#just looking for a cute sticker for my kid and now i hate everything
sing-you-fools · 10 months
I love when I search for something and the search function is like "hey I'm not gonna tell you this but I went ahead and included a bunch of relevant terms in the search for you, too! we'd hate for you to miss anything!" like wow the internet is so good now right?
what I searched: Freddie Purrcury
what I got: a whole fucking lot of monarchy memorabilia
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Paldean Elite Four (+ Geeta) Headcanons
They've been on my mind recently bc of all the asks I got
Rika is the office gossip QUEEN. She knows everything about everyone, so if you need or want to know something you ask her. She knows a guy. She also desperately wants to figure out what Larry and Geeta's Deal (tm) is. They bicker constantly, are insanely passive aggressive, but despite their opposing attitudes agree on most fundamental issues. They look like they hate each other, but Larry constantly takes on new responsibilities for the League and Geeta constantly showers him with raises and promotions. Rika has taken to snooping thru their emails and prodding Hassel for info, but he doesn't know anything either. It’s driving her nuts
Paldea had a Region’s Sexiest Man contest. Rika won. Women Want her. Despite this however she can only pick up women accidentally. If she actively tries to flirt she will fuck it up spectacularly. Just the in-universe version of this
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Rika is actually on the payroll as the league receptionist and does that Elite Four thing as a side hustle for extra cash. She gets kind of embarrassed when you call her a receptionist during her Elite Four duties though because other regions often use her as an example of why the Paldean league is garbage (i.e. they're so understaffed even a receptionist can be on the E4. They must have grabbed the nearest person, etc etc). She puts on the vibe of someone chill but this in particular is a bit of a sore point for her
She hates dresses / skirts with a burning passion and refuses to wear them. If you give her a REALLY good reason it's a solid maybe, but good luck with that. She needs to stretch
Her Clodsire's name is Pancake :) I like to think all her pokemon are named after breakfast foods (which, btw, is her favorite meal of the day. She is easily bribed with good waffles)
She and Larry are drinking buddies. She does most of the drinking
Everyone in the league is very careful to alter their habits around Poppy. She’s small and cute and sweet and a little baby so the usual informal cursing (like Rika shouting that HR needs to “cut the bullshit”) or the smoke breaks on the roof (yes I think they all smoke) can’t happen when Poppy is around
The league spoils her rotten. Candy? Toys? Help with her kindergarten homework?? Anything for Poppy. Even Larry, who seems too strict or apathetic to care, has her drawings in his desk drawer and lets her decorate his ties. The toys in the lobby are also hers
Her parents are accountants who brought her to take your kid to work day and let her play with their Pokémon outside. Rika challenged her to a match as a joke because they had a cancellation and Geeta watched— but both were shocked that Poppy’s skill with her parents’ steel types and her own Tinkaton were unparalleled by anyone in the building. When another E4 member retired, the league decided to let Poppy battle under her parents’ names just to blow off some steam. Poppy gets to let out energy, her parents make extra money, and the elite 4 has a strong battler. Win win!
Poppy loves to braid and play with hair, so the other elite four members will often let her play with their hair and add clips while they work. Larry is Poppy’s favorite because he sits Very Very Still
If Poppy really likes the battle she had with you, she’ll give you a sticker. Geeta once walked into a meeting with a gold star directly on her forehead because Poppy stuck it there and she didn’t want to take it off where Poppy could see it, forgetting about it by the time she walked in. She later moved it to her jacket
She has nicknames for everyone except Rika, which drives Rika insane. Grandpa Hassel, Mister Larry, Miss Geeta (or Auntie sometimes) but Rika? It’s just Rika. It’s always Rika. When Hassel was babysitting her at his and Brassius’ home in Artazón, Poppy’s eyes went really wide and she asked if she had two grandpas now or if Brassius was just SUPER old. He found that insanely funny
I saw a fic that had Larry naming his pokemon after Excel commands and I cannot stop thinking about it. It's canon in my heart. Btw if anyone knows this fic / the name pls lmk I can’t find it again but I remember his Flamigo was named COUNTIF
Larry is actually pretty wealthy, partially because he's raking in cash from his three jobs and partially because he doesn't spend money on anything but food and pokemon products. Considering that the Treasure Eatery feeds him for free and the pokemon products are provided or subsidized by the League, that leaves him with a LOT of extra income, which he uses to help out his friends or gym challengers with financial issues or simply buying them dinner
Someone added this on another post of mine but every single one of Larry’s passwords is some variation on “password”. He’s many things but creative is none of them. Also these tags are canon to me
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In contrast to his outward grumpiness and seeming apathy, Larry is incredibly gentle with and good with kids. He is confident the future will be better because of them, and does what he can to encourage them. It's a big part of the reason Geeta picked him for the positions-- they have a pretty similar philosophy regarding children and the future
Geeta has been doing everything in her power to get him to quit his third job (which is not League-affiliated) because he does the best work of anyone around and his other boss is a complete and utter asshole. She's tried promoting him, telling him how valuable he is to the team, using raises, praise, and passive aggression, but nothing is working. At one point she even tried overloading him with hours so he'd be forced to quit something but that didn't work either. She's stumped. The man won't quit
That third job? I'm not actually sure what it is but I do have an AU where he's a hitman. Call that a business casuality ;)
He always keeps candy in his desk (and his coat pockets) because he's a teacher and wants to be prepared. It's the strawberry kind, yall know the ones. This came in handy when Poppy joined the league, so all the other members started doing it too
His family gets traditional tattoos all over, which Hassel likewise has. He'd never remove them, but still keeps them covered most of the time for modesty reasons. Brassius has filled in the gaps in the traditional dragon shapes with various flowers to show how Hassel has grown from but not forgotten his past. They look very cool and Rika is insanely jealous of that
This old man is way more fit than he appears. He's a sensitive sweetheart and prefers the arts to sports or battling, but he's still a dragon tamer and keeps up his workout regime quite meticulously. Peepaw’s fucking shredded
His favorite art medium is paint, and he loves it when the little kids have class so he can finger paint alongside them. His office in the League building is covered in art. Geeta thinks it's sweet how he remembers every piece and how emotional he gets talking about it
Hassel has a hard time turning off teacher mode, which makes his training sessions at the league insanely funny to watch. “Haxorus, we do not Guillotine our friends!”
He can, and frequently does, play classical Paldea guitar. Once his rock career fell flat, he started experimenting with the style of his new home region and fell in love. You can often find him giving impromptu concerts from his balcony in Artazon
As much as she micromanages others, she's more than willing to take any responsibilities herself if she can't find someone else to do them. Plumber cancelled and they need the sink fixed asap? Get her a hammer. Rika is out sick? She'll cover those emails. Part of the reason the league struggles to complain about her is that they know for all the work they're doing, she's doing double. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s GOOD at it but she’s doing it
I’m not sure how I want to explain it backstory wise but a lot of her skin is crystalline just like the AI professors. She’s got a LOT of connections to Area Zero and her top priority is making sure nothing goes in and nothing gets out. The professor hates her. The feeling is mutual
No one has ever seen her blink
She’s incredible at traditional Paldean dances. When Hassel plays classical guitar, she’ll dance along, and it’s magical to watch
That whole thing about not being able to hold back during battles? It’s a PR thing to make kids feel better. She’s not very good at battling. Geeta is just like (gestures at her Avalugg) I just think they're neat
A huge point of contention between her and her employees is that she takes everything literally and is terrible at reading tone. Her gym leaders are scared of her and try to drop hints about things because they think they’ll be punished if they’re too forward, but all those hints go right over Geeta’s head. The gym leaders then think Geeta is ignoring them on purpose but she’s none the wiser. Everyone is losing.
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leviscxmkitten · 2 months
⋆⭒˚.⋆ SANDBOX LOVE [CHAPTER 2] ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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“I’ll come back for you.” Levi had promised, with a pinky wrapped around her own, and then his lips pressed against hers in a hasty kiss. It wasn’t their first but it was different, this time felt real.
His uncle pulled him away, and he was gone. The air was thick and heavy without him but his last words left her with a sliver of comfort, the feeling of his lips lingered like a second skin. The seemingly unfriendly little boy she had met and grown with, the first boy she loved - she watched him peddle away with misty eyes. That was her first heartbreak, the one she never saw coming.
He didn’t keep his promise.
It’s been 11 years since childhood best friends Levi and Azalea last saw each other. Now college students, what were the odds of them reuniting? Will old feelings bring them closer than before, or will it create a greater distance between them?
Cover art by Sumiensp on Twitter! 🤍
Azalea's not quite sure how much time has passed after her friends leave when she hears a knock; being too preoccupied with unpacking, and occasional coffee breaks. She rushes toward her door, standing on her toes as she peeks through the peephole when she recognizes Ilyana, and swings the door open.
"Oh, hey!" 
"Hey girl," Ilyana says, and Azalea catches sight of a bottle of wine being cradled in her arms. "I thought I'd bring by a welcome gift, and offer some help unpacking as a thank you for last night." 
Azalea smiles gratefully. "Thank you, yeah, that would actually be really great, come on in." She says, and steps aside to let Ilyana stride inside. 
"Looks cute in here already," She says as she walks in and sets the bottle onto the counter. "What can I help with?"
"Well you're just in time to help hang up some lights," Azalea says playfully as she pulls out an unkept mess of Christmas lights. "Or at least be here to dial 911 if I bust my ass doing it."
"Two short girls hanging up lights? Sounds totally doable," Ilyana laughs, helping to untangle the wires. "So, what're you coming to Paradis for?" 
"Oh, I'm majoring in psychology. I figured why not get extra credits for graduation here at one of the best universities in the country." 
"No fuckin' way." 
Azalea peaks over at Ilyana, her jaw dropped with an astonished look on her face. "Uhh -"
"I'm a psychology major too!" 
"You're lying." 
"I'm so serious!" She laughs and they both work on hanging up the lights around the balcony door. "That's perfect though, now I'll have back up when giving my friends unsolicited advice about all their behavioral problems." 
"Oh, I've absolutely got your back. That is one of my favorite activities, Isabel and Furlan always hated when I'd go brutally honest therapist mode on them." Azalea laughs, kneeling down to open up another box.
"Oh my god, same! Just wait until you meet the squad, they're absolutely crazy. There's Jean and he's a complete ...." Ilyana's voice fades out and Azalea's heart nearly drops into her stomach as she pries open this box. Sitting right on top is an old kids shoe box covered in stickers and sharpie drawings. 
She didn't remember packing this up, thinking back it must have been one of her friends who did. In a way she's thankful — but it also reminds her of the little piece missing in her heart. As she opened it, that little yarn bracelet and pendant engraved with the letter "L" was right where she left it.
"Hey, everything okay?" She hears Ilyana say, her friend now sitting across from her.
"Oh yeah, sorry. I just —" She pauses for a moment before holding up the bracelet. "I didn't realize this was packed up."
Ilyana takes it in her hand, carefully studying the pendant. "L... is this from an ex friend? An old lover?!"
Azalea looks back in the box, seeing old candy wrappers and dried flowers, all tucked on top of his old sweatshirt; little things she had saved that reminded her of him. 
"It's just a bracelet from an old friend, his name is Levi. We were really close when we were kids but he moved away. I haven't seen him since I was... twelve I think?" She says with a shrug.
"But... you kept all this stuff for this long." Ilyana says, a hint of curiosity and implication in her tone. "He must've been special."
Azalea looks at her with a soft smile. "He was." She sighs. "You know, first kiss and all that."
"Oh my god, I'm so invested now." Ilyana says excitedly, handing back the bracelet. "So what happened? You never found a way to contact him again after he moved?" 
"Pretty much. We were so young we didn't have cell phones or any way to keep in touch, I don't think he even really knew where he was moving to, and well now we're adults so it is what it is. He'll always be special to me though." She smiles back at the pendant, tucking it back into the box. 
"Whoa. Your life could literally be a Taylor swift song, all you need is to find him again and boom, her next top chart song." Ilyana says lightheartedly.
Azalea laughs, "We'd better get some of the royalties then if that ever happened."
The apartment was a mess of half-opened boxes and scattered belongings, but Azalea learns a lot about Ilyana as they work. Talking about anything and everything, as if they had known each other for years; touching on their favorite movies and books, shows and music. They joked about their friendship being fated, that being neighbors and meeting last night was meant to be. 
Hours slipped by unnoticed; the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. Suddenly, Ilyana's phone buzzed incessantly, interrupting their flow. She sighed, rolling her eyes as she swiped through a barrage of messages.
"Jean is blowing up my phone," she says, exasperated. "He's at the bar down the road with Connie and Sasha, they're apparently having a wing eating contest and he's bored of them. Would you want to go meet them and get some food?"
Suddenly aware of just how hungry she is, Azalea nods. "God, yes. Let me just change and fix myself up."
"I'll apologize in advanced for the heavy flirting Jean will do with you, if you're not interested just let me know and I'll tell him you're off limits." Ilyana pauses, "or if you're looking for an easy hook up, more power to you." 
"I'm not really looking for anything honestly, but also not opposed to anything either?" She feels her face warm up, realizing how unsure of herself she sounds. 
"Well I got your back either way, I'll be your wing woman or bodyguard, just say the word." Ilyana winks.
They're ready and headed out before long; Azalea feels her anxiousness about being introduced to an already close-knit friend group, though she doesn't admit it. She only hopes she clicks with the rest of them as easily as she had with Ilyana.
The bar is only a ten minute walk from their apartments, the streets lit up, bustling with college students reuniting after the summer break. It's all so different from her hometown, she tries to hide her awe as she takes it all in.
The bar is packed from the first step in the door. Azalea's nerves intensified, but Ilyana grabs her hand, guiding her through the groups of people until they reach a booth in the back. There, Azalea sees a brunette girl with a ponytail at the edge of the booth, her mouth covered in sauce as she devoured wings like her life depended on it. Next to her is a man with short gray hair and a pierced eyebrow, struggling to keep up with her pace. They must be Sasha and Connie. At the inside of the booth is another man with a brown mullet and light facial hair, scrolling through his phone, evidently not paying any mind to the two next to him. So that's Jean; Ilyana was right about him being attractive, that's for sure.
As they approach the table, Jean looks up and quickly nudges Connie's arm muttering, "Be cool." He glances up, hastily wiping wing sauce from his mouth.
"Hey guys, this is Azalea." Ilyana says. "Azalea this is Sasha, Connie and —"
Jean quickly stands up, bumping the table in the process as he extends his hand out. Azalea shakes his hand, before she can pull away his lips are pressed to the top of it with a small smirk. "I'm Jean. Ilyana didn't mention she was going to bring a beautiful woman such as yourself." 
Azalea giggles nervously, feeling herself blush under his hazel gaze. Ten seconds in and she's already questioning her ability to handle this level of flirting, especially with how attractive he actually is.
"Jesus calm down beanstalk, she just got here." Connie mutters, jabbing Jean in the side.
"Shut up Caillou." Jean retorts, punching him in arm as he sits back down.
Connie's eyes widen, "That joke is ten years old, get some new ones dickwad." He mumbles before his attention turns to Ilyana, smiling at her. "Hey Ilyana."
"Hey Connie," Ilyana says quietly as she slides into the booth next to Azalea. 
"Done!" Sasha shouts suddenly, slamming her fists onto the table then sticking a sauce covered finger in Connie's face. "Suck it, loser!" 
"Yeah, yeah. Were you even paying attention?" Connie shoves her hand away. "Ilyana and Azalea are here." 
"Oh." Sasha looks up and waves. "Hey, I'm Sasha!" 
"It's nice to meet you." Azalea smiles and waves back.
"Well that was an amazing introduction, I told you they were crazy." Ilyana says, wrapping an arm around Azaleas' shoulder. "But now you'll be part of the craziness too, you can thank me later." 
Jean orders drinks and food for the table; and while everyone talks amongst each other Azalea catches his gaze rarely shifting off of her. It's been a while since she's had attention like this, she does her best to smile softly at him each time their eyes meet. 
"So how did you two meet?" 
"Oh we're neighbors, I moved into the apartment last night and bumped into Ilyana, we just hit it off." 
"Nice, well hopefully we'll have some classes together so we can see more of each other." Jean smiles cheekily. "You'll be coming to our house show on Friday, right?"
"House show?" Azalea raises an eyebrow. 
"After the game we have a house party and we preform; our band." Connie chimes in. 
"He's the drummer, and the singer is yours truly." Jean winks. "Then there's Eren and Ymir too, I'm sure you'll meet them sometime. So you'll come Friday, right?"
"Yeah, I'd love to." Azalea smiles. "What game plays?"
"The college soccer team." Ilyana says. "They're a big deal here, and the first game of the year is against the rival school so it's going to be huge."
"I heard Zeke is coming back this season. Has Eren confirmed?" Sasha asks.
"Yeah he is, he's going to be coming in hot for the captain after last years game." Connie grins. "I still can't believe such a short guy has so much power, how he managed to twist Zekes leg on the field was awesome." 
"I've never heard of soccer being the college sport, isn't it usually football or something?" 
"You'll just have to wait and see the game. I'll get your ticket, we can go together." Jean smiles, hopeful but confident. Azalea's heart beats a little faster. 
"We're all going to the game Mr. Lover boy." Connie states, making Ilyana giggle softly.
"Dude shut the fuck up." 
"I'd like that." Azalea laughs, smiling at how flustered Jean is. "It'll be fun."
It's nearly midnight by the time they leave the bar, getting too caught up in conversation to notice how much time passed. In the time they were there, everyone coordinated class schedules and planned to meet up during free period at the cafe for lunch, Jean took a picture of her and Ilyana to be virtually introduced to Eren, Mikasa, Ymir and Historia in their group chat; and Sasha, in her wing induced coma, was practically carried out by Jean and Connie. 
Finally in bed, Azalea settles down. Her mind at ease about starting classes, at least she knows she isn't going into her first day alone. She sends the picture Jean took to Furlan and Isabel, just to let them know she's doing okay. 
Suddenly her phone vibrates — expecting it to be their reply, she's surprised to see it's Jean. 
Goodnight gorgeous, it was nice meeting you tonight. I hope I'm lucky enough to see you in my dreams.
Azalea can't help but laugh at the text, her chest getting tight and face warm. This fresh start is looking better already.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
so im coming to you, the leading scientist in ashley graham-ology, to say you are SO right. there is literally no difference between ashley in the original and the remakes. they didn't make improve on her characterization, they just gave her scenes that endear her to the player, and even though they're very sweet moments... they don't give us anything new? i mean, it's nice for her to have moments where she can express her feelings, i mean she's been kidnapped and taken to a foreign village so thats going to be at the forefront of her mind, but we get nothing deeper about her. frankly, we get more new characterization from the sorority sticker on her phone and her casual outfit than we do in most of the new scenes. everyone else gets retooled stories, and she is very much the same. and, imo, at best she is a slightly more polished version of her old self (which is not saying much because she was never given a lot to begin with), and at worst she feels like she falls into only being important when it comes to leons development. anyways srry 4 rambling but yes! I agree with you!
You’re right in every way ugh I hate it so much. Like they COULD have expanded upon her in a way that both fit the context and the narrative while still making her a more fleshed out character. Luis got a whole ass backstory and people keep drawing cutesy art of him with his old team of Umbrella researchers who we never knew and don’t matter, but people only talk about Ashley in the context of Leon.
And the problem is that the game does this too! It isn’t just fandom misogyny this time (though that’s obviously at play sometimes) but everything Ashley does is just her being a victim, or relating her to Leon. Even the funny and cute stuff brought over from the og doesn’t get to be about her! Ashley operating the wrecking ball is a setup for Leon to comment on “what they’re teaching kids these days” when in the og it’s unexplained and that kinda implies it’s just something she knows how to do. And it’s funny without context, but in the game the context they give just makes her look stupid for comparing it to driver’s ed.
She helps put out the fire on Leon after his fight with Mendez. See? She’s helpful now! She tries to hit Leon with a candelabra when he shows up instead of cowering in terror like in the og. See? She’s #girlboss now! She doesn’t flirt with him or call him a pervert for acting like a pervert. See? She’s mature now! She says “We can protect the U.S. from all threats!” See? She’s patriotic now! She’s mind controlled and holds a knife up to her throat instead of panicking and running in fear. See? She’s less of a crybaby now! She gets one (1) good outfit (that only came with preordered games) See? She has personality now! (except it’s entirely cosmetic and has no effect on how she is in game) She now has a slimmer face, blue eyes, obvious makeup on, and her hair covers her “dumbo ears.” See? She’s attractive now!
But she doesn’t get a motherfucking personality, when she’s the ONLY character who didn’t get one. Luis gets more backstory, Krauser gets more (incorrect/conflicting) backstory, motherfucking SALAZAR gets more backstory. But not Ashley! Not the g-d damn, entire focal point and center of the entire game, not the main female character, she gets g-d damn nothing!
Here, off the top of my head, here’s little bits of dialogue that could deepen her character yet still fit in the game
A: I can’t wait to see my dad again. I miss him so much.
L: You two close?
A: Yeah. He’s a great dad. He had to be, we’re the only family each other’s got
L: I promise I’ll get you home safe, Ashley.
or, alternatively
A: I’m so nervous to see my dad again. I hope he isn’t mad about the kidnapping
L: Mad? It’s not your fault
A: I know, but…it feels like it is. It feels like I did something wrong. I shouldn’t have been caught.
L: It isn’t your fault, Ashley, and I’m sure your dad won’t be upset. He’ll be happy to see you
A: I hope so
or, again alternatively
A: So, how’d you become an agent anyway? My bodyguards, [name and name] say you’re the best in the business.
L: It’s a long story
A: Tell me when we get back, then?
L: Sure. It’s not very fun, though
A: What’s that supposed to mean?
L: Nothing, don’t worry about it…let’s just say, it involves someone you remind me of
(there so all the fangirls can cry about how emo Leon is while Ashley gets confirmed to have relationships)
A: I can’t believe I went to that party. I didn’t even want to go.
L: Why’d you go, then?
A: My sorority sisters told me to come. I wasn’t gonna turn them down.
L: They good friends?
A: Not really. More like colleagues, I guess
L: They took your jacket
A: Yeah. They can keep it, honestly. I never liked that thing
L: Why wear it, then?
A: Dad says it looks good for public appearances
See? Would it have been that hard?
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jinkicake · 2 years
Currently T-minus 6 days until scaramouche birthday and the worst day of my life😔like he’s been outside my bedroom door for the last few nights. Like ik that this mf has the nastiest sex EVER like the fanart community out?? They released him on purpose this close to Christmas(btw felt like another Tuesday like lmao how boring I bought albedo cat stickers to feel something) like I’m trying to be toxic w him but not really; the couple that’s always play arguing and making fun of other people. He can’t even get anyone pregnant but in albedo fashion he will fuck like he’s trying for a kid!! Clears his whole schedule (fatui scaramouche ig)so he can do nothing but pump you full of his cum, like he’s very messy I feel like the sheets are always ruined so you gotta keep a spare on the nightstand or something. Like he’s always trying to fuck in público places like he gets jealous very easily and he can do the whole lmao this ass is mine. But if he sees some loser ass fatui grunt still trying after he’s made is week he’ll he will literally call him into his office to reprimand him and like while he tries to explain himself he hears you choke bc he pushes your head all the way down without warning and he pays your head saying some shit like “don’t be rude I’m having a meeting” like he’s gunna absolutely dominante you and the poor bastard will have to watch like he can’t hear you slurping down there😔😔 “ their mouth feels really good, that why you been harassing them instead of doing your job?” Probably makes you cockwarm him but it’s fake bc when you beg he says you can ride him immediately.(as I will like lmao i am slamming down on him) but he’s just looking him dead in the eyes with the most bored glare. Slips his hand down in between your legs like he’s scrolling on his phone or something 😭 “hurry up and cum already you’re ruining my pants.” Or “you can’t to be good and cum on my cock?go head” and holds you tight as your eyes roll back and that grunt much less any other one talks to you again. Likes cute outfits!! Like he’s gunna buy you expensive intricate lingerie JUST to tear it off you. Will sit you on his face until you hit his head to try and get away. He’s such a Fucking menace😒 I feel like he would tie you up and leave wanting
omg only five days until the birthday bash of the year?! we're starting off strong! you guys are going to do a joint thing right looool
scara is really hoyo's new 'it boy' and as of right now, i dont hate it kekeke
omggg lemme see the stickerssss i want xiao stickers so badly hehe i might order some
bruh i just had a thought about clay man like he cant get you pregnant either but hear me out w albedo's big brain he would figure out a way to get you pregnant LMFAO like you gonna have some clay babies or something.... if he really wants it... (yandere!albedo impregnating you w/o you knowing oof- crazy!) but yeah no kid for scara (thank gawd!)
NO bc scaramouche is such a pathetic loser because he would so try to make a claim on you in public after another fatui agent glances at you.... like hed take any excuse to fuck you smh
honestly, i like pathetic!scaramouche (what does that say about me?!) like mean but pathetic scaramouche who has no problem yelling at you but then cries when you leave him LMAO
he pretends like he doesnt give a fuck while pleasuring you but in reality he's so deep in his mind making sure that he's doing everything right LOL like im sorry but i cant have scara not interested like he needs to be obsessed or i wont care about him-
oh he's so the type to put you in pretty panties, have you sit on his face and then just lock his arms around your thighs and then eat you out until you pass out- hes evil!
and he would so tie you up to the bed and leave you there as a punishment, to embarrass you even further he might leave the bedroom door open just a bit so that anyone who passes by (childe, signora) can get a glance
((side note: i hope you have a happy new year my dear!!! </3 and some good albedo dreams~))
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nancypullen · 2 years
It Was a Good Day
Okay, you’ll have to wait for the pics of the park and the chicken soup recipe because I just got home from having a GRAND time at The Foundry, Denton’s center for all things artsy and creative.  Tonight they hosted a fundraiser for Empty Bowls, a group that raises money for food related charities.  Basically, I paid to paint a bowl, they will keep it and fire it in a kiln, then I’ll pick it up at the Caroline County Culinary Arts Center and receive a free pint of soup.  The culinary center also runs Shore Gourmet where anyone can pop in for amazing baked goods, soups, prepared meals that you take and reheat, and more.  We’ve had several meals from Shore Gourmet and they’re always fabulous. So I made my donation, painted my bowl, had good conversation and lots of laughs with a bunch of ladies I don’t know, and came home feeling happy.  Bonus, in a couple of weeks I get my bowl back and some yummy soup.  I’m going to start signing up for more classes at The Foundry and maybe make some friends. It’s such a fun place, and usually people who gather to make art together are good souls.  I mean, the young woman running the event played DEAN MARTIN for background music.  It was like the universe telling me I’d found my spot.  So, hooray for today! In other news, look at these cute stickers I printed.  I’m going to get serious about finding a home for my cards and earrings and whatever else I make.  I can’t just keep making stuff and storing it.  I decided to just own my split personality, I’m thinking I’ll need a matching floral banner if I ever do crafts fairs.
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As I was sitting at my desk today admiring those stickers, my eyes fell on this ornament. I made one for my sister and one for myself.  The “Our Hour” is a nod to the roller skating variety show we staged on our carport as kids.  It’s a shame you missed it. Lots of music, jokes, and very slow spins on skates.
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  After taking the tree down I hooked it on a drawer knob of my desk.  It makes me smile.  When the grandgirl was here she noticed it and was studying it pretty closely.  I said, “That’s Grancy and Aunt Cathi when we were little girls.”  She responded, deadpan, “I recognized your hair.”   I can’t get a break. She asked me once, “Has your hair always been fluffy?”  Now she’s seen the proof.
Want to hear something exciting?  I’m going to Easton tomorrow to choose the color for the kitchen cabinets!!!
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I’m going to disappoint some people by saying that I’m sticking with a cream color.  I mean, look at these!
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Right now I’m eyeballing Benjamin Moore’s Winter Wheat, Navajo White, and Gentle Cream.   Originally I’d thought I’d get light granite, but I’m loving these darker counter tops.  I had dark counters in Tennessee and I don’t hate ‘em. I’d love something that looks like soapstone.  At this point I’ll take what I can get, but I’m dreaming and scheming.   And speaking of dreaming and scheming, I’m starting to draw out some garden plans for spring. It’s closer than you think!  I’m devoting my garden spaces to flowers and herbs - that’s it.  I can buy everything from tomatoes to watermelons on every corner here, I’m exiting the tomato growing business.  Basil, dill, thyme, oregano, mint...that’ll be in my garden, for sure.  I’m hoping to plug in mostly perennials around the house - rudbeckia and that sort of thing. It’s Maryland’s state flower - surely it’ll do well.
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I’m being paged to watch a new Dateline with the mister, so I’ll wrap this up.  I’ll leave you with a quick shot of the path I walk at Martinak.  Even in the winter, with bare trees, it’s lovely.
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Alright, see ya’ tomorrow. I’ll bring the chicken soup.  I’ve got the photos (not great ones) so I’ll get those in order and post the recipe.  I make a pot of this nearly every week and Mickey loves it.  I know that’s a pretty low bar, because he’ll eat anything I put in front of him, but he does request that I make it. I hope that you’re cozy and content on this January evening. I’m already in my flannel jammies and under a blanket, it might even be a popcorn night. Walkin’ on the wild side. Sending out love and hugs. Stay safe, stay well, stay warm.
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I Just Wanted to Acknowledge It
Joyce makes a long over do realization
Title and general premise based on a Bob's Burgers fan comic made by Stevetwisp.
Since things happened between Joyce and Dorothy in Dumbing of Age and things seem like they will keep happening between Joyce and Dorothy, I was curious how that would effect on walkyverse Joyce.
Since things happened between Joyce and Dorothy in Dumbing of Age and things seem like they will keep happening between Joyce and Dorothy, I was curious how that would effect on walkyverse Joyce.
Looking back, it had been building for a while. It came ahead when Joyce was at the gym with Amber. While yes Joyce had super strength, it was hard to spend time with friends as a parent, so this was Joyce's best time to chat with Amber. Well, Amber was toweling off her sweater and Joyce felt a pang of attraction. Well more than a pang. Amber noticed.
“Aw Joyce, is there something on my face?”
“What no! I mean yes! Your hair is in your face!”
Amber tried to brush the hair out of her face and found nothing. “You alright Joyce?”
“Yep, yep fine,” She said in a high pitched voice that suggested she wasn't. She was mostly quiet through dinner that night. Walky noticed something was off with his wife. After Bobby was done telling his parents what he and Donna did that day, Walky decided to say something.
“Joyce, everythin’ okay?”
She smiled at her family. “Just thinking about work tomorrow.”
That night, she was still awake as Walky snored next to her. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and quickly googled ‘how do I know if I'm bi?’
She scrolled through the phone, looking at the articles presented to her. She wasn't really though, right? It was just a…just a stray thought. It's not like she ever thought about that stuff before. Like she knew that Sal is attractive but she thought any of…of those kinds of thoughts! In fact she used to hate that man stealing devil. She was jealous. Of her long flowing hair, her pretty eyes, and that cute little bu-oh no. Oh no! Was that why Joyce was so catty when she was younger? Was she just lashing out girls she had found attractive?
The next day gave Joyce a chance to distract herself from all her thoughts. Her Kindergarten class this year was particularly rowdy this year so she had her hands full. During recession when the yard duties looked after the kids, Joyce took refuge into the kitchen area she shared with the other Kindergarten teacher, Becky. Joyce's best friend was busy marking the kids drawing with smiley face stickers when she noticed something on Joyce's mind.
“Hey, everything OK? Is Radiah talking shit again? She thinks she's so great just because she teaches the 2nd grade.”
“No, no. I did want to talk to you about something though. When you realize that you were…gay?”
“Well, I guess I shorta always knew. I didn’t really do much since I was living with dad. I didn’t get a chance to really explore that stuff until I ran off to San Francisco to fight the Soggies and I met Dina.” Becky did not mention that she had a bit of a crush on Joyce when they first met and would have made a pass if Joyce wasn't engaged already.
Joyce didn't like thinking about the Soggie War. And while she was glad Dina was alive again, she listened to both her and Robin explain how it happened like six times now and it still didn't make sense to her. Joyce filed the whole Soggie incident as “Robin nonsense” in her head and tried not to think too hard about it. She was super happy Becky and Dina had found each other though.
“Joyce, is this a reason you're asking me this?”
“I think I might not be as straight as I thought I was…”
Becky gave Joyce a big hug. “I knew that you were gay! I knew it! I knew it!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say gay. I'm definitely attracted to men though, so that would make me bi. Does that count? Gay does work as an umbrella term I think.”
“Yeah that counts!”
So Joyce started coming out. First to Walky and Bobby; which involved a lot of hugging and crying. Sal, Amber, and the others were told soon after. Walky even had Jocelyne fly out. There wasn't a planned party, but one started forming anyway.
“So, is your wife gonna get a girlfriend?” Mike asked Walky.
Walky had not considered this a possibility. “Uuuuuhhh.”
“I’m not gonna get a girlfriend.” Becky booed. “I just want to acknowledge it.”
Bobby gave Joyce a shirt dyed in the bi flag colors he made in art class. Joyce put it on immediately.
Also at the party was the Walkerton's publicist, Booster Sanchez. “Aw, this is all very sweet but we'll need a bigger party when Joyce comes out to the public. We could make the announcement. I'm thinking we could get Micheal B Jordan to attend.” Now Joyce and Wlaky didn't want a publicist, but they got calls for interviews for books and TV. It was nice to have some extra cash that came with them too.
While Booster was talking, Joyce pulled out her phone and quickly tweeted, ‘Huh, guess I’m bi. Neat!
’ “There, I tweeted it.”
Booster ran their hand over their face. “What have I told you about tweeting?”
“Oh Booster, you need to focus less on my social media and more on finally getting my webcomic, Julia Gray: Normal College Girl an adaption.” Yep, Joyce has a webcomic. It’s about a formerly homeschooled college freshman; Julia Grey, who has a totally normal college experience and doesn’t convince herself that she's engaged to the first boy she sees, is friends with all her female classmates, and isn’t forced into dropping out to fight a secret war against aliens.
“Yeah, real hot ticket, that is,” Booster muttered under their breath.
“Boy must be nice to have another bi person in the group huh Billie,” Joyce said. “Oh and Danny. And Mike. And Robin. Oh and Marcie.” Joyce paused for a moment. “Our friend group has a lot of bi people doesn’t.”
“Dorothy Keener was bi too,” Billie said.
“Dorothy wasn’t bi,” Walky said.
“I interviewed a couple of her former college classmates after she went to the future and..” Billie made sure that all the kids were out of ear shot. “And I heard stories about her getting caught holding hands with girls while they were masturbating in the dorm laundry rooms.”
“Too bad we didn’t go to college together. I would have found out a lot sooner,” Joyce joked. “Ha, ha. Can you imagine?”
Becky and Dina being together and Becky's involvement in fighting the soggy's is based on the 2018 shortpacked April fool's comic.
I went with Bobby for Machete as his nickname was based on his powers and I'm not sure when he got them in canon.
Radiah and Booster appeared as I was curious on who their walkyverse counterparts were.
I considered Joyce talking with Billie, Danny, and Jocelyne as well, but it felt a bit repetitive in the end, so suck with Becky.
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How has it been since I ended things? I’ve been reading the letters and notes that never got to you and it’s kind of funny now that I look at it. Remember when I cut my hair with scissors because I decided I wanted bangs? Well I got bangs professionally cut this time and I have short hair so I kind of look like I used to except my hair has gotten much curlier and I have a bit of lines on my face. Did you finally cut your hair? I laugh as I remember that you wouldn’t cut your hair because I chose to grow mine out. I remember you telling me that short hair wasn’t a good look on me and that growing it out was the best option. Well guess what the thing that helped me move on was cutting my hair my senior year of high school. I have had a short or medium length hair ever since.
We ended things with a lot of hate towards each other and there were many lies that were found out after we were a thing. Funny funny. We both lied to each other and when we discovered each others lies well it was always a shit show. I lied to you about how I felt because I wanted to keep you even if we hurt each other. You resented me because I became clingy and I resented you for much more. We became each others pain and I let it go although I knew you’d turn around immediately and shit talk me. Well I’ve done my fair share of shit talking as well. I hope you know that I still hold lots of those resentments.
Aside from what we know is that we ended badly, I can’t help but laugh and see traces of you in my everyday life till this day. From nicknames to phrases and pronunciation, it’s all like you but reincarnated. It’s you or her and it’s kind of incredibly funny. I wonder if you were able to scrap every trace of my existence? I still buy the brand of gum that had those cute drawings that I used to give to you. I look at them and toss them aside now. I wonder if you still have all those keychains, stickers, and drawings.
You’re probably thinking why am I writing a small letter that will never reach you. Well I’m looking back to those three years. I read the notes, I look at the photos that still remain on my desktop. I see it all and I’d like to think that once we actually loved each other but it was short and brief. You always seemed invested elsewhere and it was always an awkward point seeing that I couldn’t keep up. Would you laugh at the fact that I’m still that jealous girl you once knew?
My jealousy may remain in tact but I stand better and acknowledge that the things that I grew to resent or the things that I did to please you are the things I either didn’t hate or actually just never liked. While I did enjoy you giving me the proper introduction to Pink Floyd I absolutely despised everything else you tried telling me. Books are for everyone. Also guess what? I’m still very gay! Haven’t engaged in a threesome but I have had my body admired and not hated. I lost weight as well. It’s almost as if the best version of myself is the version of me that you hated. Maybe you evolved but I wouldn’t know.
Why did we think we would last a long time? We never actually understood each other. I fell in love with the places I traveled while you were happy and comforted with the place you’ve always known? Why did we think we could be married when you couldn’t commit to yearbook or events that were important to me? We were definitely very silly and to think that you once wanted kids. You hated your baby niece which made you take it all back.
We were described as old souls and our coworkers at one point mentioned that it couldn’t get any better well, I’m sure we laughed and denied it. Glad we did because genuinely life after our relationship it did get better. Thanks to our misery I hope we both have become better people. I hope you understand that I may have not let go of everything but Im forgiving you again. We left with no closure and as much as I have wanted to chase after that closure even 2 years after we were together I’m glad that I recognized that the best closure was not saying anything.
Your mother was correct I wasn’t a good fit for you. Im glad.
If we met again how would our interaction look like? I don’t think we’d ever have the right person right time because funnily enough we never bumped into each other after you came to my house that one day. I hope this sinks into you pretty well.
Pieces of you still remain in my room such as guitar picks and others gifts but the mattress we laid on is gone. Traces of you still follow me but instead of hating it, I’ve grown to accept that although it reminds me of you, it’s not you. I dislike it at times but let’s be honest I hate you.
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A Glimpse Into A Memory Box
• The brown vintage wallet that my grandmother owned before I was even born. I don't remember if she gave it to me or I just took it and said, "Nay, akin na 'to ngayon." (Grandma, this is mine now.)
• Mini watercolor paintings that I made with my friends whenever we were hanging out at our favorite café. Sometimes we make bookmarks or stickers made from our artworks. We're not good tho! We just love painting together as a hobby.
• Random poems that I wrote while listening to class discussions. My mind was always occupied by another things. Mostly during Math period.
• Just me writing a lot of rants in my mini diary because I was an edgy high school kid who hated loud people. I used to basically just get mad at everything. The problem was me. (Insert that famous line from TS' Anti-Hero. Haha!) Plus! That cute flower I picked on my way home from school which I pinned in my diary and kept it until now. Flowers just look prettier to me when they're dead or withered, sorry.
• Lastly the random drawings I made at home and at school. Again, drawings at school were made during class hours when I was taking notes and just randomly thought of making dumb but kinda nice little drawings alongside my lesson pointers.
These are just among the things that I managed to save and keep since getting kicked out of my childhood home. And I am still trying to recollect my journals and everything I own to keep me reminded of what I used to be, what I used to love and hate. Just so I can still have a bit of an identity left in me, haha.
Also, I need to mention my love for Papemelroti. It has been my all-time favorite gift, art, and craft shop since junior high school. Every purchase is happiness to me. Their products are from recycled materials, very eco-friendly, with all designs made by Philippine artisans. They have a very wide range of decorative accessories, not just stationery.
Literally the best shop. Just a silly little heaven for a silly little me.
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f10werfae · 2 years
How Much Is Too Much?
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Pairing:Husband!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader
Summary: Fans retell the best parts of the relationship
Warnings: none
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments And Re-Blogs are appreciated
Henry Cavill Masterlist 💫
@/loverbunny: Does anyone remember that one Henry Cavill interview where he just kept bringing up Y/n? It’s so cute how his eye twinkles whenever her name’s mentioned and he’s also so proud of her and her career. Saying quote on quote, “i’m proud to be her man”
@/jessicashaw: I had to take my little sister to an appointment to the local hospital and she was literally treated by Dr. Y/n L/n, apparently she was there to cover a random shift? Idk but she was so nice and helpful😭 After the check up she gave my sister SUPERMAN STICKERS?!
@/Ghostedfortoast: I was at the background shoot for one of Henry Cavill's movies and I heard him talking about how his wife was opening a free walk in clinic for the homeless, and I swear I saw that man's heart get a boner
@/thereallife: I saw Cavill at an award show, and I kid you not mid award show, he saw his wife was arriving outside the venue. This man walked back outside and accompanied her in through the red carpet, and since all the photographers had left. HE WAS KNEELING JUST TO GET HER ANGLES RIGHT WHEN TAKING HER PICS
@/beesnothoney: Nah because in Henry's new interview, actually lemme just quote this man, “My wife is so amazing, she was actually my medic on set, so I was around her all the time. It was brilliant, I loved it” AND THEN HIS CO STAR WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW MUCH NOISE WOULD BE COMING FROM HENRY'S TRAILER KILLS ME.
@/leavemealone: I work in Pull&Bear and I saw Henry and Y/n walk in at around 7pm i’m guessing after her work because she was in scrubs. I think she was trying to buy the new winter jacket we had but the poor girl looked exhausted. Henry had to put it on her and zipped it all the way so it covered her head, AND HE UNZIPPED IT JUST ENOUGH TO KISS HER THEN THEY FOUGHT OVER WHO WOULD PAY UNTIL HE SNEAKILY PASSED ME HIS CARD
@/1990firefly: Henry Cavill came into the build a bear I work and got a dog stuffy and dressed it like a doctor. But here’s the best part. IN AN INTERVIEW Y/N REVEALED HE CALLS HER 'PUP' 😭😭. ➥@/pandalove: I HEARD HE CARRIES THAT BEAR WHEN HE TRAVELS ABROAD WITHOUT HERR🥹
@/jumpinglacks: My mum once worked a shift with Y/n L/n, and said her husband (Hen obvs) came during their break to bring her out for lunch. I hate being single.
@/tiredturtleegg: I saw the Cavill couple out in town yesterday, kid you not he was feeding her the spaghetti and anytime she’d reach for her fork he’d slap it away 🥲
@/denisethemenace: Anyone remember when Y/n L/n first revealed she was pregnant, and the reason she found out was because Cavill realised her tits had grown bigger. This man never fails to surprise me ➥ @/livingfreedead: DONT FORGET HE SAID HE WAS JUST DOING HIS REGULAR TOUCH UP OMG😭‼️
@/greekathenanice: Y/n just said in her 73 questions video that whenever their son can’t sleep, he reads her anatomy books and tries to teach Henry things about the body. This kid is like 4. How.
@/floralflower: Whenever you think about settling for less. Remember that when Y/n was pregnant Henry literally sewed her scrubs that would fit her then drove her to and from work☝️
@/letmeliveplease: Henry Cavill gushing over his wife’s maternity photos during a Buzzfeed interview, is everything. That man started tearing up because he loves her so much, NO MAN COULD EVER COMPARE
@/treatsweet: Henry revealing that Y/n only likes to bathe with him now is so cute, apparently it’s because that’s the only time the baby decides to kick and be active
@/HenryCavill: Y/n refuses to talk to me because I forgot to buy her cookie dough ice cream on the way home. This is my public apology. I’m sorry pup, please let me back into the bedroom, I want a hug. ➥@/DrY/nL/N-Cavill: Yeah okay. Your son (and I) Misses you. Love you♥️
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
The Handsome Artist. 7. (Daniel Ricciardo)
A nice dinner. Abigail and Daniel have their first date. Or is it the second? Fluff.
MASTERLIST. Moodboards and Playlist.
Previous part: Beers and music.
Note: Abigail's outfit. Also, Charlotte is finally making her first appearance! Kind of.
Warning: hospital; stitches.
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"Get dressed nicely. You need to feel good with yourself if you want to have fun. It's a date. You don't have to marry him. Just test the waters, enjoy and then you decide what you want to do next."
That's what Jennifer had told me on our last session. And there I was, dressed on a pretty dress.
I had chosen it carefully from my wardrobe. I had bought it long ago. So long ago. When I was dating Arnie. But he didn't like it. He hated it.
Molly had told me to wear it. "Arnie was a dick. He was a cunt. Like for real. He fucked everything. He hurt you. Just be like Diana. Let this be your revenge dredd"
And here I was, with the soft blue dress hanging nicely around me and feeling pretty. Really pretty.
Daniel hadn't told me where he was taking me. He just said I know a place. So I was nervous, a bit anxious even. It was a weird feeling. I was really really impaciente for the message. I just wanted him to arrive already. And at the same time I was terrified because I didn't want it go wrong. He was so nice that sometimes it seemed unreal.
I ran around the house looking for my phone. I found it in the bathroom.
The Handsome Artist: hey, I'm here.
I bit my lip and another message came.
The Handsome Artist: I'm nervous.
I chuckled a bit and ran to grab my bag. I had never gone down those stairs so fast.
When I found him outside, he was looking inside the shop through the glass.
Daniel was looking so good. He was wearing a denim jacket over some t-shirt, tight black jeans and some vans. On his neck, not one but three chains adorned his caramel skin.
"Hey" I said.
He turned to me and both of us smiled. His checks got pink and he stretched his hands nervously, looking at me with a smile and checking my outfit.
I bit my lip and waited for some reaction.
"Hey..." He breathed out. "You look so so pretty"
Oh nice. Niiice. Super nice. Don't laugh like a kid, please.
"T-thank you" I walked a bit closer and clasped my hands together.
"You look so nice two." I took a better look now that I was closer and yes. He was one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. "I like the chains"
Yep. Nervous Abi, didn't had a filter.
"Do you?"
I nodded.
"I'm glad. I carefully chose them for the occasion"
I laughed.
"Good choice."
Daniel took a step closer.
"A hug?"
I laughed nervously when he opened his arms.
Fuck it.
"Of course"
He gave me a tight hug that ended way to soon, leaving me with a tingle on my back where his hands had fallen.
"Let's go. I got my bike with me" He said moving his eyebrows and picking two helmets from the floor.
"Bike? As a motor bike"
He nodded.
I was wearing a dress. A short short dress.
"Are you scared?" Daniel asked worried.
"Um...no. But..." I picked the edge of my dress and moved it a bit. "Not the best outfit, right?"
"Oh Shit! I should have warned you"
"I can go and change." I suggested picking the keys. I didn't want to fuck his plans. I didn't want to start like this.
His hand grabbed mine.
"You look way too pretty. I can't let you do that"
I blushed.
"I won't look." He said. "Plus. We won't go too fast"
I nodded.
Without letting my hand go, he took me to the other side of the corner. There was a huge black bike. Huge. One of those that pass you on the road way too fast.
"Um... Maybe I'm a little scared" I said looking at that thing.
He laughed.
"How can you be scared of the cutest bike in the whole city"
"That's not..."
He pulled a bit more and we passed the big bike and a car.
A mint green vespa with a Ric sticker on the front was parked there.
"Okay, it's the cutest bike in Los Angeles."
He laughed proud of his little vespa.
"Well. What do you say?"
I smiled. It was so cute, so tiny. I wouldn't have imagined he would come to pick me on a vespa.
"Let's go"
He passed me a helmet and put his on. He secured it under his chin.
"Let me"
He did mine and smiled. I was blushing hard.
"You look cute" He said.
"Shut up..." I whispered turning a bit. I heard his soft laugh.
Daniel sat in the vespa.
"Okay, hands on my shoulders and hop on the back."
I swallowed. I did as he told me, feeling his strong shoulders under my hands. I sat carefully and fixed my dress.
"Okay. Grab into me. Wherever you want but my arms."
"Um. Okay"
Slowly, I slide my hands around his waist. He was strong. Not only his shoulders. I could feel how toned he was, how hard his muscles were and I found myself wondering how they would look like.
The vespa's sound pulled me out of my thoughts. We started moving and I grabbed him tighter.
"Don't worry, Abi. You won't fall" He said turning his face to me.
"Look in front of you, Danny. Eyes on the road."
He laughed.
"I'm good at this. Just enjoy!"
He was driving down in Venice direction, I didn't even know were. The soft sea breeze was relaxing and it brought Danny's perfume to my nose, which was delicious. It felt good to be this close to him.
"Where are we going?"
"I know a place!"
"What place?"
"You will like it!"
I bit my lip and looked over his shoulder. It didn't took us long to arrive, Daniel was gracely avoiding the traffic.
He parked in one of Venice Beach parkings.
He climbed down and gave me a helping hand. I jumped down.
"Welcome to Venice Beach"
I chuckled.
"I live in Santa Monica. I have grown in there"
He rolled his eyes.
"Don't ruin the mood, Abi."
We took the helmets off and he put them on the box.
"Okay, ready?"
"For what?"
"For a nice dinner in the most beautiful place in Venice"
I smiled while my heart beat faster.
"I am"
"Perfect. Follow me then"
We walked around the first streets, loosing the sea view soon. There was a lot of people, usual for a Friday night. There was music and everyone seemed happy. But the crowd got bigger as we walked.
Not wanting to get lost in the middle of this mess, and feeling slightly overwhelmed by the people, I reached foward. Gently and feeling more brave than I'd ever did, I brushed my fingers with his. Daniel took the hint quite fast and opened his hand. His long fingers moved over mine. I looked down at our hands. His fingers were so much longer, his palm wider. Mine looked smaller and my skin was less cared. It was funny how in those books and films the guy always had more worked hands and the girl always had the soft ones. Somehow, tables were turned now.
Maybe he doesn't like them.
But he threaded his fingers with mine and ran his thumb over my skin. It wasn't even the first time we holded hands. My breath got caught in my throat even though.
"You are cute" He said pulling me closer.
He only made me blush with that.
"Shut up..."
Daniel was cheeky and flirty. He had carisma and a huge personality. He was maybe too much for me.
"Ah here we are." He pulled me out of my thoughts by gently tugging my hand.
"What is this?"
The place was grey. It wasn't really inviting.
"You brought me to a meth lab?"
He laughed hard. So hard. His free hand was on his chest and he had tears on his eyes.
"OH, Abi. Shit. I wasn't expecting that."
It made me laugh to. Laugh and blush like mad. I had made him laugh like that.
"You'll like it. I promise. Don't judge a book by the cover"
I followed him to the inside and the moment we crossed the door I let a gasp out. The restaurant was perfect. There were plants everywhere. Real plants. Tropical plants. The walls were painted in bright colors and everything was so packed with things. Little sculptures, paintings, lots of lamps... The place was truly beautiful.
I was so stunned by the decoration, that I hadn't notice how Daniel had left my hand go and grabbed my waist instead. It made me dizzy. It felt good. Correct.
"I told you" He whispered on my ear and I shivered.
"I-it's perfect."
We looked to the side. A man, Pierre I think, was coming to us.
"Hey mate!"
Daniel gave him a side hug, not letting me go.
"She is Abigail" Daniel introduced me with a smile.
I reached my hand to the guy and he gave me a little kiss in the knuckles.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Pierre"
"Nice to meet you too"
When Pierre, who was obviously French, let my hand go, he gave Danny a look and a side smile.
"You have a reservation, I suppose."
"Obviously. I called last week."
"Come with me. I already know which table you have"
Pierre guided us to some metallic stairs. Danny took my hand and helped me so I wouldn't fall.
I was nervous as hell.
Pierre opened a door and I gasped. There was a beautiful terrace in there. It was also full of plants. It was so perfect. The chairs were made of wicker and the tables were wooden. Some things were unmatched but it was beautiful anyway.
Daniel looked down at me.
"Perfect." I answered smiling like a kid.
Pierre took us to our table, a little separated from the others and almost completely surrounded by plants. You could tell we were close to the sea by the salty breeze and we had a beautiful view of the sunset sky.
"A special one?" I heard Pierre whisper. Probably he didn't want me to hear.
"The special one" Daniel answered in a low voice.
I turned my back to them so they wouldn't see me blush. I was burning, my heart was beating so hard and I felt dizzy.
The special one. What did he even meant? How could he say something like that when we had just met? How could he when I wasn't special?
"Here, the menu. I will come back with your drinks"
I turned.
Daniel gave me a weird look as Pierre left.
"Where were you, Abi? I ordered a couple of beers. A mate of my has a brewery and they sell it here."
I blushed.
"It's okay." He shrugged. "The place it's beautiful, isn't it?"
He moved my chair and I sat.
"Thanks. It's perfect. It's like the most beautiful restaurant I've been at."
"I knew it. They did a good job here" He sat in front of me "And thinking about how you are a botanist and plant doctor and all... It was the place"
I smiled.
"People don't think about that usually." I said.
"How could they not? You scream I work between plants."
I chuckled.
"Do I?"
"You do. When you told me? It made sense. I really thougt it was a hobby. You were a plant mum. Turns out that you are a plant doctor. And creator."
He made me laugh.
"Well, yes."
"You have a cool aura."
"OH wow, thank you. So do you"
He smiled.
"What aura do I have?"
I took a deep breath and pinched my lips.
"Well, you are very calming. I don't know how to explain. You are happy, right? You always seem happy. And you are always smiling. That's calming. And really, you are cool. You seem cool. Like this cool tattoo artist from West Hollywood with bunch of friends. And a cool bike"
He had a huge smile on his face.
"Well, thank you. But I'm not really that cool." He shrugged off.
"You are." I insisted with a low voice and looking down at my beer. "You really are. Much cooler than me."
His hand fell in front of me.
"How is that?"
"I only have one- sorry, two friends." I said remembering our conversation on the beach. "I have two friends and live on a plant store."
He sighed and grabbed my hand.
Why was I even getting like this?
"Let me tell you that you are really really cool and to only have two friends means nothing. You are your own person. And I like that. I like your rings and the way you do you hair. And your clothes. And you little card with instructions for Elisa"
Don't cry. Don't cry, please.
"You are really cool. I only date cool people" He winked at me and I laughed. "There are so many different ways of being cool. And I like you way."
Oh fuck. He is awesome. He has to be. How the fuck am I gonna do this?
His fingers moved over mine and let myself reach my other hand to touch the rose. I ran the tip of my finger over the shapes and felt how he was looking at me.
I swallowed and looked up. I met his brown warm eyes.
"I should have a vespa to be that cool." I whispered and he chuckled.
"Well. Yeah, you may buy a vespa, but it won't be as cute as mine"
I laughed.
"That's better" He said pinching the back of my hand.
Fuck, I love holding hands.
I bit my lip.
"I have questions" He said.
I lift my eyebrows.
"Can I answer them?"
"I hope so"
I smiled. Was I ready to open to him? Maybe, maybe not. But I had to try. I had promised to Jennifer to try.
"Right. You live on the shop. The little apartment. How so? How do you get your boss to let you life there?"
I smiled.
"Charlotte is not only my boss. She is also my aunt. Aunt Charlotte. The only family I have"
His lips opened and his grasp on my hand tightened.
"Fuck. I-I didn't..."
"It's okay"
"Is it? I don't want to bring back bad memories"
I sighed.
"I don't remember much about them" I said referring to my parents. "We lost them when I was two"
"I'm sorry"
"Thank you" I took a deep breath. "But it's okay. It has always been us. And I have been the happiest girl. I had the best childhood and I never felt like there was something missing"
Were those tears on his eyes?
"Did you grow at the shop?"
"I did. We didn't live there, though. She has her own house some streets up. It's pretty similar to the shop. Typical building in Santa Monica. Two floors, she has a cool neighbor who lives on the second. She is happy there."
"Is it too much too ask about yours? I'm intrigued"
"Well, it wasn't an apartment on it's origin. It was empty, Charlotte only kept some materials in there. But when I was probably ten or so she got the idea and she came one day like, this will be yours. And we started buying stuff. Everything is second hand or rescued from the trash."
He gasped.
"Really? You built it?"
"I did not build anything, just saved a few pieces from here and there and fixed them." I shrugged it.
"Mate, you started getting your home ready for you at 10. You made your furniture what it is. That's awesome. How can you say you are not cool?"
I chuckled.
"Have you decided what you want?"
We looked up at Pierre like a deer on a road.
"We forgot about that little detail" Daniel said.
I blushed and laughed softly.
"Well, in that case, Yuki wants to choose. He sent me here." Pierre said laughing.
"Okay. I trust the little man"
"Nice. We will bring your food soon"
Pierre left and I looked at Daniel before checking the menu.
"Japanese? I thought it was French?"
"Nah, Pierre is just a pretty face to being people. He owns the half of it or something like that. Yuki is the chef. Japanese blood and a too much culinary talent fitted in a meter and a half tall guy"
"He is good. Trust me."
"I do"
He smiled.
I took a sip of my beer and looked at him.
"More questions?"
He smiled.
"What's your favorite plant? You said Argelian Ivy was your favorite Ivy but not your favorite plant"
My pulse went crazy.
"Ferns. I love ferns. I don't care what kind. I love them all"
"Right. Ferns. Noted"
I blushed like mad. He was really interested in me. He was interested in my plants. Oh Danny.
"A-and you?" I asked all shy.
"Why are you here?"
He sighed.
"A bunch of things."
Was that sadness on his eyes?
"You can tell me other day"
"No. It's just... I'm far from home. I left when I was was barely a teen. I went to Europe and started some courses. I worked a part time job in a bar and another in a studio. I was on reception. I never tattooed there. Then I started with piercings, which I hate. It's so... Ugh"
I chuckled.
"Don't laugh, it's weird to make hole in nipples"
"Sorry, sorry"
Pierre brought the first plate and left. It was delicious.
"And where are you from?"
"Perth" He answered proud. "Beautiful west coast"
"Must be beautiful"
"It is. Los Angeles remind me to what I call home. That's why I love this so much"
"Awesome" I swallowed. "Your family..."
"Dad, Mum, Michelle and I. Dad is Italian actually. And I have a nice and a nephew. Isabelle and Isaac."
His eyes lit up with happiness and I melted only a little bit.
"I missed them so much. It's hard. I have been away for so long and it's not easy."
I wanted to get up and hug him.
"I try to visit as much as possible. And they are visiting soon. So..."
I smiled.
"All of them?"
"Yes. All of them."
"That's fantastic."
"It is. They supported me a lot. And I owe them everything. So whenever I can I try to have them over here. They weren't so sure I could make it good. I wanted to go to Europe because this amazing artist I followed were there. I wanted to learn from them"
"Did you?"
He nodded happily.
"I stayed in Italy for a while, then went to England. I met Lewis there. I made awesome friends. Most of them live also here. I got Mike and Blake. My aussies with me here. They are a part from home."
"Are you happy?"
"I am. So happy. Lewis is truly one of the bests. When he told me to leave the studio I was working on and open Ham&Avo with him I knew I had taken the right decision. I miss home, yes. But I have amazing things here too. I can call this home too."
I smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that."
He played with my fingers.
"I have a good life. I live with Mike in a nice house we rent together. I love my job..."
"And you are really good at it"
He looked down at my chest, where the tattoo peeked out of the dress. The he cleared his throat and looked into my eyes again.
"Thank you"
I smiled.
"It's nothing. I'm only saying the truth."
"Oh stop..." He was blushing.
I bit my lip. I liked him way too much and it felt too early. It felt to soon to be like this. How could I go through it all after what happened? How could I have it all after what happened?
"Hey, are you there?"
I blinked fast.
"Yes, sorry" I cleared my throat and drank some beer.
"Are you liking it?"
"So much, the food is amazing" I said with a smile.
"It really is. So... I got 5 stars for our first date?"
I smiled but... I'm taking the lady on a coffee date!
He looked confused.
I blushed.
"The coffee date" We said at the same time.
"Wait, wait, wait. Did you thought it was a date? You wanted it to be a date?" He asked surprised.
"Well, but... You said it was a coffee date but I didn't know if it was a date date. And... I don't know. I'm sorry"
I was so embarrassed.
"Sorry? No, no, no, baby. Don't be. I was just... I don't want to press things. I didn't want to press you."
He said and grabbed my hand.
"You wanted it to be a date?" He asked in a low voice.
I just nodded.
"Fuck yes. I wanted too. A pity Charlotte and the rich woman..."
My phone rang. Unknown number.
"Answer, maybe it's important."
"Abigail Hopper?"
"We call from Marina del Rey Hospital. Are you a familiar of Charlotte Hopper?"
I felt a shiver run down my back.
Daniel looked worriedly at me.
"Charlotte Hopper came to the hospital half an hour ago. She had an accident at home."
"She called the ambulance because she hitted her head. Right now she is on observation and stable, but she has a concussion and has to spend the night here. We need a familiar to come and pick her tomorrow and..."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes. She..."
"Couldn't have you just started with that? Fuck. Um... Can I go now?"
"Yes you can b-"
I finished the call and got up.
"I-I have to leave. Somehow Charlotte had an accident at home and... Fuck she is in the hospital and..."
He got up and grabbed my shoulders.
"It's okay. Let's go."
"N-no don't..."
He took my hand and we both went downstairs.
"Wow guys, was it that bad?"
"Mate, we have an emergency. I'll come back tomorrow to pay and all."
I felt bad. He had prepared this. He was excited. It was our first-second date and it was ruined.
"Danny..." I tried to stop him when we were outside. I wanted to take a taxi, to go alone. He didn't had to come and pick Charlotte to the hospital. It wasn't fair.
He cupped my cheeks and I panted.
"Abi. It's okay. Let's go. How is she? It's too bad?"
"N-no... She is okay but... She is always like this"
"Okay. Let's go. It will be fine." He kissed my forehead and soon we were on the vespa on our way to the hospital.
Once there, he took my hand on his again. When we arrived to the hall, we went to the nurses.
"I come to see Charlotte Hooper. I'm her niece"
The woman checked the computer.
"Yes. She is on observation but will be out soon. She got examined and has a little concussion. Just go to the waiting room there. The doctor will call you"
Danny and I went and sit there. I couldn't stop tapping my foot on the floor.
I felt his fingers on my hair, tucking a curl behind my ear. I looked at him.
"Thank you..." I whispered.
"It's fine. Really. I owe you a dinner though."
"No. I owe you a dinner. It's my aunt who messed our second date"
"After messing the first" He said smiling. I did too.
"Yeah. Maybe the third..."
He chuckled.
"We should invite her to the third"
I rolled my eyes.
His hands grabbed mine, both.
"I had a really good time. Short but good. I loved talking to you"
I swallowed.
"I-I did too"
The room was cold, but the goosebumps on my skin weren't because of it.
"Don't worry about this. The most important thing is that Charlotte is okay. We can go dinner again whenever you want."
I nodded and a little drop fell down my tear. I cleaned it.
"One of this days she will literally scare me to death" I said half laughing.
"She has accidents often?"
"She is way too hyperactive. She is 68 and broke her hip some years ago. How? Trying to change a light bulb from a booth. The doctor told her to be careful. Only 9 months later she decided to ride the bike she hadn't touched since I left kindergarten."
"A messy woman?"
"Yes. The messiest. Once the ambulance guy joked about how he should park close just in case..."
"Oh jeez."
"She will like you. And you will like her. I'm sure. She is a ray of sunshine" I whispered, suddenly becoming aware of what I had said.
He touched my hair.
"If she is just half amazing as you are I'm sure."
I looked down at my hand. Was it too serious?
"Family of Charlotte Hopper?"
I got up.
"Fine, good evening. She is fine, but she has to stay the night. Just in case. She has a concussion, it's not bad. She needed stitches though."
I sighed exasperated.
"You can stay the night here."
I nodded.
"Thank you doctor."
"She is asleep. But we will wake her up each 2 hours to check the symptoms"
I nodded. Long night...
"See you, Ms Hopper."
"Thank you, doctor" I repeated.
He left and soon I felt something fall on my shoulders. Danny's jean jacket.
I turned to him.
"Keep it for tonight. It's bloody freezing here"
"No I..."
"I'm not fighting. Do you have anyone to pick you tomorrow?"
Molly was out of town visiting her family so that meant no.
"We can take a taxi. Or I will go home to pick the truck. It's okay"
"Nope. Text me when you wake up and I will come"
I looked at him in the eyes. It wasn't worthy fighting, right?.
"If you don't do it, I will get suuuper angry." He said smirking. "I can call the Tickle monster. You won't like it. Isabella and Isaac say he is horrible."
I chuckled.
"Fantastic. Have good night."
He leaned and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes for as long as it lasted.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"It's nothing."
He walked me to the door and left after kissing my cheek. Somehow, I felt like flying. I felt on the clouds. And the fall was so fucking terrifying.
Aaaaaaaah. I love them so so much. You can't imagine besties.
The idea is to get a shorter and lighter chapter next. We will see.
Next part: Bug Eyes.
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m-jelly · 3 years
Hello!! Can you write where Levi and the reader are teachers in high school or pre school I don’t mind, but they hate eachother before they eventually get along and date please ? Thank you :)
So, I'm gonna go with pre school, because I've recently played FNAF security breach and I can just imagine the reader being like sun hehehehe. Just her getting messy with kids and using glitter glue and sparkles, but Levi is more like getting the kids all military like. I might have giggled at this for a few minutes...
Sun and Moon.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: enemies to lovers, falling in love, connecting, preschool teachers, polar opposite people, romance, becoming a couple, fluff, happy ending.
Concept: You are a new teacher at the little scouts preschool. Erwin runs the place and wants to bring in new life and a spark, so you arrived. You quickly settle in and make friends with everyone who works there, except for Levi. Levi doesn't like your way of teaching and playing with the kids. So, you butt heads. However, after getting to know you a bit more and hearing from the kids themselves how much they love your class, he realises just how wonderful you are. He falls for you and protects you from a nasty parent and finds the courage to ask you out.
You were so excited to start at the little scout's preschool. You were ready to explode, you were so excited. You brought a huge bag full of fun things to do with the children. You ran inside and had a meeting with Erwin. He introduced you to Mike, who was security and the PE teacher. You then met the school doctor, Hange and knew you'd both get on well. You finally met Levi, who was also a teacher. Levi didn't seem as excited to meet you like the others, in fact, Levi seemed to look disgusted at you.
You shrugged off the meeting and set up things in your classroom ready for the kids. You grabbed a set of stickers with the children's names on them, then you waited by the door as they came in. You greeted them and their parents, then placed a sticker on the child wherever they wanted it and added a cute sticker of their choice.
Once all kids had joined you, you skipped to the front of the class. "Alright, my little stars! Pop your bags away, take off your coats and your shoes!" You smiled as they giggled and ran around doing as you asked. You knelt down and waved them closer and whispered. "Now, my little stars, we're going to start the day off with..." You gasped. "Finger painting! We're going to make monsters together."
You ran around handing out paper, paint and other things they could use to make their monsters. You made sure they had everything they needed and if the kid hated mess, you had the right cleaning things for them to make sure they didn't get upset.
You jumped to your bag, then pulled out little bags. "I have googly eyes and glitter glue!" You sat on the floor with a few and let them put stickers, glitter glue and cute things on you. "I'm so pretty now, thank you!"
You got the kids to work with you when you cleaned. Your technique was to play music and for them to clean to the music. Once they had cleaned up, you would tap them on the shoulder and let them go to the dance party on the comfy floor mat. You danced on the mat with them when they were all with you and let the shy ones relax in the chill zone you'd made, which was bean bags, books and soft lighting.
You turned to the kids when it was lunch. "Little stars! It's time for lunch. Pop your shoes on and go venture out with your lunch. Don't forget to say hi to Mike!" You opened your door and let them all go outside. "What a lovely sight to see." You sighed, then grabbed your lunch and went to the staff room. You sat right next to Hange and saw her grinning. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
Hange snorted a laugh. "You let the kids use you as a canvas?"
You nodded. "Everything is more fun with stickers and glitter glue."
Levi walked into the staff room and saw you giggling with Hange. He blushed a little at how pretty you were, but then he noticed the glitter on your cheeks and some small stickers on your face. "Tch, the fuck happen to you?"
You smiled brightly at Levi. "We did finger painting. We made monsters on paper and then I let them paint me a bit. Also, we danced around my room, so I'm probably sweaty."
Levi wrinkled his nose. "Tch, bad teacher."
You frowned. "Bad teacher? I'm sorry, I'm not a bad teacher. I'm having fun and letting them have fun as well."
"You have to teach them discipline. You can't have them running wild all the time and making a mess!"
You turned to him. "They aren't running wild. They're three, four and five years old! They're supposed to be having fun."
Levi folded his arms. "Rabbid."
You puffed your cheeks out in annoyance. "They are not! I mix fun and learning together."
"I bet your classroom is disgusting."
You stood up from your seat. "It's not! Go see for yourself!"
Levi walked to your room and saw it was bright, colourful and had the paintings drying nicely on a rack. He couldn't see any paint or stickers out of place. "How the fuck is this clean?"
You walked up to him. "I play music and I get them to clean along to the music." You walked past him into your classroom. "You're a judgemental, uptight asshole. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you, but my kids are happy and that's all that matters."
Levi backed off and watched you for a few days. He saw the kids were so excited to see you and sad when they left. His kids started asking about going over to your class and wanting to play with the teacher who is like sunshine. Levi saw you were making a difference to these kids and he wanted to do more. He treated his kids like little soldiers and they had fun with it, but he needed to add even more fun.
Levi found himself in your classroom as you were talking to a little boy about something. He felt his heart soften at you making the boy smile, then him give you a hug. Levi walked closer and sighed. "Can we talk?"
You stood up and smiled. "Of course. We haven't spoken since I started a month ago."
Levi sat on the kid's table, then sighed. "I'm sorry about how I acted and treated you when we first met."
You smiled. "It's okay. We're very different people. I kind of burst into here throwing glitter glue and confetti everywhere, so it was a shock."
Levi frowned and looked up at you. "Confetti? When did you use that?"
You pressed your lips together and tapped to fingers together, then you laughed. "Anyway! What can I do for you?"
He frowned at you, then shook his head. "Well, my teaching is we pretend to be little soldiers."
You gasped. "Cute!"
He smiled a little. "Yeah, they're adorable. So, I was wondering about ways to make it more fun. Could you help me?"
You hummed, then wandered around your room and found a piece of paper. You sat next to Levi and drew on it, then wrote a message. "Get them on a treasure hunt. Say that their mission is to find a secret message in the room. Once they find it, they have to hand it to you and then you must bring it to me. I think it'd be nice to get our two classes together."
Levi looked at the note and hummed a laugh. "I love it."
"You can make it more fun by getting them to solve things. Remember they're very little though, so simple quizzes."
Levi bumped against you. "Thanks. This is going to be a lot of fun." He put the note in his pocket. "I find saying a keyword or phrase and linking it to stopping and or being still works to calm them."
You smiled and blushed a little. "Thank you. I'll do just that."
You and Levi were getting on more and more after he reached out to you. You both started doing joint classes together and getting a nice balance of your fun and Levi's order. The children were always happy and saw you both as a mum and dad away from their own parents. The kids often giggled when you and Levi were close. You'd hear them giggle and they'd ask if you and Levi were married, which caused you and him to blush.
Levi liked you and you liked him, but you both didn't do anything about it. Everything was just waiting on you two to get together, but you never took that step. One day at the end of the day when you sent the kids home, you both got the kick you needed to take things further all because of one angry parent.
Levi was chatting to a parent about their daughter. He glanced over to you when he heard an angry raised voice. "What in the world?"
The mother pointed at you. "What kind of example are you setting!? Just look at you!"
You bowed your head. "I'm sorry."
"The level of unprofessionalism is disgusting! You wouldn't get this sort of thing from Mr Ackerman's class! You set a horrible example for all the girls in the classroom. You run around in those skimpy outfits, then allow yourself to be covered in glitter and stickers!"
You fiddled with your dress. "It's glitter glue."
"You should be banned from teaching! You're a risk to them!"
Levi stormed over. "Tch, oi!"
The mother gasped, then smiled as her tone changed. "Mr Ackerman, how lovely to see you."
"What in the f-." He sighed as he calmed down. "The way you spoke just now and acted was unprofessional and a bad example. How dare you speak to this wonderful and loving teacher like you just did. She loves these kids more than anyone I know. I have seen these children light up and have so much fun when they are with her. She a bright beautiful light in their lives."
The mother's face changed to disgust. "Well, I never! I thought you were the best out of all the fools here, but it seems you're not. You're only defending her because she's your woman!"
Levi blushed, then put his arm around you and pulled you close. "So what if she's my woman? I'm defending her because she's a great teacher, a wonderful person and a lot of fun. She's a great role model for the kids. She listens to them. She caters to any needs they have. Ask any parent here and they agree with me, not you."
You welled up as all the parents hanging around were defending you, along with the kids. Even the mother's daughter was upset with her mother. She eventually gave you a sorry as she blushed hard, then she scurried off away from everyone when she realised Levi was not interested in her and she lost the fight.
You hummed, then looked at Levi. "Your woman?"
Levi's blush spread across his cheeks and up to his ears. "Tch, yeah you are." He turned to face you. "If you want to be."
You smiled a little and nodded. "I would."
He leaned closer and lightly kissed you. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?"
You nodded and felt your heart dance in your chest. "I'd love to."
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.” She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. ��I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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hearts4yang · 4 years
bad boy!wayv and how they’d treat their s/o (♥︎+☀︎︎)
fluff/requested + bad boy!wayv x genderneutral!reader
warnings: mentions of smoking and underage drinking
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not many people are scared of him, unless he’s pissed off in which no one dares to step near the teddy bear.
besides you, you’re only person able to calm him down.
anyways personality switch once he sees you. oh you’re in front of him he’s a sweet heart
very kind, will make you lunch and studies with you after school. he kinda walks around with everything you need as well. people who dare to fuck with him about it have a death wish.
you once gave him a cute keychain then he just walked around with it on his bag. if anyone makes fun of it, he’ll make sure they’re dead.
joking, but not really<3
(black backpack and just a small pink bunny keychain. cute.)
are you getting bullied or anyone hurting you? tell him their name and bOp unless they’re a girl in which he’ll just charm them or scare them to stop
no one hurts his baby >:/
if you do well on a test, he always goes over your house and cooks with what you have at home at 2am
ten 🐈
a bitch, a big BITCH
he loves you, but dare walk towards him and he’ll be bitch to you. of course he makes sure you know that he loves you. he just doesn’t want to ruin his reputation nor does he want to show his weak spots.
mainly his weakness which is you. man isn’t a simp, but he treats you like porcelain doll that will shatter if you touch anything in private
he is his best when he’s just with you. no cigarettes, no alcohol, and no drugs )well cigarettes and drugs are- nvm)
it was a struggle for him to drop what he liked to do, but he did it the day he found you crying your eyes out when he was at the hospital.
also to insure that he’ll have a future with you.
in public like i said he’s a bitch. he’ll tease you even though his heart breaks each time he sees you somewhat hurt.
even though he pretends like he hates you, if he hears anyone talking shit about you he’ll wreck their car or get xuxi to beat them up.
anyone planning to ask you out? he immediately down talks them to make sure no one even tries to get with his angel.
he’s very good at manipulating people ngl
yet in the end, he’ll always end up in your arms after sneaking out at 2am until you both end up asleep.
silent but deadly, too be honest not many people expected him to be a bad boy until people realized he wasn’t going to classes, when they found him behind the school building with a pack of cigarettes and getting into fights.
everyone was afraid of him except for you. you weren’t really able to get him to be. some good student that revert from his ways, only able to convince him to attend class and to stop fighting with anyone who picked at him first.
(he only agreed if you helped him pass and if you sat next to him)
he was the oversized intimidating boy who walked with a small bunny bandage on his left cheek.
everyone lowkey confused on why dong sicheng, the guy known for skipping classes and beating the shit out of anyone who glared at him was in the back of the class with a stupid smile and cat stickers on his folders.
man still cold as hell and quiet, but he’s less of an asshole
unless he finds out someone had hurt you in which bOp, winwin is going to kill a bitch
even though he’s a bit mean and cold there’s days where he takes you on late night drives pass curfew.
lucas 🐶
this intimating giant is a big softie for you. he’s kind of like a giant puppy that protects you from “danger”
(i can’t see him as a bad guy he’s too soft-)
like he’d try to act like your personal body guard. he made sure to protect you and made sure that no one got near you.
he’d try not to break character, but fails miserably
he’s only considered a bad boy because he’s the school’s player. you were the new kid and his next victim and his last as he slowly began to fall in love with you. it was an unexpected plot twist.
now yukhei would baby you a lot and show you off a lot because he doesn’t want to lose you. xuxi is scared of losing the only person he loves romantically.
of course the name of him being a bad boy didn’t go away. he went to parties, he smoked and he drank even though he was underage. he also got into detention a lot for not being quiet.
he also never wore his uniform correctly so you had to fix it each time you saw him.
he’ll also beat up anyone that messes with you. i’m overexaggerating but the day someone lays a hand on you he’d throw hands
but there’s days where you and yukhei are in your room with soft music playing in the background as you sleep against his chest.
xiaojun 🦖
just like kun and sicheng, kind and quiet until he loses his temper then he’s cold as shit and will beat a bitch
also skips class to duck around in the music room
a small ball of angry but you still love him
when he’s with you he’s less aggressive, of course he’d throw shit at you like paper and pillows to get your attention.
he’ll also play the guitar for you when you’re alone in the music room during lunch break and steal your food
xiao also hates when you walk home alone so everyday he walks your home even if his house is in the opposite direction.
anyone that dares to mess with you he’ll beat them with something blunt like his guitar. therefore every year or month he ends up suspended with a new guitar
but that’s okay because he’ll do anything for you
(again i can’t see him as a bad boi because he gives me the silent kid who eats lunch alone with sicheng in the music room)
the kid who skateboards to school, hair is always in his face, skips classes and probably does weed.
you got together because he was nice and you worked together for a project. very wholesome
he teaches you how to skateboards and he also likes to hug you when he spots you.
hendery is very sweet with you even though he looked a bit cold, he’ll also make you laugh with random photos of him acting stupid
he also carries around hello kitty bandaids incase you fall off the skateboard.
he treats you like royalty because he’s a prince and a prince needs someone to accompany him ;))
if i see y’all in the hallways after school dancing i do not see(yes self insert but not really ya know lmao)
he’s just one hell of a sweetheart even though he’s really fucking annoying when he blows smoke in your face.
you’re getting picked on? sorry man he doesn’t care he’ll probably just throw something at them
lastly he just lays on your lap in your room with a cigarette in between his lips as music begins to slowly drown out in the background (honestly just read my skater boy hendery shit)
oh aha ha this little boy spray paints everything. the school walls, desk, cafeteria tables, cars and anything that he claims needs color.
the school gotta start putting cameras up because they never caught him so he ended up breaking the cameras and getting suspended.
normally hangs out with hendery and ten because he’s cool like that anyways he ended up with you because it’s liu yangyang. who wouldn’t love him
he takes you on random late night trips in his parents car that he stole.
he always carries around spray paint because he normally makes you come with him at like 4 in the morning so he has someone to accompany him and so that he knows he won’t get caught.
mainly because he wants company and wants you around constantly
he’s clingy and make sure you know he loves you even though he makes fun of you a lot in the hallways
you always talked back to him whenever he made rude comments towards you before y’all even dated.
pretty much only made fun of you because he liked you but expressed that awfully
he treats you like a flower. scared to put you down and gentle with you, almost like if you fell a petal would fall off.
yangyang would sneak through your window with takeout at latest hours of the day, making sure to be never seen. (p.s: your parents don’t like him)
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