#no but I indeed did
heartsoftruth · 5 months
“Did you ever take winning for granted?”
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mydairpercabeth · 8 months
I really love the way they have written Sally and Percy’s relationship in the show. Sally being the mom of a neurodivergent kid and feeling like shes constantly failing. Her being isolated because she doesnt have anyone to talk to about this as a single parent. And she makes mistakes, she feels human. Then we have Percy feeling like a burden to his parent. He cant understand why none of his parents want him around even though its for his wellbeing. It’s so heartbreaking but so real.
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golswia · 7 months
could you draw chibi crowley and chibi aziraphale? please
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anbaisai · 23 days
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local octopus shot on sight
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Bonus of said prefect:
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piratedllama-art · 2 years
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the librarian [x]
done in procreate
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 month
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Monster John is something that can be so very special.
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daisiesnoreos · 2 months
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I shouldn’t have spent 5 hours I’ll never get back on this. But I just had too- bleh.
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catamaurrr-star · 8 months
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so i heard impulse is on tumblr now
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technically-human · 2 days
Can you draw something with Doom Patrol!Edwin and Netflix!Edwin?
Maybe something about Dp!Edwin talking about his feelings for Charles with N!Edwin?
It's just something I've been thinking of, make it a little angsty?<3
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Glad you asked
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Don't Wormy About Me.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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thehmn · 2 months
I love people who never smile which make them seem kinda mean or disinterested in you but in reality they’re big softies.
I used to work as a cleaner at a paint shop. The boss was this middle aged man who never smiled and only ever talked to me when he wanted to correct me or show me a mistake I made. Not in a mean way and I much prefer people point out mistakes I’ve made to me instead of complaining to my boss later, but it did give me the impression he wasn’t fond of me.
Two years into the job they decided to merge with another paint shop and I assumed I had to look for other employment but it turned out the boss made sure everyone got to keep their jobs including me. “They can’t fire you” he told me “I extended the contract another year last week. You’re safe”
The only person who lost their job in the merge was him but he secured everyone else on his way out, even the cleaner who only showed up once a week.
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cookiescribble · 1 year
Take Me Home
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A/N: fun fact, I wrote this entire thing while i was sobering up after getting way too drunk at a friend's party. mod ghost can attest to this. - mod angel
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer’s girlfriend comes home drunk after girls’ night, and he helps take care of her while politely turning down her advances. (based on 7x16)
CW: mentions of alcohol and sex
Spencer was all too happy to take care of his godson. He didn’t even need a reason. So when JJ said they were having girls’ night, he really didn’t mind babysitting. 
The girls came back late. Like, middle-of-the-night-into-early-morning late. 
JJ unlocked the door and came into the house, trying to be as quiet as she could be so she didn’t wake anyone up. She thanked Spencer for babysitting. 
“I really appreciate you watching my baby… and now you have to take care of your own baby” she snickered. 
Spencer gave her a confused look until he saw his girlfriend stumbling in behind her. She gave him a big smile before tripping right into his arms. He stood her up as she continued giggling, trying to be quiet so she didn’t wake up the house. 
“Hi, sweetheart!” She kept giggling and wrapped her arms around him, mostly to hold herself up, but also because she was happy to see him. 
JJ patted Spencer on the shoulder. “She fell in the bathroom a couple hours ago. Good luck.” 
He took a deep breath and gave JJ a little smile before escorting his girlfriend out the door and into his car. As he was buckling her in, she pulled on his collar a little and said, “you look extra nice tonight, is this a new outfit?”
He laughed and rolled his eyes, shutting the door and getting in the driver's seat. “It’s the same outfit I was in when you left 8 hours ago.” He started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. 
She fidgeted in the seat a little as she looked at him. “No, I don’t remember you looking this good when I left…” she reached her hand out to place it on his thigh, smiling mischievously at him. 
He cleared his throat and kept his eyes on the road. “That’s the alcohol talking. Did you know studies have shown that people who have consumed a moderate amount of alcohol find the faces of members of the opposite sex 25% more attractive than their sober counterparts?” He glanced at her again for a moment before adding, “and you’ve definitely consumed more than a moderate amount of alcohol, so you’re basically looking through rose-tinted glasses right now.”
She smiled and shook her head. “It’s not the alcohol. You’re just hot.” She continued to stroke along his thigh before he reached down and placed her hand in her lap, giving it a little squeeze before he let it go. 
“You guys were out awfully late tonight. You know we have to go out in the morning, right?” He asked as he pulled into the parking lot of their apartment. He got out of the car before opening the passenger door and helping his girlfriend out of her seat and towards the apartment. 
She waved him off, saying “it’ll be fine, I’ll be up and ready in time.” She let him lead her towards their front door, smiling when she felt his hands around her waist. 
When they were in the apartment and Spencer closed the door behind them, her hands were all over him. She stood on her tiptoes to give him sloppy kisses on the lips. He had to keep his hands on her so she wouldn’t fall over. “Baby…” she started, her hands moving under his shirt. 
He took her hands and pulled them away, despite her pout of protest. “Sweetie, not tonight,” he said. 
She pouted more. “Why not? I can’t be handsy with my boyfriend? We’ve been dating a long time, you know.”
“4 years, 3 months, 22 days” he responded instinctually. “But, you’re too drunk right now. We can’t do this when you’re this drunk.”
She crossed her arms. “I am NOT drunk.” She said definitively, as if that would convince him. 
He smiled and shook his head, crossing his arms. “Okay. Let’s assume that’s true.” He took his hands off her waist so she could stand on her own, pointing at the end of the hall. “Walk to the end of the hall and back.”
She huffed a bit before stumbling down the hallway and back. “See, I’m fine!”
He stifled a laugh. “I would hardly call that walking.” She rolled her eyes at him while he continued talking. “Stand on one foot.”
She hesitated for a moment before lifting one of her legs up, immediately falling into him. When he gave her a smug look, she pointed at him and said, “Hey, in my defense, I can’t stand on one foot when I’m sober, either.”
He laughed and nodded. “Well, that’s true. I’ll give you that. You’re just clumsy.” He held her by the waist again. “Can you count backwards from 1,000?”
She furrowed her brows. “Are you serious right now? Would you really rather give me a sobriety test than have sex with me tonight?”
He kissed her on the forehead before guiding her towards their bedroom. “Yes. It was more for my own amusement than anything else.” He sat her down on the bed before looking through the drawers for her pajamas. “You can’t even stand on your own right now. What did you expect?”
She huffed before responding. “I expected a boyfriend who would be happy to see me.”
He shook his head at her theatrics before handing her pajamas over to her. “When did I say I wasn’t happy to see you? I’m always happy to see you.”
She crossed her arms, not moving. “You’re not acting like it. And you know you’re not a cop, right? I don’t think FBI agents usually give tests like that.”
He laughed. “I know. I was merely demonstrating your inebriation through a common field sobriety test.” He took the pajamas back from her and placed them on the bed. “I could never take advantage of you like that. I can help you with your nighttime routine, though.”
She made a face like she wanted to be mad at him, but she couldn’t be. “You know, most guys would love that they could get their drunk girlfriend into bed this easily.” 
He nodded. “Yeah, I know. I don’t need to, though. And you’re way too drunk to consent.” He stood her up and brought her clothes to the bathroom. “How would that be enjoyable, anyway? You can barely even think straight; I would just be worrying about you the whole time.” He put some toothpaste on her toothbrush and handed it to her. “And, with the numbing effects of alcohol, you wouldn’t enjoy it that much either; you’d barely be able to feel anything.”
She looked at him for a moment before taking the toothbrush and starting to brush her teeth. “I guess you’re right… you know, sometimes I hate when you’re right.” 
He laughed, hugging her close to him while she finished brushing her teeth. “I know. But it’s okay, I’m still here, sweetheart.” He swayed her back and forth a bit, as if he was calming down a fussy baby. 
She rinsed her mouth after she brushed her teeth, looking at their reflection in the mirror. She could see how tired she looked. “… Thank you. I’m happy you’re here.”
He kissed the top of her head and moved her so she could hop up onto the sink and he could help take her makeup off. He washed her face and smiled when she closed her eyes as he massaged the soap into her skin. “Comfortable?” 
“Mmm…” she mumbled, the circular motion of his hands on her face starting to lull her to sleep. 
He chuckled, gently patting her face dry with a towel when he was done. He helped her off the counter and started to help change her clothes. 
When he took her shirt off, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at him. He just laughed and helped her into her pajamas. “Yes, you look great, but no, I’m not changing my mind.”
She sighed and pouted a bit more. “You’re no fun…” she said before yawning. Without even looking at him, she said, “wipe the smug look off of your face; I know I’m tired, that doesn’t mean I agree with your decision.”
He shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re not even looking at me.” But he was grinning, and they’ve been together long enough that she knew exactly what face he’d be making. 
“I know you have that I-told-you-so look on your face. I don’t need to look at you to know that.” She turned to him, confirming what she already knew. “Let’s just go to bed.”
He nodded and held her as he guided her back to the bedroom. He lifted the covers so she could get under them before turning off the light and getting under the covers with her. He turned to her and kissed her cheek a few times. 
He could tell she was still upset. He held her in his arms and let her rest her head on his chest. “I know you’re all moody from the alcohol, but I think you’ll thank me later.” 
She grumbled and crossed her arms. “You think I’m moody? Is that why you’re being so mean to me?”
He gave her a confused look. “How am I being mean to you? Did I say something wrong?” He always struggled with social interaction, so he was worried something he said had come across the wrong way. 
She huffed. “It feels like you don’t even like me tonight. All you’ve done is push me away. I was so happy to see you and I couldn’t wait to get home and be with you and you don’t even care.”
“Honey…” he started before pulling her on top of him and wrapping his arms around her waist; he knew it was her favorite way to cuddle, so he figured it could help while she was being overdramatic. “I’m so happy to see you. The only reason I’ve been pushing you away is because I know the effects of alcohol on the human brain and how it impairs judgment. And I know we’ve been together a long time and you say it doesn’t matter, but it matters to me.”
She looked at him for a moment and sighed quietly, realizing how dramatic she was sounding. “I guess I’m using my emotional brain while you’re using your logical brain, so it made me feel like you didn’t care.”
He kissed her forehead and hugged her closer to him. “I do care. I love you.” He kissed her cheek to try to get the point across. “If it helps, you being all over me has made the decision a little… difficult.” He blushed lightly and shifted his position a little. 
She giggled and nudged her nose into his. “It helps a little. I’m glad I had at least a little bit of an effect on you.” She yawned and buried her face into his chest. “That’s… all I needed to hear, I guess.”
He stroked her hair as he saw her close her eyes. “Get some sleep, sweetie. I already know you’re gonna be cranky when we go out tomorrow. You should at least get a little sleep. 
She groaned, but she was too tired to argue with him. Besides, he was right. Like he always was. 
She wasn’t the only one who was cranky the next day. 
All the girls were so hungover, they could barely tolerate being there. And Spencer’s enthusiasm was only making it worse. 
“Why are you yelling?”
“Make him stop…”
Derek laughed and asked, “What did you guys drink last night.”
“The green fairy…” Penelope answered, groaning. 
Derek laughed again, pointing to Spencer and his girlfriend. “Well, you two must’ve had fun when you got home.”
She grumbled in response, making Derek laugh again. “No?”
“He made me take a sobriety test.” She rolled her eyes, but her sunglasses blocked her eyes from being seen. 
Derek raised his eyebrows, looking at Spencer. “Seriously?” He looked back at her. “Did you pass?”
She scoffed, throwing her hands up a little. “No! I was wasted!”
Spencer laughed and hugged her from behind. “It’s true. It was pretty amusing, though.”
“Man, she must’ve been thrilled about that,” Derek answered sarcastically. 
She sighed, leaning into Spencer a little. “At least he made me breakfast. He did that right.”
Spencer rested his head on her shoulder. “I did everything right. You just don’t want to admit it.” He grinned, sounding a little smug. 
She looked at him pointedly, leaning up a little to speak quietly in his ear, so only he could hear her. “Hey, if you keep acting like that, we’re not doing anything tonight either.”
He laughed and responded softly. “You know you don’t mean that.”
She grumbled. “Okay, fine. But can you at least stop being so smug? It’s making me even crankier than I am from the hangover.”
He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Okay, okay. Deal.”
Everyone chatted casually for a bit before shifting their focus on the race, eagerly awaiting the end of it.
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housecow · 2 months
i just wanna be someone’s fat wife. that’s it that’s my biggest goal in life
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toucheholland23 · 2 months
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Dont let this bot steal your heart! 💖
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thesorrowoflizards · 22 days
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↳ You never know when the good you do may come back around.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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What did they do to you
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