#no lineart we die like men
son1c · 7 months
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dusadoodles · 5 months
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stinky stinky man 😍
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aftermyownart · 8 months
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Took an old sketch and tried my hand at rendering/colouring. Still not entirely pleased, but definitely a good start. Might have done better if I'd started with clean lineart, but oh well, we all love a bit of hot garbage in our own ways.
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
Okay so it's a little bit late but I wanted to do some art for my boxer dad headcanons!!
So here we have:
Bear Hugger reading to his daughters, Daisy (L) and Poppy (R)
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And Kaiser's boys, Alfreid (L) and Viktor (R) being protective of their dad!
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lavenders-artstuff · 2 years
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mxmadius · 9 months
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Gonna try to make some art every day of October. Not doing a specific challenge, and i might miss some days, but Im giving it a shot.
Anyway, here's day one!
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n0tmidnight · 7 months
this is probably what happens to marc everyday after re-creation
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No lineart we die like men clean up your sketch and be happy
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Sorry for spamming your notifs I was just wondering if you have any lineart/ coloring tips!
Im trying to improve my art and your style is perfect!!!
A joy you'd ask such an extensive question: I recorded a quick timelapse (Sorry I don't control the speed on Clip Studio)
I draw with vector layers for line art, meaning I can erase overlapping lines SUPER easy with a Vector eraser:
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To make them not highlighted in orange btw (For CSP specifically) I believe you gotta go into "View" and "turn off vector paths".
I usually have a layer behind the characters that is "Grey" so I know where I've colored until I change it to black with protect Alpha.
In GENREAL advice I'd give: Do "Figure drawings" I think they're called. VERY QUICK rough sketches to get a figure/pose down. I draw like a speed demon because I don't focus on "Getting lines perfect" either. Paper is a less forgiving medium, when I was a kid (And even now) i sketch on paper with Pen. NO MISTAKES. WE DIE LIKE MEN. It makes you think a lot more about "How am I gonna do this right the first time" Basically: Your boy is quick, he likes to do it in 1 go and art style is pretty simple. Affective for making comics FAST. Which is what I care about since my stories/dialogue are kinda the highlight not the pictures, they just take my stuff to THE NEXT LEVEL. :)
Lately I've been trying to "Care less" about getting perfect clean line art (Tbh I think I've always cared a little less because SOME PEOPLE SPEND 8 HOURS ON A DRAWING AND HALF THE TIME THEY SPENT WAS ERASING SHIT. I COULD NOT. O.O)
The need for speed is because I need to make so many pages for all my comics in a timely manor.
Looking at AOT's butt ugly art and Chainsaw man's beautiful scratchy lines made me realize I was being way to uptight about my own shit looking "Perfect". So I've tried to be more fluid with it.
Speaking of: I recommend anyone who likes manga to try to mimic some art styles to learn stuff. "Why'd they do xy or z" "How'd they achieve x" ya know? Here's two of my avatars from my zelda videos (OOT is still in progress)
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But it also depends on what you're TRYING to go for:
I don't WANT/NEED a consistent art style. I mostly just do whatever I feel fits whatever I'm working on. "On model" isn't in my vocabulary. X'D
I recommend studying anatomy because it REALLY amped up my abilities to draw the human body better. Full figure drawings, don't run away from things you might be bad at. X'D (Or work with what you do, I am shit at drawing hands, so they'll turn into weird monstrosities but nobody's said anything yet! XD)
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People are seemingly willing to forgive a lot of mistakes: If it's funny. X'D I gotta try harder in serious scenes hahaha. Also having weird as fuck/abstract character design like my boys Ball and Bat
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You're not gonna question anatomy choices for a thing that looks like THAT.
Simple character design is my passion~
For coloring: Outside of me understanding basic color theory I just do what makes my brain go BRRR so I can't really DESCRIBE why I like what I like? X'D
But here's some of my color palettes! I implore anyone to use them if they like them. They're not some trade secret, they're just colors.
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Anyways that's all I got hope it helps. XD
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theduckofindeed · 2 years
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So that's where all my recent doodles ended up... Ahem, I saw this template a while back and finally got around to filling out one of my own.  If you want to fill in your own favorites, the blank template can be found at the link below:
Camper - Lili Zanotto: Actually, my favorite camper would probably be Mikhail because I find his odd obsession with wrestling bears to be rather amusing.  But he didn’t look all that great when I drew him, so I just went with Lili instead.
Agent - Milla Vodello: Easily my favorite agent, none can surpass Milla’s beauty and kindness.  We could all benefit from having someone like her in our lives.
Intern - Razputin Aquato: I wasn’t a fan of any of the interns introduced in the second game, so I had to go with our brave hero Raz doing his classic pose.
Founder - Compton Boole: I identify with people who suffer from crippling social anxiety…
Aquato - Augustus Aquato: Augustus seems like a real cool guy, so I’m kind of confused where Raz got the idea that his dad hated him, and psychics, so much.  Oh, and I was NOT going to include the rather awkwardly placed patch on his…pants…
Inmate - Crispin Whytehead: Anyone who’s been following me anywhere on the internet lately knows this honor goes to none other than my ugly boy, Crispin.  He might be a huge jerk, but I couldn’t help but fall in love with his snarky attitude, his strangely pleasant voice, and his odd penchant for being rude and polite at the same time.  Crispin, you had me at, “kindly back away from my elevator and die”!
Animal - Linda the Lungfish: She’s a magical lady, after all…
Mental NPC - G-Men: I forgot to scan in my lineart for this guy, but at least we have the finished version of one of the G-Men from the Milkman Conspiracy.  Their “feces” line has become a recurring joke in my Youtube videos.  Because I’m a super immature person.
Mental Enemy - Censor: I love these little guys.  Oh, and seeing as this angry little Censor was the first character I colored, that would explain why his shading differs from that of everyone else.  I was still getting used to coloring with these new markers….
Other - Dr. Loboto: My second favorite character in the series is our dear deranged dentist and brain surgeon, Dr. Loboto, who we can only hope is truly reformed after the events of Psychonauts 2.  I'd like to think that he and Crispin went on to cause plenty of harmless mischief and no more brains are being stolen or teeth pulled.
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crow-does-art · 1 year
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An art trade gift from a little while back for my friend @ashuribbon of his OC Sera !
I had to rush it a little to make it just in time for the deadline, but it got me practicing my "no lineart we die with the sketch like men" technique haha
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sturgeontime · 3 years
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here's my sona ref just for funsies 🧡
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nuruns · 5 years
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there’s no shepard without vakarian, so you better remember to duck
Happy N7 day! 🚀 
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@deniigi it’s not one of ur prompts but i did draw it because of your prompts? sort of? i guess? more like, ur prompts got me interested in daredevil again so,, i used a ref but i can’t find it anymore rip edit: for some reason it didn’t tag properly,, wack The prompt I was thinking of was "going down swinging"
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rainbowcorvid · 5 years
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I am a garbage person and have fallen down the DMC hole with outdated memes
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clown-abyss · 2 years
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trbotunnel · 2 years
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whore (ref under cut)
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