#no clue where they went
vampire-rodeo · 8 months
i think the TOS uniform deserves to have a black turtleneck. i need that in my life
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sylveonyie · 1 year
I'm am actually reverting back to my 7 year old self I'm Hyperfixating on dinosaurs and biology and animals help.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 307
It all started with the class failing to well, fail, despite their best attempts, at a competition. And it all ended with them mayhaps accidentally-on-purpose kidnapping some local cryptids. And a crocodile man. And a polite zombie dude. And- okay so maybe they smuggled a bunch of people out of the city they were staying at for the whole tour thing they didn’t particularly care for. 
But come on, what were they supposed to do? Not take the yellow-eyed liminal bird-people who felt all confused and sick and hurt? Not on their watch! Liminals stick together, and GIW can’t get into Amity anyway, so it’s safest there! And they understand the crocodile dude- Waylon? Lovely name Waylon- not wanting to let random people, teens or not, kidnap his friend Grundy. 
Don’t worry, they’re just gonna get him medical care ‘cause memory stuff isn’t good. Just shh, no one tell any government people, vigilantes or no. They’ve had enough of that with the GIW honestly. 
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project-sekai-facts · 26 days
this ask despawned from existence midway through me answering it so i'm just gonna copypaste what i'd written here
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here you go!
if anyone's interested, here's the messages that it displays (in the order they first appear in the above video):
Silent and still
Swaying in the wind
Can you hear the sound of musical instruments?
Seems pretty lively
Can you hear the cheers?
Can you hear the powerful music?
Can you hear a lively sound?
Please, can you hear the lonely sound?
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factcheckingmclennon · 2 months
john giving paul a bracelet: fact or fiction?
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a lot of mclennon fics feature this silver ID bracelet of paul being given to him by john
so did john give paul a metal bracelet with his name on it?
this one is completely just a theory which lands it in
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not too crazy much to get into source wise w this one because it's solidly theory/headcanon territory but i'll explain anyway for anyone that doesn't know The Bracelet Lore!
this one comes at me from @life-under-calico-skies :
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Hello! First of all; THANK YOU for your blog! Omg! It was much needed! My question is; did John really give THE bracelet to Paul? It makes sense bc of the timing and when Paul wears it or not - so I WANT to believe it so bad. But I don't think I ever saw ONE reliable source saying that he once gave him a bracelet (or any other jewel, for that matter)
first of all thank YOU! i'm glad you enjoy the blog <3
but you're totally right- there's nothing other than the timing/when paul wears it and as near as i can tell, there's no source on it whatsoever, just people tinhatting. so we can't necessarily say it's Untrue, but it's a bit like speculating that they started a sexual relationship in hamburg or that x song was written about y... there's not much in the way of proving one way or another, unless paul comes out and says something different
with that SAID if someone says "john gave paul a bracelet" THAT'S definitely misinformation (intentional or not ofc). it's not fact. it's just a theory & i think somewhere that got a bit lost in translation? but anyway i'll break down what you mean by the timeline so others know wtf we're talking about here lmao
the theory
paul has/had a silver identity bracelet with his name on it. the theory goes that john gave it to him in paris or on paul's 21st bday & paul wore it on and off throughout his life
there's not much to back this up but there's also not much against it? so if you want to believe it that's fully your prerogative. me personally, i think it's a nice thought/headcanon and don't really Believe one way or the other, i just like the idea of it for like fics and shit
so the timeline...
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this is the source for the Main pic people use to show the inscription. these pictures were presumably take in late 1963 and published in october of the same year
which also means this one could be earlier as it's also from '63 and the Only place i can find it is on a 1993 trading card saying it was from a "1963 publicity shoot" but i can't find any other photos from the shoot or which shoot it was to tell you what month that was lmao
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there's also this photo from his 21st birthday party with it, which is Probably the earliest of these two:
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which I honestly think is the Most likely time he would've received it, whether from jane or john or whoever else.
and as for the Rest of the timeline i'm pulling from a now deleted post by @ swaying-daisies who seems to have deactivated or changed urls but here's the post anyway. you can see him still wearing it in the 70s, although he stopped wearing it around 1967 for a while it seems
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and then you can see it again in anthology:
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as for where he got it all he's ever said was this:
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"Dear Paul, I waited for three hours in line to see A Hard Day's Night and I thought it was just marv. What wrist do you wear your gold ID bracelet on and where did you get it?" Patricia Parrish BARSTOW, CALIF. "Dear Pat, Glad you enjoyed the film. We've almost finished work on our second movie now- and it's in color this time. Hope everyone enjoys it. I'm left-handed, so it is much easier to wear my watch on my right wrist. Therefore, the bracelet is on my left wrist. Where did I get it? Let's just say it has close sentimental value."
i've seen people say that there's pictures of him from Before 1963 with the bracelet on, but i can't find them.
so the options come down to: it was a gift from jane, it was a gift from john, it was a gift from his mother, or it was a gift from one of his other relatives
a couple of reasons people doubt the jane aspect is that he continued to wear it into the 70s & then ofc people claim that he had it before he met her. i can't find any evidence of him having the bracelet before jane, so i take that with a grain of salt. i'd think for me personally the only thing discounting it from being from jane is the fact the he still wore it during anthology. if it were just the 70s, that might be hand-waved away because it can still take a bit to get rid of everything an ex gave you. but by anthology, he definitely would've been over it.
people also point to him being cagey and saying "let's just say it has close sentimental value" as a reason it's Not from jane, but honestly i don't find that very compelling because at the time of this letter he was still like. out as being with jane, but it was peak beatlemania when they were supposed to be appearing single & approachable. so if it was from jane, i don't think he'd say that here either.
the oooonly other point against it being from jane is simply that i've seen people assert they "know for a fact" that it's from jane because people had matching sweetheart bracelets back then- but she's never seen wearing one. but that's just against them having matching ones, i really don't know if she gave it to him or not.
i don't see any reason that it wouldn't be from a family member that's not his mom, though. if it were his mom, there definitely would've been photos of him wearing it long before 1963. so For Me it comes down to john or another family member. jane is also still a strong possibility to me, although like i said the anthology bit throws a wrench in that for me, unless that's a different bracelet completely. or who knows, maybe he got attached to it outside of her- i've definitely kept things from exes long after i give a shit about them if i'm being honest.
another piece people like to throw in is that in both of the photos of him wearing it after his and john's split, he's wearing it on his right wrist rather than his left, like a widower would if it were a ring. not convincing to me honestly, but it's a part of The Whole Theory/Headcanon bit
others also speculate it could be from ringo! ringo had a similar one and I wouldn't be too surprised if paul liked his so he got him one for his 21st. definitely An option to consider!
also, if anyone knows the exact date on that teeth brushing photo that would be lovely. or if anyone happens to have a photo of him with the bracelet from Before he met jane.
but yeah tl;dr: it's theory, if anyone says it's for sure fact they are misinformed or just really want to believe it. no one knows who gave paul that bracelet and i doubt we'll ever know, so have fun.
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determinedowl23 · 7 days
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how i look as a narcissist after trying to get my friends to give me supply and i’m waiting for them to respond
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dykexenomorph · 4 months
heather mason lore speedrun, hope this helps!
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starcurtain · 3 months
Some Speculation on Kaveh’s Father
I actually started this post right after the Parade of Providence event last year, but never got around to finishing it. However, in light of Kaveh still not appearing on a banner, I decided to dust this one off and get it finished, so that I’d have at least a little Kaveh content in my life after being so cruelly denied by Hoyo.
So, without further ado, some stuff about Kaveh’s father I did not see discussed elsewhere but which I think is especially interesting.
1) Kaveh’s father likely first became depressed/disillusioned with humanity after witnessing (or possibly being the victim of) a murder attempt.
Without knowing the full situation and reading all the additional text from the Parade of Providence event, I feel like this might have been easily missed, but the entire “Kaveh’s dad became disillusioned and depressed and retreated to the desert to help people” seems--at first--like it came out of nowhere. He had a lovely family, was the pride of his darshan, and was eager and excited to win the crown to bring it home to his son. Yet theoretically, he did not win the crown (and, in fact, the crown was stolen before the last event and may not have been there during the Avidya Forest fight, so when, as the non-winner, would Kaveh’s father have come into contact with it to encounter Sachin through it in the first place?) Why would Kaveh’s father’s personality take such a massive turn all the sudden? What would drive an excited, happy person to suddenly withdraw from everything he loved and everyone who loved him, if he didn’t actually win the diadem to be influenced by it in the first place?
The event implies there was a trigger:
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Huvishka’s friend (who is described as “honest and kind but vulnerable and sensitive”--obviously Kaveh’s father) went into the Avidya Forest with the other contestants, where no one was watching, and we’re not told what happened except that the Akademiya responded to whatever occurred by shutting down the entire competition and banning any sort of events in the future that cause contestants to become so desperate they would “fight to the death.” 
This is a pretty obvious implication that Kaveh’s father either witnessed two other contestants attempt to kill each other or was the victim of an attempted murder himself, which prevented him from winning the competition even though he was the favorite to win by a long-shot. This feat of betrayal, demonstrating the depths to which humanity would sink, likely shook the idealistic world views of a sensitive person such as Kaveh’s father. This brush with death and with humanity’s capacity for evil in the forest would have been the exact trigger needed to make Kaveh’s father particularly vulnerable to Sachin’s message of nihility and despair, leading to the downward spiral that sent Kaveh’s father into the desert.
2) Sachin may have way more culpability for Kaveh’s father’s death than Kaveh realizes. 
For a while after the event, I was under the impression that Kaveh’s father must have met Sachin’s consciousness through the diadem and that’s where he got the idea to go into the desert. However, something was always a bit odd about the timeline, because...
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Sachin was still alive when he gave the Akademiya his estate. This is why no one actually knew/believed he was fully dead, even to the present--because he willed the Akademiya the estate while he was alive and told them he was going to be personally watching over the contestants to award his estate to them if he deemed them worthy successors to himself. 
So did Kaveh’s father run into a fragment of Sachin’s consciousness... or did he run into Sachin himself? The game doesn’t really clarify:
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The fact that Sachin’s recording recognized Kaveh’s appearance as familiar makes me think it is much more likely that the consciousness preserved in the diadem already had knowledge of Kaveh’s father at the time it was preserved. Aka, Sachin actually met Kaveh’s father in person. This also makes sense of why, even though the diadem was stolen away during the last event and Kaveh’s father did not win it, he would still know about Sachin and Sachin’s research. (However, as a counterpoint, I guess we could say that the Diadem!Sachin had enough sentience to maybe have its own memory, separate from the real Sachin? And reached out to Kaveh’s father mentally even though he didn’t win the diadem? Maybe?)
Still, there’s one really notable aspect of the timeline that I think is important: Right after the Interdarshan Competition twenty years ago, the one which Kaveh’s father competed in, we know that Sachin went back out to the desert. 
Who else went out to the desert exactly 20 years ago? Kaveh’s father, obviously.
This overlap in the timelines makes it seem very likely that Kaveh’s father, who failed to win the competition because of a murder attempt (and therefore never got the diadem), was nevertheless reached out to by the real Sachin, who saw in Kaveh’s father the kindred disillusioned idealist he was looking for to pass his research torch onto. From this connection, Kaveh’s father was driven to either directly accompany or at least pursue the still living Sachin into the desert. (This works even if we say it was only Sachin’s consciousness he was contacted by--in either case, he would have been driven go to out to the desert to meet the real, temporarily still living Sachin to join his quest to help the desert people.)
Only for Kaveh’s father to meet his end there while trying to aid a caravan that had fallen into trouble. What a tragic coincidence, a completely unpredictable twist of fate.
Or... was it?
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How odd, in the same quest that Kaveh’s father’s connection to Sachin is discussed, that we’re given an account of a caravan that appears to have been deliberately sabotaged, where money was taken (from Sachin) and somehow sparked a betrayal, a “trial of human nature” that caused many people to die, with the takeaway being the exact belief Sachin wants to pass on and reinforce in others, that humans are horrific creatures who can only make the world a worse and worse place. 
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We know that Sachin’s “research” specifically consisted of doing this exact thing, manipulating situations to test humans’ moral character, conducting trials/experiments on “human nature” to reinforce his belief that humans were fundamentally selfish beings.
(It’s no accident the merchant ledger we receive uses the exact same words as Sachin does, “trial of human nature” and “experiments on human nature.” We’re supposed to assume what happened to the caravan in the note was deliberate sabotage on Sachin’s part, to create a scenario where he could observe the cruelties of humanity.)
Why would the game go out of its way to give us an account of a caravan being deliberately sabotaged and used as an experiment if there was no connection at all between what happened with this caravan and what happened to Kaveh’s father, who was also killed helping a floundering caravan?
It’s just too much of a coincidence to accidental. I think the implications of the ledger Dori gave us and the similarities in the language on that ledger to Sachin’s ideas was supposed to lead the audience to wonder:
Could Kaveh’s father have died in one of Sachin’s final “human nature experiments”? 
Was the caravan Kaveh’s father tried to help one that Sachin deliberately sabotaged, expecting to observe humanity’s selfish, self-preserving nature?
I think there’s enough evidence in the story to suggest that we players are at least supposed to consider this a possibility. (There’s no reason to give us the ledger about the manipulated caravan otherwise.) And if you consider this a possibility, it would mean that Sachin didn’t just indirectly cause Kaveh’s father’s death--he would be the direct cause of Kaveh’s father’s death, an actual murder brought about by Sachin’s beliefs that humanity’s self-centered nature made everyone beyond saving.
This idea transforms Kaveh’s father’s sacrifice into the ultimate rejection of Sachin’s beliefs. This would mean that, even in a situation manipulated to bring out the worst in human beings on purpose, Kaveh’s father gave everything to protect the lives of others, for no gain at all of his own, doing everything he could just to desperately try to make the situation (the world) better.
SO yeah. I’m not saying we have hard evidence here, but I think the quest was trying to lead players to speculate very, very hard on the possibility that Kaveh’s father’s death was no accident.
3) Finally, a cuter piece of speculation to brighten things up after that despair bomb I just dropped: it’s highly likely that Kaveh’s father had more than one Aranara buddy!
During the Parade of Providence, we hear about an Aranara who learned to read from Kaveh’s father:
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However, this is a bit confusing, because later in the event, we hear someone else say that Kaveh’s father taught an Aranara to write specifically when he was a child:
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While of course it is possible that Kaveh’s father taught the first Aranara, Arakasyapa, to both read and write, I think there’s also another possible answer here about why Kaveh’s father would separately mention teaching an Aranara to write:
Because there is an entirely different Aranara in the story which was taught to write by a “good Nara” who was a child--Arashakun, from the quest “Courage is the Heart.”
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In this sweet little world quest, the Traveler discovers a flower talisman that has been snatched by some hilichurls, and seeks to return it to its rightful owner, a timid and shy Aranara named Arashakun. 
We learn that Arashakun once had a kind-hearted “good Nara” companion who taught him to write (sound familiar?), and who, in order to encourage the poor Aranara, gave him a single flower dubbed “courage.” In describing this child companion, Arashakun specifically states that his companion was no strong warrior like the Traveler’s twin, but instead a gentle, comforting presence who never teased the Aranara.
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All of these descriptions line up particularly well with Kaveh’s father, who the game repeatedly describes as vulnerable, kind-hearted, and giving to others.
To drive home the possible connections to Kaveh’s family even further, this quest takes place very, very near to the Palace of Alkazarzaray. 
Although we don’t have any guarantee, I think it is strongly implied that the “good Nara” mentioned by Arashakun is indeed Kaveh’s father, and the “courage of the heart” that he extended to Arashakun as a child is the very same courage, kindness, and generosity that drove him to reach out to the people of the desert, hoping to make a difference in their lives--even at the cost of his own.
The takeaway? Kaveh’s father was a truly good person who aided everyone he came across, from timid Aranara to people whose very lives were in danger. He never meant to leave his family, and especially not his son, but repeatedly fell afoul of the worst humanity had to offer and was driven into a situation in which all he could do was offer his very life to uphold the altruism that was central to his idealism--the same idealism and goodness that Kaveh carries as “courage” in his own heart.
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house-of-tykayl · 6 months
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power swapped the TTGs lol
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thatonebipotato · 2 months
Bernard definitely "knows a guy"
idk what situation he would need a guy for, but i feel like it wouldn't really matter. His life is just such a collection of weird situations, and he always just happens to know a guy because of it
Did he meet them through some weird online conspiracy boards? Did he meet them through the cult? Did he just extrovert really close to the sun and get away with it? Has this exact situation just happened so many times that he just knows the person he needs at this point? Honestly, he doesn't even know anymore
You know what he DOES know? A guy
#bernard dowd#dude hes been in so many situations id be so surprised if he didnt “know a guy” at LEAST once#i feel like it would happen enough times that the bats would start getting a little suspicious that hes more than just a civilian#like its that weird stage where theyre not sure if he knows their identities yet and if he does and hes NOT a civilian that complicates#things a little bit#but no. his life is just Like That#hes the least normal civilian in existence but at the end of the day hes literally just a guy#i feel like most of them would come from the cult?? bc most of their victims were teenagers right? or at least taken in as teens#depressed high schoolers know how to do some wild shit#so most of his guys are just ex cultists like him that he kept in touch with or smth#i think they should do more with the cult actually#bc we dont actually know all that much do we?#we know the initiations and about the chaos monsters and like where they operated and stuff#but like. thats about it?#i wanna know about the other cultists. i wanna about what exactly went down there. i wanna know how theyd naturally recruit people#i wanna know how bernard actually ended up joining. i wanna know what exactly was up with the chaos monsters#like. do we actually know any of this stuff? ive seen some stuff in like fanfics but is any of that canon? how much do we actually know?#bc as far as i know ive got no fucking clue. but is this information that we have? if someone knows pls tell me im so curious
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pinsterwglasses · 6 months
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Karen from Harvest Moon: Back to Nature / Friends of Mineral Town
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matoitech · 2 months
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nasir was supposed to look like he was actually trying to kill him but i couldnt get the expression right so i think whatever i got instead is funnier
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joltning · 9 months
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skelliko · 11 months
Baji Keisuke |°- kissing in the bathroom, hope nobody catch us - small drabble
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everything around is muffled, the loud music that came from underneath us in the main floor of the house, the chatters and laughter from downstairs. is someone even looking for us?
his hand sliding up from the side of my waist to the middle of my back, his rough yet gentle hand sliding upwards to grab hold of the back of my neck to pull me in deeper as our tongues collided and swirled around.
underneath us the muffled sounds of the front door opening, the group exclaiming something as if whoever entered was someone who they were waiting for, how long have we been gone for?
his sharp yet curved points of his fangs gritted in-between my bottom lip, a sweet yet bitter metallic taste filled my taste buds but quickly got removed from the sweet taste of Baji's drink from his tongue, cranberry vodka that he mixed with some berry sauce.
were not intoxicated with drinks, were intoxicated with the secret looks we gave to each other, the secret and brief touches we exchanged, the subtle flirting.
our hot breaths hitting one another as I'd accidentally let out quietly moans when feeling the painful yet sensational pain from the cut on my bottom lip, but his tongue and touch made it worth it, my hands up on the side of his neck and into his loosely tied hair, we grew needy.
our saliva mixed in and building up causing a strand to slide down my chin, his hand that was at the back of my neck squeezed me a little and took hold of my baby hairs by my scalp to make me tilt my head back, making himself a perfect entrance to dig his tongue down my throat.
the door knocked, but did neither of us pull away? did neither of us react? no he just slid his hands under my shirt and I followed suit.
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mashbrainrot · 4 months
Over at the MASHoles discord server, we play a little game called Name That Ep! where I post a screenshot and people have to... well, you get it. Thought some of you might like to play our first ten rounds, see how you would have done...
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How'd you do? Answers below the cut. (I won't tell anyone if you cheat.)
Commander Pierce
For the Good of the Outfit
Snappier Judgement
The Moose
The Gun
Major Ego
Bottle Fatigue
Hot Lips and Empty Arms
Tell It to the Marines
Hawkeye Get Your Gun
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gibbs-birdy-anon · 4 months
bravo but they arent here at the moment
you can talk to me if youed like
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