#no hard feelings for anyone who unfollows bc of this
hee-blee-art · 7 months
hi friends. I'm going on indefinite hiatus for while. in the meantime, I'm going to be queuing a lot of my drafts and some sketches, but for several reasons my blog/posts will look a bit different, and be less accessible (specifically less/no ids and less tags). I sincerely apologize for this & I hope those of you who can will be flexible with me as I continue to share my work within my current limitations, even though its not ideal. all the best to you & yours <3
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literalnobody · 1 year
Vampire mafia, followed
Thank you for enjoying my art! Probably worth mentioning that I'm taking a break from those characters at the moment to focus on a different comic and novel, so there may not be any more vampire mafia content for a while!
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dreamhot · 2 years
october's supposed to be my favourite month yknow. frankly i think i should be able to get a do over
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commandermahariel · 2 months
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
a community where we can organize a callout post that thousands of people are guaranteed to see needs to do better for itself in the future. i am not speaking out against people who were hurt by the person mentioned in the original post because they are allowed to work through their hurt the way that they need. that being said, i think we can all admit that we need to do better for each other.
creating an anonymous account that can call anyone out (that has now spawned at least one other i've seen) is not the way we, as adults, should be handling things. i blocked the original posting account when it followed me because it was ageless and blank (therefore breaking rule number one of this community...). this is not an acceptable way to raise awareness of issues that have potential real world consequence.
inflammatory language is used in posts like these to get you fired up, to make you believe you're really fighting for something, and it's okay to be uncertain on if you agree with an issue or not until you really think about it. it's okay if you did rb it because it appealed to emotion and you have thought differently in the days that have passed.
the post circulated for HOURS on friday containing a false and potentially damaging allegation against someone who is not responsible for or consumed the content in question. are we not a little scared by that? you can now have thousands of people see a post about you simply because you're friends with someone?
the tags on that post are some of the worst of human nature. transphobic, homophobic, calling for doxxing and death...vile. so many people have seen a false allegation against flora who is worried she'll never be able to come back bc despite the correction that she wasn't involved, the damage was already done. this is just....i'm disappointed.
think critically about what you consume. consider the things that make you uncomfortable and why. do not engage with them if they make you uncomfortable after pondering to yourself. these are all rules that are age old on the internet and bear repeating.
also for the record: i am not anti aging up. i am not anti dc (dark content). if these are issues for anyone following me who would like to break mutuals or unfollow, there are zero hard feelings. you have to curate your online experience to your comfort and i would never fault someone for doing this.
thanks for listening and i hope we can all learn something from this experience at the end of the day. take care of yourselves.
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artonice · 2 months
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Am I delulu?
Anyways... seriously y'all. I started publicly sharing B/V stuff in March. I'm just a girly from Boston who is obsessed with ice dance and the athletic, emotional moments it creates. I also enjoy its connection to art. Their 2023 FD reminds me so much of the above painting. I like to post comparisons and Kiki with the girls. Ice dance slays so hard bc I've never seen anything like it before! I really earnestly just enjoy all of the mechanics.
The dedication, the performance. Y'all caught me vicariously living, babes! We all wish we could've been something like a ballerina or an ice skater. Seeing Bella skate, inspires me to do the things that little me dreamed of. Still! Which I enjoy just as equally. Because everyone seems so grumpy all the time and I love having something to cheer for and believe in. I've competed for 2 bike races since following Bella. Because I'm rooting for someone who does cool stuff and think, wait I can do cool stuff too. And the duo for sure inspires me to paint and write and listen to good music and all that other important stuff. Like a good tv show or my favorite book would.
But this is my crutch, y'all. These are very real people. Celebrity and influencer culture makes us depersonalize the figures sharing their lives. I can def see how I get lost in the delulu of their skating story, and Bella's underdog lore (which is mainly why I'm here y'all). I know it's still a risk that skaters can see this post, but I just wanna yap to no one about how weird the modern world is. And I think Tumblr is probably the most private place out of all socials to yap anyways.
So, my point. I feel weird! I feel so weird making edits and talking about how inspired I am by these strangers, especially when the inspiring strangers can see😭. Bella follows my insta account (as well as a bunch of others) bc she's a cool and connective girl broooo like Bella pls don't unfollow girly I'm just saying I don't wanna freak anyone out 😭🫶. Cause I couldn't imagine all these people being so focused on my life and what I do, it might stress me out bad yall.
I know I'm delulu, but more so I'm sensitive. That's why I like this sport. And I like to chit chat!!! Combined with this hyper digital, often fantasy focused world we live in (movies, tv, sports, books) I don't want to be confused with some crazy person who can't decipher boundaries bc I run an active stan account. And no hate to my fellow Stan accounts, this scenario feels unique bc ice skating fan accounts have audiences that often include people in the skater's communities or families, if not the skater themselves. It's not like I'm posting about Taylor Swift who won't see it. Girl, my T-swift is 5'ft tall and can jump 6ft high in the air. Her Eras Tour starts in Lake Placid this July😭. And you bet your ass I need to talk about it!
But I also gotta remind myself that this isn't my favorite TV show but people's real lives. Like fr. Sometimes the competition is so good you'd think it was scripted, y'all. God, like let me keep yapping forever huh?
Anyways, I am so glad I get to connect with my favorite athlete, as I'm sure her other fans appreciate it too. She's honest and open to chat for a reason, it keeps us feeling like we are on the road to the Olympics with her. I'm gunna keep posting cause I love the idea of turning all of booktok on her lore and getting a million people to root for them so I can see them at freaking SKAM 🤨. The conversation between influencer and audience is just hella interesting. And I hope I'm towing the line okay!
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theharrowing · 10 months
i'm boycotting hybe merch and i think you should too
listen: i'm not going to hold anyone's feet to the fire and say "boycott or else" and i am not going to unfollow or unfriend people, but i have been thinking a lot about this, and then i saw a post on twitter basically outlining everything that i have been mulling over & then some, and it has just been on my mind all day (and tbh for a few days) and i thought that maybe if i put these thoughts out into the world, it might get people thinking.
i also realize that these thoughts would have been better if realized before black friday and current merch drops, but it is what it is. i didn't even know they were doing another merch drop because i do not pay attention.
we are witnessing the starbucks boycott working, and although it is yet to be stated whether that is making anyone on the upper level rethink their bullshit, they have been losing billions !!! of dollars.
i think people will be like "but i don't want to hurt BTS as people," and i hear that, but i also do not genuinely think a boycott would. they are literally fucking millionaires, and it is so hard to not get on my "i don't respect millionaires or believe they have the right to exist" soapbox when i do love them so much, but i also don't think they need our money, especially right now. especially because some (if not most) money can't go to them while they are in the military anyway (although i did see something about how the artist collection proceeds still might since it was initially sold before??? idk. still they are fucking millionaires.)
i think that what would be impactful would be for people to stop buying the merch for a while to send a message to hybe that we are not in support of zionists working with BTS. a romantic, faraway dream is for them to drop scooter braun's dumbass all together, but i do not genuinely think hybe or bang pd gives a shit about much beyond money, which is unfortunate. on this note tho, we could organize an email campaign??? i am more than down??? but it would depend on a lot of you participating. (if you're down tho i will type it up right away.)
do i think we need to boycott golden as a whole? no. i mean........i'm not buying the album because i have personally been more or less boycotting merch since the whole angel pt. 1 debacle, but i think that streams are fine bc they hardly bring in money anyway. but i am boycotting the justin timberlake and usher remixes because.......well, sorry but the favs are problematic.
[going to center myself and my feelings quick and i apologize...] i just cannot get through a day without sobbing uncontrollably about what is happening in gaza. and i cannot, in good faith, support zionists or people who work with them. this falls in line with BTS preaching for us to "love yourself, speak yourself." everything they have stated in UN speeches and in many of their lyrics makes me feel like the only thing i can do as a fan is stand up for injustices when i see them, and hybe working with zionists is a huge injustice. and if you disagree.......idk. i cannot sympathize with or understand you; this post is not for you.
i think it is a huge injustice to what BTS instills in people and makes them believe if we sit back while hybe does whatever the fuck they want without caring about the consequences.
(disney is also on the list, by the way, of companies that support israel. if you need illegal links to disney+ bts content, we can figure something out.)
also, i will say that while silence is violence and choosing neutrality is choosing the side of the oppressor, i wonder if the reason none of the guys are speaking out about the conflict has to do with their enlistment (aka something pertaining to matters i do not understand within the korean government) or within the company itself because they work with scooter et al (aka bang telling them to stay quiet.) whatever the reason is, i guess i am choosing the side of wishful thinking right now. i have absolutely no proof for any of these thoughts, but i do see some people angry at BTS for not speaking up, and while i agree that everyone should use their platforms, i am wondering aloud whether there might be a reason for it. this is not me making excuses for anyone, though........i just don't know. i have no idea.
at the end of the day, we can only do what we can. if you can only boycott so much, you can only boycott so much. it takes time and effort to radicalize to the point of cutting out so many unnecessary things what we deem as "necessary." but it is possible. your money does make a difference, and wouldn't you want that difference to be good? and if you do have a moment of weakness, it is important to continue to stay the path and do not let guilt make you feel one way or another. we all make mistakes but the important thing is that we try.
ALSO if you want cute merch, support independent artists!!!!!!!!! the BTS army is full of amazing creatives and your money can help them for a little while instead!!!
i might be missing a lot, like i said, my brain is super scattered. but if this resonates or speaks to you or there is more i should consider, please reach out.
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paintedxangels · 2 months
HI! i've been wanting to follow you for a while but i don't wanna make you uncomfortable so i have to ask, do you mind when people (as a joke, like not seriously shipping themselfs with) say that one of your f/os is their bfs or that kind of stuff? i don't really know much about the selfshipping community so i don't know where the "non-sharing" starts and when does it stop, sorry if it's a dumb question lol (/gen)
not a dumb question at all!!! non-sharing kinda means different things to different people, so it’s a good thing to ask & I appreciate it <3
in my case it really depends on how it’s said & how often it’s said…. bc for me personally I tend to liberally block anyone who even just seems to be too close to my f/o (just for my own sanity lol), but if it’s just a joke tag or two here & there on some random posts or reblogs (or making memes abt it) I can’t say I mind too much.
like there’s a difference between constantly posting outright ‘x character is my boyfriend and I love him’ in a way that can be taken seriously versus just adding a tag to some reblog once a week that says ‘look at my bf’ as a joke or something. the former I would probably block, but the latter I can deal with.
it really just depends on how I feel in the moment. but honestly since you’ve taken the time to ask me like this I’d probably be wayyy more lenient toward you than some random (especially since I know with you it’s just a joke) 😭 so go ahead & follow if you’d like!! if it really makes me uncomfortable for whatever reason (which I doubt) I’ll just unfollow, but I won’t block you over it. no hard feelings at all <3
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thefrsers · 1 year
Not that you need permission, but I saw a comment and without starting drama bc that’s dumb, as someone else who had to wait until tonight to watch…I was bothered zero by your early gifs because…I didn’t log in until I’d watched bc I knew there’d be spoilers.
It’s not your responsibility to make sure nobody gets spoiled. At most (and you may have even done this) you could tag posts so people could hide the tag but I still go with if I can’t watch until late, I just avoid tumblr. It’s not that hard.
Your gifs are beautiful and I loved logging in and seeing them as soon as the credits rolled. Thank you for the time and energy you put in to having them ready to fangirl over right away.
The ep was awesome and I’m going to enjoy reliving key moments through posts like yours over the next 5-6 months until the second half of the season airs 🥴
Aw, thank you so much for your kind words, you’re so sweet🥹 And I understand ppls frustration as well and we're all entitled to feel certain way about it and I try to take that into consideration. For myself, I live in the US do I get to get the eps early on and when I do I will always tag every tag I can think of so that ppl who dnt want to be spoiled can blacklist it or smth. But I am also someone who will also share things as soon as they’re available cos I love sharing stuff with everyone or for those that aren’t able to get things(cos starz sucks lbh)and want for them to have the chance to see them. I know not everyone wants to be spoiled but I do make sure to use certain tags like #OutlanderSpoilers specifically so ppl can see that. Ofc, I am more then ok with anyone blocking/muting/unfollowing me if that helps them not have to be spoiled I wnt be offended or anything. You do whatever you need to give yourself a peace of mind I am all for that. Lastly, thank you all for your continued love and support means so much🥰🫶🏽
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ankhisms · 1 year
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hi i mentioned last night that i was feeling bad about wanting to ask people to tag something hyperspecific but several people have encouraged me that its ok so heres my post asking.. my mental state/paranoia have been worsening recently and if mutuals are able to could i ask that vague posts aimed at other tumblr users be tagged for me as something like vague or rey dont look? i dont want to be trying to like control how people post or say no one can ever vague post or complain about anyone or anything like that but seeing a lot of vague posts about people being mad at other people they follow has really set off my issues and id really prefer that if youre upset with me or think ive posted/done something harmful that you just tell me upfront bc it really is distressing and genuinely detrimental to my health otherwise. i still feel silly asking for this kind of thing to be tagged and i might just end up unfollowing people who make a lot of vague posts, no hard feelings or anything if i do its just. again. for my own health. thank u
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rainbowdaisy13 · 16 days
Hey Rainbow, do you think you're still a fan of Taylor's? I noticed you said your lavender-colored glasses were off, and that makes a lot of sense given what she's showing the public. I kind of wish at this point that I never entered the fandom last summer. :/ There was so much joy (for some there still is, I know), but I wish I never got my hopes up about what I thought she was doing or who I thought she might be. That is, I don't think I should be showing her any grace about something that may or may not one day come to fruition. Maybe I can decide to show her some grace when/if she ever does one of the grand somethings I might have hoped for, but yeah...I shouldn't be a fan based on stuff I THINK she's doing, and that's been the heart of my interest from the beginning.
It sucks...I liked listening to her music through a Karlie love story lens. I guess I could still do that, but can I care about this love story if I don't care about Taylor?
I think one of my straight Swiftie friends had it right, tbh. She's read the gaylor theories and she thinks they're very plausible, but she also thinks we will never know if we were right.
I just want to feel cozy in this space and it's not very cozy anymore. :(
First I wanna put out there—if you or anyone else wants Taylor to be a fun and light topic only please by all means unfollow me! I don’t pay attention to who follows me, who I’m mutuals with—unless you are messaging me not on Anon and then I only know bc tumblr tells me if we are mutuals. I take zero offense to people unfollowing—you have to do what’s best for you as an individual
Secondly, am I still a fan is such a hard question I don’t have an answer to yet. I’m definitely not morphing into a hate blog even if it feels that way right now
I’m using this space right now to vocalize how it feels to defend someone and their art for nearly a decade, to believe there was some grand purpose to all the bullshit they have created and participated in, and to one day realize it all may be a lie….the plan may have been to make as much money as possible for as long as possible and that’s it
You really nailed it on the head for me too “I should’nt be a fan for what I THINK she’s doing” or going to do—that’s also been my main interest as well, and maybe that’s on me? The caveat here is that Taylor has continued to encourage the idea and actually does hide secret codes and messages and Easter Eggs and throw backs and has been actively doing this for YEARS with her art—so if we follow the signs she lays down, how is it just us being parasocial idiots? I don’t believe it is—she absolutely shoulders some responsibility for what she’s taught us all to look for even if she never acknowledges that or even cares how it’s impacted other people
Thanks for being honest & do whatever you need to do 🩶
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theloveinc · 7 months
I am returning the favor 😘 4 and 25 for the violence asks
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
this is so funny bc i almost asked you this one, ace!! but then i thought someone (me) might get their feelings hurt so i didn't LMFAOOO, but honestly, i'm not really sure?
i'm not really a blocker because (i'm a baby and) i don't really dislike anyone that strongly? even people i'm not exactly a fan of, it's not like i don't... wanna see them? if that makes sense?
but hmmmmmmmmmmmm, the last straw for someone........? honestly i have not blocked anyone in AGES i don't even know. but i have unfollowed people for breaking moots before and there is someone on here i'm really sad abt not being moots with (bc i love them and they followed ihb right before i left and never figured out why they never came back?) so i had to unfollow bc i just starting thinking mean things for no reason lol.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
oh my god. so many. so, sooooo many. not even because i disagree w the complaint but because it's gotten to the point where i think its so useless to complain when nothing is gonna change no matter what u say!!!
i guess a non-typical one i'm sick of (cuz i was really referring to the blank blog problem w/ that comment)... is...... how do i say...................... complaining abt how readers ask too much of writers.
idk. it's hard to express because on one hand, no one should be overworked or feel obligated to produce writing. But on the other hand, i think readers do a lot more for this site than is really appreciated, and even the dumb requests that get sent... do mean the person appreciates you in a lot of ways? and just don't deserve to be entirely tormented?
it's also kinda grating to me atp because ik other fandom insert communities work differently... so it often could be someone just isn't used to doing something a certain way, and therefore get confused when they transfer over to a new community where the norms are different (such as no requests, or reading news rules).
PLUS, most vocal readers are really kind and respectful! there's just always going to be a certain handful of people who break the boundaries, and shouldn't get lumped in with the people here who actually make this place great. which is why sometimes i think all the salt is unnecessary.
it's actually a huge dilemma for me, LOL. but I love u, ace! and thank u for returning the favor<3
(choose violence ask game!)
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demonsfate · 3 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // @electricea asked . . . 6, 7 and 8
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6. excessive ooc
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Honestly... for the MOOOST part, I don't care about "excessive ooc". even though I tend to worry that I post too much ooc LOL. yes, ppl can have "personal blogs" to post ooc stuff to but like. I just understand that behind the muses, there is a real person with real feelings who might wanna share lil details of their lives. Especially when they have more followers on their rp blogs who are more likely to listen & respond than their personal blog does.
There are a couple scenarios where I will draw the line. That being if there is just no in character content. Like they've been logging on every day for weeks just to make several ooc posts and nothing more. Then I may unfollow just because, at that point, I question if I'll ever be able to actually write with them because they're not giving any ic stuff lol. Or when like they just SPAM the dash with reblogs that have NOTHING to do with their muses. I'm not saying musings or aesthetics posts - because those still pertain to the muse. I'm saying when they reblog stuff from other fandoms that have zilch to do with their blog. For example, it'd be like if I were to start reblogging lots of Death Note, lots of Supernatural, and lots of Bluey despite the fact that my blog is Tekken lol. Now that I find annoying bc I'm wondering really WHY can't you use a personal for that? Of course, ppl are always free to do what they want with their blogs - but that's one thing I don't get.
7. DNIs in rules
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I'm like what you were saying, I will follow them if it's somebody I know I'm not gonna end up writing with anyone due to different fandoms or having never followed each other. Or if like, they have concrete proof that this person is to be avoided. But liiiiike... when ppl just drop a username in a DNI and has no other available information... I just can't help but wonder if that person did anything or if it was a personal spat between the two muns. Especially because I've been a personal "victim" of ppl telling their mutuals to not interact with me, that I should just delete, and saying just horrible untrue garbage about me. All because I wrote with sb they didn't like. (Though they were also infamous about pretending to be somebody's friend, then dropping them and suddenly acting like they're the Worst Person Ever with no actual evidence)
I understand if muns wanna set boundaries even if they simply don't like the other person, or they had a personal drift or whatever. But like... I'm gonna be honest, there are def ppl in the RPC that I don't care to see on my dashboard. But I don't think I'll ever have a DNI. I just use X-Kit, X-Kit Rewritten, and the Tumblr block feature to avoid them. Which yes, sometimes they might still "slip through" but like... if I just see them once in a blue moon, it's not gonna matter much to me. And this even applied to those who bullied me as I mentioned above.
So yeah, I do try to follow DNIs if it's one of my mutual, but I do often question the validity (sorry but with the past, I can't help but to) and well... I also have to apologize if I end up writing with sb in a "DNI" because I swear it feels like more and more ppl are having DNI lists now and it's like... when you're following nearly 200 people, it's probs hard to remember who's in a DNI and who's not, y'know? But like I also said, usually those in DNI lists tend to be in different fandoms than I am, anyway.
8. reblog karma
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I don't follow it. I mean, of course, I'll always reblog posts from the source & send people in one (WHEN it's applicable. Obvs I'm not gonna send a smut / ship meme to somebody who my muse has no relation with) But like... people rarely follow reblog karma so I just see little point in enforcing it lol. Like even IF somebody does reblog from the source, you can always tell they reblogged it from you without sending you one. And honestly? I don't get wtf people even do that for when it comes to munday asks or headcanon asks. Like why? There is literally zero excuse for it. Shy? Send it through anon. It doesn't fit your character? It doesn't have to because it's just asking my character / or the mun a question. Like literally. That shit actually annoys me but again. What can you do? I'm not gonna demand ppl ... but I still never understand it.
And I understand some ppl say it clogs up the activity if it's reblogged straight from them. But honestly... I've just never had that problem before lmao. Like I've had personal blogs reblog memes I've made and those memes can get up to 20+ notes, and it still never bothers me. (Especially when a lotta times in Modern Tumblr Age, notifs for a single post tends to become one block)
I could actually complain more about this but uhhhh. I think I'll leave it at that. djfndjsf
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
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this is no disrespect to either of you three anons, so please don't feel like this is me trying to be a bitch.
but oh my GOD i don't care lol
i'll just say everything i feel about this here and then be done with it.
ms singer was a girl colby went on a few dates with, and was done "dating" her by like halloween or a little bit after. he didn't even know malia until sam's bday, so it's not like he left ms singer for her. ms singer herself has said she's on good terms with colby and that she has no hard feelings for malia, it's katelyn she has issues with.
colby unfollowing her on her bday was not done maliciously. he just unfollowed her, most likely, bc he has unfollowed every girl he either a, dated/had a fling with or b, found hot. shock and awe to absolutely no one, she falls into that category.
but also she's STILL talking about her beef with katelyn. and look, she has every right to talk about it as long as she wants to. i'm not here to say she can't vent. but let's be real for two seconds: first and foremost, fans are egging this on and we all know that. anyone that wants to argue otherwise is just plainly ignoring what is happening. ppl go on her tiktok lives just to ask her about katelyn so she can start complaining about her yet again. and the only reason fans want more tea on katelyn is bc they hate her bc she's not kat. full stop, full transparency, that's why that's happening. yall don't like tess; you just like that she gives you tea on a girl you hate bc she maybe once shaded kat when in reality if you have more than one brain cell you would know that's not what she did. stop being so up kat's ass that you think everyone is out to get her.
and secondly, tess can complain - sure. but she is talking about real ppl that are now dealing with real hate. it's the whole fuck around and find out method. keep talking shit on someone, and someone close to them (ie colby) is gonna stop fucking with you. why is this a surprise to anyone?
and i'm not here to say that katelyn is innocent. don't mistake me for that. i'm just saying, if katelyn was a shitty friend to her, then that's a shame. but the beef is very much between the two or them, and not us. stop egging it on for content reasons, or for twitter threads, or for whatever weird reason yall try to justify in your head this all for.
not only this, but colby and ms singer only dated MAX a month, but i don't even think that's the case fully. they went on a couple dates and stayed cordial. some of these fans are acting like he blocked his bestie or something. they remained friendly with one another bc things didn't end badly between them. they don't have to have loyalty towards one another, that includes colby. this isn't some betrayal. he unfollowed bc he's taken now, and she's still talking about his best friend's gf. it's really that simple.
dear god, all of this is such hs drama bs and i'm so tired of hearing about it, honestly. i'm too old to go back to my hs self who would have throughly enjoyed this drama. but seriously, can we find literally anything else to talk about??? i'm actually begging at this point.
and colby didn't unfollow ms singer bc malia told him to. he did it bc he wanted to. he's a grown man, as many on twitter love to point out every time he does something they deem as childish. why do you think this is any different?
also, sam and kat pretended to be besties after the break up. let's be real here. there clearly was some awkward tension left between them, but if they told the fandom they were going no contact and never talking again except maybe in passing, ww3 would have started. so they remained cordial to be appease fans (and probably themselves in one way or another). and realistically, kat probably made sam unfollow her (by blocking him/muting him/removing him as a follower) bc the day she did that was after pics of him and katelyn leaked from new years. realistically she probably wasn't thrilled about that and needed some space. it also didn't help that the khakis personified that is sam golbach decided to like a tweet that she made saying how nice her spotify top five looked without the "take a look at my bf" song, which CLEARLY WAS ABOUT HIM. he got his ass blocked after that, and rightfully so lmao
i would like to request - respectfully to all anons going forward - to stop bringing up ms singer, shea, and stas. hell, throw kat in there too. i don't care enough about any of them to hear what's happening about them. i'm tired of talking about them. some of them i've been talking about for years, i've said my piece on them countless times, and i just want something else to talk about. bc it's always the same stories over and over again and i just cannot care about it any longer.
also, since i might as well throw this in too, if you genuinely think snc are malicious in any compacity - STOP WATCHING THEM. why are you here if you genuinely think colby is a slutty manwhore who fucks anything that moves and is malicious and a shitty friend and whatever other random nonsense you think he is?? why are you here if you think sam is a terrible boyfriend who's also a bit of creep and has as shitty gf and again, whatever random other shit you believe???? why are you here???? you don't like snc anymore, and yet you waste your time talking about them. what you really like is the tea that comes from them and the ppl they have surrounded themselves with. i implore you to log off and find a hobby or a content creator you ACTUALLY like.
(also none of this was really directed at yall. more so the fandom et large. sorry if it felt like i was yelling at you guys. wasn't what i was trying to do here lol)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
"ask games are annoying" okay !! unfollow !! theyre wonderful mpc and if u dont think anything should change dont change it no matter the outcome of the poll
no ones being forced to do the games and if they feel they cant kinfess normally bc of it thats purely a them problem
Thanks anon, I like to hear your thoughts about it! Though like?
Maybe anon does have a point and there are too many? I don't know. It's hard for me to determine that from my point of view. I do appreciate the feedback, and hopefully the people who do follow this blog can decide what to do with it. I'm just here to queue posts.
Like there's clearly a bunch of people who do like the ask games. That's why they stayed around as a feature. It's not easy to be... not a naysayer but like. Standing out of the crowd and asking if there's anyone else who feels the same way, in reverse of the general trend?
Like, cupcakes are delicious, but if you have one every day you are going to get sick of them at some point. Regardless of it having different flavors.
I don't think I explained that well. I'm not saying the TES anon is a boring fuddy duddy just that it may be worth looking into reorganizing and doing some spring cleaning on the blog. A new coat of paint, so to speak. A change of pace.
Aw hell I should've suggested putting a hiatus on ask games. Well, too late, I can't edit the poll at this point.
Connie / mod party cat.
fake edit going to tags these messages as 'blog poll' to collect the thoughts. Please do vote and not send ask messages though, just so we can have a accurate count. Thank you!
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hazbincalifornia · 8 months
(I’m pretty sure the way I type is recognizable but I need to like pretend at anonymity bc I feel. Remarkably silly about this)
I wanted to like idk rant to someone in the HB fandom who isn’t balls deep in the “anti proship” sphere bc like, I’ve been struggling w guilt over enjoying a certain ship that everyone hates and considers problematic (I think Loona and Octavia is rlly cute!) and I’d like to make content for it but I also rlly fear being seen as like a pedophile. Do u ever worry abt that kind of thing? And is there anyway ur able to get over it if u do? I don’t like getting into anti/anti anti discourse bc I feel like it’s a very reductive way to view and interpret media but I still have a crazy amount of worry/guilt
First off, it is still ridiculous to me that this is even a problem in this fandom. This is an adult show about characters in Hell, and the main characters are, respectively, assassins and the eclectic cast of the Hotel which includes a cannibal serial killer. (I am eternally both amused and completely baffled that like half the awful puritanical takes I see are from Val icons. Buddy. Pal. The fucked up fiction is coming from inside the house.) I saw waaaaay more fucked up shit on Zim nsfw twitter than I see on Hellaverse twitter and that show was Y7. Up your game, guys.
Personally, I don't really see Loona and Via as siblings/sisters as much as I think a lot of others do, more just friends (and honestly I think canon moved much too quickly to give them such a heartfelt scene together, they hadn't even met officially before that point?) so it's really only the age thing and even then, the plot of HB has seemed to imply that a fair amount of time has passed since the series started, probably around a year- so Via would be 18 or older by the time anything actually started anyway, especially if they became friends first. Setting aside the 'justification' though... they're not real. They're cute together, I agree, and I think you should be perfectly fine enjoying them just in the lens of 'they're similar, I like how they'd interact, and I think they're cute together'!
I was pretty much forged in my opinions about this from Invader Zim stuff, where people insisted that liking two characters that I'd liked together since I was thirteen made you a pedophile. Obviously, I could tell that wasn't true, because it had never been the case in all those years up to people starting to be bitchy about it in 2019. (Before that, it was that it was bad because it was enemies to lovers and, more importantly, gay. Great hater throne to inherit, guys!)
Unfortunately... as stupid as it is, this fandom is way more puritanical than it should be, so it wouldn't be wrong to engage through anonymity to protect yourself. Find the people in the tag who are using 'proship/proship interact' or something along those lines (I've seen a few, although some tend to lean more on hard/dead dove content), post on ao3 into the anonymous collection which removes your name, make a tumblr sideblog that doesn't connect to your main, find fellow shippers and interact with them specifically. Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself safe from people who can't understand that thinking something is cute or interesting to explore in fiction is automatically bad just because they don't like it. The more stuff that's put out there about the ship, the more likely you are to find kindred spirits, that's honestly part of how I gathered my mpreg weirdos to me in both this fandom and the last.
I'm pretty sure that the callout I got for Sunny was why several mutuals who were a friend group unfollowed (and likely muted) me on twitter. Unfortunately, it left me worrying that the other shoe was going to drop any day for about a week because it got just enough notes to make me worry but not enough to get to anyone with any real reach to spread and get it 'over with'.
At this point, I've sort of reached a state of 'fuck it', because if it happens, it happens. I know that I'm fine, and the people I genuinely care about know that too. I know that what I'm making is entirely separate from my morals as a person, if not from how dumb the IZ stuff was than from the fact that I was an English major. Literature is full of stuff that authors don't make as a 1:1 with their real-life morals! And the one you're thinking about isn't 'bad' comparatively at all.
I think the fandom is starting to see that being a dick about fictional content is bad through the backlash to Poison and 'hey, maybe telling somebody that they need to detail their trauma to the public to make fiction is bad?', but it seems to mostly be centered on dub/noncon, so I wouldn't necessarily hold my breath.
At the end of the day though, remember this: You, as a person, are completely fine, no matter what others might think. Octavia and Loona would probably be seen as a totally normal ship like ten years ago (except for people who'd be dicks about them being gay) and there is no judgement to be made on your character in any reasonable way for thinking they're a good ship. You're not a pedophile for thinking a fictional owl and hellhound look cute together, any more than I was for smacking together two Nicktoon characters, and frankly the IZ argument held slightly more water than 'the almost-18-year-old and the 22-year-old' because Zim's age was so ambigious. Try explaining this 'people think the young adult animals holding hands are bad' to any adult who isn't sucked into fandom discourse and they'd probably be baffled that it's a problem.
I know that the guilty feelings aren't always rational and it took a bit of time for me to unwind how I felt about creating certain stuff too, but try to remember that above all else- exploring things in fiction has been a thing people have done for a very, very long time. What matters is your actions towards other real people, not what you do with fictional dolls.
If nothing else, if you want you can always send me a dm and chat that way, I'd be happy to talk.
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