#also yeah i forgot his tail shut up </3
Happy Birthday Yume Ume: Personal Story (Part 3/3)
Part: 1 / 2 / 3
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Leona: Finally, the last question is “If you were to join any dorm other than the Ramshackle or Ignihyde, which dorm would you choose?”
Yume: *quickly, and matter of factly* Scarabia.
Leona: *smirk* Oh? Two in a row? Don’t let Radish sprout hear that.
Yume: *pouting* Shut up, it's not like that! It’s just…ALL THE OTHER CHOICES ARE SO MUCH WORSE!
Leona: *eyes widen at sudden outburst, before lowering again*
Yume: *ranting* You think I wanna deal with the Queen of Hearts dumb rules, or wake up at 6AM for spell drive drills?! 
Leona: It’s 6:30.
Yume: *ignoring his interruption* Honestly I don’t mind the Octavinelle dorm vibes itself; but I would rather DIE than live with Azul as a dorm leader; or have Vil breathing down my back 24/7 about my diet and health, uh- yeah-no thanks-!
Yume: *sighs, mumbling* And no offense to Diasomnia but their weird vibes make me feel like an outsider…
Leona: *Makes a vague noise of approval* 
Yume: Ignihyde would definitely be ideal, but since I can’t pick them Scarabia seems like the best choice. *shrug* I get along well with almost everyone and the dorm's mindset is something I agree with.
Leona: Mindfulness, careful deliberation, planning, considering all your options.*hums* Yeah that’s you to a fault. *crosses his arms, smugly* Maybe you should be there instead of Ignihyde?
Yume: *Immediately shutting it down.* No thanks, I can only take so many banquets and parties before I become exhausted.
Bonus question!
Yume: C’mon that last one was too easy, give me another one!
Leona: I’m only contractually obligated to ask two questions.
Yume: Boo~! *whining* C’monnnnn~!
Leona: Augh! Fine, *muttering* snot nosed brat…
Leona: If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose? Other than your own siblings.
Yume: *surprised at the question* Huh…oh! Well that’s easy there's already a couple people here besides my brothers, that I consider siblings. *smiles* Like Ortho of course and- *they stop suddenly, seeming to have realized something.*
Yume: A-ah, nevermind, just Ortho. *they seem slightly embarrassed suddenly*
Leona: *raises eyebrow* You're the one who wanted to be asked this question and now you're being secretive?
Yume: Oh well… *they purse their lips and cross their arms in though* *They laugh.* To be honest I’m not sure how this person would react to the idea and…it’s something I never really thought of until now. So, for now, I think I better just keep it to myself.
Leona: *slowly* How they would react…?
Yume: …
Leona: **realizes, his ears stick up** 
Leona: Hmph… *his tail flicks behind him. He looks away.* Well I’m sure they probably would care…but whatever let's move on. *He seems slightly stunned, but not unhappy.*
Yume: Oh man, wait I forgot. This part’s gonna suck isn’t it? *sigh.* Is it at least gonna be tasty?
Leona: *smirk* Guess you’ll find out. *winding up his arm* Are you gonna take your glasses off?
Yume: *dramatically, with grin* No, I’ll take it like a man.
Leona: Heh, suit yourself. *grins back. Leona pulls back his arm and throws. A breaking noise follows.*
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The end! It was fun to write this but it took me a while! I find it hard to write dialogue without much description because I feel like so many things get said through actions and body language! Yume and Leona's relationship is fun and complex to write. In my mind, they both feel a sibling bond, but neither of them are really willing to admit it out loud. So it becomes this unspoken understanding over time. I think its a complicated feeling for both of them in different ways. In particular for Leona because in his life he hasn't had a good relationship with his actual sibling.
I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm working creatively on a couple different things but I also have a lot of big complicated events going on in my life right now. So sorry for the slow posts. I appreciate everyone who comments or leaves tags <333!
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annawrites444 · 6 months
Hey! So I saw you were doing matchups and GODS I couldn’t help myself, I’ve always wanted to try one so… here’s a “few” things about myself:
I like to think of myself as a daughter of Hades or Hecate (yes, I’m a female this is NOT a typo), not sure which since I have traits that could branch from either one. I’m said to be loyal, HEAVILY sarcastic, rude yet kind, creative, playful, something about forgetful(?), and impulsive af. There’s just something about doing something first the moment it comes to your brain than thinking about it that just works. I mean, as Leo said, “thinking tends to disrupt the flow of thinking less.” (Wait, what do you mean that isn’t it? Well… close enough). I’ll always be out there making jabs and annoying my friends on the daily, but also showing my concern and affections if they’re not okay. No matter if they’re just sick or tired. I listen to them whenever there’s something going on, and always try to give advice if I could. Even if I’m not the best (horrible) at it.
Can you tell that I love my family- I mean friends? I’m not gonna lie, I’m willing to take a whole punch to the kidneys or bullet to the chest just for them. I’m not sure if I’m exaggerating or not, but, I don’t know, I just feel like I would take series of Ls just for them.
Is that weird? Yeah, it probably is…
Anyway! What else is there to say… oh!
I love swimming, learning about Greek mythology, listening to music (like musicals), and vibing all around. There’s nothing better than just chilling around (preferably in bed) after another tedious day of life and it’s… life. It just hits RIGHT. But I HATE insects, especially flies. If I see those stupid, fat, spindly-legged ass creatures then I’m running away with my tail between my legs. I don’t know why those scare me in particular, but they do. It’s weird.
But, that should be it! I’m sorry if it’s too long, just take one look and tell me to shorten it if you want. I’m willing to adjust if needed. Have a good day 😊
(Oh yeah, before I forget, I would like to be paired up with a male character and I’m underage (16) so… yeah!)
Matchup! Daughter of Hecate Reader X Leo Valdez
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PJO/ HOO universe
(Blurb) Oh Gods. They were everywhere. Those stupid giant mosquitos that never seemed to catch a hint. You were armed with a flyswatter, in a fighting position, on top of your bunk and swatting aimlessly in the air. You were NOT going to back down this time. You forgot a few things occasionally, but you weren’t prepared for forgetting to shut your cabin door behind you before going to eat breakfast. You yelped out in fear as a ginormous mosquito flew inches away from your face. So this is how I die, you thought, annoyed at your previous forgetfulness. You spent a good 20 minutes up there fighting the urge to scream. You siblings were already out and about the camp and were nowhere near to help you. You had made a very handy fly repellent and bug spray but it was sitting on the potions-work table on the opposite side of the cabin. Stealth Mission Kill Flies: GO you decided to pull a mission impossible and jump your way over to the table before they closed in on you. You positioned yourself, ready to jump onto the other bunk a few feet away. 3…2….1..JUMP, you leapt up into the air and face planted onto the other top bunk. Thank the Gods. “YES” You yelled out, excited to finally be one step closer to your goal. You readied yourself for another leap of faith, only to hear a stifled laugh, before you looked over in horror At Leo Valdez, who had just witnessed that whole thing. “Oh…heyy Leo, I can explain-” you flushed with embarrassment. “No need, I think I know what’s going on.” Leo walked over to the bunk you were currently towering over. He looked up at you with an amused smirk across his face. You had a hard time trying to fake annoyance, rather than succumbing to the blush now covering your cheeks. As if on cue, a swarm of big ass mosquitos darted toward you swarming across your head and getting in your face. You yelled out swatting in every direction and didn’t notice how unbalanced you were. You got most of them, except for one, as you reached out to swat him you lost your balance on the edge of the bunk and fell off the top. You braced yourself, expecting to hit the hard wooden floors, when much to your surprise you felt two arms wrapped around you and your head leaning against a shoulder. Oh GODS, Leo had caught you from your fall. You sat there for a second before coming to your senses and jumping out of his grasp. “I’m so so sorry, Leo.” you began to apologize “I swear I’ll be more-” you covered your face with your hands, “No-No problem,”He shook his head, face red as a tomato “it’s all good, Just didn’t expect you to fall for me so early in the morning” He gave you a winning grin before walking over to the bug spray and warding off your unwanted intruders. “I just stopped by to see if you wanted to head down to the lake together to meet up with Piper and Jason?” he held out his hand to you. You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line before debating your plans for the day, “I guess as long as long as we don’t miss training later” You grabbed his hand, fingers interlocked and bit your lip to hide your growing smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it” he led the way out of the dark cabin and into the daylight outside. My hero, you thought. But you'd never tell him that....
Mission Impossible theme…/j 
Actually though “Bewitched” by Laufey just gives me soft, in love feels. Which I think is kinda perfect for a witchy camper :) Also the lyrics really resonate with the blurb I wrote and what I picture your relationship to feel like, “You wrote me a note cast a spell on my Heart”. 
You and Leo are chaotic energy X 2 honestly X10. Like non stop banter at Camp, on the Argo II, everywhere you guys go it’s like a contest to see who gets the final say. There 100% is a chalkboard somewhere on board with a tally of arguments/ conversations won (you’re in the lead with about 27, Leo has 22). 
While you’re both funny people to be around, you are able to find this sensitivity with certain topics and especially with Leo and his trauma surrounding his mom’s death, you always try your hardest to comfort him, even if you don’t know exactly what to say. He appreciates every moment of it, and you kinda just hold him in your arms as he vents to you.
Lake dates are totally a thing, whether it’s just you two, or  with the whole prophecy of 7 in tow you guys make it a habit to go on swims and walks along the shore of the lake every night to take a break from the tiring life of a demigod child of prophecy. 
Leo admires the fire you have within you, to stand up for others, and to speak your mind, he knows you to be the most loyal person at camp. You’re like the big sister for all the little kids, I imagine you especially doting on the demigod kids who are children of minor gods and that end up getting overlooked at times. You’re their advocate and Leo is just HEART EYES. 
After coming back from that final battle with Gaia, you needed a few days to process everything and to be alone, away from other people. Leo was more than happy to calm down your normal schedules and spend a few days on your bunk talking, reading, or just napping in peace and quiet. 
Thank you for your requests and thank you so much for your patience Anon!!
hope you like it :))
-love, Anna <3
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Malikhan's Affection
I've mentioned in the past that Malikhan - my lion-taur OC - has a boyfriend/valet named Jabari. He is a demi jerboa. I felt like sharing a little example of their relationship at work, so... Jabari: (is cleaning up the floor) Malikhan: (grins and starts to pad up behind Jabari) Jabari: (blinks, hearing the heavy footsteps...pauses...and starts to turn-)YIPE! Malikhan: (holds Jabari up like a teddy bear in his arms) Hey, little mousey. >:3 Jabari: ...Put me down. -_- Malikhan: Nah. Don't feel like it. Jabari: You know I can't do my job if you-EEP! Malikhan: (purrs as he licks the top of Jabari's head) Mmmmmaaaaahhhh…heh heh…(licks teeth)…you're soooo tasty. Jabari: (flustered, wriggles around…then squeaks as Malik growls and squeezes him tighter) Malikhan: Nope. You're being held, and you can't do anything about it. Jabari: (blushes, rodent ears twitching) Uh-huh…and what about cleaning up the bones from the last victim? Malikhan: (shrugs) Eh. I'll smash them into powder and you can sweep 'em up later. Jabari: ...I feel like I should be disturbed right now, but I'm finding it hard to be... Malikhan: Awwww, does the wittle mousey wike being cuddled so much he forgot? Jabari: I will tickle you with my tail. Malikhan: I will literally eat you. Jabari: Yeah, but I also know you'll let me out later. Who else is gonna clean up after your worthless butt? Malikhan: I am the king of an entire empire. I don't think my butt is THAT worthless. Jabari: Oh, then you won't mind losing some of the weight back there? Malikhan: (growls and nuzzles) Shut up. Less talking, more being snuggled against your will. Jabari: (sighs and just lets the lion cuddle him)
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edgy-dragon-trash · 1 year
tell me about the dragons
Yeah boss I will, I have a nice collection. When I say I got these over the years I mean I just kept alot of things from when I was young.
Tumblr fucks up my shit alot when I put things under the read more thingy so lets hope all is well. I also had to switch to the browser in the middle of this to add more pictures so that also adds to my worries yippee. Tumblr is a perfect website.
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Anyways lets start strong, this one is a fave of mine. Love the pose, love the colors, classic dragon shape. It sits on my nightstand.
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Up next, another good one. Very beautiful, very powerful.
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This one? The last dragon I bought, latest in the collection. He was in a really odd place, between a bunch of books. And I felt a very strong urge to save him.
Haven’t really got a new dragon since this one, because these things are getting stupid expensive. Enjoying yourself is slowly becoming a privillage. But lets keep this post light hearted.
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This one is from when I was younger. One of the spikes on its back is a button. You press it and the wings and jaw move. Its old tho so the springs don’t work well anymore. It also has bendable legs.
This bad boy guards my manga and very special mcr funko pop.
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These are not dragons, but they are draconic. So they deserve a mention. And they look sick as hell and thats what matters.
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These dudes are very clearly broken, one missing its jaw, the other a leg and both missing their wings. They were gonna be thrown out but I took em in and gave them a home.
They were meant to walk around making loud dragon noises.
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Yeah the pictures says it all. I lost 4 httyd action figures. I’m sure they are in a box somewhere but I didn’t find them so far.
They were 10/10 to me tho. As is any dragon.
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Speaking of httyd, heres something I didn’t lose. A toothless funko pop and bootleg plush.
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This is Murdoc, he quickly became a fave. His shape is perfect. Saw him in the last moment, epic find.
it seems I have to switch to the browser to add more pictures oh for fucks sake.
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Videogame dragons!! Thats my good friend Spyro! My good time boy! And the ender dragon! Did you know her name is Jean? You do now!
And of course, before you ask, I am looking for a Spyro plush.
10/10 and 10/10
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A pop out pet. I got this one many years ago so idk if they are still relevant anywhere but the ideea was that its 3 toys in one, and you just switch them inside out. Mine is fantasy themed, it has a dragon, an unicorn and a phoenix. Of course I keep it as the dragon. It became a little lumpy over the years.
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Big boy. Massive. Old as fuck too I don’t remember when or how I got this guy. I just know they are loved.
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Uhh these guys. I got the small ones from 3 different people. And the big guy from my mom. I never told any of them about this because the more dragons the better.
10/10, 10/10, 10/10 aaand 10/10.
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I almost forgot about him but, Mega Charizard X who is a dragon type so at least poor Charizard has that going on every now and then.
This mega evolution is one of my fave pokemon. Yes the mega evolution specifically. Shut up.
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And here is the dragonology book who was doing the hard work in those pictures. Aswell as the page it was open on, which is about diffrent colored dragons.
I’m also on the lookout for the famous dragonology book so I can be part of the cool kids.
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wait I forgot a dragon. This guy!! Love his tail! 10/10
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trbotunnel · 2 years
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whore (ref under cut)
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Zukka Little Mermaid au!!
Most of my comic ideas start with the intention of making something sweet, and then going, ‘well… wouldn’t it be funnier if…”
Thank you for 700 followers!!!! Holy cow!! WOW!!! Wow. I’m embarrassed to say this but I was absolutely bamboozled when I read that number because I quite forgot to check how many followers I had for like 3 months, and last time I checked I had 93. I don’t think I’ve done an actual double take before until now. I don’t think I even know 700 people. My village has less people than that. My entire high school, staff and all, is a couple hundred less than that. It’s hard to imagine that 700 separate people decided to tap that little button on their phone because they thought my artwork is cool. Wow!! I have no idea what to do with myself? Perhaps I should go for a stroll and collect 700 leaves or bugs or something to try to comprehend how many that is.
[ID: Digital drawings of Zuko and Sokka drawn on top of the Little Mermaid screencaps. In the first panel, Sokka, who has a long blue mermaid tail, touches an unconscious Zuko. Zuko is wearing a tattered short white robe and crimson pants. Sokka says, “He’s… beautiful.” Sokka clears his throat, then sings, “What would I give to live where you areee, what would I pay to stay here beside you, what wou--” It is evident that his singing is horrible. Zuko, distressed but still unconscious, grabs Sokka’s hand. Sokka says, “Oh Shrimp! I made it worse!” In the next scene, Zuko holds his forehead and frowns at the dinner table. “Ugh, Uncle. There’s this voice. I feel like I’ve met him before… but I don’t know where! I just can’t get it out of my head… even in my dreams…” Iroh smiles, lights his pipe, and says, “Well, Prince Zuko, legend says that the melody of our true love’s voice never lea--” Zuko interrupts, “NO, UNCLE. IT SOUNDS SO BAD.” I want to find out who it is so I can tell him to SHUT UP.” Iroh, nervous, says, “umm, let’s see…” Then, Sokka and Zuko are in a canoe at nighttime. Katara, also a mermaid, whispers, “PSST. His name is Sokka.” Sokka, now with legs, smiles as Zuko says, “Oh! Is your name… Sock?” Sokka makes a ‘keep going’ gesture. Zuko says, “Oh, um, I’m close? Oh, ok, uh… Socks? Shoes? Um… Sneakers? Boots? Uh… er… Flip Flop? Galoshes?” Sokka frowns and Katara throws up her hands in defeat. In the next scene, Sokka is a mermaid again. He says, “H-HEY! I’ve actually been a MERMAID this whole time! SURPRISE! Heh…” Zuko looks on in horror. Sokka says, “Yeesh, I’ve really messed things up, haven’t I? I’M SORRY MY VOICE GOT STUCK IN YOUR HEAD! I didn’t mean to start singing! I was just thinking, y’know, ‘oh, hot shipwrecked sailor guy, this is so aesthetic!’ Ugh, I know it was annoying--” Zuko looks at him, hearts for pupils. Sokka says, “I wa--mf!” Zuko kisses him. Then, he holds Sokka’s face and says, “I don’t think you’re annoying. But could you maybe just shut up? For the next 5 minutes?” Sokka, eyes half lidded, says, “Uh, yeah. Um. I can do that.” They kiss again, and in the corner are the words, “THE END.” End ID.]
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Okay this is just for fun. I saw a NH shipper person comment on a strictly Sns platform ( don't know why they bother) say that Sasuke was jealous of Hinata. When someone else replied that he wasn't even aware of her existence and Naruto literally ignored her confession in pein arc and right away went pining for Sasuke and in the next arc, repeated the same lines to Sasuke as Hinata (guessing Hinata's lines are retconned since there's no way Kishi wrote her lines before Naruto's to Sasuke), this was their response:
no he didn’t he just forgot u can tell that he liked her because he was worried if she was injured or not and he really think Sasuke was his first ever friend that got me annoyed cause like shikamaru and choji was always there for him and he straight up and said that I love Naruto but he can be dumb sometimes and the only reason he was chasing after Sasuke was 2 things kinda 1. Was the promise that Naruto and Sakura had form the Sasuke saving arc episodes
2. So he can get there bond back together so Sasuke wouldn’t break it forever I’m clearly not dumb I actually watched the anime and fell in love with the plot and the characters instead of shipping Sasuke and Naruto for the kisses and there rivalry I ship Naruhina because hinata was always there for Naruto since they were 3? She didn’t care he had the nine tails in him she was the first to admire him and she literally confessed to him she’s a strong girl and she had a good character development Naruto will protect his friends to Sasuke he’s like a brother to him he loves Sasuke as much as he loves all his friends in the hidden leave village including gaara we all know Naruto liked Sakura and we know why but it was never confirmed that Sasuke liked Naruto but he might’ve liked Sakura in one of the Naruto movies with the actor he looked jealous Sakura was fangirling and he was like 😒 or 😐
(Anon again) So yeah.....levels of delusion are just crazy...
Gosh!!! This is not fun at all, Anon. Don't you pity me??? 😩😩😩😩
These shippers are just lunatics to the power of million.
he just forgot u can tell that he liked her because he was worried if she was injured
According to Naruto (the character's) standards, his reaction was pretty substandard as compared to how he worried for other people before. He just felt her Chakra in Sage mode and found that she was fine... Aaand that's all. He didn't even bothered to ask her 'How does she feel?'
he really think Sasuke was his first ever friend that got me annoyed cause like shikamaru and choji was always there for him and he straight up and said that I love Naruto but he can be dumb sometimes
This is what I call, 'Cockblocking'. There you go, I said it.
Before Shikamaru and Chouji gave any damn about Naruto's strength, Sasuke realized Naruto's pain when they were just 8.
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By Land of the Waves arc, he already offered up his life. So, I would appreciate them if they stop spouting such bullshit.
1. Was the promise that Naruto and Sakura had form the Sasuke saving arc episodes
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There you go, he said it. It's not for the promise he made with Sakura. He wants to do it for himself.
2. So he can get there bond back together so Sasuke wouldn’t break it forever
I don't even understand what this means. But do they even know anything about Sasuke???
I’m clearly not dumb I actually watched the anime and fell in love with the plot and the characters instead of shipping Sasuke and Naruto for the kisses and there rivalry I ship Naruhina because hinata was always there for Naruto since they were 3?
Well, that person is dumb actually. Why did that person bring up some filler shit?? I agree Anime added few stuffs in Pain Arc. But it was not when they were at age 3.. It was around when they were 6 or 7, where he saved Hinata from bullies and Hinata kept her eyes on him ever since.
She just stalked him creepily but never provided any emotional support. So, ignore that creepo.
She didn’t care he had the nine tails in him she was the first to admire him and she literally confessed to him she’s a strong girl and she had a good character development
None of Naruto's peers knew about Nine Tails until Part 2. How come Hinata knew this before?
Talk about Character Development... Pffft.... She Stalked, Naruto kun..... She Stalked, Naruto-kunnnn.... She Fainted, Naruto-kunnn She Clowned before pain, She Orgasmed over Neji's dead body, Naruto-kunnnn, Your hand is big and warm.....Poof..... She got Naruto-Kun's Duck.
Naruto will protect his friends to Sasuke he’s like a brother to him he loves Sasuke as much as he loves all his friends in the hidden leave village including gaara
Ahhh, This Brother bullshit. Nobody will declare to die along with their brother. Brotherly bond or any Sibling bond is all about protecting the younger one at any cost. Here, Naruto says,
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So, If I ever say this to my little sister, then I am the worst sister in this world. 
If I let my little sister say this to me, I would slap her so hard. 
As for Gaara,
Yes, Naruto empathized with him and tried his best to save him. When he saw Gaara dead,
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Naruto was crying. Agreed. And why is he making reference to Sasuke here??? I wonder.
When Naruto can’t stop Sasuke, 
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Naruto was Sobbing. 
So, crying for someone’s death and sobbing for someone who is still alive but travelling on the path of darkness should not be measured on the same scale, Right????
Not to forget, Naruto got hyperventilated for Sasuke when he heard that the entire world turned up on him.
Naruto liked Sakura and we know why but it was never confirmed that Sasuke liked Naruto but he might’ve liked Sakura in one of the Naruto movies with the actor he looked jealous Sakura was fangirling and he was like 😒 or 😐
Movies are not canon, for shit sake. 
Even by that logic, in Bonds Movie, When Hinata was trying to flirt with Naruto, Naruto was disgusted. So, can we accept that Naruto never liked her???
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Sasuke never looked jealous at Sakura in that movie at all. He was looking like his normal self.
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But he made jealous remark on Naruto for admiring that princess though. LOL.
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Here Sakura is also admiring about the hero of that movie but resorted back to admire Sasuke.... to show her loyal feelings. 
But Sasuke don’t care either way for her remarks. However when Naruto started to admire about the princess, Sasuke made a witty (jealous) remark. LOL
Sakura : Geez!... I want to watch that Michy Sama who played Sukeakuro a little longer. Oh, But Sasuke-kun you are the best, of course.
Sasuke : .......
Naruto : Isn’t there someone like her anywhere? If I could fight for a princess like her, being a Ninja would would be heaven.
Sasuke : Ridiculous!! It was just a movie.
So, Sasuke was jealous.... True.... but not on Sakura!!!! LOL
Again in Bonds Movie, Sasuke shutting up Hinata...... 
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Apart from the Last movie, Pinata is just a wastrel who did nothing in the Manga!!! Or Even in the movies. 
NH wankers are some buffoons who don’t have enough canonical materials to participate in a discussion and yet they make loud noise by twisting facts related to other people like Sakura, Sasuke, Gaara, Shikamaru, Choji. 
DISCLAIMER : By no means, I consider the above gifs from movies are canon. It’s just that NH stans brought up a movie crap and I am responding accordingly
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So yeah, here we go again, a highly slightly revised version of Splits' Chapter 1
It's set in some kinda AU where you're a saiyan and there are other saiyans alive and on earth, as if more than just Gokus parents sent them off to earth as babies to start a better life not just to destroy it. Perhaps part of the resistance against Frieza?
I'm expecting this to top out at like 10 ish chapters, if anything probably less, i don't want it to stray to far from the plot or spend another 6 months on it lmao
Warnings include: violence, emotional abuse, very dark Vegeta, sexual themes, choking but not in a good way
Word count: ~1,600
                      Chapter 1                      
You’re sitting in the living room, bored, surfing the channels on the TV when you hear the front door click. Your face lights up at the sound that you know means your boyfriend is home, and you run to the hallway to greet him. 
“Hey 'Geta,” you say with a smile as you plant a kiss on his cheek. You know he hates it when you’re cutesy like that, but you like riling him up. Little did you know, today was not the day for it.
“Get off of me, woman.” Vegeta shoved you away from him harshly and made his way to the bathroom after taking off his shoes at the door, he didn’t even look at you as he barged his way down the hall. There was definitely something wrong, even if he didn’t like kisses he never reacted like that. Something was up, and today you were feeling especially brave so you decided to follow him down the hall and grab his tail. Bad move. He swung around in an instant pinning you by your throat to the wall.
“Don’t. Touch me.” he said with a growl in his voice before throwing you to the ground and continuing down the hall. 
“'Geta that hurt, what’s the deal with you today Mr. grumpy pants?” you said in a huff as you picked yourself up from the ground, patting down your jeans. “I thought we talked about this; no aggressive wall pinning unless I ask for it.” He didn't stop or turn around to look at you. “Oh, so you're just going to ignore me then, that's great, I guess I'll just go back to watching TV since you’re being a big grump.” you waited a second longer to see if you'd get a reaction, but no, he just kept walking and eventually made his way to the bathroom, locking himself inside as you walked back to the living room.
You wondered what could've happened today to make him so irritable. When he left this morning he wasn't mad, so something must've happened while he was out training with Goku. Maybe Goku reached a new form and Vegeta was jealous? No, that's happened before and all he did was rant about how it should be him who gets to unlock new forms, not that stupid, low class, pathetic excuse of a Saiyan, Kakarot. He was the prince of all Saiyans after all, and he should be the one with all the power. No, this was something else entirely, and you were starting to worry what could have made the mighty Vegeta so angry. 
Against your better judgement, you decide to go knock on the bathroom door. “Vegeta! Open up! What's the matter?” you shout through the door, hoping he can hear you over the running water of the shower.
“Go away! Go make yourself useful and cook me something, woman” of course that's all he would say. Damn these Saiyans and their insatiable appetites. 
“No, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why you’re mad.” you plant your feet outside the door as you hear the water shut off. After a moment he unlocks and opens the door with a towel around his waist. He always looked so good right after a shower, silky hair wet, tangles framing his face, water droplets glistening across his gorgeously broad Saiyan chest. He truly was a sight to behold. 
“Get out of my way” he said to you as he tried to emerge from the bathroom, you were blocking his way and he really didn't like that. “Move now, or I’ll move you myself.”
“And what if I don't, what’re you going to do to me?” you said with a smirk on your lips as you stared seductively into his eyes. Usually when he was mad you could make him forget about it for a while with sex. Today was different however, and instead of pinning you to the wall and devouring your mouth with his, he gave a blow straight to your stomach, instantly knocking the wind out of you and making you crumple to the floor. He stepped over you and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. 
“Food woman. Now. Don’t give me more reason to be mad at you.” he called over his shoulder as he entered the bedroom. As you were curled up on the floor, clutching your stomach and gasping for air to finally reach your lungs, you couldn’t help the thought that maybe he didn’t love you anymore from crossing your mind. A thought that threatened to bring tears to your eyes. But you were stronger than that. You stood up shakily clutching your stomach for a moment before straightening up and walking after him into the bedroom.
“What the fuck 'Geta!? What's wrong with you? Why’d you punch me in the gut like that!?” you yell at him with an anger that made the air crackle with energy. “I thought you loved me 'Geta! How could you hurt me like that? What did I ever do to you?” You hated to admit it, but you're an angry crier, and the hot tears came spilling from your eyes as your hair flickered flecks of blond. Even though you had reached Super Saiyan form yourself, Vegeta was still 100x stronger than you on a good day, let alone when he was angry.
He ignored you completely, dropping his towel and putting on a fresh pair of briefs. He acted like you weren’t even there at all actually as he picked out some clothes to wear. Taking his time to sift through his messy chest of drawers to find his favourite shirt. Black and skin tight with Shenron and the DragonBalls printed on the back, it hugged his muscles in all the right places. It was your favourite on him too and for a split second you forgot your anger and stared at how the fabric clung to his still dewy skin. It all came flooding back when he turned to face you.
“Did you not hear me? I said food. Now.” he snarled through gritted teeth. He hated it when you didn't follow his commands, but right now he wasn't your master, and it was so not sexy of him to treat you like this. 
“If you want food you'll have to make it yourself. I'm not cooking for you until you tell me what's wrong.” you say back to him, with the same amount of force, trying to make your voice sound as demanding as his to no avail. No matter how hard you try, you'll never get his aggressive tone of voice down pat, you just sound like a pissed off chew toy and it makes you even angrier. 
“Whatever.” He grumbles just loud enough for you to hear as he continued to search for some pants. 
“Whatever?! That's all you're going to say?” you yell as you stare at him in disbelief, one more dismissive or demanding word from him and you were going to snap. “What about an apology? For shoving me, then throwing me, then straight up punching me!? Are you even listening to me, Vegeta?” You pause for a long second to see if he’ll say anything, and when he pulls up his pants and heads for the door, that's it. You power up to Super Saiyan and block the doorway, glaring at Vegeta, daring him to step closer. 
“Silly woman. You think that just because you're a Super Saiyan, you can stop me? How pathetic.” he said, his voice hollow and cold as he goes Super Saiyan Blue and picks you up with one hand by the throat and holds you off the ground. “You couldn't stop me with both my hands tied behind my back,” he sneered at you before throwing you into the wall outside the bedroom door, almost knocking you unconscious as your head hit the wall at full force, leaving the plaster cracked. Your energy faded and your hair returned to its regular dark colour as your vision blurred and your ears rang from the impact. 
He walked over to stand above you, laughing menacingly. “You're weak and pathetic. The only reason I kept you around was so that you'd cook and clean for me. Oh, and so that I can fuck that tight little pussy of yours.” The edges of your vision started to go dark as he picked you up against the wall by your throat again. “You are nothing but a toy for me, a sorry excuse for a Saiyan. So low class I wouldn't let you shine my shoes with your spit. But you cook good and don’t complain whenever I want to fuck, so you’re not completely useless.” he squeezed your throat tighter, “I want you to know that I don’t want you anymore. I never loved you, not one bit. I was only using you for my own satisfaction. And now that I don’t want you, there's no reason for you to keep breathing.” as he said this, he was gradually squeezing your throat tighter in his grip. You didn't understand what was going on, Vegeta had never been what you'd call affectionate, but he was never so mean. The Vegeta you love would never say such harsh things to you, or hurt you in any way what so ever unless you were fucking and asked for it. In fact, he put several higher ranking Saiyan's in the med pods because they were antagonizing you for being the weakest Super Saiyan. The sudden change in him had tears pouring from your eyes as you tried harder to keep from passing out. “Now be a good little weakling and go to sleep for me.”
“'Geta… p-please… d-don’t… hurt… m-m…” You managed to spit out between desperate gasps as you faded from consciousness. 
So whatcha think? Please leave comments and likes, I'll also be posting this over on my AO3 when i can figure that out haha
Always remember, reblogs>likes <3
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fromchishiya · 3 years
Chishiya x g/n Reader
Summary: You adopt a puppy from a local animal shelter without telling your boyfriend
Warnings: Swearing, real world au, like literally the softest angst known to man, Chishiya may or may not be whipped for you, please do not do this in real life, not proofread rip
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You had always been impulsive. You had also always wanted a puppy.
Those two things were probably not best when combined, especially not if you lived with someone who hated all types of animals. Most definitely not if that person was your boyfriend.
But as you walked through the town centre, you couldn’t help but gravitate towards the adoption shelter.
The flyers up on the windows listing all of the pets in need of a home made your heart break. Some of them truly had no chance, already being over a decade old with several health conditions most families couldn’t be bothered to deal with.
Every now and then came a puppy with seemingly nothing wrong with it, but those were often snatched up the second they got there by people unwilling to buy a healthy pet or adopt a sick one.
The bell chimed above your head as you entered, sending out a melodic tune that had the receptionist’s head snap towards you in the blink of an eye.
“Welcome,” the old lady said, wrinkles forming around her eyes as she smiled, “are you here to adopt a pet?”
You glanced nervously around the room, it was small but colourful, with desks scattered around and a giant archway leading to what you imagined would be where the pets are held.
“Yeah, no, I mean maybe,” you stuttered out, “I was hoping to just have a look at them and go from there.”
The lady nodded her head, standing up and ushering you through the archway with her hands, “and what animal would you be looking for?”
“A puppy,” you swayed back and forth, an excited yet nervous feeling bubbling up inside of you.
She nodded once again, leading you through a door to your right and into a long hallway filled to the brim with cages.
Your heart dropped at the sight of the dogs stuffed inside them. Sure, they had beds and numerous amounts of toys, but there was a strong absence of homeliness, which, in your opinion, no dog should live without.
You wanted to adopt all of them, but in hindsight, that was probably not the best idea. Your landlord wouldn’t like it and neither would your boyfriend.
Oh shit. Your boyfriend.
He would kill you if he found out where you were, he hated animals, and adopting one without his permission? You were practically asking to be broken up with.
Just as you were about to tell the old lady you had decided not to adopt today, a small ball of brown fluff caught your eye.
It was obviously happy, standing right at the bars of its cage and wagging its tail, panting curiously in your direction, and in that moment you forgot about your boyfriend. It seemed as though nothing else apart from you and that tiny little thing existed.
“I want that one,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself.
The old lady looked at you then straight at the dog, “oh, this little guy? His name’s Muffin, he’s a purebred Pomeranian,” she took a deep breath, “he’s perfectly healthy but… he’s missing a leg.”
You blinked, “he’s what?”
“He’s missing a leg dear,” she smiled, “but he has no other health conditions and he’s only a year old. He’s perfectly behaved too, but nobody wants to adopt him because of how he looks.”
Your eyes watered up, how could someone not want to keep such a sweet animal for something as small as him missing a leg?
“I’ll take him,” you nodded, moving closer to his cage, “I’ll take him right away if that’s alright.”
“Oh, of course!” she beamed, “we just need to sort out some paperwork then you can take him home.”
“Great!” you just hoped Chishiya wouldn’t mind too much.
Muffin’s tail never stopped wagging from the second you saw him in the shelter to the second the door to your apartment clicked shut.
You cooed at him, kissing his head playfully as you took off your shoes. You could only hope that Chishiya wouldn’t be home for another few hours so you had time to come up with a coherent reason as to why you had adopted the 3-legged fiend.
“What are you holding?”
You froze. He was supposed to be working right now. What are the chances that he was home early on the same day you had impulsively decided to buy a puppy?
“A puppy?” you responded, an awkward smile on your face, “isn’t he cute?”
His glare was enough to make your face drop instantly, “why are you holding a puppy?”
“Umm, well,” you stuttered, “you see...”
“Spit it out already,” Chishiya demands, eyeing the overly excited yet strangely calm pomeranian in your arms.
“I was walking past the shelter and the lady told me how his old owners gave him away and nobody wanted him, and I... I just couldn’t resist,” you cried, holding the puppy closer to your chest.
“Well I suppose she was right,” he retorted, ignoring your whines, “go back to whatever shelter you got him from and return him. You can’t do something as big as adopting a pet without telling me.”
“I know and I’m sorry, but look,” you held the puppy up, “he only has three legs!”
Chishiya’s stare remained unchanged. He opened his mouth to speak when he noticed the look in your eyes. You were desperate to keep him, you knew you were his only hope and so did Chishiya.
He let out a frustrated sigh, motioning you to come closer. When you were in a reachable distance he put his hands on your shoulders, gripping firmly.
“If you ever do something like this again I won’t be as nice,” he warned.
The excited gasp you let out made his cold demeanour falter slightly. As much as he hated your impulsiveness, you were so utterly adorable when you were happy that he didn’t mind it all that much.
“Thank you Chishie!” you squealed, placing the Pomeranian down on the floor gently before wrapping your arms around his neck. He sighed again, arms stroking your back for a few seconds before he pulled away.
The feeling of a light weight on his foot caught his attention. He looked down, a small frown gracing his features as your newly found ball of sunshine looked up at him expectedly.
“Pick him up!” you urged, a pleased grin on your face.
He did as he was told, tensing a bit when the dog started to lick his face before settling down.
He heard you giggle, and in that moment he decided that maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Be You {Leviathan x Reader}
Leviathan x Reader (They/Them) || Obey Me!
Warning(s): None (Well, actually I make Levi bully Mammon for less than a paragraph)
Note: This was a request I received from someone on Wattpad!
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Finally, Leviathan’s done it. It’s been a long three days, hours upon hours having been poured into this playthrough. 
“Woop woop! Aren’t I the best!” he praised himself, smiling wide. He’s skipped meals, pushed assignments to a later date and avoided any outside interactions to finish this game. His sight may be blurry and his limbs numb but if those were the sacrifices he had to make to go full completionist then it was all worth it. Now, time to celebrate a well deserved win.
“I think this calls for some of Ruri-chan’s celebratory season 3 limited edition candy and-!”
A chorus of knocks on his door immediately snuffed out his joy. Levi scowled, turning to glare at his door from his chair, it’s gotta be Mammon. The third born is absolutely positive that it’s his scummy older brother - it always is - back yet again to mooch more money off him for a trip to the casino. The usual slander he and his brothers would throw at the second born was on the tip of his tongue, ready to fire at will. 
“Hey Levi? You there? It’s me....”
A voice that definitely doesn’t belong to the second born piping up and Levi, halfway through spouting the first syllable, shuts up all together. That’s his normie. A weight presses on his heart: he was just about to yell and insult his Henry… 
Clearing his throat in hopes of gaining some kind of composure (all previous anger having diminished) the usual “What’s the password?” came out in a stutter. The demon was only acutely aware of his heart beat. How it skipped periodically. How it raced like he himself just ran a marathon. Levi waits a moment for the human to finish reciting the TSL excerpt. His hands begin to shake, his palms exuding profuse amounts of sweat. Gah! Why was he so nervous? Yeah, he’s aware that he’s just some gross shut-in otaku but he shouldn’t be this anxious! It’s not like this is the first time the exchange student has hung out in his room... alone... with him…
“Yo Levi?”
“Yes MC?”
“You think you could open the door now? Please?” Snapped back to reality, Levi hastily opened the door, finding himself regretting it soon after.
“I, uh, MC? What do you…?” his voice trailed off, orange gradient eyes locked on their garments. Immediately he sputtered, taking a step back. A bright scarlet coated his pale cheeks. Levi tried to hide it with his hand, though it was proven useless. The sea demon's at a toss up; should he screech? Slam the door shut? Combust all together!? At the rate he’s going, number three is looking pretty probable.
On the other end of this exchange, the human stood almost timidly out in the hall, fingers fiddling with one another while their eyes darted anywhere but at the man in front of them. The words of the fifth born rang in their ears:
“You absolutely have to wear this dear! My brother would surely fall head over heels for you, even more so than he already is!”
Oh whyyyyy did they trust him? Cause he had knowledge in fashion and love? Yeah, that was it. Still, if this turns south Asmo is going to get a lecture worse than any Lucifer could ever give… Damn, they really should’ve never let the lust demon shoo them into his private bathroom and make them change into this girly outfit. 
And it hit them all at once: Levi doesn’t like it, what they’re wearing. What if he never talks to them after this? Maybe if they leave now then there will still be a chance they can forget about this.
Time went on slowly, like people who walk through mud are, and MC just about tuck tail and ran, what they had planned and gained courage for be damned. 
Levi had other plans though. 
Only now registering that the two were standing out in the open for all to see, in a blind and desperate attempt to save himself and the human from embarrassment, the third born latched onto their wrist, yanking them into the safety of his room. Unfortunately, demon strength is a funny thing and Levi had handled them with more force than he meant to, the human crashing into his chest - hard. 
Perhaps it was instinct -- a need to protect the fragile being within his grasp -- but the demon's arm found purchase around their form, pulling them almost impossibly closer as they tipped. The pair, balance long gone, toppled over, landing with a thud.
Somehow, just like in all the romance anime he’s watched, Levi found himself hovering over them, arms propped on either side of their head. Their noses brushed, both staring frozen into each other's eyes. It wasn’t everyday that either of them were this close to one another, the exception being when the duo falls asleep playing video games. God, with this kind of proximity he was sure that the normie could hear how fast his meek heart was pounding. If this went on any longer he might actually die.
“Levi?” They whispered, their voice so quiet that he almost missed the call of his name. He however did catch their whisper and tensed up before coming back to the here and now, catching sight of the ‘what’ that led to their current position. Standing, Levi’s face burned hotter than ever before.
‘It was all because of them,’ he thought, turning away turning away with tense shoulders as he still tries to mask the red that licked all the way up to his ears. ‘It’s always their fault when I start to feel like I do now!’
“S-stupid n-normie! Why are you even wearing that?” he asked, chancing a glance over his shoulder. Levi did have to admit… they looked kinda cute in those clothes… and it looked like something Ruri-chan would wear too… 
Gah! No no no focus Levi!
The ‘normie’ didn’t answer right away, instead raising to their feet and opting to grab a bag from beside the door. That wasn’t there before. 
“Asmo…” they sighed, turning back to face the demon, nervousness swirling within them. Now or never, “Asmo said you’d like it if I wore something like this” So this is Asmo’s doing? Damn him… “Anyway, here, take it.”
“Wha-?” A shimmering gift bag the same colour of the water Henry his goldfish swam in was thrust into his hands, whatever he was about to say dying in his throat. 
A present? For him? Oh why must a no good otaku like him have to go through such an intimate endeavor???? He just can’t take it! 
Then again, this was like that one scene from season 2 ep. 22 of this anime he binged: I Forget Important Dates all the time which causes me to get into really awkward situations. This time I forgot about my Birthday and my Crush handed me a bag before confessing their love for me!
So-! Spurred on by fictional characters and MC’s urging “go on, open it”, Levi tore the tape, presented with his spontaneous gift: a popular multiplayer game from the human world; one near impossible to get in Devildom.
“WHAOOO!” MC couldn’t help but think how much he’s acting like a kid on Christmas, the notion cute in their opinion. The human stood still for a couple minutes, allowing their friend to rant and gush over the game (and how cool they were for even acquiring it).
“But…” the purple haired demon calmed down, “why did you suddenly give me this?” What? Did he not know what today was?
“It’s… it is your birthday isn’t it!?” Don’t tell them Asmo lied to them about Levi’s birthday!
Levi pulled out his phone, his eyes widening to the size of saucers, “No, it is my birthday,” he assured. With all the gaming he was doing he must've failed to noticed, which is strange considering the last time his special day drew near he practically counted down the days. 
“MC.” He got their attention, looking them right in the eye, his words and actions portraying a sureness and sincerity, “Thank you and…” As quick as lightning strikes the ground, the human had themselves pulled flush against Levi once more, his head resting on their shoulder and nose buried in the crook of their neck. His hair, so soft and fluffy, left a ticklish sensation on their skin.
“And about what you said before. With Asmo. I do like what you’re wearing but…” he tightens his hold, “I like you just the way you are. I know you don’t usually dress like this and I want nothing more than for you to be comfortable, like how you make me. If that means dressing tomboy-ish then so be it. I want you to be you: the human only you can be: my Henry.” 
“I’m glad you feel that way…” They smiled, arms wrapping around his torso. They hope their gratitude is able to shine through in the hug, “Now, ya wanna play your new game?”
“Yes!” He smiled, pulling back and raising his hand. They return the grin, suppressing a chuckle seeing as the demon reminded them of the YES demoji. “Oh, but um! Would you like to change first? It’s not that I don’t like seeing you dressed like that or anything but like I said I want you to be comfortable but also I don’t think my heart can take it anymore… wait that’s not what I meant!” That made them chuckle though.
“Do I have to?” They teased, enjoying the reaction they got out of the third born. Levi gulped, ducking his head while whispering a small no. “Then maybe I’ll stay like this a little longer. It is your birthday after all.” Tugging the envy demon towards their usual gaming spot they let Levi set up the game before the two plopped down in their spots.
“Oh and Levi?” He hummed, tilting his head, the light of the screen illuminating the side of his face. They hugged him once more, “Happy Birthday”
Thank you for reading!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 𝟙𝟛]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, breeding kink, sir!kink, pet play(kitten), v small amt of anal play, dirty talk!!! HAPPY FRIDAY THE 𝟙𝟛TH! 😗💕 Here we are with ch 13 on Friday the 13th, I didn't even realize it but man my ✨brain✨just planned that out so perfectly LOL 💕 I just wanna apologize for any grammatic/spelling errors in this one and it’s a bit shorter... I tried to proofread this all day but I'm also watching unus annus’s livestream at the same time and my peabrain cannot multitask but I TRIED!! let it be known 😩😭 Anyway, I hope ya’ll have a great weekend, stay hydrated and safe! Enjoy~! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - ?
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alphagyu97: oh fuck oh fuck
alphagyu97 has donated $100
hoshi_tiger_xx: oh??? Cute lil kitten ears????
A moan floats past your lips as you sit in Seungcheol’s lap; his cock already snug inside of you before you’d even turned the camera on. “Ah, ye--yeah, we thought we’d, mmh, try--try something n-new…”
Seungcheol smirks although neither you nor the camera catch it as he holds you still. Much like before, he’d started working you up before you got on camera and this time he’d asked you to sink down onto his cock and wait patiently until it was time to begin; neither of you saying a word or moving an inch as he peppered kisses along your shoulders and neck.  “Why don’t you show them your cute ‘lil tail, kitten? It’s getting squished between our bodies...”
universe_WZ: yes yes yes
tangerine_kwan: show us your cute tail princess
therealchan99: thank u for the pics btw i scream abt them every 30 minutes
therealchan99 has donated $50
You reach a shaky hand behind your back for the fluffy material as you show it off to the camera to the best of your ability; making sure to not move it around too much or else you knew you’d cum too soon. “I, ah, it’s--it’s keeping me s-so full…” He makes you answer a few more comments as you sit on his cock; blunt nails digging into the skin of your waist when he feels you trying to get him to move.
artist8hao: so so so pretty baby
kitty_junjun: cute little kitty
kitty_junjun: should come and play sometime ;)
xcaliburDK has donated $75
The way Seungcheol has you in his lap is a little uncomfortable for you and he quickly takes notice of the way you start to squirm more and more with each comment or question you reply to. “Kitten, it looks like you hit your donation minimum already. Should we start?” He coos.
You can only nod in return as you squint your eyes to check the laptop screen to see how you were doing. “Ngh, p-please… I--I’m so f-full I can’t wait any l-longer…” Whining, you clench around his cock and the toy as he chuckles lightly behind you. He’d purposely asked if the two of you could sit further back on the bed and further from the camera and laptop and you’d raised an eyebrow but agreed.
“Sorry, the angle’s not going to be very good for this but you’ll understand why.” Seungcheol comments.
The laptop screen is full of questioning comments and donations that beg Seungcheol to hurry up and fuck you.
His grip on your waist tightens a little before he’s slowly lifting you off of his cock and you let out a disappointed noise when he’s completely pulled out. “Nooo~ I w-want--”
“Ah, ah, I know what you want, kitten. But you need to get on your hands and knees for me. Facing the camera.”
Oooh, that’s why he wanted space.
You nod frantically as you easily get comfortable on your hands and knees in front of the camera and laptop; fluffy tail resting against your spine as the bell on your collar jingles.
alphagyu97: oh god please breed her
angelhan: yes god please
Seungcheol kneels behind you; already easing his cock back into your tight pussy as you mewl straight into the camera. “Our cute little kitten is already squeezing my cock so tight…”
You feel his fingertips on your skin before he’s reaching for the fluffy tail and he gives it a small tug as you whine and whimper in return.
“No, no pl--please, sir, I’ll cum if, ah, you p-play with my--my tail!”
Your eyes clamp shut just as Seungcheol starts to play with the anal plug; tugging on it and moving it slightly in order to get you to squirm a little more before he gives you want you wanted. He smirks at your back as he hears the sound of donations and comments flooding the screen in rapid succession.
“Oh? But they seem to like when I play with you like this.” You clench around Seungcheol and the toy, small cries on your lips when your sensitive body already wants to give in to the pleasure. “So fuckin’ pretty with your cute tail and ears and your pretty ‘lil collar on.”
chwenon: shes gonna cum so fast lol
gentleman_josh95: i kno, u can already tell she wants to
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $50
sleepy_wonu: look at her cute fuckin face while she tries to not cum haha
Seungcheol draws his hips back slightly before slowly thrusting into you from behind; fingertips still playing with the tail as he moves it around in tandem with his slow thrusts. “Oh kitten, you’re so fuckin’ wet for me, baby~” You can only moan back in response as you resist the urge to meet his slow movements with your own, much quicker ones.
“Ah, s-sir, please…”
tangerine_kwan: so cute when she's whiningggg
angelhan: dont give into her so easily~ make her work for it ;)
kitty_junjun: aww but shes so cute like this
Your fingertips dig into the bed sheets and you peel your eyes open as you attempt to read off the comments flying across the screen. “Mmh, ‘m so full… and sir won’t s-stop playing, ah, with my--my tail…” You can see Seungcheol’s form behind you on the screen, hips slowly moving as he plays with the tail.
You slowly find yourself moving with him and meeting his thrusts; chasing your pleasure as Seungcheol seemingly takes his time.
“Ngh, s-sir, can I c-cum?”
Seungcheol grins at your back, suddenly picking up the pace as he finally leaves the anal plug alone. “I don’t know, can you? Why don’t you ask them?” You blink your hazy eyes at the camera before flitting towards the comments section of your camshow.
“P-please tell s-sir to, mmh, let m-me cum…” You beg; unintentionally sending the comments section and donations into a flurry of yes’s and no’s.
artist8hao: let her cum but dont let it be the only time
alphagyu97: aww princess dont forget he still needs to breed your cute lil cunt
universe_WZ: she can cum but she still needs to be a good girl and let sir get what he wants
“Mmh, of--of course I, ah, w-want sir to b-breed my pussy… I, hah, want his--his cum i-inside of m-me…” You start working your hips back as you meet Seungcheol’s pace that speeds up at your words and the two of you fall into a rhythm as he works to get you off first. His hands grip your waist as he angles his thrusts to tap your g-spot and you mewl and whine in response; careful to not accidentally call Seungcheol’s name in the midst of the moment.
“Fuh--fuck, sir, ‘m g-gonna cum… please…”
“Cum whenever you want, kitten.”
You nod shakily; head falling forward as you let yourself get lost in the pleasure.
Your eyes flutter shut as various thoughts flood your mind. The main one being how seamlessly Seungcheol fit into your camshows and how much easier it was to film with him than you ever anticipated. The two of you easily forgot that the camera was even rolling most of the time, whether it was live or pre-recorded for your channel and now that he was always with you, it was hard to imagine filming without him.
“Ah, kitten, your cute ‘lil cunt is, ah, sucking me in deeper… You must really want my cum, huh?”
His words bring you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip. “Mmhmm, I w-want sir to c-cum, hah,  inside my p-pussy and b-breed me… wanna be, ngh, filled with your---your cum…”
“Why don’t we cum together then, hmm? Bet you wanna feel my cock throbbing in your cute ‘lil cunt, huh, kitten?”
The warmth blooms inside of you as you nod; cheeks hot as you peer straight into the camera. You readjust slightly, the bell on your collar tinkling as the set of cat ears on your head slip slightly. “Y-yes, sir… Please cum w-with me…”
Seungcheol doubles his pace and you quickly feel one of his hands leaving your body as he wraps his hand around the fluffy tail again. He starts to move it around again, slightly tugging on it as you cry out. “Ah, s-sir!”
chwenon has donated $75
angelhan has donated $50
universe_WZ has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
“Fuh--fuck, sir, please! P-please breed me, please, ah, c-cum inside m-my little cunt and--and fill m-me up with your c-cum!”
Tears blur your vision as you’re quickly thrown over the edge and into an orgasm; ears ringing when your entire body goes rigid. Seungcheol finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as your walls flutter around his cock and he soon finds himself cumming with you too; cock throbbing as he unloads all of him cum inside you. “Oh, fuck, kitten…” He moans; eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lets the pleasure wash over himself as well.
The sound of donations and comments drown out your soft cries and Seungcheol’s deep groans and you’re almost positive that you’d made at least a couple thousand off of tonight’s show.
alphagyu97: holy shit look at her face, fuck
kitty_junjun: is she crying?
hoshi_tiger_xx: damn, shes so drunk on cock shes crying
therealchan99: aww poor kitten~
You let out a stuttered breath as your body starts to relax; soft sniffles following right after. “Ngh… sir…”
Seungcheol smiles softly when he hears the way your voice trembles and he’s gentle to slide his cock from inside your cunt; groaning when his cum immediately drips down onto the sheets from how much he’d cum inside you.
“Ah, kitten, what a waste. How am I supposed to breed your ‘lil cunt if you’re letting my cum spill out of you already?”
You lick your lips and despite the tiredness, a new wave of arousal pours over your body at the thought of Seungcheol cumming inside of you a second time. You shake your hips; foggy eyes staring straight into the camera.
“You’re just going to, ah, cum inside me again… and let e-everyone watch...”
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The next morning, Seungcheol drives you over to the diner to start your first real day at work and you feel downright nervous once the car stops. You’d gotten so used to camming and being alone that this new foray into normalcy was making you think twice, even just momentarily.
“You gonna be okay?” He turns to you, concern obvious on his face when your eyes meet his. “I can always take you straight home or take you back to the roller rink with me if you d--”
“No! No, I wanna do this... I know we made a lot of money off of the show last night but... But I think this’ll be good for me. Both of us working so we can afford rent ‘n stuff!” 
“We should like a married couple.” Seungcheol jokes. 
Your cheeks burn hot at his comment as you bite your lip. “Ehehe~” 
Seungcheol grins at you, hands still on the steering wheel. “Just let me know if you need anything, okay? I always have my phone on me anyway, Namjoon doesn’t really care.” 
The two of you share a laugh as you slowly reach for the door handle. 
“I will, I promise!” 
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“I still do not get why you want to work here.” 
Jun laughs, hands on his hips as he watches you adjust the short dress uniform you’d put on, moments before. 
“It’s just... something to keep me occupied, is all.” Smoothing down your uniform, you do a small spin for Jun who nods back in approval. “And I wanna make friends! Aren’t we friends?” 
Jun’s eyes twinkle with playfulness as he gestures you over to the front of the diner. “Of course we are! Which by the way...” He pauses, looking over the relatively full diner to make sure nobody caught your conversation. “Is... Seungcheol-hyung okay with y’know... You working here and me... Being one of your viewers leaving comments ‘n stuff?” 
A genuine look of concern crosses his features as he waits for you to respond. 
You puff your cheeks as you think, “I think so? I mean he hasn’t...” Memories of Seungcheol saying he’d kick Jun’s ass immediately flood your mind as you laugh nervously. 
“Y-yeah, he didn’t say a word!” 
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After two hours, you decide to take your 15 minute break; waving to Jun before you head towards the employee backroom to grab your phone. 
You check your notifications, surprise on your face when you see Seungcheol’s already messaged you a few times. 
cheollie ✨: have a good day!
cheollie ✨: u okay over there, baby?
cheollie ✨: dont feel pressured to answer asap lol 
You laugh under your breath, typing up a response as you take a seat in the break room.
‘It’s been going okay! I’m taking a short break right now tho!’
Shockingly, Seungcheol response only after a few seconds.
cheollie ✨: oh, thats good! I take it no issues?
‘Nope! my feet kinda hurt tho lol’
He asks you a few more questions; one about Jun keeping his distance, to which you shake your head and laugh. 
cheollie ✨: you never showed me your uniform btw 😏
You let out a noise of realization, fingertips already swiping through your phone to get to your photos as you send him one that you’d taken earlier. 
‘How's it look? 🥺’
It goes quiet for a couple minutes and you half-wonder if Seungcheol got in trouble for having his phone out. 
‘Cheol, u ok?’
cheollie ✨: is it bad I'm already thinking about lifting that cute little skirt up 
cheollie ✨: fucking you nice and hard with your panties just pushed to the side
cheollie ✨: fuck, and making you go back to work with your pussy filled with my cum 
A shiver rolls down your spine at his words; gulping as you check the time for how much you had left before you had to get back out onto the floor. 
‘what if I bend over and someone sees my panties all wet n soaked thru with ur cum...’
cheollie ✨: then they’d know you’re mine. 
cheollie ✨: I mean most of your viewers already know that 
cheollie ✨: but I want everyone to know, yknow?
cheollie ✨: god the way I wanna fuck you on the hood of my car
cheollie ✨: your cute little whines while you try to keep quiet 
You let out a shaky, quiet moan; thighs rubbing together when you notice you only have about three more minutes before your break was up. 
‘Cheol... I have to get back to work 😭 how could you get me horny before I have to get back...’ 
You pout your lips at your phone screen as you wait for his response.
cheollie ✨: 😈 
cheollie ✨: I have an idea 
cheollie ✨: for later 
cheollie ✨: I hope you can wear your uniform home 
cheollie ✨: see u in a few hours baby 
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shootybangbang · 3 years
In which the part meets the whole [Part 1]
(formerly titled "In which heat refers to more than just temperature")
[Pairing]: Arthur Morgan/Reader
[Rating]: Mature
[Content Advisory]: this has omegaverse (alpha/beta/omega) dynamics
[You are here] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[Ao3 Link]
[This document is just my libido refusing to let me be a decent person and isn't canon to any of my other published works. This is also unedited, so please let me know if you find any mistakes or have any overall criticisms.]
Midway through the road to Cumberland Falls, Arthur abruptly nudges Athena offtrail towards denser forest and reins her in.
“We need to stop,” he says.
“I told you, it’s just a cold. All I need is a decent night’s sleep and I’ll —”
“It’s not you. It’s me.” His dismount is shaky, his breathing labored and irregular as he covers his eyes with one hand and uses the other to brace himself against a nearby tree. “I think I’m goin’ into rut.”
You blanch.
“But it doesn’t make sense,” he continues. “Wouldn’t happen unless… no. No, you couldn’t be.”
But all his senses speak otherwise. Your fever. The glint of gold in your irises. That scent, so unmistakably sweet, that’s only intensified since morning. Osmanthus and cold water, strong enough now that he can nearly taste it on his tongue.
“You’re not really a beta, are you?”
You stare at the ground, wishing that you could sink into it and disappear. “I’m sorry.”
“And you… you’re going into heat, aren’t you?”
“I shouldn’t be,” you say in a small, disbelieving voice. “I take a suppressant every month.”
“Then you either bought a bad dose or fucked it up somehow. It don’t really matter. Jesus fucking Christ, you’re an idiot. I never should’ve started this whole business with you in the first place.”
“I didn’t think —”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he snaps. “You didn’t think. Got me stuck in the middle of nowhere with an omega in heat while I’m in rut, and to top it all off, it’s you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Means I can’t just leave a little fool like you alone out here. I’ll have to stay close so you don’t get robbed or eaten by wolves. But if I’m too close, I might…” He trails off, swallows nervously and shakes his head.
If you breathe in deep, you can detect faint traces of his rut in the air — something reminiscent of woodsmoke, of leather and wild sage. It stirs a wretched, reluctant surge of arousal between your thighs that forces you to recognize the reality of your situation.
“Maybe I can camp just far enough that I can hear you if you call,” Arthur says, grasping for some kind of a solution. “Could leave you with my gun.”
A sharp, anxious ache flares through your chest at the thought of him leaving you. Like someone’s put their hand through your ribcage to grasp at your heart. It hurts enough that you find yourself wrapping your arms around your chest and doubling over, gasping for air.
“Shit.” Alarmed, he steps towards you with his hand extended. Then he thinks better of it and withdraws. “What’s wrong?”
As sudden as it came, the pain fades. “I forgot about this part,” you say through clenched teeth, squeezing your eyes shut. “Forgot how strong the first heat afterwards gets if I’ve suppressed it a while.”
The tone of your voice suggests that your words have the tail end of a request buried inside. Already apprehensive, Arthur asks you what you mean.
“First heat afterwards usually isn’t fertile, because it’s basically my body resetting itself. But it hurts like hell if I spend it alone. And that’s why… I know I’ve got no right to this, but Arthur —”
“No,” he says, when he realizes your intent. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, girl.”
“I do,” you reply, grimacing. “If I were that far along, believe me — you’d know.” You bite your lip and keep your gaze downward to avoid meeting his eyes, then continue. “I’ve never taken an alpha before, but I always thought that if it were you, I’d… I’d be alright with it.”
Arthur shakes his head, his entire body as tense as a wound up spring. Like he’d snap if you touched him. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t want you. Even driven by rut, he doesn’t want you. “No, I’m sorry. I know you don’t… think of me that way. We can go with your idea and I’ll —”
“I can’t, because I’d hurt you,” he interrupts, self-loathing dripping from every word.“You’ve seen me. You know the kind of man I am. You really want an alpha like that to take you in rut?”
“Yeah. Because it’s you.” A soft ghost of a smile tugs at your lips. “You’re the only alpha I’ve ever felt safe with.”
“You shouldn’t,” he says, and there is a wild, desperate look in his eyes now. “You don’t know how many times I’ve had to stop myself from touching you. And that’s when I thought you were a beta. What d’you think I’d do to you now that you’re an omega in heat?”
The expression on your face is one of dumbfounded shock and confusion.
“You’re really gonna make me spell it out for you?” Arthur looks like a man uttering his own death sentence. “I’d try to knot you. Might even try to mate you, and you wouldn’t be able to stop me. Because I’ve wanted you for a long time now. Didn’t want it to come out this way, but —”
“My god, you really are as dumb as a box of rocks.” You swing yourself off the horse and walk to him with quick, purposeful strides, then seize him by the collar and kiss the underside of his jaw.
Arthur grabs you by the shoulder and wrenches you away, holding you at arm’s length. He’s shaking like a cornered animal, all trembling apprehension and uncertainty. “You don’t want this,” he says, his voice raw and rough. “You shouldn’t — not with someone like me.”
Without breaking eye contact, you gently tug at his wrist to pull his hand off your shoulder. Then you bring the back of it to your lips and kiss him across his scarred knuckles.
He inhales sharply, utters a quiet godfuckingdammit under his breath, and returns the kiss so hard that he nearly bowls you over.
The exact mechanics of how it happens elude you, but you quickly find yourself lying beside him in the grass with your arms looped around his neck, his body pressed against your own as he tries (and fails) to find a way to hold you that won’t be categorized as indecent. Arthur kisses you hungrily, clumsily, with the awkward earnestness of someone who’s only just discovered intimacy, all the while voicing his disproval whenever his mouth’s free enough to talk. Says you have terrible judgment, among other things. Tells you that it’s a bad idea.
“But I never have bad ideas,” you reply, dragging him back towards you.
“That’s a lie and you damn well know it.”
It takes a few more collisions and fruitless exchanges to convince each other that, whatever course you choose to take, you’re definitely not doing it here. Too close to the road.
After he’s gotten back on his feet and brushed the grass off his clothes, Arthur picks you off the ground and hauls you onto his horse the way he might a piece of cargo — inelegantly, with zero regard for human dignity. “Let’s go,” he says, ignoring your very obvious indignation. “We can figure this out once we set up camp.”
There's more to this, but I... uh...it's so self-indulgent that it's gross. Also still very much in WIP form.
Update: [Part 2] has been added.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Oh For Fox Sake!
Michael didn't expect to be given a completely separate job besides the technician job he signed up for in Circus Baby's Pizza World. Now he's sitting in an office with animatronics hunting them down. One of the animatronics happens to be another foxy abbreviation. But this one...gives him many mixed emotions...
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous person on Tumblr. Whoever you are: I hope you enjoy!
Also, I had no clue what gender to make Lolbit. So, I just gave Lolbit the pronouns they/them/it and followed it throughout. Please let me know if I mistyped anywhere! I'll try to fix it right away.
Michael was sitting in the small private office that had been hidden in the side of one of the PizzaPlex’s auditoriums. He had been working at the Pizzeria as a technician, and was just now given a few security guard shifts. This office was surprisingly a little bigger than the vents. It was also much more darker, and had PizzaPlex merchandise hidden on the table. It even had a black fan roaring away on the desk. Learning from general online rumors, every office that was built within every building made by Fazbear Entertainment, would have Fazbear merchandise and a fan. Some person named [Fitz-coward] on a public chat room called it the ‘Fazfan’. A few other people had given their own opinion on the ‘fazfan’ and even made jokes about it. It was kinda funny at first. But now that it had relevance on a personal level, it actually made sense.
It’s amazing what a few bouts of curiosity will lead you to find…And those poor guys...They’ve probably dealt with so much fear after that job.
Michael checked the tablet and checked the cameras that were available to him. He had to keep an eye on a couple specific animatronics such as Ennard, Funtime Freddy with tiny Bonbon, and Lolbit. Michael hadn’t even heard of Lolbit until this point. Who in the heck was Lolbit?! Only when he saw the orange animatronic staring at him through the hall camera, did he get his answer. It looked to be a twin version of Funtime Foxy. But was it Foxy’s brother? Or sister? What gender even was it? Now that he thought about it: What gender is Foxy?!
Michael heard sounds coming from the left hallway, and noticed that Lolbit was back with its jaw open and ready to crush. Michael bit his lip and closed the door on it. Out of this room! Begone! Scat! Leeeeaaave! He was not in the mood for Lolling around.
Michael looked at the hallways and groaned. Ennard’s broken body was on his way too. Wonderful… Michael kept his hand on the open door and made sure to leave some time to close it on the evil monstrosity. Michael looked over at the other hallway, and noticed that Lolbit was gone. So closed went the right door, and open went the left. Ennard was now locked out, and Lolbit was long gone.
Michael smiled and checked the right door to make sure Ennard was unable to get in. When he was sure, Michael relaxed slightly.
One thing Michael noticed was just how quickly the day seemed to be going. It was already 3:30 and the animatronics were being at least a little more behaved. It’s weird and usually worrisome whenever he does anything involving the animatronics. Whether it’s a loving animatronic like Funtime Freddy and BonBon, or a vengeful animatronic like Ennard, Michael didn’t wanna have anything to do with either. He’s seen enough of the animatronics behaviour to say “I’m out”.
And yet...here he was: back at it again with more shifts.
Hearing sounds, Michael closed the left door again. But suddenly, an ear-deafening bang overwhelmed Michael’s ears.
A few seconds later, another loud bang went off.
...And another.
One last bang filled his pain-filled ears as the huge metal door he closed earlier, started to fall in front of him. Michael shrieked and covered his ears, watching in horror as the huge door came crashing down just inches in front of him. Michael was visibly shaking from the super loud noises. His ears were ringing as well. It was like a gun just went off beside his ear multiple times!
Just as the metal sound slowly stopped echoing throughout the room, some loud and boyish laughter filled the office. “HOHAHAHAHAha! Now I bet you weren’t ex-xpecting ME, now WERE you? OhOHOHOhahaha!” a manic voice asked.
Michael widened his eyes in horror as he scooted to the corner of the room. “No...NO!”
Michael grabbed his flashlight and started flashing it nonstop into the animatronic’s eyes. “Get out of here! This is MY private spot!”
Lolbit walked closer and hit the flashlight right out of his hands. “Su-Such a BAAABY…” Lolbit muttered out loud. “Hmmm...Maybe try ha-A-A-arder next time! HAHAhaHAHAHaha!” It suggested.
“I DID try harder! YOU’RE the one who broke the door down!” Michael argued.
The animatronic looked down and chuckled awkwardly. “O-Oh yeah! I forgot about tha-A-at!” It reacted.
Michael sighed. “Just please Lolbit...Go.”
The animatronic smiled and walked closer and closer to Michael just to spite him. “Since WHE-E-EN could you tell ME what to do? You’ve got qui-I-I-ite the NERVE!” Lolbit reacted.
“Yeah, I do! And I learned it on my own, thank you very much.” Michael added.
“My My! Such a ta-A-A-alker! I wonder: Does that mo-0-O-outh of yours have a benefit?” Lolbit asked.
“Sometimes. I could use it to lead you away so that I don’t end up dying tonight.” Michael reworded.
“HAhahahAHAHAha! Be ca-A-areful what you wi-I-I-ish for~!” Lolbit teased.
Michael raised an eyebrow.
Lolbit knelt down and picked up Michael by the armpits. Michael shrieked in horror and quickly started wiggling and fighting it. “HEY! GET OFF ME! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!” Michael shouted.
“Haaaaa...And what will you do-O-O if I DON’T?” Lolbit asked with a sly voice.
“I’ll-I’ll tickle you!” Michael shot back without even properly thinking.
Lolbit widened its eyes and stared at Michael.
“Y-Yeah! I’ll do it! I’m not afraid to tickle you!” Michael added, adding wiggling fingers as he went along with it. “Unless you’re not ticklish…”
Lolbit stared off into the space within Michael’s eyes, and only blinked once out of awkwardness...Then, the fox full on dropped Michael where he was. Michael grunted as he landed on his butt onto the slightly dusty ground.
“Ow…” Michael muttered. “Wait, really?” Michael reacted suddenly. Lolbit turned right around and started to speed walk their way outta there. But Michael quickly pulled himself together and grabbed Lolbit’s foot. “Gotcha!”
“aAAA-A-A-AAAH! HEY! I LET YOU GO!” Lolbit yelled at him.
“Yeah, and that made me curious!” Michael replied. “I might’ve been originally joking when I said that. But the moment you dropped me and tried to run, I HAD to find out if animatronics were ticklish.” Michael told it. “Or, if they can simulate being ticklish.” Michael added. “Same difference in my opinion.”
Lolbit leaned against the wall and shook their leg. “Get off me-E-E!” it yelled.
“No way!” Michael replied. He took advantage of the exposed foot and skittered his fingers on it. “Tickle tickle~”
Lolbit shrieked with voice glitches in between, and threw Michael right off the leg with a strong kick. Michael went flying, and ended up hitting his back against the wall on the other side of the office. Michael groaned and laid on his back for a moment, trying to make sure he didn’t break his back or injure it further. When Michael could feel his legs and see his feet reacting to his movements, Michael sat back up and stood. “Ow...All that because you’re sensitive?” Michael asked.
Lolbit pointed at him. “Stop that!” It ordered. “O-Or I’ll get you back!” Lolbit warned.
Michael looked at himself and smirked. “Sounds like a sacrifice worth taking in my opinion!” Michael sprinted up to Lolbit and dove for them. Lolbit shrieked like a freaking witch, and tried to run away. But Michael had an unfair headstart and had managed to grab hold of its orange and white tail! “LE-e-ET GO-”
Michael managed to shut up the fox with a single squeeze to the side. It helped that Lolbit came with curvy, dented plates on both lower sides! Cause otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been able to squeeze there.
“HEheheEHEHEY! HAHANDS OHOHohohOFF!” Lolbit yelled.
“Why would I do that when I have a ticklish fox in my arms?” Michael asked back. “This is fun!”
Lolbit shook their head. “IHIHIS NAHAhahaAHAHAT!”
Michael chuckled. “A little reminder that you kicked me across the room just a couple minutes ago. You are much stronger than me. So if you really hated it So MuCh…” Michael moved his fingers up to the middle ribs- “You could easily stop me.” Michael concluded.
“Is it now?” Michael asked. “It’s against my code to damage you even minorly! We both have the same laws.” Michael admitted. “And yet: you’ve kicked me already. So you would’ve already ‘hurt’ me. But notice this: no one gave you a controlled shock for throwing me. Therefore:” Michael moved to Lolbit’s orange belly. “Yooouuu kinda like it~”
Lolbit squealed and doubled over. Sensing they were gonna fall, Lolbit pushed Michael out of the way and allowed itself to flop onto its side. “Nohoho...Nohoho moho-O-ohore.” Lolbit begged.
Michael fell a bit backwards, but didn’t hit the ground very hard this time. He got up and looked at Lolbit with interest. “You...saved me.” Michael reacted.
“You’re a hu-U-U-uman! Of COURSE I saved you!” Lolbit opened its jaw. “Ihihi-I-I would be in big trouble if I-i-I damaged you under my care.” Lolbit admitted.
Michael smiled at that. “Thanks for saving me from being crushed.” Michael told it.
Lolbit giggled. “Are you ca-A-alling me fat?” Lolbit asked jokingly.
Michael widened his eyes and covered his mouth. “NO! NO WAY! I would never call you fat! ESPECIALLY intentionally!” Michael reacted loudly.
Lolbit bursted out laughing. “HAHAHAhahahahAHAHA! Yohohou’re so GULLiBLE! It’s HI-i-ILARIOUS!” Lolbit reacted, leaning over and laughing towards the ground.
Michael smirked. “You wanna laugh, huh? Alright! Let’s laugh.” Michael crawled back up to the fox and grabbed the ankle. Lolbit’s giggles quickly paused and were replaced with shrieked of artificial fear! “Wa-A-ait!” Lolbit yelled.
Michael started tickling the underside of the feminine-looking foot almost right away. Lolbit started kicking their other foot and covered its snout as it laughed with glitches in between. “HEHEHEHE-e-EHEY! NAHAHAT THEHEheheheHEHEHERE!” Lolbit protested.
“Why not? Ticklish foot, much?” Michael teased.
“Whahahahat dohoho YOHOhoHOU THIHI-i-IHINK?!” Lolbit shot back.
Michael gasped and paused for a moment. “You’ve got quite the NERVE!” Michael reacted, referencing Lolbit’s words from earlier. Michael even made his voice slightly scratchy and higher to make it sound similar to Lolbit’s for the next words: “Such a BAAABY…”
Lolbit bursted out laughing more. “AAHAHAHAHahahaHAHA! THAHAT WA-a-AHAS TEHEHERRIBLE!” Lolbit reacted.
“Oh! Was it now?” Michael reacted. He moved up to Lolbit’s cute, flat and decorated toes. “It couldn’t have been THAT bad, could it?” Michael teased.
Lolbit threw their head back and started letting out fits of glitchy cackles. “NOHOHOHO-o-o-OHOHOhohoho! TOHOHO-o-O MUHU-H-H-huhuHUHuch!” Lolbit yelled to him.
Michael just laughed with them. “Wohohow! Your laugh is going all over the place! It doesn’t know what it’s doing!” Michael teased, pausing his tickling to show them. “It’s up here! Then it’s down here! It goes from SO LOUD, TO super soft...soooo soft...And THEN IT JUMPS UP AGAIN!” Michael teased much more dramatically.
Lolbit shook their head back and forth and kept kicking their other foot. “IHIHI CAHahahahaAHAHAn’T HEHE-e-E-e-EHEHELP IHIhihIHIHIT!” Lolbit yelled back.
“Well duh! Of course you can’t help it! It’s like my snorting! I can’t help it either! But it’s still funny!” Michael added.
Lolbit gently pushed Michael away with its foot on his chest. “Ohohokahay, thahat’s ehe-E-ehehenough.” Lolbit ordered.
“Ey ey, captain.” Michael replied with a salute.
“Hehehey now: I ain’t the captain around here.” Lolbit sat up and looked at Michael. “Foxy is the legenda-A-ary captain aro-O-O-ound these parts!” Lolbit mentioned.
“Really now?” Michael reacted.
“Yeah! AhehEHEHEhehehe! Indeed he is! He’s a version of the original! A family of Foxy’s! I’m more of a-A-a second-in-command!” Lolbit admitted.
“You’re still important though. I think you’re still important.” Michael mentioned.
Lolbit’s ears perked up. “Hey! Thanks ki-I-id! You’re quite swell yerself!” Lolbit replied.
Michael smiled. “Thank you.”
The two of them sat in silence for a bit. It was a good silence, though a little uncomfortable. They just didn’t really know what to say. Lolbit’s break-in was a success, and Michael’s questions were already answered.
Though there was one last question…
“Hey Lolbit?” Michael asked. Lolbit looked up at Michael and lifted their ears up a little. “How come I haven’t seen you until now?” Michael asked.
Lolbit’s ears and snout both fell at that question. Lolbit tapped their orange fingernail on the ground as they came up with an answer. “Well...Foxy wa-A-as adored more by kids. Kids L-L-loved a purple and pink fox better than an orange fox.” Lolbit replied.
Michael’s curious face morphed into a hurt expression.
“And I didn’t mat-AT-atch the other guys.” Lolbit added.
Michael frowned at that. “Well, Circus Baby doesn’t match the general aesthetic either.” Michael added.
Lolbit looked at Michael out of the corner of its black, void eyes. “Circus Baby is-s dangerous. She-E broke the rule. She no-NO-no longer entertains.” Lolbit admitted.
Michael hummed curiously. He began to wonder what exactly Circus Baby did to get so badly in trouble. But, knowing his father and his motives…
Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t know the specifics.
Lolbit looked back up at Michael. “I ha-A-ave a question.” They told him. Michael looked up and gave Lolbit his full attention. “Is it tru-TrUE that you snort when you laugh?” Lolbit asked.
Michael’s eyes widened as he processed the question. Oh no…
Michael quickly tried to scoot back and run away. But Lolbit was one step ahead of him. Lolbit had grabbed Michael’s ankle and had pulled him closer. “Hey now! HAHAheheheHaHA!” Lolbit put their hands around his waist. “You’re not go-GOing ANYWHERE! HEheheHEHEHEE!” Lolbit declared, laughing themself silly as they used their dark eyes to scan for tickle spots. “You had your at-AT-attack! Now it’s MY TU-TURN! AHUHUHuhuhUHUHUUU!” Lolbit declared proudly. Lolbit immediately started out with quick scratches on the belly. “Tickle tickle s-security guard~” Lolbit teased.
Michael squealed and covered his mouth in an attempt to prevent any laughs or snorts from coming out. Lolbit noticed this and immediately pinned one of Michael’s arms above his head. “AhahahaHAHAHAAA! No che-CHE-cheating on my watch!” Lolbit declared. “And just for that:” Lolbit started tickling in Michael’s now vulnerable armpit.
Michael threw his head back and LAUGHED! “BAHAAAHAHAHAhahaha! NAHAT THEHEHERE! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Michael yelled.
“Oooooh! Why not? HEHEHEhehehe! Ti-TI-ticklish armpit, much?” Lolbit teased, saying the same thing Michael used on him. “I guess you could sa-say THIS ticklish spot is u-UNDER investigation~” Lolbit said as the fox poked its finger further into Michael’s armpit.
Michael whined. “Thahahat Whahahas TEHEHEHERRIBLE!” Michael complained.
“Wo-Would you say it was punny?” lolbit asked. Or maybe…” Lolbit poked Michael’s shoulder- “Huuuumerus~?”
Michael shook his head and pushed against his snout. “STAHAHAHAP!”
“Wow! I didn’t know my jo-jokes were so…” Lolbit moved their fingers to Michael’s ribs and started digging and skittering. “Riiib-tickling~! AHAHAhahahahaHUUUU!”
Michael threw his head back and cackled loudly with snorts mixed in.
“Oh WOOOW! You really DO SNORT! You-ou must be the life of the PARTY! Or maybe even the life of the PORKY~?” Lolbit teased.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” Michael shouted at him.
“HAHAhahaHAHA! Why would I do that when I could ke-keep making animal jokes?” Lolbit asked rhetorically as they moved their metal nails up and down the ribs. “Be-Besides: Fazbear Entertainment should have made me-ME a parrot! Cause I am a HOOT! I KEET you not!” Lolbit teased.
Michael growled and shook his head. “IHIHIHI HAHAHAHATE THEHEHEM!” Michael shouted. “THEHEHEY’RE SOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!”
“Hate them?! But look!” Lolbit poked his mouth. “You‘re smil-iling! And you’re laughing at them! And tha-that with your piggy snorts mixed in, is a real tweet~! Ahahaha!” Lolbit joked.
Lolbit narrowed its eyes and brought its snout closer to Michael. “Ohoho...Excuse me- does it look like I ha-HA-have a black beard to you?!” Lolbit reacted all sassy. Michael giggled more at the fox’s reaction. “Ooooh...You’re trying to toy with the robot! I seeee says the blind man!” Lolbit reacted. Lolbit started tickling Michael’s sides this time. “And I feeeel your fingers, says the nerveless Nellie~” Lolbit added.
Michael yelped and groaned through his new fit of laughter. “HEHehehehey! *snort* THAHAhahahat’s nohohohot- *snort* hohohow ihihihit gohohohoes!” Michael protested.
“Ohoho alright. Ihi-I suppose that pun was a bit of a stretch.” Lolbit decided before finally letting Michael go.
Michael went limp and started panting right away. There were still phantom tickles plaguing him, causing him to giggle and squirm through his shallow breathing.
“I suppose I should be band from funny boneville?” Lolbit finished off.
“Ihihi will shohohock you.” Michael warned with an uncontrollable giggle.
“Ohohoho! How enlightening! Perhaps even frightening!” Lolbit teased.
Lolbit finally stopped with the puns the moment Michael squeezed their sides. There were just too many puns all at once. Perhaps they would be all over now…
No fox were given during the making of this Fazfan-fic. Are these puns bad enough for you, anon? XD
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komfortkiri · 3 years
NOTES: I’ll make a banner for this series whenever I get my shit together on Photoshop, lol. I’ve been on a Sero/Kiri thing lately plus this was brewing in my head so I wanted to hurry and type it all down before I forgot it.
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You had been staring at this ad for a couple of days now. Surely they must have found someone by now, right? You were new around the area and being on your own, wasn’t quite what you had imagined. Your parents? Well, your mom up and decided to leave you behind after bringing you home from the hospital and your dad.. He’s always been there but you wanted to prove you could finally be on your own. You were 24 for God’s sake, of course you could do it, but sometimes— you found yourself wondering if you bit off more than you could chew. Living in this big city full of crazy quirks of all kind, including yours, it was pretty overwhelming.
Oh, your quirk? Well, you were part wolf and people could tell that from looking at you, due to your pointed black ears that rested on either side of the top of your head plus a tail that was pretty fluffy and was also black in color.. Can’t forget the fangs that you have, too. Your howl could deafen someone for a brief amount of time, distracting them. You also had the agility which mean you could run— fast. 
Growing up wasn’t easy at all. You were often teased about your appearance. Kids would pull your tail, thinking it didn’t hurt you when in reality, it did. You spent majority of your childhood wondering why you had to have such an awful quirk, blaming your father since he was also part wolf. However, as you got older, you became more mature and focused more on yourself. Of course, you apologized to your father, which brought the two of your closer, allowing you to confess the reasoning behind why your child days were so… dark and why you lashed out in such ways. 
Your father was a strong man, taking on a few jobs at a time to support you and his self while also keeping the bills paid on time. You admired him for that but you didn’t want to depend on him anymore which led you to where you are right this second— staring at this damned ad, wondering when you’re going to build up some type of courage to text the number. “Oh, for all that is holy, just do it.” You grew tired of being scared so you brought out your phone and texted the number.
TO KIRI: Hey… I was texting about your ad about needing a third roommate and wanted to inquire about it, if you haven’t found anyone yet.
You thought about it again.. What if it was a scam? Oh, you literally brought your palm to your forehead, tapping it a times then halted when your phone buzzed. You looked at the screen, eyes widening in surprise because it was the number from the ad. You had your phone set to where you wouldn’t be able to see previews of your messages unless you unlocked it fully. You braced yourself for a ‘Sorry, we’ve found someone’ or something along those lines. You wouldn’t be surprised since it did take you forever to even act on this whole thing. You swiped left on the message, unlocked your phone, squeezing your eyes shut then took a deep breath. Your right eye slowly opened, eyesight adjusting to the brightness of your screen then falling amongst the words of this Kiri’s response. Your other eye shot open in shock, both your ears perking up.
FROM KIRI: Awesome! We haven’t really had any luck with anyone reliable.. so since that’s the case.. would you mind if me and the other roommate meet you for, say.. coffee? How’s tomorrow morning sound around 8:30-ish?
Thinking to yourself, were you reliable? Of course, you were. Responsible? Absolutely. You worked at a local animal shelter, coincidentally. You worked more with dogs than cats, though, which came with the territory. Dogs obviously gravitated more to you given your natural wolf scent that only they detected with their sense of smell. Recently, you were moved into a management position so you were paid pretty well, which struck up this whole idea to be on your own, per se. Before you could think any further, did you work tomorrow? No, perfect. You rolled over onto your stomach on your bed, tail moving from side-to-side.
TO KIRI: Of course! That sounds great. There’s a coffee shop a few blocks from where I currently stay.. called Camille’s Cafe, not sure if you have heard of it or would prefer something else?
Were you coming off pushy? Demanding? At this point, you didn’t know and you were so nervous that it was driving you crazy but before you could go into panic mode— you got a text back, agreeing on the meeting place and everything. That was… easy.. almost too easy.. Either way, you were thankful they wanted to meet in a public setting in case they really were scammers. That’s when the thought had hit you.. What if they were guys? Kiri didn’t necessarily sound like a guy’s name.. did it? You laughed at your overthinking. No way these were guys.
With that, you looked at the clock on your bedroom wall, it reading 9:30 PM. You decided to go ahead and settle into bed to get enough rest so you didn’t look like a walking zombie when you met your potential roommates for coffee. You plugged in your phone to the charger and laid down, laying awake for an extra hour or so before drifting to sleep.
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After a long day of getting phone call after phone call, text after text from different people saying they were interested in their ad, Eijiro and Hanta were close to giving up. Everyone who showed interest had some type of flaw about them, whether it be a bad history of paying rent on time or being an awful roommate in the past. It was becoming annoying, to say the very least. After denying everyone who reached out, Eijiro thought it was best to just block all the numbers to prevent further contact.
“Bro, I’m beginning to lose hope. We probably won’t ever find someone else to move in with us.” Hanta sat down on the couch in the living room with a sigh, kicking his feet up on the table in front of him. “Might as well talk to Kats about ditching that condo he’s in to move in over here with us.” They had thought about that a few times but even the slight mention of a roommate the first time, their friend, Katsuki, was the first to say not to even consider him because he valued his privacy. They didn’t press further because they understood and knew how he was. 
Eijiro sat on the other end of the couch, directly across from Hanta, leaning forward to prop his elbows on his knees and his head on his hands. “You know exactly how that’ll go, Sero. I say the next person that texts us, we invite to coffee and really figure shit out. It’s been days since we posted that ad, and you know that we need the help we can get.” Hanta nodded in agreement then both their eyes shot down to Eijiro’s phone that lit up with a unsaved number, inquiring about the roommate situation. Hanta moved over to the same side as where Eijiro was to sit down once the red head picked up his phone to look at the message. 
“Huh, look at that! It’s almost like this person heard you.” Hanta chuckled, looking over the message. “What do you think? Coffee?” Eijiro nodded then sent his first text out in response to the inquirer.
TO (YOU): Awesome! We haven’t really had any luck with anyone reliable.. so since that’s the case.. would you mind if me and the other roommate meet you for, say.. coffee? How’s tomorrow morning sound around 8:30-ish?
Sero scowled, “8:30 in the morning, dude? You really must be desperate because we sleep till like noon on our days off. That or you’re hoping it’s a girl.” He laughed then got up to circle around the furniture to head to the kitchen. “I mean, it might be a girl… and it might be good for us. Could teach us a few things.” Kirishima didn’t think about what all that last statement could entail but Sero, thankfully, didn’t catch onto it. “I guess so. Did they respond?” Just as soon as he finished asking his question, another text came through. 
“How do you feel about Camille’s down the road?” Kirishima looked over to Sero who thought for a minute then shrugged with a nod, “Alright, yeah. I could go for one of her bagels. We haven’t seen the lady in a while so we should pay her a visit.” Camille was an older woman who had a heart of gold and loved both Kirishima and Sero. They always were such gentleman when they came in but they stopped going once the crime rate escalated the past few weeks. 
“That’s true. I told the person it sounded great so. Let’s head to bed so we can actually wake up early and look decent instead of a mess.” Kirishima rose from the sofa to head toward his room. Sero called out, “Wouldn’t have to get beauty sleep at all if you didn’t schedule this meeting at the crack ass of dawn.” With that, Kirishima held out his arm behind him, giving Sero the middle finger. “Stop your bitching and go to bed, princess.”
Sero laughed and both settled into bed for the night. While one went to sleep pretty quick, the other laid awake, wondering who this mystery person could be. The thought of whether it was a female or not, really stuck to Eijiro’s mind. He had hoped that if it was, they wouldn’t be scared away by the fact that they’d be living with two guys should they accept the offer at all. Kirishima wanted them to be as comfortable as possible and that’s what he intended on doing and without noticing, he drifted into a deep sleep.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Lost & Found - 9
Pairing: Park Jimin x soulmate (oc)
Warnings: Insecurity, anxiety, abandonment
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: this chapter is based off of the song ‘Countdowns’ by Sleeping at Last. I also consider this Jimin’s song for this series! Give it a listen! (also, Sleeping at Last has been a long time favorite band of mine and they are soooo amazing)
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Chapter 9. Countdowns
series masterlist
I awake with a distinct feeling of disbelief. Peering down at Elle’s sleeping form, I do my best to maneuver to the side of the bed without waking the pristine white cat. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, it only takes a couple of seconds before yesterday’s conversation with Park Jaemin appears.
I stare and stare at the screen, scrolling through the light-hearted conversation until I arrive to a conclusion.
“I think I made a friend.” At my quiet utterance Elle stretches and looks at me lazily. “Well, besides you, I suppose.”
Elle rolls to her feet, plopping down on my lap and swishing her tail back and forth. I chew on my lip, checking the time at the top of the screen. It’s still absurdly early, chances are I won’t hear back from Jaemin for a few hours if I decide to text him now.
But, I think I made a friend.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I did that.
That fact alone proves too tempting as I run my fingers through Elle’s fur and snap a photo of her. Quickly captioning it, I send it off and jump out of bed, throwing my phone down on the comforter.
“There,” I grin at my confused cat. “That counts as my social interaction for the day, right?”
It isn’t until I’m in the shower and halfway through shaving my left leg that I realize just how much my newly formed friendship has influenced me. Not only has it granted me a rarely-won feeling of accomplishment, but it’s also spurred me to do something I never fully realized I had stopped in the first place.
For the first time in months - no, perhaps already a year? - I’m singing.
With a silly grin that is so at odds with the rush of tears to my eyes, I sing all the louder.
For the first time since he saw the other half of this thread floating toward him on a phantom breeze, freshly cut, Jimin is singing.
Granted, it’s not the singing most people are used to hearing. The arena is echoing with the sounds of the members of BTS performing their various voice exercises. At first it felt a bit strange, sitting on the edge of the stage where they’ll be having their Muster is a few day’s time. Experimentally projecting his voice, wincing a little at how a few weeks without singing made it a bit difficult.
“How’re you feeling?” Yoongi plops down beside Jimin, leaning back on his hands. Jimin shrugs, looking around the arena.
“I’d forgotten how big these venues are,” he admits. “And it’s only been a few weeks since I last performed.”
Yoongi grunts in acknowledgement, looking at all the empty seats that will soon be filled with their fans. “It’s a humbling feeling, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Will we really fill this place up?”
Snorting, Yoongi gets up to his feet and holds a hand out for Jimin. “We will, I have a feeling that’ll be the least of our problems.”
Clambering to his feet as well, Yoongi’s words remind Jimin of what they have to do today. Heading toward the center of the back of the stage, they enter the loose huddle the others have formed.
The stage director, Kang Jisoo, does a quick headcount before beginning the little meeting. “Ok,” she rolls her shoulders, looking around the circle. “How’s everybody feeling?”
She’s met with an array of responses, all conveying the same meaning.
“Great. Does everyone feel confident with the different stages? Anything you feel like you need to go over before we begin the full rehearsal?” It’s quiet for a moment, but Hoseok voices what’s on everybody’s mind.
“How do you want us to move through Jiminie’s entrance and exit?”
Despite knowing that this question was coming, Jimin can’t help the spike in his heart rate. He’s itching to perform again, but there’s no way for him to anticipate everyone’s reactions when he comes out on stage. All he can do is try his best, he supposes.
The first couple of hours fly by, Jimin watching from the side for the majority of the time. It was decided that he would come on and perform with everyone for the final song, allowing for all of the members to leave at the same time as him.
When it comes time for that final song in the rehearsal, Jimin clenches his jaw while the platform rises up to the stage. Clinging to his microphone for dear life and forcing himself to look out at the empty arena instead of the red thread on his left hand, he readjusts his earpiece and allows for the music to take over.
Jimin’s eyes fall shut as he sings his part, a part of his aching heart basking in the lyrics. He doesn’t open them again until Taehyung’s deep voice is finishing out the song, and he glances around himself as though just remembering where he is.
He’s shocked when he catches Jungkook hastily drying his tears on his shirtsleeves.
“Kookie,” Jimin laughs as he rises from the stool, wandering over to the maknae. He pulls him into a hug, the other members watching with fond expressions. “You alright?”
Jungkook nods, sniffling a little more before pulling away. “Sorry hyung, I just...it’s sad.”
“The song?” Jimin asks with raised brows.
Shrugging and nodding at the same time, Jungkook looks around the empty arena as though able to see into the future when it will be filled with ARMY. “All of it.”
Kang Jisoo rushes over a moment later, her own eyes glinting a little with what might be unshed tears. “Right, after that, I would strongly advise saying goodbye and heading back to the lift.” She looks at Jungkook with a knowing expression. “It’s going to be a bit intense in here, I think. After that performance.”
“Should I have picked a different song?” Jimin asks, worried that it might prove too much for ARMY. “I just don’t think I could do a very high energy one, you know? But we could do 2! 3! Or something-”
It’s Taehyung who steps forward, throwing a comforting arm around his friend. “No. I think ARMY...I think I need to see it, actually.” He sighs. “It’ll hurt, but I think we’ll all look back and see that your performance, returning to the public eye with this song, gives hope.”
Once rehearsal is wrapped up, Jimin finds himself backstage with Jin and Jungkook. The three of them are in the process of stuffing their faces with whatever food they can find when Jin looks at Jimin quizzically.
“Have you texted Jolie at all since last night?”
Jimin’s eyes grow wide. “Er-” he swallows his food, “I forgot to charge my phone last night, it was dead this morning. I threw it on the charger once I got here. Let me find it.” He jumps up, heart beating a bit too quickly as he searches for his charged phone. This morning he’d nearly had a heart attack when he realized he’d fallen asleep with his phone in his hands instead of charging it up. When he tried to turn it on to attempt a good morning text to Jolie, he’d huffed and puffed as his poor phone refused to power up immediately.
By the time he’d rushed over here and found a charger to throw it on, he’d had to go on stage.
Now he finds it in the corner of the room, fully charged and-
“She texted me!” Jimin shouts, ripping his phone off the charger and rushing back over to Jin and Jungkook.
“She did?!” Jungkook and Jin simultaneously shout, eyes wide.
Jimin groans when he sees what time. “At like...four in the morning!”
“What did she say?” Jin urges, nudging him. Jimin unlocks his phone, immediately letting out a choked noise when he sees the adorable message.
It’s a photo of Elle, sprawled out as Jolie’s right hand (obviously not the left, which would show her severed thread), scratches her fluffy belly. Beneath the photo is a message.
Jolie (Elle): Elle’s much happier now, she says good morning!
Jolie (Elle): Oh, and she says thank you for the cuddles 😍
“Thank you for the cuddles,” Jimin squeaks out, parroting the message. Jin and Jungkook read the message over his shoulder, cooing at the adorable cat.
“What are you going to say back?” Jungkook asks, still smiling at the cute message. Jimin takes a moment to think it over, before typing out a message.
Me: Why is she so adorable??
Me: Alsoooo sorry for taking forever to respond. My phone was dead and then I forgot to take it off the charger.
He waits about sixty seconds before firing off another message.
The others chuckle at him, knowing full well not to question him.
I’ve taken a pan out of my cupboard to begin preparing dinner when my phone pings. It just so happens to go off at the same moment someone knocks on my door.
Rounding the corner to open the door, I check my phone on the way and can’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
I was worried that Jaemin wasn’t going to respond.
I mean, I did text him...fourteen hours ago? It’s already six in the evening, it’s about time he responded.
“Open up! It’s the police!”
Rolling my eyes, I yank the door open to reveal a grinning Chung-hei. “Come in, loser.”
She does just that, sniffing the air like some sort of dog. “You haven’t started cooking yet, have you?”
I shake my head. “Just about to start.” Sliding an onion across the counter, I pass her a cutting board as well. “Since you’re late, you can chop the onion.”
Grumbling something under her breath, Chung-hei takes the cutting board and stations herself before the counter. “Yeah, yeah. How’s life?”
Shrugging, I get up on my tip-toes to reach the spices that I for some reason keep on the top shelf. “Pretty good. Actually, today’s been a pretty good day.”
“Oh really?” Hei wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Why? What happened?”
Shouting triumphantly when I finally reach the spices, I grin at my oldest friend. “I think I made a friend.” Then, pausing, I smile even wider. “Actually, two.”
Christina and Jaemin.
What a great starting lineup.
Chung-hei pauses in her chopping, looking genuinely surprised. “You’re being social?”
We both laugh knowingly. She’s always been the more outgoing one out of the two of us, although I used to be just as social as she was. Over the past year or so though, I’ve definitely become more of a recluse.
Almost like I’d forgotten who I was, content to just watch life fly by outside my window. I’d completely forgotten the thrill that comes from making new friends.
“A little,” I shrug. “What about you? How are you doing?”
Chung-hei looks like she wants to ask a bit more about my newfound friends, but drops it for now. “Same old, same old. I’m busy, Namjoon is busy, but we make it work. Actually,” she sets her knife down and steps back to avoid the effects of the onion. “I wanted to come here and apologize.”
Today is definitely turning out to be an...interesting day.
Smiling softly, Chung-hei takes the chopped half of the onion to the saucepan on the stovetop and begins sautéing it. “I was...unfair to you the other day. Well, I guess it’s been a couple of weeks now, hasn’t it? For one, I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize that I wasn’t being a very good friend-”
I stop her with a confused look. “Hei, what are you talking about?”
“When I ambushed you at the bread shop with Namjoon.”
“Oh,” I say, stepping back and watching her. “I didn’t realize I’d be getting an apology for that.”
“Well, you deserve one. I wasn’t thinking about how you were feeling, I just got so in my head, just wanting to fix everything.” She shakes her head, staring down at the pan. “The only thing I could think about was how lost Namjoon looked when he came over that night, you know, when everything went down…”
“You mean when I cut the thread.”
Chung-hei finally looks over at me, a little shocked.
“You can say it,” I continue, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “It’s not like it’s a disease or something.”
She nods slowly, returning to the task at hand. “Ok. Well, that night when...when you cut the thread, Namjoon showed up in the middle of the night. He’d just left Jimin, and he was a mess. It took him forever to calm down enough to even speak straight, let alone rest. And of course, I was horrified. So when I found out that it was my best friend who was the reason for all of that pain, pain that I can only imagine was multiplied tenfold for Jimin, I just...freaked out. Bringing Namjoon to confront you seemed to be the only option for me.”
“...but it wasn’t, right?” I ask tentatively, taking in this new information. The thought of Namjoon being such a mess that night had never crossed my mind. I’d imagined that everyone would be angry, sure. But shell-shocked? Shaken to the bone?
“No. There were - still are - so many better options. And that’s been eating me alive the past couple of weeks,” Hei admits. “I’m so sorry, Jolie. For not even taking the time to figure out if you’re ok.”
It’s the apology I didn’t know I needed.
“...do you forgive me?” I ask quietly, realizing that what I may need more than an apology is forgiveness.
Chung-hei turns around to face me, tears rolling down her face that may not be from the onions. “I- of course I do. I did, weeks ago.”
As much as I want to dissolve into my friend’s embrace and cry with her, I find myself needing to know more. In my personal search for forgiveness, I need to understand why.
“How, though?” I venture. “Why?”
Blinking, Hei pushes the onions around on the pan for a moment longer. “How? I just...I love you. Even when you’re an idiot.”
I laugh at her honest response, suddenly feeling much lighter. “Thank you?”
It would appear that Christina is right. As horribly cliché and exhausting as it sounds, that’s the first thing I’ve got to understand if I’m going to find any way out of this mess.
Love just has to always be the answer, doesn’t it?
“Attention hog,” I mutter, quietly attacking love.
“What was that?” Chung-hei asks, thankfully not hearing me above the sizzling of the stove.
“Oh, nothing.” Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I grin at the messages I have waiting for me. It looks like Jaemin slipped another message into the mix, ever the impatient one.
Me: Wowww good to know you’re still breathing
Me: Also, if that’s what it takes to get a text back within a decent amount of time...maybe there will be a shortage of Elle pictures for a while. Thanks for the idea! 😂
When Jimin arrives back at the apartment that evening, he’s a little shocked to find himself walking into World War III.
Both him and Jungkook, who usually tend to share a car, freeze in the doorway as the unmistakable voices of Taehyung and Namjoon bounce off the walls. Jungkook is quick to close the door behind him, hoping that the rest of the prestigious neighborhood didn’t just hear the shouting.
“What do you mean you didn’t know what to do?!” Taehyung shouts, sounding like he’s upstairs. Jungkook and Jimin share a look, unsure of whether they should head up to break up the argument.
It’s been years since Namjoon got caught up in a screaming match with any of the members. Whatever it is, it must be serious.
Yoongi and Hobi sit on a couch in the living room, wincing at the bitter argument. Jimin and Jungkook wander over to them, hoping to find some sort of explanation.
“They came in like this,” Yoongi quietly explains, already knowing that they’d ask. “Didn’t tell us what’s going on, but they shared a car and I guess something happened.”
Before Jimin can ask anything, Namjoon’s voice interrupts him.
“What was I supposed to do, Taehyung?! Break Jimin’s heart all over again? Jolie hardly knows what she’s feeling, let alone how to pick up the pieces-”
The entire apartment falls silent as Taehyung’s voice rips through Namjoon like a freshly sharpened knife. “He’s my best friend, and yours too, hyung.” His voice is softer now, although there’s still a barb to it. “Weren’t you the one preaching about ‘let it hurt, then let it go’? How is he ever supposed to let it go when you’ve been hiding this from him?”
“And how do you propose I tell him?” Namjoon says quietly enough that Jimin wonders if he actually heard him.
Before Jungkook can stop him, Jimin is striding up the stairs to see Taehyung standing in the doorway of Namjoon’s room, panting after his outburst. His heart is in his stomach, gut churning as he quietly walks over to his best friend’s side.
Taehyung jumps a little when Jimin appears beside him, but Jimin is immediately drawn in by the image in front of him.
Namjoon is sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. Looking absolutely devastated.
“Tell me what?”
Head popping up, Namjoon meets Jimin’s eyes with his own blood-shot ones. “You’re home,” he croaks out, his voice sounding raw after the screaming match he just went through.
From the way Taehyung huffs, Jimin can tell he’s still riled up. Placing a protective hand on his shoulder, Taehyung urges his friend forward.
“Yes…” Jimin says, looking back at Taehyung. His friend keeps his eyes trained on Namjoon, almost as though daring him to try hiding the truth. It’s a look that has Jimin shrinking back, even though he’s not on the receiving end of it. “What’s going on, hyung? You- I heard Jolie’s name.”
Sitting up straight and nodding slowly, Namjoon looks utterly defeated. “Come in, Jimin. I...I need to talk to you about something.”
“What happened?” Jimin reiterates, feeling absolutely terrified. Nobody offers him a response just yet, although Taehyung does go inside with Jimin and stands beside him as he sits down in Namjoon’s armchair. It’s clear that Taehyung isn’t going anywhere during this conversation.
After a long moment, Namjoon adjusts to face Jimin, staring down at his hands. “Just, I need you to know that I didn’t hide this from you because I don’t trust you, Chim. I do. You know that.”
He glances up at Jimin, who nods for him to continue.
“Jolie...your soulmate, she’s Chung-hei’s best friend.” He pauses, allowing Jimin to take in this new information. All he can do is blink, his mind beginning to whir with what this implies. “And, er...I met her. A couple weeks ago.”
All Namjoon receives is a blank stare as Jimin tries and fails to compute. Taehyung’s chest is still rising and falling with heavy breaths, attempting to curb his anger.
“Chung-hei was freaked out when she learned about it, and she didn’t know what else to do. I wanted to tell you, Jimin, I swear. But I didn’t want you to get your hopes up-”
“You met her?” The question stops Namjoon in his tracks, instantly feeling more regret piling up as he sees the innocent confusion on Jimin’s face.
Jimin can’t believe that he could intentionally hide this from him.
“I...yes. I did.”
Nodding slowly, as checking off one question and moving to the next, Jimin furrows his brows. “As in, you spoke to her?”
“But you didn’t tell me.”
“Because you were afraid of me getting my hopes up only to get hurt again?”
“Yes. Jimin, I-”
“Is she ok?”
Jimin asks the question in a quiet tone, but Namjoon has the distinct feeling of being caught in the middle of a hurricane. Indeed, Taehyung still appears to be fuming beside his best friend, but in Jimin’s eyes is a calculated sort of calm.
It hurts, Namjoon realizes. It hurts Jimin to still care so much even after having his heart ripped out. But that’s Jimin. To stop Jimin from loving would be to stop the world from spinning.
“She’s...lost.” Namjoon replies, unsure of how exactly to explain Jolie’s predicament. “Chung-hei feels horrible though, feels like she hasn’t been a very good friend to her over the past few weeks. She’s gone over there tonight to apologize.”
Jimin nods, fiddling with one of his rings. “Will you tell me what she said to you? Tell me everything that happened?” He hesitates. “Tell me...why?”
Namjoon looks more than willing to share that information with him, even if he doesn’t quite know why either. But he pauses for a moment, frowning.
“Jimin, I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Jimin chuckles softly when Namjoon looks confused. He shrugs, gesturing to his face. “You look horrible, so I figured you felt bad.”
Both Namjoon and Taehyung snort, and then the between them dissipates as Namjoon gives him an apologetic look. Taehyung just nods, accepting the silent apology. As long as Jimin’s alright, he’ll be fine.
“Well,” Namjoon stretches a little, “she bakes bread.”
The boys all filter in at some point, listening with every ounce of their attention as Namjoon relates his experience. It’s late, late enough that Jimin knows Jolie probably won’t respond to the text he sends around one in the morning, but hopefully she’ll see it when she wakes up.
Which apparently is around four in the morning each day for work.
Me: Goodnight! I promise to be better at responding from now on 😜 give Elle a kiss goodnight from me
That’s why he’s so surprised when he receives a text back, quickly followed by Namjoon’s phone going off and him accepting a call from Chung-hei.
“She’s probably calling to tell me how it went tonight,” he explains, promising to put her on speaker once he answers the phone.
Jimin nods, wide awake as he unlocks his phone.
Jolie (Elle): Woah woah woah, quit hitting on my cat. She’s taken.
He hastily sends off a reply just as Chung-hei’s voice fills the room.
Me: Ooh, touchy subject. I see that you get grumpy once it’s past your bedtime
“Hey guys! Jimin, can you hear me?”
Jimin nods before realizing that Chung-hei can’t actually see him. “Oh, yeah. How’s it going?”
“Great! I’m so sorry about keeping this from you, Jimin. Really.”
“It’s alright,” Jimin says, getting up to stretch a bit. “So...how’s Jolie?”
“Really, really well. She seemed a lot happier today. Said that she’s made some new friends.”
Jimin’s heart jumps up to his throat, realizing that he may very well be one of those friends.
“That’s a big deal, though. Jolie hasn’t really gone out of her way to get to know anyone for a while. Seeing her like this was awesome.”
Jimin’s phone lights up with an incoming message, making him smile despite his worry over Jolie’s apparent anti-socialness.
Jolie (Elle): ugh don’t remind me
Jolie (Elle): I have to get up in less than three hours, pray for me 🙏
“The only thing I’m worried about is what’s gonna happen to her once you go back out into the public eye, Jimin,” Chung-hei muses, pulling Jimin’s attention away from his phone. “Jolie is going to become public enemy number one whenever people realize she’s got a cut thread.”
“Oh,” Namjoon mumbles. “I didn’t think about that.” He glances over at Jimin.
“We have to find a way to cover for her,” Jimin thinks aloud. “We’ll come up with something.”
The conversation wraps up, everyone eventually leaving Namjoon’s room as he continues chatting with Chung-hei. Jimin finds himself on the sofa in the living room, fingers hovering over his phone.
Me: I hope you’re asleep by now. Let me know how tomorrow goes for you, don’t fall asleep at work or something.
When he doesn’t receive a response back, he lets out a long sigh. Sliding his feet into his slippers, he heads outside to the balcony. Resting against the railing and looking out into the night, it doesn’t take long before Taehyung shuffles out after him.
“Hey,” he quietly greets. Jimin glances over at his friend, smiling softly.
It’s quiet for a long moment, both boys taking in the beautiful night before speaking up.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jimin chews on the question for a while beneath the twinkling stars, grateful for Taehyung’s quiet patience.
“I’m not sure,” Jimin sighs. “I feel like it’s all I ever talk about, but at the same time I don’t know how to talk about anything else.”
Taehyung hums in understanding, cracking his back before leaning up against the railing. “Should we not talk at all, then?”
Chuckling softly, Jimin nods. The silence wraps around the two of them as the night progresses, although it does little to tire Jimin out. He’s still wide awake when the clock hits three, and realizes with a start that Jolie will be waking up soon.
It’s the fact that no matter how hard he tries to hate her but can’t that has him finally opening his mouth to speak. When he does, Taehyung is alert and ready to listen.
“I wonder…” Jimin’s voice is croaky, making it sound like he just woke up. He clears his throat. “I can’t stop myself from wondering about her. She’s constantly on my mind. Especially now that I’ve seen her…” his mind immediately recalls how she looked crouching down to greet Elle, that soft smile on her face. “You know, I can’t help but wonder what’s happened to make her be so quick to cut me out of her life. That’s not normal. I mean, to be a little hesitant, sure. But to go to such lengths?”
“You’re right,” Taehyung murmurs. “What do you think it is?”
Jimin shrugs. “I’m not sure. But I’m going to find out, one way or another.”
Jimin has just finished showering and getting ready for bed when he realizes that it’s already four in the morning. Groaning once he realizes that he actually has to get up and do things in a few hours time, he wonders if he should wish Jolie good morning.
Will she think he’s weird?
“Well, I am,” Jimin admits, not shying away from the desire to reach out to his soulmate. Unlocking his phone, he squints at the screen in the darkness, typing out a quick message.
Perhaps he’s a bit tired, or maybe he’s feeling more vulnerable than usual, but he finds himself hit with a sudden wave of loneliness. Wishing, despite the early hour, that he was with Jolie at this hour of the morning. Teasing her for having to get up so early, offering to take her out to lunch while Elle slumbers at the foot of the bed.
Picture perfect.
Me: Good morning 😸 I hope you were able to get some sleep!
The response is almost instantaneous.
Jolie (Elle): did you even go to sleep?? Seriously, if I make it to work in one piece this morning, it’ll be a miracle.
Jolie (Elle): Also, awww did I just receive my first official good morning text? 😌
Taehyung and Namjoon hover outside of Jimin’s room, watching him turn into a giggling mess. They exchange looks, chuckling to themselves.
“Hey, do you have a second?” Namjoon asks quietly. Jimin nods, letting them come in. Nobody bothers to turn the light on, opting to sit in the light darkness rather than blinding themselves at this early hour.
“Hang on, let me just respond to this real quick,” Jimin mumbles, chewing in the inside of his cheek before coming up with something good enough to respond with.
Me: No, haven’t slept yet. Looks like I won’t for a while. Hmmm, looks like I should start sending more morning texts? 😉 seriously though, good luck today. Let me know how you’re holding up.
Once he’s sent off the message, he sets his phone down to face his brothers.
“What’s up?”
Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, Taehyung sitting beside him looking like he’s half-asleep.
“Well, we’re trying to figure out how to smooth everything over for Jolie once word gets out that your thread was cut.” Jimin internally winces at the mention of his thread, but shakes it off as Namjoon continues to speak. “Any ideas?”
I’ve successfully made it through my shift, despite how slowly time was moving this morning. Scrubbing my hands in the big industrial sink in the back, I listen to the quiet chatter going on in the front of the store. It’s a Wednesday morning, not much is going on out there today. Chances are the shop will be empty until either the lunch rush or the end of the work day.
It’s the perfect way for me to slip out unnoticed.
I’m attempting to do just that, my apron already untied, when my boss Yuri calls out to me.
“Jolie! Really quick, before you head out, it looks like we’ve got an impromptu meeting…?” She looks at me expectantly, which has me furrowing my brow. Am I really so tired that I forgot about a meeting?
“Oh, er...ok.”
“Are we alright to have it back here?”
Again, I frown. Why is she asking me? She’s the boss. “Yeah, that’s fine I guess. Whatever works best for you.”
Yuri smiles warmly at me, although I don’t miss the way her gaze dips down to my left hand. “Great. I’ll let them know that we can chat back here.”
I shake it off, dubbing the strangeness of it all just a side effect to my exhausted state. It was great having Chung-hei over last night, but I haven’t stayed up that late in a long time-
“Hey Jolie, sorry to bombard you like this.”
I whip around at the sound of a familiar voice, eyes widening when I see Kim Namjoon standing before me. Opening my mouth to ask one of the many questions swirling around my mind, I find that no sound comes out as another tall figure steps into the room.
Coming to stand next to Namjoon, Taehyung’s residual smile from chatting with the employees in the front fades to a straight line. No smile, not an ounce of warmth crosses his sculpture-like features.
“Glad we could catch you before you head out,” Taehyung’s quiet, deep voice is nearly inaudible as he watches me from across the room.
Caught indeed.
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the-silentium · 4 years
Murphy day Pt. 2
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3161 words
Warnings: Curses.
A/N:  Yes, I put some ARK:Survival evolved creatures in this, so I do not own their concept. They are just so cute! Also I’m not as good at worldbuilding as @shadow-hyder .
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
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"So you guys are Commandos?" You asked as Hunter moved aside the colorful plant blocking your way, his steps following yours closely. 
For the last 10 minutes, you've managed to make good progress in your quest to reach the clones' ship. So deep into the jungle, the prank traps were nonexistent, making it easier for the group to venture without a hitch although it also meant that you were out of the village's defence system. 
Wrecker had been chattering with you for the most part, explaining that they weren't regular clones when you pointed out that referring to them as 'clones' was basically going against the definition of the word as they all looked completely different from one another. 
Unbeknownst to you, a certain bad batcher started to think that you may not be as annoying as he initially thought, your comment about the fact that their mutations made them the best version of their kind was running through his mind. 
The jungle is in constant evolution! Only the bests survive and to do that, they need to mutate! It's the same with you guys. Your mutations make you even more adapted to survive and do your job. That's impressive.
"We are!" You could tell Wrecker was immensely proud of being an elite special team, his enthusiasm made his voice even louder. 
You'd hoped that Wrecker's voice mixed with Tech's repulsive odor would keep the nasty fangs away. Unfortunately, bad luck decided to show its face again.
A branch snapped behind you catching your attention, prompting you to stop dead in your tracks and turn around at the same moment Hunter did. He didn't even have to lift his hand, his troop immediately turned like one man while lifting their blasters towards the moving and cracking flora, their feet firmly planted on the ground, ready to engage whatever there was lurking around. 
The animal was clearly making its way into your direction, its form moved the plants around to form a clear path towards your group. 
The utter silence was nerve wracking. The birds had stopped chirping a while back, when Wrecker had exploded in laughter at one of your joke, the jerboas were definitely keeping themselves at bay along with every non-lethal creature around. 
Crouching very slowly, you reached for your knife, the warm wood connecting with your fingertips relaxed your stress just a little. 
A sigh of relief left your lips when a familiar bleating sound reached your ears. Releasing your knife, you pushed past the rest of the group to search the tall grass for the small herbivore. 
"It's fine." You breathed, your eyes falling on the excited baby, its cute face almost making you aww.  "'s just a Shinehorn." You crouched to carefully take the small light-brown goat in your arms, its tail wagging quickly in excitement. 
The troopers dropped their weapons, all their helmets now focussed on the wiggling animal in your arms. Slowly, you put it back down before giving him more pets under its chin. 
The Shinehorn was still very young, the top of his head reaching just below your knees and his tiny green horns flashing lowly in his excitement. You traced the two green lines marking its back with your fingers, the squeaks you received in response making you giggle. 
"What's a Shinehorn?" Tech asked, crouching next to you to be closer and scan the baby with his helmet. 
"They are small herbivorous animal. Their horns can glow in the dark! Very useful when we have to do night hunts or anything in the dark." You grabbed some berries from a bush nearby, feeding them to him. "They're also very docile." 
With a last pet between its green horns, you got up and let your place to Wrecker who clearly wanted to gush over the newfound ball of cuteness. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed Crosshair, his hand still firmly wrapped around his rifle like the little goat would pound on him or something. 
“Oh! I just thought about that, I know you’re probably very experienced with your blasters seeing as you're all the cream of the clones, but could you not have them in your hands?” You lifted your hands in the air in surrender at Crosshair’s constipated expression. “Just sayin’! Been there, done that, ya know!”
"You accidently shot someone?" Hunter turned his attention from the intriguing creature to you. 
"Not me. But before the laws strictly prohibed people to go out on Murphy day, it was common occurrence." 
All you received was a grunt of aknowledgement, before Hunter called his team back and started walking again. 
To your amusement, the little Shinehorn followed your steps, happily jumping around but never getting in anyones' way. From time to time, you'd grab nearby berries from tall trees to feed him in hope that he'd take a permanent liking to you so you could maybe take him with you on your way back home. 
For the seventh time that morning, Tech tripped on his feet, muttering words in a foreign language that you were sure were curses. It was almost normal now. The small clone would fall on the ground, curse, get up and continue for the cycle to restart a couple of minutes later. You didn't think any of it, having stopped turning around in concern at the 4th time. He had his armor to protect him after all. 
Although, this time you should have turned around. You would have seen that in his fall, Tech tripped Wrecker who was now losing his balance.
A clash of armor hitting armor mixed with the very sudden movement right beside you made you yelp in surprise. Hunter grunted, out of breath and confused, under Wrecker's imposing form. 
Chuckles flew off your mouth, too quickly for you to keep them in, as the bigger clone moved off its C.O. 
"Maybe we could take a break." You proposed, hand digging into your pocket to retrieve your tap. 
"Wouldn't hurt." 
At Hunter's approval you swiftly grabbed your knife, found the nearest bigger tree and tapped it to access the sugary water within the core of the tree. As the water started to drop down the tap, you moved yourself in front of the flow and opened your mouth to drink, calming down your thirsty driven mind. 
Once you were satisfied, you moved aside to let the others access the water. 
"Help yourselves." You motioned toward the dripping tap before sitting next to Crosshair who was picking fruits in a small tree, his helmet on the jungle floor. 
Wrecker was the first to taste the water, his face enlightening the whole jungle with his delighted smile. 
"It's sweet!" He stated to your amusement. He seemed more and more like a child. 
"Yeah. All the drinkable water here is sweet. If it doesn't have a taste, you should spit it out, 'cause it means that it's full of bacterias." 
You stretched your legs to be more comfortable, your hands behind you supporting your body. You petted absentmindedly the young Shinehorn, enjoying the humid wind caressing your face. 
Everyone had their chance to drink, the last one being Crosshair who removed the tap from the tree before throwing the object back at you at your demand. 
The goat approached Crosshair's pile of fruit, clearly interested into eating them, when he was gently denied access by a hand. 
"Not for you Shiny." The sniper muttered, protecting his precious. 
Nice name.
"Pass me some, Crosshair?" Tech asked his brother from his spot before you, helmet now at his side. 
Without a word, you saw a fruit being thrown into Tech's hands. The precision of the shot was flawless and it would have impressed you to no end if your eyes hadn't caught the color of the fruit that Tech was bringing to his mouth. 
"Don't eat that!" You yelled, pushing you forward to slap the pink fruit out of the clone's hand. "Those are the bad ones." You said, ignoring his yelp of pain at your slap.
"But they smell sweet like the water in the tree." 
"Yeah because the tree wants you to eat them instead of the good stuff. It's a defence system." You picked the fruit and threw it away. 
"The ones that smell not so good," You said, picking up a grey similar fruit. "are the good ones. Taste sweet and won't make you puke your guts for hours. There ya go." You passed the fruit to Tech whose gaze was fixed onto something behind you. 
You turned, confused about Tech's worried expression. Realisation hit you like a train, Crosshair didn't have to tell you that he fucked up, his white face along with the almost completely eaten pink fruit in his hand were telling you enough. 
"Kriff. Are you feeling nauseous yet?" You genuinely asked, no sarcasm or malice in your voice. You knew what pain he'd be in, having learned your lesson the hard way, just like him. 
You'd passed a whole day puking like there was no end, bruising your abdominal muscles in the constant effort they had to muster so you could evacuate the content of your stomach, hurting from the biliary acid burning your throat, fighting against the fatigue, dehydration and starvation. 
"Yes." You heard his breathing accelerating and knew what was coming. 
A shiver ran up your spine when he quickly turned around to empty his stomach on the jungle floor. You wanted to help him but knew he'd probably take it badly, so you let his brothers do their thing while you walked a bit away, searching for a specific plant. 
At the moment, you quickly forgot that at the beginning of the trip he had told you to shut up, that he had it coming. You were too empathetic for your good. Once again. 
"I'll be back." You told Hunter before venturing away with Shiny. 
"Please be close, please be close, please-" Searching around, you moved the grass around, peaking at the flowers for yellow petals with purple edges. Shiny whined at your side, nudging you a bit to get your attention, but you chose to ignore the needy baby to continue your flower hunt. 
A bit farther away, yellow petals caught your attention, your legs moving forward to get to them in seconds. With a victory hum, you crouched to pull the base of the flower, exposing its tortuous roots. 
You got up at the same time a low growl reached your ears, freezing you on the spot. Eyes scanned your right frantically for the source of the sound, a pair of sparkling dark hues staring back at you with hunger. Your blood ran cold into your veins, the imposing Dire bear was a good feet taller than you, surely reaching Wrecker's height. 
You clutched the root into your left hand, your right hitching to grab your knife at your ankle. In a very slow movement, you lifted your foot to allow your hand to grab the wooden handle. You almost succeeded when Hunter chose this moment to come looking for you, yelling your name into the trees. 
The Dire bear got scared and ran for you in a roar and you knew you were dead. You couldn't possibly outrun it and had no way to fight it. But you had to try, right? Run, I mean. 
So you ran, the most primal part of your brain taking control and ordered your legs to move as fast as possible towards the armed clones. 
You hadn't ventured too far and Hunter had followed your trail, so your wide terrified eyes met his, the Dire bear almost on you to bite on your neck. In last resort, you put all your faith in the sergeant's quick thinking, diving to the ground, screaming at him to shoot. 
You crashed unceremoniously on your chest, missing the sound of blasters opening fire. An incredibly heavy weight fell on you, pressing your whole body into the dirt, trapping your joined hands under your abdomen. The shock emptied your lungs of air, your mouth and nose were full of furr and dirt, making you panic. 
You desperately tried to push the weight away, take a deep breath of air and scream, but you couldn't do anything. You were trapped. You'd asphyxiate and die. All this because you couldn't control your stupid curiosity. Curiosity killed the tooka. 
You felt tears form in your eyes at the thought, for you were not ready to die. There was so much you still wanted to do. 
Suddenly, the weight disappeared from your back and you were harshly pulled away and rolled onto your back. Your crying wide eyes met the sergeant's, your lungs taking in the biggest inhalations they ever let in, before a wobbly smile stretched your lips. 
"F-found t-the cu-re." You managed to get out in broken words. Your hands opened slowly, showing the brown roots hidden between your fingers. 
Hunter sighed, relieved that you were alright despite crossing path with death. You were lucky he decided to follow the Shinehorn when it started acting up.  
"Are you okay Y/N?" Wrecker's head appeared beside Hunter's, searching your body for wounds. "You're crying." 
Arms slipped under your back and knees, lifting you without a problem. Your hands immediately closed around the root, gripping them tightly like they were life itself. 
" 'm not dead so I'm good." Your head fell onto Hunter's shoulder, you found comfort into the hard uncomfortable piece of armor. You were alive to feel it. "Thank you." 
He looked at you for a couple of seconds and you tried to control the heat assaulting your cheeks by taking deep breaths in. You definitely weren't admiring his tattoo from up close. 
"Didn't do it for you. I had to save the plant." He answered, sarcasm lacing his words. 
You chuckled, closing your eyes for a second. You felt all your energy leaving your body, the adrenalin that powered you moments ago dissipated and let exhaustion consume you. 
"Is she alright?" Tech asked, as another retching sound echoed around. 
"You tell me. Scan her." 
It took a couple of seconds, but you managed to open your eyes to see Tech with his helmet on, the thin screen that was previously up was now right before his eyes. He had a tool in hand, blue rays emanating from its extremity to scan your body. 
"No broken bones or internal injury. She's fine." He lifted the screen back up to get a better view of your state. 
"Can you stand?" Hunter asked.
"Almost sure I can." 
So Hunter lowered your feet to the ground, his hand lifting near your shoulder in case you fell. Your legs were still a bit wobbly, but you stood up, trying to ground yourself at the best of your ability. 
You opened your numb fingers, giving the root to Tech who looked at it with a frown on his face. 
"Break a small piece, remove the skin and give it to Crosshair. It'll help with the nausea and muscle pain." You told him, proud that your voice didn't break. 
"A piece like this?" He broke a piece and showed it to you, not wanting to give too much. They had learned that they should ask you first before eating something. 
"Yeah. Keep the rest for later." 
Nodding, Tech took the vibroknife in Hunter's hand to peel the root, placed the rest of it in his bag, before walking to his grey-haired brother. He tripped once, but managed to stay on his feet. 
You sit on the ground to relieve your legs for a bit, at least until Crosshair was able to walk without puking every 30 seconds. You were sure he'd be as wobbly on his feet as you for a totally different reason. Definitely not ideal for a field trip in the wild jungle. 
It took a good 10 minutes for Crosshair's stomach to settle, his retching stopped, letting him to deal with a slight nausea. With your tap, Hunter managed to get water to Crosshair and yourself before everyone packed up and prepared to go again. Shiny had returned after some time, the poor baby stopped running around and stayed closer to the group. 
"We're almost there." Tech announced at some point and you were grateful. Your legs were ready to abandon you for a while now, although you pushed through to not burden anyone with your adrenalin-less exhaustion. 
"The ship is just after these trees." 
One feet before the other. You repeated to yourself. At this point, all of your concentration was on your feet, you let the environment to Hunter and his apparently enhanced senses. Right, left, right, lef- 
You bumped into Crosshair who had gained energy during the walk while you had the opposed effect. You waited for the harsh comment to come, but it never did. 
"Where's the ship Tech?" Wrecker asked, confused. 
"That's not possible! This isn't the same place! The coordinates are wrong!" He started to panic.
You dropped on your knees beside Crosshair, the open clearing without a ship was the last tol. 
"Describe it to me. " You muttered. 
"What?" The sniper asked, his glare finding your exhausted face. 
"Describe it to me. The place where you left your ship." You concentrated yourself on your breathing, noticing how you started to inhale too quickly. 
"There was a field of glowing purple flowers and a stream with a big rock on one side. There was a gigantic tree too. Way bigger than the rest." He remembered. 
You sighed, tried to get back up with your shaky hands only to be helped by the sniper who pulled you by the pit of your arm. You smiled at him in thanks.
"That's the Waytree." You pointed on your left. "20 minutes of walk in this direction." 
"But that's such a great gap between my coordinates and-" Tech stopped as soon as he met your tired eyes, reading perfectly what you were telling yourself. "It's today." 
"Exactly." You huffed, forcing your legs to start walking again. 
Hunter watched you intensely but you pushed forward, forcing your body to obey you and not fail. All it took was one word from Hunter and a movement of his head toward you. 
Suddenly, you found yourself bridal style in his arms and were carried for the rest of the trip despite you affirming that you were fine and that you were perfectly able to walk by yourself. 
From your position, you had a perfect view of the sky, worrying you to no end.
"No pressure but I'm sure it'll soon start to ra-" A drop of water hit Wrecker's helmet right before your eyes. "Awesome." You sighed. 
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