#no idea why my brain decided this
windfighter · 1 year
Relief in the dark
Prompt: Bedridden | Light sensitivity
Or: Kouji has another migraine because I can
Darkness lies heavy in Kouji’s room. Thick curtains covers the windows, blocking any light out. The door is closed. A trashcan stands next to the bed. There’s a bottle of water on the nightstand, a heavy duvett on the floor. Kouji is lying in the bed, rolled up with his forehead pressed against the wall. A thin white sheet over him.
The wall is cool against Kouji’s forehead, relieves some of the headache. He takes deep breaths, tries to count the seconds he breathes in and out, but numbers get mixed up. One, two, five, three, six. Four, four, three, ten, nine. Kouji frowns. His head hurts and he stops trying to count.
The door creeks. Light enters the room and Kouji’s eyes tear up. His head feels like it’s about to explode, an intense pain spreading from the right side of his head, across his eyes and down his neck. The door closes. Satomi’s steps are barely audible as she sneaks closer.
”Any better?” she whispers.
Her voice is like a gunshot in the quiet room. Kouji pulls up his hands, presses them over his eyes, over his ears. It’s not. His stomach churns. There’s nothing left in it and he really hopes Satomi won’t say anything else. Satomi squeezes his shoulder, then leaves again. The three seconds of light when she opens the door is enough for Kouji’s aching head to decide his stomach is to blame.
He rolls over. The pain gets worse as he heaves over the trashcan. His arms tremble as they try to keep him from slipping out of the bed. Why couldn’t he have noticed it was coming a day earlier? Before it got too bad to help? His body retches, stomach acid spills into the trashcan. The smell is strong and makes the ache and nausea even worse. His mouth taste like death. He feels like it too.
The door opens again. Satomi has turned the light off outside of it, making less light enter the room as she does. She sits down on the bed, holds the bottle to Kouji’s lips. He accepts the water, rinses out his mouth and spits it out into the trashcan as well. He rolls back against the wall, pulls the sheet over his head.
Satomi squeezes his shoulder, puts a new trashcan next to the bed and leaves with the old one. The stench is gone. The ache retreats, settles in the right side of his head, just behind his eye. Still intense, but less overwhelming. Kouji rolls up, closes his eyes and tries to relax despite it.
Kouji’s head still hurts when he wakes up. He’s not sure how long it’s been. He presses his hands against his eyes. It’ll be a long one, he realizes. He rolls over, stares towards the door. No way he’s going all the way there. But he does kind of need to use the toilet.
He closes his eyes. It’s not an emergency yet, it can wait. He’s pretty sure his head will explode if he tries to stand up. He falls back to sleep.
Kouji wakes up to the door opening. Satomi. He presses the heel of his palm into his right eye. Looks at her.
”Better?” she whispers.
Kouji’s head pounds. The ache spreads and he presses his face into the mattress. Nods. It’s a little better. He doesn’t feel like he’s dying at the sound of her voice.
”Need anything?”
He appreciates her using as few words as possible. Kouji nods again. Hopes his voice is stable enough.
Yeah no, that hurts. The ache vibrates through his whole skull. Satomi pulls the sheet off him, wraps an arm around him. Helps him as he pushes himself into a sitting position. Kouji’s stomach protests, nausea flares up as the headache gets worse again. He presses a hand against his mouth. Migraines are the worst. Satomi waits for him to gather himself, doesn’t move while waiting. Kouji breathes through his nose, swallows. Keeps his eyes closed.
The nausea settles eventually. Kouji moves to the edge of the bed. Satomi guides him as he moves, supports him. He carefully stands up. His legs tremble, his head hurts. The nausea is almost overpowering. He really just wants to curl up in the bed again. Instead he takes a careful step. Satomi shifts her grip and he leans against her.
They have to stop several times. Kouji almost throws up when they exit his room. His stomach churns, protests. His body retches, muscles tensing up, but nothing comes up. He would like to not move another inch.
He’s not sure how long it takes them to reach the bathroom, but they get there. Satomi helps him to the toilet, waits by the door. He’s in too much pain to feel embarrased by her being there when he pees. The sound of piss hitting water makes the headache worse again. The headache makes the nausea worse. Kouji hates his life. Why did he have to get cursed with migraines that got this bad?
He manages to keep the nausea at bay while he finishes peeing. While he stands up. Satomi puts a hand on his back as he stumbles to the sink. Opens the faucet. The nausea gets overwhelming, his body retches. Stomach acid hits the sink and Kouji’s eyes tear up. His head is actively trying to kill him. He washes his hands, rinses his mouth and turns the faucet off again. The headache eases up ever so slightly. He puts his hands on the edge of the sink, leans against it. Presses his forehead against the mirror. It’s cool. He feels slightly more human.
Satomi wraps an arm around his waist, pulls him so he leans against her instead of the sink. He doesn’t want to walk all the way back to his room, but he needs to. The walk back takes even longer. Kouji really doesn’t want to move any more.
His bed is cooler than when he left it. He curls up in it, hears Satomi leave again. He needs to thank her for taking care of him when he feels better. Not now, he can’t form a coherent sentence anyway. He closes his eyes and just lies there, waiting for the headache to leave.
The doorbell rings. Cuts through the quiet like a fire alarm. Kouji is sure his head has exploded. He doesn’t even have time to turn around before his stomach goes the same way. It pushes itself up through his throat, stomach acid and bile leaves his mouth, stains his sheet and pillow. The stench is horrid, forces more of it up.
Kouji rolls away from it when it stops. His mouth taste like death. He presses his hands over his ears. Tries to not taste the residual bile in his mouth. He would grab the water bottle if he could move, but the pain is too much.
Minutes pass. Slowly the pain crawls back again. The nausea still hangs around, the stench and taste of acid still strong. He almost regrets not letting Duskmon kill him.
The door opens. Satomi puts something on his desk before coming over to the bed. She sits down on it, wipes his face with towel. Puts another against his forehead. It’s cool. Kouji’s shoulders relax a little, he takes his hands off his ears. The bottle of water is held against his lips and he lets it fill his mouth. Leans over the edge of the bed and spits it out into the trashcan.
His pillow is gone when he leans back. The sheet he used as cover gets removed as well. He shivers. The towel gets put agains his forehead again. He kind of drifts off.
Someone lifts his head, puts a new pillow under it. Drapes a blanket over him. It’s probably Satomi. Kouji drifts off again. The ache is slightly less intense.
Kousei’s home. Kouji hears him and Satomi talk somewhere. Their voices are low. Kouji thinks he should say hello, but his head aches and he tries to close his ears off. It doesn’t work. At least he’s not nauseous. He lies on his back, eyes closed. The room is almost pitch black. It’s probably late evening.
They stop talking. Kouji hears steps in the stairs and then the door opens. Light floods the room, then disappears. Kouji’s headache gets worse. He would like to unsubscribe from this migraine already, thanks.
”Hey”, Kousei says.
Kouji wishes Kousei would just not talk to him at all. His headache spikes from the sound. He lifts a hand in a lazy wave, but doesn’t feel like moving anything else.
”Does your head still hurt?” Kousei asks.
It’s not like Kouji has any control over it. His eyes tear up. Yeah, it still hurts. It’s a migraine. And a bad one. Kouji’s pretty sure it’ll stay for at least another day. His stomach churns as his brain decides, once again, that the stomach is the reason it’s feeling bad. Kouji presses a hand against his mouth. Nods. Kousei sighs.
”Okay then”, he says.
Kouji wishes Kousei would at least lower his voice. Pain vibrates through Kouji’s skull, down his neck. His shoulders tense up again. He rolls over to his side, prepares to lean over the trashcan.
”I’ll tell Satomi to bring you dinner.”
Kouji doesn’t know if it’s the idea of dinner, Kousei’s voice or the headache spiking that makes the nausea unfightable, but he quickly has to reach over the edge. His stomach is still empty, nothing but acid and bile to throw up. Maybe he should eat just so he’d have something to expel.
The thought makes him throw up again. Maybe not then.
Everything hurts. Kouji falls back onto the mattress, eyes leaking. He pulls a hand across them. Presses his hands against his eyes. Crying does not make his head hurt less.
The dehydration is probably not helping either.
The door opens again. Light floods the room, but Kouji’s hands are blocking it. Satomi comes inside, and Kousei leaves. The door closes.
”Water”, Satomi whispers and holds the waterbottle against Kouji’s lips.
Kouji fills his mouth, rinses it and spits the water into the trashcan. His head still feels like it’s two seconds from exploding. Satomi holds the bottle against his lips again.
”Drink”, she orders.
Kouji’s not sure he dares, but he takes two sips anyway. His stomach protests. He pulls away, buries his face into the pillow. Satomi puts the bottle away, strokes Kouji’s back. Kouji’s not sure how long she sits there with him. He slowly drifts off.
Kouji’s head is a little better the next day. The tiny amount of light sneaking through the curtains doesn’t leave his head feeling like it’ll explode. He can grab the waterbottle on his own. He takes a sip, and realizes how thirsty he is. Five sips follow the first one and then his stomach protests. Okay, better not risk it. He puts the bottle away and lays back down in the bed.
The door opens. More light enters the room and Kouji’s head pounds. It doesn’t explode though. Progress. Satomi comes inside, closes the door. Kouji looks at her and she looks… relieved? She smiles and sits down on the edge of the bed.
”Hey”, she whispers.
Kouji closes his right eye, presses his hand against it. Sounds are still a no-no. Good to know. He would like to exchange his head for one that works.
”Any better?” Satomi asks.
”A… a little”, Kouji answers.
His voice trembles. But he can talk. That’s probably more than a little better. Satomi’s shoulders relax. How much did she worry? How terrible was Kouji looking yesterday? Kouji… honestly doesn’t want to know.
”Th… thanks for helping me”, he says.
Whispers. Even his own voice makes the headache worse. Satomi seems to notice. She pulls the blanket up and pulls her fingers through his hair.
”Get some rest”, she whispers.
Kouji nods, curls up under the blanket and closes his eyes. The headache lessens a little. Satomi leaves the room again.
Kouji stays in bed for most of the day. Satomi helps him to the bathroom, brings him food. He manages to eat a couple bites before his stomach protests. He slowly works on hydrating himself, taking a couple sips from the bottle every now and then. Satomi even has to refill it once during the day. Kouji wishes he could do it himself, but standing up is still off-limits for his head.
When evening comes the headache is mostly gone. Kouji doesn’t flinch when Kousei opens the door and floods his room with light. It still hurts, but it’s way less intense. Kouji blinks and looks at Kousei, yawns.
After two days of sleeping, how is he still tired?
”How are you feeling?” Kousei asks.
Kouji’s head is still not a fan of sounds, but they don’t make his brain collapse. Kouji sits up, marvels at his ability to sit. He really needs to get better at catching the migraines before they start.
”Better”, he says. ”Head still hurts, but… it’s better.”
”Think you’ll be able to go to school tomorrow?”
Kouji’s stomach feels heavy. Nauseous. And not because of the pain. He grips his feet. Turns his head down. He should, shouldn’t he? School is important. He can’t fall behind. Kousei expects him to get good grades and become a lawyer. You don’t become a lawyer by skipping school because of a tiny headache.
Satomi appears in the open door. Turns the lights off in the corridor outside. Kouji feels his shoulder and face relax and he didn’t even know how tense they were. Satomi crosses her arms over her chest.
”He’s not going to school tomorrow”, she whispers.
Despite the whisper there’s an air of finality over the conversation. It saves Kouji from answering. Kousei puts his hands in his pockets, doesn’t even say anything about the importance of school. Maybe it’s because Satomi used to be a nurse before she married him. Kouji takes a deep breath, puts his face in his hands. His head is pounding again, he feels exhausted.
”I was just wondering”, Kousei says.
He turns around, walks towards the door. Kouji looks at him.
”Get some rest then”, Kousei says, ”so you’ll be well again soon.”
Satomi steps to the side, lets Kousei out of the room. Kouji puts his head in his hands again. Is he or Kousei more interested in him getting a working head, he wonders.
Satomi comes up to the bed, puts a hand on Kouji’s shoulder. He lays down again and she tucks him in, squeezes his shoulder.
”I’ll bring you some food”, she whispers. ”You just take it easy.”
”Mm… thanks mom.”
Kouji wraps his arms around the pillow, buries his face in it. Listens as Satomi leaves again. Maybe she’s too soft towards him, Kouji thinks. He appreciates it. He’ll take care of her the next time she has a migraine.
Part of him wishes Kousei could get a migraine. Just once. So he’ll experience the wonders of a headache so disabling one can’t even sit up. Kouji instantly regrets wishing that. He wouldn’t want even his worst enemy to experience a migraine as bad as this one.
Well… maybe Lucemon deserves it.
It’s morning. Kouji wakes up, stretches. Sits up. Rubs his neck. It feels stiff. There’s a slight pounding in his head and he yawns. Takes a couple sips of water. Stands up from the bed.
He almost falls back down in relief. He can stand. His body is working again. He walks over to the curtains, pulls the heavy ones away. The headache increases, but stays in the same spot. Very much an improvement. He might even be able to take a painkiller for it today. ...maybe he could go to school as well. If he can just take a painkiller.
His legs tremble a little as he walks out of the room. He goes to the bathroom, washes his hands and face. He’ll take a shower later. He doesn’t trust his body quite enough to do it right now.
Down the stairs. He grips the railing and feels the pain spread with every step. He’s overdoing it. Okay. Bad move. He should have stayed in his room, but he needed to see something other than his own walls. He sits down on the last step, rests his head in his hands. Satomi and Kousei are talking in the kitchen. Something about the weekend. The headache starts creeping down Kouji’s neck.
Great. And he needs to return upstairs later. He sighs, stands up. Walks into the kitchen. Kousei and Satomi falls quiet when he enters and the headache crawls back a little. Kouji sits down on his chair, puts his arms and head on the table.
”...did a wrong”, he mumbles.
Satomi snickers. Pats his arm.
”Are you hungry?” she asks.
She doesn’t whisper. Maybe she’s sensing how much better Kouji is doing. Kouji mulls it over. He’s not exactly hungry, but he could eat something.
”Can eat”, he answers.
Kousei opens up the newspaper, starts reading it. The whole situation feels so normal after the two days in bed Kouji doesn’t know how to feel. His eyes tear up. He’s so tired. Why did he go downstairs?
Satomi puts a slice of toast infront of him. Butter and ham. Nothing too heavy. Kouji sits up, nibbles on it. He should probably have something more nutricious, but he’s glad as long as he gets to keep it. He manages the whole thing without his stomach protesting, but when Satomi offers him another he shakes his head. He’s not feeling quite that brave yet.
Kousei finishes the paper, looks at the clock. Stands up. The chair scrapes against the floor and Kouji presses his hands against his ears. His head throbs angrily.
”Time for work”, Kousei says.
He pats Kouji’s shoulder. His hand feels heavy and Kouji almost falls off the chair. Or he doesn’t, it just feels like it. His brain is still weird.
”I’ll see you two later”, Kousei continues.
And then he leaves. Kouji rests against the table again. Watches Satomi as she clears it off. Kouji’s stomach churns and he feels useless again. Maybe tomorrow he’ll be good enough to be able to help. Satomi looks at him, raises an eyebrow.
”Go lay down”, she says.
Kouji stands up, stumbles more than walks over to the couch and rolls up in it. Presses his face against its back. His stomach feels calmer, the throbbing in his head calms down as well. He falls asleep to the sounds of Satomi doing the dishes in the kitchen.
It’s definitely almost perfectly good in the afternoon. Kouji wakes up in the couch, the ache is dull and barely noticeable. He stretches, sits up. Glances at the clock. One. He’s amazed at how long he slept. There’s a bottle of water on the table and he grabs it, takes several big sips of it. His stomach doesn’t protest.
Satomi stops by, leans over the couch. Looks at him. Kouji blinks and rubs his eyes.
”How’s the headache?” Satomi asks.
Her voice doesn’t make it worse. Kouji gives her thumbs up.
”Mostly gone”, he says. ”Still hurts a little, but it’s a lot better.”
She smiles.
”Do you want something to eat then?”
Kouji would like something to eat. He nods, stands up. His head doesn’t explode. He follows Satomi to the kitchen, sits down while she prepares something quick for him. Leftovers from the evening. Kouji eats all of it. His stomach doesn’t protest.
”Remind me to not get a migraine again”, he says.
Satomi laughs.
”If only it worked like that.”
If only, Kouji thinks. But at least it’s better again. He puts the plate in the sink, washes it off. He should probably do some homework now that his head is cooperating. Or shower. Shower is probably more important. He puts the plate away and heads upstairs.
Doorbell. Kouji’s head pounds, but it settles back into the dull ache just as quickly. Not even nauseous. He puts the pen down on the desk, stretches. Satomi opens the door downstairs, he hears Kouichi’s voice. Steps in the stairs. He closes the book and leans back. Kouichi looks almost nervous when he enters the room.
”Hey”, he says. ”How are you?”
Kouji grimaces. Wonders how far rumors of his bad state spread. But he’s feeling better now. Showered, some of the homework out of the way, the headache mostly gone. He puts a hand against his neck, stretches it.
”Almost good”, he answers. ”Take my advice and avoid migraines.”
Kouichi laughs.
”I’ll remember. I brough more schoolwork in case you were bored.”
”Ah yes, schoolwork, the best cure for boredom.”
Kouji’s voice drips of sarcasm. Kouichi laughs again. Puts the book and papers on the desk.
”I don’t need to stay if you’re still feeling bad”, he says. ”I just wanted to check on you.”
”I’m fine”, Kouji says. ”You can stay. I probably need some help to catch up with all of this anyway.”
He gestures at the homework spread over his desk. Kouichi nods. Puts his own backpack next to the desk.
”Let me just fetch a chair”, he says.
He disappears through the door again. Kouji yawns. Smiles. His room is bright, Satomi is singing downstairs, he can hear her through the open door. His trashcan is standing under the desk, easy to reach in case he needs to throw something. Kouichi returns, puts the chair next to Kouji’s and Kouji laughs. It’s nice to feel almost back to normal.
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channnel · 5 months
Cw: Blood 🩸
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"don't turn a blind eye"
Static versions (High quality!):
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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make teleshopping great again ♪
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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1 : Soap never had any idea that woman wanted him carnally, he's not the most observant on that front (he never noticed Ghost flirting with him and thought his love was one-sided for the longest time, but tbf Ghost was also very discreet about it)
2 : He sewed the hat, eyepatch and hook himself, because he's the best uncle and then got distracted as he was wrapping it up, so now he's watching a tutorial on youtube about how to build a voice box. Honestly how hard could it be, he builds explosive devices as a hobby (listen, Price doesn't have to know)
3 : He is out to his family, but doesn't want his mum to know he has a boyfriend because he knows she'll insist on meeting him and welcoming him to the family and making a big deal out of this, and he knows that Ghost isn't ready for that.
4 : Christmas is obviously a very hard time for Ghost, but he is very very in love with Soap and some days still can't believe that it's mutual, but then his Johnny does something like that and his head gets quieter while he's melting a bit.
5 : For the people that didn't see my other post : the bird is a Caique parrot, and they're supposedly very energetic, a bit loud, medium sized, unintelligible, very friendly to what they consider their family, adventurous and danger prone, with an explosive personality and a hate of boredom, so basically the adhd bird.
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fizzzyz · 4 months
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Probably somewhere in an alternative universe
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 7 months
Has anyone ever thought of the possibility of people in hisui getting a magazine from AFTER ingo and akari go home with either or both of them on it. Like they've already left and lo and behold in the tail end of the entire mess a magazine appears with one of them on the cover looking fresh stunning and most importantly happy. If it were Ingo i feel like he'd be all dressed up goth on the cover of like Vogue or something lmao (i don't think he wouldn't get famous if he wasn't already after coming home. Theyd want the publicity+cool extint Pokémon on the cover). If it were akari shed probably be like posing all badass like the badass teenager she is, scars in full view (she's a survivor!!!!!!). Inside is a little tidibit of their life after coming home. It would be both funny as hell to see them react to how they are in their element and like connect the dots for their strange behaviors AND bring closure to the people they left in hisui. They may never know this but the people in the past do
If anyone uses this idea tag me i may or may not read it but i want to know if you liked it enough to do something with it. I'll probably just keep daydreaming to myself about it lol
Edit: btw there's a whole section talking about everyone's battle prowess and the battle subway for the funnies. Just so you know
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gophergal · 3 months
Can we see some femheavy and femmedic
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Of course! Have two Red Oktoberfest Yuri on the house :3
(looks better on Pillowfort!)
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theslowesthnery · 2 months
looking up a list of where to get specific items in FF8 and there's an item called "mog's amulet" and you can bet your ass i misread that as "mohg's amulet"
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
What so many people fail to realise about Snape is that he wasn’t just ostracised by other Hogwarts houses and professors because he was a Slytherin, but he also wasn’t welcomed by Slytherins either. He was a poor half-blood with a Muggle name with a muggleborn friend who clearly wasn’t taken care of well—that’s practically the polar opposite of most Slytherins. The only Slytherin we see give him the time of day is Lucius Malfoy, and even then, that scene where he welcomed 11 year old Snape into Slytherin displayed some grooming implications. Additionally, Avery and Mulciber were mentioned by Lily, but from what we’ve heard, they seem like jerks and there was no mention of genuine friendship. It’s also important to note that during Snape’s Worst Memory, no Slytherin or any student at all (aside from Lily) stepped in to defend Snape when he was being attacked.
So not only was Severus Snape not welcomed by the rest of Hogwarts because he was a Slytherin, but he wasn’t accepted by the Slytherin House either. He was an outcast, in a house full of outcasts.
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ectonurites · 7 months
this movie's had my brain in a vice grip all week
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blugerine · 9 months
so what are we supposed to do when in season 3, aziraphale and crowley preform another half a miracle together, except this time, they know it’s going to be powerful—because they’re always powerful when they join forces—and they know it’s going to be done for love.
but it’s not for someone else’s love this time… it’s for their love and their love alone.
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kheyys-worms · 8 months
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Plucking away at your happiness.
Another fic fanart, this time it's inspired by another @merakiui's masterpiece: His Blueberry Eyes 💙💙 Go check the fic out! But do read the warnings first cause, boy... ngl, this one's heavy--
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thehappiestgolucky · 10 months
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I was trying to find some simple fun things to doodle and my friend basically suggested I doodle the current special interests together and that’s how the sluggies have been splooned and i’m,,,,really liking it actually sksksksksks
i’m gonna design the rest. maybe even have this as a dumbass au. it’s not the first time i’ve mixed franchises together that don’t make sense (stares at a moth in hisui)
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yikes-ajax · 3 months
I don't care if we've never seen Verin, this concept of a man would 100% steal Essek's people's silverware and bury them in his their backyards if let anywhere near a kitchen.
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quartzitess · 6 months
Doodle page! Woohoooo !!
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Two appearing in the short gave me life. I love my strange British number.
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kazanskys-mitchell · 5 months
writing is going so well you guys
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