#also i know all this is confusing and vague. apologies again
hee-blee-art · 4 months
hi friends. I'm going on indefinite hiatus for while. in the meantime, I'm going to be queuing a lot of my drafts and some sketches, but for several reasons my blog/posts will look a bit different, and be less accessible (specifically less/no ids and less tags). I sincerely apologize for this & I hope those of you who can will be flexible with me as I continue to share my work within my current limitations, even though its not ideal. all the best to you & yours <3
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dr3c0mix · 8 months
I immediately apologize for the bad English!
How does Caspian plan to keep the fem!reader underwater? Or does he have another plan? thank you, your work is very nice🛐
ill be making this gn since its a part 2 but if you want a one-off thing with a fem!reader, just request it! :3
Also sorry for the long hiatus again but here's the long awaited part 2 ! yaay you're not dead !! :D
Yandere!Siren x GN Reader Pt. 2
CW: Kidnapping, Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Non-con licking (reader is asleep), idk Caspian being a delulu icon
🌊 You wake up with a throbbing headache and a vague memory of what transpired before you blacked out.
🌊 The feeling of overwhelming pressure and deepness comes back to you, memories start to come back as you see a red mark on your arm.
🌊 You remember now, the screams and cries of your classmates ring in your ears before the memory of being dragged down to the depths hit you like a wave.
🌊 a splash of water pulled you out of your thoughts, it was then you looked around at the place you were in.
🌊 It looked like you were in a cave illuminated by algae and glowing sea creatures. the cavernous area was sandy and a bit wet with a deep pool which led to an underwater tunnel, it was the only entrance and exit to the cave from what you can see.
🌊 Behind you was a house built out of a shipwreck, the broken boards of the deck repaired with random planks and cloths.
🌊 "Honey~ I know you're a bit out of sorts right now but uhm..could you help me out a bit~?" a familiar voice echoed throughout the cave.
🌊 You gasp and instinctively stand up and back away from where the voice came from. Caspian was lying on the shore, a net full of what seems to be canned food and fish tied around his waist like a satchel.
🌊 "My treasure~! I know you're excited to explore your new home, but can you help me get to shore first~" Caspian coos as he smiles at you awkwardly, his large tail flopping on the sand.
🌊 You grab a piece of driftwood and hold it like a weapon. "D-Don't come any closer!" you yell at him nervously, afraid of what he might do after you saw his capabilities, and his sharp teeth..
🌊 "My sweet, you have nothing to worry about~! Why would I ever hurt you~? Those mean humans tried to hurt us! You'd never do that to me now would you~?" He tries to calm you down.
🌊 It takes a while for you to calm down considering how confused and scared you were, but with no way out and Caspians lack of intention to hurt you, the only thing left to do was to just sit and try to think logically about the situation.
🌊 Caspian tries to help you make sense of your little predicament, it was mostly him making an excuse to hold you close because "Am I not able to help you relax my treasure~?"
🌊 So you're in a cave after getting kidnapped brought to safety by a mermaid, how fun...
🌊 You has no choice but to accept your new lifestyle, after all, the only out was an underwater cavern, and you had no idea how deep or long it was. Caspian might not be the best at moving on land, but without him, you'd drown if you attempt to leave.
🌊 Once you told the siren that you weren't going anywhere soon unfortunately, He lit up and gave you a big, soaking wet hug. "Oh my treasure! You'll be happy here, I promise~!" He peppers your face with kisses, some making you shiver at the thought of his sharp teeth being so close to your flesh.
🌊 He'd go out every day to get food for you and him, sometimes surprising you with gifts!
🌊 He knows you like reading, so any book or parchment that he finds is immediately brought to you so you won't be so bored <3
🌊 More often than not they're too wet to actually read, but you appreciate the effort you suppose.
🌊 You also had to explain what cooking is to Caspian and that humans can't eat fish raw...and alive..
🌊 Get ready to be showered with pearls and pretty shells and treasure! Caspian is a bit picky when it comes to his own horde so anything that he considers nice but not on par with his tastes goes to you~!
🌊 He would always ask to sleep with you in your bed, and he doesn't take no for an answer.
🌊 "It's cold my treasure~! Could you warm me up~?"
🌊 "It gets so lonely in the water~ May I stay in bed with you my love~?"
🌊 "But I got all those nice things for you~!"
🌊 He would keep whining and fussing until you agree. He doesn't care at all that your sheets are all now soaked.
🌊 If you tell him to dry off first, he will! But you'll have to pay him with a kiss~
🌊 He may or may not sniff your hair while you sleep...and maybe lick your neck..
🌊 He can't get himself to sleep sometimes, he'd just watch you sleep the whole time. What can he say? You're too irresistible~!
🌊 Sometimes he'd even whisper sweet things into your ear, promising you the world if you'd let him.
🌊 More often than not, he sings you to sleep. The anxieties of never seeing your family again and living off of just fish and other sea creatures was getting to you, not to mention the many hours of being alone in a cave.
🌊 His siren song lulled you to bed every night. No matter how much you distanced yourself away from him, he was always able to calm you down with his voice.
🌊 "Hush now my dear~...You'll learn to like it here~ And one day, we'll be married and live happily ever after~ Just like in your stories~ Just you wait~..."
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ok what if the dudes trip, fall, but instead of straight eating shit on the floor they land on their crush on the way down and flatten her? how bad is it?
Definitely varying levels of bad, this is how I think they would all react to falling on top of their crush!
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Takemichi- Is completely confused as to what happened for a sec but when he opens his eyes and realises he's on top of you he immediately panics. Scrambles to get off of you while loudly shouting "sorry!", runs away as soon as he gets up, still shouting "sorry!" as he goes.
Mikey- Pouts, assuming someone wanted to take his taiyaki from him. But as soon as he realises it's you he softens up a bit. Ends up just laying on top of you and starting a conversation, not realising that it's pretty inappropriate.
Draken- His eyes widen as he looks you up and down, checking to see if you're ok. Apologises and helps you up, once again checking to see if you're ok.
Baji- "eh?" He's mentally a mess but seems pretty calm on the outside. Gets up and grabs your hand, pulling you up. Asks if you're ok before walking away, his heart is pounding on the inside though.
Chifuyu- Goes bright red, he's so embarrassed and flustered but also panicking because what if you hate him now!???? Apologises a lot (seriously he won't stop bowing). 
Mitsuya- "Are you ok?" Smiles awkwardly at you before apologising and offering his hand for you to take. Insists on walking you home after as a way of making it up to you. 
Hakkai- Opens his eyes and finds himself on top of you. He straight up passes out, his brain cannot deal with this situation.
Pah- Goes red and panics, assumes you might be hurt and blurts out a quick sorry before asking. He just feels very guilty about this, you're the last person he wanted to maybe hurt.
Peh- Freezes for a second, he isn't entirely sure what he's supposed to do in this situation. Goes like "You're ok right!?" before practically sprinting off.
Smiley- Laughs nervously and tries to make a joke to break the ice. It comes across as more nervous the confident though. 
Angry- He is so concerned about you, focused 100% on you the second it happens. Insists on dragging you to his house so he can check you over properly to make sure you're ok. 
Mucho- Raises an eyebrow at the situation then sighs. He picks up up very easily then walks off as if nothing happens.
Sanzu- Blinks in surprise, but sees this as lucky rather then something bad. Takes his time in getting up because he likes feeling close to you. Grabs your hand to help you up too, seeing it as an excuse to hold your hand.
Kisaki- Curses but tries to spin the situation round in his favour. Smiles sweetly at you and apologises. 
Hanma- "oh? If you wanted me on top of you, you could've just asked." Of course he immediately teases you and plays the situation lightly.
Kazutora- Stares at you and gulps for a second, he quickly realises that he may have just hurt you and checks you over quickly. Mumbles that he's sorry and hopes you'll still like him after this.
Inui- "hey get up" he doesn't mean to come across as so blunt but he's worried and wants to make sure you actually can get up. Frowns at you and mumbles a quick apology. 
Koko- His cheeks go bright red since he's so close to you. Vaguely wants to just stay there but knows he can't, get's up quickly and helps you up. Then cancels everything else he has going on that day since he insists on taking you to the hospital instead. 
Taiju- Blames you for it???? He's actually just internally panicking a bit but it doesn't come out that way. "Tch watch where you're going" 
Izana- Frowns before smiling at you, he really does feel lucky to get to be in this situation with you. Likes the way you feel under him but quickly gets up. He then insists you now owe him because of that fall (he fell on you???). Holds your hand and drags you away, insisting you spend the day with him now. 
Kakucho- Panics! He worries that he just accidentally killed you, so looks over you with a worried expression. Picks you up and apologises. He actually finds you the next day and brings you some goodies from a local cafe as a way of apologising further. 
Ran- Plays it smoothly again, mixing the line up saying the two of you fell for each other. Insists on getting your number after.
Rindou- Blushes as he finds himself face to face with you, gives you a shakey "hey" before mentally cursing. Then helps you up before giving you one last kind of nervous grin and walking off 
Shion- Just starts introducing himself while the two of you are still on the floor. He's panicking a little but also wants you to know who he is. 
Mochi- Easily picks you up and brushes you off. Asks if you want him to carry you to a hospital. Nods after you say no and gives you a quick "sorry" before leaving.
South- Eyes slightly widen as he realises it's you. He then picks you up and practically carries you back to his house, insisting that he'll "look after you" since he caused this. You don't really seem to get a choice. 
Wakasa- Looks at you curiously, trying to figure out if you're hurt and how you're going to react to this. Helps you up then gives you a lazy smile, giving you his name. This isn't how he wanted to introduce himself but might as well do it now. 
Benkei- Asks if you're ok and happily smiles after you say you are. Then compliments you, calling you strong for easily taking a fall like that. He likes you even more now. 
Shinichiro- Gulps as he looks at you, you look even prettier now that the two of you are this close. Gently brushes your hair out of your face and asks if you're ok. He isn't even trying to flirt right now, he's just concerned about you. Takes you back to his bike shop to check you over just in case.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Everytime after reading your Bot Buddy, i would end up with a headache from laughing too much with the bots skits😭 i love em. I've been looking around for some RiD fics but there's not much of em here so thought i could request. Bot buddy who's Megatron's kid, dropping by earth to look for Bumblebee after he left Cybertron. The two reunited (platonically) and was introduced to Team Bee.
Also, StrongArm and SideSwipes reaction to when Bumblebee casually mentioned that Buddy is Meg's kid
This has no connection to Buddy going to different dimension or meeting anyone outside TFP.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting Team Bee
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
When Buddy had the vision of Optimus, she nearly screamed herself awake.
Optimus had instructed her to help Bumblebee and his new team.
When Buddy woke up there was already a portal inside her room.
She didn’t even have a minute to herself and already she needed to go.
Buddy leaps into the portal and comes out to a familiar landscape.
She was on Earth.
A sudden clang surprises her and she looks back.
A rather large scrap yard had presented itself in front of her.
There was a lot of yelling behind the wall.
Buddy figured that that would be the first place to check out.
She manages to climb up a tree and hop over the wall.
Buddy looks around the intricate scraps and older things around.
The clang comes back with more frustrated yelling.
Buddy quickly hides behind the wall of scraps and pers over her shoulder.
To her surprise she sees Bumblebee trying to talk to some of his team mates out of a fight.
Some of the other ones just stay out of it and watch.
The Dinobot accidentally whipped Bumblebee with his tail sending him flying and landed straight at Buddy’s pedes.
Buddy laughed a bit looking down at Bee’s surprised face.
Bee gets up and immediately picks up and sings Buddy around enthusiastically.
He had missed his friend dearly.
Everyone else is very confused.
Especially where in the world did that minibot come from?
Buddy gets put down and properly introduces herself to the others and explains her vision.
Bee is more than happy to have Buddy as part of his team, especially since they were a little bit short on a medic.
Bumblebee and Buddy often talk about the old times during the war or about things they missed on Earth.
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Strongarm was a bit confused about seeing this new minibot with Bumblebee.
She finds it a bit hard to believe that the mini was a part of Team Prime, but trust Bees word on it.
She is confused when Buddy refuses to go after any cons, but figures that it had something to do with being a medic.
Absolutely floored when Bee casually mentions that Buddy’s father was Megatron.
Strongarm does get the feeling that Buddy may have ulterior motives that do not benefit the team and decides to bring it up with Bumblebee.
She had never seen him defend someone like that.
After a bit of thinking she decides to ask the source herself.
Buddy keeps all details about her life with Megatron as vague as possible.
That’s when Strongarm realizes that Buddy isn’t a bad bot at all and apologizes the assumptions.
Buddy forgives her.
The usual place to find the two is in the training area as Buddy tries and coaches Strongarm on kicking techniques the best she can.
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Like Strongarm, Sideswipe was on the fence on whether this bot was a part of Team Prime.
But then again, he was reminded of Drift’s mini’s.
He is a bit confused in why Buddy refuses to fight, rather sticking to the base and the humans.
Also, like Strongarm, floored hearing about Megatron being her father.
But for a different reason.
Megatron was one of the greatest fighters in history, how come Buddy hasn’t shown them some moves.
Bumblebee gets furious when Sideswipes nagging gets to be too much, again surprised how mad his leader got when Buddy’s past was brought up.
Buddy does explain that she knows some things, but they bring up bad memories of her time with Megatron and rather use them, when necessary, but she is willing to teach the team some moves to protect themselves.
He gives a bit of an apology when he finds out through Strongarm some of the things Megatron did.
Buddy forgives him.
The usual place to find the two is playing and discussing who’s music taste is better.
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Grimlock was the first to welcome Buddy on the team.
Fully believes that she was on Team Prime
Why would anyone lie about that?
Is shocked to hear that the biggest bad of the Cons was her father.
He does ask some questions about it, but he knows when to stop when some things look a bit too painful to talk about.
One thing he has learned from the team, that if someone wants to talk about their past, they will with time.
Otherwise, it gets messy quick.
Grimlock does quietly defend Buddy against the others when they ar acting a bit too rude, even for him.
He is one of the first to hear from Buddy about her experience with Megatron.
He feels for Buddy and does offer his support in any way he can.
If they are seen together it’s with Buddy on top of his helm while they just chat about random things.
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Drift believes Bumblebee when he says that Buddy was on the team.
That is no lying matter so it must be true.
His minis and Buddy constantly chat to each other.
Buddy does make sure to talk to him about letting them have more freedom.
Drift is on high alert hearing that Buddy was Megatron’s daughter.
Refuse to have his minis be near her without his super vison.
Like Strongarm does question Buddy for any alternative motives and goes to Bee.
He had never seen Bee move so quickly or get that mad in a spit second.
Drift is the longest to come to terms with Buddy, simply because he doesn’t want to talk.
His minis hear about some of the things Megatron did to her and urge their teacher to talk to her.
They eventually do and they exchange stories.
The hostilities settled down after that.
If the two are ever seen together they are usually enjoying each other’s silence or Drift is watching over Buddy and his mini’s so they don’t do anything that could hurt each other.
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jisunghannie · 3 months
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Under the Influence
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PAIRING: Bangchan x fem!reader
WARNINGS: Swearing, Use of the name jagi/jagiya, pet names, unprotected sex, mentions of drugging, mentions of needles/injections, virgin!reader, mentions of a beaten bloody body, soft!dom Chan, praise
SUMMARY: You had had a debt to pay back Hyunjin. Chan, taking an interest in you, decided to have fun. When he became a prey in a web he spun. Lets just say, being close to your client isn't such a good idea.
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This is not proofread! You can get sneak peeks of that piece and other pieces of my works on @mr-hanjisung ! Also, apologies if there are grammar mistakes or anything, I hope you guys enjoy this piece!
Sorry for such the long wait! I'm really trying to get more content out but school is so stressful. Hopefully you guys enjoy this piece. The next part of the series won't take as long!!
Taglist: @annybah @softkisshyunjin @queenmea604 @hyunmikim @stayceebs97 @boi-bi-ahaha @lilinaskzz
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“Cut the crap y/n.” Seungmin said as you caressed your cheek. “I’m telling the fucking truth.” You spat out as Hyunjin sat in his chair. “Let's get one thing straight.” He said unrolling his legs, “You borrowed our money. You weren't able to pay it back in the required time. Not to mention, pissed off our leader pretty well.” He said, laughing. Just then right on cue, the rest of the mafia came in.
You noticed Changbin's messy hair, knowing well that he worked well with his sex appeal. Which is why you refused to work with him and why you worked with Hyunjin. You watched as Jisung ran his fingers through his hair, his sweat noticeable, his arms covered in scratch scars. You saw how Felix now held a syringe, full. You must've looked horrified because Jeongin laughed.
“How cute, you're actually scared?” Jeongin cooed as you looked at Lee Know as he whispered something in Chan's ear.
How did you even end up like this?
Chan smiled and then nodded his head. But at what? You wondered. Then you felt a pinch in your shoulder. You turned to see Felix injecting you with the very syringe you saw him with. “Don't worry, it's just a sedative.” He reassured you as he took out the needle. You wanted to argue back but your body immediately didn't want to cooperate with you. “It's effective immediately. Amazing isn't it?” He asked as Hyunjin nodded.
“Shall we leave her here?” Seungmin asked Chan as Chan nodded. “Let her stay here for a bit until she realizes her dire circumstances.” He said as they all hummed in response, leaving the room. Your mind was foggy and you were in a daze. But next thing you knew, you were passed out in the corner.
When you woke up, you didn't know how much time passed because there were no windows where you were at but your head hurt and you felt horrible. You rubbed your eyes trying to look around for anything to help you.
Your vision was blurred and your mind was still foggy from the drug but you saw someone and walked to them for help. You grabbed his shoulders and reached to his collar. “Help me please…” You pleaded as you heard a chuckle. “Keep your hands to yourself.” The voice said. You removed your hands and stood up. “Please help me, I’ll do anything. Anything, to get out.” You told the voice as the voice laughed. You were confused as you could finally notice some things about the silhouette.
The silhouette was definitely male. The voice and how his shoulders felt. The silhouette was vaguely familiar. Strangely, you feel like you’ve heard his voice somewhere.
“Goodness, you don’t know who I am?” He asked, pulling your wrist down, making you kneel before him, looking up at him as if you were worshiping a god. “Open your fucking eyes,” He said sternly. “Before you decide to touch me again.” He said, his accent extremely familiar. Then it hit you, “Chan..?” You asked as he chuckled, “Who else would come down here alone?” He said as your vision finally cleared up, realizing what kind of position you were in.
You were on your knees, looking up at him as he glared down at you as if he was someone of power looking down upon you.
Which he does hold power against you. You knew that.
You tried to look down, but when you did you saw how close your face was to his pants. You blushed and got up immediately. He smirked, “I didn’t know you were that desperate to get out y/n.” He retorted as you shook your head. “It’s not like that…” You said, backing up, until he got up and started to walk to you slowly.
Then your back hit the wall. He got closer and grabbed your wrists once again. It didn’t hurt, it was just very firm. Then, he pinned them over your head, causing you to turn away, scared of what would come next. You were barely 20, you didn’t want to give yourself up all over some debt. You then felt Chan’s breath up against your ear, your heart beating faster, unsure if it was because you were horrified or because you were feeling bashful.
He then kissed your cheek.
“Don’t worry love, I won’t do anything.” He whispered as he released you causing you to slide against the wall and fall to the floor. “At least, not yet.” He said, looking down at you once again. “But I will admit, you look lovely in a position looking up at me.” He told you as he chuckled and walked out.
Your heart raced with thoughts pulsing through your mind. You didn't know what to think when he walked out of the room.
You didn't know how much time passed but the next thing you knew Jisung came down and blindfolded you. You then felt him pull you up into another room. It felt like you guys were walking forever.
“Our boss has a proposal for you but it's up to you if you want to take it.” Jisung said as you exhaled slowly. You wondered what the proposal was as Jisung finally took off your blindfold. You were faced eyes-to-eyes with Chan.
You didn't know why but something about his appearance was different. He looked more soft and innocent. He wasn't cold and brooding. His hair was wavy, the wavy curls must've added the effect. But you had noticed that he had taken off his “edgy” glasses and jewelry. Which added more to the innocent look.
“What, you just gonna keep staring?” He asked as you shook your head and took a seat. “So Hyunjin still wants his money, and you want to be freed. So tell you what, either you can work with us and pay back Hyunjin the money, quit, and swear all this to the grave. Or we can kill you right here and now.” He stated simply as he gave you a smug smirk. “The choice is yours.”
You were tempted to choose the former option but if it became too much you might've wanted the latter option.
“Give me about another week.” You told him as he chuckled, standing up and tucking your hair behind your ear. “Don't think you get that luxury… you don't get it, you'll have tonight and tomorrow. If you don't decide on it tomorrow. At noon…” He traced his hand on your nape. “You're dead…” He said simply, as chills ran down your spine. You didn't know what to do but you knew to just nod your head and shut up.
As you were taken back to the place you were at before meeting Chan you wondered if you could appeal to him differently.
Even if it meant swallowing your pride.
The next day you awoke sleeping on a bed?
“You're awake.” A familiar voice said, as you turned to look at who said it. It was Chan. “I have a different proposal for you.” He said, looking at the rainfall hitting the glass window. He was in a black robe, his wavy curls, wet and tight, his posture, stern yet relaxed, as he held his wine glass.
“You see,” He turned to face you, “I have to go to this mafia party. I have to bring my crew along with…” He looked repulsed for a minute and looked away, “My spouse.” He said as he walked closer to you. “The lady who was originally my pretend wife canceled on me because she didn't like the atmosphere and I told her simply to pay me back the prices that I spent on her as my “wife”. Yet she didn't.” He said, taking his seat, “What a shame to her.” He said as he shook his head.
“What are you trying to say?” You asked bluntly as he chuckled. “For your debt to be paid in full, you just have to pretend to be my wife. Of course, being a mobster's wife is dangerous but…” He then got up and stood in front of you, lifting your chin up to face him. “You’ll do perfectly.” He said as you pushed his hand away. “If you think I'll take this damn offer you got another thing coming Chan.” You said standing up as he gazed into your eyes. “Do you, really, wanna continue and go there y/n?” He asked, this time even closer to you.
If he were to get any closer, you would've been skin to skin with him. Touching his arms and possibly entangled with a kiss. And maybe even-
“That's what I thought.” He said cutting off your train of thought. “I'll see you tonight jagi.” He said, kissing your cheek. “Here's my card, go buy the perfect dress, make sure it has a slit.” He told you as you side-eyed him. “Why specifically a slit in the dress?” You asked. “For the sex appeal?” You retorted as he chuckled. “Full of jokes, are we now?” He smiled, “No, it's so if in any case we need to defend ourselves.” He said as he kissed your left hand, looking at it, “Go get a ring. Make sure the ring looks expensive.” He said as he released your hand and left. You fell back onto the couch, leaving your legs feeling like jelly.
You went with Jisung and Jeongin. Why them out of all people? Jisung and Jeongin looked innocent and sweet. Jisung was a great actor and could get a cheaper or even free deal for an item as Jeongin was great at passive-aggressive intimidation to scare people into getting things you wanted. Was it wrong to choose them for your benefit? A little, but you weren’t complaining. You saw the most perfect dress, and of course, another girl wanted the dress.
“Hey, I actually wanted to buy this dress.” You told her blatantly as she gave you an ugly look. “Look, I’m not in a good mood and I really don’t want to be tested today.” She said, snapping her fingers, bringing two men to her side, looking like bodyguards. “Do you even know who I am?” She asked you as you laughed, “Bitch.” You said, snapping your fingers as Jisung and Jeongin walked by you and stood by your side, staring her and her bodyguards down. “Do you know who I am?” You asked as she furrowed her brows, walking off. “You’ll regret this mobster.” She spat, walking away.
You exhaled deeply not believing what you just did, as Jisung and Jeongin looked at you and smiled. “That was certainly something. You sounded like a mobster's wife or daughter for sure.” Jisung said, “Maybe even a mobster itself.” Jeongin said as you shook your head. “Anyway, let's just buy this dress and go look at rings.” You told them as they nodded, following you along.
When you went back, Chan left you with a note on his desk saying,
‘Be back later lover, I have a hair and makeup crew coming within 5 minutes. - Chan 3:30 pm’
You checked the time and it was 3:34 pm, and as if on cue, the minute it hit 3:35 pm a crew walked in and set up everything. Sitting you down and getting to work before 3:40.
Chan returned at 5 pm getting his outfits tailored, his makeup and hair done, and once he was done he went to find you.
He opened the door, to see you in the most tight-fitted, black dress. Of course, it had a slit, as Chan requested. You had black, silk gloves that reached your elbows, a beautiful ring that sat on your left ring finger, over your glove. Your hair was pinned up in a bun, simple black heels to match alongside your black chiffon shawl. Your neck, adorned with the same gems that were on your ring.
You turned to him and walked over to him. “I didn't know that mafia wives needed so much weaponry on them.” You said as he laughed, pulling you in, “How many do you have on you?” He asked as you shook your head. “Too many… one in my hair, I have one attached to a garter on my thigh, a gun concealed under my skirt-” He then covered your mouth. “I get it. Just stop talking and let's go lover.” He said, and oh my god, the way it rolled off his tongue.
You guys then went into probably the most expensive car you've ever seen in person. Before you could reach to open the car door, Chan held your hand and opened the door for you. “A lady should never have to open a door.” He said, kissing your hand, leading you in the car. “Thank you.” You said pulling your hand away, trying not to get attached, as this was nothing more than a job.
The next few minutes were awkward as you guys sat in silence. Chan then broke the silence by saying, “Alright, does everyone know what they are doing in this mission?” He asked as you shook your head, “I'm sorry? Everyone? Mission? Surely I'm not a part of it.” You laughed out, hoping that he was talking to everyone but you. He then chuckled, “Oh my dear, you have the most important job.” He said as he wrapped his arm around your neck. “You have to go and court the heir who's running this party.” He told you as you shook your head. “I can't.” You said as Jisung spoke up, “You got what it takes. I've seen it.” Minho then chuckled, “Yeah, you have all of us too.” Jeongin then smiled at you, “Agreed.”
Felix then handed you a box full of filled syringes. “This is the same drug I used to drug you with the first time we met. If you use this after you court him, we should be able to collect him for ransom.” Felix said as you nodded still not believing that you are really going to do this.
Once you guys had arrived Chan placed a hand on your back. “He's the one so make sure you get him.” He told you as the clenched your fists tight. “Understood.” You whispered as he chuckled.
Throughout the party, he was flocking from woman to woman.
‘God, what a womanizer.’
You thought as Chan talked to you through the tiny earpiece you had on. “Hey jagi, you need to get a move on him quickly.” He told you. “I'm going in now.” You replied as he watched.
“Hey.” You said plainly as he eyed you up and down. “Ladies, can you give us some space?” He asked, more demanding as they left. “Hey there beautiful.” He said as you giggled. “Care for a drink?” You asked as he nodded. He snapped his fingers and brought over two glasses and poured wine into them. “Don't you think the stars look lovely from the view?” He asked as you turned to look at them. “Yes, indeed.” You replied and he held your hand and kissed it gently, “Not as lovely as you though.” He said as you smirked. “Glad to hear.” You said amused as he held up his glass. “Cheers to you lovely lady.” He said as you lifted your glass, making eye contact with him, “Cheers to me, the lovely lady.” You said as your glasses clinked and you guys drank the drinks.
You then heard Chan's voice through your ear piece, “Don't drink it!” But it was too late. You already did. You looked at him and mouthed, ‘I know what I'm doing.’ However 5 minutes later you were light-headed and the last thing you knew was the heir you were courting was picking you up and walking off.
When you awoke, the heir was beaten to a bloody pulp and taken out. As Chan looked at you.
“My goodness jagi…” He purred, looking you up and down. “At least he knows how to dress you.” He said as you realized that you were now in fully black, laced lingerie. Your face immediately flushed as you looked at Chan, licking his lips. “Unless you wore it underneath?” He retorted as you shook your head. “I have to admit…” He said twirling your now let loose hair, “You look… absolutely… breathtaking…” He said getting closer and closer to your ear. You tried to move but soon realized that you were under restraints.
“Why don't I get a reward for how hard I worked? That is, if you would let me..?” He asked as you looked at him. “You think I would?” You asked him angrily wondering why he would even ask that. “Yes, because after all.” He then got closer to your ear. “I know deep down somewhere, you secretly want me to.” He told you as you blushed.
“So? Is that a yes jagi?” He asked as you gritted your teeth. “How much longer are you going to keep denying me..?” He whispered once again. God, his voice sounded so sweet but you knew that he didn't have innocent intentions. Still, and shockingly, you nodded subtly as he chuckled.
“Adorable…” He said, kissing your cheek. “I'm gonna go ahead and continue, if you feel bad, in pain or under pressure just tell me.” He told you as you shook your head, “Do you know how dangerous it is?” You asked him as he shrugged unbuttoning his tight-fitted button up shirt. “And? I’m a mobster, don’t forget that. My life’s sole purpose is danger.” You bit your lip and you closed your eyes. You heard him chuckle.
“Can't handle seeing a bit of eye-candy?” He teased as you shook your head. You then felt your chin get tugged forward as you opened your eyes, seeing his bare chest in front of you. “My eyes are up here.” He said lifting your chin higher to look at him. You gulped, taking in how truly dominating he was.
His lips curved into a smirk as they kissed down your body, kissing your stomach.
You whined a hum as Chan smirked against your skin. “That sounded very inviting…” He teased kissing to your left inner thigh, licking and kissing it gently as he massaged small circles to your right side. You blushed and tried to bite on your lower lip to muffle your moans, as your wrists were cuffed in your restraints still.
“Channie… release me out of these restraints..!” You whisper-yelled as he licked his lips, looking back up at you. “Oh?” He hummed as he moved your panties, causing you to squirm feeling the light breeze. He smirked at the sight, “You're so wet jagi…” He said as he looked back at you. “What did you need again?” He asked as you sighed and the minute you opened your mouth, you had squealed, your eyes widening, feeling Chan's fingers inside, stretching you out.
This time, you bit your lip once again as he smirked, making the pace of his fingers faster. “Jagiya… tell me what you wanted…” He said as he began to move them faster. You had thought you lost your mind. It was full of lust and you wanted more. You couldn't even think right. “You have 5 seconds.” He told you as you threw your head back, feeling a knot in your stomach.
“5…” You felt yourself get tighter around him as he continued to increase his pace. “4…” You slowly felt the knot untying inside. “3…” Now you didn't know if your body obeyed you anymore, you began to moan for more. “2…” You could see Chan's smirk once he said 2. “And 1…” You were close, so fucking close. Until he pulled out his fingers. Feeling your euphoric pleasure go away you looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Remove these restraints.” You demanded as he licked his fingers, the same fingers he was just pumping inside you with. “Since when do you give orders?” He asked as you huffed, now sensitive and not caring much about your dignity now. He's seen your most sensitive and hidden area. What's more to hide now?
“Please… that feeling… that euphoria… I need it… I want it… please… I'll be good I promise…” You begged as he hummed in response. “Look who learned to be a good girl…” He said as he removed the restraints on you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he chuckled softly, picking you up.
“I don't think this heir keeps condoms-”
“Just do it raw.”
Chan looked at you and furrowed his brows. “Do it like what now?” He asked in confusion as you rested your head on his shoulder. “Just do it raw.” You said again as he sighed, “Do you know how dangerous-”
“What happened to ‘I’m a mobster, don’t forget that. My life’s sole purpose is danger’ hmm?” You told him as he held you speechless and then chuckled.
“Don't say I didn't warn you.” He said as you rolled your eyes.
He placed you on the bed as he unbuttoned his trousers. His shirt was already off, and now that you were looking at him. He was very attractive. Like dangerously attractive. He then cleared his throat and you looked at his face. “Shall we continue?” He asked as you could see a small spot that was wet, probably from action you guys had earlier.
You chuckled and nodded. He then grabbed you a few pillows and set you up properly as he took off his underwear, letting you notice how hard he was.
“Remember, if you feel bad, in pain or under pressure just tell me.” You nodded as you prepared yourself to take him in.
Then, you felt him inside, once you did, you grabbed onto his shoulders. He hummed as he heard you squirm under him. “I'll give you a moment, then I'll move.” He said as you nodded.
After what seemed like forever, Chan began to move, increasing his pace with each thrust. You held onto his shoulders as if your life depended on it. He chuckled as you felt his hot breath against your ear.
“Better than my fingers isn't it?” He asked, sounding more like a statement but nonetheless you quietly moaned and whined.
“Nobody will hear us, just… let yourself go…” He told you as you shook your head no. He scoffed as he increased his speed, putting his index and middle finger near your mouth. “Open and suck.” He demanded as you complied.
You could feel him hitting every single spot. He enjoyed every minute of it. You could feel him smile against your shoulder as he kissed the back of your neck gently. It sent chills down your spine as you arched your back. You heard him groan as if he was caught off guard.
“I’m close… really fucking close…” He groaned out as you were now drooling, saliva coming out of your mouth and onto his fingers. “Did I fuck you dumb..?” He asked now out of breath as he felt you clench around him. He knew you came. He could feel your insides hug him close as if wanting him to release inside as he took a deep breath in.
“I can’t… I need to cum outside so we don’t risk it.” He told you as you nodded. He removed his fingers from your mouth and slowly pulled out, jacking off and cumming on your stomach. “You are so cute when you are being so demanding.” He chuckled as he relished the sight of you painted in his cum.
He then kissed you and hugged you close. “What if you were to actually become my spouse? That'll be your payment to Hyunjin.” He said, joking about that being your payment and not joking that you two should get married. But you were already fast asleep.
He looked at you sleeping and chuckled. “Hopefully you accept my proposal.” He said as he held your hand and held you close, relaxing and enjoying the moment before you woke up and slapped him.
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AITA for making a typo?
(to help find later)
This has been really frustrating me, but I don't know if my emotions are clouding my judgement and if I really was the one in the wrong. For context everyone mentioned is an adult.
The other day I (19) was talking with a friend in server about a character from a book series we both really enjoy. Two other people who never read the book were popping into the convo occasionally so me and my friend were trying to explain some context. One of those two people are who the situation revolves around, let's call them Leaf (20), fake name.
I have ADHD and I tend to get really excited when ranting abt my hyperfix, I tend to have a lot to say and a need to get it out as fast as possible, so I tend to make a LOT of typos. I make a lot of typos even when texting normally, it's a very well known fact about me. Because I make so many I don't tend to correct or change them in normal casual conversation because it's simply too much work and takes up too much time when people understand what I'm trying to say anyways.
When trying to explain a character's backstory I accidentally misspelled like and used a k instead of an l, since the letters are very close together on my keyboard. I had NO idea that it was an actual word at all, let alone that it was a slur. There was no malicious intention behind it at all. Leaf let me know that it was a slur, and I immediately apologized and explained I didn't know and I tend to make a lot of typos. Leaf was weirdly condescending about it though, we are NOT very close but they passive aggressively called me their "beloved darling" and to "use my eyes ❤️". They responded to my message with the apology in it by saying "well now you know" basically, and I thought that was it. The conversation moved on.
We sent a lot of messages in between that and when Leaf brought it up again. The original message was typo was completely buried. Admittedly I did not edit the original message right away to correct it, since I don't edit messages on discord often and I was distracted so it slipped my mind. But I did go back immediately when Leaf brought it up again. They said that they felt that being excited about a book isn't an excuse to say a slur and they shouldn't feel scared to speak up about it. We were all very confused by this, because we thought it was resolved and my friend even thought that they had said something wrong this time. I apologized AGAIN and had to do so profusely, with Lead responding to my messages with "ok" multiple times. They finally said that its okay now bc before I hadn't apologized or changed anything. Which is VERY CONFUSING TO ME because I DID APOLOGIZE, AND THEY RESPONDED TO THE MESSAGE WHERE I DID.
I will also admit that I did not like Leaf prior to this incident. They have a tendency to get condescending and harp on others for accidents or mistakes, but when they perceive the slightest bit of criticism they have a break down, regardless of if the actual message meant to be negative. They also do not communicate clearly and it's usually a guessing game in regard to what they're actually trying to say or what the problem is. I know they have some other mental health issues so even though I disliked them I never let it show in my behavior. I tried my hardest to be as polite and kind as possible, because I didn't want Leaf to feel unwelcome in the server. Sometimes people don't vibe and that's alright, their needs just clashed with my own (I have a need to over explain and completely understand a situation, so Leaf being vague and passive aggressive is especially frustrating for me) and I didn't want to isolate them from their friends just because I didn't vibe.
Additionally, in a previous conversation where I was talking about a fandom appropriating my culture and why that made it hard for me to enjoy the source material, Leaf said some questionable things. They were also a fan of what I was talking about, and they didn't seem to understand what I was talking about or why it was upsetting for me. This obliviousness made me extra baffled when it came to the typo incident.
I guess I've just been frustrated at the immaturity of how the situation was handled. I make such an effort to be polite and mature when it comes to them, and some of my other friends have said I've been much more patient with Leaf than they would have been, but maybe my judgment is clouded and I should have done something different. The server that we're in is very small (~20 ppl but usually only 5 or so are regularly active) and I don't want to stir up any kind of drama or trouble when I can just handle my own emotions personally. However what happened baffled me so much I feel like I need an outside opinion.
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Hey dear! firstly i would like to wish you a happy new year(it's a bit late i think but it's the intention that counts) second i would like to know if i could get a imagine Daemon x poc!fem reader where all her family died and she is head of her home, but has a young niece (the only survivor, after her) and Daemon wants to marry her, but Reader tells him no, as she has responsibilities to her niece. So Daemon approaches his niece and ends up conquering the girl and they kind of become "accomplices" to convince reader to marry him. Just fluff, kinda funny and Daemon being good with kids and reader agreeing to marry him in the end and them being a happy family, please? (feel free to ignore)
Sticky Fingers
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: The alliance made perfect sense, Daemon, a prince, brutal, lethal, and absolutely unstoppable, teaming up with your niece, barely seven, tiny, clumsy, and absolutely unstoppable, to get you and him together.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, daemon girl dad vibes, fluff, girlboss!niece, typos, etc.
A/N: lol happy new year nonnie HAHAH i say as i type this on 22 jan 23 HAHAAAHH lololol. anyway, i have not written anything fluffy for daemon in a while soOOOOOO i hope to change that just a bit. I didn't get to write everything in the req,anon but its pretty cutie i think hihi. ALSO TO THAT OTHER NONNIE WHO SENT ME THAT ASK ABOUT WRITING FLUFF YOU CAN COME OUT NOW I GOT TIRED AND DIDNT MAKE THIS ANGSTY AT ALL HAHHAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony
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Daemon felt it the moment he made it out that dull gathering. He had a tail, a shadow, someone lurking behind him. He looks over his shoulder slowly, bringing his hands behind his back as he strides down the hall, toward the garden. He hums as he softens the sound of his walking, now absolutely certain there was a quick patter of feet behind him.
He was, in fact, being followed.
The prince then rapidly turns around, a spit second confused when he was faced with no one, but then turns down when he hears the loud and airy gasp.
A child. He knits his brows, allowing his hands to fall to his side. A child has been following him. He pulls his head back. Did he look... amicable to this little creature?
He bends a bit, raising his chin inquisitively, "who are you?"
She catches her breath from the startling she got, hands on her chest. She takes a moment before responding, lips pouting, "Sonya."
Daemon raises a brow. A vague answer, yet fitting, he thinks, for a child as tiny as she. "Why are you following me, little Sonya?"
She drops her hands, releasing a sigh, "I am not little, my lord."
He straightens up at the sound of that, face barely contorting into amusement, "tis not 'my lord', it is 'my prince'."
She purses her lips, then curtsies, "my prince."
Daemon's nostrils flare as he chuckles. He tents his hands in front of him. He shifts on his leg, "answer my question, not little Sonya."
Sonya's face scrunches. Her brows furrow, "are you not the man who likes my lady-auntie?"
His ears perk at that. He purses his lips, "you're her niece?"
"Well obviously! I said she's my lady-auntie."
Daemon raises a brow, chuckling dryly, "that doesn't answer why you are following me, girl."
"Well," she brings her hands together, "out of all the lords that like her, you're the only one that gave her sweeties," she says innocently, "so I want you to marry her."
Daemon laughs, turning away from the little girl, shaking his head in fully amusement. He leans back down, hands going to his knees, "that is because I not a lord, but a prince, child," he raises a finger and taps her nose, "and you are quite easily swayed."
Sonya pulls her head back at the prince's sentiment. She rubs her nose, face scrunched all angrily. It was truly adorable. She asserts, "do not do that again."
He straightens himself up as he chuckles under his breath, thumbs hanging on his belt, "of course. Apologies. I would not dare do such indecency to a lady again."
Sonya nods, bringing her hands to her sides, "well, now that I told you this... can you walk me back? I don't know where I am."
The prince's lips pull into a smile. He extends his hand out, "of course, my lady."
She takes his hand easily and they begin to walk off.
"If you're the prince," Sonya starts, "then that means..." she gasps, turning up to him, "you have a dragon egg!"
Daemon laughs, clutching his belly as he did so. "Even better," he turns to her, "I have a full sized dragon."
The girl's jaw drops and widens impossibly.
"SONYA!" I gasp the moment I see the tiny silhouette from afar, running towards the girl, who quickly then runs up to me
I fall to my knees when I embrace her, "oh you foolish child! I nearly died trying to look for you!"
"Worry not-"
I look up, finding a smirking man with long silver-blonde hair.
"-she was following after a man of high regard."
I am aghast by the idea. I turn from him to Sonya, eyes widening, "you were following the prince?!"
I clutch my niece's soft, round cheeks as she mutters, "I told him I wanted him to marry you."
Daemon snorts then releases high pitched chuckles. I shoot him an annoyed look. How dare he corrupt my sweet niece with such ideas? I should have rejected his proposal more harshly.
"He's the only one that bought you sweeties, auntie!" Sonya calls.
"They were your favorite too!" she grabs my wrists, "the other lords bought you things you don't even care for. And! They were mean to me! He held my hand while we walked here, auntie."
I pull my head back at the words of the child. My eyes dart to the man, looking all smug behind Sonya, pretending that he wasn't listening in on the conversation, even though he was holding back a shit-eating grin, "did he?"
The girl readily agreed, nodding quickly. She proceeds to whisper, "and we talked about dragons!"
I grunt. He undoubtedly took the girl's fascination of the beasts to his advantage.
I release a breath as I get to my feet. I take Sonya's hand as I step towards the prince. Daemon faux looks at the sky.
"Your highness."
Daemon turns, lips curving into a smile, "oh, my ladies."
It takes great effort for me not to roll my eyes at him, "I believe a show of gratitude is in order," I purse my lips, "thank you for bringing my Sonya back."
He exaggeratedly sighs, trying to hold back his grin, "all in a day's work, my dear. After all," he peers down at Sonya, "the children are the future."
I cannot withhold the incredulous scoff that leaves my mouth.
The man does not mind, and even ignores it, opting to get on one knee before my niece, "now, little shadow, remember what I told you on the way here."
I turn to my niece, who readily nods her head at his words.
"Sonya?" I call in concern, "what did you two talk about?"
Sonya turns to me just before the prince presses a finger to his lips. She follows suit, "it's a secret I share with the prince."
I narrow my eyes, jaw slacking in disbelief. I dirtily eye the said prince as I lean towards the girl, "and I am your auntie. I do not want there to be secrets between us, darling."
"Shhh," she shakes her head and closes her eyes, shushing me like all the times I, and her mother used to, a habit we got from our mother, Sonya's maternal grandmother, "it'll be alright, auntie."
My face falls in concern. Daemon is unable to hold back his giggles. He turns away, pressing a hand on his lips to contain his amusement.
I shoot him a glare as he clears his throat. He turns to Sonya, "very well, my lady." He rises to his feet, placing his hands in front of him, "I will see you soon then."
The child turn to him in excitement as I look at him, appalled, "I beg your pardon?"
"Well, I promised the child to introduce her to my dragon if she came back to me with high marks from her studies."
I scoff, teeth grinding, "you know well she does not study."
"Hmm," Daemon tilts his head at me, "would she not when she is under you care?"
I am taken aback by his sentiment.
He presses his lips as he slowly turns to Sonya. Daemon dramatically sighs, "ah, what are we to do? Unfortunately, it seems your auntie is not keen on allowing you meet Caraxes."
Uproar. Sonya bursts into loud emotions as she grabs into my skirt and whines, "Auntie! No! I must meet Caraxes! I must!"
"I promise to do all my studies, and all that you ask me to do like prince Daemon told me!"
I raise a brow. I take a moment to think, "anything, you say?"
Sonya readily shakes her head, "I promise to be a good girl. Just pleeeeaaaassse let me see his dragon!"
I turn to Daemon, who was already looking at me, absolutely pleased with himself, crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side.
I blink slowly, releasing a sigh, "I will think about it."
Sonya squeals in excitement, releasing me in order to smother the prince's legs next. I am offended by how taken she was with him. I quip, "I said I'll think about it, child."
Daemon bends down, carrying the girl in his arms, releasing a happy sigh as he did so, "worry not, little shadow," he turns to me, "auntie will come around."
"My prince, why do you call me shadow. I'm not a shadow," Sonya pouts, grabbing his face, forcing him to turn to her, "I'm a girl."
Daemon's nostrils flare, "my apologies," he places his free hand onto his chest, "little girl."
"I'm not little!"
"Of course, of course, my mistake."
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twst-kumi · 1 month
Weeping Maiden [ACT I]: CHAPTER 5
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[Act I]: CHAPTER 5
Vil felt dizzy from that information. It was definitely Yuu, their Yuu who helped them. But she said he had been missing for 3 years!! Looking at both Yuu and [Name], they could easily pass for twins. 
The only problem was that something didn't add up. Yuu was 16 years old, and HER Yuu was now 19. Vil concluded two things, either it was all a coincidence or she was lying and she was the thief. 
“_I see, I hope you find your brother soon.
_Thank you.” 
They both returned to the crew who asked worriedly if she was alright. The girl apologized for worrying everyone. 
Everything was going well with the rest of the production. Neige always stayed next to her at every chance he had. Sometimes he would subtly glare at Vil while his hold tightened on her hand. Thankfully she didn't have many scenes today. 
“_ Good job, [Name]. You were incredible.
_ Thank you Vil-senpai.
_ I'm just being honest. By the way, we will need to exchange numbers. We have some scenes together during our next filming.”
She smiled before exchanging numbers. Neige next to her looked sour. It was as if Vil insulted him. [Name] looked up at him as she felt his grip on her wrist. Without a word, he left with her. He was a little forceful which confused her more.
“_ Are you mad? Did something happen?”
She asked as they got in the car. The young girl gasped softly as she felt him hold her against him. Neige buried his head in the crook of her neck. 
“_ Are you alright ?” She asked uncomfortably.
Neige let her go before smiling almost like usual. But something about his smile seemed strange.
“_ I'm sorry, I should have noticed you weren't well.
_ It's okay. I didn't want to worry you.” 
Vil was sitting in his car as the driver was taking him to the place where he was supposed to get to the portal. He looked at his manager before talking.
“_Can you look up some information on [Name] Yamada?
_ Of course, are you interested in her? 
_ You could say that. Look into the information on Yuu Yamada too.”
His manager looked surprised for a moment. 
“_Yuu Yamada… the NRC student who once came with you? The one who had that talking familiar?
_ Yes.” 
Both only talked very little about their home world. And if asked, they would answer it vaguely almost like they didn't want anyone to know where they come from. Or maybe it's because they can't talk about it. Vil’s gut feeling was telling him to look into this. It's as if he wanted to believe both Yamada were siblings. 
He also planning on asking Idia too. He was the best at digging those things. As he was planning on sending a message to Idia, Cater sent a message on the group chat. 
{Cater: I found the pendant. It's on a bidding site, here.
Vil: Where? Are you sure it's the right one?
Cater: Yes, Yuu confirmed it. Here is the link.}
It was the same locket [Name] had, at the difference that the picture inside was different. It was a very young girl, a preteen at best, maybe even younger. Vil felt a strong shudder as he looked at the picture closely. It had too much resemblance to be a coincidence. The girl in the picture was definitely [Name] Yamada at 13 when she gave him that necklace. 
{Vil: Who is that girl on the locket?
Yuu: My little sister and the designer of the locket. She is 13.
Cater: So cute, does she want to become a jeweler?
Yuu: No… she is an actress.}
Vil could feel his head buzzing once again. It was too much of a coincidence to be normal. And now he had even more questions. Vil wondered if he should talk about [Name], the girl was older than he said but it could be her… Right? 
{Vil: Now that I think about it, you never talk much about your home.
Cater: Yeah that’s true. What is it like?
Yuu: It’s very far away.}
It was the same answer, Vil could feel his heart beating faster as he continued to ask more questions about the girl. It was similar to [Name], A child actor at a young age, the twin locket she gave him for his 16 birthday before he got taken to NRC. Everything was matching, aside from their age. There was an abnormal time difference if she was Yuu’s little sister. 
[Name] was walking along Neige as he was showing her around. She wondered if it was okay for them to wander around. Everyone could recognize him. 
Neige held her hand never once letting her go. When she pointed it out, he made an excuse to make sure he didn’t lose her. In reality, he just wanted people to see them together. He felt a little guilty as he was knowingly taking her out, acting close and intimate when he knew people would see them as a couple. 
“_Are you sure you are alright?”
The young girl sipped on her milkshake as she strolled next to him. The young idol smiled at her happily. 
“_Yes, I’m alright. Why?
_You looked strange today, did something happen? 
_No? I was just a little tired.”
The young girl didn’t believe it but she decided not to press it further. They walked to the portal as they talked about the day. She had fun, and [Name] wondered when she last had fun. Coming back to the school, they were welcomed by Ambrose who hugged her tenderly. She wished her brother was there to bask in their warm embrace too.
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@cocomollo @owodi @illytian
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erikahenningsen · 5 months
47, rejanis?
47. “No one needs to know.”
Janis has always processed through art—drawing, painting, embroidery, her brief foray into stop-motion animation.
Rebuilding her friendships with Cady, Gretchen, Karen, and Regina in the summer after junior year is... a lot. Even after apologies and long conversations (and Damian's attempt to facilitate a restorative justice circle), there are some days that Janis feels angry, or sad, or guilty, or confused.
She's particularly confused about how she feels about Regina.
So she opens a new sketchbook, just for drawings of her friends. Some of them are just simple sketches of their picnic in the park or afternoons at Gretchen's backyard pool—and some of them are more elaborate, from the late nights when she can't stop replaying everything that happened in sixth grade over and over again in her mind.
Tonight, her sketchbook is forgotten upstairs in her room. Everyone has gathered in Janis's living room to watch movies and play video games—a pretty standard Saturday evening.
What has also become standard: intense arguments about whose turn it is with the controller.
"Oh my god," Regina shouts over Cady and Damian heatedly debating whether Cady's brief turn taking over the controller while Damian was in the bathroom counted as a full turn, rolling her eyes. "You're giving me a headache. Do I need to write your names down and put them in a hat?"
Janis snorts, Cady pauses. "That's probably a good idea, honestly."
Janis waves vaguely towards the stairs. "Grab some paper out of my room. It's in my desk."
It's a testament to how far they've come that Janis trusts Regina to go into her room, albeit only for a moment.
However, several minutes pass, and Regina doesn't come back.
"Did Regina die?" Damian asks, and Cady whacks him on the arm.
"Don't say that!" she scolds. "Regina did almost die. Like, recently."
"That was one time."
"I'm gonna see what's up," Janis cuts in, jogging up the stairs.
"Regina?" Janis calls, pushing the door to her room open further. And then freezes.
Regina's head whips up from where she's looking at Janis's sketchbook.
"I'm sorry!" Regina says quickly, taking a step back. "It... it was open. And I saw a picture of me. I wasn't trying to snoop."
Janis's first urge is to slam the sketchbook and tell Regina to get out of her room, out of her house. But Regina looks a little frightened, a little embarrassed, and Janis takes a deep breath and decides to give her the benefit of the doubt.
"It's fine," Janis says.
"These drawings..." Regina looks at the book again. "They're really beautiful."
Janis's cheeks heat a bit. Not every drawing in the sketchbook is of Regina but she is the subject of a lot of them.
"You're a good subject," Janis says, not realizing how flirty that might sound until Regina's eyes widen. But she doesn't take it back.
Regina taps a page, and Janis comes closer to see that it's a drawing of Regina from one of their pool days, from the beginning of the summer, seated on the edge of Gretchen's pool with her feet dangling the water, a soft smile on her face.
"This day," Regina says. "I hadn't been that happy in a long time."
Janis doesn't know what to say to that.
"Can I have it?" Regina asks softly, tentatively.
"I... I guess," Janis says "But can you not, like, show this to anyone? It's personal."
It might be a strange thing to say about a drawing of someone else, but Regina nods like she understands.
"No one needs to know," she says, reaching out and squeezing Janis's arm. "Thanks."
Janis's skin tingles where Regina's hand is and her stomach flips over, and all she can think is how she needs to draw this moment later.
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yuurei20 · 26 days
"hello! i was wondering if there was any indication how long the culinary crucible course is. is it a week or two? is this stated anywhere in the game? i feel i may have overlooked this detail. thank you in advance!!"
I definitely misunderstood this ask (thank you @softcoresuffering !!) very embarrassing, now back for a more proper answer! My apologies for any confusion m(_ _)m
First, here are a few things we know for sure!
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We get our first description of the Culinary Crucible from Trey, who explains, "this school encourages students to learn their way around a kitchen. That's why it offers an elective culinary course. It's a traditional program that's been around for years. It's there to empower students to cook for themselves after graduating. It's voluntary, so not too many students take it, but it's a good course that starts you with the ABCs of cooking."
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Crowley says, "Those who perform well in Culinary Crucible taste-tests will be granted one elective credit" and "participants are paid part-time wages."
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It is also possible to take the course multiple times, with Ruggie saying he has taken it "a few times," getting a passing grade and earning a full credit each time.
Lilia has also enrolled multiple times, but has yet to ever earn any credit for doing so.
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Deuce, Jack, Leona and Rook all have dialogue that insinuates that their work in the program continues after their initial dish receives its judgement, but is that just for the rest of that day's class, or a multi-day course?
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Cater and Trey both have lines on EN that might be interpreted as the course lasting a single day, but things like "today" and "by the end of this class" were added to dialogue that did not say those things originally, so I am not sure if it would be safe to extrapolate from.
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I thought there might be a hint in how sometimes it is called a "class," sometimes a "course," and sometimes a "program" on EN, but on JP, too, different words are used interchangeably, so that investigation was a dead end 🧐
In conclusion: I am not sure we know! :< The game can be very strange with time and this is possibly an example of intentional vagueness too keep from there being too much conflicting math, but I will be certain update if I find anything incriminating ^^ Thank you again!
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
Boys Be Brave [EP.4] // Translation notes
Not so many this time so let me know if you're curious about anything else, I'll point out what I thought was interesting^^
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"If you like someone, you start to feel ashamed/embarrassed. I'd rather die than to show him how embarrassing I am."
This interestingly ties to my previous post! Where I mentioned that Balgeum said the same word in another phrase: "Don't follow me around like a clueless fool. It's fucking embarrassing".
He didn't use any other specific words so I noted how vague it was, and I wonder if he was trying to tell Inho he was shameful for clinging to him but that's actually a word he found to describe his own feelings towards Inho. It doesn't matter whether Balgeum spends his entire life in poverty, debts and hustling as he said he's used to it, but he's ashamed of being with someone, even loving someone while he's so pitiful in his own eyes. A hole in his sock, family in financial ruins, he just doesn't dare to see a carefree happiness for himself, and he punishes and curses himself out for even having hope.
What is also interesting – I'm not sure whether other character names really have meanings or wordplays, but 밝음 means "brightness". Which also feel like a bit of a cruel joke to be named like that and live such tiring and grey life.
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I was so confused with the subs here. I can guess what they tried to go for, but Kiseob literally says '아쉬었어', "I feel a bit bad about yesterday =)" It's a word that can be translated to "It's such a shame that... (something happened)", "It's too bad that... (I didn't achieve something)", like you can say it when you tried to buy a ticket but they were all sold out instantly. Or you missed some opportunity and regret it now.
We know Kiseob was talking about something else (I think he wanted to say it's too bad that he and Jinwoo couldn't enjoy making out for longer or something) but it's no wonder Jinwoo got so offended by this, because he thought Kiseob meant he regretted that he even kissed Jinwoo yesterday because the kiss was too bad. Does this sentence even make sense?xD
And that's why he started riling himself up and freaking out that it was all because of his kissing skills.
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That's Kiseob's confusion right there after seeing that Jinwoo fled the scene after his comment. He didn't actually call himself a pervert of anything but he wondered what was wrong with his words, were they too much for Jinwoo to run away. I do believe he meant that it was too bad that nothing much happened after that kiss yesterday instead xD
So he apologized via message that it might've been too much and he will be careful from now on. Jinwoo, of course, read that completely differently again. And then Jinwoo angrily tells him not to be so arrogant after just that first kiss (he's not good but he'll be with practice, and Kiseob should not be the judge!). Meanwhile (I think) Kiseob is confused and focuses on the word 'the first kiss', so to him, that might sound like a promise of more to come, therefore he just sends 'okay'? But he also says they didn't really get to talk about their kiss later. I might be confused with the last msg too x)
Miscommunication, BL's beloved.
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(if you're curious about the heart and emoji message, it was from the last time, Kiseob sent "I want to give you something as a last gift... can you come out?". And idk why, the message before that says 'Refridgerator', probably also something from 1-2 episodes xD)
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"Who are you to evaluate me?" The boy really thinks Kiseob is the alpha expert on love, daring and romance, and he misjudges him himself huh xD
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"By the way, you become weak-hearted if someone is hurt". My interpretation of this line – Kiseob talks about how Jinwoo cares about him and his wound anyway, despite all his defenses and rejections. Jinwoo, of course, denies and says it's because Kiseob will be a nuisance when he' gets's hurt.
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Just a little nuance – Kiseob asks Jinwoo about everything, he doesn't say it in a mocking factual way at all. "Your schedule is disrupted because you like me, right? And you did that (kissed me) yesterday because you like me, right? Why do you like me?"
He is constantly asking because he doesn't know the difference. He is trying to understand himself through Jinwoo's feelings, so he asks. Asks why people like, how do they like, how does that feeling manifest in real life – because he doesn't know anything, even if he likes Jinwoo, he doesn't know why, he doesn't really realize it himself. He doesn't know why he kissed. He dated but he never experienced the feeling of love. He can't give Jinwoo any honest answers yet. Well, he's honest that he's not sure about anything, but it's not the answer planning-and-unambiguous Jinwoo wants to hear.
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Can I just step out of BL show for a lil bit and say that I really liked them?! I think they were adorable together. Too bad polar opposites attracts and Jinwoo needs Kiseob and not the certain copy of himself (who also isn't the prim and perfect as she shows herself).
Anyway! There is one point in Jinwoo's perfect-ideal-type checklist which says 'To have J in the name like in 'JIN-woo''. 진 (jin) can also come from 'truth' so he invented that symbolic connection/condition for a partner. Which is also why Kiseob in the previous episode wanted to change his name to the one that includes J as well, but he choose the name 'Jongji' which had a ridiculous meaning of 'stop'. Again, technically correct but absolutely far from what Jinwoo actually wanted.
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Isn't it interesting that, even though he went on a day with his Ideal Type, Jinwoo still enjoyed not the library date or the meaningful messages, but the game arcade time? The one that's supposed to be meaningless and not productive and with the purpose of just having fun? And he kept being distracted by the illusions/thoughts of Kiseob?:D Yeeeah... Maybe your perfect type checklist needs some revisions, Jinwoo.
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About the side couple – I was right! They will go to three dates because Balgeum gave in. He even will sacrifice his never-ending-worktime for that. Hehe. He also says 'I have to become rich' with determination which in my mind, connecting to his 'I'd rather die than look so embarrassing to Inho' means that he now has a new goal. To... I guess, work even HARDER to be able to have a chance dating Inho. Will they even work out right now? No one knows, but it's obvious they both are willing to give it a second chance.
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And the last bit – it's pretty obvious, but Hyejin actually shouts 'You fucking bastard!!!', which is so hilarious.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 2 months
Hello, love your work. I would like to humbly request a Yan! Fremi with a reader who has cute aggression, saying how they'd blow up a forest or something idk. And maybe even Zhongli when in Dragon form if possible. Hopefully this makes sense and you have a great rest of the day.
I completely missed zhongli when reading this ask so i apologize but i did do freminet! uh feel free to request zhongli with this prompt again if you'd like, i wrote this while trying not to fall asleep so hopefully it's good <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, delusional behaviors, vague threats of violence/destruction, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Freminet at first takes a bit to understand that you don’t literally mean you want to do all those things, and that it’s just an exaggerated means of expression. He’s never had someone talk to him like that before so it confuses him. What does starting a forest fire have to do with how much you love him?
Once he comes to understand that it’s simply how you are, he tries to do his best to respond similarly, to show you how much he loves you. Freminet is all about mirroring your behaviors and interacting with your interests to show that he cares. Sometimes it comes off as a little strange though, because he doesn’t have cute aggression in the same way you do, so his declarations of love sound more like ominous threats. They’re still very sweet though.
“I love you so much I would sink all of Fontaine into the darkest depths of the ocean.” Freminet’s resting neutral face almost makes this seem like a promise, the way his eyes stare unblinkingly at yours like he expects you to be pleased to hear that. It’s charming in a way, knowing he’d be willing to go so far for you, but it’s also unsettling because there’s a part of you that almost believes him. Freminet has shown little restraint when it comes to expressing his love in other ways, people have gone missing, places have been burnt down, and he truly doesn’t seem to hold back.
He’s trying his best here, but his love language is gift-giving. Freminet will try to be cute aggressive back to you, but making and giving you little gifts, cool trinkets he finds underwater, or things he spotted in the shops in Fontaine, this is where he excels.
He does try to incorporate the things you say into your gifts though, to add a more personal touch. It’s just the type of person he is, Freminet loves you dearly and wants nothing but the best for you, even if that means bringing truth to his imitation cuteness aggression.
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The Littlest Lelouch
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Characters: Clavis Lelouch, unnamed wife, OC (baby), brief cameos
Rating: pg13 (?)
Genre: Saccharine fluff, dash of angst, humor (sfw)
WC: 1,296
Warnings: Mentions of battle/blood/death (none happen on-screen), mentions of pregnancy and birth (none graphic), afab oc/insert and female pronouns, (are babies a tw?), humor of the aerin variety, not proofread, potential minor Clavis route spoilers?
Request?: Yes (currently open? also yes. pls see pinned first!)
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Summary: As it would happen, having to work with the bloody beast means often having to pick up after said beast, or even indulge in the sins of war. Unfortunately for Rhodolite palace’s resident mischief maker, the call of his duty could not have come at a worse time.
A/N: Apologies if it is a bit OOC or would benefit from better pacing, I haven't read Clavis' route in a bit and he's a little tricky to nail at times without me getting cliché. (Sorry this one isn't gender neutral, for the folks familiar with my general fluff.) I worked to the best of my current ability, as the request was a bit vague. Feel free to stop by and request again sometime, nonnie!
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          Clavis’ wife was due soon, expecting their first child amidst the frills and flowers that come with Spring. And excited they were to welcome the newest member of the Lelouch gang when Clavis suddenly receives summons for a round table meeting. It isn’t until much later that he returns, brows furrowing as he walks through the doors to the couple’s shared room at the palace.
         “Dearie me,” Clavis starts, running a singular gloved hand through his lilac locks, boring holes into the wall as he figured out how to best break this to his very pregnant wife. No amount of trying to haggle with the court would get him out of this, much as he tried. Hesitantly, Clavis’ wife pipes up, wanting to console her husband who seems he may fray at the seams any moment.
         “What’s wrong, Clavis? Cat got your tongue?” She jokes, waddling over best as she can, causing Clavis to fret and meet her halfway. He is far too overprotective sometimes, she feels, but understands he is that way out of sheer love for her.
         “Council was held today.” Clavis starts, receiving an acknowledging hum from his wife. At his uncharacteristic pause, she nods, gently trying to urge him to continue his train of thought. “I will have to be away for a while,” and in true Clavis fashion, he tries to soften the blow the best way he knows how.
         “Oh, but don’t you both go missing me too much. I know just how to console my lovely, dearest wife-”
         “Clavis.” If he insists on acting fine, then she will shoulder it for them both and allow him to save face.. this time. “I’ll miss you too, darling. Please come home safe.” With eyes that look like he is trying his best to hold back tears, Clavis dons his most convincing smile, gently pulling his wife in as closely as he comfortably can by her waist.
         “I knew you couldn’t resist your handsome husband,” he murmurs, pressing a loving kiss to her lips, fitting every apology known to man in the sincere way Clavis cherishes her so. Pulling away, he rests his head atop hers, cursing his fate and drasted brother for nearly ruining yet another special occasion in his life.
         As the fateful day comes, Clavis parts from his beautiful wife, reassuring her he will be fine just as much as she does him. Riding off atop his royal steed, he waves farewell without looking back, steeling himself and all of his best inventions to end this damn thing as early as physically possible. In his plan, he hopes to lure out the enemies and confuse them with his myriad of (smoke) bombs, so that he and Chevalier may be able to finish with time to spare.
         “If I miss my child’s birth, this time I really will kill you,” Clavis threatens. At this, Chevalier simply scoffs and rides away. Cyran shakes his head, a mundane ordeal when it comes to these two.
         As fate would have it, back at the castle, just a few days after the second and third prince had set out to quell skirmishes along the borders, his wife goes into labor. It would seem the third prince’s child was not a very patient one, wishing to meet everyone as quickly as possible. Panic spreads, the early arrival of the baby having the maids rush to get everything together shortly after her water breaks. Though her husband is not present in body, he is present with her in spirit, and in all of the reading they had done together to better prepare themselves for their little one’s arrival.
         After many painful hours, a cry is heard, and thus the third prince of Rhodolite and his wife welcome a tiny baby Lelouch into the world. Hardly visible for how light a color it is, there are the smallest tufts of the signature lilac stands upon her head, and piercing eyes of gold. Having already decided upon possible names beforehand, his wife holds baby Felicia (a tribute to Clavis’ late mother Leticia) in her arms, exhausted but moved to tears over the life they created, together.
         It isn’t until two full days later, that Clavis returns home. The congratulations he receives upon his arrival is both the best and worst of news, for he is grateful they are both alive and well, but terribly distraught to have missed the birth of his first child (and being unable to support his wife as she always does him). He quickly stops by the baths, not wanting to greet them with blood still on his person.
         Gingerly, Clavis makes his way to where he finds both of his Lelouch girls, heart caught in his throat at the sight. Upon his arrival, their daughter is waving her hands around, trying to grab at her mother while she rocks her gently and sings. The gentle smile on her face brings back bittersweet memories, and an ache for a loved one he will never see again. He knows how loved their child will be, even in the most cursed depths of the royal court, and vows to never allow a hair on their heads harm, lest their enemies summon the nightmare that is Lelouchian fury above them. (Assuming they can read the warning letter.)
         “Welcome home, Clavis.” Having spotted him out of the corner of her eye, Clavis’ wife brandishes her grin his way, the glow apparent from what he could only describe as “the light of a thousand- no, a million- no, a hundred million suns!”
          “And say hi to your daddy, Felicia,” she coos, patting the baby’s back gently as she sits up further in bed. “But please don’t learn from his example.” Clavis theatrically slaps a hand over his chest, looking exasperated, as if he hasn’t the faintest clue what she could be referring to.
         “What better example would she have to learn from, aside from my most lovely wife?” Clavis sits at the edge of the bed by her side, leaning in to place a kiss to her forehead, lingering at her scent. “Would you rather she learn from one of my brothers?” At her grimace, he laughs, husky and warm and everything deliciously Clavis.
         “I was hoping Sariel could tutor her the way he did me,” she jokes, enjoying the look Clavis shoots her. “I’m kidding, love. Honestly.” He is still grimacing when she stifles her laugh. “Would you like to hold her?”
         Nothing in the world could have prepared Clavis for the reaction of finally getting to hold his beautiful, delicate baby girl in his arms… only to have her immediately begin wailing. Clavis tries everything he can to get her to stop crying, but she is only finally comforted by the feel and smell of mom, who she has become most acquainted with in her two shorts days on this Earth. A true connoisseur knows how to relish in the saltiest of tears, but these in particular left a sting in his heart. But no matter, he won over his wife’s heart, and he’ll win over his daughter’s affections. Clavis understands the appeal of being in his wife’s arms, he must admit, only slightly jealous of all her attention not being on him now.
         And if there’s anything that made Clavis happier than his wedding and the birth of his child, it’s that his little girl would prove to show her affections with signature Lelouch pitfalls. Clavis-patented, Yves-tested, Felicia-approved.
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata - Big Sis Baji
A/N - Hey so got a couple different headcannon ideas floating around for this one, but I feel like Baji might only really approve of his sister dating a few folks - Souya is one of the few. Couldn’t stop writing this I love Bluebell so much 💙
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Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata x Baji’s Older Sister 
. • . O . • .
• It goes without saying that Souya would not only fall hard, but pretty damn quickly after a friendship has been established- but let’s backtrack a bit-
• Souya meets (Name) at a Toman meeting one evening, the meeting adjourned pretty quickly due to the low, consistent growl of Mikey’s stomach
Good thing it was informal, just the Captains and Vice Captains of each division, maybe one or two others 
But honestly, that begged an even bigger question; who was this vaguely familiar dark haired beauty? And what was she doing talking with Mikey and Draken so casually?
He was just about to shrug it off when Baji approached 
“There a reason you tossin’ that mean mug at my sister?”
Baji was half joking … but also half serious
He knew Angry meant no harm but it still sort of ticked him off - he’s very protective of his own when it comes down to it
- Is what Angry said, vein popping as he stuck his neck out. Now what he meant by that was ‘Was I really?’ 
We all know this boy is kinda bad at communicating with people
“There a problem here?” Nahoya chimes, already itching for a fight, any excuse would do
“Keisuke! Are you picking fights again?”
The dark haired beauty in question huffs over, stern look, hands on her admittedly curvy hips
“Relax-,” She reaches up, yanking on his ear with no remorse 
“How can I? God, all this time and you’re still causing me trouble!” 
Nahoya is hysterical at the sight of Baji’s embarrassed, defeated face. Souya on the other hand starts to grow flustered, finally putting the pieces together 
“I’m sorry about him!” She bows a bit in apology, an ear still between her soft fingers, “You’re um… Souya and Nahoya, right?”
Souya opens his mouth to speak but Nahoya beats him to the punch
“Yea, what of it? Who the Hell are ya, anyway?”
Souya gives his brother a look but she only laughs, completely unfazed 
“She’s in our class, Nahoya…,”
“Oh yeeea, must’ve been catching some Z’s or somethin’. My bad!”
Souya shakes his head and she suddenly grabs his hands in both of hers, successfully startling him
“Well it’s nice to meet you both again. I hope we can be friends!” 
He’s flustered, eyes on the ground, but stutters out a small “yea…”
From then on, at least when they decided to show up to class, she makes a point to eat lunch with them, occasionally walking them to Toman meetings 
She’s much kinder and more bubbly than what they expect, not to mention a total Otaku - something Nahoya found hilarious but Souya silently found cute
She was also very stubborn but that apple didn’t fall too far at all
Doesn’t take Nahoya too much longer to start making excuses as to why he can’t tag along - Souya is seriously confused, and honestly worried his brother has an issue with (Name) - he could be fickle like that
“Nah, she’s cool. For a girl anyway.”
Blue is even more confused
“Then…what’s up?”
Smiley starts to snicker, Angry’s brow furrows 
“Ya like her, don’t you?”
Souya feels something tug at his heartstrings-
Did he…?
He definitely enjoyed her company - the evening visits to Convenience Stores, the late night chats about the latest chapters of whatever manga, even the study sessions were pleasant. 
And at some point he’d gotten used to it- pretending his palms weren’t sweaty, ignoring his racing heart rate, chalking up the absent minded stares to ‘looking out for her’ in his mind, somehow oblivious to the fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off her-
It…was starting to make some real sense
He took a moment to exhale shakily and nodded, face the color of beets. Nahoya shrugged 
“Sooo…ask her out already.”
He’s panicking at just the thought, rattling off a million and one excuses like ‘She probably already has someone’ and ‘Her friendship is more than enough’
UGH so sweet, so obviously smitten
Only takes a few more days for Nahoya to lose patience & snatch his phone, typing up a message and hovering over ‘send’ devilishly 
“Either you send it or I do - what’s it gonna be?” 
Souya is mortified as he begrudgingly hits ‘send’, burying his hands into his thick hair after dropping his phone to the carpeted floor
“I can’t do this-,”
“Seriously? All you did was send ‘Can we talk’ - quit bein a wuss.”
They start to get into it and almost miss the vibration, both peering down at the screen
‘Sure! Your place or mine?’
He scrambles to get his phone before his twin, barely getting a ‘I’ll come to you!’ in before having his phone stolen again
“Wear something cute~,” Nahoya mouths the text out, pressing send before tossing the phone at his brother 
Doesn’t know  whether to be pissed, scared, or excited at this point- so be settles for a jittery combination of the three
Puts on his cleanest pair of khakis and a semi-formal, sleeved shirt because??? Reasons??? So cute bless him 
She put on just a little bit of makeup, flowy dress stopping mid-thigh, as if this wasn’t difficult enough for the boy
So nervous he’s having trouble standing - but manages to squeak out something -
His face is covered by his shaking hand and his eyes are squeezed shut, his other hand in a death-grip on his trousers
“I’m sorry…? I didn’t quite catch that one, Souya-,”
Blurts it out louder than he meant to this time, backpedaling IMMEDIATELY in an attempt to take it all back
“I- no- what I mean is- ah-,” starts to give up, “You can just…go home now…I already know it’s a long shot. Sorry I wasted your time…”
Refuses to look up
She’s hugging him close in the next moment tho burying her face into his shirt.
“Please don’t make me leave…not before I tell you I like you too.” 
He is SO shocked
Like his legs start to give out
Eventually wraps his shaky arms around her and buries his face in her sweet-smelling hair
They’re there like that for a while 
Neither of them wants to let go but eventually, a text comes through from Nahoya and Souya jumps
“S-sorry,” she waves it off, “I can…walk you up stairs if you’d like? I-I mean if that’s s-something you want!”
She shakes her head and smiles, glancing back at the apartment window
“I’ll be okay from here. Besides, my dad would totally kill me if I brought up a cute boy, or any boy for that matter-,”
His heart starts beating faster if you can believe it - so much so  he almost thinks he’s having a heart attack 
“Well… Goodnight.” She squeezes his hand before reluctantly letting go and waving, practically running back into her apartment building
He’s just…on cloud 9
Total romantic though so eventually he decided that the confession wasn’t nearly enough for this girl
Writes an entire love letter and places it in her locker, finding officially asking her out much easier that way
Before he knows it, she’s racing to embrace him outside the school gates, pulling away just enough to hold his hands gingerly with a laugh
“Honestly, I thought we were official already, but yes a thousand times yes, Souya.” 
His face heats up like it has many times before
Can’t help but tear up a little
…Keisuke is one of the last people to know funnily enough
Shocked but not bothered so that’s good
Dassa green light
In The Relationship 
Souya is so very sweet, everything done with timid, thoughtful care
Long before they even started dating, she happened to try his bento once and loved it - made mental notes on her likes and dislikes about it and started curtailing it specifically for her enjoyment 
So yes absolutely he starts making her lunch for her twice a week - she promises she’ll be just fine without it, he swears he enjoys doing it for her - he really does tho 
Random food based games like ‘Guess the secret ingredient’ after he’s comfortable enough to know she wouldn’t mind it
Grocery shopping dates, because he loves the market
Dates to anime cafes because a) she’s really into anime and b) he finally has a reason to go and try the food there - Nahoya promised he would but he’s far too easily distracted and forgetful 
Also yea, Baji’s sister? Kind of flirty when she’s interested in someone so like she flusters him on accident AND on purpose?
Definitely super cute when he’s all blushy and squirmy tho
Takes MONTHS to get to the FIRST kiss - and she’s most def initiating it, no way around that
Typically will initiate all the kisses but there are telltale signs when he wants one
Starts to play with his hands, his eyes darting from her lips, to the ground, to whatever’s in this distance, back to her lips 
Teasingly presses her nose to his, nuzzling and lying in wait occasionally 
“You’re gonna have to kiss me at some point ~”
And he does eventually work up the nerve to close the very small distance 
She becomes the official taste tester for both twins, quite the honor 
His love language is light physical affection and words of affirmation 
Absolutely melts at the lightest caress to his cheek, subconsciously leaning into it every time 
Compliments are NOT something he’s used to but boy does he love them, all of them 
They make him all tingly but the real personal ones about how pretty his eyes are or how soft his hair is or how cute he looked in that outfit last night?
He could just die and go to Heaven on the spot 
Petnames include “Angel, Honeybee, and Sweetness” 
Apologized profusely the first time he let one slip out
But she reaches for his hands, removing them from his face, and places gentle kisses on each fingertip, something she often did when he was overwhelmed - and once again he finds himself melting into her touch
So very, very soft for this girl 
Keisuke honestly had no idea his sister was into one of the ‘ogres’ - granted he didn’t get to see her much after the divorce
He was fairly curious as to why she chose him
“He’s so very kind and honest…always going out of his way to help his friends and family selflessly. And have you tried his cooking? It’s so good! How could I not fall for him?”
He smirked from his spot on the swing set, satisfied with answer
“Yea alright…just don’t go having any babies, I’m not ready to be an uncle.”
“What the Hell, Kei?!”
He laughed as she punched him square in the arm
As long as she was cared for and happy
. • . O . • .
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resowrites · 1 year
Father’s Day - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry hears his baby’s heartbeat for the first time…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2202
A/N: This was supposed to go up Sunday but I’ve been crazy busy so many apologies! My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Father’s Day - oneshot.
The dark room hummed with the sounds of monitors, punctuated by the occasional beep or click. Ollie lay quietly on the bed, feeling so nervous she was holding her breath. "Breathe darling, everything will be okay." The sonographer spun around in the direction of Henry's voice.
"He's right. Just relax and we'll get the scan underway in a few minutes." She turned back to continue filling out the questionnaire on her screen. "Okay so, I've got your height and weight. Your blood pressure results were also normal. I just need to know how you're feeling at the moment. Any sickness or diarrhoea in the last 24 hours or so?"
"No," was all Ollie managed to squeak in response.
"Any dizziness or confusion?"
"No more than usual," came Henry's immediate response. Ollie rolled her eyes while the sonographer laughed.
"Okay, and how are you feeling in yourself? Any depression or anxiety?" Ollie struggled to know how to respond. Fortunately, he answered for her.
"She's fine, a little overtired and nervous about today but that's all."
"Good. And I understand. But you've reached the end of your first trimester so you should start to feel a bit better soon. Finally, any stomach cramping or changes in bowel habits?" Again, Henry spoke first.
"She's been a little constipated--"
"What? You always knew you were full of shit--"
"Oh my God, I could kill you!" The sonographer's head flicked between them both.
"That's perfectly normal. I would also start thinking of a birth plan."
"What should this include?" The sonographer was impressed with his attentiveness.
"Well, I would just start thinking about where to give birth, what your preferences are for pain relief and assisted delivery, how you want your newborn to be cared for, and so on." Henry nodded eagerly. "Anyway, let's crack on and have a look at your womb. I'm just going to apply the jelly now, it'll be a little cold at first…" He took his wife's hand and they smiled at each other expectantly. Moments later, a grey mass shaped vaguely like a baby flashed up on the monitor. Henry felt his breath catch in his throat. The sonographer smiled knowingly. "Ah, there we are. The first image of your baby… what do you guys think?" Ollie laughed with a mixture of happiness and shock. Henry remained silent until she peered up at him, surprised to see him so taken back. He swallowed hard.
"Wow," was all Henry managed to say. The two women giggled. The next few minutes passed quietly, what with the pair mesmerised by their baby's movements and the sonographer busy recording information. "Well, they're certainly a busy little thing…" He watched as their baby's fists bobbed back and forth.
"Is that normal?" The sonographer grinned reassuringly at Ollie.
"Yep, your baby's now fully formed. The organs, limbs, bones, and muscles are all in place."
"How come I can't feel them though if they're moving about that much?"
"Don't worry, you won't start feeling any movements until you're between sixteen and twenty-four weeks. Most first-time mothers don't feel anything before twenty weeks."
"How is everything else looking?" Henry looked at the screen pleadingly.
"Everything's looking good so far. Baby appears to be growing at the normal rate, and as you can hear, their heartbeat's nice and strong." He felt a tear roll down his cheek. Ollie was similarly overwhelmed. "Your placenta's hanging somewhat low but that should correct itself in time…" Ollie could feel her smile turn upside down.
"But what if it doesn't?"
"Oh don't worry, it's really nothing to be concerned about. It's quite common and as I said, it's something that usually corrects itself. Nine out of ten times, the placenta shifts to the upper part of the womb. However, if you notice any bleeding in the last three months of your pregnancy, you must let us know immediately." They both looked at each other concerned. "But please don't fret, placenta previa is actually quite rare and there's no indication at this stage that that's the case."
"What's placenta previa?" Henry cut in.
"It's when the placenta blocks or partially obstructs the cervix." The sonographer nodded, impressed.
"That's correct. It's nice to see your husband's been reading up. Placenta previa is problematic because it means the baby can't be delivered naturally. But we'll know at your second scan whether the placenta has moved or not. Until then I see no cause for alarm." But Ollie was still biting her lip, worried. The sonographer tried to reassure her. "Everything else is looking great though--"
"Can you determine the sex?"
"Henry, I said I didn't want to know!" The sonographer chuckled.
"Don't worry. Although their sex organs are well developed by now they're a bit too wriggly for me to get a better look. I should warn you though, sometimes you find out by accident at the second scan--"
"You mean, if his todger's big enough?"
"Henry!" The sonographer laughed again.
"Yes, but just let the sonographer know ahead of time and they'll do their best to keep it a secret. Do either of you have any more questions for me?" To Ollie's surprise, he responded immediately.
"Yes, when we will know the results of her blood and serum tests?"
"Her doctor will contact her within two weeks if the results are normal. If not then you should hear back within a few days--"
"And what about her due date?"
"Well from the information you've provided and the baby's measurements, her due date should be the 26th of December." Henry and Ollie's mouths dropped open.
"Wait, our baby will be born on Boxing Day?"
"Well, that's just an estimate. Usually, babies are born within a week on either side of the due date."
"So the baby could be born on Christmas Day?!" He was glad she'd asked because he'd had the exact same thought.
"Yes that's a possibility, but it's impossible to say for sure. So Dad, how's your Father's Day going so far?"
"Incredible… we're absolutely thrilled. Can we get copies of the scan to take away?"
"Yep, I can print those off for you now. Would you like a copy of the video as well?"
"Yes!" They chimed in unison. The sonographer then left them alone for several minutes while she put together the necessary paperwork. Ollie looked up to find Henry grinning down at her like a madman.
"So, thoughts?"
"Well I'm a little worried about my placenta…" He sighed.
"Oh darling, she said not to worry. Don't let it overshadow what a wonderful experience this was--"
"But aren't you concerned?"
"Not really, I've read up on placenta previa and even if that's what you've got, it's easy enough to manage and just means you'll need a cesarean instead--"
"But I don't want a cesarean!"
"Ollie you're getting way ahead of yourself, the sonographer wasn't concerned so you shouldn't be either. Anyway, what did you think of the baby? I was shocked to see them looking so well formed already--"
"Well, what did you expect it to look like, a sea-monkey?" Henry laughed.
"Aren't you happy though? She said everything looked great!"
"Of course I'm happy, I just hope everything continues going smoothly…" He leaned down further and kissed her forehead.
"It will sweetheart, come on, let's get you cleaned up, and then we'll get to my parents for lunch." Henry carefully wiped her stomach with some paper towels, placed a kiss near her belly button, and gently sat her up. The sonographer then reentered the room.
"Here we are, baby's first pictures." She handed a copy to each of them and he felt a lump in his throat once again.
"Thank you so much… we'll cherish these forever." The sonographer smiled.
"I'm glad I was able to help. I'm so happy for you both. Remember, you're free to contact us again if you have any questions. For now, just relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy."
"Wow, I can't believe this is our actual baby…" Ollie stared down lovingly at the black-and-white picture.
"I know, it seems so unreal… and yet there it is. Proof in black and white!"
"I can't see a nub, so it could still be a boy or a girl."
"What nub, what are you talking about?"
"Oh, haven't you heard of the nub theory? Guess you've got some more reading to do," she teased. "The nub is a tube that eventually develops into genitals. The theory goes that if the nub is at a thirty-degree or more angle, you're having a boy and for a girl, it's almost straight."
"So what does the picture show?"
"Well, that's just it, the baby was moving about too much for the nub to be captured."
"Well, I imagine at the next scan we'll have a better idea. The Cavills are well endowed so I expect at least a ninety-degree angle." She shook her head.
"I still can't believe I've bred with you…"
"What? If he has a widget as big as his brain he'll be unstoppable!"
"Will you please stop?! For all we know, we could be having a girl!"
"I hope so." She looked at Henry surprised.
"Is that right? I had no idea you had a preference…"
"Well, of course, I'd love a boy as well. But there are so many boys in the family already. And you know I'm a big soppy git under this brazen exterior, I'd love a daddy's girl--"
"Yeah, but I'm more of a tomboy which means she might be as well. Just cos we're having a girl it doesn't mean she'll love pink and princesses."
"No, but just in case, I'm down for having makeovers and my nails painted." She giggled.
"Will you promise not to make fun of her though? Regardless of whatever she likes?"
"Of course not!"
"Oh please, my dad made fun of everything. The boybands I loved, the clothes I wore, even the way I spoke." He regarded her sadly.
"Darling, one thing I can promise is that I will never be like your father."
"Good. I also want you to really listen to her. She has to have the best role model in you so she's treated well by other men--"
"She won't be allowed to date! Or get married… or leave home!"
"Henry, don't be ridiculous! They don't stay little forever." Henry harrumphed.
"Oh stop, they're not even born yet and you're already imagining them leaving home!"
"Well it'll come sooner than you think," she teased.
"Let's just focus on getting them here first. And I want you to promise that if we have a boy, you'll keep him close and do everything you can to protect him."
"Oh darling, of course I will. In truth, I'd prefer a boy. Growing up with girls was hard work. I've got no nephews on my side either. Just so long as he’s not a mini you, we should be fine…"
"What's wrong with him being a mini-me?!" She looked at him exasperatedly.
"Henry, I don't think I could cope with two Cavills teasing me nonstop, eating us out of house and home, and making a mess everywhere they go! Now, if he poops like you as well--"
"Oh stop, you're the gassiest out of the two of us!"
"No, I bloody well am not! You've got more hot air than a zeppelin!"
"Well, at least I don't sound like a burst one at night!" Her mouth dropped open.
"You little shit! You've got a cheek saying the mother of your child is loud at night when you sound like a frog in a swamp! Anyway, we can't bicker like this in front of them either."
"I think that might be a tall order…"
"Well, either way, I want them to feel secure and safe in the knowledge their parents love each other."
"Oh darling, they'll never question that. Even if I do occasionally," Henry shot her a wink and she rolled her eyes. "Now, when are we going to tell everyone?" She looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, we're nearly out of the first trimester, it should be safe to start telling everyone now. I can't wait, it's so exciting! How shall we do it?" She bit her lip.
"I don't know Henry, it still makes me a bit uneasy."
"Oh sweetheart, you can see from the scan how well they're doing. If not now, then when?"
"I suppose you're right. But did you really want to tell everyone today? I don't want to upstage your mother's lovely meal."
"Don't be daft, it'll be the best Father's Day gift we could give my dad. It's certainly been the best Father's Day for me. They'll both be thrilled, I promise." She smiled and pulled out her phone.
"Oh go on then soppy bollocks…" Henry beamed as he took the phone. He then quickly dialled the number and pressed the speakerphone button. Eventually, a woman answered.
"Mum? Hi, yeah we're on our way now. Sorry, we got stuck in traffic on our way back from an appointment. In fact, can you go fetch Dad? Ollie and I have something very special to tell you both…"
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keirawantstocry · 14 days
Prompt ... . ..qtubbo getting super drunk and he does the emotional/affectionate drunk thing and he messages fit trying to apologize for ruining his and pacs date and trying to drive them apart. And he's completely incoherent and fit thinks something must have gone horribly wrong for tubbo to be saying all this
was feeling bad ab how short these were turning out but then i started this one, was possessed and frantically writing and wrote like triple the word count of the last one. godbles
Fit was about to go to sleep when his com buzzed with a new message. He groaned, tossing over in bed to grab it, squinting at the bright light in the dark room. After a few moments of blinking to adjust his eyes to the light, he was able to read the message. 
im so sprry for fucking with u and pacs date man. i want uou guys to be all happy and i like seeing yku happy. which si so fucking cringe. i fucking love u man 
Fit sat straight up, eyes flying open. Tubbo? he messaged back. Is everything okay? 
i jsuts miss you i miss mirnring crew i love ryou 
Fit threw the covers off in a hurry, pulling on the first pair of pants he could find and not wasting time in grabbing a shirt. He whipped out his warpstone and faded into purple sparks. 
“Tubbo?” he called out as soon as Fobo was starting to appear in his vision. 
Instead he was greeted with Foolish looking confused at him. “Hey, Fit. Whatcha doing here?” 
Fir gestured vaguely down. “Tubbo…” 
Foolish's eyebrows shot up. “Okay booty call, I respect it.” 
“No! No, no,” Fit spluttered. “That's not what this is. He was just messaging me and I was concerned, I swear. He was just messaging and-” he cut himself off. “Can you just tell me where Tubbo is?” 
Foolish nodded, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. “Yeah, he's in his bedroom.” 
“Thank you,” Fit said quickly, rushing past him. 
“Be careful with him,” Foolish called as Fit ran out of ear sight. 
“IT'S NOT A BOOTY CALL!” Fit protested again but he was closer now. Standing at Tubbo's door and he was throwing it open and finally there was Tubbo. He was splayed out on his bed, hair a mess with a dark flush high on his cheeks. 
“Fit,” he whined as soon as he spotted him. 
Fit let out a sigh, relaxing ever so slightly. Tubbo was okay, he was alive. “You're drunk,” he said, holding back a laugh. 
Tubbo chuckled. “Whatttt. No the fuck I'm not. I'm not drunk. Also you're hot do you know that?” He groaned as if saying that embarrassed him and turned over to bury his face in the pile of pillows at the top of his bed. 
Gently Fit shut the door before walking over to settle on the corner of the bed. “Do you have any water in here?” 
“I don't need water,” Tubbo said, incredibly muffled. 
“Oh yeah? What do you need then?” Fit teased. His heart was finally beginning to settle into a calm consistent beat. 
Tubbo pushed himself up, propping himself on his elbows to stare at Fit. “I need to be kissed.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Tubbo sighed, pulling himself the whole way up, trying to get as close to Fit as possible. “I need to be kissed. Actually. Fucking scratch that.” He reached out to trail his hand over Fit's shoulder. “I need you to kiss me.” 
“Me?” Fir repeated, embarrassed at the squeak his voice made. 
“Yes, you fucking buffoon!” 
And Tubbo was grabbing his face in both hands. 
“Please,” he begged. 
He smelled of alcohol. But not soaked in it. He was certainly tipsy or he wouldn't be this openly emotional but he was far from wasted. 
“You really want it?” Fit asked, searching his eyes. They looked like the line where the sky and sea met, turbulous and lovely. 
“One kiss,” Fit said softly. “Then you promise to drink water for me, yeah?” 
Tubbo nodded earnestly before his eyelids drooped shut and he leaned in. The kiss was meant to be feather light but Tubbo leaned into it hard. He tasted of cheap beer but in that moment it was the most wonderful flavor in the world. Fit felt his head begin to spin, his heart begin to race. He had never felt more alive. 
Tubbo pulled back with a smack of his lips. He looked dazed and Fit was sure he looked quite the same. “Fuck you.” 
“What the hell,” Fit said in a disbelieving laugh. “That was what you wanted wasn't it?”
“Not the right result,” Tubbo huffed, falling back into the pillow pile. 
“What result were you hoping on?” Fit asked curiously.  
“End of it,” Tubbo muttered, shutting his eyes and draping his arm over them. “Thought maybe if I kissed you I'd stop wanting it so bad.” 
“And it hasn't stopped?” Fit asked, hearing the breathlessness in his own voice. 
“Want you more than ever,” Tubbo muttered with a half groan. 
Fit felt as if his head was spinning as the explanation to a million unanswered questions narrowed down into one clear answer. “Me too.” 
Tubbo froze before yanking his arm over his face. “Are you serious?” 
Fit just nodded, not trusting his own voice. 
Tubbo stared at him a long moment before tugging on his arm. “Lay with me. It's too late to be discussing this. Tell me you want me again when I'm sober.” 
Fit laid down with no complaint and although he was sleeping in pants with a tipsy man who stunk of alcohol, he couldn't remember the last time he slept so peacefully. 
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