of me so i didn't had time to see if there's any mistake :(( already apologizing for anything babes
rafe loses his shit when he finds out you're dating jj.
It wasn't fucking fair. A filthy pogue getting his way to your pants and your heart? When he tried to have you his whole life? He was furious.
Rafe's mind was a mess, thoughts racing, bad thoughts. He wanted to kill someone, take his anger out in any way... How could you do this to him?
You both knew each other since childhood, and Rafe is in love with you ever since. Some hook ups here and there, but nothing serious, just for one night stand. You were the one he always loved, always pictured when he had anyone else on his arms, he loved you so much it phisically hurted him. You were trully the most beautiful thing he ever laid his eyes on, and that would never change. No one could compare to you in the slightest.
Of course, he wasn't the only one. As if it wasn't enough that you're just the most gorgeous girl to ever exist, you're also sweet, funny, kind, smart... Always being nice to everyone, making friends everywhere. You were even friends with the ones from the dirty side of the island. Who could ever resist you?
But Rafe was also so cocky, even with your constant polite rejections, he knew who he was. He thought you would eventually throw yourself on his arms, he had so many ideas in mind. He always thought that in the end, you would be his girl, and you would both be the kook king and queen, that he would work while you're his little sweet housewife, waiting for him with open arms (and legs) at home. He spent hours thinking about you, about how much he wanted to carry you on his arms, just hug and kiss you, hold your hands. He would die for a simple touch. He wanted to know about your thoughts, things you never told anyone before... He wanted you to be his princess, his doll, only his forever.
He was always showing up at your work - even being a kook and not needing the money, you wanted responsability. As kids, he would always follow you everywhere in school, and being the tough guy he always was, little rafe would be all other boys bully, if he saw they talking about you being their crush. Always rushing to pair up with you in class. Really clingy, but he always made you laugh. Rafe would always tell his parents and everyone that you would be his wife one day, but at the time, it was just cute.
As teenagers, he started to ask you out on dates, asking if you wanted to go to prom with him, or if you could kiss him as a "birthday gift". And thats when you first broke his heart with "I only see you as a friend." But Rafe wasn't one to give up easily.
Always doing everything to show you how no other boy could ever be better than him. He was from the richest family in Outer Banks, he could afford anything you wanted. He always gave you expensive gifts, anything you said you wanted, he would buy it. He wanted to impress you all the time, but it was meaningless to you. None of that could buy your heart, and that started to annoy you, but as you were always too nice to everyone and didn't knew how to say no or push people away, you simply was quiet about how uncomfortable that felt.
And now, as young adults, things only got worse. He was extremely pushy, or as he would say, proactive. Everyone knew better than to mess with him, it was no surprise that he was trouble, but as he grew up, he also grew to be more and more mentally ill.
Now, he just happened to find out you and JJ were officially together.
What a fucking slut. What a fucking ungrateful whore. He loved you first, you were his first! How could you love that stupid pogue instead? What does JJ have that he doesn't? He is way better, he could give you the world if you asked.
Rafe wouldn't take this shit, not now. He was tired of this. You were supposed to be his girl, that is how it will be, and now it no longer matter for him if you want it or not.
He sniffed the rest of the coke and went to his dirt bike, on his way to your house, not much far from his.
"Hey, Rafe" you said in a soft tone. His heart melted at the scene, he was mad, but boy does he love you. The minute you opened your door he could smell your sweet, heavenly scent. You looked just like an angel, he wanted nothing more than to just stare at you like a fool, a sight for sore eyes. But he had to do this.
"You fine?" Rafe asked, a cold tone.
"Yeah...Is everything ok? You need something?"
He sighed and looked down, licking his lips. You could see he was nervous. "Is anyone home?"
You frowned slightly at his question. Why did he wanted to know that?
"No, my parents are out for tonight."
As you were about to ask him why, he was quick to cover your mouth and drag you inside, shutting the door behind you. Your eyes were wide.
"Calm down, okay? I won-...i'm not gonna hurt you... okay?" He said, still manhandling you, while caressing your hair and placing it behind your ears. He gave your forehead a kiss.
"I have a problem, and i want to solve it tonight" he said closer to your ear, and he could see the fear in your eyes. That sight and being that close to you was enough to make him almost cum on his pants. "I don't think you wanna date that Maybank guy. He's gonna put you in trouble, and i don't wanna see you in dangerous...I love you too much for that, princess. I - i can't just watch you ruin your life and do nothing about it!"
Tears fell from your eyes. Rafe talking about someone else being troubled? That was a joke itself.
"And...I need you to know that" His own eyes were tearing up now "That i much rather kill myself than see you with him."
You froze at him. You tap his hands, trying to let him know that you wanted to say something, but he didn't cared.
He put his hands on his pocket, and you were now a crying mess. His gun were now so close to your body, closer than you would ever want to stand from a gun.
You started to scream his name beneath his hand and thats when he let go of your mouth. "Rafe, please, lets talk about it!" you sounded desperated.
"Talk about what, y/n? Huh? My whole life, i have fucking loved you my whole life, and now you wanna talk? Bullshit" He shouted, his face red from anger. But his eyes were still full of tears.
"I- i...Rafe, please...I can..." You were lost, completely, what you were supposed to do? Break up with the one you loved to avoid someone's death? And then dating him instead? This was so fucked up. You felt like you would faint at any second.
He pointed the gun to his head, and thats when you acted from pure despair.
Almost jumping against him and giving him a hard kiss. His eyes went wide, but it didn't took long for him to kiss you back, much harder. He almost moaned at the feeling. Something he wanted so bad, for so long. You.
The expression on his face was almost like he was having an orgasm. He held you tightly, so tight you thought he would break at least one bone. As horrible as the whole situation was, he was a good kisser, you hated that you even thought that. But it was true.
Maybe it was just a survival instinct, but the way he knew how to kiss and hold you really turned you on.
You broke the kiss, quickly, and held his face. "Please, put the gun on the floor, Rafe"
His eyes were shining... He wouldn't deny you anything now. He placed on the floor.
"I will break up with JJ...ok?" You said, your voice breaking at how much your own words hurted you. It was so sick, you loved him more than anything. You couldn't imagine your life without him. Would he ever forgive you? You were sure that he wouldn't.
More and more tears felt from your eyes, while Rafe was smilling hard like a kid. "You don't know how much i waited for this, doll. But i want to make sure you're really gonna do this."
You were rolling your eyes, moaning as loud as it was possible, while Rafe was fucking you hard in missionary. He was so deep inside you, you felt like cumming harder than ever. But you didn't really wanted this, tho your body was enjoying it a lot. Your heart felt broken.
"Hi babe, you ok?" JJ asked on the phone, and hearing his voice made you cry again. You were now a mix of crying and moans. "Whats going on sweetheart? You're crying? Whats it?"
Rafe held your phone with a sick smile on his face, he couldn't control his groans as he held your neck with other hand. Finally being able to fuck you after so long... You had to reward him. You had to let him cum inside you, fuck you for hours, use you for how long he wanted. For all the countless times he jerked off thinking about you, all the times he fucked someone else picturing you instead. This was fucking paradise for him. He was sure you would end this night either pregnant, or with your whole pink girly room full with his cum everywhere.
"What the fuck is this?" JJ yelled, and you couldn't bring yourself to say anything, so Rafe did instead.
"She is dumping your ass, pogue. She is mine now."
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in-my-shifting-era · 1 year
Spencer Reid Fluff
Summary: When an unsub is hunting for young couples at a bar; reader and Spencer are asked to go under cover posing as a couple to catch him.
Warning: the usual criminal minds stuff. Some mature themes are mentioned; illusion of alcohol consumption and some sexual tension and themes. (Not full smut but to be save minors do not interact please)
Authors note: the love my last Spencer one shot get is making my writer heart explode thank you all! This post is a thank you for all that love!
Going to a bar on the job was something you never imagine doing. Especially going to a bar undercover to catch a deranged serial killer who’s targeting young couples. This did mean you weren’t at the bar alone. You there with your coworker/ longtime crush Spencer Reid. Hotch has no idea about your crush on the young doctor, otherwise he probably wouldn’t have put you guys in this situation.
The situation being sat at the busy bar; hair and makeup done up and wearing a black dress that hugs your curves just a little too well. Spencer is sat on your right stirring his fake mixed drink that is placed in front of him. You look over and smile at the concentrated  face he makes as he moves the ice around in his cup. He quickly picks up on this action and turns to you and gives you a confused look before speaking. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
You can’t quite hear him over the music that is playing and lean closer to him, giving him a pretty good view down your low cut dress. Reid fights the blush burning his cheeks and starts to speak again when you get the sign from Hotch that the unsub has entered the bar. You take your closeness to Spencer to your advantage and get into character quickly by tucking some hair between his ear . “No, I’m just looking at my handsome boyfriend. that’s all.” You smile widely seeing Spencer’s cheek fully darken to a blush at your comment. You lean back in your bar stool and take your mock tail and sip it lightly.
The pub fires you begged Spencer to order finally arrive making you do a small happy dance as you eat a fry. Spencer smiles at this and takes a fry. “I’ve always found it really cute when you do that.” You blush lightly and look over at him eating his fry with a smile. “Do what? Eat my food?” You keep your tone playful as you take another fry and eat it happily. “No the little dance you do. You do it any time you are excited for something.”
You blush at this because you can tell this is coming from Spencer and not part of the undercover job. You don’t get to respond because you get word that the unsub is scanning the bar and to up the pda to gain his attention. They believe he goes for couples who are physically all over each other. Spencer places a hand on your knee and squeezes it gently. “It’s also cute that you blush at just my words”
The tone change in his voice makes your heart skip a beat. Your earpiece tells you you’re both on the unsubs radar so he continues and moves his hand further up your leg. You mumble his name breathlessly knowing your co workers are watching you as well. You put your hand on his to stop it from wondering further. “You’re hands are wandering and we’re and public babe.” The cheeky smile that falls onto Spencer’s face is not one you’ve see often.
You both see the unsub creep closer to where you are sat you look up at Spencer through your eyelashes. “Maybe we can skip getting ice cream and have dessert at home.” Spencer squeezes at your thigh rougher then he did before and begins to speak when you feel a cold drink spill onto your lap. You looks over at the culprit and are face to face with the unsub.
“I’m so sorry Miss I slipped on some water on the floor, let me help you.” He rushes to get some napkins when Spencer stands quickly and stands between you both. “She’s okay. I’ll clean her up.” The unsub abandons his act of kindness and glairs over at Spencer. “I’m just being polite and I think she can speak for herself if she’d like my help.” You feel both men’s eyes turn to you. You responded quickly and calmly. “It’s okay really. I’ll get the dress dry cleaned. Thank you though.”
Spencer puts a napkin against the spill and keeps his eyes glued on the unsub who steps back a bit and glares at you both. His hand reaches to his belt and you catch a glimpse of a knife. You fix you hair in the way to alert the team the unsub is armed. “Let’s just head out babe. The quicker I attend to the stain the better.” Spencer nods picking up the signal and keeps himself in front of you at all times.
As you stand slowly and grab you purse on the chair when someone grabs your arm rather harshly. Before you can even react and see who it is grabbing you you see Spencer pull the unsub away from you and pin him roughly against the bar with one hand behind his back. “Keep your hands off of her.” The unsub attempts to fight back but Spencer takes a grip on his arm and twists it back a bit.
The rest of the undercover agents in the bar apprehended the unsub and take him out quickly. You jump back to reality the Spencer places a hand on your arm gently. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?.” You look up at him gently. “I’m okay Spence. He just grabbed my arm kinda tight. I’ll be okay.” You give him the best reassuring smile you can still being a bit shaken up.
Spencer rubs your arm gently where a red mark has formed. He takes your ear piece off quickly and then his own and leans towards you to whisper gently. “You looked really beautiful tonight. I’m saying that with no mics or eyes on us.” You smooth out the tie he wearing that had gotten messed up in the take down just moments before. “I’d like to go on a real date with you Dr. Reid. I’m could wear this dress if you’d like.”
You give Spencer an innocent smile. He hides a blush my licking his lips slowly. The moment is ruined by the team joining you both and making sure you’re both okay. The tension in the air is thick but no one seems to take notice of it. Going undercover went better then you could have asked for. You caught the unsub and a date with Spencer Reid.
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Hello pardon me just passing through but I just imagined Peach and BlackBerry arguing while reader is watching all stressed out and the normal milk character just whisks them away promising comfort
Tfw when you're just a cute little farmer trying to get your neighbors with fat crushes on you to get along, but the only thing they have on common besides their obsession with you is that they'd kill each other as soon as you turn your back- [I have so many pretty cow ladies oml]
"What are you doing here?
"I could ask you the same thing."
This wasn't going well. You hoped they'd at least make out it to the field before they started picking fights. Both were well aware that the other would be here - you told them so in the invitation. They most likely overlooked that tidbit in favor of spending time with you. If only their mutual interest in you led to a more positive connection.
Peach scoffs. "I'm here because my babe asked me to help them out. You think I'd be out here in these shoes for any other reason? I'm more ssurprised to see you out of your coffin so early in the day."
"Like you won't be gone the second you get a little dirt under your nails. You're so clingy can't you just let them have a single moment with someone else without you hovering over them?"
"Nope. If I did that - you might actually think you have a chance with them."
What could've possibly made this seem like a good idea? You thought you'd be killing two birds with one stone by inviting them out to the farm - seeking to help qwell their rivalry by asking them to help you with your last bit of chores. You requested their assistance with picking crops as it was one of few tasks Peach would do without complaining and the harvest would make for a well deserved reward for their efforts. It was a perfect plan in theory. Execution was another story.....
Good thing you invited others to join you.
A pair of strong arms pluck you off your feet and against the chest of the bull woman who's heart pounded loudly in her chest from her race from her truck to you. Oil rubs off on your shirt and sticks to your skin as she presses you tightly to her - tail smacking your tight as another, quieter pair of footsteps approach from the direction she came. A gloved hand taps her shoulder - gentle eyes gazing over her shoulder at you with fondness.
"Good afternoon, Farmer. We would have came sooner, but this one refused to shower before leaving her shop. I had to take her keys just to get her into the bathroom, and yet she's still a mess. At least the chance of a grease fire has been reduced.
"Ah, I keep tellin' ya it's a waste of time. We could've spent the whole morning with them if you hadn't forced me to wash up.
An unlikely pair these two made - a prim and proper maid, and the grease junkie king of the local junkyard. Ginger lived for creating messes, and Milk enjoyed cleaning them up. Their union was uncommon, but they could safety call one another allies especially when it came to you.
"Ginger! Milk! I'm so glad you guys could make it, thank you so much for coming."
"It's our pleasure..." Milk looks past you, pointing at the two still bickering at your doorstep. "Will those two be joining us?"
You glance back at Peach and Blackberry.
"You must think you're sooo perfect. Won't have that pretty face to hide behind when I skin it off you."
"Was that a threat? Are you threatening me? So you know how many chances I've had to get rid of you? You're lucky I even let you step foot on their property."
"You're lucky I let you breathe the same air as us."
You quickly turn away as Peach screams in frustration"I don't think so...."
Ginger chuckles - her hands falling to your waist and locking on. "More for us then. Let's get this show on the road."
"Wha- Hey!" Laughter bursts from your chest as Ginger scoops you up and throws you onto her shoulder - wrapping her thick arms around your legs to keep you in place. Milk picks up the basket you brought out with you and follows behind the two of you as Ginger matches towards the field. The maid places her hand on your back to keep you stable as the mechanic pumps her fist in the air in celebration. Your smiling face as you're carried off is captured by the two left alone on your porch who briefly paused their argument to gain your input on the issue at hand. They look at each other, then Ginger's truck.
"...... Twelve o'clock. I'll slash the tires if you break the windows."
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zxvmp · 28 days
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Dating Kaminari (sfw/nsfw)
tags: fem! reader, fluff, smut
The two of you started dating during your senior year in high school. It all started when you walked into his math class. Cute hair, cute face, and a beautiful body, what more could he have asked for? It was a bonus you were a complete idiot like him.
You made dumb jokes and even laughed at them yourself. He loved that you were energetic and laid back.
About two months in to knowing each other, he finally asked you out.
“How about I take you out, yeah? Somewhere nice.”
Of course, you took him up on his offer. You thought he was cute and dorky. He made dumb jokes like you and was a huge flirt. Underneath his stupidity and flirtatiousness, you knew he was a good guy. He talked to you any chance he could get and was caring. Plus, you’d known him for a while so a date wouldn’t kill you.
Your first date was a concert. He paid for both of you. The person you saw was an artist the two of you both favored. You were so beautiful in his eyes. The way you jumped up and down with the crowd, singing along to the lyrics. You had him in love with you.
Since the two of you were already close, it wasn’t awkward when you started dating. Well, for him it wasn’t. You somehow felt much more nervous than when you only had a mere crush on him. Now that you were over his house, laying in his bed, snuggled in his arms, you were a blushing mess. It didn’t help he was ever more of a flirt now that the two of you were official.
“What’s got you so shy? Where’d that energetic, confident girl go?” He’d chuckle as you yelled at him to shut up. “C’mon babe, i’m just teasing.”
Your first kiss was a funny story. Kaminari had to take care of you after you drank too much at a party. It was an end of the year party for the seniors, and there was no way the two of you would pass out on a party. However, you underestimated how much your body could take.
“Geez babe, you still with me?”
It wasn’t your fault. He held you by your hips and stared down at you with drunk eyes. He had been drinking too, just not as much as you. You couldn’t hold yourself back, he looked so hot.
The kiss was slightly sloppy since you went in without a thought. Kaminari was shocked you leaned in to kiss him, but he didn’t mind it. In fact, he enjoyed it. He never imagined you’d be the one to initiate your first kiss.
It was a story the two of you always thought back to. He’d bring it up almost any time you’d kiss him.
“Remember when you were so drunk-”
“Shut up!”
Kaminari always takes you out, no matter the day of the week. You’re both free? You better be ready in 10 minutes because he’s on his way to take you out. He literally cannot, not be around you. He needs to be around you 24/7.
If you’re not near him, you’re on a call with him.
“Sup babe, whatcha up to? Wanna go see a movie?”
You repay him by giving him gifts. A new pair of headphones for his controller since he broke his last pair from raging at a game.
Whenever the two of you get into an argument, he’s always first to apologize. Even if you’re in the wrong, he’s usually always first to apologize. And when I mean apologize, he literally shows up at your doorstep dripping from being out in the rain with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a bag of your favorite candy. Kaminari hates yelling at you. He’s scared of you leaving him, which is why he’s so clingy sometimes.
On the other hand, when you guys get into a heated argument and he doesn’t apologize first, you’re coming up with all sorts of ways for him to forgive you. You’re up all night coming up with ideas. He won’t answer a single message you send him, but if he does, it’s something cocky.
‘texting me after telling me to leave? crazy.’
‘miss me already?’
You end up showing up to his place with an angry expression. Forcing your way into his house. He tried his best to act like he’s mad, but really he’s just toying with you. Your angry face is too cute and funny.
Nsfw! vvv
You can’t go one hangout at his place without your hands being off of each other. Your relationship has gotten to the point where you crave each other unconditionally.
He could be on his playstation playing with his friends and you’re suddenly climbing on top of him, whispering into his ear how bad you want him. Takes literal seconds for him to turn off his playstation and take care of your needs. He doesn’t even say, ‘bye’ to his friends.
“Can’t even wait ‘til i’m done on the game, huh?”
You’re gripping the sheets as he laps up your juices, flattening his tongue against your clit. Kaminari loved watching you crumble underneath him. Your cute moans and facial expressions made his heart jump and dick twitch.
Once he’s prepped you enough, he’s ramming his cock into you without hesitation.
Will fuck you dumb if he feels like it. Literally loves watching your body shake from how good he’s making you feel.
“Fuck—you’re so perfect, baby.”
Your clawing at his back as he whispers all sorts of things into your ear. His pace was brutal, making the bed creak from each thrust.
Kaminari is a total freak. If you’re asking to, he’ll do it. No matter the time or place. The two of you have fucked in his car multiple times. Probably more than the amount of times than in his or your room.
When you tell him you’ve started birth control pills and that he didn’t have to wear a condom anymore, he was jumping up with joy. Best believe you were underneath him moaning his name a couple moments after you told him. The way you sucked him in was perfect. He was lost in the way you felt.
Loves marking your skin up. Idc. You’re not leaving his place without a hickey on your neck.
The first time he came inside you, he definitely shed a tear. He couldn’t help it. It felt so good to be able to release inside you. The thought of you holding his kids spurred him on.
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babyflorencee · 6 months
You're stuck with me
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Regulus Black x fem!Reader
"I just don't understand why you're so upset over this," I said, with a confused expression.
"Y/n, how can you be so stupid? That guy was hitting on you harder than a hammer to a nail, and he was so damn obvious about it!" Regulus yelled, roughly running his hand through his Brown locks.
This had been going on for around 2 hours. All the yelling, screaming, and insults that were being spat at each other, just to prove a point, that neither of us was able to get across.
Why was Regulus so mad, you might ask? Well, he's mad because some guy at a diner asked for my phone number, and was just overall hitting on me the whole night, even though he was well aware that I was with Reggie. However, if it wasn't for Regulus' trust issues and lack of self-control, maybe we wouldn't have left the guy limp on the floor with a bullet between his eyes. "What? Am I not good enough for you so you have to go out and seek attention from other people!" he yelled, face red with anger.
Regulus has always been insecure about our relationship. He thought I deserved better, so when he said that, my heart immediately broke. However, I was still mad at him.
"Trust me babe, you're more than enough! But that's not what the problem is!" I yelled back, getting more and more annoyed with him.
"Then please, enlighten me with what the problem is!" He yelled, throwing his arms in the air like a madman.
"You want to know what the problem is? You're way too clingy, and you're jealous ALL the damn time. Like I get, I'm yours and only yours! Reg, we are literally engaged. I'm not going anywhere, so why the fuck can't you get that through that thick head of yours?" I yelled back, not thinking about what I was saying. However, what I said hurt him, and he wasn't about to let that comment slide.
"Jealous? Well, excuse me for not being content with the idea of another man's hands all over that body of yours. You know, the body that's mine, and only mine to see and touch!" The whole fight was pointless; we both knew this, but neither of us wanted to back down.
Regulus and I have been in a relationship for a little over 3 years. We very clearly loved each other with all our hearts. We have only fought four times in our entire relationship, but this fight was different, but in the worst way possible. The intrusive thought of Reggie and me breaking up started to seem less crazy.
"Listen, I don't like sharing. I never have, and I absolutely refuse to share you. I don't want to fight about this anymore. It's silly. Can we just agree to disagree that the whole thing is that guy's fault?" He said, as he opened his arms out for me, with a hopeful expression.
I didn't respond. I just walked over towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug. Regulus immediately starts burying his head into my neck, holding onto me as if I was going to disappear any minute. Once we pulled away, he refused to look at me, instead; he looked at the floor. "Can we cuddle?" He asked, his voice so quiet I could barely make out what he said.
"Of course," I took his hand in mine, smiling up at him.
Once we got to mine and Regulus' bedroom, I was immediately pulled on the bed, being crushed by Regulus' weight. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, I knew something was on his mind. "Hey Reg, what's wrong?" I asked, already having an idea of what he was going to say.
He sighed, rolling off of me so that he was on his side of the bed. "I hate fighting with you," he said, his voice breaking.
I pulled him into a tight hug, wishing that the fight had never happened. "I was scared, for a minute there, that we were going to break up," he mumbled, into my shoulder.
"Never in a million years," I whispered into his ear, entangling my hand into his hair.
"You're stuck with me," I said, laughing a little.
We lay back down, grasping onto each other as if our lives depended on it. "I'm glad that's over," Reg said, placing a kiss on my cheek, yawning.
"Night love," I said, rubbing his lower back until I eventually fell asleep.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
Natalie who's girlfriend got her leg broken instead of Allie (think that's her name) and Natalie coming back from the wilderness completely different
Not proofreaddddd
The same
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"Come on guys, you saw her today, there's no way she's gonna do any better at nationals" Taissa complained
"So what do we do?" Lottie said "If she doesn't get the ball she can't screw up the game"
"Tai, you wanna freeze her out!? Really?!" Natalie exclaimed "Can't we just play like a damn team like we always did?'
Taissa scoffed "You don't have to defend her just because she has been your hook up for like a month"
At that, a pissed expression formed on Natalie's face "You know what? Fuck this, and fuck you" she shouted as she walked away.
Of course nobody would ever take her or any relationship she's in seriously, her reputation precedes her after all, but she really loved you, a lot.
"Hi baby!" You happily said as soon as you saw your girlfriend approaching you at the school gates, when she smiled and skipped to you quickly, immediately pulling you in for a peck on the lips "Hey" she mumbled when she pulled away
"wanna meet up at mine?" You asked, she smiled widely "Of course babe"
*a few days later*
"Y/n! On your left!" Jackie yelled passing the ball to you, Taissa had been targeting you throughout the game, you were starting to panic, not really knowing the reason behind her behavior, and just as you were reflecting, something hit your knee and you feel on the ground.
You let out a gut wrenching scream, clutching to your leg and noticing something white peaking out "GOD THAT'S MY MOTHER FUCKING BONE!" you shouted.
After that, everything felt like a blur, the pain was unbearable and the only thing you could make out was Natalie's hand tightly holding onto yours.
Then you were brought to the hospital and they treated your leg, it was obvious that you weren't going to the nationals anymore.
Natalie sat in an armchair next to your hospital bed, her thumb tracing circles on your hand soothingly, you were discussing the fact that you had to stay home
"Don't worry baby, before you realize I'm gone I'll be back already" she said smiling.
*19 months later*
You woke up in your crappy apartment, tired from a long night of studying and definitely emotionally drained, College wasn't that bad but definitely it wasn't what you expected.
Because she wasn't there.
Since the plane crashed it was impossible for you not to think about Nat every single day.
Where is she? Is she okay? Is she alive?
You didn't know, no one knew.
When you got the news that the girls (if still alive) were stranded somewhere in the nowhere you completely broke down, you lost yourself for a long time, and now when you just started to feel more at ease with that tool, it all ended when you turned on the tv
"The survivors of the girls soccer team Yellowjackets were found and rescued in the early hours of the morning, the girls were found in the Ontario wilderness in critical conditions, now they are currently at the local police station in Wiskayok, New Jersey"
You ran as fast as you could. Not looking back, just running and running.
And when you reached the police station, you had to make your way through thousands of people, and when you finally got to the front, you saw them.
They were going from the station to another plane, and you panicked,
God, there aren't many survivors. What if Natalie...
Your thoughts evaporated when you saw one of the girls frenetically pulling up her hood, brown hair and...blonde ends...
And that's what you yelled "Nat! Natalie!"
Suddenly the head of the girl turned in your direction, tears instantly running down both of your eyes, she quickly ran to you and you met her halfway, instantly pulling her in a bone crushing hug.
You both sobbed and looked at each other in the eyes, and when a police officer rushed to pull you away from her, you could swear that she almost grunted at him, pushing him off you and bringing you back to her chest
*three months later*
After she came back home Natalie moved into your apartment, it was nice having her around all the time after almost two years of her being far far away, she never really liked to talk about that place, so you never forced her to.
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, Nat and you were sleeping in your bed peacefully cuddled up until you heard small sobs and felt something wet dripping down your face, looking up at her, she was still sleeping, and it didn't take a genius to tell she was having a nightmare "Baby?" You softly muttered, shaking her awake, that startled her, and opening her eyes she couldn't help but sob even harder.
Another time you two were sitting by the small fireplace in your living room drinking hot cocoa and watching a movie, when you turned your head you noticed her intensively staring at the fire, you got closer, rubbing her back "We did this a lot back there, sit by the fire..." she said, reminiscing her experience "Nat if you ever feel like..." you were interrupted "talking about it? No y/n ...the things we saw, the things we did out there in order to survive... I don't want you to know, you'll never look at me the same"
Days later you got home after class for a quick lunch, Natalie was already in the kitchen, cup in hand "Coffee?" You asked taking a closer look only to meet small pieces of meat cut in little rectangles, she looked at you as if you were the one with a weird demeanor "Here" you spoke up picking up a plate for her "Don't eat from the cup"
It wasn't just the way she behaved, unable to let go of some little things she got used to in the wilderness, it was also the look in her eyes, now cold and at times empty, it broke your heart to see her like that, but one day, you hoped, things would get better, the old bitchy and tough Natalie who you feel in love with would come back.
And that day at the moment was sure far away .
A/N: imma post some other stuff soon, stay tuned guys!!!
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h0ranghaae · 2 months
from the first hi to the first i love you, chapter I:
the first time we stayed alone (but in the crowd)
mason mount series
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genre: angst, fluff, smut, comedy attempts
warnings: language
word count: 2,7k
a/n: god knows i wanted it to be a one-shot thing, but then i realized how many chapter ideas i got, so i didn't want to rush and make it look like a brief description of each timeline. please, please tell me what you think about it 🤧 all genres and warnings will depend on a chapter!! (the story starts on may, 14th, 2023)
"Babe, I'm really sorry, but they'll eat me alive if I don't finish it in time," your best friend, Sonia, says with pleading eyes, and you pout. You came to London from Manchester to spend your week off with her, but her boss had different plans. "I know, I promised you a fantastic time here, so I've figured things out for tonight."
"How so?" the interest in your voice is genuine.
"I asked Mason to take you out today, so get ready for The National Gallery, the tickets are already boug-"
"Whoa, stop talking so fast – I know you want to confuse me so I will say yes," you place both of your hands on the kitchen table to steady yourself – mentally. Sonia looks closely at you across the table, so you continue. "Firstly, my fantastic time can only be spent with my best friend, not with her husband's friend."
"But you've known each other for around three years," she scowls. "He gave you so many rides."
"When I was with you," you protest. "When your Ricky was with us. And, secondly, The National Gallery? I can admire you, sitting in front of your computer, with the same pleasure."
"No, you’re going with Mason. You need to get out. Besides, he already bought the tickets. When he’s done at the training center, he will pick you up – so you have, like, two hours to get ready."
You sigh. Sonia feels guilty for not being the best entertainer – but you never expected her to be one. Still, she comes up with the weird decision you can’t decline yourself, because then you will be the one who feels guilty. Also, you are pretty sure Mason said yes to her for the same reasons.
Mason is a nice, polite, funny guy with warm doe eyes and a perfect nose. But he is not your friend. You don’t really know how to act around him – partly because you are sure that if not for Ricky, your paths will never cross. He is from a different planet – a planet of fame, interviews on national channels, trips all around the globe, and big money. And you don’t have a rocket to visit this faraway planet.
There is another reason to avoid him like a plague, though.
You have a little – or medium-sized – crush on him and you can’t allow it to gain any control over your brain. Or your heart especially.
"Do you want me to help you with your hair?" Sonia asks you, and you narrow your eyes at her through the bathroom mirror.
"Aren't you supposed to be working?" you huff, wrapping a strand of your hair around the barrel of the curling iron.
"I took a break," she rolls her eyes. "It's like you're getting ready for prom and the school heartthrob is already waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. I can't miss it."
You shake your head at her giggles. "You're acting like a crazy teenager."
"Then why are you smiling?"
"Because you're funny!" you exclaim. "It's just Mason, and suddenly you're making a big deal out of it."
"But you're finally getting to the next level with him," Sonia raises her eyebrows, and you finally turn to face her, finished with your preparations.
"Yeah, from getting lifts anytime I'm in London to going to museums without even planning and wanting it. Besides, don't forget there is Jacob back in Manchester."
"Yeah," she rolls her eyes for the second time in less than three minutes. "When was the last time you saw him? Two weeks ago? Three? Sounds legit, for sure. Absolutely worthy."
Your weak attempt to disagree is killed with the sound of the intercom, and you're relieved you don't have to come up with delusional excuses to make your (almost) relationship with Jacob look not that bad as it is in reality.
You really like him, and you're so ready to open your heart to him – if you haven't done it already – but the local DJ (and you're wondering why this pathetic fact of him still doesn't give you an ick) is too busy, afraid, or just stupid to commit to anyone.
Or just to you. Or it's you who are just stupid.
"The heartthrob's here!" Sonia yelps, already pressing the button to let Mason in. You've never seen her move that fast. She was the worst at PE in high school.
"Oh dear God," you sigh, while putting on your jacket. Well, it's way easier to act annoyed when your knees are weak because of how nervous you are. You're right, you tell yourself, a very pale version of yourself in the mirror, it's just Mason, the old good lad Mason, and you're just making yourself crazy for nothing. At the end of the day, you really like Mason and don't want your frustration to be projected onto him.
Things with Jacob will get better, and even if Mason isn't your friend, you can still have a good time together tonight. And he can become your friend. And just the thought of it makes your heart swell.
"Hi there," you turn your head toward his gentle voice, always remembering how surprised you were the first time you heard him speak. His voice is so delicate and warm — the exact opposite of how manly he looks.
"Hi," you return his smile, letting him pull you in for a side hug.
"I didn't know you were in London until yesterday," Mason says.
"Yeah, because you weren't on my bingo card," you muse. "But the best event planner ever knows better, I suppose."
"Oh, get out already and let me work and you have fun. And don't come back earlier than after 4 hours. You know the directions, Mason, so take my bestie and go," Sonia taps on the wall next to the front door.
"Never felt more welcomed, bestie," you say, following Mason out of the apartment. And while he's standing in front of the lift, pressing the silver button, you turn to Sonia to whisper, "Text me every two minutes, so he won't think I'm some sort of hermit."
"Constant notifications can kill the vibe," she whispers back.
"What the fuck?" you make your words audible only for her. "That makes no sense."
"Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but the metal carriage is waiting," Mason distracts you, and Sonia takes this opportunity to shut the front door of her apartment. "After you," he gestures for you to step into the lift first, and you can't help but smile at him, entering the cabin.
The doors are closed now, and you're standing extremely close to him so you can smell his cologne – magnetic and just... Delicious.
"I like your perfume," you blurt out. "Is it Tom Ford?"
He hums in agreement, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You're lucky, I took a shower after training. Just for you."
"How thoughtful," you reply. "But if I'm really lucky today, the universe will spare me from your amazing jokes."
"Nah, you're not that lucky, sorry," and with this, your trip through eighteen floors of the building is over. "Buckle up and let's explore the art. But let me warn you," he places his hand on your shoulder in a secretive manner and whispers in your ear, "The real art is you and me, so be ready – people will stare."
"Are we late?" you ask, and Mason just shrugs, scratching the back of his neck, totally unsure. The doors of the gallery are closed, despite his several attempts to pull and push the door handles.
"It seems to be fate," Mason says with a smile. "So, Starbucks for starters?"
"Just admit you manifested it," you follow him, silently appreciating that he slowed his usual pace for you. "I doubt you ever wanted to go here."
"Yeah, that's why I picked you up at five o'clock – I knew they close at six."
Mason stops and looks at you in pure disbelief, "Of course not," he huffs. "It was sarcasm," he explains, but can't suppress a giggle escaping his mouth.
"You're so unserious," now it's your turn to huff, but when he places his hand on your lower back while you cross the road at the green light, you're suddenly out of words.
Your skin burns at this spot despite two layers of clothes – not a good sign at all. But the questions that are generated in your head – oh, they're even worse. Why does he do it? To make sure you're matching his pace? Does he want you to be safe? Did Sonia ask him to do so? Do all well-mannered men do it?
Does he like you?
The disgustingly sweet coffee you both ordered at Starbucks helps you get rid of these confusing and unnecessary thoughts. Not for long, unfortunately.
"I can feel my teeth rotting at this moment," Mason moans after taking a sip from his cardboard cup. "But it's so good. Let me taste yours."
You willingly hand him your cup, and he wraps his palm around yours, positioning both of your hands higher – this simple action makes you hold your breath without even realising it.
"Wow, that was easy to get," he laughs and wraps his lips around the straw.
"Drink it already," you roll your eyes. "And I will start praying that you don’t have any contagious diseases."
He makes a face at you, swallowing the coffee like it's fish oil – or something even worse tasting. "You should have warned me – it's terrible. Right now, I'm doing my best not to stick out my tongue in disgust."
"Oh, Mason, you're so brave. Thank you for telling us your story," your hand slides out of his tender grip as you continue to walk. "For the record, mine has one syrup less than yours."
"It's what you call a difference maker."
"Stop it already, I know it's a reference to you on the pitch," you laugh. You genuinely laugh. Mason is effortlessly funny – you knew it already, but today you finally had a chance to experience it to the maximum. And he's witty too – amazing with words, and you really like the way he talks – passionately, but in a calm voice, looking straight in your eyes, following every reaction of yours.
Mason closes the distance between the two of you in one wide step and lowers his head to your level. "By the way, I don't have any diseases," his whisper causes goosebumps all over the skin of your neck and you hum in response. "For the future."
The future and you are divided by a distance, you think, while Mason and you, at least at this moment, are not.
He insisted that you have to sit not across from each other at this fancy restaurant in the heart of London, but next to each other, and you silently agree, not wanting to miss the opportunity to feel him closer. His shoulder brushes yours when he's slicing the steak, and you turn your head to him.
"Did you make the reservation months in advance or did your fame help you sneak in ahead of turn?"
Mason just smiles at you, even though he's not happy that you asked the question while he's chewing and can't respond to your words, and you raise your brow.
"I'm surprised you're not talking with your mouth full," you mock him, and he playfully rolls his eyes.
"I booked it three months in advance," he says as you thankfully nod at the waiter refilling your glass of wine. "Three months ago, I knew that May fourteenth would be marked as our first date on my wall calendar."
"Oh, that infamous Mason's wall calendar with pictures of kittens?" you half expected him to say something along those lines, something bold yet simple, but what you didn't expect was him handing you his fork with a slice of meat on it. The gesture was nice, caring, and... heartwarming?
"Kittens in flower gardens," Mason corrects you as a content smile appears on his features when you take the slice off the fork and into your mouth, chewing slowly.
The food is great, the wine is even better, and your entertainer is one of England's most eligible bachelors. Sometimes life is good.
"It's a shame you can't drink," you whine, holding Mason by his forearms, and he shows his perfect teeth, still not destroyed by the sugary coffee he had, in a wide smile.
"Let's drink when I'm on summer break?" he suggests, his hands rubbing your sides. His chocolate eyes follow yours, and you can't help but get magnetised by his soft gaze. He calls your name softly, feeling that he has to get the needed answer from you. "So, how does it sound?"
"See you on your summer break then," you lightly pat his chest and he laughs.
"What about before? You know I'm all fun even sober."
"Let's see, Mason. It's not like I have a door in my Manchester flat that leads me directly to you."
"It's changeable, though," he says, looking above your head. It feels like he's talking more to himself than to you, but you elaborate anyway.
"Changeable? Mason Mount, are you a constructor of a teleportation machine?" you ask in mock disbelief.
"Maybe so," he plays along, and you laugh. Suddenly, after five glasses of fine wine, everything Mason says sounds even funnier than before.
He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and you mirror his motion, holding onto his waist.
"Thank you for today," your voice is muffled as you mumble into his beige bomber jacket – which smells just so amazing, enveloping you in an aroma cloud. "I really liked it."
"So did I," Mason says, and you're thankful he doesn't reject your clingiest side, never breaking the hug you dragged him into in the first place. "Pinky promise we will go out more?"
"Sure, but I'm done for today," you say. "It's a good thing you didn't drink, though – at least I have you as my personal driver back home."
"Oh, look at you," he imitates an adoring voice. "Making me feel so needed and desired."
"In high demand, yep," you confirm. "Promise me I'm your favorite passenger."
You can feel Mason pulling back from the hug so he can raise his pinky, and you shove off his hand with a smile. The dark-haired man smiles back at you, so sweet and tender – it makes your poor heart beat a hundred times faster.
"Oh my god," Sonia squeezes you in a hug as soon as you get to her apartment. "You look so happy! And... Wait a second, are you drunk?"
"Not drunk, just a little tipsy, that's all, but-"
You tell her everything, trying not to sound too excited, and Sonia, being the best friend ever, asks for every possible and impossible detail. Seizing the opportunity, you ask the same question you asked Mason in the restaurant.
"Does it matter?" Sonia asks in return. "Other things are way more important!"
"No, they're not. What if the only reason we ended up in this restaurant was that he was dumped by someone? Or did he dump someone? And here I am, just a backup plan."
"Oh, shit," Sonia breathes out, and you lift your head, your fingers stopping their random patterns on the soft material of the cushion. Well, you’re anxious now. "You're already thinking about it, aren’t you?"
You roll your eyes as she laughs, but when you stay silent, she goes on. "I’m pretty sure he’s famous and rich enough to get a reservation in four hours max. You had a wonderful evening – all kudos to me – so don’t spoil the aftertaste with your thoughts!"
"Yeah, my thoughts… Completely unnecessary as always," you laugh, raising your hands in defeat.
It was a wonderful evening, and you even want to jokingly think that this evening proves that all "bros before hoes" manifestos can be thrown out of the window, but, in reality, you can’t. Because Mason, as you thought before, is closer to becoming your bro than anything else. But at the end of the day, the distance will divide Mason and you again. You and your long-distance friend.
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thelastwalkingsoul · 11 months
Inspired by this tweet and a conversation with Cass (@henderdads) and Liam (@withacapitalp) about puzzles.
"Are you sure this is going to work?"
Steve hovers over Robin's shoulder, standing together at his dining table. There's newspaper spread out to protect said table with a completed puzzle lying on top. Robin unscrews a fresh bottle of Mod Podge as Steve waits for an answer.
"Nope," she replies, popping the 'p'. And with that, she pours the glue all over the front of the puzzle.
"Wha- Robin!"
She laughs. "There's only one way to find out, dingus."
This had been all Robin's idea. Her constant teasing about his ugly plaid wallpaper had finally worn away at Steve, and he'd caved, agreeing to rip it all down. She'd celebrated as soon as the words had left Steve's mouth, grabbing his hands and spinning him around in a weird, oh-so-Robin dance.
It'd taken them a few days to ask around to learn how and what they needed, then strip the wallpaper and paint Steve's room. It had been tedious but vastly more therapeutic than Steve had expected. Stripping the plaid had felt like stripping away the final part of Steve tied to his 'King Steve' era, the growing pile a final 'fuck you' to his parents.
He'd gone for yellow on the walls, needing a colour that didn't viscerally remind him of the Upside Down that wasn't a dull grey or white. It was a lot at first, a significant change to a space that had been the same for as long as Steve could remember. But it finally felt like his.
"What if it ruins the puzzle?" He can't help but ask. It wasn't one of his favourites for that exact reason, but he didn't want to have to throw it out.
"Then we'll have learnt something." Robin pauses her paintbrush strokes, turning to look at him. "It's going to be fine Steve."
He can't help but soften at the care in her eyes. Robin can read him like a book. He smiles. "I know."
The next day they're standing in Steve's room, the colours of the puzzle contrasting nicely with the yellow wall it's now situated on. Steve couldn't believe it stuck together when he'd picked it up. It was solid, like a piece of cardboard, which had made it all too easy to put on the wall.
It feels like a reminder of good times, like so many of the photos scattered around Steve's room. A reminder that he did that with Robin, that he was no longer alone in his love of puzzles. Robin had given Steve the opportunity to share the calm that the activity had brought him. He'd always enjoyed them, especially as a kid, but post-demogorgon, they'd meant a lot more. Working on a puzzle became a way for Steve to settle his thoughts and distract him from his constant paranoia. For Steve, nothing was better than curling up with a mug of hot chocolate or sitting in the sun and basking in the warmth like a cat, doing a puzzle.
Robin had found out in the aftermath of Starcourt. She'd found him at the table, searching through puzzle pieces at an ungodly hour of the night, unable to sleep. Wordlessly, she'd joined him, which had slowly become a tradition. Late-night puzzling turned into lunchtime puzzling, which made way for nights when they would get wine-drunk and puzzle. Robin called them middle ages moms once and threw them both into fits of laughter. It's perfect, and Steve wouldn't have it any other way.
Robin bumps his shoulder. "So, you like it?"
Steve looks at her, a smile on his face. He slings an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a rough side hug. "I love it, babe."
"Wanna go start another?"
"I like how it looks when we just glue the back."
"Hmm. You're right, you can see the individual pieces better."
"Yeah. It's not as weirdly shiny either."
It's been months. Steve's bedroom walls are covered in puzzles of all sizes. Each and every one worked on with Robin by his side. Steve's not alone anymore. He feels safe. He feels loved. He feels at home.
Steve pulls his other half into a crushing hug. "Thank you, Robbie."
She makes a confused noise against his shoulder. "For what."
"This. Being here," he squeezes her a little harder. "For everything."
"No need to thank me, dingus. It's an honor."
"I mean it, Robs."
"Yeah. So do I."
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harlowcomehome · 9 months
Haunted houses:
October fics.
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You finished zipping up your denim corset, looking at yourself in the mirror as you looked over your costume one more time.
You and Jack had decided to dress up in Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake's iconic 2001 all-denim outfits, feeling like it was more subtle than other options.
“Someone’s excited for this haunted house” Jack laughed taking notice that you didn’t seem nervous at all.
“I’ve been waiting all year for this! Technically it’s a mansion and not a house.”
“Haunted mansion? No, that’s corny” he snorted.
“Are you excited baby?” You walked over to him fixing the collar of his denim jacket but before he could answer Copelan and Urban came rushing in, the two of them dressed as different video game characters.
“You look ridiculous” Copelan laughed as he eyeballed Jack's outfit.
“You’re jealous of this canadian tuxedo aren’t you?” Jack joked making everyone laugh.
“You’re literally dressed like Scorpion” You shook your head.
“Are you guys ready?” Urban asked clearly eager to leave.
“I’ve been ready!” Jack pushed his glasses up, grabbing your hand as you four walked into the garage to get into his car.
“Are we meeting everyone else there?” You asked noticing Jack seemed slightly on edge but you weren’t entirely sure why.
“Yeah! Neelam and the guys will just meet us there” Urban nodded.
Your eyes followed Jack's facial expression as you got into the passenger seat, his eyes glazed over, lips tightly shut, jaw clenched.
Jack stopped at the gas station, Cope and Urban leaving the two of you in the car alone.
“Do you need me to get you something?” You squeezed his thigh as you both watched the door for the guys.
He was jumpy, your touch startling him.
“Jack- baby? Are you scared?”
“Scared?” He scoffed, “Why would I be scared? I just don’t know what to expect tonight.”
You knew him better than that, knowing he was overthinking and nervous. You didn’t want to crush his ego, so you let it go as the guys came back to the car.
When you got to the haunted house, you held Jack's bicep feeling him flex.
You met everyone else in the parking lot area.
“Nervous y/n?” Ace laughed as he saw your grip on Jack's arm.
“Just a little” you shrugged, Jack looked down at you confused but with a smile as he kissed your forehead.
He knew you weren’t nervous, and were likely covering up for the fact that he was.
The group was led to the three-story Victorian-style haunted house by a guide.
The haunted house was part Halloween gimmick and part Louisville rumor but this was the first year it had been open to the public to explore.
There were actors on site, hired to scare you throughout the house but you had also heard the rumors over the years that this house was actually haunted which intrigued you in the first place.
“This place is fucking huge” Jack gasped out loud, as the two of you held onto each other, walking through what you had only hoped was faux cobwebs.
“You don’t think it’s actually haunted do you?” You whispered as the two of you led the way through the house. Your grip getting tighter on his bicep.
“Babe, it’s for sure haunted.” He looked around knowing there would be people dressed up who would pop out at any corner.
“Isn’t this house from the 1800s?” Neelam asked nervously.
“Nope, it’s for sure haunted” you repeated.
“Why do we have to be the ones to lead the way?” You felt the warmth of the group following close behind you.
A loud crash of something falling behind you made everyone scream. You grabbed both Urban and Copelan's arms moving them to the front.
“This was your idea!” Jack hollered pushing them forward.
“Hell no! You and y/n lead the way!” Cope's voice trembled.
The sound of shutters slamming and the wind whizzing through the house made the pit of your stomach hurt.
“Nah” Jack shook his head as everyone kept moving through the dimly lit house.
You swore someone tried grabbing at your ankles and started to scream, both you and Neelam using the guys as shields.
Water droplets began to leak down from the ceiling, the boys wiping their faces, as the tension in the room grew.
“This isn’t fun anymore” Clay mumbled as you all shuffled together.
Suddenly you heard the sound of groaning and footsteps following you, you turned to see a big figure coming your way.
“No! No no!” You screamed and yanked Jack to the side, breaking apart from the group as they scattered forward.
“I want to get out of here now!” You were practically hyperventilating at this point, mascara stained your cheeks and Jack realized you weren’t bluffing anymore.
“Baby, we’re almost done” he whispered before licking his fingers, wiping what he could see of your face. He was trying to stay calm for your sake.
“Where the fuck is Jack and y/n?” Cope was out of breath as the two of you attempted to follow the sound of his voice.
Clay turned around, bumping into the two of you and making Jack scream.
“Ahhh! Clay! Holy fuck!”
“I came to get you two! Why did you separate?” Clay held back a laugh at his older brother’s act of terror.
“You guys?” Urbans voice sounded scared and you pulled your phone out to use your flashlight.
“What’s wrong?”
Urban's entire face went pale, he pointed to the ceiling revealing rows of bats.
“Fuck no!” Jack yelled practically dragging you through the house.
You and Jack pushed past the group and found the nearest exit, as they quickly followed behind you.
“I thought you were going to be the scared one” You chuckled as the two of you quickly walked back to his car.
“Me? Why me?” He laughed.
“Baby, you were nervous before we even got here!” You teased.
The rest of the group was chatting and giggling behind you.
“Are we still going to the next one?” You squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“They can go! I’ll drop them off, fuck that” he laughed as he unlocked the car.
“Someone is a scardey cat” you teased, playing with his fingers.
“Cat, dog, fish, I’m all that. I don’t care” he laughed, leaning in to get a kiss from you.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Meeting Their VA's
Summary: Vil/Neige/Cater x gn!reader. You get transported from the world of Twisted Earth, to Twisted Wonderland. And when all hope seems lost, you hear a voice you know!
A/N: Had this idea once I had these three slotted as celebrity VA's...it just took me a long time to write it 😂
Twisted Earth Literary Universe
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You were doing your best to hide. After getting transported to a magical world where everyone seemed to know you, you were more than overwhelmed. Especially since you had stepped through a mirror and ended up in yet another world. 
Anyway, you were curled in on yourself under an apple tree, when you heard him.
"What is a stray potato doing in my orchard?"
You knew that voice! That was your friend! Thank God, someone you knew! You turned to face him, and both of your eyes widened in shock.
That wasn't your friend…
That was the most beautiful man you had ever seen….
But definitely not your friend…
After both of you stared at each other for an awkward amount of time, he cleared his throat, and asked if you were, indeed, Y/N. Which, of course you were! 
After that, he offered you a room, and some clothes so you would blend in, and continued talking about things you didn't understand, nor try to.
But, damn, everytime he talked, he sounded like your friend…and you could trust your friend…right?
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You'd been transported into what could only be described as a fairytale world, filled with Princes and professors who all knew you by name
It wasn't long before you'd seen they could also use magic, and now you were thoroughly overwhelmed. You ran into the nearby town, scared and stressed, before you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Are you lost? Maybe I can help!"
You groaned. Of course he was here with you. Out of everyone, it had to be your snobby, rich, acquaintance, who had tried to close your school/business so that he could build a water park.
You gritted your teeth and put on a fake smile before turning to look at him.
The beautiful boy's chocolate eyes widened in shock, before he shook himself out of it, and gave you a sweet smile. One thing was for certain. This definitely wasn't him…
"Has anyone ever told you you look a lot like Y/N L/N?"
Once you tell him that that's you, he looks away for a moment, and when he turns back to you his cheeks are super pink.
"You look even prettier in real life…"
You have no idea why…but you can't help but trust this boy with the voice of your nemesis. He seems so sweet, and genuine, and truly kind! Surely his sweet exterior isn't hiding a bitter interior, right?
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"Hey babes, can I get a quick pic with you?"
People had been crowding you ever since you woke up in this strange world, and you were very scared. But you were pretty sure you knew that voice…that was the quirky barista at your new favorite coffee shop. You didn't know him very well,  but you had a bit of a friend crush on him. And hey, how better to get to know someone, than getting stuck in a magical other dimension with them?
You turned to him, and…wait. That wasn't him….when your eyes met his piercing green ones, his smile faltered for a moment, before he grabbed your hand and started running.
When you had both escaped from the crowd, he flashed you a grin and a peace sign. 
"That escape wasn't free. I need one pic with you for my magicam! Smile!"
You gave a half hearted smile as he snapped a pic, and the both of you sat in silence as he looked through filters, and added hashtags and a caption. After a moment, his eyes flicked back up to yours.
"Are you alright? You look like you need, like, twelve hours of beauty sleep. My dorm's a single. I can let you hide out there, if you agree to do a q and a with me when you wake up."
It's not like you have any other choice. You can hear the crowd drawing nearer, and, despite his fixation on this "magicam" thing, his eyes were incisive, like he could see right through you, and knew exactly what you needed. You'd have to trust him.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
345 notes · View notes
jnginlov · 1 year
to love you
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when you ask him to be your fake fling he’s not prepared for the way it will make his unaddressed feelings for you grow
⇀ pairing wooyoung x gn!reader (references to yunho x gn!reader)
⇀ genre fluff, angst, fake dating au, unspecified nonidol au, f2l, one sided pining
⇀ style one shot
⇀ word count 10.4k
⇀ warnings jealousy, talks of hooking up, talks of vomit, crying, yelling at reader, yelling at wooyoung, just like a lot of general yelling, something that could be interpreted as a panic attack (no specific descriptions), allusions to violence (in a non-serious sense), cursing, food, alcohol consumption (assumed all characters are of age), parties, multiple kisses, pet names (love, babe), skinship (head on a shoulder, holding hands, holding faces), let me know if i missed anything
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you and wooyoung certainly weren’t best friends but that’s not to say you two were enemies either. you’d met each other through a friend of a friend just over a year ago and even though you both felt an instant connection, it was nothing that had either of you suddenly intertwining your lives. wooyoung would consider you a casual friend and if he asked he’s about 89% sure you would say the same, 1% of the other 11 was reserved for what his best friend yeosang liked to call his “simp brain” that wanted to imagine you’d call him something along the lines of a crush, but disregarding the tiny baby so minor and minuscule romantic interest wooyoung had in you, you both were casual friends, “i’m already in the neighborhood, do you want to grab coffee” friends, “i was supposed to have a date but they bailed and i’m already dressed up, do you want to get drinks” friends. you both were certainly not “can you be my fake boyfriend?” friends.
“i’m sorry, what?” wooyoung is lucky he swallowed the last sip of his coffee or it would likely be all over his open laptop.
“you know that guy yunho?” you supply, quite unhelpfully in wooyoung’s opinion.
and yeah of course he knows yunho, he’s yeosang’s roommate, and the guy you haven’t been able to shut up about for the past month. “what does he have to do with anything?” he asks, trying to keep any of the jealousy he felt bubbling in his stomach at the mention of yunho’s name from showing on his face.
you roll your eyes like the answer is obvious as you reply, “well i was talking with mingi the other day,” mingi being the friend you had met wooyoung through in the first place, “and he said i should try making yunho jealous, because he’s pretty sure yunho is actually interested in me but just, like, needs that push.”
wooyoung nods slowly as he continues to listen to you rant, trying to understand where in your mind you think taking mingi’s advice, especially when it came to your love life, would be a good idea. wooyoung loved mingi but the man hadn’t had a date in more than six months and he’s not even sure when the last time his roommate had any romantic interest in anyone was.
“-and so i figured the best way to make someone jealous is basically seem interested in someone else,” you conclude as the man sat across from you tunes back in, trying to look like he’d been listening the whole time instead of wondering how he’d found himself in this situation. he was definitely going to have to talk to mingi once he got back home.
“and you thought i was the best choice for that?” wooyoung raises a brow as you sip your drink.
you nod quickly as you swallow. “well i’m pretty sure he knows hongjoong and seonghwa are dating, jongho is very clearly not my type, i’m not close enough with san, and i doubt he would believe yeo and i were a thing considering they live together,” you explain, listing off all the men in your close circle of friends, except for him, yunho, and mingi, and for a second he considers trying to twist mingi’s intentions by suggesting that maybe the tall blonde is the one who likes you and is looking for an excuse to get close to you but he can still recall the look of sadness on the gentle giant’s face the last time wooyoung threw him under the bus. the look of determination on your face makes it seem like you’d been thinking about this for more than a day, hell maybe even more than a week, but wooyoung can’t tell if your resolve should be alarming in any way because he’s much too worried about the prospect of what pretending to be in a relationship with you might do to his heart.
in a last ditch effort he asks, “isn’t this what, like, tinder is for?” and the way you sigh cues him in to know that you’ve definitely considered that avenue already.
“i don’t want to lead on some poor guy for my own gain like that.”
of course you don’t, you’re too nice, and if you knew that wooyoung would agree in a heartbeat, if it weren’t for his microscopic eensy-weensy romantic interest in you, he’s sure you wouldn’t be asking him for the exact same reason, but wooyoung has been set to keep his feelings to himself since he realized they existed at all and so he can only blame himself for the current situation. well maybe he can blame mingi too but, again, that’s a conversation for later.
wooyoung sighs. “i need to know your plan before i’ll agree to anything,” he says but he knows he’ll end up saying yes no matter what when he sees the way your face immediately lights up at the prospect of your plan working successfully.
“okay,” you place your hands against the table excitedly, causing both of your drinks to wobble slightly, “i was thinking it could be more of a casual thing instead of a full blown relationship so that it would be more believable when we break it off.” you explain and wooyoung can feel that he’s not going to get any work done today, closing his laptop in defeat as he rests his chin on top of his hand, his elbow now placed on the table.
after you’d explained the details of your idea, and your fake situationship, you and wooyoung both left the cafe with a plan for the next couple weeks, leading up to a big party yunho and yeosang were hosting in which you’d explain to yunho that your thing with wooyoung was over and you’d get together and it would all work out.
he had to give it to you, wooyoung had doubted how much rational thought you’d actually put into your idea when you first asked but after hearing you out he was almost convinced himself that it might work. secretly wooyoung was hoping for the romcom ending in which you would realize he was the one that was interested in you, but that was just a itty-bitty thought in the back of his mind, totally not a thought swirling around his head and making his heart thump his entire journey home after you’d parted ways.
“hey, how was your day?” mingi is quick to greet his roommate with a large smile as wooyoung takes off his shoes in the entryway.
“hm yeah it was fine,” wooyoung starts with sarcasm dripping from his voice, “except for the part where you convinced my friend to ask me for a fake relationship!” his words had progressively gotten louder as he approached the taller man, now looking like a kicked puppy and cowering on the couch.
“what’s going on?” seonghwa, who had been trying to pay attention to the television is now alerted to the conflict between his friends when mingi almost sat right on him.
“mingi convinced (y/n) that they just need to make yunho jealous in order to get him to make a move,” wooyoung plops down next to seonghwa, arms crossed in front of his chest and pout set on his face.
“and that’s your problem because,” seonghwa trials off, gesturing for wooyoung to supply the rest of the sentence before placing a comforting hand on mingi’s arm.
“because,” wooyoung sighs, taking a deep breath before he finishes his sentence, “they asked me to be their fake situationship.”
mingi pops up off the couch suddenly at wooyoung’s statement, looking just as surprised as wooyoung is sure he was in the cafe with you less than an hour earlier.
“i did NOT suggest they fake date one of our friends,” mingi explains, scrambling through the living room in search of, well, wooyoung’s not sure. “my suggestion was to just get a little comfy with someone at a party or something,” he explains, pulling the pillow off from where he’d been sat and sighing in relief as he takes his phone into his hands, fingers flying across the screen in a panic.
“i don’t see the issue,” seonghwa interjects, “it’s not like you’re actually dating and it’s not even like you’re fake dating if you’re not calling it official,” the oldest of the group shrugs, opening one of the boxes of pizza on the coffee table and pulling out a slice for himself. “plus it’s not like you’re interested in them or anything.”
mingi freezes at this, his behavior a complete 180 from only a few seconds ago as his gaze slowly drifts up from his phone to wooyoung who has stiffened next to seonghwa. the two youngest both let out audibly pained chuckles and seonghwa drops his plate dramatically back down onto the table.
“don’t tell me.”
wooyoung clears his throat loudly. “so i may have, like, the tiniest most insignificant crush on them,” he practically whispers, face feeling slightly warmer at the prospect of the situation he’s in, and certainly not his feelings for you.
seonghwa narrows his eyes at the youngest, a question on the tip of his tongue before mingi decides to supply the answer anyway.
“you’ve been in love with them for months, we all know.”
“i am not in love with them,” wooyoung shouts back, anger reignited as he focused back on the true root of the issue, mingi and his bright ideas. “yes i might think they’re attractive, and yes i would like to date them for real, and maybe, just maybe, i do get a little jealous when they talk about yunho, but that doesn’t mean i like them that much.”
wooyoung feels the energy fizzling out and his words get weaker as he observed the looks on his roommates’ faces. mingi seems almost smug, like he’s been proven right, while seonghwa wears an amused grin, eyebrows raised slightly in satisfaction.
“you’re sure about that?”
the next week, as he’s laying sprawled out on his best friend’s bed, yeosang busy putting away his freshly cleaned laundry, he sighs for what feels like the millionth time and the dark haired man at the closet has had enough.
“either say something or stop sighing,” yeosang grunts, placing the last hanging item in the closet. as he moves to sit at his desk, wooyoung flips onto his stomach quickly, causing the bed to creek and him to bounce slightly.
“i just don’t get it,” wooyoung says and yeosang resists the urge to groan. this is the same conversation the two had been having since wooyoung found out about your interest in yeosang’s roommate.
woo complains that he doesn’t understand why you think yunho is so great and then yeo has to bring his friend back to reality by reminding him that yunho is actually a pretty great guy and that woo is the one who could change his own fate, if he just had the balls to admit he was interested in you. but of course wooyoung always manages to weasel out of the truth, claiming that he doesn’t like you that much, or that you don’t like him, which yeo thinks is shit considering the amount of times you started ditching him for his own best friend but he’s not a snitch.
it’s yeosang’s turn to sigh. “i’m not doing this again,” he mutters. “yunho is not a bad guy, in fact he’s a great guy, all of his previous relationships ended amicably, he’s not unattractive according to the people that have asked me to give him their number, and as far as i know he and (y/n) actually have quite a bit in common.” yeosang turns to wooyoung quickly, finding the younger man with a small pout gracing his features.
as wooyoung opens his mouth to possibly argue against one of the points his friend had raised, both men hear the familiar sound of the front door opening and yunho’s usual greeting rings through the apartment. both boys suddenly feel like they’ve been caught, wooyoung’s eyes going wide for a moment as yeosang turns back to busy himself with the unfolded clothes on his desk.
“hey,” yunho says, poking his head through yeosang’s open door a few moments later. “they were out of those macarons you like at the cafe so i got you a maple cinnamon roll instead, y/n suggested it.”
at the mention of your name wooyoung perks up, trying not to seem too eager at the mere thought of you.
“sorry woo, i didn’t know you were over until after i’d ordered or i would have gotten you something,” yunho apologizes and wooyoung hates that he can tell it’s sincere.
wooyoung thinks it would be a lot easier to hate his best friend’s roommate if he was not actually such a nice guy. but he just can’t hate him, he might dislike him a bit for being such a great guy and being the one to hold your attention, but honestly feeling anything but amicable toward the man just makes him feel guilty. it’s not yunho’s fault you find him attractive and it’s certainly not yunho’s fault that wooyoung can’t just admit his feelings.
“you ran into y/n?” yeosang asks, honestly not trying too hard to hide the glance he throws wooyoung’s direction.
yunho nods as he moves to fully lean against yeosang’s doorframe. “they said they were stopping by the cafe before they were supposed to meet a friend.”
yeosang and wooyoung both nod in response, wooyoung’s a little more engaged while yeosang keeps looking between his two best friends.
“they actually asked if you were over,” yunho continues, gesturing to wooyoung with a quick tick of his chin.
the younger man’s expression quickly shifts to confusion before he’s remembering your idea he’d been telling yeosang about only half an hour before. he tries to tone down the shock of hearing you ask about him as he asks, “really?”
“yeah,” yunho chuckles slightly. “they said you weren’t answering any of their texts and that only happens when you’re with yeosang.”
before yunho is even done with his explanation wooyoung is digging through the slightly askew comforter he’d unceremoniously dropped himself and his phone onto once he’d arrived an hour ago. he’s not sure if you just made up the statement to prove to yunho that you two were close, as you truly didn’t text each other much outside of making plans, but no matter if you were just trying to provoke yunho you had spoken the truth. just about every time you texted wooyoung he would drop everything to respond. mingi would call it being “down bad”, and maybe wooyoung was learning to accept that fact about himself.
as wooyoung scrolled through the texts you’d sent him, a little update about how you think the plan is working and a picture of a cute dog that you said looked a little like him, which totally didn’t make him blush, he hears yunho clear his throat.
“are you two,” yunho pauses as wooyoung glances up at him, finding the conversation to feel a bit stiff and uncomfortable. “are you two like a thing?” yunho finally asks, finding the setup of yeosang’s room to be more interesting as his friend watches a blush creep onto the tips of his ears.
it’s wooyoung’s turn to find the decor around him interesting as he replies, trying to remember everything you’d talked about, “i wouldn’t call it a thing.” wooyoung shrugs trying to seem cool as he feels his heart beat creeping up into his throat.
he hadn’t anticipated it being this hard. the man hadn’t even lied about anything yet and he could still feel the guilt settling into the back of his throat, flavoring his words with a bitterness that held a strange mix of satisfaction, for getting to even pretend to know you in a more intimate way than his current competition, and regret, for agreeing to be apart of a plan that might cause one of his friends any distress.
“they’ve just been talking about you a lot,” yunho adds and if wooyoung had a little less self control he’d probably have fallen right off yeosang’s bed. he’s too focused on the thought of you purposely mentioning him in conversation to others to think about how yunho would know, the older man probably having seen you more times than wooyoung had in the past week.
“i think they’re in what you might call a situationship,” yeosang supplies when wooyoung doesn’t respond, shrugging as if he has no interest in the information he’d just shared.
wooyoung bites his tongue as he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing to tell the biggest lie he’s probably told in his whole life, just as you’d agreed to. “you remember that party their friend, whatever-her-name-was, had a few weeks ago?”
yunho nods gently, now able to look at wooyoung again after having determined that the conversation maybe wasn’t that uncomfortable.
“well we kinda,” wooyoung pauses, knowing it’s his last chance to back out before everything changes, and so he pushes forward with a sigh, “we hooked up that night and we’ve gotten together a few times since then.”
for wooyoung, it felt weird to say, the statement now just sitting in the air as he sees yunho trying to digest the information. he thought it might make him feel some way but instead he just feels empty, knowing that it’s entirely untrue. sure you’d left that party together, a fact that you had remembered and wanted to use in order to make your little fib realistic, but you’d both simply had enough of partying that night and gone for food at the convenience store on the corner before he walked you home. as far as wooyoung was aware, and he was pretty sure you didn’t go anywhere after he left your doorstep, you’d both gone to bed alone that night. and yet wooyoung didn’t feel like he could let himself daydream even the thought of you both actually doing anything then, the idea much too dangerous for the way he’d slowly started accepting what all his friends had been telling him about his affections recently. and even though he might be able to admit that he does have a crush on you, he certainly wasn’t expecting to hear the question falling from yunho’s lips.
“do you love them?”
wooyoung could feel his stomach jump right into his throat, his heart plummeting at the same time and causing nausea to replace the guilt he’d been wadding in just moments earlier.
“uh i think love is maybe a strong term,” he tries to chuckle lightly but he can hear the awkwardness permeating the laugh. “but i do like them.”
it’s the first time he’s admitted it without a caveat, and just like with the lie before, he feels the emptiness returning except instead of sitting deep into his stomach it fills his entire chest cavity, only stirring the nausea and making him feel like he’d much rather sink into the covers of his best friend’s bed than continue this conversation. he’s just not sure how much more he can say before he might actually vomit.
yunho nods slowly, a thoughtful look on his face, before he says, “i think you two would be good together.”
wooyoung is much too focused on staying grounded and not revealing the sickness that he feels to analyze whether yunho is telling the truth, a slight burn building in his chest of what he can only assume is bile, and at this point he’s not sure he wants to know what yunho thinks anymore. why did he agree to this?
“well, that roll is on the counter whenever you want it yeo,” yunho continues, oblivious to the turmoil brewing in wooyoung’s mind and body. “see you later woo.”
with that the man is gone, disappearing into his bedroom down the hall.
yeosang turns to his best friend quickly, ready to supposedly recap the conversation but stops in his tracks when he sees the look of pain on wooyoung’s face.
“how am i gonna make it through this?”
the next week or so is filled with moments similar to this, where he has to look at yunho and lie straight to his face, straight to his own heart. and although yeosang assured that it would have to get easier at some point, wooyoung can feel he’s reaching his own breaking point.
throughout the process, as you execute your plan, you actually try to spend more time with wooyoung, starting with simple little outings that weren’t too different from things you might do usually. at some point these outings morphed into full fledged dates, and every time wooyoung felt himself sinking into the idea that he might be able to just enjoy this for what it was, you were quick to mention the plan and pop the bubble that wooyoung had found solace in. although he feels something unfamiliar burning lightly in his chest he can’t even fathom to be mad at you, too unbelievably happy in those moments where he could forget that you were faking it all.
“i’m not sure this is good for you anymore,” seonghwa had said one day after wooyoung had come home from a day out with you, plopping himself down onto the couch with an exhausted heart from the emotional roller coaster you were unknowingly taking him on.
wooyoung only let out a grunt, the sound muffled by the cushion his face was squished against, and seonghwa sighed in response.
“you’re tearing yourself apart for them,” seonghwa tried to reason, his quest of stopping this little escapade you’d set yourself on as futile as always.
wooyoung was sure he was delirious at this point, fatigue settled deep into his body from the way he felt he was chasing every moment with you, and so the next words that slipped off his tongue were completely unvetted by his mind and entirely from the heart.
“how else would i be able to love them?”
if seonghwa is surprised by the statement he doesn’t show it, his face neutral as wooyoung turns to look at him, the older man now crouched next to where wooyoung lies. he’s not sure what reaction he expected, and he knows that he asked an unanswerable question, but somehow wooyoung’s not surprised when seonghwa reaches out to run a gentle hand up and down the younger’s back.
the next words wooyoung speaks come out watery as he feels tears pricking at the back of his eyes and that unfamiliar burn returns to his chest, “they’ll always love someone else.”
as much as seonghwa wants to argue, to point out that you shouldn’t think in forevers and absolutes, right now he knows that his friend just needs comfort. so he moves to pull wooyoung so that he’s sitting, seonghwa moving into the space he’s created on the couch and taking his younger friend into his arms, letting him sob gently against his shoulder.
as if he couldn’t feel bad enough about this entire situation, wooyoung wakes the next morning to a text from you. normally he might feel a bit giddy to hear from you but the message is nothing like any of the ones you’d recently started sending, casual conversations about your days and cute pictures of things that reminded you of him. it was cold, with a finite energy and wooyoung could feel it like a punch to the chest.
y/n: let’s break it off
wooyoung can barely perceive himself moving to message you back, feeling like he’s gone into autopilot. he’s tried to be prepared for this but with the way he’s allowed himself to feel with you for the past few weeks it’s almost as devastating as knowing that he’s been making himself comfortable inside of a lie. as he turns over to try to return to sleep he feels that same something unfamiliar burn in his chest.
“you should go anyway,” yeosang says, looking down at wooyoung from his place on the couch.
wooyoung has taken to wallowing in self pity on the floor of his living room, mingi having forcefully pulled him out of the pitiful nest he had created of his bed a few hours ago upon seonghwa’s request.
“and see yunho all over them, no thank you,” wooyoung pouts.
the two of them had been talking about the party at yeosang’s, and by extension yunho’s, place since yeosang had arrived just over an hour ago. the party was supposed to be the final phase of the plan, when you would confront yunho, with the help of the alcohol that would surely be in your system, and wooyoung was obviously less than enthusiastic to see you complete the last stage of the plan. his best friend had been arguing that he could reasonably avoid you the entire night and be able to have fun anyway, but wooyoung wasn’t in the mood to have fun in the first place.
“if you just stay by the beer pong table the whole night i’m sure you’ll be able to avoid them,” mingi supplies helpfully, to which wooyoung whines in response.
“and have a perfect view of the rest of the room, where everyone else will be having the time of their lives, yeah great, very cool,” wooyoung spits sarcastically, limbs flailing about around him as he tries to push away the mental images of all of his friends getting to have a great night while he tries to keep from silently crying into his cup in a corner.
“so you’re just never going to go to another party?” seonghwa asks, stepping over his roommate as he goes about tidying the living room, setting things that had migrated amongst the room back where they belong.
wooyoung stops at this, turning over quickly so he can toss seonghwa, who spares no glance to him, a questioning look. “what do you mean?”
seonghwa just shrugs, dusting an empty shelf before he reorganizes the knick-knacks that would sit on it. “well, if you’re avoiding this party because you don’t want to see them together, then you’re going to have to avoid every party where you know they’ll be, which will likely be every party you’re invited to,” seonghwa explains, enunciating slowly as though wooyoung is only a child.
“and if you’re just avoiding anything they’ll be at together are you going to stop coming to group hangouts, or anything either one of them is at in fear that the other person will show up,” seonghwa continues, oblivious to the way wooyoung seems to be melting into the floor as he realizes how crazy his logic from earlier sounds now that the eldest is breaking it down like this. “so are you just going to stop being friends with both of them?”
wooyoung lets out something akin to a growl as he flops once more onto his back, his legs kicking in the air as he knows that he’s been cornered. “i get it,” he whines, hands smacking gently against his face in defeat.
“if you just rip the bandaid off now it’ll be so much easier,” yeosang adds, “you won’t have built it up more than you have already.”
“i hate when you’re all right.”
so, with the caveat that he can hang onto one of his roommates the whole night for emotional support, wooyoung finally agrees to attend the party.
“have you been avoiding me?”
wooyoung knew it was a bad idea to come to this cafe, the same one he had made that stupid agreement with you at, the one where you might be found more often than not, your favorite cafe. and if any of his friends were here with him they might just call him an absolute idiot, yeosang might even call it masochistic, to think that he could avoid you in the one spot you were sure to be.
“avoiding you?” wooyoung hears himself speak before he is even able to process what he should say, his nerves too frazzled by your proximity, standing closer than he thinks you ever have before. it certainly doesn’t help that with the warmer weather lately you’ve taken to start cycling your summer clothes into your wardrobe, your outfit today including one of your favorite tank tops, showing off the soft skin of your collarbone and shoulders. wooyoung has to use all of his self control to not reach out and brush his fingertips against you, tracing shapes into your skin and feeling you shudder beneath his gentle touches.
he’s snapped suddenly out of the trance he had been sinking into when you speak again, “you haven’t been answering any of my messages.”
at this wooyoung moves his gaze to your face and although he can see the teasing smile that graces your lips he can still spot a bit of disappointment swimming in your eyes.
“i’m sorry,” he replies, sounding much too genuine for the way you had seemed to be trying to hide your true disappointment in the playfulness of your usual cadence you adopted around him, and he feels the familiar pool of guilt start to fill the void that he’d been keeping in the pit of his stomach since you’d broken things off.
as you stand before him, forcing him into your personal space and looking at him expectantly, he thinks back to his decision to turn off notifications from your number, one that all of his friends had already torn him to shreds for. at the time he had reasoned that it was to protect himself from the repeated heartbreak he would suffer every time he might interact with you. unfortunately, in making this decision he hadn’t thought about what his seemingly sudden disappearance from your life might do to you, he hadn’t considered that he might be hurting you, and the guilt only grows.
you seem to be slightly taken back by his apology, likely not expecting him to reply in earnest, taking a moment to collect yourself before you state, “so you admit it, you were avoiding me,” although it comes out as more of a question, your head tilting gently as you seem to be inspecting the man before you, and wooyoung hates that he feels so exposed.
you aren’t even aware of the way you hold wooyoung’s heart in your hands but the longer you stand dissecting his expression the more he feels like your grip on it is too tight. he can’t tell whether you want him to answer honestly, or if you even care if he does, his mind is far too clouded by the scent of your shampoo along with the hurt he can see you trying to hide behind the confusion in your eyes, and he feels the familiar prickle of tears forming in his own.
he watches as your own features turn to concern, but before either of you can move to speak again, you’re both thrust out of the moment as someone behind you asks, “are you two going to move? you’re holding up the line.”
and suddenly wooyoung feels like the entire world can see him, pathetically crying over a person stood directly in front of him, and he needs to get out.
he’s not sure how he manages to make it out of the cafe with his vision as watery as it is, tears now fully rolling down his cheeks, but he assumes muscle memory simply kicked in as he finds himself briskly walking in the direction of his apartment.
“wooyoung!” he hears you call behind him and for a moment he considers stopping but then he feels that familiar burn in his chest, the same one he felt when you’d broken things off, and in a moment of clarity, as his feet carry him further from the agreement you’d both made, he realizes what it is, anger. although he’s never felt anger like this before, anger that roots itself into that guilt he’d been building for the entire time you’d pretended to be something. so it’s not an anger he can quickly pick apart and resolve, no, it’s an anger that feels like it feeds off of everything he’s been through for the past month. he’s angry at himself, for being so stubborn for so long, at his friends, for pushing for him to reanalyze his feelings, at the situation, for being so complicated, at yunho, for being the one you want, at the plan, for making everything worse, and most importantly at you.
his feet suddenly come to a halt, and you must have been closer behind than he thought because just a moment later he feels you running right into his back, not having expected him to actually stop.
“what do you want from me?” he spits, whipping around and causing you to jump in surprise.
“wooyoung,“ you begin softly, feeling his gaze sharp and strong, “what’s wrong?”
“you want to know what’s wrong?” he laughs, the sound void of any real humor. “you’re what’s wrong.”
you try not to react, knowing that he probably doesn’t mean what he’s saying, but he can see the way your hands, that had been hesitantly reaching toward him, suddenly drop to your sides.
“you and your goddamn plan,” he starts. “why couldn’t you have just fucking talked to yunho yourself instead of dragging me along for your own fun? you’re so goddamn selfish it doesn’t even cross your mind that other people might get hurt by the shit you think up. but it doesn’t matter to you does it? no one else’s feelings and emotions really matter as long as you can get what you want in the end. how long are you gonna string along yunho before you have to tell him you’re a liar and break his heart too? how many other guys are you going to hurt and then manipulate into feeling guilty for protecting themselves from you, huh?”
by the end of his rant he’s shouting, surely attracting attention from anyone else just trying to go about their lives that might happen to pass you both on the sidewalk, but wooyoung couldn’t care less, each word cooling the burn in his chest and laced with the anger that he can no longer stand to house inside of himself.
“wooyoung, please-“ you try to start, but he must miss the watery way you speak and how your own tears now threaten to join his on the sidewalk as he interrupts you.
“i wish i could just stop loving you,” and with his final peace spoken he turns and begins, once again, the trek home, an inexplicable exhaustion weighing down his steps.
he barely even registers that you don’t follow.
when he had returned home to an empty apartment, he felt like it was the only good thing that had happened to him in the last month, but then, as he sat in silence, calming his nerves and slowing his racing heart, his actions from the last half hour began to sink into his conscious. he knew his friends would find out what he had done sooner or later, but he certainly didn’t expect to find four of them bursting through his front door in a fury only minutes after he’d arrived.
hongjoong, always the voice of reason, had been the one to shout and announce their presence, his boyfriend, and wooyoung’s roommate, in tow. both men were visibly upset, although reasonably so, and if mingi didn’t have a gentle hold on seonghwa’s wrist wooyoung is sure the eldest would have tackled him to the ground by now.
“i knew you were an idiot but man,” yeosang says, bringing up the rear.
“so,” wooyoung tries, looking anywhere but his friends, “how was lunch?”
hongjoong takes a breath, likely trying to calm himself as he replies, “great, we even ran into a friend,” sarcasm heavy on each syllable.
“oh really?” wooyoung asks just above a whisper.
“yeah,” hongjoong nods harshly with an angry smile, “we would’ve invited them to join us had they not been FUCKING SOBBING,” he ends shouting.
“ah,” wooyoung tries, wishing the couch might just swallow him whole. “so you ran into y/n i’m guessing.” wooyoung lets out an awkward cough, releasing a humorless chuckle as he finally glanced back up at his friends.
“i’m going to ask this again,” hongjoong starts once more, taking several large breaths with his eyes closed to presumably calm himself. “what is wrong with you?”
“what did you do?” mingi takes a turn to speak up, releasing his hold on seonghwa who moves to run a soothing hand along his boyfriend’s back.
wooyoung can’t find the energy to recount the details of your entire encounter, and he also doesn’t feel like being berated for every little misstep he’d taken throughout your interaction, so he resolves to try summarizing the last half hour for the four men that are giving him some of the most expectant looks he’s probably ever seen. “we-uh,” he starts, as eloquently as usual, “we ran into each other and i may have cried and then i may have gotten angry and then i may have, uhm, madethemcry.” his last three words come out as one as he tries to get them out as quickly as possible, hating the way they taste rolling off his tongue.
and now, as the four men that had been listening so closely are thrown into a flurry once more by his statement, he begins to digest his own statement. he made you cry, and he’s sure if the room wasn’t filled with the voices of four of his friends arguing, the crack he feels in his heart would echo against the walls around him.
“i also told them i loved them,” wooyoung says again, barely above a whisper and yeosang is quick to shush the other three.
“you what?”
“i told them i loved them,” he repeats before quickly clarifying, “well it was more like i told them i wished i didn’t.”
and that set them all off again, each of his friends shouting over each other, and wooyoung just sunk into himself, the image of your tear stained cheeks at the front and center of his mind.
after what wooyoung might consider a pretty reasonable 15 minutes of being reminded how he has fucked up in pretty much every way possible, mingi was the first to calm down, always the one to move through his emotions quickly, and yeosang was soon to follow. seonghwa was the next to cool off, half way through a shouted sentence remembering the moment just a week ago in which he’d comforted wooyoung on the same couch he stood in front of now. hongjoong didn’t get the chance to simmer down, seonghwa pushing him to go home before he could pop a blood vessel.
“what are you thinking about?” yeosang asks, sitting himself next to wooyoung on the couch.
“how stupid i am,” wooyoung sighs, staring up at the ceiling.
yeosang sighs, placing a tentative but comforting hand on wooyoung’s bicep. “you’re not stupid,” yeosang says, “you’re just in love.”
wooyoung lolls his head to the side, getting a good view of his friend to see if he was joking, but all he found was sincerity, and a little pity, in the gentle smile on yeosang’s face.
y/n: let’s break it off
woo: sure
y/n: hey, i just told yunho
y/n: just figured you should know
y/n: can we talk?
y/n: everything okay?
y/n: i really need to tell you something
that night wooyoung opens your chat and feels even worse about everything that happened today, but before he can tumble into a cycle of self pity once again, he feels his phone vibrate in his hand.
y/n: are you still going to the party tomorrow?
wooyoung practically tosses his phone in the air with the way he jumps up in surprise, fingers flying across the keyboard to respond. he types out and deletes his message at least five times before he hits send, debating if he should take this moment to apologize in fear that he won’t ever get the chance again. in the end he decides to just answer your question, straight and simple, not wanting to fuck up anything else.
woo: yeah
and in the minute he waits for a response he feels like his nerves are on fire, mentally berating himself for his answer. he should have apologized, or said something else, anything else. you probably wanted him to do more, address what happened earlier in the day, but of course he couldn’t even do that right. so wooyoung starts that spiral again, sinking into the depths of his own mind, until he feels his phone vibrate.
y/n: cool
y/n: i’ll see you there
wooyoung can barely sleep that night, either replaying his mistakes from the day or rehearsing the apology he had to give you at the party.
yeosang had managed to rope wooyoung into helping with the set up at his and yunho’s apartment for the party, claiming it would help him to get his mind off of things, but as wooyoung knocks on his best friends door, he can feel the anxiety creeping up as he tries to think of a plan for if yunho were to open the door instead of yeosang. wooyoung is so lost in his nerves he doesn’t realize that yeosang has answered until the older man speaks.
“why are you shaking?” yeosang asks, confusion clear on his face as he opens the door wider for the quaking man in question to enter.
“uh, yunho,” is all wooyoung says, as he inspects the state of the apartment.
streamers and other miscellaneous decorations are thrown about the entrance area and living room, the beer pong table already set up in the corner farthest away from the hall to yeosang and yunho’s bedrooms, giving it the best view of the open concept living room and kitchen, and wooyoung tosses around the idea of mingi’s suggestion. he would certainly be able to see when you arrive so he can catch you before you lose yourself in the party tonight.
“oh, he and mingi went to pick up the stuff for drinks,” yeosang shrugs, “i thought mingi would have told you.”
wooyoung just shakes his head before yeosang starts instructing him on what he needs to do, placing the younger in charge of setting up the kitchen while yeosang gets everything hung up in the entrance and living areas.
for the first half hour, wooyoung does have to admit that he is more focused on decorating and organizing the snacks, making sure to leave room for drinks, than the apology he has perfected that had been swirling through his mind all day. he busies himself with which color balloon should be where and whether he should put the salty and sweet together or mix them up a bit so one side doesn’t get more crowded than the other, of which he decides to mix them together, instead of how he should open the conversation he’s dreading. of course as he finally starts managing to sink himself into his task all the way he hears a throat clear behind him.
expecting it to be yeosang who has some little complaint about the way wooyoung hung the streamers or how he should at least put the cookies all together he just says, “i don’t want to hear it.”
instead of one of yeosang’s usual quips wooyoung is surprised to hear a much deeper voice, laced with confusion. “what?”
wooyoung is quick to whip around, ending up face to face with, a slightly amused but mostly puzzled looking, yunho who has a bottle of tequila in one hand and some sort of mixer in the other, a few bags scattered on the floor near his feet.
“sorry,” wooyoung is quick to move, gesturing to the empty space on the counter. “thought you were yeosang,” wooyoung explains, stepping as far out of yunho’s way as he can.
yunho just chuckles lightly, as he sets the two bottles down, turning to wooyoung, “i figured.”
to wooyoung’s surprise yunho doesn’t move to unpack any more of the bags, instead leaning up against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.
“he went out to grab another cord for the speakers,” yunho explains, “we always manage to loose one.”
wooyoung just nods slowly, his gaze flickering between the decorations still left to be used and the bags that still need to be unpacked, and just as wooyoung is about to move back to do one of those tasks, yunho speaks up again.
“y/n told me,” he says and wooyoung freezes completely, feeling his heart plummet into his feet. he prepares himself for any of the rage that yunho might be about to throw his way, even trying to mentally steel himself for the way yunho will surely laugh at him for telling you that he loved you. how could his love compare to that which is reciprocated by someone you actually wanted.
“i still mean what i said,” yunho continues and wooyoung dares to glance at his friend. “i think you two would be good together.”
now it’s wooyoung’s turn to be puzzled. for a moment he wonders if yunho is sick at all because he certainly wouldn’t tell another guy, especially one that made his crush cry, that they would be good together but with the way yunho doesn’t react to wooyoung’s confusion wooyoung fears that maybe the sleep deprivation has finally caught up to him.
“i know that it was supposed to be all pretend but i don’t think you were lying when i asked you if you loved them,” yunho continues and wooyoung shakes his head like it will clear out his thoughts. “you’re a pretty open book.”
wooyoung decides he might as well bite the bullet and asks, “what did they tell you?”
“that it was fake,” yunho replies easily, “the situationship.”
wooyoung wishes that his answer cleared anything up but instead it only leaves him feeling more lost. does yunho like you? does he know about yesterday? do you still like yunho? wasn’t the end of the plan the party? that had to mean that you ended the plan early, did it not work out?
“i hope it works out for you,” yunho concludes, leaving wooyoung to stand mindlessly in the middle of the kitchen as the older man goes about setting up the drinks.
“thanks,” is all wooyoung can say in response and suddenly the party can’t start soon enough.
when it’s half an hour past go time and you still haven’t arrived, he’s tempted to text you but he decides against it when he realizes he’s not sure what he would even say. mingi had been reassuring him that it was fine, turning to say so every time he would score in the game of beer pong he and a friend of a friend were playing, he thinks she introduced herself as yuri or yeji or something that started with a y but it’s hard for him to remember when his mind has been stuck on you for the last hour now.
“i told you they were pregaming at san’s so you know it’s gonna take them forever,” mingi says before downing the cup in his hand, the girl across the table high-fiving her friend excitedly. “plus i’m pretty sure they were going to wait for jongho to get off work and swing by his place to grab him.”
wooyoung just nods quickly, feeling more uncomfortable by the second. he had decided to forgo drinking until you arrived, wanting to be sober when he talked to you but the longer he waited the more he was regretting that decision, the soda he’d been nursing for the last half hour going flat as it swished around his cup.
before he can start to overthink it, he leans in next to mingi’s ear, not wanting to yell over the music. “i’m gonna grab a drink,” he says, not waiting for his friend’s response before he’s pushing through the crowd of people dancing, making his way to the kitchen.
“they here yet?” yeosang asks as soon as he spots wooyoung entering the kitchen, simultaneously handing an obviously tipsy seonghwa another drink.
“no,” wooyoung responds quickly, tossing the liquid in his cup into the sink before reaching for one of the bottles of soju on the counter.
seonghwa lets out a high pitched giggle, not hiding that it’s at wooyoung’s expense as the younger whips his head to stare daggers at his senior. “don’t you have a hongjoong to be hanging off of?” wooyoung spits and the phrase receives the reaction he’d intended, seonghwa quick to let out a squeaky “joongie!” before making his way back into the clump of bodies wooyoung had just emerged from.
as he watches his oldest friend disappear into the crowd, yeosang following suit, wooyoung catches mingi’s gaze, eyes wide as he ticks his chin in the direction of the front door, and he knows what it means immediately.
you’re here.
he can see the top of your head slowly moving into the center of the crowd, presumably being pulled by none other than choi san, who wooyoung can see is already flushed when the crowd moves and he can catch glimpses of you both dancing together, a bright smile displayed on your face as you laugh at san. he wants to go to you but he feels like his feet are suddenly too heavy, unable to do anything but watch from a distance.
“just the man i was looking for,” jongho says, clapping wooyoung on the back harshly, and successfully pulling him out of the trance you’d put him in.
“why?” wooyoung whines before he turns to jongho, seeing the smile that only his younger friend could lace with a scary sort of anger and wooyoung’s blood runs cold.
“y/n was just telling me about the interesting conversation you two had yesterday,” jongho says, his hand moving from wooyoung’s back up to his shoulder and squeezing harshly. wooyoung resists the urge to yell and instead tries to push the younger’s hand away, ducking under his arm to try and escape.
“i’m going to apologize,” wooyoung is quick to explain, now facing jongho head on in hopes to stop any more of his friend’s attacks.
jongho just drops his smile, muttering a quick, “i hope so,” before he moves past wooyoung and toward the drinks.
once wooyoung is sure he’s no longer in danger of being on the wrong side of jongho’s anger he quickly turns back to the crowd, scanning quickly for you or san. he spots san easy enough, having moved his dancing from the floor up onto the couch that had been pushed up against one of the walls. unfortunately you’re no longer with him and so wooyoung continues his search once more, although it’s starting to prove difficult as he realizes that more people must have arrived during his quick exchange with jongho, the living room packed almost wall to wall.
“who are we looking for?”
wooyoung almost jumps three feet in the air as your voice registers so clearly, your mouth centimeters away from his ear so that you can speak without straining over the music. he places a hand firmly against his chest as he tries to calm his racing heart but when he turns to you he knows the attempt is futile.
“can we talk?” wooyoung eventually manages out between staggered breaths, yelling over the music instead of opting to get closer to you, fearing that he might overstep some sort of boundary if he were to be inside of your personal space.
you only nod in response before you grab his wrist, and wooyoung barely registers where you’re pulling him off to as he focuses on the way your fingertips press into his skin. only once you’ve closed the door behind you two, successfully muffling the music and voices enough to converse without shouting, do you release his arm and he recognizes the room as his best friend’s.
you make no effort to move away from wooyoung once you’ve succeeded in locking the door behind him, ignoring the many extra feet of space that you could place between you both, and wooyoung isn’t sure if he’s overthinking but he would like to assume it’s a good sign.
“i was looking for you,” wooyoung answers your question from earlier, feeling like his mouth is much too dry before he remembers he’s been holding a cup in his hand since you’d arrived and takes the smallest swig of the liquid inside. he notices you aren’t holding a drink and debates about offering a sip of his own to you before ultimately deciding to just set it down on yeosang’s desk, leaning awkwardly to the side in order to reach.
“why?” you ask and wooyoung loses his balance for a moment, falling into you slowly before his feet find better support. if he hadn’t felt hot enough with embarrassment just from starting to fall in front of you, he’s now overheating when he realizes you’d placed a hand on his chest to keep him from completely falling onto you, your palm feeling as though it might burn a hole through his shirt.
he clears his throat nervously as you retract your hand and he misses the searing heat of your skin almost immediately, itching to just grab your wrist and place your hand back. but he doesn’t, because he respects you too much. he loves you too much.
“to apologize,” he finally admits, feeling the heat you’d gifted him moving up from his chest to his cheeks. “i-“ he tries to breath, to remember the apology he’d been practicing in his mind, but it’s so much harder when you’re actually in front of him. your eyes, just as they had in the cafe before his outburst, make him feel exposed, sensitive. “i’m sorry for getting mad at you, i shouldn’t have said what i did,” he’s able to continue, trying hard to return your gaze so that you may be able to spot the sincerity in this apology just as you had his last. “i didn’t mean those things. i was,” he pauses, knowing this is the point in which he could still turn around, pretend that he wasn’t upset for the reasons he was, and so he pushes through anyway. “i was angry at myself and you were just who i could take it out on. you didn’t deserve that, i’m sorry.”
he searches your face for any change, desperate to see your usual expression replace the frown you sported and smooth out the current crease between your brows, and when your face doesn’t change he’s once again tempted to reach out to you. he wants to just take your face into his hands, to gently message the tension from your temples and to place a gentle peck to the tip of your nose in hopes that he might get to see your smile up close once more before you might just vanish from his life forever.
but instead he keeps his hands firmly at his sides and says, “i wish i could take it all back.”
“all of it?” you ask quickly, your voice practically overlapping his own, and your expression does shift but wooyoung can’t make out the difference.
neither of you speak then for what feels like an hour, your eyes determinedly set on his while you let wooyoung’s gaze flit along your face, trying to find his answer amongst your features, before he closes his eyes with a wobbly sigh.
“i don’t want to stop loving you,” he says, eyes still closed, “but i have to.”
he can feel his chest caving in, the emptiness he’d started calling home consuming him from the inside out as he finally says what he’d been teetering on the edge of admitting for the last month.
“who told you that?” you question and if wooyoung could bare to open his eyes and actually look at you instead of finding cowardly safety behind his eyelids he is sure you would be wearing the same look of frustration he’s seen directed at him so many times before. although now he knows that it doesn’t carry the same playfulness that usually makes him so endeared, the sparkle in your eye that encourages him to bring out that same look more and more.
wooyoung lets out a humorless chuckle, shoulders dropping heavily as he becomes hyper aware of the way he’s been tensing his entire body. “no one,” he says before scrunching up his face in hopes that it will quiet the urge for him to open his eyes and see your face once more. “everyone.”
he hears you let out a huff before you comment, almost indignantly, “well i didn’t get a say.”
wooyoung can’t recall a time he’s opened his eyes faster, tenderness quickly replacing the shock he’d felt when he sees you once more, your gaze now firmly set on the cup wooyoung had placed on yeosang’s desk and arms crossed over your chest, a pout on your lips. he feels the corners of his own lips ticking up in a fond smile.
“so,” he begins to ask, a hint of playfulness coloring his tone as he feels hope build inside of him, “what do you think i should do?”
he’s not sure if you were expecting his eyes to still be closed but as you bring your gaze back to wooyoung’s face he feels like he can easily spot a hint of nervousness beneath your determined expression. you both find yourself in silence once more, this time he’s the one to hold firm, your gaze now traveling along his skin.
“i love you.”
he’s sure if he was any farther from you that he wouldn’t have been able to hear it, the words flowing along an exhale.
“what was that?” he asks, unable to contain the smile that overtakes his features, and he half expects for you to take it back playfully, to mess around with him, but then he watches as a determined smirk creeps onto your face.
“i said,�� you start, leaning impossibly closer and placing your hand onto the same spot on his chest as you had earlier. “i love you.”
your lips are on his in an instant, almost imperceptible, the gentlest brush of skin, but wooyoung can feel it.
“i love you too,” he whispers against your lips before one of his hands moves to the back of your neck, the other wrapping around your wrist as he pulls you back into him.
of all the times he’d imagined kissing you, it was nothing like he expected, your lips remaining gentle against his no matter how passionate he became, and wooyoung knew instantly that he was already addicted. he was so utterly consumed by you, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“your drink, my love,” wooyoung says, placing a cup down on the table as he takes the seat next to you, his own coffee in his hands, while he places a gentle kiss against your temple.
“gross,” yeosang comments, watching you both from across the table before taking another bite of his macaron.
“yeah,” hongjoong agrees from his seat on your other side. “i didn’t realize that you two getting together meant we would have to watch you both all over each other all the damn time,” he complains as his boyfriend rolls his eyes on the other side of the table.
wooyoung ignores his older friends in favor of grabbing one of the legs of your chair, pulling you toward him so that he can more easily rest his head against your shoulder. he smirks against your skin as he feels a shudder run down your spine when he turns his head to press his lips into the crook of your neck.
you and wooyoung are gathered with a few of your friends in the same cafe that set everything into motion, your favorite place, enjoying your first quiet afternoon as an official couple.
“come on, i think they’re cute,” mingi says, looking between yeosang and hongjoong, who both exchange disgusted looks.
you chuckle, the sound light and airy, making wooyoung’s heart float as he feels the vibrations through his own chest.
“thank you mingi,” you say with a hint of finality, ready for the attention to be away from you two.
you’re thankful that the conversation drifts into a new direction, yeosang mentioning something about the latest star wars movie and sending seonghwa into a spiral about his thoughts and opinions.
“thank you,” wooyoung whispers, lifting his head from your shoulder before resting it on his hand, his elbow propped on the table in front of you.
you send him a confused look, tilting your head gently, but with the way he stares at you, overwhelmed with devotion, you can’t keep a tender smile from gracing your features. “for what?”
“forgiving me,” he elaborates, taking your hand in his.
for a minute you simply bask in the genuine warmth of the moment, watching the way his gaze shifts to your hand as he starts to play with your fingers gently. you’re tempted to bring his own hand up to your lips and let the whole situation stay genuine, but you just can’t keep from teasing.
“who says i forgave you?”
wooyoung is quick to look back up at your face, eyes wide with worry as he lifts his head from his hand, now using both of his hands to hold one of yours. you watch the worry melt away as a pout takes over his features, seeing the playful smirk on your own.
you can hear the whine building in his throat before he even opens his mouth, your gentle giggles matching his volume. “babe,” he groans, dropping his shoulders as he pulls your hand against his chest.
once you’ve calmed down enough from your giggle fit, you reach the hand he’s not holding up to hold his face, watching with adoration as he turns his head to press his lips into your palm before he leans fully into your touch.
as you both sit, just savoring the moment, wooyoung can’t help but reflect on how you both ended up here. so, as he falls deeper into his romantic haze, he can’t help but let you know, “i love to love you.”
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↼ ateez masterlist
note so hi, i’m alive. this was just something i wrote for fun recently and now i guess i write for ateez. anyway, hope you enjoyed
let me know what you think?
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
First date magic
Nahoya (Smiley) Kawata x Male Reader
-> Requested by Rome
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Souya raised an eyebrow at Nahoya, who had changed into more causal fancier clothes in the staff room of their Sugoaku Restaurant. He looked nervously skittish, fiddling with his hair and tie.
Souya rolled his eyes, shaking his head and sighed. Putting one of the glasses aside he was cleaning, he walked over from behind the bar to Nahoya, swatting his hand away and fixing the tie.
«Why are you so nervous dumbshit? This isn't the first date you had with [Name], Hoya.» Souya said,
Nahoya knew his brother was right, this wasn't the first date he had with [Name] over the years of being together and married. Still he had a perfectly, dumb, reason to feel nervous tonight.
«I know, but I've planned something special,» Nahoya didn't elaborate any further about this and Souya shrugged his shoulder, returning back to his work, Saturdays are always the busiest days and the Bar would be filled to brim anytime soon. Maybe adding a bar to their Sugoaku Restaurant wasn't such a good idea.
«Anyways, you should get going or do you wanna be late?»
You sat on a bench in the park, waiting for Nahoya. The weather was nice tonight, not to hot nor too cold, just the fine middle of temperature.
Even though you could've cooked something or ordering some food, Nahoya had insisted to go on a Date, saying that they hadn't gone in so long and that he felt like it.
«[Name]! Sorry, I hope didn't make you wait too long.» Nahoya stopped in front you, had run the few last meters and needed just a moment to gain his breath again. Nahoya might be a fit man in his thirties, but even he feels sometimes the slowing process of getting older.
You smiled at your Husband, waving your hand as a sign to tell him that it is alright. You found it amusing how Nahoya's hair started to slowly go back into curly, he probably had spend an hour or two to straight it out.
Nahoya and his, probably slight, obsession of having straight hair was something you still wouldn't quite seem to understand. You loved his natural curly hair more, having told him that many times and yet he still wants doesn't want it that way and getting annoyed when it curls back.
«It's fine babe, so were are we going?» you asked him, a bit curious to what he has planned.
«It's a surprise» Nahoya took your hand, pulling you up from the bench and started walking with you further into the park.
The walk at first was quiet, as you both simply enjoyed the silence and company of each other.
«Isn't that the park where you asked me for out for our very first date?» you asked, musing back to the fond memories you had of it.
«And where I asked you to marry me? It is. Remember when I felt into that pond?»
You did remember; Nahoya wanted to show you something in the pond, a rock or whatever and then he tripped and fell right into the water. It wasn't too deep but enough to be drenched.
«Yeah, I found it funny how annoyed you got over your wet hair, fearing it would go back into curly again and all your hard work to waste. Something you still do even to this day, love.»
«I never told you, but before I had just a crush and that was the moment when I had really fallen in love with you.» Nahoya told you, stopping now exactly at the pond. You hoped he wouldn't fall in again.
«How so?» you asked, not remembering anything heroic or romantic you have done back then.
Your Husband just shrugged his shoulders, turning to you and bringing your knuckles up to his mouth, giving them a kiss.
«[Name], we're being married for over ten years now and I know I can be a annoying shit sometimes, but there is something I wanted to ask you tonight.»
Nahoya paused, hands getting all clammy and feeling a rise of nervousness again. Chest tighten ever so slightly. He knew the question was silly to ask, but he wanted to nonetheless.
«[Name] Kawata, would you do me the honour again of marrying me?»
The upcoming silence had worried Nahoya, he feared you could and would say, no.
Nahoya relaxed, when he saw the once small smile on your lips turning into a bigger one.
«Yes! Yes I do!» you almost had shouted it, grabbing Nahoya's face you smashed your lips onto his. Kissing him this way, just like you had back then when he asked the first time.
Nahoya could ask a thousand time and you would always say yes to it. You loved this men, your husband, so endlessly. Nothing, expect for death, could apart you from him.
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She Was Gagged, Bound, and Crafting a Tale
Humbug!Alex turner x afab!Reader
Synopsis: While getting ready for a dinner with the band, you and Alex have some other ideas.
Warnings: Smut (p in v), cursing
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To celebrate their new record, Humbug, all of Arctic Monkeys, along with their girlfriends, were going to have a nice dinner, Alex, your fianc��, bringing you along.
Right now, you were in Alex’s flat, along with the rest of the monkeys who were all getting ready. Yet, instead of getting ready, you and Alex had some other… ideas.
Alex is kissing you passionately, running his hands down your jean-clad thighs. You're panting and moaning softly into his mouth when he pulls back for a moment and whispers in your ear, "I love you."
You look at him lovingly, surprised by his words. Your breathing starts to hitch as you repeat his words back to him - “I love you too.”
Alex groans, resuming kissing you, harder this time. He breaks the kiss and says, "Come on...we should get going before they hear us..." His eyes are filled with lust as he moves to take your hand, grabbing onto it, pulling you along with him.
“Wait. Just a bit longer. Please?”
“Love, the band’s right outside; we’ll have to be quick,” he ends with a smirk.
“Thank you, baby" you reply seductively with a mischievous grin, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him closer to you. Alex lets out a loud moan of pleasure as you begin grinding against him through your jeans.
You keep grinding, feeling both of your pants begin to inch down as you do so. Alex breaks away for a moment to slip off his jeans. He doesn't have to go far though, as his pants have ridden low enough that you can feel his hard cock poking at your stomach, inches from where you want it most. You groan loudly, unable to hold yourself back any longer.
You sneakily grab his hard bulge, squeezing and palming it. “Oh god, yes, love,” Alex gasps, breaking away from you and quickly slipping off his jacket and then tossing it aside. Without saying another word, he pushes your shirt up and kisses each side of your chest. You reach for him, stretching your arms around his back and yanking him to you, crushing your lips against his and sucking hungrily.
He backs you up, taking your jeans off and leaving them crumpled on the floor next to you. Without looking at you, he grabs your panties and tears them down. They hang limply around your ankles and there's no stopping his gentle teasing of your wet pussy, not when he is trying so hard to prolong this…for you.
He ruts his hard boxer clad dick against your wet cunt, hoping for some relief.
He keeps teasing you, you not able to get off until you've had Alex’s cum deep inside you…and apparently you aren't alone. Alex is biting down on his lip, trying to keep quiet as to not get caught by his friends.
You moan as your juices leak out of your hot little cunt, soaking your inner thighs. Alex can only just get it out with you panting in such need.
“Oh my god, babe, I need to feel your pussy around my cock right now.”
“Then do it, Turner. Fuck me.”
That was his turning point. Alex aggressively yanks down his boxers, his rock hard cock sticking up and slapping against his soft abs. You push forward, kissing him again and rolling onto your back, spreading your legs wide open. You put your hand between your own legs and rub yourself deliciously, inviting more intense contact from Alex.
“Ahhh, fuck, Alex.”
“Stop touching yourself, slut,” he demands, ripping your hand away from your cunt.
Then, out of nowhere, Alex slams his cock into you. It stings at first but is immediately swallowed up by your hot walls. As his cock penetrates deeper, you gasp loudly and twist your hips towards him. It feels amazing, you can’t believe how good he feels inside you.
He keeps pounding himself into you like an animal. Hard, fast and brutal, fucking you relentlessly, slamming into you over and over again. He grips your hips, yanking you against him as he grinds his pelvis against yours.
The ache intensifies, pushing you over the edge faster than you ever thought possible.
Your body trembles violently, overwhelmed by ecstasy as every muscle in your body convulses, milking Alex for all the pleasure he has given you. He pulls out of your achy cunt, hot spurts of his cum appearing all over your pelvis, some dripping onto your clit.
Alex shoves himself inside you once more, continuing to pound into you, sending electric shocks of overstimulation coursing through your entire body.
When he finally slumps onto you, his chest falling heavily onto your shoulder, you suddenly remember… the band. Fuck. They were out there the whole time.
“So… are you guys done fucking now? We gotta leave in like 5,” you hear Matt’s muffled voice say. You roll over onto your stomach, covering your eyes and groaning in embarrassment while reaching under your pillow to pull your bra and thong free.
“Sorry mate, I didn’t notice we were being that loud,” Alex replies. Then you both fall silent as you sit awkwardly waiting for his reply.
“Uhm.. It’s fine I guess. Just be ready soon, or else our reservation will be given up.”
“Alright.” That’s all Alex says.
“Sorry baby, I should’ve just waited until after dinner.” You whisper softly to him.
“I understand. Next time, we’ll make sure to take care of it later. Don’t worry about it.”
That does ease your guilt somewhat, although the feeling still resides.
“Well, now that that’s over, let’s go get ready, love.” He presses a tender kiss on your cheek before climbing off of you, and then helping you stand up from your bed.
You slip his shirt back on, button it, and then tie his belt. You’re still dressed in your bra, but Alex doesn’t mention it. As soon as you’re dressed, you start walking towards the bathroom.
When you’ve entered, Alex is leaning on the sink, examining his swollen, dark red lips.
You stop next to him, putting your hand against his chest. He sighs tiredly.
"How long have we got" He asks.
"About 3 minutes," you respond with a giggle.
“I kinda just wanna stay now” he whines childishly.
"So do I," you reply, grinning. He kisses your forehead playfully as you both begin laughing quietly.
‘We really should get going if we're gonna get a table,” you say, starting to walk again.
“I know,” Alex responds with a chuckle. He walks behind you and then puts his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest.
As you enter the restaurant, the hostess greets you. She tells you your seat number and then leads you through a series of corridors to your table.
Once you’re seated, the waiter comes by and takes your drink order. As soon as he walks away, Matt turns to Alex with a playful smile.
"So...you wanna tell me what that was all about?" he asks, nudging him gently.
Alex grins and shakes his head slightly. "Never."
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kisabesworld · 1 year
love the idea of abby x gymrat! reader and fluffy gym sessions with them both comments on how sexy the other is and ass slaps after sets and encouraging each other to push out another rep and POST GYM SEX i am feral for abigail anderson.
lately, you’ve found yourself going to the gym for something other than working out. ever since you met the blonde woman who regulars there, you’d found yourself going to see her.
and who could blame you? she was perfect. muscles clear as she did her sets, practically begging you to stare. you barely paid any attention to your actual workout.
you both began talking shortly after your crush had developed, helping eachother out with your sets and giving tips on what worked best. she even playfully slapped your ass, saying something about how your glute workout was working like a charm.
your cheeks heated up, but you blamed it on your workout, keeping your cool and laughing along with her. god, if only she knew what you thought about her.
when your fingers were knuckle deep in your cunt, pillows muffling the sounds of your moans as you closed your eyes and imagined it was her fingers instead that were inside of you. that she’d be praising you like she did when you worked out, telling you you could take one more, just one more—
“hey, hey! just one more, come on!” you hear, waking you from your daydream.
“fuck—“ you say, accidentally dropping the weights you’d been lifting. “shit- i’m sorry abby. i was zoned out..” you apologize, more ashamed you were thinking of her that way when she was right next to you, helping you out.
she shakes her head. “it’s alright, don’t worry. it happens.” she says, a small smile stretching on her face. you simply looked down, picking up the weights you dropped and putting them in their proper place.
“you stayin’ any longer? it’s gettin’ late.” she asks, carding a hand through her hair and grabbing her water bottle, taking a big swig. water dribbled down her chin, running all the way down to the valley between her breasts. god, you were jealous.
“hey! what’s up with you today?” she asks, suddenly much closer than she was a moment ago. your cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment.
“nothing! i’m good. just tired, that’s all.” you say, excuse barely believable with how you’d said it. she gave you a knowing look before turning around to grab her things. you knew it was wrong, but she just looked so good! her shorts hugged her ass perfectly, her back being shown by the sports bra she wore, you could’ve died happy right then and there.
“alright, i can feel you staring, ya freak.” she jokes, eyeing you over her shoulder with a grin.
“what?! i wasn’t staring!” you defend, arms crossed as you turn away from her. she just chuckles.
“c’mon, let’s go to the locker room.” she says. you huff, grabbing your stuff and following her. you were just annoyed you got caught more than anything.
you typed the code into your locker, grabbing your stuff out of it and setting it on the bench next to you.
suddenly you feel breath on your neck and you shiver, starting to turn before a hand pushes you into the lockers in front of you.
“ya like eyeing me up? getting me all bothered then actin’ like you didn’t do shit?” she asks, her voice non-violent though her words were vulgar.
“wasn’t eyeing you up..” you say, still defending yourself. she just clicked her tongue, a hand coming up to hold the base of your neck tightly.
“don’t lie to me, babe.” she says, breath hot on your ear. you hold back the urge to whine at the nickname, trying to squirm out of her reach. but her hold was too strong on you— she was much to strong for you to get away from. “y’gonna be a good girl and admit to it? or am i gonna have to force it out of you?” she asks, a hand snaking around to the front of you to take a tight hold of your throat. she was careful, fingers only tightened around the sides of your neck as to not damage your windpipe. god, you wanted to submit right then and there. but where’s the fun in that?
“wasn’t eyeing you up! lemme go!” you say, squirming harder in her grip. she only laughs, pulling you into her chest. keeping a hand on your throat, she snakes the other up your shirt, grabbing one of your breasts and kneading it lightly.
“y’ know.. you can tell me to stop and i will, baby.. go ahead.” she taunts, a smirk stretched out on her face. you whined at the thought of stopping, inwardly cursing yourself. “got nothing to say? alright, then.” she chuckles, leaning down to suck a hickey to your neck.
you could feel her hot breath on your neck, the sucking noises she was making loud in your ears. you felt heat down to your core, letting out a quiet moan at the feeling. she removed her hands from you, stepping back to sit on the bench in the middle of the room.
you whined loudly, eyes moving to look at her in a questioning manner. “c’mere baby.” she says simply. you of course oblige, walking over to her. she pulls you towards her to straddle her lap, looking at you with lust filled eyes. she leans forward, kissing you roughly. one of her hands came up to cradle the back of your head, the other resting on your lower back. your head was spinning at the pleasure, hips bucking forward to grind on her thigh. she flexed the muscle, watching as your brows furrowed at the heightened pleasure. she swallowed the pitchy moan you let out, the hand on your lower back moving down to cup your ass, squeezing harshly. you continued to buck your hips, your high coming fast before she pulled away, hands coming down to hold your hips still.
“abby! whyd you do that? i was close!” she only laughed, giving you a peck on the lips and picking you up, setting you in the place she was just sitting.
“need to taste you.” she says, crouching down so her face was between your thighs. her hands slid behind you to grip your ass, pulling you into her. she kissed up your thighs, sucking hickies into the soft skin. she hooked her fingers in the waistband of your shorts, pulling them off and taking your panties with them. you whimpered, thighs closing on instinct. she only pried them open, hands resting on your hips.
“abby? what if someone comes in..?” you ask, anxiety taking hold of you.
“no one’s coming in. we’re the only ones ever in here this late.” she says, wasting no more time as she pulls you into her, sucking on your clit harshly. you moan, a hand coming up to cover your mouth. she continues, her tongue circling your clit diligently as she brings a hand up to ease her middle finger into you. your eyes roll back, hips bucking into her face. she eases another finger in, scissoring them before beginning to fuck you with them, her thick digits hitting spots you could never get to on your own. you bring the hand covering your mouth down to tangle in her hair, pushing her face closer to your cunt. she doesn’t complain, only eating you out more vigorously now. your cunt twitches, high quickly approaching.
“abby. abby m’gonna cum. please don’t stop.” you say, voice whiny and begging. she doesn’t stop this time, deciding you deserve to cum. you throw your head back, eyes rolling back into your skull as you cum. your pussy squeezes her fingers harshly, twitching as she continues her assault on your clit. “too much abby! m’ sensitive!” you moan, trying to squirm away from her. she sucks your clit harshly before pulling away from you with a light pop. she pulls her fingers from your cunt, bringing them to her mouth to suck clean. her eyes locked with yours as she did so, and you didn’t dare look away. once she was done licking your essence from her fingers, you finally speak. all of your pride had left your body, only focused on pleasure. “abby. abby please sit on m’face.” you beg, stepping down from the bench and resting on your knees in front of her, doe eyes looking up at her, pleading. she grins at you, pushing you down onto the cold concrete floor and straddling your hips. you knew you shouldn’t be doing this. that this was wrong. but it just felt so good. too good.
“get ready, baby. not letting you stop till i cum.” she says, slipping her shorts and underwear off her legs before scooting forward to straddle your chest. “ready?” she asks, a hand coming down to card through your hair. you nod eagerly, ready to taste her already. she scoots forward before lowering her cunt to your mouth. you start immediately, eating her out like you’d been starving. she lets out a broken moan, hand tightly gripping your hair, pushing you further into her cunt. her thick thighs squeezed against your head at the pleasure. you swore you saw stars, sucking on her clit tightly. “fuck, baby. you’re bein’ so good f’me.” she says, breathless. the words were just a muffled noise to you, though, her thighs muffling any sounds aside from the wet squelch of her pussy. your hips bucked into the air, too turned on to stay still. your tongue slid into her cunt, beginning to tongue fuck her roughly. “goddamnit! g’nna— gonna cum!” she says, your only warning before her pussy was clamping on your tongue, hips bucking into your face with vigor. your eyes rolled back at the feeling, euphoria filling your body at the sounds of her moans. she pulled off of you, body laying limp on the cold concrete floor. you wiped some of her slick from your mouth, licking your lips. you were both breathing heavily, recovering from what had just happened.
“we should do that again sometime.” abby says, which was the only thing that broke the silence between you both. laughter echoed in the room, still breathless. “next time though, i wanna have you cumming on my cock, yeah?” she says, the words sending heat straight to your core.
“yeah.” you respond, already ready for next time.
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Confessions in the Dark
Summary: The Noise and Noisette have had enough of you and Peppino constantly dancing around the fact you both like each other. It's so obvious and you both are idiots. 
They have an idea though, they'll invite you both to the get together they're having. Everyone will be there and maybe that'll be the push you guys need. 
If not, there's option B. Or C.
Contents: The trope of "these two idiots like each other but won't ask each other out", Mutual denying of crushes, Feelings get crushed due to this, Swearing, Noise being rude, Semi angst to fluff, JFC can you both get together already?!, Somewhat suggestive but nothing nsft.
The Noise lets out a groan, "Look at those dumbasses." he gestures across the room at the counter. You had been here for half an hour now, the food you ordered being eaten long ago. Instead you were currently sitting at the counter carrying a conversation with Peppino. 
"It's so obvious they're into each other." Noisette agreed, shoving the remaining bit of crust into her mouth. "Arghe gohna ebr conbess"?
"Babe, chew with your mouth closed". 
The pair continued observing your interactions. It was pathetic, to be completely honest. If they got here before you did, they'd both notice Peppino glancing at the door, unusually attentive, if it was on a day you'd stop by. You'd alway come in on Wednesdays and Fridays. Any other time Peppino would barely look up from his work to see who entered.  
Noisette took a sip of her soda, finally finishing with her food.
"Are they ever gonna confess"?
It was telling enough that you would stop by and simply linger this long. It definitely wasn't because of, in Noise's opinion, the sub par pizza. Some days you'd just order a damn drink and sit at the counter, engrossed in what ever conversations you had with the man.
"Pft. Y/N probably still has that letter, or threw it out. And him," Noise points over at Peppino, "Won't ever make a move on Y/N. They're both fucking idiots. What they need is someone to confess for them".
That was an idea. Noise sat up, it was time to go. "Come on babe, I have an idea that they'll thank me for". Noise slid out of the booth with Noisette excitedly following after him.
* * * Wednesday 6:34 p.m.
"We can always just go with option C then." The Noise shrugs. 
"What if they just freeze to death instead?" Noisette asks. "And how are we going to lock them in the freezer there"?
"That's option B," he snaps. "Option C is where we'll just walk up to the counter when Y/N is there and just confess for them".
"Shouldn't we try the less drastic options first"?
Noise ignored her, obviously if this plan didn't work, locking the two of you in a freezer where you'd have to hold each other to stay warm was not that drastic. 
"So why was option D a thing?" Noisette asks, writing in her notepad, "That will definitely kill them". 
He drags a hand down his face with a groan. "No shit. Option D is for 'Die' because if...No! We're not discussing that option. Not unless our other plans fail".
Noisette scribbles something else down before pursing her lips in thought. "So for option B do we need rope or handcuffs? Also I thi-" 
"Let's just focus on this plan." 
* * *Wednesday 7:15 p.m.
You had finished texting Noisette and set your phone to the side, a small grin forming on your face. Maybe leaving the house would be a good thing. This get together was on Saturday, which was perfect since you didn't have to work. 
What could go wrong, honestly? You pause before knocking on the wooden table you were seated at, remembering the old superstition. Just in case. A sheet of paper drifts away, you grab it before it floats to the floor. The smile on your face disappears as you aimlessly scan the words you had written.
You make a face and cringe. How did you even manage to write some of this? 
You'd write confession after confession. Hands shaking and your face usually staying a shade of red during the entirety of you writing. 
After finishing another letter, you'd slip it into an envelope and seal it. 
Then, predictably, you'd come back and shove it into your dresser. With the other dozen or so you failed to give to Peppino. This was just another failed letter for the failure you call your romantic life. You don't even have a romantic life, you remind yourself. 
Granted, you felt like you were being dramatic about the entire situation. Why was it so damn hard to write and give him a "I really like you" or "would you like to go out?" letter? You were more terrified of telling Peppino in person, so instead you opted to write your feelings out. Unfortunately you still were struggling. 
Numerous times you wrote everything down you liked about him; how he made you laugh, how you enjoyed the times you hung out, how handsome he wa- You faceplant into the table to stop thinking about it, face heating up. 
It sounded like an easy solution, just give him the letter. The real reason you were struggling was because you were afraid of him rejecting you. You sit with your face buried in your arms, as your thoughts turn dark. Why can't I do things like normal people? Normal people can just confess and be done with it.
In your case, you just know getting rejected would fill you with shame. Peppino liked you but you doubt he'd want date you. He liked you as a friend. You feel a sharp twinge in your chest. 
If you had any obvious signs he liked you more than that, you'd feel more confident but it's not like that'll happen. Too bad there wasn't a big glowing sign that would give you the answer. 
You didn't want to pretend you didn't like Peppino -in fact you kind of hated pretending and denying it- but when he rejects you? How would you have to act afterwards? Like nothing happened? More than likely you'd probably stop going to the pizzeria, it'd be too awkward otherwise. And it'd also hurt if you did visit. And it'd also be awkward.  
You shake your head, not wanting to dwell on it anymore. At least for this get together you'd get to see him. Maybe you'd get a chance to confess then. 
*** Friday 2:12 p.m.
Noise clears his throat, again, attempting to get Peppino to acknowledge him. Peppino ignores the smaller man as he adds cheese to a pizza, never even looking in Noise's direction. Instead he continues talking with you, asking if you'd like to watch a movie next week. You smile and say yes, eyes lighting up as Peppino explains it's an italian classic. He watches Noise still in his peripheral. Maybe if he's lucky he'll get bored and go away.
Noise rolls his eyes, with a "tch" before propping his elbows up, resting his head in his hands. He cracks a smirk. 
"Hey buddy, can you take my order instead of oogling your lover all day"?
You snap straight up.
Peppino whips around, eyes wide. 
"Excuse me but what the fuck?" you blurt out a bit too quickly. The food you had taken a bite of goes down the wrong way, sending you into a coughing fit.
"Merda! Look-a what you did!" Peppino snaps, "Y/N are you ok?" 
You wave your hand, " 'm fine" you gasp, grabbing a napkin as another coughing fit starts. Your shudder as you cough again, downing a sip of your drink. Noise shrugs as Peppino glares at him. After another moment you let out a shuddering breath. "I'm fine, thanks". 
Just as Peppino's about to yell at him Noisette pops up beside you. 
"Heya Y/N! Sorry Peppino I'm borrowing this!" You're cut off as Noisette grabs your arm and yanks you from your chair. Peppino watches as you grimace, sending him a "what can you do" shrug, as you let her pull you into a booth. 
For a time he'd watch you sit, happily chatting with Noisette. He watches as you look confused for a moment before you start shaking your head, as if saying no. As you continue chatting he watches as you suddenly lean closer to Noisette, a smile spreading across her face.  
The Noise hops up into the chair you had been sitting at. Now replaced by this menace. Peppino grumbles as he adds on the remaining toppings. "What do you want"?
"We're having a get together Saturday. Show up." He replies curtly. "And three orders of garlic knots". 
"Why-a would I"?
"Because Y/N is going".
Noise leans in "I know you like them. This is your chance to tell Y/N. Or should I tell Y/N for you?" He begins to move off the seat "Actually, I'll just do it now..."
"No!" he yells, catching Noisette's and your attention. You both stare, waiting for a fight to break out. After a pause you determined an intervention wasn't needed, instead you return to your conversation with Noisette.
Noise remains standing, shooting Peppino an annoyed look. "Saturday. 7 p.m. At the lakefront".
Shortly after Noise and Noisette leave, you come back up to the counter. You thank Peppino for the pizza and tell him to have a good rest of the day. Peppino heaves a deep sigh as the door closes behind you. 
*** Friday 11:38 p.m.
Peppino lays in bed staring up into the darkness, replaying that moment from earlier. 
It had been months now, when the realization hit him. He adored you. Your smile, your looks, how nice you were, how you brightened his day. He hadn't noticed how much he looked forward to your visits at first, but they had become the highlight of his day. 
At some point he had memorized what you ordered. This lead to him always preparing a fresh pizza with your favorite toppings, ready for you when you'd come in. Gustavo had teased Peppino on a few occasions regarding his attentiveness to you, which would fluster him immensely. 
That changed when the realization dawned on him. He'd have the occasional daydream (that was more often than he'd admit), but he tried to wave them off. 
Sometimes Peppino had thought about asking you to hang out, either to see a movie or a even a simple outing. He thought of buying flowers for those days and giving them to you, watching as your eyes light up from the gesture. He'd imagine how the day would play out and how it might go. And by the end of the night he'd take your hands and ask you to be his. 
He'd imagine how nice it must be, to be your boyfriend. 
That memory from earlier resurfaced again. Your reaction when the Noise called you lovers. For a split second he felt his heart flutter. Your reaction and look of disgust promptly crushed those feelings. 
It was purely delusional to think you'd ever be interested in him. Peppino wasn't exactly what you could call "boyfriend material". 
On the surface, he could just look in the mirror and point out a laundry list of flaws. The top ones being; Middle aged. While not a flaw in itself, this paired with his other issues only amplified them. Fat. He wasn't really sure when or how but he had developed a gut. Balding. The hair he used to have and took for granted all but thinned and gone. 
Then if you were to dig deeper you would find; PTSD. Anxiety ridden. Short temper. And also sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night from night terrors. Mentally, Peppino felt broken. Even if you could tolerate him for a bit, you would get worn down eventually. Hell, even he was worn down by it. You didn't deserve to be burdened as well. 
You would never be interested in someone like him.
The best option was to simply treat you as any other customer. Peppino shut his eyes, nodding to himself. He couldn't keep holding on to a foolish daydream. What he needed to do was distance himself, then could move on and not have that sinking feeling like earlier with your comment. He'd have to come up with an excuse to cancel those plans next week too. 
It would be difficult for a bit but he knew he had to be realistic. The first steps were always the hardest.
*** Saturday 2:19 p.m.
You stare at Peppino, confused. Usually he'd be much more talkative. He barely even glanced up from the dough he had been kneading. 
"Are you going to meet up with everyone later"?
"I'ma busy tonight. Saturday's are one of our busier days"
"Ah." You're lost on what else to say, unable to keep from feeling disappointment. While this was true, you thought Gustavo was going to take over for the last few hours tonight. Maybe he doesn't want to be around the Noise? Which is fair enough, but there would be others there too, and not just him. 
You shift in your seat awkwardly. Some days Peppino had been busy and couldn't talk, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence like today. You wonder if something's bothering him. 
You pull out your phone to text Noisette. After pressing send you tell Peppino to have a good day as you move to leave. He nods, giving a short "You too." As he pulls a pizza from of the oven.
***Saturday 5:04 p.m.
At an instant the Noise had lunged at Peppino, grabbing the front of his shirt. "Listen here fatass, you better not bail out tonight or you're gonna play hide and seek with a fucking pipebomb." the Noise threatens, glaring up at  Peppino. 
He rolls his eyes in reply, wiping the flour onto his pants. "I already-a said I'ma going. Quit asking".
The Noise eyes him for a moment before letting go.
"You better close up soon then." he threatens, composing himself before heading out the door. Peppino sighs. He really wasn't in the mood. All he wanted to do was to just close, clean, and go home. He didn't feel like being around you especially, it already hurt to blow you off while he was working. Although with the others there, Peppino could use that as a means to avoid you. 
He steps into the backroom where Gustavo was restocking the shelves. 
"Gustavo help-a me close so we can go get ready". 
"Ready for what?"
Peppino stares confused at him. "The 'get together' tonight? The one the Noise and his girlfriend came in and invited us to yesterday"?
Gustavo shrugs. "First I've heard of it. Why don't you just go now? I can keep the restaurant open so we don't have to close early." he added.
Well that's weird. Why didn't they invite Gustavo? "Are you sure"?
"Yep. Go have fun. Brick and I will clean up too."
Peppino paused on his way out, turning around "Don't forget-"
"We'll make sure Bruno stays out of the trash. And the shrimp". 
Gustavo waits until he hears Peppino's footsteps grow fainter. As he hears the door shut Gustavo takes his phone out of his pocket and searches through his contacts. Finding "Noisette" he begins tapping out a message;
"Peppino just left. Good luck" and presses send. 
Mio dios if this didn't work, Gustavo was on board with Option B. He'd even supply a blanket. 
*** Saturday 7:04 p.m.
You fidget idly with the napkin in your lap. As of right now, no one else had shown up so it was just you, Noise, and Noisette. You desperately pray that it's not just going to be you and the psychotic duo tonight. 
"Where is-a everyone?" the familiar voice makes you jump. You turn and see Peppino standing off to the side. 
The Noise shrugs "No one else showed".
You stare at Peppino as he slides into the booth beside you. He wasn't in his work clothes or even the casual ones when you hung out. You stare, admiring how nice he looked in the button up shirt. 
Your eyes widen slightly, realizing he had been staring back at you. You smile softly at him and he responds with one of his own. 
"Yay! Double date!" Noisette claps her hands, you both recoil. 
"We're not-a dating!" Peppino snaps, sliding a few inches away from you. 
"Don't be ridiculous!" You had a sinking feeling this was going to happen all night.
Noise's expression changes as he glowers at you both. "Ok I'm fucking over this!" Noise snarls. "Go make out, get a room, and go do...what ever you freaks are into. I'll even give you the handcu-" 
He was caught short as you splashed your water into his face, Noise yelping in surprise.
All eyes were on you. What could go wrong tonight? A lot. You feel the blood rush to your face, you sink into the booth feeling Peppino's gaze on you. He was offended no doubt. 
Noisette cleared her throat, drawing Peppino and your's attention to him. She had a notepad open and began reading out of it. 
"Y/N, you told me yesterday that you thought Peppino was cute but "don't ever repeat that".
Cute? Peppino had been called many things throughout the years. Cute was not one of them.
"And I know you have...how many confession letters? Like a dozen? You wrote but never gave to him." She continues, pointing to Peppino. 
You sat there, too shocked to argue. You opened your mouth but no sound came out aside from a pitiful whine. You forgot she knew about the confession dresser. 
Noisette directed her attention to Peppino now. "I found this..." In a quick motion, she sets a crumpled piece of paper onto the table and pushes it in front of you. It had your name written down, you recognized the handwriting immediately as Peppino's. Under your name was smaller writing:
Mia Cara
Will you be mine?
"Also you admitted last week, with Gustavo as a witness, that you would like to ask Y/N out but you think "They'd have no interest in someone like you". 
You gasp you turned fully to stare at him, "Why would you thi-"
"Well guess what?! It's your lucky day! You both want to be together! Yay! Go make out like Noisy said"!
You both remained silent. 
"Yeah we're done here." Noise interjects, the scowl never leaving his face. "If you both needed your big ass glowing sign...there you go"!
Noise grumbles, tossing the soaked napkins down before pushing out from his seat. Noisette moves out of the booth to follow suit, she turns back around one last time, smiling and sending you a thumbs up, before catching up to Noise. 
"Well..." You trail off. "Uh...would you mind taking me home? Noisette was kinda my ride".
* * * Saturday 7:53 p.m.
Peppino had walked you up to your home, watching as you unlock the door. Neither of you said anything to the other the entire way home.
Now you both stared at each other for what felt like hours. You were home, you could go in now. Instead your feet remained rooted in place, until you said something just above a whisper. 
"I don't want to pretend anymore."  Your eyes flick to the ground for a moment before sucking in a breath. "I really like you." you say, "And I do think your cute, handsome even, and I love when we hang out. So maybe we-"
You were cut off as he kissed you. Everything had melted away except the warm caress of his lips against yours. His scent was familiar but at the same time new. Enticing. 
Peppino drew back with a shaky breath, face flushed. Your eyes meet his as if searching for something. The next moment you grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him back in for another kiss. You tug him through the door into your home. Peppino wraps an arm around your waist holding you securely against him. With his free hand he cups your face, thumb gently stroking your cheek. 
You clasp a hand against the back of his neck, pressing your other hand against his chest. In response he deepens the kiss, tangling his hand into your hair. You find yourself pinned between Peppino and the wall. The kiss had started slowly as if to savor this moment, then you feel his tongue gently graze your lips. This kiss was everything you both had wanted to say. "I want you. Will you be mine? I need you in my life" it was intoxicating. Every touch against each other compensating for all the times you didn't just reach out.  
You lean into him, feeling your heart racing and his as well. Both your hands clasped against his neck for support as your legs grew weak. His hands trail down your sides before firmly holding your hips.
He pulls you away from the wall, carefully moving you both back towards the couch. You feel yourself lean back into the cushions as  Peppino pulls away. The only sound was your shallow breaths and the feeling the heat radiating from each other. You feel him gently pressing his weight on you, his gaze softening as he came back down, lips once again meeting yours with his hands finding yours as you weave your fingers together. 
Now that you knew what you'd been missing, you had a lot of catching up to do. 
Sorry this took so long to post lol. I lost progress on this twice when my draft didn't save. 💀
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