#no more highshool??
91divoc · 4 months
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what do?
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luvhyun3 · 2 years
i had a dream the other night where i was besties w boo seungkwan …. probably the best dream i’ve this month
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mxwhore · 2 years
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thank you little among us
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mizumuu · 2 years
HI sorry if im being annoying but since the shoe muu left at the crime scene seems to have been placed on her desk later that means the people investigating the crime scene wouldnt have that piece of evidence so it’d take a lot longer to catch her than if the scene wasnt tampered with. theres no indication that anyone saw her stabbing rei either
hiii dw abt being annoying i like discussing this stuff i just. get real hyperbolic with my wording,, so sorry if i made you feel bad or anything my bad completely i should be more careful abt what i say,,
i havent seen the mvs for muu in hot minute (and i actually hadnt caught the detail of the shoe!!) but I personally take the scenes in the classroom a lot more symbolically (like for example rei at the end of warukunaimon being drenched in water and crawling on the floor or rei stomping muu's phone. i think its much more likely that theyre representations of muu's emotional state) so to me the shoe feels like a representation of mus guilty conscience than any literal tampering of the scene, though I do think the rei being drenched in water might actually be implying that mu threw reis body to the river after stabbing her?? so while muu might have tried covering up the murder 1. shes clearly shown to be hysterical right after so she probably wasnt thinking clearly and didnt do a very good job and 2. in afterpain we can see the classmates' reaction to the murder so they found out at some point, and theyre HORRIFIED. I dont think they would even want to be in the same room as her after that, let alone harass her. plus the biggest problem i have with that theory is that afterpain's entire premise is that muu was at her limit and murdered rei BECAUSE of the bullying so afterpain kinda stops working if you strip off the narrative of a girl who was desperate for kindness and forgiveness and snaps as her last plea for it was rejected by saying that the murder came first and THEN she was harrased,, like it doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me
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jingyuanswallet · 5 months
Please take a look at this
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“And I stumbled upon your underage and incestous fics and I’m like “omg you’ve awoken something in me”
“I’m a degenerate so I prefer to make jy even worse and either the unapologetic creep or guilty creep that likes a younger reader, more so middle school age”
“That’s pretty problematic and definitely not everyone’s comfort level so it’s safer to play at high school level”
“There’s a different flavour to highshool/barely legal trope as well that’s yummy”
“Especially barely legal trope”
hi, thank you for letting me know about this so i can bring awareness. This is absolutely sickening as people think it is alright to romanticize p3d0philia and r@p3. i had made a post about this earlier. i also couldn't find the creator but considering there is nothing of them im assuming im either blocked or their account is deleted. @jingsyuans is their user and if they are banned or deleted do let me know. though, as far as those screenshots go people should stop doing these things and be checked into a mental hospital. you are mentally sick and you should stop romanticizing it.
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bibibbon · 2 months
My main problem with class 1a and izuku relationship by the end is that it's far too realistic for a superhero story.
Like yes in real life after college or high-school you lose touch with ppl you used to see everyday and it's not bc your a bad friend it's just kinda how the world works. You start a career and a family and get busy and only check up on highshool buddies every now and then but a fictional superpower story shouldn't end like that at all. I mean mha is one of the most "power of friendship" themed stories I've ever scene it's not gonna hurt anybody to make so that they miraculously kept in touch and met up constantly over the years (this is if we pretend that this was the only problem with ending 😅)
When someone asks for a realistic story it doesn't mean I need every character to got the bathroom every couples of hours and trip over themselves unless it's there for a reason. Realistic stories means set up and pay off like for example if your gonna kill a character it'd be realistic to have ppl react to it (cough twices death shouldve impacted more than just Toga cough). What I'm trying to say is that the ending is awful and mha is the defention of wasted potential.
(this rant went a very weird direction and I'm not sure if it makes sense)
Hi @jettanasser 👋
The term realistic can be used as a good and bad thing like you said for a story that has the core theme of WE are the greatest hero and the power of love and friendship that was supposed to carry the last act from the ending of the vigilante arc to the big final fight ending the story with them not meeting eachother as often leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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Yes this is realistic but 1A never actually develops a proper found family bond which is why I find the last act so underwhelming because there is no substance to 1A and their bond. Also the way the final chapter ended begs a lot of questions why didn't we ever see 1A members hang out outside of school uniform or hero costume? If there are less villains then why is there more work? Like yes I understand that a lot of heroics isn't just taking down villains but also reforming society but even with that MHA did go to make a point that this is now a society where heroes have free time did it not?
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moonliched · 8 months
Hello again dearest! In such a short time there are already two chapters? What, and what chapters they are! You really outdid yourself with those. I hope you won't mind me rumbling once again.
I love what you did with Y/n and bon-bon. The introvert that keeps a lot to themselves due to the way they were raised and what they experienced wanting to have time for themselves since their once oasis is now swarming with people and they feel like they might have lost one of a few friends they have. And the Ai that is separated from all and though he doesn't want to admit it is very lonely, wants to be included wholly in life of an only person he considers a friend and still figuring out feelings, boundaries and all. Bon-Bon is terrified of being alone again seen by everyone as nothing more but code. He got so scared when Y/n wanted to leave without him, imidiatly assuming he did something wrong. It's devastating that he thought It was some kind of sick blackmail. I understand him but y/n also needs private time, especially when they want to clear their head. It shows they really care about each other even though sometimes it's hard. I really liked what you are doing with it. This problem, dare is say conflict is in no way out of character for either of them. It adds to them a lot. But well I didn't expect less from you dear with developing relationships I'm your fic ❤️
It's cute how Sun treated Y/n as some stray cat. I adopted a very timid and fearful dog a few years back, and I laughed so hard when Sun said the same thing I was saying when I tried to comfort my dog. The "please don't run". Sun just saw a cool water puppy and went to adopt instantly lol.
Sun seeing a weird water puppy aviable for adoption -  : )
The weird water puppy appears to be fully sentient and can talk (although eats raw food -a little weird) -  :0 --->  : D
The image of Sun trembling with excitement is just so precious to me. I really like what you did with his character there. I said before that you are incredibly good in writing an interesting individuals with the others ( Especially Vanessa) but I have to say it again. You balanced him really good. He is still very giddy and easily excitable but he is not stupid. He is talkative and trusting but he can be ominous and kinda manipulative when he needs to. Not to mention bold and confronting - the scrabble with Moon. Although very considerate about well being of others - when he peirced Y/n's skin. Also sneaky little bastard knows exactly how to use his cuteness in his advantage. It amazes me how well such contrasting characteristics sit so well within one character. It doesn't feel forced or out of character when he changes attitude, everything goes smoothly and pleasant.  You did a great job darling!
Y/n gave him truth, raw fish and a few laughs and he is all in for a sleepover in their *ekhem* nest. Which from different sentences can mean a lot to a mermaid. I also think that y/n broke the barrier by showing them were they sleep. I think that for mermaids it's very intimate and private thing that not many may know about. As they said something might swim in and attack, it's better to keep the strangers away. That's also why I think Sun was so excited about seeing it - he saw it as a big step in the relationship he so desires. But who can blame him? Y/n pinned him to a wall like  a true Chad they are, Sun really felt that highshooler rizz. He had to reboot after lolol
Sun: it's okay, we are friends! Don't panic
Y/n swiftly pins Sun to the wall wrapping themselves around him in a protective grip
Sun: (squidward voice) Oh no they are hot
I love Y/n's and Sun dynamic! They match each other very well. They are very cute together. You are amazing! Their interactions are very pleasent to read!
I like that you keep good communication within them. From Moon confronting y/n about injuries on his Sun, and y/n explaining what happened. No lying, no place for insinuations. Because once again. Communication 👏 Is 👏 the key👏
- although he didn't do it first thing, shame on him, but we can all agree sometimes when we think the one we love has been hurt it's hard to control yourself. Especially when Moon started developing feelings for y/n, it must have been really confusing experience for him. Not only emotions from noticing the injury on Sun. But adding to that, hurt, sadness, anger, confusion and the feeling of betrayal that all clues lead to that someone that you care about did it. I can imagine it was awful and going by that his conversation with us was very calm. -
Y/n putting boundaries about what they not feel comfortable with and Sun respecting them ( as best as he can) I'd lovely COMMUNICATION PEOPLE look at Sun and Moon - bad communication = problems and hurt feelings. Not good. I hope y/n will teach them some healthy talking you go Queen. It's funny they sent them on a couple therapy trip together.
And Ohoho Moon you secretive little gremlin. Although I understand his concern af first, he might not wanted to inform Sun about it out of fear Y/n might be dangerous or not interested in contact with them at all, and wanted to save Sun from disappointment,  as we see he tends to excite too much and as we saw the idea of a new company is just making him explode with emotions. And also I can understand trying to keep someone you care about to yourself while you still try to develop the solid relationship with them. Although I do think Moon was a little selfish there. He has a lot of explaining and apologising to do when they get back home.
And oooo I love Sun and Moon's relationship! Although they aren't in their best moments now, you cwn still see the affection shine through. ya knooow, calling him his. Ya know. Also the soft shoulder bump Moon did at the end of the chapter and wrist grab so so so cute.
And ohoho I do feel the unnamed jealousy from y/n seeing the two as the romantic partners. It is not big, but it is there. I see it blooming jnto some future drama. I love your foreshadowing.
Lolol Moon was trying to give y/n raw fish at the beginning of the fic not because that was what he eats but because y/n tried to feed him raw food while he was trapped. Now he thinks they enjoy it like that. It's so funny to me. I am loving this. He was like weird flex but OK have some more. Oh lichie you are amazing and a genius I wasn't seeing that coming in any way. It gave me such a big surprise and smile!
I think Sun seeing them eating oysters raw and (in their eyes) not knowing what cooking is, will solidify this idea in their heads. I mean y/n didn't really tell Sun they know what cooking is. He felt he has to explain it to them. So as far as they are concerned humans eat their food raw. Oh I Love it. And what's funny it's kinda accurate with our mc, I mean they do have different taste being half water creature.  And ooh he will for sure be teasing Moon about being fed raw fish as a form of  revenge.
I started wondering how would they cook I mean baby boy what u cooking with? A gazer? What u seasoning with? A kelp? Where your stove at? This chapter had MANY big lore things dropped at us. Like the Sun remembering about walking, or something about the pictures he saw. I have no clue were will it lead but I am excited to find out!
I love how Eclipse is just vibing in the background. I don't know if you will introduce him to us in the future but either way it's very pleasent writing in both cases  - giving him his screen time, before he truly appears - giving us a lot of his character in the way. And if you decide to keep him in the background it's a nice world building, An addition that he is there just vibing and minding his own business. Doing mer stuff.
Moon sees an alien - tries to study them.
Sun sees an alien - tries to befriend them.
Eclipse sees an alien - nuh huh, I ain't playin with this, peace.
He is such a cute little big guy wondering around I love him.
I think it is very lovely that Sun has to now experience everything about y/n just like Moon has. He noticed them having second skin (although didn't comment on it) and unfortunately had to experience their softness and lack of scales. Better sooner than later seeing how energetic he is I wonder If he will ask Moon about his knowledge about us or will try to figure us out on his own like a little game of his.
I wonder what their reaction would be if Y/n let their hair loose. It could kinda imitate Sun fins in the way! And I imagine while out of the water they would be much longer than their braids! Creating the smooth curtain almost to the ground. And like when I think about it , it could be so magical for them that we can 'form' our 'fins' as we wish in a matter of seconds. One second in the water it's a magnificent crown around our head, next second it's a slick, long thing almost as long as our form. Moon saw us in the different hairstail yes but it was still tied up!
Oh! I love the way you represent their biological and cultural differences. It's such a soft and intriguing thing. With all characters being mesmerised by another. Wanting to get to know more about them and explore them. I really enjoy moments like that when little things as a cartwheel brought them so much joy. It is a very nice world building.
I am very curious what's the deal about readers name. Is it just a way to keep the story y/n friendly without an usage of a name? They can't pronounce it? Or is there something more to it? Is giving your name a big deal for a mermaid? Sun didn't give us his after all... Sun's reaction intrigued me.
And the idea of Sun dragging himself into Y/n's room is so funny and possible at the same time. Give him directions and, oh there he goes. On his way. I would love to see boys sneaking into Y/n room to have a slumber party, I think they would love blankets. Although I don't know if it will be possible to them to do so. Can you imagine being Roxy heading out to get a snack only for a big mermaid to drag itself rapidly into another hallway fallowed by another one.  Oh I Love it
I hope Moon and y/n will be able to mend what was broken. As much as I understand y/n, their attitude and conclusions that Moon tried to drown them I felt sorry for a guy. I don't know what was he planing but he seemed terrified when we recalled it as a drowning or a murder attempt. It's awesome they talked about it, and that he apologised! But damn fish boy I don't know how many shiny stones you have there but you better start packing an apology basket with oysters and all to bring back to them.
I loved your little memes at the end, as delightful as always. But now I can't stop thinking about future possibility of mer boys going into flirt frenzy trying to plafuly one each other up with flirting with Y/n.so precious. Ahh! I loved this chapter so much, I already read it twice, so much has happened and I'm loving it! I hope you have a good day dearest! Rest well you deserve it after giving us such a snack. Again hope you don't mind my rambling I just loved it so much and had to vent!
omg hello again! ahskdkjsjkdlejkdkdllsnkl i am being SPOILED by this massive ask, it's like a shopping binge receipt!
you're so spot-on, it's reassuring😭 i was worried the BON-BON scene would come off as one side being definitely in the right, the other in the wrong - when actually they've both got their baggage to work thru
i saw someone say that Sun was having his horse girl moment with Y/N and the oysters, and now i can't unsee it! Y/N gets oysters and Sun gets a free water puppy agsjsjshjsjshj
i'm trying hit good communication without slipping into therapy speak, like if everyone spoke perfectly and solved things logically there would be little plot imo😥 but also yayyy communication (when it moves the plot) all my homies like communication!
i got more food n cooking stuff coming up! very excited :3
regarding the name, Y/N is a reader insert character so no name will be written into the text. i haven't decided if this will be outright stated in the story just yet, but in-universe their name sounds extremely similar to a bad word in Sun and Moon's clicky mermaid language lol. like obv it sounds like clicks and chirps, but their name's direct translation would be a bad word. Sun hasn't passed along his real name yet bc of a few reasons: he didn't want his cool new nickname slipping away in favour of his normal real name, plus atp he still hadn't ironed out the issue of Moon's lies which had Y/N at the centre of them. he's not good at going slow, but common sense says to try to keep something back until he can figure out what's going on there, y'know? also, saying his real name requires gill usage which Y/N doesn't have. he's still going to try to teach them later tho lol - he's pretty optimistic💛
also, i personally refer to Y/N as Meryn (mer as in mermaid, and Y/N), to differentiate them from my other self insert characters
i can totally picture Sun and Moon trying to one-up each other without any stakes, maybe to see who can make Y/N the most flustered... hm...😋
you're welcome to ramble anytime you want, i love it (and everyone puts up with my rambles enough!) this was a dream to read!! i hope you have an amazing day💖✨💖✨💖✨
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filmaticbby · 2 months
Im a woman and I refer to my boyfriend as ‘my partner’ when speaking to people in a more formal setting such as at work… and on forms- I select ‘unmarried partner’ (a formal & legally binding term in the UK). We’ve been together since highshool. It’s been almost 18 years and we are still very much in love!
He’s more than my boyfriend at this point.. so I dont refer to him as that anymore
Amongst friends and loved ones- he’s my everything. my sun, my moon and all my stars.
please marry him and end this nonsense
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townofcadence · 2 months
When it comes to your muses, who does Artair get along best with vs the worst with? Who inspires him vs who scares him? Is there anyone in your list he doesn't know, but if they met, they'd get along?
OOH Okay!!
So of my muses, Artair gets along really well with Byron (though that's his uncle/guardian so that ones feels like a given lol) Jace, Saffron, and Axel, probably. Jace and Artair have a lot of overlap in personality, and they actually knew each other in highshool, Jace was just a year behind Artair (Artair graduated a year late after losing his parents and being sent to his grandparents and the whole horrible mess that was). Artair has always been enamored with Jace's artistry and actually had Jace do a few tattoos for him, and even design the protective rune on his arm. Jace has always looked up to him due to his experience and knowledge of the supernatural, since Jace wanted to be a paranormal investigator as well. Saffron has always been soft and Artair can be very gentle, so they have a pleasant rapport, and Axel and Artair met in a queer meetgroup he attended with Jace and ended up becoming good friends because they also share a lot in common.
Opal would be pretty up there too, to the point she trusts him with artifact retrieval her boss tasks from her to delegate. But they got off on the wrong foot when someone's introduction of Artair was the worst anyone's ever done it. Still, on meeting him she realized something was off and they talked it through, and she knew the info she got was.... pretty misleading. So she trusted in him and now they're on the same team. But they're not as close yet.
I would say Eevie, Elias, and Prince, but they're ex-friends in a way that's hard to come back from :'p
Artair I would say gets along worst with Error, and then Richard, Resonance, and Weaver especially. Error is complicated, in that he's an alternate reality version of his best friend. But Error is a ghost that came back with all the betrayal and hatred that Elias once had for him tying him to the mortal plane via anchor. So where Elias overcame that through shattering his own anchor, Error hasn't yet. It's kind of a one sided hate relationship instead. But it's also good at times? It's hard when Error's anchor is what it is, to get away from the feelings he manifested with.
The other three are genuinely enemies, though. Richard eats people and is cruel and essentially traumatizes people for his amusement. Weaver steals humans away that step into the fae rings, and makes contracts with them under manipulative circumstances, and steals their faces to wear over his own, leaving them expendable handymen at his circus (and Weaver hates Artair because Artair gave himself to weaver in a deal to save his friend, Steph, and then loophole-ed his way out. Weaver felt very slighted and has intentions for revenge, or returning him to his faire somehow). Resonance is the entity that possessed Artair and forced him to murder Elias. Resonance wouldn't mind taking his body for another joyride or killing him, and Artair fucking hates him lol.
His inspiration would definitely be his friends, including some like Caelan, Bee, Dante, and Echo! And also his uncle who raised him lol. While the ones who might scare him sometimes might be Caelan and Opal, and the other less than friendly muses above lol.
A lot of the list he's yet too meet, but I could see him geting along with most of the list because he's an easy to get along with muse, where you have to prove you're truly heinous to people he cares about or people in general to get on his shit list. Mack, Alyx, Atlas, Fox, Io, Micah, Dr. Connor, Caleb, Ethan... pretty much everyone could be his friend if they met, he really just... loves people and how different they can be. Even the more 'hostile' muses like Mack or Kingbreaker don't phase him-- he knows under the guise of a lot of people who respond with aggression first is a person twisted and hurt by life and people and grief. He'll put up with them aiming their anger and hurt at him and be patient with them, because sometimes those people just need someone stubborn and patient enough who won't just leave them because it's easier. And often, he gets to see a side of them few others do and really connect, because he cares about them enough to try.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 4 months
Sometimes I regret not skipping shool more in highshool. I should have been staying in bed every now and then. Getting enought sleep was more imortant than passing to the next grade. My brain was still developing dammit!
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mrrawky · 1 year
Your redneck sollux is giving me immense life.
Ehehe couldn't be more glad to hear that. As a concept I like the idea of him being very emo/scene in highshool but growing up just to be a redneck looking incel. He would have piercing scars blended with acne scars as well a very very bad mullet
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animutate · 4 months
please be autistic about picos school in paragraphs!! i need to learn more but i dont wanna do a bunch of research 😞
OK OK. im going to take this as an opportunity to explain it all like im talking to someone who has no idea what it is. big wall of text ahead.
picos school is a 1999 flash game by tom fulp created for and distributed on his website newgrounds.com. it was created as apart of a series of games on newgrounds parodying childrens pc edutainment games of the time, but that part was kind of dropped for pico which is sad because i really enjoy it. pico is also heavily inspired by the columbine highshool massacre as it was released just 3 months after it occurred and like the media surrounding it as well as hate mail newgrounds was getting blaming it and all violent video games for causing real world violence like columbine. before that picos game was originally going to be about whatever this mockup means. shitting outside a church.
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also interesting is an email sent to tom prior to the creation of picos school by someone who apparently knew eric harris.
the plot is about a 13 year old goth canonically transfem evil shapeshifting alien wannabe dictator named cassandra along with a group of violence obsessed posers shooting up your school as the first step in taking over the world. you play as pico and its up to you to kill them all and like save the school. its basically about every stereotype or misconception about columbine you can think of kmfdm is even namedropped at the beginning. now that i think about it love conquers all the 2021 april fools version of the game where everyone is gay and cassandra doesnt go through with the shooting and they talk it all out goes with the "one of them was the evil one and one of them was just a follower" narrative unintentionally with hanzou.
theres a lot to be said about the insensitivity of picos school especially with how it used a real recent at the time school shooting for shock value and especially with the character nene which is like a WHOLE other thing im not getting into namely because im not asian so its only really my place to speak on it. but pico is very very bad and calling it "a product of its time" really minimizes any issues it has and you can be a fan and still recognize that there are a lot of problems with it.
picos was really controversial for the time to the point that picos school got one million page views in 1999 which is CRAZY for an independent website in the 1990s. i am of the opinion that the popularity of picos school is what really got newgrounds out there and why its still around today and also why it survived the dot com bubble crash in 2000. but i dont have any evidence for that.
pico to me is really like... a cultural icon of the early internet. he captures the attitude and the feeling of early newgrounds so well its something i really love about him. he is the perfect embodiment of the late 90s angsty teenage computer geek. i also like how open source pico the character feels as in how tom fulp said he is "the peoples character to do whatever you want with". he has a personality and set traits but he really is whatever you want him to be and what people wanted him to be is a cool matrix style angsty teenage assassin and i think thats so fun!!! i love that pico is a reflection of the average newgrounds user at whatever given time. i love pico a lot he means a lot to me as like my biggest special interest going on 4 years hes gotten me through a lot. pico is so special to me despite everything wrong with picos school I DONT CARE.
anyway this is getting long idk where im going with this or if anything i said really makes sense. i just really love talking about picos school i love pico
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starry-beetle · 11 months
friend ben how does one get into kamen rider i keep looking at the green one and feel like im looking at a cute creature like a big friendly animal with bug eyes i simply must know more....but there are so many of them......
To be honest, my best Kamen Rider advice is to pick one you think looks interssting and go from there! They’re *mostly* all self contained seasons, so it’s not easy to miss any cross-over! Personally... hm... ( genuinely thinks about this for ten minutes ) You might enjoy Fourze ( highshool kids with space based stuff ) or OOOs ( depressed people learning to live for themselves and there’s a gay bird arm ghost ) but there’s SO many and they can all be consumed without knowing the others tbh!
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abimee · 1 year
I appreciate you saying that so bad because it really is true how detrimental the obsession with youth is for so many teens (who are so impressable, making it a recipe for disaster) and young adults. Cause as someone who sometimes struggles with that sentiment still for having had BORING teenage years and still being so socially stunted as a young adult having felt for so long I had failed something along the way, making me feel worse abt myself but like... Truthfully, being young is so boring. I'm thankful for older people in my life constantly telling me that really wanting to hurry up so much is pointless - what do we even expect to do?? Stuff that looks cool in movies? I may be a loser for some, I may think I am a loser sometimes, but according to what and who lol. And I'd rather face these things as a mature adult rather than a pressured, impressable teen... Idk. Sorry if this is just rambling really. But it being pointed out makes me feel better and I hope it makes others feel better too. Especially with the loneliness epidemic of right now :(
no absolutely i get it. as someone who so said had an ''interesting'' highshool/teenager years i can safely say that it really sucks trying to cram so much experience into such little years because like
okay the way i see it is trying to make tyour teenage years jam packed with interesting experiences sucks for when you hit adulthood because adulthood is VERY SLOW and BORING as well. youll get to habe more interesting experiences but thats also because you have like 60-70 years and a lot of power in getting to make those experience, while as a teenager you only have like 5 years of this supposed ''golden time'', and then youre just not prepared for how slow and boring adult life is and you get caught up in nostalgia of the ''old days'' and entirely forget how much it fucking sucked to be a teenager because you only remember the glory moments. like ive done so much as a teenager i wish i could nowadays like drink heavily or break into abandoned houses with friends but those high moments often gloss over my memory of how powerless i felt as a teenager with my problems. so like theres nothing good to come of trying to see your teenage years as the most interesting time of your life and that if you didnt make the best of them youre ''boring'' or ''a loser'' because it just doesnt matter to people except for those who peaked in highschool and can only live caught in their past and their former glory.
its so so so so so SO okay to be a slow grower. the idea of needing to get all your experiences out as a teenager is sooooo stupid and theres no timer on anything in your life that dictates it has to happen before X year, thats just the obsession of youth talking and its tootally normal and okay to not have or do things until way later in life. like for me personally i still get caught up with how many people in their 20s are all getting married and i fall down this sinkhole of ''everyone younger than me is MARRIED but i dont EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND'' before remembering that it doesnt matter. it doesnt matter if i get married age 22 or age 62 they dont have goddamn timers on when its acceptable or cool to have your first kiss or get married ITS THE OBSESSION WITH YOUTH TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN FROM. REJOICE IN DOING THINGS SLOWLY AS AN ADULT
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Emma Cole was walking home from school, she felt dreadful as she walked along hoping to get home and relax. Emma saw the theater in an alley and ran inside immediately to spend time with Balan.
Balan noticed her and didnt wait a moment, he tackled his friend and hugged her like if he didnt shed disappear. Emma clung to him as well and felt pretty good again.
"I missed you too Balan."
The two finally settled somewhere to chat, Emma talked about school and how highshool was such a pain. Balan decides a solution. Balan began by getting a brush and undoing her hair, softly brushing it all down. He then gave her a scalp check which really just felt nice, emma had a healthy scalp just a bit of dandruff but who doesn't?
Balan brushed her hair some more before tying it back. Emma was feeling better already, she felt like a tiny baby again, not a 17 almost legal adult, Emma just couldn't wrap her brain around what she wanted to do in life. Balan scooped her up mid thought.
Emma yawned and snuggled against her best friend as he puts her in his bed so she could nap off all this growing up worry. He left her be to enjoying the relaxing nap and go greet a guest and do his usual. Balan was considering in the back of his mind who'd take his place one day. He had a good idea.
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kumezyzo · 9 months
The Amazing Venom
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Peter 3 x OC
summary.... Peter Parker and Alina (AJ) Brock (Daughter of Eddie Brock) have been best friends for years, since they could remember. She can tell when he's lying or hiding something. He can tell when she's lying or hiding something. And their senior year of highshool is full of secrets and hiding: Peter becomes Spiderman, AJ's dad finds out something more dangerous about Carlton Drake, and the third person to their trio comes back after 8 years.
AJ has to face her emotions that continue to be brought up as she moves on in life. If you love hard, you grieve just as hard. But as she learns the hard way, empathy is not a stage of grief.
content warnings... | unrequited love | fluff | angst | character death (gwen...) | lots of phone call dialogue | absent parents | slow burn |
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authors note... AJ is half latina cause i said so 😤 | updates are slow on here. i have a whole schedule on AO3, but i know some people dont like using ao3. i get it. | the writing might be ass up until chapter 11 cause i crammed to get this done by nov. 30 | title is a big wip | also, i would love reader feedback and stuff cause i actually really love this story 😊
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Table Of Contents
I... Eat It!
II... Secret Spaghetti
III... Dads
IV... Vans or Converse
V... Tell me
VI... Raw
VII... Get Up
IX... Long Shot
X... Jolene
more chapters coming soon...
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if you really wanna be notified every time i post a chapter, and you wanna be added to a taglist, just comment.
also, tell me if there are any mistakes on this, im not looking over it before i post it...
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