#no discourse i’m sick rn
I love that moment in 1979 Opera Rock Starmania (watched the 2022 edition) where everyone is partying someplace called Naziland because fascists are winning elections via controlling public opinion with fear and manipulation and everyone is incredibly depressed and traumatized by everything going on so they just want to dance their problems away for a night
including a couple of queer folks— a psy-op transvestite woman who created much of the terror via goading a homeless band of queer-coded boys into becoming a real threat of a terrorist gang, and a gay boy who accepted to go to the party as a DJ because that’s the high road to his dream and he doesn’t care who gives it to him, betraying his best friend for this
only for the whole place to get blown up to high heaven with almost every character in it.
by the queer coded gang that put the fascist there with their fascists-manipulated-them-to-do-it crimes. the irony is lost on absolutely fucking nobody
didn’t even mention the ego tripping fascist dating and marrying a suicidally depressed sex icon to get more votes
the fact that a very popular song called Le Blues du Businessman is from there and you’re suddenly no longer laughing about how a song says “I wish I could’ve been a singer” because it’s the half-propaganda half-honest complaint of someone who was so good at winning the capitalist game that he lost everything that made him human to the point that he orchestrates mass deaths to win more
or the two whole songs about queer people being soooo hot, including “i have blue hair and pronouns and you want to fuck (and be) me so bad it’d make you betray all your morals”
1979. I love this show. Requires all the content warnings. Discourse about whether it’s queerphobic would be a mile long and I don’t want to hear any of it. I loathed the first half until I didn’t. I am so autistic about it. I need to watch it again
also the english version of the songs take all the raw bleak nuance out, fuck that. google translate the french versions if you’re interested
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loveinterestcastiel · 4 months
why the fuck do people keep working themselves into a veritable frenzy over jensen saying that when dean lost cas QUOTE “one of his closest- the closest people” to him he also lost a brother in arms? what part of that is a problem? what do y’all people think brothers in arms means?? quickly now. because it’s not actual Brothers babe achilles and patroclus are THE historical brothers arms and what are they? fucking gay. cas’s confession is a “testament” because it is his self-journey’s [resolved] highest TRUTH “a long time coming” and it doesn’t need to be resolved further because it’s not a problem!! cas is complete and evolved as a character for speaking his truth. dean already “processed and accepted” it while his ass was sat on that concrete floor letting sam think he was dead for hours!! none of this means it will not be ADDRESSED in future canon. in fact he said WHEN they reunite it will be “understood” for the not subtext but “CLEAR TEXT” that it is. he literally said that “when you find your people” that’s all that matters, and that means not only is cas dean’s person, the reverse is true too. they “found each other.” that’s understood. that’s the text. this is a GOOD ANSWER that leaves room for future plotlines and the evolution of their relationship without delving into spoiler territory. i get that jensen measures his words very carefully and that makes people nervous but there is zero malicious dismissal of the romantic nature of 15x18 or homophobic attitude towards the destiel relationship here at all. he literally said “it was beautiful and it was heartfelt and it was true and it was raw and it was real.”
like for fucks sake people. i’m sorry to have to be so harsh. i don’t normally get worked up about fandom illiteracy but what he said is being so wildly misinterpreted right now across all platforms that it makes me feel crazy. i welcome discussion in fact i like that we don’t have to have the same opinion all the time but this is too much
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I can’t believe people are still discoursing about the last LWS. Y’all need to grow up fr. It’s been almost a week. Honestly even last week people were being way too dramatic about it.
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selfship-nyx · 4 months
Ummm in light of recent discourse I wanna make a disclaimer just to say hiii I’m pro-paraphilia and radqueer and I don’t tolerate people being weird about paraphilias and paraphiles<3
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josephtrohman · 6 months
what’s wrong with fobtwt? i don’t use twitter lol
putting this under a break so as to not subject everyone to this also be warned i’m a little out of it with the triple whammy sick/on cough medicine/just wrote an exam but
the main thing rn is this trend of people taking to their main to expose other users for their interpersonal issues rather than having a conversation about it directly. like idk maybe try dming someone before you post about it for ur 1k followers when it’s nobody’s business except for you and them? obviously something that is actually a concern to others is different but someone not liking you is not a cancellable offence. relatedly ppl have been leaking private tweets left right and center 😭 also less prominent rn but still of note there’s a weird trend of people being so dehumanizing/fetishistic towards patrick’s size which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, saying things like “joe is frotting with that fat man” or “i need the fat one” which is like. do you hear yourself??? he has a name?????????? he’s not just his body or any one adjective about him??? you fucking weirdo???? my feelings on the word fat are complex and i don’t agree with some takes ive seen regarding this discourse on twt but it doesn’t matter if you think that fat is a perfectly neutral descriptor or if you think it’s the worst insult someone could use, it’s just a fact that it’s kind of fucking weird to reduce someone to their body size (especially with the quote where the person referred to joe by name but patrick by his size)
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taehyungfirst · 5 months
I know you might disagree and most tae fans might even label me an anti for “not being proud” or something (happens on twitter for some reason.
But I can’t be the only person who genuinely doesn’t feel good seeing tae in military uniform?
Like people are already going on about how great he looks and how hard he’s been working etc, and it’s all true, but we’ve all heard what happens in the military, and how difficult it is, and I just feel like everyone tends to ignore that in order to marvel on how idols look or how hard they’ve been working etc….but it’s like…the military is not a picnic??
Like promotional videos? It’s propaganda and there’s no way to tell whether any idol wants to do them or doesn’t want to, and I’m already seeing ppl go “omg SDT is milking Kim Taehyung because hardly any celebs join the unit haha 😁”
And it’s like…that’s not something to laugh about? “Oh his impact will be insane” dude….this is FORCED enlistment we’re talking about. I’m from a country with mandatory enlistment. It’s genuinely a very difficult think that changes all our men and a lot of times in negative ways.
Also there’s nothing good about being used for a country’s propaganda, especially when you probably can’t say no (and this goes for any country).
Idk how to word this but this weird romanticization of the military as a result of seeing them, but especially tae, look good or healthy or strong, etc… just feels wrong.
And at risk of sounding like one of those weirdos who treats him like a 5 year old, I wanna make it clear that I’m fully aware he is more than capable, and that he’s a grown man who chose to challenge himself and I have nothing but respect for that, and I completely disagree with babying him or his choices, my issue isn’t with him or his choices but with the government and the way IT uses it’s soldiers, but especially celebs.
Like I feel like this is a conversation that’s had every time but everyone just completely loses it once pictures drop (not even from tae himself) of tae or others.
And I know a lot of fans don’t do it with ill intentions but it can still be weird, y’know??
I don’t know if I’m making sense, but my entire timeline is freaking out over the pics, and I just wish we as a fandom bothered to just leave them be, especially in the military (which is already not an easy thing) instead of spreading the things further and helping out with the propaganda.
Im glad tae and the others seem to be doing their best for themselves though and I wish him and them the best.
Hi! Since I’ve seen those picture I knew my inbox would’ve been all over the place.
I wanna start by saying that we all are different people so we are all proud of him for different reasons or just mean “being proud of him” in a different way, me personally I’m proud of him for having goals and for achieving them, for trying to focus on the few good aspects of that awful experience and turn it into something positive for HIMSELF. I don’t think you’re an anti, and I don’t completely disagree with you either. I feel weird seeing him with a gun in his hands too, I feel weird knowing what will be the sick reactions and projections of the fandom. I also know that his unit has made those promotional videos since forever and they’re not doing it rn because KTH joined them.
I know (like you do) that saying no in those contexts is nearly impossible, NJ did it with that whole speech too, idols that perform at those military events did it too… it’s a nuanced discourse. It’s not just black or white. I’m proud of him or I’m not proud of him.
I just wish fans could stop projecting on him, and I wish he would stay safe and healthy. And that these 18 months pass by quickly.
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circular-bircular · 10 months
I don't queer discourse so I am just sending you this on anon. About the 'plurality is inherently queer'.
I do not think we get to define anyone else's queerness. I think people are way too comfortable defining other people's queerness. I hate this sentiment in the same way I hate, 'Plurality can't be queer.'
To sort of elaborate a bit more: There are these two YouTubers I really like. They are best friends, both married I believe, and when trying to explain their dynamic to others I have said, "I am not saying they are queer, but the only way I can describe their friendship is as queer."
The way their friendship functions is very queer to me as an aromantic person. Saying you live in your best friend's heart is a beautiful portrayal of platonic love and is to me a very queer thing. But they are not queer, I am not saying their friendship is queer, and I am not saying that close friendships are inherently queer.
Just because something to you is so deeply queer, inseparable from queerness, doesn't mean you get to use your definition of queerness to define the experiences of others.
I hate the idea of saying, "My DID is queer." Our DID has certainly impacted our queerness, we have people of all genders and orientations co-existing and are queer in this beautiful way society would never understand, but I hate the idea of calling my DID queer. My plurality is DID, it is my disorder, and it makes me so uncomfortable that someone can decide that my disorder is inherently queer.
I know they did not just mean DID, but also if you are making a point using plural, it is inclusive of plurals who have DID. When you say a generalising statement about plurality, you are including plurals with DID in said statement. Including people who's plurality is solely, as in our case, a DID thing and has little in common with plurals without DID or OSDD. Which, you know, for as inclusive as people claim plural to be is often times excluded from plurality for being a 'wrong' way to be plural but that is another topic altogether.
…. I think I’m too sick rn to get any of this I won’t lie.
Nothing is inherently queer, just. Putting that out there. Queer is a label people pick for themselves. I think that’s just where I’m at one this.
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verymuch777 · 1 year
I’ve literally gotten personal threats in my inbox for posting MY THOUGHTS and MY OPINIONS on MY BLOG it’s actually ridiculous
my opinions have very clearly caused issues with some people who I didn’t even know knew my blog existed. I have less than 400 followers on this blog it’s for shits and giggles.
I’m just some person??? i’m literally just a random person on the internet that you don’t know. why do u care if i like you or not? i disagree with many peoples opinions on here, and I most definitely do not care whether they like me or not
you don’t have to care. you clearly have a following (much larger than mine, might i add) of people who are on your side
if you take tumblr that seriously then sick! be my guest. but i have a life outside of this app and the discourse happening rn is actually bonkers
like no I don’t support or read content that has to do with aged up characters but there are some pages that have written great fics that i enjoy about characters i like (jake, neytiri, tonowari, tsutey). i’m not gonna unfollow every single page that’s ever posted an aged up work because honestly it’s hard to find a page that HASN’T at this point
I’m deleting a few posts bc I’m just over it. the people who follow me as well as the people in my real life know where I stand on the issue. idk why I ever tried to defend/explain myself to random people on the internet
- i’ll be keeping screenshots if anyone wants to see what I posted but at this point, leaving them up is just drawing more people to my page who are leaving nasty messages in my inbox
to the few pages (i know exactly who you are) that have been stalking my page and sending me threats and other disgusting messages, man up. if my opinions bother you that much then send me a message and we’ll talk about it. i’m no longer entertaining it and allowing people to use anonymous messages to say things they’re too scared to say to me directly.
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vaguelyprophetic · 1 year
Are you seeing this stewygate discourse? Stewy fans live in constant fear, every week it’s a will he, won’t he. Should I have learnt to let him go a long time ago?? Surely they wouldn’t have released promo pics if he wasn’t in the Final Cut? This VS Arian saying he’s in the last two eps like is he finding out weekly like us? I hate it here. Ugliest grudge holding up inside of me rn but I will forever live off all your stewy fics/lore - heart of stewyrome fandom really
UGH I FUCKING KNOW. like people are saying his scenes got cut but then the official succession twitter posts a still of him (with ewan!!!! who I have also missed dearly). there’s no way of knowing the truth until the episode actually airs and I’m so sick of it 😭 but it seems like that’s a common theme this season? like a bunch of the actors have implied that they don’t know what scenes actually made it in vs what got cut. so I guess we’re just waiting.
also thank you <3 I love stewy I love writing about him I love getting asks about him and I love the little stewyroman community we’ve built
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singlethread · 1 year
I’m too sick to care about discourse rn
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mintyfoxdev486 · 8 months
Imagine if you will, my next words choked with sardonic laughter.
Guys… Gals… Non-binary pals… we GOTTA stop fighting with each other and we GOTTA learn to read some time I’m actually losing my marbles rn
If I stumble onto one more queer discourse ouroboros I’m going to burst into a mile tall pillar of lightning and flames. If I find one more “they’re saying x” “oh yeah well they’re saying y” fight with no discernible beginning or end, where nobody said x or y in a feat of reading comprehension only achievable on this site, and when I dig through 5 different dashboards and 7 different tags and I find out that the ONE source was somebody saying “hey we should try being nice maybe” there will be lasting Consequences to the habitability of the immediate area around me.
I’m sick of having to block tags not because they represent anything bad in and of themselves, but because they have gotten so choked down by the most innane slap fight I’ve ever borne ill-fated witness to. Also fuck tagging this, this is my vent shitpost. the wind can carry it to wherever idgaf I’m too tired to care at this point.
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The Thompson inclusion is crazy and I’m so sick of people acting like it’s not. Her speed and her goals for Angel City do not make her NT ready oh my gosh. I’m also sick of certain journalists saying that specific players deserve to be on the plane after having a good club match. Like the discourse over Sarah gorden deserving a call up is crazy. These “journalists” also conveniently leave out saying who should be dropped in favor for these players
yeah i mean thompson is good and i think she will be ready for the next wc maybe even the olympics but rn absolutely not she cant even play a full 90 for club girly is so gassed its such a weird choice
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your post about walter jr supporting his parents and always showing so much kindness and maturity to them is literally the ONLY post that matters. that child deserved so so so much better and i love to see him acknowledged
Thank you friendo while I have you here can we also talk about how Walt destroys his life because of a shitty intersection of toxic masculinity + ableism (because what he’s trying to avoid, deep down, is that image of his dying father— sick. weak. feminized to Walt in his frailness) and this attitude also affects how he treats Flynn???
Look how Flynn is introduced in the pilot script:
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His parents “treat him as if he were able-bodied, which is how he wants it.” It’s true— and at first glance, this is a good thing. Flynn doesn’t want to be babied, he doesn’t want to be offered help at every turn in situations where he knows he can be independent. His parents provide him with a feeling of normalcy, by not over-emphasizing or dramatizing his cerebral palsy. Sometimes he will need help or accommodation, and they provide it for him, but often he won’t, and they won’t mention it. This is the rhythm they have all found, and Flynn likes it that way.
But this approach is deeply flawed. Rather than normalizing Flynn’s disability (which I think is the surface level intention), it erases it, ignores it, attempts to hide it from view and discussion. Which is unsurprisingly pretty similar to how Walt relates to his cancer + treatment. He wants to do everything alone— he banishes Skyler from his chemo sessions, and he hides himself away when he’s having chemo side effects, often locking himself in the bathroom. Walt shapes his life around his cancer in some ways (that whole cooking meth thing), but at the same time, he works hard to hide his illness, ashamed of that feminizing weakness he thinks it gives him.
And what effect does this attitude have on Flynn? Walt’s shame around illness, weakness, and disability— his idea that it’s okay to be sick or disabled, as long as you don’t talk about it? Of course, it makes Flynn feel his father is ashamed of him. And it instills that same reflexive draw towards toxic masculinity in him (think about how he idolizes Hank!).
Consider the scene where Walt is teaching Flynn how to drive (which I recently saw on my rewatch). Where Flynn wants to drive with two feet, and Walt insists he use just one, because he has to get it “right.” He has to be able to drive the same as everyone else, no matter how unintuitive that may be to his body. This conversation obviously makes Flynn feel embarrassed and ashamed. And when Flynn tries to drive the “right” way? He crashes.
This scene hits so hard for me because it’s a very clear case where the method of driving that would work best for Flynn is so clearly viable— there’s really no reason not to let him drive in the way that’s most intuitive and comfortable for him. If Walt were truly normalizing Flynn’s disability, he would let him drive that way with no comment. But that was never Walt’s real attitude towards Flynn’s cerebral palsy. Walt is treating him like he’s able bodied— he’s trying to erase Flynn’s disability. And when that attitude hits the road, it literally crashes. With the added bonus of making Flynn feel like it’s his fault for not having a body that works the “right” way.
Idk exactly where I’m going with this. Mostly wanted to say Justice For Flynn!!! And remark on what an interesting character he is. I think he’s super neglected in fandom discourse— I’m thinking a lot rn (if you couldn’t tell haha) about how he serves as a foil for Walt in terms of Walt’s attitudes about gender and bodies and power and all that jazz. As a (mostly) able-bodied person myself I would love to hear more on this topic from any disabled folks who wanted to speak on it!
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khamomile-kitty · 4 years
I’m extremely fucking sick so my tolerance is way low (and my brain is fucking fried as well) but I’m so tired yall. I’m gonna play minecraft, animal crossing, and watch funny youtube vids now I’m sorry if we were talking but I feel like I’m on the fourth dimension rn
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omg i felt weird abt sending that ask but i was hoping it would inspire some dumping of thoughts, hell yeah i relate a lot actually being autistic/adhd and a trans guy. which is honestly why i’m caught off guard by my recent izzy fascination. i think i’d be less fascinated if i was involved in the fandom and had been bogged down by discourse lol. like i fully HATED him on my first watch when the show came out a few months ago and prayed on his downfall but then i set the show aside for a while and rewatched it last month and since then i can’t stop thinking abt him. i think it’s bc i’m at a place rn where i find it rlly hard to connect to ppl, have to shove down my feelings to get by on the daily, i’ve have a bunch of very emotional ppl around me my whole life who i’ve had to manage things for, and bc of my autistic interest with character tropes starting from a super young age i sometimes have to work to see other ppl as archetypes of themselves rather than fully fledged nuanced ppl. so i’m interested in psychoanalysing him but not excusing his stuff bc he’s fr the most unhealthily coping person in the show which is saying something. but tbh i think if i let my walls down i’d relate to ed more? but the walls existing makes me relate a lot to izzy rn i think. but not that much bc like hey sucks and i’m gay. i will say i never got the repressed sexuality stuff from him but that’s just me. i read it more as him being completely repulsed by romance and emotion bc it stirs something in him he rlly doesn’t want to confront. idk i’m in my izzy hands blorbo era rn and trying to avoid talking to the wrong ppl abt it dbsnbd sorry if it’s annoying
Dude you're so valid. I hope you get better at letting people in and keep working on your empathy. I usually see Izzy kinning as a red flag but it sounds like you're relating to the fact that he's the only character on the boat who isn't in the found family and to the fact that he projects things onto people which you seem to be self aware of so ill let it slide. Onto Blorbo from my shows.
I suppose one doesn't have to read him as repressed. Although I don't think that him being a repressed gay guy and him being completely repulsed by romance and emotion because it stirs in him something he doesn't want to confront are necessarily so different. Either way the vibe is that he's scared or resentful of his own feelings for Ed. I've never thought that he was necessarily pretending to be straight or anything. This is all head canon at this point but to me I think he's probably willing to admit his sexual attraction to some men. (He knows he's attracted to Ed and would probably admit it if the right person asked him in the right way but he'd never even let himself form the thought "I want to fuck Lucius" much less say it out loud despite it being objectively true) But I that being said I think a repulsion to gay love, which we know he has because of the whole "He's done something to my boss's brain" bit (and all of the baggage that implying queer love is a corrupting influence carries), is still repression. I suppose if he's aromantic (I have seen that head canon floating since Con said that he isn't interested in a romantic relationship at the C2E2 panel) maybe not but Aro people don't choose not to love, they just don't experience romantic attraction. Izzy Hands seems to actively choose not to love, romantic or otherwise, because he thinks love makes you weak (if the way he treats a love sick Edward is any indication anyway). So IDK how comfortable I am with putting him in the aromantic category, just because there are so few aro characters and one of them being a man who despises love and is the villain in a rom-com trying to keep the alloromantic main couple apart isn't a great look, but that's a whole other thing.
But yeah avoiding certain people is a good plan because you really have to avoid certain takes. Because it's not like Izzy is Kylo Ren, right, he's not utterly deplorable in that sort of way (I know Kylo got a redemption arc but it was a shitty one that failed to actually redeem him and he was still a space fascist don't at me). He's just a fucked up guy on a pirate ship, if there was ever a place to be a fucked up guy it would be on a pirate ship. But if we're gonna sympathize with him we have to avoid certain takes and certain people. Like we just can't be pretending that he's not motivated by homophobia, we can't be pretending that Ed's abusing him somehow, we can't pretend that there's nothing to the reading of him doing some racist things, we can't pretend that he's some hypercompetent babysitter who is the only one getting things done on the ship (even if that's how he sees himself it's not true, it's proven wrong by the events of the show).
All that to say I guess he's a fun blorbo as long as you're not vilifying Ed or missing the point of the character. Probably keep avoiding Izzy stans tbh.
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goweninsane · 3 years
Hey, I’m Gowen Insane but you can also call me Owen because that is my name.
My birthday was June 29th, if that’s something you care about.
I use he/her pronouns, mix it up as much as you can for a sick combo that multiplies your points gained.
I’m asexual, polyamorous, and am attracted to people of all genders. I refuse to engage in any discourse over the labels of the last aspect I mentioned. Grow a spine and read some actual queer history instead of going off of what some nut on an obscure corner of the internet says. Go and look up the origins of identities and shit. Actually, if you have issue with any of those identities or labels, or if you have an issue with them being part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum, feel free to have a civil discussion with me about it.
I’m currently dating @evil-wizard-cat and @all-the-birds-died-in-1986, who are both wonderful people who’s blogs you should check out.
I post about a lot of things. If you want an organized blog I’m so sorry but you will need to look elsewhere. I run this blog for my own personal fun and I try to tag triggers that people ask me to, but don’t expect to be able to search for specific fandom stuff I reblog.
Speaking of fandoms, I don’t really like them. Not my thing. But I do often post about Metal Gear, Delicious in Dungeon, One Piece, anything from Remedy Entertainment, and a handful of indie games that you should absolutely play.
I run @howfuckableisyourfave but I haven’t used it in more than a year lol.
I take media way too seriously for my own good and can spontaneously post long rants about the messages or morals or writing in anything. I especially like to talk about games and game mechanics, as I find the medium incredibly interesting.
If I ever have any links to other sites I’m on then I will edit the post and add them here:
I’m only on Tumblr rn lol
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