#no its a Really cool video but also oh my god. you are So wrong about all of this. please. oh my god.
beegswaz · 6 months
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god i lovebeing.normal
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Okay. Okay deep breaths. Time for some cool and collected comentary. Okay.
Putting it under the cut so ppl can avoid spoilers :)
Huskerdust my beloved
Vox was great. I love him he's so fucking cool-
If Vox wasn't already a Tumblr sexyman he's definitely gonna be one now. He's so fucking Onceler coded it's insane.
Velvette was amazing too. It's so funny that she's British lmao I was not expecting that
Velvette is also very Anne Boelyne(like from SIX not from Real Life) coded it's wild. Her part in that song with Carmila was giving so much Don't Lose Your Head
I swear I'll stop comparing them to other characters I SWEAR
Okay but me and my brother are working on a Hazbin Hotel swap AU where we swap the main cast with the overlords and in that AU we swapped Husk and Vox. The Husk used to be an overlord reveal is gonna make that AU soooooo much easier lmao
ADAM IS REALLY GOOD I promised I would stop comparing to other characters but he was giving SO MUCH Hades from Disney's Hercules like its insane
I think we should let Alex Brightman sing rocj and roll more often that song was such a fucking BANGER
SPEAKING OF THE SONGS- oh my god I love the soundtrack so fucking much-
Stayed Gone was a lil less hype then I was expecting but thats okay cuz it was still a banger and I loved the visuals
That song battle between Carmilla and Velvette????? Oh my god??????
Carmilla and Vaggie's song was also amazing but I think I know why they didn't have Stephanie Beatriz sing her own song in Elena of Avalor y'know, girl cannot hold a character voice while singing
LOSER WAS SO FUCKING GOOD- I love Huskerdust so much. I love Keith David so much. Blake Roman is such a phenomenal Angel Dust.
SPEAKING OF all the voice actors are amazing. Blake Roman, Brightman as Pentious and Joel Perez were the ones I was the most worried abt but I loved all their preformances so much it was fucking fantastic
Valentino can go die in a fucking hole <3
The other Vees are cool and fun to watch but I hope Valentino fucking dies
Okay to be fair he's also fun to watch when he's not in the same room as Angel Dust but tHAT DOESNT SUPERSEID MY HATRED FUCK 👏 THAT 👏 GUY 👏👏👏👏
Speaking of the Vees tho I do love their dynamic
My favorite episode was probably Radio Killed the Video Star bcuz of mY BOYS PENTIOUS AND VOX!!!!!!!!
And the most painful episode to watch was- no surprise- Masquerade
That episode was a fucking rollercoaster Jesus fucking Christ...
Those scenes with Angel and Valentino where so fucking visceral... like. Who the fuck wrote that. Who are you. Are you okay. Do you need help-
Tho I'm not sure abt how they're handling the ah- more serious bits of Angel's character. It is WAYYYYYY to early to tell and I think Loser wasn't like. Trying to downplay the situation. But the writers better have been careful moving foreward bcuz I can def see a world where Angel's arc goes very wrong very fast-
Also while we're criticizing: wasn't a fan of the pacing. Especially in episode two. Like I can look past it, but the way they breeze past some plot points kinda bugged me
Otherwise it was sooooooo fucking good man oh my god
The gag where Niffty just fucking stopped thinking every time the camera turned on was so fucking good
Niffty in general was really fuckin funny
Alastor was a lot less prominent of a character then I thought he would be but tbh I think that's for the best. He's like Discord from My Little Pony, fun in small doses but if you don't set perameters for how often he appears and when he's willing to help it kinda breaks the show
Chaggie is adorable and I love them <3
I think this show does a really good job balancing the focus on the whole cast! These first 4 episodes seem to be pretty Charlie, Angel and kind of Vaggie heavy but everybody still gets their fair share of attention!
I love comedy. I love musicals. I love drama. I love silly characters. I LOVE ANIMATION!!!!!!!
It's like the South Park movie but longer and better animated and IVE BEEN WAITING FOUR FUCKING YEARS-
Just. So excited overall. Can't wait to see where it goes. May make more posts abt my thoughts in tbe future.
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liquidstar · 3 months
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BROTHER AND SISTER OF ALL TIME THEYRE SO CUTE <3 love seeing how their relationship has progressed from beako literally throwing him out a window for stuff like this to her happily playing along its so so so so so cute. genuinely just one of the cutest and sweetest dynamics in the series
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hi ram roswaal and fred :) this is probably all we're going to really see of you guys this arc lol
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JOSHUA REAL!!!!! but not for long (also otto in the bg foreshadowing all the drinking hes about to do this arc. hes so stressed. poor emilia is trying her best)
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julius looks so babyfaced here? they really emphasized his long eyelashes just like subaru has been on about every time he mentions him. they better include the scene where he checks him out, like, if they dont animate subaru looking dead at this mans ass im going to riot
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i LOVE this shot of ana. you can really tell shes up to some corrupt capitalist bullshit as we speak. love her for that. wish i had this pic when i made that one money game anastasia video
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the red dress actually does look really good on crusch like it compliments the green hair really well but also the crusch we know would not walk around in such a thing so its like. damn looks like the "memories are an important part of identity" story thinks memories are an important part of identity. who knew.
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ALSO LOVE FELTS NEW LOOK SO MUCH! the only complaint is i felt (felt lol) like the red brought out her eyes more but the blue also looks cool. three primary colors all being used looks nice too
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no fucking way... did they actually...
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photos taken seconds before disaster lmfao. i still love how chin thinks subaru is a freak and weirdo for being so buddy buddy with him after he and his buddies mugged him. twice. (even more times from subarus perspective. hell he stabbed subaru once) genuinely cant wait to see more of this dynamic its so stupid.
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THE FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! also the apples lol
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oh you poor thing. you have no idea what next level family drama bullshit awaits. good luck. get ready to kill grandma AGIAN lol
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:'( emilia still misses her terrible cat dad and its kinda sad when you know were not getting a resolution on that here either. they both look so sad :(
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i cannot wait for garf mommy issues round fucking 2.
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he fucking bit it. yeah i guess thats what dogs do tho.
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the empathy powers will have a glowing eye effect. very cool but i hope they dont show it too much in the first scene bc like in the LN i think its cooler if you dont know why everything is so... Wrong.
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i dont rly have anything to say i just think ferris looks cool covered in blood. imagine being healed here like doctor catgirl will see you now
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emilia be nice. that crazy bitch might be your mom. just like how the previous crazy bitch was in fact your dad.
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THEY CHANGED UP CAPELLA'S DESIGN TOO honestly tho her being sexualized makes sense w a lot of the themes (the way its intentionally meant to be perverse and gross in a way explicitly stated) so i didnt mind as much and she still IS here but. this is still an improvement imo just a better outfit looks cooler. bug.
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king-crawler · 2 months
What do you see in turbo
- unhinged angry little weirdo (desirable) (?????)
- stupid outfit & stupid catchphrase (disgustingly endearing)
- something is genuinely wrong with him
- creepy/distinctive glow in the dark face. Yellow eyed freak ! I also like teeth
- I LOVE VILLAINS. His reveal scene is so dramatic and cool.
- virus/corruption adjacent entity. Parasitizes others… He’s pulling the strings … Glitching is awesome btw it’s like one of my favorite audiovisual effects ever
- 2012 video game creepypasta energy. He’s like Polybius but stupid. TurboTime is haunted. He is Cabinet Man
- Retro arcade cabinets are just such Awesome Machines. It’s such a unique aesthetic, buzzy CRTs and flashing colorful lights, the little chiptune sound effects… the only thing that comes close to the ‘character’ embodied by arcade cabinets is maybe themed roller coasters, or real life animatronics. He definitely has that kind of appeal. The Machine
- wreck it ralph is an amazing film and king candy is a really clever villain and I love the twist and how he relates to king candy (most normal answer)
- THE HORROR APPEAL. His Symbolism…. He’s the Creepy Ghostly Skull man . The bringer of death even. Also the fact he “haunts the narrative” because he’s so rarely seen but everyone is terrified of him, and he underlies so much of the conflict. (Like: DONT BECOME LIKE HIM.) It’s like he’s become a paranormal entity, only seen in glimpses, or dismissed as nothing but a terrible memory. His presence has become intangible, but it’s dark and all encompassing. Maybe they tried to forget. For 25 years they thought he was dead. But he was lurking in the depths of game central station hearing everything. (Don’t even get me started on the horror implications of his cybug form because Oh My God)
- but most importantly I have a personal vendetta against him because he gave me nightmares at age 14 and I also kin him slightly
- he is rotten trans man
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prettybrownelf · 5 months
Hi I hope your still taking requests for Brett hand? Could you do a male reader? Where reader is really awkward and new to the team. And Brett starts having a straight guy crisis when he starts falling for reader?
Lunch Date
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a/n- so sorry this took so long life has been hectic
Pairings - Brett Hand x Male! Reader
Summary- Brett falls for the new guy at work, despite never liking a guy before
Word Count- 1006
Content Warnings- Anxiety, Fluff, Brett Is A Mess
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Brett can hear his heart beating in his ears. He rubs the sweat forming on his palms onto his black slacks. The pattern ding! from the clock sends a shock through his body as he tries to keep his eyes on Reagan. 
But there was you. 
Standing next to Reagan. 
He watched as you swayed a bit in your chair, messing with a string on the end of your coat to calm your own nerves. Brett couldn't tear his eyes away from you. It made his head hurt. Not because you're attractive, that's obvious to him, but because you're a guy. 
Never once had Brett questioned his sexuality. But here he was, trembling in his chair with a beat red face over a cute guy. 
“Brett?” Reagan says. Bretts nearly jumps out of his seat as he looks at her. She lazily points to you, next to her. “Show’em around, please.” Brett nods as he quickly stands up and leads you out of the room. There isn't enough air in the building for Brett right now as he tries to act as normal as possible. 
“What's your name?” Brett asks. He tries to ignore how his voice cracks. You, however, don't seem to be as nervous anymore as you look around. “(Y/n).” Brett takes a deep breath in as he turns a corner. “Here's the lab. Reagan is normally here. She also doesn't like when people touch things.” Bretts eyes stay on you as he watches you nod along with him. 
Crushing anxiety fills Bretts chest as the two of you walk around the building. “So, what are you into outside of work?” Brett asks. His hands tremble by the side of him as he tries not to stare too hard. You give a small shrug as you talk. “I either sleep or play video games. Mostly sleep and work.” 
Brett curses to himself as he tries to keep his voice from trembling. “What kind of games?” Brett almost gags at his stupid ‘cool guy’ voice. His cheeks flare as he hears a small chuckle come from you. “Honestly? Anything that slightly peaks my interest.” Brett gives a shaky smile. A sinking feeling makes its way into Bretts chest. 
He quickly looks away once he realizes he's been staring. The rest of the tour is spent with Brett desperately trying to make sure you don't know how nervous he is. He doubts it works. 
By the end of the day Brett feels like he's been hit by a bus. His head is spinning and he's getting a migraine. 
“You good?” Reagan asks. She has a slightly worried look on her face as she catches Brett before he leaves. Brett gives the best smile he could. “Yeah! Just tired.” Reagan gives a slow nod as she looks Brett up and down. “Uh-huh.” She mumbles. 
Brett stands in silence as Reagan sighs. “Ok. What's wrong?” Before Brett can say anything, Reagan interrupts. “I don't care. Just tell me so I can go home and we can deal with it tomorrow.” Brett thinks for a moment as he stares at her. He shifts his weight from foot to foot before he mutters out his words. “I think the new guys cute.” 
Reagan’s  shoulders drop as she gives a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god! I thought you fucked something up!” Brett feels the air trapped in his chest escape in his own sigh as he opens his car door. “No, I didn't break anything. You always think I broke something.” Reagan sips her coffee as she pats Brett’s shoulder on the way to her own car. “Don't be so weird about it! Everyone has workplace crushes.”
Brett sits in his car for a moment as he thinks to himself. Workplace crushes are normal, he has no reason to be worried! But what if you're not into that? What if he's just confused? Wouldn't he have liked a guy before if he was into guys? 
The spinning thoughts become too much for him as he finally pulls into his driveway. Brett can feel his body wanting to crash in of itself as he throws himself on his couch and groans into his cushions. 
As the world spins around him, the familiar buzzing of his phone forces him out of his whirling thoughts. 
            ‘hey, it's (y/n)’’
Brett looks at the message for a few seconds before typing with shaky fingers. 
He feels himself cringe in on himself as he rethinks everything he's ever done in his life up until this moment. The thoughts can't last for long though as another buzz comes quickly. 
            ‘wanna get lunch tomorrow?’
Brett types faster than he ever has in his life
As Brett texts (Y/n) about getting lunch, he can't help the twisting feeling in his stomach that gets worse with every message. Brett takes a long deep breath once he and (y/n) end the conversation. It's fine, it's just lunch with a co-worker! Don't think so deeply about it! 
Despite his best efforts, his anxiety doesn't subside that night, or the following day as he walks to a local restaurant to meet (Y/n).
Brett adjusts his collar as he walks into the building and is immediately greeted by a smiling face. 
“Hey!” You smile as the two of you get a table. Brett feels his hands getting sweaty as the two of you order. 
“So, why did you want to get lunch?” Brett asks, taking a nervous sip of his water. (Y/n) chuckles softly as a bit of heat travels to his cheeks. “Honestly, I thought you were cute. I wanted to get to know you.” 
Brett almost chokes on his water as he quickly looks at you. His voice shakes slightly as he tries his best to play cool. “You think I'm cute?” 
(Y/n) laughs with a nod. “Yes, I think you're very cute.” Brett smiles as their food arrives at the table. Brett picks up a fork as he looks back to (Y/n). 
“Well, let's get to know each other then.” 
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lemonmatronics · 1 month
So after watching a ton of restoration videos with objects that are super rusty it’s gotten he wondering if Mecha getting refurbished would really be that bad?
I’ve openly been against cleaning them up for 2 main reasons
1- It looks cool on all of them and that color of rust on Mecha is hot as fuck sorry
2- I feel like, especially for Mecha whose colors have drastically changed, getting them all back in tiptop shape and what they used to be like really takes away from the character growth.
Their physical appearances really highlight the changes they’ve been through and how independent they are now. Mecha looks less like Sonic than ever before, and is happy with that. I feel like they all hold pride with the bodies they’ve fixed and built, and that’s really sweet to me
But the reality of it is their bodies rusting is dangerous for multiple reasons, and you could easily play the “it’s fiction card” (I have) but speaking from a realism perspective
Rust not only makes it harder for moving pieces to,, well move, but it also makes metal deteriorate. Stuff like this is what put the thought of Spark actually outliving him in my brain instead of the robot outliving the breathing being but THAT’S for another day
So, it would do them all good to be cleaned up right? But it also would go against their character growth
well only if you do it wrong
I do think there’s a way you could have Mecha be refurbished and it work, and it boils down to some pretty simple things
-Let him keep the tattered cape after
-Eye/Brain is stil cracked (too dangerous to mess with that) and using its blast still knocks him out
-He keeps his replacement limbs, maybe put a casing around that saw foot at most
-REPAINT. Oh my GOD do not make him blue
You could follow every step above except the last and keeping him blue would fuck it all up. Let him simply be repainted into a nice rusty red brown color, maybe even cover up that blue patch to highlight ALL of Eggman’s (literal) control of him is gone after the events of the mini series
Making him blue, and look more like Sonic, would easily be the worst choice refurbishment wise. Replacing limbs right by it but doing that is kinda impossible anyways
So I’m now of the stance that I’m not 100% against fixing them up, but damnit if they do so they better do it right or else I will still riot
I am that scrapnik island bitch I’m not the one you wanna disappoint IDW
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
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yooooo im SO tired, have a health update 💞
(which was going to be another video update but then a bird came and i got distracted and now im too tired to speak lol. also WOW imagine being so pale you create your own god rays slkdjf)
so, ive been feeling like hot garbage for some time, which is perhaps not surprising with the whole "was poisoned via chemo for a year, is still recovering" thing. Recently my heart has been feeling Not Good TM, and the fatigue waves are getting pretty extreme at times.
So, I followed this up with my doctor, very much expecting it to be a case of "no you're just out of shape / your asthma is playing up / you're just being super lazy, try harder, etc". He booked me a specialised heart test which I had last week.
Uhhh apparently I wasn't just being pathetic! (Which is somewhat gratifying to know that there is a reason things have been so hard lately and it's not just in my head)
There is a thing called your Ejection Fraction, which is essentially a measure of how much oxygenated blood your heart is pumping around your body -- its the factor that keeps you feeling energised.
Mine has dropped. Fairly significantly. When I had the same heart scan in October, mid-way through chemo, I was still retaining a lot of my heart health and muscle mass from when i was pre-chemo, so my EF was sitting at about 80. Which is a sign I was initially quite physically fit (or, to quote my oncologist: "giiiiirl, you a Boston Marathon runner or what?)
Since my last scan, my EF has dropped to 58. Which is still actually higher than average, most people sit at about 55, so I've dropped to an average range lol.
My heart is working, but such a significant jump is still cause for concern. My oncologist said that if I had been less young and fit, it would have been a case of dropping from 55 to somewhere in the 30s, to which he said "you'd struggle to even walk down that corridor at that point."
At this stage, I have a (hopefully reversible!) cardiomyopathy. Unfortunately, reduced heart and lung function can be complications of the two immune therapy drugs I am taking to prevent my cancer from coming back. So the current course of action is to put my immune therapy treatments on hold for 9 weeks to let my heart recover.
Yes, that is a tad spooky, but the drugs have a very long half-life, so I should be okay not taking them for that short period. On the plus side, this should hopefully improve my overall quality of life while my heart heals, and a break from immune therapy will be really nice anyway, because that shit hurts lmao.
Otherwise, the metastatic cancer in my spine and my hips remains stable and is still showing signs of healing because I am AWESOME AND COOL. Oh, and I also had a massive internal lesion (a chemo complication I never mentioned here bc like... if I told you guys every little thing that's wrong with me, we'd be here all day lmao) but that is now healing on its own too!! Woo!
So... ye. Gonna have a nap, knowing that medically my heart is broken and I have yet another reason to take it easy now haha.
Send me lots of "oi don't get cancer again in the next 9 weeks you absolute nugget" type vibes. I don't think I will, I'm not worried, but yk yk vibes are nice 🥰💝💖💓💕🩷💞 if you are still reading, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
Yeah i went again on sunday and really wanted to cry after because it's over forever Q_Q i am inconsolable but for the fact that there may be a halloween party... but uhhhhhhh anyway here's what I noticed this time!!
(also here's the notes from my first time for reference [x])
Ad libs:
Final show energy & lots of ad libs! Which were apparently real unscripted ad libs!! A lot of them were just little things (so I can't recount most of them) but they were very very good. the blorbos became real people for a second there
When Rich is looking for Mountain Dew Red at the party, Jenna appears and says "I have Mountain Dew Blue?" and he explodes at her (possibly "Not now, Jenna!")
When Christine and Jeremy talk together at the party, they're sitting on beanbags; after they get scared off by the skeleton guy, they're laughing and crawling back to their seats - Christine, through laughter: "oh where's the beanbag...."
Changes (?)
VIMH: Rich: "The ladies are gonna get to know the real Richard Goranski... And the dudes." Then he stares into the distance for like 30 seconds (a very long time), making calculating gestures in the air (like the woman with math meme) before going "Oh. My god............... I am totally bi!"
Maybe wrong, but I swear there was a wind part added to the middle of Michael in the Bathroom??? I thought it might be a flute or digital flute..... but as a flautist I might be projecting.....
The Play: Multiple thin green lights flickered down on people as they got squipped, with a cute video game chime sound. But fairly certain this was always there and I just noticed it this time lmao
Smartphone Hour: Background acting on the little platform at the very back of the stage: a scooby-doo esque chase sequence where a firefighter rushes on from SR and disappears SL (implied Jake's house is SL); the fireman reappears with Jake in his arms and runs back SR to safety. Then Jake runs back across to get something from his house and the fireman is trying to stop him. Then Jake runs back out of the house holding a teddy bear he saved from the fire; the fireman is chasing him back out of the house. It was fucking hilarious 10/10 especially because I couldn't be sure if it was a new addition or if I just completely filtered it out last time like a basketball gorilla dslfjdslfk
Also on Jake: between the teddy bear and the Upgrade scene (also detailed by Dani) where he's talking about archery while holding a plush duck - unsure dramaturgically if it's supposed to be a real dead duck or a toy, but anyway.... Jake who likes stuffies??? IDK if I buy it but I don't know enough about Jake to NOT buy it and its also a very fun headcanon I think so it's going on the pile for me. he can collect plushies with jeremy as far as im concerned dsljfsdkfjs
Oh yeah Jeremy also had a big white duck plush on his bed. edit: this is actually a seagull plush! Its name is Katie and it belongs to stage crew member Anya!
More details I saw this time
Christine actor was actually amazing she has this giggly honk voice she uses when being like obnoxiously loud and silly and idk how to describe it but such intense LOUD SILLYGIRL ENERGY. A little different than the chris im used to and it was fun to see another version of her!!
Maybe I'm insane but I think Christine also pronounced Jeremy kinda like 2 syllables (Jare - me). This extremely slight difference somehow led to me perceiving her singing "Is he worth it? Germyyyyyyy!" IDK Sorry Jaclyn if you are reading this ldksfjdlsk
Lots of times when Jeremy is talking about becoming cool he does little hip gyrations (think Rich at the urinal i guess but more subtle)
Jeremy does this thing where he holds his hand bent stiff with his fingers all together and taps hard on his right temple to express some kind of frustration with the SQUIP- e.g. when he's trying to get the SQUIP to turn on after the first day; during the end of the Halloween party, etc. Actually it very much has the same conceptual energy as "C'c'c'come on....." now that I think about it
Michael blows a cloud of smoke during a few of his entrances (MTS and maybe Halloween - or that was Dustin maybe)
He also uses a vape pen I think? When he says 'we gotta get stoned in my basement'
Preshow montage
Before the show, there's a montage of screenshots from the teens' lives on the back wall --- that is, their selfies and their text convos. Pretty sure the texts were that gossip submitted by fans? I only remember two:
"i heard that guy who wears hoodies all the time only listens to weezer" <- (I only noticed this one 'cause it KILLED ME honestly I feel like Jeremy would love Weezer and Michael would hate it sdjkfljdsf ) edit: this text was submitted by @/thesquirrelqueer!
I don't remember who was on which side, but Brooke or Chloe sending Chloe or Brooke a big comforting text after her breakup and making plans to go get ice cream I think?
"Dad haven't you ever heard of privacy?" He says this while putting on his belt after the opening.
Jeremy's actually gesturing towards his locker for like the entire conversation between Brooke, Chloe, Jenna; when they notice him finally it kinda looks like he's just pointing at them and that's part of why they think he's weird I think?
M: "Humanity has stopped evolving!" Jeremy then takes like 20 seconds of looking confused before going (approximately) "is that supposed to be good...?"
"Christiiiiiine Canigula!" Each Christine section he eventually (around 3rd time) starts using this fanboy totally-losing-his-mind-over-this voice which is REALLY hard to describe but i'll try: like lower & less articulate, like how it sounds when you raise your soft palate (?), and going up at the end kind of laugh-like like he's really excited. (For a bmc reference maybe sounds a little like will roland's tone in i even got some blood flowing / with no computer screen around). Anyway i'm not gonna lie it did make him sound really lame jsdlkfjdsf
"Why can't someone just help me out?" As Jeremy sings this bridge it's all dark except for a light on him. Students line up chairs behind him and sit down. At this line, two guys walk forwards on either side and touch his shoulders (looking kind of solemn / sympathetic) , and guide him back to sit in the chair in the middle. Then the lights come up on everyone and more group choreo wheeee
Post-ILPR MTS reprise
Christine: "Sorry, Jeremy, did you say something?" -> after this scene, she runs off giggling loudly, apparently glad to not be interrupted and VERY visibly excited about Jake asking her out
Jeremy sings "I don't wanna be special / Don't even want to survive...." (Instead of usual "Don't even need to survive.") Not sure if it was intentional but it happened at both shows I saw and made me sad both times noooooo........... guy...........
Squip song
Rich actually rubs his hands all over Jeremy's face (in addition to his arms)
"Top secret can't even look it up on the internet type shit": Rich looks to the side and mimes a rectangle (computer screen) then mimes typing where the keyboard would be
"I don't want that to be my future! Sad, and alone, and ... " - The music cuts out at "sad" instead of at the beginning of this line.
On their relationship in general, I think Michael irritates Jeremy more than fanon typically has it lol. Very excitable Michael who kinda lacks volume control (in several scenes - including VIMH even after Jeremy tells him to be quieter). Constructive interference of autism etc etc
(Again fun to see this!! as a jeremy stan i am definitely guilty of making michael a godlike perfect friend to jeremy and like.. no... they don't actually mesh that well even just in the script!! Often times Jeremy doesn't understand or care about the things Michael says. So yeah absorbing this into my headcanons now thank you)
Also back wall was this like vaporwave looking low-poly 2 person first person shooter game footage (think wolfenstein but with a very different aesthetic - purple and blue, and i think with some objects depicted in mesh).
When Jeremy's spasming on the ground (last time I thought he looked mostly in pain - this time he was vibrating a bit more like he lost muscle control) - local build-a-bear employee Jared Kleinman (JARED KLEINMAN...) and some other people start filming him.
Jared keeps filming him through the scene until SQUIP: "All they see is you having an animated conversation... with yourself." Jeremy turns and notices him; Jared doesn't stop filming but just waves at him nonchalantly (in a mocking way like hey buddy welcome back to reality)
Jared also has a BaB apron and BaB backpack on (or a bear sticking out of his backpack i dont remember). Pretty sure he also had a bear with him in another scene, probably Halloween?
"Lookin pretty sexy, brooke" -- says it in like a low Elvisy voice (like will connolly)
"Everything about you is going to be wonderful" -- Jeremy rolls up his cardigan sleeves so they're just below the elbow. (One of them slipped back down and he put it up again but I didnt think it was intentional lol). I was surprised how much instantly cooler that made him look but maybe that's just because my older brother wears his sleeves like that ljdsfkdsfklsfdlk
......also note that MICHAEL usually wears his sleeves rolled up like that in this production.... inch resting.....
MTS reprise
When the lights first come up, Jeremy is snoring with his head hanging off the side of the bed. He stops breathing for a second, then jerks awake.
Chris: "I know you and Jake used to date...." Chloe and Brooke simultaneously go "Oh my god, no!!!" --- Chloe to Christine (mockingly), meanwhile Brooke is unrelatedly browsing her phone and says it in distress because she (implied) has just seen that Eminem died. As convo continues, Brooke sits next to another student (Leo Collins?) and shows them the article. (She still says 'yeah jake is so gross' to Chloe, just sounding upset)
I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT JEREMY AND BROOKE WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER JLKSDFLDFSJ. I decided to only watch them during this song (/ _ \) Based on their acting when they walked near the stage stairs, they had climbed to the back of the bleachers and were walking precariously on the outside of the railing - specifically, they went over the stair railings - first Brooke and she teeters a bit and jokingly pretends like she's gonna fall off; Jeremy goes under the rail, comes up on the other side and does a gesture like *tada!*. Then they sit down together and are talking and its just really cute. making me ship puppy love over here jdsifojdslkfdjsflk
Michael was at the dance in costume - during a certain point (I think right before Rich starts losing it) Michael gets lost out of the group choreo, seems to be stressed out and runs off stage (presumably to the bathroom)
One of the guys is dressed up like Guy Fieri and it's really good. Like I remember last time I even had a moment where I realized I was interpreting this actor as playing The Real Guy Fieri At Jake's Halloween Party. Also in MITB he uses his hat (which is a combo of visor and fake hair) to knock on the door.
Chloe: "...rock this baby fast asleep" then, laughing: "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she kinda topples onto him. The actress said she got this from the West End production!
When Jeremy says "I can't stand up." It was kind of implied it's because he has an erection not because his legs are frozen; right before this line he stands up then sits down and puts a pillow in his lap. Either way though ig it was still the SQUIP stopping him (S: "you're welcome.")
GTIKBI reprise
as Dani pointed out, Christine was sitting kinda numbly on the beanbag with headphones on; she takes them off when Jeremy starts talking to her.
Voices in my Head
Jeremy's wearing an X-Men shirt!
Re: expensive headphones - Michael's rubbing Rich's shoulders (???) when he says "I'm sure someone would be lucky to have you" (and then of course he still says but not meeeee while sending him flying)
"Throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice" Jake fist bumps with Jeremy (or equivalent gesture i dont remember)
Stagedorks kiss: after C says yes, they walk to the center of the stage. Jeremy rushes forwards and puts his hands on her cheeks (i think?) to pull her into a kiss. They separate, beat, then Christine goes forwards again and they have a long slow kiss while the ensemble keeps dancing and singing around them.
Not intentional i dont think but Patrick the Jeremy actor was crying a bit at the end /( T_ T \ )
OK YEAH i might add more to this if I remember and/or edit it back into the first post...... but hope that was fun to read????
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lilyrealm · 9 months
i simply think it is so fun to imagine a world where a company makes a bunch of androids to assist people and provide companionship so they give the androids stories and release them in certain themes or lines and those androids are the genshin characters. credit to @yandere-daydreams for the idea. i love it so much. yes we all want x character to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and we have sex with them yes but i think its fun to imagine their roles when theyre not being yandere...
also the read more is very long i just went off about my ideas for most of the mondstadt characters. nothing wrong with me
if this is set in teyvats world imagine amber being like a gliding instructor in mondstadt. good engineer too, maybe the first bot that can fix other bots/have intricate knowledge of them (because she made baron bunny).
for human injuries theres barbara and jean, but with different temperaments for different patients. or if we're still set in teyvat, then jean (and the rest of the favonius knights characters) are actually android assistants to the actual human knights. basically the androids replace vision holders??
but yeah kaeya would also be a knight assistant, noelles story is she trains super hard but still isnt a knight (because shes made to help actual trainees!). lisa of course manages the library. yeah sorry thats it. makes tea
and i had the idea (this is all stolen from my own twitter thread from *checks* last year? anyway) that they would tease the release of bots like diluc, rosaria and razor through voicelines from kaeya, barbara and lisa. really like the idea of razor originally being some sort of surveillance android for wolvendom/integrating with them in some way for research and sort of became a guide for people who get lost in wolvendom.
diona and diluc are two different types of bartenders, one is good against people who cant say no to a cute (angry) kitty and the others... are those require some intimidation.
VENTI. god, i think itd be cool if they had prototype models for the seven archons and actual venti bots now definitely play into the "broke bard who plays for alcohol" thing. but of course anyone with eyes knows that his original model was the barbatos android.
oh!! and bennett and fischl being adventurers buddies. bennett is "unlucky" but hes actually like, wired to be hypervigilant and take hits for you while he shrugs it off. and fischl comes with oz if you need some chuuni speech translated, but you can disable that if you want to go full rp with her.
*looks at my thread* oh yeah "Albedo is made for the alchemists in the Knights, and he was meant to be released with Klee, but there was a delay because his ai kept experimenting on its own copies (Flowerfell Albedo?)" ngl i didnt play the albedo event and never bothered to watch a video so i dont know the full extent of his lore here. oh right and i added "sucrose is made to keep an eye on him in the labs" lmao
klee is. i suppose made for the knights. a cute energetic girl to keep morale up, whos fireproof and thus able to scout dangerous areas/bomb them if you so wish.
oh yeah i wrote that the church was not happy about the rosaria bots being made so they relegated her to guarding dragonspine against foolish adventurers. as to why she keeps appearing in bars, well, uh. No comment — Celestia Inc.
the lawrence clan wanted in on this business and sponsored a representative of their family, but mondstadts opinion of them is less than friendly, so the knights compromise and make eula, a lawrence knight.
whew okay for some reason i was able to churn out a lot for mondstadt and then everyone else i was like uh yeah. they exist and do things similar to what they do in game like xiangling being a cook's aide. yep. idk why the mondstadt worldbuilding gripped me so hard like that.
also my last thought is that maybe the hilichurls are just the verryyy alpha version of their bots, the khaenri'ah line (i think daydream mentioned this) and maybe just broke down and went rogue/abandoned. so now they make better bots to fight them and keep people safe. go figure. earns them a ton of cash though. lol imagine if getting them was a lottery too....
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autisticempathydaemon · 5 months
hi hi !! I was wondering if I could have one of the redacted match ups? it's such a cool concept to be putting on ^^
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I believe the song I would go with would probably be Francesca by Hozier, or Unknown/Nth by Hozier. The Bridge to Unknown is probably my favourite because it's such a like emotional lyric. It depicts the story of someone willing to do anything for someone who doesn't love them back.
"Do you know I could break beneath the weight/Of the goodness, love, I still carry for you?/That I'd walk so far just to take/The injury of finally knowin' you?"
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I wouldn't mind listening to a video essay, but I don't purposefully go looking for them! If the topic seems interesting I might click on it tho ^^
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Usually cuddled up with a teddy and listening to a sleep aid ^^ there's only a few times that I pass out a few minutes after laying down/with no help. My favourite sleep aid to go to is Ollie's gaming sleep aid where he's playing MK (I have trouble with the "traditional" sleep aids because its too quiet)
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I won't say what name I chose when i first found out I was Enby because it would (potentially) give me away but the reason I chose it is because it tied multiple parts of my interests together. It felt fitting for that reason. Plus, when ppl hear my name they can usually see that I picked it myself and know that I'm queer as hell so.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
I adore Milo's "getting ready" video (getting dressed up for your feisty werewolf boyfriend), it always makes me feel very special ^^ I also just adore Milo in general (probably my top fav). I also really enjoy the imperium series as it gives us a different side to the boys we love sm.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
I think that one of the boys I don't understand the hype for is Lasko (though, he's slowly growing on me now). I don't know what it was about early Lasko but he just didn't scratch that part of my brain for the longest time.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Oh gods I could go one about this. I would have to say the percy jackson series (and Heroes of Olympus) as that is a series that has stuck with me since middle school. Though honourable mention to Tangled (the movie) because oh how I love it so
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Guy, honestly. Like don't get me wrong i would date him too, but if we're talking friendship he seems like a pretty cool dude.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
The ancient greeks, my ocs, sometimes also space. I never really get to a point where I ramble all that often while tired, but if I'm tired and thinking about something you will hear about it.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Probably Circle K because it's the closest to my house and I usually go for a cherry slushie or orange crush.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
Probably the playlist where I compiled all the Epic: The Musical Songs, or one of my many oc playlists. I will say I do often listen to my spotify Daylist though, that usually brings me a great vibe
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Bear in the Big Blue House, because it was the show from my childhood. Also Grey's Anatomy because sometimes I like getting lost in the dumb drama on that show
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
ummm lets see, maybe that im a reader and creator. I love creating things and indulging in others creations so much its insane. I also don't have a strict like association with foods only being for certain meals. like pancakes/eggs and bacon are an any meal kinda food kinda deal. I'm also more of a night owl, though if I get enough sleep I don't mind being up at 5/6 am if its needed/gives me time to chill before the day "actually starts".
Thank you !!
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So Avior went through HELL, a whole-ass hell, and made the tragic, Byronic hero’s choice to drag his lover back into that hell. That’s so Unreal Unearth-coded. That’s, like, textbook Hozier; that’s your man.
That’s half of it; the other half is that Avior is so Greek mythology, classics, Socratic coded. Like, he gives so much dark academic vibes, and he really rocks it. That’s a man who has strong opinions about Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism in the best way. Avior loves hearing you talk about Greek myths and philosophy and would be the kind of partner where you’d have lots of lively discussions on translations and interpretation of their literature.
Every day with him would be so lively; Avior is the type who’d be such a fantastic beta reader when you’re in need of him. He’s thoughtful, analytical but not cruel or harsh. The two of you just devour books, reccing things to each other constantly. Avior’d also be so fun to watch Grey’s Anatomy with in that he fucking hated it at first but he’s obsessed now. He would have a big crush on Dr. Yang, and who could blame him?
My feet are aching/ And your back is pretty tired/ And we've drunk a couple bottles, babe/ And set our grief aside/ The papers say it's doomsday/ The button has been pressed/ We're gonna nuke each other up boys/ 'Til old Satan stands impressed/ And here it is, our final night alive
I love this song and how fantastic, longing, romantic, and tragic it is. It’s a little more Imperium than Prime-coded but no matter the universe, the vibes of holding onto one another as the sky falls to pieces around you will always suit you and Avior. (This is my favorite version but I also recommend the Matt Maltese original.)
Anton is a runner-up because he also gives tragic academic vibes but not as fun for you, you know? He reads all the same classics but doesn’t have as many strong opinions about them. Blake is your other runner-up because he’s also incredibly Hozier-coded to me but like in a derogatory way.
note: thank you for waiting and submitting 💌
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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otakween · 11 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 1
Dear God...the vibes are immaculate. THIS WAS SO GOOD! So cinematic! So atmospheric! What a fabulous pilot episode. I'm definitely hooked. I'm trying not to overhype this show because the internet has sung its praises to the high heavens and I don't want to be let down. Let's take it one episode at a time and see how it goes :) (so far, so good).
-So many thoughts, so many questions. Firstly, I'm getting the vibe that this is a parallel universe to the worlds of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. In those worlds digimon weren't a fictional concept (as far as I know) before they became real. In this world Takato knows digimon from video games and TCG before he meets one in person. Also. the world isn't aware that digimon are real, so this wouldn't be in the 02 world post-epilogue.
-A very small cast in this one! Only 3 kids (so far). I think this could be a very good thing. Tighter writing and more developed characters. These kids have barely said anything but they already feel more 3 dimensional than the 02 kids lol. Also, their designs are a lot more subdued which I think helps with the realistic feel.
-Culumon was...a little annoying, but cute at the same time. I love his retractable ears and that he asks a zillion questions like a toddler. Just wish he didn't say "culu" ever 2 seconds lol. He looks like a magical girl companion.
-We're still in Tokyo, Shinjuku this time around. Will we ever get a Digimon MC who's a country bumpkin? That could be fun.
-The gamer in me shudders at all of the new digimon that are about to be introduced. Good thing I'm not a "raise them all" kind of completionist.
-Digimon TCG anime debut! When they were like "Option card!" I was like "omg! I know that! I know the rules!" I wonder if the TCG will show up again or if they just used it to kickstart the plot?
-Takato's school DOESN'T have uniforms!? What kind of anime school is this!? (No seriously, I thought that was more of a rural school thing).
-I can relate to Takato designing his own digimon during class. I totally did that in elementary school too (with Pokemon as my inspo tho)
-I'm not in love with the new digivice design (a little bulky), but I like that it has a keychain strap. How practical!
-I'm not sure where Takato is getting the "tamers" vocab from. I don't think that would be referenced too much in the TCG, so he must be getting it from the video games.
-Love that Takato lives above his family's bakery. Give me ALL the anime food!
-I just googled this, but apparently the "guil" in "Guilmon" comes from "guilty." Didn't see that coming. I thought it might be Gila monster lol. Of course we get another stinkin' dinosaur-like digimon for the MC. Oh well. I guess that's what the little boys like. He's kinda cute, I suppose
-I don't know the main girl's name yet, but damn, what a badass! I feel like we haven't gotten this kind of female character yet. Closest would be maybe Hikari in her edgier moments, but she's more on the sweet side. I know that the furries like her partner digimon lol (Renamon, I believe?) To be honest, I'm not sold on her design yet. I think it's a little weird looking. Maybe she'll grow on me.
-When Guilmon's egg hatched I thought he died lol. I forgot that an egg cracked in half can be a good thing too.
-I was kind of giggling when they kept showing the scientists in their cyberpunk chairs and wearing VR headsets. Very 2000s sci-fi vibes (still looks cool, don't get me wrong). When they kept saying "wild one" I was just thinking "hey I heard you were a wild one oooooh~"
-When Jianliang's sister dropped Terriermon on his face I died lol. Why was that so funny? I'm so making a gif later...
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-My guy (Takato) really saw a rat infested tunnel and just crawled right through it. I hope you have a good immune system because Jesus...
-The concept of Takato meeting a digimon and then immediately realizing "oh wait, a fire breathing dinosaur IRL is maybe not a good thing" was great. And of course they had to use it as a cliff hanger! I'm wondering if Guilmon will be able to speak or if he'll be more baby-like.
-Guilmon's existence raises many questions. I guess we technically already knew that people can create digimon, we've seen that happen. However, we haven't seen it happen so casually/easily. Does Takato have some sort of special power or can multiple people do this? Also, if Guilmon was born at child level, what happened to the previous 2 levels. Did Takato draw those in his notebook so they're just coded in there?
(My questions are all rhetorical...I shall wait for the show to answer them, so no spoilers please).
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xumoonhao · 4 months
i was tagged by @onedirecton to tag 10 ppl i want to get to know better and make a few questions :3 hehe, thank you sm alice :3
favourite colour: purple, hehe :3 alice i love that we have the same fav colour 💜💜💜 favourite food: ahhhh, i love most things!!! i do have a soft spot for soups and stews tho like they are so so wonderful……… mutuals pls gather round im giving you all a bowl of w/e soup or stew you like rn 🍲 song stuck in my head: babaero by randy santiago!!! its been stuck in my head since i first listened to it like it really is just so good, god… funky city pop music is really everything to me!!!!!!!! absolute best genre of music ever <<<333 i give it one thousand million hearts <- this was my last obsession bc i wrote all these answers down like. a week ago and forgot to post it so now the song stuck in my head is dagundong by alamat :3 its so good btw~! last long i listened to: hala by alamat!!! spotify did the only good thing its ever done by reintroducing me to alamat again like they are So Good oh my god...highly recommend their music!!! the way they work Filipino history into their videos and songs is soooooooo beautiful omg..... dream trip: hhhhhh i want to go to SO many places but my absolute DREAM is japan!!! id love to check out tokyo bc its so not like where i grew up - a bustling metropolis is what i want to live in like literally get me outta my small town this is not the place for meeeeee 😭 - but nara….the deer there……….god i need to go so BAD and i also just want to go to a cherry blossom festival once like pls…pls :( other than tho id LOVE to visit the great bear rainforest!!! like it just looks so so beautiful and its really not too far from me omg……. last tv show/movie: im currently watching the cherry magic anime (it is so good and so cute omg i forgot how much i enjoy the story….) and rewatching kyou kara maoh which is really and truly such a beloved anime To Me like its absolutely ridiculous god i love it sm!!! and i dont remember the last movie i watched?? i Think it was skinamarink but i could be wrong bc i watched that early last year and surely ive seen a movie since then…? but also maybe not bc i truly do only watch like 1 movie a year 😭 <- also update to this bc i watched sweet home a couple days ago!!! it was quite good and i really enjoyed the practical effects in it :3 older horror movies really have such a beloved place in my heart ahhh...also in writing this i remember i watched The Thing after skinamarink...i. only watched horror movies apparently spicy/sweet/savory: SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️ i do like all these things but if i had to choose id def go spicy over either of these!!! i do like spicy + sweet tho like omg one time i had spicy chocolate frozen yogurt and it was sooooooo good !!! idk what was used to make it spicy but i Adored it wahhhh~
also!!! in your lil tag game it said to make a few cool questions so i will make some <<<333
If you could be any animal, would you choose to be a domesticated animal or a wild one? Domesticated can extend to a wild animal that has been individually raised in a home, i.e., someone raising a raccoon a pet.
What is your favourite medium of creation? If you don't really engage in making things, pick whatever you're most interested in trying :3 And by medium I mean everything from drawing or making music or writing…anything creative!
What is/are your favourite(s) combination of colours?
Imagine your perfect summer day; what does it look like? Give as much description as you want :3
What is your favourite celestial object?
now, ill tag @grlfriends, @kwonhochi, @vampirebiter, @wonhosgrl, @librapropaganda, @honeydewtual, @heartual, @10281, @taengoo, @morgoth, @bixiaoshi, @ghostfeather, @ashmp3, @lovenee, @earlymay, @anglerfishare1inchto3feetlong, and @huiven!!! only if you want, ofc :3 and i know it said only 10 ppl but you see. i lost count while tagging ......... but thats fine <3
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hellfirecvnt · 2 years
Love your writing and was wondering if you could write a eddiexreader smut😅. They’re (the older teens nancy robin steve jonathan argyle and eddie) hanging out at Steves place during the day in the pool (skimpy Bikini?) and later that evening they’re playing two truths and a lie while under the influence of weed and tequila shots. Its y/ns turn and since she is a lil pervert and loves to mess with eddie bc thats just the way you banter, she decides to mess with him by stating: „okay my turn! One: i am deadly afraid of butterflies. Two: i lost my virginity after watching the shining. And three: (y/n looks to eddie) im a squirter“ they all discuss but she was only focused on munsons reaction. They all voted for the butterfly thing because it seems the most obvious. „Nope scary fucking things, i have never squirted… yet“ later eddie offered to walk her home bc its on his way and his pervy side comes out.
Would love it if it ended with her squirting all over him and him being very proud xD
Long ask but your words sound better than the way i would write it 😅
X J🖤
What's truly wild to me is I have two requests rn and both involve a skimpy bikini water situation and god damn it, I love it here. Thank you for this prompt, I'm already in love AAAA!! (Also idk how to do two truths and a lie as a drinking game. Like idk when they have to take a shot so I'm gonna say when they get it wrong they take a shot lmao.)
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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Warnings: Smut (+18, minors DNI), perv!Eddie, perv!reader, drinking, drugs, unprotected sex, more?
A/N: no one is dead. Idk, everything still happened 1-4 but just no death.
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You've lived in Hawkins for about a year now. Same as your friend Argyle. He says he moved here after a crazy earthquake, but you moved here to get away from the city or something cool and mysterious like that.
In the time you've lived here, you made friends with a really fun group of people. Nancy, who you met through journalism at school. Steve and Robin, who you met at Family Video. They took to you like a sibling the moment they found out you knew Nancy. Jonathan and Argyle moved here with the rest of the Byers. Same story about a weird earthquake. You don't ask too much about it.
But then there was Eddie. You meet him for the first time today. You've noticed him plenty of times but didn't get the chance to meet him until Steve and Robin dragged him to Steve's place for a small get-together. You're the first to arrive, a common trait for you.
"Y/N! You came!" Robin beams as she answers the door.
"Of course! I never turn down drinking by a pool," you lift the handle of tequila above your head and give it a "look at this" shake.
"Tequila? Do you want me to die?" Steve appears behind you, hands full of snacks for the shindig.
"Where's everybody at?" You yell into the empty home.
"They're on the way, you're like 30 minutes early. Again." Robin jokes as she passes you a knife to help her chop up fruit for the drinks. The rest of the crew arrives, and finally, in walks a tall, frizzy-haired man in a jean vest. He had several different patches, each one of your favorite bands.
"Munson, you made it!" Steve calls across the kitchen.
"Yeah, I thought you said this wasn't a party, Hair." He smirks, taking the beer Steve has extended out to him. The group migrates outside and you and Robin follow with trays of snacks.
"Oh, by the way, Y/N. This is Eddie," Steve places a friendly hand on Eddie's shoulder and lightly shakes him. He's an overtly friendly guy when he's drunk.
"Nice to meet you!" You smile at him, extending a hand to shake his. He stares at you silently for just a moment. Inside his head, he's fighting everything inside him to keep his eyes on your face. He fights to not let them travel down your body to your barely-there, black bikini. A silver chain dangles around your neck, slotting between your breasts and he's about to explode.
"Oh, uh, I'm Eddie," he answers a question no one asked.
"Yeah. I'm Y/N," you giggle, his face becomes ever so slightly rosy.
"Dude, who brought the tequila?" Argyle's face lights up as he cracks open the lid and pours everyone a shot. You slice a lime and pass the salt shaker around.
"What's the salt for?" Nancy, innocent Nancy.
"Why do you know how to shoot a gun, but you don't know how to shoot tequila?" You quip, earning a laugh from the group.
"It's much easier to pull a trigger than it is to drink something that smells like this." She lifts the shot glass to her nose before quickly yanking it away.
"Well, don't sniff it. That'll really make it hard," Jonathan rubs her back lovingly as she fights the smell out of her nose.
"Oh yeah? Nancy making it hard over there, Jonathan?" You tease, making them both blush. Everyone clinks their tiny glasses together in cheers. Eddie can't keep his eyes off of you. You're funny and sexy and, wow, a little pervy? He downed his shot without the lime or salt, staring at you the whole time.
You don't notice his eyes fucking you from every angle, you just keep laughing with Robin and Nancy.
"Hey, psst, Y/N!" Argyle whispers loudly, no one caring what he's saying. "You wanna come smoke this?" He holds up a skillfully rolled joint in his fingers. Jonathan stands behind him giving two thumbs up in encouragement.
"Hell yeah," you tell the girls to give you a minute and you start off toward the guys.
"Hey, I got one too," Eddie captures you and the boys' attention.
"Then come on, man. Let's go!" Argyle invites him enthusiastically.
"Freaks," Steve jokes with Nancy and Robin as they remain by the pool. The group comes back after a while. Everyone's eyes are bright red. Smiles spread ear to ear on each of your faces.
"I have the best idea," you narrow your eyes toward the entire group. They all look at you expectantly. "Two truths and a lie. I used to play it all the time back home."
"Oh my God, we played that game in Mr. Clark's class in like 7th grade because that kid got violently angry with a custodian and everyone felt like maybe the kids needed a chill day and-" Robin rambles even more when she's buzzed. She notices everyone staring silently and stops. "My bad, let's play."
Nancy goes first. Hers is quite difficult because they're all boring. Jonathan is the only one to guess her lie. Robin goes, then Steve, you easily guess their lies, they have no poker face.
"My turn! One," you hold up a finger, theatrically. "I'm deathly afraid of butterflies. Two," another finger. "I lost my virginity right after watching The Shining for the first time. And three," you raise a third finger and glance over at Eddie. Your sudden eye contact catches him off guard. "I'm a squirter." His cheeks instantly burn with rising blood. You focus on his reaction above everyone else.
"Jesus, Y/N!" Nancy playfully shoves your shoulder, laughing.
"Well like... I don't know your life, but I feel like it's gotta be the bug thing, right?" Argyle consults the group.
"Yeah, I've never seen you around a butterfly, but I don't think you'd be too scared. I saw what you did to Billy when you heard how he talked to Max." Steve chuckles.
"What'd she do to Hargrove?" Eddie furrows his brow. It's the only time his focus has shifted to anywhere but you since he got here.
"I broke a bottle on his head, big deal. Don't talk to little kids like that," you cross your arms, unintentionally pushing your breasts together, they're oily from tanning products/sun screen. Eddie's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull, he almost has to fight back a groan.
"Okay! Butterflies, final answer!" Robin returns everyone to the point.
"Pour up, fellas. I fucking hate butterflies," you spout proudly.
"So wait, what's the lie?" Jonathan asks.
"I'm not a squirter. I've never had that happen... Yet." You glance at Eddie once again, running your tongue across the bottoms of your teeth. You watch as Eddie's breath gets faster and faster. Something about flustering him is doing more for you than any other man, woman, or person has.
After you're all good and buzzed, you file into the pool. Argyle instantly cannonballs into the deep end, Steve follows suit. You and the rest of the girls linger in the mid-depth water. You lounge against the pool wall, water barely up to your tits. The pool is large, but not gigantic. So Eddie takes his chance to swim back and forth underwater so he can peek at your ass as your tiny bikini rides up your cheeks.
You notice his glances and nonchalantly toss his a pair of goggles. No one notices as you slide your index fingers up the seams of your bottoms, exposing even more flesh for him. He watches you do it, but somehow cannot let himself believe that just happened. He ends up having to "wait" in the pool a little longer than everyone else.
It's one of the best nights of your life. Just your friends and booze and weed. What else is there? Oh yeah, sex. You've been teasing Eddie all night, doing everything in your power to watch him shift and switch around in his seat as he tries to hide what you're doing to him.
Argyle, Nancy, and Jonathan all leave together. Argyle is more of a smoker than a drinker, so he was okay to drive by the end of the night having only taken 3 shots in total, the entire day. You live within walking distance from Steve, luckily. And so does Eddie.
"Bye, you guys!" You slur, hugging Robin tightly, causing her cheeks to blush slightly. You hug Steve too and wave goodbye to Eddie.
"Hey, wait. Let me walk you home. It's a weird town and you're wearing nothing but a bathing suit," Eddie offers, working his hardest to appear some sort of sober. He changed back into his normal clothes before anybody. Most likely to make it easier to hide his erection.
"I don't want you walking alone either, though," you argue, concerned and drunk.
"It's on the way, it's fine," He wraps an arm around your shoulder and leads you out the door, turning back to wink at Steve.
"Called it," Steve and Robin speak at the same time after you and Eddie close the door behind you.
"So, butterflies, huh?" Eddie brings that back up.
"Yeah, dude. Have you ever seen their fucking faces?" You're shocked you even have to explain this.
"Nah, I don't think about butterflies when I think about 'fucking faces.'" Eddie becomes a little more comfortable when he's alone with you. You side-eye him with a smirk as you both walk.
"How often do you think about fucking faces, Eddie?" Your voice lowers, a special subtle emphasis on his name. His legs nearly fail him right then and there.
"I don't know. Seemed to be one of the only things I could think about all night tonight," he slides his hands into his pockets.
"What were the other things?" You tug on your bottom lip with your teeth.
"The way that bikini leaves very little to the imagination." He gently, but quickly takes the string tying your bottoms together and pulls it. You catch the front, but the entire back falls down. He stops in his tracks and takes a few steps back, watching you as you dropped your bag to try and fix your falling suit.
"You son of a bitch, what was that for?" You tie the knot back securely.
"Just making sure my imagination was right," he runs his tongue over his top lip, looking down at you.
"That's not fair, I can't untie anything off you." You cross your arms playfully.
"You can take anything you want off of me, sweetheart. It's only fair." He grins, looking down at your blushing face.
"My house is right here." You point to a shrub blocking a house just on the other side. Eddie glances at it and then goes back to you. His grin has turned a lot more devious. You lead him inside, your parents are out of town for the next two weeks, so you don't worry about getting caught.
You lead him to your room and the second your door closes, you're all over each other. Hands roaming each other's bodies where your eyes had spent all night exploring. He kisses you hungrily, taking your bottom lip in his teeth and gently pulling. You moan into his kiss as his hands brush over your crotch through your bathing suit.
"Fuck, what are you waiting for?" You moan as he rubs sweet circles on your pussy before undoing the string on both sides of your bottoms and tossing them aside. After shoving you on the bed, he plunges his long, ringed middle finger into your drenched pussy, pumping in and out of you lightly. Whining moans fall from your mouth as he curls his finger inside you.
"God damn, you're so wet. You have fun teasing me all night?" Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Almost made me fuck you in front of all your friends."
"Had to get you here somehow," you moan, placing your hand on his as it moves.
"Yeah, and now I'm here. And I'm gonna make you regret inviting me inside." He withdraws his hand from between your thighs, leaving your back arching for contact.
"Eddieee," you whine, bucking your hips against nothing.
"Shhh, I'm gonna make you feel so good, you won't even notice I stole your panties when you changed into your bathing suit at Harrington's."
"You what?" He holds up your purple lace thong, bringing it to his face and inhaling your scent. You're overcome with butterflies as you watch his pants tighten as his fingers wrap around the small bit of cloth.
"I'll just hold on to these a little longer." He winks before shoving them into his back pocket. He positions himself with his head between your thighs. You can feel his hot breath on your throbbing clit. He plants soft kisses on your inner thighs before finally plunging his tongue between your folds.
You reach down and wrap your hands in his frizzy curls, holding his head firmly against you. He chuckles against the sensitive skin as he feels your fingers weave through his hair. He flicks his tongue over your clit quickly, snaking a hand up to finger you while he licks. He adds a second finger, and you throw your head back as the tension builds in your stomach.
"Oh my God, don't stop!" You moan loudly as you reach your climax. Your back arches and your legs shake involuntarily. You're twitching and grasping as he rises and looms over you.
"Don't worry, you're not done." He stares into your eyes as he sucks his fingers clean. He quickly unfastens his belt, lowering his jeans and boxers to the bend of his knee. His throbbing erection springs toward you, desperate to stretch you out. He strokes himself a few times before positioning his head at your entrance.
"Please, please Eddie," you beg, bending any way you can to try to feel his cock inside you.
"No, I love the way you sound when you beg." He lowers his face to your ear, hovering over you on all fours. "Begging to get fucked by a guy you met today."
"Yeah, look how easy you are," you taunt. He chuckles, sliding his dick up and down your slit, gathering your arousal around the head.
"So fucking hot," his voice is no more than a growling whisper. He stays put, teasing your hole for a few moments more. You writhe and twitch beneath him, but he doesn't relent. He drinks in the image of your distress as you plead for him to enter you.
"Eddie, for the love of-" he cuts you off by slamming into you at full capacity. You let out a loud, sensual moan. There's a slight dull pain due to Eddie's size, but it quickly turns to overwhelming pleasure as he fucks into you.
You sink your nails into his shoulders, pulling him impossibly close to you as if being inside you wasn't close enough. His large, strong hands grip your thighs roughly, ensuring you take his full length with every thrust.
"Fuck, how are you so fucking tight?" Eddie moans as he tosses his head back, rutting into you like a sex toy. He fucks you hard like he has no regard for your feelings, but you know he does by the way he rubs sweet circles on your clit while he thrusts. You've never felt this kind of build-up in your abdomen. Even just with his tongue moments ago, that might've been the hardest you've ever came.
You're about to finish again when he quickly pulls out.
"Eddie, no!" You whine, immediately reaching your hand down to finish yourself. He catches your wrists, pinning them above your head as you buck and squirm, your orgasm slowly fleeting.
"Regret it, yet?" He smirks, waiting for your thrashing to end. The moment your legs relax, he plunges directly back into you. Fucking you wildly as if he never stopped. The build-up is somehow more intense this time. Your back arches so far you think it's gonna snap.
"Eddie! I cant- I can't take anymore," you start to shove at him with weak arms, but you keep letting him continue because it feels too good.
"You're gonna take it, sweetheart," he whispers into your ear before slowing down to a near stop. He pumps into you at a snail's pace, watching your eyes roll back as you feel every inch inside you. He gradually regains his speed until he's fucking you at the perfect rate.
Your heart rate quickens by the second, the pit in your stomach and the throbbing in your clit makes you almost delirious. A few more moaning gasps and you scream.
"Eddie, wait-" but it's too late. You squirt against him, flooding his lower half in your ecstasy. Whimpers fall from your lips as he continues to fuck you through your high. The sight of your flood and the knowledge that he just made you experience that for the first time are enough to have his orgasm not far behind.
"Fuck," he growls as he grinds into you, filling you with warmth. His cock twitches inside you, and your overly sensitive cunt feels every tiny movement as he pulls out. He collapses next to you, you're both worn out and breathless, covered in each other's sweat.
"That was amazing..." You're in awe of what your body just did.
"First time's the fucking charm," Eddie brags through heavy breaths.
"I don't think that's the saying." You chuckle.
"Doesn't matter, I just made you squirt all over my cock," he grins ear to ear. "For the first time in your life."
"I dunno, I think you need to do it again so we can be sure." You bite your lip, scanning Eddie's sweaty face.
"Give me 20 minutes, and I'll make you cum until I fucking drown." He jokes, his voice a low rolling tone. Blush forces itself to your cheeks, and he kept his promise. 20 minutes later your legs were over his shoulders and your bed is getting so wet, you know you're going to have to change the entire bed set, but you don't care.
Every time he makes you squirt, Eddie's ego gets a little bigger, causing him to fuck you harder and longer than the session before. You fuck all day and well into the night before the two of you finally crash, covered in sweat and cum, entangled in each other.
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
I have been encouraged by the fact that you seem to be tolerating my rants and I was literally JUST thinking about ancient hair so hi I'm invading your askbox yet again but this time with images to back up my chaos
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here is a graffiti! Most likely of an ancient, judging by the humanoid stature, the stripes on its body, the little spots, the covered-up eyes (it bugs me how the ancients black out their eyes in artworks. I get that it's probably part of the whole 'abate thine self' mindset but I WANT TO SEE THEIR WHOLE FACES DAMN IT)
But this ancient is missing their tentacle-hair!! This leads me to believe that some ancients either straight-up lack this feature, have lost their tentacles somehow, or perhaps even choose to remove them.
While no other images (that I have currently found, there may be others) depict completely bald ancients, several show them no visible tentacle-hair.
Here is one of the tapestries:
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The one on the right has very long and obvious tentacle-hair. The one of the left doesn't appear to have any (unless they do and I'm just blind). I would guess that this ancient just has the shorter variant of the tentacle hair, or be missing it entirely.
This image shows that ancients also canonically have tiny tails!!! This is shown by the ancient on the right, who appears to. um. not be wearing any clothing. My apologies for showing this indecency, it was either this or the Karma 2 tapestry.
Also their feet. Do not get me started on the pure confusion that is ancient feet.
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Here is an image which you've shown several times now. In my opinion it's the best depiction of an ancient that we have. I refer to it as 'the holy grail of ancient imagery' (sorry, I'm a nerd).
This ancient has pretty darn short tenta-hair compared to some of the other art. Their bottom three tentacles have extra rings surrounding the little center dot which could be evidence at tenta-hair trimming (I'm kinda grasping at straws here but idk).
There are several other images depicting short tentacle-hair, but I honestly can't tell whether or not those images are actually ancients or just wacky blobs.
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This dude looks like a skeleton. Does that mean the tentacle-hair have little bones at its base????? The implications of this for the first graffiti I showed, with the ancient with no tentacle hair! The poor dude lost their head bones!
Before I slither back to my cave I would also like to deposit this graffiti:
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It's clearly not an ancient, but it appears to have the tentacle-hair. Distant ancestor, perhaps? It may just be a very heavily stylized ancient (body modifications, maybe?) But I mean. Come on. That is pretty clearly some type of aquatic animal. And it looks vaguely like an ancient. ANCIENTS ARE OCEAN CREATURES. FIGHT ME.
This is all wild and rampant speculation, please correct me if I missed something, got something terribly wrong, or if none of this makes any sense whatsoever.
And my apologies for desecrating your askbox again. You may politely tell me to shut up at any point and I'll move my rampant speculation somewhere else
(and I just noticed that someone made Sparrows fanart. Why did I never think of doing this before arghhhh *runs off to find my drawing tablet*)
oh dear god why's there Bone in The Sasanka jaysus fuck video cult what have you done........
though honestly- if u're allowin my opinion- some things are most likely artistic choices. the skeleton hair thing is most likely to definitely an artistic choice of some dude goin "i wanna draw a cool skull but don't wanna miss out on the hair...- oh i know!"
the holy grail one is legit so fuckin good, gods bless- n i'm really sorry to bap at your straws, but yeah, that's probably not much
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i can actually tell you for fact that those are attempts at gettin the end of the tentacle more defined/communicated to the viewer or it's leftovers of the sketch in some way. how am i so sure? cuz dear god.
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shaking hands with this anonymous lost soul of an Ancient graffiti artist in these chilli's tonight
with feet i'm also pretty sure a lot of stuff is artistic interpretation tangling in! the most canonical feet pic glimpse we get are these
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with the rest being so small EITHER cuz of that artistic decision shit or there might be another bound of body horror involved, from either cutting the toes off or doing similar feet binding technique that was a thing in real life China. i like to think the bottoms of their feet still have pedal disks that sea anemones possess n they gotta wrap 'em up like this to avoid sticking to floors cuz that shit is like suction cups
ah yes, karma three mural.... i've had that shit opened on my browser for a month now, i know that one intimately. yeah! that one is the culprit behind every single tail on an Ancient in the whole fandom n i adore it so much. the fact that it's so... sad (lookit the fuckin teeny nub, whatcha gon do with that) made me decide that the lower circles have more proper ones! and -tsk- AAAAAAHR who give a shit bout nudity up in this bitch, this just how we ball. all from the artistic, biological and religious sense, heavens know each time i draw Sparrows from behind without her jacket on i feel like i'm toeing Some kind of line. nudity is just a different kind of deal for them than for us culturally n i think that is super neat actually. taking things that are a given to us n flippin it all on its head is one of my favorite things to do, rule 180° bayyybeeee
n i do NOT mean this in a mean way, this is lighthearted but i'm JGSDKMCLKMKGKSDLCK i get handed a clam with a whale tale with lil geysers on top of it n told "this is Sparrows' great times 1000 grandpapa" JGSKLCKL
LIKE,,, NOT DISPUTING IT CUZ WHO THE HELL KNOWS ANYMORE. SEA ANEMONES WITH BIPEDAL BODY PLAN IS ALREADY SO FUCKIN WEIRD THIS MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN. i just can't help but see some sorta looney tunes clam whale in it. -dreamy sigh- what if they had looney tunes-esque cartoons...........
but yes, these fucked up things Def came from the oceans cuz the oceans always spit out the strangest shit and i also adore to think that their whole society runs on water energy/steam so the connection of It Came From The Sea with that really tickles my worldbuilding enthusiast brain
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khaire-traveler · 9 months
hey! just wanna know, how do you feel about hellenism related media? do you like something?
Hey, Nonny, thanks for the ask! I appreciate that you're curious about my opinion.
Personally, I don't engage with modern media about the gods much. I've had people tell me about it, and I've read about it, but there's a lot of stuff out there that I haven't really interacted with. I try not to be too judgemental, although I used to be a lot more critical of how modern media depicts the gods, but it's still not something I often enjoy. As a worshipper, my opinion is always bound to be biased, but I try my best to judge modern media for its story-telling rather than its accuracy (although that doesn't always happen, if I feel the depictions are egregious enough).
Below, I'll state my thoughts and opinions on the media I have interacted with (or at least have heard extensively about which is the case for Percy Jackson, as I haven't read the books).
I did like the Hades game! I felt it was really fun to play through, and as a game, it kept me engaged. I genuinely had fun with the game mechanics and the relationships you can build with other characters. It has its flaws, but so does every game. I've recently heard some grumbling about the way it depicts Greek mythology, but honestly, I think that if people are basing all of their knowledge of Greek mythology on a video game, it's up to natural selection at that point (this is a joke).
Along with Hades, I did find myself enjoying Immortals: Fenyx Rising. I was surprised with how similar the gameplay was to Genshin Impact, actually, but I'm not gonna talk about that lol. Fenyx isn't as widely known, but the way it handles Greek mythology is adequate and intriguing. The characters are pretty fun, and I enjoyed helping them in their main quest. The twist at the end (I will not spoil it) rubbed me kind of the wrong way, but I understood that it's just a game trying to tell a story, you know? It was fun, engaging, and interesting. Oh, and the monsters were pretty cool! I loved how they included monsters that you wouldn't really expect to see. The Hydra was a bit underwhelming to me, though.
Then there's the God of War series. Listen, I LOVED the recent additions to God of War that centered on the Norse pantheon - beautiful graphics, interesting story-telling, and a fun use of the mythology - but the original games that take place in Greece kind of bothered me. Mostly, yes, it was the representation of the gods. The way pretty much all of them were villainized (and the way they did Hermes so, so dirty, imo 💀) was a bit comical and strange to me. It felt like it lacked nuance to their characters (even Aphrodite was kind of there for one main "purpose" if you catch my drift). I also wasn't too big on the character designs of all the gods. Some were interesting, but others didn't land for me (mostly Hermes; he looks like he should be Apollo or Helios, and I just don't understand what they were trying to do with his design). Overall, it's a VERY fun series, but I find myself not being able to enjoy the original games as much because of their depictions of the gods.
Other forms of media (that are more popular), however, aren't really my thing. Percy Jackson isn't something I'm too big on. It plays into a lot of harmful tropes about the gods, and unfortunately, I've had some bad experiences with the more disrespectful side of the fandom. Not every PJO fan is an asshole, though (most aren't), which is extremely important to keep in mind (I see a lot of hate in the HelPol community towards them sometimes, so that's why I say that). I felt the plots were creative, for sure, but I didn't like the way Rick handled some topics or the way he sort of twisted the mythology for his own purposes. Like, some of these major plots throughout the series are absolutely bizarre; they make certain gods out to be massive assholes, tbh. Also, I didn't like the way Rick stated that the Greek gods "left the dangerous Mediterranean"; it just felt like a really weird and uncomfortable way to refer to Greece. I think if Percy Jackson brings new people into HelPol, then that's great, but people definitely shouldn't base their knowledge of Greek mythology on the books which is something I've unfortunately seen happen. If you enjoy the series, that's cool; it's just not my cup of tea, personally.
I think the one piece of modern media about the gods that I genuinely hate - and I really do mean hate - is Lore Olympus. That shit has harmed even the pagan community which is kind of wild. I've literally had people call me an "Apollo sympathizer" for worshipping a god who is NOTHING like the damn comic. It is an extremely disrespectful representation of the gods and mythology, and it's something that gets under my skin quite a lot. And honestly, it doesn't need to happen with the Greek gods. If you took the characters out of the setting they're in and placed them somewhere else, it wouldn't really change much, in my opinion; the Greek mythology part of it is really just used for the dramatics. It doesn't have much to do with Greek mythology besides just wanting to make Persephone and Hades the main focus. I have other complaints about it, but I will save my Lore Olympus critique for another day lol. I could go on forever about what bothers me.
I hope this answered your question thoroughly! Feel free to ask more if you're curious about anything else. Have a great day/night. ☺️🧡
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asafeplaceforus112 · 11 months
Oshi no ko episode 1
He's a pedo ):< ewwwwwwwww
She's 16
Oh my god
Jesus Christ I know 16 year Olds have their own agency but also Jesus Christ why is her voice actor sound so much older (we are watching dub)
Different note, I hate the fact that an idol having a kid is treated as a bad thing. Like also having a relationship with people it's just fucked.
Jesus oh my god we're glamourising natural births
Dude what is happening
What the fuck
It's quite cute that the babies have one sparkly eye like Ai it's very cute
How has he been eating????
Ai is really cool
No No no
Ruby is gonna kill me
Okay good
"act good and possibly a second marriage to a handsome actor in the future" omg I love thst
Different note, Ruby is 100% the child that got him into Ai right?
It immediately was like "look!"
I kinda like that this show shows the fucked up world of being an idol.
Why did he tell him about the music video stuff
Omg the director is just okay with a chatty child
Omg this is so interesting
Omg it's so funny "I can't kill her"
Omg he's been calling him creepy this whole time
Awe she's just a kid that's kinda sad
I love that it's just "yaaaay fun" and then it's "noones found my corpse yet"
Oh god this poor girl
I want her to be able to dance and live and exist and just amazing
Awwee it's kinda really really sweet
"Don't be stupid and meet with the father" "ofcourse ^-^" -planning to meet the father-
I like how the young her hasn't just empty spots instead of the stars
I just realised that this episode was an 1hr and 20 min I was wondering how this episode got so much stuff in it by 20 mins
Omg you're a doctor try to help her
There's gotta be more like she's not dying coz there's 10 more episodes so it'll be okay right it'll be okay
Omg omg omg omg
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
I like ruby I like ruby "why is the internet like this" damn I want to hug her
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fuck I thought this was going to be a fun anime what the fuck
Oh my god he's figuring it out that it was the boyfriend
What the fuck
Holy shit I'm fucking FLABBER GHASTED
Holy shit that was too good
I'm usually not into these kind of anime but it got me goddamn good luck to me on the other side
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