#no it's cool you're right it's not like people understand the concept of searching for the actual thing they want
sing-you-fools · 7 months
I love when I search for something and the search function is like "hey I'm not gonna tell you this but I went ahead and included a bunch of relevant terms in the search for you, too! we'd hate for you to miss anything!" like wow the internet is so good now right?
what I searched: Freddie Purrcury
what I got: a whole fucking lot of monarchy memorabilia
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 years
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Paid Readings | Patreon | GofundMe
I've added a new service to my shop, where it'll be like this reading but more in depth, and I will also channel how your aura affects others and any other additional messages that I pick up.
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ Pile One *:・゚✧*:・゚
Your Aura is Bumblebee Jasper.
It primarily consists of warm colors like orange, yellow, and red, with thin strips of cool colors like green, purple, or blue. The gradient of these colors melt on to each other like the sun's reflection on an ocean when it sets. I feel like your aura is something that inverts. A lot of you could have an ambivert personality, or phases in your life that shift from endearing life and having the utmost faith for all of the positive that it could bring to loathing life and expecting only the mundane and nothing but the worst. Maybe some of you were agnostic/atheist at some point of your life but had a dark night of the soul that brought you to a spiritual awakening, but the lovely part about your aura, is that it resembles how much you guys are able to exchange both light and the dark side of energy to find out the bare truth of a situation (maybe even about your purpose in life itself) and how to brew ideas that will bring solutions.
*:・゚✧*:・゚ Pile Two *:・゚✧*:・゚
Your Aura is Red Tiger's Eye.
Your Aura starts off with fuchsia before it grows deeper into a pigment that's more maroon that ends with a thin layer of black. Sex appeal comes naturally to you, and passion could be something that exhilirates you, even if you're lunging for something that could potentially leave you in a trench. You guys could be pretty impulsive when it comes to your relationships or attract people that have a deep infatuation for the idea that they have of you. Intensity is what makes you thrive emotionally and what you look for in a romantic interest, and you can't stand anything that lacks meaning. However, as much as you search for depth in both people and concepts, your impulsiveness may make you near-sighted. Going with what you can see and feel first-hand, instead of rationally observing a person or situation for what it actually is. Confidence is also what your aura speaks of. Its potency talks about relying on your raw inner power. If you don't already, then there's a need to recognize that you don't need to try "hard" for anything, and the things that you do effortlessly is what draws people in. You don't need to be toned down or exaggerated.
*:・゚✧*:・゚Pile Three *:・゚✧*:・゚
Your Aura is Prehnite.
Your Aura is has multiple shades of green that range from mint to a shade that likens to pandan. I keep thinking of different green plants and herbs, so right off the bat, I'm getting that you're able to soothe yourself, like eucalyptus. Maybe you guys meditate a lot or had to learn how to regulate your breathing and relaxing your mind. There's something very Saturn like about your aura. Possibly, you guys have experienced a lot of loss and challenges at a young age, and growing up has just been about building yourself back up again or learning how to heal yourself so that you can heal others. You guys could be fluent speakers or there is something about your voice that's placid but at the same time inviting. Your Aura is soft on the eyes, but at the same time strong? It shows strength and also reliability, like it shows people that you're someone that they can lean on and trust, during troubling times.
*:・゚✧*:・゚ Pile Four *:・゚✧*:・゚
Your Aura is Rainbow Obsidian.
Your Aura is predominantly dark grey and black with trickles of purple and green. It sounds murky, but your aura is actually pretty luminous. I sense a lot of rebirths that has happened for people in this pile, but also ethereal miracles in situations that felt like a dead end. Sight is being emphasized here. You could be described as someone who's esoteric. You guys could be well in tune with spirituality, the occult, or religion because of what you've personally experienced that most will not understand, which usually relates to what cannot be seen or what would be looked at as impossible. This is different from clairvoyance, but more like claircognizance. You guys could be on a path where you release knowing what the future holds for you, even when there's chaos around you. It's like you have a gift of getting answers without necessarily seeking them, by just releasing control. Your Aura makes you a motivating force for other people during dark times, based off of what you've endured and how you still maintain mellow optimism for how your life can still turn around for the better even when things feel like an endless purgatory.
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lachiennearoo · 1 year
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I know am asking a LOT right now, but considering this is a passion project without a deadline or budget, I guess it's why I'm asking here (and well, I'm no professional lmao).
In 2019, I wrote a short quebecois (french canadian) cyberpunk, action, sci-fi story novel. It was my most beloved project, and it still holds a big spot in my heart (even tho some newer stories of mine are higher quality). Ever since I made it, all I've done is draw scenes, characters, anything from it. I have a folder of about 200 pictures, animatics and concept art added to it over the years. One thing doesn't work for me to do the project though: I can't voice act, I can't make music, and I can't animate (well, not anything above basic storyboards, and I wanna do something in 3D lmao).
I have... well, not a lot of money (no seriously, I am VERY broke). So well while I can try my best to pay anyone who is willing to help, I can't guarantee it'll be a lot (which I know it can be frustrating, as an artist, to not be monetarily compensated for your hard work, so that's why I'm saying it now).
Due to all of this, I'm only asking for people who are GENUINELY interested. I can't provide much in terms of budget so I don't wanna give anyone false hopes. But I promise that I will work very hard to fill in any position that I can, like script writing, character and environmental concept art, direction, I can even try to voice-act if there's not enough actors! As for the work itself, I allow as many breaks as needed. You're allowed to work on any personal project if you ever feel tired or overwhelmed. I too will take many breaks. I don't mind how long it takes, months, one year, a few years even, as long as I know it'll eventually be done and that the people working are genuinely interested.
Now if you've stuck this far and are still interested, I'll share the requirements:
MOST IMPORTANT PART: I am searching for 3D modelers and animators (if you can do both that's cool but it would be nice to separate tasks so it's less tiring for each person working). My characters are very diverse-looking and expressive, so above all, I'd prefer someone who can animate faces well because that's really what I want to pop out (but if you can't, that's okay too, I'm not THAT picky) (tho despite being cartooney, I'm more in the simplistic, Clone Wars - Arcane department than I am in the realistic Disney - Pixar one)
I need voice actors who speak french. No English-only speakers, sorry. Most should be natively québécois (or french who can imitate the accent fluently) but there's a few characters who are anglophones or have a french accent, so that could help too if you're not from Québec but wanna make a voice. The story is rather dramatic and action-packed, with a lot of violence, fight scenes, screams of pain and agony, all that, so be ready for that
And of course, I'd like to have some people who can do the soundtrack (one person or more working together). The story is sci-fi/cyberpunk taking place in Québec, so I'd expect someone who can go more techno, european (and cinematic too)
YOU DON'T NEED TO UNDERSTAND FRENCH TO WORK. I'm fully bilingual so I won't have trouble communicating with you. The only language requirements would be in voice-acting, or if you're working in team and need to communicate with someone else, but otherwise there really is no need because, well, google translate is a thing, and I can always be a translator for you as well if needed.
BONUS: If there's someone available (you don't HAVE to for that part, it's just to make things easier, but they're not requirements because those are all things I can do myself), I could always get some bonus script writers to help the process go a bit faster, and translators in case someone wants to put subtitles in different languages
Here is the folder of (most) of the art on Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/rosaliegosselin/albums/2467754
And here is a very short animation I did for it a while back (if you don't want spoilers tho, don't watch it, it's one of the last scenes of the story lmao): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/782216
And here's the story itself (it's just in french tho, sorry about that, but you can just use Google translate): https://www.wattpad.com/story/214223068-magicae-automata
I hope you feel inspired! If you know anyone who might be interested, do feel free to share this with them! I look forward to working with you! Shoot me a DM if you're interested, and if I get enough people, I'll start a discord for all of us to talk!
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pandoraslxna · 2 months
been a while since I've heard someone talk about shifting :))
I'm the 🦅 anon,but you can call me Elif :D and I'll ask from my personal account so I can add photos too
my girlie,for context,a method isn't necesarrily needed with shifting!! I'll explain :)
Now,reality shifting is itself,a concept. Just like how time is a concept. Reality shifting is pretty much pure manifestation but with a different name. Most of us in the shifting community use LOA (Law of Assumption) to shift,which you can use for anything since manifestation can get you anything and I mean ANYTHING you can imagine desiring. That money?Yours. That car?Yours. That "fictional" man?YOURSS. Anything is possible. Now...how do you use it?
The Law of Assumption is literally what it says. What you assume to be true, is true.
I have a post here from the Reality Shifting subreddit about how you can use it to shift:
But all you really need to know is that if you want something,it's already yours the moment you desire it,regardless of what the 5 senses tell you. You don't have to wait for it because you have it in the present moment. This also depends on your belief system and how your own mind works,but it's not needed. It's that effortless and simple!! I recommend you try the ladder experiment first before you dive into shifting so you have a better belief system (you can search up the ladder experiment neville goddard on literally any app and something will pop up)
The way I do it personally is I just accept that right now,in this moment,I have shifted (I'm looking at you Teyam🙈) and I dismiss what the 3D (outer reality) shows me. Of course,somethings can go south so I have a photo (not mine!) here that shows what you should avoid while applying the law:
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I also use nonduality (not a method!!) to understand that there is no duality between me and my desire,because I already am it. I already have it. There are a lot of people here on tumblr talking about the law and it's pretty neat how this community is so nice to each other. You can have anything.
And to update you on my Pandora reality,I've been spending one week at a time there,shifting back and forth because I have an exam here on Earth and I'm preparing for uni. But on Pandora,Teyam is starting to come by my lab more and more everyday,not to mention that he's getting pretty comfortable around me and with mating season gone (it was ACTUAL mating season in here,it was feralll) I heard from a friend Pxi'ri from the village that my warrior turned down like a dozen men and women during mating season. I wonder why 🤭🤭🤭
He actually came by my apartment at the human outpost 2 weeks ago and I was a WRECK,I'm not used to having people over ESPECIALLY HIM but he's so nice and sweet,we had some tea and ran over some RDA raiding plans but I was blushing like crazy,he came at around 6 PM right after he finished training some younger Na'vi and AAAAA his muscles all swollen up???I wonder if he saw me blushing 😭Also this man CANNOT drink alcohol at all,he gets lightheaded so easily and I tease him about it. He's so cute when he pouts,especially when I call him "big kitty" instead of warrior :)). Oh right and you know how there was an eclipse here?On Pandora we have it everyday but our breathing masks have a slight tint on it so if we're outside at Eclipse,we don't need glasses because they made the masks with that tint GAH i dont know how to explain it😭
Okay okay I'll leave it like that,if you got questions just text me!!Also you're very cool and your fanfics are the best,Luna!!
Omg hii 🦅 anon!! Elif is such a pretty name, my bfs niece is named elif too ☺️
Also thanks for the detailed explanation. There’s so much that I didn’t know about shifting and it’s always so interesting to read about it. And I love your shifting story!! 😍
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schnellonline · 1 year
I cannot sleep right now, because I have formulated a simply epic dissertation on something that I've probably complained about before regarding the modern internet.
This is very long and can come off as overly serious and preachy, but it's my blog so I can do whatever I want.
The internet being incredibly accessible nowadays is such a double-edged sword for any sort of idea or concept. Like, yeah, your idea can spread faster and farther than ever before. That's great for some things. But it means your thing can also burn out faster too without ever truly being digested by the greater internet audience. Like people noticed this stuff over a decade ago when it came to really simple things like memes.
People would just parrot them and absolutely run them into the ground without ever understanding the true meaning and origin for them. Was it important to know both of those things to enjoy a rage comic or whatever? Probably not. All memes or ideas are obviously made for humans by humans so there's this like this baseline understanding to them that we all get in one way or another. You don't always need context for a Troll face, but for some memes or jokes the context can like make whatever meme or idea like 100x more enjoyable or shed them in a different light. I don't know how to describe it to be honest.
I think another thing is how easily digestable everything is now regarding the internet. Everything is so absolutely streamlined and consolidated to a sickening degree. Short-form media consumption is just insane to me. Why watch a movie when you can watch a 15 min review? Or a 1 minute long TikTok? Or a 30 min video essay by a boring guy? Why put in the effort to actually learn about and engage yourself in a piece of media or literature or whatever? People have pre-chewed it and set it down on a nice little plate for you to easily digest. What if they got info wrong or their ideas or harmful? Who cares! Just move onto the next thing. Don't think about. The algorithm thinks you should watch this next! Keep scrolling and keep consuming the next piece of media without ever really thinking about it. Never question it. It's so absolutely bizarre to me. Maybe it's because I'm probably autistic or something. I personally like to know every single thing about a something until I'm satisfied and can move on. That form of media consumption where you're constantly taking in new things and shove them out of your thoughts to make room for other shit cannot be good for you. It definitely ruins your attention span. It's just information and sensory overload. It gives me a fucking headache sometimes when I'm scrolling through Twitter or YouTube. It is so absolutely mind-numbing.
Like for example: Iceberg explained videos. The whole concept of the Iceberg images was to rank the obscurity and niche-ness of certain things from most well-known to least. It was a natural progress from top to bottom. You knew the stuff at the top, but wanted to know more so you moved down. You saw things you didn't recognize as you moved down. It incentivizes you to do research. To ask around. To do more than just basic cursory Google searches. I found a lot of cool and niche communities through my research on these Iceberg charts and the mystique and inaccessible nature of them just pushed me more to do harder research. It made it exciting to take risks and explore the collective internet. It was exciting! I loved mulling over something for days so I could learn more about it.
But now there's like 30 min to 2 hr long multiple part YouTube video series breaking down that exact chart and EVERYTHING about it and ruining any sort of mysterious and fun quality to it. Why do the research when some boring podcast dude did all the work for you? Who cares if his info is wrong and is misrepresenting something important? Just move on. Consume the next thing. Fuck Wendigoon, dude. I hate that cunt.
It is just SO lazy to get all your info from shit like that. The algorithm chucks it at you, because you fit a demographic. It's consolidating culture. It's making these things blunt and explaining everything to you so you don't have to think. People won't believe you or take you seriously or care unless its popular and its been fact-checked by Snopes or whatever. Fuck that, dude. Bring back wild west internet.
Everything you like will become bastardized at some point. Those trendy late adopters who immerse themselves in the algorithmically controlled pop culture will ruin everything you love and permanently soil it. They will move onto the next thing and leave you there in the dust. They're like cultural locusts. The people/entities harbingering them are probably the worst thing to happen to the Internet and information.
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2007 - final
originally published 7/18/20
Bosnia & Herzegovina It's very pretty. The staging is really nice to look at and Marija has a lovely voice. It doesn't evoke a whole lot in me emotionally, maybe because I just don't understand Bosnian, which is not necessarily a bad thing but when this song sounds and looks like it's trying to be emotional and I'm just not feeling it it does temper some of my enthusiasm. Spain Really energetic and catchy, and all the DNASH boys have good voices. The background with the "I <3 You" text background did strike me as kind of tacky, but like it's fine. It was 2007. What can you do. Ireland OOF. I hate the singer's voice here - it's not a particularly pleasant timbre, it's sort of nasal and she seems to be very flat much of the time. Nevertheless, this one is one of the more memorable numbers for me. I like the style of music and it just strikes me as a very happy, hopeful song, which is honestly what I need right now.
Finland I love it! You know I'm not a fan of harder rock, but this is just masterfully done. I love the staging and the camerawork and the composition, and Hanna has one of my favorite voices from this year's competition. Lithuania It's ok. I liked the simplicity of it, and I thought the staging was cool with the background musicians behind a screen and in shadow. The song itself is kind of boring, though. Greece I really like this song, it's a jam! The chorus is especially catchy but I like all of it. However, I feel like Sarbel was relatively low energy - like he wasn't even that low energy it's just this is a song where the performance needs REALLY high energy and idk I just don't think he was able to bring that. Sweden I like the song, but I'm a little confused by the styling. A quick Wikipedia search informs me that this is "glam rock", popularized by David Bowie and Elton John, which is fine. I don't have anything against David Bowie or Elton John. However, I really do not like these singers in their 2000s-style womens' clothing. Mostly because 2000s-style womens' clothing is ugly on everyone. France This is not very good. The first half of the chorus is the only thing I really like about the song. The styling is ugly and the vocals are poor, and much of the song isn't anything impressive. Russia Feels like we don't talk about this song enough. I mean, it placed third, but whenever I see people talk about 2007, it's always either Serbia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, or Finland... never Serebro! This isn't my favorite song of this year but it's still very good. I think Eurovision, in general, needs more girl bands.
Germany Roger Cicero steht ins Eurovisionskabarett! This man has truly drunk his share of respecting women juice... I'm really enjoying the song, his voice, and the 1920s-30s influences in the music and the staging. Enjoyable by all. Ukraine Like Molitva, I'm a little desensitized to this. As joke entries go, this is better than Ireland 2008... and better than some more serious songs like Turkey 2012 or Croatia 2017. But between the extreme camp of it all, the fact that it's a joke entry, and the sexual overtones, I just have a hard time liking it. United Kingdom This is not entirely unpleasant to listen to, if you're not listening too hard or looking at it. The sexual comments from two of the singers are A Lot for me, and I think the whole airplane concept is really just... not wise. Romania I'm enjoying their whole concept of "the same verse in six different languages and they just mix and match the words". It's cute, but it has that kids music feel... idk, some songs I can just clock as bad without listening all the way through, and when I saw the clip of this in the semi that's the vibe I got. It's okay. It's just not good. Armenia It sure is dramatic, and Hayko has a good voice (at least... I think...), but the song is a very generic ballad. I like the tree set piece. My top 42
Bosnia & Herzegovina
North Macedonia
United Kingdom
Voting/intervals ...Santa Claus is not Finnish. Interesting to see that showing artists in the green room during the recap actually dates back to here and maybe even earlier... I wonder why that wasn't brought back until 2014/15? Why was the audience so mad at Svante Stockselius this year? They booed when he came onscreen and I'm 99% sure someone yelled "fuck you" from the audience while he was talking. Is there lore I missed? That voting was really close right up until the end - it looked like Ukraine could still win right up until Macedonia's vote, which was second-to-last. WILD. Thoughts after watching I love so much about this contest! Such a strong year in terms of song quality, I loved the hosts, and the stage design was awesome! I think it's definitely one of my favorite stages, up there with 2014. The visual design for the year was also really cool, not just for its time but in general.
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careerfortune123 · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting SEO Performance
Hey there, curious minds! Ever wondered how some websites magically appear at the top when you type something into that search bar? Well, it's not magic, it's SEO – the digital superhero that makes websites shine in the vast online universe. In this friendly chat, we'll peel back the layers and explore what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) really means, how it works, and the different types that give your favorite websites their time in the spotlight.
What is Meant by Search Engine Optimization?
Picture this: the internet is like a gigantic library, and SEO is your trusty librarian. Search Engine Optimization is the art and science of fine-tuning your website so that search engines, like Google, can easily find, understand, and love it. It's all about making your online home stand out in the crowded digital neighborhood.
What is the Function of SEO?
Visibility Booster: SEO is like turning on the bright lights in a store window. It helps your website get noticed by search engines, making it more likely to appear on the first page of search results.
Keyword Wizardry: Ever noticed how you type something into Google, and voila, there's the perfect result? SEO is all about using the right keywords – those magic words people type into search bars – to make sure your website pops up when it's most needed.
User-Friendly Makeover: SEO is the friendly interior designer for your website. It not only attracts search engines but also ensures that when visitors arrive, they have a smooth and enjoyable experience navigating your digital space.
Trust Builder: Just like you trust your favorite cozy café, people trust websites that appear at the top of search results. SEO builds that trust by signaling to search engines that your website is a reliable source of information.
What is SEO and its Types?
On-Page SEO: Think of this as the makeover your website gets from the inside. On-page SEO involves optimizing content, meta titles, and descriptions to align with what users are searching for. It's like giving your website a wardrobe upgrade so it can strut confidently in the digital fashion show.
Off-Page SEO: Now, imagine your website going to a party, and everyone's talking about it. Off-page SEO is about building that buzz outside your website. It includes activities like link-building and social media presence – making sure the cool kids on the internet are talking about you.
Technical SEO: This is the behind-the-scenes tech support for your website. Technical SEO ensures that search engines can easily crawl and index your site. It's like the stage crew making sure the spotlight is on you when it's showtime.
Local SEO: Ever searched for the best pizza near you? That's where local SEO steps in. It helps businesses show up in local searches, making sure you find that perfect slice just around the corner.
Voice Search Optimization: With voice-activated devices becoming our new best friends, SEO is adapting too. Voice Search Optimization focuses on making your website voice-search-friendly, so when you ask your virtual assistant a question, your website has the answer.
SEO is not a mysterious code only the tech-savvy understand; it's the friendly guide helping your website shine in the vast digital landscape. Whether you're a small business owner, a blogger, or just someone curious about the online world, embracing the power of SEO can turn your digital space into the go-to spot on the internet. To master SEO and other concepts you have the Career Fortune institute in pune as your guide
They have a unique Pay After Placement digital marketing course designed with a personal touch, ensuring your journey is both enriching and practical. Lets look at what sets them apart from other institutes
Expert Faculty: Learn from industry experts who are not just teachers but mentors, sharing real-world experiences to make your learning journey insightful.
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Pay After Placement in Pune: They understand the financial aspect of education. With their unique pay after placement model, they focus on learning without immediate financial pressure. Pay for the course only after securing a job, aligning your investment with your career progress.
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protect-namine · 7 months
okay gonna take a stab at articulating Thoughts here but this is probably gonna end up like word salad. it's okay, whatever, what is blogging if not chucking thoughts into the void.
so. usability right. websites should have more ✨️ intuitive ✨️ ux/ui where users are guided around and they understand how things work out of the box because the site follows patterns the user is already used to.
oh man.
something this immediately reminds me of is how japanese website design is markedly different, very "cluttered" and heavy on text. is the whole country just terrible at ux or are they just serving a different set of users who expect something else?
another thing I think about is how, at one company I worked at, they've thought about revamping the admin section of the website because it's sooooo "cluttered" and not "clean" but decided against it because, I mean, who uses the admin section? the main operation team. what do they use it for? banning users, tagging stuff for fraud and investigation, processing incidents, etc. do they want pretty and clean and beautiful and modern UI? NO actually they're power users who want to be able to do 10 things efficiently on the same page without having to go through 15 extra clicks to finish those 10 tasks because each task was separated onto different menus and pages.
(not to mention the amount of resources you need to do that kind of revamp, the cost-benefit trade-off, the time spent by people who are used to how things work now with learning how the new layout works, thereby disrupting the way they already know how to do things, and for what benefit? it's easier to onboard a new admin user than to redesign a whole system and fuck everyone's workflows)
so like. functionality and purpose and user segmentation can vary differently and "intuitive" is a vague nothing descriptor because what's intuitive for one user might not be for another. what makes a site usable is if it lets you do the job you were there for. pro users have different needs from new users and sometimes you really just gotta prioritize one over the other, because resources!!! are finite!!! and if you aren't actually doing this to market a product and attract new users, guess which category of users you're gonna prioritize!
another thing this makes me think of is how, like, we want things to just work out of the box. no need to think about how things work under the hood. great for accessibility, no need for high literacy to just do things and that is genuinely great. but also. alsooooooo
I'm thinking about how there are some kids who don't have a concept of file systems because everything is an app and search systems are now so sophisticated you can just rely on it instead of thinking in directories and file hierarchies. which is honestly pretty cool, like how many times have you just searched for an app on your phone instead of swiping through a list of apps, or folders? (I do both, so for the ones who say "uhhhh it's been a long time actually because I still use folders" don't worry you are understood. I understand. this isn't about us though). anyway, do people need to know about file systems? I guess not, but it's also a fundamental part of how computers work that if you start trying to do more complicated computer stuff and don't know how they work, you can get stumped by a simple error message such as a program not finding the your files.
and like. I'm not saying we shouldn't make navigation easy, because accessibility is a good thing and not everyone wants or needs to do complicated things on the computer. but alsooooo I don't think it's the ultimate goal? because to do so would be to continue to create that divide between "tech-savvy" and "not tech-savvy" when I think the goal alongside good tech navigation should be to raise tech literacy for everyone. we're in an age where society is becoming more and more reliant on tech AND an age where information is king and misinformation is rampant and like. likeeeeee
also not to make this a generation thing but there is a subset of people where they have to teach how technology works to people who are both older than them and people who are younger than them but have already gone through high school. and like, shouldn't it be that the younger generations will keep teaching the older generations what's hip and new and how things work?
if you're too afraid to tinker around with stuff you'll end up just accepting chrome's advertising policies and tumblr's awful new layout and youtube pushing youtube shorts all the time even though you fucking hate it. when, with just a few clicks, you could be using an extension or script to block ads and hide youtube shorts and unfuck your tumblr dashboard. if you only rely on programs with "intuitive" ux/ui you can get trapped in the app store walled garden with no idea how to get your shit together again when you're no longer using the laptop with the only os that uses those programs. you don't want to pay to watch something but you also don't know how to pirate, what do? you get a phishing email or something that looks like a scam to someone who knows what to look for, oh but you don't so you click on it and send you banking details to someone you didn't mean to, oh no!!!!
anyway. so you want to find a fic and the tools are right there but you didn't know they existed because you didn't know how the site was built to work and maybe the site should have taught you better how it works. it's not the user's fault that the site doesn't work like the rest of the internet does. that is true and those are good points. but also, sometimes. sometimes. the people working on the site don't have the resources to do that, or maybe they're not even really prioritizing you as their user and just hopes you'll eventually figure out how to find your fic because you're good at searching, you grew up in an internet where search is so sophisticated (and, sigh, ad-driven, though this does not apply to the site we're talking about). you can find anything you want, and this website is designed NOT to punish you for clicking around. you can just fuck around and find out! in fact, clicking around might actually reward you!! you learn a new tag, you figure out where the fics for a specific fandom or character are, etc. it doesn't take that long to find the tools you were looking for. two clicks (one click for a tag to go into tag search, and another click on the filter button if you're on mobile to open up the sort and filter menu). two clicks to discover the plethora of tools available to you, with each of them having those question mark links you can click if you want to find out what they do in detail.
but I guess that's hidden too well now!!!!! UN-intuitive design because it's not friendly to new users even though this site can't even leave the beta stage for a decade. or more!! it's not keeping up with modern designs even though it doesn't have a goal of attracting new users or become like the rest of the internet. and I guess it doesn't matter that as an archiving system you can search things with as much maximum specificity as the site allows. you can search like you would search a database because it's an archiveeeeeeeeee and that's it's purpose, that what you use it for but that doesn't matter because new users don't know how to search a database so the website is not usable, we need to keep it current so even non-fandom users can understand how to use it, even people who don't know what an archive is EVEN THOUGH THAT'S NEVER BEEN THE GOALLLLL OF THE SITEEEEE
anyway so yeah we should redesign the site every now and then :) and maybe a/b test it :) :) :)
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prowerprojects · 1 year
(Modern Tails anon) I'm not well-versed in the comic industry either, so anything is possible to happen. (I wager if we did get a webtoon, I kinda doubt IDW being in charge of it. But who knows.)
I don't really care for the concept either, and I'm sure if he did have magical powers , people will fixate more on that than his tech skills. (As fun as it is imagining him with a kitsune-looking super form, the idea of building a super form for himself one day sounds cooler.)
Yeah, I've noticed UK's humor and media tends be more crass than America's. So I understand a bit better why Sonic is potrayed the way he is, at first. (Though I don't blame folks for side-eyeing any Sonic that badmouths a Tails.)
Understandable, I don't tend to jump on hype waves right away either, and just prefers to indulge when I ready to adsorb the media properly. (If you just wanna skip to the Tails episode, just search up "Drood Henge". I'd think you'll enjoy that at least.)
I guess we'll see soon if these shatterspace counterparts are essentially broken pieces of each of their Prime selves. (It's amusing that despite all these animated adaptions, we still don't really have one that heavily focuses on using the game-verse and its locations for its stories. It's either alternate continuity or universe shenanigans. Maybe one of these days, there's some hidden potential here.)
Here's to them having more causal scenes together, alongside action ones. It was also a nice touch that the Sonic Symphony somewhat merged their Adventure themes together. Makes you wonder how a song describing their dynamic and bond would go if Sega ever made one. (Nah, I get you. Tails often expresses wanting to be cool, heroic, helpful, very empathic and has big ambitions. [Game] Sonic generally doesn't care about status, values independence, and will be the "bad guy" if stuff came down to it. His politeness, courtesy, courage and strong sense of justice keeps him from falling completely into neutral/anti-hero territory. But he's definitely not a straight-laced one.)
I agree, even if we do get a webtoon, it probably wouldn't be affiliated with idw. Personally I would prefer it being either short slice of life stories about the main cast when they aren't adventuring or a story with a definitive beginning and end that would run for 2 or 3 webtoon "seasons", opposed to "epic adventures trying to be a continuous narrative until we get canceled" of fleetway/archie/idw. (This is just all wishful thinking of course)
Ack! Anon, I'm embarrassed. I do love imagining him with a kitsune-looking super form. 😅 I suppose when it comes to super forms my first instinct is to get defensive, like "what makes him worse than anyone else, why shouldn't he have one?" But you're also right in that compensating for mythical abilities with his own skills also sounds incredibly cool and impressive.
Yep, the UK also really leaned into Sonic having an attitude, some advertisements are very... interesting. If you (or really anyone reading this post) are interested in the UK-style humor, but want to experience a much nicer Sonic (especially when it comes to Tails), I recommend the Martin Adams novels. (I suppose I personally have a soft spot for them since they really make Tails feel like a co-protagonist) They also try to incorporate game elements, like Zones, rings, little animals being trapped in badniks (except instead of little animals they're anthropomorphic animals), capsules at the end of levels, etc. I would recommend either the second or the first novel, the second one has a better plot, but the first one is funnier (?) probably. (Though warning for fatphobia, it being directed at Eggman doesn't make it better. Also ugh. Really "weird" treatment of the female characters. They try to make them cool, but I'm afraid some things didn't age well) And thanks for the satam episode recommendation!
I guess I'll either be validated or will have to eat my words but at least I'll know that I'm in the same boat as Shadow the Hedgehog. At least we have animated shorts for the recent games. I'm hoping Superstars would get them too, not just the opening cutscene. Maybe on how different Emerald powers work?
I think the next show we get might be set in a more canon-adjacent universe. Sonic Boom technically was that, for Boom as the sub-franchise, I think the show and the games were even canon to each other. And they're not gonna pull another "multiverse" adventure after Prime just did that. Though I understand why they might be hesitant with making a game-adjacent cartoon, if anything goes wrong with an explicitly alternative timeline, or multiverse stuff, you can just shrug it off, but it might confuse and upset the audience if you screw up characterization in a game-adjacent show. Cartoons could have a big affect on how people perceive the characters, so Sega might not want to risk it, I mean that's how we ended up with Game Sonic loving Chili Dogs, and that were the alternative timeline shows.
That Sonic Symphony mashup might have gotten me a bit emotional. And yeah! I think you explained it better than I could.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
What a weird day. Rainy, still a bit sleep deprived. The day just floated by.
I did some pretty intense yoga today. I just went with a random video that popped up in my feed. It was centered around the concept of major life change, a concept to just kinda muse on today. I'd be lying if I said it didn't impact the course of my day.
The moss concept has just kept creeping into my brain more and more, and I gave in and started searching for more info on it. Growing tips, recommended setups, I even started browsing Instacart for Michael's and Lowe's to see if I could find materials there to get started. And, in the end, I think basic planters will be super easy.
Here's pretty much what I learned today. Moss doesn't technically need soil... which is fucking batshit crazy in itself, when you really just think about that... But I kept finding tutorials that were including... potting soil... Which I keep asking myself... "do I really need that?" I mean, I could literally just get gravel and throw some water and moss on it and that shit would be at home. I could bring a log inside and carve out a little trench in it like a fucking canoe or something, and then just straight up fill it with moss. Or I could put a gardening liner in it and put some dirt in there with the gravel, maybe it would make it grow faster? I honestly don't know. I know they love water...
I was trying to figure that part out, like... if moss doesn't need soil to live or reproduce, why do all these tutorials have not just "soil" but like... turbo potting soil as the medium? It just confused me. I'm not really understanding the science behind it. Probably because... there likely isn't science behind it, they're all just adaptations of other tutorials they found on the internet, copies of copies. This started to register when I read this same statistic that kept coming up. I searched "how long does it take for moss to spread", because I wanted to know whether it even grew/spread rapidly or not... And, it's breed specific... and the same exact fucking phrase came up on like 20 sites. "Between 6 weeks and 2 years, depending on the breed." Like... verbatim, same numbers, same phrasing, like 20 fucking sites. So... I mean... at least I'm getting a consistent answer, but the problem is... if everyone is just copy-pasting what the other people are saying and not checking... like the soil thing... You know? You end up with stuff like "Why are you doing that?" "Oh, it's just what you do... it's how you're supposed to do it." Non-answers, substitutes for "oh... I don't know, actually..."
So... I opened the doors for a ton of cool projects with that idea. I could grow moss in literally anything, really. A dish, a pot, a tray, I kinda like the idea of grabbing an old dried out log from the woods and making it into a decorative planter, kinda. One, because of the aesthetic, the natural look does a lot of the work for me. Two, because I can carve it... Three, it retains moisture, which the moss will need a ton of. The only thing I was a little on the fence about was like... mold and shit. Unwanted growth. Not really sure what to do about that.
The other idea that looked cool was actually doing a... water garden. Which is close to my idea, which I spelled out last night but I can tell again here briefly. Basically a converted table housing a mini indoor Zen garden with stones and a stream running through it circulated with the water pump I have from Max's old fountain. But, this water garden idea would be... a bit more water heavy. Like... almost an aquarium? But with a lot of stone features building up to form a land mass that has moss growing on it. So there's water in the whole thing. The only trick with that is... it's going to be standing water... which i don't really want. Unless.... I can rig up the pump right... hmm...
The trouble with the table idea is... I don't really know how to properly waterproof it... and that's kinda important... I could use a big metal tray, but that could possibly have corrosion problems. Plastic would be the best bet, but it tends to be a little... ugly... I could use a landscaping liner with the wood table, but that might just keep soil in and let moisture through, not really sure how that works. The key there would be sealing it properly so that the whole thing is contained and waterproofed, so the wood doesn't soak in water and rot. Or getting a perfectly sized plastic liner. But... I don't even have the table, so... this is all conceptual.
With the water garden idea, I can really use any glass container I feel like. The only caveat there being... if I want a water pump in there... I need to find a way of discreetly running the power cable out of the glass container. If I don't do the water pump... I will have to figure out how to clean the water, and likely have to do that regularly. Again, this idea is like... half fishbowl, half terrarium, but completely open, because there aren't going to be any animals contained in it.
So yeah, a LOT of ideas swirling around with that, and I might just play around and experiment with different versions and see how they come out.
I played more Per Aspera. The plot kinda... just disappeared? I'm well into end-game now. I'm still enjoying it, it's just... late-to-end game has been really grindy. It should be expected with a terraforming game, but like... really grindy. And they just... stopped doing voice line announcements for research, which is super weird... Like... I swear there was more fanfare for my first silicon mine than there was for finishing research on my first open-air city on Mars. Which is like... the primary goal of terraforming... And I finished the research, built it and started populating it and the game... didn't acknowledge it at all. Really odd. Maybe it's more hard-coded into the campaign? Maybe I skipped a few steps? I don't know. But because of the grindy-ness and just constantly pushing towards gigantic goals, it can be a huge time sink. And... it was again today.
That said, I did get some other life stuff done. I did dishes, and I actually cleaned by my art station. Crazy, right?
I somewhat sorted, but mostly just moved things into places. I'm just so used to living out of cardboard boxes, I swear. It's really weird. Plus, I don't have anywhere else to put shit so... yeah. I'm planning on sorting my pencils and pens and shit into my old plastic former tattoo equipment drawers, I might even have room for paint there. Maybe that will get my shit out of the big carboard box on the floor...
I guess I should probably talk about this. I found an old journal from 2017. Late winter-early spring. It was a journal completely full of psychiatrist-mandated symptom check-ins. I was seeing a prescriber at the counseling center I was going to, she had diagnosed me with epilepsy (falsely, and without an EEG to confirm her diagnosis, I might add...) and had me record any time I felt any "abnormal" symptoms of any kind. She doctor's-ordered this to someone with a laundry list of mental health-induced physical ailments dating back over 15 years at that time, closer to 20 now. She ordered me to constantly scrutinize my mental and physical state, with zero baseline on what "normal" is, at all times... for months. And I found the journal. Kinda weird how I'm the only person, short of maybe my ex, who has laid eyes on that journal... isn't it... And I flipped (I just mistyped "scrolled", good lord... XD) through the pages and just saw the same shit every fucking day, multiple entries a day. Numbness in the face, tingling in the extremities, fatigue, irritability, twitchy, shit like that. Every day. Multiple times a day. Over and over and over. Shit she was calling "micro-seizures".
To be honest, I feel the "numbness" feeling right now. Right side of my face, by the edge of my right eye socket, going up along my temple. Numbness in my fingertips, sure. Tingling in the extremities? Pay attention close enough, I'm sure you'll find it. Like... I could find every single one of those symptoms right now.
Oh and here's the kicker. About halfway through, I started to put stars next to entries when there was something not specifically a physical symptom involved. Like at least 14 days in a row were "slept like shit" or "barely slept". Many were "I'm having trouble logging because fights with my gf are interfering". I'm actually gonna get it real quick, there was a specific one that really hit me in the heartstrings that I wanted to share.
For context, this was after going on and off of at least 4 different epilepsy medications back-to-back - some with very severe side effects. April 26 *Depression/fighting have made me question the worth of recording these. Fights/seizures have escalated to dissociation, hallucination (surreality, seeing black in [my ex]'s eyes, thinking I'm in Hell and I am doing this to myself or I deserve it). April 27 PM->10 - numbness (temples, nose, chin, forehead) skin crawling visual (static, contrast, afterimages, ripples) surreal feelings tension (toes, jaws, temples) spacey *I feel like I'm losing chunks of time again. Depression is ramping up, being dropped by [my doctor] and rejected by specialists w/o a referral has nearly sent it over the edge.
There were 2 other entries after that. April 28th and May 2nd. Then it just unceremoniously ended. My prescriber left and dropped my case. She went to work as a psychiatrist for a local ER.
The dissociation/hallucination thing? That was a panic attack. 100%. I have the language for that now. That's the kind of shit that happens sometimes when I smoke weed. My definition of "hallucination" was a bit... off... back then. Probably because I have really severe anxiety and just thought I was fragmenting from reality in some Lovecraftian way... I'm a romantic, for better or worse... The really interesting part was... how much I had subconsciously already figured out at that point. Look at my formatting just in the first two sentences. Depression/fighting. Kinda seems more important than taking down these symptoms. Almost like... it's causing them? Fights/seizures... that's a fun one. See... my ex would kinda feed into my willingness to blame any mood fluctuation on these "seizures". In fact, after the "diagnosis"... the fights started to just naturally evolve into just being... me having a "seizure" and she was just... enduring it? Not that she was ridiculously bad at navigating any form of conflict because of her own completely unchecked mental health issues, and would just... somehow be completely innocent in every single one?
I'm gonna level, I was not the best human back then. I wasn't great at communicating, I was a little detached from my feelings, I was pretty bitter and sarcastic... Think Dr. House, my ex would compare me to him a lot. But I was never sadistic. I was never cruel. I was never mean-spirited. When it came to conflict... I was too invested. I wouldn't walk away. I wouldn't leave. The same as the issues with my mom that resulted in many-hour long fights. I endure. I stick it through to the end. I do my time. I do not walk away or give up. And I've always seen it as noble, as valiant, as something to aspire to. "Do not go to bed angry." That kinda thing. Like... the fight will not resolve itself, and if we just go to separate beds or I sleep on the couch and we reconvene the next morning and pretend nothing happened, we will 100% have the same fight again. 100%. There is absolutely no lesson learned there, no growth, that's flat-out evasion.
I have always been a firm believer that the only way of working out an issue is putting in the work, and doing that as a team means doing it together. And pretty much every fight me and my ex would have would be over some little fucking bullshit. Usually it was me bringing up something that I was noticing in her behavior that I felt was indicative of something wrong, and asking "what's up". Others were because of shit she just... wouldn't communicate? I mean... the more I look back, like pretty much every fight I remember was because of something she was just flat-out not communicating, not talking about, not sharing. And when I would bring it up, she would treat me as an aggressor. Like I'm attacking her by bringing that up. Like I'm volatile.
That naturally blended into the seizure narrative; because of the unpredictable nature of it, I'm sure. So fucked up, in hindsight. All of it. But like... it's my story, and I lived it and I've told it so many times that like... it doesn't sound weird to me at all, you know? But now that I have space from it a bit... yeah... that's real fucked up. So, I found it really convenient how, at that time... subconsciously... I wrote Seizures/fights as though the two were interchangeable. As though being in conflict with your ex is a medical condition you can suffer from, as though it was my fault. As though she had no part in it at all, as though it were a bunch of rogue sparks shooting off in my fucked up brain that she was suffering from - that I needed to chemically treat with medications. Fucked. Up. Shit.
As depressing and painful as my life has been this year. And the past few years too, to be honest. I can always breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I'm free of that fucked up shit. Knowing it's over.
So... that was a hard journal to find, hard to relive. But good news, I'm not crazy. I'm just a very sensual person, I experience life very fully, and I'm really depressed and really anxious, I get panic attacks sometimes and have some trauma issues I'm still working through.
But... you know... You know how sometimes... sometimes... even when you're not like consciously thinking or doing it... sometimes it can just be easier to stomach something painful if you convince yourself it's your fault. Like it's something you're doing to yourself, or something you've done. I think it's like a survivor guilt mechanism or something, or at least it works on the same premises, I guess? Idk. I'm speculating. I think sometimes it can be easier to accept that you're clumsy, or you're a piece of shit, or you're sick... than to accept that someone you love is mistreating you. Because like... if I'm crazy... then I just need to do therapy and take meds, and I'll do a really good job! I'll make it the center of my life! I'll be the best patient in the world! I'll journal every day, I'll do everything the doctor says! Then I can do something about it. Then I have some kind of agency in the situation, rather than just... being... a victim. Because... if the real problem... is that someone is mistreating me... well... I can't control their behavior, right? ...
I think a lot of this might just be a reflex responding to powerlessness. And a fear of losing a loved one. Or finding out they're not what I thought, so... denial. Staying in the dream world, because it's better than the alternative. And maybe that's a learned habit from really unhealthy relationships? Not knowing that it's not just okay for me to set healthy boundaries and say "no", but like... I have a right to it? And it's kinda essential to a functional relationship? But bro, you don't learn shit like that in my family. In fact, you'd be lucky to learn anything in my family unless you were on payroll and working in the office. Even then, they prefer to hire people who already have experience... <eyeroll>
Hi 4:20 AM. It's been a while. XD
You know... that whole freaking out because I'm afraid I'm in Hell, or freaking out because I'm afraid I'm Bruce Willis's character in The Sixth Sense or something. That surreal freakout shit? That's like... the only reason why I don't smoke weed. And my life would be so much more chill if I could just get over that hurdle. And... okay, I'm just going to say it. Because I need to just get this line of thought out of my head.
I'm considering as-needed meds. For anxiety. Specifically for panic attacks, but like... for anxiety. Here are my concerns. 1) I do not like driving under the influence at all, even a little, and I'm afraid most of my as-needed moments would be to get me to comfortably leave the house. 2) I do not want to be on a regular dose of benzos. I have been through the withdrawal 3-4 times now and every time it was life-shatteringly bad coming off of them. I do not want it to accumulate in my system. 3) I don't know if anyone will actually prescribe them to me. 4) I'm sketched out having to walk back a mile from the pharmacy in an iffy neighborhood with a controlled substance on me.
Just thoughts. I just... I'm getting really tired of just soldiering through shit. Like getting teeth drilled without anesthesia, just because people will judge me if I get numbed up. And like... if I had a safety net? I feel like I'd be able to confront fear a bit more comfortably. This whole fear-of-fear thing compounds so quickly. So I'm like... afraid of going outside because I'm afraid that when I'm out there I might get afraid of someone who looks like they don't have good intentions. It gets so abstracted, its ridiculous. But the big thing that like... stops me from engaging with the bigger fears... is the whole being alone thing. The vulnerability of it. When I talk about this shit with other people, it makes it much easier. That's why this helps a lot, the journaling. I know it's a placebo effect for the most part, I'm sure no one really reads this far besides me... but the thought that someone is sharing this space with me... it comforts me. It makes it easier to face. So... I keep doing it. And it's been super helpful. If I had more things like that, more things to reduce Fear's power over my decision-making, more tools to make questioning and exploring my fears... gentler. To make that process feel safer. That would make a world of difference.
Even typing this, I have no idea what I think is going to happen. It's frustrating. It really feels like engaging with fear is like opening Pandora's box. Oh my god, okay, it's like my big change with horror movies since I reconnected fully with my gigantor emotional experience of life. Horror just... went away. It was too real, I couldn't do it anymore. And I loved horror movies, psychological horror was by far my favorite genre! Now, it feels like if I watch a horror movie... I might ruin my week or something, I might have nightmares or haunting invasive thoughts. Like flashbacks that visit me periodically, like those mental images of my cat laying on the bathmat in my bathroom that haunted me every night for like a month after she passed. I get stuff like that constantly. I think that is what I'm avoiding.
Imagine if I could take those thoughts and just imagine they were a leaf, and I'm sitting on the banks of a fast flowing river. Like the river I used to visit that I spread my dog's ashes in. And I could just take that invasive thought - a thought that was essentially just a residual nagging way-way-way-too-sensitive fire alarm going off, letting me know about a hypothetical threat that isn't actually present - and I could put that thought/leaf on the river... and let the river carry it downstream. "But what if it's important..." XD
Okay, I really need to lighten the mood here and wrap shit up. Um... I did a little more work on the animation? Figured out the flickering problem, it's the camera. So I'm just overhauling the camera movements entirely. We'll see where it goes tomorrow. I played guitar today, which was nice. I started learning Echo Chamber by Veil of Maya. I like the way they play, it's really similar to a lot of the stuff I used to write so I can pick up the phrases pretty well. But it's new enough and complex enough that it's really stimulating and a fun challenge. Just to inject some positivity here... I'm really impressed in my ability to retain my guitar skill. I know I've been playing since I was 13, so... 23 years? Fuck... Yeah, I know that, but like... I switched over to drums as my primary instrument like...3-4 years ago? At least? And to know that my guitar skills are still there that naturally, after this much time since playing regularly? It's really pretty crazy. Like riding a bike, I guess.
Alright, off to bed. Here's hoping for peace and love, sending out my wishes to the world regardless of how much the cranky insecure unhappy people want to mock the gesture. The world needs more peace and love.
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redandblk2021 · 1 year
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Harnessing the Power of AI with No-Code Platforms: A Fun and Quick Guide
Hey there! Have you ever wanted to create cool AI projects but felt intimidated by all the programming involved? You're in luck! No-code platforms have made it possible for anyone to build and deploy applications without being a programming wizard. In this blog post, we'll take a fun and engaging journey through some popular no-code AI platforms, how they work, their benefits, and tips for picking the right one for your needs. We'll also dive into some technical aspects and compare no-code programming with traditional coding. Finally, we'll discuss the ROI advantages and explain the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) in a way that's easy to understand.
Some No-Code Platforms for AI
There's a bunch of no-code platforms out there that make it super easy for non-programmers to create AI-powered solutions. Here are a few popular ones you should check out:
Google's AutoML: Wanna create custom machine learning models without breaking a sweat? AutoML lets you do just that by using Google's AI infrastructure. It has a neural architecture search that automatically finds the best model for your specific dataset. You can create models for all sorts of stuff, like image recognition, language processing, and translation.
Microsoft's Power Apps: Power Apps is an awesome platform that helps you build custom business applications packed with AI capabilities. It even has AI Builder, which comes with pre-built AI models for object detection, text recognition, and more. Power Apps also uses a Common Data Service to store and manage data, making connecting and integrating different data sources easier.
IBM's Watson Studio: With Watson Studio, you can create, train, and deploy machine learning models using a simple graphical interface. It has all the tools you need for data preparation, model building, and deployment – no coding skills required. You can even use IBM's AutoAI to generate candidate model pipelines tailored to your data automatically.
How No-Code AI Platforms Work
No-code AI platforms usually have a user-friendly visual interface that lets you design, train, and deploy AI models without writing a single line of code. Instead, they often come with pre-built templates, models, and algorithms that users can customize for specific projects. Plus, they take care of all the underlying infrastructure, making it a breeze to scale and manage your AI projects.
All you need to do is upload your data, pick the AI model or algorithm you want, and configure the model using the platform's visual interface. Once your model is trained and tested, you can deploy it and integrate it into your existing apps or workflows. Many no-code platforms use advanced techniques like transfer learning, which leverages pre-trained models to save time and resources during the training process.
Why No-Code Platforms for AI Rock
Here are some reasons why no-code platforms for AI are so excellent:
Accessibility: They make AI available to everyone, not just programmers, so more people can create unique AI projects.
Speed: No-code platforms can save you loads of time since you don't have to write complex code or build AI models from scratch.
Cost savings: By making AI development more straightforward and cutting down on the need for programming expertise, no-code platforms can save businesses some serious cash.
Scalability: Many no-code platforms provide the infrastructure and tools needed to scale AI projects without any headaches.
No-Code vs. Traditional Coding
No-code programming and traditional coding both have their pros and cons, and the choice between them depends on your specific needs and goals. Here's a quick comparison:
Ease of use: No-code platforms are incredibly user-friendly, making them perfect for non-programmers. Traditional coding, on the other hand, requires a solid understanding of programming languages and concepts, which can be a barrier for many.
Flexibility: Traditional coding offers more flexibility and customization options, as you have complete control over the code. No-code platforms, while customizable to a certain extent, may have limitations in terms of functionality and complexity.
Development speed: No-code platforms speed up development significantly by providing pre-built components and eliminating the need for complex code writing. Traditional coding can be more time-consuming, especially for complex projects.
Maintenance: No-code platforms often come with built-in maintenance and support, making it easier to manage your AI projects. With traditional coding, you need to dedicate resources to maintenance and troubleshooting.
Collaboration: No-code platforms typically offer a more collaborative environment, allowing team members with diverse skill sets to work together on a project. Traditional coding usually requires specialized knowledge, which can limit collaboration.
ROI Advantages and Understanding SDLC for Non-Programmers
No-code AI platforms offer several ROI (Return on Investment) advantages compared to traditional coding. By reducing development time and the need for specialized programming expertise, no-code platforms can lead to cost savings for businesses. They also make AI more accessible, allowing companies to harness the power of AI and drive innovation, which can result in increased revenue and a competitive edge.
To help you understand the process behind software development, let's break down the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) in a non-programmer-friendly way:
Planning: This is where you identify your goals, requirements, and resources for the project.
Analysis: You examine your needs and constraints and figure out the best way to approach the project.
Design: In this stage, you create a blueprint of your software, outlining how it will work and what it will look like.
Implementation: This is where the actual coding (or no-coding) happens, and your software starts to take shape.
Testing: You test your software to find any bugs or issues that need fixing.
Deployment: Your software is now ready for launch and use by your target audience.
Maintenance: After deployment, you must keep your software up-to-date and fix any issues.
No-code platforms can simplify and speed up the SDLC by eliminating or reducing the complexity of certain stages, like implementation and maintenance.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Oh damn, seriously?? That's so cool!!!
just so that it would fit our work, my my <3
Hmmm.... maybe.... possibly.... with u sayin it, I can't help but wanna go with it.... /pos <333
Hopefully in the future I won't fret over it too much like I do now then <//333
Felt this, throwback to slime!reader; all I was thinking was to set up the scene as quick as I could so that I could hurry and write the porn hehehehee
Aaaaa I'd keep it to just one fic, but be it a big work or small one, a work that has multiple parts or just one,,, I can't help but do it even if my brain is dead ×_×
You are literally so sweet??? God damn???? I feel like I should be the one giving you all these sweet nicknames. Sugar??? Honey??? Sweetheart??? What about sugarplum?? Sweet cheeks??? /t /hj
AWWWW,, lovable Dove, there's no need to be sorry, I swear <333 you seem to put in much more heart than I expected tho,, and it's so adorable absjwksksk for you to do that when people send asks,,, I feel like I should appreciate every message more now <3333 /gen /pos bubba, take ur time,, I can happily wait even more now that ik this <33333 /pos /gen /affectionate /all positive things <3333
-panna cotta
yes, sweet cheeks<3 inspiration is too short to waste it on rejections of the idea. of course, only you can determine if you need to use these things or not, but at least you are absolutely free — the concept of "author's perception" and changing the canon in order to create the right environment are too relative
author's freedom!!! <333 we still use the materials of the canon and rely on it, but considering that Toge is not a properly formed character (fact?), he can be twisted as we/you want
'fret' shhdhdgd ferret <3 /j /pos
at least your work will be worked out and realistic, so that's also very good, my my <3
I am. I am when always. I don't like to write a long intro if it's 'just porn', but I can't skip it, and I hate when the foreplay gets longer than the main part, so make the main part even bigger, — and huge monsters turn out whose main and only idea is breeding for breeding's sake. why can't we get right to the most interesting part??? you don't understand, you HAVE to suffer enough before you get your porn </3333 /j
hhhhh sounds cute but suffering</3 cutie <3333
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no you <333333
only the sweetest should get sweet nicknames!!! who is the sweetest of us, honey parfait??? /t /pos
love you so much gosh <///333
nooooo don't say such things, it's a common thing </3333 /pos /affectionate
I was just worried that I was too slow and it looks like I'm ignoring, although I just need a lot of time to form sentences from words and take a long time to pick them up. I'm not very good at english, so it's always a long sitting and searching for the meaning of a word to make sure that at least 70% of my thoughts sound correct and understandable <//33
you know, I quickly understand what you're writing, but then I sit down for an answer — my head is empty not because there are only babygirls, but... just empty /hj
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strawberry-nugget · 3 years
Oddly specific bnha headcanons
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Characters: Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Dabi
A/N: I'm finally back from my mini hiatus and I finally finished a part of my never ending cursed head canons and I also hit a new milestone so I feel like you all deserve this attempt of mine at comedy for the love I've been getting...I'm also sorry, this is a wild ride, and as you're reading you might wonder why did I make these? And the answer is, simply, because I can 😭, no lol though true... I'm soft so if these made you laugh and you leave an LMAO comment I'll think about it forever uwu. I've talked about most of these with my dear friend @aichiin, who is an amazing artist whom should support in all platforms uwu bye
Warnings: some of this content is NSFW, 18+, so if you're under 18 DO NOT INTERACT
Disclaimer: everyone is at least of 18 years of age
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• I can't explain why, and we've seen Endeavor texting shoto in canon but... I feel like probably his texts look like this: …..shoto why aren't you Answering your phone… 
….tell fuyumi to make you soba… . 
… ……are you still friends with that rude boy from school.. 
…I don't want any take out dont get any for me tell natsuo that I'm sorry and try to ask him if he's changed his mind about forgiving me.… 
• All might opens a Facebook account a month before the beloved class graduates as his way to keep on touch with everyone after they're off to fight crime and lives his life as the ultimate Facebook mom and thinks he's texting people but apparently posting on your Facebook wall isn't texting. He has probably made a thousand posts asking midoriya how it works until people just, they just, accept it, I guess, there's nothing else they can do. He uses the Facebook mom tulip emoji and writes in all cap. Give him credit for being so sweet tho. 
And probably it goes like this: "💞🥰🌷🤣WHAT AN AMAZING SUNDAY. GOOD MORNING YOUNG MIDORIYA HOW HAVE YOU BEEN" Ofc he will not hesitate to use all these emojis unironically, in fact, he doesn't know that is the ironic use of an emoji, leave him alone
Denki: mister al mght do we have english tomorrow ? 
Momo: @denki, no but we have literature, hello mister all might sir, have a nice day too
• I'm sorry for this but.... Midoriya, Denki and Kirishima probably lick their finger after they absolutely drill it in their noses but here's the deal
Midoriya inspects what he fished out like thoroughly, Denki dissociates while staring at it, and Kirishima does so straight out of his nose
• Someone told Shoto that Saiki K is based on true events and he genuinely believes it and tries to find Saiki K, claiming that he is the answer to all of his problems. Is very subtle about it tho.
• I think that in part one of these atrocious head canons we established that Keigo would willingly put effort to find the clit, right? Listen he probably asks what's the concept of the clit, like why is it outside and not inside- wait you have another spot inside, yeah? He's is so confused and for what? Won't stop for it mid sex but he searches reproduction organ anatomy later on on google because he brought some questions in his brain that need answers. On the clit. You heard me right.
• Dabi looks like he once had a break up that was so rough that he opened a Twitter just to drag the other person down. For once, I won't go into detail and will let your imaginations run wild. 
• I have to do a a cursed one for Bakugo right? Well yeah uhm, he probably was caught flexing his muscles in the mirror during vacation, totally naked too, by one of his friends in his group and screamed in a high pitched voice and picked up that little hotel room fridge to cover himself up and chased them around the hotel room until he just crushed the poor item. To the floor? Because he tried to use it as a cover up and it just slipped... It's even worse if the friend was a potential s/o. He'll scream like one of the screaming/simping TikTok sounds.
• Bakugo also really hates chairs. Idk why I have this headcanon, but I know it in my heart that this man, as an adult, only has those round weird- ish IKEA stools around the kitchen table that's all. No more chairs. Nothing.
• this is too self indulgent but Kirishima and Deku look like the people who, while washing forks, spoons etc they create whole stories about them and treat them like characters, and others would just look at them so confused as to why it takes 16 minutes to wash off a spoon and why are they also crying but you wouldn't understand. This spoon is Cinderella. Back off and let. them. finish. their. stories.
• I feel like Jirou has phases where she only wants to wear black but then she sees a nice pair of jeans and buys it, and then buys some more and then she gets mad about having blue jeans and she dyes them, but then she grows out of that phase for a few months and she tries to find ways to make the fabric paint fade away
• I also think that she, after spending a little time with Momo, spends money on a lot of clothes, and it's not like Momo buys too many clothes, but Jirou always wants to upgrade her wardrobe and ends up feeling lost on what she wants to wear
• Denki and Kirishima turn into the same person a little more every single time they hang out together. You'll listen to Denki say 'manly' all the time and Kirishima starts trying to find leather jackets that look cool on him, and just adopts Dennis speaking habits.
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neonnoir-ao3 · 3 years
Some Words of Comfort.
Recently, I’ve seen a lot of people (especially those who have read spoilers/are actively searching for leaked content) lament about their future reactions to the deaths of our beloved characters in-game.
We all knew this was inevitable, and that them living was not an option for the plot of the game, but the time has finally come to face it head-on.
I understand that someone outside this community might be like “it’s just a game”, but I know it’s way more than that to many: the concept of a female villain that, to many, can be seen as sympathizable and even endearing, is a bit of a new concept— especially on such a large scale as this instance.
In addition, Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters have become a bit of a comfort item for some (with an emphasis on sapphics/wlw, from what I’ve seen personally) in the form of a large, protective, and caring hypothetical partner, or even just a maternal character one can appreciate simply because of her love for her children. Regardless, most of us are here due to some desire for comfort.
Take my own story with this community, for example:
(tws for death, covid, suicide, and general medical emergencies)
Frankly, 2020 and the beginning of 2021 have ruined me. I lost two men who were the only two positive father figures I’ve ever had. The last of the two tested positive for covid and deteriorated within days, to the point where less than a week after testing positive, my family was making the choice to pull the plug. This all occurred days before Christmas and my birthday. On the first day of the spring semester, having not had the time to properly mourn my grandfather, my mother is in the ER for multiple days with an internal infection that doctors said likely would have turned septic if she had waited to come in any longer. This led to three surgeries throughout the next few months. (Oh, and one of my relatives quite literally dropped dead on that first day of class, too). I am also estranged from one of my parents, and they have been trying to contact my family: they have multiple untreated mental illnesses (severe NPD, bipolar, and more) and they are extremely aggressive in that state of mind and they are agitated extremely easily. That only brings more stress, along with resurfacing trauma and related emotions. Every moment of every day has been a struggle. So much so that I failed half of my classes voluntarily simply because I couldn't do them anymore.
To be perfectly honest with you, I didn’t expect to be here right now. I expected that the pain of simply moving forward would have finally overridden my fears of death and that I would have already ended my suffering by now.
Then, in late January, I saw something trending on Twitter. About a new female villain in an upcoming horror game. And it went from there.
As cheesy as it sounds, this fandom and its content seriously saved my life. In the darkest of days, I’ve come to this tag for comfort. The oddest way I found said comfort was through those who were attracted to Alcina aesthetically. I have extremely long-term trauma related to being bullied and being the victim of a hybrid catfishing/'Oreo Game' on early social media by peers in middle school to the point where I do not think of myself as being able to be loved, let alone being worthy of it. Finding this community not only provided a great form of escapism (and opened a door into a fantasy world where I could imagine my own person vampire milf gf), but also gained a little bit of self-esteem (as many of you know, I share a lot of visual qualities with Alcina. -yes, I'm still kinda freaked out about it-) via seeing people where features/attributes like mine were actively praised and desired rather than insulted and pushed away like they have been until now.
(okay sorry that kinda turned into a trauma dump but I needed to emphasize the fact that this community has seriously helped me during a really dark point in my life, and I know I can't be the only one with that sort of experience)
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What I’m trying to get across here is that, like many others, this community and its content have been comforting and therapeutic, and it really is more than just a game to us. It’s entertaining and even a form of escapism in these extremely trying times. We all have some degree of PTSD from surviving a literal mass plague— and this is something we're using as a method of coping. a distraction. a coping mechanism.
With that being said, here are some ways to hopefully assist in lessening the emotional stress:
(please note that I am not a mental health professional and these may not be healthy coping mechanisms for everyone.)
Understand that it’s just a game.
I know, this sounds completely counterintuitive, but it’s more or less about keeping your level of immersion down. Personally, I can’t do scary shit in general: I have to listen to music on low volume while watching dark ARG vids at night or when I’m alone because I get too into it, and then my paranoia kicks in. Sometimes just pausing for a moment and grounding yourself/reminding yourself that this is a video game: a jumble of code and 3D rendering that doesn’t have to affect your views/headcanons if you don’t want it to. Did your favorite character just get slaughtered? Nope, that 3D rendering of them just got un-alived, that’s all.
Ignorance is Bliss/We are the Captain Now
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Simple: Capcom can’t even pronounce Dimitrescu right, or even acknowledge the way it’s correctly said in Romanian culture itself. How can you trust them to give you a perfect canon? That’s the thing: with that logic, you can’t. What they say is true means little (if anything, for that matter) to your headcanons and preexisting ideas of the Dimitrescus. In short: fuck ‘em.
I’m currently seeking a double major in pop culture, and one of the cool things I’ve learned so far is affirmational vs transformational fandom. Affirmational is where official canon is seen as the law of the land, and followed to a T. Transformational is seen as much more inviting for audiences, allowing them to bend canon as they wish to fit their own creations. This fandom is obviously transformational, so take that game canon, rip it up, and get back to whatever you were doing.
Capcom’s canon is not the end-all, be-all. Far from it, actually.
Want to still acknowledge canon? Godmod your way out of it.
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Character A died? It’d be a shame if they emerged from the rubble they 'died in' a few hours later, very beaten but alive nonetheless... how awful would it be if they sulked away, nursed their wounds, and continued to live... (/s)
Ignore it completely.
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Remember: give it time. Once the game drops, there w be a wave of grief, but eventually, we as a community will recover, and get back to business as usual. Think about it like the in any way. Stay with the version in your head that makes you happy.
Get Creative!
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If you're into creating fanart, writing fics, or even just posting a list of headcanons, take some advice from the late Carrie Fisher: "Take your broken heart, and make it into art". Make the fluff oneshot of your dreams! Draw the fanart you've been wanting to! dump lighthearted headcanons into the tags! Not only will it cheer you up, but sharing it with the community will spread the love!
I know a lot of people are struggling with this emotionally (especially with the pandemic making entertainment like this even more important sources of escapism and coping mechanisms) and I hope that, at the very least, I was able to help comfort one person who reads this.
Remember: give it time. Once the game drops, there will be a wave of grief, but eventually, we as a community will recover, and get back to business as usual. Think about it like the flowers that bloom after major wildfires: after a period of loss, some beautiful can still come of it.
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enchanted-arms · 2 years
On loneliness | throwing thoughts at a wall
Elliot described me the other day that I gave up my right as a human in favor of being a passive observer. At first, after switching back in, I was a bit shocked, maybe angry. I know he meant it well, but that was really the first time I had seen myself be described like that. I made a point throughout my life to be active, to be present; so, how could he describe me as an observer, a passive one at that?
After doing some introspection, I decided he was right. Sure, I pushed myself to accomplish things, but all of it was trivial and detached from society. I can say I'm the guy who can forage and is wilderness first aid certified but that doesn't give me some cool cosmetic badge that says "Hey! Check this guy out!". Honestly, my whole life has been quite the opposite, frustratingly at odds with itself. On one hand, I wanted to exist as brightly as I could, but on the other I never actually wanted to talk to people. At the core of it- I wanted to be a concept, something regarded from a distance with admiration. In essence, I was lonely.
And loneliness to me isn't even an inherently horrible feeling. It's knowing that you fundamentally cannot connect to people. Do you remember the first time driving past a house at night with people in it? Everything else is dark, but the window would be illuminated with people. I think that's people's first realization that the world acts independently from you. Knowing that you exist outside of their [space]. I was faced with that at college again. All these dorms were hundreds of people, all within a degree of separation from me. No matter what I did, I could not be a part of their world. That degree of separation? The inability to truly connect? To understand? That's loneliness. It felt like I was moving in my own time.
It's funny that the guy with a head full of people is lonely. I recognize the irony in it. It seems that this pursuit of people isn't entirely new either, for those who've read my previous ramblings. Every life seemed to be marked by the same singular Want. Howell is probably my more notable example with how I've prattled on about his Peterpan syndrome and the search of bonds through hook-ups. Yet! There it was again, that passive observation. Time and time again, nothing was good enough so it wasn't worth pursuing. Eventually you get it into your head that you're meant to stand back and watch. So I did at my own detriment. I was active in the war, but ultimately distant from those who needed me most.
I recognize now, through each life including this one, that's where I failed. I can calmly and analytically tell you everything about myself. All my flaws, my trauma theories, memories, etc... but that's not real vulnerability. No matter how much I tell you about myself, it's a rehearsed script devoid of my feelings. I failed previously because I held myself in an objective void. A script works because its the facts, but it fails to capture the essence of the person because its not the truth. Yes, my "other"-ness has been fueled by mh problems and my own non-humanity, but I see now that I did it to myself. "Love", connections, they're supposed to be messy, I'm supposed to throw myself at it and moving forward I can't worry about getting hurt. Being genuine is really the only way to breach the [space] between people.
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A Prince’s Room
Part 2
Concept by @yeet-ceit
TW: Unsympathetic Sides (Except for Roman), Perfectionism, Self-Doubt, Cursing, Arguing, Injury? (Roman gets slapped). If I missed any, pleased tell me and I will add it.
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1807
Roman wants to be perfect. No, he needs to be perfect. And part of being perfect is being a good friend. Roman loves the other sides. He loves them more than anything in the world. Even more than Disney and musical theater. His friends are the main reason why his still holding on. He doesn’t want to lose them. He can’t lose them. He won’t survive if he does.
So, to make sure he doesn’t he takes notes. He writes down ways to make sure he’s constantly improving. Any bad habits that the others point out or flaws he writes down and tries to fix. 
The lists went on and on. Hung up on the walls of his room to make sure he always remembers. And as time goes on, more and more is added to the list. Every small addition getting him one step closer to perfection.
Remember to keep your voice level normal. Don’t talk too loudly.
Stop being so dramatic, you're taking too much attention away from the others.
Don’t be too confident, it comes off as cocky and no one like someone that’s too cocky.
Don’t rant about your interest for too long it gets annoying and boring.
Don’t be selfish, no one likes a selfish person.
The chart came along a few months later. 
Roman had already been taking notes on how to please his friends however he decided to reorganize his notes into a chart. Each side had their own section containing list of what they liked, disliked, what cheered them up, and what upsets them.
Likes: Crofters, astrology, coffee, books, teaching, silence, human anatomy, schedules, deadlines, Thomas being productive, debating, constellations, being listened to, law, learning, classical music, poetry, Sherlock.
Dislikes: Being ignored, unnecessary emotions, sweets, dumb people, someone being too loud, childish movies, games, being behind schedule, illogical decisions, jokes, unrealistic dreams.
What makes him happy?: Stargazing, writing, meeting deadlines, winning debates, telling random facts, rapping, his onesie, reading, being left alone, being called cool, teaching.
What upsets him?: Being treated as a joke, being teased, being reminded of his mistakes, making mistakes, being ignored or overlooked, losing a debate, feeling dumb.
Likes: Cookies, drawing, cure animals, compliments, happy songs, seeing his friends happy, t.v shows, helping others, singing, dancing, playing dress up, stuffed animals, gifts, holidays, baking, sweets.
Dislikes: Screaming, loud noises, getting stuff thrown at him, blood, weapons, violence, seeing his friends injured, sad movies and stories.
What makes him happy?: Cuddles, movie nights, being showered with affection, cookies, drawing, karaoke nights, talking about his emotions, playing games with his friends, helping others, his onesie. 
What upsets him?: Seeing an animal die, seeing people in pain, being forced to grow up, seeing his friends in hurt, not being able to help someone, disappointing someone, letting Thomas down, letting his emotions control him.
Likes: Candles, alternative music, spiders, his hoodie, Tim Burton films, My Chemical Romance, headphones, fidget cubes, staying up late, drama shows, bats, knives, collecting pins.  
Dislikes: The ocean, sudden loud noises, cheesy pop music, people that are too optimistic (except for Patton), someone being mean to his friends,
What makes him happy?: Doing makeup, painting his nails, listening to music, Patton’s baking, playing with his pet spider, meditating, watching murder myterious, watching Disney and Tim Burton movies.
What upsets him?: Being put on the spot, being called evil, being treated like an innocent kid, being called a darkside, being called a disorder rejection, talk about serious topics such as suicide and self harm. 
Likes: Gore, blood, mud, fighting, collecting weapons, deodorant, musicals, inappropriate jokes, Fleischer Studios, pranks, dancing, mythical creatures, things that glow in the dark, random t.v shows, horror movie, slime, candy, octopus, skirts, crop tops.
Dislikes: Cheesy love songs, rules, normal food aside from fast food, birds, learning, shaving, reading, romance movies/shows, backstabbers, lying, shaving cream, showers, losing fights.
What makes him happy?: Dissecting stuff, fighting, pranking others, dancing, singing, coming up with outfit ideas, punching stuff, playing with slime, reenacting horror movies, inappropriate jokes, hanging out in his trash can, being pet, Shrek, eating deodorant, someone doing his makeup.
What upsets him?: Being abandoned or left behind, being told he isn’t good enough, being compared to me, seeing Janus upset, seeing Virgil upset, being told to shave.
Like: Snakes, philosophy, Greek mythology, sewing, horror movies, mystery books, murder documentaries, self care, sleeping, warm baths, weighted blankets, debating, law.
Dislikes: The cold, when someone takes his hat, dumb comedy movies, eagles, action movies, unnecessary violence or gore, close minded people, liars, sharing secrets, being vulnerable. 
What makes hims happy?: Massages, weighted blankets, cuddling, hanging out with Remus, acting, having debates, seeing Remus and Virgil playfully argue, watching murder mysteries, singing.
What upsets him?: Being called evil, being ignored, seeing Remus or Virgil upset, Thomas not taking care of himself, being replaced, being left behind, people not understanding him, someone making fun of his scales, taking off his gloves.
“Come on pussy! Let’s just march into his room, what’s the worse that could happen?”
“Language!” Patton quickly scolds Remus.
“What if he’s in there and he screams at us for barging in?! What if he gets really mad and chooses to get physical!? What if we see something we don’t want to!? What if he’s asleep and he get mad that we woke him up!? What if-”
“Virgil,” Logan interrupts the panicking side, “Your anxiety is causing you to catastrophize. Please, take a deep breath and try to filter out your cognitive distortion.”
The anxious side nods and takes a few deep breaths to calm himself.
“Now, I would like to add that I personally believe that Remus’ plan isn’t the worst idea ever and is currently the best one we have.” The logical side states.
“Well, while I love to agree with Remus, he is wrong in this instance,” 
Remus smirks widely, “Awe! Thanks Jany~ You’re too generous~”
The deceitful side rolls his eyes, “Let’s just go.”
“Fine,” Virgil stands up, looking rather done with everything.
The rest of the sides stand up as well and begin to make their way to the prince’s room.
Once they make it to his door, Remus immediately just breaks the door down and lets himself in.
 They walk in, greeted only by silence.
“He isn’t here?” Patton mumbles to himself.
“Doesn’t look like it. Let’s not go then.”
The other sides nod and start making their way out. Well, everyone except for Logan. 
The logical side instead gets distracted by a paper stabled to the wall. He walks over to it and reads it to himself. Once he’s done reading his looks around the room and notices all the papers on the wall. As well, as the lack of theater and Disney merchandise.
“Wait, doesn't Roman’s room look,” He pauses to search for the right words, “Wrong?”
The other sides stop walking and looks around.
“Now that you mention it,” Remus mumbles, “His room has changed a lot since I last saw it...”
The other start reading through the endless papers of tips to improve himself and advice. 
Suddenly Patton stops in front of a chart titled “Duties”
He slowly goes over it and buy the time he is done he is fuming with rage.
“What the hell!? Guys come look at this!”
The others go over, slightly amused and concerned.
Each of them take turns analyzing the chart. 
Roman had spend his day at the Imagination. After the whole wedding accident, he’s been stuck in a very toxic place and well he thought a small guest might help. So, he left early in the morning and began his guest. He hadn’t meant to stay there for as long as he did but he lost track of time. 
“Kiddo, we have a lot to talk about,” Patton mumbles in a passive aggressive tone.
As the tired side starts approaching his room, he notices that all the either sides are gathered outside his room. Once he’s a bit closer, Virgil is the first to notice him. To his shock though, Virgil rushes to him and slaps him
“Roman, what the fuck!?”
Roman stands there shocked for a few minutes before looking at Patton, expecting to hear him scold Virgil. Instead however, Patton just look away from him.
“I-...” Roman bites his lip to hold back the tears in his eyes, “I-I don’t understand... W-what did I do....?”
The prince-like-side flinches and looks down.
Remus puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, "Let me handle this.”
For some reason, Roman thought that Remus would be on his side. He thought that if anyone understood what he was trying to do, it would be his brother. Or that his brother would at least explain what happened and let him tell his part of the story.
So, he looked up with a hopeful expression. 
“Don’t look at me like that. What the fuck is wrong with you!? If you think we were such a hassle then why did you stay friends with us!?”
Any hope that Roman had immediately leaves his body, “I-I... I never said that! Where is this coming?!”
The usual confident side is now frozen in shock. They weren’t supposed to see that chart. They weren’t supposed to see his room at all. If Roman was being honest, he could understand why they took the chart the wrong way. The name of it wasn’t exactly the best but it was all he could think of while actually making it. Now though, he wished he would have pushed himself to think of a better name.
“N-No! You got it all wrong!” He is now crying, flinching away from his brother, “I was just trying to make you guys happy!”
Remus scoffs and puts his weapon away. He walks away from Roman and returns to Janus’ side.
“Whatever, Roman.”
His knees give out and he falls to the floor in defeat.
“I would greatly appreciate if you keep your distance from Patton and I from now on. If you fail to do so, I can’t exactly guarantee that I will be nice. Goodbye Roman.”
“Fucking pussy.” Remus throws out.
And just like that Logan sinks down with a crying Patton.
“And I thought I was the snake,” Janus adds, looking at him in pure disgust.
Then, they’re gone.
For a few seconds Virgil stares at the broken prince in front of him.
“You really are an idiot.”
He looks away from him and sinks down with a scoff leaving the weeping prince on the floor. 
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